Please exit through the gift shop Mr Kroenke

Asset Stripping for dummies

Please exit through the gift shop Mr Kroenke

Hackney Marshes: Will we be there in 2032?

Let us start with a brief definition of the term "asset stripping" just so that everybody is absolutely crystal clear about what I am trying to communicate to you all with this piece of rambling nonsense.

The process of asset stripping is basically buying an undervalued company with the intent to sell off its assets for a profit. The individual assets of a company are (at first glance at least) its tangible equipment like cars, furniture and electrical goods and high value land property such as a house, an office building, a housing complex, a block of flats, a shopping centre, a pub, a restaurant, land for re-development or even a great big football stadium. You would be correct to consider all of those things as assets that Arsenal posses and therefore add considerably to the value of Arsenal football club and it's holding company.

However, Intangible assets are harder to verify financially. If you were to buy say, a drug company, a record label, a film studio, a production company or even a sports team the work output and added value that certain contractually obligated musicians, singers, actors, directors, scientists, artists or sports stars provide may actually be more valuable than first meets the eye. Because although all of these highly paid staff can be a heavy drain on company resources, one genius or a very talented nucleus of bright individuals can subsidise a lot of overpaid idiots by virtue of their superhuman abilities.

Musicians can create hit records, scientists can create ingenious products or drugs for their companies to bring to market, directors and actors can create blockbuster movies and sports stars can sell tickets, merchandise, television subscriptions and then even be transferred to other teams for a spectacular profit!

My point is, if we bought Dreamworks, MGM, Disney, Glaxo Smith Kline, Microsoft, MTV, Miramax, Apple, Sony BMG, Roadrunner records, Pfizer or even McDonalds we would also be able to profit by the potential genius of our contractually obligated staff and the added value that they bring to the company.

The main reason that Arsenal presents such a fantastic investment to someone like silent Stan Kroenke is that; in no other business that I can think of, can you sell the services of a staff member to a rival company for several million pounds. I've never heard of a record label selling the services of a big name artist in a multimillion pound deal and I've never heard of a drug company selling the services of a scientist in the same fashion either. Football seems to be a unique business in this respect and in recent seasons Arsenal have sold the services of Emmanuel Adebayor for £25-30m, Kolo Toure for £15-20m, Samir Nasri for £25m and Cesc Fabregas for £35m. This summer it looks as though Theo Walcott and Robin Van Persie will be sold off to continue the trend of Arsenal losing a big name player (or two) every couple of seasons in order for them to make millions of pounds in transfer fees and avoid shattering their terribly unbalanced and inefficient wage structure.

Kroenke simply cannot lose on his investment in Arsenal because as long as Wenger can qualify for the Champions League and prepare the next two or three players for big money moves away from in the club the season after next (Wilshere, Chamberlain, Ramsey) the footballing side of the business will continue to turn a tidy profit with which to compliment the property sales of Highbury Stadium and the Queensland Road site.

Arsenal make more than any other club in the Premier League in matchday revenue which is I believe something like £3,000,000 per home game but those figures obviously rely on the 60,000 seats at Ashburton Grove being sold out and people actually attending the matches to spend their hard earned money in the shops, bars and restaurants there. At the moment it is all smooth sailing for Kroenke because all of the tickets are being sold at vastly inflated prices but, what happens if the Arsenal fans wake up and realise what Kroenke is up to and stop paying to watch one or two world class players carry the likes of Almunia, Squillaci, Djourou, Diaby, Denilson, Fabianski, Chamakh, Park and Bendtner? The answer is he will just sell to Usmanov at a very tidy profit because, as the overall debt level of the club decreases, the share price should increase and in Usmanov, Kroenke has a get out of jail free card to play whenever the mood takes him.

In the meantime expect to see more of the same from Arsenal with their shameless advertisements for fans to pay through the nose to pay for the privilege to personalise their seat, a piece of stone or maybe even the toilet seats in their block with a heartfelt message and to encourage fans to come and watch bands like Coldplay perform at the home of football. Kroenke had Celine Dion play at his Denver Nuggets stadium and obviously sees the off-season as lost stadium revenue so get used to concerts being played at the Grove and possibly even a change or two in how the ticketing system of the club operates.

Kroenke revolutionised the way tickets were sold on the websites of the St. Louis Rams and Denver Nuggets and therefore actually made the process of selling tickets to fans a very profitable enterprise in and of itself.

If the worst comes to worst and Arsenal are so mismanaged that they slip out of Champions League contention and/or Usmanov finally loses interest in the club, Kroenke could always attempt to succeed where Muhammad Al-Fayed failed with Fulham and completely flatten the stadium and build a huge residential/retail development in one of the most expensive parts of London. It's a good thing that he doesn't have a proven track record in completing that sort of a project. Oh no! Wait! He does! He developed the vast majority of the Wal-Mart sites in America and is married to the heiress to the Wal Mart fortune. Arsenal could be playing on Hackney Marshes in 20 years time while Europe's largest Asda/Walmart sits under the tallest housing complex in N5.

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  1. LJB

    Jul 03, 2012, 1:07 #23743

    Rumours are gathering pace that Spurs are about to be taken over by middle eastern investors who will fund huge transfers and pay for their new staduim.If this happens they will definately overtake us and i wonder whether all those gooners who have swallowed Wenger and the boards propaganda about self sustainability will chage their tune and join the clamour for Mr Usmanov to be involved.Believe me within 5 yrs more than half PL clubs will be owned by enormously rich individuals and Arsenal will be left behind.The legacy of the Wenger reign will be a staduim that noone gives a monkeys about when we are routinely midtable or lower.This is why old farts like PHW,Ken Friar and Wenger should have been pensioned off years ago;like most old folk they cannot see that the world has changed and their ideas are totally out of date.To be a big team in this league you need a billionaire owner who invests in the playing squad.Those in charge of Arsenal are not up to the job of running a modern football club and it is an utter disgrace that so many of the Gooner fanbase lap up all the nonsense spouted by the board and the manager.

  2. Warmsy

    Jul 02, 2012, 11:59 #23729

    You make some very valid points here. For sure it is a negative article at a time when there is at last some positive news from Arsenal, but I believe your observations deserve to be aired. Like most successful businessmen, Kroenke is ruthless, and is the owner of Arsenal only to make a profit. This sets him apart from the oil/gas barons, and he can only take this approach because Usmanov is waiting in the wings, and because Wenger keeps getting lucky.

  3. Ronster

    Jul 01, 2012, 15:39 #23717

    The fervour of 'top' clubs to maximise revenue is reminiscent of one of those Looney Tunes cartoons where the two adversaries start pointing pea shooters at each other and end up firing nuclear warheads.I can picture Ivan sunning himself on some beach smirking at the deal he's just struck in Nigeria but what's the point when everyone else is selling their soul!? I'm certainly not seeing any signs that ticket prices will revert to realistic levels any time soon.

  4. GG89

    Jul 01, 2012, 10:47 #23711

    Our biggest problem is the gooners are too passive, fans, board, everyone... This asset stripping is going to continue under the guise of debt reduction that has taken full hold of all the philosophy... Maybe usmanov could buy another club and buy the deadwood for their inflated price to help us out, I mean if he really loves the club...

  5. Joe Fitzpatrick

    Jun 29, 2012, 23:42 #23701

    GaryFootscrayAustralia- Pantera would be a much more interesting prospect before the match than "the wonder of you" great to see two strikers added to the squad but how much do we need M'vila and Vertonghen?!?!?! Please Odin, Zeus, Buddha, Jesus, Krishna, Thor, Allah and Moses!!!

  6. jjetplane

    Jun 29, 2012, 22:40 #23700

    Something about the name Podolski that I am sure will come to haunt us, and after seeing him add nothing to germany's attempts, together with another average French striker it looks like same old something but not enough. after watching Persie and walnutt go through agonizing paces as well I wonder whether either could ever really lift a big trophy. Things are getting even stranger now that people are bored with spanish type football and the Chelsea way looking like a static nightmare - so like we say - we should do it like the new old new .... Italy That means get rid of everyone and start again. Some hope.

  7. GaryFootscrayAustralia

    Jun 29, 2012, 21:55 #23699

    True about the trophy. Until that happens again, we have to endure Chelsea and Man City exerting "A Vulgar Display Of Power"...

  8. Joe Fitzpatrick

    Jun 29, 2012, 18:21 #23698

    GaryFootscrayAustralia- I don't hate the haters, in fact I find it all rather hilarious! I just wish that Arsenal weren't as proud as nailbomb are "to commit commercial suicide" with all of their sponsorship deals coming up for renewal in the near future. With a trophy in the cabinet we would have much better negotiating power.

  9. GaryFootscrayAustralia

    Jun 29, 2012, 16:42 #23697

    As usual Joe, those accusing of you writing this whilst heavily piped have retorted nonsensically, indicating that it appears 'tis they, rather than yourself, that have been burning many heads before committing digits to keyboard. I noticed you slipped Roadrunner into the company list, so can I assume that if I were to say, for example "Nailbomb - Point Blank", you'd know what I'm talking about?

  10. Jerome

    Jun 29, 2012, 15:34 #23696

    You are correct, this is rambling non-sense. Its clear you have nothing better to write now the seasons over. Not questioning your commitment to the club because I do believe your a true fan but take a chill pill, relax and stop talking rubbish sometimes. Or maybe your right, lets investment in Dreamworks and use the profits to buy Messi ey...

  11. Quillie

    Jun 29, 2012, 15:29 #23695

    Whilst I am not exactly doing cartwheels at the prospect of yet another top-drawer player jumping ship, followed by a trophyless season and the usual load of BS from the manager about 'great team spirit' and a conspiracy among referees not to ever give us any penalties apart from the ones they do actually give, I find this article to be slightly hysterical and, as others have commented, patronising. If we're playing on Hackney Marshes in 20 years' time, I will start supporting the Spuds.

  12. Mike

    Jun 29, 2012, 9:14 #23694

    DW Thomas - agree with your thoughts about players leaving -In my mind its about money - Cesc might be the exception - who would be the next player in line at any squad (Giggs & Scholes exc) lined up for a testimonial match - loyalty in players long gone. Look at the likes of Anelka - don't even know how many clubs he has been through and don't tell me its to do with trophies. RVP is being offered K130 000 a week, which is more than generous considering he has only given one full season in return. Man City doubles that, then you must ask, what would you do?

  13. DW Thomas

    Jun 29, 2012, 1:20 #23693

    Not as bad an article as some are saying, Joe. And I think if RVP and Theo go then we look like what we have truly become, a has been selling club. Sure, who wouldn't change for the same job basically for triple the salary? Yet, loyalty means so much more (Bergkamp anyone?). Players like Nasri and Fabregas leaving looks more like quitting to me as well. Why not stick it out when you are so close at times to trophies and up your own game. I loved Cesc, still do, for his class and take charge mentality, but he was injured quite a bit at key times. Nasri only gave us one half of one good season and then petered at the end when it mattered most. To me, true class players stick with one club and win things before leaving. Like Viera, Henry, Pires, even Cole. Look at Ryan Giggs or Tony Adams. They won great things at only one club. The best players do it everywhere they go-ala Zidane. Others could do that too, yet the lure of change and money and maybe winning trophies(currently not happening at Arsenal), they seem to want that over true memories and cult status. Look at Henry when he came back for his trophy unveiling and short stint with us this year. RVP could have that if he stays and wins things. If he leaves, he will only be a good player who made it through one great season individually (not the team) and then left. How much money is enough? At some point you have to call it greed as with most of the others. A true legend and captain would not leave but drive the team on to greater things. He would leave a legacy and teach the young guns about how to win. Maybe I am being a little idealistic, but so has our manager and board with the financial/youth set up. Had we won the title when we most certainly should have in 2008, I think this team would have gone on to have won more and maybe luring better players would have been easier and cheaper for our tightwad club. When the going gets tough and all...

  14. Canterbury Gooner

    Jun 28, 2012, 22:54 #23692

    I certainly hope we don't keep Walcott...

  15. jjetplane

    Jun 28, 2012, 22:37 #23691

    Love it Joe! Kids like Supermarkets more than Fussball - fact! Hackney Gunners with Helmets!

  16. Hayes

    Jun 28, 2012, 20:40 #23690

    It's made us think alright....that you are a misery and what ever happens you will not be satisfied

  17. Joe Fitzpatrick

    Jun 28, 2012, 16:43 #23689

    If this piece has made you think then it has done it's job. I may have a moan in my pieces on here but I vocally support the boys on the pitch on match days and will continue to do so but, it's getting harder and harder to justify shelling out the best part of £1500 to watch players like Djourou.

  18. Paul

    Jun 28, 2012, 14:56 #23688

    Some of the comments on here explain how Wenger Gazidis and Knoenke keep getting away with all the bulls**t they throw at us.Are some fans real?We dont win anything,Our best players leave every summer yet the muppets think everything is great.Anyone can see what Kroenke's game is.And Wenger and Gazidis are his puppets in London carrying out his dirty work.Its bad enough what Kroenke is doing but even worse that our fans cant see it.Ticket prices that are the highest in the world went up 6.5% last year while the form on the pitch goes down.Wake up Gooners smell the coffee

  19. maguiresbridge gooner

    Jun 28, 2012, 14:43 #23687

    Good description of a lot of our players Joe a heavy drain on resources by over paid idiots but i suppose they can't be called idiots when their earning two or three times more than their worth.Good humorous piece.

  20. Ron

    Jun 28, 2012, 12:50 #23686

    To be honest Joe, im not bothered if they do sell Wally and the idea of selling RVP is a good one for the right price too. Wally isnt good enough and never will be and RVP wont have another season like hes just had again. Hes 29, lousy fitness record and wont play well into his 30s. Its time to cash in. PS The whole Boardroom (those who have shares) will sell out once that stadium debt is more or less a minimal one.

  21. Steve H

    Jun 28, 2012, 12:38 #23685

    "Arsenal are the best run club in the Premiership, if not Europe...." Who have won nothing in years and look along way from winning anything in the near future. Thank God we have people writting articles like Joe has done to get people thinking about our club. Some of the comments on here just prove how many of our supporters are gulible mugs blinded by loyality to a great club who’s owners now view it’s supporters as walking cash machines ploughing money into it and making a handful of people very rich. WAKE UP...... You’re being taken for mugs and judging by some of the posts on here that is a fair on discription of a growing number of our supporters now.

  22. Herbert

    Jun 28, 2012, 11:34 #23684

    Shutup Joe! Dont back track that your trying to "inject" a sense of humour, when you are clearly just promoting the same old negative agenda! All you have done is highlight your idiocy (which is common in all your pieces) and if this article is the best you can produce I struggle to undertsand why your crap gets published! And I love how the your fellow haters come straight out with the AKB nonsense, god you lot are tiring and boring! You dont add anything to the argument, your comments are born out of ignorance, typical tribal fans that our club and many others are unfortunately riddled with.....Thank god we can just ignore you and laugh

  23. Hayes

    Jun 28, 2012, 11:33 #23683

    I'm not an AKB nor have I forgotten the last 6 seasons, BUT, you are so BORING , same old misery spilling from your mouth, we could sign Messi and Ronaldo and you'd still be spouting out your gloom you old misery guts.

  24. Peter Wain

    Jun 28, 2012, 11:05 #23682

    Anybody who thinks we got good value for the players we sold are deluded. If we want to be called a big club we need to both retain and buy top quality players. For last few years we have been a selling club who invest in cheap rubbish with a board of directors pretending we are a big club interested in winning trophies. If we sell RVP and to a lesser extent Walcott it will again show the world that we are not a top club nor do we have the ambition to be one. Why oh why did we leave highbury for this mess. When Wenger came we bought Overmars Petit Veira and had also bought Bergkamp and Platt shortly before that. When did we last invest in players of this quality. Years ago pre Emirates so the question I have to ask why did we move? It certainly cannot be (as we were told) so that we could compete because we do not compete either in winning trophies or competing for world class players. The Yank and hos snake oiled salesman should go and if Wenger is unable to compete in the transfer market at the top level we should get a new manager. One thing is certain if RVP goes we are only competing for fourth place.

  25. Tony Evans

    Jun 28, 2012, 10:46 #23681

    TPM hits the nail on the head. Will Wenger be signing any decent defenders, holding midfielders or keepers? The evidence suggests no, so we must prepare ourselves for the usual nightmare defending and only being able to relax when we are ahead by something like 6-0! Talking of crap defending did anyone else read the Brazil managers comments on Santos? Apparently Santos's positional play 'turned the managers hair grey' and that is why he is not picking him. I don't suppose Wenger has noticed this fact yet - but then it is not so easy to spot when most of the defence is out of position. Not that Wenger seems to care a hoot anyway.

  26. Red Member

    Jun 28, 2012, 10:35 #23680

    sadly this poster is largely correct. when will people realise that under Kroenke Arsenal will never ever win any trophies

  27. Tony T

    Jun 28, 2012, 10:16 #23679

    The only time the AKB's pipe up is in the post season because once the season starts they dont have a leg to stand on

  28. Bertie

    Jun 28, 2012, 10:03 #23678

    "...everybody is absolutely crystal clear about what I am trying to communicate to you all with this piece of rambling nonsense." Correct! It is rambling nonsense. Arsenal ARE the best run club in the Prem, if not the world. Stadium build debts are rapidly decreasing which will allow for greater future funding of players. Would it be better for us to do a Leeds, burn loads of money and get relegated in the process?

  29. Mike

    Jun 28, 2012, 8:43 #23677

    Not quite the responses you expected, I assume, Mr. Fitzpatrick

  30. Joe Fitzpatrick

    Jun 28, 2012, 7:38 #23676

    The only way to make Walcott and Robin stay is to add to the signings of Giroud and Podolski. A defensive midfielder, a decent back up keeper and a defender would probably do it but are you confident that this will happen? If the club fails to show ambition our best players will continue to run down their contracts and leave us short of the quality required to win the premiership. I hope I'm wrong and we make the right signings and keep our best players, I really do. Bale has signed an extension with the scum, why can't we get Theo and Robin to sign one for us?

  31. Mandy Dodd

    Jun 28, 2012, 0:14 #23675

    Hackney marshes! At least give us the option of highbury fields if you don't mind sir!

  32. Chris

    Jun 27, 2012, 23:38 #23674

    really boring. All i wanna do is go to games and sing for the team i love leave his crap to the proffesionals

  33. colesyboy

    Jun 27, 2012, 23:13 #23673

    another pointless article of utter tosh...I do like a smoke of the old wacky backy but yours must be mind blowing stuff Joe...and tongue in cheek you state, do me a favour?!

  34. Ken Dodd

    Jun 27, 2012, 23:03 #23672

    By jove,by jove,what a beautiful day to slip a dummy into Wenger's top pocket and suggest: ''Hey can suck on this next time you throw your toys out of the pram!''

  35. The Penguin

    Jun 27, 2012, 21:29 #23671

    Well done Joe the AKB's are so easy wind up.I just wish they would get so angry about their beloved leader and his 7 trophyless seasons.Kroenke will sell to Usmanov for a massive profit and that is for attending one match a season.He's laughing his head off at us.Go Gunners Go

  36. tpm

    Jun 27, 2012, 21:17 #23670

    brilliant akbs out in force over the summer, as ever conveneiently forgetting the past 6 SEASONS. we have done business early on an unproven frenchman and a decent german, to replace rvp. yet as ever the defencive side of things is neglected. unless we sign a proper dm, we will carry on failing, regardless of rvp staying or not if this doesnt happen i look forward to the idiotic commnts and posters here coming back when we are chasing the 4th place trophy once more next season. the author is bang on, when will u akbs ever learn? collective amnesia is hilarious. jcl, akb mugs.

  37. Joe Fitzpatrick

    Jun 27, 2012, 18:40 #23668

    If you can't see that "Asset stripping for dummies" is a reference to the "for Dummies" series of books and the whole stadium flattening thing is very much Tongue in cheek then, I'm sorry for trying to have a sense of humour as Theo and Robin are heading towards the exit door. I'll try to be more sombre and serious in future!!

  38. Hayes

    Jun 27, 2012, 16:40 #23667

    What a load of rubbish you talk! You keep believing this and sit in your chair grumpy and we'll go out and enjoy a game of football and have a drink or two with our mates.

  39. luke the gooner

    Jun 27, 2012, 16:39 #23666

    You know what, you're spot on with what you say. Ever since that yank took over our once great club it's been steadily declining year on year. My prediction for the future of our club is kroenke will steadily bleed us dry until the FFP rules start to have their desired affect, then he'll sell to usmanov, by which time profit margins will come down and because of the Fair Play rules it'll be to late for usmanov to give the cash injection that we so badly needed. Fans at the club are being decieved again now as the board try to placate them with a couple of signings, but as usual, we won't be buying any true world class players as we won't spend over the £15m ceiling that the board imposes. Apart from podolski (who we only bought because he was cheap enough) we'll be signing the usual average joe's....again. I truly fear for our clubs future now!!!

  40. badgerhead

    Jun 27, 2012, 16:30 #23665

    total ****e. Editorial control has slipped to allow this badly argued tosh to be featured

  41. dmc14

    Jun 27, 2012, 15:41 #23664

    i remember buying the gooner before matches many years ago, when it was decent read what has happened with all this negativity???????????? we have just signed 2 international strikers as doubts continue about rvp even though we look like we have learnt from last year and are at least signing players first! This website is becoming a joke and a far more balanced blog is Arseblog which is fair and actually takes a step back before coming up with some of the ridiculous scenarios you have come up with. sort it out and stop listening to the **** they talk on talksport where 2 signings is actually good news but you prefer to hear that our best centre forward is leaving when nothing has been announced !

  42. Gooner S

    Jun 27, 2012, 15:19 #23663

    Your assertions that Kronke is asset stripping are ridiculous. I realise that it is summer and actual news related to Arsenal is sparse but we signed a player yesterday! And what does 'The Gloomer' fanzine give us? This load of old tosh!

  43. Gee

    Jun 27, 2012, 15:01 #23662

    The club is undervalued. The new TV deal from 2013 will add roughly £30m-£40m to the bottom line in revenues if we stand still in 3rd/4th. Add to this from 2014 our Kit sponsor Nike and shirt Sponsor Emirates will be renewed at market value this again could add £30m-£40m to the bottom line. So we're looking at a minimum of £60m per year in increased revenues for no extra cost and potentially as much as £80m. This of course doesn't include any extra for prize money and UEFA TV pool should we do any better domestically or in the CL rounds. Or if we were to negotiate some better secondary sponsorship deals. Overall you could say Kroenke has had the business foresight to see this on the horizon and will wait a few years until the clubs revenues are maxed and therefore so is the value of the club and flog to the highest bidder. Also worth noting that as we continue to pay off the debt each year the interest payments get lower therefore in 5 years, say, the repayments on the debt will be like a drop in the ocean. And when the debt is cleared, well you can imagine the worth of the club then.....

  44. johnnyhawleylovinggooner

    Jun 27, 2012, 14:45 #23661

    well we are a buying club at the moment,and if you want to see how not to run a club,i suggest you look towards Leeds United,Blackburn Rovers or lord help them Glasgow Rangers. Loads of fans would want our owners,they are far from perfect as last summer/season showed us and the unwillingness to work with a major shareholder,but the guy is not that bad

  45. Aunt Helen

    Jun 27, 2012, 13:54 #23659

    Your theory falls down as you fail to acknowledge the fact that the transfers of Fabregas, Nasri and possibly Van Persie & Walcott will have been forced through by the players themselves, not Kronke. Also to the sales of Adebayor & Toure you can add the names of Vieira, Henry etc. It's a policy that's been in place since the stadium project was undertaken, long before Kronke got involved. But for the future if would be more in Kronke's interests to have a more successful team one the field rather than cash in on Wilshere et all, especially with the commercial contracts up for renegociation in 2014 and the planned expansions into the American, Asian & African markets. I agree that Kronke has invested in the club for financial gain rather than the glory but to continually sell off the top players for a short term financial gain at the cost of growth of the global brand of the club doesn't make sense.

  46. Eton Old Boy Network

    Jun 27, 2012, 13:52 #23658

    By Jupiter’s beard, this kind of thingy really gives me the pip! It’s enough to make one load up the old Purdey and take a pot-shot at the unshaven, blue-jeaned anarchist responsible for such bilge! Will you kindly leave the running of this establishment to the ... well, establishment. Have you the slightest inkling of the intolerable pressures placed upon us or the fathomless sacrifices we make when the excellent Mr. Kronky bids us to do his will? Why, only on the day of the Champions League final, I had to skip hugger mugger over to Paris (due to Monsieur Wenger’s permanently contracted French media and commercial commitments at this time of year, when he need not concern himself with team management). Let me tell you, the Learjet was frightfully unprepared for such a journey: only four bottles of Louis Roederer, indeed! Now you know I’m not one to complain – but to discuss such pressing issues of our increased bonuses and our raised personal allowance limits on company credit facilities should really have been conducted over something a fraction more substantial than a modest five course affair at Les Ambassadeurs. And as for that objectionable Soviet chappie Usmanov leaving – then good riddance to bad rubbish! A more contemptible bounder is quite frankly impossible to conceive. To have his sort swanning around as if he owns part of the percentage makes me wish that jack-booted guards were still patrolling the Berlin Wall toting well stocked tommy guns. Never could take to the old Russkies – grubby fingernails and a permanent air of stale potatoes about them, don’t you know. Anyway, I suggest you malignant agent provocateurs immediately pack up all this bellyaching about matters that do not remotely pertain to any of you whatsoever. Just let those of us placed at a superior station in life deal with matters that are entirely beyond your limited comprehensions, anyway. Better all round if you continue filling your shabby lots with your ghastly ‘bopping’ in your revolting ‘discothèques’ and squandering your ill-gotten gains at dog-fighting contests held in your dreadful council estate public houses. Verminous dregs.

  47. Angry & Frustrated

    Jun 27, 2012, 13:51 #23657

    Good God Joe are you on the wacky backy? I am no fan of Kroenke myself, but I think your imagination is getting a little bit carried away here. Sure he will eventually sell for a big profit, after all he is a business man, but your possible apocalyptic scenario of a mega Asda store and housing complex in N5 whilst the club now play their games at Hackney marshes is (although I know you are only joking) taking things a bit far in your crusade to have change at Arsenal. Please stick to the rational arguments in future Joe of which you have submitted plenty as to why Kroenke, Gazidis and Wenger should go, as you leave yourself wide open to ridicule with articles like this one, even if it is only tongue in cheek.

  48. Ronan

    Jun 27, 2012, 13:44 #23656

    Opinion Pieces for Dummies. Yawn . . .

  49. GoonerRon

    Jun 27, 2012, 13:30 #23655

    I get the sentiment of the article but I'm not sure I entirely agree with it. I'm not sure 'asset stripping' in it's purest sense includes investing a lot of money to buy additional assets (i.e. Oxlade-Chamberlain, Podolski). If Kroenke really wanted to asset strip he wouldn't be spending any money at all. You also reference 'one or two' world class players. Now, I know the definition of world class is a very grey area but my barometer is if our players were put up for sale would the top clubs in Europe be looking to buy any of them? It's impossible to gauge the answer to that but I'd suspect that any out of Chesney, Sagna, Vermaelen, Koscielny, Song, Wilshere, Oxlade-Chamberlain and RVP would interest a combination of Real Madrid, Barcelona, Milan, Juventus, Man U, Man C, Bayern etc.

  50. John Gee

    Jun 27, 2012, 13:30 #23654

    You said it !! Rambling nonsense. Arsenal are the best run club in the Premiership, if not Europe.

  51. TFG

    Jun 27, 2012, 13:24 #23653

    Sadly, Herbert, you are shooting the messenger here. The evidence tells me that we have become a small club in a big stadium. Yes, we are in the Champions League,but with no more chance of winning it than QPR. SKB... can't see it catching on...

  52. Gunner6

    Jun 27, 2012, 13:19 #23652

    Scare mongering. For once we did the business early on in the transfer market, you are already spelling out the doom and gloom. So I guess you have insider information that RvP and TW is leaving. Good for you. As for the demolition or Emirates Stadium. Your argument is flawed. By demolishing the stadium, Arsenal will need an alternative stadium. Hackney March you say? Well, Arsenal will also need to keep their best players. Why? To maintain the value while the stadium is being demolished and a new superstore build. Otherwise, no proper pitch, no proper players. This leads to a drop in value. By the time the supermarket is build, Kroenke would have lost millions. Recoup from the sale of the supermarket? No business man would run that risk. Thank goodness you are not running Arsenal. Long may you find happiness supporting Arsenal.

  53. aj

    Jun 27, 2012, 13:17 #23651

    How many ways can you find to bring negativity to this great club? What if Al Qaeda bomb The Emirates Stadium? Maybe we should all worry about that too!

  54. czola

    Jun 27, 2012, 13:12 #23650

    absolute rubbish. With all the positivity and optimism coming out of the club, this is all you could write? Go find a life. You call yourself a gooner and nothing in these statements shows it. You sound more like a spud wearing a fake red shirt. "This summer it looks as though Theo Walcott and Robin Van Persie will be sold off to continue the trend of Arsenal losing a big name player (or two) every couple of seasons in order for them to make millions of pounds in transfer fees and avoid shattering their terribly unbalanced and inefficient wage structure". Really? and where is that news coming from? Talksports, Sky? BBC?...wait! an insider right? What if both of them end up signing long contract extensions? What happens to your statements? Find a new club that does what you believe in cos it seems the Arsenal is not what you believe in.

  55. Herbert

    Jun 27, 2012, 13:07 #23649

    Well done Joe, thanks for patronising us with your first paragraph! Also, you chastise the manager for sales of those players, but apart from Cesc, we got very good value for money and none of them can be called world class!! Yet Another contributor who thinks we are all idiots and supplmeneting the title with "asset stripping for dummies" doesn't remove the condesention we continue to see and are sadly used to seeing from the contributors all to regularly!