Time to play hardball Ivan

Has Gazidis got the balls?

Time to play hardball Ivan

Arsenal CEO: In possession of cojones?

So Captain Robin wants to go somewhere else to play football. Fine. Tell him he can go, but only if the club gets what it wants, or he will be held to his contract.

In terms of what the club should set as the minimum, it should be a massive fee if City, United or the Chavs want him; I’d start the bidding at £60mn. Why not? He is better than Torres for starters.

If he is going to go another English club, bleed them. If he goes to an English club, he strengthens them on the pitch, so let’s hit them where only they understand. A season for us on the bench or in the stiffs or in the Carling Cup side may hurt us a bit financially – but we have had Squillaci, Diaby and Almunia getting paid for doing SFA last season, so what’s another player for another season doing nothing – not much more by comparison.

If he wants to go abroad, maybe a lesser fee would be acceptable, but even then I would play hardball and insist of quality players in exchange; Real Madrid? Ok, but we’ll have Higuain or Benzema in return. Barca? Iniesta for starters. Time to stop pussy footing around Arsenal.

Van Persie has made his statement – the club should now ignore him and ignore all so-called bids until they are realistic; and do so until the last week of August. And while doing all that ignoring Van Persie and his self-serving, execrable representatives, make it clear to Walcott that the same thing will apply to him. Having done that, go out and finish the squad building that needs to be done – a new back GK, another centre back, a couple of midfielders, and presumably now another striker. The players who want to move, let them move, but on our terms, no one else’s.

The problem is that the board, the CEO and the manager haven’t got the balls to play it hard. They’ll roll over and accept less than £20mn in instalments and then say no one else is available to buy as replacements. Maybe they will prove us wrong, but I won’t bet my house on it.

And one final thing: stop getting into this mess – a simple solution: when players are two years out from their contract coming to an end, make them extend it by another two years or stick them on the transfer list. This waiting to go into the last year of a deal is stupid, stupid, stupid, stupid. And it certainly is not self-sustaining; it’s delusional and akin to pressing the self-destruct button.

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  1. Aaron

    Jul 07, 2012, 9:04 #24058

    Iniesta? After Messi he's probably the 2nd most unavailable player in world football. We just need to sell him for £30m to whoever is willing to pay. It's Nasri all over again. What the hell has Gazidis done since he took his role? Absolutely nothing. We're caught up in a vicious cycle with will continue. No trophies, best players leave, poor ones on huge contracts are impossible to get off the wage bill. The most painful one will be in 3 or 4 years when Jack Wilshere wants to stay loyal but has had enough, realises he can get double what Arsenal will pay and win trophies. The Emirates project has been an unmitigated disaster. Sold that we moved to financially compete makes a mockery of us lemmings

  2. Stuart L

    Jul 06, 2012, 19:37 #24030

    You could not have any clearer indication that the players do not believe in Arsene, his project or the forseable future than RVP coming out with his statement following a meeting to determine Arsenal's future prospects and vision. Even no-mark's like Denilson think that they are better off out of it. Quite frankly, although admirable, and arguably the "right" course of action the self-sustaining policy can not compete in the real football world when so many other clubs have more financial muscle than us, so why exactly do we have two of the wealthiest sports investore in the world as major shareholders, with no benefit all to the club itself. Our "custodians" sold us out for their millions of pieces of silver.

  3. Tony Evans

    Jul 06, 2012, 14:13 #24010

    JER - I take your point but over the years Arsenal have consistantly run the risk of losing players for nowt by stalling over contracts. Club bashing I certainly was and with good reason - surely you must be as appalled as me with the way it's going at Arsenal both on and off the pitch. If not I would love to hear what you have to say in their defence. Now there's a word not in Wenger's dictionary!

  4. El Bodgeo

    Jul 06, 2012, 13:47 #24008

    Biggest load of old tripe I ever read. Our cosy old board, and manager come to that, have personally profited to the tune of tens of millions over the past couple of years. Their 'self-sustaining' bulls**t allows this scandal to continue for as long as mugs like you and mee keep shelling out to support our team. Why do they need to find any balls? and to do what, stem their own profit streams? although gutted that RVP is not sticking around, I'm chuffed that he has been his own man and told the board how it is. The fact that Usmanov has at long last woken up and stuck his oar in is even better. Let's hope that this is the start of something happening here and the seeds of some form of change may take hold. Well played Captain & good luck.

  5. GoonerRon

    Jul 06, 2012, 13:23 #24007

    I would certainly be playing hardball in these negotiations. Everyone is saying RVP is in his prime and consequently this will be his last big deal, well that also means he is an asset (still contracted to us) that carries a huge premium. I'd take no less than £35m cash up front. With his injury record he won't want to run the risk of entering into the last 6 months of his contract and picking up a big injury as no one will give him a 4 year deal at £250,000 per week then. If we remain steadfast in our approach on this it puts the pressure back on him.

  6. JER

    Jul 06, 2012, 12:17 #24004

    Tony Evans - you complain about the club letting contracts go to the wire but at what point should they negotiate an extension? On a 4 year deal surely one year before it expires is reasonable? I expect most other clubs operate the same. Just club bashing for the sake of it.

  7. Skooner

    Jul 06, 2012, 12:10 #24003

    Arsenal play hardball? Only way it will happen is to bring Dein back!

  8. jamie hunter

    Jul 06, 2012, 11:32 #24002

    Some decent points Ian and I like some of your thinking. But do you seriously think iniesta would do anything but laugh at the thought of joining us? It's irrelevant anyway because neither barca or Madrid would be interested in van persie. They already have better, and neither of them are exactly struggling to score goals. The only choice I see if you don't want him in England is juventus, and no way will they pay that sort of money and I don't see why he would want to go to Italy anyway. I think these are extremely dangerous times for the club. A close friend of mine has been offered a season ticket despite being some way down the list, another guy on this thread knows someone offered 2. The club are going to have to bite the bullet and get a few marquee signings in. If not the money they save now will be gone within 2 years when they cant sell enough tickets.

  9. Tony Evans

    Jul 06, 2012, 9:08 #23994

    I hope we get diddly squat for him because that is all we deserve. I have lost count of the number of players where Arsenal have let contracts go to the wire. What a sick joke of a club we have become and I think the penny is dropping with more and more supporters. A mate of mine has just been offered two season tickets and he was way down in the queue. Naturally he is not going to take them up at £1,423!! In fact like me he wouldn't even go now if you paid him. For supporters like us to feel this way is a sad reflection on all that is wrong with the club and our only hope is that Usmanov somehow gains control. Oh and by the way I won't be 'ffing off down the lane' but just quietly praying that something happens at Arsenal to end this torture.

  10. fozzys mate

    Jul 06, 2012, 8:25 #23992

    Joe fitz - berbatov really? A past it fergie reject. Dzeko maybe.

  11. AugustusCaesar

    Jul 06, 2012, 8:15 #23991

    I do think if we sell RvP to Man City we should not be shy in trying to bring in one of their players as part of the bargain. A player who'd bolster the team in positions that need bolstering. De Jong springs to mind.

  12. Joe S.

    Jul 06, 2012, 3:21 #23990

    Ian Henry, I guess your piece assumes that Arsenal Football Club are being run by astute, practical men who are shrewd judges of footballing talent and have a clear vision of where the club should be in three years time. However the reality is more likely that these guys are making it up as they go along, opportunistic bean counters greedily focused on the short term. Nothing will change unless a new team comes in willing to make hard decisions,take a loss and kick heads.As fans we have to be patient because every season under this regime sees the playing squad depleted and deadwood being the norm rather than an exception.Contrary to the AKBs I think the true fans can be patient.

  13. CT Gooner

    Jul 05, 2012, 22:16 #23983

    I think if we'd have signed players for the positions you mention, Robin may not have made the announcement he did yesterday. Instead all he saw was his boss recruiting his replacements....very sorry state of affairs.

  14. Doctor

    Jul 05, 2012, 21:34 #23979

    Don't make RVP the villain. Can you blame a 29 year old player that wants to leave to win trophies while he has a chance? Blame the Board that won't invest in players or have ambition above top 4. Lets build a team that all the players want to stay at, or join, like we used to have. Probably need a new manager too.

  15. JM - LONDON

    Jul 05, 2012, 19:44 #23969

    I'm almost speechless at this news. When, oh when will the penny drop with the people running the ARSENAL??. I really do think we need action on a massive, organised scale cos this latest instalment absolutely stinks:(

  16. redordead

    Jul 05, 2012, 18:55 #23966

    Then you woke up? get real mate Robin can leave because he deserves to win trophies and he wont be at Arsenal. get Kronke out Usmanov in its the only way to keep our best players.

  17. fozzy's mate

    Jul 05, 2012, 18:14 #23962

    Mr self sustainable and his equally clueless boss the denver dough trousering boss and our esteemed chairman/old etonian/fart/imbecile have as much balls as me at the end of round of golf. I say hold rvp to his contract as we have not in any way adequately replaced the top players we have sold in recent years. I have always hated the supine Hillwood who as did his equally supine father has always been fond of breaking our hearts with the sale stars. As a lad I remember the devastation at the departure of my heroes stapleton and brady. When it comes to filling the coffers MSS and DDT are experts but as football men clueless. As for OGL he his 8 years past his prime and waning further each year.

  18. Joe Fitzpatrick

    Jul 05, 2012, 18:09 #23961

    I totally agree with you Tony and i'd like to add that we should ask for Tevez or Berbatov plus cash when the Manc clubs come calling

  19. Dan

    Jul 05, 2012, 17:58 #23960

    This weeks events are no surprise. It is club policy to allow top earners to run their contracts down to 12 months but the crap have years to run at 50,000+ per week. Mid table here we come

  20. Ron

    Jul 05, 2012, 17:36 #23958

    Profit rules with AFC. Look at the positives though. Save for Wilshere, theres nobody else there who any Club will covet. The player chest is empty, until Wilshere shines of course and then hes off. Suspect hes a United prospect though, once Wengers burned him out of course like he did Fabregas. Happy days. Im glad i no longer pay them diddly squat!

  21. maguiresbridge gooner

    Jul 05, 2012, 17:21 #23955

    Well said Ian your right now is the time to play hardball and stop waving our best players off on their merry way every bloody season whoever wants him has to pay top dollar it's about time we started taking these teams to the cleaners instead of them always doing it to us.But like you say have gazidis and arsene got the balls ? not on past form they haven't would anybody be surprised if he was sold for a pittance ? the first offer made would likely be enough to see the $ signs flashing in the DDT eyes.Your right no matter how much we get/take for him its unlikely the money will be invested back into the squad but if it is you can be sure it'll not be like for like.

  22. Mark R

    Jul 05, 2012, 16:55 #23953

    Agree with the sentiment here but I think that players can buy themselves out of their contracts if dispute arises on sale fee.

  23. Gee

    Jul 05, 2012, 16:17 #23950

    Fatal flaw with you saying we sell on our terms. Re VP I agree, but all the others aren't worth tuppance mate. Denny, Benny, Squill, Park, Chamakh etc etc. They are useless so in my opinion just let them go for nothing to free wages

  24. Arsene is a Fraudster

    Jul 05, 2012, 16:00 #23948

    This is a man who went cap in hand to OJSC Megafon, half owned by Usmanov. Tell's you everything there is to know about this utter clueless buffoon.

  25. Kenny

    Jul 05, 2012, 15:55 #23945

    You are kidding?.We are not a football club we are a business.No way will we let RVP go for free.We celebrate profits more than we do trophies.We heard all this rubbish last year that we would keep Nasri and let him go for free.The truth is we didnt learn from the Flamini fiasco in 2008 we continue to make the same mistakes over and over again.At any other multi million pound business heads would roll at the top

  26. Leo

    Jul 05, 2012, 15:45 #23944

    I completely agree with your assessment Ian. It is high time that we play hardball ourselves. If van Persie is not sold at our acceptable terms, I would have him rot on the bench the entire year -- and I am not kidding. He would never see the pitch again in an Arsenal shirt. Hey, if Sir Alex can do that with Berbatov (who quite frankly doesn't deserve that kind of treatment), Wenger should do it to Robin.

  27. chris

    Jul 05, 2012, 15:45 #23943

    ...And what will that say to any top class players that want to come to us 'you wana leave for a geniune reason (to win a ****in trophy) we'll make a fool of you'. Mate you couldn't run an ice cream van!

  28. Highbury Boy

    Jul 05, 2012, 15:42 #23942

    Your simple solution would have been a disaster if applied to VP. If he didn't extend with 2 years to go you would have sold him (at a price which would have reflected his injury history) just before his best season ever which single handedly earned the club a much coveted CL spot worth £25m plus. It's not that simple!

  29. danalovAFCXI

    Jul 05, 2012, 15:38 #23941

    Total kick in the balls but for ****s sake its not like we arent used to this sort of thing by now. The longer the summer went on the more obvious it was RVP was dazzled with a better offer. Wenger trying to call RVP's bluff by saying how he owed us for sticking by him really backfired. To be honest we got one very decent season out of RVP and lets face it we would have been ****ed last year without him. I wish him the best of luck if he goes abroad but if he goes to the saudiamanchester city i hope he goes back to his injury prone former self. If we dont fetch a decent fee for him after the bargain bucket sale of cesc and nasri we might as well not ****ing bother anymore and just become training academy for city and barca. Wenger has to sign big to replace him or he loses all credibility or the little has left.

  30. Mike Stefan

    Jul 05, 2012, 15:37 #23940

    Total rubbish. Getting a player in exchange assumes that player wants to leave their club and join us. Iniesta for RVP? Are you mad? Barcelona may not have won anything this season but he will win something with them again, and I reckon in the next 2 yrs. Not to mention the fact he came through the Barcelona system from the age of 12 and his Spanish model wife has just given birth. Higuain is a more realistic prospect, but only in the sense that there is a 1% chance of him joining, as opposed to the 0% chance that Iniesta will join us. I wouldn't put your house on it though. And one last thing - Benzema and Higuain played in 34 and 35 league games (respectively) this season. Some quality control on this site wouldn't go amiss.

  31. Bob A

    Jul 05, 2012, 15:28 #23939

    Well said its about time we stopped pussy footing around, we have done that with to many players in the past and present sure support them by all means but make sure it is a two way thing. I would rarther have 11 players on the park that want to play, not just to get a bit of glory so that they can move on when it suits them. We are the employers and should be setting the terms/rules not being dictated to by players and in particular their slimy agents

  32. Ron

    Jul 05, 2012, 15:23 #23938

    On Walcott, why waste breath on telling him anything apart from telling him hes on the transfer list too. The real truth is that the entire squad needs gutting. The RVP thing is just the thin end of a very rotten wedge!

  33. Kumphol

    Jul 05, 2012, 15:22 #23937

    go out American Board

  34. Any Old Iron

    Jul 05, 2012, 15:17 #23936

    What tosh. You paint an angelic picture of the corridors of power, and the player as the sinner. 15/17.5m will be luverly lolly to them. Covers Giroud's fee and Podolski's right leg. Usmanov's cat is out of the bag finally, woof woof!

  35. Bobby

    Jul 05, 2012, 15:08 #23934

    Welcome to the Emirates Arena and introducing the Arsenal No Stars...Now let's all sing the national anthem..God bless America..Let's go No Stars. Kroenke One...125 years of history Nil