Statements and Intent

Online Ed: RVP and R&W double whammy

Statements and Intent

Van Persie – Breaking point?

So Robin van Persie broke ranks and has gone public on the outcome of his meeting with Arsene Wenger and Ivan Gazidis in the middle of May. After Gazidis stated at the June Q&A event with supporters that both sides had agreed to stay silent on the matter, it was obvious that he would not extend his stay at the club. Or else there would have been no need to keep schtum. The only real subsequent debate was whether the player would decide to see out the remainder of his contract, or seek a move this summer. From the club’s side, there is really no decision to be made. Arsenal in 2012 are run on strictly business lines, no longer primarily a sporting concern. Winning trophies is a bonus for the owner, but not a priority. The balance sheets are more important. Taking that into consideration, if the club captain is going to leave for nothing in 2013, the club will sell him this summer unless he digs his heels in. He is an asset, and not one that they are going to allow to dwindle to zero value. The manager will make noises about keeping him as he did with Samir Nasri 12 months ago. But the player has indicated he wants out now.

Certainly, the statement is divisive, but ultimately, should we care? The player wants to go, surely it is better to be out in the open and straightforward. There is so much bullsh*t spouted by football players, that in fact, to this observer, I actually prefer it when players speak their minds. I have long accepted the fact that professional footballers are guns for hire and any sense of loyalty to a club is almost invariably directly linked to their bank accounts. Thierry Henry speaks of his love for the club, but that didn’t prevent him asking for a £5 million loyalty bonus paid in full up front when he signed a fresh four year contract in 2006. On his departure, I have no recollection of him offering to pay £3.75m back to his beloved Gunners.

With Van Persie, money is probably a factor, but not the major one. I do genuinely believe he wants some winner's medals on the mantelpiece by the time he hangs up his boots. He spends enough time with international colleagues that win things, as Cesc Fabregas did when on Spain duty, and understandably, he wants some of that type of glory before his career is over.

One imagines that he wanted to know who the club’s transfer market targets were, and was unhappy with what he heard. If one had believed that Van Persie ever intended to remain, then you could see the purchase of Olivier Giroud as an option in attack where Marouane Chamakh and Park Chu-Young have failed. Now, he looks like a direct replacement. We have no idea which names were given to Robin van Persie as transfer targets, but going by recent summers, you can probably see why he felt a little underwhelmed whoever was mentioned. Arsenal, playing in a 60,000 seater stadium, charging the highest admission prices in world football and taking in excess of £3 million every time they fulfill a home fixture are still shopping in the bargain basement.

And although the manager is complicit in this policy, ultimately it is being determined from upstairs. Arsene Wenger goes along with it because it suits him. Remember, this is the man who turned down the Real Madrid job. It allows him the luxury of developing players – his true love – without the pressure of needing to actually deliver anything but financial success – which he achieves through his transfer market dealings. When Stan Kroenke said he has a job for life, any sense of needing to keep on his toes for the new boss would have quickly dissipated. Kroenke loves Wenger because he is delivering what the owner wants – house full signs and healthy profits. Arsenal is a very successful and well run business.

Kroenke’s dictate is for his asset to grow in value, and the people running the club at his behest are not the board, but Ivan Gazidis and his executive team. On the non playing side, costs are being cut to the bone and there is huge disillusionment amongst the club’s staff – the ordinary joes who are being laid off or having their working conditions changed. There was a real buzz amongst the employees at the E******s yesterday when news of Alisher Usmanov’s open letter got out because the staff are unhappy at all the changes and would welcome a revolution at senior management level.

Usmanov’s statement was interesting because it attempted to appeal to those on both sides of the ‘Arsene Knows Best’/’Wenger’s lost the plot’ divide. He put the blame fairly and squarely on the way the club is being run from upstairs, or Denver if you prefer. There is no good reason that Arsenal should not have a fresh rights issue to raise necessary finance to compete except that it would mean Stan Kroenke digging into his own pockets to retain the amount of control he currently enjoys. And it should be remembered that all the shareholding board members that played a part in moving the club from Highbury before Kroenke arrived on the scene invested in shares – from which they all cashed in very nicely – but never invested a penny into the club itself. ‘Custodianship’ they called it.

Let’s not forget, Arsenal are a very well run business which habitually turns over significant profits. Those are the priorities now. Within that ethos, they will do their best to win trophies, but will not speculate to accumulate unless there is a blatant commercial reason to do so – such as the purchase of Andrey Arshavin, albeit on the cheap, back in January 2009. Arsenal then needed a marquee signing in a fallow season to persuade club level platinum members and box holders to renew. Fans have got so used to the failure to land a trophy that many now view third place as a successful season. Ambitions are lower than they were, but the prices continue to rise as the quality of the squad slowly declines. Arsenal have had five club captains in the last eight years, four of whom were sold while still in the job with time left on their contracts.

Arsene Wenger might depart if he gets serious pressure from the fans, as he certainly won’t be getting any from his boss. The board are only ever uncomfortable if the crowd turn the stadium into a cauldron of disapproval which is why attendance figures are no longer announced – having provided a trigger for dissent when announced at the Aston Villa home game in May 2011. But the only catcalls Stan Kroenke has heard were those at the last AGM, because he so rarely watches Arsenal games in the flesh. And does anyone think he catches them on TV in Denver? I wouldn’t put money on it.

Even if Robin Van Persie’s statement was divisive and will lead to many Gooners giving him the Ashley Cole/Samir Nasri treatment in the future, one thing cannot be denied. He is not the first decent player the club have lost because they do not show the ambition to compete at the very top level and it is unlikely he will be the last. So it’s the battle for a Champions League spot once again next time around then. Is anyone else out there tiring of this?

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  1. Nickgooner4life

    Mar 13, 2013, 16:55 #33226

    Well i haven't given up on Arsenal per say,but i have given up on the owner,the board,and the manager.I'm sick of some people having a go at us fans because we are incredibly frustrated with our current situation.We pay big money for our season tickets,and get rewarded with average football.For the money we pay we deserve better,it's one thing not winning trophies,but for me it's our complete inability to compete for trophies.I just have no faith in Wenger anymore,the man is so deluded and stubborn it defies belief,and tactically he's lost it.And i'm sick of silent stan and his cronies total lack of ambition.We've grown completely stagnent over the last 3 years,and now we have ended up as a mediocre side.The lack of quality acquisitions and failure to win trophies (8 years i might add) is more than enough proof that big changes need to be made.And yes that includes the owner,manager,and board.We are on a downward spiral,and we need to act now.If it means fans protesting,then so be it,because the heart and soul is being ripped out of our club.I'll always be behind Arsenal no matter what,but i think it's time for big changes to stop the rot!

  2. GB

    Mar 12, 2013, 21:45 #33199

    It's not giving up on Arsenal, it's being realistic. The board with its shockingly bad transfer negotiation approach, the manager with his shockingly bad squad and tactics, and the players with their shockingly bad work ethic and skill are what is causing our distress!

  3. Christina evans

    Mar 12, 2013, 20:00 #33197

    Well said. I'm no AKB, like you have been very worried for years. I think this squad are good, not great players, who need some different coaching. The problem is do we wish to not qualify for Champions League in the hope that the manager/ board change or we can't help but want to see the Arsenal win matches. Above all we are Arsenal supporters no matter how much we wish for a change.

  4. Jason B.

    Mar 11, 2013, 22:48 #33150

    Clockendpaul and Ken.My point is that I have very few away credits so i have to apply for tickets to the less popular away matches like W.B.A and Wigan to build my credits up so i am able to apply for the more popular away games in the future.Nice to know how charitable you are by giving up your season tickets for those less fortunate than yourselves.

  5. clockendpaul

    Mar 10, 2013, 13:59 #33087

    Chris, you must be happy then with how its been the last few years, dos'nt take hindsight to have seen our last few groundhog day seasons or to know it will be much the same next year unless there's change. When your messiah eventually leaves, i take it you'll be following him.

  6. Chris

    Mar 10, 2013, 10:54 #33086

    How bizarre that General Hindsight (Alsace de Totteridge) and his cronies should persist in suggesting that because in some instances change in leadership has proved beneficial (citing such fantastically irrelevant exampes as Chamberlain in WW2)weh ave proof that it is what is needed now. Furthermore, they suggest that this not only justifies abandoning the very first principles of being a football supoprter - namely, supporting the team - but they also turn on its head the dishonour of constructing the teams downfall by acclerating the downward spiral (when who's to say that their support could not help to reverse it). The arrogance that leads them to conclude that THEIR end is more important than the perverse means by which they intend to achieve leaves me almost, but thankfully not completely, speechless.

  7. Stroud Green Road Boy

    Mar 09, 2013, 21:57 #33084

    Reading Ramgun's comment should silence those who claim that to be critical or to boycott is to not support the club.

  8. Paul

    Mar 09, 2013, 18:18 #33083

    Simon if you read most of the posts the fans DO support the club but not our clueless manager.Surely that must be easy for you to comprehend

  9. Moscow Gooner

    Mar 09, 2013, 18:09 #33082

    23 points off the relegation zone, 24 points off the top. Mid table mediocrity. No problem in getting behind the team for the rest of the season but things must change in the Summer - wherever we finish.

  10. clockendpaul

    Mar 09, 2013, 11:16 #33077

    Just heard mancini saying city must win something every year, would love our manager to say something along those lines, but sadly it takes guts, drive and ambition which this stale club lacks big time. Its not so much having to win but actually competing that we don't see anymore, and there are too many fans that have been made to think by wenger and his cronies that thats ok.

  11. mark from aylesbury

    Mar 09, 2013, 10:44 #33075

    vvvJudging by the continual stories / gossip coming out of the club. I suspect he is going. A major financial decision to undertake but my suggestion for all season, silver and red members is to boycott all remaining home games and not sell on seats. The resulting drop off in attendance will provide a strong message and hopefully hasten his departure. You can then choose to renew memberships in the hope that change will happen.

  12. baldy red

    Mar 09, 2013, 10:28 #33074

    @tommy so uve had a bad experience of a few london fellas on your farm and imediately you tar all londoners with the same from northern ireland and i certainly wouldnt class myself any better or worse of a fan as anyone else,regardless of the suggest the fans that are not happy with how things currently are to be bottlers is quite frankly ridiculous in the extreme,those fans that you talk of i would suggest are the brave ones prepared to take a stand against what the clubs trying to force on them,the bottlers are those like the author and fellow AKBs who are quite happy to bury their heads in the sand in the hope that things will work out fine.

  13. Fozzy's mate

    Mar 09, 2013, 8:45 #33073

    Wengers Marionette - one thing I'm glad of is that all this utter dross re OGL going to Real Madrid is no longer trotted out. The white hankies wouldve been out after 3 months when he tried to replace Ronaldo who he sold to rivals with Bentdner or Giroud. The man has been allowed to redefine success to suit his failing agenda. But as the agenda is supported by his cash hungry bosses they are all happy. At a club which demands true success he would be gone in a flash.

  14. Ronster

    Mar 09, 2013, 6:54 #33070

    If I had the money I'd print 60,034 copies of Simon Rs and Ron's post and drop them over the E******* on match day. Better still I'd pay to have Wenger kidnapped and locked in a room with these two proper Gooners for a couple of hours.....!

  15. ppp

    Mar 09, 2013, 0:56 #33068

    If you want the team to lose then you are nothing short of a traitor. Dress it up however you like, you are a traitor. Still, great article and I agree with all of it. Wenger deserves criticism but hardly the vile cr&p spouted by some of the fools in this comments section.

  16. GG89

    Mar 09, 2013, 0:45 #33067

    Yeah... but like the gooners all the other clubs don´t give up and eventually the best team wins.... not arsenal.

  17. Gaz

    Mar 08, 2013, 21:49 #33064

    Take a bow Simon Rs, Wenger's marionette and Ron. Fantastic posts which really sum up the current situation.

  18. Any Old Iron

    Mar 08, 2013, 17:21 #33058

    Give up on Arsenal. Never! That's why I'm one of Wenger's worst critics because I have given up on him! A long time ago too. Long live the King!

  19. clockendpaul

    Mar 08, 2013, 16:45 #33055

    Jason b, the more fans there are like you and to a certain extent the author, the longer the wait. And before you say anything, i had my ticket 28 years til last summer. All the club is interested in these days is our money. But good luck to you if you like being treated as a simpleton.

  20. Adrian Wagenaar

    Mar 08, 2013, 14:11 #33052

    Ron, Mclintock was my all time hero - I remember the Fairs Cup Final, second leg at Highbury, Frank went round to every player before kick off to let them know what was expected of them and that they would have him to deal with if they messed up! It is why Ferguson keeps winning trophies, because he will not have faint hearts in his team! Jack is the only player who really has that quality and he needs help quickly or we will lose him and that would be a real tragedy. 4th place, Arsenal, FFS!

  21. Tony Evans

    Mar 08, 2013, 14:04 #33050

    I think the clear message from most of the replies to this article is that we all still love our club but hate the manager and the board. For anything to change, failure to qualify for the CL is the absolute minimum requirement and if that means Arsenal finishing below Spurs and losing some more matches then so be it. That does not mean I am not supporting Arsenal - I want what is best for my club and that means getting Wenger out ASAP by any means possible. The fans that are letting our club down big time now are the ones that keep backing a manager that has lost the plot. I just can not understand why they don't see that.

  22. Tommy

    Mar 08, 2013, 13:34 #33047

    @Stroud Green Road Boy.You are wrong Arsenal were founded by David Danskin a Scotsman from Kircaldy,Fred Beardsley a midlander who played in goal for N Forest and Richard Pearce from Bolton.Beardsley got us our first shirts.The reason I support Arsenal is because I was a friend of Alf Kirchen a Norfolk boy who played for Arsenal in the 30's.I have youngsters come from the big Cities in the summer to work on my farm,last year I had a group of teenagers from London they were ok for a couple of days back they soon began to flag.I kicked one of them up his arse and they all left,if that's the sort of person we have coming from the Smoke these days what would happen if we had to go to war again.

  23. Ron

    Mar 08, 2013, 12:57 #33046

    Adrian - Absolutely mate. I do miss Highbury and ive always thought the design of 'the Emirates'(what an irksome name that is by the way!)is as bad as anybody could have ever came up with in terms of creating atmosphere. Mainly as you say though, players of teams past respected the Club and knew we didnt cow tow to anyone. Ive often wondered what the real views of the likes of McLintock and Storey et al must be when they see these modern day feinthearts tip tapping about like big fairies. One thing we never did pre Wenger was shirk a battle. In fact, the worse the battle, the more red cards we had, often the better we were! Can you imagine this rabble if they were ever deducted points as we were in 91? They would sulk like liitle babies, Wenger would be leading the big 'sulk in' as he did when we lost the infamous 'game 50' in 04 and the team would collapse without trace and the Board would say f--k all and let them.

  24. Stroud Green Road Boy

    Mar 08, 2013, 12:37 #33045

    @ Tommy, Arsenal is a London club formed by Londoners, supported for most of its history only by Londoners, part of London's culture and history. If you don't like London, you don't like Arsenal. I suggest you keep your focus on Norwich.

  25. JER

    Mar 08, 2013, 12:33 #33044

    Ron - well said, I couldn't agree more.

  26. Chris

    Mar 08, 2013, 12:04 #33043

    Conditional support - conditional upon the team going for 'real' trophies and being lead by a manger who you would like to see remain in place for the long haul - is not real support in my opinion. Those who withdraw support or voice their displeasure, certainly prematurely, become part of the problem. I don't think there's a lot of honour to be had in contributing to the downward spiral, especially when done knowingly to promote a change you as an individual would like to see enacted. Bravo Simon - may all real supporters continue to, well, support the team.

  27. Simon Rs, Wenger's marionette

    Mar 08, 2013, 11:33 #33042

    Oh dear, another diversionary piece of comedy by the resident AKB. As ever with any Simon Rose blog, rational thinkers have cut his arguments to smithereens. I honestly do wonder why you keep doing it Simon eh? Eight years of failure and you keep finding new angles! Today it's the fans. Once it was the assistant. Then it was the players. Then it was the board. Then it was the Eurozone crisis. Once I'm sure it was even Abba breaking up that was to blame! We all know/see that you are unable to bring yourself to apportion blame where it 100% belongs because you are too lacking in courage to face up to the FACT that your messiah has been exposed as an incompetent fraud. 'Park your vitriol for now' you say - BUT WHY? Arsenal's season is OVER in case you were too busy singing love songs to Arsene to see it. I've been hearing 'park your vitriol for now' every bloody year and I am sick of it. The season is over, nothing left to play for (4th is NO success, never will be) so I am going to giveboth barrels NOW. As I am entitled. If I 'park my virtiol for now' as you and the AKBs always suggest, then when can I unleash it? If I do it in summer, the stadium will be empty and Wenger won't be listening. If I do it before the start of the season, Simon Rose and the AKBs will be telling me 'park your vitriol and judge the manager after the transfer windows shuts' Then if I choose the start of the season it'll be 'park your vitriol for now and get behind the team and manager, let's see where we are in January'. Then in Jan, if I want to vent I will be told by Simon Rose and the AKBs 'park your vitriol for now, judge the manager once Jan transfer window shuts'. Then if once it shuts I want to give it to Wenger, it'll be 'park your vitriol for now, and judge him in May'. NONSENSE. The likes of Simon Rose can see that their beloved Messiah is on the brink and they are running scared. Poor Arsene. £7.5 mil a year and he is going to suffer lots of awful criticism because after EIGHT years, fans have finally had enough. The problem at Arsenal is 'fans' like Simon Rose. The kind that stand by passively, and do nothing, make excuses and refuse to apportion blame and accountability where it belongs. The kind that refuses to crank up the pressure because 'the manager needs time'. I'll tell you what sunshine. I will do whatever I feel like doing. And let me tell you now, from now on, EVERY single matchday is going to be HELL for Wenger from now on. If he doesn't like the ferocious criticism he is going to get from the likes of me at matchdays then there is a simple solution: RESIGN! He keeps telling us how many clubs want him so hey, why don't he bugger off to Real Madrid. Let's see how long their board and fans stand by as he signs rubbish French player after rubbish player. Let's see how their fans react to throwing 4-0 leads. Let's see how long their fans put up with a total lack of any tactical knowledge. Let's see how their fans put up with losing 8-2 to Barca. Let's see how long their fans put up with the manager saying '4th is a trophy'. Let's see how ong they put up with no trophies. Let's see how long they put up with total failure in the CL (which has cost Real maager fter manager their jobs). Let's see how long they put up with crocks like Diaby getting bumper contracts. Let's see how long they put up with an arrogant loser insulting fans by saying they 'haven't worked half a day in football'. Go on Arsene I dare ya. QUIT. If Wenger does not go, then trust me I am going to make darn sure I do my best to hound him out.And there are MANY others like me who will follow suit. So Simon Rose perhaps stick to making excuses or better still, just record your next love song or Arsene. One day, when Arsenal are a serious, competitive trophy-winning club again, you will be thanking the likes of me who helped get rid of an overpaid Loser that shamed the cluub's great name. WENGER OUT.

  28. 1971 Gooner

    Mar 08, 2013, 11:25 #33041

    A very balanced article, unlike I must say some of the stuff featured on some prominent Arsenal blogs. I will never give up on Arsenal. They have tried my patience many times in the last 42 years, but once a Gooner always a Gooner. I have, as much as pains me to say so, given up on Arsene. Perhaps a positive sign of him modernising his ways would be to break a contract for the first time at the end of the season?

  29. 600NER

    Mar 08, 2013, 11:06 #33040

    It's odd to say that I'm supporting the team by NOT attending or buying any merchandise, but that is exactly what I am doing. I have kept my Red Membership in the hope that things will change eventually but that change will come more quickly if more fans refuse to spend money on this failed project. Most problems at Arsenal have been discussed over and over again for the last few years with no affect. Ron sums these and my feelings up pretty well. Basically if you really want to support Arsenal then DON'T GO.

  30. thatsimonrose

    Mar 08, 2013, 10:53 #33038

    Some very good responses. Although some here don't realise it, I share many of the views and angles. As I've said so many times, you cannot include every single angle in one blog. We face a paradox as Arsenal supporters: having lost faith in Wenger and the board but still needing to support whatever team the club puts out.

  31. Tommy

    Mar 08, 2013, 10:23 #33036

    Great article I'm all for getting behind the team but unfortunately nowadays the average Arsenal fan is a bit of a bottler in my opinion and only reverts to slagging off the team and looking for negatives instead of getting behind them.The only decent Arsenal fans are the ones from outside London and abroad though they are usually derided and called names like AKB,s. Arsenal's geography isn't helpfull Londoners in general are a whinging bunch with little backbone you only have to listen to Talk Sport to hear their constant hard luck stories or if your really up for a depressing Evening watch "Eastenders"I'm right naffed of jibba jabba.You now what i mean.If I were Arsenal I would upsticks and move to East Anglia.Arsenal are by far the most popular team here and although we are generally quieter than most, Arsenal would enjoy a better class of supporter and they'd be no empty seats at homegames.Just a thought.

  32. James

    Mar 08, 2013, 10:12 #33034

    If your girlfriend cheats on you do you still love her?Thats how i feel about Arsenal the club i have followed for 45 years man and boy.I feel betrayed by the manager and the board.All our club is about now is money.Greed is good as Gordan Gekko said.I will be honest with you it didnt hurt me when we lost to Bradford and Blackburn.I just couldnt be bothered.And i hope we get a real spanking next week in Munich as we are already out.My love for the club will only come back when Kroenke Gazidis and Wenger have gone.Sadly i also blame the fans who continue to turn up while filling the coffers of the club.And Simon tell me when did 4th become a trophy?

  33. alan whiffin

    Mar 08, 2013, 10:10 #33033

    Good article,all Arsenal supporters will want their team to finish the season as well as possible.However one cannot be blind to the fact that the club is rapidly going downhill whilst Wenger and Gazidis continue to reward themselves handsomely and many average players rake in huge salaries without contributing anything (all down to Wenger and Gazidis poor signings at ridiculous money).So much for financial constraints.How Gazidis has the nerve to take a bonus as a result of selling our best players is beyond my understanding.It would be good if both Wenger and Gazidis agreed to a substantial reduction in their take home pay,but don't hold your breath.It was a sad day when Kroenke got involved with the club,a completely souless American in it purely for money.Until these people go nothing will change.We the supporters need our club back.Up the I attended my first match in 1950.

  34. Alsace Lorraine De Totteridge

    Mar 08, 2013, 9:33 #33032

    I want the best for Arsenal, and that means the removal of Wenger. So my support will go into any action which removes him. The only chink in his armour is that he cannot stand criticism, so that's where we have to drive the sharpened chisel in. That means making an adverse noise on match days. Will the team hear it and think that it is aimed at them? Probably not, unless they are simpletons. They know that he is a moron and that they cannot get anywhere with him. They are I would assume, and despite public protestations desperate to have him removed. Very few people have the guts to publicly criticise Wenger and I warmly commend Stuart Robson for doing so. As far as I am concerned, if you support Arsene Wenger in his present role, you not only do not support Arsenal, you wish its demise and destruction. I don't think that I have sent any vitriol your way Simon, but making noises on matchdays other than abig fat raspberry for the manager, is counterproductive.

  35. Adrian Wagenaar

    Mar 08, 2013, 8:31 #33029

    I was going to write a book in reply to Simon's latest ramblings. (When your in a hole Simon stop digging!) Then I read Ron's brilliant response - says it all for me, thanks Ron, your reply is exactly how I feel. Ron I think you and I miss Highbury more than anything and the real men who once played there in an Arsenal shirt.

  36. Gaz

    Mar 08, 2013, 8:09 #33027

    Also I think the questioning of most fans support is a little out of order. I mean I doubt any other Clubs support would have allowed a manager so long to get it right especially when the evidence points to it getting worse over every season since 2009. I'm now seen as being really critical of Wenger (of which I am of course) but the truth is its only been that's few years that I totally lost faith in him.

  37. Gaz

    Mar 08, 2013, 7:49 #33026

    Like the majority of fans on here I haven't given up on Arsenal and simply never could. I have given up on Wenger and the board though which is why I find it difficult to feel anything other than boredom with the current situation.

  38. Joe S.

    Mar 08, 2013, 7:39 #33025

    I think you are barking up the wrong tree Simon. Your displeasure should be directed at the people in charge who have been making these bad calls and not at the fans who DO remember the club's history.What exactly will you have to look back on in a positive light at the end of 2012-13 besides the possibity of fourth?; Is it the outstanding crop of youngsters being developed? Is it the way in which Giroud etc have blended in, making us forget about Van Persie? or is it that mythical character and mental resilience this team is renowned for so that even as underdogs they will always give one hundred percent and play above themselves.Don't make light of the club's history to propegate something that seriously needs to be addressed.

  39. Paul the Gooner

    Mar 08, 2013, 7:33 #33024

    Arsenal fans havent given up on the club its in our blood we have givin up on loser Wenger.They are two sepearate things.How can i support a manager who tells me 4th is a trophy.Who buys dross like Chamakh Park Squillaci Gervinho Santos and Giround.Who gives sicknotes Diaby and Rosicknote long term contracts.My love for Arsenal will never die but i hate the manager

  40. Robert Exley

    Mar 08, 2013, 7:15 #33023

    You've mentioned past teams, i.e. 1988/89 and 1992-94 though neglected to dwell on the fact that those sides had a winning mentality that this side clearly lacks.

  41. Consumer0003636285329247

    Mar 08, 2013, 6:08 #33020

    Your ideas are great if you were supporting a football club, except that the Arsenal Money Making Company (Ltd.) is not primarily a footall club anymore, rendering your great intentions null and void.

  42. Big Andy

    Mar 07, 2013, 23:59 #33019

    I will never stop supporting my beloved Gunners. But now is just the time to face facts: Wenger is finished and needs to go. No amount of cheering will make a washed-up manager suddenly become good again. Those earlier successes that you highlight all came under managers who were at the top of their game. But Wenger - just like George Graham in 1995 - is over the hill. We must face the practicalities that future success can only be obtained under new management.

  43. Ken

    Mar 07, 2013, 23:23 #33018

    As a Arsenal fan of 52 years(East stand lower teir)Highbury and now a red member at the Emirates,You can go to every match if you have the money. Point being i have watched AFC win or lose over the years but never have i have seen my club Arsenal being used for capital gain to line the pockets of the Management and Board. Jason B. Wenger and the Board like you. You can say i was there when they f**ked up my club. ARSENAL FOREVER.

  44. Ramgun

    Mar 07, 2013, 23:21 #33017

    Everybody owes the supporters who boycotted matches in 1966. Denis Hill-Wood was forced to sack a manager he had publicly stated he never would. 4000 against Leeds and 7000 against Leicester meant Hill-Wood had to act. Bertie Mee came in and we won The European Fairs Cup and the Double. Just as important was the signing of George Graham and the promotion of Don Howe to first-team coach. All of the good times that have followed came about because in 1966 Arsenal supporters knew that the club had got it badly wrong. If they had taken Simon Rose's attitude back then we could have turned into Charlton Athletic.

  45. ınspector clueless

    Mar 07, 2013, 23:12 #33016

    I for one am not gıvıng up. We won the Emırates Cup before and ı thınk we wıll do ıt agaın ! Im excıted..

  46. maguiresbridge gooner

    Mar 07, 2013, 22:52 #33015

    chris dee is spot on, the fans have given collective support for seven or eight years now alright ,and at times and occasions a hell of a lot more support than they deserved, and how has it been returned ? chris has given some good examples and there's plenty of others including selling our best players and not replacing them.The only giving up going on is certainly not coming from the fans.

  47. Gare Kekeke

    Mar 07, 2013, 22:10 #33014

    I haven’t given up on The Arsenal and I never will. I have given up on Wenger and did so after the embarrassing defeat to Man Utd in the European Cup in 2009. I will continue to do my ten away games per season and still intend to keep my season ticket even if it means I’m contributing to the triumvirate of Kroneke, Gazidis & Wenger who seem to lack ambition to make The Arsenal great again (certainly the former two). I love The Arsenal too much to give it up. Fans still greatly support the team on a matchday; it’s just a shame that at times, the performances on the pitch doesn’t match it. Like many fans, I hope we don’t finish in the top four. We have no chance under Wenger (I’ve no got problems in being proved wrong one day) in being champions of Europe so us being in the European Cup is a waste of time but the money’s good eh?

  48. Mandy Dodd

    Mar 07, 2013, 22:10 #33013

    I will never give up on arsenal, but a moyes appointment would mightily depress me and give me a very sore neck watching games.

  49. N4

    Mar 07, 2013, 21:33 #33010

    Well written article but just like our Arsenal we fans are confused too as to whether we should carry on supporting the decline even though we don't get no response back from the club and if we manage top four then they club will behave exactly like they have been doing for 8 years and hope for the best!!! Until now no one has taken responsibility for the decline in this club! Fans do still support the Arsenal but only as a name as there is nothing is making them believe otherwise. I think supporters are not too fuss about not winning trophies too much but the way Arsenal are declining in a very poor state and continuing...! From the board tot he Manager to the players there's a big lack of ambitions!! Maybe not so from the Manager but from the way he doesn't want to change or rather evolve with football. Yes he was a proffesor and I he think still is but his students i.e new managers and those old enough and willing to accept change are the ones doing better than him and beating him at his own game.

  50. Jason B.

    Mar 07, 2013, 20:21 #33009

    Well i'll be watching the game on Wednesday on TV as i couldn't get a ticket.Just booked my ticket for West Brom & will be at the rest of the home matches.I also hope to get a ticket for the remaining away games.Will also renew my season ticket for next season as well (24th season).Sticking by the team through the bad times so that when that elusive cup,league title or Champions League eventually comes around,i'll be able to say that i was there.

  51. Bob

    Mar 07, 2013, 19:51 #33008

    Simon, it is precisely because the Arsenal of today is the polar opposite of the 'never say die' attitude that has characterised the club all my life that we have to see change throughout the club from board to manager to (many of) the players As Tracy Chapman once sang: "If not now....when?" It has never quite been the right time for some throughout the last few seasons. I suspect, actually, it never would be. This is the time when the Club is thinking about season ticket renewals and when it can start to think about who we need in to take us forward next season (do you imagine Chelsea haven't done so?!) Enough is enough - 'support' may be unconditional, but custom (which is what counts in the modern era) should not be.

  52. Andy B

    Mar 07, 2013, 19:15 #33007

    I may well be wrong but if English clubs continue to fail in the Champions League do we not have a place taken away from us ? If so then maybe in a year or so is it possible we'll be fighting for a top three place ..... Or day I say it the top three 'trophy' ?

  53. fozzy's mate

    Mar 07, 2013, 18:56 #33006

    Simon I agree that football is a great conduit for hopes and dreams. But the DDT and chronies including Wenger have asked us to put those hopes and dreams to one side in favour of their bottom line. With todays model many of the cup triumphs you highlight above would simply never happen. Instead we are asked to celebrate the annual 4th place trophy and getting knocked out by the first half decent team we face in europe. We are told by the man from Alsace that fourth place and consistency outranks glory and triumph. Quite clearly cash at bank also outranks glory. That's why we've given up.

  54. deighty

    Mar 07, 2013, 18:49 #33005

    Lost interest in that after the opening couple of overly long paragraphs. It's not the supporters that have given up it's the team on the pitch that capitulate every time time they play someone who wants it more. It's only Jack at the moment who seems to hate losing.

  55. danny

    Mar 07, 2013, 18:42 #33004

    The probem is that we ' re just not good enough to win the trophies you are talking about as the squad has proved its not good enough to win anything

  56. maguiresbridge gooner

    Mar 07, 2013, 18:27 #33003

    The fans will never give up even though this owner, board, manager,and indeed the team are doing their best at helping us do just that.And we'll always support the team and that has never been in question, even though right now and for a long time they've been dire (and that's putting it mildly) and haven't given us much to cheer about.Unlike the teams you mention up until 2004, who in no way can be compared with the rubbish we have today, and have had over the last seven or eight years, that team of 89 believed and never gave up because they had men,leaders,who would walk through brick walls for the cause with a manager to match,and the fans would follow, can the same be said today ? And we can keep going, the same for 93 where Andy linighan as you've mentioned literally did bleed for the cause and they never gave up would it happen today ? And 94 Parma against the odds a bunch of players again leaders,determined,real focus,with real balls,with real mental strength and showed it, (none of that imaginary bull**** you hear from wenger) who never gave up, and neither did us fans who would have walked over hot coals for that team and manager, and the bond was such that i'm sure they would have done the same for us,would it happen today ? There are plenty other good examples and you have gave some.We will always support arsenal no matter what and never give up and certainly don't have to be told or asked to do so.But it would be made a hell of a lot easier if we had a team and a manager who had, or even showed a hint of some of the qualities mentioned above, and then we might have fans willing to walk through brick walls for them once again.

  57. CanadaGooner

    Mar 07, 2013, 18:17 #33002

    @Simon Rose; any club needs more fans like you. Yes, there's no point in giving up and I think you'll find majority of the fans have simply given up on Wenger not Arsenal. The stack reality is that Arsenal will carry on, but we hope it won't be from a lower position that Wenger and Gazidis are pushing us to. Any idiot can see what's going on here: we started off by not winning any trophy for 8 seasons but celebrated qualifying for a tournament we were never going to win (why? MONEY. And who gets this money? Not the fans: ticket prices keep going up right?). And now we probably won't even qualify for that tournament and we'll be told Europa is almost as good and with Wenger we'll probably qualify for that tournament consistently for the next few seasons and then what? We are not giving up on Arsenal, we have simply given up on Arsene and the destructive folks currently at the helm

  58. OrangeburgGooner

    Mar 07, 2013, 18:14 #33001

    A great rallying cry, Simon, and well balanced. Of course we should support the team, and even the most adamant AMGs would agree with you. There is one difference, however, between now and all the pieces of history you bring up. No-one during any of those eras doubted the club's owners' commitment to the team's success. That is not the case now. KSE has a poor ownership history in the US, and has no visceral affiliation with any team it owns. We are talking Walmart here, not Fortnum's: count the money and don't worry about product quality. That dead ownership hand falls heavily on an English football club, and it is difficult to retain enthusiasm when you know that every decision in the club's management is made is for financial, not footballing reasons.

  59. Paul

    Mar 07, 2013, 18:10 #33000

    Simon you are an AKB up there alongside Tom Twatt and John Cross.If the manager has given up ever winning another trophy why shouldnt we? If we sell our best players every summer(how is RVP doing this season by the way?) why shouldnt we give up?.Following this shower of bottlers is not cheap.You can follow Wenger blindly but us Gooners who live in the real world have had enough.Do yourself a favour and watch the film Groundhog Day

  60. G Lati, London

    Mar 07, 2013, 18:07 #32999

    Hear hear, but I'll support from home thanks. If I had a season ticket that I'd already paid for then I'd probably still turn up. But Wenger's always harping on about how bad the economy is, so I'll stay at home and save me some dough. You can’t justify what he's doing at the moment just because we love the club. Wenger will carry on in his blind ways as long as he can get away with it. I'll always support the Club and the Team, especially at games. There is none more vocal than me, but following blindly and ignoring what’s going on is just crazy. It you don’t complain then things won’t change. Simple. These aren't even problems which will sort themselves out. It's inherent in the regime now. The board need to know as they are blind to it most of their time. Hiding under their pathetic blankets. He probably won’t be sacked in the summer as it would cost ridiculous sums. It’s the wrong way to do it as we’ve come this far with him. If we were going to do that we should have done it last summer when Pep was interested in the job. That was a missed opportunity So now, we just need to let the board know we are not happy, so they do not renew his contract. However, if things get progressively worse beween now and the end of the season, then who knows. If we finish say 6th, 7th or 8th then it could be au revoir Wenger, hello to a new manager. If we could get a Moyes or a Laudrup, then things could be different. The only problem is we now look like unappetising prospect for any new manager as Wenger has tied most of the players down on massive contracts, so bringing about any major changes would be difficult. If they dont perform, you can't sell them easily.

  61. Ron

    Mar 07, 2013, 18:04 #32998

    Many fans have scaled down going to matches greatly, some have given up. I can see the merit in both as ive done the former. I only go to the odd cat b or c game now after 40 years of taking supporting us seriously. Why? 1. Cost 2. The sterilty of the club has ground me down. 3. The pandering to the corporates and the new style 'fan' sucks 4. Having to see players who frankly are in many cases so inept its unbelievable. 5. Football in general - Its ran buy big cash, its become dominated by big cash 6. The game has been cowed by television. TV first - football second rules! 7. Staggered KO times. Dinner time games suck more than Wengers silly efforts to close his zip! The players look bored, the fans are bored even more. 8.As to challenges, where have you been? Arsenal have been abdicating from Cup tournaments for 6 years at least. Theyve given up wanting to be a title chasing Club, so all of the heritage and history of the Clubs great fighting spirit you speak of is being eroded and p--sed on without regard as each day passes.9. Arsenal players (not all but many) have been bottling matches and shirking challenges for years now. They lack stomach and they lack the will to fight. They lack the remotest understanding of what Arsenal are and have been and what being an Arsenal player is. (you speak of this too)10. The CL. The Club adores a holy grail that it cant win, knows it cant win and probably dont even want to win and in doing so aborts everything else in its wake, whilst feeding us spin and bollox that the Club has true ambition. Its a whopping great lie!. I can see what your saying and why youre saying it, but please show a bit of respect for those of us whove got to the point of no longer really caring what they do. Wenger should take up politics. Hes a stick on for a French President with his brand of bull crap and evasiveness coupled with his hypocrisy and double speak. Its not all him, its those frauds above him too, none of who know zilch about football, its romance, its glory etc and who dont damn well want to know, which is a crime in itself. Im sure the guys on here can give you another 150 reasons.For those who want to stick their tongues up Wengers and Kroenkes rear at premium cost, thats fine by me. I dont and no longer will.

  62. mark from aylesbury

    Mar 07, 2013, 18:00 #32997

    Ill never give up on Arsenal but gave up on Arsene 3 years ago. In 1989 we had a determined manager and a team that gave no quarter. Compare that to 2013. A boycott is a way to remove Wenger and the regime. Not the club. I am also content to see sack Wenger banners at the ground anything to kick the has been out.

  63. Arsene Must Go

    Mar 07, 2013, 17:57 #32996

    "As supporters our role is to support, not as complete idiots who see, hear or speak no evil, but primarily to support Arsenal’s overriding goals, no matter how futile they might appear." Simon, I am not happy paying a minimum of £985 to see Arsenal lose in the European Cup knockout stage when Chelsea, Man U and Liverpool have all won the cup and will not do so anymore!!

  64. foxinthebox2001

    Mar 07, 2013, 16:24 #32995

    Commitment, like trust is a 2 way street. Selling RVP, or if you insist, creating the environment where he felt he needed to go to achieve his ambition was 'giving up' in my book. Ditto refusing to replace Song with over £100m stockpiled. Cheaper to utilise Ramsey or persevere with Diaby?, ok its also cheaper to watch the games on tv/internet feed.

  65. Tony Evans

    Mar 07, 2013, 16:07 #32994

    Simon - I do admire your eternal optimism and I am pleased at last to see you actually being critical of Wenger. What your article fails to understand though is how completely fed up a huge number of Gooners are with this seemingly never ending cycle of the 'top four trophy' and qualifying for a competition we are a million miles away from being able to win. Given the choice, of course we would all want to see the team improve and make a decent fist of the CL but that NEVER happens and that is why so many of us are hoping Arsenal finish outside the top four - to force a change of manager and hopefully achieve the improvement we all want so badly. Whether finishing outside of the top four will force that change we don't know, but we sure as hell know that a top four finish will virtually guarantee more of the same and we have all had more than enough of that by now. So in conclusion I feel I am still supporting my team because I feel strongly that for the longer term anything that might rid the club of Wenger has to be for the good of Arsenal.

  66. Ken

    Mar 07, 2013, 16:04 #32992

    It's not giving up we are sick of our club being f**ked up and we have to make a stand, Don't you get it yet our club is being distroyed before our eyes, And you do nothing? make a poster saying Wenger out we want our football club back. Because i will.

  67. Guy in Jersey

    Mar 07, 2013, 15:58 #32991 seeing as we should never give up on Arsenal then maybe Terry Neill should still be manager? especially as you "have never been convinced that it particularly matters who the manager is of a football club. Or the board. Or frankly the players." "What matters is that they are all up to the task. If not, you need better replacements." Simon, I think you've just nailed it! I haven't given up on Arsenal, but I've given up on Arsene. And, unlike you, I do think it matters who the manager is, or what direction the board sets, or who the players are. Good players can make a great team if they have discipline, belief, focus, commitment and, most importantly, leadership. All of the aforementioned successes wouldn't have happened without the likes of McLintock, Rice, Adams and Vieira, but they were supported by a core of mentally-tough colleagues and operated in an environment where power, speed, directness, and a never-say-die attitude were fostered and encouraged and where criticism and being held to account weren't anathema. The same standards and expectations should apply to our current crop, and the manager and board, and that's when they'll have my unqualified support.

  68. billthered

    Mar 07, 2013, 15:42 #32990

    You say we all can see the same well I was at all them games you mentioned and from my seat in 2001 all I could see was the Millenium Stadium Cardiff not Wembley,still I suppose a lot of people have clouded memories.

  69. CK Gooner

    Mar 07, 2013, 15:35 #32989

    Well said Simon! All is far, very far in fact from rosy in the garden at the moment but as you say, positive support should be what we all try to do rather than dwelling on the negatives!

  70. chris dee

    Mar 07, 2013, 15:30 #32988

    Your wrong Simon . Every fan who goes to Arsenal matches,especially away,gives their support on the day. No fan 'gives up' during a match and the stadium has been more or less full for everymatch at the Emirates since it was built. The fans have given their fullest collective support for 7 years ,it's a shame the board/manager/team have not collectively returned that support.So I think the fans should be praised for expressing their fervour not critisised for 'giving up'.Surrendering 4 goals leads,surrendering 2 goal leads,losing to Bradford,losing to Blackburn,that's giving up. 'We' are not blame for the current unsatisfactory situation,'they ' are the culprits.

  71. Stroud Green Road Boy

    Mar 07, 2013, 15:28 #32987

    You've drawn a comparison between going for actual trophies and going for 4th, this is where your argument falls down. And those 'changes in the summer' won't happen if we do grab 4th. So that's why there is so little enthusiasm for this 'cause'. The best way of being a supporter now is to push for change at the club, not hope they'll finish 4th as then they'll just carry on as they are.

  72. Green Hut

    Mar 07, 2013, 14:57 #32985

    Please explain what there is to get excited about finishing fourth.

  73. Lee Bedford home and away 21 years ST holder 17yrs

    Jul 09, 2012, 21:33 #24252

    YES Kevin, TOTALLY HAD ENOUGH!! this regime have broken my heart and are sapping my love and passion for Arsenal out of me! I've become bitter and disillusioned because of these muppets and I want them OUT!

  74. Angry & Frustrated

    Jul 09, 2012, 18:33 #24242

    Mark- Well done! You and others like you are to be saluted for following through with your convictions, as I don't doubt it's a difficult decision for anyone to make. We just need loads more people like you, who are fed up with the way the club treats us, with utter contempt and realize that actually it's us the fans who have the real power, and it's via our wallets.

  75. Mark

    Jul 09, 2012, 13:28 #24188

    In ref to last line :- Is anyone else out there tiring of this? and a later comment:- I think you know the answer to that last question Kevin. The real question is, are there enough of us tiring of this regime to try to do something about it? Yup, so disillusioned now and not renewed season ticket for first time ever and although initially contemplated taking out a red membership - as no doubt most games will not be sell outs, I have now, a month later thought, nah will watch live on TV with mates at the pub or online. Why finance them in further ways now. Harrods prices, Tesco purchases, no ambition, same old same eol = unsustainable long term, despite what "the model" says...

  76. tpm

    Jul 09, 2012, 13:14 #24187

    yes we finished 3rd. further from top spot than ever. 3rd in the weakest league in memory. also we dont play good football. we used to. we dont any more and havent for a couple of years at least.

  77. Tony Evans

    Jul 09, 2012, 8:26 #24170

    Completely fed up with of it. I am sick and tired of Wenger, Gazedis, Kronke, Hill-Wood and all the rest of them and have been for a good while now. I keep asking myself how is it that we still have fans out there that are willing to stump up extortionate amounts of money to help prop up this tired and out of touch regime. Ron says it all for me and I don't miss the Emirates one bit.

  78. Nick

    Jul 08, 2012, 15:35 #24106

    When my family moved out of Islington in the early sixties i started a new school out in the sticks , i was the ONLY Arsenal supporter in the school, albeit that we were only 30 odd miles from London, yet when the trophys started in 71 then 79 and again under George Graham , and then the serious succsess under Wenger in the early years, Arsenal shirts started appearing on young kids wherever you went, whole new generations were beginning their journey as gooners, you dont see as many now, were losing the next generation of supporters because of the lack of SERIOUS AMBITION , the club now shows, and if their running a business that is not good practice its extremely short sighted to ignore the future fanbase, as for RVP , well no player is bigger than the club and by the same token nor is a manager, for myself ive had a gutfull of false promises, increases in the cost of membership and of attending matches for no REAL return or any SERIOUS attempt at giving us one, i dont know or care what the yank or the russians agendas really are i just want our arsenal back where we belong, at the top of English footbal, , not the laughing stock we are these days .

  79. Rich

    Jul 08, 2012, 9:42 #24098

    Wenger will never change and the board will never make him. last person to leave the Emirates please turn out the lights!!!..

  80. John

    Jul 07, 2012, 20:44 #24089

    Please everyone get some perspective, we finished 3rd!!!!!!!! Man City won he league with a squad whose wage bill is more that their turnover, it's cheating and i personally don't want to win anything, and i mean anything being run like them or Chelsea.

  81. Dan h

    Jul 07, 2012, 12:07 #24074

    It backs up what i have also been told i have made a couple of calls this week & the bits i have been told really don't make for happy reading.The transfer budget HAS been spent Podolski & Giroud & without sales there will be no more signings.The club are trying to do a deal for M'Vila despite what you have read about our interest in the player.The deal will not go through without us offloading players we have money in the PTA it is being held back when IG says there is money available to strengthen he is technically correct but the funds in that account will NEVER be allowed to drop below a certain level if the ed also has similar sources he will back this up!The players leaving deal details are as follows Vela £4m Real Sociedad we will also get a % of any sell on fee will be confirmed next week.Denilson is a loan the wages ARE being paid in full by Sao Paulo no loan fee paid to us he will only have 1 year left on his deal at the end of next season.We are trying to move Bendtner on Malaga the only club so far that have not been put off by his current wages Dortmund were interested but backed out would not match his salary.Arshavin we are trying to offload but looking like a loan there has been no concrete offers & as it stands he has talked himself out of a permanent move back to Zenit after his comments after the euro's!The talk of keeping RVP to his last year of his deal makes no sense to me i can't believe the DDT would allow this let alone Ivan'exciting transfer news'Gazidis.There is definatly a feeling that the club is reaching a crossroads interesting that people way down on the ST waiting list have had offers of a seat this year a lot of people of said enough is enough & i can't blame them.The club were also given some bad news recently i don't know who else was aware that Glagow Rangers owed us 400k+ ((i believe it to be young Kyle Bartley's wages)we accepted the CVA agreement on it bet IG was a bit upset!I believe there will be no change in direction at the club until 2014 at least stadium & sponsorship deals for renewal will bring in added revenue alas who feels it will be used to strengthen the team sheet & not the balance sheet?The same old argument about sugar daddy clubs rear it's head i see but we spend what we earn do we?People that quote that point should look at the figures massive yearly profits minimal investment believe what you want to.

  82. Steve

    Jul 07, 2012, 12:00 #24072

    As the shock of the RVP statement settles, and I'm still unable to understand why he would release such a statement and tarnish 7 years at the club & his reputation with the fans, my real anger is now firmly at the door of the current board. Our club is being run more negligently by the day. Cesc & Nasri last summer, Adebayor and Toure the summer before, RVP (and Walcott?) this summer. It's cheapening the club, and making a fool of the fans. We are losing our best players every year now. Meanwhile Djourou is rewarded with a new £50k a week contract? The model is rewarding mediocrity. How can the club compete on the pitch under this model? Arsenal can now only compete on a balance sheet. That is all Gazidis, and Kroenke care about. How can we as arsenal fans be optimistic about the future? I look at Jack Wilshere now and think, how long until he leaves? Meanwhile the fans are asked to stump up thoasands of pounds for tickets. I dont think that pre-game protests are far away now. This is the essence of the Arsenal model, Giroud case in point: (a) If he remains mediocre, we will keep him and pay over the odds for him in wages - fans unhappy (b) If he develops into the class player he is tipped to become, the club sell for a tidy profit - fans unhappy After 7 trophyless seasons, and the club slipping further and further away from Man City/Chelsea/Man Utd, isnt it time us as fans did something about it?

  83. GoonerGoal!

    Jul 07, 2012, 10:40 #24063

    @Domhuaille MacMathghamhna. You too are entitled to your opinions about events and people running the Club, but maybe you too should try and be objective and open-minded about it. Or have you simply swallowed the Wenger/Kroenke/Gazidis manipulation hook line and sinker? The fact that you believe Gibbs and Santos are "top class defenders", and Gervinho and Walcott “splendid strikers”, probably answers the question…

  84. Angry & Frustrated

    Jul 07, 2012, 10:19 #24062

    @ don froth I may have jumped the gun as re reading all the comments I spotted the exclamation marks this time on your post, and now realize you were probably being ironic. Sorry! However anybody else who made the same mistake as I did I just wanted to put the record straight.

  85. Potter - Norfolk.

    Jul 07, 2012, 10:05 #24061

    We can wail and gnash our teeth as much as we like in all the blogs and publications available in the U.K. and it won't make a blind bit of difference to our man in Colorado. He doesn't see them and only gets fed what Gazidis and Co. tell him. The place to ruffle his feathers is over there. A consistent campaign in the American Press would be under his nose and would at least unsettle his powerbase. I have already written letters to the Denver Post and they have been published and they have not been complimentary.

  86. Moscow Gooner

    Jul 07, 2012, 9:40 #24060

    Wenger Out - Now! No more to be said.

  87. Angry & Frustrated

    Jul 07, 2012, 9:39 #24059

    Just read Hill Woods comments, and he reminds me of Ceausescu on his balcony completely oblivious to the mood of the people below, prior to his overthrow. @ don froth Wenger the most honourable man in football, do me a favour. If he was so honourable why did he want that meeting with RVP kept hush hush? Was it by any chance so that the club could get in all the season ticket money in first, before announcing it themselves at a much later date once they had our money, knowing we would not have paid it if that news had leaked out in May? Very honourable indeed!

  88. chrisy boy

    Jul 07, 2012, 8:24 #24057

    good article kevin, your paragraph about the staff being unhappy is spot on as well, i have got to know many members of the backroom team and there is not only recentment towards how they are being treated but also anxiety over there future employment. I hate the way Arsenal football club are becoming a soap opera every summer if we are to take the next level and join the likes of barca, real, man u, bayern etc this has got to stop. I said in a piece i submitted to the gooner a few weeks ago that Arsenal should at least give usmanov a platform to air his views and then at least those that actualy care about our club ( the fans ) can at least make there own minds up.

  89. JC

    Jul 07, 2012, 7:49 #24056

    Yes Kevin, I'm pleased to say I tired of this even before this week's events. I'm another example like Ron and Andy B of how things have changed. I have been a fanatic since 1968, going home and away. My life has been Arsenal. Ive got every Gooner in folders since 1989 (You know me from the gooner stall Kevin, Im still looking for the first Gooner of last season!). And yet this summer I gave up my season ticket, which was unthinkable even a year ago. Admittedly, it may partly be because I'm now 50 and can see better things to do with £1500. But Arsenal hasn't been the same magical experience since we left Highbury. My house is plastered with pictures of my beloved Highbury, 1971, 1979, 1989, 1991, 1994 and , to be fair, 1998-2006, including that cherished last day at Highbury and my penant from the Champions League Final. What a shame Henry couldnt take that chance to make it 2-0. Cherished memories, and it just doesnt seem the same now. However, I do accept that, looked back from the future, this may only be a blip in history and we will come again. This is just 1953-1971 again. Lastly, may I say that I agree with every word Tony Evans ever says on this site. Good on you Tony.

  90. divingrooney

    Jul 07, 2012, 7:48 #24055

    You mother****ets start putting ads on your sites the moment you cross 20 readers, and complain about club being run a business. Club is a business, entertainment business. No business is run successfully if balance sheets are not maintained. Portsmouth were a crap club, Russians came in and made them great, one FA cup win followed, but when they wanted to sell this improved club, no one cam forward. Liverpool were only sold because their Gillett and Hicks were robbed and were not paid any money, only the banks got theirs. Same would happen to Chelsea.

  91. Domhuaille MacMathghamhna

    Jul 07, 2012, 1:32 #24054

    What a superb AAA, anti-Wenger BS post you excreted Mr.Witch! Where di you invent some of this is classic hyperbole,rumour-mongering and witless Gooner baiting all in one: 1)Arsenal in 2012 are run on strictly business lines, no longer primarily a sporting concern. Winning trophies is a bonus for the owner, but not a you read Kroenke's mind or is it just the Usmanov lies you fell for? 2)¨There is so much bullsh*t spouted by football players¨...apparently writer like you are good at it as well! 3)¨I have long accepted the fact that professional footballers are guns for hire and any sense of loyalty to a club is almost invariably directly linked to their bank accounts. ¨ I agree with you 100%...but isn't it normal to be like this...if you don't get paid what you're worth few people would stay with the employer. 4)¨Arsenal...are still shopping in the bargain basement. ¨ If you mean spending within their means and avoiding 50M Euro purchases like Torres, then all the better for being bargains. Podolski and Giroud ARE NOT by any stretch used or damaged goods that are being disposed of to the first comers. your meanness and pettiness is so biased that even AAA cretins would cringe. 5)¨Arsenal is a very successful and well run business.¨ but you forgot the rest, they are also a successful Sports Club and play extremely attractive, one touch attacking Football which is worth watching, trophies or not. You are suggesting that they will not meet fans ¨expectations¨ (read AAA and Anti-Wenger/BoD whiners) even if they are well managed and business-savy? There are plenty of good Football Clubs that are bankrupt or in serious financial troubles because they got the footballing right but the business management wrong....the 2 are not mutually exclusive but sage business management is very important. 6)¨costs are being cut to the bone and there is huge disillusionment amongst the club’s staff – the ordinary Joes who are being laid off or having their working conditions changed.¨........this is the most innane statement anyone has tried to pass off as true! Where did you get this ¨information¨from? AAA buddy told you so! Stick to the verifiable facts mate. 7)¨Those are the priorities now...Ambitions are lower than they were, but the prices continue to rise as the quality of the squad slowly declines. ¨ Now you have outdone yourself Kevin! AFC's ambitions haven't changed since the Invincibles...nor have Wenger's but what has irrefutably changed is that multi-billionaire sugar-daddies and oilygarchs have tilted the playing field almost irreparably. Arsenal refuse to compete in a losing battle to outspend their financially doped rivals and yet still manage to beat them on the field and off it with their sustainable model. Even UEFA and FIFA recognize that the AFC paradigm is essential for football worldwide to remain competitive. The ¨quality¨ of our squad is as good as its ever been: Szcesny,Vermaelen,Sagna, Koscielny, Gibbs and Santos are top class defenders when FIT! Arteta,Song, Wilshere, Ramsey, the OX and Coquelin are top class midfielders when FIT! Gervinho, Walcott, Podolski, Giroud, and the OX are splendid strikers when FIT! Do you see a common thread running through this list? It isn't that quality has declined but that injuries have mounted proportionally to our success or lack thereof. How did a poor quality AFC manage to go from 17th in September to 3rd and a CL place in May if they were so crap? 8)¨Is anyone else out there tiring of this?¨ .....true Gooners are tiring of AAA types like you who **** all over the Club they ¨pretend¨ to support. You are just trolling for the AAA mindless moronic minority who believe everything they read or hear without any thought. You are entitled to your opinions about events and people running the Club but at least try and be objective and open-minded about it and stop swallowing the Usmanov manipulation hook line and sinker!

  92. Gooner 1711

    Jul 07, 2012, 0:39 #24053

    Gooner Ron, I have no doubt RvP was told to say nowt. "we pay your wages, say nowt" Ivan would have said. Strange how we've heard nothing back from Wenger......maybe RvP has been told off? Anyway, he can see all of what we can. We suck as a club.

  93. wrag

    Jul 07, 2012, 0:14 #24052

    @dandy ...rock the boat ? me a favour !! our boat seems to have a great big ****ing hole in the bottom ,and our best players are slipping out one by one ....get real people ...and just step back and think about this ,how many world class players are in our current squad ?...usmanov in ...endless money ,world class signings ...on a par with the mancester clubs and chelsea...and one ****ing sure thing ALOT BIGGER than spurs !... i know what i want ,and its not baldy ivan and the yank !

  94. Justin Ashbee

    Jul 07, 2012, 0:10 #24051

    We have greedy, out-of-control, egotistical and delusional idiots in charge.......oh sorry the article is about Arsenal, I thought we were talking about Barclays!!

  95. Rob

    Jul 06, 2012, 22:48 #24050

    Beautiful Kev ! Another really meaty Editorial to get the Hill-Wood fan club calling for you to march down the Seven Sisters Road - or perhaps west to Fulham ? Was it really the case that Arsenal employees - who surely are not all robots ? - felt a sense of 'liberation' when Usmanov spoke out ? I do hope so. It keeps the flame of 'Resistance' alive for better days. And in fairness, so do Editorial like this.

  96. Theo Jensen

    Jul 06, 2012, 22:27 #24048

    Anyone who read my article on here the other day about when the deadwood will get shifted will no doubt be as angry that we're just loaning Denilson back on a season long loan again! Unless they're paying all his wages or it will significantly increase his value (yeah right) that is criminal! Even then, why not just take whatever they offer? He has nothing else to offer our club- ineptitude in so many ways from the management and chief executives.

  97. GoonerRon

    Jul 06, 2012, 22:16 #24047

    You say you'd prefer RVP to be honest and straightforward, but I'd argue as the club captain and ultimately an employee of Arsenal Football Club he should act with more responsibility. Not only does his statement bring the club into disrepute, it undermines his team mates and directly impacts our ability to realise his full value in the transfer market. Van Persie could do worse than look back at his history with us. He has averaged less than 19 league starts per season, so looking at seasons like 2007/08 where he barely featured, we probably would have won the league had he not been injured. Oh, how ironic his comments are about wanting to win trophies. Based on him earning an average of £40k per week since he signed for us, he has received nearly £80k per start made, so perhaps on that basis it would be best for all parties if he pissed off to Manc City before he gets another injury.

  98. Mark Rice

    Jul 06, 2012, 22:11 #24046

    Too true ...ground hog day!! But don't blame Sky we have always lost our key players, Brady, Stapleton, et al and we also lost them with David Dein at the helm but at least we lost them to Madrid and Barca not to our rivals! If arsenal let rvp go to Man city we are giving them 20 points ... It's bollocks it really is!!

  99. GREG71

    Jul 06, 2012, 22:11 #24045


  100. Peter La coruna

    Jul 06, 2012, 22:07 #24044

    It is now all about SUPPORTER POWER. We pay the most for our seasion tickets to watch a jumble of players. It is not Arsene's fault. But we need to keep our best players to help the younsters through. This means paying top wages. Then they will not leave for better climes. It is time that the true gooners have their say regarding this disastrous board. This exit drip of top players has to stop. Boycott a game, do not sell your tickets just don't turn up, then the board will have to take notice of our ttoal anger and aggrevance.

  101. bournemouth lost Gooner

    Jul 06, 2012, 22:06 #24043

    my 10 year oldmhasnturned his back...mhenwants to support southamoton, a real club, with real values, Adam Lalana went to his school and frankly Arsenal are seriel losers who not only lose the competitions they are in they also lose thier star players....hes had enought.... Now that income of at least 2 full kits per year, 8 ticket sales per season and a fortune of clothes bags and other rubbish..... Kroenke has stolen the heritage of this once great club and the long term damage is significant Us older fans will endure but the youth will desert and there goes with it the future of the club. good luck to RVP, i would do exactly the same, this is not the club he signed for 8 years ago, nor is it the club Fabregas joined, or Nasri or any of them.. It is a team of mediocrity..... god save the OX

  102. ATID

    Jul 06, 2012, 21:48 #24042

    What fools we were to champion Kroenke as the White Knight. Whatever Usmanov has or has not done in the past you can be pretty sure that he wants to own a club that actually wins things and he can hardly be any less of a Gooner than Silent Stan. Sadly I can only see Kroenke selling if the wheels really come off the gravy wagon which won't be much fun for the genuine fans. With the squad now likely to be unsettled by the RVP announcement what price on another bad start to next season? PS can the AKBs out there explain to me what OGLs transfer policy is going to be over the rest of the summer? Are we done? Is there no further need to strengthen the squad? Who is going to be the next holder of the departure lounge armband? How many games will Diaby play next season? With his injury record how smart was the decision to award him a new long term contract? At least RVP scored the odd goal or two.

  103. Terry

    Jul 06, 2012, 21:29 #24041

    We, the fans, are the true 'custodians' of Arsenal F.C. We purchase the season tickets/match tickets, the Arsenal merchandise, spend the money to travel to home and away matches. We are all a lot more educated now - and the Victorian model of rich benefactor and ignorant serfs is long gone. The club is heading for a disastrous civil war - and neither of the winners will act in anything other than their own interests. So, just like what happened at Wimbledon F.C. when the money men moved in - let's do what the true Wimbledon supporters did: start again. Plurality of ownership - in fact, ownership by the fans - that's the answer. Here's to the new club: AFC Arsenal!!!

  104. johnnyh

    Jul 06, 2012, 20:58 #24040

    i think you are being a bit kind to van persie kev. i believe he has realised that he is almost 29 and this is his last chance to earn the £200k a week that the likes of rooney ,aguero and torres are on. we should sell him ASAP. there are plenty of replacements out there,lewandowski,van wolfswinkel or huntelaar to name three for a start.

  105. West Stand and bitter and twisted

    Jul 06, 2012, 20:18 #24039

    Spot on article. Its all become so predictable. The businessmen running our club (and I include Mr Wenger who is part of the current regime) have more contempt for the fans than RVP. To be honest I dont blame RVP. Getting the club CL football almost single handedly and saving Wenger from a humiliating 7th or 8 th finish more than repaid what had gone before. I agree it was his ambition as much as the money. RVP was probably as unimpressed as I have been by the signings so far. For what its worth I find the letter from Usmanov as disingenous as the stance of the current Board.

  106. Andy B

    Jul 06, 2012, 20:14 #24038

    I agree with everything you say in this article. I am a GOoner who had been going regularly, home and away, for nearly 25 years but gave up my season ticket 3 years ago as I was fed up with this club of ours losing its soul and heart and being taken as a mug by paying the prices we ended up paying. I can live without trophies..... To some degree...... But my club has gone and will never come back.... At least not how I remember it ..... And that's heart breaking .

  107. johnnyhawleyloovinggooner

    Jul 06, 2012, 20:10 #24037

    top post kevin, lets hope the board and red n' white holdings start working together and pump their own money in as they love Arsenal so much and allow/tell the manager to sign three marquee players ,then at least we will be where we were at this time last year!Let that great fan double D start with the 70 mil he got for his shares.A civil war is not what the club needs though as it really does now stand at the crossroads

  108. LJB

    Jul 06, 2012, 20:04 #24036

    Top piece kev,especially the news of unrest behind the scenes.This adds to other revelations this week, notably from Stuart Robson ,of coaching staff being unhappy with Wengers policy of bringing in substandard foreigners and then ignoring english kids who in their opinion are better.I feel that those opposed to Usmanov do so out of fear that he will sack Wenger.Its the only logical explanation because IMO the man talks sense.I say Wenger SHOULD be put under pressure'its pathetic that the so called "Coach of the decade" as he is referred to on that most AKB of sites,Untold,is scared to manage a PROPER big club like Madrid because he would have to win trophies.Wengers wages have always been an issue for me .Which other club rewards a manager for being a loser? Everything at Arsenal has become warped;a manager paid highly because he makes a profit,an owner who knows nothing about football,and a fanbase who celebrate fourth place.

  109. GoonerGoal!

    Jul 06, 2012, 20:02 #24035

    In a time of universal deceit, telling the truth is a revolutionary act. The deceit came from Wenger, Kroenke, and Gazidis, once again pulling the wool over the eyes of the fans while attempting to persuade them they should once more invest in their business model. The truth came from RVP finally confirming what many of us already knew, that we the fans are being treated with utter contempt by Arsenal FC in its present form. Apparently, those of you who support the triumvirate currently running the club are satisfied with the current situation. However, others of us have decided to register our total repugnance for the present regime by taken the ultimate step and withdrawing financial support for the club in its present form. In the case of my family, it means for the first time in more than 70 years not a single member of the family will be present at any home match, nor will we be purchasing any Arsenal merchandise. Lofty goals are not reached by a single action, but even the greatest tasks or ambitions must start with a simple act.

  110. Big Andy

    Jul 06, 2012, 19:51 #24034

    Brilliant article. I agree with every word. I won't step foot in the E******** until that American parasite has sold every one of this shares in the club. I want Wenger out too. We badly need a change now.

  111. don froth

    Jul 06, 2012, 19:50 #24033

    Wenger is the most honourable man in football! i love him and think he's truly great!

  112. Dandy Mod and the clangers from Mars

    Jul 06, 2012, 19:39 #24032

    Oh, but when our business model is shown up to be the right way to go, and the FFP rules effect you will all realise that Arsene and Gazidis' self sustainability is the only way. Kroenke will delight in the availability of dough trousering, after Arsene asset strips, and Ivan displays his acumen for sports business, especially American style. When the spuds under AVB come unstuck again, as you all know they will after spending a small fortune, our 3rd/4th position will be money NOT WELL SPENT. Continuity is what our club is about, and when clubs are going to the wall, Arsenal will illustrate the we are in good dough trousering hands. Usmanov will not be welcome by the incumbents as he will wring changes. What we don't need is the boat rocked whilst we await FFP. Goodbye Dandy.

  113. maguiresbridge gooner

    Jul 06, 2012, 19:38 #24031

    No matter what some fans think of Robin for breaking ranks and his reasons for it the fact is he told the truth and had the balls to do it especially with him still under contract that this club lacks ambition what good would it have done to say it when he was with another club and its not like we didn't know that already and whats getting up a lot of peoples noses is the fact it doesn't show OGL in a good light like i said showing up his failures and lack of ambition. It really is a sad state of affairs our beloved club finds its self in at the minute with another top player and club captain jumping ship yet again for reasons we all know.Whatever we all think about robins statement or the timing off it and with the statement from R&W one thing is for sure it has heaped more pressure than ever on OGL and ivan we may well see one or two more signings that we wouldn't have seen two or three days ago. And with fans falling out and slagging each other off all over the country OGL cannot afford another season of failure like the last one and the ones before because things are coming to a head if they haven't already although they would never admit it OGL and the hierarchy know it.Good piece Kevin.

  114. Stumpy Den

    Jul 06, 2012, 19:16 #24028

    Not been on for a while, unhappy about the way things are. With RVP saying what he has I hope this brings fans to the conclusion that the board and Kronke are wrong. This club needs proper investment by investors that want the club to be successful on the pitch as this brings success of it. Some people may not like Red and White holdings, but Iam sure they would do a far better job than the yank. Get him and most of the board the F..K away from my club.

  115. Peter Wain

    Jul 06, 2012, 19:09 #24027

    The last thing the snake oil sales man and the Yank want is for Arsenal to win trophies. It would only get in the way of things. As long as these two clowns are involved in our club we will have no meaningful investment in the first team squad and without this we cannot compete in any competition. All we have to look forward to is price hikes and loan deals.

  116. jj

    Jul 06, 2012, 18:45 #24026

    Both the Board and the manager have left themselves no more wriggle room. Their conservative approach has backfired and you sense the first poor home performance next season the venom from the crowd will pour down on them. There are only so many times you can give it to your most loyal followers and expect them sit there and take it.

  117. Jumpers

    Jul 06, 2012, 18:41 #24025

    You have once again picked out all the assailant points Kevin and I couldn't agree more! What I find curious is that so many of the Arsenal faithful on this site (and others) lambasting RVP for both the timing and the content of his comments. Whilst I agree it is not what we want to hear, hear it we must. What shall we do? "keep calm any carry on" as seems the norm these days. There is clearly something rotten at management level and it is increasingly obvious it's right from the top. I am not sure I would blame Wenger (although I agree with you he is complicit) as I am sure he wants to win as much as we do and would now strengthen the squad with more established (expensive) players if he could. What is more interesting in the light of the Usmanov statement, is that not only are the two opposing "business models" more clearly spelled out, but it is becoming increasingly clear who is the more passionate about their football. The big Uzbek billionaire certainly seem to be showing greater understanding (and love) of team, the players, the fans and even the manager(?) Are we all being hoodwinked into an opportunist attempt to win hearts and minds and then saddle the club with debt? - I don't think so. So how could Nina Bracewell-Smith and Danny Fitzman get it so wrong? Are the Deins (father and son) applying pressure from behind the scenes? - Interesting times. Don't get me wrong, I would never want Arsenal to be the next Citeh or Chelski, but we the fans deserve more than what our precious board have given in recent times. Now is the time, more than ever to make our feelings known and I don't mean by getting on RVP's back. Robin has been passionate about the club, which is more than you could ever say about IG or Kroenke. Usmanov, too (if we are to believe his statement) has his heart in the club and not just as some plaything. Is this now our time, time for the most honest and loyal followers - THE FANS - to make our feelings known. I suspect the only way we can get the current management to take notice, would be to stay away, but we all know that won’t happen - or will it?

  118. The Noise

    Jul 06, 2012, 18:15 #24024

    Fantastic peice... Cracks me up how there's STILL people sticking up for the current regime and putting souly all the blame on RVP and labelling him 'Greedy scum' Anyone remember the days when an Arsenal player left, they don't absolutely nothing! Those days are long gone my friends as we are now a sinking ship! Blab on about getting 3rd and CL all you want... But growing up as a kid, I don't remember my grandad telling me stories of yester year when the 'Mighty Arsenal' pipped Spurs to 3rd and paraded a big '3' around the streets of Islington... And these players don't fall for it either!

  119. Dan

    Jul 06, 2012, 17:50 #24023

    Crooks,the lot of them.

  120. au revoir wenger

    Jul 06, 2012, 17:47 #24022

    nothing will change unless the sixty thousand at the emirates finally realise they are being taken for mugs

  121. under acheiver

    Jul 06, 2012, 17:41 #24021

    A very objective piece Kevin. It will hurt the AKBs because it is the truth and to paraphrase Jack Nicholson " they cant handle the truth".

  122. wrag

    Jul 06, 2012, 17:40 #24020

    This is actually a proper article ..well written sir ,unlike the previous mug who wished ill of rvp ...and had his blinkers on were the board were concerned ..i bet you now mr paddy power underpants leads our attack next season ?! I hope not ..but we know wenger !

  123. John Abrehart

    Jul 06, 2012, 17:39 #24019

    Editor, yes, having said all that and I agree with most of your article I still would not like us to be the multi-million big spenders as the other top four finishers and Chelski. I believe that £12-15m is still a lot of money to spend on a player with such a risk attached and our prudent approach is sensible and it could be said that our refusal to enter into an escalating 'dutch auction' for available good players helps to keep a lid on this practise. There were players available in this price bracket last season that were needed, especially in defence, but the club's steadfast refusal to take action is what frustrated most of us. Cahill looks a decent player, what good fortune for him to get a Euro Champions medal so soon and he would have slotted in nicely to give us the fourth centre back of the required standard needed at this level. Wenger does have an eye for young talent and I feel proud to support this club where so many players have been nurtered in this way. It is the club's refusal to fill in the gaps with decent players in the past of the £12-15m bracket that irks so much and may have cost us a trophy or two when we had been handily placed but fell short due to lack of options or quality at the final hurdle. RVP goes without any rancour from me but I think that he should be careful what he wishes for. Man City were lucky to get any trophy at all last season and the way that the went out of the Champions League at the group stage just emphasied what I think of their manager. In fact the only manager that I have any respect for in the top half dozen clubs is the long standing incumbent at Old Trafford. But they have a reputation of buying other club's best players, (Jones, Rooney, Berbatov, Ferdinand, Van Da Sar, Ashley Young.....) so RVP will join a long line of carpetbaggers and will no doubt feel the Gooners approbation should he end up there.

  124. Angry & Frustrated

    Jul 06, 2012, 16:52 #24018

    I think you know the answer to that last question Kevin. The real question is, are there enough of us tiring of this regime to try to do something about it?

  125. DW Thomas

    Jul 06, 2012, 16:52 #24017

    This situation is ridiculous and needs immediate attending to and change by those at the top, above Wenger. Someone, Kroenke, or let Usmanov, invest some of their own money ala Abramovich or the sheiks at City, and get this team out of the dungeon of mediocrity and loserdom. Sure, keep the rich history of the club going, but we the fans deserve so much more. Arsenal should and could be one of the top 5 clubs in trophies and talent since the 2006 CL loss. Yet, we have gone so far backwards we can't even see what the right path is anymore. Today's footballer is money hungry and lacks loyalty. I really don't care if RVP goes in the end. He was great. For one season. I just can't stand hearing about how he will always love Arsenal. Only a few really deserve legend status and he will not be one. RVP is the same as Nasri and Adebayor. I too would want more from the club if I were him, but he owes the club more than any other bar a healthy Diaby. Look at the faith our manager has put into players like Rosicky and Ramsey post injuries. I feel bad for Wenger, but he has made his own bed or at least allowed others to make it and must now lie in it. If some seriously good players with experience and talent are not brought in before the season begins, there can be no mistaking the club does not care one bit, truly, about winning trophies. And that is the saddest part, because a sports fans wants memories from devoting time and money to the cause. The cause of winning. This club has lost that cause.

  126. Bard

    Jul 06, 2012, 16:47 #24016

    Depressing read Kev but sadly true. However despite the gloom I think Usmanov's statement and RVP's blast will ratchet up the pressure on Wenger and the board and may in the medium term lead to much needed change. If we dont sign decent players in the window and results dont go well I can see there being a nasty atmosphere in the Emirates. Wenger wont like being booed and attacked; Silent Stan will get the Hicks and Gillett treatment. I know we fans get bled rotten but ultimately without our support there is no club. So far there has been minimal dissent apart the odd game and in the blogs but once it gets going in the Emirates anything could happen. This discontent can only get worse if there is no change. Maybe I'm being niave but RVP going could be the straw that breaks the camels back.

  127. gunner54

    Jul 06, 2012, 16:47 #24015

    Sums it all up, I am so sick of this every year, same old SH$T

  128. Andrew Cohen

    Jul 06, 2012, 16:46 #24014

    RvP thinks that Arsene Wenger is wasting everyone's time and has said so as politely as he can. The Club are apparentely piqued at even this polite uttering of heresy. If any of our bretheren are annoyed at RvP then their ire is seriously misplaced. What no one appears yet to criticise is the Arsenal business model. Their concept of debt repayment,of safety and of prudence (which I don't disagree with) is predicated on the idea that they can keep the stadium substantially full. They won't do so if Mr Wenger's policies result in a substantial deterioration of our playing fortunes. But for a Spurs collapse one point bigger than ours last season, we would not be in the Champions League this season. I for one have become anaesthetised to the inevitable train wreck, simply waiting for the day when it comes. I have a feeling that it will be a bit like May 1940, when the joy of getting rid of Neville Chamberlain was tempered by the threat of imminent catastrophe.

  129. Ron

    Jul 06, 2012, 16:35 #24013

    Its a stagnant Club. End of. The fans wont howl, theyre just dissillisioned and apathy sets in. All this 'love the Club' by players crap used to be taken in by fans, but since the foreign mercenaries and SKY hi jacked football it no longer does. Ive jacked in going to games and did so last February. Missed it at first but the time i have to dedicate to better things is never time id give back to Arsenal now. They and football just arent worth it. Neither is RVP! He goes without complaint from me. Hes just another egotist basically, like the majority of Prem League footballers. Oh for the John Radfords and Geordie Armstrongs et al who i was priveliged to be brought up on. Long since gone now that kind of player. The modern fan has indeed missed out on what really supporting a Club and players is about and i feel sorry for them. Glad im out of it.

  130. RB ISA

    Jul 06, 2012, 16:32 #24012

    players always say no ambition when they want out.but who in first xi not good enough that u want to replaced. pls let any player not read