Goodbye Robin van Persie

That statement picked apart

Goodbye Robin van Persie

Ok with ‘you guys’?

Players come. Players go. That’s the life cycle of a football club. Arsenal Football Club was founded in 1886, giving it a long and a proud history of 125 years. Robin van Persie was not the first player to join The Arsenal and he certainly won’t be the last to leave.

However, as is always the case, everyone will assess the reasons for his leaving and the nature of the exit. Some retire as legends (Tony Adams) and some will be sold with a legend’s status (Brady, Vieira, Henry). Others will leave in unpleasant and disappointing circumstance; in recent years we’ve had Cole, Adebayor, and Nasri. Sadly, I think we will be adding Robin to that list.

That Robin has chosen not to renew his contract is of little surprise; if he had wanted to stay, he would have signed a long time ago – just as Thomas Vermaelen did back in October. What is surprising is the manner in which he has gone about his business. Whilst many will blame his agent or his PR team, the fact remains that he is Robin van Persie. The statement was on If he truly had class and respect for Arsenal Football Club, he would not have issued the statement that he did. This to me is the most disappointing factor of the whole situation.

So what of the statement? How have I personally read between the lines? Here are a few of the quotes, with my translations and views:

“This was a meeting about the club’s future strategy and their policy… unfortunately in this meeting it has again become clear to me that we in many aspects disagree on the way Arsenal FC should move forward”.

Translation/my view: at a recent meeting with fans, Ivan Gazidis spoke about Arsène’s policy to have no big stars when it came to wages. It’s for this reason, amongst others, that Arsenal have such a high wage bill, despite not paying the kind of big-star wages Manchester United do (a better comparison than oil-backed City and Chelsea). Essentially, Robin’s view seems to be that we could afford to pay him big-star wages (like United do Rooney) if we didn’t have squad players taking up so much of the financial resource (for example, I’d bet that Bendtner earns more than Hernandez). Having carried the team for large parts, if not all, of last season, Robin clearly feels he should earn significantly more than our squad players, and not just a little bit more as is currently the case with our ‘equality wage structure model’.

“Financial terms or a contract have not been discussed, since that is not my priority at all. I personally have had a great season, but my goal has been to win trophies with the team and to bring the club back to its glory days.”

Translation/my view: Robin thinking “I’d best get my PR people to remind everyone it’s not about money, it’s about winning things… ooh I know, like Mr Nasri did.” Well Robin, in eight years at Arsenal, you’ve only played 50% or more of our Premier League games in two of them (according to Opta). Of the seven trophy-less years we have had - and you have spent six of them in the treatment room – our ambition must have been good then though, Robin, as you accepted our contract offers, right?

“I’ve thought long and hard about it.”

Translation/my view: I decided about ten minutes after my agent returned from his Brian Marwood hospitality day at the Etihad Stadium, telling me City would offer me £250,000 a week.

Arsenal’s response was exactly what you’d expect. A reminder to everyone that Robin still has one year left on his contract, so if you want him, then you pay for him. What was interesting was how they emphasised our planning with “ambition and confidence”.

Using these words, in particular ambition, would seem to me like Arsenal’s way of sharing Robin’s real motives - money. You cannot say that Arsenal or indeed Arsène lack ambition. The journey on which Arsène has taken this club is unbelievable; none of us in our wildest dreams could have imagined being where we are today when he first arrived.

I’ve already heard people saying we must spend money to prove our ambition – this is nonsense and a result of the Abramovich/Sheikh Mansour days we now live in. Besides, if Vermaelen (Robin’s best friend) and the signings of Podolski and Giroud have not been enough, then where do you draw the line?

Robin’s likely destination is City. Let’s be clear – the money they spend on fees and wages does not prove they have ambition. It defines everything that is wrong with the modern game. City had ambition when they worked hard to climb back up the football leagues, to negotiate a move to their new stadium, when they spoke of being as good as United. When they failed to achieve that last (most important) part, they turned to an oil-funded billionaire. I’m sorry, but that is not ambition. It is not a philosophy. It is not filled with history, tradition, class, or pride. It is simply a method, to which they argue the end justifies the means, and to hell with the long-term stability and future of the club.

So Robin will go, and it will be about money, not football. Regardless, the most important part of either statement is the final line of Arsenal’s:

“We are planning with ambition and confidence for the next season with Arsenal’s best interests in mind”

That’s what we must all remember. Robin will have been offered a new deal; he would have kept putting it off – now he has finally confirmed his hand. We can do without players who have this mindset. We want and need players who share our vision, our ambitions, and who want to wear our shirt with pride. Sell Robin, and sell him fast. Sell him for a price we are happy with, to a club of our preference. Robin van Persie no longer cares about the interests of Arsenal Football Club, so we should pay little attention to his wishes.

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  1. Ando

    Jul 09, 2012, 20:04 #24248

    who can blame him for NOT wanting to play next to a bunch of mugs next season, his shoulders must be aching carrying the teams goal scoring responsibility all alone. Perhaps we will see the two new boys chipping in with 20+ goals each, but I don't think so another 12 month wait for those two to bed in. He is also quite right with respect to his value compared to most of the dross that adorns our first team these days. Maybe i'm wrong and chamak and park will set the league alight next year, or one or two of our midfielders will score like Pires. I don't think so, **** all and **** all and **** all, were gonna win ****all.

  2. Wazm

    Jul 09, 2012, 17:50 #24236

    Y should he stay its his decision and his sign he can decide what is best his future please respect the player and Leave Him thats better way to prove it arsenal than hold him for nothing but still arsenal can play with him for a year anyway he will play as before Cmon arsenal fans just dont scold him and be like Idiots? am i right? anyway um an chelsea fan Arsene wenger should leave i guess :)

  3. goonercolesyboy

    Jul 09, 2012, 16:41 #24218

    Unless there is a crystal ball, who in the hell knows who is going to win anything? Just say you want to earn more money and play for a different team next time.

  4. Prinz De Joy

    Jul 09, 2012, 16:22 #24207

    I don't think your views is accurately correct! You are highly biased and indifference to the logic of football. No one will remain in a Profit Oriented Club like Arsenal. Even if Van Persie did not leave, at the end of his contract, he will only be judged by the 'trophies' he helped Arsenal to collect, not his tactics or scoring mentality. Secondly, you forgot to mention Fabrigas, both Fabrigas and Nasri left Arsenal same way, same purpose and their aims is to win trophies. Enough of equipping and saving money for the owner or the management. Arsenal should buy players, pay them like other clubs, and lift up their morale. Thirdly, you made mentioned of the 'oil billionaires' like the one in Man City and Chelsea? forgotten that, they both won fantastic trophies last season! If they have not spent their money, would it have been possible for them to win? No. How can a club in England be trophy-less for almost 7 years and you are still praising them? I am not a gunner but the truth has to be told. If I invest in an unprofitable business... I would retire and fold the business up. Football is all about winning, it is about trophy, and it is about getting silverware. Nothing more... Whether Arsenal is the richest Club in the world is immaterial to the fans.

  5. Savvy1 -- Canada

    Jul 09, 2012, 15:51 #24203

    Arsenal is my only team. Piers Morgan is a sot. This is a well considered conversation, well done. I would add, a true team player raises the level of his counterparts. It is way easier to walk onto a Bacelona or a Juventus or a Milan than be part of the next big thing --- which will be Arsenal Hmmm, how much playing time does he thnk he will truly win at these clubs? The grass is always greener I suppose. On the other hand, a his age and with his injury record, and with althletes being in the sport as playes for only a short part of their lives, maybe his ego is telling him he is running out of time to win a trophy, and to be a true legend, it is required that you have trophies in your trophy case. Now, if you felt you had an improved chance to win trophies and get paid more money at this time in your career, What would you do?

  6. Slavincakes

    Jul 09, 2012, 15:28 #24201

    Arsenal and united are built to last with platini wielding the axe over city and Chelsea ffp will kill city and rvp and all those so called stars will be saying city who even Blackburn won the league

  7. Jess

    Jul 09, 2012, 14:52 #24198

    Well done Sam. You know I love Robin but I have to agree if he wants to go, let him go. We didn't get any silverware with him, so maybe we will have better luck with the new signings?

  8. OptimisticGooner

    Jul 09, 2012, 14:33 #24197

    Podolski= minimum goals next season: 10 max goals next season:25 Giroud= Min Goals Nxt season: 8 max gls nxt season: 20 Walcott got 11 last season so hopefully double figures again wilsheres back gervinho will be better arteta got 6 last season and well the ox can only get better but how much is the question...

  9. localhero

    Jul 09, 2012, 14:24 #24195

    To show amition you need to build a good squad capable of winning trophies. To win trophies you need to build a good squad. Catch 22. To have good players you need one or more of the following; 1. other good players already, 2. win trophies, 3. pay big wages, 4. develop talent. Arsenal only have the latter available. Their rivals (City, United etc) have all 4. Something needs to change to break the cycle...

  10. Joe S.

    Jul 09, 2012, 14:13 #24192

    OOps sorry I must be on the wrong page. This is the official one where the AKB's come out to confirm how bad RVB is and how rosy is Arsenae's garden. Boy are there some dreamers out here.

  11. Gooner Goal!

    Jul 09, 2012, 13:59 #24191

    RVP has merely put clearly into perspective the difference between the AKB's and the rest. The AKB's are all about the profit motive and defending the staus quo, the rest are all about investment in the team and winning trophies. The lines are drawn, let battle commence! VIVE LA REVOLUTION!

  12. maguiresbridge gooner

    Jul 09, 2012, 13:35 #24190

    I'm in no way defending RVP but i don't think robin was being disrespectful he told it as he seen it the truth while still under contract as well which is having a hell of a lot more impact than if he said it while playing for some other club.Arsene and ivan weren't exactly been respectful to us fans when asking him to keep quiet about his decision and if they would have had their way we'd probably still be none the wiser.If that was robins view on squad players he's right paying dross way way more than their worth then extending their contracts in the hope one day they'll come good and now we can't get rid.We heard the final line of arsenals statement days ago and the same was been said seasons ago and no doubt we'll hear the same for a few more seasons yet while our best players (what we've left)leave.

  13. Big Andy

    Jul 09, 2012, 13:33 #24189

    Great article. I can't help but think that this RvP business has been great for Wenger: it has deflected attention from the terrible way that he has managed the club in recent years. You've slightly touched on possibly the biggest problem that we have at at the club right now: the inefficient way in which wages are spent. Handing lucrative contracts to mediocre players while denying the top talent the big money that other clubs play is causing this unstoppable exodus of players. Wenger is stuck in this 'everybody is equal' mindset that is simply outdated - just ask Sir Alex Ferguson and Wayne Rooney. I honestly believe that we can compete with City, United and Chelsea, But we must accept the principle that the best players should get much, much more than the average ones. We can't sign big stars or keep the ones we've got if we don't pay the money. The shame is that we have a manager and CEO who just don't get it. By the way, I don't think RvP is worth 200k a week. I just cant't wait for the stupid club which buys him and pays that money: then we can all laugh ourselves silly as he reverts back to type and spends half the season in the treatment room while picking up a million pounds a month.

  14. Stuart Grant

    Jul 09, 2012, 12:44 #24182

    Well said. as fans we are guilty of thinking players' moves are based on footballing reasons and winning medals. Alas all too often its about who can put an extra nought on the end of the cheque. And Man City! Don't get me started! Well paid, City, well paid!

  15. Ramgun

    Jul 09, 2012, 11:45 #24176

    If Van Persie goes to Juventus for a salary no higher than he could have got at Arsenal will the Wengeristas all line up to say sorry to Robin?

  16. bunch

    Jul 09, 2012, 10:15 #24174

    I really don't think money is the whole story with RvP. It's a factor, and probably a big factor when he compares his salary with what some of the dross in our squad get. Then when the dross let us and him down on the pitch the comparative wages and the lack of trophies come together and move RvP close to the exit door. Then he meets with the manager and Gasidis and there is no Rooney-level pay deal (surely RvP is on a par with Shrek) and the manager ain't changing anything about the way the team plays, then he's through the door. He'll get his trophy next season whether its City, Juve or Real. Na$ri got his PL winners medal, didn't earn it, but he got one.

  17. Clinton

    Jul 09, 2012, 9:52 #24173

    I'm a Man utd fan but it is sad to see how footballers treat their managers and club as soon as they reach their peak and "star" status. If it weren't for the grooming by the club and the coaches young players would not grow into star footballers no matter the talent they have. So I personaly think Aresnal should let Robin go and hey there can be no other RVP but there can be someone Better!

  18. Ron

    Jul 09, 2012, 9:36 #24172

    Arsenal have wanted to sell him for a while i suggest. The season hes had at age 29 and with his past dire fitness record lifts him to his optimum value that can only fall, like happened with T Henry. The 2 new signings are effectively in his place and made with cash earmarked from the long pending sale of V Persie. All the stuff from Wenger about keeping him was all eye wash for the fans benefit. For all we know, that statement from Van P was stage managed i.e he agreed to make it and take some fan flak in return for the Club giving the nod to him to leave, thus allowing the Club to look like 'victims' of a stab in the back from the 'ungrateful'player. Hes gone. Cant see what all the fuss is about really. Good player. Far from the best. Had 8 years from him (to an extent). We ve lost far better than him. Move on. I quite liked him but hes easily forgettable in the greater scheme of things.

  19. Twiceblazes Tamuno Kc

    Jul 09, 2012, 8:18 #24168

    Money is not everything.(RVP) As a big player, he must take reponsibility not to complain.(MAN CITY)How long have they been without lifting up the cup?i don't see any reason why RVP want to leave the club to another.if he need money than let he said his mind if it is money i know Arsenal have the money to keep him.if it is silverward he should stay and make all his best this time around.thank God, now Arsenal have gotten 2 internationals stars.

  20. Esso

    Jul 09, 2012, 8:10 #24167

    Great article Sam! Cheers for that.

  21. harshil kachhawa

    Jul 09, 2012, 8:05 #24166

    I do not disagree with you completely but i still disagree with one point. Its true we do not need to spend big on players, as everyone has seen even a 50 million signing can disappoint a lot and a 1 million can be the biggest achiever. But if we come on to the wages part of it, this is the one place where we definitely should change the policies. This is affecting the club in both ways. One - The star players can earn much more elsewhere, so they tend to leave. Robin in this case is not completely in-correct. He can earn almost double elsewhere and that will be of big motivation to anyone. If we talk about Vermaelean, in case he has one of his greatest seasons and then being offered almost double by another club, he would also get inclined as simple as anything. Two - Paying higher wages to average players gets us in lot of trouble when we want to sell them. So many of them are there who we face trouble selling. And combining these two would take us to great heights, our star players will stay and under-performers can be offloaded easily. And in total it would not affect our wage bill also. This is a very simple math that Arsenal should have identified way back. But i hope they do it now.

  22. satya

    Jul 09, 2012, 7:56 #24165

    Hear, hear....if you don't want to play for the club , see ya and dont let the door hit you on the way out. ( from a LFC fan)

  23. Aditya

    Jul 09, 2012, 7:24 #24163

    Nice one. I do agree its time to look ahead and do what's best for arsenal. I hope they quickly find a replacement for RVP. I've heard Jovetic and Lewandowski's names being mentioned. Wonder if there's any truth there.

  24. Gunner666

    Jul 09, 2012, 7:23 #24162

    I'm no lover of the sports reporter Martin Samuels but his piece yesterday on Arsenal and in particular Arsene was a very good report and highlighted OGL failed philosophy.

  25. Anna Mary

    Jul 09, 2012, 6:34 #24160

    very well written. Thankfully some people still have their brains intact. Lots of my fellow Gooners are ripping up Wenger & the Board. Well I am not a pro-Wenger supporter but I appreciate all the work he has done for my beloved Arsenal. RVP just sticked the knife into Wenger's heart by coming out with that ridiculous press release. Sell him now. Buy 2 world class players & we would be good enough for the next season.

  26. AmericanGunnerFan

    Jul 09, 2012, 3:21 #24159

    There is a well-respected sports radio analyst here in the U.S. who has repeatedly stated, in analyzing other similar situations in other sports, "Whenever they say "It's not about the money!", it's about the money." Silverware and medals may play some part in Van Persie's decision, but, let's face it, at age 29, this is Robin's last chance to get himself a nice, big, fat payday before he is too old. He missed out on any previous chances that he might have had to cash in because he was injured so much (and collecting the "paltry" wages Arsenal had him on for the last seven years). So, now, after the wonderful season he wants to get as much as he can from whoever (Man City) will pay him the most (he knows Arsenal won't) before he gets injured again or becomes too old to justify similar wages. It doesn't take a genius to see this.

  27. James

    Jul 09, 2012, 2:37 #24158

    What a load of tripe. You have no idea why Van Persie wants to leave, you only say "money" because you need a reason to hate him; helps you to ignore the fact Arsenal cannot compete any more because the manager's not good enough and the infrastructure sucks. Van Persie is 29 soon, he has won 1 FA Cup, why should a player of his significant talent gamble on ending his career practically potless by signing a deal taking him up to 33 years old for a club that's won nothing in 8 years? That would be madness. Just because you and your club have no ambition doesn't mean Van Persie doesn't.

  28. CT Gooner

    Jul 09, 2012, 2:12 #24157

    Say what you want about RvP and his leaving, but please don't try to pretend our squad is competitive with europes finest. That ship sailed last summer when we didn't replace Cesc. We struggled to qualify for the CL proper, then just squeaked out of the league phase, and why, only to get humiliated in Milan. I'm really getting tired of folks claiming our football is beautiful like the old days. God I hope Jacks fit cause I won't watch Ramsey dwell on the ball and knock it backwards ever again...

  29. RVP

    Jul 09, 2012, 1:55 #24156

    Well may be he likes money so what just like everyone does but he also wants to win trophies just like the fans!! Unfortunately the board and I thenk Mr Wenger think differently!!! I would say Good luck Robin and thanks you for making a point on behalf of the Fans too!!

  30. Walkpass

    Jul 09, 2012, 0:03 #24153

    While people are saying that Man City has a hand in it, I feel Barcelona is a more culpable party. RVP's statement acts to reduce possible transfer fee for his potential buying club. If it is Man City, he won't need to do such a thing for them cos they are filthy rich. Man City could possibly be a smokescreen. If Barca is revealed to be his destination, their plot along with Rvp would take fruition. Rvp will seem to be a good guy again and Barca doesn't seem to be doing anything wrong... Problem is this may have been their scheme some time back

  31. Theo's Bikini-Line

    Jul 08, 2012, 23:18 #24152

    “We are planning with ambition and confidence for the next season with Arsenal’s best interests in mind”...... Translation: We're not even going to pretend to be a big club anymore as a CL place is the limit of our ambition!!

  32. GoonerGoal!

    Jul 08, 2012, 22:56 #24151

    “We are planning with ambition and confidence for the next season with Arsenal’s best interests in mind” Translation/my view: "Well when we say Arsenal's best interest of course we actually mean OUR best interests, but then of course we can tell you fans anything we like because so many of you are gullible enough to not only believe everything we say, but also to fight our corner against anybody capable of seeing our massive con trick for what it is..."

  33. Terrumun Bitto

    Jul 08, 2012, 22:34 #24149

    This is a candid and fair presentation of the bare facts. RVP has given us the infantile side of his temperament! He will mature post retirement and then understand what an opportunity he has missed to build an immortal legacy!

  34. omodi jimmy

    Jul 08, 2012, 22:20 #24148

    I agree with your statement but its not really fair for a player who has brought you up to the level where you are now. if its about money then why not give it to him! for sure it has been long since we last won a trophy and for a player like him, really he deserves several of them of which Arsenal is not a place for winning trophies especially with the current gorvernment. am a long time arsenal's supporter and number one fan but i dont agree with the current management system!

  35. Team Usmanov

    Jul 08, 2012, 21:49 #24145

    Wow! Im glad you know exactly what he meant at every point in his statement. Heres my version: "I love the club, but the club are only obsessed with making profits, they have no ambition to win trophies which all us players want. It has become clear that Arsenal are not remotely interested in paying the kind of wages that world class players, myself included, are looking for. As a result we will be finishing between 3rd and 5th for the next 5 years, whle I want to have a shot at titles, not get embarassed 8-2 and 4-0 by domestic & european rivals"

  36. madar

    Jul 08, 2012, 21:49 #24144

    Yea sell him fast.we need the money to buy players

  37. wit

    Jul 08, 2012, 21:29 #24140

    Total rubbish. We have not won a trophy in 7 years and are not likely to win anything with Wenger in charge anymore. Van Persie wants to win trophies full stop. The wage structure at Arsenal is a joke all the same. It could only happen to us to have 2 billionaire owners and be the misers of the PL at the same time. The only way to force change is to demonstrate outside the stadium at certain matches and to boycott the game full stop. Rows of empty seats is the only way to get the message across that enough is enough.

  38. goonerclaude

    Jul 08, 2012, 21:23 #24139

    are we a football club or a corporation


    Jul 08, 2012, 21:18 #24138

    brilliant piece Sam, Good riddance Robin you were the Man of Year. Hero to Zero break a leg you **** I want a refund for the new kit I bought with your name on the back

  40. romeo,ghana

    Jul 08, 2012, 21:17 #24137

    who ever wrote this article did not mix Van Thinks he's a big player?if u leave who will build the team to win so called trophies.well, let the cap fit those big money spenders.long live the gunners,long live football.

  41. Joe

    Jul 08, 2012, 21:08 #24136

    Utter rubbish IMO you have come up with there!! It is not the first player in the last 7yrs to tell it how it is when it comes to the Board and the Wenger way, so why should he pretend otherwise. We are now a business and not a football club who want to win things its a ssimple as that so get used to the fact that any player with ambition to do more than play pretty football will leave and who can blame them? well done Robin for telling us the truth and exposing the sham that is now our football club

  42. Anonymousd

    Jul 08, 2012, 21:04 #24135

    Wow,straight from the whispering gallery? What a genius stroke.

  43. Justonge

    Jul 08, 2012, 20:46 #24134

    Unfortunately, much as it pains me, I couldn't agree with you more. Don't get me wrong, I'd love Robin to stay and form a new attack with Giroud and Podolski. However, he'd have to be staying for the right reasons - to do what he claims he wanted and restore Arsenal to the glory days, not because we broke the bank to keep him. I wonder how he'd feel if we held him to his contract and he had a, more typical, injury hit final season. He might not have quite so many suitors then and realise he wasn't so badly off after all.

  44. Bobby

    Jul 08, 2012, 20:41 #24131

    As Sol said top players want to look around the dressing room and see other top players. Even when we weren't successful in the past we always had top players. If you look around the dressing room now you see average pro's or promising kids. You can't blame a world class player for leaving.

  45. Greg71

    Jul 08, 2012, 20:30 #24129

    At the moment it comes down to who do you believe ? The move from Highbury was to enable the club to increase revenue in order to compete with the big boys at home and in europe (b 4 city were taken over ) .The investment to get us over the line has not been used and trophies have been handed to others,yes Rvp has been missing,but surely not from choice ? Has the investment in the backroom staff mirrored the playing staff,i.e just not good enough. Shoud Rvp end up at any premier league club then this will only reflect badly on another player (do they care ? ) get the club off the hook,and heat up the supporter divisions further.

  46. Doncee

    Jul 08, 2012, 20:30 #24128

    I don't think you should give up your day job in your quest to become a super sleuth!! How you made those conclusions from those statements is beyond me. Firstly him disagreeing with how the club should progress has no link to wages. It could be about formation, style of play, types of players, team to pick for Carling cup games etc, You seem fixated on the money aspect. Sincemoney appears to be your focus, let's clear this up. RVP and any other pro player are doing a job for which they want to be paid well for. This is no different to you or me. If someone offered you double your wages to go and work for them what would you do? You are looking at it as a fan, they are looking at it as an employee. They are only doing what you and everyone would. Just because they play for our team doesn't mean we should expect them to not be human.

  47. Weenson

    Jul 08, 2012, 20:23 #24126

    There is nowhere and through the period since we have all been waiting at the edge of our seats that Robin van Persie has monetary intentions in his outlook. This is the final opportunity for him to get something out of the game by way of success for himself. You may well say that he could do it at Arsenal but let's then look at Arsenal itself. The squad is largely unchanged but for the addition of Podolski and Giroud. Our midfield which was often taken apart in the previous season is unchanged as is our defence. What if either Mikel Arteta or Jack Wilshere were to have setbacks on the injury front? What indeed if we shipped in even more goals this season compared to the previous two when we let in 45 and 49 goals respectively? Hardly a title or trophy winning side, I put it to you. Still think Robin van Persie should want to stay when the club shows no sporting ambition? You are asking beyond your means.

  48. yozza

    Jul 08, 2012, 20:19 #24125

    yeah you keep convincing yourself.....AW and the board really have Arsenals interest in their minds don't AW said "i'm not motivated by money"as he picks up his £7 million a year,more than any other manager in the Premiership!Why don't he give it back then?

  49. Sangee

    Jul 08, 2012, 20:18 #24124

    Sell him now for £20,000,00 plus and buy a top midfielder.

  50. Goonaar

    Jul 08, 2012, 20:12 #24123

    Article bang on! We sell him abroad and we sell him fast. If he thinks last season endears him to us forever after this episode he needs his head examined. He has shown no respect for Wenger who defended him countless times. I do not want to see him in our shirt again. I support The Arsenal nor RVP plc.

  51. Kano

    Jul 08, 2012, 20:10 #24122

    Well written man..He must go as he has proved that his mind as been corrupted already by the amount put in front of him by his agents...Arsenal will win the premiership this coming season, mark my words!!!!ONCE A GUNNER ALWAYS A GUNNER no matter what we will always survive!!!

  52. Any Old Iron

    Jul 08, 2012, 20:10 #24121

    RVP has now calculatedly made the possibility of fully expending his contract to nearly nil, and as stated no wish to extend it by wish expressly. The club policy of not coming to terms(whatever they may be), adding quality to the squad however expensive, to galvanise the club is complicity in the extreme. Another word is brinkmanship. The player has rights now, and it's not horse trading. Kroenke out. Manager too. I do not believe in their stewardship anymore. Sorry!

  53. thenry

    Jul 08, 2012, 20:09 #24120

    excellent and eloquent article. RVP is DEAD to Arsenal FC now, i dont care where he ends up but it should be on our terms not his. we should even bite the bullet and keep him if we get derisory offers like the one from juve. his value will plummet in terms of what he can get as wages as he will be 30 that will teach other players that we are not a soft touch and we will not be bullied by ingrate players such as RVP. he is worse then ade atleast ade was up front re he wanted the money RVP is a coward who has been kissing the badge and pissing on it when it suited him. Arsenal till die!!!

  54. Nick

    Jul 08, 2012, 20:08 #24119

    Fans have to get over this outdated notion that players have their level of loyalty to the club. That's not their perspective, nor is it reasonable for it to be so. They have very brief careers, in which they live in an insane cocoon surrounded by sycophants and yes-men, and during which they can make unfathomable amounts of money, before they become completely washed up, their lives over, when most of us are just starting to mature and relish into ours. So what does loyalty, or even contract loyalty, get them? Robin abandoned the team he should have been loyal to to come to Arsenal. I think its fair to say the only reason he stayed so long was the injuries. So what to do? Personally, I'd make him play out the final year of his contract. Exercise the only power Arsenal has left -- its control of where and if he will play football for the next twelve months. And why? To make a statement to the other players, to make them think twice before pulling the same stunt. And perhaps ultimately to keep them longer than otherwise would happen. Because understand, money means nothing to City, and if they can use Arsenal as a Top Four farm team, why shouldn't they?

  55. Peter Swedish Gooner

    Jul 08, 2012, 20:04 #24118

    I couldnt agree more. Hammer on the mail. Well spoked! There will be some silverware this season. /Peter

  56. Fred

    Jul 08, 2012, 20:01 #24117

    It is always about money either directly (wages) or indirectly (money spent by club to achieve). Not many players in history have moved due to club strategy + policy. What I do think is that if you are going to blame that then explain what you mean. It is like finishing with your partner and blaming the way they act and what they say! It says nothing apart from it isn't my fault but yours! And that is why I want someone else.

  57. Muhammad Rabs

    Jul 08, 2012, 19:59 #24116

    Let him leave the long as arsenal football club do exist we can make it to our nightmares even if he lives.he is not the first player who lives and during his time at the club we ain't achieve anything we just pray for the best.

  58. Bob

    Jul 08, 2012, 19:53 #24114

    Get over it....he has been at the club for 8 years and he wants to win things. Anyone moaning about this is just bitter and sad. Players leave clubs all the time.

  59. Mickey

    Jul 08, 2012, 19:52 #24113

    Absolutely spot on.

  60. New Yorkster

    Jul 08, 2012, 19:51 #24112

    Problem bigger than football. Hospitals closing for lack of money yet moron gooners angry that Arse wont pay some dick 200 grand a week. Gap between rich and poor is obscene and almost approaching pre-revolutionary levels, yet all the talk in the press seems to be in awe of City's and Chelski;s spending prowess. Anyway it will be intersting to see this Fair Play come into action. How can City offload players on long mega wage contracts. I am sure they will get round iy somehow but people should look at the big picture

  61. Colonel Mustard

    Jul 08, 2012, 19:47 #24111

    "Using these words, in particular ambition, would seem to me like Arsenal’s way of sharing Robin’s real motives - money." you are deluded...way off if you think its no ambition....its nothing but that. he wants to play with the best. superstars. Its now obvious that the signings of Podolski and Giroud were to replace him NOT to supplement. "Robin’s likely destination is City. Let’s be clear – the money they spend on fees and wages does not prove they have ambition" They just won the league, everything the do is for ambition. crazy article deluded and most off all it this attitude that will see us decline and decline.

  62. Jay

    Jul 08, 2012, 19:46 #24110

    I am a spurs fan don't kill me before you listen.... I primarily like to think of myself as a football fan firstly, and what RVP is disgraceful considering the injuries he has had yet at the same time he is very unlikely to win anything at Arsenal with there current model in place. What I would say is forget the model, ok City and Chelsea attract the superstars but Spurs and Arsenal play the best football, who needs Modric and RVP when you have youngster like Ox and Sandro coming through.... If I was Arsenal I would cash in, someone else gets a chance to step up then, trust me as a spurs fan I have been waiting for the day you guys fall but every year someone steps up, in 2012 it was RVP, 2011 Nasri, 2010 Fabregas, 2009 Arshavin and so on.....let me go and see who shines next year, DONT LAUGH but I reckon it will be Gervinho he is used to league more now