The worm turns

One final season for a fan disaffected with club policy

The worm turns

Fat cat lifestyle funded by loyal Gooners?

I have had enough of this now. I have already renewed my season-ticket and, to be honest, I will be interested to see how we fare without van Persie. It is a big challenge for Arsène, whom I have always supported, but the season after that is it.

In my last post almost a year ago, I supported Arsène and the Board, basically saying that we need to completely eliminate the stadium debt before we move on and thus supporting Arsène’s focus on player development, but now Kevin Whitcher and others have convinced me, not that Arsène is now an incompetent manager, although I do think he has flaws, but that the board have no real interest in sporting success.

I still don’t want our club turned into a rich boy’s train set - I still think that is ultimately destructive - but then I also don’t want it as it is now, a rich boy’s pay-packet. Times are hard, and I am as strapped as the next man. I had to borrow the money to renew my season-ticket this year and so I don’t just want that money used to furnish a lavish lifestyle for a fat cat in Denver.

It is sad, but I am not interested in this transfer-circus any more. I thought there might be a slim chance that RvP might stay because I thought that he believed in Arsène, but I don’t blame him for going. He is an outstanding player and should at least have a chance of winning one meaningful medal before he retires. Don’t get me wrong; I think Podolski and Giroud are good buys, but it looks like to me that the board were going to stick on Podolski, that added to RvP’s dissatisfaction and so they bought Giroud as a replacement. We should get at least £25 million for RvP, so that means overall the club should show a profit - nice for Stan and Ivan. I hope they enjoy it, but, aside from getting rid of some of the players that didn’t fulfil their potential, don’t expect any more activity this transfer-window.

If we are to be run as a selling club until the debt is completely eliminated and we were only doing that with a view to push on once we were in the black, that would be bearable if the sales you make were being used to finance the overall squad development, but it really does seem to me now to be one for the pot, two for Stan, one for the pot, two for Stan. On top of that, it is one money making scheme after another that we get from this club, I have chosen to ignore all of them, but others have not so where does all this money go?

Owning a football club is a privilege and only for the very rich, but it should be owned by people who are actually interested in and care about the game, not by people who either ONLY want it for bragging rights with their other oligarch mates or by someone to add to their fast buck portfolio.

Anyhow it is only a few weeks till the season starts, and then we can forget all this transfer-baloney. If Arsène gets fourth this season, he would have worked a miracle and I will be supporting him and the team all the way, but the season after I will be doing it from my armchair at home; unless, of course, we start to see some change in personnel, attitude or direction from the people at the top.

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  1. Gman

    Jul 11, 2012, 12:57 #24294

    So long as Stan calls the shots and the rest of the board toe his line then we will be a club with only one agenda, that of lining their pockets at our expense. We will win nothing. We are a feeder club for more ambitious clubs. If we'd kept all of the world class players we have let go over the last 7 years then we would have won the league. Manure made 70 M last year on merchandising because of their league tittle win the year before, money they can reinvest. We barely took 30M in the same time. If you don’t speculate you can’t accumulate, and that brings success and shirts being bought all over the world, and with that we could have kept Fabregas, Nasri and now RVP. We are left in limbo land until Stan sells up. AFC RIP.

  2. Moscow Gooner

    Jul 11, 2012, 7:55 #24290

    TT - you don t think Arsenal s owners have removed large amounts of cash from the club?! It s a matter of public record that most of the present board, who paid little or naything for their original stakes, have made very substantial amounts of money from offloading their shares to Usmanov or Kroenke. None of that cash has gone back into the club. I don t begrudge them that windfall but then I also don t see why Usmanov should be prevented from pumping money into the club allowing us to compete with Man City, Chelsea etc. Are we on some sort of crusade to persuade the footballing world that the misnamed 'self sustainability' model is the way of the future? Get real! Money has determined the shape of football since at least the 1920s. Why were we so dominant in the 1930s? Because we spent a lot of money - some it borrowed/donated by wealthy shareholders - whilst the rest of the country was languishing in depression. And finally well done to Aaron Ramsey for choosing to play in the Olympics: the guy gets a once in a career chance to play on the world stage and Wenger tries to stop him. Sad.

  3. RVP

    Jul 11, 2012, 1:41 #24289

    Totally agree with your comments and we fans are treated like muggs!!! I don't blame Robin at all as when we built the Stadium they made us believe that plenty of money will come in and we will compete big time with the top clubs!!! I just wondered what happened to that philosophy!!!!! We need to make us heard again!!!!

  4. Block G season ticket holder!

    Jul 11, 2012, 0:21 #24288

    I have also renewed my season ticket and I cannot help but feel that this Arsenal board is just laughing in my face. I want my club back.......there are so many problems that have been covered numerous times but we are now at the point of no return. Football has been ruined by greed, it is enemic within the sport. We will finish outside the top four and the fans have every right to go mad this year. Whinger and his cronies had better be prepared for some serious grief if or when the wheels come off as his excuses do not wash any more!

  5. Unbelievable Belief

    Jul 10, 2012, 21:26 #24287

    I am looking forward to the new season. As I do every year because I love football and I love this football club and don't believe things are as bad as people on here make out. Lets face it. They aren't. Who started this annoying expression 'I want my football club back'? I have read it so often in the last year it has taken over from my previous pet hate 'mug' that people seem to use to try to make them sound like a character from a Guy Ritchie film. Up The Arsenal.

  6. Talkin bout a Revolution

    Jul 10, 2012, 20:34 #24286

    3 years ago, I saw through all the lies and the spin. The amount of lies Arsene Wenger has told is scandalous, he shows no respect for the fans. Calls himself a martyr when he picks up £7 mil a year. Helps the board in conning the fans. Says 4th is a trophy. People talk about money all the time, but Arsenal ain't moral, they waste millions on mercenaries like Diaby, Denilson, Chamakh and Bendtner. The fans are ripped off ticket prices wise! 4th richest club in the world pleading 'sustainability'. NO sustainable business pays Chamakh, Almunia, Diaby, Squillaci and Djourou the silly money Arsenal do. That aint sustainable, it is plain RECKLESS. Wenger's management is shocking, almost 50 goals conceded last season. Gazidis is incompetent, Usmanov is loaded and can't get on the board. Kroenke doesn't even to pretend to care about the club, invests nothing. The Q&A sessions are vetted making them a joke. The manager is accountable to no one. It is a total joke, and I refuse to give this club a single penny until Wenger, Kroenke, Gazidis and PHW are all gone. I am sick of the incompetence, sick of the lack of ambition, and sick of losing our best players. RVP is leaving because he is ambitious, not because of money. And good luck to him.

  7. Peter Wain

    Jul 10, 2012, 17:54 #24285

    I used to look forward to the start of the season. I no longer do as I know that a) Gazidis will lie b) wenger will say he is not going to change his philosphy. As the current model has been shown not to work we face another season of a fight for fourth place and disappointment in the cups No chance of us competing for a trophy

  8. Charlie Charlie

    Jul 10, 2012, 17:45 #24284

    RJ - I totally agree with your comments about the atmosphere improving at Emirates as the season went on. I wasn't sure why though. Backs to the wall attitude or maybe the moaners were no longer turning up and being replaced by fans with a more positive attitude. I personally hope that everyone who threatens not to renew is true to their word as the small but vocal number of negative people around me were beginning to ruin the game. Times might be hard but that's when you need to show your support the most.

  9. Gav Lee

    Jul 10, 2012, 17:02 #24282

    I renewed but only as I have done since 1990/91 and genuinely cannot stand the thought of not going to games.I have every sympathy for fellow Gooners who have had to give theirs up for whatever reason. But as my fellow fans who I sit with will testify I'm certainly not immune to the clubs' failings over the lst 5 years. What upsets me the most is the fact if and when RVP goes he will be the 4th successive captain we would have sold which frankly is embarrassing for a so-called giant of the game. What worries me is how little the management either know or even care about the level of frustration among the hardcore support. I fear things could get ugly at the Emirates.

  10. Ron

    Jul 10, 2012, 15:51 #24280

    Im just holding on to a Red swipe now. Never renewed. The whole club needs a massive shakedown and i wont go again till it happens. There are 2 big s's that sum up Arsenal FC 2007 - 2012. Stagnant and Sterile. Im with Tony E on most things Arsenal.

  11. Matt

    Jul 10, 2012, 15:23 #24279

    I know where you're coming from, I'm in the same debt boat. However, when it comes to renewal time, we all hope and expect for better. Part of being a football fan, for me.

  12. jj

    Jul 10, 2012, 15:05 #24277

    I and other members of my family gave up our tickets three years ago after forty plus years. It's the taking the supporters for fools that I can't stand anymore. Winning doesn't bother me. It's the fact that the manager doesn't appear to speak a word of truth, makes poor decisions , continues to develop teams with no heart or passion and fails to give young home grown players as much as a chance as average overseas ones. Was Steve Sidwell any worse than Denilson? Lansbury?

  13. Eton Old Boy Network

    Jul 10, 2012, 13:45 #24275

    Heavens to Murgatroyd! Not forking out the old spondoolicks to renew season tickets? Not taking your unbathed, illiterate, ghastly offspring to the club shop? What acts of unparalleled betrayal! Such poisonous, wicked deeds make Judas Iscariot look like some petty little wide boy who’s only fault was giving the old inside gen to a tatty little rag like the Daily Sta – oh, hang on – strike that. We on the Board (not including that frightful Stalinesque monster Usmanov, naturally) have every intention of continuing with the status quo, thank you very much. Commercial matters pertaining to this business belong to those of us who exist on a higher plane in life. We will not tolerate any criticism of our justified privileges simply on the technicality that we don't even look like delivering success. Vulgar curs.

  14. Graham Simons

    Jul 10, 2012, 13:43 #24274

    totally agree Tony - to put the "financial prudence crap" as you quite aptly put it into context. I read today that Chamakh is on 3m euros a season which equates to 500k euros per goal since he's been here and at least HE's been on the bench - Squilacci and Almunia were being paid last season for doing diddly squat. Here's an open offer Arsenal - give me a Squilacci shirt and I'll turn up and sit on the bench every week for half that amount.

  15. Ramgun

    Jul 10, 2012, 13:39 #24273

    Trouble is, Fozzy's Mate, why should it end soon when so many servile Wengerites will continue to support the blatant dishonesty which emanates from our club.

  16. T-Ski

    Jul 10, 2012, 13:36 #24272

    First time poster here. I think everyone needs to ask themselves "Why do I attend Arsenal football matches ?". It seems like quite a few people don't actually enjoy going anymore (maybe they never did ?), whether that's because of the cost of the season ticket or because they feel disenfranchised. I remember one bloke sat next to me, kicking a concrete wall in fury when Wenger bought Eboue on a few seasons back, propa hurt his foot as well. I can't understand how a substitution in what is actually only a "Game" can induce such rage in a full grown man, take that an analogy for some of the anger seen on these pages. I go because I actually enjoy the experience, especially when Arsenal win a game in adversity, 2-0 down against the Spuds then going on to win 5-2 anyone ? I don't go because I feel that Arsenal are entitled to win trophies, trophies are a bonus and no club has a monopoly on them, not us and not City nor Chelsea. I appreciate that the cost of a ticket is expensive compared to other Clubs, but the Club is a business and that business built a new stadium from it's own resources, now its paying that debt back whilst also running itself in a prudent financial manner. I'm afraid the reality is that this includes opting out of bidding wars with City or Chelsea for the latest must-have toy / gadget....sorry big name player. It's a bit too late to say "Sorry I'm not on board for this project can we go back to what we had", the reality is it's done already regardless of whether you felt you were lied to when it was first proposed. Some people appear to be stuck in a deteriorating relationship with something that they used to love, only option is a bit of time and space away from it. It might well be a good idea for those affected thusly, to dump the season ticket and rejoin the Red Membership in two years time, if they start to miss the matchday experience. I look forward to some constructive comments about wage structures, bank surpluses, a new DM midfielder and the like as I do have some sympathy.

  17. Red Member

    Jul 10, 2012, 12:54 #24271

    the only surprise now is that people continue to be surprised. this is what happens: supporters renew season tickets Kroenke is partly happy our best player is sold Kroenke is very happy Wenger is asked to get the team into the top 4 Wenger gets the team into the top 4 the cycle begins again

  18. The Noise

    Jul 10, 2012, 12:10 #24269

    No offense, but how ANYONE renewed this summer, is beyond me! They've categorically lied through their teeth for a good 5 years now... Anyone who thought this summer would be different is simply a rose tinted moron in my eyes... Sorry!

  19. RJ

    Jul 10, 2012, 12:06 #24268

    It is always sad to hear of ST holders feeling disenfranchised, or facing financial difficulties and having to give up - I always hope that come May I will still be employed and can afford a ticket for me and my son. But @GoonerSince66 - I take exception to this "soulless bowl" fallacy - I think in the last six months the ground has been at its most passionate - perhaps not quite Hihgbury (although I remember many soulless passionless nights there, but enough of me and the missus) - I think the Emirates corwd has been engaged since the ManU game, and especially TheOx substituion - it was almost as much fun being at a home game in block 98 as being away. I am with @Fozzy'sMate who has written eloquently on this topic before - I wouls always rather be at the Emirates than at Tescos - and I cannot wait for Sunderland on 18 August for it all to kick off again - I hope we win, but I will be there regardless - even through relegation. This is our lot in life. Come on you Gooners

  20. GoonerGoal!

    Jul 10, 2012, 10:20 #24266

    I have already placed my cards firmly on the table. I have not renewed, and for the first time in over 70 years no member of my family will be attending Arsenal home matches, nor will I be handing over any of my hard-earned cash to buy Arsenal merchandise, simply to fatten the bank balances of Wenger, Kroenke, and Gazidis. I was there before they arrived, I shall be there after they are gone, only then shall I return. Up the Arsenal!

  21. Tony Evans

    Jul 10, 2012, 8:59 #24265

    I know exactly how you feel and more and more of us have had about as much of Wenger's / Kronke's Arsenal as we can stand. I am just surprised that you are willing to give it yet another season. I will not be going at all now until the whole rotten lot of them have gone and it can't come soon enough for me. I still love the club but will not just meekly pay up every season as that implies that I am happy with the way the club is being run which of course I am not. This 'financial prudence' crap is a myth that Usmanov, in his statement, blew out of the water. You all should read what he said, if you haven't already. My great wish is that we all turn our backs on Wenger and the board (for the sake of the club) which may then force the change in transfer policy, tactics and defensive play so many of us yearn for.

  22. Joe S.

    Jul 10, 2012, 6:18 #24262

    Notice some of the rubbish Spinmaster Wegner has been regurgitibg over the past few days. Right he's not in it for the money but the love of football. I think he really believes a lot of this, and is revelling in the role of hurt mentor; Camalot under seige from the dirty money floating around in football.Of course he could have earned more at Real Madrid or in charse of the Russian national team, but his job would be on the line if he didn't achieve the desired outcomes.

  23. goonerboy

    Jul 10, 2012, 1:06 #24261

    TT Arsenal are not some co-operative with no money-we are owned by a billionaire and we have one of the richest men in the world being prevented from joining the Board because it suits the owner not the club. The difference between City and us is only that our Oligarch doesn't put any of his own money in. Self sustaining-whilst we lose our best players each season and can't replace them? What will it take for fans like you to realise that this isn't working? Relegation?

  24. GoonerSince66

    Jul 09, 2012, 22:46 #24257

    Gave up my ST this year and have no regrets, its turning into a soulless stadium and i was sick of being ripped off to watch a below average team, and it really saddens me to think that its only going to get worse until there is a total change at the top, I WANT MY ARSENAL BACK !!!!!!!!!

  25. Hughsey24

    Jul 09, 2012, 20:52 #24251

    Sad thing is that Arsenal fans that existed pre wenger and emirates have lost the passion for the club! Myself have been priced out of going and i didnt renew my season ticket this year like many pre wenger fans! Club has lost its soul by ripping off fans! If they change their philosophy then i may change mine until then FFP means Finance Family Priority for me.

  26. fozzy's mate

    Jul 09, 2012, 18:32 #24241

    As all on this site know I reached your point a few years ago. I believe wenger subscribes to the status quo as it means he is under no pressure to deliver trophies and it appeals to the economist on him. But don't let this horrid regime drive you out. Wait it out as I will. After all its better than trailing round tesco with the mrs and can't last much longer, I hope!

  27. David Biggs

    Jul 09, 2012, 18:05 #24237

    I have been a loyal Arsenal fan since 1948 and have seen them flirt with relegation from the old division 1 with mangers B Wright etc taking them nowhere until Bertie Mee took over leading to the first club double, I would not wish to go back to the 1 nil Graham era either that said he could build a solid defense in a team something we are lacking today, while staying financially viable is very laudable nontheless there is a fine line between economy and self destruction of the team due to over stringent use of the purse strings. Can Arsenal win anything with the squad they have got right now I do not think so even if the footballing styles employed is pleasing on the eye. I am opposed to the oil barons buying up clubs across Europe in order to play their own verson of playstation footballjust because they can and am galled even more that everytime I put petrol in my car I am aiding this undemocratic decline in the English game due to petro-dollar use. So I guess I shall be loking for another sport to while away my retirement time by watching it, my guess it will be tiddlewinks as that is incorruptable by money men including Kronke too...

  28. tpm

    Jul 09, 2012, 17:37 #24235

    TT absolute rubbish. arsenal fans prefer david vs sound completely plastic.

  29. duyduy

    Jul 09, 2012, 17:28 #24232

    You says right, I think Usmanov is not good for Arsenal and Stan is not neither. A good leader must see Arseanl as a place where he grow and develope it. In the fact, Mr.Wenger wants to buy someone, so he must sell someone who is more valuable than.

  30. David

    Jul 09, 2012, 17:28 #24231

    Up to last summer, I have every complete kit for the last 16 seasons and quite a few before that. I think between my three kids and me we have also purchased almost every garment sold at the club shop over the last decade or so. But as of last Summer I have not bought a thing and will not as long as this regime carries on like this. I continue to support my club but deeply resent the way the owners behave. I only begrugingly renew my season ticket and no longer buy a program or even a drink from the club. For as long as I remember I have lived and breathed AFC but now I feel just let down and angry by them. I want my football club back. This is breaking my heart.

  31. Dan h

    Jul 09, 2012, 17:11 #24226

    I would sell RVP no point in keeping him his injury history aside would the player himself play through any knocks he may pick up i doubt it?The scenario we had last year with Fabregas could also be repeated a player saying he is not in the right frame of mind it does affect the squad lets sell & move on frustrating yes unsuprising no.Loyalty has gone the last players were of Tony Adams era along with players like Matt Le Tissier who's loyalty in the modern SKY era must have cost the man medals,caps & sadly the root of all evil money which he in particular was not motivated by.The DDT will be happy with the status quo at the club should he start recieving flack you will just see less of him a silent man in words will be an invisible man at the e******* how many games has he actually attended?If he won't actually invest in his USA francises what chance of him investing in us none im afraid.The owner is happy with the fact there is no 'net' spend on the playing side.The wage bill is covered by our turnover & a healthy profit is posted why would he want change?The value of the club keeps increasing & new sponsorship deals in 2014 will add nicely to the pot along with the new tv deal.IG the politican will keep spinning stories to the media & 'Moneyball'Wenger will keep the production line of sales replaced with cheaper players going players come & go supporters don't.You may stop physically attending but a club if you really care about it becomes part of you.I only go a handfull of times a season now & enjoy catching up with old gooner faces that i only ever saw at Arsenal.But it is a different club now.You could rightly argue for a while we punched above our weight in AW glory years.The initial years of moving to a new home hurt us playing wise those times have gone now we look just to do enough to get by.It makes the fact you can see the potential the club has being wasted so frustrating.Massive fanbase big stadium & located in a vibrant place & why is money placed aside for team building being held back until we offload players that will not be selected anyway?

  32. Any Old Iron

    Jul 09, 2012, 17:09 #24224

    Goodness, I turned three seasons ago. I and three of my friends in the green quadrant. It was so blatantly obvious that Wegner prefers balance sheets to team sheets. Every so often we meet up and watch games on Tv and congratulate ourselves for being shrewd operators. I have watched Arsenal since 1969 and sat in the East stand, and stood in the 'tick tock tick tock end' for years. I think if you look at some of the posters names on this blog you will realise the depth of feeling. To name a few: Arsene is a fraudster, Der projekt ist kaput, What was the point of leaving Highbury, David the Price is right among many. One of my faves is El Piresidente-class!

  33. TT

    Jul 09, 2012, 17:07 #24223

    I just don't subscribe to this point of view, but I respect it more that the "we are rubbish" viewpoint I see more often than not. The real problem is whether you are saying that you believe that only clubs financed by a billionaire, willing to pump 100M+/year into the club from their own stash, should own football clubs? I don't think you can prove that Arsenal's owners are removing large amounts of cash from the company, so Arsenal are basically self-financing. The only reason that the continue to lose players is this injection of funds from a wealthy benefactor. There have been several articles that have tried to say that Arsenal are no different to Man City with their tactic of prising youth away from clubs using financial incentives, but I am not really convinced by that argument. I honestly think that the majority of long time Arsenal fans really enjoy the David vs Goliath naure of our existence. It has long been that way. We may not win as often as the mega-rich teams, but when we do win, it is much, much sweeter. I think it is just some of the younger, newer fans that started supporting the club throuh the glory days of the early 2000s that feel somehow cheated by the patient, frugal approach. Arsenal football club has a distint identity and a philosopy we as fans can be proud of. I don't want to support Usmanov United, or Abramovich City. It will be interesting to see how interested Abramovich remains, now that Chelsea have won everything, and Manchester City can out spend them. Let's see if he gets bored and allows Chelsea to decline.

  34. Theo Jensen

    Jul 09, 2012, 16:55 #24222

    City might actually be trying to get in line with FFP judging by their lack of transfer activity so far. I think they'll just use whatever they get from Adebayor for his wages and fee and tbh they can dictate it as they like virtually: probs 13-15m fee in total for RvP would be likely.

  35. Rickthegooner

    Jul 09, 2012, 16:54 #24221

    Paul Thanks for letting me know your plans, but what makes you think anyone is remotely interested. Same old same old online gooner. enjpy next season on your sofa

  36. sparksy

    Jul 09, 2012, 16:27 #24212

    Don't blame you at all mate. Think we're all fed up with it. I'm not too fussed about Vp going but i do think teh clun knew about it at the end of last season, ony agreed with VP to keep things quiet until they had secured his replacements and collecfted the season ticket monies. Once that was done and teh Euros out of the way they could then announce it only VP jumped the gun. The money they recoup from selling him will balance the books for the 2 new ones so keeping their financial model in tact. And i don't expect any more signings or perhaps one at teh most

  37. Bard

    Jul 09, 2012, 16:14 #24206

    Why one more season ? A triumph of hope over reason ? What's going to change ? We are already a feeder club for City and there won't be any change. Last season's salvage operation was desperate. Despite 3rd place we were miles off the pace and kept afloat by the exceptional RVP. Wish I could share you're hope.