Wake me up when September ends

More RVP fallout

Wake me up when September ends

In the words of the Green Day song, "Wake me up when September ends". Yet another summer of pain has arrived for all Gooners and the recurring nightmare of our captain wishing to leave the club has returned to haunt us. As with last year, we have gained some additions but lost our best player in the process. Don't let the club fool you with the “we’re sure he'll see out his contract". As soon as they get a suitable offer, they will sell. Unfortunately for the money men at the club (isn't that all of them these days?) van Persie's announcement will reduce his value and I suspect we will have to let him go for as little as £15m. This would obviously be reduced to nothing should the club convince him to stay. I personally hope they don't. The lessons are there from previous seasons where Vieira, Henry and Cesc all stayed for one more season only to underperform and be injured for large chunks of the season.

I will come to my thoughts regarding RVP at the end but you can see the root of our problems if you read the following facts –
• We are 19th on the net amount spent on transfers
• We have made a profit of £21.3m over the past five seasons
• Man City have spent £382.2m
• Chelsea have spent £190.7m
• In our last five seasons at Highbury we averaged a spend of £5m per season
• At the Emirates it's minus £4.2m.

Although the other top-six clubs have spent less than Man City and Chelsea - Man U (£36.6m), Liverpool (£26.8m) & Spurs (£6m) - you can see why we are no longer competitive at the top level and why our key players are looking to leave to win trophies elsewhere. I genuinely don't believe that Henry or Cesc wanted to leave for money. With the money top players earn today, they are not going on the dole when they retire, but what they know is that you won't want to show a bank statement to your kids, you will want to show them medals. This seems beyond the comprehension of the powers-that-be at our club.

Running a normal company along these frugal lines is often the right thing to do, but a football club is about so much more than that. Our aspirations and hopes are wrapped up in the eleven men wearing our colours when they take the field on match days. We are invested totally, and we cannot change allegiance or suddenly support another club because someone decides that financial fair play is more important than winning in top-level sport. Most Arsenal fans are of long standing, and have suffered with the club through many ups and downs over the years, but I can never remember a time when our expectations were lower. To be constantly selling our crown jewels and replacing them with cubic zirconium is soul-destroying. I'm not saying I want us to get in to massive debt that would jeopardise the club, but I do not want it run as a profit-making organisation either. The most frustrating thing is that Usmanov has been waiting in the wings to invest his millions in the club but a small-minded minority do not want him in the club because he was brought in by David Dein.

Sadly, Chelsea have proved you can win trophies with the right investment, but Man City have proved it even more as their recent history has been a lot more chequered than Chelsea's, having sunk to the third tier not so long ago. Arsène has done an amazing job keeping us in the top four while moving to a new stadium and managing to turn a profit, but there are not many of us who wouldn't have preferred him to have spent a bit more to turn our recent near-misses into trophies. This however, is never going to happen with the current regime, and the UEFA Fair Play rules will not come to their rescue, so we will have to get used to turning an unheard of player into a star so that they can go off and win trophies with other clubs.

Lastly, RvP. This will not be a popular view, but here goes. I thought Robin would be more loyal and more grateful to the club that has stuck with him through years of injury and mediocrity. Despite all of the points I have outlined above, I feel he should have stayed to lead the club out of its current rut. He says he loves the club and the fans, his wife and family are happy in London, and he's not motivated by money but he is also obviously not motivated by loyalty! Vieira, Henry and Cesc had all given several of their best years to the club before they left; Robin has given us just one. Excluding 2011-12, he has averaged 22 games and nine goals per season. As soon as he has a world-class season, it's "you don't match my ambitions, I'm off". The two recent signings have strengthened the club and seem to be a small step in the right direction, but Robin obviously wants bigger names to be added and that is never going to happen while we have our current wage structure, so I think we've seen the last of van Persie!

Unfortunately, it's a chicken and egg situation, if we keep losing our best players, other marquee players will not sign, and if marquee players won't sign, then the stars won't stay. I know we also have problems with our wage structure but that could be solved by trimming the dead wood and having a smaller but better paid squad instead. We could also take Usmanov's roubles. This, I presume, would encourage RvP to stay and other big name players to sign. Sadly, I have just read a quote from Arsène this morning that says "I will not change even if I keep losing my star players", so it looks like we're in for at least two more barren summers. Enjoy.

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  1. Ron

    Jul 16, 2012, 9:31 #24445

    Arsenal will slip away you would expect. Theyre sole purpose is to pay of that stadium debt and then the major shareholders will sell at a massive profit. AW will be there till the day it happens. The Club is no longer a major player and wont be until this sequence of events takes shape. Could be 5 years. If they can hang in at top 4 level, they will consider it great stewardship and to be honest, it would be provided the clubs so called 'ambition' is to do just that. The players who leave simply dont buy into it. They have short careers so Arsenal is now a stepping stone club for those above the average in ability. Herein lies the gulf and contradiction in fan expectation and Club expectation. The Clubs problem is that Van Persie is the last of the players now who other Clubs might covet. The well is dry so to speak! Those left over are a pretty humdrum bunch now, so Wenger needs to sharpen up his scouting network anyway if the Club are to 'succeed' in their aims.

  2. timmmyd

    Jul 15, 2012, 10:04 #24439

    Good luck RVP. Can he be sold to a club that we dont play that often please...

  3. the_drizzle

    Jul 14, 2012, 23:15 #24438

    i dont see why its such a difficult dilemma to sell RVP. the incoming transfer fee wouldnt even cover all the money we have paid him to sit around injured on the bench. most fans have been so focused on this past season that they forgot the other eight mediocre, injury-ridden years that came before. i would gladly sell him to city, only because i know the odds are the he wont finish the season (and because i would love to see balotelli relegated to robin's personal ballboy for the few weeks that he is fit).

  4. Bard

    Jul 14, 2012, 18:19 #24435

    Jason I agree with you. Why dont we play a little hardball with RVP. Leave him to rot in the reserves for a year until his contract runs out. I guarantee he wont be getting too many megabuck offers the following year. Frankly I would rather we forgo his transfer fee than see him bang in 30 goals for Citeh. It would also send out a message to other players thinking they can use the club to leverage better deals elsewhere. I know it won't happen because we know the Board love their dosh. Makes me sick to see us used as a feeder club for Barca and Citeh. I really dont understand why you would want to exchange being a legend at the club for a few million. If the offer we have made is to be believed he wont be short of a bob or two.

  5. GoonerGoal!

    Jul 14, 2012, 11:23 #24428

    @Domhuaille MacMathghamhna… And you don't think you are you being simplistic and simple-minded while the Wenger/Gazidis/Kroenke triad are playing the moronic fans like you, and enjoying every minute of it, as they take grab your money straight from your and place it in theirs? If anyone is prepared to take the bait, hook, line and sinker, surely it’s you. Fool you once, shame on them; fool you twice, shame on you: fool you seven seasons in a row, shame on… ?

  6. Shropshire Lad

    Jul 14, 2012, 3:26 #24424

    Perfect summary. Thanks Mike for telling it how it is for most long standing Arsenal fans. Van Pussey has had his tummy tickled like those that have recently gone before him for suspect reasons. Sadly the premiership scourge is actually agents - as someone said, a happy player is no good to them as they only make out like bandits on transfer deals. There is no way I admire the Spuds but Alan Sugar was vilified for his stance as Chairman of the Spuds for his views on ludicrous spending at Clubs and look where we all are now. No amount of regulation will work as has been proved over recent seasons, it's all about market forces. So the Arsenal Board acting like Canute just ain't cutting it. Of course what all of us cannot get our head around because we are fans is the recognition of the Septic just wanting a return on his business investment and nothing else. Hit him where it hurts but how when fans including me cannot turn our backs and contribute to his greasy coffer by turning up and paying up. Of course, we are seen by most other clubs as being mad for whinging when we have finished top 4 for so long but we all know that with a bit of true 'football' ambition in the last 5 years matched by some audacious but not bankrupting spending we could of had the silverware we crave.

  7. Graham Simons

    Jul 13, 2012, 17:34 #24406

    The saddest thing is that Arsenal captaincy doesn't seem to matter anymore. If we give the armband to Vermaelen it won't be the catalyst for him to sign a new contract. It should never have been used as a retention tool because since Vieira, who was Adam's vice captain let's not forget, the armband's signficance has dwindled to the status it has today. Hand it to Jack with Jenkison as vice captain - the captain should be a gooner.

  8. Tony Evans

    Jul 13, 2012, 13:57 #24396

    True Gooner - although I question your title judging you from the remarks you have made. You seem to think that fans unhappy with Wenger, Gazedis and Kronke can just go and choose another club, like picking a new supermarket to shop at. If you are really a true gooner you must know damn well that it is not an option for genuine true gooners, that have supported the team for decades, to just switch allegiance to another team. I would suggest that all the negative articles / comments on this site are from the most loyal Gooners out there but that does not mean we have to meekly support Wenger, Gazedis and Kronke. The unholy trinity that are destroying our football club.

  9. Tony Evans

    Jul 13, 2012, 8:54 #24389

    I won't comment on Dom's pathetic rant as others have told him what a pillock he is. Mike - I agree with your sentiments and can only see Arsenal slipping further and further back from where we would all like them to be. I have reconciled myself to the fact that it has to get worse before it gets better and my worst fear for this coming season is Arsenal limping home 4th as that will only serve to keep the status quo. Wenger, Gazedis and Kronke leaving ASAP is the only way (in my opinion) we may see some money spent on the right players, a proper defence and some tactics employed.

  10. Reg

    Jul 13, 2012, 8:32 #24387

    @ Nick, well said my friend absolutely spot on and Greg71 I can't agree more. The purple crap says everything about this club. Introduce a 2nd kit that is so pointless we automatically need a 3rd! cynical beyond belief and yes a little thing but the little things speak volumes about the stinking attitude of the people in charge of this club.

  11. Graham Simons

    Jul 13, 2012, 8:30 #24385

    who the hell have we ever signed that's a marquee player? I can remember Bergkamp and maybe Arshavin. No-one bar fans of Championship Manager had heard of Patrick Vieira, Overmars had been carrying an injury and Henry was a shot-shy left winger when we signed him. Also you don't support a football club - you support a business - get used to it. That's why our away shirt is purple and not yellow and blue.

  12. True Gooner

    Jul 13, 2012, 5:18 #24380

    If all you want is money spent... go and follow City or Chelsea. To continuely complain about something that you don't have to do, is the definition of stupidity. As for the statement that our best players leave to win things.... Pathetic, they leave for Money. What had Man City won before 2010? As I said before, complaining will not achieve anything. Please feel free to follow a team that will fill your ambition of spending loads - Liverpool...? that went well. Ever asked yourself why we have made a profit? because we have had some of the best talent, City aren't offering Huddlestone 200K a year and the Spuds 25 million...? But this is the modern game. the intelligence of some people needs to be questioned. To lable the point, you choose to follow Arsenal. You don't have to. try and support the team, moaning and posting negative crap day in day out really doesn't help. There are alternatives.... The same people that moan like the author are generally the same people that spout "the owners have loads of money why don't they just spend it" Such a spoilt child appraoch. spending someone else money is so easy, the same people that would never contemplate spending 300% of the money they earn every week. Why? becauee it is not substainable... again a very basic level of economics or intelligence is needed.

  13. Joe S.

    Jul 13, 2012, 1:56 #24378

    Dom. I can't wait to dance on your man Arsene Wegner's grave - metaphorically - the sooner he leaves the quicker reality will sink in and life move on. Some of the stff siupposedley coming out of his mouth at the moment is embaressing as well as down right delusional.

  14. Mandy dodd

    Jul 13, 2012, 0:31 #24373

    I do not disagree on what you imply about the board. It looks like stan will not spend a penny on the team, and yes, if that is true we could fall behind. It seems like fizman may have just gone for anyone but usmanov, and we have stan. Ok, he is not the worst in the world, as far as I know, he is not a criminal and nobody has provided evidence of a LBO or huge dividends going out of the club. But yes, at face value, his way of running us may eventually see us unable to compete. But being a US Moneyman, that is when he will sell and you will get your way. He could sell now for a huge profit, he believes he can hold out more, so does usmanov, that is why one of his attack dogs in the form of an agent has done his utmost to get our finest out of the club in recent years. Without disrupting the club and causing disharmony of course, usmanov would never do that. It seems to me , fizman sold stan a vision he liked, maybe an unrealistic vision , unless Ffp does come in. Is stan just a responsible prudent owner, a typical north american sports club owner -is he randy Lerner without randys relative penchant to invest in the club? Would he invest if he needed to to protect his investment I do not know, maybe others here do, but what I do know, in such times, be thankful we have wenger. He has been denied money due to the stadium, the worst recession for decades hitting the property prices and now it seems by an owner who will not put money in. I can only speculate, but I cannot think of many managers who could keep us where we are under such circumstances. Usmanov fans, it may get worse for you before it gets better under stan, but if stan reaches a tipping point whereby it is not worth it for him, if you are correct and he is about money, he will obviously sell, stands to reason.

  15. Greg71

    Jul 13, 2012, 0:00 #24371

    The club will not change or listen in any shape of form, the latest hideous new away kit the latest example ! Who will buy this and how is purple yes PURPLE a change kit to red for away games ? A small thing perhaps another piece of straw without doubt,how many more can we camels take (already got the hump as it is )!

  16. Denver Jon

    Jul 12, 2012, 23:45 #24370

    Let the fragile RVP go. He may have saved our Champions League ambitions by finally stepping up last season, but he is a primadonna. Jack is back this season in the midfield, and we have already signed Podolski. With RVP gone we can purchase one more front man, and still be formidable. I believe this Arsenal side can win silverware without RVP's services. Wenger must instill belief, the defense must continue to strengthen, and the new signings have to wear the badge proudly and we can still compete with the best. The idea that we won't be good w/o RVP is ludicrous!

  17. goonercolesyboy

    Jul 12, 2012, 22:32 #24366

    Will someone please rationally state what "ambition" means to them as it is lost on me....buying players, earning more money, winning football matches....what is it? And please stop this modern "to win trophies" crap statement...it is a phrase that Talk****e has developed and planted into your brains. And please will someone rationally name the team that should be playing for Arsenal this season, when the dust has settled on September 1st, that could allay RVP's fear of lack of ambition....is he Rooney in disguise?

  18. GoonerRon

    Jul 12, 2012, 21:54 #24362

    Is it me or is all this 'he will want to show his kids medals not his bank balance' just utter bollocks? I can honestly say if my Dad was a pro footballer who played in the best league in the world and at world cups etc, I can honestly say I wouldn't think any less of him if he didn't happen to have a fistful of medals to show me. One last thing, can people stop quoting that we charge the highest prices in world football without any substantiation. Its such an easy anti-Wenger, anti-board bandwagon comment to make, yet I doubt no one has actually done a comparison of prices of every club in the world.

  19. jj

    Jul 12, 2012, 21:48 #24361

    @Domhuiaille I'm sick of the pro board nonsense. Bring on the civil war because for the sake of the club we have to defeat people like you.

  20. maguiresbridge gooner

    Jul 12, 2012, 21:15 #24360

    The club have been trying to fool us for years some they have fooled some they haven't.We're sure he'll see out his contract how many times have we heard that rubbish.Your right the first suitable offer no matter what it is it will be a case of take the money.Winning trophies and medals is more important and that is why we have lost all our best players over the years and it's us fans that are suffering because they've never been replaced.Your right expectations have never been so low and not expected to rise any time soon under this current regime.I certainly see where your coming from regards robins years of injury and mediocrity and i agree but loyalty is long gone obviously he's made the best out of his great season but maybe if he'd have seen evidence of real ambition he might have stayed.

  21. John Gonner

    Jul 12, 2012, 20:08 #24356

    @Domhuaille MacMathghamhna you're belittling someone using mindless conjecture. Your opinions are no more important than those of any other fan, no matter how informed you think they are.

  22. Rob

    Jul 12, 2012, 19:34 #24353

    Kev said it in the Editorial, players these days are hired guns and loyalty goes as far as their bank account. I liked RvP's statement as it came close to the truth, in as much as he clearly thinks Arsenal won't win anything (who seriously does ??) and he wants away accordingly. Normally I don't seek to 'banter' with other posters but the suggestion in the second post that the blogger and the rest of us "have no idea how the Board operates," - really ? I think after watching us move to the Emirates and then watching the annual asset stripping summer sale that is AFC, we've all got a very good idea of the Board's priorities. Keep employing this Manager; keep the Chairman in Claret ; and keep the owner's 'Balance Sheet' healthy. All very clever I'm sure. But when I started following Arsenal away back when, the emphasis used to be on winning matches and perhaps - if we were lucky - the occasional trophy. Now it's all about revenue generation from flogging off players - dear; then buying in cheap - if at all. And peddling the 'Match Day Experience' - (rather than the match) to those who feel inclined to be hoodwinked. One of the more interesting things about this season as it unfolds will be the actual attendance figures. I predict lots of empty red seats that are rather hard to disguise as the cameras scan along the stadium lines. But perhaps that too, will all be part of the Board's grand scheme ?

  23. goonerdad

    Jul 12, 2012, 18:56 #24347

    I agree with your thoughts on RVP, nice piece. People forget how AW stuck by him with injuries, brushes with the law over potiential rape cases etc. As you say one great season on the back of many average ones and he's now trying to dictate club policy. Sad. But if we get £20m will we reinvest in a high profile player or pay off debt.

  24. Nick

    Jul 12, 2012, 18:56 #24346

    To Domhuaille, where shall i start, oh yeah worst defense of the top four clubs, not just last season but nearly every season since 2005, were not even the best attack both utd and city easily outscored us last term, a steady drain of our star players akin to the brain drain in the sixties, highest prices in "WORLD" football for a team that does not deliver either trophys or in my opinion exciting football , a manager who insists on doing things the same way even after it has been demonstrated time after time after time NOT TO WORK !!!, i dont expect to win trophys but i do expect a decent and honest effort, to TRY and win them , from the players , from the manager and from the board, whoever they are or whatever their way of doing things, we were once a club admired and feared, now we are a running joke, its not that i havnt seen worse times since ive been a supporter ,anyone thats been a gooner since the days of Billy Wright will tell you that , but ive never know the club to be so divided , or run so arrogantly , while the wealthy hierchacy bleed us dry, and this eviseration of our best players every year has to stop , or dont yop agree , do you think we should all wait for the fairy tale of FFP, and for the stadium debt to be cleared completely or till we see snow in the Sahara, personally i would like to see us restored to our rightfull place at the top table before i shuffle off this mortal coil .

  25. LJB

    Jul 12, 2012, 18:50 #24344

    Dom,your comment is typical Untold Arsenal propaganda,YOU haven't a clue.Joe Lewis is bankrolling a major Spurs push.He is giving AVB 100 mill to spend on a squad already superior to ours.He is providing 270 mill of the 450 they are spending on a new stadium,no handwringing and we've had a stadium to pay for excuses for them.He has just spent 45 mill on the best training ground in Europe.Now if you are happy to sit back and let it happen without a fight you are a disgrace of a Gooner.Soon London will have 3 60,000 stadiums,plus qpr's 45,000 stadium and West Ham in the Olympic Stadium.Your hero Arsene said in the Arsenal magazine we need 55,000 at the Emirates to break even.With the dross on show on the pitch and the extortionate prices we charge,that is not going to happen ,casual fans will drift towards other more ambitious London clubs and we will be in financial do do.If you don't respond to what your competitors are doing,you are either very arrogant or completely stupid.Now as Arsenal fans seem to be financial experts i would have thought you would have known that.Still i'm sure Arsenal will be glad of your support when they are in the Championship in 5 yrs time.

  26. Jason

    Jul 12, 2012, 18:33 #24342

    I think the general opinion about RVP having to be sold cheap is way off the mark. I don't think he holds as many aces as people think. In my opinion, Arsenal should tell RVP, and the clubs who maybe want to sign him, we will sell for, let’s say £30 million, otherwise he stays where his is. If no one pays up, then there are various scenarios that could happen. 1. RVP signs a new contract. 2. RVP stays for one more season, does his absolute best, gets us in the champion’s league, maybe win a cup, and then leaves. If he leaves after that, then so be it. It would have been worth it. He also may then decide to sign a new contract. 3. RVP stays and sulks his way through the season, and spends most of it out of the team. It’s this scenario that is the most interesting. RVP will be 29/30 next season. Not 24/25. Would after spending a season out of the limelight and being towards the end of his career would he get a 3 or 4 year deal of £200k plus that he so desires. I very much doubt it. I think RVP would be very wise not to go down that route. It is for those reasons why Arsenal has a bit more power than suggested. Yes, the probable outcome is that he will leave, but it should be on our terms and not his!!!

  27. Simeon Bright Wakamphinda

    Jul 12, 2012, 18:24 #24340

    To the board of trustees,when shall the cries of Arsenal fans meet the cocktale?Enough is enough,let what Rvp wants b fulfiled!You had had enough time to dscuss wth de legend & now wht remains?Lets 4get about him & focus ahead.

  28. peter wain

    Jul 12, 2012, 18:19 #24339

    you cannot blame rvp for having to move so that he can compete to win things. The fault lies with owner, board and manager whose only interest is making sure that the club makes a profit at all costs and damn the football.

  29. Domhuaille MacMathghamhna

    Jul 12, 2012, 18:14 #24338

    Very poor post Mr.Appelton......just an AAA,anti-Board rant that rehashes and regurgitates all the excrement floating on the net about so-called facts regarding AFC. You didn't do much in preparing to write this crap! You are totally wrong about almost everything, and you have no idea how the Board operates, what Usmanov's real plans for AFC arebut you being simplistic and simple-minded, took his bait hook,line and sinker. RVP is in a cabal of Dein,himself and Usmanov. They are playing the moronic fans like you and enjoying every minute of it. Meanwhile Wenger has to deal with the fallout caused by such gamesmanship and subterfuge in the Gunners camp. Fortunately, unlike you lot, he has class and great skill in dealing with BS.

  30. Barriecuda

    Jul 12, 2012, 18:01 #24337

    There's not a lot differentiating RVP and Nasri's actions; but people seem to want to give RVP a break, because there's a soft spot for him. I realize he's a class talent, but I don't think he deserves so much sympathy... as the article rightly said, how much did we stick with him during HIS down time? He could return the favour if he supposedly is set in London and is secure financially. He says we're not ambitious enough even after we bought Giroud and Podolski very early in the transfer window; that to me just sounds like a clever excuse to justify what is really a move about money.