The board are treating the fans like fools

Arsenal in 2012 are creating disillusioned supporters

The board are treating the fans like fools

Is it Arsenal PLC or Arsenal FC?

My family have supported Arsenal since the 1920s and beyond, and as supporters we have of course seen some great times along with the lulls. This seven-year period is no different, and most of us have solace in having seen great football and great times at one point or another in our lives.

The difference now is that the board are treating fans like fools, and this is becoming more and more apparent with the recent events - placate the fools and look at our dividends. The fools or fans are the lifeblood of any club and this board seem to be missing this basic fundamental here. There is only so long before people like me become disillusioned at constantly being told that, as a “business”, Arsenal are a blinding success. It is a fantastic state of affairs if you are one of the miniscule numbers of people who will benefit from a shareholding, but I am increasingly feeling that my nose is being rubbed in it.

If you own a business, do you tell your employees to gather round and look at the Rolls Royce that their endeavours have brought you? Do you flaunt the money that you have earned instead of praising the workforce and giving something back? No, nobody would, but this is what Arsenal are doing to us.

It's odd to say, but football is not about winning; it’s about competing. Then the odd success, as in the past, makes all of the support worthwhile. If football was only about winning, then there would be no Spurs fans! If you see the money the fans pay into the club being spent on competing, then we are happy; if you see the money being spent on the potential to compete, we are happy for a while. If you see the money being spent on placating the fools and huge dividends for the owners, then guess what’s going to happen?

The board are missing one huge point here - that being a supporter is about seeing your heroes not seeing your heroes leave for a profit. Our recent heroes have all been players that have been nurtured by Arsène and that’s great, but here’s another point. I for one miss the excitement of an off-the-shelf hero who wants to come to us not, one who wants to come to us to learn his trade and then go on to win with our rivals.

Every year since Bergkamp, I have held my breath at the thought of us getting a new hero and, every year, I am disappointed. Now, every decent prospect that we are associated with blanks us for our rivals, the latest being Eden Hazard who, I believe, wanted to come to us originally. I am for the first time in my life getting tired of it and I am not the only one.

The reason we pay to come is for our love of football and our love of Arsenal football club. The board are sadly mistaken if they think we pay to see a well-run “business” and them line their pockets. So a final word to the board - if you sponsored a friend and helped furnish him with a handsome yearly income, paid for his cars, houses and lifestyle, saw him live a life of luxury that you will never achieve in a lifetime, yet he turns his back on you in times of need, how long would you suffer it?

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  1. Brigham

    Jul 20, 2012, 22:21 #24695

    Great post indeed and there will never be life after Bergkamp in my honest opinion. We are a sellign club, a feeder club for City and a club with no direction, but I still love The Arsenal and always will.

  2. I Like Songs

    Jul 19, 2012, 22:07 #24651

    Quite interesting. I do not know exactly what to say, but at least I want to thank you :)

  3. AugustusCaesar

    Jul 19, 2012, 15:27 #24641

    "I agree with you. Arsenal has become a football club that has moved from being the one of the top two in England to a team who celeberates 3rd or 4th place. Simply mediocre." I love quotes like this. Ignoring the 'mediocre' contradiction are we not historically the third best/ biggest club in England in any case? Did we not move to being the 'one or top two in England'(in the last 15 years) because of Wenger?

  4. Aristotle(not Onassis)

    Jul 19, 2012, 8:41 #24617

    '' I've come back for a little while, to see how men read their present events. I'm certainly perplexed at some perceptions concerning the game they call football. I thought it apt that following my fellow philosophers very recent interjections I should also like to impart my wisdom. The man they call Alex will again fiercely dispute the prize known as the EPL. How do I know this. He was my student-Alexander the great. All others are mere mortals. Their avaricious earthly interests garner no glory, and they feign courage in the face of adversity. Better to die a worthy death, than live a worthless existence. Those are my words. Be gone I implore upon you upon the pain of my wrath! ''

  5. GoonerGoal!

    Jul 18, 2012, 22:40 #24615

    @GoonerRon... Come on, give me a break! Why not turn your attention on the latest "Sound of Silence" article? It seems 99% of posters don't agree with you there, even Mandy Dodd seems like she may be ready for turning! Your almost evangalist zeal on behalf of the Wenger/Gazidis/Kroenke junta would be much better placed there, don't you think?

  6. Socrates(not the late great Brazil captain)

    Jul 18, 2012, 22:08 #24614

    I'm just a gadfly, buzzing away at where I can be at my most annoying. The only thing I know is that I know nothing. As for Plato he was my student, and one of the greatest men who ever lived.

  7. GoonerRon

    Jul 18, 2012, 21:37 #24612

    @ GoonerGoal - 'So you want to continue posting replies to my comments?' Yes. As for your insightful quote, I'm not ashamed to say I don't even know who he is (unless it's the British Touring Car Racing driver, which I doubt). I've not word counted but I'm fairly sure your postings are similar in length to mine, so you clearly like the sound of your own voice too.

  8. GoonerGoal!

    Jul 18, 2012, 20:33 #24609

    @GoonerRon... So you want to continue posting replies to my comments? Absolutely, that is your right. Last time, I ended by suggesting that nobody admires the sound of their own voices more than people like you. Perhaps I should have quoted Plato... “As empty vessels make the loudest sound, so they that have the least wit are the greatest babblers”

  9. Keeganesque diatribe

    Jul 18, 2012, 18:05 #24608

    '' I'll tell ya soomit.., i'll loov it, just loov it if we finish 6th, 7th, 8th...! Viva la revolutzione benne benne!

  10. GoonerRon

    Jul 18, 2012, 15:27 #24598

    @GoonerGoal - I highlight two cup finals (that you didn't) in the context of a discussion about us competing and you call it nit-picking? I'd call it me filling in your apparent lack of knowledge or at the very least you trying to massage an argument to prove your point. You call the board / ownership an 'Evil Empire' - do you really expect to be taken seriously, or are you really just 9 years old? I also didn't say losing finals is a measurement of success, but was a measurement of us competing. In terms of what success is to me, I'm not even sure what it looks like anymore to be honest. Is finishing behind a club who has spent half a billion on players in the last 5 years and more than their entire turnover on wages, failure? I'm not sure it is, especially when overlaid with us building our own stadium in the same period. In terms of my comments on our supposed 'feeder club' status, you call it 'prattle', I (and I’m sure many others) call it reasoned debate. I will belittle TalkSport if I so choose, that is my view. I listen to Adrian Durham as it happens, and he is a wind up merchant who uses 'the daily Arsenal' as a way to rub fans like you up the wrong way to ring in and spout about how bad things are at the club. Ask yourself this, on a daily segment of a radio show about our club are you telling me there is NEVER something positive so talk about? So why does he always highlight emotive/inflammatory issues if he isn't jsut trying to stir up a reaction? I have never intentionally belittled the views of the people on here, I may not agree with them but I firmly believe we all have the best interests of the club at heart, but clearly disagree in how that is achieved. Re: the winning streak comment, you call it 'babbling.' Much like my 'prattle' about the feeder club comments I just think you have nothing to come back with. By the way, I'm not on here to find popular support for my comments - they are just my comments and that's it - whether it be the concensus or otherwise.

  11. GoonerGoal!

    Jul 18, 2012, 15:07 #24596

    @goonercolesyboy. I wasn't seeking to defend TalkSport. I only offered it up as a suggestion as a place where laughter at the current Arsenal's expense might be heard, when GoonerRon asked “Really, who is laughing at us?” It may not be unexpected laughter from some of the presenters or fans of other clubs, but from the tone of your comment I take it you have heard it there too….

  12. goonercolesyboy

    Jul 18, 2012, 14:02 #24594

    GoonerGoal...Talksport is littered with Spurs supporters or ex players masquerading as presenters so their opinions are for the most part tongue in cheek and so anti Arsenal it isn't funny...the main couple of Arsenal players that appear for their opinions are Stuart Robson, who obviously doesn't like Wenger and Romford Ray Parlour who is at least sometimes rational....

  13. GoonerGoal!

    Jul 18, 2012, 13:24 #24593

    @GoonerRon... WOW! You really have taken nit-picking to the extreme, but why am I not surprised by that? In the face of the increasing pressure from the vast majority of fans who have just had enough, it seems apologists for the present regime will necessarily grasp at any straw in order to give their defence of the Evil Empire some form of validity! So just for fun and on this occasion only, maybe I should follow your example and nit-pick through your latest proclamation, item by item and sentence by sentence… OK I’ll give you the 2006/07 League Cup Final that we lost, a competition by the way that Wenger has pretty much treated without respect, but if a losing final in what he considers a third-rate competition is your measurement of success, so be it. So seven seasons without a trophy it has been, but that’s ok with you. You prefer to concentrate on my omission of our losing appearance in the “European Cup Final” (sic) in the first of those seven seasons, which while it might prove that in 2005/2006 we were at least competitive at the very highest level, it only makes your grasping at two losing appearances in League Cup Finals as proof of our continued “competitiveness”, more laughable. I won’t bother reiterating my case about our newly found status as a “feeder” club to the high and the mighty of European football. I, and I’m sure many others, find your prattle on the subject almost child-like, to the point of becoming mind-numbing. We have been turned into a FEEDER CLUB by those you love and admire so much. Deny it all you like, but you cannot deny the truth! So you don’t think TalkSport is a reasonable barometer for measuring fans views on all thing football? Is it just that you are a BBC Radio5 Live fan or what? Truth is I don’t seek to”judge all things Arsenal “but if you do, you really should make the effort to take it in from all sources and not just official Arsenal publications and the website. You can belittle TalkSport all you like as valid way of measuring the mood of Arsenal fans and the opinions of others about our club, but you cannot belittle the views of the people who write articles and pass comments on sites such as this. In case you hadn’t noticed, your views are not the views of the vast majority, and it’s a majority that’s swells with each passing season under the yoke of the Wenger/Gazidis/Kroenke triumvirate. Like the issue about our feeder club status, I find your continued bloviating on the subject of the relative importance of finances, infrastructure, history, fan base, and preparedness for FFP, equally boring. The paths trodden by Leeds, Portsmouth or Rangers have never had any relevance to Arsenal FC and never will. It is obvious Arsenal has to be run properly, just as it was pre-Wenger and just as it will be post-Wenger, and by the way I never said football is ONLY about the glory, what I said was… ” The game should FIRSTLY be about emotion, ambition, success, and glory, not the bottom line!” The subject of whether or not there will be a repeat this season of “a sudden ten match winning streak, while those around us struggle…” is just another example of you babbling, and therefore requires no further discussion. Finally, I have absolute certainty that you will continue to extol any virtues you want, irrespective of whether I, or anyone else, thinks they are 'crackpot'. After all, nobody admires the sound of their own voice more…

  14. Angry & frustrated

    Jul 18, 2012, 10:09 #24582

    GoonerGoal! Delighted you used that pun! Vive La Revolution!

  15. GoonerRon

    Jul 18, 2012, 10:06 #24581

    @ GoonerGoal. 'One solitary losing League Cup Final appearance in six seasons.' Just to jog your memory we had another cup final in 2007. Funny how every post about our 'trophy drought' mentions 7 years, yet you decide to only reference the last 6 which conveniently omits the only European Cup final in our history and more evidence of us competing. 'When you take good players, turn them into your best players, and then they leave you to go to your main domestic and European rivals, that makes you a feeder club, don’t you think?' It's a matter of degree. Firstly, I give the manager credit for turning good players into great players, secondly and as I mentioned previously, not all of the sales to competitors have been forced by the player, or were to the detriment of the our team (i.e. we won more games and finished higher in the league last season without Nasri and Clichy). I don't see how, in some situations, the board can stop a player forcing a move. For example, Nasri agitated for a move by citing the want to win trophies. Do you really think if we had beat Birmingham in the CC that year (thereby satisfying his lust for a trophy) that Nasri still wouldn't have gone to Citeh for £180K per week? 'If you don’t believe people are laughing at us, try spending just one day listening to TalkSport. The presenters are at it too!' What, so one radio station who's sole purpose is to generate calls to make money is now the voice of all people on Arsenal? If that is the barometer by which you judge all things Arsenal then I think you've revealed something about yourself there. 'Trying to place finances, infrastructure, history, fan base, and preparedness for FFP as somehow being a measure of success equally as important as being winners on the pitch, you may have revealed more about yourself than perhaps you meant.' I'm pretty sure I didn't say they were the only measures of success, perhaps I should have said the list wasn't exhaustive. However, to say football is ONLY about the glory (from a chairman/owner point of view) is so short sighted it's untrue. Try asking the staff who worked for Leeds, Portsmouth or Rangers who have all been made redundant or not paid, or perhaps the thousands of local creditors who got less than 10p per £1 paid due to mismanagement of the club. You may not think it, but football clubs have a huge responsibility to be run well. 'The game should firstly be about emotion, ambition, success, and glory, not the bottom line!' I agree, to an extent, but success/glory etc shouldn't be sought with no regard whatsoever for the financial stability and longevity of the club (a la Citeh, Chelsea, PSG). 'People who think like you rule the roost at Arsenal at present, but fortunately that will change with time. The only question is, how much time?' Clearly, I'm prepared to play a longer waiting game than some. 'I’m not stupid enough to believe that a sudden ten match winning streak, while those around us struggled, will be repeated this season.' Why won't a ten game winning streak happen this season? It's funny how you just brush that off as it happens to every club all of the time. Why won't other teams struggle? You, me or anyone can't predict it either way. 'If you are correct then as you say you will be fine, but if I’m right, you might want to consider refraining from trying to expound your crackpot theories on how success in football should really be measured in the 21st century within the hearing of those who are ANGRY and FRUSTRATED!' With respect, I'll continue to extol any virtues I want, irrespective of whether you think they are 'crackpot' or otherwise (especially if you use Talksport as your sounding board for our issues about our club).

  16. Benny

    Jul 18, 2012, 6:50 #24574

    This is totally spot on! Brilliant stuff. Now get this on Silent Stans desk ASAP!

  17. Christian

    Jul 18, 2012, 6:31 #24573

    WOW! Well put Sir! I have been reading a lot about these sorts of things lately, and everything said MUST be applauded. However, I have to say, that the sad thing about all these intelligent, insightful and well presented - for lack of a better phrase - words of wisdom, is the unfortunate realization that the Arsenal board and players (RVP) will not get to read them outside of their very well insulated bubbles. It's all well and good putting our thoughts, opinions and revelations in print, but our board members, players, coaches and manager are wrapped SO TIGHTLY in bubble-wrap that our opinions constantly fall on deaf ears or, in the rare occasion they are heard, get dismissed with the kind of attitude given to a preschooler who asks "where do babies come from?". I'm tired of it. You're tired of it. Hell, I'll bet even non-Gooners are tired of it. It's insulting. It's unconstructive (not sure if that's a word but I'm going with it...). And it's embarrassing. Really, REALLY embarrassing!!! How do you stand by a club - sorry, club board - that's so blatantly arrogant towards it's supporters??? If, in the million-to-one chance that this may be the printed word that gets back to the board, then I leave them with this: Actions speak louder that words. You ask that your players stop talking about this, that and the other, and act on the pitch; You ask that supporters stop talking about how crappy the club is run, get behind us and show support and act in the ground; We ask that YOU stop talking about how "we will do what we've always done and strive for trophies" and start ACTING. Period. Mutha****as!!!

  18. Dandy Mods and off your rockers

    Jul 18, 2012, 0:41 #24571

    Here here to the retort. I'm with GoonerGoal. Sorry boys. Mandy will back you undoubtedly. Perhaps, rather than telling others to find another club to follow, because they're not compliant, you should. Viva la revolucion!

  19. GoonerGoal!

    Jul 17, 2012, 19:17 #24564

    @GoonerRon. Obviously you’re right, and I’m wrong. One solitary losing League Cup Final appearance in six seasons, against a team destined for relegation I might add, is definitely signs of a team that competes at the business end of every season. The whole of the Premier League must be shaking in their boots at the thought of having to take on this season’s version of Wenger’s mighty Arsenal team, especially if we are able to repeat our competitive form of those past six seasons. No hang on; surely THAT’S just bollocks, isn't it? As for being a feeder club, when you take good players, turn them into your best players, and then they leave you to go to your main domestic and European rivals, that makes you a feeder club, don’t you think? Perhaps, when Wenger, Gazidis, and Kroenke allow Szczęsny, Wilshire, Vermaelen and/or Koscielny to join clubs like City or Barcelona in the next couple of years, you’ll finally get it. By the way, if you don’t believe people are laughing at us, try spending just one day listening to the UK’s only dedicated 24-hour sports radio station, TalkSport. Believe me, it’s not just the fans of other clubs calling in to laugh at us, the presenters are at it too! Have you not heard “The Daily Arsenal”? On the matter of take “a straw poll of PL Chairman/owners”, well DUH! Obviously if you take a straw poll of those below UEFA League places, of course they would trade places with us, but by trying to place finances, infrastructure, history, fan base, and preparedness for FFP as somehow being a measure of success equally as important as being winners on the pitch, you may have revealed more about yourself than perhaps you meant. There are no points to be won, no Leagues to top, no Cups to be raised, and no history to be made by such matters. The game should firstly be about emotion, ambition, success, and glory, not the bottom line! People who think like you rule the roost at Arsenal at present, but fortunately that will change with time. The only question is, how much time? It can’t come soon enough for me. I do fully expect us to struggle to maintain even a UEFA League place this season, and no I haven’t been saying that for the last seven years, just the last two, but then unlike some I’m not stupid enough to believe that a sudden ten match winning streak, while those around us struggled, will be repeated this season. Just a final thought. If you are correct then as you say you will be fine, but if I’m right, you might want to consider refraining from trying to expound your crackpot theories on how success in football should really be measured in the 21st century within the hearing of those who are ANGRY and FRUSTRATED! (Pun totally intended) VIVE LA REVOLUTION!

  20. goonercolesyboy

    Jul 17, 2012, 18:32 #24561

    Sensible comments goonerRon...I await GoonerGoal's retort with interest

  21. GoonerRon

    Jul 17, 2012, 17:05 #24556

    @ GoonerGoal! I'll take a few of your comments and respond in turn: 'Who ever mentioned fans uprising?' Lots of people on here have talked about protests and demonstrations, that's what I was referring to. 'The single revolutionary act of not taking money from ones pocket and handing it over.' That is everyone's perogative, some will, a lot won't. 'Arsenal have remained singularly non-competitive at the business end of every season.' Well that's just bollocks isn't it? 3 cup finals isn't winning, granted, but it is being competitive. 'Have simply become a feeder club to the big boys' - This whole 'feeder club' thing is just a fad picked up and carried by the media. Vieira and Henry both left after long service and were past their best, Cesc had long service and was always going to want to go to Barca at a time when became the best team ever, Toure was shipped to Man City for silly money after having a poor 18 months, Adebayor went for silly money and ended up costing Citeh over £50m in total at over £2m per goal, Clichy was stale and needed to move, Nasri was clearly chasing mega money dressed up as a noble mission to win trophies (would he have gone to Citeh for less money?) Clearly, some players have left when we wanted them to stay, but this happens at some clubs (not at all clubs though, as not all clubs buy and/or create top players that teams want to buy) but it's understandable with the money being thrown around. 'Becoming a club for everybody to laugh at!' Really, who is laughing at us? I tell you what, if you did a straw poll of PL Chairman / owners and asked them, based on finances, infrastructure, playing squad, manager, history, fan base, preparedness for FFP) which club they would trade places with, all bar probably Man U would swap with us. 'While those around us grow even stronger through investment.' Last time I checked, houses built on sand were the antithesis of strong. 'If as I expect we struggle to achieve even a UEFA League place.' I bet you've been saying that for the last 7 years. 'Just remember, keep your head down when the fur starts flying!' I think I'll be fine.

  22. Stevesam

    Jul 17, 2012, 16:46 #24554

    GoonerRon - Why buy a footbal club if you are not going to put any investment into the team ? If I had a choice between the Abramovic style of ownership or the Silent Stan model, then I would choose Abramovic. He is a supporter and ambitious, a winner and wants only the best for his Club. Abramovic shall leave a legacy and there would be no shortage of buyers for Chavski if he died tomorrow. You only have to look around London and the Home Counties to see how many young kids are wearing Chavski shirts, they are the future. Silent Stan is killing our Club.

  23. SilverGooner

    Jul 17, 2012, 15:56 #24549

    So long as Arsenal fans keep spending their hard earned cash with the club, the longer the greedy board will continue to extract every penny from them. It is not rocket science. Remember Arsenal are first and foremost a business. The only reason they will be selling category C games cheaper this season is because they can see that unless they do something there will be many empty seats at those games. Needless to say, fans are now getting well and truly stung for the category A games. But not me because I refuse to pay the extortionate prices so I shall watch the games on Sky instead. It might be different if we had a team of world class players….but we don’t! And I for one are no longer prepared to be ripped off and taken advantage of just because I support Arsenal. Kronke, Gazidis and Wenger might well be a good business team but I can’t see us winning a football trophy while they are all running the show.

  24. GoonerGoal!

    Jul 17, 2012, 13:59 #24542

    @GoonerRon Who ever mentioned fans uprising? When I talk revolution in terms of the Wenger/Gazidis/Kroenke triad, I’m talking about the single revolutionary act of not taking money from ones pocket and handing it over to that despicable trinity to perpetuate a system that has stunk the place out for the past seven seasons. During which time, despite your protestations, Arsenal have remained singularly non-competitive at the business end of every season, and have simply become a feeder club to the big boys, in addition to becoming a club for everybody to laugh at! If the desire to change that is unreasonable to you, then you must really be looking forward to your own particular “groundhog” season watching a yet again weakened Wenger team struggle to stand still, while those around us grow even stronger through investment. Who knows maybe even you will want to see some form of revolution, if as I expect we struggle to achieve even a UEFA League place. Just remember, keep your head down when the fur starts flying!

  25. Mandy Dodd

    Jul 17, 2012, 13:38 #24540

    Goonergoal - Kronke may not be a fantasy investor pumping untold millions into the club, but surely a bit strong -mentions of good and evil, especially when the person who would replace him should he depart would most likely be Usmanov

  26. JER

    Jul 17, 2012, 13:07 #24538

    Eden Hazard wanted to go to whoever won the Champions League.

  27. GoonerRon

    Jul 17, 2012, 13:03 #24536

    All this talk of 'revolution', the fans uprising, get the board out etc just seems so ridiculous to me. Everyone is harping on about how the board don't invest their own money into the club - in case you weren't aware this isn't a prerequisite of owning a football club, or any other business for that matter. I know it's difficult to not want them to do that when you see Citeh and Chelsea spending vast sums with immediate results, but we all know deep down it isn't truly sustainable. I'd dread to think what would happen if Abramovich or Sheikh Mansour were to drop dead or their oil dried up because the very existence of the clubs would surely be in jeopardy? I don't for a minute think everything is done correctly at Arsenal, but what I know for certain is that we have remained competitive at a time when we've invested £400m in a stadium (which none of our competitors have) AND at a time when our closest rivals have spent billions more than us on players and wages. For my money, that should be applauded and not admonished.

  28. billthered

    Jul 17, 2012, 7:34 #24522

    As I have said in the past we have a group of people called red action who I have renamed inaction.What should be done is a petition done over several games at the start of the season to let the board know that this is the last season that we will stand for our clubs inefficiancy to compete at the top level,which was we were told why we moved from Highbury.I am reluctant to give my season ticket up because I love the club like thousands of others but ultimatums should be given so come on red inaction members and take the in out of your name.

  29. GoonerGoal!

    Jul 17, 2012, 0:45 #24518

    All of you agreeing with the sentiment of this article are right, but what are YOU prepared to do about it? “All that is necessary for the triumph of evil is that good men do nothing”. The dreaded Kroenke is interested in only one thing, MONEY! All he's doing is waiting for the right time to offer his shares to Usmanov in order to earn the kind of profits on his shares not seen since the height of the “loadsamoney” days in the City. The right time for Kroenke will be just as the club profits and share price start to peak. The sooner that happens the better as far, as I am concerned and YOU can help make it happen sooner, rather than later. But the question is, are you prepared to sacrifice a little of yourselves to reclaim the status of Arsenal FC, and allow the club to once again feed at football’s top table? “When bad men combine, the good must associate…”. If enough of us just stop giving the Arsenal our money, that's all it will take to start the ball rolling…. VIVE LA REVOLUTION!

  30. Mandy Dodd

    Jul 16, 2012, 23:43 #24515

    Gooner Ron, hope,this does not ruin your credibility on here, but completely agree with you on Eden Hazard. Talented but a serious attitude problem, the last thing we need especially at a 70 - 80 million gamble.

  31. Harold

    Jul 16, 2012, 23:24 #24514

    Ramgun- Spot on mate, summed it up perfectly. Problem is, so many fans WANT to believe it's the boards fault whether they've got anything to back it up or not, as they can't understand how the same man who achieved such great things for the club in the past has lost it so badly in the last 6 years. Everyone knows that if Kroenke or Gazidis told Wenger to do anything that was against his precious principles he would walk away, but of course he doesn't, he just stays and stands there kicking water bottles after every embarrassing capitulation with his arms outstretched blaming the pitch, the referee, stoke city and petrodollars (copyright Mandy Dodd). Don't know what makes more depressing reading, some 'loyal fan's' comments on here or that Chamakh is on €3m a year.

  32. Gare Kekeke

    Jul 16, 2012, 21:22 #24513

    Excellent article. Not sure whether the current board members who used to own shares (e.g. Hill-Wood) do line their pockets to this day as they sold their shares to Kronke and the shares of the club are owned by the DDT, Usmanov & the group of fans that own up to 10%. I could be wrong but no current board member would pick up any financial dividends there. Far too often, the board sees us fans as customers and that our love for The Arsenal will see us dip into our pockets and buy anything the club sells like all the kits launched every year especially all those awful blue kits and don’t see us as fans who love the club just as much as them but I personally think we love the club more than them. Even the most staunch so-called AKB has more love for The Arsenal than Mr Self Sustainable (or MSS as coined by Fozzy’s Mate) aka Gazidis, the DDT & Wenger. If they loved The Arsenal more than me, Wenger would have learned from his past errors instead of repeating them every year since 2006, Kronke would have put more pressure on Wenger instead of giving OGL a free reign to do whatever he wanted and MSS would not pin his hopes on FFP saving The Arsenal and trying to make out that he & Wenger are football’s saviours if that’s what they are intending, but hey I could be wrong on that. If it’s true that Red members are being offered season tickets then it’s high time the board realised that many fans are disillusioned. But if they remain blind to this and just look at the sales figures of tickets, merchandise etc....then they could be in for a rude awakening. Up The Arsenal!


    Jul 16, 2012, 19:50 #24511

    100% agree with this posting. I have supported the Gunners since 1961 and have endured the highs and lows like everyone else. However losing your star players every summer is really depressing as has happened over the last few seasons. The board are happy to let this happen as they did at the end of the seventies allowing Stapleton and Chippy Brady to leave. They left because of the lack of ambition and investment. The seventies board only changed when a true supporter came on board in the shape of David Dein. It was he who had the ambition to push the club forward and getting George Graham in. It was David Dein who brought in the likes of Bergkamp, he was the one who pushed and prodded Wenger into buying players. The present board do not have a football brain between them and so let Wenger have a free hand. I for one do not get excited by the start of the season any more and I know many Gooners feel the same. As supporters of a supposedly top five club we should be expecting progress and ambition to succeed. In reply to Tick Tock, it was Wenger who said he would be happy with second place for the next twenty years!!! Can you imagine 'old red nose' in Manchester saying the same thing! I think the time is coming for the true long suffering supporters to make their feelings known to this board and regime, because if we carry on like this we will lose a whole generation of supporters. Arsenal is OUR club not Kroenke's, not Hill Wood's, not Wenger's. They are only temporary custodians passing through. We are in it for the long term.....FOR LIFE !

  34. jjetplane

    Jul 16, 2012, 19:18 #24510

    The post of all posts. So correct about Denis as hero. Who would be now?

  35. Peter Wain

    Jul 16, 2012, 19:01 #24509

    I agree, but the board have been treating the fans as idiots for years. When we had the bond issue at Highbury the Chairman insulted the people who bought them. All of the shareholders have sold out the history and heritage of the club for silver. They do not care about the club at all It is just a myth which they regurgitate peoridically claming their love of the club. If they loved Arsenal so much why sell to someone who does invest in the first team squad and why employ a snake oil salesman to do their dirty work. If they love Arsenal why exclude a 30% shareholder who is prepared to invest in new players. Why do we always sell our best players.Because our best players know they cannot win anything at Arsenal anymore. Last season we conceded 49 goals I believe. What single action has been taken to stop that happening again. One thing which has not changed at all is the personnel. So how will we concede less. We have had a weakness in the centre of our defense against the high ball for 5 or 6 years and only last year did we buy a tall centre half. However we are still weak in this area. Last year the centre of our midfield did not protect the defense against runners from mid field. Again nothing has been done to solve this problem. Up front we are selling our best striker and have replaced him with a French striker. So another Chamack? Certainly not another RVP. Why have we not sold the ten players who are so bad that we cannot play them in the first team and which no other club will take. Denilson, Vela, Squllaci, Arshavin, Bendtner, Diaby, Djourou,Fapianski, Mannone and Park are all not good enough to be a part of the first team squad but year on year we keep them. It amazes me they never seem to get to their last year of their contract and will not sign another. I say cancel their contracts if they cannot be sold in this transfer window and bite the bullett. We need a lot of new players which we all know we will not get and like last year and the year before that the limit of our ambition will be fourth place. How long before the limit of our ambition is to retain our premier league status. The owner, board, all the management team particularly Gazidis should be go and we should have a new manager who is prepared to act decisively in the transfer market.

  36. Seven Kings Gooner

    Jul 16, 2012, 18:23 #24508

    Very good article but I am afraid what Mark has written was my position a few years ago. I have moved on and now watch lower league football, where an honesty exists in the relationships between the club and the fans, I feel like I am important to the club and they seem to appreciate me turning up at their ground.

  37. Loyal Gooner Bmth Branch

    Jul 16, 2012, 18:14 #24507

    spot on post. Were being sold up the river by the yank and his cronies. Nothing wrong with Wenger yeah he has his faults but don't we all he's trying to do his job but with one hand tied behind his back. professional sport means competing not settling for 2nd best. He loves the club and could have departed for Real but didn't. Kroenke and his puppet Gazidis are quite happy to let him take the flack whilst the tills continue to clock up. As for Hill Wood he's a senial old eton fart who is completly out of touch with reality and as for the other freeloaders well enough said. I never wanted the Yank anyway or sole ownership but would take the Russian anytime that's why Dein wanted him on board as he knew we would need investment due to the stadium, why to compete. SACK THE BOARD BUT WE CAN'T BUT WE CAN FORCE THEM TO F*** O**. Disgruntled Gooner I've supported THE ARSENAL for 30 plus years as like many others. Sold its soul for 30 pieces of Silver ????? Grrrrrr

  38. Stevesam

    Jul 16, 2012, 17:10 #24506

    Whilst we may accept that Arsenal have never paid dividends I would suggest you check the yearly accounts for emoluments paid to Directors. I understood that Danny Fitzman is the only Director who did not take these emoluments. Then you have to consider perks and expenses, free seats and access to the Directors box, free meals home and away prior to games, free parking and transport, free Hotels, free foreign travel, free drinks in the Directors suite before and after games. To put it simply - sustainable business means you pay for nothing and the Club foots all your bills. Nice work if you can get it! Sod the dividend ! Why invest your own money in the team - it's not the Arsenal way.

  39. Alishier

    Jul 16, 2012, 17:00 #24504

    Until the man who pocketed 5.5 million off a man he did not think right and proper,is kindly told to bugger off the arsenal fans will continue to be seen as no more than those silly stupid chaps. Quite how this buffoon has got away with cocking up the last thing he had to get right so incredibly WRONG! is beyond belief. Yes! I am talking about building a stadium too bloody sizes too small. The idiot HILLWOOD either never bothered to realize that we have a massive fan base or more to the point just did not sodding careless.I plead to all the fans to finally kick this old buffer into touch.Until then We will never go properly forward.

  40. goonercolesyboy

    Jul 16, 2012, 16:36 #24503

    My question to those of you who have given up their ticket or refuse to spend their money at the club is....How long will it take to have an effect on the way this club is now run? Even if as I read that season tickets are being supposedly offered to red members, it will take too long, say 5 years(guess) and by that time the bird will have flown but also many more teams will cease to exist....or will it? Is the myth of FFFP going to kick in? Maybe the board know something that we don't? All conjecture. So until that time comes, a new season is almost upon us and we have as much chance at the moment of winning something as any other team has and to the poster who stated that we aren't close to winning the CL please remember if Henry had scored aginst Barcelona in the final we would have been 2 up...fine margins my friends.

  41. maguiresbridge gooner

    Jul 16, 2012, 16:36 #24502

    It's not only becoming apparent Mark it's been apparent for quite a few seasons now some have realised it some haven't a lot of fans have become disillusioned ages ago.Unfortunately with arsenal over the last seven or eight years it's always been about potential not proven quality and then when or if that potential is realised let it be after one two or three seasons we go into feeder club mode and they're off for whatever reason but one things for sure there's always a healthy profit.I wouldn't hold my breath for any heroes because any that do emerge this season or next will quite likely follow the path of the rest.

  42. NBN

    Jul 16, 2012, 16:23 #24500

    Nail on the head

  43. Unbeaten 03/04

    Jul 16, 2012, 15:25 #24498

    The board are old and trying to make as much money before they go!! They've already sold their sould to Kronke who run Arsenal like a soulless business just like in America where all they want is our money!!! Great Article by the way this site is more interesting than the Arsenal FC site!!!

  44. Nick

    Jul 16, 2012, 15:06 #24495

    All I need to say is spot on! You've concisely expressed what I feel a large portion of the AFC fanbase are feeling. I honestly think 2 more years of this will put me off completely.

  45. Ramgun

    Jul 16, 2012, 14:33 #24493

    I have lost count of the number of times I have come onto this site to remind people that the Board at Arsenal are powerless and irrelevant. They have no shares and are simply window-dressing. They get nice seats and free drinks. Kroenke owns the club and Wenger runs it. Nobody else has any power at all. I don't know whether to laugh or cry when I read contributions like Donald Habergahm's suggesting that poor little Arsene is put upon and the way the club is run has nothing to do with some people's untouchable hero. Wenger decides everything. Kroenke worships Wenger who does, and will keep on doing, exactly what he wants to do. I see no hope.

  46. Bard

    Jul 16, 2012, 13:45 #24487

    Great post. My sentiments exactly. The crtical question is when will the tipping point arrive. My guess is we are not too far away from it. Its hard to believe that Wenger cant/ won't see it.

  47. Tony Evans

    Jul 16, 2012, 13:41 #24486

    Good article but I agree with 'Angry & Frustrated' the only way to stop them treating us as fools is to stop going. They are relying on a fans loyalty knowing that the vast majority of us are fans for life. We can't swap to another team but we can all stop supporting them financially.

  48. T-Ski

    Jul 16, 2012, 13:35 #24485

    I believe it is a matter of public record that Arsenal have never paid a dividend to their shareholders. The profits you speak of are still in the club, albeit inflating the club's value and the value of each share at present, rather than being spunked on players (like Hasard) whose transfer value has been inflated by aluminium / petro-dollars. Suck it up beyatches, that's the way it is at Present ................................................. I also believe it's a matter of public record that Usmanov wanted a dividend to be paid by the club, i.e. to extact profits from the club, so be careful what you wish for.

  49. GG89

    Jul 16, 2012, 13:32 #24484

    So I've witnessed two periods of success as a Gooner... The George Graham side of the late eighties and AW's of the late 90's early 00's, thanks, I really enjoyed those times. My only regret is they were awful in the CL and never really looked like lifting the trophy. The clubs have always made fun of the fans i.e. 80's bad terraces, bungs, heavy handed police, soggy burgers etc but that was all out in the open. Now its all in secret. Kroenke was the old owners choice bcus he was more respectful than Usmanov, I think its was a wrong choice. Financial fairplay will never work bcus thats not how the world works. Corruption or unfair trading exists in many forms and is a biproduct of capitalism. The public always pay in the end BUT... I can't pay the price of my team not being able to lift a trophy becus the owners are greedy... This emotional payment is unbearable... Kroenke Out!

  50. Mike the Realist

    Jul 16, 2012, 13:09 #24480

    "Now, every decent prospect that we are associated with blanks us for our rivals, the latest being Eden Hazard who, I believe, wanted to come to us originally." I'll translate........"I have no idea whether Eden hazard wanted to come to us but I read something in a tabloid so I'll have a moan based on that". I don't believe the Board are treating the fans like fools but to be quite honest it would be justified in your case.

  51. Any Old Iron

    Jul 16, 2012, 12:56 #24479

    Get in there! You've articulated many of mine, and many Arsenal followers' inner thoughts. Maybe we should be telling the ones who are happy with this 'status quo ante' to go and support someone else with sheep as fans.

  52. goonerbegood.

    Jul 16, 2012, 12:54 #24478

    I really enjoyed the read ,it is nice to a true fan. Tell them online gooner, I mean we have 2 billionaires. At the club ,my question to the board is ,what is the point of having 2 billionaires when they don't invest well in the squad.if we continue to sell our players to mancity then ,they might as well buy our club and call it mancity b.people say collect the 30. Million and sell RVP but I say keep RVP and invest the 30million we got from cesc in the squad .we sold toure,adebayor ,nasri & clicy to them ,if we sellRVP to them then we might as well sell the club to them .I know nothing is is what it seems but don't the board members have any shame. For RVP ,the club are in no obligation to sell him,for the first time in a long while we have a very big chance of winning the league but our club want to sell our captain that we have stood by for many years to another team making us weaker. It is no brainer if you have 2 billionaires.we should not even think about it.there are somethings money can't buy .I feel for wenger honestly cos I don't know how or where he gets the courage to continue season after season as his project is been shattered by some people in the media who are jealous of his achievements at arsenal as they try season after season destroying his work and him having to start question to the board is to what end .??

  53. GoonerRon

    Jul 16, 2012, 12:30 #24475

    I may be wrong but I'm pretty sure the owners / directors don't take dividends out of the club. As for Hazard, have you seen how arrogant he was in stringing everyone along via the media whilst he made up his mind? Also, his deal in total could cost around £80m. And he is about as proven as Giroud, who a lot on here say is unproven.

  54. skins

    Jul 16, 2012, 12:10 #24473

    The point you make is spot on, well done. This issue should be identified a lot no it's a football club and we need to win trophies. We need new blood in the board room.

  55. Nizam

    Jul 16, 2012, 11:59 #24472

    I believe RVP will leave.Of course no one player is indispensable. When Roanaldo left,fans believe MU would struggle but they are still winning trophies and slugging it out for th epl. The same cannot be said of Arsenal. For the last seven years the gunners have stagnated thankg s to the es and Wenger's philosophy.If arsenal can't fight for the epl,the writinis is on the wall. Of course it may not come to that but most fans believe this will be the season when the gunners could be finally consigned to the mid table.After that it will be an uphill battle to get into the cl reckoning,let alone fight for epl trophy.

  56. johnnyhawleyloovinggooner

    Jul 16, 2012, 11:57 #24471

    have they taken money out? i thought gains made were by selling shares for more than they were purchased.i feel the same about a marguee player ,remember the buzz of the DB10 signing.Hazard is talked up in the papers but he is not (yet?) a DB10. I feel we need to make a top marguee signing, but i suppose chelsea PSG or city would just bounce the fee,clubs see what has been paid for players and price on that.We do not want £35mil on a toon misfit with half a season in the premier league but we can sign some more players,like the two we already have other than stand still.When RVP goes we will have sold 2 marguee players and 1 top player in a year!. we have replaced with 2 top players, it is hard to make progress like this, after all, Arsenal is a winning club ,not one to make up the numbers

  57. bigmike

    Jul 16, 2012, 11:53 #24470

    Great article and spot on. I have supported the Arsenal since 1944 and will continue to do so, however even my patience gets tested at times.

  58. Lord Froth

    Jul 16, 2012, 11:50 #24468

    A good article Mark. Couldn't have said it better myself.

  59. osadebe chris

    Jul 16, 2012, 11:32 #24467

    Yeah that's true. Arsenal don't care bout the fans and that, has really starting to piss us off..many fans has left the club within the past 5years because of the way arsene wenger and his board has been running the club. Robin Van Persie would be a fool if he doesn't leave arsenal now in search of trophy just like the likes of Fabregas and Nasri coz arsenal ain't ready for any trophy yet!!

  60. goonerjake

    Jul 16, 2012, 11:27 #24465

    I like many fans like me are proud of the way the club is run and the fact we can hold the moral high ground is something of a badge of honour. HOWEVER Cant we still have the club run on the same basis as the self sustaining model while re-investing in the team? That is why this article is so good. I believe it makes the point that the board should re-invest some of the money in the team at the same time as making money themselves. It does feel like that they are trousering all the money which is what is annoying us so much

  61. John

    Jul 16, 2012, 11:22 #24464

    Articles beginning with claims of how incredibly long someone and his family have been supporters of Arsenal invariably are, erm, cr@p. This 'story' is no exception. Why do some supporters close their eyes to the reality of the financial bullies like Mansour Citeh and Chelski? They just buy who they want, it happened last year, it will happen this year, it will happen next year. Club loyalty goes aout of the window when the bullies come calling with a trippling of salary. Deal with it, stop being a whingeing cry baby. At least we have good enough players that are wanted by them. In a way Arsenal is doing the same; how do the Saints feel about Us pinching The Ox and Walcott? The board doesn't take us for fools, they run a sustainable business and rightly so. Do you really have to be reminded of Glasgow Rangers or Portsmouth? If you think football is going to escape the realities of the present economic crisis you are a fool.

  62. Angry & Frustrated

    Jul 16, 2012, 11:18 #24463

    You can only be treated as a fool by the board if you allow them to in the first place! In other words simply don't join in and keep your wallet tightly shut, until this regime is replaced. If it's true that they are now offering season tickets to Red members then clearly they are struggling big time. Especially considering that not that long ago you would be lucky to be offered anything for decades had you just joined the list. They may get away with it again this year, but if this trend continues they wont for much longer. That's what tends to happen Kroenke, Gazidis & Wenger when you bite off the hand that feeds you!!

  63. Phil Daly

    Jul 16, 2012, 11:17 #24462

    Gooner for 30yrs. Now that could not have been writen any better. I agree with it all the board treat us fans to, wait for it, nothing! No reward for our loyalty and nothing to get excited about. Only pain and heart ache seeing yet another arsenal idol leaving. Board are trying to plod on without any ambition, or desire for glory and success just balance the books.

  64. Mr.B

    Jul 16, 2012, 11:14 #24461

    Totally agree and I think this will soon be the comon view as people are realising these facts, slowly. I think the only reason the fans haven't kicked off yet is the fact we are scraping into the Champions League, if we failed to do that I'm sure stans/wengers head will be called for.

  65. Ron

    Jul 16, 2012, 11:08 #24460

    A spot on article Mark! Well said. Youve hit all of the right notes and i also think there is now a broader realisation amongst fans about what Arsenal have become. Im no longer a match goer. Still follow them, but being honest, i dont like the Club very much and recognise most of the players there as being far less than genuine average joe's, looking for a way out on the best terms they can get. Ill be amazed if any team now wants many of them that are left over! The 'enlightenment' for me resulting from seeing what Arsenal have become, is that im now more of a football fan generally as opposed to an Arsenal fan and can enjoy seeing other teams on the TV etc now so there are positives and Arsenals Board can do what it wants as far as im concerned now. A Club like that becoming a bit part player is very sad though i have to say.

  66. nobby

    Jul 16, 2012, 10:58 #24458

    There aren't any feckin dividends.

  67. TH14

    Jul 16, 2012, 10:50 #24457

    Great Posting, I agree totally. Not saying the Share holders are not to get a dividend, or the club should be ran at a lost, but come on we pay for the most expensive tickets in Europe, have the second largest Football Stadium in the England, yet we are constantly being let down by seeing our best players leave. I have had this feeling from last season, that's why I cancelled my Red membership, the Arsenal Web page log in and refused to buy tickets for the game, which I was offered a few last season. Not willing to line Kronke Pockets anymore!

  68. Tick Tock

    Jul 16, 2012, 10:39 #24456

    Nicely put. I also feel for the manger who is such a bad looser it is hard to believe that he is happy with a forth spot finish every year - he is also so invested in the club he can probably be considered a fan. I am often left angry that the board let the manager take the blame for their greediness and that the press and the fans fall for it. Arsene gets slated in the press all the time about his so called tight fistedness and willingness to sell on the talent but he often speaks out with statements like  "Arsenal can't be considered a big club if Nasri and Fabregas are sold...we must keep them both" and only a few days ago "we must keep Van Persie AT ANY COST", then the board sanction the sale leaving Arsenal, the fans and the manager feeling blue (ironic pun intended).

  69. Toks

    Jul 16, 2012, 10:37 #24455

    I agree with you. Arsenal has become a football club that has moved from being the one of the top two in England to a team who celeberates 3rd or 4th place. Simply mediocre.

  70. Robin van Bergkamp

    Jul 16, 2012, 10:35 #24454

    Thus having suffered continuously through the seasons, what does a fan or indeed a sponsor of the club do about it? I think we need to make our voices heard. It is time we as supporters, fans and sponsors took our club back and place it where it belongs - in the winners' circle.

  71. Goonergunner

    Jul 16, 2012, 10:34 #24453

    Great article, deserves support, critique and consequently, heated debate! Thanks

  72. S J Little

    Jul 16, 2012, 10:26 #24451

    Perfect! Sums up the feeling of all my Arsenal friends. Hill wood is a relic of the past surrounded by lackeys.

  73. Old Gooner

    Jul 16, 2012, 10:24 #24450

    Very well put sir, my sentiments entirely, and i have been saying the same now for a good few years ! Please tell me where all the so called profits disapear too ? I think the board needs to change and an enquiry over the accounts take place over the last seven years. I for one would like our Russian friend and supporter voted onto the board for a start !!

  74. Jim

    Jul 16, 2012, 10:17 #24449

    A sad comment but unfortunately true. I have no idea where th club are heading and fear we are wasting the years of Wenger's management.

  75. Ray

    Jul 16, 2012, 10:15 #24448

    What a great post I couldnt have said it better myself, about time they started to listen to the people that love this club...

  76. Donald Habergham

    Jul 16, 2012, 10:14 #24447

    Excellent article with a lot of truth in it. How I wish Mr. Wenger would speak out about this and not be so stubborn in liste