Arsenal used to be something to look forward to… well, mostly!!

Personal history of a Gooner

Arsenal used to be something to look forward to… well, mostly!!

Brady’s departure – Low point

I have written this article as a way of coming to terms with how it’s become possible to fall in love with something (Arsenal) over a lifetime, only for that something to then turn on you, and how it is also possible to be treated so cynically by the current regime, which is only interested in you as a customer and whose every trick is used to obtain from you the only thing it now wants from you - money! Well Kroenke, Gazidis and Wenger, if you treat loyal fans like this, then guess what? Customers have a choice to shop elsewhere, as some have already done in the lower leagues, or, as I have done, to go into a form of hibernation until the Arsenal I grew up with returns, as it will one day - hopefully sooner rather than later. Please read beyond this first paragraph if you think this is yet another article about bashing the current state of affairs as it’s not, but rather a therapeutic way for me to come to terms with what’s currently happening and explain why my current feelings are so raw.

Ever since I first became an Arsenal supporter back in 1970 as a nine-year-old wide-eyed boy, the club has been an integral part of me and my life. The anticipation and excitement of looking forward to Saturday’s game or the following weekend’s fixtures, and trying to predict the scores (Arsenal were always a 100% cert to win in my mind, even at often unlikely destinations) and what it would subsequently mean in the tables in relation to the then arch-enemies of Leeds Utd, Liverpool and, to a lesser extent, Spurs, were what I lived for. I would study the results and tables for hours the following day, reading the sports pages of the Sunday papers and looking forward to giving fellow classmates stick if their team had lost or, worse, finding ways of avoiding them if Arsenal had lost! The playground was something either to look forward to immensely on a Monday morning or to dread with a feeling in the pit of your stomach as something be endured as payback for when you had last gloated excessively, which you now deeply regretted doing, as you knew what was coming! Luckily for me, it was mostly a pleasurable experience initially, as Arsenal were on the crest of a wave.

I was hooked, and I have a class-mate to thank for persuading me to choose Arsenal instead of Man U, Liverpool or, thank God, Leeds Utd. You see, I had just arrived in this country from Holland, and at that time I lived in Lytham St Annes and soon realized you had to support a football team, which strangely was not the case in my native country, or at least not as I remembered. Being “Oop North”, there were no Arsenal supporters around, and most were either Man Utd, Liverpool or Leeds Utd. Except for this one other boy in my class who worked on me tirelessly to persuade me that my choice of football team should be Arsenal. As I recall, he even gave me his pocket money and all the sweets he had on him on this particular day, and promised me he would be my slave for a whole week if I chose Arsenal! I think, looking back, he probably did it more for his own selfish reasons, as he was no doubt fed up being the only Gooner in the playground. I suspect he also did it because he knew I was an under-nine judo champion from Holland, and felt he needed the extra muscle in the playground to back up his Arsenal-supporting views; he himself was a rather weak specimen who would get bullied both verbally and sometimes physically whenever he voiced these pro-Arsenal views, as that was the normal way of retaliation in those days!

I knew even then that our stay “Oop North” was temporary, and that within a year or two we would be moving down South, and even at that tender age I realized that what my class-mate was urging me to do made sense, as I would have a much better chance of actually going to see my chosen team sometime in the future if the team was in the vicinity of where ultimately I was going to be living. Take note all you southern-based Man U and Liverpool supporters. My parents were not remotely interested in football, and they would never ever have gone within a ten-mile radius of any football ground if at all possible even to this day, let alone take me to a game, so I knew it had to be Arsenal despite all the other boys telling me it should be one of Man Utd, Leeds Utd or Liverpool. This is how and why I became a Gooner.

Initially, things worked out brilliantly, as Arsenal won the 1970 Fairs Cup and the following season they won the double. My gloating in the playground had reached unimaginable levels, but I and Arsenal were heading for a fall. Firstly the 1972 FA Cup Final (in those days this competition was massive) defeat to Leeds which was bad enough, bearing in mind the vast quantity of Leeds fans around me, but worse was to follow the following season - the defeat to Sunderland (they were in the old second division at that time) in the same competition but at the semi-final stage. I was physically sick after that game, and I knew what I was in for in the playground the following Monday. I managed to feign illness that Monday, but the next day I couldn’t con my mum again, and I was sent into the bear-pit. Suffice to say, from that moment on I learned not to gloat so vociferously whenever Arsenal won, as I now knew it would come back to bite me big time in the bum, only it was ten times worse this time around, mainly because everyone knew I had avoided them the day before, and the entire school ganged up on me, and, as I was now at secondary school, you can imagine the numbers!

Once I had moved South, I was again lucky that my lifetime best friend was a Gooner whom I met at my new school, and without question this connection is what originally brought us together. It was with him that I did indeed start going to Highbury and I remember watching players like Armstrong, Rice, Nelson etc and later Brady, Stapleton, O’Leary, SuperMac etc then followed by the Rocastle, Davis, Adams etc era, and we have been to so many games together subsequently that I have lost count of the number of times. I vividly remember feeling incredibly low when, in the space of five days, we lost two cup finals in 1980. We both went to that Wembley FA cup game against WHU and then watched us on TV the following Wednesday in the Cup Winners Cup Final lose on penalties to Valencia (being in that tournament in the first place was because of my greatest “high” up to then, the last-minute Alan Sunderland goal, against Man U ironically, in the 1979 FA Cup Final). This was followed closely by both Brady and Stapleton leaving the club. At that time, I doubted anything could ever be as low again, but, as it’s turned out, I was wrong, as what’s currently happening breaks my heart completely.

When the Wenger era started, I, like most Gooners, wondered who the hell was Arsène Wenger? However, within a very short space of time, I was very pro this unheard-of guy because I had just witnessed the most complete midfield performance by a 21-year-old called Vieira, and instantly thought this manager clearly knew what he was doing. From memory, it was against Leeds Utd (again ironically), when we were three up after only 10 minutes and Vieira was head and shoulders better than anybody else in midfield. As we all know, that period up to 2006 was the best-ever time to be an Arsenal supporter. It wasn’t all roses, as the early signs of capitulation in title races (1999 and 2003) and Cup Finals (Liverpool and Galatasaray) were interspersed with the undoubted success Wenger brought to the club. I valued the success not just in terms of trophies, but in the style of play, having endured the dying days of Graham’s later dour phase, where 1-0 to the Arsenal was the order of the day. Looking back, to be fair, even during previous eras Cup Finals were lost that should have been won, but that’s football - you can’t win them all, no matter how much you want that to be the case, and if you don’t experience the downs, the ups like 1989 at Anfield would never have been as sweet! Please bear in mind my Dutch connection here, as I have witnessed my country lose three World Cup Finals, twice against host nations!

The subsequent years under Wenger now are well documented, including the introduction of Kroenke and Gazidis to the club. I am not going to rake over my feelings too much here about this era, as this is predominantly a nostalgic article. Suffice to say, however, it’s this last period, which we are still in, which has killed my love for the game. Going to a game is something I now refuse to do, as I deeply resent what has happened to my club, and I refuse to give the club a penny of my hard-earned money. Most of you who are regular contributors or readers will be more than aware of my feelings, as I submit my comments under the name of “Angry & Frustrated”, which in itself I think is self-explanatory. I realize that the face of football has changed dramatically with the numerous foreign owners throwing their money about, but at the same time I feel strongly that money itself is now our club’s only priority - this, coupled with a manager who has not, and will not change on a failed pet youth-project, be it with his tactics, personnel, coaching or indeed his total contempt for us, the fans. Football clubs are and were originally created as a way to help relieve people from the everyday, mundane grind of daily life, and something to look forward to, but sadly for me that is now no longer the case (although I never personally needed it as relief from everyday life).

On a more optimistic note, I hope one day to be able to sign myself in as “Happy & Optimistic” once the current regime has gone, and to be able to view everything again through my original wide-eyed innocent, enthusiastic boy’s eyes. I realise the money men have made this possibility not a very realistic outcome for me. However, I can but dream just like I once did. Hopefully, one day I can look forward to Arsenal again striving to compete by using all the available resources to them, and genuinely get the feeling back like we are all in this together, and be proud to support all of those privileged enough to put on an Arsenal shirt, who in turn give their all for the cause each and every time!

Here’s hoping.

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  1. Delboy68

    Jul 22, 2012, 20:53 #24713

    I totally agree with everything u have to say!! The board r only interested in milking the loyal fans for all their worth while putting nothing back into the squad so we can compete with the likes of Manure and Shi££y!! We sell our best assets and replace them with inferior personel! They r just asset stripping the club while charging the highest ticket prices in the EPL! I thort the idea of building and moving to a 60,000 plus seater stadium wos so we cud reinvest in the squad not to rip off the fans!! The whole board shud be ashamed of themselves nut we all know they don't care as long as their making money!!! One very unhappy Gooner!!!! :-(

  2. Joe S.

    Jul 19, 2012, 12:08 #24631

    Mickey M; I have about 10 arsenal shirts all given to me by family who know my love for the club. I never used to wear football shirts because I've always found them totally uncool. OK up on the wall of a pub but to be seen out on the street with; the horror, However out of respect for the people who gave them to me I now wear them when I'm walking the dog. I particularly like to put one on the day after an Arsenal defeat,whether out of defience and loyalty or sheer masochism, I don't know. I've said before that I prefer the shirts with the big O on the front rather than the Emirates logo, asthetically they were attractive and the players names at the back of the shirts still make me swell with pride. How can you compare names like Dixon, Bergamp. Viera,Henry, Cesc. et al with the present rabble of misfits.The point of all this is that Premiership football is no longer about territorial loyalties but a matter of where the heart lies. An owner such as Kroenke has no passion for the sport and comes from a culture where teams have moved to different cities in the middle of the night for cold hearted business reasons. Forget grass roots, history, fan loyalty and the rest. In a future scenario, say 2035 when Arsenal FC have beeen removed to Shangahai, will you still remain steadfast and true?

  3. Tony Evans

    Jul 19, 2012, 9:14 #24618

    Matthew - I don't know why I am even bothering to respond to your twaddle but it is supporters like you that keep Wenger in a job and therefore subjecting us all to yet more misery.

  4. Ex Aspiration

    Jul 18, 2012, 17:27 #24605

    Brilliant read.I am sick of tired of this club, been a fan since 1979 but Wenger and Kroenke disgust me. Gave up my ST 2 seasons ago and haven't looked back. Mercenary mediocre players with huge egos, players who win and achieve nothing, an owner who doesn't care about the club and puts no money in, a clown as CEO who embarrasses himself ringing up for sponsorship deals with a majority shareholder WITHOUT CHECKING (!); a manager who is arrogant and is a tactical buffoon, letting Chelski beat us to the first London club to win CL despite our 15 year advantage, rip-off tickets, sheep fans who worship a manager and think he's bigger than the club, rubbish players, selling club, sell off our best assets every summer, injury prone crocks picking up fat wages (Diaby, Almunia, Denilson, Djourou), a club that has become a gravy trian for rubbish French players...what's not to dislike about Arsene FC? I don't recognize this club anymore. The only people who still like it as it is are the nouveau jokers or people too blind to get their head out of the sand. I shan't be back and won't pay for a single ticket or anything until Wenger and Kroenke are gone. If that isn't until the year 2075 so be it.

  5. maguiresbridge gooner

    Jul 18, 2012, 16:18 #24603

    Hursh you say we had a great season in 2006 (where it all started)what exactly the decline ? or when you started supporting.

  6. Matthew

    Jul 18, 2012, 15:58 #24600

    I am absolutely sick of listen to arsenal "fans" moan about my club, you say that wringer is happy with fourth ..... Well if you take into consideration the stadium debt and us competing against moneybags city who can buy the league , same as Blackburn , chelsea or oh hang on would you rather we do a Leeds and overspend and collaps ? Completely screw ourselves ? Who else could do the job of wenger with the money he has had also it hasn't been easy for him when every year his best players decide that they wanna go , nasri ( slag ) , fabregas was always gonna go and made it clear now rvp , and don't say that wenger isn't a winner the fact he ha the arsehole so much and won't shake the hand of a manager that he feels has set his team up to kick lumps out of talented players (I agree with wingers shun too ) the man despises losing and wants nothing more than to win the league and not just win it , win it fairly by doing it with a team that has been grown and not purchased in 10 minutes ...... Anyways I gotta go cook dinner so I'm gonna leave my comment half way through but I just hope you get my point , arsenal is the love of my life wife and child excluded and I shall stick with them through thick and thin I just wish all our fans were the same . Arsenal .

  7. Angry & frustrated

    Jul 18, 2012, 10:56 #24586

    Chris Dee- It's not about winning trophies, as you have correctly pointed out I have been through similar droughts before, and besides no one has a devine right to win all the time anyway. It's about our clubs focus on money and little else that's irritated the hell out of me. If they were to spend as much time focussing on trying to become number one on the pitch, rather than finding new ways of fleecing loyal captive Gooners for yet more money, then I would have no cross to bear would I? Ideally coupled with a manager who is not to stubborn to change from a failed direction!

  8. Theo's Bikini-Line

    Jul 18, 2012, 10:55 #24585

    Good article Conrad. Unfortunately the club is now followed by the likes of Dave and Hursh and the club are all the happier because then they don't have to answer 'awkward questions'. Alas the chances are that you - like me and thousands of other old-school supporters - will have to stay away a lot longer than we would like as the Arsenal we recognise and have supported for over 40 years has gone forever.

  9. Bob

    Jul 18, 2012, 10:42 #24584

    This, more than any article I have read on this site, encapsulates my feelings as an Arsenal supporter. Like the author, my support dates back to before the first double era, and spans years of feast and (relative) famine. I attended home games for over 40 years, away games regularly in my 20s, and have seen all of our European finals since 1970. It is because I love my Club that I have stopped going - I cannot bear to see what we have been allowed to become under this wretched, out of step, out of touch regime. I never say never, but I can't see it changing any time soon. Arsenal will always be in my DNA, but not as they are today.

  10. Chris Dee

    Jul 18, 2012, 10:35 #24583

    If you have been a fan since 1970 then I don't understand your last paragraph slating everything about the club. We have not won a bean in 7 years which is the reason all the anger is now overflowing. Since 1970 we have had similar periods,the difference now is that we are finishing at least in 4th place when previously in **** periods it was 8th,10th etc. I am not defending our current record as I have written consistently on this messageboard that the club should not settle for anything less that a Barca,Real,United etc would settle for. But to come out and blast everything about the club because if the last 7 years is totally wrong from someone who has witnessed our history in the last 40 years.We have never been winners over a period of time like United now or Liverpool previously,which is my big complaint. But at least we have the springboard to do that if the board became as ruthless with demanding success as they are in their business dealings. Some sad bit of news coming out of Arsenal is that Carlos Vela wants to leave the club.I am finding it hard to type this through all the tears dropping onto my keyboard at that bombshell.

  11. HollowayN7gooner

    Jul 18, 2012, 9:57 #24580

    Agree that acolytes of the current regime find another club to support. One that will be in it, BUT NEVER WIN IT! You are spoilt for choice. We, the true custodians of AFC want more than being perennial also-rans. Go!

  12. Conrad Drykoningen- Angry & Frustrated

    Jul 18, 2012, 9:36 #24579

    Thank you for the overall positive feedback from various contributors. I realized that some on here would not understand the point of the article and pick out isolated pieces as justification to call me "pathetic" or a "glory hunter" etc but that goes with the territory I guess when you submit an article. Micky M-Good luck with buying that latest away kit and wearing it! Dave- Use your pea sized brain to read the entire article to discover the reasons why I became a Gooner, it' all there in front of your very eyes! Hursh- Glory hunter am I, please explain to me why I am still around then after 42 years? I look forward to reading your articles when they appear on here in the near future, with your further wonderful insights!!

  13. Tony Evans

    Jul 18, 2012, 8:32 #24577

    Hursh - So Conrad is a 'glory hunter' is he? Judging you from your daft comment I don't suppose you were at Highbury during the low points of the sixties, seventies and eighties and yet you feel able to label a fan of 40+ years that has quite rightly (in my opinion) decided he has had enough of Wenger and Kronke a fair weather fan. Can you not see that fans like Conrad (and me), even though we still love the club, are not prepared to give support financially any more because we detest the way the club is being run and managed. For God's sake grow up.

  14. Mark Rice

    Jul 18, 2012, 8:07 #24575

    We all moan and groan but do nothing about it ... At least Man U fans started FC United and got behind them and started enjoying themselfs again!

  15. Hursh

    Jul 18, 2012, 5:22 #24572

    I don't know where to start on how stupid this article is and how stupid you sound. All you have cried about is when Arsenal don't win and you have to 'Face the music' from your friends/foes. If you can't handle the downs, then you're a disgrace in the name of a fan. Only makes you less of a man. Yes we are supporting a youth project but why shouldn't we? We had such a great season in 2006 ( where it all started), the next season was just brilliant football but started slumping in the end. We were so close to silverware in these 7 years, but somehow didn't and that's football. We can defeat them on any big day, but sometimes things just don't pan out. If you only enjoy the ups, the wins, the glory and cups, I don't even need to explain it to you why you you a gloryhunter in my eyes.

  16. AFCasap

    Jul 17, 2012, 22:48 #24570

    great piece conrad...the home of football is no more...the home of football business rules...don't listen to the so called fans with the "follow tottnumb"....they're not fans they're customers and just love one in their right mind would defend the lies and rip off of all things AFC for so long....ooh massive overpriced tickets, rubbish players on mad arrogant boss who detests fans, on madder money...etc etc, yes they love it....mental and pathetic

  17. Old Timer

    Jul 17, 2012, 22:28 #24569

    Have been addicted to the club since 1962 (first game v. Sheffield Utd Arsenal won 1-0 through Geoff Strong header). Don't much like where it's at at the moment. But when the team plays really well, as it still can do, none of the other stuff - silent stan, lowering of expectations,exploitation of the fans,disinvestment in the squad - matters in the slightest. That's a 100% pure dose of escapism and that includes escaping from all the negativity that surrounds the club. I need my fix. I hope you won't miss yours too much. The old Arsenal is gone forever. The best we can hope for is a change of business model. How uninspiring is that?

  18. UTU

    Jul 17, 2012, 21:58 #24568

    Good Read Conrad. I started watching The Arsenal in 1979 in the East Lower School Boys Section. Great Days. Being Born in Islington, Hanley Road, I have met many Gooners from all over the gaff, all Proper and Decent Arsenal Fans. Alot of older Fans have stopped going into the Spacebowl because of the Kronke/Wenger nonsense but it doesn't stop us meeting up and following The Arsenal in the Boozers.

  19. George Graham's Phone Number

    Jul 17, 2012, 19:54 #24567

    Come and save us Alisher Usmanov. We need a sugar daddy so we can taste the wine from the top table once more.

  20. steve lufc

    Jul 17, 2012, 19:41 #24566

    not a bad article, but if you were a true fan you would stick with them,after all when all the directors and managers have gone the true fans will still be there, you could always switch to leeds as it seems like you have a love hate thing about leeds to me, 50 years and still going strong, lufc ok. steve

  21. Ando

    Jul 17, 2012, 19:07 #24562

    ''one nil to the arsenal'' now that would be something to get excited about,hard to beat like the teams of the past.Why can't we grasp that now? too many namby pamby mercenaries playing, no real hard men like ralph,keown,dixon,nutty boy and pat in the current crop.tippy tappy no shooty crapy, ouch ive hurt my ankle again.

  22. MarkH

    Jul 17, 2012, 18:30 #24560

    I have not fallen out of love with Arsenal,but more with the whole game that revolves around the premiership. Some clubs are billionaires playthings most are not. But there is little doubt in my mind that all clubs are now cash cows for mostly mediocre overpaid ,ungratefull drifters. The way modern footballers parade their weath and trophy wives sickens me.

  23. josh

    Jul 17, 2012, 18:29 #24559

    dave i live in wales(not a great footballing country i know) but i support arsenal not like i dont support cardiff but still my entire school class support clubs from england like man u,liverpool and yes we have glory seekers who support man city so it can happen plus i find this a rather good story


    Jul 17, 2012, 18:13 #24558

    A great article really enjoyed although brought up in NW London my parents where not football fans but at my primary school its was Arsenal or Spurs that you supported no SKY in them days to influence the 'misguided'fortnately for me the majority were Arsenal.Like Dave from Aylesbury mentioned trains from Aylesbury carry numerous fans born and bred Aylesbury who support a number of clubs in London and are just as passionate about the team they support.

  25. GoonerSince66

    Jul 17, 2012, 17:04 #24555

    I enjoyed reading your article Conrad and totally agree with how you feel. I gave up my season ticket this year for similar reasons as i too was totally fed up with being taken for a mug by the current regime, they were only after my money and I made an informed decision to not give it to them any more i any shape or form until things change at the top. For the attention of some who have posted about this article, I was born and bred in Islington and wouldn't knock anyone for deciding to support The Arsenal, no matter where they originally come from!! I'm still a Gooner but will watch my games on TV in future and down the pub with many other like minded gooners. Here's hoping things will get better soon before the heart is totally ripped out of the club that bI have always loved and admired.

  26. mark from aylesbury

    Jul 17, 2012, 16:37 #24553

    Scuse me Dave but I support Aylesbury Utd... well sort off. What would you have made of the 12:30 train from Aylesbury full of Arsenal, Chelsea, West Ham, Spurs fans. Probably as fanatical as anyone London born and bred. People have many reasons for supporting clubs. Cant see what your issue is.

  27. Harold

    Jul 17, 2012, 16:34 #24552

    Vaz- Don't hold your breath waiting for FFP to save us mate, Platini might love the top English clubs to have to balance their books but he'll never force that on Real Madrid, Barca and PSG. There will always be ways and means as Man City have already shown, despite what Wenger thinks. Leeds fans on here- It's all about perspective and expectation. Seven years without a trophy would be easier to accept if all the resources at the club's disposal had been used during that time, but they haven't been. Making a transfer profit every year is great, but not when it's at the expense of success on the pitch. Of course when the stadium was being built we had to be careful but that's not been the case for at least the last 4 years, during which time we've seen title challenges crumble away again and again due to Wenger's insistance that his kids and bargain basement buys have the neccessary 'quality and mental strength'. Last season we finished August with £50m burning a whole in our pocket while we suffered the worst start to a season for 50 years and the worst defeat for 100 years, only saved by tottenham blowing up in the Spring even worse than we normally do. This on top of having wasters like Denilson, Bendtner, Diaby, Squillaci, Almunia, Chamakh, Vela, Walcott and Djourou on the books earning £50k+ a week. I know some people will always find excuses for Wenger, but surely a club named yesterday by Forbes magazine as the 10th Most Valuable Sports Team In The World should aim higher than a 'fourth place trophy' every year.

  28. Ron

    Jul 17, 2012, 15:50 #24548

    Dave - i reckon youre a bit narrow minded with that view to be honest. If every Club depended upon fans being 'locals'they woulddt have many fans. Lots of reasons make up a choice of club, not just birthplace and in Greater London context the proportion of peapole who've gravitated there and not been born there is phenomenal as you might well know. A fan is a fan for me whether hes from Crouch End or Coventry. In fact being a fan who travels to be one is arguably a more committed fan!

  29. maguiresbridge gooner

    Jul 17, 2012, 15:40 #24547

    Good article Conrad for the majority of supporters especially old hands like ourselves shopping elsewhere isn't an option so we have no choice but put up with whats happening to our club at this present time and the fact is the current custodian and his lackeys know this.We read on here all the time give up your ticket don't go to games and i understand where their coming from but for some supporters especially life long supporters it's not easy done.So no doubt it's hard for yourself to take the decision to stop going.Unfortunately this is the way our club is now and will be for the unforeseeable future.Hope fully sometime soon they will once again strive to be the best not just third of fourth best.

  30. Micky M

    Jul 17, 2012, 15:01 #24546

    You say that you are a fan and that you used to love the club. Well true fans buy the shirts, they go to matches on a regular basis, they stick with the club through thick and thin not go into hibernation until the glory days come back. Granted that the ticket prices are awfully expensive these days and at times it is a struggle. I just wonder what you would do if you supported Darlington for example? I would much rather be run the way we are than be owned by the glazer's. Fifteen consecutive seasons in the champions league and yet you still moan. Teams like Arsenal can survive without your support but look around the football leagues and see the numbers in the crowd who have dwindled away. The club are better off without your support Mr Fickle.

  31. JC

    Jul 17, 2012, 14:27 #24545

    Good article. I'm of the same vintage as you and others who have commented, having started going to Arsenal in 1968. Pleased to see I'm not alone in how I feel. Talking of how Arsenal now treats its fans, one of the incidents that tipped me over the edge to not renewing my season ticket this summer was when I was treated like a piece of cattle in the club shop towards the end of the season. As I had a bit of time to kill before a game, I had a look in the club shop next to Highbury House. I didn't want to buy anything, so tried to leave by the entrance, which I was told I was not allowed to do (even though there were no crowds.) OK, that might be fair enough, but my point is that the steward gestured me along towards the designated exit route in an incredibly rude manner, making an exaggerated sweeping motion with her arm , to move me along as if I was a piece of anonymous cattle. I was furious. Symptomatic of how the club treats its loyal fans, in my opinion.

  32. Tony Evans

    Jul 17, 2012, 13:44 #24541

    So Dave do you support Nuneaton Town and are just posting comments on an Arsenal website because your club hasn't got one? The author states he was a nine year old with parents not interested in football and knowing he was moving down south soon, so why shouldn't he have picked Arsenal because a class mate thought it was a good idea. It is not a 'pathetic' reason and I would suggest many of us have stories similar as to why we support Arsenal. As far as the author is concerned it certainly wasn't because they were top of the league. In fact we had just lost two League Cup finals and hadn't won a trophy for years.

  33. nobby

    Jul 17, 2012, 12:56 #24535

    Football has always been about getting punters through the door. Players demand higher wages, higher ticket prices are the result. Open your eyes, nothing's changed, only you. I still love going to the match even though it's totally different from when I used to get a 279 down the Hertford Road and stand on the North Bank.

  34. roomski

    Jul 17, 2012, 12:40 #24534

    nice article mate but seriously - you should try being a Leeds fan!

  35. Tony Evans

    Jul 17, 2012, 12:40 #24533

    I am sure it is supporters like you (and me) that have supported Arsenal for such a long time who most resent what has happened to our club over the last few years under the ownership of Kronke and under Wenger's increasingly frustrating style of management or should I say mismanagement from a fans perspective. No matter how bad Arsenal were in some of the darker times pre Wenger I always thought they were trying to do the best for us supporters and I contrast that now to the present where I am convinced they could not give a stuff for any one of us. Wenger quite plainly holds us in contempt and Kronke probably knows as much about Arsenal as my wife. I bet he knows how much his shares are worth though! The pair of them have killed my love for the club and like you I am in 'hibernation' until I see the club returned to an ownwer that at least cares as much as I do and a manager that strives for first place, not fourth and then tells me that it is a trophy. Hopefully this new manager might also care about defending; might even have a few tactics up his sleeve and just might treat supporters with a bit more decency and respect.

  36. Alastair Kerr

    Jul 17, 2012, 12:33 #24532

    Feel exactly the same way Conrad as I'm sure many loyal Gooners do. This is by no means the worst footballing Arsenal side I've followed but something has died at our club and I don't like it.

  37. Judge Fred

    Jul 17, 2012, 12:28 #24531 article that expresses sentiments many on here would associate with. Compared to the Arsenal of a 10/20/30/50 years ago, the current club is similar only in name. Absolutely nothing else.

  38. davesraves

    Jul 17, 2012, 12:27 #24530

    I first went to Highbury 1958 and yes I can say I share your feelings. It's like the RVP incident has brought up a lot of other stuff. Whatever happens, even if he decides to stay, it won't be the same. But it's this whole thing of clubs being billionaires toys, leaves a bad taste and brings out some horribly immature traits in people.

  39. LUFCAT

    Jul 17, 2012, 12:13 #24529

    Stop whingeing and get behind your team. If you can't do that go nd support Spurs.

  40. Ron

    Jul 17, 2012, 11:49 #24528

    Great article. My thoughts entirely. Football has become a very shallow, sinister and quite offensive game. No links to the fans and Clubs and players who have no sense of togetherness and community. Its all money. You and many others inc myself (my first game at Highbury was in 1967) are well out of it. Your bonus is that you know what supporting a team actually is and should be.The modern day 'fans' dont and i feel quite sorry for them in truth. No real heroes for them, no meeting the players to get autographs outside of stadiums etc and almost total disconnection between players and fans. Give me John Radfords, Frank Mac s and Geordie Armstrong types plus Bertie Mee/Don Howe type football over anything that Wenger has ever brought to the Club any day as then we all had a 'cause'. Its gone and wont ever return. Enjoyed reading your article. Thank you. Best ive read for a while and youre far from alone in your thoughts and perceptions.

  41. Fred the Ted

    Jul 17, 2012, 11:32 #24527

    A well written study of the current situation at the club, which I completely agree with, unfortunately I fear it will only get worse before any chance of getting better.

  42. Vaz

    Jul 17, 2012, 11:30 #24526

    Don't worry. FFP will relegate City, Chavs and ManUre so we'll win everything by default.

  43. dave

    Jul 17, 2012, 11:21 #24525

    "was hooked, and I have a class-mate to thank for persuading me to choose Arsenal" pathetic reason for supporting a team wasnt there someone local to where you lived in the uk? I fond it very strange how someone can support a team from an area they dont know..... Like someone in Kent supporting Wrexham or maybe it is to do with they are on Tv or top of the league................sad really..... its funny how people ever end up supporting Nuneaton Town, or Aylebury Utd ! Says alot