Evolve or Die

Arsenal must adapt to survive

Evolve or Die

Liverpool and Tottenham have employed two young and dynamic managers in Andre Villas-Boas and Brendan Rodgers (both of whom studied under Jose Mourinho at Chelsea), and both clubs seem to be backing their new managers with as much financial muscle as they can muster.

Arsenal, on the other hand, are sticking with a manager who hasn't won a trophy since 2005 and are potentially destroying the value of their future sponsorship deals with their miserly transfer-policy. Arsenal's deals with Nike and Emirates (shirt sponsorship) expire in 2014 and will not be worth an awful lot should Arsenal finish fifth this coming season. Sponsors will only pay the big bucks to the teams that are playing in the Champions League and who are going to be seriously challenging for silverware (except for the anomaly of Liverpool of course!). All joking aside, Tottenham, Newcastle and Liverpool are the teams against whom Arsenal should be measuring themselves this coming season, because it seems pretty obvious to most of us now that Manchester United's unprecedented commercial success, and the oil money of both City and Chelsea, have put the Premier League title well out of our reach for at least the short-term future.

The teams that aren't owned by free-spending billionaires (wasn't it just our luck to get the only tight one!) are desperately trying to copy Manchester United's successful earlier model of gradual investment in the playing squad as sponsorship, merchandising and prize money increase. Success on the pitch has a direct correlation with the commercial success of a club, and Chelsea's new sponsorship deals in the wake of their Champions League triumph are clear evidence of this, even if you decide to discount the Gazprom deal as more than ever-so-slightly dodgy.

If Kroenke is not going to invest in a squad that is clearly deficient in several key areas, and then have the balls to set some clear targets beyond "finishing in the top four" for his football manager to achieve, then it's pretty logical that the teams that are starting to invest significantly and set targets for their managers will eventually overtake us. Arsenal may have been able to coast along to top-four finishes in the past but now, with the teams around us starting to invest heavily, we must either decide to make a real push while we still have a solid base or risk falling behind.

You would have thought that someone would have told Silent Stan Kroenke that, once you start losing in this game of ours, the fair-weather fans in foreign countries will change their allegiances faster than you can say "Manchester City", and that the only way he is ever going to make a serious return on his investment in Arsenal is to push for sporting success and the commercial success that goes with it.

Then again, he could just be quietly making a fortune by keeping us ticking over and paying off the debt while it gets more and more expensive each day for Usmanov to buy the club from him. As soon as Arsenal drop out of the top four, and he can no longer sell the club-level tickets as fans protest outside the stadium, Kroenke will put the world’s largest "For Sale" sign outside Ashburton Grove stadium. Let us pray that Usmanov will still want us by then.

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  1. GoonerRon

    Aug 11, 2012, 12:01 #25188

    @ GoonerGoal - err, what I stated was a fact in relation to a vague insinuation, therefore perfectly relevant. Yes Cole met with Chelsea but he was still under contract and we could have kept him. If what Cole said about the club reneging on his salary offer is true then you could argue it was Dein who presided over that decision and fuelled Cole into his clandestine meeting. Look how much stick Gazidis has got for apparent mis-management of Nasri, Cesc transfer etc - I just like a bit of balance.

  2. GoonerGoal!

    Aug 11, 2012, 10:00 #25184

    @GoonerRon… And your point is? I invite Mandy Dodd and Ron to put some facts to Mandy’s vague insinuations, and in Ron’s case vindictive personal remarks, about David Dein, and you come in with Dein presiding over the transfer of Ashley Cole after it was discovered Cole and his agent had held a secret meeting with Mourinho to surreptitiously discuss Cole joining Chelsea. What’s up with that? Talk about totally irrelevant to the discussion at hand!

  3. GoonerRon

    Aug 10, 2012, 21:05 #25176

    @ GoonerGoal - there have been a number of rants about selling our best players on here, so on the David Dein point I'd highlight he presided over Ashley Cole leaving to our major rival.

  4. GoonerGoal!

    Aug 10, 2012, 18:18 #25173

    @ Mandy Dodd & Ron.... You two really seem to have a thing for David Dein and in Mandy’s case a thing for Darren Dein too, but so far all I've read from you both are vague insinuations from Mandy and defamatory remarks of a personal nature in a rant from Ron. Still, I am intrigued to learn what you think David Dein has actually done wrong other than attempt, while he was vice-chairman, to ensure that Arsenal could continue to compete on the pitch at the highest level. However, I am prepared to be persuaded that I may be mistaken, so if you have any actual evidence to support your vilification of the Deins, then I suggest you get it out there. In other words, gather all the data, sort out the facts, and publish them in an article here! Hmmmm, methinks this could be a long wait…..

  5. Ron

    Aug 10, 2012, 12:11 #25158

    Mandy - WE dont often agree on things (though we never fallout thankfully). I agree with you entirly on Dein. I wdt have him wash my car. Hes a back stabbing spiv and had his plans for Arsenal come to fruition the Club would be well down s--t street by now. He abandoned ship at the best time - for him. Ive no issue with that, but his sainthood status with some on here sucks. It really does.Just need to see him walzing dowen Hornsey Road on CL nights in his Price Philip type brown and beige overcoat, waving to his army of 'admirers'in the Tollington (they drink there so that says it all about most of them!) and surrounded by his 6 henchmen to recognise a total and utter w----r when i see one!

  6. Mandy Dodd

    Aug 10, 2012, 0:48 #25153

    Goonergoal....as I say, I am not sure what stans game is , I would suspect a floatation eventually, but as you say, what do I know. But there is not yet enough evidence to call him a money grabber, as far as we know, he has grabbed no money, but, conspiracy theories aside, the same cannot be said of dein sr and jr. I am surprised the dein family are not subjected to similar scrutiny as wenger, stan and Ivan on this blog....in the name of objectivity and all that....

  7. GoonerGoal!

    Aug 09, 2012, 18:05 #25148

    @MandyDodd… When I was talking about Wenger, Gazidis, and Kroenke being “money grabbers”, I was talking about the way the current junta enjoy extracting the maximum amount of money they can in every possible situation from what they have always known is virtually a captive audience. However, it seems you and some others are quite happy with the situation because you have happily bought in to the only thing that has been offered in exchange for your £1000’s, that thing being the “all will be well in the garden” philosophy. Apparently, you also believe that Kroenke is not a money grabber, because if he was he “would just sell out to Usmanov right now for a big fat profit”. I’m guessing here that high finance is not your area of expertise. The idea is always to sell shares when they are most valuable, and before anything occurs that might cause them to lose value. The question isn’t if Kroenke is going to sell his shares, but when. This is billionaire high stakes poker and the one who blinks first loses. The key is the Champions League, if we are out of it for a couple of seasons, we run at a loss, the shares lose value, and Kroenke knows that. He’s had a gamble by buying a couple of players in an effort to keep us in the CL and maintain the value of his shares, but will it work? Meanwhile, Usmanov just waits for the other guy to blink. As for the Dein family, I am aware you have some kind of conspiracy theory in place, so you will excuse me if I just smile benignly, and pat you on the shoulder, while saying nothing.

  8. Ron

    Aug 09, 2012, 16:51 #25144

    'Ken' makes a very fair point or two. I dont reckon the likes of Arsenal and Livepool are that bothered about actually winning the title either and his points about the cost of doing it are very true. Lets face it, what do you get for it? A day out at the Community Shield and a slightly better Group placing in the CL. Hell will freeze over before the Spuds even get close to the title and the Toon too. Both are a million miles away, always have been and both know it. The Premier League is a loonies playground as he says. 3rd is the new 'as good as 1st' and we have to live with it.

  9. Ron

    Aug 09, 2012, 16:31 #25142

    Im happy with DW Thomas 's comments on this thread Joe. Smack on i'd say. The Team isnt near defensively adept enough though. There is a culture leaning away from the importance of attrition and hard defending that was there even during the invicibles days, when we had far better forwards than now though. AW s emphasis on offensive play for years has made us have a 'Brazilian' mentality ie anything in your own half is a tad boring and irrelavant esp if its smack between the goal posts! Worrying!

  10. Smudger

    Aug 09, 2012, 11:57 #25131

    Wow Joe, you really dont like people disagreeing with you do you? Im sorry mate, but over the last year or so, its got like that on here, you guys submit articles, some good, some bad but it seems to me like you have a bit of a superiority complex and it comes out badly in your comments! You misread the pulse of the fans with this piece, it was bad timing and bad words to be honest...

  11. GoonerRon

    Aug 08, 2012, 21:46 #25108

    @ Angry & Frustrated - you are totally right that we both want the same thing. Truth be told all of us on here want Arsenal to succeed and whilst it's inevitable we may disagree on how to get there or to what extent 'success' looks like, it's a shame it has to end up in everyone being badged as an AKB or AMG and childish sniping. If I'm honest, I can understand how it is a leap of faith for the supporters like you who have lost/are losing patience with the manager to look on the bright side that I can see - I just sincerely hope we can win something and all celebrate as one unified group. COME ON GUNNERS!

  12. Joe Fitzpatrick

    Aug 08, 2012, 18:47 #25101

    JJB- A spelling mistake is if you do it once, you managed to spell the word moron as "Moran" twice in one post!(Post No. 27544) I find it really ironic that you did that. Funny as hell. I'm not "festering with anger" as you suggest because i'm not the one who is resorting to childish personal attacks because I don't agree with a fellow fan's article on a fanzine! please drop it now because you are embarassing yourself by not sticking to the issues, as are the others who compare me to myles palmer and Adrian Durham. I mean, what an insult to those gentlemen!! keep smiling. P.S. I don't have any "cronies" fellow fans can either agree or disagree with me on an article to article basis as they so choose.

  13. Angry & Frustrated

    Aug 08, 2012, 18:31 #25099

    GoonerRon Hope your right, but I fear it will be just that- hope! Wenger hates defence full stop, and hence Bould's influence will probably not be as great as we all would like. Whilst Bould is busy coaching the mantra of defence, Wenger will be doing the polar opposite, and the players wont no which way to turn, which is a familiar sight would you not agree? Ultimately Wenger being the main man, he will win out, and it's attack everyone and sod the defence, which leaves us wide open for the sucker punch counter attack as witnessed on countless occasions these last few years. I wish I could be as hopeful as you are, but these last few seasons have taught me one thing, and that is to hide each and every time the ball goes anywhere near our penalty area, and hence I am not expecting the goals against column to improve significantly. In addition our second string backline in my view is very poor, and not of premiership standard, and we are only a few injuries/suspensions away from more hapless displays we all had to endure last season, from the usual suspects. I guess time will tell whether you are right, and I would like nothing more than to be proved wrong, as deep down we both want the same thing after all!

  14. Mandy Dodd

    Aug 08, 2012, 17:38 #25095

    Goonergoal you refer to them as money grabbing, as is your right, but surely stan would just sell out to usmanov right now for a big fat profit if he were just a money grabber? I am far from sure exactly what stan is but calling him a money grabber is too simplistic. On the subject of money grabbers, why weren't the Dein family included in your list?

  15. GoonerRon

    Aug 08, 2012, 16:27 #25090

    @ Angry & Frustrated - I don't think anyone is in denial about the 49 goals conceded last season (well I'm certainly not anyway) but I do think there is significant improvement that can be gleaned from the existing playing staff and don't necessarily agree with the need to buy new players in this area. Most of us were pleased when Steve Bould was made assistant - based on the quotes coming from pre-season training he is picking up the defensive specialism in the coaching sessions, so whilst not a new 'defensive coach' that is the role he is largely occupying. I look at players like Ches, Jenkinson and Gibbs and at their age can only see them getting better and better with the experience of playing last year. I look at Mertesacker and Santos and think that it is reasonable to say they will be more acclimatised to the club and to England after a full year in the Premier League plus a settled pre-season. I look at Kos who is on the cusp of moving into top drawer CB territory, he can become even better than the relative consistency of last season. I look at Podolski and Cazorla, players who are very adept and experienced at fulfilling the defensive duties from wide positions, whether it be pressing high or tracking back. All of these components surely highlight the fact that we have scope to evolve our collective defensive shape, discipline and also individual level too?

  16. JJB

    Aug 08, 2012, 14:04 #25083

    oustanding Joe, well done! the best you can do in your response is to pick up on a spelling error! Brilliant stuff, and looking at your comments, it seems that you dont take well to being put in your place...you cant even hold an argument you started! I can picture you now sat in your bedroom, hunched over your laptop, festering with anger as you realise that your group of cronies is diminishing by the day. We could win the league and you would find a way to dislike it, I laugh at "fans" like you, you dont understand how to support a club, and I dont mean with blind faith, you think you are the only one who can question Wenger and the club, you think the rest of us didnt see the 49 goals shipped in!! This negative tribe before a ball has even been kicked is just pathetic, just read down these comments little Joe and weep....and you have even been compared to talks**te, low blow but on the money!

  17. GoonerGoal!

    Aug 08, 2012, 13:29 #25071

    And so for the moment, the worm has turned, the mouse has roared, and the dog has finally had his day. Having carefully chosen the ground upon which they would do battle, and the moment on which to verbally strike back, they believe by attacking and insulting you in such a verminous personal manner they have won some kind of moral victory. No doubt, the AKB’s are now enjoying their moment in the sun, while awaiting the season of “success” their acceptance of the “all will be well in the garden” philosophy has seemingly promised them. But yet unseen, the storm clouds are already gathering and the winds of realism are destined to blow, and when that moment is finally upon us, unlike the AKB’s, people like Joe shall not flag or fail. They will go on saying their piece to the very point that we are finally rid of the money grabbing pestilence of Wenger, Gazidis, and Kroenke! VIVE LA REVOLUTION!

  18. Angry & Frustrated

    Aug 08, 2012, 13:25 #25070

    Don't let the Wenger cult disciples stop you Joe, because they are in denial about the 49 goals we conceded in the league last season. A prerequisite for any team to be succesful at football is to keep the back door shut! Under Wenger these last 7 seasons that has not been the case, and hence surprise surprise we win nothing, just like we will win nothing or even come close this coming season until that back door is shut!! When oh when will these Wenger disciples understand this most basic of recipes is a must, not an after thought as is currently the case with Wenger!

  19. Joe Fitzpatrick

    Aug 08, 2012, 13:20 #25068

    JJB- what is a "moran"?If you are going to try and call me a moron at least have the decency to spell it correctly because when you fail to do so it really doesn't reflect well on you or Arsenal supporters in general.

  20. Reg

    Aug 08, 2012, 12:52 #25067

    Well done Joe, most know that it is ground hog day there & the others are just in denial. You can't please everyone!

  21. T-Ski

    Aug 08, 2012, 12:45 #25066

    Why the constant need to polarise opinion into AKBs and AMGs on this site ? Why the constant need to deride and belittle squad players on this site (Djorou, Mertesacker, Jenkinson = Junk and Mutant Genes, Really ?) ? Why the constant need to demand Managerial and Directorial change in more than 50% of the articles ? If the "AKBs" have all got rose tinted spectacles and been taking too much prozac, then the AMGs have surely got a bad case of crap flecked goggles and a perma-rage on.

  22. Tony Evans

    Aug 08, 2012, 12:30 #25065

    Joe - I can really empathise with your final comment and know just where you are coming from. The deluded Wenger faithful will seemingly happily ignore the fact that we shipped 49 league goals last season and that Wenger has done bugger all as yet to try and improve the situation. Some will say Bouldy may sort things out at the back but with the completely open way Wenger likes the game played I really can't see Bould making much of a difference. I am just completely baffled by Wenger's idiotic approach to defending and how little he rates having an experienced keeper between the sticks with a half decent back up for cover. It is all very well signing 3 more attacking players but if we keep shipping goals at the rate we normally do we are facing yet another season of self-inflicted failure. You are most definitely not alone, Joe, in feeling the way you do and I think you tell it how it is.

  23. Charlie Charlie

    Aug 08, 2012, 12:01 #25064

    Joe - please, please stop with your boring, negative and usually inaccurate postings. You are just hammering the nails into the coffin of this once good website. I am sure that you get your kicks every time the Wenger Out boys jump to your defence but it really is all a bit dull now. Most Gooners I know are well excited about the new signings and the season ahead. Why not join in the fun instead of trying to find new and unfunny ways of saying the same old thing.

  24. Real Fan

    Aug 08, 2012, 11:23 #25063

    People keep trotting out this AKB **** again and again as soon as someone disagrees with their view. Who in the comments has said that Arsene knows best? No one! If you can't have a discussion with someone who has different opinion then please leave it to someone who will.

  25. JJB

    Aug 08, 2012, 10:53 #25062

    Joe, your last comment is just typical of the type of "fan" you are. The arrognace, the "I know more than all of you " attitude, you can be "baffled" all you want, but that just serves to highlight the moran that you are. You are the Myles Palmer of this site, and you cant handle when the majority of the responses on here, disagree with you! You publish an article no here, then you can expect to have people disagree, but wait, no not the mighty suerp fan Joe Fitzpatrick! Keep your negative, ignorant, armchair fan opinions down the pub where they belong, and do the rest of us a favour and dont bother turning up at the Grove this season, we really dont need your type! You want to sign Dempsey (WTF?) and Baines (Why?), you dont have a clue do you mate really? You think its fantasy football! Sign 10 players, why not? Well Id rather not bankrupt the club just to keep tribal morans like you happy, jesus I hope we dont have to see yet another piece on here from you! look at the comments, take stock and go away little man, back to your angry bed room!

  26. Gare Kekeke

    Aug 08, 2012, 10:52 #25061

    With £40m+ of new signings and the wages of the new recruits too, are there any Arsenal fans out there who still think Wenger has limited financial resources? That hasn’t been the case probably since 2009 at least. I believe that money has been spent in recent years but mainly on improving the contracts on the likes of Bendtner, Denilson & more recently Djourou who haven’t justified the faith or the expenditure by Wenger. Whilst we do not have the financial muscle of the likes of Chelsea & Manchester City, money has been available to Wenger in recent years to invest in good players but that has been done to an extent. Some of it spent wisely e.g. Arteta & Koscielny. Some of it wasted e.g. the contracts for the aforementioned trio and others, Park & Squillaci. David Moyes has peanuts to spend at Everton but gets on with it despite having Liverpool literally across the park and the Manchester clubs across the East Lancs. Road. Wenger & the board have stupidly played the paupers tag in recent years despite financial accounts showing there is plenty of money to invest in the squad. Worrying though that yet again Wenger has bolstered the squad with more attacking players but I have no problem with Cazorla coming in as it might force Alex Song to do something stupid like sit in front of the back four and protect it rather than act as if he’s the creative force in the team. Only time will tell whether Steve Bould will make a difference in terms of how defend but here’s hoping as our defending in recent years has been a joke. Personally I still think we could do with a Vidic/Kompany type at the back. Although good in his own right, I’m not convinced that Vermaelen is in that class because of his inkling at times to attack. Not sure on a title challenge but I can see us battling for a top four finish again with Liverpool, Tottenham & Chelsea. Man Utd for the title for me. Ferguson still pisses over Wenger and Man Utd have history of bouncing back from title disappointment. Up The Arsenal!

  27. chris dee

    Aug 08, 2012, 10:25 #25060

    Wow!Was this crap really written by an Arsenal supporter? We all know Adrian Durham of Talk Crap is an Arsenal hating tosser who daily spews out bile and ridicule at the club,the manager,and the players for no other reasons other than his hatred of Arsenal, maybe Fitzpatrick should become his assistant. Incidentaly I'm surprised and disapointed with the Gooner that the have allowed Talk Crap to get away with such blatant negative propaganda against Arsenal in Tosser Durhams programme without so much as a single article taking on the tosser. Or maybe the Gooner is not a fanzine anymore reflecting Arsenal fans view in a rough and ready way and have become complacent.

  28. Kilkenny Cat

    Aug 08, 2012, 10:08 #25059

    im not convinced that Steve Bould is going to be a better defensive coach than Pat Rice. Pat played under Don Howe in another very good unit,and worked with George Graham. If Wenger wont listen nothing will change,and unless he strengthens in defence,the same old problems will still be there. IF the forward players actually score rather than pose,it would take the pressure off the defence. even in the invincible season the defence wasn,t great,but we normally scored for fun,so it didn,t matter.

  29. GoonerGoal!

    Aug 08, 2012, 9:51 #25058

    All the AKB’s need now to make their world perfect is an announcement that Elvis's "Wonder of You" is to be replaced by Bob Marley's "Three Little Birds" as Arsenal’s pre-match theme song. All together now, “Don't worry 'bout a thing, 'Cause every little thing gonna be all right…"

  30. Joe Fitzpatrick

    Aug 08, 2012, 9:26 #25057

    Ok this is my final word on the matter now because i'm "baffled" by some of your "bizzare" responses. For me Football is all about the dream that Arsenal can win the premiership, the F.A. cup or the champions league and when I see the club failing to do EVERYTHING IT POSSIBLY CAN to achieve this, I get a little bit upset. Maybe you are more easily pleased than I. As I have stated in my previous articles on the Gooner website I believe we should have signed Vertonghen, M'Vila/Tiote, Baines, ANY DECENT GOALKEEPER!! and Clint Dempsey AS WELL AS signing Podolski, Giroud and Cazorla because we have the money available to do so and the fans have waited long enough for serious investment now. I'm not asking for Messi, Iniesta, Ronaldo etc, all of those targets i've mentioned are achievable for reasonable money. Let's hope that you are all right, I am wrong and Arsenal win a trophy this season or at least get to the F.A. cup final. Check out the performances of the players I have just mentioned over the coming season especially "any decent keeper" he's very, very good indeed. keep smiling.

  31. Joe Fitzpatrick

    Aug 08, 2012, 6:09 #25056

    GoonerRon- let's hope that Djourou, metesacker and jenkinson evolve into a superior form as soon as possible because at the moment they are nothing but junk genes and random mutations!

  32. Joe S.

    Aug 08, 2012, 1:03 #25055

    Don't worry Joe F., there are enough of us on your side, it's just that we've said everything we have to say on Kroenke, Gazadis, Wegner and co. and now it's all about the new season and what happens on game one.Personally I think Wegner has put the club in a backwards position where the team is getting older, the character is lacking, while the team balance and tactical decision making are all over the place.Also the three new signings do not seem very inspiring,and I expect two out of the three new boys to whimper out ala Charmack. My expectations are not very high but as a long term Arsenal fan these often end up being the most interesting of seasons.

  33. Joe Fitzpatrick

    Aug 07, 2012, 23:50 #25054

    Ok. fine. I will shut up. Arsenal will always score at least one more goal than the opposition and will end the season as premier league champions thus securing the biggest baddest sponsorship deal that they could possibly ever get. None of our players will get injured and our squad is most certainly not "deficient in several key areas". Van Persie will stay, Walcott will stay, song will stay and everything is going to be just fine as it is. What was I thinking?

  34. Andrew Cohen

    Aug 07, 2012, 23:31 #25053

    Wow-the AKB's really are out in force today aren't they. I expect that in addition to pre-signing up for the horrendous new away kit, that Tommy Lee Jones and Will Smith have been round with the amnesia pen to wipe away the memories of last season. Let's get this straight. It doesn't matter who he signs. The problem is the manager and his refusal to address fundamental coaching and tactical problems. He thinks Diaby is an answer to our lack of a midfield destroyer/ball winner. He doesn't believe in a sound defence. He is spending £120 million a year mostly on players who wouldn't knock the skin off a day old custard. Financial probity is essential, as it would be in the company that employs you, but commercial performance is also important, and vital areas are being ignored. The Olympics prove that properly trained and led, great things are possible. Our team is not properly trained or led and our decline is an inevitability under Wenger.

  35. the drizzle

    Aug 07, 2012, 22:47 #25052

    this is a completely uninformed rant. why are we even talking about Kroenke's "return on his investment" when everybody knows football isnt a profit-generating enterprise. you treat City and PSG like they are enacting these brilliant marketing schemes, when in reality they are financial disasters. i would rather finish third than pay another 300 million to barely squeak out an EPL title and tank out the Champions League the way City did (and all so that next season their pathetic coach can claim he doesnt have enough firepower to win another title). and when you say "adapt," are you proposing that we go out and pay for these 45 million dollar signings? is buying ibrahimovich and overpriced brazilians the sign of a top club? how about signing the "young and dynamic" andre villas-boas? things arent even as dire as you make them out to be. despite having some of the most notorious turncoats in all of football, having our world-class striker continually injured, and having our top young midfielder sidelined for a year after taking a gunshot wound in the leg (at least thats what i assume happened), we have still managed to scurry around the top of the table. your doom-and-gloom predictions also entirely fail to mention that we will likely retain our third place position this season. for all its spending, chelsea does not have a single player that will net more than 10 goals. tottenham just villas-boased its way out of contention and will lose modric within the coming weeks. arsenal, on the other hand, have upgraded its squad, cut off some dead weight, and will have some key players return from injury towards the end of the year. its not a perfect squad, as evidenced by seeing johan djourou in the backfield, but thats the nature of sport and competition. somewhere along the line people seemed to forget that.

  36. CadanaGooner

    Aug 07, 2012, 22:43 #25051

    Joe - when both Liverpool & Spurs finish above Arsenal for the next 10 seasons and either win the Premiership they can stand vindicated. King Kenny & the $150Million he spent on local talents and Harry are not young managers; so, wait for the end of the coming season before making these bold statements. AVB will be out looking for a job halfway through this season and so will Brendan. I'm simply BAFFLED by this article Joe; I used to hold you in high esteem. Measure ourselves against Liverpool & Newcastle? How bizarre.

  37. Mandy Dodd

    Aug 07, 2012, 22:42 #25050

    It seems to me we are evolving. Three mid twenties internationals signed, and Cazorla appears to be something special. And it may not be over. Steve bould drilling the defence. Maybe more signings to come. There may still be a sting in the tail this summer, there are still too many players under the influence of Darren dein...and whoever is pulling his strings, a couple of these are certainly not good enough to hold the club to ransom, and can be moved on, especially as we now seem to be willing or able to strengthen. Issues are being addressed. On the evidence so far, I certainly do not fear tottenham, Liverpool , Newcastle and cannot imagine why anyone else would. We finished above these teams....and Chelsea when at times, seriously weakened, we will only be stronger come,the end of next season.

  38. goonercolesyboy

    Aug 07, 2012, 22:10 #25048

    Joe Fitzpatrick...you write such tosh, as someone earlier posted are you Durham in disguise? as his debate tonight reflects your negative stance...and by the way why do we read so many of your articles please Mr Editor? Tiresome and boring negativity....and yes we do need a defender but score more than the opposition is one way of winning don't you think?!

  39. Cash is King

    Aug 07, 2012, 22:10 #25047

    I didn't bother to read your crap article. The tunnel vision of 'abandon all hope all ye who enter here' is so passe. What's your problem-not enough money spent! Man Shi££y are leading the way in transfers this season-no one will leave! Barn Door and the Spuds sums it up really. How can you compare how Wenger has steered us away from this soulless 'money is god' path and given true sports supporters something tangible 'it's not just about the money.' Don't you get that yet??? Apart from Fab leaving for his boyhood club all the others have been money grabbing-never missed-spirit of team improves etc.We live in times of change and the model Wenger has built for success in the future supersedes anything anyone else has done in football in the past ten years. Steve Bould was the defensive signing this year BTW.

  40. maguiresbridge gooner

    Aug 07, 2012, 21:45 #25046

    jon we were just as successful before arsene arrived he didn't invent arsenal you know you just have to look at what is being shown on ESPN classic at this moment and time Fever pitch the closest championship ever and the rerun of the 93 FA cup final against sheffield wed (check who scored the winner) to name just a few. Players with real commitment and real balls who would bleed for the cause and did.

  41. Wombledin

    Aug 07, 2012, 21:41 #25045

    It's so amusing to see so many readers who apparently think everythings ok now we've signed 3 new experienced attacking players, forgetting we havn't signed a single new defender (yet) or goalkeeper which is the glaring weakness in the squad. The AKB also forget that every season our net transfer spend is always way down. In the last 7 years our aggregate net transfer spending is horribly disproportionate to our Club and its historical record and ambitions, something like 17th last season. We punch well above our weight for net spend but there is no case to answer that Wenger is hopelessly under investing capital funds in the squad and hopelessly under investing in our defense. Theres absolutely no doubt it will be more of the same this coming season, finishing miles below the top 2 and hopefully scraping into 3rd or 4th.

  42. GoonerRon

    Aug 07, 2012, 21:36 #25044

    @ Joe Fitzpatrick - you list the players that Spuds and Liverpool have bought. Yes, Spuds have bought three good players but have also lost King, Corluka, Saha, Adebayor, Pienaar, Kranjcar and Nelson from the squad that ended last season. Is their squad any stronger? Debatable. As for Liverpool, they've bought one striker who hasn't scored 20 top flight goals in his career, so can hardly be considered an established player yet. As for your defensive squad depth comment, Wenger is clearly putting a lot of faith in Steve Bould to deliver a better defensive shape in the team. Plus, it is possible to improve the goals against tally without buying players you know. Is it impossible for you to consider the notion that Ches, Gibbs and Jenks can still develop significantly with playing experience? Is it possible that Santos and Mertesacker will have settled more after their first year in the club/country? Sometimes evolution can be as effective as revolution.

  43. Peter Wain

    Aug 07, 2012, 19:52 #25043

    Arjen if you think that Gazidis is brilliant you belong in a nut house

  44. GoonerGoal!

    Aug 07, 2012, 19:50 #25042

    Joe, maybe the sentiment was right, but as they say “timing is everything”, and this time I’m afraid it couldn’t have been worse. The AKB’s are bound to be in full flow with the signing of three new players, you know they buy into the whole “everything in the garden will be well” philosophy despite the ruling triumvirate extracting even more money from them in return for no greater a promise than 4th place. The fact that all of the new signings, just like the four from last season, were unwanted by any of the major clubs of Europe might have provided even them with a little sense of proportion, but I guess for most of them once you have bought into the “everything in the garden will be well” philosophy, all that’s needed is to hear it repeated again and again for seven seasons in a row to keep you on board. VIVE LA REVOLUTION!

  45. Joe Fitzpatrick

    Aug 07, 2012, 19:40 #25041

    Ron- Tottenham have signed: Jan Vertonghen (Ajax-£10m), Gylfi Sigurdsson (Hoffenheim-£8m) and are still looking to add to that before August 31st where as Liverpool have signed Boroni for around £10m and are looking at signing Joe Allen for around £12m. When you consider their previous spending levels in relation to ours since 1996/7 (see post 27513) I would say that it is a pretty strong investment so far this season for both of those clubs.

  46. ross

    Aug 07, 2012, 19:31 #25040

    iam so pleased you have nothing to do with running a football club let alone arsenal ,i think you need a long hard look at yourself all is not well at the arsenal but you do not have the answers

  47. MRMROD

    Aug 07, 2012, 19:18 #25039

    Joe - your point one is a laborious rant for rant's sake. AW has finally made 3 seriously good attacking acquisitions and whether RVP goes or stays it doesnt matter; i am positive and excited to see what develops over the first month - then put simply we can make comparisons to the first month of last season! You're second point, which could be condensed into 'an overall lack of strength in depth', bleats on in an unecessarily negative vein again! I disagree because I think the overall strength of a fit midfield is superb although agree that defensively and between the sticks we might be found wanting when struck by injuries...Arshavin, Bendtner and a.n.other out and use that money for Lloris and a defender...that should cure what potentially ails us!

  48. maguiresbridge gooner

    Aug 07, 2012, 18:11 #25038

    Very good start very good start but thats what it is a start the defence and goalkeeping situation is just as important if not more what is the obsession with forwards or attacking midfielders they're not going to do us any good if like previous seasons we're going to be leaking goals all over the place and it will not be helped if we have to call on flappy.The signings made so far are very welcome so surprise us even more (was it something somebody said)and strengthen even more in the area that needs strengthening an maybe we can become challengers again.

  49. True Goo

    Aug 07, 2012, 18:07 #25037

    Great to see the Gooner churning out another negative article. At least plenty of fans are shouting it down - and rightly so. Don't any of you 'writers' have jobs to do? Up the Gunners!!

  50. West Upper

    Aug 07, 2012, 18:02 #25036

    The usual negative nonsense from you Joe. I didn't see AVB set the world alight at Chelsea and Brendan Rodgers hardly excelled at Watford or Reading. We've made 3 decent experienced summer signings already, with more to come. And what exactly are you expecting from a back up keeper - do you honestly expect a half decent keeper to be happy sitting on the bench season in, season out when it's clear Szczesny is going to be No.1 for a decade.

  51. frank

    Aug 07, 2012, 17:51 #25035

    well i cant wait for the new season. We did finish 3rd last season and we have bought three cracking new players. we have a good team already I expect a number of young players to really shine this season coquelin,the ox,gibbs and ramsey. It would be amazing if jack were fit but hopefully by December he can be up and running and really push us to a trophy. Hopefully Mr Bould can help are defense out and who knows there might be a few more changes in the squad. Onwards and Upwards

  52. DW Thomas

    Aug 07, 2012, 17:31 #25034

    It's about time! Cazorla will be a good addition, about as good as we can hope for to replace Cesc. But really who would you rather have? If RvP stays , Wenger should take his captaincy, no doubt. Give it to TV or Arteta. If Song goes, we must replace him with M' Vila. Better talent at a younger age. Still have mot addressed the backup keeper or defensive lack of cover. Too many not ready players. I believe Wenger's mindset is all out attack, no plan B. That is why we have not won anything for 7 years. Sure, I am a little excited until injuries start, and the defense crumbles (have we forgotten United or Blackburn or AC Milan away last year?). Wenger believes if you just score enough, you'll win enough to be champions. Defense is not that important to him. Why else would he have only bought 3 attacking players and blown off M'Vila? Makes no sense. Diaby will never want to be a true DM ala Makalele. He doesn't enjoy it enough and isn't forced to play that way. Same with Song now. We need players like TA who relished defending. I think Kos is like that and Sagna. But who else? Let's be real and see how the first 5 games go and then if we're top or close we sing Wenger's praises. Biggest problem I still can't get over is why didn't we buy like this to keep Fab? Mark my words he will finish his career as a massive ACM. Up there with Platini, Pirlo, Xavi, and Matteus. My point is no longer can our club policies continue that keep us from winning and keeping our best. We soon forget the past without yet having won anything. Get just two more good additions (goalie and defender) and others will fear us again!

  53. Joe Fitzpatrick

    Aug 07, 2012, 17:14 #25033

    Net spends from summer 1996/97- summer 2011/12 (This transfer Window cannot be calculated yet for obvious reasons)all figures are from the Independent newspaper. Net spends since 1996/97… Arsenal: Overall Spend: £314.75m Overall Received: £310.514m Net Spend: £4.236m Manchester United: Overall Spend: £534.05m Overall Received: £283.975m Net Spend: £250.075m Manchester City: Overall Spend: £628.1m Overall Received: £155.543m Net Spend: £472.557m Chelsea: Overall Spend: £720.83m Overall Received: £216.185m Net Spend: £504.645m Liverpool: Overall Spend: £523.33m Overall Received: £318.87m Net Spend: £204.46m Tottenham: Overall Spend: £392.55m Overall Received: £217.93m Net Spend: £174.62m

  54. JimmyGooner

    Aug 07, 2012, 17:02 #25032

    I'm not sure what all the commenters are moaning about to be honest as it seems a fairly reasonable thought out assessment even if it's one which I don't whole-heartedly agree with. Fair play to the Gooner guys for allowing so many negative responses though - it's a great site for debate even if some of it could be a bit more reasoned. My own take on the summer is that Wenger has done what he has done best over the last 15 years and that's to buy exciting attacking players. I'm hoping (and my hope may be misplaced admittedly) that he's entrusting Steve Bould with the job of improving our defence. Anyone who has been watching Arsenal for move than 20 years will know that you don't necessarily need the best defenders in the league to have the best defence. It's the one area on the pitch where the sum of the parts can be greater than the individual parts, so if Bouldy adopts some of George Graham's techniques, I can see us improving significantly on the 49 goals conceded tally from last season. Fingers crossed.

  55. Graham Simons

    Aug 07, 2012, 16:38 #25031

    I'm happy with the three new signings especially if we retain RVP. The club needed to show its captain and its fans that it has ambition - I think we have done that and I'm almost looking forward to next season. All together now - What's that coming over the hill? Is it Cazorla - Santi Cazorla!!!

  56. bournmouth Gooner

    Aug 07, 2012, 16:37 #25030

    the best and most constructive set of blog replies i have seen for a while. this poor piece has unfurled a banner of hope held by us all. we have a decent side and one capable of beetingbanyone when fully fit first 11. some big seasons ahead, schezney, koscielny, arteta, gervinho, cocquelin, The Ox and Theo will all be immense this year.. We will make third beating chelsea and we will have one of the cups,,,,

  57. Joe Fitzpatrick

    Aug 07, 2012, 16:20 #25029

    Begkamps Teddy- Ok so to use your example of manchester united's squad i would counter your argument by saying that: 1. If De Gea gets injured they have Lindergaard. 2. They have Smalling,Jones,Evans,Vidic and Ferdinand as centre halves. 3. If Rooney gets injured they have Hernandez, Berbatov, Wellbeck and who knows maybe even Robin van Persie! how's that for squad depth?

  58. Angry & Frustrated

    Aug 07, 2012, 16:16 #25028

    Just wish Wenger would address his defence, which after all was our worst for over 30 years last season conceding 49 goals. I want to be optimistic with the three new signings, but until I see concrete evidence that our defensive frailties are sorted out via the transfer market, the money spent on our new additions to me will be pointless. The number one priority this close season was and remains our defence, yet none of the three new recruits will help sort this out. Wenger's massive blind spot for this aspect of the game is shocking, and it's partly what makes me so "angry & frustrated". The only other player we are still linked with on loan is yet another attacking midfielder from Real Madrid. What is it with Wenger and attacking midfielders? Was he as a boy forced to play in defence instead of attacking midfield? It might explain his pathological hatred of anything associated with defence!

  59. Chris Pho

    Aug 07, 2012, 15:55 #25027

    You are 100% correct, arsenal still need a holding midfielder and full backs, and if rvp leaves, I find it hard to believe that Giroud will be good enough to lead the line. Arsenal also need to adapt in terms of playing style and buy some midfielders with a bit more strength and adaptability. Despite the 3 recent signings, you are being left behind by the Manchester clubs and chelsea(who will improve on last seasons 6th place finish) as Arsenal are a team who should be winning trophies.

  60. johnnyhawleylovingooner

    Aug 07, 2012, 14:30 #25026

    well we have bought good players before we have sold and i suggest you look at the money pages of the newspapers and blogs to find what hair raising events are happening off the field at Man U.

  61. Jack the Gooner

    Aug 07, 2012, 14:26 #25024

    You can raise concerns about the 49goals we shipped and with good reason. However the only way you know how to present an argument is to be negative and sensationlist, awful awful blogging! Maybe give SB a chance to drill the team better, lets wait to see who the start of the season goes, before we let idiots like you set out the usual negative trash which you espouse all too regularly!

  62. Joe Fitzpatrick

    Aug 07, 2012, 14:12 #25023

    I think that some of you really need to check your facts. compare Arsenal's spending (net) over the last six years against any of the top teams in the premier league and you will be very, very suprised indeed. If Van Persie, Walcott and Song all leave before August 31st we will no doubt be in profit on player transfers for another season.

  63. Begkamps Teddy

    Aug 07, 2012, 14:01 #25022

    Just reading your response Joe and again you underline how little you understand the game you write about. You can go through many big clubs and say "what if this X gets injured"? What happens to Man Utd if they lose Rooney? They are still relying on Giggs and Scholes who are 38!! Your reponse is that of someone who is up a certain creek without a paddle mate, the fans are sick of this type of crap, Im waiting for you to pull out "AKB" as its idiots like you who have to insist on a split between fans, when its twats like you fueling the fire! We are tired of your constant whinging articles. You are the epitomy of a tribal fan and you offer nothing in this discussion! Go away kid

  64. ed enough...

    Aug 07, 2012, 13:51 #25021

    Have you actually read what you have wrote in the first paragraph???? Who exactly have Spuds and Living in the pastpool signed? While we have now signed 3 mature international class players...Can't comment on the rest of your article, simply because I stopped reading after the first paragraph....Utter CRAP!!!

  65. dave

    Aug 07, 2012, 13:12 #25020

    Oh dear, how very boring. Can we have more stories about Ray Parlour?

  66. Danny

    Aug 07, 2012, 12:54 #25019

    Joe Fitzpatrick, are you Adriam Durham from Talk Sh*te in disguise? I’m sick of you on here. Also ‘dynamic’ and Andre Villas-Boas in the same sentence, really!!??

  67. Tony Evans

    Aug 07, 2012, 12:47 #25018

    Arjen - I have to take issue with your point number two. Where's the proper defensive midfielder and top notch keeper then? Please don't say Song and Sczcesney. We also still have a certain useless lump called Djourou who will no doubt feature this season. Until Wenger takes defending more seriously we will always struggle to achieve consistant results.

  68. Der Projekt ist Kaput

    Aug 07, 2012, 12:35 #25017

    Jon - Arsenal were the Stoke of London pre-Wenger? That would be the Stoke that won 2 titles in 3 years and achieved European success? Wow - it would be terrible if those days returned. Long Live Wenger and no more success!!!

  69. Rippy

    Aug 07, 2012, 12:23 #25016

    Sorry joe badly timed me thinks.....

  70. Ron

    Aug 07, 2012, 11:54 #25015

    But Liverpool Totts and Toon havent spent heavily have they? As for Arsenal they need a quality LB, and a midfield enforcer at least to top up the signings made already if AWs shopping is deemed good enough. Arguably a Keeper and quality CB too, but we can safely say that they wont be bought.

  71. Joe Fitzpatrick

    Aug 07, 2012, 11:42 #25014

    I'm happy with Giroud, Podolski and Cazorla. They are great attacking players who I hope adapt quickly to English football. To those who are upset by my writing i ask you, What happens when Wojciech Szczesny gets injured? Flappyhandski happens. What happens when Sagna gets injured? Jenkinson who is basically a non league player comes in. TV5 and Kos out injured? The slowest centre half in the world Per Mertesacker or the hapless Djourou come in. Gibbs out injured? Santos the defender who thinks he's a striker comes in. Song gets injured or maybe even sold? Abou Diaby or Coquelin replace him. Why on earth we haven't strengthened defensively when we conceded 49 league goals last season is beyond me. let's hope we can always out-score the opposition then lads!

  72. Ken

    Aug 07, 2012, 11:16 #25013

    Ok straight from the off - I am a chelsea supporter so you may just want to stop reading now (although this is not a negative post, it is a comment on our collective premiership and why Arsenal do not need to evolve). My first point is your transfer activity is feeling brisk this year and it is not over - your new signing is particularly tasty. Now onto my next point. The key words in your article or at least the ones that stood out for me were return on investment. It is my belief that Arsenal, Liverpool, Spurs (now wait for this) dont really have a financial (remember we are talking about return on investment)desire to win the premiership, if it happened, great but the investment needed to get into the top four may be worth it due to the potential financial returns brought about by the champions league but the investment needed to come in the top two or first is always going to be a serious loss making exercise reserved for mad but fabulous billionaries (sorry I am a Chelsea supporter). So these spaces are reserved for those clubs not looking for a return (chelsea and man city). Please this is not a commentary on how good Arsenal are or any other team is. I just believe that owners of (including liverpool, Spurs, Man utd (yep man utd) and Arsenal etc) will invest just enough to try to ensure a presence in the top four - no more, why would they spend more, there is no return (just a sizable loss in business terms). This reality is also true for Man Utd, although due to their high finishes you might disagree butlook at their level of investment under the Glazers. And in this light I come to Arsenal. You have a fantastic manager who provides this top four finish - every year! You have arrived (and been there for some time) at the place that spurs, liverpool etc are so striving to be at. For Arsenal as such it is not about evolving - it is about maintaining your exact place (top four) and shaping your resources to maintain this placing. As you are already in the top four the investment will be different (you cannot compare your activity in the transfer market to other teams). I know its sad, but this is what the game has become but as it favours Chelsea - so you wont hear me complaining

  73. dave

    Aug 07, 2012, 11:14 #25012

    Obviously you have been living under a rock for the past 3months.You only have to look at malaga and their diminishing money to see what happens when football is substituted for money.It seems that the fact that arsenal have already bought 3experienced players is not enough for you..I'd rather you write about global warming than wasting our time saying the same thing that others have been saying for the past 16 years..In case you ddnt know, all the new arsenal players have cited AW as 1 of the reasons why they joined arsenal..So please go join Usmanov in your blind accusation of the club

  74. Mike

    Aug 07, 2012, 11:10 #25011

    Arsenal are probably in a better position than any other club for long term success. It is not reliant on money being pumped in from dubious sources - three quality names have now been brought in with RVP seemingly not going anywhere. Man utd have not been very active in the market this year - I think your argument is misplaced - I am no AKB or AMG but I for one am positive about this season

  75. Bergkamps Teddy

    Aug 07, 2012, 11:08 #25010

    "must adapt to survive" - FFS mate, you are like a cheap tabloid rag with your pithy sensationalist headlines! Just signed Cazorla and we have yet ANOTHER negative piece on the gooner, how typical!

  76. Fishpie

    Aug 07, 2012, 11:05 #25009

    Hey Joe, how are you feeling about the Cazorla acquisition? (By the way, if you phrase that right, it scans really well into the Hendrix song) Does Cazorla make you feel any different from what you've written? I read on a blog yesterday that we are really struggling to sell season tickets. Perhaps Cazorla is just an old fashioned purchase to stimulate more ticket sales. Good thing if it is. The board needs to feel the financial consequences of managing the club the way it has been. Although the Podolski, Giroud and Cazorla purchases are as impressive a collection of transfers we've undertaken in many many years (and I applaud the club for doing it) I think our lack of defensive prowess is still the unresolved fly in the ointment.

  77. jason

    Aug 07, 2012, 10:50 #25008

    pretty damm negative post, season has not started ,good investment ,great manager at Arsenal.Brendon Rogers unproven,AVB has not done anything in english football.so damm easy to put the boot in, write something positive

  78. Rationality

    Aug 07, 2012, 10:44 #25007

    You're an idiot. There are many deluded arsenal fans and their blogs out there but this is the biggest load of tosh I have read in a long time. You complain about lack of investment but so far we have bought Podolski and Giroud with Carzola due to be announced any day now and a lot of talk of Sahin joining us in the near future too. That is an investment of £30+ million which is a massive turn around from recent years and we may even have some more surprise signings to come. If such an investment is not enough for you what would you like? Us to be owned by flash sugar daddy splashing his cash in the short term before who knows what happens when he gets bored/the money dries up? We are reaching the end of our stadium repayments which will give us exceptional foundations going forwards. Just look at Portsmouth, Rangers and now Malaga as examples of how uncontrolled spending and poor management can can damage, or even destroy a club. Personally I feel very optimistic over the coming season and regardless of how the Van Persie situation resolves itself I think we will be the most competitive we have been in years. Certainly getting your knickers in a twist about Tottenham, Newcastle and Liverpool gazzumping us is not the most positive of outlooks right now. I swear some people follow football because they like to be depressed and as such it is of no surprise that you seem so eager to suck on the Uzbeki teat of Usmanov and fall right into his money grubbing hands.

  79. Dan

    Aug 07, 2012, 10:39 #25006

    It's the same old rubbish from you. We've signed Podolski, Giroud and Cazorla yet you have a go at Kroenke for not investing in the squad. Sometimes I think you complain for the sake of complaining. I'll now get called an AKB just because I have a different opinion

  80. Daniel Wong

    Aug 07, 2012, 10:36 #25005

    Fully agree with the one on sponsorship deals. Sponsors want to be associated with winners. Furthermore teams in the cl can enhance the name of the sponsors. Arsenal may now be a brand name. The problem is continual lack of success on the pitch will lead to erosion of the brand.By then it could be a question of being too late.Once you finish outside the cl,terms will be dictated by the sponsors. If Wenger is smart he better deliver on the pitch.If not the life span of a non winner manager is measured in three to five years.he is lucky to survive for seven years.

  81. Herbert

    Aug 07, 2012, 10:36 #25004

    Your first paragraph has been completely undermined by the signing og Podolski, Giroud and now Cazorla! When most fans have cause for optimism you continually come out with this rubbish!

  82. Cashmill

    Aug 07, 2012, 10:30 #25003

    Joe Fitzpatrick, what a lame writer you are! Wenger has spent some money now. What are you complaining about?? What kind of players do you suggest he should buy? Has he ever spent money on a proven star! Yes, he bought Arshavin and look how that turned out. Your ideas are worse than the white things that appear on your tongue when you are thirsty! Stop writing!

  83. Jack the Gooner

    Aug 07, 2012, 10:23 #25002

    Dont understand why your articles are continually published! More tiring, negative trite from a very boring and ignorant contributor! I ask the gooner why do we not see more variety in the articles published? Joe needs to be taken out to pasture, the guy doesnt have a clue about football

  84. James

    Aug 07, 2012, 10:23 #25001

    The one thing you have done this summer is bought players who will either succeed or fail stright away. Podolski isn't a kid, neither is Giroud or Cazorla and the main spine of the team is a good age. Koscielny and Vermaelen both over 25? It does mean Wenger can't say the kids will get better, but experience is so key to winnign things. Not that Arsenal suddenly have a problem with age because Wilshire Song Sczezney are all young, but the team won't actually improve that much, this team is at a good point in their careers if that makes sense. Interesting to see how you lot do, I think fourth because AVB will ruin Spurs. Tactically not good enough.

  85. jon

    Aug 07, 2012, 10:18 #25000

    CRAP!!!!!! think before wenger arrived we were the Stoke of London, kicking & scratching our way to nowhere

  86. Arjen

    Aug 07, 2012, 10:13 #24999

    Just pointing out a few things 1)Spuds had made a huge sponsorship deal even though they have no CL football. 2) Arsenal have addressed most major weaknesses saving the Fullback position. 3) If you want our club to run by a criminal then stop supporting Arsenal. 4)Kroenke hasn't taken any money from Arsenal he sees Arsenal as a luxury something he can boast of without investing in it as he has two brilliant men at the helm. Ivan Gazidis and ARSENE WENGER.

  87. Chunky

    Aug 07, 2012, 10:13 #24998

    "Backing their new managers with as much financial muscle as they can muster" you say? As anLFC fan I can tell you that my grandchildren spend more on their sweets than parsimonious FSG do at Anfield ! We are on our own and have to provide by selling whoever we can and wherever we can. Henry , narurally , did not say when he bought that the reduction of the initial debt would be paid not by him but by the club itself! There is a common trend he shares with the two cowboys who left - none of his money if he can help it gets spent. In the 2 years he has put out £32M only and sales of players accounted for the rest. The truth is we are a selling club - nothing more than that!