Cunning Plan Laid Bare?

Arsene Wenger must actually be a genius

Cunning Plan Laid Bare?

Cazorla: Goodbye Project Youth

As an accountant who has not worked half a day in football, I really have only a basic (if that) knowledge of coaching and tactics. I barely understand the offside rule. However, I do know a lot of things about the way businesses work, and I begin to see what AW and IG have been doing over the last few years. Hindsight bringing a clarity all of its own.

So here is the skinny which I will present here as complete truth and fact (which it isn’t of course – it is just speculation):

• We embarked on a ridiculously ambitious programme to build a new stadium funded out of our own cash flow – laudable and sensible – increase capacity, give ourselves a chance to compete with the best.

• That programme was clearly going to disrupt the club for at least ten years (planning, delivering, paying back the debt).

• At the start of this programme, to keep the followers of This Great Club on-side, the Board couldn’t say “it is going to be a struggle for ten years before anything really positive comes out of this – we are going to have to watch the pennies carefully, and the chances are we will win sweet FA (not even the sweet FA Cup) – they had to tell and stick to the “this will help us compete with the best” – not telling us it might be ten years before we get the chance to do it.

• In the middle of this programme, the world economy takes its biggest hammering in 70 years, and two billionaire loons enter the Premier League with the express intention of buying as many players for their fantasy teams as they can. Could it have been predicted? Probably yes.

• To make sure we could compete and maintain the financial plan, we couldn’t afford the big signings – hence “Project Youth” – I don’t think Wenger ever believed it would win him the league, but I think he thought it would give us an outside chance, and keep some cash rolling in – it is incredible that we have achieved CL football (not important for being in the CL, but important for the money it generates to support the long-term programme), with the squads we have had – Wenger must actually be a genius, especially given the amount of players who are not worthy on non-league football if some of what I read on the Online Gooner is to be believed.

• The programme is about complete, and financially stability is pretty certain for the club – and so Project Youth is quietly jettisoned and Project Win The Premiership is launched. Cazorla, Giroud, Podolski to add to some strong signings from last season. Yes, the squad is not finished – but the business that has been done this transfer window in our attacking options is outstanding – especially at the prices being quoted. Now to address the defence – does the name Steve Bould ring any bells? And remember, Cazorla should have been in the team last season but for us being gazumped by Malaga – who now struggle to pay their bills having been a rich man’s plaything a year ago (be careful what you wish for).

Now to hopeless optimism – I think AW is a heck of a lot cleverer at football and business than most of us who bother with this website (I don’t think he knows best, but he certainly knows better than me) and I think he and the Board have been driving to a grand vision, and we are now reaching the point where the curtains will be pulled back, and the cannon will fire again.

I predict that in the next 3 seasons (so to be clear – no later than the 2014-15 season) WE WILL WIN THE LEAGUE. If we don’t, I will never write another piece or comment on another post on the Online Gooner – which will give some of you a bit of divided loyalty – if we don’t win the league, that mug RJ will shut up – hmmmmm. And frankly I expect us to push for the title this year, and finish second or better. Seriously I do – and if you can’t have hopes and expectations before the season starts, then you may as well not bother. I love our club, our history, my fellow fans and I also love our hatred of all things Tottenham. I have one wish and prayer my comrades in arms – give the squad a chance – let them get through at least five games before grumbling about how rubbish it all is. Cannot wait for Sunderland. C.O.M.E. O.N. Y.O.U. G.O.O.N.E.R.S.

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  1. Vino Deano

    Aug 10, 2012, 23:16 #25178

    10 years ago the plan to re-compete may have been rael. But in the meantime the Board, and Gazadis in particular, have been seduced by making a healthy profit on coming fourth. The only calculation that now matters to the Board is its return on investment, and this summer I suspect its probably had to make a very precise calculation. Apart from Podolski, who was bought early, all other purchases have been made in response to a potential decrease in revenue if they didn't buy, as well as an assumption that RVP will generate £20M to cover most of the costs. Season ticket renewals have been weak for the third season running, the waiting list is shrinking, and even the corporate boxes were still being hawked around last week. They have suddenly realised that people won't pay top whack to watch a team that doesn't compete to win but only to come fourth. But the purchases are still made at the minimum level to to create a team that will come fourth (none of the signings are really world class). Contrast that with Ferguson wants RVP because he really wants to win. Thats the big difference. Its all too clever by half and will eventually backfire, unless Sahin joins and RVP stays......then we might be seeing a real change

  2. bonjour

    Aug 10, 2012, 17:25 #25172

    ha this article is shambolic! I admire your optimism but you predictions and "the plan" is just insane. If you really do believe this has all just been a big plan then you need help my friend!

  3. Ron

    Aug 10, 2012, 13:30 #25165

    Gooner Ron - Id venture Wenger doesnt know or have a 'first choice back 4'to be honest. Who are they? Hes got a clutch of misfits as defenders, none particularly recognisable as specialist defenders who he s happy to use as circumstances dictate. The players dont even know who the 'first choice' is either by the looks of it. In any event, if such a 'first choice' has ever taken the field theyve never looked like a cohesive unit to me. These defenders who Wenger has accumulated are a disgrace to what the Club has produced before down the decades. Theyre as big a disjointed rabble as ever Billy Wrights class of 63 - 66 were. In fact even Ian Ure was better than the so called 'BFG' whos clearly s--t scared to head a football!

  4. Gooner S

    Aug 09, 2012, 21:49 #25152

    In terms of the 10 year plan - great! Somebody else gets it too! Bold predictions though. I woudln't go that far. I do think we will compete very strongly. I would like to see the defensive side looked at though.

  5. glossop gooner

    Aug 09, 2012, 21:28 #25150

    top marks for boundless optimism,and yes those signings look very last some positive vibes about our new players.well said

  6. ppp

    Aug 09, 2012, 18:10 #25149

    PPP inc agrees and thank god for something positive in the online gooner - it has been listed as an Usmanov mouthpiece for a couple of years but this sort of thing could pull it out of the mire. Well done and decent assessment of the majority of genuine Arsenal fans feelings.

  7. GoonerRon

    Aug 09, 2012, 17:31 #25146

    @ Peter Wain - the CB partnership isn't the only thing that determines the goals against column. How many games did we have our first choice back four available for? All four full backs had spells of three months out injured and significant chunks were overlapping. It is very difficult to get momentum when this happens. As for Walcott and Ramsey being world class, I'd say we differ on that world clas actually is, but in my opinion top Europeam sides would be looking to buy them if they were available (i.e. Man U wanting Ramsey when we bought him and the European champions linked with Walcott this summer).

  8. Peter Wain

    Aug 09, 2012, 17:07 #25145

    Gooner Ron if you think that Ramsey Walcott etc are world class you are a nut job in the making. We have one world class player RVP who we are selling. Of the others you mention Wiltshire maybe world class if he recovers from this injury which unfortunately is doubtful. The rest are at best good players. If our central defensive partnership is so good how come we shipped 49 goals last season.

  9. Mike #1

    Aug 09, 2012, 15:38 #25139

    Angry and frustrated - your name tells the story. Generally, I wonder, if we'd won the Carling Cup vs Brum, would that have made any difference to anyone? To me it makes none. Wenger is trying to build a team to challenge again whilst sticking to a 10 yr plan. We're still a VERY Good team, top 4 in England, faced with many challenges. We're on the way to being better. Let's support our team,not villify them. C'mon Gooners

  10. Mike (#1 !!)

    Aug 09, 2012, 13:58 #25137

    Norfolk Gooner - You provide the perfect example of the naysayer. In your haste to ridicule and criticise, you "forget" to mention Kosielny - probably close to our player of the year last season (and now a France international). Gibbs and Mertesacker are imo "world class" in the sense that both performed very well for us before/after injuries. Yes Mertesacker started slowly, but we missed him in the games imediately after his injuy. We conceded 49 goals but for about half of those games, we were without at least 3 of those 5 (playing in their actual positions). And for the record, I think Santos and Djourou are both good quality back ups and Jenkinson needs to be given the benefit of the doubt until proven otherwise. Miquel, Bartley and Yennaris also show excellent potential. It's not as bad as many would like to make it out to be.

  11. Mike

    Aug 09, 2012, 13:07 #25134

    It seems funny how people who ridiculed Song and Walcott last season and couldn't wait for them to be transferred suddenly do an about turn and seem to think they are now going to leave a vacuum - As for the defence - a constant back four of Sagna, Vermalen, Kos and Gibbs backed up with Mertesaker, Jenkins, Santos and Miguel doesn't seem too bad to me

  12. RVP

    Aug 09, 2012, 11:51 #25130

    I'll believe it when I see it!!!!

  13. Daryl

    Aug 09, 2012, 11:31 #25126

    I'm optimistic but not so optimistic that I'd say we'll win the league. FA cup maybe.

  14. Angry & Frustrated

    Aug 09, 2012, 9:20 #25123

    @Mike We are all naturally biased towards Arsenal, but five world class defenders that takes tunnel vision to beyond extreme. Did Wenger tell you that was the case and hence it must be true? Regardless on which side of the fence you are re Arsenal's current direction, please lets all at least keep the comments remotely realistic!

  15. RJ

    Aug 09, 2012, 9:16 #25121

    @BKK Gooner - you raise an interesting point about RVP - if he is still in the squad but does not sign, and he plays - how will he be treated? I think he made a naive and foolish statement trying to force through a deal that his agents told him was a cert. It didn't happen. If he does not leave, then let's all get behind the boy, show him some love so he realises the error of his ways - and signs on the line for us. He would then be... like a new signing! And we are stronger with than without him. But if the Mancs come up with £20m, thanks for the hard work and on your way

  16. Van de Ed

    Aug 09, 2012, 6:49 #25115

    The major problem at Arsenal isn't so much the lack of quality players (as I believe our strongest XI is as good as any other in the EPL & much of Europe) as it is inadequate coaching and a laissez-faire attitude. Le Boss apparently only has 1 formation (which is being increasingly figured out by many clubs) and no noticeable plan B for when things aren't working as planned. The lack of passion & strong desire to grind out results isn't in this team's DNA. Till these are addressed, we'll continue to be the bridesmaid but never the bride!!

  17. BKK Gooner

    Aug 09, 2012, 6:25 #25114

    Whilst I agree about the signings so far and Bould's appointment, I must say that even if Robin Van Persie stays (what reaction will he get?), we still need to strengthen the full back positions if we are to even challenge. Even if it means loan players.

  18. AussieRussianGooner

    Aug 09, 2012, 4:28 #25113

    Good piece, but you should take time and learn the offside rule. It may come handy when watching the football. :)

  19. norfolk gooner

    Aug 08, 2012, 23:47 #25112

    @ Mike,are you for real, 5 world class defenders,are you on about our famous back five or the ones that conceded nearly 50 goals last season,we only have one quality FB in Sagna and the excellent TV, so who are the other three? Please don't come back and say Mertesaker Gibbs and Djourou.Just going to check AFC website,maybe we have bought Vidic, Kompany and Cashly today!!!

  20. Connor

    Aug 08, 2012, 23:10 #25111

    The recent signings have proved Wenger was wrong.The last 7 tears have been wasted on Project Youth.Putting our faith in garbage like Djourou Diaby Senderos Denilson Bendtner and Walnutt paying them crazy wages.All have been failures.I just wish the AKB's praising this summers signings would hold their hands up and admit their leader got it wrong big style

  21. John Gooner

    Aug 08, 2012, 22:34 #25110

    While I may not be over the moon with the board, I am very pleased with the business done so far this summer. We have bought smart and bought well. By anyones standards Podolski, Giroud and Cazorla are excellent signings. What's more, this summer's business means that if Van Persie leaves, his argument about the clubs lack of ambition is totally floored - and we can show him what we think of money grabbing hypocrites when he returns in a Manchester shirt without guilt. If he stays, we win the double!!! Come on you gunners!

  22. GoonerRon

    Aug 08, 2012, 22:05 #25109

    @ Peter Wain - are you being serious? I mean you really must be a barrell of laughs to be around. You say we don't have one world class player? I know the definition of world class is a grey area but the way I look at it is if all of our players were transfer listed would the top clubs in Europe look to buy them? On the list in my opinion would be Ches, Vermaelen, Koscielny, Sagna, Wilshere, AOC, RVP, Ramsey, Cazorla, Podolski, Walcott. Yes, our back back up striker did score one goal last season but I hope you were able to lift yourself out of your depressive stupour long enough to recognise that we play with one striker and he started all but one league games on the way to 30 goals, what exactly is Chamakh supposed to do? As for your assertion that it will be a considerable acheivement to finish in the top half of the table, what the f*ck have you possibly based that on?

  23. maguiresbridge gooner

    Aug 08, 2012, 20:26 #25107

    Project youth was never going to work on terms of success on the pitch anyway as has been proved over the last seven years of failure it certainly hasn't failed in other areas like making rich men richer including the players of project youth signed on ridiculous wages having proved nothing and getting pay rises for continuing to do so.Then we had project buy dross and make them even richer with massive wages and contracts so good we can't get shot.Yes RJ It looks like project youth is being jettisoned and lets hope project win the prem is eventually being launched he has made a good start but there is a hell of a lot more work to do like addressing the defense and the the keeper situation.

  24. johnnyh

    Aug 08, 2012, 20:24 #25106

    im very impressed with the new signings but attacking has never been a problem for arsenal,its the lack of a top quailty goalkeeper and no balance between attack and defence that has hampered the team for years and until this is addressed i cant see anything changing.

  25. Andrew Cohen

    Aug 08, 2012, 19:58 #25105

    I believe that you are assuming a level of sophistication which doesn't exist, but even if you are right, is it part of the vast eternal plan to defend badly through lack of the (comparatively) untalented players that it takes to have a tough defence and a plan to coach them with?

  26. Middx n Hearts

    Aug 08, 2012, 19:22 #25104

    Nice article, if a little up in the clouds, but what the Hell,Cheered me up.

  27. Mike

    Aug 08, 2012, 19:03 #25103

    Wow - people are so hard to please !!! We're in the top 4 in England and top 8 in Europe, all on a bit of a shoestring - most importantly without selling out to any sugardaddy who can pull the plug (or is a brokedick) i.e. Malaga, Rangers etc. Things are looking up Wenger is a winner. He doesn't want to come 3rd, 4th or worse, but he believes in the project and now it's coming to fruition. It might not happen overnight but it will happen - soon. We have 5 world class defenders and a VERY good GK. Who are Chelsea's reserve defendrs? Or Man U or Spuds? We can't all be Man Sh!tty. But we're doing very well. I wouldn't want to support them or Chavs anyway, they're disgusting. GIve us a break. If you want to support a team that just buys all the best players, there's 4 I can think of that will fit the bill better than Arsenal. Otherwise - keep the faith.

  28. Peter Wain

    Aug 08, 2012, 18:57 #25102

    I feel totally pessimistic about this season. We sell our best player to the second best team in the country and replace him with a second rate German who looked out of his depth in the Euros and a Frenchman who scored a lot of goals in a second rate french league. We concede 49 goals and do not sign a defensive player or a defensive midfield player. We have ten players in our first team squad who are not fit to wear the shirt nd our best midfield players future looks very doubtful. The directors put no money in the first team squad. RVP sale will cover the three purchases together with Vela's money and the prize money from last season. The owner never speaks and the chief executive is a clown not fit to be CEO of any company. So to all the AKBs out their how can we even compete to win the carling cup with the weakest squad we have had since the 1990s. We do not have one world class player we use to have seven or eight. Our back up striker scored one goal last season and both our left backs are positionally so poor that it is embarassing. It will be a considerable acheivement to finish in the top half of the table.

  29. Jay

    Aug 08, 2012, 18:41 #25100

    Great piece RJ. I remember (but cannot find any corroborating evidence) Wenger saying - and this was at the time we were still looking for a site for the new stadium - that we needed a bigger home and that it would come at a price. That price was the fact that we would have to be frugal in the transfer market. His next actions? Buying Pennant, Anelka, affordable talents he could see and thought would florish with Arsenal for the next 10 years. Then Fabregas the Golden Boot winner in the U17 World Cup, Vela the Golden Boot winner in the next U17 World Cup. Its all there to back up your hypothesis that this is/was Wenger (& David Dein's) plan. Its only come unstuck when uncontrollable elements have come into play. Anelka's brothers, Cashley's zenophobia (no one speaks English in the Arsenal dressing room - Q. Does John terry speak English?) Man City deciding that the best way to get a top 4 finish was to castrate your opponents - firstly raid Aston Villa then Arsenal. Plans never work out how you want or expect and the only thing you can criticise Wenger for is a lack of a Plan B at times and perhaps a failure to be as many steps ahead of the opposition as we would like. I think we may be turning the corner. I HOPE we are turning the corner but if not . . . . I'll still be a Gooner.

  30. Russ99

    Aug 08, 2012, 18:26 #25098

    Happy with the Calorza singing, but after spending around $20M, and how this board loves to profit on transfers, I wonder how long it will take for the other shoe to drop. Bringing in the quality players we have so far won't mean much after selling the likes of Van Persie, Wolcott and Song to make up for the money going out...

  31. tim

    Aug 08, 2012, 18:15 #25097

    well written, the best here for a very long time

  32. Frank

    Aug 08, 2012, 17:40 #25096

    We will never win the title while we sell our best players to City United and Chelsea.We dont have a defence 49 goals tells you that.And how many defenders have we bought? The big 0

  33. Big Andy

    Aug 08, 2012, 17:20 #25094

    Nice article, but it contains two massive flaws: firstly you fail to address Wenger's incompetence when it came to spending the (still considerable) wage bill. Ridiculously high wages for rubbish like Almunia and Bendtner meant that we couldn't sign or retain quality. And a failure to sign the one or two extra key players that we needed lost us at least two titles. Also Wenger's incompetence when it came defensive coaching has probably cost us at least three cups. Secondly, most of Wenger's young signings have been crap. With the exception of the Ox and Fabrgas, Project Youth has been a failure. How many of these young players have been a success?

  34. Far East Manch

    Aug 08, 2012, 17:03 #25092

    Haha... I shall keep this article and we will see if your prediction ll come true. 2nd or better this year.?? Dream on....

  35. MRMROD

    Aug 08, 2012, 16:54 #25091

    Spot on and well said RJ. I believe it was cited when we took on this project (New Stadium/ Self sustaining business model) that we would need to qualify for the Champions League continuously for at least the next 10 years to help pay for it...well we've almost achieved that. Witness that we also had the Premiership title in the bag with a barely adequate squad until the Eduardo/Birmingham thing happened...again we nearly done that. Now I agree that its completely unacceptable for Arsenal to be trophyless for 7 years but with the 3 new acquisitions on-top-of some of last seasons additions, for the first time in a number of years, I am going into a season sharing your optimism and genuinely, quietly confident of achieving silverware. Now that money is actually being splashed I agree that within 3 years " we will win the league"...with one not so small caveat; that we acquire two new or replace two current defenders and a decent back up keeper!! We're almost there...

  36. allybear

    Aug 08, 2012, 16:03 #25089

    Good article and there have been some good signings but all for attack! What about the "defence"? Is Steve Bould going to wave a magic wand. No Wenger doesnt do defence so no change there. Im disappointed that the defence has been left alone as it badly needs new blood. Same old Wenger,although he is a genius after all so maybe his plan will work!

  37. billthered

    Aug 08, 2012, 15:59 #25088

    Up until now I dont think citeh have bought anyone because they cannot get rid of their overpaid strikers as nobody will pay their ridiculous wages.I know some of ours wont go but we do not pay 180 grand a week to players do we.I have my doubts about FFP but I hope that this is the start of it,and dont bring the chavs into it we all know they think their a law unto themselves.

  38. Paul Skinner

    Aug 08, 2012, 15:47 #25087

    This article has some good points if a little over optimistic in my view, however to say that Mr Wenger never believed in 'project youth' is doubtful. David Dein said last year, and I paraphrase, "that Mr Wenger would have to accept that things haven't turned out as would have wished and had to rethink". However, I do believe it is true that the youth project was agreed to ensure that money could be diverted to the stadium project. Another thing that doesn't sound right is the board deciding to spend now and that is how they planned it. Personally I think that the board would have liked to wait a couple more seasons before they started spending, if that was the intention, but the threat that people are not going to renew their season tickets is too much and they have realised that they need to spend to accumulate. We have three good signings, all at the right age, all internationals, albeit not currently in their respective countries first choice starting line up, but it is enough material for Mr Wenger to work on. If Song goes to Barcelona. although he did pretty well for us last season and we bring in Yann the man and Sahin comes to cover for Wilshere and then VP and Theo sign up for the duration and if Steve Bould does works wonders with the defence, then perhaps we could be in with a shout for the title, but even without the wishing coming true and if VP does go, we should still see some good football and be in touch for fourth. I hope once we see the debt eliminated then we should see real spending, if necessary. I am still in doubt whether the board have done enough to ensure that I will renew my season ticket next season, but we still have some transfer window left and then we have a whole season before us - I want us to win, so lets see if they have got it right. Come on you Reds.

  39. DW Thomas

    Aug 08, 2012, 15:39 #25086

    Wenger is coaching on borrowed time, keeping his job based on past glories. No matter how great they were, we have won nothing, no trophy, nor finished close to the league winners in quite some time. How does anyone celebrate 3rd or 4th as much as we Arsenal fans? It is exactly those past glories that should cause us to want more, not less! No team despite a few decent signings (finally!) should lose their best players year after year. If we win the league and/or CL I will gladly praise Wenger, for then he will deserve it. A true fan stays loyal, sure, but also does not cheer/hope for second best! As fans we should want trophies, no more, no less. Support no matter what, never change allegiances, but voice concern when it is real and needed!

  40. GoonerGoal!

    Aug 08, 2012, 14:45 #25085

    OK, so I am hereby persuaded to give the squad a chance and let them get through at least five games. At that point however, all bets are off, and if things are as bad as I fear they may be, only then shall I cry "Havoc!" and let slip the dogs of war, that this foul deed shall smell above the earth with carrion AKB’s groaning for burial...

  41. johnnyhawleylovinggooner

    Aug 08, 2012, 14:32 #25084

    does anyone know enough about cazorla to tell me if he is a good player or a marquee player?

  42. Ugandan Gooner, Kampala Uganda

    Aug 08, 2012, 13:56 #25082

    I totally agree with you. The prof is cunning.

  43. Tony Evans

    Aug 08, 2012, 13:55 #25081

    A good article RJ and although I have grave reservations about Wenger I will admit that he has done wonders in keeping Arsenal in the CL on such a tight budget. Where you and I will differ is the case for the defence which does not seem to feature in Wenger's plans at all. To win the games big prizes a team has to be tight at the back and possess a great keeper and for all Arsenal's attacking prowess under Wenger that seemingly will never be the case with us. That is why I think your prediction is way off the mark. I think you are right in that the cash is there but Wenger will not buy the right mix of players: it is always attack, attack, attack with him and he ignores the defensive side of the game too much which is so damn frustrating.

  44. Skooner

    Aug 08, 2012, 13:53 #25080

    Nice enthusiasm and no doubt the new signings are starting the lift the spirits of gooners, but even if this is a correct interpretation of the plan it is still yet to work! Only if the club come out of this fallow period challenging regularly will it be seen as worth it and a success. If we just continue to hang on to top four status and continually crash out of all cup competitions then the club is on the road to no where. I hope you are right but I still have my doubts about the future. And I maintain that, even within the overall approach of Project Youth with budgetary constraints, we could have spent the money we had a lot better than we did and therefore achieved more. Fingers crossed for the season ahead!

  45. Jed

    Aug 08, 2012, 13:44 #25079

    I love the optimism of this piece and I want it to be true. But Man City and Chelsea have vastly greater resources than we do, and Man Utd have much greater resources than we do, so it's going to take a miracle to win the league until that changes.

  46. Canterbury Gooner

    Aug 08, 2012, 13:44 #25078

    Oh great, an entire article stating the absolute bleedin' obvious. It's not even as simple as you suggest- what about him giving deadwood 50k per week contracts? that's about £25 million per annum. A back line of Jenkinson, Mertesacker, Djourou and Santos (you think we'll see quality additions there do you?). That's the symptom of his gung ho football mentality. And please don't cite that ridiculous thing of 'we're all amateurs and he's the guy in the know'- can you imagine an academic saying that? No. They address the data, it's called an ad hominem to attack the person that 'line' of arguing and moves the debate away from the actual material in question. Before you all get annoyed, I do think we're in a better position than last year, but this article is just telling us stuff that all those who 'dare' to question (note: not even criticise necessarily) the club's policy already know! The issue is how the circumstances you outlined are handled, not that they are there.

  47. Lord Lakpor

    Aug 08, 2012, 13:42 #25077

    Aesenal for Life....I always trusted Wenger to take this football club forward.

  48. Rishaad Hirani

    Aug 08, 2012, 13:40 #25076

    Fantastic way of looking at the last 10 years RJ ... i dont have a doubt in my mind wenger thought that the project youth though .. but saying that what you have written could be absolutely true ... love the gunners and will always hate on anything floopynham put out

  49. Angry & Frustrated

    Aug 08, 2012, 13:36 #25075

    Only one major flaw with your optimistic article, and that is Wenger does not do defence. Without serious attention and resources directed towards this element of the game we simply wont succeed, however much we all want and long for that to be the case. We remain a few injuries away from Flappy, Djouroe, Wilkinson and Santos cocking up our undoubted attacking potential, need I say anymore!!

  50. Cringe

    Aug 08, 2012, 13:35 #25074

    This is a very very VERY large cringe. We will not win the title or any trophy the next 3 years and that is a FACT. Bookmark this for the end of the season when we WON'T finish in the top 2. Top 4 at best.

  51. Marvin

    Aug 08, 2012, 13:35 #25073

    Here Here! o/

  52. ice

    Aug 08, 2012, 13:33 #25072

    excellent piece

  53. GoonerRyan

    Aug 08, 2012, 13:21 #25069

    I am actually feeling quite optimistic about this season and I certainly haven't felt like that for the last couple! We could possibly do something this year. Let's hope eh!