A Spaniard, a Frenchman and a German walk into a football club…

The summer’s transfer activity

A Spaniard, a Frenchman and a German walk into a football club…

M’Vila – All gone a bit quiet

Right, I don’t want to be one of those Arsenal fans who complain all the time about everything. I don’t want to be the kind of person who, when given a Ferrari, starts whinging about the paucity of cup-holders. However, in the last article I posted here, which was about what a great season I thought Alex Song had had, I got slated by just about everyone, and, on reflection, perhaps I was a little too glowing in my assessment of him. So this time I thought, b***s to it, time to get back to some good old-fashioned complaining.

Having said that, I would like to begin by saying how delighted I am that the Arsenal board has finally shown some ambition by signing exciting, established international players before the start of the season, spending somewhere in the region of 40 million sheets in the process. I think it’s great that, after the débacle of last August, they’ve actually made a conscious effort not to repeat their mistakes. I think all three of the new players are potentially very exciting, and it shows that, at the very least, a top-four spot looks a lot more secure than it did a few games into the last campaign, when we were worse than England.

Okay, here comes the but … I’m sure I’m not the only person to have noticed that the new signings, as sexy as they are, don’t address the real problem with the team, which is a lack of fight in those games where the pretty passing game isn’t working and we have to tough it out for a draw or a one-nil. Scoring goals has never been a problem for Arsenal; even when we were thrashed at Old Trafford last season, we scored twice, which is no mean feat when you are playing United on their own patch. The problem was that we conceded eight. Other matches which spring to mind: 4-4 away to Newcastle the season before last, 3-2 at home to Spurs, 3-2 away to Swansea last season … In short, even when we don’t win, we usually score.

I was therefore hoping Wenger would bring in at least one tough-tackling workhorse to sit in front of the defence, either instead of or alongside Song, to roll his sleeves up, get stuck in (insert more clichés here), and generally make a nuisance of himself. For a while we were, apparently, looking at Yann M’Vila, but interest seems to have cooled. This might be because he is, by all accounts, a difficult character, and having offloaded Gallas, Adebayor and hopefully, by the time this gets posted, that smirking, obnoxious, boxer short wearing Danish cretin Nicklas Bendtner, the last thing we need in the dressing-room is another mouthy bell-end with opinions bigger than his talent. So fair enough, perhaps M’Vila was never the right man for the job. But, having tacitly admitted that we are weak in that area, Wenger appears to have given up on trying to sort it out, and gone and blown his load on three players of a completely different ilk. It’s as if he’s prepared himself for an Everest attempt by purchasing some lingerie after failing to find a winter coat in his size in the one shop he looked in.

Now, I know there are counter-arguments. Wenger himself would say that the way Arsenal play doesn’t require a ‘holding’ midfielder in the traditional sense of the word. When the team attacks, everyone gets involved, moving the ball around and making off-the-ball runs. When the team needs to defend, everyone gets back and helps out. He might point to Spain and Barcelona as evidence that you don’t need that ballsy, wears-his-heart-on-his-sleeve, sixties throwback type of player, but the thing about those teams is that they don’t play in the Premier League, which is far more competitive than La Liga and the international game, and you are always going to have games where you have to put your body on the line, give a hundred and ten per cent, and so on and so forth.

Other people will claim that there’s no point signing those kinds of players if you don’t first sort out the coaching side of things, and the evidence seems to suggest that Wenger is not really all that interested in defending. I completely agree with this, and I definitely think something needs to be done to get the whole team defending as a unit when they lose the ball, but I think signing at least one gutsy, would-sweat-blood-for-the-team, would-shave-his-b***s-with-a-rusty-knife ... you get the idea … type of player would help with that.

Anyway, despite all my moaning, I’ve decided to finish on a positive note. This is the first season since 2005 when we’ve gone out early, spent a bit of money, and brought in some genuine quality, as opposed to mediocre players with massive foreheads who were never going to make the grade, or unknown youngsters who were going to be good, but not for another few years. Even if a certain Dutch forward with unusually square shoulders and wobbly arms does leave, it shows, at least, a slight change of direction, and although we are still a long way short of seriously challenging for the title, maybe, just maybe, we might have a nice shiny cup in the trophy cabinet come the end of the season. Maybe.

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  1. Ron

    Aug 13, 2012, 13:50 #25198

    Highbury Boy - Mo would have been 'converted' to play left full back and Walcott would have fallen over as soon as he was slightly nudged on the first bend following the back straight.

  2. Highbury Boy

    Aug 13, 2012, 11:40 #25197

    I can't help wondering how we would have fared if Mo had played football and Theo taken up athletics.

  3. GoonerRon

    Aug 13, 2012, 11:21 #25196

    @ Wombledin - I don't think I said put new signings had fixed 'our glaring defensive problems are addressed by the genius of Wenger signing three new attacking players who defend high up the pitch.' I actually listed a number if factors, of which having attacking players versed at pressing high up the pitch was one, all of which would culminate in delivering ' a much better defensive performance than last season.' Presumably you've never heard anyone on here berating Arshavin or Walcott for not tracking back or protecting the full back properly? I find it 'pathetically amusing' that you clearly have zero tactical nous to even recognize it could be a factor in us conceding fewer goals.

  4. 21

    Aug 13, 2012, 10:26 #25195

    The booing of RVP by so called arsenal fans was bang out of order yesterday. FOr a player that single handedly got us into the champions league last season he deserves more respect. If he goes he goes thats football. Dont base your views on press talk at the moment i.e man utd move. Stupid so called fans


    Aug 12, 2012, 20:18 #25194

    Yes, it was only a friendly but who else was delighted to see a Bouldy-esque flick on at the near post from Mertesacker for Vermaelen's header...it was like we'd taken a delorean time machine back to the very late 80's! More of the same please...One more thing...Mannone's butter fingered antics when attempting to grasp a glorified back pass from Cologne highlights that a quality keeper is urgently required to challenge/ back up Chesney!!

  6. tfSmudge

    Aug 12, 2012, 18:50 #25193

    The first half side against Cologne looked surprisingly attacking! In a line up which included the three new signings alongside Coquelin, Walcott and the Ox, dare I say it, we looked exciting. 3-0 up at HT it was all change of course and back to the familiar plod of last season. Koscielny, Song (sadly), Chamakh, Djourou and Arshavin all suffering from match fitness, lack of ambition, no ideas or possibly all three. Problem is, they were like it all last season too. We'll just have to see whether Steve Bould can improve the defensive strategy, seeing as we only have Szcezny and Vermaelen to rely on in defence these days I'm hoping Wenger has the nuts to put the younger attacking players out and spare us last season's total possession without attempts on goal approach. And as for RVP, how can he possibly be better off with us if he's not dedicated to the cause...

  7. Fantasy Manager

    Aug 12, 2012, 8:24 #25191

    Song out, Nuri Sahin in (on loan). At least the man will have something to prove, trying to work his way back into the Real Madrid 1st team.

  8. Wombledin

    Aug 12, 2012, 0:53 #25190

    I can only add how pathetically amusing it is to see the AKB brigade now saying that our glaring defensive problems are addressed by the genius of Wenger signing three new attacking players who defend high up the pitch. Hilarious. Just watch what happens as soon as Arteta's injured again.

  9. Lance

    Aug 11, 2012, 12:24 #25189

    In response to the comment about the new players being more adept at defending high up the pitch than the likes of Arshavin and Walcott, it's an excellent point and one that I hadn't thought about, but last season one of our best players at doing that was Benayoun. Where is he now?

  10. johnnyh

    Aug 11, 2012, 11:53 #25187

    excellent article. if by some miracle wenger or more likely steve bould can come up with some sort of tactical gameplan for when the team do not have the ball then there could be no stopping us this season.

  11. John C

    Aug 11, 2012, 11:40 #25186

    My take on it is the same as a previous post alluded too and that is we've actually purchased 3 attacking players far more adept at winning the ball higher up the pitch. Podolski and Cazorla are particularly well know for their high work rate and if Wengers word is correct the same can be said of Giroud. My opinion is that our defence has suffered over the years because our team has consisted of a very clear attack and defence with our formation probably best described as a 4-6 formation, with 4 defenders and 6 attackers with the 6 attackers almost completely disinterested in defending. The ease at which the opposition gets to our defence is criminal and without replacing the likes of Arshavin and Walcott in the wide areas this won't change, irrespective of whoever we have in defence. Arsene Wenger has in my opinion correctly recognised one of the major weakness's in our team and that is our attacking wide players neither offer enough in defence or in attack in the shape of goals. Arsenal's defensive strategy has got to be far more geared towards making it more difficult for the opposition to get to our defence rather than buying so called "better" defenders.

  12. Mike

    Aug 11, 2012, 10:07 #25185

    Wilshire, Coqlain, Eisfeld, Ramsey, Diaby, Frimpong -the last thing we need is the signing of another potential DM in M'villa - rather find a seasoned player whom these guys can play around or learn from -Diaby apart -M'villa has no more potential than what we have got

  13. Penfold78

    Aug 11, 2012, 8:38 #25183

    Wow, I haven't been here for over a month because I got bored of reading the exact same stuff every single day ....., No grit no back up keeper, dodgy defence, need DM.... I think we've very safely covered all that! See you in another month......

  14. Wombledin

    Aug 11, 2012, 8:18 #25182

    Yep, you've summed it up. Scoring isn't our problem, defending is. That's been our problem for the last 7 seasons. But has Wenger lifted a finger this transfer window to address this glaring soft belly? Nup, not a jot, squiddly do. So its more of the same old same old folks. Prepare for another torturous season of ups and downs.

  15. boomergooner1727

    Aug 11, 2012, 3:19 #25181

    a defensive midfielder, while not completing the puzzle, would certainly make a significant impact. i'm a bit saddened by the m'vila attitude problem and frankly i still think he'd be worth signing as he has a bright future regardless. it seems as though we are in for a signing to that affect but i believe we are in greater need of cover for sanga and, dare i say, gibbs. our possession statistics should increase this season with a stronger offensive unit so we will naturally concede less but not without a reliable back line of adequate depth. if we do sign a defensive mid, experience and character should be the priority. could you imagine what our squad would look like having added a lad with arteta's mentality to play behind our princely spaniard? boss said more signings are imminent so fingers crossed.

  16. Van de Ed

    Aug 11, 2012, 1:54 #25180

    Le Boss' dealings so far (and I sincerely do believe he's done trading in this transfer window) tell me 2 things in no uncertain terms. First, this season will be exactly like any of the 7 previous barren seasons; either a major player will be out all season and/or we'll sustain a limited push for the top 2 and then collapse post Christmas time. Secondly, with all the (attacking) midfielders on our books we'll see this team play the 'false number 9' system at some point next season. I guess we all sort of already know how these games will pan out. So I'll be realist and say achieving a top 4 position will be our 'trophy' next season!

  17. gnasher81

    Aug 11, 2012, 0:13 #25179

    In all honestly (and not to sound like an AKB) I would like to see Coquelin given the chance in holding midfield. He was not so good as a full back when having to fill in, often out of position, but looks like he doesn't mind putting in a shift. The biggest problem we have had in the past few seasons has been constant injuries to key players. I am not blaming the medical staff but since Gary Lewin left his brother in charge to swan off with the FA, we seem to have had a sick list as long as my arm at all times. If we had a full strength side out the line up of Chesney, Sagna, Santos/Gibbs, TV, Kos/Mertesacker, Song, Wilshere/Ox, Arteta, Cazorla, Podolski, RVP/Giroud is definitely a title contending team in my opinion.

  18. Radford to George - He Scores!

    Aug 10, 2012, 21:11 #25177

    Agree we need a proper defensive mid to protect the sometimes fragile back four, but the issue of a backup keeper seems to be being overlooked. I'm a Chesney fan, but he knows he can have as many bad games as he likes and there's no competition. He needs someone pushing him, and us Gooners need someone on the bench who doesn't make us reach for the loo roll at the prospect of him coming on.

  19. DW Thomas

    Aug 10, 2012, 19:03 #25175

    If Song goes (another traitor!) we must get M'Vila. Song was ok at times. His chip-assist pass was his one-hit-wonder. We need players with mettle, strength...both in body and mind. Difficult to find in today's footballer. Wenger's coaching doesn't help either. TV was class his first season and now seems regressing. Yet, Kos is solid. Anyway, no one should be singing anyone's praises till we are 1st or 2nd come October and playing with heart and gusto. Then we might start to talk about turning the proverbial corner. Show me real change first and then I might start to believe again.

  20. anONYmouse

    Aug 10, 2012, 18:58 #25174

    IMO, studying the new acquisitions and expected departures and young players coming through, AW may finally have a plan B for some games ie reverting back to the old-fashioned 4-4-2 whereby a DM is not so important or is it?

  21. Dan

    Aug 10, 2012, 16:59 #25171

    I agree completely. A new defensive midfielder who sits in front of the back 4 should be our main priority. The question is will wenger fork out even more money in this transfer window. If Song goes, I think he'll be forced to. Also, a proper defensive mifielder who does the dirty work better than song may mean our defence might not be such a liability.

  22. billthered

    Aug 10, 2012, 15:08 #25170

    I find it hard that nobody recognises Podolski,does everyone think that he is some kind of lightweight,he has a history of not taking any crap from anyone and has been known to give his coach a right hander, come away games oop north in winter lets see who takes liberties with him.

  23. Gare Kekeke

    Aug 10, 2012, 14:31 #25169

    Good article. From what I’ve seen with M’Vila, he looks like another Song; he will occasionally help the defence but is more inclined to attack. I agree with Ron. I can’t see what people see in him but I’m open to be proved wrong. And by all accounts he has an attitude problem too and we have too many of them still with us so no thanks on the basis of that if true. I find it hilarious that football writers have convinced themselves that a deal for him will still happen even though Wenger has said it won’t happen because the numbers we have already got in midfield. Yes, for some of them, their ability is an issue. After all, just recently he hailed Wilshire & Diaby as ‘new signings’. Even Spain & Barcelona have a recognised quality holding midfielder. I know he’s not everyone’s cup of tea but I personally think Sergio Busquets does an excellent job for club and country and has the caps and medals to prove it. And before him it was Yaya Toure, Edmilson & some chap called Pep Guardiola. So every good team needs one. Again as Ron had mentioned, we have become a ‘sexy’ team and the DM is a position that Wenger hasn’t taken seriously in my view since the unnessessary sales of Gilberto Silva & Lassana Diarra in 2008. Neither Denilson, Diaby & Song are naturals, Frimpong is still unproven and a tad arrogant if his tweets and cringeworthy ‘Soccer AM’ appearances are anything to go by. Ditto Coquelin, but without the arrogance. Every good team needs a good hard-nosed, steely presence that will turn a 1-1 draw into a 2-1 win. Or as my Aussie Gooner pal has put it, a ‘mongrel’. Not sure we have many of them but let’s see. Up The Arsenal!

  24. jj

    Aug 10, 2012, 14:19 #25168

    Knowing Wenger he will attempt to play his idol, Diaby in that position.If he does,the poor old back four will be overrun again and get a wave of critisism. Let's hope Bouldy grows a pair and tells him what we all know.

  25. Dan h

    Aug 10, 2012, 13:43 #25167

    It will be interesting to see what moves we still make or don't before the window closes a DM still required RB cover & experienced back up GK imo.M'Vila is the DM AW has had his eye on for a long time it is a transfer that could still happen & i believe his behaviour at the euro's is what has put any deal on hold.Carzola is an excellent piece of business encouraging stat for me last year for Malaga almost all his goals came from outside the area Podolski also likes to shoot from distance.The one side of our attacking play the last few years has been trying to walk the ball in Giroud i havn't seen enough of but all three players are coming into prime age which is a shift in policy we have needed for a while.The defensive side will need drastic improvement 49 goals conceding tells it's own story of where we are coming up short signings are fine but defensive organisation is the key hopefully Bould will have an influnce we will see!

  26. Adah-Gunner by birth-, Asaba

    Aug 10, 2012, 13:36 #25166

    I'm not those clamouring for a change like chelski would. I'm not those too that are pessimistic about their beloved Gunners. My opinion is allow players that want to leave to in order not to cause disaffection among others who will likely feel let down by too much concentration on the few. I still believe the beating by Man U was to tell management that they need be punished for focusing too much on Fab/Nas saga other than the Team as a unit. So shine ur eyes Arsenal:o. Adah-Gunner by birth-, Asaba.

  27. maguiresbridge gooner

    Aug 10, 2012, 13:25 #25164

    Yes Lance i think it would be fair to say that we're all delighted by our new signings and yes maybe even excited.But it has to be said we've all been in this position before.You quite rightly used the word potentially that also describes a lot of our signings over the years who never fulfilled their potential and in some cases we're still waiting.Can these new signings be any different ? I sincerely hope so.Can they help bring success and silverware back to the club ? again i hope so but these signings alone will not be enough unless another couple of areas are addressed and we all know what they are. Sadly the days of arsenal having a player who would sweat blood or indeed shave his balls with a rusty knife for the cause is long gone their more likely to pop down the beauty salon and have a beautician wax them.

  28. GoonerRon

    Aug 10, 2012, 13:12 #25163

    I don't think we should underestimate the improvement we could potentially see through the work Steve Bould is doing on the defensive side. Plus, the likes of Cazorla and Podolski have a lot of experience in defending from the front in wide areas. This in itself can directly impact how many attacks opponents can create against us. For me, if we tweak this defensive balance of the team we will definitely concede fewer goals. In terms of individuals, we have big sesaons ahead of us for Ches and Gibbs as they are at ages where their development can really kick on to a new level. I also think we should consider the fact that Santos and Mertesacker have had a year to acclimatise to the PL and England generally, which means they could also improve significantly. Don't get me wrong, we could buy better defenders than we have, but I am still confident that with the players in place we can deliver a much better defensive performance than last season.

  29. Ron

    Aug 10, 2012, 12:34 #25161

    Sound post. I cant see what people see in this M Vila. He looks pretty ordinary from what bits ive seen of him. Song? Hes a dead weight. Sqaud type player at best to use v Wigan, Saints and such teams. Youre right too in that Wenger likes his 'sexy' signings. Arsenal have become a 'sexy' team at the expense of being a hard, fair, skilled and tough as teak Club. Thats whay they win bugger all and will continue not to do so in my view. Defenders are rarely sexy and neither are Keepers and Full backs, hence Wenger ignores them or to the extent that he does cater for those positions he chooses 'slightly sexy, ball playing type lightweights who are barely recognmisable as genuine defenders of the goal. Madness!

  30. Tony Evans

    Aug 10, 2012, 12:34 #25160

    Lance - I liked your article and agreed with most of it. Would love it if 'everyone did get back' and defend when required but sadly that is not the case despite what you think Wenger may say to the contrary. We are a poor mans Barca and Wenger would do well to look at how hard Barca work to win the ball back and not to get caught out of position. I am afraid Wenger's obsession with pretty, no balls, tippy tap football will always be his undoing and his summer signings so far aren't going to change much in this respect.

  31. MRMROD

    Aug 10, 2012, 12:16 #25159

    Lance, we simply have no plan B to our cavalier, attacking formation. I believe all three of the new acquisitions will slot in nicely to our current style/ formation but also agree that we lack a defensive minded bit of steel in midfield! Regarding M'Villa I believe he has the problematic personality of a Bothroyd, Anelka, Bendtner which speaks volumes. However, in lauding the Board you seem to ignore the fact that IF RVP leaves then we'll acrue, say, £20m plus the £3m for Vela AND if we off load say Arshavin (who i wouldnt mind keeping), Bendtner et al the you'll find we'll actually have spent between £0-£10m...not a great outlay as usual.

  32. Brookesssy

    Aug 10, 2012, 10:48 #25157

    Although I agree with the need for some strengthening of the defence, shipping the number of goals we did last season was embarrassing! I also feel that there were a number of occassions where we looked totally toothless in attack and Wenger will always be a 'score more than you' tactician. I have also seen reports saying that M'Vila is very similar to Song in his lack of defensive reliability.

  33. Andy M

    Aug 10, 2012, 10:38 #25156

    If you watch some of the footage of Cazorla doing the rounds in web land, he's not afraid of getting stuck in. Might not be a bad thing if Song goes. Our mercurial dutch forward seems like an intelligent lad. If he has any sense, he'd stay with us. As Rooney says in his love letter, Man U have a lot of forwards. RVP would be better off with us. I think we're coming good and this is the most optimistic I've felt about the start of a new season since we did the double a decade ago.