Guns Blazing in Cologne

Online Ed: Encouraging pre-season run out in Germany

Guns Blazing in Cologne

Podolski – Good display on old stomping ground

With the opening Premier League match of the season less than a week away, it was a welcome sight to see the three major new purchases take the field in Arsenal shirts before the real business begins. Koln, now a second division club, fielded a largely second string team to start the game, having played a competitive first team fixture earlier in the weekend, so the quality of the opposition should always be considered before people get too carried away with the performance.

Still, Arsenal have, on occasion, struggled to see off Barnet in pre-season, so the goals, and especially the clean sheet, were gratifying. Most interesting of all was he formation used to begin the match, with two attacking midfielders lining up ahead of one holding – specifically Cazorla and Oxlade-Chamberlain in front of Coquelin. With Giroud flanked by Walcott and Podolski, I put me in mind of Barcelona when they play Xavi and Iniesta ahead of Busquets, and behind a trio of front men. It’s very bold, and one wonders whether or not it can work against better opposition. We’ll find out if it was an experiment next weekend I guess.

However, yesterday, the players combined to set up numerous chances, and there seemed enough understanding with the new players to suggest that it will not take long to fully integrate them.

The Robin van Persie situation rumbles on. It looks likely that it is only really a matter of Manchester United meeting Arsenal’s asking price, but at the same time, the club need to be seen to be strong, and willing to hold the player to his contract. On one level, naturally, it is bad business to allow an asset worth £20 million to dwindle to nothing, but it should be remembered they only paid £1.5 million for him originally, and that they do not actually need the income his sale would generate. Van Persie, on entering the fray, took the captain’s armband, hopefully a sign of his commitment to his employers as long as they are the ones paying his wages.

The noises coming from United are that they are keen to resolve the issue, and the one thing you have to say about the Old Trafford outfit is that when they want a player, they do not often quibble about paying a little over the odds, in contrast to Arsenal. My guess is that the Gunners want £20 million and that the price will be met, before next weekend so the club captain can begin the campaign proper with Alex Ferguson as his manager.

That being the case, Giroud will begin against Sunderland as he did against Koln, with, I suspect, Walcott and Podolski wide of him. Walcott’s situation is slightly complicated in that there do not seem to be any firm offers for him. As for the midfield, it would seem to be a choice of three between Arteta, Song, the Ox and Cazorla, and who ends up on the bench will be dependent on the manager’s decision on how it will line up. My money is on the Ox being the bridesmaid next weekend.

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  1. Gooner Fan

    Mar 16, 2013, 4:49 #33334

    None of the fans know anything or some continues to be in denial. I tend to believe it's the latter. There's more evidence supporting that Wenger had a sizable funds to spend in previous transfer windows than this mythical force that the apologists like to bring up that stops him from spending, like in 2009, when Wenger told the board to "shut up" (I got source for this if you want it) when Fiszman revealed that Wenger has money to spend if he wants it. Despite what you believe, you haven't "backed up with rational argument many times". I remember that one thing you did was provide an article from thefootballnetwork website that Wenger and board were at loggerheads on how the transfer budget should be spent. But the article wasn't entirely reliable as it mentioned an "unnamed source" and how no other more well-known websites ran with this story as well. It's why I'm not paying too much attention to this rumour that Wenger and Bould are at each other's throats. So you assume that Wenger is hoarding all the funds because of this "master plan" he's got cooking up. Well, unless Wenger comes out and tells us when this plan will actually come, it's just a pipe dream. Because in 2009, Arsene went on about how if he doesn't deliver a team capable of challenging for titles again in a few years time, he mentioned "I will stand up and be responsible it doesn't achieve this". (Again I got a source where Wenger said it, if you want as I backup my stuff regardless if you find it childish or not). So excuse me if I'm not holding my breath for his "master plan" that you're waiting for with the team being in constant transition for several seasons now.

  2. Chris

    Mar 14, 2013, 13:58 #33263

    Gooner Fan - you are right in one respect because, as I have said here before, there is so much contradictory rubbish spoken that its hard to know what is true, In that respect I agree with Green Hut too. However, where we differ is that I don't think that in the circumstances its very wise to believe the quotes that support the other side of the coin either. The reality is that none of us fans know what the truth of what's going on inside the club is. My own feeling (which I have backed up with rational argument many times before)is that its highly unlikely that Wenger has been sitting on sizeable transfer funds, for any other reason than to maximise their impact when he does spend them.

  3. Gooner Fan

    Mar 14, 2013, 0:49 #33232

    @Chris: Why don't you take your own advise and do the research that Wenger had plenty to spend in previous transfer windows. You are just desperate for excuses for Wenger like the apologist that you are, hence why overlook facts that contradict your "facts".

  4. Chris

    Mar 13, 2013, 13:47 #33218

    @Gooner Fan - not this again. Why do't you do some research yourself instead of asking me? Wenger was quoted in several places including national newspapers. Off you go and search them out.

  5. Raskymono

    Mar 13, 2013, 10:38 #33207

    Am afraid Mr Wenger continue to ruin the club down with dated ideology and over powering failed ideas etc etc Look at his number 2, no influence at all during the games...Wenger remain a controlling figure and a failure again this year and nothing is going to change in the future if he remains. It kills me to say but look at Sir Alex at MUFC many changes over the years with new ideas; good young players coming in and ineffective player ask to leave or sold. Why do with still have PLAYERS like SQUILLACI, BENDTNER, DJOUROU, DENILSON, COQUELIN, ARSHAVIN, GERVINHO, SANTOS, PARK, KOSCIENY (too short for his position and make too many mistakes. toss between him and Per), CHAMAKH, MIYAICHI, DIABY (over rated and under perform), and GERVINHO in the club??? Answer Mr Wenger. Look at all the money club could have saved and bring in top players to challenge for the Premier League and CL. This is the reasons why he has to leave because he won't do any of this and if you challenge him via the media he would come up with I HAVE BEEN IN FOOTBALL FOR 30yrs etc as if he and only he know best. How come AFC has been in steady decline and he signs all these players (below average) with massive salary and no one want to buy them on loan, and so call players only train never seen ‘kick football in anger’ and still earn massive wage i.e. squillaci, chamakh etc etc. Time is up and he should leave at the end of the season so that AFC can move forward to better things I believe with young good manager to be supported by other past Arsenal Great (Adams, Bergkamp…). AFC legacy will always remain without Wenger.

  6. Green Hut

    Mar 12, 2013, 17:40 #33193

    Chris- Wenger admitted in Oct 2011 that he lies to the press when he feels he needs to so please excuse us sceptics when he talks about the 'lack' of money previously available to him. He is King of the ambiguous and the half-truth, and whilst obviously there will be more money available shortly, to believe that Wenger has had no sizeable money to spend in recent years would be as ridiculous as it is untrue. Unless Danny Fiszman, Peter Hill-Wood, John Cross, Matt Scott, Gazidis and all independent analysts of the club accounts were in on a big conspiracy to make Wenger look like a man whose unique and depressing brand of ultra-conservatism when it comes to money has played a major part in leaving us trophyless for eight years (alongside the zero tactics, rubbish singings, no mental strength etc etc). PS What's your formula for working out that Wenger has extracted more success for the money than any other top PL manager? We haven't had any success!

  7. Mark T

    Mar 12, 2013, 13:00 #33180

    I am 48 years old and have been going to watch Arsenal for 40 years. I'm a season ticket holder and an away scheme member. I was born and raised a stones throw away from the ground. I make these points as context for what I'm about to say. I'm not a glory hunter. Winning trophies isn't the be-all-and-end-all for me. What matters is that my team plays with heart, passion, and aspires to play beautiful football. It's also important to me that Arsenal ("The Arsenal") represents class and integrity in a world where values and morals are laughed at. We no longer do any of these things or stand for what's important. Going to matches used to be my life now it's often feels like torture. Speaking to a few 'old timers' before the game with that lot down the road the other week, there seem to be quite a lot of people who feel the same. The performances on the pitch are often gutless, passionless and bereft of ideas. We used to play with flair and inventiveness. Now we play ponderous, predictable, pointless football. Most of the players don't give a ****. And before anyone starts saying that "that's the player of today for you", take a look at the way other teams treat their supporters. Ferguson always makes sure his players greet the fans. Chelsea too. And look at Bayern when they came to the Emirates. I could point at a lot more. So it isn't football that's to blame it's the way OUR CLUB is being run. Real fans are leaving in their droves. I have NEVER felt so down about my club. NEVER.

  8. Gooner Fan

    Mar 12, 2013, 12:46 #33179

    @Chris: please provide the website and article's title where Wenger mentioned he ONLY have a sizeable transfer fees this last transfer window. Because I can go back as far as 2007 to find reports (one e.g. Google "dailymail wenger reserves riches") where Wenger is provided as much as £70 million for him to spend that season. So unless you can provide a reliable source(s), I will take what you mentioned another failed attempt at an excuse by a Wenger apologist.

  9. Joe

    Mar 12, 2013, 12:30 #33177

    Excellent article bar the end comment about Wenger. I have already made up my mind on Wenger and 8yrs with no trophy, hoarding cash in a manner only Scrooge would be proud of and failing to sign players that would have made the likes of Van Persie et al stay and instead lumbering us with Gervinho etc mean his time is up. Whilst I would love to finish above Spurs, especially as we have given them another head start this year, I can't see it happening and now Liverpool are on our shoulders I fear 6th might be calling

  10. chris dee

    Mar 12, 2013, 10:18 #33165

    chris. Narcolepsy.Good word there me old mucker. Totally disagree with you. Over the last 7-8 years we have had players such as Van persie,Fabrigas,Nasri,Hleb,Gallas,Clichy,Kolo Toure,Adebayor,Flamini,Diarra.In one or two of these past seven or eight seasons,even if Arsene had to sell some players to service the debt,although the board constantly denied this,we could and should have won a trophy. Was it lack of money that cost us the final against Birmingham or was it a rookie keeper.A rookie keeper that Arsene played because he had not brought in a top class keeper to replace Mad Jens.Goalkeepers available at the time?Swartzer,Van de Sar,Givens and Friedel none of them costing a fortune. Left back to replace Clichy?Jose Enrique from Newcastle was available ,instead we paid £6.5 million for Santos the same price Liverpool paid for Enrique. So it is not all about the dosh,it is about some rank bad management by Arsene

  11. Ken

    Mar 12, 2013, 0:07 #33153

    Come on people who are you kidding, With the Manager we have and the Board we have do you honestly think we are going to win silverware in the future. Support the club YES. But to say we might do this we might do that how many years is it now MR Wenger can't go he is such a nice man, If we give him another season. It makes me sick.

  12. Arsene Must Go

    Mar 11, 2013, 21:55 #33149

    Simon, finishing in the top four/above Tottenham will not stop me protesting against the directors or manager because this Arsenal team is nowhere near winning a trophy!!

  13. N4

    Mar 11, 2013, 21:09 #33146

    It's funny that 4th was a trophy which we can't even get that!!! So does that mean our team is more rubbish than originally someone thought that 4th trophy was easy to win!!

  14. Highbury Roar

    Mar 11, 2013, 21:02 #33145

    Wenger has been overrated from day one. Graham underated. Dein not even rated properly the impact he had on the club. Great players were everywhere 1995-2004 plus we had a stadium in Highbury when on any given day/night, the opposition knew they were not going to get out alive. The roar from the Lower Tier went straight onto the field of play. North Bank Clock End of course loud but up into the sky. the screams from Lower tier like ''move your ****ing ars'', helped that first line of foreign players know what playing for arsenal meant. Even Wenger was influenced !

  15. Chris

    Mar 11, 2013, 19:30 #33144

    chris dee - at the risk of invoking narcolepsy in those who have heard me say it a thousand times before - Wenger is still extracting more success from the money than any other top PL manager. So he must be doing things that outweigh the perceived shortcomings of his management. Wenger recently said that there were no sizeable transfer fees available until this last trasnfer window, and then only because of improved commercial deals. We also know that the sale of RVP was necessary to avoid the club posting a debt in the last financial returns. I'm saying I agree with the way things are being done (becuase I don't) but I think this shows finanical limitation caused by the clubs way of dealing with the debt.

  16. maguiresbridge gooner

    Mar 11, 2013, 19:14 #33143

    Terry, so you can see us really competing for the Prem and CL next year,how many times have we heard that ? for the record it's been eight seasons now, well you just keep on saying it and thinking it and one day you might be right no matter how long it takes, and then you can tell us all you told us so.

  17. Wombledin

    Mar 11, 2013, 19:07 #33142

    Its not a paradox at all, its simply a question of where do we, the fans, draw the line between the tolerance of 'failure' (different fans have different definitions of what 'failure' is for Arsenal) and the need for change. I want to ask you a simple question: What would it take for you to boo for Wenger to leave and why? Please tell us.

  18. chris dee

    Mar 11, 2013, 17:02 #33141

    Chris. Compete against two teams with unlimited spending power? Bloody sure. Limited spending power (in terms of Roman Sonofbitch's Chelsea and City)did not contribute to losing a 4-0 lead,losing to Birmingham at Wembley,Clichy reducing Gallas to tears with his complacency in the match at St Andrews in the year we could have won the league,beating Bradford or Blackburn did not require the purchses of £20 million players.You and all the Arsenal fans could give upteen more examples of downright carelessness. Defensive organisation does not cost millions,a good transfer policy does not cost millions ( take a bow Santos,Park,Squillacci etc ). Arrogance that says we don't make special plans for the other team and players,while teams like Real and United alter their tactics depending on who they are playing,cost the club £7.5 million in Arsene's pay packet. And Chris if we can't spend because of the stadium debt why are we told there are funds available for the manager to buy top players?

  19. Graham Simons

    Mar 11, 2013, 16:06 #33140

    The saddest thing about our demise is the split between fans. We are ALL Arsenal fans and we should above childish slights at each other. I've never booed us but completely understand those that do. Those that boo do so out of compelte frustration - no-one does so lightly. Those that remain silent, as I did against Blackburn, don't do so because we don't agree with the sentiment of those that do - it's just we can't bring ourselves to boo a team wearing the famous red and white. I don't boo but my faith in Wenger ran out three years ago.

  20. Chris

    Mar 11, 2013, 15:24 #33138

    @Cambridge Gooner - I'm afraid you are very wrong. There are LOADS of fans who admit to actively wanting the team to lose when they watch, to hasten Wenger's demise. Go to the perversely names 'Arsenal Truth' and ask the site owner what his stance is if you need proof. @chris dee - can you not see the irony of stating that the team's current plight is unacceptable because "we are the fifth richest team in the world" (which incidentally maybe true in terms of revenue isn't reflected in the reousrces available to the manager, not least tdue to teh stadium debt, and therefore is highly irrelevant)whilst expecting us to compete with tweo teams with completely unlimited spending power and one whose budget is 2-3 ours and also has a superior manager, probaly one of the greatest results getters in history?

  21. Red Member

    Mar 11, 2013, 14:24 #33134

    Terry - I feel sorry for you that you are quite so deluded as to think that this club can challenge for the title next season. Sadly the club has brainwashed many such simpletons into also believing such rubbish.

  22. Ron

    Mar 11, 2013, 13:50 #33133

    The picture on which to judge Wenger is VERY full. Its been painted and lit up in lights for the last 8 years. Do you need Michaelangelo to paint it for you? Take a look at the FAC if you want to see final bit of persuausion. We could have won it how the draw has fallen or at least got to Wembley. Another Season where Wengers vanity and constant hard on for the CL ( a hopeless pipe dream)has ignored the fans quest for realistic glory. Mental strength? Do me a favour!

  23. maguiresbridge gooner

    Mar 11, 2013, 13:49 #33132

    The roll call of criticism is wide alright, wider than it's ever been and it's getting wider and we all know why,and a result on wednesday night will not change anything the damage has been done with years of neglect and no repairs.If RVP were to score the goal that wins the red mancs the title at our ground it would make you vomit why ? It wouldn't make me vomit i'd say good luck to him he was never going to get the chance to do it with us,maybe if ogl would have shown more ambition he might have,anyway it didn't worry ogl when he was flogging him,maybe that would be the perfect scenario what better kick up the arse for ogl and his cronies, but knowing wenger he wouldn't be in the least embarrassed and expect praise.Maybe that would be enough for fans to eventually take their head out of the sand and clear their throat but knowing some it would be at the goalscorer and not at the dugout and boardroom.I'm as keen as anybody to finish above the spuds and the scousers done us a favor yesterday to wards our trophy, or maybe it was the spuds themselves going for their own trophy of always missing out.The fact this is the height of our ambition says it all.How long will it be till the picture on which to judge wenger is full ? he's already had eight years,like last year just one more ? two ? maybe four ? what about another eight just to make sure.

  24. tpm

    Mar 11, 2013, 13:41 #33131

    please dont feed terry the troll

  25. Bob

    Mar 11, 2013, 13:32 #33130

    It was all going so well until the killer sentence just before the end: "The picture on which to judge Wenger is not yet full". Oh yes it is, Simon - as full as it needs to be. Even if we maintain our "flat-track bully" reputation and win enough of our remaining fixtures to get 4th place. That is now the pinnacle of Wenger's ambitions - he is quite brazen about it. It is not good enough for me, or I suspect the vast majority of Arsenal supporters.

  26. Sanjay

    Mar 11, 2013, 13:22 #33129

    Bit melodramatic to suggest manure will win the title on our manor, it will be over long before then. But the general tone of the article I agree with. The emirates will not be a good place to be if we don't finish in the top four. Having never boo'd our side in over 24 years of going to the emirates, I couldn't help myself at the end of the Swansea home game earlier in the season. All the frustration came out in one go.

  27. GG89

    Mar 11, 2013, 12:51 #33125

    Yes but we come back in August level on points with our peers and thats enough for most fans, one big signing gets the turnstiles turning, AW starts off another pointless season.... no matter how much we protest at the end of this season... Presumably AW is not immortal, so then I shall see the gooners win something before I die....

  28. Ramgun

    Mar 11, 2013, 12:43 #33123

    One of the main reasons for the lack of protest at the ground is that the the thousands who have season-tickets but no longer show up are virtually all people who want Wenger out. The percentage of AKB's at the ground, therefore, remains high. Another reason for protest being so muted is the threat of violence from mad Wengerites and possible intervention from gestapo-like club officials. Just as long as people are not being to aggressive or foul-mouthed they should have an absolute right to state their opinion. To take this to another level, did my Dad spend all those horrific years in the Burmese jungle in the 1940's fighting the Japanese only for his son to be to frightened to even voice his opinion on the football club he has supported for 58 years? Freedom of speech is precious and it under threat at Arsenal home games. If we do go into our final league home game of the season with nothing to play for the number of empty seats will tell the true story. And before anyone comes on here and says that all those people should never come back, it takes a lot of passion to pay out for a season-ticket and then not attend. They don't want to get rid of their season-ticket because they live in hope that they can still support Arsenal once Wenger has gone. Friends and family sit together and they don't want to lose that. We might finish 4th and qualify for a tournament that we do not compete in to win. For Simon Rose that seems to be enough. It isn't for me.

  29. Cambridge Gooner

    Mar 11, 2013, 12:39 #33122

    @ Terry - I think none of us can help supporting the team when we're watching, I think it's insulting to suggest otherwise. The problem is, I suspect fans like you (well-intentioned though you may be) are harmful to the club. Have you learnt nothing from history?! Everytime people have stood by and done nothing to prevent that which they know to be wrong, things have NOT simply turned out alright in the end. You need to man up and demand more! Why should you accept 5th best? Are you a 5th rate person? Are you any less deserving than a Swansea fan?

  30. N4

    Mar 11, 2013, 11:46 #33112

    Same here last paragraph I don't agree!!!

  31. John Lynch

    Mar 11, 2013, 11:13 #33110

    Just a couple of things - Van Persie won't be scoring in front of any North Bank to win the League .. There is no North Bank anymore .. And safe for a couple of handbag punch ups over Wenger , he'll still be here next season and the one after that .. The Old Arsenal fans would not have suffered the man two years into his current eight year failure .. But the demographic has changed sufficiently for you lot to carry on taking abject failure.

  32. goonerdan19

    Mar 11, 2013, 10:57 #33109

    Excellent Article by Simon Rose again. pointing out the issues if Arsenal fails to qualify for the champions league as well as finishing below spurs. You also have rightly mentioned that Bayern game is the base to our remainder of the season..If we can throw in a decent performance there, then we gooners can hope for more from the gunners. If they fail at Allianz Arena, then its gonna be a daunting task for the gunners to climb the PL table and catch spurs.

  33. Cambridge Gooner

    Mar 11, 2013, 10:54 #33108

    We qualify for the Champions League and what? Wenger puts us through this pain for at least 1 more season... I love your support and your optimism Simon, but honestly, what is the point? Short-term pain for long-term gain is what I believe in. We've had moderate pain for 8 years now, all the time believing that the long-term gain was iminent, let's step it up a notch and ring the changes - Then we can have a team we can really get behind, a team worthy of our support.

  34. chris dee

    Mar 11, 2013, 10:34 #33105

    Still don't get it do you Simon Rose? You have obviously swallowed hook line and sinker that 4th place is a 'trophy'. You forget that before the season started the fans made it very clear 4th place would be unnecceptable,yet here we are gagging,pleading and begging for 4th place as if it some great achievment. When some fans see that as 'a result ', like yourself,then we have truely become Spurs in red and white shirts. Simon stand up mate.Shout from the rooftops 'this is not frigging acceptable.' We are the 5th richest club in the world but bottom of the 'big clubs league' in terms of ambition. We will not be placated with statues of former greats,or a great stadium,or balance sheets or Arsene's clever little answers that would do justice to a weasly politician. Jeez how much s**t are we supposed to take before a kneekerk reaction ,which is what is now required after 8 years of 'stay calm all will be revealed 'to improve things.

  35. Red Member

    Mar 11, 2013, 10:31 #33104

    for the first time I am no longer bothered about the club finishing in the top 4 as I consider it now more a hindrance than a help. already this season being in the CL has pretty much cost the club the chance of appearing in an FA Cup final. we are not in a battle for 4th anyway - we are in a battle for 5th with Liverpool.

  36. Terry

    Mar 11, 2013, 10:11 #33102

    I think the true fans will get behind the team whatever unless Arsenal really slipped into a position that we could really say was unnaceptable ie.outside top 5..Arsenal used to finish outside the top 4 regularly and no one made a fuss,although the signs look good and with a good pot to strengthen the team in the summer I can see Arsenal really competeing for the title and Champs league next term.This could be our poorest season to date for some time though this was said last season and they managed 3rd.Looking at the other sides at the top,there seems little quality in the English game at the moment with none going further than Arsenal in Europe.Even Man Utd who are way ahead in the Premiership and look very average with RVP starting to look more like Nicolas Bendtner in recent weeks (no where near the player he was at Arsenal)and Fergie seems to be losing the plot more and more as the season goes on.Patience and support is needed,you can't expect only the so called AKB's to get behind the team while the rest go into a sulk because they have no trophies to hug.Man up and get behind the team when they need you most,there's more to following Arsenal than trophies and open top bus parades.

  37. billthered

    Mar 11, 2013, 9:57 #33101

    We all have hope and we all want to finish above the spuds and qualify for the Champions league,but what for? I only want Arsenal to win things not qualify for a competition we have no hope of winning,the mancs had no chance and they are leagues above us at the moment.It must be stated to the manager that he must stop papering over the cracks and stop putting the top four trophy as a priority.I remember Watford being runners up in the eighties who recalls that,and what difference did that make to their history.

  38. smithy

    Mar 11, 2013, 8:29 #33097

    Yes everything is possible but we all know that this squad,coaching team and manager are not at the level of quality we demand.we will see our destiny in may-but in reality I think we all know our fate.

  39. HowardL

    Mar 11, 2013, 8:09 #33095

    Symbolic final game at home v Wigan, Simon?

  40. Pat

    Mar 11, 2013, 6:53 #33092

    Excellent article, except where you say "The Picture on which to judge Wenger is not yet full". Isnt eight years without a trophy enough to say the man has failed? What more do you need? Or should we hope for another eight years of champions league quarter final "trophies"?

  41. John

    Mar 11, 2013, 1:15 #33090

    I think most fans have had the energy sucked out of them to make any noise and protest the way Chelsea fans are towards Rafa? There are too many Wenger/board supporters for a boycott to have any effect and any banners will result in fans being kicked out or getting into fights with other fans.

  42. bunch

    Mar 11, 2013, 1:12 #33089

    Much better post from Mr Rose. The only point I have issue with is in the last paragraph: "the picture on which to judge Wenger is not yet full". Sorry Simon I have plenty of pictures in my mind on which to judge it is time for him to go: 2008 collapse, 2009 FA Cup Semi throw away, 2009 CL semi no-show against the Mancs, drawing 4-4 with them after being 4-2 up at home, losing at home to them after being 2-0 up, 2010 collapse, 2011 collapse, Carling Cup final, 8-2 humiliation, perennial Champions League also-rans, Diaby. All for the highest club football ticket prices in the world.

  43. halfempty

    Aug 15, 2012, 14:59 #25292

    you AKBs! get real: this was against the reserves of a 2nd division team that lost its best players! look at the options we have in defence- they dont stand up to too much scrutiny. expect some woeful messes after sunderland....

  44. LJB

    Aug 14, 2012, 23:08 #25269

    Hilariously the same fans whose response to our abysmal pre season performances in the far east was to say "its only a workout,the result/performance doesn't matter" now think we are going to win the league because we beat a second div german sides reserves!BTW not having a go at anyone here,more the inhabitants of certain other Arsenal sites.

  45. Ray

    Aug 14, 2012, 22:04 #25265

    Arsenal will always score goals the problem is at the other end.For 3 seasons in a row we have conceded over 40 league goals and last season we were one away from the big 50.And that is with some Gooners raving about how goos Szczesny Sagna TV and Kos are.But as a unit our back 4 is poor.But not one defender has been brought in this summer so the Wenger policy will continue to be we will score more than you.And thats why the cabinet will be empty again.Beating a German 2nd division side proves nothing

  46. Vino Deano

    Aug 14, 2012, 17:45 #25251

    Arsenal FC stands for Arsenal Feeder Club. I've started thinking about wearing, on rotation, a Man City, Barca and ManU shirt to each home game in recognition that we're watching and supporting their reserves. Selling RVP is going to finally cook Wenger's goose. Don't be deceived by the Koln game - it was the equivalent of beating Barnsley reserves

  47. allybear

    Aug 14, 2012, 13:29 #25236

    Very good comments Rob&spot on. We have lost players in the past&always survived. Cant get carried away with a friendly win but then again some of the juvenile somments here are astonishing! Just because Wenger brought in all attacking players does not make the squad stronger. The back line is still the same&very worrying. I await to see what Bould can instill in some of the dross at the back.

  48. maguiresbridge gooner

    Aug 14, 2012, 13:05 #25234

    Certainly a good workout ed an encouraging one even though as you say the opposition weren't up to much with our new signings playing well and fitting in nicely with decent displays and a couple of goals.We'll have to wait till saturday to see the line up and what the formation's going to be.There was still signs that the defence still need a lot of work along with the keeper situation it looks like maybe mannone could be the number two this season ahead of flappy which doesn't exactly fill us with confidence.I thought the booing of RVP was bang out of order were these the same fans that were at old trafford and cheering the manager and the players while they and us were been humiliated in front of their eyes and on tv screens around the world ? Regardless of what he said and what his motives are/were if it wasn't for his goals last season we'd probably be in the EL this season more than likely finishing fifth or six and behind the spuds.But like i've already said on here if he were to stay after his first couple of goals against the spuds the same fans would be chanting his name.

  49. Mike

    Aug 14, 2012, 12:05 #25227

    Seems that SAF is on his knees begging AW to reduce his asking price - that makes a change and shows that the money is tight at Man UTD as well. BTW, if Arsenal don't sell RVP it might see them making a loss this year - the only thing that kept them above water (just) last year was the sale of CF and SN

  50. Joe Fitzpatrick

    Aug 14, 2012, 10:55 #25221

    Does anyone think that Jenkinson will get a run out at right back? If he isn't going to be used shouldnt we loan him out to gain experience?

  51. Jonesy

    Aug 14, 2012, 10:55 #25220

    We dont have a back up keeper,the back up RB is not premiership quality,both LB's are not good enough defensively.Song is poor as a DM and the back up striker is Chamakh.It makes you wonder what Wenger does during the summer.We have the same weakness as we had last season.We were lucky that RVP and Szczesny stayed fit all season.I really think this is going to be the season which see's the end of Wenger.He has once again bought attacking players when everyone can see we are weak at the back.Remember the back up CB's are the Oil tanker and Djourou.Use the RVP money to buy Baines and get in Clint Dempsey a bargain at £10m

  52. Frank

    Aug 14, 2012, 10:15 #25219

    It really does amaze me what some Gooners come out with.That we will finish above United.What planet are they on?We finished 19 points behind Man Utd now they have signed our best player.The truth is any good Arsenal player will leave to join a better club with ambition.They will leave to win trophies which they wont at Arsenal.And the big clubs know that for all the rubbish we talk we ALWAYS sell.Can you imagine Utd selling us Rooney or City selling us YaYa?Of course not.But we have sold 3 players to the top 2 teams in the last 12 months.RVP was never going to stay.To Kroenke and Gazidis getting £25m for qualifying for the CL and selling our best player is what running a football club is all about .It isnt its about winning titles and trophies.

  53. Ron

    Aug 14, 2012, 9:57 #25218

    Arsenal - 3rd to 5th region and CL exit to first good side they play as normal. Cd win a Cup unless both are aborted as per the norm. With an average goal keeper and dross back up plus moderate defenders in front of him, 3rd to 5th is an achievement in itself. No better. RVP has gone and my guess for less than 20 mill but with a few add on s here and there.

  54. Joe S.

    Aug 14, 2012, 7:32 #25217

    For those attacking our editor , what were you expecting? and why are you all so cocky after a practice game against second division opponents. Having only seen the goals it is too difficult to make any definitive statement but wasn't it a game of two halves? with the promise of attacking flare in the first part and then the anticlimax of the deadwood being given a run ( not you RVP ). At the same time Gervinhio's goal was a beauty.It's early days but we'll know the full story after the first three Premier League games are done.

  55. Au Revoir Wenger

    Aug 14, 2012, 7:21 #25216

    Ed we still lack an experienced back up keeper a LB who can defend and a DM who can protect the back 4 who let in 49 goals last season.Not one defensive signing that is just madness from our clueless manager.We were poor defensively last season and nothing has been done to correct it.Last season we finished light years behind the top 2 and without RVP its going to be another fight to finish top 4.The two Manchester clubs plus Chelsea will fill the top 3 spots so its us or the Spuds for 4th.What a sad state of affairs

  56. AussieRussianGooner

    Aug 14, 2012, 7:03 #25215

    It still feels rather sad, that Robin is going to United of all teams. Part of me still hopes it will fall through somehow, and he will begin the season in an Arsenal shirt. If that were to happen, who knows, he could finally agree to sign a new deal a few weeks into the season. But in reality, that probably won't happen. But something tells me Arsenal will finish ahead of United this season. RvP is not what they need, with a hole they've got in central midfield. Not to mention the fact that a second in a row injury free season for Van Persie would be akin to hole in one.

  57. billthered

    Aug 14, 2012, 6:28 #25214

    I hope you all saw our first goal in Cologne now did that not remind you of times gone by,a flick on the near post from a corner and the centre half heading in.Bould and Adams anyone,now lets hope the influence that big Steve has can see a few arms in the air demanding offside and a straight line back four all working together,lets hope so.

  58. Paddy

    Aug 14, 2012, 6:24 #25213

    Did anyone really believe Stan Kroenke would keep a £20m player and let him go for free next summer.Another summer ans our best player leaves.As Wenger said last summer if we sell Cesc and Nasri we cant be called a big club,We are a feeder club to the big clubs which cherry pick our best players.Ask yourself did we build the Emirates to compete with the Spuds Newcastle and Liverpool?Highest ticket prices to watch a feeder club

  59. All the things I could do

    Aug 14, 2012, 6:09 #25212

    Let's for a moment think about this the way the Arsenal board and owner would (cos we all know this is about the money)... The thing about RvP situation is this: If we sell him and (consequently) miss out on CL football, we'll effectively lose £40m. So, say we sell him and drop the £20m from ManU into the bank at 10% interest... that gives us £22m. Add to that the £3.5m a year he's on, and you get £25.5m. That's how much it'd effectively generate for Arsenal if he was sold. That's a shortfall of £14.5m if we miss out on CL. The big question is: Can we make CL without him? Only time will tell.

  60. DW Thomas

    Aug 14, 2012, 3:53 #25211

    A couple things Kevin. Your comments are often aligned with mine, not to sound like a lackey. The club deserve a little pessism at least for so many past failures and f..k ups. Remember last summer's transfer window? First, how is there no solid cover for Chez? Any injury to him and we're screwed. Lloris and others were available, non? Second, the RVP thing is absurd (not to mention Song and Barca rumors)! It is complete BS any thevclub tries to spin it. If he goes to United we're morons. If he stays and remains captain, even bigger morons. Sure he had a great 18 months, but he played a ton with total reliance on him to score and win games. Even Bendtner would have bagged 20 in the same circumstances! Third, where is any addition to the defense? Are we really counting that much on Bould to work miracles with our backs? If we get a DM I will quiet down about it, but, just remember 49 goals last year! Last, watching last season's highlights, some of our bench looked terrible a lot. Our midfield was never a problem. If Diaby stays fit with Jack, we might have one of the best in Europe, no s..t! But the GK and backs are only one or two big injuries away from a repeat of last year. That my fellow Gooners is why I am not giggling with nervous anticipation. This season it's wait and see for me. I'll be happy if by October we lead the league or at least are close-not a mile away like last year.

  61. GoonerGoal!

    Aug 14, 2012, 0:45 #25210

    Things looked good, but then so they should against what appeared to be a team of teenagers who hardly made a tackle in 90 minutes. Has their 1st half keeper even started shaving yet? Oh sorry, got a bit realistic there. I'm sure that probably wasn't positive enough for some of you. So, OK then we were outstanding. Our new players fitted perfectly into our style of play. Judging from some of the comments, many are trying to read all kinds of positivity into our chances this season from this performance. Me? I will retain judgement until the end of September.

  62. lee armitt

    Aug 14, 2012, 0:40 #25209

    Cazorla will have no part in the sunderland game because of the travel back from puerto rico.

  63. Rob

    Aug 14, 2012, 0:37 #25208

    Oh Dear ! The first two posts don't attempt to address what Kev says but whine at him because he supposedly was not more positive - !? - and throw up the 'Aunt Sally' that he and the OLG would be so much more happy with a defeat. If people feel that this site is not for them - depart. It's not hard. Stick to the official site, where all is ticker tee-boo. If we are playing Koln's second 11 it's hard to get carried away and the real job starts on Saturday. My main gripe is that there is still too much deadwood at the Club - Bendtner, Park, Squillachi, Chamakh - and that the RvP situation and Walcotts remain unresolved. Frankly if RvP departs for £20 million that's fine by me. And I would shed no tears for Walcott either - provided we get in one more defensive midfielder and one more defender. If we do that, I think we'll be a whole lot better than last year. The other point is the goalkeeper as Szech' is not the finished article and if he did get injured it's Fabianski - and frankly that does not bare thinking about. But on the plus side Uncle Bouldy has been hard at work and perhaps - PERHAPS ? - this bunch of clots can finally work out how to defend, as a team. 49 goals conceded last season. Happy with that Jim and Gooner Ron ? No ! Neither are the rest of us. So let's hope we can cull that number by at least 10 thanks to Bouldy's input. Looks like third place is still our limit but I'm a whole lot happier than last year - which was cyanide capsule time. Heres' to Saturday and three points !!

  64. Tony

    Aug 13, 2012, 22:40 #25207

    I think the piece is a measured account of the Club's current status. With or without our "captain," there's cause for optimism as the season commences. It can't be any worse than this time last year. Thanks, Kevin.

  65. Dave

    Aug 13, 2012, 22:39 #25206

    Kev get real you know Wenger knows Fergie knows and RVP knows he will be playing for Man Utd this season.There is no way Kroenke will let even £15m slip threw his fingers.Remember Nasri actually played a league game for us last season.And some good news on the horizon Song looks like he is off

  66. MRMROD

    Aug 13, 2012, 22:23 #25205

    OK; Walcott and Ox both playing little one-two's on the right whilst Cazorla and Giroud link up as they did yesterday, our midfield and forward line looks tasty...RVP can go for £20m. Defensively, Mertesacker is a season older so COULD be ok cover for Kos and TV5. However, Mannone's flappyanski-esque flap at a glorified back pass raises questions about the requirement for a challenger or back up for Chesney. Either way, more so than than in years, im positive and confident of a trophy this season, with or without RVP.

  67. norfolk gooner

    Aug 13, 2012, 21:07 #25204

    Kev,we were told Podolski and Giroud would't be ready for the start of the season, though Podoski does look sharp,would like to see him and RVP start at the weekend. Cazorla looks the business comfortable on the ball with an eye for a pass. Like to know why Arteta wasn't playing though,i hope he's not injured.Shame Cesc isn't still with us,what a midfield trio that would have been! Would't be surprised if Koss is switched to RB on Saturday,with Mets in the middle,as for our three keepers not one fills me with a lot of confidence im afraid.Finally has anyone seen Nik Bendtner? is he still at the Euros!!

  68. It's up for grabs now

    Aug 13, 2012, 20:57 #25203

    Pre Season friendlies are notoriously difficult to make any judgements on, especially when playing against teams who do not play in the Premier league. We may not have conceded on this occasion, but if people are going to site this as evidence of an improved bacckline via Steve Boulds influence, then what about the goals conceded on the clubs Asian tour? Again people may say the majority of our first choice backline was not present in Asia, but then again we have just faced the second string attack of a team just relegated! Lets wait and see how good or indeed how bad our defence is after half a dozen games in the Premier league before we start patting ourselves on the back about not conceding a goal in one meaningless friendly game heh.

  69. Fez

    Aug 13, 2012, 20:01 #25202

    If fit, Wenger will always play Diaby. A big 'if' I realise. We seem to have acquired an abundance of quality midfielders all of a sudden which means that our bench should look almost daunting this coming season. It will be interesting to see what happens with Ramsey this season.

  70. GoonerRon

    Aug 13, 2012, 19:50 #25201

    Blimey Kevin, it sounded like even the faint praise came through gritted teeth there. You can bet your bottom dollar if we didn't keep a clean sheet you'd be spewing about our defensive woes. And if we had bought three inexperienced players who didn't play well you'd be saying how it's vital we needed experienced players who could integrate quickly. Not getting carried away by one game but I personally feel your comments don't really do justice to the positivity of the performance.

  71. Jim

    Aug 13, 2012, 18:24 #25200

    Wow! Would it kill you to say a couple of positive words about the season ahead? No words about Steve Bould's influence at corners, or the number of exciting options we have in the final third? I look forward to another season of your bitter match reports.