
Online Ed: Defence good, attack not so at the Britannia


Steve Bould – His end of things working fine

The visit to the Britannia was a far truer test of Arsenal’s new defensive resolve than the opening fixture v Sunderland, and the team came through with flying colours. In spite of third choice keeper Vito Mannone needing to make his first appearance since the calamity away at Olympiacos last season, the Gunners controlled the game and only rarely looked uncomfortable at the back. That is a major development in the attempt to put right the wrongs of the previous campaign, evidence that the introduction of Steve Bould to the first team set up is having some obvious positive effect. When the two line-ups took to the pitch, it was re-assuring to see that, in terms of height, this no longer looked like men against boys. Many of Arsenal’s players looked tall, and there was little sign of being physically intimidated.

In the match that followed, the back four played well, including the two young full-backs, players about whom there have been doubts whether they could cut the mustard in the past. Both worked the flanks energetically and were available to support in attack, as well as rarely being caught out of position when Stoke had the ball. To an extent, the home side did at times retreat and leave Peter Crouch as a lone front man, but they had to come forward more than Sunderland, and so the game was more of a spectacle than the previous weekend’s fare.

The midfield of Arteta, Diaby and Cazorla were hugely influential in dictating the play, and Stoke rarely got a look in. Perhaps helped by an early yellow card, Tony Pulis’ team were uncharacteristically restricted to about only two moments of unquestioned physical savagery.

Up front, problems. The visitors' dominance was not translated into the required win. Too often, attacks came to nothing because of either poor decision making, inaccurate final balls or simply below par finishing. It is still early days, and a forward trio of Podolski, Giroud and Gervinho are not going to have the familiarity required to establish the understanding that is needed to convert opportunities. Too often Stoke managed to crowd out the Gunners’ attacking threat.

People want me to lay into the team from the outset, and I was criticized for using the term ‘work in progress’ last weekend, on the basis that the Arsenal team has been developing for too long. Yet, as long as key players are going to be allowed to leave, then new faces have to be integrated, and it is not going to be an overnight process. There is a separate debate to be had about the way the club operate in this regard, but that is a discussion I will return to in the days after the close of the transfer window. It is vital for the credibility of Arsene Wenger and Ivan Gazidis that Arsenal do not end this window making a profit on transfers from the summer once again, which means splashing some cash, especially if Theo Walcott is sold, with whispers that Paris St Germain are the only club seriously interested in taking him. Making a £20 million profit in the market might look good on the annual accounts, but what it says about the club’s ambition to compete would be damning indeed.

Returning to the attack against Stoke, Podolski and Giroud showed they were up for the battle, but when all is said and done, failed to do what they were on the pitch for. Gervinho had a quieter match than last weekend, and was guilty of the same charge of no end product. Behind them, Cazorla did everything right until he had a shot on goal for the second week running. Perhaps the dice aren’t rolling Arsenal’s way at the moment. Perhaps it will come good. The season is far from a write off after two matches, and realistically, the end of October is the time to make a true judgment on a new-look Arsenal, one which is more experienced, more physical, more organized.

The abandonment of Project Youth and attacking idealism based on 100% possession of the football has finally come about too late to preserve Cesc Fabregas and Robin van Persie as Arsenal players. To have those two surrounded by more streetwise players and defensive organization would probably have brought trophies in the last five seasons and possibly given them reason to remain in north London. As it is, we have to move on with what we have, try and consolidate and launch an assault on honours from a solid defensive bedrock. On that level, it is an encouraging start. If things had gone slightly differently, we may have been celebrating two ‘1-0s to the Arsenal’ and maximum points, but football doesn’t reward ifs.

It’s unfortunate that the club now face a tough trip to Liverpool – who will be ravenous for points after starting the season with even less than the Gunners. If the inability to score continues, then we may be looking at a case of poor judgment rather than ill fortune. Once is unfortunate, twice is careless, what three times would tell us is that there is a fundamental flaw in Arsenal’s way.

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  1. Babatunde

    May 07, 2013, 22:15 #34648

    Hey Simon Rose! Inspired thinking! How's that Martinez managerial suggestion coming along hmmm? I see he's virtually relegated Wigan, conceding almost 70 goals in th process! WOW! So he's a shocking defensive manager, his team perform like utter rubbish all season until the final three months, where they belatedly realise the bare minimum is needed; and a load of inept players. Wins nothing. Sounds like a perfect Wenger clone to me, yep! He can add "relegation to the Champo" to his cv, let's hope Ivan and co can convince Roberto to manage little Arsenal huh!

  2. Croker

    May 07, 2013, 10:07 #34622

    Nightmare scenario for me is Wenger stepping aside, getting a seat on the Board (has n't he got one already?) and appointing his own successor. We won't get an appointee like Klopp or De Boer or Rijkaard unless the Club fires Wenger but why would they (Stan) do that? ps why does Simon Rose get labelled an "AKB"? All his stuff is well thought out and a good read.

  3. jb

    May 03, 2013, 16:23 #34560

    After listening to his press conference it seems like we wont be looking for a new manager for a long time. More trophyless years ahead!

  4. Canterbury Gooner

    May 03, 2013, 16:22 #34559

    I can understand some of the concerns of Moyes. I know Everton have been close to the relegation places mid season a few times, mainly due to their poor starts. I saw an interview a few months ago where he said he changed pre-season preparation this year and it seemed to work, but still a recurring mistake for several years before I suppose. Much of their football has been direct and physical too, but don't forget that it's not necessarily reflective of Moyes' philosophy- Everton's turnover is £80m, that's just over a third of ours. Absolutely no owner support either. So that's probably why- this is the best squad he's had to date and I think Fellaini, Baines, Pienaar, Jelavic etc play some great, quick-passing, technical football. The problem is that we don't know how would act with a club so much bigger without any previous examples to analyse!

  5. Tony Evans

    May 03, 2013, 15:57 #34558

    Ron - I kept up with the comments but lost the will to make any of my own! Like many of us it is only my life long support of the club that is keeping up my interest in Arsenal, because Wenger has driven the passion and empathy with the club almost completely out of me. As for how well Ferguson would have done in London - that is an intriguing question. Like you I reckon not so well but a Dein / Ferguson combo might have been interesting! Fingers crossed for better times ahead and a team we can really be proud of again.

  6. Ron

    May 03, 2013, 15:03 #34557

    Hi Tony - Long time mate, whereve you been fella? Can see what you say about Moyes and i pondered him as an idea at one time, but im not sure now. I think hes maybe limited deep down and wonder how hell go if ever there was genuine expectation heaped on him and once AW goes, there ll be quite a bit of that, even from our tolerant fans. Gut feeling Everton or their like are ideal for him (no disrespct to Everton either as ive never minded them, unlike the red rabble across that park who ive never liked for some reason). GG was a true Arsenal man, steeped in our ways, been in London for decades before he took us over as well mate. Ferg is a one off. Got to admire the old sod, even if not liking him much but hes at the perfect Club to be the boss he is dont forget. Get the right approach there and trophies have to follow in my view.Other Clubs arent so lucky and ive foten wondered how Ferg wd have done at say, Arsenal or The Spuds even. Not so well i suggest mate? What you reckon?

  7. Tony Evans

    May 03, 2013, 12:23 #34552

    Canterbury Gooner - I agree with you and wouldn't mind at all if David Moyes took over at Arsenal. A dour Scot he may be but if he was half as successful as that other dour Scot in Manchester that would be good enough for me. Also a certain Mr Graham (dour and from north of the border) did pretty well for a time too! Moyes would take Wenger's cosseted fairies to the cleaners and with some money to spend I reckon his pragmatic approach is just what the doctor ordered for Arsenal post Wenger.

  8. Stroud Green Road Boy

    May 03, 2013, 11:37 #34548

    Simon, I have seen before you say you have criticised Wenger since 2001. Do you think criticism of him now has the same level of validity as it had then?

  9. Tony Evans

    May 03, 2013, 11:05 #34546

    I just hope that when Wenger finally departs (soon I hope)he is not offered a position 'upstairs' because then it wouldn't really matter who the replacement was - Wenger would still be interfering, influencing decisions and generally holding the new fella back.

  10. 1975

    May 03, 2013, 10:02 #34544

    I have a lot of time for Simon and his writing. I think he gets incorrectly accused of being an AKB. If folks read his stuff he is nothing of the sort. This article is about creating a debate. His suggestion of Martinez is a proposition, there to be argued for or against. Im sure Simon could come up with others....Moyes, Laudrup, Lowe, Guus Hiddink anyone???? If half a dozen of us sat in a pub for an afternoon we could debate the strengths and weaknesses of half a dozen candidates. Im sure some would argue that Wenger still has a case. I dont Im affraid. What is clear is that there is a very real appetite for a change of leadership at the club. There are lots of fans who believe that almost anyone could do a better job than Wenger is doing. Lets debate the arguments and not attack the person who raises the debate.

  11. Joe S.

    May 03, 2013, 0:30 #34542

    Someone wrote in the Mirror last year that replacing Dalgish with Martinez at Liverpool would be like kicking Cameron Diaz out of bed and asking Susan Boyle to jump in. I know, horribly sexist but the image sure makes me smile whenever I think of it. Is the same true for Arsenal and replacing Arsene Wegner. Of course Klopp is the more inspired choice however it also comes with it's risks. A manager's success is determined by a lot of factors such as the ambitions of his board, the quality of work being done on the ground with recruiting and player development and the patience of both board and fans to see short term pain for future glory ( roll on Rodgers at Liverpool ). What we would be asking from Klopp would be for him to replicate what he has achieved at Dortmund. An instant fix for the present inertia. Easier said than done when the club is being admiistered by a bunch of anti football investors who have no respect for a football club's history and traditions. Martinez is not the laughable choice many believe.This season he has kept an injury depleted team competitive in much the same way Arsene Wegner has done with much greater recourses. What he could achieve within the financial stuctures of a bigger club is open to speculation.I don't expect whoever replaces Wegner to immediately fill the trophey cabinet. There may be a few wrong turns such as another Bruce Rioch until the right person is found, but that's football. It's happening at Barcellona and will also happen to Man. U. For us Arsenal fans the most frustrating drawback is our board and the man in Denver who has no intention of putting money into his investment.What his model for Arsenal's future may be will be very( horribly )different from what we fan's are hoping for.

  12. mark from aylesbury

    May 02, 2013, 22:19 #34541

    The sad thing is that a well managed club might have actually brokered a deal where Bould could have taken effective control and Wenger pushed into the position of director of football. If Bould failed it would be sad but we could all move on with say Klopp or someone similar. Instead it has been typical conservative and by that I mean completely weak willed hesitant management. Our club is slowly being wrecked. Whoever said it earlier, I agree that Kronke is the worst ever owner of Arsenal. With Wenger's 2nd half off management as our least successful manager. Something will eventually change!

  13. Smeagol

    May 02, 2013, 22:07 #34539

    Roberto Martinez??! REALLY? Wowzers, some Arsen fans seem to forget who we are as a club! Tell you what Simon, I'm with those accusing you of being a small-time apologist. I've sadly read enough of your excuse-making articles to know this. I'll tell you what, how about we send you to conduct negotiations with Martinez after he's taken Wigan down to the Championship eh? You didn't think before you wrote this nonsense did you? A club with £120 mil cash reserves going after Martinez FFS. Unambitious fans, unambitious manager, potless club. Yup sound about right! Who knows, if we aim for Martinez maybe we'll end up with Pulis or Steve Kean hahahahha

  14. Ron

    May 02, 2013, 21:50 #34538

    Canterbury - i can see your point. I disagree on Moyes though. Hes made for a dour, northern club full of mainly scufflers. Anyway, i doubt he wd get much from that squad at Arsenal. He likes strong players, durable types tinged with the odd ball player. Hes a bit GG ish if you like. That bunch of lightweights and fairyfoots we've got wdt appeal to him and in the absence of cash i cdt see him getting more quality football out of them any more than Wenger can. Hes does seem a miserable git as well. Ive had enough of Wenger scowling and bitching for years and dont want another, esp with that Glasgow accent giving it a bit more of the same.

  15. Mandy Dodd

    May 02, 2013, 21:43 #34537

    Please not David moyes Canterbury Gooner. He has done ok this season, but in the past has led Everton close to relegation. He has some very talented players, but still resorts to anti football more often that not, especially against us. A relatively young manager but still a British managerial dinosaur. Never for us.

  16. maguiresbridge gooner

    May 02, 2013, 21:34 #34536

    A couple of very good points from Big Andy and one more, a manager like Klopp and indeed any manager worth their salt would get a hell of a lot more out of the players tactically,and especially defensively.

  17. Canterbury Gooner

    May 02, 2013, 20:06 #34535

    I think we as fans need to wake up to the reality of the situation. In the last few years we've done marginally better than Spurs, a team with a turnover of almost £100m less. We have about £40m being wasted on deadwood every year. We've sold all our best players and haven't replaced them sufficiently. This team is not good enough to play tiki-taka football- Martinez has Wigan looking like a mess most of the time with the occasional flash of brilliance (end of season more so...). We're packed full of players like Arteta, Giroud, Walcott, Gervinho etc. All too mediocre and inconsistent, certainly not 'technical'. What we need is a manager like David Moyes- someone who can get the most out of a limited squad. His teams are only so direct because that's what you get for the players in his price range. As they've got better they play with more of a style (some managers do know how to adapt...) and he's been tipped to succeed Alex Ferguson; what makes us too good for him? I want to see a David Moyes type side: highly and consistently motivated, a fast tempo playing style, well organised defensively, tactically flexible and able to correct errors. In other words, everything that this current Wenger regime cannot practice.

  18. Ron

    May 02, 2013, 20:00 #34534

    Seven Kings - My friend, i wouldn't be at all surprised either. Hes made for that Board at Arsenal. The thought of the sight of that that hair quiff on the touchline (id love to put my razor across his vain northern skull and shave the lot off!) doesn't bear thinking about. His big, shining teeth (they've got to be falsies?) flashing to camera and then to top it all, him speaking to the press, faking his new London accent, explaining away the latest 7-1 defeat to Tottenham. uuuggghh , don't mention it, but as you say, its entirely possible. Theres no big name coming for sure.

  19. SLondonGooner

    May 02, 2013, 19:42 #34533

    Why not Frank Rijkaard? He is a proven coach with a lot of experience and the nous and knowledge to take on Ferguson, Mourinho and Mancini. Martinez, are you serious? We will definately drop out of the Top 4 with such an appointment! We need proven track record coaches and more importantly, players.

  20. Big Andy

    May 02, 2013, 19:40 #34532

    Sorry, Simon, but you're wrong on two counts. Firstly, Martinez, likeable as he is, just isn't good enough for a club with our ambitions. Secondly, Klopp is not out of our league. For a start we could off him a very competitive salary of say, five million quid. More importantly we can offer him a stable environment where he would be given time to build and develop a winning team. At Real Madrid, Barcelona or Chelsea he wouldn't last one bad season. And don't believe the rubbish about a lack of funds. We have a massive wage fund which if properly spent could attract and retain some very good players - Wenger has criminally squandered it. We can win major trophies if we get the right players. Klopp speaks very good English (I don't know about his Spanish or Italian) and so would easily slot into the London lifestyle. I would love to see him come.

  21. Ancelotti is the one

    May 02, 2013, 19:36 #34531

    Simon Rose has wrote some barking articles this season and this is well up their with them.So Martinez turned down Villa who finished one place above the relegation places last season and a mid table Liverpool he must be waiting for Arsenal!!! We are the 4th richest club in the world who pay a failure of a manager nearly £8m a year.There is no top manager with the exception of Mourinho in Europe who would turn down a job for £8m a year.But the board dont want a top manager because a top manager would want to spend money on world class players.Thats why they love Wenger he doesnt spend money.Wenger aint going nowhere fast in fact he will be offered and will sign a new contract this PSG story is his usual ploy before he signs a new deal.Just watch those empty seats grow more and more this season.While another Giroud is signed this summer.We should have got Ancelotti when he was sacked by Chelsea

  22. Seven Kings Gooner

    May 02, 2013, 19:27 #34530

    Ron : Do you know my main fear is that the Board would punish us even further with the appointment of McClaren.

  23. CanadaGooner

    May 02, 2013, 19:12 #34529

    The only type of manager than can survive at Arsenal, with the current board/owner, will be a Wenger clone. So, the ONLY potential positive from ridding ourselves of Wenger is that perhaps his departure will allow coaches like Bould and others to do a better job and the team may finally grow a backbone. Apart from that, it could be Klopp or Blopp or Flopp, we wont get anywhere, and may even be much worse off than where we currently are, for a few years post-Wenger

  24. Ronster

    May 02, 2013, 18:25 #34528

    Seven Kings Gooner...indeed he was in that French farce,but would he want to join another!?

  25. jjetplane

    May 02, 2013, 17:59 #34527

    Things do move fast in football and Bayern might be thinking what do we need Guadiola for having just disposed of his creation in the way the mancs did for us. Klopp will not go anywhere when Germany is about to boss football for a decade. I really dislike Wigan and am looking forward to their undoubted relegation. Martinez will be somewhere like Newcastle if he strikes lucky next season before ending with a Darlington. The idea that any manager would have to supercede a dead duck like Wenger is laughable and poor old Rosie is still lost in the mud of nostalgia. More likely and a real coup would be to see the 'special one' turn up to make friends with an even richer russian. If that did happen perhaps Fabregas would return with requisite tail between legs and Nasri on his back. Think inventive Simon and don't let your fingers do the talking. Er Arsenal yeah!

  26. Ron

    May 02, 2013, 17:56 #34526

    Maguiresbridge - Fair points. A big stumbling block for the Board in choosing a new Coach will be finding the knowledge and honesty to listen to a truly top Coach in interview, whoever it is, telling them in no uncertain terms that if they want to progress and for the manager to achieve, that there is arguably only 1 player in the Club who deserves to remain as part of the rebuild ie Wilshere. Maybe theres a case for perhaps 1 or at a push 2 others tops, but its pushing it. A top coach will want to rout and gut that sqaud of flimsy lightweights and do it quickly, which means sales and purchases. They wont want to hear it after hearing Wenger tell them for ao long that he 'has faith' in his players etc etc. This leads to some lightweight 'yes man' being offered and taking that job after Wenger who will come cheap. A guy whos maybe had no real success elsewhere and doesnt really hanker after any. The Board in singing Wengers praises, dont realise that 8 years of 'project youth' followed by 'project tesco own value sticking plaster' has as each year past made the re build job more expensive to do each day as a result of Wengers (and their own)policy of false economies in buying loads of expensive 3rd hand Vauxhall Astras when they needed a far lesser number of BMW s ages ago. They call Wenger an economic man due his degree. My view is that he failed to learn the most basic economic principles! Moreover, i know a few people who have degrees in some subject or another and actualy know sweet naff all about the subject they studied. Thats Wenger for me. Thst Board would s--t themselves if a top calibre coach went for interview there. They do have big egos and need them to do that job well at big Clubs. In Arsenals case so many of these guys have axes to grind with Wenger as well due to his sour faced approach for so many years, that they would have a burning desire to rid the Club of Wengers recruits just to make the point. They need a big perosnality at Arsenal, but that Board couldnt cope with one. Step up all of you Hodgson,Martinez, Southgate or even McLaren types.

  27. thatsimonrose

    May 02, 2013, 17:50 #34525

    Obasanjo, do you think before you write? Ludicrous reactionary knee-jerk garbage. Put your assumptions aside and read the article, in isolation for what is. Don't fill in blanks for what it isn't or put words in my mouth. I've not apologised for Wenger in any way. Sadly you prove that not everyone is capable of debate.

  28. david

    May 02, 2013, 17:35 #34524

    Bob - completely agree - Mourinho would be a great choice. The fat Russian and Mourinho would be the perfect pair.

  29. Gare Kekeke

    May 02, 2013, 17:35 #34523

    Klopp would be a great appointment but I can’t see it happening. He’s ambitious; the ambition of the Arsenal board is on huge finances and not on the pitch glory. My personal view is that the board would extend Wenger’s contract this summer even though I don’t want it to happen. Also in my view, Wenger would play a MAJOR part in the club appointing his successor. I agree with Sir Sid James that the club would go for Remi Garde. Why? 1) He’s a former player and knows the club 2) He’s Wenger’s mate & 3) He’s on the brink of guiding Olympique Lyonnais into the European Cup. Garde could blame PSG’s petro-dollars for Lyon failing to sustain their Ligue 1 title challenge but then Olivier Giroud & Montpellier will say you don’t need petro-dollars to win that league. As for Martinez, I like him and his teams play bloody good football but he has to do more than just merely avoiding relegation every year to warrant a big job. Last season Brendan Rodgers & Paul Lambert comfortably guided Swansea City & Norwich City respectively to mid-table in the Premier League in their first seasons back in the top flight with squads made up mainly of Championship players. I’m no fan of Tony Pulis but until this season, Stoke were a Premier League mid-table side despite their turgid football. Yes Martinez keeps Wigan in the top flight but safety is always secured very late in the season. They don’t finish mid-table and some of Wigan’s defending under Martinez makes us look like a Mourinho side. For as long as he stays there, Wigan will always be flirting with relegation from the Premier League and will eventually get caught out one year and it could be this year. Also, the days of a manager being with a club for more than five years are long gone. Wenger along with Ferguson are part of a dying breed.

  30. maguiresbridge gooner

    May 02, 2013, 17:01 #34522

    An ideal candidate alright,and that time has come, and has been here for quite a while.But could the powers that be,be trusted to approach a candidate like that without ballsing it up somewhere along the line.Providing he was approached and it did go smoothly i'm sure he'd be asking himself that question a few times ,Why the hell would i want to go to Arsenal ? I don't think it would be because he thought we're not a big draw/club anymore but he would certainly need to be fond of a challenge and would he want that ? to sort us out and to get us back to where we once were.I think the days of loyalty from managers just like the players has disappeared,there's exceptions like red nose,Moyes,and Wenger himself but when their gone we're not likely to see that again.If we get five ,six, years out of a manager now we'll be doing well depending on success.Whatever manager we appoint after Wenger and if it were to be Klopp,or whoever, they'll have an ego of some sorts it will be hard to find one with none, and it surely can't be much bigger than the one we already have.I'm sure even Martinez has one and i'd like to think we'd set our sights a little higher but there again he could be right in this boards price bracket and he has done something wenger hasn't done for a while.But one things for sure whoever the lucky candidate is he'll certainly not have, or be given the power that wenger has, and has had over the years and certainly not given the same inflated salary and quite rightly so, on both counts.

  31. Seven Kings Gooner

    May 02, 2013, 16:59 #34521

    Was n't Klopp in "Allo Allo"

  32. Zarastro

    May 02, 2013, 14:48 #34520

    Okay first of all, Klopp is not the person who leaves his project behind once he gets a better offer. He turned down Chelsea because he wanted to see his project to unfold and it seems he is now reaping the rewards. So IF Arsenal could get him, there would be little doubt that Klopp would try to create a dynasty there as he did in Dortmund and Mainz. "So if Guardiola (as stated by his agent) wanted the Arsenal job (was never offered it) then why would Klopp, paid far less and at a historically smaller club; NOT want it?" You seem to overestimate Arsenal here my friend. It is true that Arsenal is more well-known than Dortmund mostly due to the omnipresent EPL. But last time I checked Dortmund actually have won a CL trophy (1997) so it is certainly a big stretch to say that Arsenal is "historically" the bigger club. Financially yes, but in terms of history certainly no!

  33. johnnyhawleylovinggooner

    May 02, 2013, 14:40 #34519

    yes i can and the reason is money. arsenal have loads of it the management will give him three years to impose himself on the club,unlike some other clubs you fear he would prefer. the next manager will have to be a high profile guy as the banks will still have to be kept happy. they will not want someone unproven at this level to take over.was the only football related person that is not a shareholder that is in the top football rich list in the sunday times the manager? there were loads of manu and chelsea players -is there room for only one star at arsenal now?

  34. Mike

    May 02, 2013, 14:11 #34517

    I believe they were stalking Jochaim Louw who would be and excellent manager as far as I am concerned. He has extended his contract which means that Arsenal will extend Wengers

  35. Mandy Dodd

    May 02, 2013, 13:08 #34515

    Getting Klopp would be a big call, bit IF Wenger does decide to leave at the end of his contract, it is highly likely Jogi Low will be available after the world cup, from which he may well emerge a winning manager, he should at least be considered should we need a manager. Martinez certainly would not be my choice, but those who scorn, I have heard of far worse suggestions on here...Owen Coyle for one....

  36. Bonkers

    May 02, 2013, 13:06 #34514

    Simon, switch off the lite on your way out mate.

  37. Obasanjo

    May 02, 2013, 12:54 #34513

    My God what a crock of scary rubbish this piece is. So infatuated by Wenger are his faithful acolyte disciples that they would happily appoint a nonentity like Martinez because 'he plays the Wenger way'. If by that you mean he spends a whole season mismanaging his team and underperforming...before pulling off an 'unbeaten run' at the end of a season where they win nothing at all, then yes he would be perfect. Thing is, the Wenger way of football is NOT THE ARSENAL WAY. Wenger and Arsenal are not the same. There are several ways of performing and Wenger's (as the past 8 years shows) is a total failure. Klopp is paid under £2 mil a year and he could be paid over £7m by moving to Arsenal. He would huge cash reserves, a big transfer fund and no interference. He would be able to become a legend and rebuild a club that is dying on the pitch under Wenger's watch. It is absolutely pathetic and disgraceful that Wenger apologists like Simon Rose would sooner reduce our club to some provincial nothing club, than accept that actually there ARE better superior replacement to their beloved Wenger out there. Klopp and Heynckes for one. I am sure Simon Rose and his ilk would love nothing more than for someone like Martinez to follow Arsene and fail, so they can wax lyrical over 'how good we had it' under Wenger pfffft. This is Roberto Martinez who had the choices of managing Fulham and the Villa over the past 2 years. This is ARSENAL FC we are talking of, 13 league titles, 3rd richest club in the world, a club that was big before Wenger turned up and will continue to be long after he's buggered off (2014 we pray). KLOPP would definitely consider the Arsenal job - Pep Guardiola wanted it and he managed possibly the greatest club side of the pat 25 years. So if Guardiola (as stated by his agent) wanted the Arsenal job (was never offered it) then why would Klopp, paid far less and at a historically smaller club; NOT want it? Simon Rose couldn't possibly explain that though could he? If Martinez is so good, why did the Spuds not offer him their job after sacking 'Arry? Liverpool interviewed him for the job and though Rodgers was the better manager. And they are probably right! Yet here we are, fans of the most expensive season tickets in European football....asking for ROBERTO MARTINEZ. Simon Rose and his Wenger fanboys are going to look mighty silly once Martinez gets Wigan relegated this summer. Then we can revisit thisabsolute shambles of an excuse for insight. Fans like Simon Rose are an embarrassment, and when Wenger hopefully goes far far away from North London; SIon Rose and his pals can follow him to wherever he goes and support that club instead. Because to many of us, we realise there is a big future after Wenger.

  38. Ron

    May 02, 2013, 12:15 #34512

    I cant support the Martinez idea. Lovely guy, but he needs a larger Club than Wigan now to progress but not following Wenger at Arsenal. Its too big a leap for him and if he fell flat on his face, his career is harmed irreparably. Klopp isnt likley to be attracted by Arsenal, unless the salary swings it. He looks a candidate though and until then he ll stay at Dortmund i feel. Im not sure i like the bloke, but Arsenal are in such an ordinary state, they could do worse than go out on a limb and ask Mourinho in. He ll give the Club a feel good factor again and raise the interest levels and bring in players of the type who ll back down to nobody, insted of the bunch of insipid lightweights the Clubs got used to for too long. In modern football the Club needs to forget about having a Coach for a long time. Those days have gone and its always been the case in Europe that they stay 2-3 years only.I dont believe that he 'insists' on £ xxxx to spend as 'condition' of taking a job, but lets face it, Arsenal are desperate for some cash to be spent anyway! The Club needs a massive lift and he ll give it one.

  39. Paul

    May 02, 2013, 12:12 #34511

    @Simon 11.32 What you mean is would Klopp go to Barcelona and manager a player like Messi with the pressure of actually winning trophies or come to Arsenal manage rubbish like Gervinho with the only expectation is to finish 4th.Only when Usmanov takes over will we get a world class manager which our club deserves until then Wenger isnt going nowhere.The reason why he never went to Madrid is they demand success

  40. Born Gooner

    May 02, 2013, 11:47 #34510

    There's only one man for the job. Mike Bassett.

  41. thatsimonrose

    May 02, 2013, 11:32 #34509

    Some good comments. It's an interesting point by Rabb of whether or not Klopp would want to join a club like Barcelona and become part of the cycle of rapid managerial turnover, or might fancy creating a long-term dynasty at Arsenal. We can hope. As for 'Laughable', yawwwwn. You're hilarious! Rather than hauling out your agenda, you could do with reading what I write rather than hanging on to assumptions and pre-conceptions and leaping out with tired irrelevant repeated reactions. I am not, never have been and never will be an AKB. I've openly criticised Wenger and cited his flaws since 2001 and even when we were Invincibles!

  42. Adelaide Gooner

    May 02, 2013, 11:15 #34508

    One reason Klopp would come here is regardless of their recent success, Arsenal are a bigger club than Dortmund. He would also see that he has a challenge on his hands. Better to be coming to an under performing giant than go to a massive club that's just won the ECL. Pep is on a hiding to nothing next season!

  43. Bard

    May 02, 2013, 10:56 #34507

    Don't get this post. Wenger isn't going anywhere, why would he ? Huge salary and no expectations, its a no brainer; so there"s little point speculating. By the time he leaves a whole raft of names may be available to right the sinking ship. This summer's transfer window will determine his future past next year. If he signs a crop of world beaters and the side looks competitive he will stay if he buys another bunch of second tier players he will leave. I know which option I'll put my money on.

  44. Where's Wally is a Gooner

    May 02, 2013, 10:50 #34506

    I think you're missing the point that Arsenal are paying Wenger 7.5 million a year. That fact alone might attract a few top managers.I agree Martinez could be worth a chance but unfortunatly we are probably going to be stuck with the master spin doctor for a few years yet.

  45. Graham Simons

    May 02, 2013, 10:12 #34505

    Wenger really has done a number on you lot hasn't he? Where does it say the next Arsenal manager has to be in the Wenger tradition a la Martinez? I've said it once and I'll say it again - the reason why Klopp is the perfect choice is he actually works on his team's deficiencies and gets them to improve - Wenger seems incapable of this. You ask why Klopp would choose Arsenal? He works in Germany - Arsenal is a more valuable club, going by the latest data than any of the German clubs including Bayern, so moving to the Arsenal would be a step up. He would gain a massive pay rise as our manager is one of the most highly rewarded in the world, he would be moving to the greatest city in the world, he would benefit from the patience of a board who are prepared to invest in a project and he would have the chance to rebuild one of the greatest football clubs in world football. But no you aim low, let's have Klopp lite to manage Henry lite (Walcott), Vieira lite (Diaby) and Kanu lite (Gervinho) - hell we could even rename the club Arsenal lite.

  46. Tom

    May 02, 2013, 9:51 #34503

    You are all idiots. Man U and arsenal are the most secure jobs the world of football. With rich history through both, what manager would not want to take over from two men that have been given so many years to mould there clubs. The same opportunity will be given to whoever replaces them. Idiots... Get a life... Things change... **** happens. Wenger has sacrificed his time as manager so arsenal can have a brighter future. IDIOTS.

  47. John Caulfield

    May 02, 2013, 9:17 #34501

    Klopp's success with Dortmund against the juggernaut that is Bayern Munich shows up those who claim Arsenal cannot compete with the "petrodollar" clubs. Last summer, after winning the double, Dortmund lost Kagawa to United, so they went out and replaced him with Reus, who is regarded as one of the brightest young talents in Germany. No doubt they already have plans in place to replace Gotze and Lewandowski. Just because they cannot compete financially with Bayern doesn't mean they don't show ambition. Yes they are about the same amount of points behind the leaders as we are, but they have the small consolation of a day out at Wembley to come, as well as winning the last 2 Bundesligas. As for Martinez, I am impressed by the way he has stuck to his principles at Wigan, and also his tactical flexibility, but relegation would put him in the same bracket as Owen Coyle (as GaryFootscray points out, he was the flavour of the month a couple of years ago). Having said that, he would be an ideal coach/assistant, bringing fresh ideas to the team and learning the ropes at a big club to eventually take over. Ultimately though, I fear that talk of Wenger's successor is pointless, our head in the sand board would gladly give Wenger a new contract tomorrow and continue to sit back and count the profits.

  48. Laughable

    May 02, 2013, 8:39 #34499

    Chief AKB Simon Rose does it again! I despair when I hear jokers try and claim Arsenal can't poach anyone of quality to replace the useless Wenger. Why would Klopp come to Arsenal? 1. Arsenal pay their current sham of a manager £7.5 mil a year! That's for a guy that's won zilch in 8 years! Only 2 managers in Europe are paid more. 2. Arsenal are still the biggest club in the biggest city in the biggest league in Europe 3. Arsenal have cash reserves of £123mil. Bigger than any club in Europe 4. Arsenal are co-owned by not one, but TWO billionaires. 5. Arsenal are the third most valuable club in Europe 6. Arsenal have the highest match day revenue in Europe 7. He would work with no interference It's a total and complete EMBARRASSMENT how small time AKBs like Simon Rose have become. Roberto bloody Martinez FFS, a guy who'll probably be relegated with Wigan this year and has been schooled by the likes of Stoke and Newcastle. Ridiculous. This isn't Barnet pal, it's Arsenal FC. And your Master Wenger might have done everything to turn us small time but many of us still think big. And no, I don't want some bloke who will hang around for 15 years again and go stale like Wenger. Bayern, Real, Barca, Juve, Milan all frequently change managers and are far more successful. Ditto Chelski. I'm happy changing managers every 2-3 yrs if it means success. The CLUB comes first, not some retarded cult of Personality as we have with the current incompetent sham manager.

  49. Bob

    May 02, 2013, 8:37 #34498

    Klopp would be great, but my first choice would be Mourinho. Of course it presupposes a revolution at board level, but I think he would have he hunger to take us forward to sustainable levels of achievement Chelsea could only imagine.

  50. Anna Mary

    May 02, 2013, 8:16 #34497

    Martinez?!? Are u serious? Are Arsenal fighting for relegation that we need Martinez? Klopp would be perfect for Arsenal. With all the hoopla surrounding Wenger over the past few days, I think the next season is the final season we'd have under Wenger. Also if Dortmund keep losing players then I think klopp might walk out. We should get him. Have a fresh start from 2014 onwards. And lastly, Klopp does not have the Barca dna.

  51. Rabb

    May 02, 2013, 8:09 #34496

    Well as you say Martinez could be one of the choices for Wenger's job, however my attention is on you suggesting that Jurgen Klopp is out of sight for Arsenal. Am sure many coaches out there are sure that clubs such as Barcelona, Real Madrid, Juventus,Bayern, Ac Milan etc can barely retain a coach for more that 4 years and the same coaches realise that clubs like Arsenal , Man U and even Newcastle will always think of coaches to spend a minimum of 15 years at their clubs so lf Klopp is looking at a club that will bear with him to plan for the team esp in times when there is a transition Arsenal is the place for him to be. Otherwise if he thinks of going to the we want to win 3 trophies this season while even the players they have are average let him try Real Madrid, Ac Milan, Man City, Chelsea etc and be sure of a maximum of 3 seasons only for him to be in charge.

  52. Sir Sid James

    May 02, 2013, 6:56 #34495

    We need a manager who can buy quality not dross like Gervinho and Giroud.A manger who doesnt reward average players with massive contracts.A manager who doesnt put up with injury prone players season after season(Diaby and Rosicky).A manager who doesnt treat 4th place as a trophy.In fact a manager who is the opposite exact to Wenger.Sadly Wenger will have a say in who his successor is and that will be Remi Garde

  53. Mark Rice

    May 02, 2013, 6:50 #34494

    Whats the betting our hapless Yankee (what's that green thing out there for?) collection of directors will let Wenger pick his replacement .... I shudder at the thought ..... Honestly and I've said it before I can see Roy Hodson being our next manager as he will be let go by England and more importantly cheap! So get ready for "uncle woys red and white arrrmey" :0(

  54. Wombledin

    May 02, 2013, 5:58 #34493

    What Klopp has done with a similar financial model as Arsenal just proves how overrated Wengers ability is as a coach now. We should have achieved more in the last 8 years even with the financial belt tightening. Klopp would have. Wenger wasted years and millions on his failed youth policy and eccentric wage structure. R

  55. GaryFootscrayAustralia

    May 02, 2013, 4:09 #34492

    1, Klopp's Dortmund have accelerated past us over the past eighteen months at increased speed, why Klopp would want to take a backwad step and come here is beyond me. The way Dortmund run their club, both on and off the field, should embarrass the hell out of The Arsenal's current administration, but both clubs have achieved their aims - winning trophies in front of a full house every week, and extracting maximum profit from minimum outlay respectively. 2. Martinez is used to having his two best players sold every summer, having to budget for buying cheaper replacements, then building a new team each season, so he's already familiar with that part of life as manager of contemporary Arsenal. 3. Two years ago the same articles were produced about Owen Coyle. I wonder how that went. 4. The term "lite" when used in the context of modern football means "a cheaper and lower quality knockoff of an original". 5. I don't think those that make decisions such as these at The Arsenal these days would care one jot whether Martinez keeps Wigan up or not, he'd be bought a lot cheaper than other managers around Europe that already have major silverware under their belt, and at contemporary Arsenal, cost is everything....except when it comes to the wages of Nick B / Squilly / Johan / Den etc. etc.

  56. Ron

    Aug 29, 2012, 10:02 #25847

    Just a poor game between two very ordinary teams and it hardly merits comment (negative or positive) to be totally honest.0 - 0 sums it up!

  57. exiled&dangerous

    Aug 28, 2012, 17:20 #25823

    Much as I dislike Stoke's style of play, they are doing very well in playing to the strengths of their squad, and let's face it, it is working for them, so far. So I don't have a real issue with that. I'd be a bit miffed if I'd bought a season ticket there, though, to see my side trying desperately to get a nil-nil in the first home game of the season. Enjoy your other 18 home games..... The fans who spend so much of their time abusing our manager are probably only doing so to idle away the time until they get a throw-in and can really let their hair down. But to direct that abuse at a player who suffered a terrible injury against them is sick. And that's in the old-fashioned sense of sick. Not even the most bone-headed Birmingham City supporter would have given Eduardo that sort of treatment. Small town mentality? As for us, when a certain Dutchman's name is read out when we play a particular northern side, I'd just like to hear silence. Indifference. Of course. he'll be out injured by then...

  58. Danny

    Aug 28, 2012, 16:24 #25822

    get rid of the better players and keep the crap with this mix, what do we get is CRAP. fire wenger!

  59. Tony Evans

    Aug 28, 2012, 13:11 #25819

    Agree with your comments, Kevin, and at least they looked up for it which made a nice change. Strange to be praising a solid display at the back after so many woeful efforts but undoubtedly tougher tests are ahead so not counting chickens yet. Wenger resembles an oil tanker attempting a change of direction - very slow - but at least he has abandoned project youth and all out, gung ho attack. Too little too late in my opinion and I wonder if we will see any more players coming in before the transfer window bangs shut. I somehow doubt it and even if we do I don't trust Wenger to bring in the right players.

  60. Dave

    Aug 28, 2012, 10:11 #25818

    A disciplined, unintimidated and tough defence. Very reassuring. Hopefully the goals will come. Also fantastic away support.

  61. Andy M

    Aug 28, 2012, 9:50 #25817

    Let's all calm down a bit. Cazorla is going to be immense, Giroud's long-range chip was a whisker away from turning him into a hero and podolski had some great moments too. Once they really click and fitness levels get to where they should be, we've got a damn good team in the making. And don't forget - in that rather glorious 2003/04 campaign, we drew twelve times. Omwards!

  62. Joe Fitzpatrick

    Aug 28, 2012, 9:15 #25816

    Half empty- well said sir. I think that Wenger picks Diaby over Ramsey and Gervinho over Chamberlain because he is determined that he is going to be proven right about those two (coincidentally?) french speaking players. Wenger is staking his entire reputation on these two players making it and I think it is going to be his undoing. I believe that Song was sold to accommodate Diaby in the first team and the sahin deal was scrapped when Diaby didn't look like he was going to break down again. You saw it last season when Diaby was passed fit he went straight into the team only to break down immediately. Gervinho is getting the Arshavin treatment and is being played despite being completely ineffective.

  63. halfempty

    Aug 28, 2012, 8:08 #25815

    charle s: you are blind. ramsey should be applauded for his efforts. he doesnt hide, he doesnt slow the game down, he doesnt go round in circles just for the sake of it, he tries to win. a shot ( albeit off target) and attacking runs ahead of other strikers show his brain working and his desire. tell me how often diaby did any of those things. not just this match, but any! in my view, whilst he gets the nod over ramsey, and gervinho over ox, we wont be scoring many goals.

  64. Johnny

    Aug 28, 2012, 7:06 #25814

    Diaby is rubbish... so so poor.. WE NEED m'vila, dembele.. we need so much more- its so sad how every season needs rebuilding because we are a feeder club. This team has no depth and wenger is fooling us every year. we as fans dont give a shyt about profit because all they do with it is buy new paint or whatever for the stadium. INVEST in this weak team and stop telling us the positions are covered and you will only sign quality- when any signing will be better than our first team..

  65. maguiresbridge gooner

    Aug 27, 2012, 23:34 #25813

    Belfast Gooner there's not one arsenal fan who doesn't feel for ramsey but the fact is he is simply not good enough how long after his injury does he need to prove he is, how long has it been now ? if he is still getting his form and fitness back why is he doing it in the first team why isn't he doing it out on loan ? when a player is in the team they should be performing to their highest level ramsey is not when a player is not performing the fans aren't going to just sit back and say nothing and that goes for any player in the team (and there are still a few) as for probably being GB'S best player that wouldn't have been hard.I think you'll find the reasons our best players leave is to try and better themselves and actually win something.

  66. Stevesam

    Aug 27, 2012, 21:30 #25811

    Belfast Gooner : You are correct. Well said. For me Ramsey before Diaby any day of the week.

  67. Charlie S.

    Aug 27, 2012, 20:54 #25810

    Belfast Gooner: Where's the confusion, mate? It's becoming clear that the bloke is rubbish. Accept the fact that he's not good enough. It's nothing personal against him.

  68. GoonerRon

    Aug 27, 2012, 20:01 #25809

    A fair assessment again Kevin. I thought we looked really stable at the back (getting credit from Gary Neville no less) which is very encouraging. I'd certainly prioritise improvement in this area as it proves that the same set of players can actually be coached to be better, it's not just about buying players. I saw enough in Giroud and Podolski (in the first half) to think they have attributes that will get us goals, Wengers oil and engine analogy is quite apt really. As for Diaby, I thought he played well. He still overplays at times but I actually think he is trying so hard to prove he can be a key player for us that he making the wrong decisions on occasion. Bigger and very different test next week by which time we will know what shape out squad is in, here's hoping for a signing of two to push us on.

  69. HowardL

    Aug 27, 2012, 20:01 #25808

    I was lifted by the much improved defensive organisation and am in complete agreement with Belfast Gooner that Arsenal fans criticising Ramsey are sinking to the level of the Stoke neanderthals. How I hate that bunch and can only hope they get relegated.

  70. MarkH

    Aug 27, 2012, 16:11 #25807

    Belfast Gooner- Well said Leave Ramsey alone, the kids coming back from a savage attack by a thing that reakons it might get an England chance one day. Its bad enough listening to the supposed commentator explaing why Gooners booded Shawcross, but keeping stum when the imbreds booded the Ramsey, without Gooners having a go at him aswell. Get off his back.

  71. ppp

    Aug 27, 2012, 15:09 #25806

    at the moment being defensively strong means more to me than scoring goals. the goals will come. if we stay strong in defence we've got a chance.

  72. AugustusCaesar

    Aug 27, 2012, 15:04 #25805

    I usually find the editor overly negative but this is a fair reflection of the game and where we're at as a team. I'm hugely encouraged by our seemingly improved defensive capabilities. It was much more important to address these than our supposed lack of attacking threat. If you were to ask people whether it was preferable to draw the opening two games 0-0 or 3-3 I hope most would conclude it's the former. I thought Giroud's airial prowess at defensive free kicks should was a real boon. He made one terrific headed clearance you could never imagine one Robin Van Persie ever making. Of course, Giroud's impact will be measured by what he does at the other end but I was encouraged sufficiently to think the goals will come. We prodded and probed but lacked the tempo in the passing we require to break down stubborn defences. I think Oxlade-Chamberlain is a must start for this reason. He gives us the urgency some other players lack.

  73. Gare Kekeke

    Aug 27, 2012, 14:52 #25804

    Fair assessment Kevin. Whilst it’s not nice we’re shooting blanks, it’s very pleasing that defensively we are looking very solid. Early days, but the signs belatedly are promising. Yes, Stoke were toothless in attack but hey ho there you go. I thought Jenkinson had his best game in an Arsenal shirt so far. Credit to the lad as he’s come a long way since the OT mauling a year ago and IMO he should be excused for his horror show that day as then as now, he’s young and inexperienced at the highest level but he’s developing well. In light of our newfound defensive solidity, it makes you wonder why Steve Bould wasn’t promoted at least two years ago. And if Bould is indeed having a positive effect on our defending, then what does it say about Arsene Wenger’s (lack of) defensive strategy? Something that has been discussed many times by Gooners on this site. The fact that it’s more than four decades since we had produced clean sheets in each of the first two league games tells its own story. Even Graham’s Arsenal didn’t do this so I’ll credit Wenger for that. I still think we could do with another DM as Arteta is wasted in that role but seeing as it’s almost five years to the day since Wenger last bought one (Lassana Diarra) and he’s done nothing but convert attacking/creative players into that role without success I’m not holding my breath as he wouldn’t want to ‘kill’ Coquelin & Frimpong. We will always be a ‘work in progress’ until Wenger builds a team that not only competes for honours but also win a few of them over a period of time. It’s very naive to think you can hold onto your best players when you don’t have the odd trophy to show for your efforts when you’re so-called rivals are winning pots of silver regardless of how it’s done. See you all at Anfield Road on Sunday. Up The Arsenal!

  74. Bard

    Aug 27, 2012, 14:12 #25803

    Fair post. I thought we looked rock solid in defence yesterday and without Kos and Sz. The 2 guys up front are going to take some time to settle, where we looked weak was on the flanks and midfield. I have my doubts about Gervinho and Wally, too inconsistent and too little football nous ( compare and contrast Nani, Valencia,Overmars, Armstrong, Pires) Would like us to sign Nevas. Also I'm not a fan of Diaby; We also need a proper DM, so that we can free up Arteta and leave Diaby on the bench. All in all I thought we looked much more organised than last year.

  75. MRMROD

    Aug 27, 2012, 14:11 #25802

    Decent analysis; and there seems to be overall agreement that no one would be too disappointed if Walcott and Ramsey were sold - however the continuous clamour for Dempsey; really? Now that is a surprise. He's hard working, proven and established and I wouldnt be adverse to him joining us; but for how much? I want Mexes in for Bendtner; and a quality CDM. Cover for Giroud perhaps? A keeper - Lloris, Caesar, Steklenburg all seem to be 'up for grabs noooowwww'...there's work to be done but im satisfied with our start to season in comparison to last year we look solid.

  76. maguiresbridge gooner

    Aug 27, 2012, 13:55 #25801

    Your right ED the visit to stoke was a test of our defence and they came through it well, but there's going to be bigger tests to come especially from more attack minded teams.It looks like mannone could be the number two keeper (i don't know which is worse) and that would rule out buying another are we surprisd after all it wouldn't do to hamper his progress and the hope one day he might come good.There is evidence of a bouldy influence alright especially in clearing the ball although i wouldn't want to use the term hoof but there is less trying to dribble the ball out of our box and running into trouble.As usual the chances we had weren't taken and the free kicks we had around the box certainly need working on.Yes it was good to see our new players were up for the battle along with ones we already have (bouldy's influence again ?)but we had our usual suspects walcott for one being his usual self it certainly wouldn't look good for the manager and ivan if another high profile player was flogged for profit but the DDT would love it but would walcott be really missed ? It's early days and we're only two games in but the fact remains those two games were very very winnable and we didn't with four points dropped and the sooner these players start scoring the better because anything less than a result against the scousers on sunday and we'll be playing catch up already.

  77. Rob

    Aug 27, 2012, 11:47 #25800

    Fair report Kev'. But it comes down to what happens between now and Friday at 11.00 pm. If Wenger isn't working overtime - and Gazedis for that matter - then they shouldn't be here. Either Walcott signs or he has to be sold because he will leave for nothing next May - and anyone who thinks otherwise is in cloud cuckoo land Bendtner, Squillachi, Park, probably Chamak and maybe Arshavin should also leave and once again that leaves a mountainous cash surplus on our dealings. If Walcott went we could be showing £30 million profit. If we don't reinvest in at least two players it will be an OUTRAGE. So all eyes on Wenger and the clock. Because if he takes the money and palms that back to Stan, they all deserve tarring and feathering on Saturday morning.

  78. Kevin

    Aug 27, 2012, 11:41 #25799

    Defeat v Liverpool then defeat v City and the season is over.We wont win the CL and we dont take the domestic cups seriously so the season ends in september.Glad you renewed your ST?.Ivan is laughing his head off because the money is already in the bank

  79. pseudonym

    Aug 27, 2012, 11:03 #25798

    Good piece as usual Kevin, and you shouldn't mind the critics. Some of them seems to criticize just for the sake of it. Anyway I agree with your observations, it finally looks as we have a shape and a more rational approach to organization and defense. Giroud looks like a very traditional forward, strong and to the point. Didn't really see anything in the game against Stoke that was too worrying. Think Wenger has the toughest test in a long time making this team click and produce as a collective than mere individuals. Let's hope he surprises us!

  80. Belfast Gooner

    Aug 27, 2012, 10:58 #25797

    I am slightly confused by the anti-Aaron Ramsey comments - were some of you guys in the Stoke end yesterday. In the 10 - 15 minutes he was on the pitch, he managed to get into a good position to get one shot away, read the situation to come steaming through for a second shot in the Giroud chance, and otherwise did what he had to do. I suppose I am an 'apologist' - the guy did hit the ground running when he was 17/18, and was one of our best players before some savage broke his leg in six places. In addition, he was probably team GB's best player at the Olympics. I don't mind constructive criticism, but this is another example of the increasingly vile habit of Arsenal 'supporters' trying to hound out a player. Is it any wonder our best players leave? Who on earth wants this level of 'support' for a player that has gone through hell. You are no better than the neanderthals in the red and white striped end yesterday.

  81. Steve D

    Aug 27, 2012, 10:19 #25796

    Before the season started i said we would finish 4th and nothing has changed my mind.But thats all Wenger Gazidis and Kroenke want.We have spent £40m and brought in £40m.Thats not a gamble its balancing the books.But are fans really happy to pay the highest ticket prices in the world to watch Gervinho Diaby Walcott and Ramsey knowing that the ambition is just 4th place season after season?.When is enough really enough?How can a work in progress ever bear fruit as long as we sell our best players every season.Mark my words if Cazorla has a great season the big clubs will be in for him next summer.Why?because we always sell

  82. Gore Vidal

    Aug 27, 2012, 10:02 #25795

    I have to say once again i was disappointed by our performance.Yes we kept a clean sheet but this wasnt the Stoke we are used to.Just one bad foul and without Delap the throw ins just about made it into our box.No it was our play in the final third that was lacking.The wingers were poor Gervinho was rubbish last year why is he going to change?The same goes for Walcott 6 years still cant beat a full back.In fact our best wide player was Gibbs.No one can tell me Dempsey is not better than Diaby.So once again we are going into deadline day trying to make signings so much for Wenger doing his business early and dont tell me he didnt know RVP wasnt going back in may.Its the same old same old

  83. Adrian Wagenaar

    Aug 27, 2012, 9:37 #25794

    Great summing up as usual - Liverpool will be the first team we play this season who will geniunely attack us, so we should know more about the current side after that game. However the signs of proper defensive standards being introduced is a welcome change. What is really needed is a real quality signing before the end of this week to have any chance of a proper challenge.

  84. John

    Aug 27, 2012, 9:22 #25793

    Some are clutching at straws saying we have kept two clean sheets but step back a look at the game as a whole both Stoke and us had nothing in the final third.I am struggling to remember a clear cut chance we created.Gervinho and Walcott showed once again they have no final ball.When the Ox is fully fit he must start before those two.Make no mistake we are in a fight for 4th place nothing more.The next 5 days are vital we still need 3-4 players brought in the bench yesterday showed that.As others have said why havent we signed Dempsey he will get us more goals than all our midfield put together.I would cut our losses with Walcott and Ramsey now and sell

  85. Clive the Gooner

    Aug 27, 2012, 9:22 #25792

    The defence looks better under Steve Bould, but let's face it Wenger should have got someone to coach the defence seven years ago. Up front the new boys obviously need time to gel, but it's the same every year as we always seem to be in transition and never making a challenge for trophies.

  86. fozzy's mate

    Aug 27, 2012, 9:18 #25791

    I agree with most of your points Kev. We now look more solid and physical with the likes of Podolski not afraid to throw his weight around. The introduction of Carzola reminds me a bit of the first season of king Dennis, he's on a different wavelength. But I also agree that we must spend a few quid this week. With the inevitable departures of Barry Bender, Chamakh, Park and Co we will again turn a tidy profit this season. As with any other "quality" player I don't see any value in the sale of Theo as his fee will be trousered into the Denver cash pit. Our former self sustainable policy now re branded as the profit strategy means as soon as a half decent bid comes in we sell our best players. As a result we buy new players in clusters and are constantly starting from shifting foundations rather than a solid base. We sell top level players and back fill with mid range ones. Gervinho is I am afraid not good enough and I fear a front 3 of Giroud, Podolski and Gervinho will not deliver anything like the goals we need. We will know more by saturday but fear a scrap for the 4th place trophy is the height of our ambition. What I did like was Wiggy Arteta saying that what we have seen so far is not good enough.

  87. Fishpie

    Aug 27, 2012, 8:31 #25790

    It's all a bit strange so far this year isn't it? Fans on various sites praising our defence and criticising our attack. Who'd have thought it? There are two questions on my mind and I hope on Wenger's in this final week of the transfer window. 1) Is my team good enough to defend against teams with real attacking prowess? (Sunderland and Stoke were hopeless). 2) To maximise the creative talent of Cazorla, is there a player I can bring in who is on his wavelength?

  88. Dan h

    Aug 27, 2012, 8:28 #25789

    Decent point early days but the organisation at the back from set pieces was better than at recent visits to Stoke.The coming week will shape our season we can only really start to make any judgements when we have a settled squad & know what we are working with or not as the case may be!Come sept 1st if we do indeed have another transfer surplus well all the question marks raised will be valid regarding progress this season.Final word on the Stoke fans booing AW is fair game all away mangers get it to some extent.Ramsey totally bizarre the scientists in this country have spent lots of time trying to find the missing link to neathandaral man.I suggest DNA testing of some of the 'fans'at Stoke there seem to be a few there that are only a few cromosones/DNA strands away from what they are looking for.

  89. Kenny

    Aug 27, 2012, 8:25 #25788

    So Groundhog season begins.How in the name of Peter Griffin does Diaby get a start?.Be honest he is a poor player.As for forehead did he have his brain removed as a child?.He is so predictable when he runs at a full back.When Grimandi he went to watch Lille must have not see Hazard on the other wing.The bench told you a lot of the strength of our club Djourou Santos Ramsey and Wally or the bench that is weak.Not a striker in sight.How Wenger thinks we can go into a season with just 2 strikers is beyond me.So we go into the final week of the transfer window again short in vital positions we NEED a back up keeper a LB who can defend,a DM,a midfieder who can score and a striker.I agree Kev i dont want Arsenal saying in october profits are up.I want to see us once in a transfer window splash the cash

  90. Aziz Ibrahim

    Aug 27, 2012, 8:15 #25787

    Well, both Giroud and Poldi are still looking slightly rusty. Give them few more games, they will come good. That we have no time to wait for based on next 3-4 fixtures is another point, but the season is long. Parking the bus makes it difficult for any team, not only us. I would have loved the OX playing from the start though on the left, and Cazorla should be positioned 20 mtr in average further up the field as a true AM behind the striker.

  91. Peter Wain

    Aug 27, 2012, 7:38 #25786

    I thought that th performance against Stoke was worrying. Over 60% possession and we did not carve out one decent chance for our stikers. We have faced two sides who will finish no better than half way and created one chance. All those corners and we did not look as if we would ever score. You have to laugh at Wenger when he says he is only after super quality players. Why oh why did we buy Chamak Park and Squllaci. I doubt whrether we will buy anyone the best we can hope for is to see the back of Bendtner and Ashavin

  92. CanadaGooner

    Aug 27, 2012, 7:21 #25785

    Kev, weshouldnt be jumping to conclusions just yet! stoke and sunderland are hardly a test of defensive fortitude? le's see what happens when we play a team that's more interested in scoring goals (e.g. 8 goals!) and if we survive you can begin heaping praise on bould. for now, it's as one would expect (with the exception of the sunderland draw). we have liverpool next and i would be ok with another 0-0 result there and we can use southampton as our target practice and go from there

  93. What was the point in leaving Highbury?

    Aug 27, 2012, 7:14 #25784

    The problem is we are rebuilding every year and every year we get a little bit worse. Its early days as you say but because buying proven Prem talent is below Wenger we always have to give players time and every signing is a major risk. Fergie generally knows what he is getting with most of his signings. Our build up play is painfully slow, one dimensional and predictable. I would go as far to say boring as i enjoy fast aggresive football that gets the fans going not sends them to sleep. Because we play so slow we end up at the edge of their area facing a defense and midfield that has had time to set itself. We now dont have the players with the ability to break teams down when they have organised themselves. Players like Diaby and Wiggy just are not good enough and yetbthey are trying to pick thier through ten players in a tight space. It isnt going to happen. The biggest positive from yesterday is thats one game nearer the end of Wengers last seasn (please God), 36 games to go.

  94. Jude Jolicoeur

    Aug 27, 2012, 4:45 #25783

    Ramsey is woeful – plain and simple. Can we please either sell him and bring in a proper midfielder or loan him out? He lacks composure, ball control and finishing ability. Aren’t those essential attributes of an attacking midfielder? I’m tired of his apologists’ assertions: he’s young (Eden Hazard’s hit the ground running); he’s knackered from the Olympics (he should be match sharp really); the death of Gary Speed; he had a horror injury (over two years ago now). He just doesn’t have it.

  95. Joaquin

    Aug 27, 2012, 4:04 #25782

    Agree with DW Thomas. Ramsey and Feo don't offer anything save for losing possession cheaply. The manager said he's "convinced we'll get some goals from Ramsey..." Is he having a laugh? Giroud will come good. He had the presence of mind to almost catch Begovic off his line. His only other option was Ramsey, who was making a run. I think we all know what the end result of that option would have been. The new boys look the most promising really. Without a proper pre-season together, we need to be patient and allow the bedding in to continue.

  96. Trevor C.

    Aug 27, 2012, 3:39 #25781

    Relax. We were held goalless in our first two games last year, had only one point, and were about to be ravaged at Old Trafford. That was with the striker who shall not be named in the team. This year's start is not going to be fatal. Up the Arsenal.

  97. Joe S.

    Aug 27, 2012, 3:06 #25780

    Well at least the glass is still half full although I don't know for how long. After a bad eight days when we saw two bland draws, lost Sahin to the Pool and have been forced to watch endless replays of that wonder strike at Old Trafford, Arsenal really need to show something to it's fans that this season won't be a total waste of their emotional and financial investment.

  98. Wombledin

    Aug 27, 2012, 2:48 #25779

    We hardly threatened them. This is simply what happens when you can't keep your best players each season and have to keep bringing in replacements. There are too many new faces all at once. Even Diaby and Gibbs back to fitness are like brand new players finding their feet. There's no doubting the quality of the players, its just too much gelling needed in too short a time. They'd better gel faster than superglue or our season will be well and truly over by the end of September with pool, Citeh and the mincers to face in 3 of our 4 next premiership games...relegation zone here we come. And our defense hasn't been tested yet. Next weekends game is between two sides who will finish 4th and 5th.

  99. Graham

    Aug 27, 2012, 0:00 #25778

    This week Bender Arshavin Chamakh Park Squillaci and Walnutt OUT Craig Gordon M'Villa and Dempsey and a back up striker IN with Ramsey going on loan.Sorted

  100. Fozzy

    Aug 26, 2012, 22:44 #25777

    So a group of ramdom blokes were having a cheeky lunchtime pint today and in comes Weng and asks them if they would like to play up front against Stoke Rugby Club. So they all get a game and are watched by Walnutt and The Ox who sat together on a bench in front of a load of baying neanderthals. Then I woke up and it seemed like it was all true...

  101. How are the profits going Ivan?

    Aug 26, 2012, 22:43 #25776

    Blankety Blank Blankety Blank.So the "Work in Progress" means not scoring goals.Yes our defence played well but that was because Stoke's attack was more toothless than ours.Onto our attack Podolski looks off the pace and Giroud is not a natural finisher.Gervinho and his replacement Wally Walnutt are two headless chickens who cant cross a ball to save their lives.Please someone take Walnutt off our hands.With the loss of RVP we need to change our formation we need to play two upfront with the Ox out wide. I want to see Wenger sign a back up keeper a LB a DM(M'Villa) and Dempsey before saturday.But i wont be holding my breath after the Sahin debacle.

  102. DW Thomas

    Aug 26, 2012, 22:16 #25775

    Still need a couple massive signings to really compete and push on. A good point, sure, but Stoke were hardly a threat were they? Diaby looks fine, but Ramsey and Walcott add little to nothing. Walcott has no dribbling moves that I can see and Gerv was ineffective. Did u see Podolski throw,his weight around to win balls ? That's what we need more of in the team. Our current 11 does ok but not against better teams. They will be found lacking. Dempsey and M'Vila would be quality additions. But Wenger is too cheap to buy real quality. Nasri, Cesc, RVP, and Clichy are all better than what we have. Bould does look to be making a difference. I think the lost points vs Sunderland are not acceptable. Same old s..t. Always building a team every year! Ridiculous.

  103. Sureli

    Aug 26, 2012, 21:58 #25774

    Good article except from the last part, you nulled everything you wrote about, with the " fundamental flaw".

  104. Barry

    Aug 26, 2012, 21:52 #25773

    Its no good having a tight defence if you havent got a top quality striker to win a tight game.Thats what Wrighty did under George.I wouldnt judge our defence on todays game.Stoke have punished us in the past with set pieces,today they didnt have one corner or Rory Delap.Neither Manonne or Begovic had a shot to save.I hoped today showed to Walnutt he is not a first choice anymore and that a move away is in his best interests.Watching Cazorla is a joy but we have to get clueless Gervinho and Diaby out of the team they are just not good enough.One signing i cant believe we havent made is Clint Dempsey he would get us 15 plus goals from midfield and we are going to need goals from all departments this season.

  105. Theo Jensen

    Aug 26, 2012, 21:32 #25772

    Very sound analysis. I was thinking based on last year's campaign that we probably needed a first XI left back and cover for RB and CB, but today showed the value of coaching. Even though there will be tougher tests, you could say objectively at least that the positioning was far better from the back four- the right areas were occupied during Stoke's attacks. Gibbs looked entirely different and was head and shoulders better than last season. I wouldn't mind us selling Ramsey and Walcott and trying to bring in Tiote and Dempsey- I thought one factor in the flat offensive play was Arteta's holding role. He's been effective as a box to box midfielder in linking the team up which Tiote would complement. Dempsey would bring a bit more tenacity and sharpness to the right wing or could be used as a striker- Giroud looked a bit out of his depth and probably needs to adapt.