Project Youth is now officially Project Groom

This summer has confirmed Arsenal as a feeder club

Project Youth is now officially Project Groom

Theo: How many trophies has he won for us?

It is now 100% confirmed that Project Youth is now Project Groom. Arsenal have become a grooming-ground or a training-ground for clubs who are truly in the footballing business. If, as Wenger and others have told us for eight years now, that it is all about developing young players and then the trophies will come, why are we now selling players who are nowhere near the age of 30?

Any idiot would know that, in today’s economy, grooming players is only to sell them! The chances of keeping a young player at the same club for longer than two or three seasons is almost zero, with the Man Citys of this world circling and the unparalleled greed of these players! Just six years ago, Theo Walcott was earning his breakfast money at Southampton. Wenger put all sorts of faith in him, brought him to Arsenal, got him in the England Squad, kept playing him even when the entire Arsenal fan-base said he was c**p, and now we’re being told Walcott wants £100k per week??? How many trophies has he won for us? What improvement has he made in his six years at Arsenal?

It’s one thing for a football club to turn into a business, as we have in the last five years, where the owners are only interested in doing the maths for Champions League money and our players are rewarded and praised for finishing in the top four; what is unforgiveable is for a club with such tradition as Arsenal to turn into a feeder-team/training-ground for Barcelona, Man City and now even Man Utd. It would be interesting to count the number of players Arsenal have ever bought from those clubs (and I don’t mean those bought at the age of seven!).

For years we were told that it was a long-term project and process, where we would soon have a strong squad of players who believed in the club’s ethos and played that brand of football. But with each season, that brand of football becomes more and more unclear. We no longer have an incisive passer of the ball in the midfield (Vieira or Fabregas), we no longer have a tough bullish midfielder (Flamini or Wilshere or Song), we no longer have a strong defence, and we don’t have a reliable goalkeeper.

So, where has project youth taken us? Eight years with no trophy and no sign of a competitive squad in the making. Notice I keep saying eight years! I’m counting the current season as well! I’m usually an eternal optimist but I also blend in a bit of reality, which is probably what has been lacking at Arsenal for almost 10 years now: You can’t build a team by grooming young players anymore! It’s a 60s concept. In this day and age, these players don’t honour their contracts and couldn’t care less about being faithful to their clubs or to the fans who gave them their first opportunity

My guess is that, now that we’ve become a grooming team, we will now seek to buy some better (older) players and the fans will be told this new project will need a few years to work, so we may need to wait another eight years for a trophy! A team like ours, with the situation we’re in, needs to focus on the League Cup and the FA Cup for now to get us back to winning ways and then begin the tedious rebuild!

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  1. Stroud Green Road Boy

    Sep 01, 2012, 13:48 #26024

    It was a natural end point for Wenger to go when Fabregas left, the poster-boy of his project. But one year later and more established players gone, he's still there, still endlessly repeating the same old rubbish. It's all over for him, he and his acolytes just don't realise it yet. All he does now is pick up his mega-salary and make a profit for Kroenke.

  2. Vp

    Sep 01, 2012, 12:55 #26018

    We were told this season that there would be £50m to spend on transfers and that the £25m from the Queensland housing development would be allocated to improving the team. WE HAVE BEEN LIED TO YET AGAIN AND IT’S NOT THE FIRST TIME, AND IT WON’T BE THE LAST. This is what disappoints me the most. Not the fact that we keep selling our best players to rivals or that we’ve gone so long without winning a trophy as I have learnt to accept that . It’s the constant lies and false promises that upsets me the most, particularly when there is no competitive advantage to be compromised. I’m beginning to feel like the club’s financial model lends itself conveniently to Economics , to satisfy political agenda and benefit the few. I can no longer fully embrace the long term gains to be had from our financial model as I am becoming increasingly skeptical as to who will ultimately wreak the rewards. I do not have a problem with how the club is run, but more with the people who are run it. Why would any true fan want to see their club owned by someone who doesn’t like the game and makes a living from buying sporting teams. How many more lies will it take for us to stop overlooking this conflict of interest. WE NEED TO KNOW THAT OUR SACRAFICES ARE NOT IN VEIN, AND NO MORE LIES !!

  3. George

    Sep 01, 2012, 11:24 #26017

    Don't blame the current situation on player loyalty. Lack of club ambition is not their fault. The disappointing thing is we don't build on the squad, we are always rebuilding or replacing. This team is pretty similar to last season's one. The result - we will end this season with no more points than last season, and no trophies. This will continue until we either drop out of CL or AW/Board are changed. We are no longer one of the big 3 clubs in EPL, we are in a second tier alongside spuds and everton. Their fans are ecstatic to be at that level, the problem is we have greater expectations.

  4. Persiangooner

    Sep 01, 2012, 11:05 #26016

    Great article-just on spot, Arsenal has been a developing club and Wenger is a developing coach for almost 8 years now.

  5. Fozzy's mate

    Sep 01, 2012, 10:22 #26015

    Same old same old from the DDT, Mr Self sustainable/exciting transfers/more spin than Shane Warne Gazidis and Weng/OGL/Moneyball Arsene. Pravda pumps out the propaganda, we have money to spend but petro dollars bla, bla, bla. The cash pile increases, I look forward to the next six month figure for cash at bank which will now exceed 125 million (I think). Why do they never address the basic question, we have not finished above third or won a trophy for 8 years, as long as the barren 70s between the double and 5 minute cup final and then another 8 until the champagne Charlie double scuff league cup win of 87. Yet we do not use the resources at our disposal. When questioned about last summers large transfer profit MSS said we were keeping our powder dry for future windows. Guess what January window nothing spent and by most calculations this window 6 million profit. The share price sores the cash mountain grows but so does the trophy drought. I heard someone on the radio describe us as a drifting club run by an ambitionless board and as had been manager that has lost his way. When will it end? To end a question what does Gazidis do? He can't get players to sign new contracts, he can't sell those he wants to go and he can't buy the players he wants.

  6. Wombledin

    Sep 01, 2012, 10:18 #26014

    It's official: AFC now stands for "American Fatcat's Cashcow".

  7. chris dee

    Sep 01, 2012, 10:01 #26012

    I have often critisised Wenger,but some of the s**t being levelled at him is bordering on the hysterical. 'No trophy for 7 years' as if no other big club has ever been through a spell like this. But hey,we live in a world where there is 24/7 football coverage and Arsenal hating third rate radio presenters like Adrian Durham and his giggling big girls blouse of a side kick Darren Gough wind up Arsenal fans and many of us fall for it, hook line and sinker. We listen to 'pundits' and 'experts' ridiculing our club and our manager for running the club within our income but praising the money freak shows going on at Chelsea and City. But I believe 'we shall overcome' as the North Bank used to sing when we were truely mediocre and went 13 years without a sniff of a trophy.

  8. mickey

    Sep 01, 2012, 9:26 #26010

    how many players beleved this project youth policy would work ??? all the top players gone over the last few years and when contracts are coming to an end the world class players had to be made captain just to stay for the extra year.remember gallas getting slaughtered with his sit down protest at birmingham..maybe now we can see the point he was making..with his expreience he had inside knowledge and knew what was going on..and as for 8yrs without a trophy..remember the last trophy was a lucky pen shoot out after manure slaughtered us in normal and extra time..

  9. Angry & Frustrated

    Sep 01, 2012, 4:38 #26005

    Why am I not surprised by the lack of activity last night! When oh when will the remaining Wenger disciples realize we are being shafted big time by him, in collusion with Kroenke & Gazidis? It really now is down to the fans to once and for all begin to do something to oust this rotten to the core regime. Exactly what are we waiting for? It's not as if we have anything to lose, on the contrary we have everything to gain. Personally I can't take anymore of this utter bulls**t and rip off contempt shown to us the lifeblood of the club by Wenger, Kroenke & Gazidis. We need to start being way more vocal in our opposition to those three, who have turned our once great club into a joke also ran club, whose sole purpose for existing is to make profits, and the height of our ambitions are a scrap for a f***ing fourth place finish. Lets give Usmanov our support, as their is no way he could do a worse job, regardless what reservations some may have about him (which I don't). At least he attends all the games, and wants to invest in the squad and we desperately need investment now, as we are heading towards a further minimum 7 years of failure if this continues. We are Arsenal for Christ sake, not a Stoke or Sunderland and we simply must do something to end this nightmare regime now!

  10. Joe S.

    Aug 31, 2012, 23:51 #26002

    After a three day blackout on all things Arsenal I woke up this morning and logged on to check what the tooth fairy had baught us. Poor delusional me.You know The inner child really wanted to believe that stupid rumour that Fabergrass was returning "home", it would have restored my faith in footballers and Arsene Wegner. But back to reality we have the Walcott mess topped up by more spin from the manager to justify the lack of ambition and leadership. Unfortunately as Canada writes project youth is dead. Killed off by bad judgement so that the wrong players were given too many opporiunities while others none. I'm not sure about the term proect grooming. I think the club is heading towards an aging process where we are aquiring payers who have reached their late twenties. An Arteta or Carzola would have done wonders for the team three years ago but now surrounded by similarly aged players Arsenes's policy is a dangerous one because it requires these veterens to peak at the same time for one final big season.If the chemistry is right as in the first years of Wegner's management something great can occur, however with the present squad there are too many missing pieces in the jigsaw so that we are consrantly slipping further behind the more ambitious clubs. Within a few years these "experienced " players will become deadwood who will be difficult to shift and the cycle repeats itself. It is not a positive outlook.

  11. Leg Of Lamb

    Aug 31, 2012, 23:38 #26001

    Brilliant work for Arsenal's transfer policy. Just another pathetic young keeper from nowhere to sign. While Spurs bring in Dembele, Lloris and still unconfirmed Moutinho, we just have to settle for whatever we have till January. Pathetic indeed especially with Song already leaves, I suspect another quality midfield coming thru. Just shows that RVP was right to leave, Wenger had to go. Always deceiving the fans to have faith on the squad. Wenger must go.

  12. DW Thomas

    Aug 31, 2012, 23:05 #25998

    Wenger, Gadzidis, the board--they're all snake oil salesman. They have sold us a plot of land in a swamp! No top team loses their best players for now two years running! RVP was class, and I agree let him go if he wants to go. Yet, don't believe for a second they wouldn't have stayed had we won things. Something is rotten inside the club. Its ethos is now warped and stale. I don't believe in the Man City/Chelsea/PSG ways, but then again they do win don't they? I love Arsenal for its honor and glorious traditions, not just for their titles. I admire and respect trying to do things the right way...and Wenger almost had his comeuppance in 2008. But, you can't let key players go. Flamini was the defensive engine that year. When he left, no one came in to replace him. We have not had a complete squad with real winners since 2005. You will never win with attitudes and work ethics from players like Denilson and Arshavin. I do think Wenger is an idealist and I don't necessarily disagree with his football ideas, but he spins things way too much. Profit and balancing books is unromantic no matter how much you try to dress it up. If no more additions are made this summer, you then have the undeniable proof that Arsenal has become a rotten apple.

  13. MRMROD

    Aug 31, 2012, 22:51 #25995

    @ Ronster - you've hit the nail on the head - globalisation and the expotential difference between the bourgeois and the proletariat is never more evident... a useless excuse like Walcott has cost us £ beyond his wildest dreams for being completely average, frustrating at what he does...

  14. Ronster

    Aug 31, 2012, 22:09 #25987

    Feo's transfer fee and wages has so far cost Arse-ne Football Club well in excess of £20 million.......

  15. Andy Sunderland

    Aug 31, 2012, 21:22 #25979

    Arsene Wenger lost the plot years ago and should do the decent thing now and resign and a message to any Arsenal fans intending to go to any FA Cup games this season don't bother because he'll play a weakened tea then tell the press there are too many games after we've been knocked out . The loyal support of the Arsenal fans is truly incredible especially the ones still backing Wenger but it's free speech . This season will be the same as the last seven but its ok we've got a great stadium which I think is soulless .

  16. Van de Ed

    Aug 31, 2012, 19:56 #25978

    Wenger & this board keep LYING to us every season and taking us for right ol' mugs! The sooner ALL gooners come to accept that this club is NO longer interested in or have forgotten how to win trophies, the better for your health! This club's management is dividing the supporters into 2 camps and we're becoming a laughing stock. Forget about trying to win the League or FA Cup (WILL NOT HAPPEN ANYTIME SOON), we need to be realistic & focus on winning the Emirates Cup first next July before having any bigger ambitions!

  17. Dan h

    Aug 31, 2012, 19:43 #25977

    You reap what you sow Moneyball Wenger Ivan'exciting transfer news'Gazidis are a match made in heaven for the DDT.They are doing exactly what they are paid to do Arsenal are in the top 10 most valued sports teams in the world our status is because of our rich past we have become just another franchise to the owner.The owners teams are poor/average in the USA why would we be run any different?Canada im sure you also know how average his sports teams in the USA are NHL Colorado Av's awful,St Louis Rams NFL awful Denver Nuggets NBA decent but trade star players(ring any bells?).We moved to a new stadium sold on the ideology of progress.The only winners have been share traders in the club there must be 'Arsenal'fans out there who can count their profits but look at themselves in the mirror still go to games complain but deep down know they more than played their part in where we are at!

  18. Any Old Iron

    Aug 31, 2012, 19:41 #25976

    Canada, agree with every word! Walcott is staying for now:- Smoke and mirror 4th signing by Wegner. This season will hallow us as finished as a top football club. No i'm not being alarmist, i'm a realist like so many on here. Viva la revolution!

  19. Mahmut

    Aug 31, 2012, 19:31 #25975

    Hey man don't be so pessimistic! Our squad is not as bad as you suggest. We lost RVP (which of course was extreeemly dissapointing) but we got Carzorla, Giroud and Podolski. So offensively our team is certainly stronger than last season. Also because I think we can expect a lot from Chambo this season and I have a feeling that Gervinho will show this season what he showed during his time at Lille. When Wenger buys no replacement for Song, which looks likely now and for me is a bit strange since for example M'Vila and Biglia are available and affordable it might be a problem. But on the other hand Wilshere might be back soon, Diaby might play more games than last season and we must not forget Coquelin and Frimpong. Also I hope that Chambo, Wilshere, Ramsey, Coquelin and Gibbs might be more loyal to Arsenal in a few years when they are (hopefully ^^) world class players.... Well all in all I think we will qualify for next season's CL once angain and who knows what is possible in the CL or FA-Cup with a bit of luck we certainly have a chance to win those competition! And finally a Question: Would you prefer some rich billionaire behind Arsenal, who throws around money like PSG or ManCity? Personally, I prefer the way it is ;)

  20. leo zis

    Aug 31, 2012, 18:56 #25971

    Sense at last...sense at last...thanks for the article CanadaGooner

  21. 4 time winners of the 4th place trophy

    Aug 31, 2012, 18:40 #25970

    Project youth hasnt died its Project Wenger that is dead.At any other top club he would have been sacked for 7 years without a trophy.The man has no shame.Within 5 mins of the 8-2 he should have held his hands up and quit.He said Cesc and Nasri would not be leaving they did, the same with the best striker in Europe.Then he turned around and said he had to sell him.So why the f**k hasnt he sold Walcott then.The man is full of bull who is taking £7m home every year.A selling club a feeder club an also ran club

  22. GDS

    Aug 31, 2012, 18:37 #25969

    Great article but i think the problem isn´t in developing youth players, i think the real problem is the salary structure. If we had a more reallistic sallary structure-according to the top clubs at the moment-we could keep our top players, and for $ure some others would love to come to the club

  23. maguiresbridge gooner

    Aug 31, 2012, 18:36 #25968

    Your spot on canada another project has been born.How long will we have to put up with this one ? Walcott is not worth 40k a week let alone 100 and has not progressed one bit since he joined but still wenger kept faith and kept playing him something he has been doing for far to long with not only walcott but with a lot of other dross, could you see it happening anywhere else. It's sad we have turned into a feeder team the sign at stoke on sunday said it all.You make a good point are we really any better off now due to project youth ? He'll not be missed but even the last of that project (walcott) wants out.Better older players quite possible cheap and who the top teams don't want.

  24. Au Revior Wenger

    Aug 31, 2012, 18:24 #25967

    Walcott loves the club says that idiot Wenger.He loves the club so much that he has turned down £75k for the privilege to play for us.Walcott who we are told is not obsessed by money wants to be paid £100k a week!! yes you read that correctly £100k a week or £5.2m a year.You have to admit that really is true love for the club.But instead of getting shot of him we let him run down his contract and leave for free.The club really is a shambles

  25. MRMROD

    Aug 31, 2012, 18:15 #25966

    Silvestre, SILVESTRE! That's who we acquired from Manure; whilst City have pilfered continuously from us and we have yet to even muster a part exchange for say a Nigel De Jong who is the type of player we require and who has now slipped off to Italy! Either way, you appear to be tackling the same old topic from a side door, as this has been discussed to death over the last few weeks but yes, again, we would appear to be a "grooming club" / selling club etc. There's still time before the window closes for us to sign (apparently) Essien on loan...thats the best we can do it seems but still if that happens, Song will have been replaced. I'm just waiting for the window to close before commenting just in case AW signs Cavani, Messi, Ronaldo, Gerrard, Buffon or Neymar.