The Last Straw

Discontent after the close of the transfer window

The Last Straw

Wenger – Culpable in the profits over trophies ethos

I’ve spent the last few years making excuses for Wenger and justifying why he should remain. It’s the board’s fault. Players are greedy. Injuries. Stadium debt. Don’t get me wrong - I could see the cracks appearing in his character, but, like many others, I convinced myself that he was doing a good job in the circumstances. I was hesitant to besmirch the character of a man who, in addition to bringing phenomenal success and joy to a club that was stuttering in the post-Graham era, showed Arsenal tremendous loyalty when he could have taken the France or England job or, truth be told, walked into more or less any job in world football. Indeed, I was somewhat taken aback by the vociferous disdain for the man previously fondly known as Le Prof on this website. I can’t stand by this view any longer.

Of course Wenger isn’t the only problem. Mr Kroenke is a man motivated solely by profit and doesn’t care one iota about the on-field performance of the club beyond financial implications. In Mr Gazidis he has a faithful lapdog who fields the brunt of the burning discontent from any fans who manage to get their views across. I could write a tome on the merits of the sale of shares by the late Danny Fiszman and his counterparts, which many fans feel were avaricious and selfish, but that would be futile at this point.

The reality is that it is completely impossible to separate Wenger from this ethos of profits over trophies. The degree of his complicity varies depending on who you listen to, but the fact is that any ambitious manager would refuse to work with the shackles that are (supposedly) imposed on him by the club’s commitment to paying off the stadium debt. The fact that Wenger idly watches the legacy he worked so hard to build up crumble year by year without protest is proof enough for me that he agrees with the board’s approach to squad turnover.

Despite his tactical failings and baffling faith in certain players who consistently fail to deliver, I actually still think Wenger is a decent coach. Taking last year’s squad of players to third place wasn’t an easy task, and, with Bould slotting in alongside him, we should see the defence improving. This, however, is irrelevant in the long term. The very best Arsenal can hope for is to tread water with the current transfer-policy, and I cannot support a régime which doesn’t aim to be the best. Competing with the nouveau-riche clubs like City and Chelsea and the footballing juggernaut that is Manchester United is not going to be easy. But we were sold the dream that the move from our spiritual home would pave the way for Arsenal to be able to compete on a financial plateau with these clubs. Instead, it paved the way for years of lies from the club and for us to compete on a financial plateau with the likes of Newcastle and Everton, and our net spend since 2003 is currently the lowest of any current Premier League club (bringing in a profit).

The sale of RvP to United prompted many to exclaim that we were now a selling club. In fact, Clichy, Touré, Adebayor, Cesc, Nasri, Cashley, Hleb and Song have all gone to Chelsea, City or Barcelona in recent years, with us receiving Gallas, Diarra and Benayoun on loan in return, and Silvestre from United. Although we got a good price for all those players, other than Cesc and Cashley, and some we were glad to get shot of, it shows that we have been a selling club for years now. This summer has merely been a continuation of that trend.

It is sickening to have to watch Spurs go out and show infinitely more ambition than us in the last throes of the transfer window, even if many of their approaches were unsuccessful and their squad is still average. Even clubs like Fulham and Stoke are showing more ambition than us. We should be bored on Deadline Day because our squad is already sorted, not because we don’t want to upset the fragile equilibrium of our precious balance sheets. For what it’s worth, I actually reckon we’ve bought well. Cazorla will be the best signing for any Premier League club this summer, Podolski brings a bit of quality out wide and cover up top and I think (given time) Giroud will be a good striker. However, we desperately lack a quality DM, Arshavin and Gervinho remain inexplicably in contention for first-team berths, we have two pub-league-standard left-backs and we lack real cover at keeper, right-back and striker. We are a few injuries from fielding Mannone, Yennaris and Chamakh. Moreover, the false dawn of mid-summer has given a stronger indication than ever of the way the club is being run. We’re a laughing stock. For Christ’s sake, even that muppet Theo Walcott is mugging us off. Welcome to AFC in 2012.

The ideal solution would be for Silent Stan to f**k off, but that won’t happen until he feels it is the optimum time to sell his shares. I can’t actually see the club getting rid of Wenger, and I don’t doubt that he will be happy to sit on his reportedly handsome salary until his current deal expires. There’s certainly no incentive for Mr Kroenke to sack him whilst he continues to deliver Champions League football, and any new manager will undoubtedly be informed of the club’s transfer policy. I don’t doubt that AW wants the club to do well, but we have been left behind over the last half a decade and the gap between us and the top will only increase with him at the helm.

I don’t like ‘AKB’ or ‘AMG’ labels because they imply a divided fan-base, and, although I disagree with many fans’ views, we all support the same football club. I am an Arsenal Football Club fan, not an Arsène Wenger fan or a Robin van Persie fan or whatever. However, I can’t deny that the last six weeks or so have proved to be the straw that broke the camel’s back for me. I have stood by AW as long as reasonably possible, but can only see us ever going one way under him. I simply can’t throw my weight behind a man and a régime who are happy to finish the same position every year and not strive to be the best. We are not Crewe Alexandria, and AW is not Dario Gradi; we are AFC and we are better than this.

It is with a heavy heart that I paraphrase Gooner Roger Daltrey: I’m sorry, Arsène but I won’t get fooled again.

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  1. Bob

    Sep 02, 2012, 23:49 #26096

    What a crock of ****. Glad you aren't running the club with your knee jerk reactionism. You're like a little boy who didn't get what he wanted on tea dared deadline day. I challenge you to do two things- one go and have a look at arsenal's accounts and understand the finances of the club before spouting off about how people in the club are only motivated by profit. Second wait until January and then cast your verdict on this team and whether le prof should go. We are three games in and I'm hearing all sorts of waffle conclusions..the favorite in the media and among fans is that Steve Bold has transformed the defence and it back to the good old arsenal days..yet in the same paragraph they'll write about how impotent the Liverpool attack is and what a crisis it is. So which is it...arsenal good defensively or Liverpool crap in attack? Everyone calm down, have a cup of tea and draw your conclusions after a reasonable amount of evidence (I.e. Games played) is available.

  2. UTU

    Sep 02, 2012, 22:43 #26095

    Great Article, people who say don't dare question the status quo, shut up and support the team are missing the point. Wenger and the Board are running a profitable business model that happens to do football but puts profits above all else. Regime change is required over The Arsenal and is neccessary for the club to focus on being an ambitious football club again. Always follow The Arsenal but don't give Kroneke and Co your money.

  3. Swerve

    Sep 02, 2012, 12:28 #26093

    I find it interesting that on this forum and others the Wenger supporters are getting nastier as their numbers dwindle. They bring up facts and figures that are half arsed and very easily disputed with a bit of logic and perspective. The irony is that you and many others were on the other side of the argument not so long ago as you admit, so AKB now turns on AKB and I think that is where the resentment comes from, no wonder you don't like the term.... Reasoned debate now lies against Wenger. Vitriol and defensiveness in his sycophantic followers who seem to ALL have start being “Gooners” since 1996. Welcome to the Light.

  4. Arsene's water bottle

    Sep 02, 2012, 11:38 #26092

    Wow, lots of deluded AKBs. You lot are mad if you think this lot is capable winning major trophies. Where to start... "We don't pay monsterous wages" Well, unless you count the likes of Djourou, Squillaci, Bendtner, Denilson, Chamakh, Alumina (before he left... thank god) and lot of other deadwood in recent season being paid around 50k (some even more like Rosicky) just to sit on a the bench that's a lot of money wasted. Especially when we can't get rid of some of them due to the high wages they are paid, so they are left to drain the club's funds. No sensible gooner is ask to break the bank, just buy quality players that we are missing like an experienced DM for a suitable price, which I believe is possible, especially the targets we had on our sights during the summer. Is that too much to ask? "Midfield is the most varied and strongest I can remember since Viera and Petits days" I pissed myself laughed if you thinking the midfielder can compare to the steel of Vieira and Petit, oh man, just stop... seriously. We got no experienced DM, I don't count Arteta, Wilshere and Diaby. Abou may be built as a DM, but he's lazy and doesn't back track most of the time and can tackle as bad as Paul Scholes. As for Jenkinson, Gibbs or any other youngsters, you need to take off your rose-tinted glasses and wait until they performed a full season before labeling them as "stars". I remember the likes of Denilson, Bendtner and many other young Arsenal players that Arsene brought in to his youth project that came and went were labelled as "future stars for Arsenal" by fellow gooners, but they didn't turn out that way. As for Jenkinson, his crossing isn't all great during the two matches, but could improve, though I'm more concern about his defending. Anyway you Wenger lovers, if Wenger retires will you guys still be supporting Arsenal? I got to ask because guys seem to think no one can manage Arsenal but Wenger. You know he's not a spring chicken anymore, right?

  5. northbank123

    Sep 02, 2012, 11:12 #26091

    Interesting comments in response and the kind of mixed reaction I was expecting. As I said, everybody is entitled to their opinion. However, ignoring all the stupid "go and support City or Chelsea" childish remarks, I can't believe how many people appear to be happy to pay huge prices to follow AFC, watch us sell our best players to strengthen better teams every year and replace them with cheap alternatives? This is never going to bring us back in line with the best around and predictions of 85 points and a minimum top 2 finish are ludicrous.

  6. Up The Royal

    Sep 02, 2012, 10:58 #26090

    The frustrating bit for me is that we have all been driven to having this debate. We have become a laughing stock in London and what I fail to understand is why AW continues to fire **** at us. When we had 15 years of success (don't forget George Graham and the Rocky Rocastle years) we had the right recipe and strength in depth with actual winners and people who would literally die for the shirt.....Rocky...Parlour...Winterburn...Dixon....Adams......Keown......Bould.....Bergkamp......Wright........AW had it right up until we moved is effectively where we are............some of the sides we have put out over recent years have not only looked weak but they have proved to be weak.............we now go to Stoke every year in fear....not the case when you had a midfield who looked after themselves...........I am hopeful that we have a squad strong enough to win something this season......hopeful not confident........Up The Royal Arsenal

  7. DGAFC02

    Sep 02, 2012, 10:29 #26088

    double98 -What a complete buffoon you are. Maicon !!!! a non defending 31 year old right back. I bet you think we are going to build out team around Diaby Gervinho and Santos

  8. RVP

    Sep 02, 2012, 10:09 #26087

    I can't believe the amount of fans still believing in fantasy land!!! They should wear the correct glasses and turn on their hearing device!!! We been blatantly lied that another sigining will be done after Song was gone....and that is still not enough to make them see the reality!!! Those against this article are just Fake Fans. People write articles like this because they care and obviously more than the ones against this article!!!!

  9. Gman

    Sep 02, 2012, 10:04 #26086

    Not all gloom so far Arsenal have allowed the opposition just 10 shots at goal so far this season, fewer than any other Premier League side.

  10. Dave

    Sep 02, 2012, 6:47 #26084

    @Double98: how can you be so sure that Podolski and Giroud will score as much goals (if not more) as RVP as last season, you got a crystal ball? The fact is that the two will need time to adjust the Premier League and might hinder their goal tally for this season. Also, we don't have an established DM since Song left and Wenger didn't find a replacement. I wouldn't say Bould has improved our defence just yet after just a couple of matches. Wait until we face teams that actually have a go at our defence and weren't looking for a draw, before deciding. Wenger is being paid over 7 million a year and Arsenal being 4th richest club in Europe, we should be challenging the likes of Manchester clubs and chelski for trophies, not just being content with qualifying for CL, that's what people go on about when they want ambition.

  11. Dave

    Sep 02, 2012, 6:34 #26083

    Good article. Wenger and the board only cares about profit than challenging for trophies. As much as I hate to say it, Van Persie was right in saying that the club have no ambition in winning titles, instead only aim to be just good enough to qualify for CL. To the people saying, "shut up and support your club", why can't we support the club and criticise how it's run at the same time? Just because we aren't zombies that follow every word Wenger does, doesn't mean we don't have the right to speak up. Arsenal is bigger than one man and that includes Wenger.

  12. matt1202

    Sep 02, 2012, 4:47 #26081

    Damning Wenger with the faint praise of only being a 'decent' coach is where I stopped taking this article at all seriously.

  13. True Gooner

    Sep 02, 2012, 2:08 #26080

    Gibbs is quality, a lot of our squad is or will be quality as well. I think Wenger wants what is best for the club and is just doing the best he can with what he has. Selling our best players year on year is ****ING EVERYTHING UP. We stop selling our best players, keep on bringing through the young blood and keep on signing the odd underrated quality players and everything will click into place again. I cant believe we have become a selling club, kroenke has to go! I dont want to see us signing big money names and giving away ridiculous ****ing contracts, I just want to see us keeping our first team players IS THAT TOO MUCH TO ASK????? Support the boys & BOYCOTT THE MERCHANDISE! Come on you GUNNERS! **** OFF KROENKE!

  14. Joe S.

    Sep 01, 2012, 23:49 #26078

    I'll break the cycle here and say that I agree fully with the writer of this article. I think it's you blind so called loyalists who should bugger off wherever, you are an embarresment to us Gunners who truly care and have been and always will be around.

  15. Kevin Tonkinson

    Sep 01, 2012, 23:35 #26076

    Since when did losing faith in the manager mean somebody doesn't support their team? Wanting a change of manager doesn't mean somebody isn't a loyal fan. I'd rather see us trying to win the league and coming 5th than aiming and settling for 4th every year. Can't believe how many people are taken in by Wenger's lines about nobody being out there etc. Nobody better as GK cover than Mannone? Nobody better as 2nd/3rd striker option than Chamakh? Us fans are putting phenomenal sums of money in only for the club to match that by making profit on players because it will augment Kronke's share values. Nobody's asking for a sugar daddy, just reinvestment of some of the vast profits we generate year on year to stop the gap between us and the best increasing. Bould worth 15 points? Okay we'll see if we come good on that prediction of 85 points, our 3rd highest ever PL tally. If we don't win the league in the next 10 years fine, but not okay if it's because of self-imposed financial constraints. Amazed how many people slag off Spurs and how sh*t they are yet appear extremely happy to be competing with them?

  16. LJB

    Sep 01, 2012, 23:32 #26075

    I am fed up of so called Gooners telling me i am not a proper fan because i disagree with the way the club is being run,and then patronising me with their unamaginative P**s off and support Spurs or Chelsea etc. Tell you what,if you want to support a club with no ambition, that constantly sells its best players, why don't YOU P**s off and support Villa or Wigan (bit unfair to Wigan as they have a good manager unlike AFC,but you get my drift),and leave Arsenal to the PROPER gooners like myself who want to watch a team we can be proud of.A team that plays great football,that actually TRIES to win things instead of throwing in the towel at the unfairness of it all.Lastly a team whose manager does not make one cringe with embarrassment everytime he opens his mouth.Thank you.

  17. allybear

    Sep 01, 2012, 21:54 #26074

    Excellent article&very truthful to whats happening at the club. I have been a fan for over 40yrs&for the last few years i have felt that AW was past his best. We all know that he inherited a great defence&that throughout the last years he has either mismanaged or made glaring errors in his choice of defenders. I do agree that the balance sheet is the most important statistic to the club now. Wenger has grown stale&should have been sacked after the debacle at the start of last season.

  18. make a stand

    Sep 01, 2012, 21:17 #26070

    You only have to look at our website first team sheet, take out the normal injuries and the serial underperformers and the squad is paper thin but some of the critisism in this piece is harsh and somewhat tainted by the dissappointment an dhumiliation we all feel. We are continuing to be HAD by AFC, our desire is for the success that we enjoyed to continue, this is not the view of the owner manager or board and we have to live with this, move on or protest. Stop buying merchandise, not only has the new kit been designed by child it is also symbolic of todays arsenal.... Dig out your dreamcast shirt, the era of bergkamp, dig out your JVC short and throw your emirates kit in a box and put it in your loft to be forgoten about. at matches support the team, ts not their fault and they need all the help we can give them... Dig out your wright shirt, your henry shirt, your parlour shirt, winterbourne, dixon, keown, adams, pires, petit, lyundberg, bould shirts.... Recent enought to be remembered but all very symbolic of our lost way... Afc will outlive kroenke, gazidis and wenger, it will outlive abramovitch and the petrodollers but it is not going to be easy for us so hurt the owners not the players, the coaching staff or the employees.. I am sure thier loyalty remains more steadfast that Northbank123,,,, Devided we lose, united we stand..... But we can only unite behind the team not against it.

  19. GoonerRon

    Sep 01, 2012, 19:53 #26063

    In case you weren't aware, ambition isn't measured by how many players you try to buy on the last day of the transfer window. On the contrary, Wenger and Gazidis were heavily criticised for doing just that one year ago. We bought early and got our players in so last minute shopping wasn't required this year. Isn't it fair to say Wenger and Gazidis have learnt their lesson from last season? Instead you choose to bleat on about how Spuds have so much ambition and ultimately ended up getting two players from Fulham, a GK who isn't going to be much better than what they have and, crucially, didn't get the player they really wanted/needed. We had a good transfer window (as you contradicted yourself by admitting), and don't let the Sky Sports News transfer window spunk fest tell you any different.

  20. baggie

    Sep 01, 2012, 19:40 #26062

    i totally agree, he's sold players he's bought players when he gets his money back he stops,andwhat about the bull**** last week ? we are in the market for new signings before the deadline !

  21. @babakrdaemi

    Sep 01, 2012, 19:39 #26061

    You are correct about Arsene supporting the boards tactics. However, I believe he does this through loyalty to the club and his own belief in fair play. We can't compete with city and Chelsea its as simple as that. The only way we could is to have our own financier and if that happens are we any more AFC then? I would say no. We would be someone's toy. I am frustrated and believe we could spend more of course, however, no other manager would or could do what Arsene does at our club. Anyone over the seven years and I would dread to think where we could be. Wherever, forever, Arsenal

  22. Rob Woollard

    Sep 01, 2012, 19:24 #26060

    Poorest article I have read in ages. Contradictive beyond belief and completely out of touch with reality. We're all entitled to opinions but you have gone completely overboard. You cant argue that Cazorla is going to be the best signing when in the same breath tell everyone that our transfer policy is completely wrong. Yes, most are disappointed to lose Song and nearly all RvP, however these people chose to go. Wenger paid gd money out early, complete opposite to what happened last year and still he is criticised. Our squad is the best it has been in ages. Walcott has been a completely new player since last season and will push on. Midfield is the most varied and strongest I can remember since Viera and Petits days. The defence appear to have found belief and consistency with three of the leagues best CBs. Jenkinson is raw and young, as is Gibbs but these players are superb. Jenks is a superb crosser and more than capable deputy to Sagna whilst Yennaris, who you would appear not to rate was awesome against United and a star of our reserves. These youngsters love Arsenal and already look like stars. Gibbs is very underrated, and whilst earlier in his career may have made defensive errors, appears to be ironing out the creases so to speak. The team are a unit and now with RvP gone will find the belief to score from all over the pitch, rather than just believe only one person can score. A trait I believe held them back especially towards the end of last season. Wenger is a genius and whilst can frustrate us at times with what would appear to be stingyness, there is noone else I'd rather have running things. Top two finish this season with a cup will be the least we achieve this season. Wenger is the Pinball Wizard.

  23. GunsRBlazin

    Sep 01, 2012, 19:18 #26059

    We don't pay monsterous wages (in comparison to others), we don't pay mad transfer fees, we don't buy for the sake of buying and when we do buy well it still isn't enough! If we had sold Walcott you and others like you would use it as another excuse to slate Wenger, but he kept him and gets slated anyway!.......truth is no one knows who we could have bought for our midfield, i don't think that much of Cabaye or Tiote, RVP disrespected us by going to Man U and would have gone there regardless of who we brought in, truth is he is irreplacable, Van der Wiel would have been a great signing but when it comes to the transfer market should we really just pay the asking price any club demands? And what of the player we are after, do they all really want to play for us? I believe Sahin did, but then should we have lay down like Liverpool and paid a transfer fee and his wages just to hand him back to Real Madrid a better player? What you are asking for is not compete with Chelsea, City or Man U, you seem to want us to do the same and pay mercenary fees and wages to mercenary players, 250k to Rooney, 220k to RVP.....Aguero, Tevez, Hazard.....all brilliant but at what cost to the club in the long run? News flash, football is a business these days and we aren't lucky enough be a rich club owners pet project! I love AFC and i'm glad we are not in Man U's deep water of debt, yes i want the trophies and i believe they will come. Our club is more financially self sustaining than the others and our squad is looking pretty strong! We are more capable of winning silverware this season than we have been in a while!

  24. Gary

    Sep 01, 2012, 19:07 #26057

    I am glad to hear it is the last straw - hopefully it means that you will now leave and follow Citeh or Manure, or perhaps the Spuds. Good riddance I say. Perhaps this site will even close down. I and many others who love Arsenal, not only Arsenal with trophies, will not shed any tears. Good-bye

  25. GunnerX

    Sep 01, 2012, 18:49 #26056

    Heartfelt fellow Gooner. At a time when I am lost for words, you've eloquently managed to express exactly how I'm left feeling about our wonderful club.

  26. Harv Azad

    Sep 01, 2012, 18:45 #26055

    I am so pleased and feel somewhat vid dictated by the comments now Boeing written about this topic. For the.ast 6 years I have been personally lambasted for expressing opinions like these to fellow fans both at matches and on forums. The bottom line is we are all fans of the CLUB and no one should be allowed to destroy our club to suit their personal needs. I am convincede AW Is being bonused on financial performance not on performances on the pitch. If we love our club we must do something about it and if it means standing up for the removal of AW and the board then that is what we must do. It is clear AW is a liar and things he can cheat the fans as much as the board. There is no distinction between them. Any manager worth his salt would have stood up for what is right, just ask yourself would Alex have put up with it?

  27. D

    Sep 01, 2012, 18:40 #26054

    Maybe you should concentrate on enjoying the football rather than drowning in the negativity? Arsenal is the second most successful team in the last 15 years behind Man Utd. We have a prudent transfer policy shared by 16 of the other 20 teams in the premiership. We do not have Manchester city's riches or man uniteds coffers, GET OVER IT, do you think everton or Newcastle fans bleat like this? Wenger isn't out to fool you or the fans, he isn't twiddling his moustache and cackling evily to himself. He has weighed up the potential of who he has, like Coquelin for example, and decided to stick. Every year people like you complain, and every year, without fail, we make the champions league, only us and super rich Chelsea and man u do that. Time and again Wenger has been right, get behind him and be a 'supporter'. Or, if you are so disillusioned, listened to the little boy inside you and sign for Man United

  28. maguiresbridge gooner

    Sep 01, 2012, 18:37 #26053

    Welcome to reality northbank123. Maybe he didn't take any of the jobs you mention because he would have had to deliver and wouldn't have got anywhere near eight years to do it.One things for sure he'll not get the same amount of time in his next managerial role.I agree the legacy he has built at arsenal is crumbling and it has to be said is a shame does wanting to prove everybody else wrong really mean that much to him.Yes we should be sitting at home with a beer on deadline night with our team strengthened properly instead of waiting and watching more in hope than expectation that something might happen and in the process watch village idiots hold up signs in front of the camera slagging us off.How the keeper situation at least wasn't sorted is unbelievable we're now stuck with flappy and mannone.Your right northbank we all support Arsenal Football Club and we will continue to do so even though we continue to be left behind.

  29. ste123

    Sep 01, 2012, 18:30 #26052

    is it le prof or le profit its time for a change wenger has taken the club as far as he can hes now going backwards look at the teams that win trophys they spend money you carnt win the league with out spending

  30. Flexo

    Sep 01, 2012, 18:18 #26051

    'Even clubs like Fulham'- they sold their two best players and bought Berbatov. I was gonna tear apart the rest of your idiotic article but I'm sure someone else will oblige...

  31. halfempty

    Sep 01, 2012, 18:16 #26050

    if only we had been hammered at least once before the deadline as manure did last year to open Our Glorious Leader's eyes to the deficiencies. Now the chickens will come home to roost in the next few weeks as we face scousers, moneybags and chavs... roll on next season...

  32. hleb

    Sep 01, 2012, 18:15 #26049

    you say we wont win anything with wenger and identify the fact is because we wont spend money, so what makes you think any other manager coming in would make us win trophy. the board would still give the same budget to the new manager. the lack of money isnt wengers fault and with the money we have available there is no doubt arsene is the best man for us. mayb we are a selling point but again thats not wengers fault

  33. Bridgers

    Sep 01, 2012, 17:55 #26048

    Yet again we make a profit on transfer dealings, when you add in all of the 'extras' like Bartley, Lansbury, etc. It's a fact that each season tickets holder invests more, net, in the team each year than the billionaire owner. It seems that the balance sheet is more important than the trophies. And, before people start on about Chelski and Man City, I'm not advocating bankrupting ourselves, just a reasonable, NET, spend on players each season.

  34. Brian

    Sep 01, 2012, 17:31 #26046

    we have a squad that most of the Premiership managers dream of. We have quality players. They need to stand up and be counted and do what they're paid for. Sometimes it's not all about money spent. This is real life not a console game.

  35. RVP

    Sep 01, 2012, 17:20 #26045

    The best part of your article is the acceptance and coming out of saying that you don't believe in Arsene anymore even though like you many people feel and ashame to admit that they are fighting and supporting a Manager that keeps lying to them and all of us!!! Arsenal are taking fans for Mugs!!!!

  36. reg

    Sep 01, 2012, 17:18 #26044

    im with you on this, i am sick and tired of eating the sh#t we are being fed, we need to make a stand and make our club see us for who we are TRUE ARSENAL FANS that will dont be lied to anymore. pack your bags kroneke and f##k off

  37. ppp

    Sep 01, 2012, 17:11 #26042

    I'm afraid you're writing rubbish here. Calling Gibbs and Santos pun standard is laughable and shows you have no idea what you're talking about.

  38. D1

    Sep 01, 2012, 17:01 #26041

    oh for ****'s sake, quit your moaning! Spurs managed a draw at home to Norwich. You would rather AW overhaul the entire team ala Spurs (who have a new coach who wants to build his own team) so that we can appear ambitious? Go find another team to bitch about.

  39. T,White

    Sep 01, 2012, 16:50 #26039

    A.W. only promissed new recruits if they were good enough. It is many of the websites which are causing upset. 9 times out of 10, Arsenal are not even looking at a player these sites report A.W. to be on the verge of buying. Just remember Leeds who spent like there was no tommorrow. I prefer A.W. and yes Kroenke too!

  40. Jamal

    Sep 01, 2012, 16:44 #26038

    Brilliant article....we need to mobiliae and force that dip**** kroenk$$$$$ out.....we need usmanov. No matter how you feel about him, football has changed and under the current regime we are being left behind and humilated. Football to me is a sport and passion. I dont give a toss about anything other than arsenal winning football matches. This bollocks about self sustaining business model does my nut in. Im sure the chavs must be well jealous of our model when they parade their trophies. Get used to it gooners unless we stand up to the knobs running our great club

  41. Selvin

    Sep 01, 2012, 16:41 #26037

    Shut up you spanner head we have a decent squad of players, yeah could of done with a top up but the right deals where not there for him

  42. silentstan

    Sep 01, 2012, 16:37 #26036

    if its the last straw for you then i hope you take yourself off somewhere else. Totts showed more ambition late in the window did they? do you think thats because they sold modric vdv rose and a few others. and in what way are 'we better than this' ?? we have periods of success, roughly every 10 years, so we are running our natural course it would seem for a club of our size and resource. did you know united went 26 years before winning t he league. i suggest you intolerant modern version of supporters take a hike. you dont deserve this club.

  43. Double98

    Sep 01, 2012, 16:33 #26035

    Ambition “an earnest desire for some type of achievement or distinction, as power, honor, fame, or wealth, and the willingness to strive for its attainment:” If striving for achievement is buying its delivery then fair play, go and support Man City or Chelsea. The bottom line is that Wenger bought three players of quality, in Cazorla he bought 1 of top, top quality. He let 1 top quality player go and 1 okish time player. he also recognised a personal flaw and has made steps to address that. he has steve bould drilling the defence and that is worth 15 points to us this season. So the question is: Is Bould + Cazorla + Podolski + Giroud > RVP + Song + chaff eh? yes of course it is. So shut up and support your team. The only player that changed club on deadline day that i would want was Maicon. but we couldn’t have competed for him. Dempsey? pah Modric + RVDV + Knobs > Dempsey + Siggardsson + Lloris + Gimps enjoy the season. Shut up and support your club

  44. Mike

    Sep 01, 2012, 16:32 #26034

    Blimey. You sound like me and I suspect, many others. A sad, sad state of affairs indeed.