Onwards and upwards

Online Ed: Arsenal climb to third in the table

Onwards and upwards

Gervinho: Centre forward

On occasion in recent seasons, newly promoted teams have come to Arsenal and made life difficult. No such dilemmas on Saturday, as Southampton, with a philosophy of playing open football, were like lambs to the slaughter. Their lack of defensive resilience made it a ‘fill your boots’ kind of afternoon and the home side took full advantage.

I was interested to see Olivier Giroud dropped to the bench, which I thought was a little harsh after what was a pretty decent performance at Anfield, albeit without a goal. And on top of this, Gervinho, drafted into the team, played as the central striker, with Podolski wide. It meant that the attack was very fluid, often with no real focal point and the visitors had real trouble coping with it. At times, the lack of an orthodox centre forward meant a body in the box was lacking to finish off good approach work, but six goals is certainly mitigation enough for anyone that the system worked for this game. A four goal lead was established before Southampton knew what was happening.

Francis Coquelin came in for the injured Abou Diaby and played in a disciplined manner, although during the second half, the concentration levels understandably dropped. Whilst Arsenal were in the process of establishing their advantage for the first 40 minutes, the visitors simply couldn’t live with them. Perhaps, last season, with a 4-0 lead, some Gooners might have had cause to remember the Phil Dowd inspired farce at St James’ Park, but the feeling was that even if Southampton did get more than the odd consolation goal (and they came close), the Gunners would have upped their game. They could have been excused for preserving their energies in the second half with a Tuesday evening contest in Montpelier to look forward to.

Having said that, Szczesny’s handling for the Southampton goal was a concern. It’s the kind of error one can live with when Arsenal are sticking away half a dozen at the other end, but there is a growing feeling that the man who is thought of as the long term keeper is letting too many such errors creep into his game. It was a shame to see the run of clean sheets end in such a manner. You can have all the defensive organization and work rate in the world, but there is no accounting for individual errors like that. He would have to make a couple more real howlers before there is any chance of his place in the starting line-up being under threat, on the assumption the manager does not regard Vito Mannone as a genuine contender for the spot. Fears that a trick was missed by not signing experienced back-up will hopefully prove unfounded. Szczesny has shown he has the potential to be a class act, but perhaps he thinks he is better than he is at the moment.

Still, if he learns from it, he can be forgiven, and Saturday was a day for celebration with a weaker team being put to the sword as it should. The full backs both played their part in joining the attack, although it is refreshing to see that, as a rule, when one bombs on, his colleague on the other flank hangs back as insurance. This was not always the case.

There is definitely a feel good vibe at the club at present, and the hope is that it can continue. The side should be capable of a result in France tomorrow evening, when I think Giroud will return to the starting line-up and if the law of the ex does its usual thing, break his duck. Regardless, a decent result against Montpelier would set them up for the real test of a visit to Manchester City next weekend. It will be interesting to see how City approach the game, as the home side. I have a feeling Mancini might actually be fairly cautious and we may see a tight affair, but whatever happens, it will undoubtedly be the stiffest test the rejuvenated Arsenal will have faced so far.

The attack is getting better with every outing, and Podolski’s goal had people trying to remember the last time Arsenal scored directly from a free kick. The sun shone, everyone could relax and the team climbed the table. So far, so good.

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  1. ben

    Jun 11, 2013, 17:08 #35638

    Things cannot be better stated...i love this

  2. Mandy Dodd

    Jun 09, 2013, 19:59 #35546

    Well put, as ever, Rocky RIP

  3. Rocky RIP

    Jun 09, 2013, 11:37 #35519

    I totally agree with the overriding points you make Simon. This is indeed a massive opportunity for Arsenal. Where everyone seems to differ is in how likely we are to show intent and actually seize the opportunity. And I appreciate and share the scepticism and recognise the repetitive spin we hear. Previous summer transfer windows have been torture. Losing our best players season after season felt like we were going backwards. This feels different. A chance to actually clear some deadwood and make some quality signings. Like others, I'll believe it when I see it. The transitions at MUFC, CFC and MCFC shouldn't be under-estimated. I'm not convinced by Moyes being at Man U's required level either. An incredibly resourceful manager, but unproven. Will Mourinho's beloved return backfire? Fairy tale returns tend not to go as planned. We need to make a strong start for a bleeding change whilst the others bed in. I also totally agree Simon about the media's treatment of Spurs in relation to us. It seems to happen every year. Look up predictions from previous seasons. 'Expert pundits' like Venables, Dalglish and Jason Roberts were having Spurs as a shoe in for top 4 and us in 5th/6th/7th. 'arry sat on MOTD sofa proclaiming they would finish above us. Hoddle saying 'how many Arsenal player would make a combined Arsenal/Spurs 11? 2'? The worst thing is, everyone seemed to agree. And when they don't it's always someone else's fault and what's been said before Christmas is conveniently forgotten.

  4. JollyJumper

    Jun 09, 2013, 2:49 #35511

    Not your best article, Simon. Bacelona already bought Neymar, we are 'going to buy Y.Sonogo (who?). All said. Wenger OUT … 5 years ago.


    Jun 08, 2013, 11:55 #35465

    jOE S.You should have lived through the period '55-67', then you would have real perspective,not a manufactured,USA-mentality,'I want,I need,I deserve,I'm worth it!'Get real buddy,you could learn something from this article,oh,and you could learn something from Mandy Dodd too.

  6. Joe S.

    Jun 08, 2013, 7:21 #35449

    So here's the book, can't wait for the TV series. Real gut churning, inspirational stuff with an endorsement from Mandy Dodd. Stability is a wonderful thing, isn't it? We'll be talking about the past eight seasons for years to come.

  7. Ali

    Jun 08, 2013, 5:57 #35445

    What if Spurs finish above Arsenal next year? I assume that AKBs will be then celebrating finishing above West Ham, QPR or another poor London club.

  8. LJB

    Jun 08, 2013, 2:07 #35443

    ppp,if you really think that Man city are so worried about Arsenal that they get people to post fake anti Wenger rhetoric on sites like this then you truly need your head examining.Arsenal are a complete irrelevance to clubs like City and Chelsea;we haven't even got any players they want any more. However,if Wenger was replaced by Jurgen klopp then these clubs would sit up and take notice.This is a man who got to the Cl final with a team that cost £35 mill;that is roughly what wenger spent last summer.He has proven himself to be a supreme spotter of cheap talent,a great developer of players and his team play an exciting brand of football.His press conferences are actually worth listening too as well,with not one mention of "spwirit,Qualiteee,or mental strength".He doesn't do handbrakes either.In fact he is a little like Wenger used to be 15 years ago.However it looks like we are stuck with Wenger for yet another 4 years of failure.I'm sorry but when i hear Chelsea,United and Spurs fans celebrating Wengers new contract i know his time is done.

  9. GG89

    Jun 07, 2013, 23:24 #35441

    Money´s great... Still need the team to click and make others think they are unbeatable, like SAF at Manure... we´re no where near that... there´s too much talk of financial clout and arsenal now having cash... that´s only 10% of the solution... AW can´t install belief in the team anymore and you can´t buy it... sorry but I´m not optimistic..

  10. Terry

    Jun 07, 2013, 22:44 #35439

    ppp is 100% correct on his assertion of phoney fans that come onto this site and others with their anti Wenger and anti board ****e. If you notice half of the people on here are only ever negative about everything Arsenal. In my opinion clearly not true Arsenal fans. I also know for a fact that fake gooners have also appeared a number of times on Talk Sport normally described as good old hard working cockney folk who drive a cab for a living who also haven't missed an Arsenal home game since the sixties. It's laughable really but it serves the spin doctors at City well.

  11. Stevieo

    Jun 07, 2013, 19:43 #35434

    Such an inspirational piece. If only the realists could be a bit more positive like yourself, then they too could rejoice in our excellent 4th place standing. Laughing at Spurs’ humiliation of finishing 5th is what it’s all about. I don’t however share your optimism for next season. You see, when Wenger has bought in the summer, by default, we go in to a state of transition ourselves. This is well documented annually by the AKB’s, as our new Ligue 2 players need time to adapt to the Premier League. Come October though, when we are already out of the title race, cue Simon Rose to tell all and sundry that the season is not over, and Wenger can still turn it around and we can miraculously finish above Spurs. I wonder if Everton fans are throwing street parties too after finishing above Liverpool?

  12. maguiresbridge gooner

    Jun 07, 2013, 16:05 #35420

    Seven Kings, BADARSE, both spot on,if this team would have had players and leaders like Frank Mc Lintock with real ambition and drive over the last seven or so years instead of some of the fairies and pussies wenger lumbered us with we wouldn't have been such a pushover. True legend but you couldn't tell that to fans who think Arsenal was formed in 96


    Jun 07, 2013, 15:33 #35418

    Most of these tweets are hilarious; some rib-ticklers, some belly laughs.However Danny, your's takes the biscuit. I have seen, like you,Bergkamp. The most gifted of players. Yet Frank McLintock was, in every sense, the greatest of footballers. This is the man who should have a statue at Arsenal, cast in gold!He epitomised being a leader.Alan Ball,regarded by many as a great skipper, named Frank and Bobby Moore as the two best captains he ever played under.Yes,Seven Kings Gooner,you too are right.I was there that Monday evening,May 3rd 1971.It's true Danny,you can say what you like,but surely you look for credence in your own words?Frank remains my hero.

  14. Anthony

    Jun 07, 2013, 14:42 #35413

    Whoever wrote this belongs in a padded cell. Simon Rose seems to think ppl are putting words in his mouth so i'll quote him directly so he can't squirm out of it, as AKBs are wont to do. 'Arsene offers rare stability'. Fans (the ones who care) want trophies. You can shove your stability. If by 'stability' you mean winning nothing yeare after year and spinning mediocrity as success, then I give you that. Quoting Simon again ' We still don’t know quite who is responsible for failing to equip Arsenal’s squads in recent years'. Eh? Wow. Worrying you don't know who is responsible for a 'socialist' wage bill. Concerning you don't know who is responsible for blowing £12 mil on Giroud, £11.5m on Gervinho, £7.5 m on Santos, handing lucrative extended contracts to Diaby, Fabianski, Djourou, Bendtner and Ramsey? You don't know who is responsible for overlooking defensive coaching for so long? You don't know who is repsonsible for motivating players either? Poor sod. In most clubs, that's the MANAGER's job. Still. Maybe you'll learn how football works one day. My fave part has to be when Simon the loving AKB bigs himself up! ' I have long cited Martinez as a quality coach'. Martinez got Wigan RELEGATED, conceding a record amount of goals. Simon Rose, I have just quoted you direct word for word. You're a total sham and your desperation to completely overlook all the hard EVIDENCE staring u in the face is a sign that you're totally out of it and lost up Arsene's rear. Sad sad sad...

  15. Tony Evans

    Jun 07, 2013, 14:32 #35412

    Kenny - you are quite right but Gazedis is already preparing the ground for Wenger's new contract offer. Also all this talk of big name signings is an utter joke and surely no one will be taken in by it again?

  16. Seven Kings Gooner

    Jun 07, 2013, 14:25 #35411

    Danny - You clearly were not at WHL on May 3rd 1971, if you were you would never speak about an Arsenal great in that manner. If you cannot see how much we need a leader like Mclintock on the pitch now, you clearly cannot see what is needed to win top trophies. I also do not bow to any man but I know a proper footballer and captain when I see one!

  17. Ron

    Jun 07, 2013, 13:46 #35406

    Kenny - Quite right. He shouldnt be granted a new contract of any length yet. That theyre apparently doing so indicates its just an old gents Club there now, preserving the status quo so everybodys comfortable. It runs right through the dressing room. Lots of nice boys, grateful for the chance to play close to the higher echelons of the game on high wages but wo betide anybody who speaks out of turn, rocking boats here and there. Sign Rooney? Dream on you idiot Gazadis! Wenger couldnt and wouldnt even contemplate having a player like him in the dressing room who wont always bite his tongue.He runs a dictatorship and his choir boys in that team all pay homage or theyre soon gone.

  18. maguiresbridge gooner

    Jun 07, 2013, 13:24 #35405

    Kenny, your dead right mate as i said in reply to another article their lapping it up, the king of spin and his department certainly deserved their end of season bonus after the way the imaginary trophy and fourth place celebrations were handled in order to cover up another season of failure,and he hasn't rested on his laurels and sat back and patted himself on the back for such a good job, he's still at it, and their still lapping it up.


    Jun 07, 2013, 13:11 #35404

    This article is worthy of a better response, as is often the case. Yet with,'Wenger out! Usmanov in!'statements, I think most miss the point of the piece. Next time Simon, write it in Chinese.

  20. ppp

    Jun 07, 2013, 13:07 #35403

    Also - I want to remind all genuine Arsenal fans that the Manchester City executive Gary Cook (now somewhere else) ADMITTED his club began a sustained policy of public misinformation under his guidance. They actively employed people from all around the world to flood rival clubs fansites with messages designed to degrade the host club's achievements and demoralise their fanbase over a sustained period of time. They just considered it a perfectly acceptable business tactic. Reading through Arsenal websites you can still see the remnants of this legacy. I don't need to point out who the fakes are on this article's responses.

  21. ppp

    Jun 07, 2013, 12:55 #35401

    Although I don't agree with the stuff about Martinez and I'm not convinced the rest of the top four will be in such a bad state when the season kicks off - I really enjoyed the article. If you read the stuff about Spurs and STILL felt the need to post negative anti-arsenl cr*p then you've just revealed yourself to be a complete sh^&house. The obvious Tottenham and Chelsea sleepers on this website should be outed and axed, much like Squillaci and Denilson..

  22. Tony Evans

    Jun 07, 2013, 12:50 #35400

    The spin has started already with Gazedis spouting the usual bull about Arsenal having 'big' money to spend. Of course with the huge caveat that the manager may not wish to spend it! I am so tired of it all and simply refuse to believe that anything will be different this time. If I am proved wrong then great.

  23. thatsimonrose

    Jun 07, 2013, 12:47 #35398

    When I said earlier that not too many people had put words in my mouth that was before I saw what 'Comedian' said. You may well be right, perhaps you are a comedian. I can't include every single angle known to mankind in one blog, it would go on forever. Some of the comments here are proof that no matter what you write someone will always come up with an inane opposite position and chuck it at you. Almost impressive. For those who question why I reference Spurs, well they've been our geographic rivals for 100 years, regardless of success, they are a constant. Does this really need to be explained? Or have some fans only found Arsenal in the last decade?

  24. Cheerleader

    Jun 07, 2013, 12:35 #35394

    Terrible, uninformative article based on no facts and blind idiotic hope. The same thing was said when Jose left and Ancelotti took over, Mancini was always going to be rubbish for Citeh after they sacked Hughes, ManU to crumble under their debt burden etc. Well guess what? ALL these managers have outperformed Wenger and EVEN AVRAM GRANT managed it! Laudrup, McLeish, relegation specialist Martinez have ALL won more trophies than Wenger. Even Rafa did in a half season! And yet you are questioning whether Jose, Pellegrini and Moyes will manage it? Wenger is a farce now. He's finished. Mr 4th place spacialist. Totally out of his depth.

  25. Comedian

    Jun 07, 2013, 12:10 #35392

    Aaaah my best AKB in action Simon Rose is at it again. Spinning failure as success! Simon you embody the very definition of sheep-worship and cult dependency. You are constantly slated by those who see through your nonsense but you carry on regardless. The AKB worship is strong in you my friend! Look. You 'pinching yourself' that Arsenal managed to finish 1 point ahead of a team that spends £50 mil a year LESS in wages than us, is the ultimate sign of just how idiotic the whole premise of yet another article is. You are forever writing such fallacies about 'strike while the iron is hot'. Yeah. Yaya Sanogo a perfect example so far tbf. LOL. What is concerning is just how completely idiotic your analysis is. So let me get this right: you 'cannot see' how Pellegrini at City will work. Yet, they already have the strongest squad in the league and have added two top quality signings in Navas and Fernandinho. Mourinho? You mention an 'ageing Terry, Lampard and Cole'. What you of course DON'T mention, is the fact that Lampard is largeyl a sub these days anyways, Terry never plays (it's Ivanovic/Luiz/Cahill) and Cole is still fit enough to keep going. You also fail to mention that Chelsea won a trophy last season, and beat Arsenal home and away comfortably. You also don't mention their class young playerrs like Mata, Hazard, Oscar and Luiz. Of course though, if u mentioned facts you would look a fool! Arsenal finished over 17 points behind Man United last season. Arsenal have won ZERO trophies in EIGHT years. Arsenal's manager couldn't even beat Bradford or Brum in a cup final. WHY oh WHY are you talking about a 'title challenge'? How is that based in reality? Are Spuds capable of a title challenge too then? Because they've been just a single point off your beloved Arsene each season? Oh I bet they're not good enough to challenge though eh! Pffft. You really are frankly, completely detached from reality. You are the very definition of an insane lunatic. 8 years, same thing year after year, and yet you keep parrotin nonsense. Poor you. Even after Wenger is six foot under you'll be claiming 'with two to three top signings' etc...

  26. Kenny

    Jun 07, 2013, 12:08 #35391

    A decision on Wengers future should be decided when his contract runs out.There is no way he has earned a new one after the last 8 years.Gazidis has the AKB's eating out of his hands with his talk about mega signings.It aint gonna happen.We all know at any other big club(are we still a big club?)they would have sacked him after 3 trophyless years.yet we are told what Abramovich does is not the way to run a club while the trophies and of course the CL come rolling in

  27. Danny

    Jun 07, 2013, 12:02 #35390

    @SKG. I speak ill of who I choose. You can stick up statues of your old heroes and bow down to them and tell them how great they are. To me they are just men and I will say what I like about them, whether they are popular or not.

  28. Graham Simons

    Jun 07, 2013, 11:27 #35387

    Firstly you've conveniently forgotten Martinez managed to get Wigan relegated - a feat Steve Bruce failed in and no-one would consider him a worthy successor to Wenger. Secondly may I refer you to Arseblog's expert analysis into what Koscielny actually said given the questions he was asked. RVP and Nasri both actively agitated for a move and that's why they incur the wrath of gooners.

  29. Ron

    Jun 07, 2013, 11:15 #35386

    The fixation with Tottenham has arisen due to little else to concern our fans with. They made the seasons end at least slightly better than tedious. The truth is that Spuds know theyre a far smaller Club than Arsenal and always will be probably. Past players have always said it such as Greaves and Chivers. Its no great achievement to overcome their challenge but the fact that its dressed up to be one is the fault of Wenger and the Board. The Spuds should be thanked, as the fact theyve got as close as they have means any Club has the capacity to do the same. The Board and Wenger should heed the warning! Will they do so? Hard to say, but the odds are we wont. We ve become arrogant about the mythical 4th spot trophy just as much as Utd are about winning the title year on year. I detest Tottenham and hate the sight of that lily white shirt, but to be honest mocking them is more tedious than the chase for 4th. Assuming the managerial merrry go round will hand an advantage is pie in the sky. We all know changes of Coach create new fervour and enthusiasm in most cases and in Utd's case, the manager there in the modern game is almost an aside. There wont be any 1967- 1992 period going on there, even if i was given the job of coaching them! Arsenal shd be awate that with Maureen back at SW6 there is now only one place left for the CL and thats 4th, which Liverpool and the Spuds will again chase hard for. No action now Arsenal and you might well be edged out for a long time.

  30. thatsimonrose

    Jun 07, 2013, 10:57 #35384

    Some good points and, unusually, not many people putting words in my mouth! I'd had a few sparks for writing a blog after the season ended but I didn't get the chance for various reasons, so this was a bit of a rollover. As we all want, let's hope the club and Wenger finally act this summer and get who they want.

  31. John Gooner

    Jun 07, 2013, 10:53 #35381

    Wow! We all don't like Spurs, but your obsession with them is just bizarre! Clutch at straws much? This was skim reading at best. Rather than your unstructured 4000 word essay, you should have broken it down into 3 parts. "1. Simon Rose - My Desperate Obsession with Spurs". "2. Simon Rose - Why I know better than the management of Chelsea, Man City and Manchester United put together". "3. Simon Rose - Defining Einstein's definition of insanity". I look forward to your article on the ways in which you were right at the end of next season, I wonder if you'll mention this article when Mourinho makes us his b1tch boys once again.

  32. Ronster

    Jun 07, 2013, 9:41 #35377

    Danny...you're not DeVito by any chance!? Order a 'Taxi' for Wenger there's a good chap!

  33. Seven Kings Gooner

    Jun 07, 2013, 9:17 #35376

    Danny - Never speak ill of Frank, without him we would have won nothing and I followed Arsenal home and away during Frank's captaincy and he drove that average team over the line by his sheer will to win and don't "f*ck with me" attitude. If Frank had been our skipper last season and a Arsenal player had asked for an opponents shirt at half time, that player would still be in traction! So Danny lets hear no more "bad mouthing" of Frank - some things are still sacred.

  34. mark from aylesbury

    Jun 07, 2013, 8:49 #35370

    Danny, yes Mcclintock did hunt glory his tenacious belief in winning and Bertie Mee managing a winning mentality drove Arsenal to the double and a european trophy during a period when 4 or 5 other teams were competitive. Really does say something when supporters are backing up their support of consistent failure by slating an Arsenal Legend.

  35. Danny

    Jun 07, 2013, 7:57 #35369

    How thick are the anti Arsenal for believing these players who leave Arsenal want Arsenal to show more ambition. Players like RVP Nasri and their like are only interested in bigger paypackets. The wob's swallow the same line every year about Arsenal having no ambition, while these players spin the same old line to fit their agenda's.Ex players like Robson and Mclintock come out with this dung every year too, it's laughable how bone these people are. Patience is needed as when a team is trying to do things right it takes time, the quick fix Chelsea,Man Utd,City money madness is all these glory hunters will seem to accept.

  36. lanesra50

    Jun 07, 2013, 7:50 #35368

    a really well written piece as always from you but i fear that this tme next year you will probably be saying exactly the same.lets keep the forum going over the summer there is plenty to discuss.

  37. smithy

    Jun 07, 2013, 7:44 #35367

    Don't hold your breath Arsene will be shopping in the 99p store and paying over the odds for unknown or past its sell by date players!

  38. Der Projekt ist Kaput

    Jun 07, 2013, 7:41 #35366

    So we can have a chortle that we edged Spurs out of the incredible achievement that is 4th place and can look forward to the top clubs suddenly going into a tailspin because they have new management? Ferguson has not left Man Utd - he will still remain a massive influence at the club - and Mourinho is a tactical colossus compared to Wenger. City, United, Chelsea and even Spurs are clubs with ambition who take measures to achieve success. We are a club with the money and clout but little ambition ('As long as you are second in the league, I would sign for the next 20 years') - well second spot would be a start, mate. But then you'd have to buy decent players instead of Ligue 1 rubbish, wouldn't you?

  39. declan burke

    Jun 07, 2013, 7:36 #35365

    In my 38 years a 'gooner' there has never been a more critical summer, There is very positive talk this morning from Ivan Gazidis which this time seems genuine, he has outlined the fact that we are now genuinely capable of rivalling the likes of B.MUNICH and the rest, the financial power is now in place and ready to be activated. Now we must go out and get in REAL quality by signing 4 or 5 class acts, starting with a goalkeeper. We are linked with midfielders/strikers galore, Rooney, Fellaini, Michu, Higuain,Jovetic, it will be great if we can sign at least one of these, but we MUST sign a couple of quality defenders, Koscielny is doing us a favour by voiciferously demanding that we go out and show real intent. Over to you messrs. WENGER/GAZIDIS.

  40. Spike

    Jun 07, 2013, 7:03 #35364

    Really depressing news today that Wenger is going to get another four years to line his, Ivan and Stan's pockets at the fans' expense. I started going to Highbury in the late 80's and this set-up is unrecognisable from the pride-filled, never-say-die club that used to live at Highbury.

  41. DW Thomas

    Jun 07, 2013, 3:41 #35363

    Forgot about the Schwarzer deal. That was when Almunia was really poor and we needed a solid keeper badly. Cheapskates wouldn't put up another million to try and solidify the back? Now that Denilson, Squillaci, et al are leaving, maybe we'll bring in some quality. Wait, I said that last year, and the year before, and the year before that, etc, etc. Unless 3-4 top players are brought in this summer early enough to gel, what's the point? If Wenger is staying for 4 more years, I might lose all hope for change and a trophy fight. Put your money where your mouth is Arsene! Rooney, Fellaini, Higuain, and a top right back if Sagna goes and maybe that's a statement of intent. So far only Yaya Sanogo (who???) seems likely. Always wait and see with our team. Again, just so depressing!

  42. LJB

    Jun 07, 2013, 3:13 #35362

    Why do you arrogantly assume that because Chelsea,City and United have new managers they will struggle? Benitez came into Chelsea midseason and yet won MORE games than the French fraud AND won a trophy.Jose and co have a preseason to work with their players;jeez,why do Arsenal fans think that a manager has to be at a club for at least ten years to be successful? These clubs will ALL finish above ArseneFC because they have better players. Did you know that Barcelona believe that no matter how successful a manager is,he has a shelf life of no more than 3 years,because players need to hear a different voice on the training pitch in order to remain motivated? Wenger has nothing new to offer this football club anymore,but it appears we are stuck with the wrinkly out of date hasbeen for another 4 years.Arsenal Football Club doesn't "do" change.Sigh.Mandy,it is YOU who is obsessed with Spurs,and what the media are saying about Arsenal.I have never read anything written by you that doesn't mention how anti Arsenal such and such is, just because they don't share your naive view on Wenger and Arsenal.

  43. maguiresbridge gooner

    Jun 07, 2013, 0:46 #35361

    We're hovering a long way lower than challenging for the title and CL,with the height of our ambition being shown yet again by scraping into fourth, with another player breaking ranks to say as much, as you've already asked will Arsenes luvvies give him what they gave RVP for wanting wenger and the club to show real ambition ? He's the flavor of the month at the moment so i doubt it, at least not until he realises what VP realised and does the same, then it will be all his fault. It's always good to have a laugh at the spuds, and we've been doing that for a long time now, and this season was no different was it ever going to be ? we didn't need a clairvoyant to tell us it wasn't. So don't be worrying yourself so much about the spuds (leave that to the media) they'll continue to be themselves and give us a laugh. There's a hell of a lot of convincing to be done by Wenger, a hell of a lot of convincing, and he's going to get his chance yet again, and we'll see very soon if he takes it, or if he's just not up to the job, proving all this spin to be exactly what it is.

  44. HowardL

    Jun 06, 2013, 23:32 #35360

    I wholeheartedly agree with you Simon - though I'm not quite sure with exactly which bit?

  45. Noodles

    Jun 06, 2013, 21:37 #35359

    Its the same year after year .... We will sign a striker we have never heard off and a few average players but never the major big game player that will make a differene! ...remember it's the same management that couldn't sign the ageing Mark Schwarzer from Fulham which still makes me cringe with embassament ... Wenger should have been replaced but we lack any ambitition in moving to the next level and it's going to be the same groundhog year ...start ok with mid season wobble get knocked out of all cups at QF stage ..finish well (4th) and give Wenger another year ....sake!

  46. N4

    Jun 06, 2013, 21:21 #35358

    I Have to say that the length of your story looks like you have started writing it since the last game of the season especially ours. Now I 'm not a writer myself but it looks like you have compiled your whole year editorial and placed it here. You want us to agree and say yes Simon you did say all that?! "Yes you did" but to agree with you ...not fully! I stopped reading after the 5th paragraph because it's just repetition or talking about taking advantage of others where we at Arsenal we don't change! It seems a bit naive from your part that you are just happy that we played with fire for the whole season then decide ont he last game to decide who finishes 4th. To me it's pathetic to think like that! What's wrong with finishing first these days?!!!

  47. The Noise

    Jun 06, 2013, 20:35 #35357

    'the best manager in Europe...' Who's never won the European Cup in 16 straighter attempts... Yep, that works!

  48. Arsenal4Life

    Jun 06, 2013, 20:02 #35356

    When do people start to realise, that Wenger is still the best manager in europe? He is the star of the team!

  49. mad max

    Jun 06, 2013, 19:58 #35355

    who gives a toss what the other teams might do,the sad fact is we,re gonna give inspector clueless another contract and groundhog day number 9 is on its way again.i stopped going a couple of seasons back,still hurts 2 see my club of 47 years not competing though,for me the club sold its soul the day we left avenell rd.wenger out usmanov in.

  50. john B

    Jun 06, 2013, 19:47 #35354

    Mandy - "just why are the media so obsessed with our neighbours?"...erm this article contains over 40 references to Spurs, so look a little closer to home and the sheep who have bought hook, line and sinker the spin coming out of Arsenegrove.

  51. Mandy Dodd

    Jun 06, 2013, 19:25 #35353

    Excellent article as always, some serious truths in here. We are now in a good position to move on, and nobody knows how these new managers will fare. Completely agree with you on Moyes, a very good manager at Everton but could now be out of his depth. BTW just why are the media so obsessed with our neighbours? They get made to look silly so often over their hype ridden claims, you think they would learn...or are they just a bit slow? Well done to Lord Sugar on his immortal tweet that provided so much amusement

  52. Peter Wain

    Jun 06, 2013, 19:22 #35352

    How can you be optmistic about next season when we have no signed a single player? I fear that come August we will still await our first recruit (i discount the free transfer as he is already injured)

  53. Wenger Must Go

    Jun 06, 2013, 18:28 #35351

    "We still don’t know quite who is responsible for failing to equip Arsenal’s squads in recent years and where that true balance lies, but if nothing else Wenger continues to offer us a rare stability." I don't want stability, I want trophies. How about defensive organisation for the ENTIRE season? How about if Wenger or the directors (don't care who's to blame to be honest) had signed decent players in the last nine years rather than Giroud and Squillaci the Premier League's top scorer for the last TWO seasons that Arsenal HAD, wouldn't have left and Arsenal would have scored more goals and challenged for the league!!

  54. Seven Kings Gooner

    Jun 06, 2013, 18:26 #35350

    I know one thing Simon, Mourinho will not be looking to finish fourth, which means he will not be "grinding on" about finshing above the Spuds, he will be targeting how to finish above United & City. You stated that you have to believe as a team that you are better than your rivals, well trust me Chelsea believe they are a much better side than Arsenal and next season they will again prove it! Give it a few weeks and Arsene will flog a few more players to raise the money to buy an obscure 19 year old from French Div two - nothing is going to change.

  55. Stroud Green Road Boy

    Jun 06, 2013, 17:48 #35349

    But players like Denilson and Squillaci weren't paid high wages "to win them over competitors" they were paid way, way above their market rate as a consequence of the 'socialist' wage structure. It's a Wenger principle, not "good faith". And that new contract means more of the same. I don't know how much accumulated evidence people need. The club are happy with the 'top 4 and transfer profit' model. Gazidis gets paid, Wenger gets paid - everyone at the club gets paid. Of course they tell us they want more - that's how they sell us season tickets and merchandise. This time next year, after yet another groundhog day season, you'll be telling us that actually NOW is the time for Arsenal to strike. And so it goes on.

  56. Green Hut

    Jun 06, 2013, 17:44 #35348

    First 7 paragraphs- I was right. Last 10 paragraphs- Let's give Wenger just one more final very very very last chance. Thanks.

  57. When we were boring

    Sep 19, 2012, 12:12 #26426

    I just cannot understand some so called fans, it is a marathon not a sprint true, but as with any marathon you cannot win it in the beginning but you can certainly loose it. We are in it now with plenty of fit players coming back in to contention and we are up at the sharp end. Relax enjoy the games.

  58. Jason B

    Sep 19, 2012, 1:19 #26415

    RVP and Arteta did last season.

  59. maguiresbridge gooner

    Sep 18, 2012, 19:09 #26412

    Ron you'll certainly not be slated by me i agree 100%.The keeper situation has needed addressing for a long time and it still hasn't been but if it takes as long as the defence we'll see quite a few more howlers before common sense prevails.

  60. Ron

    Sep 18, 2012, 17:38 #26409

    Orson - I take the view that the Keeper position has been a massive problem since 2002. Seaman was going downhill from then but lasted until a while longer. Lehmann was OK, but a very fragile and suspect temperament bedevilled him. He was alaways a 'car crash' waiting to happen and often so it proved. Had some great days did Lehmann no doubt, but his capacity to screw up overshadowed him. He was far better in his own mind than he was in reality in my opinion.The rest since him have all been utter tripe, inc Scezney.

  61. Ron

    Sep 18, 2012, 16:22 #26408

    Ill be slated again, but i repeat, the Pole, the so called No 1 keeper is actually very average and needs replacing with a real, true quality performer asap. You can have all the team and defensive improvmements you want, but with a poor keeper a team is effectivly stuffed before it starts.Its not rocket science. Its common sense.

  62. Bard

    Sep 18, 2012, 14:05 #26406

    I thought it was a pretty good result. I sort of agree about how we fare against Citeh and Chelski but we've not been too bad against the big teams ( Man u thrashing aside ) but we've come unstuck playing the likes of Stoke away or Swansea, Fulham. We have looked fragile and they have been able to get at us because we've been so weak defensviley. If we can see off the mediocre teams ( and a lot will depend on our defensvie solidity ) then we could be up there.

  63. Herbert

    Sep 18, 2012, 13:27 #26405

    God! What a bunch of negative moaners we have the mispleaure to have in our fan base! No one is saying we are about to win the league, but we have made a solid start that most teams would bite your hand off for. We have some of the worst fans in the league, but fortunately it is a minority who just happen to populate this board.....

  64. Wombledin

    Sep 18, 2012, 10:25 #26402

    At home we easily dispatched the weakest team in the comp, but you've got to be delighted with any 6-1 victory and particularly as our main 'rivals' all dropped points except manure. Still, I'm suspending my 'positive vibe' until I see how we do against Citeh and the mincers next. Diaby is injured again, who would've thought.

  65. danny b

    Sep 18, 2012, 10:10 #26401

    Thats why united only scored three against a poor Southampton side Barry

  66. Graham Simons

    Sep 18, 2012, 9:30 #26400

    I am sorry but why the hell can we forgive any of these players for their concentration levels dropping. They're professional footballers and all they have to do is maintain concentration levels of 45-50 minutes at a time - is that really so hard? Why aren't our fans more annoyed at the first goal we have conceded this season. This mentality of it doesn't matter if we concede one is we score three needs to be stamped out. The back four's jobs is to keep clean sheets and if they make mistakes they need to be hauled in for an additional training session in which they practise over and over again the mistake they made to concede said goal. The so called psychic link between our celebrated back four of the 1990s didn't come back by accident but by practice. Chelsea proved last season what can be achieved with a water tight defence. There are still questions about our attack so any boost the defence can provide by instilling confidence can only benefit us in matches like tonight. As far as I'm concerned if Mannone keeps clean sheets - give him the jersey - it's a simple as that.

  67. Tony Evans

    Sep 18, 2012, 9:13 #26399

    Definite improvement thanks to Steve Bould but far too early to make any real judgements. I refuse to build my hopes up after so many disappointments and as the old cliche goes, am taking it one game at a time.

  68. Barry

    Sep 18, 2012, 8:06 #26398

    Calm down.We have played no one yet,infact all the four teams we have played have yet to win a game.We have been down this road too many times in the last 7 years.Judge this team come christmas.Anyone disapponted we took the foot off the gas in the 2nd half?United would have scored 8 or 9 against a poor Southampton team

  69. DW Thomas

    Sep 18, 2012, 4:42 #26397

    Look. I am not a gloomer, but let's wait and see where we are the end of October. Like Wenger said, one thing I agree with him on of few lately, after 10 games we will know if we're contenders. Chez looks awfully shaky lately. His clearances were no better than a school age keeper. Yet, I do feel this team is prime for an awakening, to real glory. What a player Santi is. I dare say he might turn out better than Cesc and more loyal, and I loved Cesc while he was at Arsenal. Just can't stand Barcelona no matter how pretty they play. If Jack comes back strong, Diaby stays fit and continues his improvement, the back four maintain their focus and fight, and Giroud starts finding the net, we really might be a force to be reckoned with again. I sense some humbleness in the squad too. Like they now very well they've won nothing and are thankful for their plight at a club like ours. No more Nasris or Adebayor types, except maybe Walcott. But the manager is putting him in his place isn't he? We still need depth though, but things are looking up. Just not Everest up quite yet!

  70. Orson Cart

    Sep 17, 2012, 22:35 #26396

    Goalkeeper has always been a problem since Jens left.The fans loved Szczesny at first because he wasnt as bad as the two clowns Almunia and Flappy.The last 10 games of the last season the Euro's and saturdays blunder show Szczesny still has a lot to learn.That is why signing an experienced keeper he could learn off was a priority this summer.What is he going to learn from Flappy and Mannone? In 16 years Wenger has signed one good keeper in Lehmann

  71. Wenger Go Now

    Sep 17, 2012, 19:59 #26394

    They must have short memories Ed if they cant remember Arteta's free kick v Villa last march

  72. maguiresbridge gooner

    Sep 17, 2012, 19:09 #26393

    Another very good performance with the saints well and truly slaughtered with everybody playing their part to ensure the newbees had a day to forget on their return to the prem.The defence who as we know are playing well this season will be disappointed to concede the goal especially from a howler by chez as will bouldy his look said it all.With the defence having been addressed and more or less sorted under bouldy your right the keeper situation is still a concern and has been for quite a while. A big big improvement all round is needed from our number one keeper although it will probably take quite a few more howlers before arsene gives in and does something about it.Another win will do tomorrow night with Giroud getting on the score sheet and the feel good vibes continuing to the weekend and beyond.

  73. HowardL

    Sep 17, 2012, 17:54 #26391

    In some ways I'm happy we conceded that goal. Otherwise there is a risk the team starts chasing records and every 0-0 draw is cause for celebration rather than the reality of 2 dropped points. No problem conceding when we are 4 goals up but SzCz needs to work hard on his focus and concentration - remember Euro 2012. All in all we've seen less encouraging starts to the season - like 12 months ago?

  74. Dan h

    Sep 17, 2012, 17:41 #26390

    Glad Podolski was kept out wide offers plenty going forward but happy to do the defensive work also.Cazorla has looked like he has played for us for years makes the game look easy at times.For Szczesny he will have to learn quickly to be a top keeper at one of the better sides it's as much about concentration as anything else.Big tests ahead fingers crossed Sagna,Wilshire will add competition/rotation in the coming weeks.