
Online Ed: Narrow escape in the south of France


Diaby: Just like old times?

Football is, ultimately, about results, and on that level, Arsenal can consider themselves satisfied with three points from their opening Champions League match of this season. They will also be cognizant they had a lucky escape, because on the balance of good chances, there is no doubt Montpellier should have won. The second half saw them hit the crossbar, shoot straight at Mannone with the goal gaping, miss an easy chance when Abou Diaby lost possession in his own area and survive a penalty appeal against the self-same Diaby that should have resulted in a spot kick.

Steve Bould may have been in charge on the bench last night, but the new found defensive resilience and team organization was nowhere to be seen after the interval. What it demonstrated was that the team have a lot more work to do before they can feel confident about closing a game out, and displays such as this one will be punished by more clinical teams.

The general feeling ahead of the game was that Montpellier, having had a disastrous start to the season, would be seen off with relative ease. Not so. An early penalty for them – which looked harsh initially, but was in fact correctly called – gave them the advantage, but Arsenal rallied strongly and scored twice before 20 minutes had been played. For a European match, it was very open with space to exploit at both ends.

Before the interval, Arsenal looked in control for the most part, but what a contrast in the second half. Montpellier understandably went for it and the Gunners’ goal led a charmed life. There were a limited number of Arsenal forays forward, but the French side’s dominance led to some gilt-edged chances that will probably haunt the memories of their fans should they fail to qualify for the last 16.

It certainly raised questions about the perception that the Arsenal of 2012/13 is a tougher beast to break down, but hopefully, they will learn from this and we will not see any repeats. Abou Diaby returned to the liability we know of old trying to showboat in his own penalty area, ending up on his backside. A short while later, his challenge for the ball which should have seen the award of a second penalty to the home team was naïve to say the least.

Still, a win’s a win and ultimately, how it is achieved is an irrelevance. Just ask Chelsea. Having said that, Arsenal will have to be more switched on when the going gets tougher if they are to avoid another ultimately disappointing European campaign. Let’s hope Manchester City enjoy less easy chances than Montpellier had when Arsenal visit Eastlands next Sunday.

To end on a high hote, the result aside, both Arsenal’s goals were the result of good attacking play, demonstrating that this side of the game continues to progress after the frustrations of the opening two Premier League fixtures. Sure, Giroud had another goalless game, but as long as the team is winning, it doesn’t matter who is on the scoresheet. He played his part in the opening goal well enough, and I have no doubt the goals will come. Next weekend wouldn’t be a bad time to start.

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    Jun 15, 2013, 11:41 #35788

    A good post,Izutex.It kind of says it all really.Our lads did exceptionally well,considering their limitations.Whose fault it is that some who represent us,and perform as they do, cannot just be laid at Arsene's door.Arshavin is a prime example.This season is a tipping point.We are a business to those holding the reins,that is clear,and will not alter.Yet they are aware that the fans have been a little short-changed,and may deem this as the time to spend some money,using it asa goodwill springboard to assuage the rankle in our midst.Time alone will tell.Have guarded hopes for the next season.Fingers crossed they are not dashed,because that will mean we have all gone down in flames.

  2. Izutex

    Jun 15, 2013, 10:15 #35786

    The truth is that this Arsenal team performed to the best of their ability. We have currently a bunch of average players and fourth place is a good result for the crop of players we parade at the moment,with the exception of 2 or 3 players who we may score a little above Average. Walcot ended the season as our highest goal scorer,but if you ask me,Walcot is better as a winger than a top 9 The few times we played him up front,we suffered and were constantly under intense pressure because his hold up play is terrible and he is not good on air,He looses the ball quickly before he could get any support and the result is that we remained on the back foot every time we failed to get the balls behind the opponents defense which happens to be only where he is dangerous with his pace. That said,I think he has improved greatly with his crosses and finishing in front of goal,and am excited about the future with him as a winger and maybe occasionally drifting to the center from time to time. We are in dire need of a proven defensive mid fielder and a ruthless goal scorer, We do create chances but we do not have a prolific striker. Olivier is an average player,take it or leave it.he can only complement the main man.though he's got movement and link up play is good,we have failed this season to utilize his aerial strength . I still believe in the Verminator even though he had a poor season by his standards,he will work hard and hopefully come good in August .having said that,I still believe we need to strengthen our defense with one or 2 good players,in the central defense and the right back,I believe we are good with Monreal and Gibbs at the left and Vermalean as possible back-up. Wenger must buy quality this time,we have the foundation to be successful this season,but we must sign top class players to mount any meaningful challenge this season. And this goes to all fans,I believe it is very disrespectful to call Wenger a failure,He met us an average club and has raised the standard over time....he deserve some measure of respect. I believe it is not entirely Wenger"s fault every time we loose out on a player we should have signed or kept. For most players these days ,its all about the money,and if we cannot afford it ,then we have no choice but to look for an alternative. The question we have to ask ourselves is,Does Arsene truly get the Money the Board claims has been released to him? Does he get it as at when Needed. Do we really have the money,or is someone playing games with us? Wenger is the face of Arsenal,and you don't expect him to come out in the public to say things that only the cabals are privy of. Also, I believe we pay too much to average players,that's why we find it difficult to offload them when they fail to perform. Can we win trophy this season?........I BELIEVE !!!!!!!!

  3. KJF

    Jun 13, 2013, 12:17 #35696

    One of the worst players ever to pull on an Arsenal shirt. He's up there with Gus Ceasar & Igor Stepanov.And to think this was a major Arsenal signing and Wenger courted the player for a while. Get rid ASAP.

  4. nas

    Jun 12, 2013, 14:11 #35656

    At least gervinho can play a game when required. Which is more than we can say for diaby, squillaci, arshavin. I wish him well wherever he ends up. He is not all bad. Not to join the 'I hate wenger' chorus, but Wenger went to Lille and picked gervinho and left hazard. If that ain't silly I don't know what is. #wenger out

  5. Wayne

    Jun 11, 2013, 19:12 #35643

    Simon have to agree with you on Gervinho.But what about an article on that sponger Diaby who at the last count had taken £12m in wages out of the club.

  6. Baz

    Jun 11, 2013, 12:40 #35617

    Gervinho reminds me of the famous(?) Glenn Helder we signed years back. Every time he got the ball, we'd hold our breath just to see if something might happen. Bags of pace but a percentage player at best. And a ridiculous hairstyle to boot.....

  7. maguiresbridge gooner

    Jun 11, 2013, 12:29 #35611

    Ron, Lets give Steve, JollyJumper, Yes this seems to have been forgotten for some reason, maybe it was PHW who scouted and signed these players and gave team talks etc ? If all this money TKOS keeps telling us about materialises and we actually sign real top top quality for a change lets hope their played in their favorite/best position or we'll end up with a 25m striker in defence.


    Jun 11, 2013, 11:00 #35597

    Fozzy's mate,Terry,Ali.Very good observations and points made.Read and learn noodles.

  9. Ali

    Jun 11, 2013, 10:15 #35595

    Has anyone noticed Gervinho's dribbling skills and the havoc he causes in the opposition defense when he attacks? I guess not! His finishing and final balls are terrible but if we had a manager who would train the players instead of carrying out accounting tasks, then he could have possibly played better and improved as a footballer.

  10. Terry

    Jun 11, 2013, 9:06 #35594

    Unlike the AMG's who like to dismiss everybody as flops and would like Arsenal full of 30 million pound alter ego's. I like to give every player a chance. Wenger is not the sort of manager who just dismisses a player at will without giving him a chance, unfortunately in Gervinho's case his frail and rather odd appearance means he is an easy target. Is he good enough for what we need probably not, in today's football a few mistakes and your history in some fans eyes. I remember back in 1995 a few fans giving Bergkamp stick because he hadn't found the net in his first 7 games some fans make an existence in picking out faults in players and Arsenal have always had their fair share of these lowlifes.

  11. Fozzy's mate

    Jun 11, 2013, 8:59 #35593

    Gervinho is what his price tag suggests in the current market, a decentish player who had a good season in France. When you analyse the cost of the players we sign to plug gaps left by players sold a pattern appears. The players we sign to be mainstays in 2013 are the same price as those we were signing 15 yrs ago. Weng often says a players price tag shoots up when top clubs are after them, but there is a reason top clubs want them. While we maintain targetting those within this price bracket we will sign players like Gervinho. The board can no longer use the financial excuse. If in this summers window we do not raise our sites we all know what the reality is. But its not the players we sign fault.


    Jun 11, 2013, 8:18 #35591

    Here we go again,haha.An article,gently observing that an AFC player hasn't made the cut,and should go, if the offer for him is real.Immediately we have the mud-slinging,and the 'I hate Wenger'chorus,tunes up.A bit dry and stale,don't you think?Gervinho is a footballer.Probably not equipped to make it with us,but a footballer all the same.The black and white merchants out there should,take a deep breath,stop being so angry,and try to relax.Now breath!There you go.OK, now?Right,let's continue.Many players do not suit different surroundings very well,their careers stutter,stop,start.They are unable to meet the rigours of different leagues,adjust to a slightly different position,or connect with teammates or a style of play.So many factors,but none I should have to explain to anyone, except the very young,and then in a guidance mode.The requisites of football has always carried with it a need to steal a march on the opposition,now so,more than ever.Spot a future star,the man becomes yours,of course,but you have no need to spend a king's ransom on a player to give those qualities later.People judge a player,um and ah,then go with it,or not.Football history is littered with a missed diagnosis of a player.Older fans may remember Ralph Coates.A very influential player at Burnley who pulled all the strings;an International,and flavour of the month.He went to that mob up the road for a big fee,and his career nosedived.It happens, guys.Playing someone out of position?Well,I too have some issues about these players and what goes on at AFC,whether Bendtner,Arshavin or whoever.Decisions made that on occasions seem perplexing.Yet you have to also admit that Titi was played out of position and became,arguably,our biggest 'Gun'.We shall have to see how this mini-drama plays out,probably nothing will happen,then we all must accept an individual in a red and white shirt,wearing our badge,trying to do his best for our team.Spleen vented;custard pies at the ready?Go for it!

  13. Lets give Steve Walford the last 10 minutes.

    Jun 11, 2013, 0:02 #35590

    "Gervinho? Expected to be a target man? With Chamakh on the bench?" I'd say that the fault lay elsewhere then, wouldn't you? There's no question he's crap but who put him up there with "the ball launched up for him to head?" Or indeed signed him in the first place? Another exercise in shifting the blame from the man that deserves it Simon?!

  14. Ron

    Jun 10, 2013, 23:55 #35589

    If an employer sets a guy on and asks him to do a job that hes not qualified to do, its the employer to blame, not the employee. Gerv seems a hard worker and yes, looks an inadequate player but maybe, just maybe his best inst being extracted? Work it out whos really to blame! Bendtner too. over 6 foot and asked to be a winger. Yes, he seems a prat, but would any other coach ask him to play wing and keep on asking him?

  15. JollyJumper

    Jun 10, 2013, 23:25 #35588

    Gervinho is not at all problem. Neither are the \'usual suspects\' known under the name \'Dead Wood\'. Wenger is a problem … general problem. He recruited Dead Wood, he decided on stupid salaries, contract extensions, where they are playing in the team (wrong places for a majority of them), etc. Wenger OUT … five years ago!

  16. Danluvsafc

    Jun 10, 2013, 22:26 #35586

    Gervinho is crap!!!! End of!,,. When will people wake up and smell the gravy here. We can look for every excuse in the book to say why he hasn't made it at arsenal but its simple he isn't a footballer. Yer he makes the odd 5 yard pass and the odd dribble past a slow defender but its consistency that's the key in being a great professional footballer. This is a man that's consistently crap every game. Wenger has woken up to his awful gameplay towards the the end of last season and thank god we haven't had to endure much game time for this sorry excuse of a footballer


    Jun 10, 2013, 20:29 #35585

    Stevieo, I agree with your plea, to cut him a little slack.He could surprise us,though unlikely.My attitude is that I stand behind,no,shoulder to shoulder, with every man that wears an Arsenal badge,(except when I feel they are being cruelly treated,and unable to defend themselves,then I stand in front),until they are no longer a part of this AFC family.I believe that's what a supporter should do.Good luck to the lad,good luck to us.We shall see what the summer brings.

  18. Stevieo

    Jun 10, 2013, 18:57 #35584

    Gervinho is a not a flop because of the English game. He is a flop because he is a poor footballer. Experienced international or not means squat. Just look at Bendtner and Eboue with 100 caps between them. Or were they flops too because of the English game? When players like Cazorla come over and succeed, we don’t say it’s because they are suited to the English game. It’s because they’re good players. So where Wenger gets credit for buying Cazorla, the English game gets blamed for Gervinho? And what does it mean when someone’s not good enough for Arsenal?’ When players like Cesc, Nasri and RVP are too good for Arsenal, what calibre of player does that leave that is good enough for Arsenal? Giroud? Diaby? Gibbs? Cut Gervinho some slack and let’s judge him next May. After all, what is the alternative. We’ll just plunge back in to the French Ligue for another lucky dip.

  19. Guy in Jersey

    Jun 10, 2013, 18:09 #35581

    Unfortunately, Gervinho is one of too many 'one season' wonders we've signed from French football. Simon Rose is right in saying he's not good enough to cope with the pace of English football. He's also one of too many bottlers we have in the squad (would you trust him to take a crucial penalty?) gervliker (post no. 38318) says his record in France speaks for itself. Yes, it does. It confirms he's no great shakes. Unlike Giroud, who has scored goals throughout his career, the likes of Chamakh, Gerviho, Park Chu-Young (and even Wiltord) all had one good season in French football, but overall had pretty undistinguished goal scoring records (although Wiltord was good enough to be Player of the Year in his best season and to hold a place in a fantastic French squad). It's a shame we bought Gervinho when a young guy playing in the same team, with only a slightly less impressive goals to games ratio, was Young Player of the Year (two years running) and Player of The Year (two years running) over four consecutive seasons. So, it's a shame we didn't spend the £10.5m we had available on the then 19-year-old Eden Hazard.

  20. maguiresbridge gooner

    Jun 10, 2013, 17:16 #35579

    If it wasn't a typo then we should have bitten their hand off for the dough, as you say he's just not good enough, for arsenal anyway (maybe french ligue 2) and there's been to many like him.It's maybe to early to admit defeat on forehead just yet after all it has taken long enough with all the other deadwood but it's good to see it's finally happening and lets hope it goes further. I agree when a players not good enough especially when even the fans can see it, it's time to get rid this holding on and waiting and waiting for him to come good and prove everybody wrong is no good, and it's still happening especially with the keeper situation. Like i've said before if TKOS is to believed that's going to change and we'll all get what we want Simon success, this club has been to long without it.

  21. N4

    Jun 10, 2013, 16:47 #35577

    At least Gervinho got a price tag compare to so many dross that we can't even loan out!!!


    Jun 10, 2013, 16:46 #35576

    The key aspect of this article is that the player is not good enough for Arsenal.Every player requires basic ability of a specific level,to perform within the demands of the field he competes in. Gervinho does not posses that level of ability.He has sufficient skill for the standard at the club,but that skill needs to be in tandem with other attributes,notably mental judgement,and speed of thought.Without these harnessed to his natural talent he becomes a failure.We all know that on occasions a burgeoning talent emerges from some players,we constantly make assesments,revise,go again,then with frustration we say enough is enough.The player in question has reached that juncture.In a slower league,possibly with different men around,or a different set up he could flourish.Not at Arsenal,I am sorry to say.I wish him luck,wherever his course lies.Imagine being a skillful lad,developing,attaining a professional status,finding yourself at AFC,then the recognition that you just can't cut it.Soul-destroying for him,but it shouldn't also be for us.Nice article Simon.

  23. UB10 AFC

    Jun 10, 2013, 16:31 #35575

    A perfectly pleasant and well-meaning chap? I wouldn't care if he stole ice cream from kids, as long as he put the bloody ball in the net! I think his main problem is that he himself doesn't truly believe he is good enough to play for The Arsenal.

  24. gervliker

    Jun 10, 2013, 16:00 #35574

    Gerv saved our season in the beginning. He is a good player and hard worker. His record in France speaks for itself. Good luck to him wherever he ends up.

  25. Carlos

    Jun 10, 2013, 15:20 #35571

    This is too good to be true.

  26. Rocky RIP

    Jun 10, 2013, 15:11 #35570

    For all recent seasons, the squad photo taken just before the season starts has been one of a squad which looks considerably weaker than the previous one. Chiefly because of a gaping hole left by our departing capt/superstar. You're left wondering how we can possibly fill the void. Every season we seem to get weaker and more lightweight, yet manage a similar finish (often due to several players raising their level and developing or more obscure players coming to the fore.) In seems to go in circles. For the first time in ages I'm hopeful the squad photo can offer more room for encouragement than in previous seasons. Gervinho's appearance (or not) could have a bearing on this. Fingers crossed.

  27. Nico

    Jun 10, 2013, 15:07 #35569

    Cannot wait for Fabregas to join United and Higuain and Jovetic to join Juve what a season this will be !!

  28. billthered

    Jun 10, 2013, 15:05 #35568

    I forget how much lightbulbhead cost but it was surely to much considering his wages as well.A proper failure and no mistake,I would have preferred someone like Kevin Phillips on the bench last season think about it no fee and a fraction of the wages oh and goals against the likes of Bradford and Blackburn.

  29. Ron

    Sep 20, 2012, 10:45 #26446

    The most useful part of that game was it showed why Diaby is a total liabilty, for those who needed reminding. Surely theres a circus somewhere for him to go and perform in! Hes garbage. Really is. CL games are not too important though in the main. Arsenal cant win it, yet they never seem to enjoy it? Why? Theres no pressure on them. Nobody expects anything. We all know they ll lose to the first top team they encounter, yet they play as if the weight of euro expectation rests on their shoulders. Drae i say it, but a a bit of Tottenhams approach 2 years ago would do Arsenal a bit of good. Just get out there, expect ziltch and play!They might then shock a few teams along the way. Scratching about trying to pay all 'technical' will get them nowhere in my view, as theyre not good enough. Simple. PS Mertesacker will be found out by the top teams. Hes an OK grafter, but oh so slow!

  30. don froth

    Sep 20, 2012, 7:49 #26445

    french champions....they can't be total mugs, i think we dug out an alright result! Two great goals too!

  31. Endless, Nameless

    Sep 19, 2012, 21:21 #26444

    @goonerRed - I don't expect every game to go 100% to plan, but I DO expect a top level professional football team's management to be able to react if it doesn't.

  32. Mike

    Sep 19, 2012, 21:00 #26443

    The assumption that Montpellier should be easily seen off is flawed - they are the French champions - the same logic could then be applied to Real Madrid who have had a dismal start. We won - I agree with the comment that we played with a lot left in the tank. The first spot kick was also a bit harsh but in the letter of the law in was a penalty -just

  33. au revoir wenger

    Sep 19, 2012, 18:26 #26442

    diaby has got the brains of a rocking horse

  34. billthered

    Sep 19, 2012, 18:16 #26441

    I sometimes wonder if some of you like to see us lose and then tell us told you so.For some of you last season we played Blackburn and lost they are classed as nobodies I think we would beat them now dont you.Lets all take a deep breath it is early days but we are unbeaten thus far with a big game coming up but I think we will give a good show of ourselves sunday and if we do win stop all these negative vibes.The trouble with some of you is you have stated how much you want AW out that it is to far now to change,I dont know what the answer is all I know is I just love seeing our team win.

  35. GoonerGoal!

    Sep 19, 2012, 17:41 #26440

    A fair assessment of our performance. Our second half performance was simply making me angry and frustrated. I was certain some kind of defensive error would eventually allow the home team to score. So with 20 minutes left,and my patience and endurance failing me, I turned over to watch Real v City and simply flicked over for the Arsenal score every three minutes. Much better for the nerves, and it seems I missed absolutely nothing!

  36. Colin

    Sep 19, 2012, 15:33 #26437

    One of the big complaints of Wenger's teams over the last 7 years have been there inability to kill teams off when we are on top.We always seem to go off the boil.Last night was a case in point.Yes we got away with it but we should never have got ourselves in that position.What Bould said to them in the half time team talk obviously didnt work as we where really poor in the 2nd half.As i said we got away with it last night but against the big boys in Europe we will be punished.Diaby as he always has been is s**t

  37. my medicine

    Sep 19, 2012, 14:41 #26436

    glad that arsenal make it. Nevertheless, shaky defend in second half scare me a lot. As pure arsenal fan, feel positive to our team. Pesimis dont have your team,bro

  38. Arthur Fonzarelli

    Sep 19, 2012, 14:15 #26435

    I reckon last season we would have lost a match like this. We have progressed since then but there is still a long way to go in terms of controlling a game and minimising the risks we take in defence (stupid back heels etc) I thought we could have made a few subs earlier - we looked jaded throughout the whole of the second half.

  39. lee armitt

    Sep 19, 2012, 13:45 #26432

    spot on as usual kevin so nice to see someone speak the truth

  40. Dave

    Sep 19, 2012, 13:40 #26431

    It’s too early to tell what chance we’ll have for silverware. AMGs have got to recognise that Arsenal have been in the top 3/4 for the last 7 years; in other words, consistently better than all but the top two. This isn’t glass-half-full talk, but glass 20/22 full (or 91% for the metrically minded). Chelsea were in the same position between 98 and 2004 – generally top four, but lacking the mojo to make it to first. AW may have relocated his mojo, but it would be a staggering achievement for a bloke who has not won the title for seven years to win it again. Only Busby and Shanks have achieved something similar with the same club in living memory, so the odds are stacked against the AKBs and in favour of the AMGs. Only time will tell, and the first big test is just round the corner.

  41. Gee

    Sep 19, 2012, 13:37 #26430

    Apart from the 7 yard chance straight at the keeper and hitting the bar I think we dealt with it reasonably well. Yes they had alot of the ball and were pushing hard but they were limited to alot of wild 30 yeard shots. Don't forget we had one break and probably should have scored that when cazorla took a shot on. I care not how we get a result, just that we get it. Having seen us denied by worldy GK performances, ref decisions and darn right rank finishing it's nice to see us defend a lead for once. The other instances you speak of Diaby giving ball away and potential penalty are purely one man errors (Verm for the pen also mertesacker going to ground presenting the belhanda miss). The collective shape and organisation of the team is a million times better than the previous 3 seasons and for that I did not feel we would concede in the 2nd half. 2-1 3 points job done. Onwards.

  42. GoonerRed

    Sep 19, 2012, 13:25 #26429

    @Endless, nameless. NOT EVERY GAME OF FOOTBALL CAN GO 100% TO PLAN. SOMETIMES WE WILL HAVE TO CLOSE OUT A GAME OR FIGHT FOR OUR LIVES. WE CAN'T WIN ALL OUR GAMES 6-1 You moron. If you don't like it, support someone else. Oh to Oh to be...

  43. maguiresbridge gooner

    Sep 19, 2012, 12:49 #26428

    Good analysis kev and your right Phew apart from the goals and coming away with the points this game can quickly be forgotten massive improvement needed for the blue mancs on sunday.I thought we'd see more of bouldy on the touch line barking instructions instead of spending all his time on the bench but maybe he was just following instructions.

  44. Fozzy

    Sep 19, 2012, 12:40 #26427

    I have just emerged from behind the sofa. What on earth was going on in the mind of Diab-olical during the second half? Thank goodness Wiggy Arteta and Orville Cazorla are playing to such a high standard they can afford to carry this sloppy passenger. We caught a glimpse of Wiggy giving him a mouthful, and we live in hope that Bouldy will have more than a quiet word. Highlight of the evening for me was watching The Jenk and Eboue-with-a-syrup fashioning a goal between them. That would never have occurred last season.

  45. JJB

    Sep 19, 2012, 11:32 #26424

    Typical negative tribe from a tired author! Calling it "phew" is just pointless and does not reflect the game! Yes we struggled 2nd half, but this is the champions league and a well balanced piece could have been titled "job done", 3 points from our first away champs league game. I thought more of you Kevin, its a shame you are going the way of Myles Palmer

  46. Kenny

    Sep 19, 2012, 11:09 #26423

    Very good write up Kev.A win shouldnt cloud the failings.Last night proved once again we missed a trick not signing a DM in the summer.Arteta can get away with it against poor teams who dont put us under pressure but in the 2nd half our midfield was overun.But for the woodwork and poor finishing we would have lost.I have said it before Diaby doesnt have a football brain f**king about in his own box very nearly cost us a goal.The one thing i would disagree with you Kev is on Giroud he looks totally lost in an Arsenal shirt.A modern day Lee Chapman or the new Chamakh?

  47. MarkH

    Sep 19, 2012, 10:56 #26422

    Agree with Howard L- we won period. If Man Ure had got the same result the tv panel would have been saying that 'that is how it should be done in Europe' Two big games coming up. We moved up a couple of gears when required at flew back with no injuries and the points. I also like the look of this team especially Podolski & Cazorla. Lets get behind them, and support them, rather than find negatives in everything they do. We can leave that Hoddle and unfortunately Tony.

  48. Gary

    Sep 19, 2012, 10:42 #26421

    In the second half the old habits came back.Failure to hold onto the ball,misplaced passes,taking our foot off the gas.Diaby had a shocker.Glad i didnt join the hype after the Liverpool game.Its amazing how many Gooners havebeen taken in by our start.We havent played anyone yet

  49. Website Editor

    Sep 19, 2012, 10:17 #26420

    Jean-Claude - Excusez Moi! Now corrected. Pardon mon ignorance...

  50. HowardL

    Sep 19, 2012, 9:42 #26419

    A bit too negative I think. I am enjoying watching this team and I think there are good times ahead.

  51. Jean-Claude Bourneville of Montpellier

    Sep 19, 2012, 9:09 #26418

    Please sir would your refrain in mis-spelling my 'ost city. It's Montpellier. MONT - PELLIER. Eet is one sing to 'url about your petty greivances wis your own football team but please, when it comes to mine - have ze decency to spell it correctly.

  52. Endless, Nameless

    Sep 19, 2012, 8:43 #26417

    Last night demonstrated what we all knew (bar the AKBs), that this team has yet another very thin veneer of perceived quality and ability to challenge for honours. Scratch beneath the surface and the same frailties will be there - inability to close out a game, immaturity of Players in key positions at key time (that's you Diaby), lack of concentration over 90 minutes, and STILL no plan B!

  53. Tim

    Sep 19, 2012, 8:20 #26416

    In many respects you could be right, but I don't think it was a coincidence that when Montpellier scored we came straight back. I just got the impression we went there to just do enough with Sunday in mind and to that extent, job done. Would have been interesting if Montpellier had have scored again to see if we'd gone up through a gear or two.