Reality Check

Online Ed: Unbeaten run over

Reality Check

Koscielny: Not strong enough

After excellent results and performances on the trips to Anfield and Eastlands, this was a salient lesson that different opposition offers different challenges, and ultimately, the better team won this match, even though Arsenal could have taken a point through their perseverance.

For this observer, ultimately, the slightly better quality of Chelsea told. Arsenal were guilty of individual errors for the two goals, arguably errors that might not have been made by different players. Laurent Koscielny has sometimes struggled with the physical element of the Premier League, and (although I have not had the opportunity to see any of the action from yesterday on TV, so these impressions are drawn only from watching the match live) he was simply outmuscled by Fernando Torres for the opening goal. It was an interesting decision to drop Per Mertesacker to make room for the return of the captain Vermaelen, but the German would have been right to feel harshly done by given his imperious display against Manchester City. It is evidence that the manager picks on the basis of favourites rather than form, and most would agree this policy did not work out yesterday. To twist the knife, Gooners thinking that the departure of Didier Drogba would see the end of Arsenal centre backs being swatted away up by a strong Chelsea forward realized that the nightmare continues. At least Torres had the good grace to miss an easy opportunity to double the lead soon after.

As far as I could see, the second goal was simply down to poor keeping. Koscielny was doing just enough to shield the ball from his opponent, but Mannone did not follow the path of the free kick, perhaps not trusting his defender, who knows? It should have been an easy save. So two goals from errors better players would not have made.

Additionally, Chelsea did a job on Arsenal. Identifying their strengths and nullifying them in a way Manchester City and Liverpool did not. Key players were not allowed to influence, especially Cazorla. Roberto Di Matteo may not have much of a reputation as a manager, but tactically, he beats Arsene Wenger hands down. Space did ultimately open up eventually during the second half, but Chelsea then just defended better deeper, restricting the number of chances and always threatening on the counter attack. The home side were not helped by being over-ponderous on breaks, with Gervinho guilty more than once.

Arsenal’s goal was well fashioned, and credit to the Ivorian for his finish, although if presented with enough chances, some will inevitably find their target by the law of averages. It came at a vital time, and the few minutes either side of half-time were good ones for Wenger’s team as they created danger.

Abou Diaby’s limping off early in the match would not have been a great shock to anyone, and is a demonstration that, ultimately, the player, for all his merits, is probably unlikely to ever enjoy the kind of extended run that is needed for a settled winning team to develop. It’s unfortunate, but at some time, the decision has to be made that the club cannot afford to regard him as a first choice player, for the sake of consistency. The problem at the moment with this is that the two who filled in for him during this game – Ramsey and later on Oxlade-Chamberlain – simply lacked either the quality or experience for the task on the day. Both put in below par displays, and one suspects with Diaby on the field, Arsenal might have fared better. Long term, Jack Wilshere offers the best option to partner Arteta, but there are Diaby-esque concerns about him which we can only hope prove false. It was interesting to see Johan Djourou warming up with Giroud and Walcott. I wonder if Wenger considered bringing him on to bolster the central midfield.

The most frustrating thing about yesterday was that, even if Chelsea looked the better side, their goals were cheap, and both from free kicks. Arsenal did fathom chances, but the shooting was wayward. Cazorla was guilty on this front and Giroud’s late effort may not have been as easy as it looked in the stadium, but sometimes, these type of opportunities have to be converted in key games like this. It was on his favoured foot and he’d done the hard bit in rounding the keeper.

When all is said and done, Arsene Wenger can learn from this game if he picks it apart and sees where things went wrong. No-one in an Arsenal shirt had a standout game and to an extent this indicated how effectively the opposition set up to ensure that. Even so, they could have taken a result from this match and that says something about the team. Even in adversity, there is still enough in the locker to forge opportunities, but yesterday, they were passed up. With winnable matches against Olympiacos and West Ham to come before the international break, the team has the chance to demonstrate that they can bounce back and ensure the good start to the season has not been in vain. There is work to be done, and questions to be asked about selection and quality in depth. The manager has shown he is willing to accept change, so perhaps this needs to be extended to the way he selects his team and the policy of parsimony in the transfer market. The back up to Szczesny is not of the requisite quality and some of the millions in the bank might be better served on experienced back up rather than sitting in a vault. Tottenham currently have Hugo Lloris sitting on their bench…

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  1. Adil

    Jul 18, 2013, 2:57 #36555

    Sorry but 25 million for a world class midfielder who has premier league experience and you are saying that we should not sign him!

  2. GoonerGoal!

    Jul 18, 2013, 1:12 #36554

    Buy Fabregas and Fellaini and sell Arteta and Carzola. It's a no brainer, but it won't happen. More likely we'll sell nobody, and bring in a couple more French/African teenagers who will hang around before being loaned out prior to disappearing into obscurity... WENGER/GAZIDIS/KROENKE OUT! VIVE LA REVOLUTION!

  3. Seven Kings Gooner

    Jul 17, 2013, 14:46 #36552

    PPP : I will leave it with you like this: when I think we have a team with the toughness and desire to really challenge for trophies I will tell you. Trust me, it could be a long wait!

  4. ppp

    Jul 17, 2013, 13:46 #36550

    @SKG - I agree we have been soft and annoying for far too long. But Wenger hasn't been sitting on his thumbs all that time. He's built a side with some British grit running right the way through it and now he claims (along with the club) he's ready to add expensive signings. Obviously we'll all believe it when we see it - but I don't agree nobody wants to sign for us. That's rubbish, defeatist and completely lacking the winning mentality you claim to covet. If you mean we might not get Rooney or Suarez that you've read about in the papers - maybe you're right. Are they the only two players in the world?

  5. Seven Kings Gooner

    Jul 17, 2013, 13:28 #36549

    PPP : Sorry, but the point I was making was that we could n't win anything with both RVP & Cesc, because our club does not have the "boot room" mentality. We are all soft lights and plush furnishing now, a cosy, non combative regime that travels right up to the boardroom. Man Utd won the league with RVP last year and would stand a great chance of retaining it if Cesc joined. Anyway, great players will not join us because they know that winning trophies is not a priority.

  6. maguiresbridge gooner

    Jul 17, 2013, 13:06 #36548

    Maybe it would be the best thing to happen if he were to sign nobody (although it wouldn't be a surprise to some fans)maybe then others would wake up, and eventually take their head out of the sand,and other places and realise where the real problem lies, and then maybe we could all start singing from the same hymm sheet again and do something about it.

  7. ppp

    Jul 17, 2013, 12:25 #36547

    @SKG - I'm not convinced United would win anything with both players either, it's the sheer horror of seeing it I'm worried about. Even if we won the treble next year, doing it while cesc and rvp played for the mancs would be weird weird weird! But listen I understand you're trying to make a point - that won't stop me supporting the team however. As a fan of far too many years I've seen lean spells before and this one doesn't bother me.

  8. Joe S.

    Jul 17, 2013, 11:05 #36543

    We agree on this one Simon. Cesc wasn't a happy soldier in his last two seasons in London, so I don't think after the riches of Barcellona he'll be too motivated second time around. Then again if he's good enough for Man U., why shouldn't he be good enough for us. For all his skill Carzola leaves a giant question mark for my liking. Mr Disappearance when the heat is on. Also agree with those who state that this transfer window has been all pretence. By the time Wegner forces his hand all the cream will have gone and he'll be panicking again. Wegner, Gazadis and Laws are three patheticic negotiators. It's all about how cheaply their targets will play for. Not much we as fans can do about it except grin and bear. At least we can enjoy Europe in the short term.

  9. Alsace Lorraine de Totteridge

    Jul 17, 2013, 8:39 #36541

    Fabregas is one of the best players we have ever had the pleasure to watch. It seems that he won't leave Barca and can perhaps be expected to feature more in their team this season. I still hope very much that he comes back. Apart from anything else the fighting spirit of the guy is tremendous. Does anyone remember that season where he and Flamini started making the Arsenal midfield work properly? Skill AND steel.

  10. Peter Wain

    Jul 17, 2013, 8:28 #36540

    With Arsenal being entitled to 50% of the transfer fee and fabregas wanting to win trophies there is zero chance of him returning and who can blame fabregas. All the spin in the world cannot disguise the fact that we have not bought any one in this transfer window and have not bought a world class player for many years. Wenger will not change now and I expect little if any movement for players plenty of spin but no top top quality arrivals. lets face it Higuain obviously does not want to come or else he would be an Arsenal player. Suarez really wants to go to Madrid and a Rooney transfer is a pipe dream with leaves us with? The best we can hope for is that Gervinho goes and that Bendtner finds a club. Incomings no one before 30 August at the earliest.

  11. Seven Kings Gooner

    Jul 17, 2013, 8:15 #36539

    PPP: We once had a team that included Cesc and RVP - still won nothing!! Do you start to see the real picture now?

  12. Dan

    Jul 17, 2013, 7:23 #36538

    Wengers worse nightmare Suarez Rooney and Fellaini all available this summer.And he wont buy none of them.Remember Wenger used to say he would only buy if they would improve the squad.Well these three are world class.What ever happened to the £70m Ivan?

  13. billthered

    Jul 17, 2013, 6:40 #36537

    I think everyone would take him back like a shot,but does anyone believe he is likely to return to us.The PR machine is in overdrive at the moment signings are imminent.Yeh,yeh,yeh.Well I'll tell you something my season ticket has not been renewed and I keep getting e mails from the club stretching the closing date to renew from early June to the latest 19th July,that my friends is the real world of AFC waiting lists my A*se.

  14. GG89

    Jul 16, 2013, 23:37 #36536

    Great player.... any team that has fabregas in it needs two cover midfield players to mop up the failed through balls he puts in resulting in fast counter attacks.... He´s an effect player that can come off the bench to turn a game... See he´s performances for spain i.e. the last world cup final for example, when he came on as a sub and turned the game... He´s not what arsenal need, not many teams can use his services, Manure would be weaker with him occupying space in the centre, barca play him as a false 9 so there are three midfield players behind him... Busquets looks bad when fabregas is in the team. The gooners won nothing with him RVP playing together... Fabregas is the product of AW... looks good but unbalances the team, all GunHo with little attention to protecting his or the teams goal/s...

  15. 1975

    Jul 16, 2013, 21:38 #36535

    Hull are interested in bendtner. Roma are keen on gervinho. Both are hesitant because of their wage demands. Being on the arsenal wage structure is a real blocker. This is what we should be worried about. Getting rid of our rubbish.

  16. ppp

    Jul 16, 2013, 20:48 #36534

    I understand your argument Simon, but we would have a better team wirh fabregas in it. Add to that the horror of seeing him in a united shirt with rvp... Well, that would undo all the joy of not actually losing anyone this summer.

  17. Arsenenknewbest

    Jul 16, 2013, 20:31 #36533

    The other thing about Fabregas is that he allowed himself to be photographed in a Barcelona jersey while he was still our player. It's not that different to when Ince wore a Manure shirt before he left the Hammers - and we all know what WHU fans think of him. I hope Fabregas's re-signing doesn't happen, but far worse than that would be the signing of that racist cannibal from Liverpool. It's got to be a ploy right to get someone else, ideally a better human being to start with. Talking of other good midfielders that we let slip through our grasp, I was sorry to see Coquelin loaned out to a German club next season. Fabregas?.... meh - it ain't gonna happen anyway.

  18. maguiresbridge gooner

    Jul 16, 2013, 18:34 #36531

    Fozzy's mate, the first option was indeed a sop/spin, as for the justified outrage when/if it doesn't happen, we all know where that will come from, the apologists will just shrug their shoulders as usual.

  19. They Left And Won Trophies

    Jul 16, 2013, 18:06 #36530

    "And why would we want to take him back?" Here's the question...And why would he even want to come back? What for? Continuation of the trophy drought?Sad to say but the other contenders have a better shot at a trophy!

  20. Highbury Boy

    Jul 16, 2013, 17:19 #36529

    I'd have him back in a heartbeat but why on earth would he want to come to a club which is delighted to finish 4th rather than go somewhere where the aim is to win things. If there is a clause which means Arsenal share in the profit it demonstrates even more that Ivan and Stan were very much alive to the big possibility that Cesc would return to a big spending PL club. Methinks Ivan has just earned his 2013 bonus. I see that the PR Dept have got the new captain to spout the party line about continuity at the management level being an advantage this season. That plus Arsene being loyal and not falling to the charms of PSG seems to clear the path for the rolling over of his contract. What with the season tickets being taken up on the back of stories about mega signings this summer has been a PR triumph.

  21. Fozzy's mate

    Jul 16, 2013, 17:08 #36528

    Simon, the fans were given the sop of "we have first option" and "he will play for us again". Can you imagine the justified outrage if we do not take that option and watch Cesc and RVP leading Manure to actual (not virtual) trophies? I do believe the club don't want him back as they did not have to sell when he had 4/5 years left of an 8 yr deal. In reality it is all smoke and mirrors, which will only be further established if we fail to activate our option.

  22. unchives

    Jul 16, 2013, 16:25 #36526

    The whole point of having first option of a buy back clause is that Arsenal would want him & he would want to come back if circumstances meant he came back to the premiership. Indeed he said something similar in a recent interview, that he would only rejoin Arsenal in the premiership, if Barcelona didn't want him. Arteta is hitting his 30s, Diaby is finished & Rosicknote is not reliable. Cesc would probably then finish at Arsenal. I don't know why you are so negative, we now have the money to buy at the top end. As you know, we have yet to sign anyone, that is the worrying factor, do we only go for one player at a time? Surely we are trying to sign multiple targets.

  23. John Gooner

    Jul 16, 2013, 16:13 #36525

    Ha ha, well done Johnny for saying what most of us are to polite to. None of the players we have at the moment are fit to clean Cesc's boots, with the exception of Jack maybe.

  24. Pesho Saulov

    Jul 16, 2013, 16:08 #36524

    Three reason why I think we should bring back Cesc: 1. His football ablility alone is reason enough. While I agree with Mr Rose that Cesc's position is not one that needs urgent attention, Fabregas will be a massive improvement. He simply creates goal scoring opportunities out of thin air, he is player that can win a football game on his own and since RVP left, we don't have one of these. 2. Cesc became a symbol of the club. To see him play for another English team would be (another) sign od decline. The fact that we won nothing during his time is irrelevent, because he is the last person responsible for this. 3. It is worth having him in our team, just so that others don't. Barring Gerrard and Lampard, who are both 30+, he is the best midfielder to play in the EPL in the last 10 years. His aquistion would be a massive improvement for either Utd, Chelsea or City.

  25. maguiresbridge gooner

    Jul 16, 2013, 16:01 #36523

    It just goes to show the good job TKOS and his department have done yet again in having those fans think/believe that. Why indeed would he want to leave Barca the players in front of him aren't going to be there for ever,and why would he want to come back to Arsenal after all he didn't want to play for us anymore like you said forced an exit he wanted out, and for quite a while too,yes it was to his beloved home town club but he still didn't want to play for us anymore, just like RVP he forced an exit, and wanted to win honors (and they have) would we have HIM back ? oh i forgot Cesc was a good little boy and kept his mouth shut and didn't rock the boat so he'd be welcomed back with open arms, VP on the other hand had the balls to speak out. Personally i'd love to see him back but i can't see it being any time soon why come back to a club that's no better than when you left and he's certainly not going to be made any promises, maybe if ogl was to give us all a cardiac arrest and actually make the proper signings and show ambition and proper intent, and barca didn't want him, but as there's not much chance of that, there's more likely hood of him returning if/when wenger goes . It's highly unlikely but if he does make a return to the Prem, it will be to one of the mancs and your right Simon would he care ? of course not, and would Arsenal and Wenger care ? not in the slightest,and what about our fans would we welcome him with the Poznan ? That would be interesting but i doubt it,after all he was a good little boy and didn't speak out.

  26. Gaz

    Jul 16, 2013, 15:48 #36521

    Definately dont want him back nor do we need him back. As others have said we've got Wilshere and Cazorla (and Rosicky) as our attacking midfielders and whilst Artetas done an ok job as DM we really need somebody better in the position. Of course with Fellani saying its his preffered position you'd think its a no-brainer but as this is Wenger we're talking about I'm guessing we'll be seeing that cheap midfielder from QPR coming in...

  27. Graham Simons

    Jul 16, 2013, 15:24 #36520

    I generally disagree with pretty much everything you write Mr Rose but on this occasion I'm with you - I don't want Cesc back either but it's also worth pointing out while we've won nothing since he left we won nothing with him as a captain either. Never worthy of Paddy's shirt that boy.

  28. Calm Down

    Jul 16, 2013, 15:07 #36519

    we have absolutely zero intention of competing with Utd, City, Chelsea; forget it quickly. we are in reality gearing up to make sure we remain ahead of Spurs, Liverpool, Everton to keep our top 4 place, and to try to get to QF CL. why on earth would Arsenal spend £50M+ just for a chance to actually win a trophy or come 2nd or 3rd in the EPL...? economically does not make any sense at all....

  29. Bard

    Jul 16, 2013, 14:20 #36518

    Dont get the point of this Simon. These stories are all rubbish, like bidding 30m for Suarez. Wenger has never spent more than 16/17m. Fabregas coming back to us would be tantamount to failure. Why go back to a club that's going nowhere. The really amusing story is Arsenal's desperate PR. Having promised to deliver big signings, it looks like he's going to end up with egg on his face. Unless of course YaYa is the big signing we failed to spot.e

  30. Roy

    Jul 16, 2013, 14:09 #36517

    Yes,Simon, I get it, but how will you feel if up at OT next season with the game on a knifedge, Cesc threads one through the eye of a needle to RVP who the produces a worldy to win the game ? I rather think I may well be in trouble with the missus for causing malicious damage to whichever household item happens to be closest , or whatever the alternative may be down the pub ! I know they say you should never go back, but one thing is as clear as day and that is that Cesc returning can only improve us. There's many players I would tell to f*** off in this situation, but Cesc isn't one of them and I'd welcome him back like a shot. As you say, world class, and how many of them do we have ?

  31. Tony Evans

    Jul 16, 2013, 14:08 #36516

    Why indeed and certainly not to Arsenal - the guy has ambition.

  32. jack

    Jul 16, 2013, 14:05 #36515

    usually think ur spot on with your opinions but this story uve posted is a bit of a non story, signing fabregas a step backwards?? I think ur letting your personal feelings cloud ur judgement on this one simon

  33. Ron

    Jul 16, 2013, 13:48 #36513

    Simon - Hes a good player but not now the type Arsenal need in the middle of the park. We need strength there, not guile. Cazorlas nowhere near Cesc s standards but he and Wilshere can do the job Cesc did, but they need protection and some spite alongside them ie Fellaini, thats who we need. That buy back clause was a sop to Arsenal, they ll just want the sell on fee and wdt give a hoot who he goes too so long as they get their cash. PS If he leaves Barc now he ll do so with his tail between his legs and be admitting he failed as i see it. Unless they tell him hes off the coaches radar, he ll stay and so he should. Is there anywhere better? I think not. Back to Arsenal? That would be so career regressive in my view and it wouldnt do much for us. As you say, his time came and went and being brutally honest and in fairness to Wenger, had the likes of him, Nasri. Adebayor, RVP, Clichy and Toure all stayed and stuck at it, mayeb their dreams would have been realised. For me, i wouldnt have any of them back. If they were so good when they were together they would have got us over the line a time or two before they headed off for the greater cash riches elsewhere (im ignoring the sound arguments that Arsenal were too limp wristed in their efforts to keep them and prove their value to the Club, thats just rank bad management and said players no doubt saw it that way, whilst your Djourous and Songs and Walcotts were cossetted by Wengers 'socialism' in preference!

  34. CT Gooner

    Jul 16, 2013, 13:44 #36512

    I'd take him back without question, why, he's the the best in the world IMO. Another reason, he signs for UTD and we won't catch up for years! I agree we could use a strong holding player more despatrately, but our squad will only improve if we sign better players when they are available. And Simon, I'm confused, are you agreeing that the squad is weak and the chances of quality additions close to nil?? Not what I'm used to reading from you...

  35. Lord Froth

    Jul 16, 2013, 13:31 #36511

    Lol...calm down Johnny Lynch. You did make me laugh but personally I generally enjoy Simon's articles but why not submit an article yourself? Preston Gooner, you said "that speaks volumes about where we are" in regards to something that you just made up yourself. How do you know what Kroenke would prefer? In regards to the article, I have to agree with Simon on this one. I don't really want him back and would prefer to get Fellaini as we have other midfielders of Fabregas's ilk (I'm not saying they are as talented)but we need a bit more steel in that position. I'm more worried about our goalkeeping and striking option more than the midfield right at the moment. We only have one decent goalie and one out and out striker at the club. If, however Fabregas does move it would sting if he went to United and won something and that ain't no lie.

  36. garyfootscrayaustralia

    Jul 16, 2013, 13:27 #36510

    Next week's non-story: "Joel Campbell's Work Permit - The Signing We've Been Waiting For"

  37. Marketing Campaign

    Jul 16, 2013, 13:26 #36509

    trust you have all enjoyed the last 4-5 weeks of PR where Arsenal have clevery pretended to be a BIG CLUB again... probably 70% of you have fallen for this but 30% of you know in the end we shall likely not buy any of these ''star'' names.......its all PR

  38. Preston Gooner

    Jul 16, 2013, 12:54 #36508

    The buy back clause in the contract would have to have been agreed with Fabregas, and not just the two clubs, therefore he must have thought about a possible return someday (though probably not as soon). Would I have him back? In a heartbeat. He's a better player than Cazorla and is a real game changer. However, he won't be coming back as Arsenal (Kronke) would rather have the 50% of the sell-on fee. That speaks volume about where we are. Don't expect ANY big signings any time soon. Expect a couple of nobodies/has-beens/ones for the future on 31st August at about 11PM.

  39. Johnny Lynch

    Jul 16, 2013, 12:46 #36507

    You get right on my tits Rose with your pontificating and know it all writings ..

  40. Seba

    Jul 16, 2013, 12:29 #36505

    I dont think we need Fabregas. I rate both Wilshire and Cazorla higher and we need to bring in a different kind of midfileder.

  41. Bob

    Jul 16, 2013, 12:17 #36504

    I agree that there is no reason why Cesc has to return to Arsenal if he moves at all, or that we need to sign him becaus he played for us before, but we do need to be competing for players of his calibre. The statement "we need to move forward" is a bit rich given no evidence that we have signed the calibre of player who would enable us to do so,and indeed have let a succession of them go over the past 7 years.

  42. Stu Gooner Adams

    Oct 03, 2012, 13:06 #26708

    Our big problem i noticed yesterday was a lack of interest in the final third when the ball was lost, which had been there in previous matches this season. Its a problem we have suffered from for about 4 seasons. We start the season well with the team defending as a unit, but then as the season progresses the players assume they no longer need to defend after loosing the ball in the final third. I'm hoping that Steve Bould has been given the whistle in training this week so he can make sure that they never drop of like that again, unless they want the mauling in training again. Chelsea did it to us all day on Saturday and thats how they controlled the game. They hurried us and made us look like we were a team not suited for the ball at our feet because they were quicker to us then we could move the ball nearly all game.;

  43. Jack the gooner

    Oct 03, 2012, 11:58 #26704

    @judge me in may. Think you need glasses mate, I said 10 games not the end of the season! So you think we can make a judgement about this team after one defeat? Typical ignorant pub fans, its a shame so many gooners havnt a clue about football

  44. Jamie

    Oct 03, 2012, 7:21 #26693

    Where are all the muppets who were saying we were title contenders after we beat the worst Liverpool team in 50 years.Its 4th place for this bunch at best.We have replaced the best centre forward in Europe with a dud.No keeper,relying on Diaby and Giroud upfront.Time for Wenger to go.No more excuses

  45. Danny

    Oct 03, 2012, 5:46 #26692

    i pray everyday for this idiot coach to leave! Wenger is stopping the Arsenal to go to the next level

  46. Van de Ed

    Oct 02, 2012, 21:03 #26691

    Since the season started, we are and have always been fighting solely for 4th place & Champions League qualification; no more! Anyone who reckons we'll achieve anything more than this is as deluded as Le Boss thinking Djourou is a CB of "super quality"!

  47. Reggie

    Oct 02, 2012, 18:19 #26690

    The trouble is Gooners are happy with draws.Utd have lost more games than us yet are above us.Utd havent drawn a game yet we have drawn 3 and lost 1.No one spins a draw as a good result like Wenger.The so called good start was 3 draws and 2 wins.9 points won but 9 dropped

  48. GoonerGoal!

    Oct 02, 2012, 16:04 #26689

    I don’t think the majority of these posts reflect a negative over-reaction. If anything, if there has been any over-reaction, it might have been the over-the-top positive spin put on our first five results. We are currently 8th with 9 points, in the 4th to 8th area I expect us to be most of this season, and I base what we should expect this season from the last seven under Wenger. Excluding last season, that traditionally means a decent start followed by a run of poor results in November, better performances between December and February helping to put us in a position to challenge, but ultimately let down by a repeat of the November form during March and April, leaving us to battle for the also ran positions. The problem is we have remained at the same level over the past seven years, and I don’t see things being majorly different this season. Meanwhile, those who would challenge us for our Champions League spot have slowly been changing, improving, and getting stronger, which is why I fear I can hear the UEFA Europa League calling to us. Never mind after 6 or even 10 games, let’s just see where we are at the end of November after 14 games, that’s over a quarter of the season’s matches. We have a lot of what most would consider “easily winnable” games during October and November this season, with the exceptions being Man U (a) Spurs (h) and Everton (a). Even so, I’m predicting we’ll only end up with a total of between 18 and 22 points at the start of December.

  49. chris dee

    Oct 02, 2012, 11:43 #26686

    It goes on. Average goalkeepers, and that includes big head sirchesney, cost us another match. Cech,Hart etc would never have let their players retreat so deep to allow those two scandelous goals we gifted Chelsea. Another big test,another surrender, another kick in the balls for the fans. We've seem this same film regulary for the last seven frigging years. No top class goalie,no frigging trophies.Since the mad German Jens,seven years ago,yes seven long years, Arsene has derelected his duty when it comes to keepers. And by the way,Carl Jenkinson shows his his pride at wearing the shirt more than any other player in the squad. To repeat a tired old cliche'if we had 11 Carl Jenkinsons in the team we would be unbeatable'

  50. Judge me in May

    Oct 02, 2012, 10:54 #26685

    @Jack Gooner "Lets wait to judge this team, see where we are after 10 games before the usual negativity is allowed to fester!" Hahahaha, judge me in May, sounds familiar?? The same cycle of incompetence occurs year after year, yet people still fall for the Arsene Wenger spin. Amazing.

  51. Mike

    Oct 02, 2012, 9:32 #26684

    Wow - compare the number of post here to the posts after the Man City Game - you guys are circling like vultures

  52. Ivam the Terrible

    Oct 01, 2012, 22:08 #26682

    4th team in London.Good start according to Pravda.How can a team with ambitions to win things have Manonne as keeper.Wenger treats the GK position with contempt.First Almunia then Flappy now Manonne nothing short of a disgrace

  53. celine dion

    Oct 01, 2012, 20:03 #26681

    @herbert - all evidence suggests that there are NOT plenty of others willing to take Dave's membership, or the board wouldnt have dropped cat C prices by £10. Of course the board may still be able to fill the ground with bankers and tourists for the big games whilst old school fans like me stay at home. Will they still be able to do it in 5-10 years? Answer - they dont care, they will have sold the club by then.

  54. Herbert

    Oct 01, 2012, 15:42 #26677

    @Dave - plenty of fans willing to pay, please deposit your membership on the way out

  55. maguiresbridge gooner

    Oct 01, 2012, 15:11 #26676

    Being the manager arsene has the final say in picking the team but it would be interesting to know what part bouldy has (if any)in the actual team selection as assistant manager you would imagine he has some input does arsene ask for his advice ? does bouldy give it ? does arsene listen to it ? you'd like to think so after all bouldy is the defensive expert i wonder who listened to who regards mert and kos on Saturday.

  56. johnnyhawleyloovinggooner

    Oct 01, 2012, 14:58 #26675

    my brother-in-law and his son rate koscielny very highly and don't like the BFG. I accept he has improved is a tryer,and has had good games. However he has cost us now several times in big games. surly we need a tall CB and a quick in head and feet sidekick. are centre halfs not pairs, or was BFG saved for mid week and next Saturday? it really is a question AW needs to answer.

  57. Anon

    Oct 01, 2012, 13:40 #26674

    The Arsenal website on Saturday night had 3 main articles. 1. Wenger saying we have no defensive midfielders. 2. Gibbs saying he has been given license to roam forward. 3. Wenger saying that the defense were not at the required level. Maybe there is a link between them?! On the plus side we are not conceding many chances or goals from open play like last season. We were just pittifull from set pieces and in and around their box - truly awful, Gervinho is other teams best defender. Spurs having had a terrible start are now above us.

  58. El Bodgeo

    Oct 01, 2012, 13:10 #26672

    'Roberto Di Matteo may not have much of a reputation as a manager, but tactically, he beats Arsene Wenger hands down'... My nan hasn't got much of a reputation as a manager but tactically, she beats Wenger hands down! Without equal, Wenger is the most tactically void manager we have ever had at The Arse. Miserable effort from him on saturday.

  59. Red Member

    Oct 01, 2012, 13:02 #26670

    Mannone did not do a lot wrong on Saturday. he wasn't at fault for the goals.

  60. West Upper

    Oct 01, 2012, 12:52 #26669

    Nothing like a nice bit of short termism. Half the people saying the BFG should have played on Saturday were probably giving the guy a kicking last season for being too slow and saying what a waste of space he was. Both goals were caused by the defenders having zero confidence in the goalkeeper's ability to come for the ball

  61. What was the point in leaving Highbury?

    Oct 01, 2012, 12:21 #26668

    The problem is Wenger never learns lessons which is why i think he is such as bad manager. Yet again more poor keeping has cost us this season. Three of the four goals conceded this year have been down to keeping errors. Why does Wenger give so little thought to such a key position? One good signing, Lehman, in 17 years may point to he doesn't know what he's doing here. More poor defending of set plays. Year in year out nothing ever gets better. Still unable to cope. Still unable to organise. The Steve Bould effect is a myth. We have been just as bad this year as any other. Why have we only got one forward at the club AGAIN!!!!! Last year it was RVP, this years its a dodgy frenchmen that needs time to settle in (i hope) so even more reason to have options here. That cash balance of £153M sitting in our accounts looks like it might have been better used. To be honest I could have wrote this five years ago. Nothing will change though until Wenger decides he has had enough. What a sad state of affairs.

  62. Dave

    Oct 01, 2012, 11:54 #26667

    £62. Discuss.

  63. Jack the gooner

    Oct 01, 2012, 11:38 #26666

    Wow! That didnt take long did it! One defeat to a team who were always going to challenge for the league and its back to doom and gloom. Its a shame we have such an ignorant fan base, but having been tot he game on Sat I know that this collection of naysayers on here are in the minority. Most of you seem to forget we have played liverpool and citeh away and chelsea in our first 6 games! I used to think that we had knowledgable fans but looking at the comments on here, its typical short termism and stupidity! Lets wait to judge this team, see where we are after 10 games before the usual negativity is allowed to fester!

  64. Seven Kings Gooner

    Oct 01, 2012, 11:26 #26665

    I can't believe SB would have dropped Per - perhaps AW wanted to stop Bouldy from getting too much credit for the teams defensive improvement.

  65. matt1202

    Oct 01, 2012, 5:37 #26664

    Interesting and somewhat typical reaction to an Arsenal defeat from the editor. Steve Bould is hailed in other editorials where clean sheets have been kept and given total credit for sorting out the defence. We concede three poor goals from set pieces in 2 games and suddenly hey presto, no mention of our new no 2 and its all Wenger's fault again. I wouldnt blame Bould at all but if you're giving him the credit for early new found defensive resilience, surely you cant just shift focus once we concede a couple of really soft goals? just yet more evidence of the double standards employed in the editor's reporting. The praise for Di Matteo's tactical awareness over Wenger's is also baffling. Their front 4 are excellent because they cost in the region of 130 million and when added to what was always a strong defence they make a very strong team. Playing away from home suited Chelsea as they pressed our ballplayers and had those 4 to cause havoc on the break. Much like playing away from home suited us at Man City last week where we defended deep and looked very sharp on the break until we went 1 down. Hardly a tactical lesson, despite the defeat Arsenal still created plenty of chances and on another day could have won the game. We were on top second half until a cheap giveaway led to the free kick, bad defending and the goal. Koscielny had a shocker and obviously it was an error leaving Mertesacker out, but I think the 'favourites' theory is more cock and bull. We will never know but theres no guarantee Mertesacker wouldnt have been led a merry dance up against Torres, Oscar, Mata and Hazard. Koscielny and Vermaelen were obviously picked to counter those 4's speed and trickery which I believe was understandable. That was the pre-game threat and Wenger tried to counter it - unfortunately we conceded 2 apalling set piece goals but before the game you wouldnt have been thinking that Torres from a set piece was your main threat of conceding. It was a tactical choice that backfired, but no guarantee Mertesacker wouldnt have been run around by their front 4 if he had started.

  66. Roy

    Oct 01, 2012, 0:48 #26663

    I was wondering before the game if BFG would be dropped, and thinking to myself "don't do it". Apart from one slip against Montpellier he hadn't put a foot wrong so far. A salient lesson in " if it ain't broke, don't fix it". No coincidence that it's the first time this season that the team has not defended well as a unit. 3 attempts on target from the Chavs and 2 soft goals conceded from set pieces. Yes we did look a bit lacklustre, but you simply won't get away with it against the better sides. Let's put it behind us and concentrate on the 3 eminently winnable games coming up. F**k Chavski, swallows and summers and all that.

  67. dartford gooner

    Sep 30, 2012, 21:29 #26662

    The life of being a gooner! more up and down than a whores drawers. One minute we are in for a shout at the title the next we are struggling to get in the top six. Get real boys we are not going to win the title.It will be top four and maybe a cup.The team looked scared of chelsea, Walcott never went at cole once,POd was ponderous. The only bright note for me was Jenkinson, he defended well and looked good going forward. Hard for a lot of you to praise the Jenks because many have spent the last year saying he is crap. Wenger needs to put Giroud in for ten games and see if he can cut it in this league, if not Pod will have to go in the middle. BFG back to stay in the middle with one other.Cheer up the drawers should be up on wednesday

  68. Andreas

    Sep 30, 2012, 20:24 #26661

    It's got to be BFG starter all along. It's no coincidence that once he was injured last season we leaked goals. John Terry ain't the quickest so why should it be a problem with BFG? Also, agree with Ed, with chesney n flappy injured BEFORE the window closed why didn't we go for Lloris or Julio Cesar?

  69. Anthony C.

    Sep 30, 2012, 19:17 #26660

    How long are we supposed to suffer watching Ramsey? It's becoming a joke really. Let me guess: "he's young," "he's knackered," "he's coming off a horror injury," "he works really hard," "he doesn't hide." Fact is, he's rubbish and nowhere near up to standard. If he's going to be Diaby's replacement in the central midfield until Jack and/or Tomas return, we're cooked.

  70. GoonerRon

    Sep 30, 2012, 19:17 #26659

    Typical overreaction from some. I thought playing Kos was a decent move as he is usually good against smaller, nippier players. I've not seen it on TV but for the second I thought it was one of those that the keeper couldn't go for until it had gone past all the players going for it, after which it was too late to react. Still very early days and we've played games which on paper probably constitute 4 out of our top 10 most difficult fixtures already.

  71. markymark

    Sep 30, 2012, 18:24 #26658

    Horrible to say it, but we all knew Diaby would get injured again, this time he will be out for at least three weeks, i bet that gets extended, he has allready had on minor injury scare a couple of weeks ago, its not fair on him, but you cannot keep a player with his injury record at the club, we are only allowed a squad of 25, he has to go and Wenger must get someonein that can play week in and week out - sorry Diaby !

  72. DW Thomas

    Sep 30, 2012, 18:13 #26657

    What a shambles Kos and Mannone were yesterday. Ramsey was poor again, Diaby I hope for but can't see him playing consistently. One shot and he does,his thigh? Walcott is no answer to win a game. If Giroud had been finishing chances he should have, we would be 4 points better at least. Wenger is clueless tactically. For the life of me I can't figure out what he really wants. Bould was pissed at the first goal yet Wenger just sits there. Ox didn't mark his man so Kos was yelling at him to cover Luiz. Schoolboy errors is what you get with young boys. Same old same old. 9 points from 18 is not good. Jenkinson was my highlight. Love his energy and effort. All the others looked off and tired. Per should start unless injured. Slow, yes, but tactically sound and big. Again our plan B is non existent and subs made too late. Don't think Arsene inspires much. We need a backup keeper and a real finisher. Even Chamakh started well.

  73. David

    Sep 30, 2012, 17:32 #26656

    Demba Ba,Cisse and Jelavic all better than Giroud all available in the last 12 months and all cheaper but our clown of a manager signs Giroud.Showing he learned nothing of the lessons of the Chamakh signing.And when is the clown going to realise the keeper is the most important position in the team.How is it two summers ago he tried to sign Mark Schwarzer who is still Fulhams number 1 who is better than any of our keepers yet the last two transfer windows we never tried to sign a keeper.And that is why Manonne is in goal now.The madness of Wenger continues........

  74. Martin

    Sep 30, 2012, 17:24 #26655

    Resting the in-form striker who shall not be named last season was unfathomable. That's why resting an in-form centre half yesterday makes little sense to me. Then again, many of OGL's player selections make little sense to me.

  75. Reality sucks

    Sep 30, 2012, 17:12 #26654

    Lets be honest we are an average pub team with a pub team manager. We won't win anything and we won't come close. We haven't started well again this season and who's surprised. We are a greedy team that up the tickets prices whilst serving up tripe. It must be awful being a Chelsea fan having guaranteed Silver wear every season. Still we are rich thank god for that. Also did anyone see Cesc score 2 great goals last night ?????

  76. '71 Gooner

    Sep 30, 2012, 17:08 #26653

    I believe the goalie situation is our most pressing issue. Man one wasn't good enough for Hull let alone The Arsenal, Flappy isn't a Premiership keeper either and Chesney is a promising keeper learning his trade. I'm not 100% convinced by him and I agree we should have gone for an experienced number one in the summer. I've heard we'll go for a striker in January if we're in contention for the league. Well, with this squad we won't be but with these two positions filled by Arsenal quality players we could and should be. Another missed opportunity and another barren season goes by.

  77. Jude

    Sep 30, 2012, 17:01 #26652

    Agree with the assessment about Diaby. I reckon the diagnosis of him being out "at least 3 weeks" means we won't see him until Christmas. I don't particularly miss Song, but including Diaby's name when claiming that our midfield is "crowded," and presumably solid, when it includes players who are coming back from injury (e.g., Rosicky, Jack, Frimpong), and who are s**t (i.e., Ramsey) is questionable. With the exception of the Spaniards and AOC, I think our midfield looks shockingly thin at the moment. What happens when one of them gets injured?

  78. GaryFootscrayAustralia

    Sep 30, 2012, 16:35 #26651

    After carelessly pissing the points down the drain, I expect Mertesacker to be re-instated pronto. Anything else would be gross negligence. Also rather concerning that forty - odd million's worth of forward players registered more offsides than shots on target, especially against a team that defended deep. Norfolk Gooner mentioned Lloris as a valid improvement. Mine might be a bit left field but I would have had a crack at Huntelaar during the summer. Clearly he and Vain Persie don't get on, I bet Huntelaar's own ego would have loved the challenge of replacing his nemesis and trying to outdo his goal tally from last season. In line with post 2006 policy, he would have been sold at a profit two or three summers from now, but I'd take the fifty or so goals he would have banged in as compensation, thanks very much. He's a proven finisher at international level, Champions League level and consistent in the Bundesliga, which PSG aside has far more strength in depth and genuine competition that Ligue Uuuuhhhhn. Doesn't really matter what I or any one of us really thinks about this though - not much chance that the club or manager pay any attention to our opinions on squad issues.

  79. Steve

    Sep 30, 2012, 16:31 #26650

    Mannone has been exposed. Can we please spend on a legitimate goalkeeper to push our alleged number one. OGL sees fit to spend £13 million on unproven forwards. Can we please spend half that for a goalkeeper? Cech made the difference for the Chavs.

  80. Treble Double

    Sep 30, 2012, 16:29 #26649

    Yesterday was (as you summed up well) indeed a reality check. The most disappointing aspect was that although we were not on top of our game and the chavs did nullify us, we could and should have won that game. The defending for their goals was as bad as we have seen since 2004 and the worry is that all of the early optimism from a defensive perspective could go down to us getting lucky in a few games. Not sure I would have played BFG as Kos was our best defender last season and TV is the captain so I feel they both should have started. Although Rambo had a great game last Sunday I would have played TW14 as he has done well against the chavs in recent years and before the game started I thought that Giroud should have hindsight maybe I wouldn't have as he missed a sitter again. He has cost us 3 points this season with blatant misses and arguable another 2 at Stoke by poor decision making. I would start him midweek because he needs to get his shooting boots on pronto. A difficult game next week against West Ham where 3 points is a must! Lets hope yesterday was a blip!

  81. James

    Sep 30, 2012, 16:11 #26648

    The so-called good start in the league is down to the partnership of BFG and TV. Yet TV falls ill, Kos gets a game, scores a goal and the BFG makes way? BFG was brilliant against City.

  82. maguiresbridge gooner

    Sep 30, 2012, 15:56 #26647

    Your heading is indeed correct Kev we're not as good as some people would have us believe we've been brought back down to earth and found out again.After such good defensive displays of late what has happened ? that's two games now where defensive mistakes have cost us if it's not the keeper it's the defence if not the defence the keeper has bouldy took his eye of the ball ? or is it just plain and simple interference ? wengers tactical switch as he called it certainly didn't work kos was woeful all over the place and the rest didn't fare much better torres ran them ragged like you say it's all about favorites not whos in form so i suppose kos will keep his place.Diaby's out again for how long god knows but as soon as he's fit again the old favorite will be back in.The sixty five minute alarm clock went off in the dugout so time for the subs and as usual didn't make much of an impact walcott was anonymous.You never spoke truer words Kev there's still a hell of a lot of work to be done and questions asked about quality in depth but we know they never will.We can only hope lessons are learned from this game.It was certainly looking good that lessons were been learnt especially in defence so lets hope the good work hasn't been undone for whatever reason.

  83. Danny

    Sep 30, 2012, 15:25 #26646

    Nothing changed . tactic s killed us and plus having strikers that cannot score killed us. until wenger leaves we will have days like this and seasons as before. P.S i thought Vermaelen is the weakest link and Koscielny and Mertesacker the best pairing

  84. Razor

    Sep 30, 2012, 15:25 #26645

    Diaby the joke is over.This crock should have his contract torn up.He got injured taking a shot.If his body falls apart when he takes a shot he has no career left as a footballer.At least it will give him more time to wear his Spuds shirt at home

  85. GoonerGoal!

    Sep 30, 2012, 15:19 #26644

    So Wenger strikes again, and here we are at the end of September with 7 and 9 points from an available 18 from our first 6 games, just as I previously predicted on these pages. Reality has struck and heady talk of title challenging form designated for the dustbin where it belongs. Carry this kind of form on over the coming season and we are likely to end up finishing 7th or 8th with between 54 and 60 point, not even good enough to qualify for the UEFA Europa League!

  86. Ron

    Sep 30, 2012, 15:09 #26643

    You guys can argue about the choices of Centre back all you like,it wont change the fact that there isnt a decent one at the Club, same as the keepers. All rubbish without exception. Chelsea werent at their best yesterday. They never needed to be. Arsenal are full of players who wont ever hack it v the top teams and a few shouldnt be in the Premier League at all.The defeat was predictable. It was easily visible that those players out there didnt have any belief they could beat Chelsea. Wenger has put a spin on these signings hes made, but in truth, theyre nothing special when faced with hardened players whove been there, done it and know how to beat teams.

  87. George Graham

    Sep 30, 2012, 14:54 #26642

    I'm available to coach the defence at set pieces.... AW has my telphone number. Think there's only room for one maverick player so we need to move on a few and promote some work horses, I'm glad to see the back four raising their arms whenever someone gets behind.

  88. Kenny

    Sep 30, 2012, 14:42 #26641

    I have heard a lot of comments that Chelsea are not all that.Wrong.They are.They are the European champions and a trophy winning machine.They unlike us treat not winning a trophy as a disaster.While we once London's biggest club treat finishing 4th as a reason for celebration.How have we let things come to this?We have all been brainwashed by the cult of Wenger

  89. allybear

    Sep 30, 2012, 14:32 #26640

    Wombledin you have said it all perfectly. I have been saying for years that AW is clueless on tactics&also very poor at buying defenders&keepers. Chelsea were much stronger&deserved to win but still i was dissapointed in our performance. Hopefully Bould will sort out the defence but always remember who his boss is!

  90. Joe S.

    Sep 30, 2012, 14:14 #26639

    Gut feeling tells me that our current standing on the ladder is pretty much where we'll end up at the end of the season give or take a placing. Trying to be positive is hard work because there are very few options in what is a threadbare squad. I'm all for being patient however. Wegner should relegate the likes of Diaby, Rosicky and Ramsey to the sidelines and give more playing time to younger players.At best this is going to be another transitional year and it is imperitive that new talent be developed.

  91. norfolk gooner

    Sep 30, 2012, 13:54 #26638

    Picking up on your last point, I am amazed Wenger never went in for Lloris, especially with his love of French players.Also I believe the Dutch No1 was available in the the summer.It beggars belief that a top four club with cash sitting in the bank are still messing about with three average keepers.

  92. Wombledin

    Sep 30, 2012, 13:32 #26637

    Today’s game showed exactly why we’ll never win anything again under Wenger. Koscielny was at fault for both their goals, the second just embarrassing schoolboy stuff, and is basically just a faster version of Stepanovs, Cygan, Sylvestre and Sqillaci. And no great team ever won squat with kids and clowns for goalkeepers. Sczesny is suspect and Mannone is clearly not good enough. Wenger could hire George Graham himself to be his defensive coach but as long as you have immaturity and mediocrity in defence and goal, you’re just a leaky bucket. He will never learn.

  93. Gare Kekeke

    Sep 30, 2012, 13:19 #26636

    Good article Kevin. The title of this article is what I said to a few of my friends inside the ground after the match. As others have pointed out, we have only won two out of the first six games so where is this so-called great start that apparently we have made? Even more galling, Tottenham’s shock win at OT means they have now gone above us. I felt sorry for Mertesacker. He’s improved so much and his birthday present is to be dropped because he’s probably not a Wenger favourite. Makes you wonder how many games he would have played last season if all of our full-backs didn’t suffer injuries. Wenger clearly now has to go with the German alongside TV5 as the first choice central defensive pair. The poor defending for the Chelsea goals suggests to me that old bad habits still haven’t been eradicated and could take some time before they are. Diaby has ability but can’t be trusted to last a full season which is a shame. Wenger is very naive to think this was going to happen. As you have mentioned Kevin, Chelsea did a job on us. Not pretty but that’s one way of winning league titles. The seven point gap between us and them will only get bigger in my view. I don’t think Chelsea are anything special but unlike our lot, they know how to win. The roller coaster ride to continue between now and May methinks. Let’s hope for some bouncebackability against Schalke 04 & West Ham. Up The Arsenal!

  94. Canterbury Gooner

    Sep 30, 2012, 13:05 #26635

    More proof that Wenger is poor tactically. He wanted to use Kosc. because Chelsea would play a more open and attacking game and would he ever miss out on that? at 1-1, just as with United at home last year, we could have taken a draw with a balanced approach. Instead of that, he went all-open and Vermaelen inevitably had to foul... He is the only decent ball winner we have apart from Mertesacker and both times it didn't fall near him so we lost. We don't have a single recognised in-form striker and that was his decision? It's a competition for fourth place between us, Everton, Spurs, Liverpool and Newcastle pretty much. Oh joy.

  95. Michael

    Sep 30, 2012, 12:46 #26634

    I want to talk about the Ox and how Wenger is going to f**k up his Arsenal career.You either give him a run of 10 games or you loan him out so he can get regular starts but dont keep bringing him in for one or two games then putting on the bench for the next two.Is it any wonder when he comes on he has struggled.It says something that he starts more games for England than Arsenal.We all know why TV was made captain like the last 4 captains were made captain to stop him joing the exodus.So when he is fit he starts whatever form the Mert and Kos are in.Wenger has always had a blind spot about keepers last season Manonne was deemed surplus to requirements and loaned out to Hull now he is Arsenals number one.Its a bad joke.Reality check?some of us were not carried away by our start and lets be honest we have only beaten the worst Liverpool team in 50 years and Southampton who all the big teams will spank at home.No this team will do well to finish top 4

  96. Rob

    Sep 30, 2012, 12:13 #26633

    All the good work at Eastlands squandered. I was really down at the end yesterday. That was far from an all conquering Chelsea side but that quartet of Oscar, Ramirez, Hazard and Matta proved too much. How typical that in a week dominated by yet more crowing about how "wonderfully" - allegedly - the Club is run with more Management speak gobbledegook from Gazedi - "we're the most ambitious Club I know" Aren't we the only Club you know ? - reality, as in what happens on the pitch, not on the Balance Sheet, comes back to bite us savagely in the arse ? But then having counted his 150 million and made sure we keep as much of it back - to cover his share purchase debt ???? - as possible, I shouldn't think Hill-Wood's favourite Yank, was losing any sleep over that result. Arsenal are 'close but no cigar'. I said at the start of the season that the two Mancs and Chelsea are way ahead and we'll be fighting - AGAIN - for 4th place. And so it will be. And this might just be the year, the CL run ends.

  97. Munchbaghat

    Sep 30, 2012, 11:33 #26632

    Once we had wiltord as essentially a back-up striker, now all of our 1st choice strikers are only MAYBE up to Sylvain standards. Therefore, far from our best squad, no need to assess the rest. However, context is important, no coincidence that Scholes often MU's best, the new multimillionaires just aren't as good PERIOD. Too busy shopping and getting tattooed to practice.

  98. Paul, Essex Gooner

    Sep 30, 2012, 11:03 #26631

    I completely accept that I had not worked "half a day in football", so my opinion is not valid in Wenger's eyes, but there were a number of decisions which baffled me yesterday. Dropping Per was the most obvious, but when chasing the game late on, why take off our one proven goalscorer in Podolski? I know he'd not had a particularly effective game, but if there was going to be a chance, I'd rather it fell to him ahead of Gervinho, Walcott and (on current form at least) Giroud. Disappointing result, but even more disappointing was the performance.

  99. Challenger

    Sep 30, 2012, 10:45 #26630

    Good article as always, I was wondering if Giroud has scored his chance, then what a huge boost for his confidence plus a relief from the fans. I am not totally devastated but yesterday game was again handed to chelsea easily and that is really frustrating !! I agree that our Big German should have started and can't justify AW decision. And one more thing, any body agree with me that Arshavin should have given a chance instead of Walcot or Giroud? he could simply add value in the middle to support Cazorla specially after his last performance. Podolski should have stayed on anyway and the Ivorian should have left the pitch. I am not that affected by this lost, but let's hope we get something good out of it next time we face Chelsea.

  100. Seven Kings Gooner

    Sep 30, 2012, 10:42 #26629

    This was one of those games where our good players, will look at our not so good players, then look at the manager and question why are these very ordinary players at our club. Then in a few years time, these good players will become very good and will be sold/leave for big fees. The not so good players will then be in the 1st Division or Championship at best, because by then our manager will realize, what we as fans already know - that they are just not good enough! It is a continuous maddening cyle.

  101. IMAC

    Sep 30, 2012, 10:41 #26628

    Agree that mannone was at fault for the 2nd goal although we could also have defended it better. A premiership keeper would have saved it and Mannone is not one at the moment. Goalkeeping situation is still an ongoing problem, Chesney is our best but still not convincing, he is not as good as he thinks he is. I'm a fan of TV but that is 3 goals conceded (1 v Mont Pellier and 2 yesterday)that have come from his rash and unnecessary challenges. I cringed the other day when AW again came out with his usual statement that this is the best squad he's had. No need for it. Get ready for another rollercoaster of a season but one thing's for certain it will be another trophyless one, we'll be up there but ultimately not good enough.

  102. Stroud Green Road Boy

    Sep 30, 2012, 10:35 #26627

    Two wins from your first six league matches isn't really a good start, is it? It's mediocre. Looks like Wenger has decided he's going to 'develop' Gervinho this season. He keeps him on for 90 mins every match, whether he's still effective or not. And it seems to be Podolski, our most likely goalscorer, that's been earmarked for the pre-match arranged substitution on 70 mins every match. Still poor on defending set pieces, still players picked on the manager's pre-season arranged pecking order rather than form. Ultimately not much has changed from the last seven seasons.

  103. Tony T

    Sep 30, 2012, 10:33 #26626

    This so called great start.We have won less than 20% of our games.Its a mirage put out by the AKB's.The ones who said we had a chance to win the title.What!with Manonne in goal,strawman Diaby in midfield,Gervinho and no striker.AVB is supposed to be a **** manager last time i looked the Spuds were above us.No the problem has been and always will be Wenger.Walnutt should have been bombed out in august when we had the chance and can anyone please explain why we didnt sign a striker who was proven in the premiership Demba Ba for £7m instead of Lee Champman's son from France foe £13m.No to Kroenke Gazidis and Wenger the biggest result of the week was the profits result.Sums up Arsenal 2012

  104. Fozzy's mate

    Sep 30, 2012, 10:30 #26625

    Kev, I think that as you say above yesterdays selection tells us that OGL picks his favourites rather than the in form players. BFG is the perfect foil for TV or Kos. But the latter are his favourites and as soon as Kos had played one game couldn't wait to get him in ahead of BFG despite the Germans marveloous display last week. Gervinho scored so in a way Weng was vindicated in picking him. I think what we will see as the season pans out and has it has in the aerly stages, that collectively we will miss lots of chances. Giroud has missed 3 gilt edged chances so far. But we will now have a somewhat easier run so things should gte back on track. More worrying was Mr Self Sustainables claims this week that when we want to sign a player we need to get one out, whne we have £153 million in the bank.

  105. Stevesam

    Sep 30, 2012, 10:28 #26624

    Disappointing, very disappointing, the responsibility for this defeat is solely as a result of AW preferring his French protégé Kos and dropping BFG. An outstandingly poor decision. Just when the defence was starting to look solid and BFG was full of confidence, he drops him , why ? It was obvious before the start of the game that the Chavs would only score from free kicks, corners or penalties, yet we play a small back line ! Not only do we have to suffer liabilities like Diaby we also have to accept weird decisions from AW. Wally again was sulking on the wing and proved again he does not have the bottle for the big games. I thought that Arteta was our best player and put in a shift. Poldolski should have been subbed earlier and Santos given a chance on the left. Playing with Gerv the Swerve as our central striker, at home is another poor decision by AW. I believe that this season AW’s decision making shall be analysed in more detail and an automatic acceptance by some supporters that he is some sort of God, shall end.

  106. No surprises there

    Sep 30, 2012, 10:22 #26623

    Well it didn't take long for Arsene Wonger to revert to KOS and VERM the worst central defensive partnership in the premiership. It's like having 2 Kolo Toures on the pitch. How long until Djourou gets another chance ???? K and V can't mark can't tackle have no positional sense hey that's arsenal of the last 7 seasons. Sorry BFG you need to learn French quickly or your never play again !!!! Another thing when did Gervinho become a centre forward ???? Is he another Alex Hleb ???? And what has Ramsey done to get a start in the team ???? He is sh1te, sh1e all last season and nothing's changed this season !!!! Still who cares as a club we are rich rich rich

  107. goonger

    Sep 30, 2012, 10:17 #26622

    The goals we lost where poor,they where both free kicks from the exact same position.The second goal was a calamity of events starting with Artetas wayward pass in a good attacking position which lead to Varmaelen giving away a silly free kick etc.I have backed Gervinho from day one,but without question he should have been subbed in the last 2 matches,thats if you can justify him starting yesterday.He has a great touch turn then its like someone turns a spotlight on him!!And he just freezes!!Would Giroud had been as bad in the same positions yesterday?(Or last week)I hope not or why did we sign him.To me a good start has now become 9 points from 18,which isnt so good..Cmon the Gooners

  108. dan from LE

    Sep 30, 2012, 10:14 #26621

    really disappointed to see Mertesacker dropped on the back of towering performances - just don't get our manager sometimes. That said - really happy with the squad and sure Bouldy will grow in influence over the season on our attitude and organisation

  109. Clive the Gooner

    Sep 30, 2012, 9:56 #26620

    Didn't understand why The BFG was left out yesterday after his MOM at City, he looked strong and had his best game for us, crazy. Again undone at set pieces and not clinical enough in front of goal. I hope we learn the lessons but you have to wonder as it's the same mistakes that we have been making for the last few seasons.

  110. Mark

    Sep 29, 2012, 20:27 #26618

    my seat is behind visitors dugout. Chelsea had 5 coaches today, each doing a different job, all on top of their game. 1 particular shouting to torres all match, 1 shouting the the midfielders shape. to be honest i thought chelsea were good for their win. we looked ordinary to me. they looked the better team. ramsey gave the ball away all day. i think chelsea are way ahead of us