Is Adrian Durham a closet Gooner?

It’s a classic case of love/hate

Is Adrian Durham a closet Gooner?

Is the Shock Jock actually echoing the thoughts of many a fan?

Last season I wrote an article about how it is every football fan’s right to slag off their club, and that anyone who thinks otherwise should move to North Korea. In the article I briefly addressed the issue of the conspiracy theory that abounds about a supposed anti-Arsenal bias in the media, and claimed that although there are a few oddballs out there in media world who love to slag off the club at every opportunity, people who talk about a widespread agenda against the club are just embarrassing themselves in the same way Spurs fans embarrass themselves when they talk about their club being ‘on the brink of something big.’

I still maintain that a few dissenting voices to do not equate to an endemic conspiracy, but I recently had a few weeks off work and discovered the wonder that is Talksport’s Adrian Durham. Mr Durham was mentioned in some of the responses to my article and has been mentioned again recently on this website because of his ‘Daily Arsenal’ segment, in which he slags off the club in a decidedly smug manner.

Now, I could spend the next few paragraphs comparing Mr Durham to some kind of hybrid slug/weasel type creature that is so hideous that anyone who so much as looks at it immediately turns to stone, or state that if I could choose between being locked in a room with him, or drinking a bottle of bleach whilst listening to Adele shriek about some bloke who doesn’t love her, I would choose the latter, but to do so would be counterproductive. For one thing, getting my knickers in a twist over his jibes would make me look pathetic; whenever I read comments on this website about how his anti-Arsenal rants are ‘disgusting’ and ‘insulting’, my first reaction is: ‘grow a pair!’ Not only are the people who make such comments making themselves look bad, but they are also playing into his hands. This is, after all, a man who makes his living from being deliberately provocative and controversial, and although he seems to have a particular obsession with Arsenal (which I will put under the microscope in the next paragraph), most of what he says is designed specifically to provoke precisely that kind of reaction.

The second reason why I’m not going to make jokes like ‘what’s the difference between Adrian Durham and a bag of turd? Answer: the bag,’ is because I actually find myself agreeing with a lot of what he says, and most of the criticisms he has levelled at the club are hauntingly similar to comments made on this website. For example, Mr Durham feels that the Arsenal board of directors patronises the club’s fans by charging some of the highest ticket prices in the world despite the fact that club has not won any silverware since 2005. Well, guess what, I feel the same way, and so do a lot of other fans. Mr Durham does not believe that Arsenal have a chance of winning the league this season. Well, guess what, neither do I, and neither do a lot of other fans. Mr Durham criticises Arsene Wenger for his tactical naivety. Well, guess what, so do I, and so do a lot of other fans. Therefore, when people start throwing around words like ‘bile’ and ‘vitriol’ when he makes a disparaging remark, perhaps it is not so much because they disagree with what he is saying, but because of the fact that he is saying it at all, as if Arsenal fans have a monopoly on criticising Arsenal, which of course, they don’t. It’s a bit like saying ‘how dare you insult my wife? Only I’m allowed to do that!’ (For the record, I do sometimes find his comments somewhat laughable, like when he posed the question ‘is Robin Van Persie a bully?’ when the treacherous Dutchman chipped in a penalty against Wolves last season, but, as I mentioned before, Mr Durham is, to some extent, a ‘shock jock’, and I very much doubt whether he is enough of a moron to actually believe that chipping in a penalty somehow equates to bullying).

All of which leads me to the inevitable conclusion that Adrian Durham must be a closet Arsenal fan. They say the line between love and hate is thin because you can’t experience either emotion towards something or someone unless you actually care about it or them, and Mr Durham seems to care a great deal about Arsenal Football Club. Who knows, perhaps they had a steamy affair a few years ago, and now he is struggling to come to terms with the fact that he still has feelings for the club that broke his heart. Maybe Arsenal told him that it needed space, time to get its head together because it was in a weird place emotionally, or maybe he came home from work one day to find it in bed with another man, or possibly, in a bizarre twist, another football club. Whatever the case, I think Mr Durham needs to accept that the bond has been broken irreparably, and move on with his life. He does, of course, have every right to criticise the club, but in the interests of his own mental health, unless he comes clean about the fact that he is an Arsenal fan at heart, it might be better if he keeps his criticisms constructive and leaves the obsessing to those of us who aren’t embarrassed about being fans.

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  1. Herts Gooner

    Oct 14, 2012, 14:48 #26892

    When Mr Durham comes on the radio in my car, i switch channels! He is such an obvious shock jock, vying for reactions, that it has got boring, i'd rather listen to Adele warbling about crap...

  2. chris dee

    Oct 10, 2012, 13:42 #26820

    Theo's etc. Blimey!Calm down mate.Sorry for upsetting you. Conspiracy theorist?Paranoid?Unhealthily obsessed? Your describing the the Arsenal bashing moron Durham who daily s***s on the club I assume we both support. It's a shame you don't turn your anger at me onto Talk Trash with a letter of complaint to them about their 'unhealthily obsessed' third rate presenter,which many Arsenal fans do. And why the personal insults at me? We live in a democracy not a dictatorship and freedom of speech is allowed.If you get upset by my comments made on this site then don't read them.

  3. t

    Oct 10, 2012, 12:12 #26814

    One last thing I forgot to mention: I used to listen to the show and sent e-mails several times counter-acting their arguments and registering my disgust with their deliberate slaughtering of Arsenal. The result of that, and I'm sure loads of other gooners doing the same has only made them crank up the nonsense even more - thus the introduction of 'The Daily Arsenal'. It's deliberately there to keep on winding up people like us and therefore once you know that, what's the point? They are never going to give you a fair hearing anyway. To paraphrase: Being resentful of something or someone you don't like or have to endure, is like taking poison and hoping the other person dies!!

  4. Theo's Bikini-Line

    Oct 10, 2012, 11:57 #26813

    Lack of bottle? Really? That's some strong words there matey!! Do you really believe it's about being scared? Of what precisely? Perhaps some of us have better things to do with our lives than be obsessed with or try and change the character of a radio show / presenter by whining about them / him? The fact that you say you listen to the show 'reluctantly' - despite hating the output and presenters (I mean really, who does that?) and using the excuse 'because it's the only full time sports station available', like there aren't other things you could watch, listen to or do (we don't live in a dictatorship and it's NOT compulsory) says a lot more about you. By the way, are you a frequent vistor to Untold Arsenal? If not, I suggest that perhaps you should join them as it's the natural home for the unhealthly obsessed, the paranoid and the conspiracy theorists. You'll fit in well!!

  5. chris dee

    Oct 10, 2012, 8:45 #26804

    Theo's etc No I don't agree. We are all football/sports fans so reluctantly we listen to Talk Trash in the absence of any other full time sports programme.So all this 'don't bite ' or 'don't listen' to Durham s*****g on our club is a cop out,that just show a lack of bottle by some fans. A regular forum,just like moron Durham's daily Arsenal, where Durham's and Big Girls Blouse Gough's daily 'opinions' and 'facts' can be challenged and where Arsenal fans opinions can be given on his show and 'talent would be great. But to do that you would need a fanzine with an editor that draws a line in the sand and fights fire with fire.

  6. Spike

    Oct 09, 2012, 19:33 #26800

    Well they made me laugh on the way home tonight - looking forward 12 years to what would be happening. 'Arsene Wenger now gone 19 years without a trophy and earning 20 million per year'.

  7. James Macfarlane

    Oct 09, 2012, 14:27 #26797

    Hmm, I agree to some extent, except to one thing - he is not a closet Arsenal fan but a closet Online Gooner contributor. Although he is probably slightly less critical of Arsenal than the majority of people on here!

  8. Theo's Bikini-Line

    Oct 09, 2012, 11:47 #26794

    chris dee: Don't you think if people like you didn't keep biting then perhaps they'd stop doing it as there would be no point? Anyone that listens to more than a minute of that show knows what the format and their agenda is, and it works extremely well precisely because some gooners - in some naive belief that they are defending the club's honour - let their passion overwhelm their sensibilities and can't help but respond. All the while the presenter is getting more famous/notorious (as he laughs and thinks of how easy this all is because some people are stupid enough to take his obvious nonsense so seriously) and the radio station keep on collecting the money you guys are paying in order to register your displeasure/disgust/outrage. Regardless of how strong a defence of Arsenal a gooner may put up, they are not interested in it because 'balance' and 'the truth' is not their raison d'être. The sooner some gooners get that point, the quicker they'll realise that by getting all wound up about it, you're only encouraging them to do it more.

  9. Ron

    Oct 09, 2012, 11:37 #26793

    Ive never heard the prog either. Looking at his face though, might i suggest he was bullied at school by an Arsenal fan perhaps? Lets face it, his face is one you wouldnt tire of kicking!

  10. chris dee

    Oct 09, 2012, 10:03 #26791

    Theo's etc. Yep, here we have typical replies. Ignore the fact that this moron Durham and his little sir echo Darren Gough pour s**t on our club everyday. Just 'turn off' the radio,show a stiff upper lip,be 'above ' all this nonsense. Lets take it all as 'wumming' and 'irony' by Durham as he continues to spew out his loathing and ridiculing of our club. Obviously we have to accept that a third radio presenter and side kick must use ways to get people to ring the station because his lack of talent can't carry a 3 hour programme, but wow, the acceptance of his drivel by some Arsenal fans is staggering,no wonder he gets away with it.

  11. Chris Kelly

    Oct 08, 2012, 20:29 #26789

    Why even bother discussing this moron and his no value opinions

  12. Frankie

    Oct 08, 2012, 18:38 #26788

    There is an off button.Why would you listen to a radio station that you hate?.Radio was invented to listen to music.I would close Talksport Radio 5 and LBC down tomorrow.Radio without music is just boring.Off to listen to Solar radio

  13. maguiresbridge gooner

    Oct 08, 2012, 17:14 #26787

    As i honestly and truly have never listened to him and the station in my life and have no intention of doing so in the near future (although this article might now give him a wider audience) i can't really comment on what he says but if he does slag off arsenal people have a choice ignore him and don't tune in or give him what he wants a reaction.If people stop giving him the reaction and publicity he wants his audience may dwindle and ratings drop and we all know including himself what that could mean and then he could soon change his tune.

  14. Herbert

    Oct 08, 2012, 16:40 #26786

    Its shocking that this article has been published! Obviously you are unfamiliar with the concept of irony! By writing this you are simply promoting this loser!! Who cares what he says, any fan who actually listens to talkshi*e is a fool! Same as any one who reads the redtops "journalist" footy coloumns and thinks they have any crediability! Best thing is to ignore this idiot, shame you have given him "air time"

  15. Mandy Dodd

    Oct 08, 2012, 15:59 #26784

    Durham claims to be a Peterborough fan but certainly appears to have a bit of an Arsenal obsession. A lot of it is the stuff of wind ups but he does genuinely get on his high horse from time to time. He also spends a lot of time having a go at our nearest and maybe a semblance of balance. He comes across as a bit of a tool to be honest, but I suspect he actually knows more about the game than he likes to let on. There are some complete buffoons on that station, but others worth listening to, including the excellent Ray Parlour on his regular guest slots

  16. Herd

    Oct 08, 2012, 15:53 #26783

    I don't read the sun and i don't listen to talk****e radio. Ive only heard of this man from others. So I really don't care !

  17. ppp

    Oct 08, 2012, 14:34 #26782

    Whenever i hear people complaining about this guy (and they do complain a lot) I'm really amazed that they listen to him. Using this article's psychology I would have to say those who keep listening must in some way love this awful presenter themselves! Anyway having seen that photo of him I can't help but wonder if he deserves a little bit of sympathy instead of all this misdirected vitriol. Not only is he horrible to look at - but his enemies (and he seems to have made a lot of them!) now know exactly who to look out for!!

  18. Theo's Bikini-Line

    Oct 08, 2012, 13:44 #26780

    Great article and funny to boot. Unfortunately it's the likes of Toks and chris dee who, being unable to distinguish the difference between seriousness, wumming and pure sarcasm (in the case of both Durham and this article), and who take everything he says so seriously, that have allowed the likes of Adrian Durham to get famous.

  19. danalovAFCXI

    Oct 08, 2012, 13:01 #26779

    I listen to Talksport on the way back from work. I have to say I enjoy the wind up merchant aspect to it though i do cringe at some gooners who fall for it. For me its a bit like watching Jeremy Kyle total car crash stuff. The only time I have ever felt really angry at Durham was when he began a campaign of hate against Eduardo after his dive against celtic fair enough it was a dive but durham seemed to single the fella out for some personal abuse and held him responsible for all dives their after. Whether Durham is a secret gooner or not is not my concern what i do know is any talk about Arsenal makes Talksport money. As for the daily arsenal feature on his show at the moment its a bit like george orwells 1984 and the four minutes of hate rallys it exists just to whip the listeners into a frenzy. The most annoying thing about Talksport is Jack Bannisters voice something about it makes me want to rip own arm off and beat myself to death with it.

  20. chris dee

    Oct 08, 2012, 11:28 #26778

    An article that could have bben written by Durham himself.An apologist article that somehow forgives and understands the loathing,hatred,bile and vitiol spewed out everyday against everything and everyone connected to our club.A perfect example of the many timid,passionless shrug the shoulders type of fan we see at The Emirates.Obvioulsy the writer of this article is a closet moron Durham fan.

  21. Stroud Green Road Boy

    Oct 08, 2012, 11:21 #26777

    Just wanted to pick out the point about Wenger's tactical 'naivety'. I don't think it is naivety, Wenger is too intelligent for that. I think it's simply he believes that his way of playing will be too good for any other team if the players only do it correctly, so there is no need for tactics as such. And each match he convinces himself anew that this time it'll happen perfectly as he's always imagined it, plus it works well enough for top 4 each year which keeps him in his job, so no need to compromise his beliefs. It's a mixture of idealism and arrogance, rather than naivety.

  22. billthered

    Oct 08, 2012, 10:34 #26776

    A few years ago I made the decision not to listen to Talksport on the grounds it was totally biased against Arsenal and listening without a chance to reply was doing my head in.How do we know just who is talking on the other end it just might be spuds fans pretending to be gooners you just dont know do you.Now I listen to smooth radio[its my age]and not to cretins like Durham,Brazil and Cundy with their stupid sidekicks thinking they all know whats wrong with football in general and Arsenal in particular.Take my advice and switch channels its much better for your sanity.

  23. GoonerRon

    Oct 08, 2012, 10:00 #26773

    I actually feel a bit sorry for him because he has lost any semblance of journalistic integrity he may have had. The other day when UEFA announced the clubs that were having prize money held back he tried to turn it into Arsenal clinging on to no hope of FFP working because Chelsea and Citeh weren't on the list. Anyone with half a brain cell, let alone a sports journalist/commentator, could google the story and find out these were those that owed money to other clubs. A total non-story that was regurgitated to fit his agenda. He's actually a knowledgable guy but this for me showed he doesn't really have any integrity whatsoever.

  24. Alex the gooner

    Oct 08, 2012, 9:44 #26772

    I do not listen to Talk****e. I used to before I realised that they are wind up merchants. They make money from phone calls. To get phone calls they bait Gooners. Don't fall for it - take control of your radio and switch OFF.

  25. Toks

    Oct 08, 2012, 9:42 #26771

    You obviously are not able to think reflectively or don't have any close loved ones. Someone slagging off your loved one is very different from you doing it. Its the same with the Arsenal. Everyone has the right to say what they want about Arsenal but its more offensive coming from an outsider. Btw your conclusion that Durham is a closet gooner is also very poor indeed.

  26. Will

    Oct 08, 2012, 9:24 #26770

    For me, the problem isn't so much about his criticism about Arsenal.(Because as you said anyone has the right to criticise who or what they want.)But it's his obsession with Arsenal to point where more often than not Arsenal are talked about more on his show than any other club even though they really don't deserve it (after all, we haven't won a trophy in over seven years). Hence the 'Daily Arsenal' became something Durham can hang his hat on so he can legitimize his bewildering obsession with the gooners.

  27. don froth

    Oct 08, 2012, 9:16 #26769

    Two bit journo who looks like rocky from mask! why are we bothering to discuss talksport anyway, Sun readers radio who continously just state the obvious!

  28. del

    Oct 08, 2012, 9:05 #26768

    his got a face for radio not TV