Abysmal Arsenal

Online Ed: Devoid of imagination and commitment at Norwich

Abysmal Arsenal

Wilshere: Just came along for the ride?

After watching Arsenal’s display at Norwich, I was struggling to recall a worse performance by a Gunners side in recent seasons. And I include the 8-2 at Old Trafford in that, which at least had the mitigation of a severely weakened starting eleven. With the arrival of three relatively experienced players over the summer and the promotion of Steve Bould to the first team coaching set-up, there was optimism that things were going to be different this season. The story of Bould grabbing Alex Song by the throat in pre-season hinted that, perhaps, the culture of complacency at the club might finally become a thing of the past, that players would give their all for the team or face short shrift.

However, when ESPN relayed that the first team, rather than make a coach journey to Norwich yesterday, flew from Luton, a trip of some 14 minutes, it kind of said it all. These pampered, overpaid primadonnas are going to choose when they battle. So at Upton Park a fortnight ago, they gave it their best and took the spoils. At Carrow Road yesterday, it didn’t look like anyone really fancied it. The first half was bad enough, but one at least hoped for some reaction after the interval, some motivation from someone in the dressing room to make the team step up and raise their game. But commitment and any sense of urgency seemed absent throughout. This was an Arsenal side without spirit, devoid of character.

Two points dropped at home to Sunderland on the opening match of the season, I can live with, because a new first team line-up was still in the process of gelling. Defeat at home to Chelsea was frustrating because of the errors that presented the visitors with their goals, but no-one can say they were genuinely shocked that Wenger’s team was beaten that day. However, away to Norwich was very familiar, in the sense that far too often in recent campaigns, the side have dropped points to clubs in and around the relegation zone. Last season’s demoted trio managed to get two draws and a victory in their six matches with Arsenal. One hoped that the changes made at the club over the summer, and initial signs of a newly established resilience, would mean that even when the side were not at full pelt, points would be secured.

Norwich had, before yesterday, failed to win a single one of their seven league games, in the process conceding on average more than two goals per game. They should have been meat and drink to a team with top four pretentions, but Arsenal simply did not turn up. There were few attempts on goal as the visitors continued with the Barcelona tika-taka style without the quality to outwit opponents who were in the Championship 18 months ago. And they had no other solutions. With players of the supposed quality their wages suggest, one would have thought one might have had the wit and ability to actually take their opponent on instead of trying to play around them. Test the keeper with the occasional shot. That kind of thing.

What was most worrying was that it seemed there was no-one to lift the team. Either on the pitch or at half-time in the dressing room. This certainly wasn’t the sort of display any side with genuine title hopes would give. It struck me that this was the kind of performance you would not see from a line-up stuffed with a culture of winning. There are certainly no players in the line-up that have won anything with Arsenal and the honours achieved by those who have joined from elsewhere do not stack up greatly. Norwich battled valiantly, showing no great quality but attitude in spades. Wenger’s team tried to play through the eye of a needle, it didn’t come off due to a lack of quality, but the tactics did not change. No plan B, no switch in approach, not enough use of width, in spite of the ability of both Santos and Jenkinson to provide this option.

So in terms of consistency, Arsenal reverted to type. Capable of beating anyone on their day, but just as capable of turning up with an attitude suggesting they don’t think they need to work hard to win. Perhaps that is what you get when your players exist in five star luxury. A Rolls Royce in a demolition derby. They should be shown a video of Barcelona’s workrate to understand why they are winners. The hunger to get the ball back and then put in the effort to use their talents to ensure possession is not squandered lightly. They should all be in for extra training this morning, but one suspects it’s the usual day off. It was obvious at half time that a rocket up the arse was required, something like this (warning, not to be played in earshot of anyone who shouldn’t be hearing industrial language). One wonders if anything was said at all. One also wonders what the point of having Jack Wilshere on the bench was. In terms of attitude, perhaps half an hour from the number 10 might have shown his colleagues the way, who knows? Arsenal needed something to light the touchpaper but it never came. Did Oxlade-Chamberlain actually warm up properly or just go through the motions?

Arsenal played poorly, they lacked the intelligence to overcome poor opponents, and the manager did not provide any tactical solutions. Worst of all, there was no heart, no appetite for the battle. Norwich were determined, but they were hardly Stoke when it came to physicality, they just wanted it more. We’ve seen far too many of this type of performance from Wenger teams since 2008. The manager has not signed a contract renewal yet, and the fantasy is that the board may finally acknowledge it’s time for a change, although one suspects Ivan Gazidis was the only one who bothered to make the trek to Norwich. Maybe the rest were enjoying a read through the annual accounts back at home, the reasons we will suffer at least another three years of this turgid fare beyond 2014. I think we can now declare the encouraging early signs of this season as a false dawn. Once again, the limit of this team’s capabilities is making next season’s Champions League and the attendant financial windfall. They will be well off the pace for the title, and already are. After international breaks, Man Utd, Chelsea and Man City all won yesterday, and the latter two had to work hard to do so. Arsenal thought they could fly in and take the points.

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  1. Drew

    Oct 29, 2013, 11:06 #40997

    Absolutely. For a lot of the game Sagna was playing in front of Ozil. Then when he got the ball it became obvious that we didn't have anyone in front of him to receive it to go quickly through to the forwards. The formation seemed warped down the right wing for the whole game without Theo or a specialist RW. Against Palace Sagna was one of the more dominant players but it came off. I really hope we don't see Jenks try to match this against Chelski or we'll get smashed there.

  2. Jimmy James

    Oct 28, 2013, 23:51 #40986

    A decent assessment, compared to some of the drivel I've read in some other articles, and I think a lot of the commenter's here do make very valid points. I would be here all day if I covered every point mentioned already so without being specific, i.e our naivety and occasional lack of width and silly errors e.t.c... Reading a lot of the comments just highlights what is wrong with a lot of Arsenal fans. Why cant you be more glass half full rather than glass half empty?!!! Yes we have frailties and we may not be perfect in many ways but holy hell we are soooo much better than we have been in freaking years and we are and have definitely been heading in the right direction for some time now. We have acquired and developed some smashing players who will only get better. And we are playing the most encouraging football we've played in a long long time. Any Arsenal fan who says Dortmund are better than us is an idiot, of course they aren't. Yes they caught us cold because of some of our temporary frailties but the only way is up and these issues will be sorted. Any real fan who's watched all our games this season would have seen that we have already shown in one or 2 games that we actually can vary our play, i.e defend in a mature manner and as a team, soak up pressure and hit teams on the counter when we need to. So to all the super negative fans, its a work in progress but at least its in progress! So please just shut up for 5 mins and just enjoy the positives and support your team, because your team really does need You! If you cant do that then jog on and go support the spuds.

  3. Gav

    Oct 28, 2013, 23:22 #40985

    As much as Ozil is a great signing, Flamini is EQUALLY a great signing and has been sorely missed since his injury! With him playing, it would surely have been different!

  4. Westlower

    Oct 25, 2013, 8:20 #40875

    A summary of the more enlightened posts since the Dortmund game: 1. Arsenal can't cope with quality opposition. Flat track bullies. 2. Arsenal are gung-ho & naive. 3. Arsenal can't defend. Like watching schoolboys. 4. Arsenal's full backs attack too much. 5. Arsenal lack width. 6. Arsenal have a manager who doesn't understand tactics. 7. Herr Klopp is the greatest coach on the Planet and is a master of tactics against naive teams. Light years ahead of Wenger. 8. BD are vastly superior to Arsenal in every department. 9. Arsenal players aren't good enough to play for BD. Though Rosicky did. 10. Arsenal have a manager who usually picks the wrong team. 11. Arsenal have a manager who usually plays people in the wrong positions. 12. Arsenal have a manager who doesn't make substitutions quickly enough. 13. Arsenal don't know how to accept a draw when offered. 14. Arsenal go all out to win a game, even inside the remaining 10 minutes. Need to cut that foolishness out of their game. 15 Arsenal don't have a plan B or a plan A, C OR D. 16. Arsenal haven't won anything for 8 years. 17. Arsenal don't look like winning anything in the next 8 years. 18. Arsenal's transfer policy of only buying bad players has come home to roost. Need to buy more good players. 19. Billy Bender still isn't the best striker in Europe. 20. Arsenal don't know how to lump the ball into the box. 21. Arsenal players had the confidence to go for the win when sensing it was there for the taking against BD. 22. Westlower is a naive AKB. 23. Arsenal play in the best stadium in Europe, financially sound, squad of talented International players, top of PL, still in CL & still have key players to come back from injury, although we already have the best midfield in PL. I must have had a brief moment of optimism, scrap point 23. I promise it wont happen again, sorry!!

  5. Spud Melter

    Oct 24, 2013, 23:07 #40874

    Dortmund were garbage and fortunate to come away with anything, did you see the way their pathetic jumping bean fans and players celebrated at the end like they'd won the champions league. Arsenal will kick their arses in sausage land the same way we beat those Bavarian chamber pots last year.

  6. WashBelly

    Oct 24, 2013, 21:27 #40873

    From watching Arsenal over the last three decades, i feel i can do a better job than Wenger! I've also been on the underground a fair few times but i don't have a uniform..ffs

  7. Peter Wain

    Oct 24, 2013, 20:26 #40872

    Both fullbacks lack good positional sense. I do not see why we did not play Gnabry from the off becuase we looked vunerable allnight.

  8. Stevieo

    Oct 24, 2013, 19:58 #40870

    Unbelievable! One defeat in 12, and now we are subject to articles like this questioning Wenger’s formations and tactics. You know the rules Simon. Criticism of Wenger makes you a Spurs fan, so please trot on over to the Lane. You ask the question as to how Wenger failed to get the message across to the players to adjust our play and be less naive. Well it’s simple, there was no message. Why on earth do you think there would there be any message? Do you not recall the game against Spurs when we were 4-2 up with a minute left, and we were still going gung ho. At 4-3 and a minute of injury time left, we still went gung ho. When will the penny drop Simon? You’re still trying to convince yourself that Wenger was aware of what was going to happen, and that his message must have got lost in translation. Anyway, when we go all gung ho this Saturday and put four past Palace, I expect you’ll be eating a large slice of humble pie.

  9. Danny T

    Oct 24, 2013, 18:50 #40869

    With our lack of any width we were asking two full backs who cant cross their legs to bomb forward.Walcott who is pace and no finish and who also cant cross a ball is now being made out to be our Ronaldo.The final midfield place after Ozil Flamini and Ramsey is between Wilshere and Cazorla and Santi wins everytime.Wengers big problem has always been he is slow to make changes in tactics and personnel if things are not working.When does he ever make changes at half time?Klopp knew how to stop us Wenger had no plan to stop them.What happened the other night will happen when we play the big boys because they will also stop us from playing

  10. CT Gooner

    Oct 24, 2013, 17:16 #40868

    Let's not panic, only a blip in what has been to date a very encouraging start. I think it's imperative that our management/coaching staff remind the team how this run has been able to occur, and it's all about defending as a team. Flamini has been both the heart and soul of the team this year, we need to figure out who's going to be the engine and the general when he's not on the field.

  11. chris dee

    Oct 24, 2013, 16:59 #40867

    The winning goal was a case of deja vu. How many f*****g times are we gonna give away goals by charging up field against a class opponent who punishes us. It's all very well for Arsene to say we were 'naive'but we been naive for years now. And it's all very well for him to say that if you can't win a game then don't lose.But who's the big lanky guy standing on the touchline giving the team instructions.Well blow me down!It's you Arsene!

  12. maguiresbridge gooner

    Oct 24, 2013, 16:47 #40865

    Ron, OGL could substitute szczesny for wilshere and if we got stuffed 5-0 as far as wenger and his wengerites would be concerned it would be jacks fault.

  13. Ron

    Oct 24, 2013, 16:43 #40864

    Bard - A few years back, Manure just used to do as you say and have Nani running on behind Gibbs. Every time they would cut us open via him and the cross ball to Rooney or Berbatov (mind you he d miss the sitter laid on more often than not) or Ronaldo and never needed to be more than a delicate pass into the wide open middle and they did the rest. Whatever Centre backs we had out there were by the time Utd scored both stranded having been pulled wide by the 'dissapearing' full backs who were ambling back at the time. We all used to have a go at the likes of Senderos and Gallas and Silvester for doing so. What choice did they have? It was pathetic then and its pathetic now. Robben used to pull us apart in the same way. Wenger and his backroom cronies are too arrogant to learn the basics again even though football has become more defensively based in recent years by the top teams aka Dortmund last night. 7 Mill they pay him and the basics escape him either via arrogance or imcopetence. Its staggering to be honest, but hey ho, 'Arsene knows' as they say!

  14. Man United Killer

    Oct 24, 2013, 15:46 #40863

    Width has got to be one of the biggest problems we have.All the attacking midfielders we have like to cut in.Apart from Walcott we dont have anyone who hugs the touch line.That said,the only option we have is for our fullbacks to push up and cross ball-which they CAN'T do to save their own lives.Let's not get too hard on the players.They are obviously doing their best but the current crop of players are not capable of winning us trophies.What good is it when you have a good striker but no one to cross the ball for him? Or what good is it to have people running into the opponent box when we full backs who cant cross the ball?

  15. Man United Killer

    Oct 24, 2013, 15:41 #40862

    @Unchives.We are a better side than Dortmund? Do you really believe that? They close down better than us, they play with higher levels of energy than us, heck they even pass the ball around better than we do.And they are very incisive especially at home.I hope we come away with something in Germany but we will need a large chunk of luck as well.

  16. Bard

    Oct 24, 2013, 14:38 #40860

    There's some interesting posts here that raise familiar questions. Back in the days when we battled it out with Manure I remember them coming to us. Fergie would rabbit on about a feast of attacking football but they usually parked the bus and left Ronaldo up front on his own. Mourinho would later do the same with Drogba. Arsenal would pile forward and get picked off. On Tuesdays evidence we still haven't learnt that a more pragmatic approach is required at the top level. The naivety Wenger talks about has a long history.

  17. johnnyhawleyloovinggooner

    Oct 24, 2013, 14:21 #40859

    arsenal just took too long to get going.hate to say it but jack should of been taken off after half an hour and santi brought on earlier.if the team defended as a whole and been quicker to attack the ball when we did not have the ball dortmund would not have had it so easy earlier on.it is a worry when the team is not ready for a club like dortmund.oddly i think we will win in germany though.formations are not as important as personal,we should play our strongest team and be mindful other teams ideas and top players and ajust accordingly. in other words,tactics, i think, are more important and lets be honest, they have never been AW strong point-and we have suffered as a result again.

  18. Ron Manager

    Oct 24, 2013, 13:41 #40858

    442 - 433 - 424 - 4231 - 0898 10 10 10.

  19. Gaz

    Oct 24, 2013, 13:04 #40857

    As I said in the Ed's edditorial I wouldn't mind both Sagna and Gibbs getting forward if they were any good at it. As it is their final ball/cross/shot is usually way below the standard we require for them to make much impact when they are in such forward positions. If we're going to play our full-backs in such an advanced position we have to make sure they're able to make a positve contribution once there.

  20. maguiresbridge gooner

    Oct 24, 2013, 13:03 #40856

    We're not as good as a lot of teams Simon even though a lot of fans now think we are. I wasn't alarmed by Dortmunds intensity at all and neither were the lads i was with, they knew what they were doing and did it well and it paid off it's called tactics. Yes OGL was right it was naive and immature but why was he not out on the touchline or earning his overinflated salary doing something about it, or trying to, i hope he was including himself in the WE.

  21. Tony Evans

    Oct 24, 2013, 12:54 #40855

    Simon - Agree with your observations on Messrs Gibbs and Sagna. I had stupidly hoped that Wenger had abandoned the gung-ho approach he so loves but after the evidence of Tuesday night that obviously is not the case.

  22. Roy

    Oct 24, 2013, 12:03 #40854

    Did it never occur to OGL approching the latter stages of the game that a draw and a home win against Marseille would give 10 points ? Although I'm still fairly confident that we can take something from the away games, sometimes you HAVE to eer on the side of caution. We know this is not really Wengers style but it has been his undoing on more than one occasion. The fact is that these calculated gambles are less likely to pay off against this quality of opposition, and as we saw, if it backfires there's not enough time to come back. As tough as the group is, and as hugely disappointing as it was to see Lewandowski given the freedom of the Emirates to score the winner, I'd be quite gutted if we didn't qualify as we definitely have the quality to do so.

  23. Ron

    Oct 24, 2013, 11:43 #40853

    Westlower - With respect youre as naive as Wenger and his players at times. Dortmund would have relished a draw there pre game. They played for it. They controlled the middle of the park to do so and had settled for the point. The two full backs for Arsenal have been caught so often over the years with balls into forwards behind them its long been laughable that professional footballers are caught out so often doing the same daft tricks. just like the other night, its clear that the coaching of those full backs is chronically bad there. I and a freind coach under 14s and i swear that my young full backs have a better uderstanding of full back play than do those two clowns at Arsenal. Sagna could occasionally a few years ago get back to rectify his own error. He cant now since the injuries have ravaged him. Gibbs is basically a winger masquerading as a full back.Who do we blame? The players? No. Its the Coach and his pi-s poor backroom coaching staff. The lot need shifting outbound in my view. A top coach would and should have closed that game down at 1-1 and left us 3 points clear of BD. Why you seem to find this so difficult to comprehend is quite bizarre matey!Loyalty to your Mr Wenger is one thing, but being as blind as he is cant be right surely. Your faith in Walcotts return is quaint. Heaven forbid. Neither him especially (nor for sure young Chamberlain yet) are players to invest so much faith in for change. The truth is that BD are the first quality side Arsenal have played this season and they were beaten by a team who didnt do much other than press the ball for 90 mins and take their chances as they came. Its called 'discipline' and its an ingredient that EVERY CL winners display. Theres none at Arsenal and hasnt been for years.

  24. Tony

    Oct 24, 2013, 11:19 #40852

    The midfield was a mismash.We had no width which was why Sagna and Gibbs were caught up field so much.If we are going to play Sagna and Gibbs as wing backs we should be playing 3 CB's.Ozil Rosicky Wilshire and Ramsey were all bunched in the middle.We definately missed Flamini he rally is the shield to our back four Arteta is a decent player but he is not and never will be a DM.Ramsey had a poor game but he was due one,but our worst player was Wilshere who continued to give possesion away.It was no coincidence that we improved when Cazorla replaced Wilshire.It was no disgrace to lose to Dortmund but now we need to win at least one of our two remaining away games.Finally seeing Bendtner(he once said he would be better than Ibra) come on in such an important match makes a signing of a striker in jan an urgent priority

  25. Bard

    Oct 24, 2013, 10:17 #40851

    I agree Simon but Wenger has never been smart tactically so I don't hold out much hope that he's going to learn lessons . What struck me about Dortmund was how well organised and defensively disciplined they were. We play like schoolboys in comparison. It was obvious we needed to settle for the draw and it's his job to change the shape. How he can go on about naively when he sends Santi on, one of our best attackers. If that's not a message to attack I don't know what is.

  26. Unchives

    Oct 24, 2013, 10:14 #40850

    It isn't a disaster result as we are better then both Napoli and Dortmund, however I noticed Gibbs early on, that he was either too tight to his Centre-backs, or too far forward and not holding his position. Dortmund got down his wing with impunity. The winner was Gibbs fault, our back four became distorted and pulled out of position. However it is the manager or captains responsibility to tell the lad.

  27. jeff wright

    Oct 24, 2013, 9:54 #40848

    I agree with your views on a draw being a good result and nothing to be ashamed of Canadian. Sometimes the desperation to defend Wenger at all costs by some blinds them to reality. Regarding Wenger himself however my view is that he just carries on regardless after these sort of results he never learns or accepts any responsibility for them . At his age ,and with hIs experience, he shouldn't be getting carried away with the moment. He gets paid 7.5m a year to do a job properly and in my view he's being over-paid .

  28. Westlower

    Oct 24, 2013, 9:47 #40847

    Canada, It was an opportunity to go 6 points clear of BD in the group. Given we were in the ascendancy why wouldn't you go for it? It wasn't as if we were clinging on trying to resist wave after wave of BD attacks.

  29. CanadaGooner

    Oct 24, 2013, 8:38 #40845

    @ Westlower: "if we'd settled for a point, the team would've been slaughetered"? by whom? - sometimes I wish people can read what they've typed before hitting submit! This is the Champions League Group Stages: there is nothing like SETTLING FOR A POINT, when you're on 6 points and you're playing the finalists from last year, who have clearly been a better team than us (both in their domestic league as well as in the CL) in the past year at least. CL group stages are all about putting your competition as a disadvantage, forcing them to have to go all out for a win, in their next game. That is exactly what we would have acheived with a 1-1 draw [7 points to Arsenal and knowing Napoli were winning away in France, it would mean 6 points to them; leaving Dortmund on 4 points and in 3rd place, needing to win their next game]. Only an idiot would condemn that type of tactic and I dont see many idiots in our fan-base and even the TV pundits would all have realised that a draw against last year's finalists (and condemning them to 3rd place on 4 points would have been a phenomenals success for arsenal).

  30. John Gooner

    Oct 24, 2013, 8:32 #40844

    For once, I agree with you Simon, a good assessment of our still inadequate defence. The most frustrating thing about Sagna against Dortmund was that he was often our most advanced right wing player, yet he seemed afraid to cross. JUST PUT THE F***ING BALL IN THE BOX! Even in the 93rd minute, he still checked when he had a crossing opportunity. Why bother getting in the position if you're going to play risky backwards and lateral passes?

  31. Westlower

    Oct 24, 2013, 8:21 #40843

    You could equally argue that after a bright first 20 minutes BD never believed they could win the match. Once we equalised we were the team that looked the likely winners. It's in our DNA to go for a late winner. How many times have we seen goals in the last 10 minutes? If we'd settled for a point the team would have been slaughtered for not trying to win a home game. If the same circumstances had applied in Dortmund I'm pretty sure we'd have settled for a draw. Agree with Mark re Theo. We need him back for the return game if only to keep their full back fully occupied. Can't wait to see Ozil supplying passes for Walcott to outstrip defences with his pace. Giroud is improving with games and is becoming a real handful.

  32. CanadaGooner

    Oct 24, 2013, 6:39 #40840

    Schoolboy error all round (including the manager). No point blaming Sagna or Gibbs; the reality is that the manager should have replaced couple of attackers with defenders with 10mins to go at 1 - 1 to signal his intentions to his team. He was obviously as carried away as they were, and same for majority of the fans, as they were urged forward to get a win; forgetting it's the CL and not the PL (a draw against last year's finalist wasgood enough). As for the comments from the previous article from those saying Wenger was "out of his depths" and all that crap: seriously? What is wrong with you people?! He got carries away and made a mistake (again) in beleiving his team is close to being invincible and they showed him otherwise. Now he knows, hopefully he can begin to temper the excitement with a pinch of realism going forward. Nothing's lost yet, hopefully a nuce bounce back at palace and we can all put this behind us and carry on. The season is on, let's give our support. No point massacre-ing the players and manager every time we lose. The current team isnt invincible. Some of the comments about Klopp being superior to wenger and all that, were just so pathetically foolish. Klopp is nowhere near Wenger. Can he be a good replacement for wenger at arsenal? Probably. We will need a new manager sooner or later, wenger cant be here forever. But right now, the season is on, enough of all that kind of talk (and that includes a new contract for wenger - way too premature! Soon as he signs it, he'll begin ignoring the fans again)

  33. Man United Killer

    Oct 24, 2013, 3:45 #40839

    ...."Arsenal didn’t really look like they believed they were going to beat Dortmund. We lacked belief..." For me, this is the part of the article that screams out.I guess we expected Dortmund to roll over like Napoli did.Good Luck with that.They closed us down and prevented us from playing.As usual, we had no plan B as has been for teams that do that.

  34. Brian

    Oct 24, 2013, 2:59 #40838

    The advanced positions of our fullbacks was not unique to this game. Go look up the average positions in any of our other matches. Every one I've seen reflects they're more in line with the deep-lying midfielder(s). So I don't think this has anything to do with the loss. However, I tend to agree with your question of our belief. We just didn't look interested to me. Frustrating.

  35. Mark

    Oct 24, 2013, 1:34 #40837

    If you look at the passing positions of the players in the game it is difficult to tell who was playing where in midfield. We certainly lacked width in the forward positions and the only way to counter this, unfortunately, is to push the full backs forward. I hope this goes some way to showing how influential Walcott is to us. Although he can drift in and out of games he is important because he is part of our quickest attack, our 'route one' if you like. This is normally Arteta/Ramsey to Rosicky/Ozil to Walcott to Giroud, seen clearly vs Bayern Munich and Tottenham. Although Gnabry and Chamberlain are both excellent they don't hug the touchline in the same way as Walcott (by that I don't mean Walcott never comes in field). Against the lesser teams we we don't need this as much because we have enough quality to find another way. With Walcott and Flamini I genuinely think we would have had a better chance of finishing the game of and winning by more than 1 goal. Call me an optimist.

  36. BG

    Oct 25, 2012, 0:40 #27120

    A real feeling of Deja Vue. I agree with every word you wrote. They tell the reason I have not renewed my season tickets which I've had since 1972. Football at the Emirates has become too expensive and for me generates mainly frustration. Oh, for the days when Viera, Bergkamp, Pires and Henry moved from defence in seconds to score at the other end. Now, the team just stops when the opposing penalty area is reached. Just look at Gervinho!

  37. under acheiver

    Oct 24, 2012, 15:11 #27114

    Canadagooner - bottom line is we have a manager who year in year out buys too many of this type of unmotivated, overpaid player. No matter which way you try to spin it, it all comes back to the manager

  38. CanadaGooner

    Oct 23, 2012, 16:14 #27078

    Tony & Harold (and others who share your take on this matter); i do not necessarily disagree with your views. However, it's just like saying the idiot at chelsea is totally responsible for them winning the champions league (more of a fluke than anything else). The chelsea players didnt want to play europa cup, they stood up to be counted and drogba wanted to make a point before he left chelsea, so he almost single-handedly too them through (similar to how he had destroyed arsenal over the years). man utd not winning the league last year had nothing to do with Fergie, his players let him down a few time and QPR were appalling on the final day of the season; you can give all the credit to mancini?! so, yes, managers have a huge role to play, particularly in the technical matches and difficult games like playing barcelona or your rivals; not when you play Norwich! those games should be bread and butter and any group of players looking to make something of themselves cant be playing the way ours did last weekend (manager or no manager). i hope you can see where i'm coming from. couldnt care less about defending or making excuses for wenger, just couldnt believe our group of overpaid idiots required any hand-holding to beat a team that hasnt won all season!

  39. Ron

    Oct 23, 2012, 15:34 #27076

    Canada - With respect fella, Wengers job is to identify players, assemble, motivate and pick a team. All teams lose games, but when a team is so frequently hapless as ours is and lacking in motivation, willingness to fight and yet still remains full of its own deluded sense of its perceived ability ( see Arteta - 'We are good' etc etc etc or words to that effect)youve got to lay blame at the door of the coach. Hes paid a mint to at least have his teams fight even in defeat. Arsenal have lacked in that dept for years. Norwich away last Sat is just one more case in point to join the countless list.

  40. Harold (stupid and petty)

    Oct 23, 2012, 12:36 #27068

    CanadaGooner- If it's not Wenger's job to motivate his team into avoiding unforgivable performances such as the one we watched in embarrassment on Saturday, could you please tell me what he is required to do for his £6m+ a year please? Many thanks.

  41. Tony Evans

    Oct 23, 2012, 12:25 #27067

    CanadaGooner - I sort of see the point you are making about the players being responsible for such a bad performance but for me (and a great many others) Wenger is equally culpable. He is the one signing them, he is the one meant to be motivating and manageing them, he is the one offering under performers long contracts and ultimately he is the one that should be showing them the exit sign far quicker then he ever does or is able to because of the stupid amounts of money he agrees to pay them.

  42. tpm

    Oct 23, 2012, 12:20 #27066

    who picked those players canada, who signed them, who job is it to manage them???

  43. TheManOnTheTube

    Oct 23, 2012, 9:58 #27062

    I've said this now for months, nowt is going to change until Kroenke and Gazidis get OUT. O-U-T. Their ownership of our club is disgraceful, and we are slowly rotting away, rotting away from the beautiful fruit we were only eight years ago. We're just a stinking carcass of what we were in 03/04, enough said. Kroenke OUT, Gazidis OUT.

  44. Tony Evans

    Oct 23, 2012, 8:34 #27061

    6OONER PETE You are right - deep down it does hurt to see such a performance but I am hardened to it now and am expecting nothing more from a Wenger led team that has far too many performances like this in them.

  45. Razor

    Oct 23, 2012, 7:16 #27060

    The Highbury Spy on the Gooner Podcast 111 "I love Gervinho he has what 90% of what other players dont have.He is our Rodney Marsh and Stan Bowles" Did the Spy forget to take his medication before the recording.Gervinho is up there with the worst ever Arsenal buys with Jeffers.

  46. the pain continues

    Oct 23, 2012, 7:02 #27059

    Lets face face we are stuck with Wenger.Why? because us the fans wont do nothing about it.We can all go on blogs calling for his head but that wont change a thing.What it needs is boycoytts and mass walkouts at games(no not the usual 10 mins before half time and full time).Protest's outside the ground are a waste of time Kroenke is in Denver!!! Sadly Arsenal fans will do nothing.So dont blame the board or Wenger blame ourselves.All together now one Arsene Wenger

  47. Mandy Dodd

    Oct 22, 2012, 23:47 #27058

    Under achiever, you must be pretty good then, get out there and produce another invincible team if you can do better than wenger. Win a couple of doubles and keep us in Europe...for quite a long time while you are at it. And if you want to protest......surely coming from N17 isn't too far a journey is it, that part of the world is even in our shadow!

  48. CanadaGooner

    Oct 22, 2012, 22:58 #27057

    truly inexcusable performance. Those trying to blame Wenger just make me laugh so loud that my sides hurt! I dont give a monkeys who the manager is; if a team like Arsenal, with the players we have and wages they earn, cant go out there and roll over a team that hasnt won in 7 games, then what's the point? To blame Wenger for that peformance is simply stupid and petty. Cant see past those players; and I'm sure they feel no remorse whatsoever. Glory days are well and truly over friends. We are now Gazidis's financial model, Wenger's toy, and an embarrassment for a football club! really pathetic display indeed. I cant for the life of me even suggest what can be done at Arsenal to get us back to where we belong (things have gotten that bad)

  49. tpm

    Oct 22, 2012, 20:42 #27056

    rj, yep blame bould, its anyone but wengers fault isnt it!!! give the team time, how many times has that been said over the past 7 years.

  50. Highbury Boy

    Oct 22, 2012, 17:29 #27055

    ianmac (29064) says Spurs have 2gks better than us. I think they have 4 better than Mannone. Agree it's not Mannone's fault. He should not be at Arsenal and is only there because Hull and others didn't want to take over his contract. Wenger has never shown respect for the gk position. George Graham chucked Lukic (one of Arsenal's best ever gks) just after he helped win the League in 89/90. Why? So that he could sign (at £1.3m a world record for a gk) David Seaman. GG realized how important the position is. Playing for 13 years that fee was a steal and Seaman gave confidence to the famous Back 4 which Wenger was fortunate to inherit.

  51. under acheiver

    Oct 22, 2012, 17:24 #27054

    Is anybody planning protests against this regime that has carried out a coup d'etat at the home of our beloved club? Somebody needs to. Enough is enough. I would if I lived in the UK and had the ability to. As my name suggests I would be about as good at that as Wenger is at producing a succesful football team.


    Oct 22, 2012, 17:23 #27053

    Tony Evans says " I don't really care anymore. How many of us are just hanging on in there because we go back ages with the club and are hoping against hope that Wenger will disappear in to the sunset and take all of the waste of space players that we have with him. " This is exactly how I feel at the moment. The last few years have taken their toll on supporters like Tony and myself and the "Groundhog Day" experiences have gradually "ground" us down. However, I bet Tony, like me, that deep down the display on Saturday took a long time to get over, and in our hearts we are waiting for the day when we get our Arsenal back. I wonder in this day and age whether it will ever happen. Wenger going would be a start.

  53. Danny

    Oct 22, 2012, 16:31 #27052

    You can bet we will be having the same discussion next season and the season after.NOTHING IS GOING TO CHANGE.We have an owner only intersted in profits the complete opposite to the Glaziers.A manager who gets paid £7m for under achievement.Its a vicious circle Wenger will never be sacked in fact the board want him to stay.And us the fans will protest in silence.Unless the fans boycott games Kroenke Gazidis and Wenger will continue to run the club as it is now.And the lack of ambition drifts down to the players who showed on saturday they couldnt give a f**k.Maybe they were jet-lagged

  54. maguiresbridge gooner

    Oct 22, 2012, 15:58 #27051

    mkherd89 its fans like you that are part of the problem at our club shrugging your shoulders and as Harold has said passively accepting failure.

  55. Red Member

    Oct 22, 2012, 15:56 #27050

    and so the cycle continues supporters buy season tickets Kroenke counts his money Wenger sells some players Gazidis sells some spin team finish 4th - job done and repeat all the above are to blame for what is happening at the club

  56. Gooner James

    Oct 22, 2012, 15:38 #27049

    Worst game i have ever watched in 30yrs of being a gooner. I have never watched a game where we looked less likely to score a goal. we only ever seem to play as good if not slightly worse than the team we are playing. I honestly can not think where to start. If i inherited this team verm/arteta and wiltshire/kibbs would be the only players i kept and probably the only players to get a sniff of a game for chelski or manure.

  57. RJ

    Oct 22, 2012, 14:01 #27048

    @Ron - really? get them to drive there? What is wrong with flying to arrive fresh and raring to go - if they had flown and we had won, no one would have given a monkey's walnuts @Keith V - as a 75% AKB (he certainly knows better than me when it comes to football) why nothing said from the AKBs? Probably because it was a p*** poor performance from a team that can and should do better - they know it, AW knows it, all of us who read this website know it. It was a shocker no excuses. The question is - what do we do from here. I seem to remember 1997/98 we had a very poor October, and the team sorted it out in the dressing room - maybe this team will do the same, maybe they won't. Time will tell - but I have more confidence in this team pulling together. What is more worrying is that the defensive quality we thought we saw at the start of the season has gone - four games in a row we have gone behind. Mr Bould - SORT IT OUT. Come on you Gooners - looking foward to a positive reaction on Wednesday night. PS - My mate who works at the club tells me that during the international break they have built one of those airport travelators from the dressing room to the side of the pitch so the boys can save a bit of energy and not have to walk those 50 metres.

  58. Harold

    Oct 22, 2012, 13:57 #27047

    mkherd89- Would love to blame the big bad board for everything but unfortunately 1) These problems existed before Kroenke/Gazidis arrived, and 2) Wenger decides club policy, no-one else. If he was ever told to do something he disagreed with, Mr Principle would walk. Also, with a name like herd I hoped you would be more likely to call for change instead of passively accepting failure, but obviously not.

  59. maguiresbridge gooner

    Oct 22, 2012, 13:35 #27046

    Expect to see a massive white flag flying over the Emirates stadium shortly and for those that don't know what it means it's SURRENDER.

  60. tpm

    Oct 22, 2012, 13:26 #27045

    mandy, the gk situation has been apparant for years!!! who picks and signs these players???? AW mk herd, arsene who? who had heard of him when he came...

  61. Tony Evans

    Oct 22, 2012, 13:15 #27044

    I don't really care anymore. How many of us are just hanging on in there because we go back ages with the club and are hoping against hope that Wenger will disappear in to the sunset and take all of the waste of space players that we have with him.

  62. Nilesh Bhagat

    Oct 22, 2012, 13:10 #27043

    I blame Steve Bould.

  63. Keith Voldermort

    Oct 22, 2012, 12:40 #27042

    Horrible, horrible performance. One of the worst for years. This place is distinctly lacking in AKB's today....wonder why.

  64. Gary

    Oct 22, 2012, 12:39 #27041

    There can be no excuse for what happened on saturday.Not one worthwhile effort on goal in 90 mins. What RVP said in his statement in the summer was 100% true.The lack of ambition at the club is scary.When will the followers of the Cult of Wenger realise their leader is no longer the coach they blindly believe he is.How many more games like saturday do we have to put up with? we have too many players happy to pick up £70k a week and not put in a shift.Manonne Santos Ramsey and Gervinho are not fit to wear the shirt.

  65. maguiresbridge gooner

    Oct 22, 2012, 12:32 #27040

    Hardey does he even have a plan A ?

  66. ianmac

    Oct 22, 2012, 12:26 #27039

    Not much to add really other than I'm still absolutely disgusted with the goalkeeping situation. This has been a complete neglect of duty by the manager since 2007 when we were crying out for a proper keeper. Chesney is just the best of a bad bunch, he is not good enough to be at a top club let alone the others, Mannone is a championship keeper at best. It's not his fault but he should be nowhere near Arsenal Football Club, god only knows what David Seaman is thinking about it. Spurs have 2 keepers far better than our best. Humiliating.

  67. Ron

    Oct 22, 2012, 11:18 #27038

    If its right they flew to Norwich its sums the Club and modern footballers up to a tee, especially Arsenal players and staff. Theyve thought anywhere more than 10 miles North, East, West or South of The Emirates is akin to travelling to Newfoundland. What a bunch of foreign, mercenary waste's of space they are!Do they even wonder why theres no bond between Club and players to the fans these days or do they ever care? The pampered to---rs ought to made to make their own way there and get 40p a mile like anybody else.Im so glad i dont pay anymore to fund such grotesque excesses.

  68. Sad Act

    Oct 22, 2012, 11:05 #27037

    Quote from from Wikipedia ''Symptoms of Seasonal Affective Disorder may consist of difficulty waking up in the morning, morning sickness, tendency to oversleep and over eat, especially a craving for carbohydrates, which leads to weight gain. Other symptoms include a lack of energy, difficulty concentrating on or completing tasks, ...'' That sounds like our boys on Saturday evening. ''All of this leads to the depression, pessimistic feelings of hopelessness, and lack of pleasure ...''. Accurate description of the fans' current mood I'd say. Bright light therapy is the cure. So give the lads some sunshine, Dr Wenger. Lot cheaper than buying better players.

  69. mkherd89

    Oct 22, 2012, 11:01 #27036


  70. Dmac

    Oct 22, 2012, 10:54 #27035

    Problem is we start so slowly, no ambition to test opposition defences or keepers early, often end up going behind and giving the other team something to cling on to, not that Norwich had to work very hard to keep us out, Liverpool got 5 there, and missed loads more, I can't think of 3 chances we created, no movement, no decent crosses, not one attempt to beat a player off a dribble, no pressing, no 1st or 2nd balls won, free headers from restarts at both ends for Norwich. When the ball leaves the floor it's not even a contest with this team. Been behind against them every time we have played them since they came up. Behind against west ham this year, last year Swansea, Blackburn, QPR, Wigan. Check out those stats Wenger not just possession stats. Bet we go begin against QPR sat. Desperately need a keeper, Julio Cesar free transfer anyone? Watch him have a blinder this Sat.

  71. Mark

    Oct 22, 2012, 10:42 #27034

    Disgraceful performance but we have seen it all before and we will see it again under Wenger.We are a club that has given up even trying to win anything ever again.From day one of the season its all about that top 4 place from the board the manager and the players downwards.The mentality of the club stinks.If a manager at so called big club can go 7 years trophyless without fearing for his job there is something seriously wrong.Gazidis has even talked about a contract extension for our serial loser.Things need to change from the top of the club downwards we need Usmanov to take over, a top class manager brought in and more quality players like Cazorla and less like Chamakh Park Gervinho and Giroud.But we all know that will never happen

  72. kilkenny cat

    Oct 22, 2012, 10:14 #27033

    Another total shambles,same old story.No commitment,no plan b,no leadership.The truth is, you cant sell your best player every year and progress. 30 years ago,Brady and Stapleton left the club.They were the best in their positions in europe.They left because of wages,and lack of ambition.NOTHING HAS CHANGED,and i wish we had stayed at Highbury.We might not have big profits,but im sure we wouldn,t have gone 8 years without a trophy,and we would still have a heart and soul,instead of a plastic ground,full of plastic fans.

  73. Endless, Nameless

    Oct 22, 2012, 10:02 #27032

    The headline story on Pravda (official website) this morning says it all: "Arteta: the team are really disappointed...'we're really down because we expected to win the game'". EXPECTED? EXPECTED? You arrogant bunch of ********!

  74. Ron

    Oct 22, 2012, 9:58 #27031

    'Abysmal'? No, not at all, youre totally wrong. Had you have said 'normal' and 'expectedly hopeless', you might have been better served.

  75. Ali

    Oct 22, 2012, 9:46 #27030

    I have given up on Arsenal winning anything under the current regime and am confident of Top four finish. That is why shocking defeats like that at Norwich don't hurt me anymore.

  76. chris dee

    Oct 22, 2012, 9:30 #27029

    We've seen this film before. A struggling team without a win? Which 'big 'team would they choose to play to boost their season? United,Chelsea,City ? Not f*****g likely ,give us spineless,gutless prima donna's Arsenal every time,it never fails. Bimingham City a struggling Premiership team get to a Cup Final. If they had to face a 'big' team in the final who would they choose? Spineless,gutless Arsenal of course,it never fails. The manager has tolerated so many of these types of displays they have become part of the D N A of the club. Truly disgraceful!

  77. QuartzGooner

    Oct 22, 2012, 9:08 #27028

    There were reasons for the loss, but the flight up to the game is something I agree with; the less time the players travel the better. We had seven injuries: Szczesny, Sagna, Gibbs, Diaby, Walcott, Rosicky. I blame Wenger for playing Ramsey central deep midfield, he has seldom shown any talent there, he is better in attacking midfield. Would have preferred Coquelin to start and Ramsey wide instead of Podolski. Podolski is carrying an ankle injury, so rest him completely until he is 100%! Really hope we buy a left back in January; Santos is not up to it, Gibbs gets inured too often. Another striker too please.

  78. Fozzy's mate

    Oct 22, 2012, 9:02 #27027

    Mandy like OGL and the rest of his brainwashed army you speak as if this type of performance that has been repeated many times over the last 7 years has nothing to do with him. The only thing that is consistent is the relentless sale of world class players and replacement by cheap in comparison players in terms of price and quality. Oh and OGLs constant failure to motivate his players. His first 8 years were as a manager his last as an economist and spin doctor. In this he has found his kindred spirit in Kroenke and Gazidis who all lecture to the world on how to run a football club and fleece fans.

  79. John Carry

    Oct 22, 2012, 8:33 #27026

    You would never see the Mancs or Chelski show this much lack of committment, feel sorry for the supporters who went to the game.

  80. ed enough....

    Oct 22, 2012, 6:28 #27025

    Not sure why there seems to be so much shock in the media surrounding the result at Norwich....are we all really that surprised at another defeat to a poor team? We have had 7 years of this type of result wrecking our season by November every year. 10 points of the pace is an embarrasment after a mere 8 games, and to hear the team actually flew to Norwich....I would have made them walk back downv the A12, the over-paid pre-madonnas....

  81. Kevin Kong

    Oct 22, 2012, 0:36 #27024

    Ban players listening to mp3 players on match days ("It helps them relax" -they shouldnt be f-in relaxed!! Ban player activity on twitter and facebook 24 hours before matches (easily monitored).Suits must be worn on match days. Players can get one tattoo for each trophy they win.

  82. Mandy Dodd

    Oct 21, 2012, 23:46 #27023

    Not sure why you are so interested in my comments RIchard, but for the record, I share wengers anger at an unacceptable performance. The keeper situation is a worry, if wenger has miscalculated, he must rectify things in jan. but these things happen, some on here seem to worship all things Utd, just look at who they have lost to in the last season and a bit. And, not really sure the point of getting hung up on how the team are transported to games??

  83. Gooner89

    Oct 21, 2012, 23:46 #27022

    Shocking performance. Having read through all the comments haven't seen any of the normal Wemger defenders. Is that because yesterday was indefensible? An absolute all round shambles. Wenger out and take Gazidis and Kronke with ya

  84. GoonerRon

    Oct 21, 2012, 22:50 #27021

    Utterly crap performance. The players had better look themselves in mirror and vow not to repeat it. Still a long, long way to go with many more twist and turns. 8 games is too soon for post mortems for the season.

  85. Ian

    Oct 21, 2012, 22:46 #27020

    As others have said we have seen if all before.Sadly its going to carry on.The lack of success the only ambition every year just to finish in the top 4 will continue as long as Wenger remains in charge.The board wont sack him and he wont leave voluntarily so we are stuck with him.4th to Wenger and the board really is 1st

  86. Mark

    Oct 21, 2012, 22:18 #27019

    Chelsea maintain their hunger & desire every game. their owner instills it in that club from top down that he expects the best from them. their off days have been so so rare. Arsenal just have far too many off days regulary each season since 2006. weve lost 2 already i reckon well lose 8 in total this season and 60 points is the best we can hope for and i reckon that puts us 6th and battling it out with Everton.

  87. fozzy's mate

    Oct 21, 2012, 20:05 #27018

    Bard two words you mention perfectly describe the man from alsace - arrogance and complacency. First shown at those embarrassing AGMs when the first time he ever had to face any scrutiny for fans he and the Old etonian imbecile basically told the fans to F+++ off. The club at board level always has been but now more than evere is riddle with arrogance and contempt for the fans who they treat like the ****e on their expensive loafers.

  88. RichardS

    Oct 21, 2012, 19:54 #27017

    I still can't get my head around yesterday's performance. The conspiracy theorist in me suspects some heavy money won at the bookies. Was the whole team on a bet? Such a poor display and I can only pick Arteta as a man who tried to lead the team. Not surprised that Mandy Dodd has refrained from comment. I'm not that even she could find any positives from that game. Canadagooner is a bit quiet these days. The saddest thing for me was that my first reaction this morning was remembering that tickets for Montpellier go on sale for red members on Monday morning. What is wrong with me?! I must be ill in the head or something. That's the thing about Arsenal, I can't help but look forward to the next game, thinking that things will change. Somebody help me.

  89. Bard

    Oct 21, 2012, 19:06 #27016

    Great post Kev. I dont think this result is especially about personnel although I have posted many times before that every top side needs a top keeper and so far Mannone has cost us 6 points, the real problem is the relationship between the coach and the players. The lack of application and fight , the bare minimum expected of players on massive wages, is endemic at the club. If they really respected/ the jersey and feared Wenger would they dare to put in such a performance. There has been something wrong at the heart of the club for a long while now and its not being addressed. Its a sort of complacency allied to a sense of arrogance. In the longer term all teams come to reflect the personality of the manager. Wenger's lack of ruthlessness and complacency is all to evident in this and other teams. We are deluded if we believe that under this regime we will win anything. No doubt we will have our triumphs but they will always be undermined by performances like yesterday. The painful truth ( for some) is that Wenger is finished as a top class manager.

  90. fozzy's mate

    Oct 21, 2012, 17:40 #27015

    As I have said (not rocket science) we are living on the OGL/DDT/MSS carousel. Constantly spinning with lies, half truths, window dressing and down right bull. How Wengers acolytes can stick with him blindly now I don't know. The excuses can't go on forever. As the DDT said last week we are soon to be the richest club in the world. Our clueless ceo and manager (in footballing terms) arrogantly preach about how to run a football club. The accountant and the economist blowing smoke up each other asses. As someone else says above OGL speaks more like a pundit than manager as if he has no part in such a debacle. I see him being carried out in 10 or so years time still spinning with the best. Meanwhile rather than FFP our cash everest will be used to bail out the eurozone and the master plan will finally be revealed along with the first million. Pound season ticket!

  91. Michael Preston

    Oct 21, 2012, 17:24 #27014

    Watching the Chelsea/Tottenham game (a few hours before this shambles), it was impossible not to feel a pang as Mata and Hazard ran the show - two players, long linked with us before they left their previous clubs, showing the quality that our financial policies prevented us from acquiring. Cheap is cheap and always will be.

  92. Gooner Tom

    Oct 21, 2012, 17:07 #27013

    A very poor show by The Arsenal yesterday, we did not create any clear cut chances all game that i can remember, and the goalkeeping coach (if we have one) would have been pulling his hair out with their goal, 1 why could manonne not hold it? 2 why did he not push the ball away from the goal? 3 when he did spill it in front of goal, why was his reaction to get up to slow? lets hope we can get a win on wednesday, after the showing yesterday it looks like a big ask!

  93. gooner1960

    Oct 21, 2012, 17:06 #27012

    I agree with every criticism on here. Yesterday has to be one of the worst performances ever in recent years. The problem is that the club knows that with a massive membership base, they do not need to worry about selling out every match and whilst that happens we will see the same old attitude from the club and the board. Its an absolute disgrace that they treat fans with contempt and charge the massive prices they do and just keep on making millions out of the fans. Dare i say that until Usmanov gets in and starts showing what ambition is by spending some money, it will be he same old Arsenal unfortunately.

  94. GaryFootscrayAustralia

    Oct 21, 2012, 16:26 #27011

    Several people have suggested David Moyes as a managerial replacement. I think we have to be realistic and acknowledge that Shop Steward Ferguson would block that move.

  95. Gooner SA

    Oct 21, 2012, 16:24 #27010

    Only time we've known about that rocket up the arse at half time has happened under Wenger and has worked was the Liverpool 1-2 Arsenal match in 2009 after Fabregas' post-match interview (bet Pat Rice delivered the rocket)!

  96. norfolk gooner

    Oct 21, 2012, 16:14 #27009

    That's what happens when you think you've won the game before a ball is kicked!said on here before we need a top class keeper,Szczesny only a number two at best, Gervinho only performs at home and as much as i like Podolski he will not score twenty goals this season.

  97. Treble Double

    Oct 21, 2012, 16:06 #27008

    Spot on with the article, couldn't put it better myself. Incredibly disappointing display lacking in quality and attitude. The early season optimism is well and truly gone. Poor, poor, poor.....

  98. Jude Jolicoeur

    Oct 21, 2012, 16:02 #27007

    "...one would have thought one might have had the wit and ability to actually take their opponent on instead of trying to play around them." The biggest culprit of that comment, in my opinion, is Ramsey. He's content to make a square or back pass, and when he does dare to drive forward, he's dispossessed more often than not. I've seen enough of a sample to know that he's not Arsenal quality. As long as he's in the central midfield role, the lack of imagination will continue despite our Spanish contingent. Cannot wait for Jack or Abou to return. Ramsey can become a spectator from the bench as he was at the beginning of the season when, not coincidentally, we were quite fluid and mobile in that area.

  99. Seven Kings Gooner

    Oct 21, 2012, 15:47 #27006

    The Arsenal players are the modern day "Lotus Eaters" - a wonderful pampered life with no fear of failure because failure is fourth place and fourth place is a trophy!

  100. DW Thomas

    Oct 21, 2012, 15:10 #27005

    How pathetic! Overpaid babies that complain about international breaks? All the top 3 had to deal with that too. Wenger has truly lost all mojo he ever had. No plan B. you put on Gnabry ( who is he) to win a game. The Ox is injured seconds after he comes on? Ramsey, the new Denilson, starts again? At least Denilson scored some goals from distance now and then. I stopped counting back passes to Mannone at halftime. Wenger's only plan is to score more than the opposition. But when your wingers play poorly and your only option is a target man up front, no goals will come. What happened to taking players on when you have space behind? The team seemed scared, no heart, no mettle, and no idea how to win. This team mostly only depresses me these days/years. Money in the bank when so many needs are glaringly obvious is total negligence and greed! We could've had Hazard, Mata, kept Van Persie, and then we might take a trophy. Even poor old Bendtner is dissing our training methods. Who's next? Was hoping for Wishire to come on and maybe save the day, but, no, the game didn't suit it? What a joke Wenger's comments are and always have been!

  101. Gooner Age

    Oct 21, 2012, 15:08 #27004

    Assuming it is bouldy that has sorted out the defence by his comments yesterday I think wenger is now waiting for someone to take charge of the midfield and forwards. This is o.k if you have the likes of Henry, bergkamp and veira in your team, they have the experience to work a team out. But youngsters or inexperienced prem players are gonna need a bit of guidance. This is where wenger always falls down. Simple tactical changes like bulking up midfield with le coq or throwing more crosses into giroud could have made all the difference yesterday. Also what is the point of having jack on the bench if he's not fit to play???

  102. moze

    Oct 21, 2012, 14:57 #27003

    What do you expect from a bunch of internationals who value their pockets more than the club history and tradition and also what the club is to the locals.Among the top clubs in england, there are atleast two or three senior players that have been at the club for eight years.wenger sent all his senior players packing in less than 18 months. Don't be shocked when fergie comes for wilshere as replacement for paul scholes

  103. Gerry

    Oct 21, 2012, 14:54 #27002

    Spot on article again Kev, no excuses for this latest surrender to a so called lesser team. Pitch was perfect and slick, mild weather, friendly atmosphere and most importantly our hosts did not try and kick us off the park. Attitude was to turn up and the opposition would just roll over and let us win the game without breaking sweat. Worst Arsenal side since the early 80's for sure but at least the vintage Arsenal would of gave it their all and played in a professional manner while respecting the opposing side. Been a gooner for 35 years, but I have never felt as detached and distant from this current squad in all that time. Can't believe that on the forums some people were saying that the Norwich game was going to be a walk in the park, well they were half right because I don't think Norwich will pick up an easier 3 pts all season! Going to be a long season folks and forget about a top 4 finish because we have one of the weakest squads in the league.

  104. Andy M

    Oct 21, 2012, 14:38 #27001

    The sad thing is that it was totally predictable. I said to a bloke at work on Friday that we'd probably slip up at Norwich because it would be a banker for any other team.

  105. aj

    Oct 21, 2012, 14:33 #27000

    Really poor timing for the club's management. Gazidis has had to try and justify the shocking cost of going to the Emirates this week.Before that the club announce a profit of 30m+. We don't even have a back up goalie who can get his hands to a shot. The ball hit him on the forearm. It's just embarrassing .Plus ca change Wenger.

  106. Stroud Green Road Boy

    Oct 21, 2012, 14:18 #26999

    The thing is, what with geting to Luton, checking in etc, flying to Norwich cannot have taken any less time than getting a train or coach. So it doesn't even have that excuse. It just looks like a statement to me, they did it because they can, unlike the plebs. How in their own world these people are.

  107. Ken Dodd

    Oct 21, 2012, 14:16 #26998

    By jove,by jove what a beautiful day to hop onto my private jet,fly down to Norwich and cry in the town square,''Mandy...where are you?...where are you?...let's be 'avin you!''

  108. 1971 Gooner

    Oct 21, 2012, 13:35 #26996

    Mannone did exactly the same thing against West Ham two seasons ago. The fact he is third choice behind Flappy says it all. He should be nowhere near the first team, and the fact he is tells you all you need to know about Wenger and the seemingly managed decline of our great club. I feel like I did in the mid 1980s - depressed.

  109. Markus

    Oct 21, 2012, 13:31 #26995

    This Arsenal team will be lucky to finish fourth. The media played up expectations. But it is ridiculous to think that we can compete with Man U, City, and Chelsea. They bring in several world-class players every season. Arsenal under Wenger will never be able to match these teams. Hopes of winning the title this season have gone already and we are only 8 games in. Wenger and Arsenal are stuck in Groundhog Day and it is time to bring someone new in, and as someone else said Moyes would be an ideal option.

  110. maguiresbridge gooner

    Oct 21, 2012, 13:24 #26994

    Worse performance ED is there one ? woeful, shambolic, clueless same old same old thinking all they had to do was turn up another three points blown against the mighty norwich.Pampered players who think they're Barca well arsene their bloody not and they never will be because their simply not good enough.It was suggested on here in the last couple of days we've maybe the best midfield in the league ? what league ?.Your right ED no commitment you have to wonder do they really care no doubt the usual excuses will be spun. Like Martin Keown said on ESPN after the game back to the drawing board that's if we ever got away from it in the first place.

  111. exiled & dangerous

    Oct 21, 2012, 13:14 #26993

    Rather than show them a video of Barcelona's workrate, perhaps they should simply re-run yesterday's game and tell them to watch the team in yellow...... Norwich worked hard and played for each other. And never mind flying, I would have made them walk home after that performance.

  112. Guildford Gooner

    Oct 21, 2012, 12:58 #26992

    After flying to the game yesterday the team (led by Wenger) should have walked back to London hanging their heads in shame!!!

  113. johnnyh

    Oct 21, 2012, 12:34 #26991

    it was all so familiar and depressing.performances like this really do highlight the need for a change of manager. wenger should be sacked for his failure to sign a top quality international goalkeeper for a start. scezny,mannone and fabianski wouldnt get past security if they turned up at any other premiership club training ground claiming to be goalkeepers and if aaron ramsey is a premier league player then so am i. WENGER OUT.

  114. Kenny

    Oct 21, 2012, 12:29 #26990

    It always amazes me why some Gooners thought this season was going to be any different from the previous 7.Last season we finished 1 point ahead of Spurs.This season we are without are the best player and top scorer in the premiership RVP.£24m was the price we got for RVP thats how much we paid for Gervinho and Giroud combined.I agree with you Kev Wenger aint going nowhre until 2017 at the earliest because our fans are an apathetic bunch who refuse to protest and are happy to watch the club fall further behind on the pitch while the profits get bigger.Since Kroenke took over there has not been one anti Kroenke protest at the emirates.Do you think he even knows we lost yesterday?Norwich was just another defeat similar to so many over the last 7 years.Another Groundhog season

  115. Website Editor

    Oct 21, 2012, 12:23 #26989

    Tboy69 - hands up to that one, i'll edit that!

  116. Glitch33

    Oct 21, 2012, 12:19 #26988

    I cannot fathom why the players did not up their game and play somewhere near their potential. I have seen this too many times in the past 7 seasons to blame the players although I do believe some save themselves for the CL shop window. Wenger and his coaches are supposed to keep the players motivated. No plan B is too common these days. Wenger sounded like a pundit and not the manager when making his excuses for this pathetic loss. Link to article tweeted by Piers Morgan!

  117. Rob

    Oct 21, 2012, 12:14 #26987

    The only thing to say about that performance yesterday is that it stank the place out from top to bottom. Not one player - bar possibly Per - looked capable. I saw two matches yesterday. At 12.45pm I saw an excellent Chelsea come back from 1 -2 down against a very hardworking Spurs and win 4 -2. They look Champions. Actually they are. European Champions ! Then I saw that Arsenal performance. So they flew to Norwich ! FFS !!! That is even more pathetic than the performance, if that were possible. Will anyone at this coming AGM have the guts to make a real fuss about this ? Or anything else ? We all know the answer. But let's not get too down shall we ? This time next year, Ivan's pay packet should be north of £2.5 million and closer to £3 million. Wenger will still be on more than double that. Hill-Wood will still be enjoying the wine cellar and Stan may have even come over to watch the team he ostensibly owns, play, more than twice. In the modern Arsenal, these are the things that - sadly, shamefully, infuriatingly - really count . Are they not ?

  118. naz

    Oct 21, 2012, 12:09 #26986

    Its wenger who instills the complacency in the team. He has lost the will to be a winner. If u read between the lines of his post match comments he said he would have played wilshere if the game had allowed it. Meaning he even thought it would be a walkover. Unfortunately I also believe that no other manager can keep arsenal in the CL with the budget that the board give.

  119. Razor

    Oct 21, 2012, 11:54 #26985

    Two years ago Szczesny was 4th choice keeper behind the three stooges.Through luck and injuries and not his own judgement Wenger got a raw but good keeper.He is still not the finished article but miles ahead of the other three.But while we go rid of Average Al we still have Flappy and Manonne as back up.And lo and behold when Szczesny gets injured in comes one of the clowns.Its criminal how Wenger will not buy a top class keeper.As for Ramsey Fergie dodged a bullet when Ramsey chose us instead of Utd

  120. jjetplane

    Oct 21, 2012, 11:50 #26984

    Started listening to second half on TSport and gave up after five minutes and went back to Radio Five. Checked end result and thought next week - do not even bother! What a distance can be created and that is because football is no longer what it was.

  121. Olarayz

    Oct 21, 2012, 11:45 #26983

    Can someone tell me which top team in EPL will have Ramsey in their starting XI? Wenger's poor team selection and obsession with Ramsey once again has cost us three vital points... The fact that no tactical options came from the bench is dumbfounding! Ramsey is the weak link, he makes everyone looks lame. He should start from the bench. Wenger gets all the blame... he couldn't even get the players started! His subs were midocre & unbelievably predictable OMG!!!! Somebody wake me up... It must be a bad dream.

  122. guru the gunn

    Oct 21, 2012, 11:44 #26982

    unfortunately i wasn't able to watch the match yesterday but i plan to watch a re-run today. But i think its glaring to see that this team suffers from two things; 1) AW's being absolutely clueless in terms of secondary tactics. 2) no-one is playing for the badge. This needs to be sorted. 4rth is the best we can hope for sadly.

  123. Pete

    Oct 21, 2012, 11:38 #26981

    Gervinho has to be the world signing since Jeffers and we have signed some duds since signed him.As for Giroud i have seen milk turn quicker,he made Bassong look like TA yesterday.This team hasnt improved this season whatever the AKB's tell us.I honestly dont think we will finish top 4 this season.We only finished there last year because of the goals of RVP.The manager keeps pulling the wool over fans eyes yet there are still no protest against Inspector Clueless.As for JW on the bench a blatant PR stunt.How anyone could think a team that has Manonne Jenkinson(he tries but is not good enough)Unfit Santos,Ramsey,Gervinho,Ashavin and Giroud could be title challengers is beyond me.I will ask one question do you think Wenger will sign an experienced keeper in january?me neither.Our only signing will be TH14

  124. Hardey

    Oct 21, 2012, 11:38 #26980

    Very true...No commitment from players even the gaffer doesn't have a plan b as usual

  125. Jason B

    Oct 21, 2012, 11:36 #26979

    If it wasn't for Norwich's poor finishing,we could have been looking at a hiding.Unacceptable performance.Well said,Mr Whitcher.@ Garyfootscaryaustralia,great comment about Chris Waffle.I'd like to add Jon Champion to that as well.In fact he's worse!

  126. David Willetts

    Oct 21, 2012, 11:33 #26978

    I agree with every point made. Arsenal were the worst I've seen them. Depressing... because the club's going backwards in football terms...but it's OK in the Board Room because all upcoming games are sold out.

  127. winer

    Oct 21, 2012, 11:27 #26977

    It will never matter who coaches the team , if you fill it up with second rate cast offs from around the world. You can train our goalkeepers till you are blue in face but they will never be match changers like Seamen was or even Lukic, and Lehman. The defenders are slow or lack a physical presence and that costs us time after time . We have no midfield enforcement any more as the only player capable spends over half the season on the treatment table. Since the break up of the invincible's the team has been neglected and is now a shadow of any Wenger side of the past .

  128. dada ridwan @worldbankz twitter

    Oct 21, 2012, 11:11 #26976

    I am 20 years old and i can say norwich vs arsenal was the most stupid arsenal game i ve seen all my life! The players were sleeping, all of them!

  129. Gare Kekeke

    Oct 21, 2012, 11:03 #26975

    Full credit to Norwich for the win. They worked hard and got their got just desserts. How ironic that their manager’s first league win as Norwich manager is against us with him being a bit of a Tottenham legend. Being at the game, I watched an Arsenal team with very little spark and imagination and with a poor attitude, which many fans said was a problem last season in certain games and it’s still a problem. Too many players had poor games. Vito Mannone proved yet again why the goalkeeper position is something that has concerned Gooners for some time. Are some fans are still judging him on his MOTM performance at Fulham three years ago? Szczesny’s return couldn’t come any sooner but even he still has a lot to prove. What an insult to the likes of Wilson, Seaman & Jennings. Proper legends of The Arsenal and some fans actually think that the current lot are in that exalted company. The travelling Gooners were excellent though, except for that Van Persie song which I really hate. Get over it; he’s a Man Utd player for goodness sake. Fans like me always knew the early games were a false dawn. League wise, one win from the last four, no clean sheets from the last five. So much for the Steve Bould effect (he is still a proper legend though in my eyes). The fact is at this point, we have won one less game than Tottenham and one more game than Liverpool, both of whom have new managers who are apparently under pressure. I said last season that defeats to mid-table and struggling teams are the norm and not the exception and that has been the case since 2006 and very little has been done to change my view there. We are already playing for the much vaunted fourth place with serious competition. Still, onwards and upwards. At least reading the 25th anniversary edition of The Gooner brightened up the journey home. Up The Arsenal!

  130. Reg

    Oct 21, 2012, 11:00 #26974

    The lack of ambition comes right from the top and the players know it and any half intelligent fan knows it. Playing for Arsenal is a dream for players of a certain type, very good money, great facilities, full stadiums, you get to live in London and you don't need to win a thing to keep the whole thing rolling on! It's been a 5 star holiday camp for a good many years. Any player with ambition to win things gets out pretty lively! I've seen it all before but when I was a kid they couldn't exactly hide the fact that the terraces were empty. With Wenger and co it's the emperor's new clothes with all the back slapping and self sustainability ****e! Boycott the horrible immoral regime that has this club in it's grip! The only way I'm afraid

  131. Groundhog Year 7

    Oct 21, 2012, 10:54 #26973

    That was the worst game Arsenal have played for a very long time. Could not agree more about being worse than the United game last year. Although I do not like it you can see why RVP has gone. When oh when will Wenger go/be sacked. Until he does nothing will ever change. But hey we make loads of money so that's alright then - Not !

  132. GaryFootscrayAustralia

    Oct 21, 2012, 10:47 #26972

    I think I can gauge where most replies will come from in response to this, so I'll try and speak on other matters. I felt a certain amount of sympathy for Serge Gnabry. The kid may turn out in pure footballing ability to be Anelka standard, but to paraphrase Dr. Evil, yesterday he was giving off "a creepy Kaba Diawara vibe". Not his fault, simply a result of a circumstance that leaves an untried teenager selected ahead of two internationals on the books being paid handsomely to turn up for the pre - season squad photo. The fact that he was called upon at all is indicative of the paucity of options in the forward line. In another match yesterday, a mobile, efficient target man, equally adept in the air, on the floor, leading the line or playing on the break, came off the bench and won a match for his team against the odds. He then informed his post - match interviewer that he'll only be happy when he's playing more. Imagine that, a centre forward not guaranteed his place comes off the bench, scores two, and is hungry for more, without any self - pity about his situation. I would suggest that the club try to sign him, but I'm guessing that wouldn't be considered cost efficient, so no move on that one. Special praise for Wes Hoolahan as well. He was bright, busy and available right up until his substitution, like a young Yossi Benayoun. Lastly, I really have no idea what constitutes the responsibilities of the chimps at ESPN charged with the feeding, watering and bathing of Chris Waffle, but I would have thought that steering him clear of any pre - match refreshments would be a priority. I've heard many good reports on the standard of corporate catering at Carrow Road, so one would be tempted to cut loose - but to allow Waffle to riff nonsensically during a national broadcast in the manner of saloon bar philosopher is ridiculous!

  133. Peter Wain

    Oct 21, 2012, 10:32 #26971

    you should not be surprised by this performance. This squad is the weakest squad we have ever had. No goalkeepr decent left back holding midfield player and only one striker who is slower than John Hawley. Add this to a lack of heart, committement and ability you can see why that performance occurs. How Gervinho is an Arsenal player I do not know nor Giroud. How we have no other central stiker but him I just do not understand. Will it improve not under this leadership.

  134. James the thirst

    Oct 21, 2012, 10:31 #26970

    Forget the top 3 we are light years behind them.Lets take a reality check this so called new Arsenal with Steve Bould as number 2 has already dropped 12 points out of 24,We still concede stupid goals we still get beaten by poor teams and we are 1 pt ahead of Swansea and 3 ahead of the team in crisis Liverpool.So much for the new Arsenal.Its the same manager stupid

  135. Clive the Gooner

    Oct 21, 2012, 10:24 #26969

    Another shocking performance to add to the ever growing list. Their keeper couldn't have dreamed of an easier day, we spent the entire 90 mins passing sideways or backwards. What the hell did Wenger say at half time? obviously nothing of note as they were just as bad in the second half. No desire to win or work hard absolutely awful. Time to go Arsene and take the Yanks with you.

  136. Angry & Frustrated

    Oct 21, 2012, 10:14 #26968

    I had at the start of the season decided not to comment on individual games until 10 premier league games had been played, to get a fair picture of where we are, rather than knee jerk reactions to poor displays/results. Having watched yesterdays game on TV however it's crystal clear to me that nothing has changed, and what Kevin writes in his accurate assessment in this article about where we are at, is bang on the money (pun intended). The sad thing is this article could and has been written by Kevin over the last 5 years and as things stand will probably be written again over the next 5 years! The most frustrating thing in all of this is that so many fans still worship the ground Wenger walks on, and whilst this continues our trophy drought is a 100% certainty, bar perhaps a lucky League cup run. We will not be troubling anybody for the title, and as for the Champ League I have more chance of winning the lottery than that ever happening under this money grabbing fourth is first regime.

  137. Tboy69

    Oct 21, 2012, 10:08 #26967

    Early season false hope?......By the way Norwich were a Premier league team last year!!

  138. fotanen

    Oct 21, 2012, 10:04 #26966

    I'm an arsenal fan from Greece and I've been supporting arsenal for fifteen yars.I watch the arsenal games every week and I support the club by buying official products and sadly only been to the emirates once.I could give the manager and the board many excuses for the lack of trophies when we first moved to the emirates but no more.Yesterday's game was a disgrace ,no hunger to win ,no football egoism by the players .something's gotta to change because even ''fans from afar'' can't be fooled anymore when we see the same mistakes repeated every year.We want to watch footballers with quality and a real hunger to win and make the fans proud.It's the first time I'm posting a comment on this site so excuse me for any errors.Always supporting the team but us we say in Greece we need 'players with testicals'.

  139. SilverGooner

    Oct 21, 2012, 10:00 #26965

    Performances like this are the reason we will continue to remain trophyless under Wenger, as well as proof that our manager is tactically inept. But for poor finsihing Norwich could - and should - have won by more. As for Arsenal, I don't think we had one decent effort on goal until the 87th minute. Ramsey, Podolski, Giroud and Gervinho were all diabolical. Only Arteta put in a decent shift. After 8 games we are already 10 points off the leaders so in my book that doesn't count as an encouraging start to the season. Just more of the same!

  140. Ramsey why?

    Oct 21, 2012, 9:57 #26964

    Two things stood out yesterday that summed up everything about the modern Arsenal.Taking a plane to Norwich FFS and Jack Wilshire sitting on the bench when he was never ever going to come on.It was a PR stunt.I had more chance of coming on and i was watching in a pub in North London.Yesterdays game was all about attitude Norwich are a very poor side but their attitude was great our attitude stank the house out.Can i remind you yet again for a club that hasnt won anything for 7 years our manager is paid £7m a year and our player wage bill is £124m.You cant get away from the fact we reward failure and that is why our players havent the fight for a battle.

  141. Challenger

    Oct 21, 2012, 9:56 #26963

    Since the match yesterday, I still did not justify what happened !! It is no longer clear to me what is the problem that needed so badly to be solved. We have a Great Club with Great history and well balanced economy! a Manager who has done so many great things until 2006! a New man to help him and the defending! and some top quality players all around. I'm afraid I'm not even bothered this time....

  142. Dan h

    Oct 21, 2012, 9:56 #26962

    AW has a saying we played with the handbrake on when we don't perform last night the engine was gone & even jump leads wouldn't get us going.No reaction to going behind Ruddy was virtually redundant in the Norwich goal we turned up thought it would be easy stroked the ball about infront of them at testimonial pace.The game it reminded me of was Ipswich CC semi final first leg arrogant approach.No excuses to the level of performance Jenkinson again kept going the fact Gnabry showed more drive to get forward than players that had played for 80+ mins should embarass those involved.Well we also have the reccuring nightmare of topping the injury table list some things never change do they?Sure it will be an angry response today but again spare a thought for those that gave up their saturday spent good money to watch that even the normally magnificent away support seemed silenced by what they were witnessing.Hard not to be negative after that.

  143. Munchbaghat

    Oct 21, 2012, 9:54 #26961

    Vapid. Shockingly inept. To play a certain style needs certain players, and we don't have players with the close control and quick feet to play the "eye of a needle" method we aspire to. The ball moves too slowly (sideways),it bobbles of shins, Ramsey is our Hazard. It's all about blagging quality, silk purses and sows ears. As for heart and industry, a duracell bunny would've been an improvement. Hey hoh.....

  144. What was the point in leaving Highbury?

    Oct 21, 2012, 9:45 #26960

    What did you expect from a Wenger team? Poor goalkeeping, check. Bad attitude, check. Lack of spirit, check. Only plan A, check. I dont really even care that much as its our fault, the supporters. We put up with it and are happy to pay huge sums for the privilage just to make a Yank even richer and keep Wenger in a job that if he were at a proper big club he would have been out of it five years ago. People come out with rubbish like who else would you have in charge like other clubs who change managers win nothing, like Chelsea, Madrid, Barca, milan, munich for instance!!! Moyes's CV is miles better now than Wengers was when he took over. No one had heard of him even. Wenger never learns from mistakes but he's an old man now and isnt going to change let alone sign a half sharp goalie. Our idiot supporters have ruined Wengers legacy by allowing him to continue.

  145. au revoir wenger

    Oct 21, 2012, 9:39 #26959

    spot on kev ,we can only hope we get rid of wenger sooner rather than later

  146. Trevor

    Oct 21, 2012, 9:36 #26958

    This was an absolutely shocking performance.The type we have become used to in the last 7 years.The team reflects the manager.The lack of fight,tactical know how which Utd City and Chelsea have in spades.A pathetic shambles.We we awful in the first half yet no changes were made at half time.We have a keeper who is not good enough for championship football but i dont blame Manonne i blame Wenger we all knew Manonne wasnt good enough two years(the same goes for Flappy) yet Wenger continues to treat the goalkeeping position with distain.I have lost count of the number of posts during the summer that were saying we needed to sign an experienced keeper to back up Szczesny. The likes of Santos Ramsey Gervinho and Giroud are just poor players at this level.Can i recommend to all Gooners to listen to the lastest Gooner podcast and hear Steve Ashford talk about Gervinho you will have the biggest laugh ever.Wenger should have gone in 2009 he is only in his job because the club makes profits.This wasnt a one off which the AKB's will tell us it was because we have seen it happen so many times over the last 7 years.

  147. Gooner1711

    Oct 21, 2012, 9:29 #26957

    Same old, same old. Nothing will change long term. Short term victories may patch over the wounds, but the infestation is still there. Long term is the the same management, with the same stories, same profit model, blah, blah, blah. Anyone who expects different simply isn't with it. A waste of a day and £90. Tosh and more tosh days to follow as well as the good but overall, reverting to type.

  148. Wombledin

    Oct 21, 2012, 9:27 #26956

    Did anyone really think we'd be genuine title contenders or even runner-up contenders before the season kicked off? Some gooners truly are delusional. We are gunning for 4th, maybe 3rd if we are incredibly lucky. That's a big success to the owners and Wenger since it keeps us in the CL and it lines their pockets. We the fans should be grateful for the privilege of lining our owners pockets and having a club that boasts such great financial statements. Stand up and be proud gooners!

  149. Stroud Green Road Boy

    Oct 21, 2012, 9:22 #26955

    The thing is, there is constant player churn (team almost unrecognisable from the one of just two years ago) yet these sorts of performances keep cropping up. There is something in the attitude Wenger instills in his teams that can too easily tip into arrogance and complacency. The manager is the constant factor here. It's who he is and it's going to keep happening as long as he is manager.

  150. 60yearsagooner

    Oct 21, 2012, 9:16 #26954

    I am convinced that Wengers monotoned voice send the team to sleep prematch. How else can you explai a total lack of conviction. We may have had some dodgy teams in the past but at least they tried!

  151. Peter Wain

    Oct 21, 2012, 8:41 #26953

    Having seen a truly woeful perormance againsta side that cannot defend I venture to suggest that this weak average squad is the worst I have seen at Arsenal since the 807s. Shorn of world class ability by the ineptitude of management this squad as as little ability as heart and most of them are not fit to wear the shirt. From an ice cream salesman of a goal keeper a wandering left back no pace in mid field only matched by the slowest stiker in the premier ship by some distance I can see no green shoots of a trophy this season. The lack of investment in the squad is ever more apparent and on this performance the idea of letting Walcott go in January is ridiculous. Gervinho must easily make the worst Arsenal side in its history. Quite why he started yesterday after his perfermance against West Ham is a mystery Ehy no WIltshire? Even half fit he is qiucker than Ramsey Once again a long season beckons with no challenge for the major trophies. Gazidis out Kroenke out Wenger out the board out.