Revolt in the ranks

Online Ed: Discontent at the Arsenal AGM

Revolt in the ranks

Let’s hope the season isn’t as bad as the choice of hair…

“Thanks for your support and interest in our affairs.” So the words of chairman Peter Hill-Wood ended the 2012 Arsenal Holdings PLC Annual General Meeting. “Our affairs”? Who owns the club? Certainly, those in the audience more than any of those on the podium with the exception of Stan Kroenke. However, it symbolized the disdain with which Hill-Wood viewed the minority shareholders. “The same lot” was how he described those that voted against the re-election of Lord Harris after Sir Chips Keswick’s own re-election had received some dissenters.

It was a lot more interesting than AGMs used to be, because for a number of years, people were generally happy with the direction of the club. Now, the board are relying on Financial Fair Play to level the playing field, and CEO Ivan Gazidis is persuaded by other clubs paying lip service to it in meetings. Not only will UEFA be instigating it, he told us, the Premier League are devising something similar. So the future’s looking good, he informed the meeting, just hang on and wait until these new sponsorship deals come on stream in 2014. The trouble is, there is the possibility that by then, Arsenal may not be in the Champions League to maximize their appeal, as the team have been declining gradually for a number of seasons, in spite of the ever-spiraling wage bill.

We are overachieving every season given our spending, Gazidis told the assembled. Eh? Well in that case spend some of the £60 million in the player trading account sitting in the bank and let’s overachieve even more! When wages and transfers are combined, Arsenal are – I believe - the fourth highest spending club in the country. So making the Champions League should be achieving pretty much what you would expect. In the days when Arsenal were in the top two spenders, pre-Abramovich, then they were habitually top two in the league. There is no great achievement there, given the spending. Manchester United, between 2007 and today, are the overachievers. So there is an element of spin there, although if you were selective and just looked at the transfer spend, then you can make this argument.

Unlike previous years, Hill-Wood was not given a sheet of paper to read out the answers to pre-submitted questions. The man has trouble with his eyesight and with his hearing. So for the most part, Gazidis answers the questions. In his opening words, he started off by congratulating the Arsenal Ladies’ team for their achievement, which was not a strong place to start, but perhaps shows how far the club has fallen. Clutching at straws some would call it. He continually referenced ‘the journey we are on,’ to the extent that for a moment I thought I was watching ‘Strictly Come Dancing’. There was talk about the club’s sense of ambition, which was later pulled up by Nigel Phillips of the Arsenal Supporters Trust who reminded us that Robin van Persie left precisely because Arsenal did not match his own ambitions – which are presumably to win another trophy before his career finishes. He couldn’t afford to wait around until FFP kicks in, if it will have any effect in the first place. The board are not interested in using Alisher Usmanov’s money to enhance the team’s chances because – as such strong advocates of FFP – it would make them look hypocritical. Hmmmm. Hypocracy and the Arsenal directors. Discuss.

Arsenal’s principles are independence and self-reliance, the CEO told us, keeping our future in our own hands. So we don’t plan to go into administration, then? Great news. How about trying to speculate sensibly then, instead of posting profits year on year, mainly due to selling our best players who get fed up of waiting for the day when Arsenal become winners again. “Everyone is trying to imitate Arsenal,” Gazidis said. Not if you look at the huge recent commercial growth of the teams the club are lagging behind they are not. Those are the guys to imitate. Arsenal’s conservatism – their actually limited sense of ambition – means they are falling behind year on year, moving closer to Tottenham than Barcelona, although in fairness to Tottenham, they are at least active in the transfer market and able to move on players they don’t want rather than have them hanging around like rotting fish. What handing over the answers to questions to Gazidis achieved was that the clock could be eaten with waffle. He spoke about keeping the values of the club’s 126 year history. Perhaps he should read up on Sir Henry Norris sometime. Then again, the way he acts sometines, maybe he has.

Arsene Wenger is under no obligation to attend these meetings, even if he is a director in all but name. He had a very long face at times, feeling the mood was a little ugly. He gave some hard stares at the audience before his turn came to speak. Significantly, there was no initial round of applause for him taking the mic, which is the first time I can remember this happening. He seemed subdued, his voice rough and slightly cracked. “We should not be devastated to finish third,” he said, “I will not be here if we finished 15th”. Of the last two matches, “we hit the wall in an unexplainable way”, but don’t worry, “the attitude of the team is fantastic.” Really? Anyway, no concerns over the silverware drought because there are in fact five trophies. Oh yes. First is the Premier League, second is the Champions League, third is qualifying for the Champions League, fourth is the FA Cup and fifth is the League Cup. “I am ready to listen if you can convince me I am wrong in this. I accept every different opinion.” So why no bus top parade since 2004 (they couldn’t be bothered in 2005 because the FA Cup wasn’t worth getting the bus started for), given that there is a new trophy to show off that we weren’t aware of?

The manager also told us he was happy to meet the fans at the end of the season. As he was addressing shareholders, was this a reference to the supposedly annual Q&A event? Last time he took questions at the season’s end was in May 2009. He held another in September 2010, but nothing in 2011 and zilch in 2012. He emphasized that supporters needed to be united with the club, a refrain from last season. It was a speech that lacked his usual zest, the man is looking weary.

Stan Kroenke was put on the spot. One questioner asked him directly if he would meet with fanshare members to discuss the future of the scheme and Ivan Gazidis answered on his behalf to avoid him being compromised and having to say no. The message was that we run the club as a board, it isn’t about an individual. Tim Payton of the AST then reminded Stan that he had – when he issued his offer document to buy up all remaining shares on reaching 30% due to the death of Danny Fiszman – agreed to meet with supporters, and had yet to do so. Kroenke maintained he had. “I must have missed something.” Is there anyone out there who has met with Kroenke since he became the majority shareholder? Have we missed something?

It was quite clear that, presumably fed up at the lack of progress getting shares released by the club for the fanshare scheme, the Trust are on the warpath, and were eager to pick holes in some of the messages coming from the board. Things got unruly a couple of times, and it was on the verge of becoming a free-for-all. What was most encouraging to this observer was that Kroenke can be under no illusion that the shareholding fans are content with the “journey” the club is on. They don’t buy FFP and they are not happy about the amount of money that, as supporters, they are having to hand over to the club in return for season upon season of what they see as a team that is not actually good enough to genuinely compete.

Ivan Gazidis’ huge wage hike and bonus payment were awarded because “we had a good year” explained the chairman – the club actually made an operating loss of over £30 million last year. So I am uncertain what the CEO would have to do to have a bad year. One lady asked if there was some thought to having both female and younger board members. Aside from Gazidis, everyone on the podium was either nearing or well past retirement age. No, was the answer. Don’t worry, these codgers may be rich, but they haven’t discovered the elixir of eternal life. At least four of them will be pushing up daisies by the time the Emirates’ stadium naming rights deal expires in 2021. We’ve waited this long for a trophy, although we might get a more dynamic board of directors before we see silverware again.

The chairman tried to wind up the meeting. “I think we’re really had enough questions if you don’t mind,” but relented as a shareholder approached the mic, “one more or we’ll be here all day”. Afterwards, his line with which I opened – “Thanks for your support and interest in our affairs.” The meeting is a formality. Votes are symbolic as if anything is outvoted, Stan Kroenke simply needs to raise his hand. However, they are getting more entertaining with the years, as people are less prepared to tolerate the half-truths and spin, frustrated with the direction the club are going in. Yes, Arsenal are on a sound financial footing. But they are doing nothing with it. There is no vision to speculate to accumulate. A lack of realization at how important it is to win trophies rather than just take part in a highly financial rewarding competition. Arsenal might not make next season’s Champions League unless the horrorshow that was the last two matches is addressed. But then again, what would change if they did miss out on the top four? Would we have to sell a top player to compensate? Heaven forbid – but hang on, aren’t we doing that already…

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  1. maguiresbridge gooner

    Dec 08, 2013, 14:12 #42581

    JAMIE, we certainly do seem to have this unity in the team at the minute, unlike man yoo anyway and if the RVP rumors are to be believed,just think of the unity actually winning the prem would bring, but even with a result today it's way to early to say it's in the bag.

  2. JAMIE

    Dec 07, 2013, 23:59 #42574

    Oh to think tomorrow we can be seven points clear,we seem to have this unity the other top teams are lacking. I think Everton will be buried then to Citeh chests pushed out, cannons blazing, title all but bagged.


    Dec 07, 2013, 22:49 #42573

    Hi maguiresbridge. So right chum. Destiny is well and truly in our own hands. A real test for this squads moral fibre. Can they hold their nerve and the lead? Can they maintain a belief in themselves which stretches beyond the lower and mid-table sides? A positive answer would determine the destination of the title, providing we aren't undone by any force majeure. I have the vaguest, and sneakiest of feelings they just might. Here's to you, here's to me, here's to us.

  4. maguiresbridge gooner

    Dec 07, 2013, 22:29 #42572

    BADARSE, yes it would be great to see a picture of the prem trophy with 2014 beside it up on the balcony again even though the gap in dates will be very noticeable but i don't think any of us will worry to much about that. As jeff wright says we've been handed a couple of early Xmas presents today lets hope their accepted and ripped open immediately and not sent back.


    Dec 07, 2013, 19:41 #42571

    jjetplane, ahh, Neil forever Young. Thank you to the Neil Young appreciation society and all it's bluesy red members.

  6. jjetplane

    Dec 07, 2013, 19:33 #42570

    ... this is the story of Mesut Ozil Westie. But remember Badarse 'seen the needle and the damage done/a little part of it in everyone....' What with Special Stoke and Marching Saints things are getting heady. 'look out mama there's a ...... comin' up the river ...

  7. Paul Adams

    Dec 07, 2013, 18:41 #42569

    Hey Westlower,look at our goals against column! That should win us title.i was at game v Hull , thousands of Northbankers were late & missed both goals,Pillocks !


    Dec 07, 2013, 18:22 #42568

    I'm with you on all you say westlower. My sense of smell is pretty acute too.

  9. Westlower

    Dec 07, 2013, 18:12 #42567

    For the first time this season Arsenal are joint favourites with Man City on 7/4 (13/8 with some), Chelsea 9/2, Liverpool 10/1. Somehow we need to inject the spirit of 70/71 into the home crowd to lift our lads over the line. It's a 50/50 deal between supporters and players. Get to your seat on time, watch the WHOLE game and shout yourselves hoarse, even if we go behind! Stay to the end and applaud the team off the pitch, your enthusiasm will become infectious. The Emirates support is getting better but there is still room for improvement as some of you are only attending and not supporting your team with any passion. What a week this could turn out to be! I have seen 6 Arsenal Championship winning teams and I can smell the 7th one coming along any time now!

  10. jeff wright

    Dec 07, 2013, 17:41 #42566

    Results have gone our Westie and we must take advantage of this in tomorrows game with City next up away in the Prem . Lets hope that Wenger and our players have not got their eyes on Napoli midweek and concentrate on getting the job done. Pulis must have got Chammy off the whacky-baccy .


    Dec 07, 2013, 17:34 #42565

    Well westlower what about today? In the light of these allow me to drift a little. Before the season I expected the big seven to be there or thereabouts with possibly one or two early interlopers. I posted as much and some didn't grasp my point. However as mentioned then and an update now I see the fog of vagueness clearing. Tottenham are just not good enough. Southampton, and of late Newcastle are just going to be unable to sustain any worthwhile challenge. Unexpected on my part but we now see Man U fading from the race. That leaves five teams. I personally have maintained Liverpool won't see out the course, though much improved I feel it's down to Suarez being on fire and that fire will be dampened down as the season progresses. In fact I think Everton, without the style of Liverpool are a more likely bet to finish above their Stanley Park neighbours. So what do we have? Well a recognition that the polarised group at the top have stratified, (as I used these words on here before I see no reason why I shouldn't use them again). The main contenders, and I do mean contenders (gentlemen), are us, Chelsea and Man C. One of those three teams will almost certainly win the league. Expect the odds from westlower to be enhanced in our favour. Forget punditry. Don't over react but I urge you all, keep a corner of your mind free for the possibility, the prospect, of painting up a new trophy image reading 2014. Good luck to us all fellas. A must win tomorrow. A pressure test, let's hope we meet it head on. Just enjoy this journey we are all on.

  12. Westlower

    Dec 07, 2013, 17:00 #42564

    Results gone our way today, big chance to pull away at the top tomorrow. Promising young striker at Palace by the name of Chamakh, can't stop scoring. We should break the bank and sign him as cover for Giroud.

  13. Westlower

    Dec 07, 2013, 16:23 #42563

    Badarse, Hey, hey, my, my, Arsenal's title hopes will never die, more to the picture than meets the eye, hey, hey, my, my.


    Dec 07, 2013, 15:40 #42562

    @1975,thanks for the compliment, here's one piece of news for you and the rest of the gang, Moan U 0 Newcastle 1. I think they are out of the race for sure and the clock is ticking on Moyes tenure. Meltdown anyone? ha ha.

  15. 1975

    Dec 07, 2013, 15:24 #42561

    Badarse. You make great contributions. You write very well. Have a whack at writing a piece rather than just responding (very well). It would I'm sure be a good read.


    Dec 07, 2013, 15:22 #42560

    Ahh, westlower. Harvest still remains my favourite Neil Young album. I'd just like you to know, 'I've been first and last, look at how the time goes past.' Those odds, 'every picture tells a story', chum.

  17. Danny

    Dec 07, 2013, 15:21 #42559

    i believe Arsenal will finish 3rd . Man city and Chelsea are clicking now. We are lacking grit in midfield as Cazola and Ozil are weak plus we need a world class striker. without a WC striker we will win nothing! Plus the tradition long tactically clueless manager will fold under Maureen mind games.

  18. Westlower

    Dec 07, 2013, 14:58 #42558

    Badarse, "Old man look at my life, I'm a lot like you were" - Neil Young. Man U now 39/1, Spurs 109/1, AFC 5/2 on the betting exchanges.

  19. jeff wright

    Dec 07, 2013, 14:48 #42557

    Beating Chelsea doesn't give us any more points than beating Hull - but it does deprive Chelsea of 3 points and Mourinho's crew are a bigger danger to our aspirations than Hull Tigers are. Those 3 points culd make a big difference at the end of the season. If Stan and Josh do change our name to M&S will we be able to buy one ticket and get another one free?

  20. N4

    Dec 07, 2013, 14:34 #42556

    I'm keeping my feet on the ground still as it's way too early to judge!!


    Dec 07, 2013, 13:31 #42555

    Thanks Simon, a good read. Think many misinterpret can we/will we? Pundits are just ex-footballers carrying their own flaws and prejudices into later life. I played and had a friend who never did; yet he had a very consummate knowledge of football. Playing the game at any level does not necessarily give you the comprehension of recognising what is taking place on the pitch, never mind articulating it, especially in front of a camera. I have lived through more title tilts than most on this website and never believed we 'would' win it. I sifted, shuffled, pulled the visual displays into many shapes in my mind, and employed constantly the 'what if' mentality. Yet every title clinching moment or cup win, came as an electric shock occurrence. We use 'keep the faith' phrases, it means we can never be in any way certain, but we are in there slugging. We can win the league, and this team is developing in startling fashion, but there are bridges to cross. As I, and my fellow centenarian westlower keep suggesting- enjoy the moment. We are good enough though we have flaws, individually and as a squad. Dream on gentlemen, for who knows?

  22. Stroud Green Road Boy

    Dec 07, 2013, 12:47 #42554

    I don't know why people get so upset about pundits not believing AFC can win the title. This team don't need the added pressure of the media bigging them up. It's actually a good thing. As for 'M&S Arsenal', I do hope that isn't prescient. Kits sponsored, stadiums sponsored... football team names next?

  23. 1975

    Dec 07, 2013, 7:04 #42552

    Beating Chelsea is a must. I know it offers no more points than beating hull but I'm sick of being bullied more often than not by them. That 5 2 at theirs was a joy. It will bring extra belief if we can bury them and wipe the smile off mourinho.

  24. theopants superstar

    Dec 07, 2013, 0:07 #42551

    'This isn't just ANY optimistic article. This is an optimistic article by Simon Rose!!' lol.

  25. John Gooner

    Dec 06, 2013, 23:37 #42550

    I'm sorry I can't finish your articles. How are the pundits failing to spot trends, is 8 years not enough of a trend? Yes things are exciting at the moment and long may it continue, but I rejoice every time the pundits say we won't win anything. The more they talk us down, the less complacent we will be. The biggest problem we've had over the last 8 years is that when we're ahead, we get complacent and throw it away. It looks like things may be changing, but let's not believe our own hype for once.

  26. Old Timer

    Dec 06, 2013, 22:37 #42549

    At last we have a team with the mental and physical toughness, the togetherness to inspire belief of success. And that's been great to see even when they haven't been at their best.In many ways they remind me of the 1970/71 side - unfancied outsiders, best goallie in the league,lots of experience, strong work ethic and excellent defensive organisation. There are some tough games coming up in the remainder of the season though - we have so far played just one (Man U) of the current top 10 teams away from home so we'd do well to continue to accumulate points at the present rate.

  27. Stevieo

    Dec 06, 2013, 20:24 #42548

    This fixation with what the pundits think has become an OCD with a few on here. As they they don't hold biased views towards Arsenal, just maybe they are giving an honest opinion? If these pundits changed their views every other week they'd be ridiculed for their inconsistency and changing with the wind. Usually at this point of the season the normal question is whether Arsenal can finish in the top 4. So just maybe the pundits think it's a bridge too far to expect the title. Hardly worth getting upset about?

  28. Gare K

    Dec 06, 2013, 17:14 #42546

    Like a lot people on this site, I don’t give a rat’s a*se what the so-called ‘pundits’ say about The Arsenal. I take very few of them seriously to be honest as most of them just state the obvious and many of them are biased pr*cks too. As for our title chances, can The Arsenal win it? Yes. Will we win it? Debatable. We need many things to go our way for the remainder of the season but the signs are promising. Personally, I won’t be getting carried away yet as I still remember vividly the title collapses of 2008, 2010 & 2011 when Wenger blamed everyone but himself and the players. One of my concerns is that some, most or even all of our players will start getting complacent if we are still top with a healthy lead come March time and it could stem from Wenger who has always built up our players. I don’t have an issue with Wenger instilling confidence in the squad; its part of his job, he has too. But I fear he’ll build them up to be world beaters when they are not. We have a good group but not a great group. I really hope we beat Chelsea and silence that arrogant pr*ck Mourinho and those Chelsea rent-boys. Up The Arsenal!

  29. maguiresbridge gooner

    Dec 06, 2013, 17:03 #42545

    Of course we can win the league, the same can be said of two or three other clubs. And i'm sure if fowler was asked could the chavs or city he'd have said the same.The same could and was said of ourselves last season and the season before that and the season before that,this is our year this is our year but we all know what happened.We are on this great run, and long may it last and we do go on and clinch the title. But because of this great run and the excitement and euphoria surrounding it what a lot of fans very conveniently forget is the history and what happened over the last eight years and nothing has changed yet to show us it will be any different this time regardless of this fine form and run, and until it does nothing will have changed and until we do win silver ware we'll just be a team capable of doing it.

  30. Unchives

    Dec 06, 2013, 16:43 #42544

    Simon, why cant you wait until we have played each team at least once? First It was the after 10 games, now we are real challengers. Beat Chelsea at home and we give ourselves a decent gap from them, assuming we beat Everton. We have a gap between Citeh, however if we lose to them, the gap on Chelsea shrinks,to nothing. We failed at Man Utd.....We must not Flunk-out against the other two, or our challenge could just fall away. Get Real...have a look in January.

  31. Ron

    Dec 06, 2013, 15:58 #42542

    Hi Westie 45422 - Ive seen your little dig, you cheeky bugger!! Ha. Hope all's well mate.

  32. GoonerRon

    Dec 06, 2013, 15:57 #42541

    Good post, Simon. To be honest, the more we are dismissed/written off as title contenders the better as far as I'm concerned. We know what we see week in week out and that is a well balanced team, significant individual improvement in some key players (Ches, Gibbs, Mert, Ramsey, Giroud spring to mind), strong work ethic off the ball, better defensive concentration/organisation throughout the team and 36 goals from last season still to come back into the squad (Pod/Theo). It's impossible to say whether we'll win it, as Lord Froth rightly says, but we certainly are right in the mix.

  33. Tony Evans

    Dec 06, 2013, 15:21 #42540

    So much will depend on how badly Arsenal are affected by injuries to key players if / when they happen. Midfield apart we are short on numbers, especially when compared with City and Chelsea. It is fantastic to be up there and I am loving it but with both feet planted firmly on the ground. Once bitten twice shy based on previous implosions but fingers crossed.

  34. Lord Froth

    Dec 06, 2013, 13:58 #42539

    MoFaya...M&S Arsenal is a play on words from the Marks & Spencers Adverts of years gone by. I enjoyed the post Simon. This year is definately different, of course we might not win the league as we are not clairvoyants, a meteorite could hit the stadium, Crystal Palace could go on a 24 game winning run and clinch the title. However, what people need to remember is that we went the back end of last season in great form which has continued to this season. There was also pressure to clinch a CL place. Personally I do believe that we can win as I think we'll get four point against Chelsea and Man City. We have beaten both teams in recent seasons and are playing better this season so I don't see why we cant. Anyway, could all you moaners try and enjoy each game, it is allowed you know. You don't have to only glean enjoyment from sport after a trophy is won otherwise fans of most teams would have committed sepuku by now.

  35. jjetplane

    Dec 06, 2013, 13:13 #42536

    Thinking the same stuff as you RadfordKennedy (most humbled by inclusion) cause we have been here before though this team has a unique shimmer about it and people are turning their heads re the strenght of the bench mid week. Mourinho is very much up for an old fashioned ruck to the post and let us pray Citeh reject the fight in favour of being the RM of England and Wales. Is there any chance that the Samourai extra will be our Grimandi for a new age. Unlikely but if he is threatened enough by a Bouldie type he may do some donkey work on rotation. We still need a striker and I am hoping Arteta will follow some mythical Wenger diet and become Flamini's double come months such as February. So far anyone on here would agree its been great so far. See you in the new year! ps Simon - you joined the board yet. You have to be the most corporate of bloggers. Don't see a statue somehow. On the other hand Westie racing across North London skies is merry enough for me.

  36. Bard

    Dec 06, 2013, 12:44 #42535

    I agree wholeheartedly with you Simon there is something special happening with this team and really who cares what the moronic pundits think. I can see with my own eyes whats happening every week and Ive been watching football long enough to know what makes a title contender. We are there or thereabouts but to overhaul City and possibly Chelsea at the death we need more quality up or at least more options up front. We also have to overcome our habitual late season capitulation, which is a big psychological barrier. So yes like you I'm cautiously optimistic but the Jan window is critical. The idea that a top striker joining the club in Jan will disrupt the unity is a lot of tosh. It will do the opposite it will do; it will signal a statement of intent. And while we're on the subject I would like us to buy another DM as insurance if Flamini pulls up lame. If we're in with a shout after Xmas some of the games will get ugly as sides try and kick us off the park and we need some extra nastiness around

  37. MoFaya

    Dec 06, 2013, 12:34 #42534

    Please explain M&S Arsenal.

  38. jw

    Dec 06, 2013, 12:17 #42533

    radfordkennedy - mate this team has more fortitude than that now. We lost to Villa on the opening day and went and won the next 5 games. Then we lost to Dortmund and we were told here comes the collapse - we followed that up with wins over Palace, Liverpool and a win in Dortmund. Following the United defeat we have won all 3 of our games. Yes we may lose one of these games but don't think we will become a bag of nerves, this team has a stronger core and belief.

  39. Westlower

    Dec 06, 2013, 12:06 #42532

    R/K, There's at least 200 years experience between Badarse & myself. At least it feels like it on a cold day like today. Ron has much to learn and remains a Junior Gunner! After being heavily involved in greyhounds & racehorses it's relatively easy to be optimistic about AFC. This current side could become one of the all time greats.

  40. ApolloGooner

    Dec 06, 2013, 11:43 #42531

    Interesting points Simone but stuff what the pundits say! Why do people care so much what they think? I would say though that as well as we are playing right now, the games in March, April and May come with a totally different pressure to games at this stage of the season. And that period will be the real test of whether the promise this current team is showing at the moment is genuine. In a title run in, games which look straightforward on the fixture list have a huge intensity. Remember the games at Highbury to Ipswich and West Ham in 2002? Real tension in the ground. What I have seen from the team this season has impressed and surprised me. But we don't know yet if they can handle the sort of pressure you get towards the end of a season (last seasons chase for 4th doesn't compare to trying to finish top). One of the things that makes me have some doubts is that even with confidence sky high after a win at Dortmund, the players and manager looked nervous at Old Trafford. Why? Is there still a mental block that will ultimately cost us? Time will tell. We have been the best team so far this season by some margin but for me, we can only call it a title challenge if we are still in with a chance of winning the title in May.

  41. Dobromir

    Dec 06, 2013, 11:26 #42530

    I actually prefer the team to be written off by the pundits. Makes Wenger's job of motivating the players and avoiding complacency that much easier.

  42. radfordkennedy

    Dec 06, 2013, 11:10 #42528

    Westlower....Hello mate i didnt say we would lose the next four games what i said was there's the real possibility of getting beat at least once in the next fortnight and my concern is if we take a couple of whacks to the chin can we recover or go to pieces and that i dont think we can really tell what our title chances will be untill after the chelsea game.I admire your unflinching optimism i always have,but between you,Ron,Badarse,stroud green,jjetplane and myself there must be 2oo years of experience there so you know what im getting at

  43. Westlower

    Dec 06, 2013, 10:49 #42526

    Radford/Kennedy, Your anxiety is distorting your judgement. Do you seriously believe we'll lose the next 4 games? I reckon at worst we'll lose one, draw one & win two. Get back to me on Christmas eve, I'm the one in red & white on the sleigh driving the reindeer's on , busy day/night for me!

  44. jeff wright

    Dec 06, 2013, 10:49 #42525

    So what you are saying Simon is that we can win the league ;but so can City and Chelsea. That's called sitting on the fence - at least the despised pundits , such as Shearer, who admittedly is not the brightest light on the xmas tree , say who they think will win it. The silly fool Shearer thinks that Chelsea will win the league , some say that it will be between City and Chelsea . Robbie Fowler said on MOTD the other night that we can win the league when asked by old unbiased Garry big ears - but that is not the same as saying that we will win it. I don't go along with your view that losing points to City and Chelsea will not make any difference to our chances of winning the league . There is 12 points to play for and those points could be crucial in deciding who wins the Prem . At the moment Chelsea have 3 points in that mini league having beaten City at the bridge.We have a 4 point lead over them in the real one , the trick is to have a lead at the end of the season that's when it counts and all the arguments will be settled on the day of reckoning. Otherwise known as Sky Super Sunday.

  45. jonesy

    Dec 06, 2013, 10:25 #42524

    We have played the spuds manure the scousers weve beaten borussia dortmund in theyre back garden so how have we not played anyone weve played napoli who are no pushover and beaten them weve taken 6 points from united spurs and livepool united have only taken 6 from us lpool chelsea spuds and city

  46. radfordkennedy

    Dec 06, 2013, 10:01 #42522

    Kenyan gooner...the point some of us are trying to make is that what concerns us most is its not the dropping of 3 points so much as they can be made up with everyone taking it turns to beat eachother its the knock on mental effect and the destroying of confidence that's the main concern,the way the fixtures are panning out if we lose to everton we will become a bundle of nerves against napoli then there's the real possibility of getting legged over by man city with a sizable wait till the chelsea game where we could get beat again,then before you know it confidence is shot and the all pervading smell of fear grips the team and stadium.Can we win the title yes we can and with the yuletide season loomin large I would love to BELIEVE but in my opinion we going to have to wait till the final whistle against Chelsea before we can really believe

  47. Westlower

    Dec 06, 2013, 9:53 #42521

    To the doubting Gooners still licking their wounds from the past 8 years. A simple question: Would this present team beat any AFC team from the past 8 years? I believe they would and as our previous 8 teams have finished 3rd or 4th why wouldn't this team be Champions or at worst runners up? Currently 1/4 odds to finish top 3, 5/6 top 2, 12/5 to be Champions. Big spending Spurs are 94/1 & Man U 23/1 on the betting exchanges.

  48. @brdgunner

    Dec 06, 2013, 9:35 #42520

    What winds me up most is that if Flamini and Sonogo had cost £20m each we would be considered title challengers. Thats how poor the pundits are on the BBC. Sky have absolutley smashed the BBC. If Shearer and Hansen stay on the BBC next season MOTD will only be watched on catch up so we can fast forward their weak assessments. I already record it so I dont have to listen to their assessment

  49. chris dee

    Dec 06, 2013, 9:19 #42519

    The reason many Arsenal fans are cautious and are not going overboard at this stage of the season is that, over the last eight seasons we have been kicked in the balls so many times by some results that our nuts are still recovering.Lets hope we they are in in good health by the end of the season.

  50. Kamil

    Dec 06, 2013, 9:05 #42518

    It may still be too early but i'm positive we will win something this season. I like the current team, they may or may not be (it's still too early to judge if they are not as well) individually brilliant like the 03/04 squad but there's something about the way the team goes about their business. Arsene Wenger has experience in winning doubles twice. He also has a proven record of maintaining team consistency (49?) so I'm hoping something special will happen with this squad.

  51. Kenyan Gooner

    Dec 06, 2013, 8:27 #42516

    Well said mate and top post! Kenny, go play fifa manager or support the blog AGAIN and then make your shoddy comment!

  52. Kenny

    Dec 06, 2013, 7:54 #42514

    In 2008 with 9 games left we were 6 pts clear amd blew it.In 2003 on March 1st we were 8pts clear we blew it.Sorry to burst your bubble Simon but it is way to early to talk about titles.And rememeber the 2003 team was full of winners they won the double in 2002 but they blew it under pressure.As Fergie always said the title is won in March and April.My money has always been on Chelsea for one reason they have Mourinho

  53. Jim

    Oct 30, 2012, 18:18 #27352

    Theo's Bikini-Line, can you name a time at Arsenal when a manager has been sacked for finishing third?

  54. Chris

    Oct 28, 2012, 8:45 #27248

    Billdodgin - what IS sacrilegous is to use untruths and ina ccurate 'facts' to attempt to undermine the quality of job that the manager is doing in very difficult circumstnaces. I hae no problem with Kevin or anyone else being critical of the manager but I do have a problem when inaccuracies are used to back this up. As I have mentioned, Arsenal are the FIFTH highest spending club in the country and therefore, by par, should NOT be qualifying for the CL very season. I await with great interest Kevin's reaction to thecorrection of his incorrect statement.

  55. billdodgin

    Oct 27, 2012, 14:24 #27244

    Good post Kevin. The reactions have been interesting .Wenger said something at the AGM about lots of little communities with lots of little views needing to hold together. Hmmm. I just wonder though how large the community of strong discontent is getting . There still seem to be a good proportion of supporters who almost see it as ungrateful and sacrilegious to knock the way the club's going.If we think "historically" and that idea so often seems to be raised in serious discussions of the Arsenal - a lot of us remember long lean trophy-less times of the past. BUT - the decline since 2005 is noteworthy, and can't be just laid at the door of Chelsea and Citeh having obscene finances. Cyril's comment mentioned Animal Farm and Dan h alluded to the big-shots believing their own spin. This made me think again of Orwell- they are capable of believing and disbelieving it simultaneously :it's called "doublethink" in 1984. Nothing will realistically exert pressure for change unless champion's league starts to be beyond our reach. And remember - clubs like Everton, Newcastle and that other North London club would love to have our "problems". People could also stay away from matches at the Emirates- a non-attendance campaign maybe . But I know how hard this would prove for the hearts of fans. The big-shots I doubt would care anyway. I remember hearing at the time of the ground move that they only needed something like 32,500 per game to service the debt. I had a dream that we go to Old Traf in a coupla weeks and win; that would certainly paper over the cracks for a bit, till Fulham turn us over at home a week later.

  56. Theo's Bikini-Line

    Oct 27, 2012, 14:05 #27243

    Jim: And can you remember any time when an Arsenal manager has gone 7 years without winning anything and yet not only still retained his job, but got a contract extension despite that (as seems likely)? No one doubts Wenger's achievements of the past but that's it - it's the past. We need to move forward and more gooners by the week are realising we are unlikely to do so with this manager, regardless of his previous glories

  57. NW68

    Oct 27, 2012, 12:54 #27241

    So we play for 5 trophies. Apparently we need to be in the champions league to atract the best players in the world. I totally agree with Mr Wenger, but when was the last time we signed top, top players? The truth is they are just chasing the money. It's all spin at The Arsenal at the moment.

  58. Chris

    Oct 27, 2012, 10:02 #27235

    Kevin - it's fifth. Arsenal are the fifth highest spending club is England on wages and transfers combined after Man City, Chelsea, Man Utd and Liverpool. If you are going to make these sorts of arguments, you really need to check the facts rather than added the caveat "- I believe" to excuse your inaccuracy. Hopefully that was just sloppy rahter than disingenuous. So - when did Arsenal last finish FIFTH?

  59. El Bodgeo

    Oct 27, 2012, 0:18 #27226

    I'm going to make a new trophy out of cardboard and tinfoil and write AFC on it and im going to run around the garden with it. Then I'm going to hire a bus and ride around the streets of islington showing everybody what we've won. Who's coming? It will be great, just like a 6th trophy! Just imagine that? Tell Arsene and Gaz they can come too.

  60. Jim

    Oct 26, 2012, 23:25 #27225

    (this) "perhaps shows how far the club has fallen." How do you write this tripe with a straight face? As far as I recall, when wenger took over the club, in the previous season the fans had been elated to finish fifth on the final day of the season. You don't like Wenger, and that's fine, but don't take us for mugs. With perhaps the 1930s aside, can you please point to a 16 year period when the club has been more successful? You can't. Stop writing rubbish about the club having fallen from grace.

  61. Eileen Clark

    Oct 26, 2012, 21:02 #27224

    In your last sentence you ask the question 'would we have to sell a top player to compensate' the question I would ask is...... do we actually have a 'top' player to sell???

  62. maguiresbridge gooner

    Oct 26, 2012, 19:13 #27223

    Discontent about time it was shown as someone said on here yesterday maybe the penny's finally dropped like i said about time.I don't think the attitude of the old fart comes as much surprise as he's got previous.The king of spin reckons the futures looking good yes everywhere except where it matters on the pitch.So we hit the wall in the last two matches did we arsene ? well we certainly didn't hit the net we're only nine games into the bloody season.If what we witnessed is the teams fantastic attitude god help us i'd hate to see their worst attitude at least it's not the mental strength one.Yes ED a hell of a lot of people are not prepared to accept the lies and spin anymore and the hierarchy probably know it but will it make any difference ? i doubt it.

  63. AndyB

    Oct 26, 2012, 19:09 #27222

    Just a thought ...... But on the whole we are totally fed up with how the club is being run with lack of success ...... Would it not be a good thing for us to finish outside the top 4 for one season to finally give the clubs management a kick up the arse and finally smell the coffee ?

  64. Dandy Mod

    Oct 26, 2012, 19:05 #27221

    The only way forward is to drop out of the Champions League 4th place trophy (& we all know it's coming sooner rather than later!). Wenger and the horrid regime under pressure, some will walk & DDT's profits hit. Get rid of the mercenary players, get rid of the JCL's! We might end up with a group of players who want to play for the club, led by a new manager backed by a board having to do something constructive. Here's dreaming!

  65. Gare Kekeke

    Oct 26, 2012, 18:29 #27220

    Another good article Kevin. But sadly for our club (Hill-Wood can do one), I think the triumvirate of OGL, the DDT & MSS will continue for a few more years yet. What a sad state of affairs that The Arsenal has become. How can some fans think this triumvirate is best for the club amazes me. Until recently, I’d had been hesitant to Usmanov taking over but now I’m all for it. Maybe I’m being a bit naive here but I feel that he will at least bring in new direction and dynamism for our club which is badly needed. MSS & OGL can provide as much positive spin as they want but I and many others whose views are similar to mine won’t buy it (pun intended). Why can’t any of those two explain why the wage bill is now over £143m (yes, I know it takes into account all staff at the club and not just the players) when we don’t have one world class player? As for FFP being our saviour, bitch please. Even the Swiss Ramble (check out his views in the latest edition of The Gooner if you haven’t read it yet) thinks the club are playing a dangerous game relying on FFP to save us and every Gooner always takes his research and views seriously. Man City have already exposed one loophole and other clubs will look at others. I have no doubt though that the commercial deals in 2014 would be lucrative. After all, if mid-table Aston Villa can generate more sponsorship money than us (£8m pa for them compared to our £6m pa), then imagine what we can get. But then we’ll still waste it on average dross earning £50k pw and MSS will increase his wage to £3m pa. And the so-called ‘loyalists’ say we have no money? You couldn’t make it up. Up The Arsenal!

  66. cyril

    Oct 26, 2012, 17:41 #27219

    For the board,see Napolean from Animal Farm. For the fans see the lame workhorse;sadly of which I be. 'four legs good, two legs bad'.

  67. Gooner SA

    Oct 26, 2012, 16:06 #27217

    Unambitious and arrogant directors in charge of AFC. Agree with you Kev that nothing will change until dynamic directors are employed. If Arsene Wenger thinks that third place is a trophy then maybe he should apply for a job as general manager at McLaren in F1? Then he can win a trophy for finishing third on a monthly basis!!!!

  68. Tony Evans

    Oct 26, 2012, 15:45 #27216

    I simply can not believe there are still so many supporters out there willing to prop up this sham of a football club that is Arsenal these days by handing over extortionate sums of money and actually wasting their time attending matches. Wenger and co would soon take note if the stadium was half empty but as long as fans stump up nothing will change - unless of course we finish 15th (here's hoping).

  69. Angry & Frustrated

    Oct 26, 2012, 15:23 #27215

    Gazidis take a bow son, you have for the third year in a row won the Alastair Campbell spin doctor of the year award! Why not add that to the supposed 5 trophies we can win (according to serial loser Wenger) and declare we have won the double 3 years on the bounce, and all the other clubs are envious of this historic unique achievement!!

  70. Gee

    Oct 26, 2012, 14:09 #27214

    We are always sold the future as there is always some 'obstacle' in the way in the present. Gazidis is saying that we have to wait for FFP and new commercials in 2014. Previously it was the fact we have moved stadium and need to pay debt. Before that - we need to sell all the highbury property. Every single year an excuse as to why we are not competing with the club pointing to the future as to why we soon will be. This also happens on the field. We were sold the likes of Cesc, Adebayor, Diaby, Clichy, Nasri, Van Persie would all be our saviours and legends of the club. We waited for them to mature and deliver consistently, but when they did they left or in Diaby's case is a perma-crock. Now we are being sold Wilshere, Gibbs, Oxlade, Walcott, Gnabry. So we will have to wait for these to iron out flaws in their game before we can expect silverware and as soon as they are ready to deliver they will leave. How an earth we STILL have players like Squillaci, Arshavin, Chamakh, Denilson, Bendtner & PArk on our books is an absolute Class A example of mismanagement. For me Wenger is as evry bit responsible for the failings at the club as the board. HE is the one who decides to give these pi$$ poor players exorbitant salaries that hemorrages millions of pounds on absolutely zero return year on year. The club is not run well financially unless we sell players. Player sales have masked just how badly run the club is. Wages of £140m for the players we have is criminal, not one of those earns a six figure weekly salary either! And yet the CEO is awarded a pay rise of 20%+ for making a loss before player sales. From top to bottom we are a laughing stock feeder club with a deluded manager who still thinks his way is the best way

  71. GG89

    Oct 26, 2012, 13:34 #27213

    I think the supporter associations missed an opportunity... Hold Them To Account... If in two years the situation hasn't changed we demand a board reshuffle and to entertain the Red and White Holdings idea... The club is suffering because the team of 2004 was the ultimate, the new stadium compounded with sugar daddies at other clubs and waiting for FFP... wake up PHW and the CEO..... please, please, please....

  72. JER

    Oct 26, 2012, 13:07 #27212

    The lunatics have taken over the asylum.

  73. What was the point in leaving Highbury?

    Oct 26, 2012, 12:49 #27211

    I would like to put forward a new trophy - The 15th Place Cup, that way we all get what we want.

  74. Theo's Bikini-Line

    Oct 26, 2012, 12:25 #27210

    Around 90% of Wenger's speech was the same of stuff he's been trotting out for the past few years, although curiously he seems reluctant to ask us to 'judge him in May' nowadays. Still, some people can't get it into their head that as difficult as the Board are supposedly making things for him, most of the faults that could have been corrected but haven't are the responsibility of the manager. Reluctant though they might be, until most gooners realise this, then we're fated to have similar outcomes every season - FFP or no FFP.

  75. Fozzy's mate

    Oct 26, 2012, 11:46 #27209

    Hitting the wall in an unexplainable manner after 10 games is actually explainable. OGL hit the wall years ago and is now clueless and jaded just like the old etonian imbecile. They have both treated fans with disdain for years and now have MSS and DDT to share their contempt. But as OGL said every year we are in the CL we win a trophy. Bull and dross. But they are now on dangerous ground as Carzorla aside, given Wilshere has been out for almost 18 months and The dire form of the cheaper replacements for the sold crown jewels who is actually worth the sums required to replace the sums risked due to the possibility of not winning the 4th place trophy? A dire state of affairs. But anyway thanks for your interest in our affairs. I'm surprised he didn't refer to us as plebs. Arrogance and complacency of a breath taking level!

  76. Moscow Gooner

    Oct 26, 2012, 11:37 #27208

    Wenger should read Orwell s '1984' and its references to 'newspeak' before he talks again about 3rd place representing a 'trophy' (or at least take some English refresher training): it is not a trophy any more than finishing 17th in the league is a 'trophy' for avoiding relegation. Arsenal have not won a trophy since 2005 - hudely embarassing for Wenger and the board, but a fact nonetheless.

  77. Highbury Boy

    Oct 26, 2012, 11:37 #27207

    If Wenger is not going to be around if we come 15th does he mean he will still be around if we come 14th? Will getting into the Europa Cup (via Fair Play or whatever) be like a trophy?

  78. Richard

    Oct 26, 2012, 11:12 #27206

    Very well written and succintly put

  79. Tony T

    Oct 26, 2012, 10:41 #27205

    What Wenger means with his 5 competitions is we are not good enough to win a real trophy so why not event one.From saturday around the ground where the trophies end in 2005 we will now put the 4th place trphy wins

  80. Clubclassgooner Den

    Oct 26, 2012, 10:27 #27204

    Right who`s for picking a game and all season ticket holders don`t turn up? After all we will be able to watch it on the box. Time to show those muppetts what it will be like playing in an empty stadium?

  81. Ron

    Oct 26, 2012, 10:23 #27203

    Same old, same old. Im just a tad dissapointed to learn that my question raised in absentia wasnt put to the podium, so ill raise it now with you fella s - As the Club must now agree with me that we have no players of value to pawn in the Summer, is it correct that Mr Kroenke is in negotiations to sell his syrup to a Mr Rooney (somewhere of Greater Manchester), perhaps in part exchange to make up for the resulting lack of funds resulting from the impending failure to claim the top 4 Cup?

  82. danalovAFCXI

    Oct 26, 2012, 9:46 #27202

    You shouldnt really expect revolution from shareholders the most your going to get is the typical middle class British grumble. Those that run our club can put up with grumbles forever sure its a bit uncomfortable for them to hear at the time but they get over it. Put simply if you want change dont go to the stadium, dont buy shirts or any other club merchandise and get together to protest. But we all know thats not going to happen we love this club so we go to watch them some of us buy the merchandise and most of us cant be arsed to protest we all got lives elsewhere. So we all just stick with booing a bad result and leaving 15 mins early for ****ing tube you are never going to get anyway.

  83. Ronster

    Oct 26, 2012, 9:42 #27201

    Just for the record Arsenal Football Club have only finished 15th or below on 8 occasions since 1894........

  84. Rob

    Oct 26, 2012, 9:41 #27200

    Good report Kev. But no more top player sales for us. Because unless we're going to flog Cazorla after one season, we don't have any left to pawn. That's what happens with any asset stripping policy, you sooner - rather than later - run out of assets to strip. With RvP's departure, that has now come about. FFP will effect but only at the margins. 'A Journey' ? wasn't that Blair's autobiography. I am not exactly Tony's Number One Fan but he did achieve the Premiership, thrice. Gazedis just sounds like some upmarket David Brent on these occasions and if it wasn't for the anger he generates, you'd be inclined to laugh. The big point was where Kronke was challenged about taking cash out of the Club. Am I right, that he did not deny the possibility ? If so then that's obviously his intent. Perhaps at about the very time in 2014, when the first tranche of new sponsorship money hits the coffers ? Wenger did indeed sound world weary. Does he believe in himself and us any more ? Or is it just an easy take for £7 million ? All this leaves us with more problems than answers. Not looking forward to Saturday.

  85. Gman

    Oct 26, 2012, 9:39 #27199

    Some illuminating words that just show where we really are. You could refer to the fans as lions led by donkeys! Wenger “we hit the wall in an unexplainable way” really means he hasn’t got a clue now. “Thanks for your support and interest in our affairs.” the words of chairman Peter Hill-Wood, a totally out of touch old Etonian alter-kocker. “Everyone is trying to imitate Arsenal,” said the deluded Gazidis living in cloud cuckoo land. “I must have missed something.” Is there anyone out there who has met with Kroenke since he became the majority shareholder? Have we missed something? Kroeke totally misses the point of owning a football club; he thinks it’s another branch branch of ASDA. Unless as fans we take action we are really totally f----d with these poltroons

  86. Jordan

    Oct 26, 2012, 9:30 #27198

    Two things: Notice how IG stressed on more than one occasion that there was an extensive season ticket waiting list. I thought the undertone was 'don't like it/too expensive? Someone else will' IG is now on record as saying he was 'sceptical' about the implementation and policing of FFP. If the club are committed to a self-sustaining business model, fine, but don't hang it on a concept no-one, even the CEO, feels can be a grand leveller. PHW was such a shambles I can only surmise he was there as a patsy to deflect from the real issues at hand. IG driving him from behind with prompts and reminders was cringeworthy.

  87. Bob

    Oct 26, 2012, 9:25 #27197

    Even if you are prepare to swallow Wenger's self-proclaimed definition of "trophies" and his view that qualifying for a tournament we are less and less likely to win is more important than winning a domestic cup and so creating a 'winning culture', he has failed to deliver his top two priorities for 8 successive years. Despite Gazidis's naive and utterly misplaced faith in FFP riding to the rescue, the reality is that we are not going to deliver on either of Wenger's stated top two priorities while he is in charge. Sorry, Arsene, but by setting out priorities you have failed to meet and will continue to fail to meet you really have been hoisted by your own petard.

  88. Joe S.

    Oct 26, 2012, 9:24 #27196

    More depressing news Hey Kevin,not only on the football field but also amongst the one's who know, the insiders.As you stated they have no vision,poor football nous and lack the fan's passion for the club. To think that there are still a majority of fans out there who have faith in this group of shysters and are waiting for a turn around from a group of average players only deepens the gloom.

  89. GaryFootscrayAustralia

    Oct 26, 2012, 9:20 #27195

    One relevant question that should have been asked...has Gazidis has won his WalMart employee of the month award yet, and does the award include a Denver Nuggets cap and some shopping vouchers? It's not as though anything approaching a serious relevant question would be answered. If they are going to take the piss out of the supporters that attend, then it's only fair we get to take the piss out of them.

  90. ianmac

    Oct 26, 2012, 9:14 #27194

    jj 29752 is spot on. Our wage bill is 124m the 4th highest in PL. We should have a lot better players for that. We are paying too much for ordinary players which is down to the manager. Gervinho for 11.9m or thereabouts is ajoke. Everton have paid far less for Jelavic Mirallas and Pienaar who are far better. Look at the underachievers like Bendtner Denilson Vela Sqillaci Chamakh Santos Arshavin Eboue Senderos Aliadiere Almunia Fabianski. We are always told the future is bright but the future never comes. The manager is tactically inept. When did we last hear that an Arsenal side was organised? That's because he has no idea how to organise or coach. He obviously sends his team out to pass and move and if you get 1 on 1 with the keeper try to score. It is so predictable.

  91. And Wenger gets away with it again

    Oct 26, 2012, 9:06 #27193

    So for the millionth time Gazidis publicly states that there is money to spend (he went even further this time and said there's money to spend in EVERY transfer window), and for the millionth time Wenger doesn't disagree, yet Wenger stills ends up getting a round of applause. Bizarre, but we do have some of the most gullible fans in the country. If there ever comes a time that Wenger uses all the resources he has at his disposal then I might have some sympathy for the failures on the pitch, but until that time, I won't.

  92. John Abrehart

    Oct 26, 2012, 8:59 #27191

    It sounds like, as in previous meetings, the genuine questions and concerns of supporters are being treated with disdain and contempt. The Editor's point that the meeting was a formality is well made. We are in the same position as Chelsea and a few other clubs, under the dictatorship of one individual. This does not sit well with Arsenal, given our long tradition of a shared ownership with no one person in overall control. The recent share dealings have been ill thought out if the well being of the club was para mount. What can we do? Remember that in the 1950's about 7,000 fans turned up for a game at Highbury. Billy Wright was gone within the week.

  93. Wombledin

    Oct 26, 2012, 8:32 #27190

    Without a doubt, taking "part in a highly financial (sic) rewarding competition" and maintaining healthy financial statements is absolutely good enough for Kroenke, Gazidis, and even Wenger for years to come ("4th place is a trophy" spin shamelessly pronounced again). And clearly they are not at all convinced that winning real trophies is particularly important or necessary. Silly sentimental and unrealistic fans, thinks P Hill-Wood. Its simply all about the money now folks. Moan all you want, absolutely nothing will change unless we drop badly out of the top four.

  94. Tony Evans

    Oct 26, 2012, 8:28 #27189

    Thanks for your observations, Kevin. No surprises really were there - the same old spin and clap-trap. I am tired of it all and simply will not waste my energy or money any more on a club that now makes me angry rather than gives me any pleasure. I hate the sight of Wenger and yearn for the day that he leaves.

  95. Dan h

    Oct 26, 2012, 7:54 #27188

    The £60-70m available is being held back for failure to qualify for CL football that must now become obvious to everyone.When MSS says there is money available he is correct he also knows it won't be used.PHW should retire cantankerous old man out of touch.The DDT has seen us turn a profit thats all that he is concerned about we are just another'franchise'to him under his ownership all his sports teams are average any pattern emerging?Finally OGL CL qualification is a trophy suprised we havn't added it to the dates around the stadium then!They actually believe what they spin is the most worrying point for me.

  96. jj

    Oct 26, 2012, 7:10 #27187

    As much as I dislike Hill-wood and is not their fault that the team can't defend,we have not got adequate goalkeeper cover and we keep buying average players from the French league. All day long, the buck stops with Wenger. This club is in a decent position. What it lacks is a first team to match it. Until we have a coach capable of getting the best out of the first team and making fewer mistakes we are going backwards. Wenger has to go.

  97. Ajay

    Oct 26, 2012, 6:28 #27185

    Wake up, guys - the current policies are permanent - the club have no intention of changing course. Kronke is in it only for the money. I can only hope that he will realize he won't ultimately make much if the club keeps going on this way. The biggest asset at the club is the love of the fans, not Wenger or the players or the coffers.

  98. Peter Wain

    Oct 26, 2012, 5:32 #27184

    its is difficult to know whether Gazidis actually believes all the clap trap he spouts about FFP. In two rophy less years time it is impossible to see Arsenal in the champions league and on current form we will be well below half way in the league. This then allows the next excuse that we cannot attract players becuase we are not in the chamions league and allows more rubbish to be bought. As for Hillwoods comments about taking an interest in our affairs he has for years treated supporters as something you tread on and cannot get off of your shoe quick enough. Most supporters who had made that much money from the club would be a bit more humble but then he does not understand that word.

  99. Bomber Watt

    Oct 26, 2012, 3:36 #27183

    Im 31 from Australia and I have been an Arsenal supporter since I was 4 and I live and breathe Arsenal. I have never been so disapointed as I have become over the last few years with the direction of the club. As a team we just dont seem to want to win as we have in the past. Everytime we concede a corner I look away because I think the opposition are going to score. I hope this is just a bad patch and we will pick it up again when the injured players return but I wont hold my breath. I will always stick by the Arsenal no matter what. But it would be nice to have the old Arsenal back winning in style again.

  100. scorp

    Oct 26, 2012, 2:52 #27182

    i have such hatred for these clowns now..they truly have ruined arsenal..worst of all, they have ruined our passion for the club..we dont care anymore.. one year ago if you would tell me that i would be keen to see rvp turn up at emirates in a man utd jersey and put 3 past us..i wld probably ask to be killed..

  101. ne

    Oct 26, 2012, 2:24 #27181

    “Thanks for your support and interest in our affairs.” Okeh wow, now PHW trying to kick out the fans. Without the fans,these club would be nothing and no meaning at all,it will just be the oldies private club hang out.

  102. Theo Jensen

    Oct 26, 2012, 2:19 #27180

    Great post as usual. I have a theory that the £50-60m (which The Swiss Ramble thinks is a conservative figure for transfers) is just to supplement the £25m or so which Champions League participation generates... But if we qualified this season; would it be £25m that gets spent or simply more saved? We're plodding for profits in the long term and taking advantage of the EPL being so weak, but the other big clubs are recovering and rebuilding... I feel like we might be heading more in the other direction.

  103. Andreas

    Oct 26, 2012, 2:01 #27179

    Informative piece. I just need to raise the question how many world class players have we got left to sell if we are unsuccessful?

  104. Michael Preston

    Oct 26, 2012, 1:45 #27178

    "The Chairman tried to wind up the meeting". I suspect he didn't have to try too hard.

  105. Highbury Boy

    Oct 26, 2012, 0:34 #27177

    Thanks for the report. I read that Gazidis says we can compete financially "in the next 2 years". Do you think his timing is as accurate as Wenger's when he always says Diaby will be back from injury "in 2 weeks".

  106. Danny

    Oct 26, 2012, 0:32 #27176

    From what i heard , wenger was clapped after his speech- WHY, WHY ON OTHER YOU SHOULD BOO HIM FOR HIS FAILURES