It’s Another Groundhog Season!

Fans want fantasy, not profit

It’s Another Groundhog Season!

I’m going slowly mad?

They say that a sure sign of madness is doing the same thing and expecting a different outcome. By that reckoning, I am afraid Mr Wenger, our esteemed leader, might be on his way to the funny farm, because if ever a man repeated the habits and, more disturbingly, the errors of the past it is he.

This month’s 25th anniversary edition of the Gooner contains an interesting interview with the estimable Kieran O’Connor, who writes that exceptional blog on football finance, “The Swiss Ramble”.

If you care about Arsenal and really want to understand what is going on at the club, might I commend to you his blog on Arsenal written in early October. It will certainly educate you more about what is really happening than attendance at the Shareholder’s AGM (which I didn’t attend) or the Gazidis love-in with the AST in the summer, which I did.

Most of you will be familiar with the American film “Groundhog Day”, where Bill Murray wakes up every morning and goes through exactly the same pattern of events day after day. Sadly, I believe we are living through “Groundhog Season”. Exactly the same thing happens before, during and after each season and nothing positive is ever done about it. The difference is that Groundhog Day was a comedy, but I didn’t see too many people laughing at the Emirates on Wednesday night.

Of course, if the Groundhog Season comes to pass we will still finish fourth in the League (which of course now represents a trophy – yeah, right!), lose in the last 16 of the Champions League, slip out at quarter-final stage in the Capital One Cup, and depart the FA Cup when the pressure of maintaining all this success just gets too much. At the last home game of the season we will urge Arsène to spend some f***ing money and try to work out which of the forlorn heroes on the lap of honour will not be returning. It’s quite easy. It’s usually the most valuable players, you know - the ones Ivan Gazidis and Wenger assure us will not be sold under any circumstances.

Following this, our season tickets will come up for renewal just as we sign an interesting (but reasonably priced) international forward to make us all think the purse strings are being loosened.

No chance! We will be linked with hundreds of players but fail to provide the back-up we need in goal, at left-back and upfront. We will sign a couple of international attacking midfield players because we will sadly have about five seriously injured players being treated in the medical room (often the same ones who are treated every season) and then, just when we look well set for the season with an impressive squad, we will cave in to the pressure to sell Cazorla and Koscielny and then bemoan the fact that there is not enough time to sign replacements because the transfer window has gone crazy. Arsène will assure us he will be working until midnight on 31st August to reinforce the squad but will depart for a cup of cocoa and a read of L’Equipe at 5.30 pm as Sky Sports search in vain for him.

In January, despite pressing injury problems and the need to improve the squad, we will wait until the end of the month (because the transfer window has gone crazy) and on January 31st re-sign Robert Pires in the great tradition of re-signing an Invincible every winter transfer window. Nevertheless, when Diaby and Rosicky return, they will be like “new signings” and recruiting an experienced back-up keeper will “kill” Fabianski, so we won’t do it. Fabianski will then be pronounced out injured for the rest of the season. During the rest of the season, we will hear from Gazidis about the imminent demise of the mega-rich clubs and then Chelsea will pay themselves £350 million to name Stamford Bridge “the Blue Kremlin”.

Just before Christmas, Iniesta, Xavi and a rota of Barça players will proclaim Cazorla as having Barca DNA. In retaliation, we will sign a 15 year-old left back from their academy at La Masia. Up yours Barça! And so on and so on. You know the rest. You have lived it for the last seven seasons and it shows no signs of being any different. Except that this season, despite the kneejerk reactions that Bouldy would sort the defence, Diaby would finally assume the mantle of Patrick Vieira, and Giroud and Podolski would be brilliant replacements for Van Payslip, recent performances have plumbed a depth that we have never seen before. One year, the one element of Groundhog Day that will unwind is that the team won’t be good enough to get fourth place, and Wenger will have to assure us that the Europa League is like winning a trophy.

This is a bitter refrain but, sadly, I think it’s a fair one. That forensic analysis from Swiss Ramble shows that the reason we have a cash mountain is (despite the fact that our much-vaunted financial model doesn’t work, and because we pay fairly ineffective commercial staff mega-salaries and mediocre players salaries they couldn’t get anywhere else in world football... and because our kit and stadium naming deals look pathetic in comparison with our competitors’)... we have a solution. We sell our best players to turn a profit and keep Silent Stan happy.

Ah, Silent Stan! I wonder if one of the big questions all Gooners want to ask is why he finds the need to wear that ridiculous “syrup” in public? As a very bald man myself, I think it tells us a huge amount about his insecurities. Come on Stan, do yourself a favour and come out as a slaphead—and while you are about it maybe you could reveal what your plans are for the Club in which you have invested not a penny since becoming the major shareholder. How good of you, by the way, to come over to London to see the team play twice in a week! Possibly this has more to do with the presence of the St Louis Rams in London than any newfound interest in Soccer (as he is bound to call it).

Peter Hill-Wood gets very little right but I think his first reaction to Kroenke was perfect. Stan, we don’t want “your sort” over here. By your sort we mean a uninterested absentee landlord whose sole interest in Arsenal is financial and who has no interest in sacrificing income for playing success.

While you’re at it, Stan, maybe you could take Gazidis with you. People ask what he has done to earn £2.15 million? Protect his Master’s back is what he has done, and ensure that all is serene at Ashburton Grove. In fact it’s so serene that it repeats itself every year.

So what can alter this state of affairs that so infuriates us? Perhaps the realisation that fans want more than participation in the Champions League. They want to believe they can win it rather than being comprehensively outplayed by a decent but far from outstanding German side at home in the qualifying rounds. Perhaps also they’d like Wenger to go into a season with a proper, balanced squad with no holes and one that doesn’t immediately go down injured so it has almost a whole team in the treatment room six league games into the season.

We want different, but different-better not different-worse. We want to believe that Arsenal care enough to pay more than £16 million for a player and set their horizons at the stars. For fans, football is about fantasy, not profit. And, exciting though some fans think Arsenal’s football is, we don’t want another Groundhog season. A great club and great supporters deserve much better.

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  1. tpm

    Nov 01, 2012, 12:37 #27444

    for some reason this wasnt posted yesterday, however i am a frequesnt commenter and a active member of the forum. i have been a season/bond holder since the new north bank was built, i suspect, from you views you only know AW's time, or if not then you must be seriously myopic, not being able to see whats right in front of you. however your lack of answers says it all really. its fans like you that contribute to the malaise and funk surrounding the club, as you have no ambition and will not castigate the board and manager for there distinct lack of it. emirates tourist fans are the bane of this club.

  2. Fozzy

    Nov 01, 2012, 8:55 #27438

    Superb stuff, chaps. Great fun to read. Wish to point out that we are now just two days away from the annual jolly at Old Trollop and my bowels have already become loose at the mere thought of it. ManUre will be foaming at the mouth to put last night's game against the Odious Racists behind them whilst my concern is that following the jaunt to Reading, who is going to put the ball in the back of the net? Giroud, who always gives everything, will be dropped to the bench in favour of Ebouseless-in-a-syrup, Wallnutt has just had his rare moment of glory and will do his Invisible Man trick, and Podolski really needs a good kick up the arse. He has been lazy in his past three games and just when Fatty Santos needed support he was nowhere to be seen. I hope that I am wrong, but remember, we have just entered November and we all know what is about to happen from previous Groundhog seasons.....

  3. Mandy Dodd

    Oct 30, 2012, 23:29 #27356

    Tpm, love the objectivity and intellectual content of your response, positively pre pubescant if I may say so. If I get to you that much, why mention me in the only post I have ever seen you write on this site......quite a compliment in a strange way i guess.

  4. tpm

    Oct 30, 2012, 21:19 #27354

    mandy dodd are you for real??? twist whatever to meet ur ridiculous 'its all someone elses fault, not the manager or the board' agenda. when did you start supporting the club? are you male or female. either way you are a joke. u are so blinded with your aw love that you will twist anything so long as its not aw's fault. you are a joke of a fan!

  5. JJ Wiliimas

    Oct 30, 2012, 15:26 #27346

    @Ron: Who plays the role of Peggy the cleaner?

  6. Ron

    Oct 30, 2012, 12:21 #27337

    Mandy - You ought to check out Carrick's trophy haul! You ll find hes won more than any present midfield Wenger dud has or ever will. Wenger also wanted him before Utd bought him. Makes me smile when people condemn such players!

  7. Ron

    Oct 30, 2012, 11:08 #27334

    jj - We wont get a high calibre Coach like Pep G or his like, until there is a Board able to work in such a way as to accomodate him.The Club is stuck in a time warp and still tries to be 'Old Etonian'. A Coach like him will fail under the present regime and why should such a guy risk it? Its acedemic anyway as Utd will get Guardiola i think. Yes Arsenal are still the top Club in London, prestige wise, despite having only an average Euro pedigree, but lag well behind Chelsea on the pitch now and theres nothing at all to suggest that will change anytime soon.These things affect decsions of Coaches as they move around. Arsenal have the imagery of a 'big' Club but behave like a small one. In truth, they always have. Its never looked so obvious as it does now. It needs wholesale changes from top to bottom. It has holiday camp tendencies and Wenger is the top 'Redcoat', PHW the comedian and Gazadis the compere. Kroenke is Billy Butlin in the back room counting his cash!

  8. Its up for grabs now

    Oct 30, 2012, 9:07 #27328

    @JJ Williams Wenger is so egotistical that were he to move upstairs as you suggest, he would still control everything and probably do his utmost to scupper any new manager to show us all what we are supposedly missing and would probably think we would all call for his return, so delusional is the man! No get Wenger out, and as far away as possible from our club, otherwise nothing will have changed.

  9. JJ Williams

    Oct 30, 2012, 8:44 #27326

    Mandy please.... Ok We all agree that Wenger was branded a genius during the the first 10 years of his tenure. 1996 to 2006. However if you look a the at stats, the stories and the results of the last six year even the the most staunch AKBs will have to agree with Peters déjà vu account. I am sure everyone of us respects Wenger and are very grateful for the success he has brought to the Club, but most of us will agree that he should be moved upstairs for a younger, fresher man should take the club forward. Don't be afraid of change......

  10. Ken Dodd

    Oct 30, 2012, 0:15 #27325

    By jove,by jove what a beautiful day to storm into Wenger's press conference,grab the mike and cry:''moaning again that your players have been poached Arsene? Nah mate...they scrambled out of here before it was too late!''

  11. A.A.

    Oct 29, 2012, 23:56 #27324

    This is one of the most accurate and best articles regarding the state of my beloved Arsenal football club, that I have read for a long time. The situation is so frustrating that I am scared to even check the score of matches. I have no confidence in the team anymore. I agree that Arsene has shown a lot of ineptitude in relation to substitutions (why ALWAYS at the 60 min mark), tactics etc. however I would still say that give Arsene proper money and then fully judge him. If Usmanov were to come in, give Wenger a year at least with money to buy the BEST players. How much is it down to Wenger the amount players get paid, can get paid etc. and how much is it down to the board?

  12. Mandy Dodd

    Oct 29, 2012, 23:12 #27323

    Fozzys Mate, if you are right and wengers best years are behind him, along with the restrictions, trials and tribulations he has had inflicted on him, we would not have remained in the top four for all these years. Others have tried bloody hard to get where we are, have failed and do not have a stadium that is well on the way to being paid for. We all want more than that, but keeping us where we are, especially if you believe wenger possesses all the failings his critics cite is nothing short of miraculous, especially when combined with current wage restrictions, and uniquely amongst the top clubs, having an owner and board who clearly will not, for whatever reason put a penny into the club. John, agree, some playes on good wages have not made the grade, some signings have been crap, but look at some of the dross Utd for example have signed in recent years, carrick and Anderson, who each cost more than any arsenal player in history still play regularly, not even mentioning 8 million bebe and do not get me started on the some of the crap city have signed....and Chelsea. But, as you and big andy say, some are earning far more than they should be, and the fact that others do at other clubs is no real mitigation.

  13. martin wengrow

    Oct 29, 2012, 22:12 #27322

    This is a brilliant although sad post. Sad because it is so true , despite the cynicism. Please do your utmost to get a copy into the hands of all members of the Arsenal hierarchy. They must be shown that the days of pulling the wool over our eyes are over.

  14. Joe S.

    Oct 29, 2012, 20:35 #27321

    Never had any time for the hypocritical purists who don't want to be cotaminated by dirty Russian money In contrast they prefer silent Stan the passionless one whose fortune is based on his wife's inherited Walmart billions, honest hard earned money I'm certain founded on the sweat of American and Chinese labour being payed below minimum wages.Outside of that gripe this is an excellently articulated summary of the state of affairs at our beloved Arsenal. It's all true even you AKB s must realise this because it is obvious to everone else. Last night on Australian TV, Martin Tyler who does not usually like to criticise outrite expressed his doubts that Arsenal's sustainability will ever produce success on the football field. What his body language also suggested was that the project is doomed.

  15. Big Andy

    Oct 29, 2012, 20:22 #27320

    @Mandy Dodd: Thanks for trotting out the same tired bs that all AKBs keep repeating. The fact is that one of Wenger's biggest problems is his stubborness over wages. We have a wage bill in excess of 140 million quid - not exactly chicken feed. Wenger choses to spend it on generous salaries for average players while refusing to pay the best performers what they're worth. Result? An exodus of the likes of Van Persie, Nasri etc, while the club is stuck with over-paid underperformers like Chamakh, Bendtner, Arshavin, Almunia etc. Compare this to Man United, where RvP and Rooney get 200k+ and the average players like Welbeck just 75k. Sad, stubborn, tired Wenger's time is up. He must go.

  16. Peter Wain

    Oct 29, 2012, 20:21 #27319

    Sad this would be funny but it is true. Kroenke gazidis the board Wenger out now.

  17. John

    Oct 29, 2012, 19:53 #27315

    Mandy Wenger developed Denilson Bendtner Eboue Diaby Walnutt and Sendross and bought Chamakh Santos Squillaci Gervinho and Park and wouldnt know a good keeper if it fell on his head.The man truly is a genius

  18. dragongooner

    Oct 29, 2012, 19:25 #27314

    I agree with most of what's been written in the above article and our continued frustration with what again has become a 'groundhog season'. If Mr Wenger did decide to call it a day or the board decided to thank him for all his endeavours and relieved him of his position,does anyone really think this blinkered board could select a manager of pedigree to carry our great club forward. There is not one who I would trust to come up with a solid candidate for the job. There is no David Dien this time to talk and cajole a genuine candidate into the job. Do you really think they could attract a manager of Pep Guardiola's standing. I wouldn't trust Gazidas with the negotiations given his track record with transfers. I would love Guardiola as a new manager. To give us a new drive, a new purpose, a new direction. A 'Bergkamp' moment. But ask yourselves can you see it happening ? I think I've got more chance of winning the lottery !!!

  19. Fozzy's mate

    Oct 29, 2012, 19:18 #27313

    Mandy, like Simon Rose you cannot accept that Wengers best years are behind him. He is now a stooge for DDT and MSS and accepts it as it means no pressure is placed upon him to deliver real trophies rather than the ones he invents. People mock Moyes but he is the exact opposite of OGL in that he spends every penny at his disposal which is far less the Wenger. Wenger is a has been, as we all are to some extent in different areas of our lives, nothing wrong with that.

  20. Fozzy's mate

    Oct 29, 2012, 18:54 #27312

    As you will know from my posts I totally agree with you Pete. How many times have we been told players will be back during windows only to be told different when the window slams shut? Cynical spin. How many times do they expect us to take it without creasing up that we are not signing players due to the return of Diaby/Gibbs/Rosicky? FFP is a dream for DDT, MSS and OGL as it gives them another 5 years while they protest about its effect. Do we accept that they don't want to sell the best players each year and replace them with cheaper ones? This cycle will go on until and the day will soon come that we have no more top players to sell and the cupboard squad wise is so bare we drop out of the top 4. At that point expect DDT aka Mr Syrup to dip into the eurozone bail out fund aka our bank account. In 2008 at the agm OGL and the old etonian idiot told fans to politely F off and since then the North Korean style propaganda has been pumped out. Not long before nobody swallows it.

  21. Highbury Boy

    Oct 29, 2012, 18:49 #27311

    This is the season I believe will NOT be Groundhog Day because I don't think we will be good enough to come in the Top 4. You can't keep on selling your best players (including the League's Top Scorer) and get away with it. One point made by Wenger at the AGM which was not challenged was that good players only want to come to clubs in the CL. How come that Everton,Spurs and Newcastle can all sign players who would get in Arsenal's team? Also when Van Persie and others grow old are they going to show their kids their Cup Final medals or their plane tickets to various European locations?

  22. Don

    Oct 29, 2012, 18:48 #27310

    In 1986 Arsenal were a shambles.A club with rubbish and players going the though the motions a million miles from winning the league .Within 3 years the club had won the league.A miracle?No just the appointment of a manger who wasnt afraid to make the changes needed at the club.Put faith in youth(Adams Rocky Thomas and Merson) but also bring in experienced hungry players(Dixon Winterburn Bould Richardson Smith and Marwood)and make sure you had a good keeper between the posts.Graham instilled a discipline and pride in the club. Compare that to now.We are where we were in 1986 a club going nowhere.There needs to be big changes at the club.You would never hear Fergie say Utd are playing for 5 trophies.Who would ever think we would see the day when an Arsenal manger says celebrate 4th place as a trophy.Chapman would turn in his grave

  23. Mandy Dodd

    Oct 29, 2012, 18:38 #27309

    You are right on one thing, it is groundhog season, still three teams with vastly more resources than us who because of this have been able to poach some of our players, still a few teams who have spent a fortune trying to get where we are....but have failed. You mention fantasy and profit, by far the majority of fans are getting neither. I am not saying there is not room for improvement when there clearly is but at least understand what we are up against. As for stan, I don't get the obsession with what he gets up to, do not see other fans worrying so much about their even more absent and silent owners. He makes it clear he leaves it to his board to run the club as is his prerogative, like him or loath him. The likes of stan and phw are just easy targets and distractions, the real reason why we have not had success is that much richer teams have relieved us of players who refused to renew contracts, in some cases trebling their wages...because they can, we it seems cannot pay such amounts. If wenger was the incompetent some believe him to be, these teams would not want the players he has developed so well and we might be better off for it bit, but if my auntie had balls etc etc

  24. jj

    Oct 29, 2012, 18:34 #27308

    @Ron..I agree it's not likely but Arsenal are by far the biggest club in Europe's largest capital. The stadium and training ground are world class. And in recent years we've become a sleeping giant. The potential of the club is huge. Why wouldn't a top coach want to come here?

  25. Gloucester Gooner

    Oct 29, 2012, 17:18 #27306

    excellent article to the point and very true. post it to Mr Wenger and get a reply it would be very interesting

  26. Ron

    Oct 29, 2012, 16:40 #27305

    Wengers time has been and gone admittedly, but those of you who think Guardiola will 1. join Arsenal and 2. be paid enough to persuade him to even think about it if it was offered are (with respect guys) as delusional as Wenger. Hes well out of Arsenal's reach. Why wouuld a guy whos been to the very pinnacle of the game so recently risk a nose dive in credibilty so soon thereafter with a far, far smaller Club than his old one? It aint happening fella's. Hes far too high profile now. Prince Charles wouldnt settle for driving a Ford Focus would he?

  27. Bard

    Oct 29, 2012, 15:46 #27304

    Excellent summary of Arsenal's woes. I think the debate has move inexorably from palyers to managers and coaches. These are the dying embers ( admittedly a long drawn out death ) of the Wenger era. The promise of a new era post 2014 is a myth. The money is a red herring ( how much does a decent keeper and a left back cost ? Very little ) No Wenger has be consumed by his own arrogance, stubborness and delusion. His psot match comments are embarrassing. He has shown himself to be tactically moribund and worst of all is frightened to mix it with the top clubs. He awaits confirmation from on high that his lofty footballing principles ( such as they are ) are going to be rewarded by the footballing Gods. His maive belief that he can keep reinventing a top side after selling hi best players is hubris gone mad. There is a fine line between vision and delusion, Wenger crossed the line a long while back. I have never been either a Wenger lover or hater but a realist. His time has come and gone and if the board are astute they should be looking to tie up Pep. BUT ...

  28. Josh

    Oct 29, 2012, 14:45 #27303

    I will tolerate WHATEVER IT TAKES to get Webger Out. The problems start with his shocking management. Look at Atletico Madrid. Joint top of La Liga, 8 pts ahead of Real Madrid and yet they have a much smaller wage bill than us! Look at how well Dortmund do with less cash than Bayern. Look at Ferguson with less than Citeh/Chelski. Wenger is a busted flush with no tactical clue, no man management skills and useless in the transfer market. FFP will not help our overpaid manager learn the value of tactics, substitutions, team selection and certainly won't help us beat Norwich! GET WENGER OUT. First and foremost. Get Pep Guardiola in to replace and then we can also once AW is gone, focus on putting SERIOUS pressure on the board.

  29. mark from aylesbury

    Oct 29, 2012, 14:32 #27302

    Still think the to combat this inertia is to temporarily abandon attending the ground. I do understand that they still get our season ticket money to an extent. But a 15k attendance drop would have auxillary sales effects. Most importantly it would reveal our desire for change or at least contempt with policies as they stand. Dont attend if you can afford not to, dont rent out your season ticket. Siver/ reds renew,but dont attend. It will bust this apart soon enough. Up the Arsenal down with the management.

  30. maguiresbridge gooner

    Oct 29, 2012, 13:47 #27301

    Good piece Peter you told our future well it looks like it's groundhog day/season again alright and there was us daring to believe it could be any different.To much dross(groundhog) players not good enough (groundhog)same mistakes(groundhog)same tactics/lack off (groundhog)same keeper situation (groundhog) like you say there's many more yes the whole thing is beyond a joke.Your description of the biggest spin doctor in europe is spot on. The powers that be care very little about what the fans want (although the king of spin would have us think different)we all know what their more concerned about(groundhog).

  31. Neil C

    Oct 29, 2012, 12:39 #27300

    How dare you malign our Stan. If he wants to grow a grey moustache to go with his beautiful brown locks its entirely up to him.

  32. Tony Evans

    Oct 29, 2012, 12:38 #27299

    Groundhog season number 8 well and truly under way now and Wenger's deluded management is carrying on where it left off last season. Delusions include: quality goal-keeper not important; players can play anywhere and in any position I think they can; French imports are still the dogs b; subststitions must be decided before a ball has been kicked; fourth place is a great trophy; you must pay under achieving players a fortune to keep them happy; and perma crocks like Diaby will suddenly become injury fee. If I sound bitter than that is because I am, because stupidly I still care about my club. Nothing is off limits now as far as I am concerned in order to get Wenger out - 15th place anyone?

  33. Dan h

    Oct 29, 2012, 11:06 #27295

    Kroenke will be very happy how the club is operating a manager that spends no money.The chief exec who has no desire to push the football side of the 'business' forward a bean counter who believes'exciting transfer news'is signing an unproven forward to replace a 30+ goal a season striker!@Angry & Frustrated i know what you mean about making the same comments i do it myself the more we repeat it the more people with their heads in the sand will wake up eventually.MSS has in recent past used excuses along the lines of keeping money back for future windows BS hoarded money in case we fail instead of using the money to help us build a good side again.The facts are if there was a football man on the board he would be actually saying with investment in the side we could actually make more money.It is a cycle of just doing enough to get by if after last seasons debacle of OT & the last day of the transfer window if the manager was ever going to wake up it would of been then.To those who say his hands are tied imo no he could walk away having won trophies in the past overseen a stadium move & would still get a highly paid job in a lot of countries in the world.He has been more economist than a football manager these last years & reflects what the club has become balance sheet 1st team sheet very distant 2nd.Every major player sold replaced by a cheaper option good business some say i call it asset stripping.

  34. HowardL

    Oct 29, 2012, 11:00 #27294

    Excellent article Peter. Spot on and so sad that the team that so entertained has slipped so far.

  35. jj

    Oct 29, 2012, 10:03 #27292

    Wenger is pretty much totally responsible for the problems at the club. He runs the playing side from top to bottom and that is where the club are failing. The club appear to have a window of opportunity of about 3 to 4 months to nab Guardiola from Chelsea. He is the man they need from both a football and commercial point of view to take the club forward. There is always the possibility that Kroenke is listening to people at the club who are not in awe of Wenger and they are telling him that with the Frenchman in charge it is difficult to do the kind of commercial deals and tours that they want. It is a slim hope but Kroenke might suprise us and do the only sensible thing to get the club going forward again.He he might just sit on his a*** and do nothing but he may just be cleverer than we think.

  36. Angry & Frustrated

    Oct 29, 2012, 9:52 #27291

    Even reading articles like this one, and making comments underneath as I am doing now, feels like Groundhog day/season!! When will this never ending carousel end for all of us? Personally I am losing all hope that things will change in the near future, with the nightmare prospect of Wenger being given a new 3 year extension through to 2017 probably to be announced in only a few weeks/months time. One no doubt written and signed by himself, so much control (dictatorship) he now has over our club! Those of you who yearn for change, but still attend games need to do some soul searching, because vast rows of empty seats is the only thing in my humble opinion that could make a big difference in the short term.

  37. Barton

    Oct 29, 2012, 9:22 #27289

    Excellent post, just about sums up my thoughts entirely.

  38. I.P.Ferreira from Johannesburg, South Africa.

    Oct 29, 2012, 9:03 #27287

    Brilliant, objective and truthful article!! This is the most accurate summary of the Arsenal that I have ever come across. If only one can have someone in the Arsenal Club who has true objectivity to show this article or convey its contents to our dear Management Structure.

  39. Wombledin

    Oct 29, 2012, 8:25 #27285

    We slag Chelsea off for getting all their success on the back of a billionaire sugar-daddy, but at least Abramovic has real passion about the team and craves success and sacks managers who aren't up to getting it and quickly. We are also mostly owned by a sugar-daddy but one who is a waxwork, soulless American with no appetite whatsoever for footballing success in the form of trophies and glory. Maybe I'm naive, but I'd rather we were owned by a sugar daddy like Abramovic who has a real appetite and passion for football success and will stop at nothing to get it rather than be owned by a soulless waxwork sugar daddy like silent Stan Kroenke. Any Arsenal fan who denies this is just a hypocrite. There's not a single Chelsea or Man City fan today who feel it is wrong that they are owned by billionaire sugar-daddys. If Usmanov took over tomorrow and sacked Wenger and hired Pep Guardiola and gave him orders to spend 150 mill of his personal fortune on new top-class players, would any of us protest? Not on your Nellie.