Red and Black

Idea for an Arsenal protest

Red and Black

The colours of disaffection?

In general, supporting a football team nowadays no longer creates the same feelings that it used to. Matches are rescheduled to fit in with TV. Tickets are overpriced. There is a lack of atmosphere. There has been an influx of players who seem to be there only for the money and who have no real passion, which makes it difficult to feel an affinity with them. We are treated like customers. It is unfortunate, but since the Taylor report, Sky TV and for other reasons, we are never going to get back to ‘the good old days’. Supporters are dismayed at the gradual decline, and many wonder what we can do by way of protest. On a personal level, I decided a couple of years ago to relinquish my season-ticket and not to spend any money at the club on tickets or merchandising until the regime at Arsenal changes. (I have kept my red membership for future use.) This is a silent protest.

There have been many posts on the Gooner website from fans wondering how we can make our feelings clear to the board about the way our club is run. It is clear to many of us that massive improvements could be made at our once-great club.

How about if we had a campaign of wearing red and black scarves instead of red and white? The red shows that we still love Arsenal and everything it used to stand for. The black shows that we are not happy with the demise (or death, as we see it) of the club. It would give fans who attend matches the opportunity to continue to support the team vocally, but also to show visually that things need to be changed. United had a similar scheme a few years ago with green and yellow scarves (I can’t remember exactly what their protest was about). It soon caught on, and thousands of fans were wearing the scarves.

It would need someone with contacts to find a suitable supplier who could produce the scarves. I think they should be sold at a price to cover costs, rather than to make a large profit.

The club can’t stop supporters from entering the ground with a different scarf. If they tried to it, would be good publicity for the cause anyway. Our slogan/song could be “We want our Arsenal back” (to the same tune as “We’ve got Cesc Fabregas”).

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  1. griffdaz

    Nov 10, 2012, 23:45 #27929

    @ppl. Classic comment and suggestion......" just get behind the team and enjoy yourself ffs". Class mate.pure class.

  2. Rocky RIP

    Nov 10, 2012, 20:54 #27925

    Nobby - read their website. It's not a nostalgic hankering for the days when we won titles. It's about the relationship between the fans and the club. Not the manager. Go to 'about us' and 'our campaigns'. Also look at their statement about the pre-Swansea walk. They make their aims very clear and even offer tangible proposals for the club. They even add bullet points. It's easy to misconstrue them as negative or anti-Wenger. Read their aims is all I will say. Being old school Arsenal, I agree with 99% of what they say. What others make of it is up to them, just don't pre-judge until you have the facts.

  3. Anon

    Nov 08, 2012, 22:41 #27845

    A good friend from Scotland introduced me to Rangers a few seasons back, a small group of us have regularly travelled up to Ibrox once a year or so and make a weekend of it in Glasgow - and hey, I dont support Rangers or have any real affinity with them - it started as an annual boys weekend away. We all support different teams down south and I would always take pleasure in comparing all my mates teams (including the likes of Rangers) to the stadium, history, style of play and success through adversity that the Arsenal have always had - I just dont do that anymore. This season Rangers have however been basically left with a youth team following being demoted to the 3rd division of the SFL. However I now fly up to Glasgow every 3 or 4 weeks to have a bit of fun in a packed stadium full of passionate, voiciferous supporters where the welcome is always friendly, the beer and food cheap and the optimism regarding the future as inevitably successful - Even bought myself a Rangers shirt, the whole experience works out at less than half the price of going to the Arsenal (including flights) and I have yet to come away from a game feeling pissed off, even when they played a bummer?. I have been to the arsenal twice this season, dont intend to go back anytime soon except maybe over Xmas. If anyone from the club is reading this little tale, then be warned and report back to the owners - cos from what I'm hearing, I'm not the only one jumping over the side for a bit of fun!!.

  4. 600NER PETE

    Nov 08, 2012, 17:40 #27835

    ChrisB, Red Member and Barriecuda...Thanks for the info... Just looked up the "We want our Arsenal back website" (BSM) I hadn't heard of them before but their views match mine. Their scarves are yellow and black.I will keep up to date with their website from now on.Cheers.

  5. Hugh jardon

    Nov 08, 2012, 10:28 #27806

    Wear Man Utd colours red and black?! Are you for real? Is it April 1st? How about yellow and blue instead.

  6. goonerwalker

    Nov 07, 2012, 22:00 #27777

    BSM beat you to it mate...yellow and black are the coluors, scarfs are available on their website and they are running a pre-game march before the Swansea game.

  7. REDaction

    Nov 07, 2012, 20:55 #27775

    As many will know by now, the "Where Has Our Arsenal Gone" group (also known to many as the BSM) have announced plans for a 'walk' before the Swansea game. As a result, we have had questions from fans and media about whether we support the BSM group and their plans. We are happy to make our position clear Firstly, REDaction is what you could call an 'activist' group - we are a group of fans who are unhappy about something (in our case, the atmosphere at Arsenal games) - so instead of moaning about it in pubs and on the internet, we have tried to get up and do something about it. We see four main Arsenal fans' groups who do this in their own areas of interest - AISA, AST, REDaction and BSM - and there is MUCH more agreement between the people that run these groups than many realise. In general, we applaud and support other groups of Arsenal fans who get active to try to change things for the better - even if we don't agree with all of their aims. But as it happens, we DO also agree with a lot of the BSM's stated aims - because if achieved, they would also help our aims to have a better atmosphere in the stadium. The BSM are clear that people should support the Arsenal team and manager. Even if you think some players aren't fit to wear the shirt, and the manager's time is up, we should support them during games. The BSM want Arsenal to take action to look into safe standing at Emirates. We couldn't agree more - the potential positive effect on atmosphere is obvious. The BSM want Arsenal to look at a 'league only' season ticket option. We agree - it would mean more opportunities for different, younger and local fans to attend cup games - ensuring that the next generation of vocal support can get into the habit of attending Arsenal games. The BSM want season tickets to be made available in the Clock End. We agree - it would improve atmosphere and may allow the creation of a second REDsection. And more generally, we support aims to make the board more aware of how long term fans are feeling - because we have seen several of our long term, most loyal and vocal REDsection members walk away from the club in recent years. In short, we are generally supportive of any Arsenal fan group that gets active to stand up for what they believe in. And we also agree with many of the aims of the BSM walk on 1st December. So, the REDaction organisers will be joining the walk. Everybody else can (and should) read the BSM website if you haven't already, to get the facts in their own words about what they are trying to achieve. Make your own minds up on whether you agree with them or not - and if so, change your normal matchday routine, get out of the pub, and join in.

  8. Great idea which already exists

    Nov 07, 2012, 20:36 #27773

    It's called the BSM, or Where has OUR Arsenal gone? It's the very same sentiments. Read their website thoroughly and I defy any long-term Gooner not to agree with atleast 95% of what they say. People misconstrue them, based on ignorance. Read up. They speak for all disillusioned fans. Rather than just maoning they are offering viable solutions to the club too. Thus far the club haven't listened/acted on these requests.

  9. Rodders

    Nov 07, 2012, 19:40 #27772

    @Willard In case you havent noticed the Man Utd protest stopped because the Glaziers provided Fergie with the money to buy top class players.Utd have spent £30m on players.The most we have ever spent is £16m.And of course under the Glaziers Utd have continued to win silverware.Us under Kroenke have won zilch.And Utd fans dont pay the highest tickets prices in world football.We have much more reason to protest

  10. Simon

    Nov 07, 2012, 19:28 #27771

    For me the start of the rot set in when they knocked the North Bank down in 1992 it's been a downward spiral for real football surpporters That's when the club sold out I just consider myself lucky to have stood on that terrace & saw us win some silverware. The QPR game was my last vist to the souless bowl I won't go back again as we are paying caviar prices & getting bangers & mash. Wenger must go before anthing will change.

  11. Barriecuda

    Nov 07, 2012, 18:55 #27769

    Black Scarf Movement has this covered in spades mate. Black and yellow!

  12. Fozzy's mate

    Nov 07, 2012, 18:45 #27766

    No - that takes me back to the dreaded red and blacked striped socks of 1983/4 and the equally dire green and blue away kit.

  13. Stuart

    Nov 07, 2012, 18:11 #27762

    Black and red is Manure. Just go with the black that already exists or go for something like red and pink or red and grey. Not that anything will happen anyway apart from the club claiming it's a pro-Wenger display.

  14. Willard

    Nov 07, 2012, 17:54 #27758

    So the idea is to copy the Man Utd protest which achieved absolutely nothing. The idea of the green and gold scarves - that you cannot remember shows how ineffective it was - was "Green and Gold until we're sold." Well, the Glazers still own United and the scarves have gone so the protest was about as effective as an Andre Santos tackle. The fact that most people wore these scarves over replica jerseys and under coats bought in the Megastore shows why it did not work. Perhaps organising a day where nobody buys a programme and food or drink in the stadium would have more direct consequences for the Money Men.

  15. ppp

    Nov 07, 2012, 17:35 #27757

    This is bilge. You say you want change - but why? The board is accused of greed - by people who then say they aren't satisfied because we don't spend 30 million on a player and give him wages of upto 200 grand a week! Your solution to us being worse than man city, chelsea etc? Usmanov. The very definition of human greed. Just get behind the team and enjoy yourself for f**ks sake.

  16. Dave

    Nov 07, 2012, 17:00 #27753

    Totally agree with the need for protest. There needs to be unity among all gooners( rich, poor and in-between). The issue is greed. The only thing the current regime will take note of is if they start losing money. Action of this kind is not showing a lack of love or support, it is the opposite. You will be reclaiming our football club. Kick the greed out of football!

  17. Mandy Dodd

    Nov 07, 2012, 15:59 #27747

    Trouble is, buying such a scarf could result in boosting AC Milans coffers

  18. Sense

    Nov 07, 2012, 15:29 #27743

    If you want to make a protest, STOP GIVING THE CLUB YOUR MONEY OR MAKE A VOCAL DEMO MARCH. BSM is sadly a failure of a movement because they will rant on the board bu the minute they are aked about Arsene Wenger the BSM seem almost too scared to ever say they want him to go - even though Wenger is THE biggest problem at the club! So sadly, the BSM is a cowardly movement that shies away from the main issue of Wenger's incompetent management. Just pick a game and leave your seats empty so the whole watching world can see. Or stop going altogether the mugs in charge will soon get it.

  19. Angry Dave

    Nov 07, 2012, 13:36 #27735

    I have always thought that the Hillsborough disaster started the ruin of football as it all became far too corporate and although the quality has definately got better unfortunately the game has lost its soul and its not one I love anymore....Anyway, lets hope the BSM march actually works this time unlike last time, 'We want our Arsenal back'

  20. jamie

    Nov 07, 2012, 13:30 #27734

    Scarves wont do anything - we should clear the terraces like the Lazio fans do. They are scum but at least they no how to get their feelings across

  21. johnnyhawleyloovinggooner

    Nov 07, 2012, 13:27 #27733

    did man u not once play with black in their kit mid 70s/80s? it is a bettr idea than pitchforks and torchs which can't be to far away if things keep going like this. perhaps stan will not sack AW because he is looking over his shoulder thinking about what Big Als gang will say/do

  22. El Bodgeo

    Nov 07, 2012, 13:23 #27732

    Gazidis will have these rushed into the Gunners shops at £8.99 a pop before you can whistle 'we want our arsenal back'!!

  23. GooneRed

    Nov 07, 2012, 13:10 #27731

    I think this is a good idea. We HAVE to do something and this is as good an idea as any I have heard. Loved this part "I think they should be sold at a price to cover costs, rather than to make a large profit." They'd have too... if the scarves were being sold for large profit then it'll make the protest organisers no better than the club itself!!

  24. Ross

    Nov 07, 2012, 12:50 #27729

    Red and Black is getting a bit too close to United colours thoughRz

  25. kdmgooner

    Nov 07, 2012, 12:44 #27727

    Its a start but not enough, we need to be more vocal. A (peaceful)protest outside the ground before and/or a slected game is better. Or an online petition.

  26. DvbrisG

    Nov 07, 2012, 12:43 #27726

    I'm all for disaffected protest, but wearing a Manchester United scarf doesn't cut it. Join the BSM march on 1st December and get one of their (rather fetching) black scarfs at the same time.

  27. Pete The First

    Nov 07, 2012, 12:39 #27725

    The colours of Man Utd?

  28. Bob

    Nov 07, 2012, 12:38 #27724

    Imagine a ground full of 'Dennis the Menaces'. I would settle for signing a modern day equivalent of our original one.

  29. nobby

    Nov 07, 2012, 12:36 #27722

    I'm still struggling to understand exactly what "We want our Arsenal back" actually means. Can someone enlighten me? The majority of your first paragraph talks about general things which have turned you off football i.e. not specifically Arsenal-related. Are you protesting that football itself has changed. Do you want the 2004 Invincibles back? The 1998 Double team? David Dein? Denis Hill-Wood? The 70s team who came 16th and 17th?

  30. Red Member

    Nov 07, 2012, 12:30 #27720

    join the Black Scarf Movement they are having a protest march on 1st December

  31. ChrisB

    Nov 07, 2012, 12:17 #27715

    Have you not heard of the BSM?

  32. Dan

    Nov 07, 2012, 12:13 #27714

    I back 100% we need change..... im getting fed up with playing catch up with everyone else. WE the fans need to make a stand.

  33. TheManOnTheTube

    Nov 07, 2012, 12:00 #27711

    Interesting article to read, but I've always said that almost nowt will change until we stop pumping money into the fat cat's wallet. The ONLY way that something can get changed, which incorporates this idea, is for fans to stop going to games, and if anyone does then wear these scarves as a protest. Never know, in any sense Kroenke OUT, Gazidis OUT.