Why I’ve joined the Wenger out brigade

What exactly is the Camel’s back made of?

Why I’ve joined the Wenger out brigade

The 2-1 defeat at Manchester United proved to be the tipping point for me as an Arsène Wenger optimist. This was a result which, ostensibly at least, looked to be respectable to Arsenal fans and the media and did not subject us (weather-beaten though we are) to any more ridicule by association. The truth of the matter is that we never got near them and, with the exception of Jack Wilshere, who was unfortunate to be on the end of some more OT refereeing, never looked like trying.

The whole match was a pointless endeavour in every possible sense; do I need to say any more? Why bother lads, why bother travelling up the M6 once or twice a year to get soundly beaten, by a team with less ability, but vastly more gumption, drive and belief? I’ve seen teams from the Blue Square Premier go to OT and give United more of a game. If my home club (Cambridge United) were to play Moan U as frequently as we do, they would have won more games simply by the law of averages.

Taking responsibility and leading by example
What I’ve come to realise is that none of what we have seen can you blame on the players; the responsibility for every vacuous performance lies squarely with AW. These are players that have proven throughout their careers that they have fight, ability and a passion for winning. Why then, when put in an Arsenal shirt, do they turn into invertebrates incapable of passing a ball five yards, or testing one of the worst United defences in living memory? Since the 2006 move to the Grove, Wenger has inculcated and repeatedly reinforced a culture of losing with detachment - “it’s the taking part that counts, boys...... and if, heaven forbid, you do lose, I will be as wantonly purblind as ever and blame it on (a) the referee, (b) the European match in mid-week, (c) the international friendlies, (d) the ugly football of the opposition, through which they disgracefully contrived to win, or (e) the amount of money spent by Chelsea or Citeh.” Either way, the responsibility for defeat is never accepted by him or aimed at his players.

Tactician Supreme
I’m no football expert, I’m a mediocre Fifa 13 manager at best, but even I can tell you that every other person, inside or outside of football, would not have put Andre Santos in the starting line-up. Pitting one of the worst left-backs in the league against the best wide right player in the league is suicide in its purest and quickest form (three minutes to be precise). The half-time shirt swap needs no further probing.

Ferguson does not need to be a genius to out-manoeuvre Wenger’s Arsenal; the team is set up exactly the same way for every single game we play. There is plan A, a plan A and, if in trouble, there’s always plan A. If Fergie had not figured out how to beat a team playing the same way since 1996, he would surely be an imbecile and not a man at the helm of the most successful club in English history. “Insanity is doing the same thing over and over again and expecting to see different results” – wise words that a man as studious as Wenger has no doubt read.

Old Trafford Results since 2006
- April 06 – 2-0 – Can’t remember much about this one, fallen into the recesses of my brain amongst the rest of the forgettable OT defeats
- September 06 – 0-1 – Amazingly a win stolen through the invention belonging to the itchy feet of Adebayor and Cesc
- April 08 – 2-1 - Marginally off the pace, United just wanted it more
- May 09 – 0-0 – Season over, neither team were up for this much
- August 09 – 2-1 – Some hope provided by the brilliant Arshavin, game tamely handed to United courtesy of some OT refereeing and an excellent, if geographically misplaced, Diaby finish
- December 10 – 1-0 – Another game lost to the brilliance of Park the enthusiastic Labrador, not be confused with his *cough* prolific cousin
- August 11 – 8-2 – Another season well prepared for by AW.
That’s not to mention two FA Cup defeats and a Champions League embarrassment.

Looking forward and planning for the future
I appreciate that I have waffled at great length about one tie in a 38-game season, but the significance of this tie lies in the volumes it speaks about the stagnation at Arsenal. I wrote at the beginning of the season about my optimism and belief that we have one of the strongest squads in our history. The optimism has evaporated, just like my respect for AW, PHW, SK and IG, but my belief in the squad remains. Wenger is turning wine into water, and soft water at that.

One of the big questions previously banded around the stands of the Emirates, the online gooner and the inside of my head is ‘who can do a better job?’ My belief was that although AW was played out, there was no one better to replace him. The answer to this question has been given to us thanks to the mutual incompetence of the new Spurs boss. In the space of a year, Roberto Di Matteo has taken an awful Chelsea team to Champions League success, playing ugly but winning football. Then he did the unthinkable and turned Chelsea into a team that not only wins, but wins playing the best football in the league; yes they spent nigh on £60m to do it (a figure reported to be in Arsenal’s semi-permeable player trading account).

Counting the beans
Where else in the world would you pay more money to knowingly get less? We are being extorted; the Yank has eyes, has learnt that the bond between football fan and club is the strongest emotional bond, beyond reason or sense, and he plans to tap us for every penny. I would rather see this club become the next Rangers than see it further remove itself from the Arsenal we know and love.

What can we do about it?

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  1. Arsenal Fan

    Nov 14, 2012, 17:33 #28178

    @In Arsene Wenger We Trust PS: From my point of view you are supporting Arsene Wenger not Arsenal. So does this make you a..plastic fan? Just curious. =)

  2. Arsenal Fan

    Nov 14, 2012, 17:00 #28174

    @In Arsene We Trust Sorry mate, I don't know about others but for me a top 4 finish is not enough. How low had you gotten to? Where's the spirit? From your comments it is clear that you lost hope that Arsenal can win something. You just said that if AW takes Arsenal to a top four finish. We will shut up but I for one is not impressed reaching top 4 last season simply because Chelsea flopped. If they did not flopped in the middle of the season. We might be lookin at a 5 or 6 if Gibbs did not make that last ditch sliding block. Let me tell you. Top 4 is not enough now. 7 years of top 4 is more than enough. Trophies please. Hunger please. Desire please. NONE ARE THERE. Neither from it's players nor manager.

  3. In Arsene We Trust

    Nov 12, 2012, 10:40 #28021

    @Chris: it's nice to see there's still some sensible gooners around here. It's really hard to find some when you got these plastic fans everywhere. @maguiresbridge gooner: boy, you really are hanged up on that one little comment. Maybe, you toss and turn because you know when Wenger will once again get Arsenal to a top 4 finish and you will so-called "Arsenal fans" will once again be all quiet till next season when you are spewing your drivel of calls of "Wenger out". The toe sucking comment is pretty tame compared to the comments from you anti-Wenger brigade from this and other websites that were directed at Wenger. It's gotten so bad that you people are no different from the spurs fans. I wouldn't be surprise if next week's match you lot will root for spurs to win, because you so badly want Wenger gone. So move aside and let us real Arsenal fans support this club.

  4. maguiresbridge gooner

    Nov 11, 2012, 21:49 #27996

    Chris obviously you and iawt are very good at it.

  5. Chris

    Nov 11, 2012, 21:16 #27989

    @M'bridgegooner - LOL! You numpty!

  6. maguiresbridge gooner

    Nov 11, 2012, 20:14 #27986

    @Chris it was In Arsene We Trust who first suggested toe sucking.

  7. Paulinho

    Nov 11, 2012, 10:58 #27945

    Sorry it's too late to join. If it's taken you this long to join the Wenger out campaign you're a bit dim.

  8. Chris

    Nov 11, 2012, 7:55 #27933

    @In Trust We Trust - experience shows that if you try to engage in reasoned debate with people on here who hold an opposite view, you will either be told that you are an idiot, that you are an "Arsene bum licker" or even toe sucker (examples of both can be found in comments on recent articles). Even Kevin the editor doesn't seem to take care to make sure his stats are accurate if it helps his argument to use unchecked & incorrect ones. Going back to the football - this obsession with Klopp is odd. I seem to remember him looking pretty lame and impotent on the touchline when we outplayed Dortmund at the Emirates last season....

  9. Joe S.

    Nov 11, 2012, 4:37 #27930

    And here was I misunderstanding In Arsene we trust's original comments were a tongue in cheek collage of all the AKB stuff we've had to endure over the past few years. But No!. there still are people who think like this.

  10. John Hawley's Boots

    Nov 10, 2012, 18:57 #27923

    Diaby will be back soon......

  11. maguiresbridge gooner

    Nov 10, 2012, 13:35 #27920

    @In Arsene We Trust normally i would reply in a different way but as i said in my first reply your the one that's delusional and because of that it would be a waste of time so i won't.Just keep on using arsenes toes as your soother there's a good boy.

  12. In Arsene We Trust

    Nov 10, 2012, 5:11 #27916

    You people are such clowns. You know the reason why I accuse you guys being glory hunters and that you should go support the likes of chelsea and manu, because there is truth in that. The person who compared Wenger's master plan of keeping this club competitive after FFP comes to play to Hitler's plan is a joke. Just shows how vitriol you bunch are and don't see how lucky we are that Wenger is our manager. I already mentioned why I don't want Guardiola as our manager. As for Klopp, please... those people who wants him, probably wanted AVB as the manager to replace Wenger when he was successful at Porto. It's funny how that died down. I can see the same for Klopp if he does come to the Premier League. For those praising George Graham, you forgot the part when he took bungs and managed spurs. Comparing GG to Wenger, just shows how delusional you anti-Wenger brigade are. In fact, I think the name of this website should change to that, if they don't start posting more balance articles than all these "Wenger out" nonsense.

  13. Moscow Gooner

    Nov 09, 2012, 19:24 #27905

    I have to ask In 'In Arsene We Trust' are you an Arsenal fan or an Arsene fan? To be honest our football isn t that beautiful any more, but since the '30s Arsenal s tradition has in any case been based on strong defence and winning trophies - not cutting pretty patterns in the grass. It used to be the case that our fans only cared about winning, not about how we won. As for Wenger s 'master plan' that has about as much credibility as Hitler s had in 1945. Are you truly saying that seven years isn t long enough to get things right? You wouldn't be given half that time in other businesses. Simple: Wenger out now - and the board with him.

  14. Red Member

    Nov 09, 2012, 14:00 #27880

    In Arsene we trust - I can see your point of view. One of the problems at the moment is that a lot of people on here just disregard comments like yours. what I do take isue with though is that you still think Arsenal play beautiful football. They don't. Since we sold our last world class player in the summer most of the matches have been very dreary affairs. That is what you get when you have mostly average players at the club

  15. ATID

    Nov 09, 2012, 13:43 #27874

    In Arsene We Trust said of AW "Because of him, Arsenal plays beautiful football". I must be living in a parallel universe because I thought we stopped playing beautiful football sometime ago. I went to the Reading game and that was the most amazing game I have seen for a while but beautiful football? I don't think so. Ditto QPR and so many other home games in the last few seasons.

  16. Graham Simons

    Nov 09, 2012, 13:34 #27870

    In Arsene We Trust :"I rather Arsenal play beautiful football, even if they are losing than winning games but playing ugly football." Really?!! your last statement doesn't make sense because spurning victory over playing the game right way isn't an Arsenal philosophy - it's a Wenger philosophy and sounds like the sort of thing a Spurs fan would say. If you really thinks this I suggest it is you that should go and support Spurs because what you say denigrates everything that came before Wenger. The greatest moment in our history came in 1989 - go look it up.

  17. maguiresbridge gooner

    Nov 09, 2012, 13:16 #27867

    @ In Arsene We Trust if you think for one minute the board are stopping OGL spending your deluded what OGL wants OGL gets the king of spin has said the moneys there OGL chooses not to spend it instead trying to prove everybody wrong by winning things on the cheap some thing he has failed to do but just wont stop trying.You talk of patience fans have been patient for seven eight seasons now how long more should we show this patience ? another five ? six ? seven seasons ? Your right about one thing OGL master plan is certainly taking us to another level.The fact you would rather we play beautiful football ( something we haven't done in a long time by the way )and get beat sums you up perfectly.

  18. GaryGooner

    Nov 09, 2012, 13:10 #27865

    Look i am not a Wenger lover or hater for that fact at the moment but to say there is no one else better to take over i would have to disagree when you look at the likes of Guardiola and Klopp out there. I think it actually may be coming to the stage where we do need a new manager just to freshen things up a bit as we are looking a stale outfit. I firmly believe though that with a couple of key signings we could actually compete with the top spenders and i must say that i will never stop supporting The Arsenal no matter what happens. COYG

  19. Der Projekt ist Kaput

    Nov 09, 2012, 12:56 #27863

    In Arsene we Trust - Yeah it was terrible under George Graham. I can't tell you how mad I was at him, what with his defensive nous and seeing actual tactics being employed. And don't get me started on being forced to watch the horror of Arsenal winning the league twice, the misery of winning the FA Cup and League Cup in the same season and the shame of enduring a european success. I'm glad you brought me back to a reality check. Wow, how awful if those days returned...

  20. Alan Jalzeera

    Nov 09, 2012, 11:10 #27861

    I see we still have some AKB's about. These are people who are happy to see Arsenal not even compete for trophies let alone win them. A message to you guys: you are part of the disease that is eating away at Arsenal. I long for the day when the rest of us are cured from your chronic symptoms and the Arsenal of old that made us proud to be Gooners is handed back to us. Right now, we are a laughing stock in the Premier League and yet still Arsene Knows Best. Let me say it loud - HE KNOWS SWEET FECK ALL, and it is showing in our performances (again)

  21. John Gooner

    Nov 09, 2012, 11:04 #27860

    @ in Arsene we Trust - I don't know which Arsenal you've been watching?! The only time we've played watchable football this season was against Southhampton. As for your reference to Chelsea; they not only win, but play vastly better football than we do.

  22. ppp

    Nov 09, 2012, 10:45 #27859

    Sensible comment by In Arsene We Trust. Have no fear, most of the anti-wenger brigade are simply Tottenham sleepers or Anti Arsenal Agents - many of them have already been identified and it amazes me that this website allows them to comment. Many believe the gooner to be an Usmanov sock puppet desparate to sow discontent amongst the fans and make it easier for him to take over. If you attend matches you'll know that disaffection with Arsene runs at about 80/20 in Arsene's favour. On this website it's something like 95% anti-Wenger. The figures don't add up. Anyone with even an ounce of common sense can see what's happening at Arsenal is nothing like what Cambridge Cockrel suggests...

  23. Green Hut

    Nov 09, 2012, 10:45 #27858

    In Arsene we trust- Please explain to me why you think the board stop Wenger spending money. Gazidis constantly and publicly states that there is money to spend in every transfer window, and at the AGM even Kroenke stated that he has never turned down Wenger at any board meeting when asked for money. Wenger sits beside these men and NEVER disputes what they say, but still some fans believe the opposite is true, with no evidence to back it up. I realise it's the football fans default position to blame the big bad foreign board when things go wrong rather than a manager who has done great things in the past, but it's simply not justified in this case. As regards over-achieving, I would say Birmingham and tottenham have managed this by actually winning trophies whilst spending less money than Wenger. Finishing fourth means nothing to most fans, just obtaining £20m that Wenger won't spend to enter a competition that we're clearly not good enough to win.

  24. When will it end?

    Nov 09, 2012, 10:24 #27857

    @In Arsene We Rust.We do get it.We pay the highest ticket prices in the world.If we are being told we cant compete and 4th is the height of our ambition then cut ST prices to £500.Cut the players wages from £60k a week to £10k.Cut the manager wages to a £1m a year.But as long as things stay the same fans have every right to demand more.Under George Graham we never went more than one season without winning a trophy thats what Utd do it now.I want winning football not pretty football

  25. David

    Nov 09, 2012, 10:04 #27856

    @In Arsene We Trust The typical response when the AKB's and you have lost the arguement go and support Chelsea and Utd.You forget Wenger inherited the back 5 and didnt need to buy a replacement in defence for 4 years and he inherited Wrighty and Bergkamp.You say Wenger is doing a great job.Is signing Santos Chamakh Park Squillaci and Gervinho doing a great job.Is playing Ramsey on the wing doing a great job.Is having one keeper at the club doing a great job? Is losing our best player every summer doing a great job.Cant wait till Wenger does go and fans like you will disappear to watch your Wenger DVD's and let us have our Arsenal back.I know Spuds fans who want Wenger to stay as it means we win the same as them every season

  26. In Arsene We Trust

    Nov 09, 2012, 9:45 #27855

    You people don't seem to get it. Let me repeat that Arsenal comes 5th when it comes to which clubs spends the most in the EPL. Therefore, finishing 3rd or 4th is actually over achieving. Wenger is doing an excellent job, especially when the board stops him spending on the players he wants and also, there's the stadium to be paid off. So blame the board and lay off Wenger! Because of him, Arsenal plays beautiful football, but some of you wants to get back to the days of George Graham's boring football. I rather Arsenal play beautiful football, even if they are losing than winning games but playing ugly football. Go support chelsea or the manchester clubs if that's what you want. Wenger has a master plan that will take Arsenal to the next level with FFP coming. But instead of patience, you people just want short term success. If Wenger does call it quits, I bet you people will be begging for him to come back. Okay, let's play your game, who should replace Wenger and do better than him? Don't say that overrated Pep Guardiola. Everyone knows he was successful managing Barcelona, because he already had many world class players before he came and he was given endless cash to spend. I doubt, Pep or any other manager, will do a better job than Wenger, especially on the smaller budget Arsene was on. So be grateful we got Wenger, stop whining and support your club. I swear some of you people are probably spurs fans in disguise.

  27. Rodney

    Nov 09, 2012, 9:05 #27854

    @gonnercolesyboy Only Sagna would get into the Utd team.And judging by the rumours that we wont give him an improved contract he will be playing at OT next season as RB is their weak link

  28. Exiled Gooner

    Nov 09, 2012, 8:43 #27853

    What took you so long???

  29. ack

    Nov 09, 2012, 7:57 #27852

    @goonercolesyboy I dont need two clowns on Talksh*te to tell me Arsenal our better than Utd i use my own eyes.I look on the pitch and at the league table.We are a million miles behind Utd.We are not Man Utd lovers just honest and we have not buried our heads in the sand like you.Its fans like you Wenger and Gazidis want at the Grove not fans who who tell it like it is.Now go back and listen to that football expert Jason Cundy!!!!

  30. DW Thomas

    Nov 09, 2012, 2:26 #27851

    Best quote was wine into water. Instead of making players better, he runs them down or plays them in the wrong position. If Sagna leaves then we are truly a has been selling club. Wenger and the board are just not concerned with winning, it's not a priority. How elseb can you explain everything at the club. Just take Vermaelen for example. What as happened to him? He plays terribly game after game yet continues to start. Where is Diaby? The best player in the world that never plays? Wasn't it just a leg issue from a shot? Now he is out again over a month. Rosicky? Ramsey will start again no doubt when fit and he has been sub par for ages. Maybe we should try him in goal? You can't make up the things AW says and does! He has become a caricature. No one can really take him seriously no can we? The sooner change comes the better. Any decent coach would have a plan B, better man management skills, and tactics...things Wenger lacks. Just a deluded arrogant past it failure now going on 8 years. Get Pep in!

  31. GG89

    Nov 09, 2012, 0:46 #27850

    We aint got no penetration.... AW won't change the system.... 2 points off fourth place and we're crap.... yawn yawn yawn... 3rd place is a trophy... AW knows what he's doing or doesn't know what he's doing... yawn yawn yawn. Ahhhhhhhhhhh!!!!! FFP yawn yawn yawn... I DONT EFFING GET IT ANYMORE.... Stop buying match tickets, stay home, save your money and have a few partys instead.... Who can replace AW... someone better, I ,mean someone who has won something in the last 8 years.... AHHHHHH! Banging my head off the wall.

  32. goonercolesyboy

    Nov 08, 2012, 22:59 #27848

    To all you manc lovers again...Jason Cundy and Matt Holland put an eleven together of mancs and us and we had 6 players to their five...it clearly states that our players are currently underperforming on the pitch but the potential is there...Sirchesny Sagna Vermaelen Wilshire Cazorla Podolski were the 6 for your information.

  33. Big Andy

    Nov 08, 2012, 22:56 #27847

    You are right about Wenger, but wrong about Man United being a worst squad than ours. Our biggest problem right now is the lack of quality throughout our first team squad. That's what happens when you sell off your best players at the end of every season. Wenger is tactically hopeless, and I believe the major reason for the lack of passion in the side is that the senior players no longer believe in him, neither does Steve Bould (look at their body language on the touchline). The sooner Wenger goes, the better.

  34. Angry Gooner

    Nov 08, 2012, 22:49 #27846

    @Emmanuel Santos Add Bendtner and Denilson to your list.Two awful players given long term contracts worth so much we cant get rid of them.Given to them by Wenger.They are still Arsenal players yes they are away from the club but we still pay the majority of their wages.Next summer the big clubs will come to cherry pick our best players(not many left) again while we cant get rid of Bendtner Denilson Squillaci and Chamakh because of their mad wages.And who pays it?you and me

  35. Were Doomed

    Nov 08, 2012, 22:32 #27844

    The most disappointing thing is the BSM are organising a march before the Swansea game yet they are saying it is not a Wenger Out protest.Dont they realise it needs Wenger to go for the revolution to begin.Who do the BSM think buys rubbish like Santos Squillaci Gervinho and Chamakh and who keeps two players Diaby and Rosicky who wont play 10 games each this season at the cub?.The board are laughing if its a protest about ticket prices.C'mon BSM wake up and smell the coffee.Remember the AST tickles Gazidis tummy every summer.Its time for the gloves to come off.We need Wenger out and We Want Our Arsenal Back

  36. Emmanuel Santos

    Nov 08, 2012, 22:09 #27843

    Utd team with less abilty than Arsenal.What have you been smoking?Only Sagna and maybe Cazorla would get into the Utd side.When has Fergie regularly picked ****e like Santos and Ramsey?.Fergie would have shown them and Flappy Squillaci Djourou Diaby Rosicky Gervinho and Chamakh the door a long time ago.Fergie has made some bad buys but he gets rid quickly unlike us who keep ****e players like rotten fruit.Mark my words Wenger will give Santos a new contract.

  37. GaryFootscrayAustralia

    Nov 08, 2012, 22:06 #27842

    Non - Arsenal people on this site getting chippy just reminds me of people who call into Talk****e. Their opinion is of no relevance. If United or any other team's fans want to get on here and have a proper football debate, i'm all for that. Reacting like Joan Collins missing her make - up artist isn't necessary.

  38. Paul

    Nov 08, 2012, 21:58 #27841

    What i dont get is fans renewed their ST's when we all knew we were selling our best player 12 months after......we sold our best player.Wenger and the board aint going nowhere as long as there are bums on seats at the Soul-less Bowl.I gave up going in 2009 because i could see Wenger had lost the plot.And after the CL humilation v Man Utd he came out with the statement that finishing 4th was the priority every season.Thats why i gave up my ST why should i pay a grand to watch a team that has no intention of trying to will trophies.The trouble is the club has been overtaken by the Cult of Wenger.We pay the serial loser £7M a year but still Wenger gets a easy ride from the fans.If you the fans want change there has to be boycotts of games or mass walkouts at half time.Protest outside the ground are a complete waste of time.We have the manager and board the fans that go to games deserve.

  39. RDT - 4

    Nov 08, 2012, 20:51 #27839

    I agree with Had Enough. Offering Wenger a new contract would be a disaster of catastrophic proportions for Arsenal Football Club. Guardiola has been dropping all sorts of hints about his desire to manage in London. If the board had any sense whatsoever they'd go and get him - today!

  40. goonercolesyboy

    Nov 08, 2012, 18:33 #27838

    To all the manc lovers or people who currently compare us with them, I think I read that if RVP wasn't in their team they would be 8th...so who now are a one man team? Please correct me if I am wrong...

  41. colesyboy

    Nov 08, 2012, 18:01 #27837

    @Anthony Hearn, better rethink those figures as the tickets for the most part are already accounted for...as for the food/drink, if any fans buy at those prices then they really are stupid...drink in the local and eat after surely makes more sense...

  42. jjetplane

    Nov 08, 2012, 17:44 #27836

    The only fun to be had is seeing a progressively average manure side having a go but knowing they will not win the premiership for the next 20 yrs. You can see this future in the desperation of their supporters. Red Devils indeed.

  43. maguiresbridge gooner

    Nov 08, 2012, 16:38 #27834

    @In Arsene We Trust the Duchess of York did that some years back although it wasn't to arsene but i think it was a bald american maybe it was Ivan.Or it could have been the other way round.

  44. Had Enough

    Nov 08, 2012, 16:31 #27833

    Wenger is a myth and was finished as a manager since the 2008 season when league was ours to win, but his incompetence in the Jan window - where he shoulda bought a striker and a new defender at very least; screwed us. EVERY summer window, Wenger condemns Arsenal to a season of mediocrity before it starts with his pathetic signings. Think Gervinho, think Giroud, think Chamakh, think Santos, think Park etc...then think of all the quality let go. Selling RVP to Manure is unforgivable. We get Silvestre, they get RVP. AW is not a football man he is a money man. He moans about wages in football but happy to pick up his £7 mil! WENGER HAS TO GO. The WORST possible thing that could happen would be to give this muppet MORE money to spend next summer. Arsenal board are a bunch of clowns BUT. There would be some redemption IF: a. Wenger was given no transfer funds next summer. Cannot bare watching our cash wasted on more mercenary French/whatever rubbish like Giroud or Santos. Give AW no money to spend, and keep that money for PEP GUARDIOLA or JURGEN KLOPP. The best thing that can happen is for Arsenal to miss out on CL this season as that will be another excuse to prolong a year of sh**. THERE IS NO WAY WENGER CAN BE GIVEN A NEW CONTRACT. THIS CANNOT I REPEAT, CANNOT BE ALLOWED TO HAPPEN. THIS MUST BE HIS LAST CONTRACT. The fans have a duty to show their dissatisfaction by not attending games and hitting them in the pocket. Frank De Boer/Bergkamp combo, they embarrassed mega-rich Citeh in Europe - oh but I forget Arsene 'cannot compete'. Klopp outperforms Real with a wage bill smaller than Spurs! But Arsene with a £143m wage bill 'cannot compete'. Plenty of quality managers who achieve bigger and better than AW with less funds, and a lower salary. GET WENGER OUT. Get Pep/Klopp/De Boer/Bergkamp in. Arsenal can be great again we have the history, the financial power, the stadium and the city. Sadly the incompetent manager and cretins on our board MUST be made to walk the plank first.

  45. Angry & Frustrated

    Nov 08, 2012, 16:04 #27832

    Welcome aboard, but your frustrations I am afraid wont be eased by simply coming to terms that Wenger's time is over in your mind. Stan in Denver thinks the polar opposite from you and me, and has instructed his lackey Gazidis to offer Wenger a new 3 year contract, and whilst the bowl remains full on match days with tourists and AKB's, nothing is likely to change in the short term. Your battle in your mind about Wenger may be over, but your battle with the club has just begun, and take it from me this is a long painful soul destroying game, as you watch the club you once loved turn into something which you simply struggle to identify yourself with anymore!!

  46. maguiresbridge gooner

    Nov 08, 2012, 15:57 #27831

    There's no need to say any more we never looked like competing never mind winning a familiar trate now. I don't know about the mancs having less ability have we a rooney ? have we a RVP ? (we used to)have we anyone else old red nose would want ? None of us has to be an expert to see something is very wrong and has been for some time and things continue not to be put right there's no need to list them who is responsible for that ? we all know the answer.No manager needs to be a genius to work wenger out anymore they've all got his number and have done for a long time.I think we're all optimistic at the start of every season this one more than most with bouldy as the new assistant but it has quickly evaporated again. I wonder why.

  47. Camgooner

    Nov 08, 2012, 15:37 #27828

    Some good stuff. But... I think you underestimate MU players. They have quite a good centre forward after all. Like you I am rapidly losing what little patience I have left.

  48. goonergocarpfishing

    Nov 08, 2012, 14:47 #27826

    first of all to the red devil,why are you reading our fanzine you sad act second sagna,cazorla ,wilshire and tv would no doubt be in your starting 11 and im sure arteta and the player af wanted to sign ramsey wouldnt be too far away !!!!!!!! anyway as again the january window is our only hope of a decent season .maybe just maybe av will realise gibbs and diaby cant do a season and go out and buy baines, jagielka a holding midfieler and who knows !!!!! but come the end of january our hopes will be dashed by a few good results, renewed short lived belief in the currant squad which will justify aw decision not to so called panic buy at over the top prices and the new season will be another promise of empty dreams

  49. Joe Piggybank

    Nov 08, 2012, 14:07 #27825

    You people who even dare to question the Manager should ask yourselves this. Who could do abetter job on the budgetary restraints he finds himself? All the managers you mention are totally unproven at the highest level and in the most demanding of atmospheres in which an Arsenal manager has to operate. Don't believe he isn't accountable to someone and that his position and his saalry and not seriously scrutinised by the club's leadership. You people, who I would suggest haven't managed a day in your lives, should respect and support everyone who pulls on the Red and White. He may have had a few blind spots in the past, goalie, left full back, centre half, tough tackling midfielder, dynamic winger, always buying in the powerhouse that is ligue 1, only the best from ligue 1 mind. what would you do if you were constrained to a wage bill of £143 you bunch of Premiership Managers? All we need is time

  50. Anthony Hearn

    Nov 08, 2012, 13:58 #27823

    Really good article and well written. The only way to get the Arsenal hierarchy to stop taking the piss out of the fans is to hit them in pocket. We make anywhere between 5-7M on a match day with gate/food money. If we were to boycott the next 3 games that would cost them around 18m. As fans we have the power to change things if we really want to???? Hit the 3 tossers PHW IG & AW in the pocket.

  51. Red Member

    Nov 08, 2012, 13:52 #27822

    whatever anyone thinks of Wenger is irrelevant as he isn't going anywhere until the board sack him. so if you want to get rid of Wenger then get rid of the board first - they are the main problem here. why does Gazidis allow contracts to run down? why does Kroenke not invest any money in the club? why is Wenger not told if you don't win anything then get out?

  52. Gee

    Nov 08, 2012, 13:44 #27821

    The club will always do what they like. Gazidis will get another monster bonus despite the club running at an operating loss before we sell players. This is my last season as a season ticket holder. I'm giving it back as voting in this way is the only way. If everyone hits the club in the pocket they will wake up as that is all they care about. I'm sure for everyone of me there will be five that want to pay over £1k for my ST. However the club should really be asking why there are people like me in the first place - loyal ST holders for 15 years that want to hand it back. The club fr me needs freshening up with a new manager. Clearly the manager won't buy the players to freshen things up so it will have to come from a new manager. I'd ask AW to step aside or pay him off £7m at the end of the season and bring in Pep. Give him £60m and let him get the team working as a unit as at the moment they look utterly bewildered when they do not have the ball. Pep will ensure there is a system for actually defending. Love Wenger and what he's done but really he has had his day now.

  53. ATID

    Nov 08, 2012, 13:39 #27820

    Following the Arsenal since 2004 has been like driving a second hand quality motor. It runs quite well for a time then it breaks down. You fix it and it carries on OK but before long something else fails. As each year passes overall performance and reliability accelerates on a downward spiral. Eventually even the most loyal AKBs will realise that it is time for a new model. Until then the rest of us will have to brace ourselves for the inevitability of another wasted season. Incidentally, here is a question for the AKBs. It is now 7 years since we last won anything. How much longer should we give AW?

  54. danalovAFCXI

    Nov 08, 2012, 13:05 #27819

    I am part of the Wenger out brigade and have been since Gallas had a massive sulk at the brum and when he got rid of Flamini. I love Arsenal Football club not the asset stripper manager we have at the moment thats the key difference. I will always go and watch them no matter what but **** me anyone can see we havent got the skills to win big anymore. All these pro wenger people happy to settle for average well sorry but average aint good enough we can achieve much more and the problem resides with Wenger. I sometimes get the feeling fergie has the real Wenger of pre 2005 locked in a dungeon under old trafford and he has replaced him with an accountant who kicks water bottles for living.

  55. Der Projekt ist Kaput

    Nov 08, 2012, 12:36 #27816

    Personally, I think Wenger should be given more time, an increased salary, the fans should be more patient and everyone on the Board should award themselves higher (and well earned) bonuses. Remember, Arsenal was nothing before Wenger - how ungrateful you all are to criticise.


    Nov 08, 2012, 12:06 #27815

    Sadly I find myself in the same camp as Wombledin..... The reality is the MU game was a game we could afford to lose as we are not competing for the same league place - they will finish first or second and we are hoping for the trophy of fourth again. The more important game was on Tuesday in Germany and this weekend in Fulham..... To see Wenger in his full incompetence you only have to look at the inevitable outcome of not subbing WIlshere - old blue nose saw the risk and acted quickly and effectively, AW simply applied a bit more of Plan A. I stopped going to games when he lied to us about Cesc and Na£ri and have bought o merchandise for years. In fact while the club is in my veins I do not support it financially..... its actually become embarrassing to support AFC now as everyone sees them taking us for mugs....... My SOn is now a Saints fan even though they win nothing, how many their fans of the future have this once great club lost?

  57. Graham Simons

    Nov 08, 2012, 11:26 #27814

    In Arsene We Trust - I would suggest you actually research the club's history before posting ignorant rubbish. I can only hope you're being sarcastic but I think the famous Arsenal were famous before City, United, Chelsea - pretty much all of the big clubs. Five leagues under George Allison and the true greatest Arsenal manager of all time Herbert Chapman. Arsenal does not begin and end with Arsene Wenger.

  58. jimd

    Nov 08, 2012, 11:14 #27813

    I’ve been a paying supporter of Arsenal for just over 60 years and a season ticket holder since 1969. Now, in that long time, I have suffered some pretty dire Arsenal teams and performances but I had never, during that time, felt the almost unbearable pain of watching them as I have over the last 5/6 matches( really since W Ham). I am with the less dramatic but nevertheless growing dissatisfied number of fans who believe the management of the club is the root problem and has been so for many years. However, this longstanding problem cannot adaquatly explain the current dire level of performance. So dire that in the Man. U and Shalke televised games, I found myself screaming, at no one in particular, ” I can’t take anymore”. What then has caused such a change in performannce levels? Diaby who sarted so well going the way Diaby always goes? That could explain a drop in the level but not disintegration. The much vaunted technical ability of our midfield, which I believe is warranted, appears to be a joke as they miscontrol and misspass the ball to such an extent that makes a joke of their reputation as a passing team, who were a joy to watch. So what are we left with? New players? Player management? Tactical nous? All of the above? I genuinely believe that player management is the problem since Wenger has always been tactically inept, even in our best years. I believe he has “lost” this squad and that there is a likely “disconnect” with his assistant Steve Bould, which may also explain how the back four squad has also completely lost its way. Solution? Deary me! We are back to Wenger.

  59. sb

    Nov 08, 2012, 11:14 #27812

    last few years have been great so funny to see arsenal fail on a consistent basis. Will wenger get the sack if they finish behind spurs lol

  60. Dennis

    Nov 08, 2012, 11:07 #27810

    That Wenger has lost the plot is obvious to all. Otherwise how do you explain losing regularly to MU and Chelsea with Drogba of course.You watch the 2009 cl clash with Mu. With every gunner happily joining in the attack,it breaks down and a swift pass to one red devi to another rd and finally it's in the Arsenal net. We have seen it countless times. When th gunners get to the box it is another bout of meery passing save they wont or are prevented from shooting. No wonder they can't score. It will stay this way as long as Wenger is in charge or is axed.

  61. Fishpie

    Nov 08, 2012, 10:48 #27808

    In Arsene We Trust, I don't know how old you are but time did actually begin before Wenger came to Arsenal you know. Before Wenger came we were the third most successful club in England. (We still are) We dominated football in the 30,'s and created League champion and Cup winning teams in the 40's , 50's, 70's, 80's and early 90's. We even won trophies in European competitions that were held in high esteem back in 70's and 90,s. I'll grant you our reputation for playing great football has been greatly enhanced by Wenger, but we have long been a big club. But, just as in the past, the club sits just below the absolute great clubs. Wenger has not, in 15 attempts, won the Champions League and the force he undoubtedly had, is no longer with him. The reality is there all to see. He has drifted further and further behind Ferguson and the closer and closer to the likes of managers at Spurs, Everton and Newcastle in terms of his money spending efficiency. Arsenal is bigger than Arsene.

  62. doctore

    Nov 08, 2012, 10:25 #27805

    Goonerob,there's no point moving him upstairs he would only make life difficult for the new manager by making sure he finds a way 2 implement his senseless policies and show the world he's way better than anyone else,i think we should make our chief scout,or better yet say "thank for those wonderful years goodbye".....

  63. Fishpie

    Nov 08, 2012, 10:23 #27804

    Peter Killick. Sorry but we weren't all praising Wenger 2 months ago. Many of us lost belief in him over a number of recent seasons. Cambridge Gooner may have come to his point of view only recently but it's clearly been building up in him over a number of years too. Wenger was a great manager but WAS is the key word. Year after year after year he has failed to resolve repeating, ongoing weaknesses in our defensive game, has sent out teams not prepared to fight,he has increasingly acquired players that are worse than the players Spurs, Newcastle, Everton (and others with LESS money than he's had) have acquired, and gets them to play a style of football that the opposition nullify with increasing ease. Too many aspects of the job he does for Arsenal these days is flawed. He is has become a liability. I firmly believe there is a manager out there who, even with just the money the club currently spends, could build a better team and adopt tactics that would see us seriously challenge the bigger spending clubs. We can afford a great Manager. Wenger gets paid an enormous amount. We often get told we are more or less finishing in a league position in line with our player spending position -4th. But as I understand it, Wenger gets paid at the highest level but delivers well below that in terms of results. He is not an efficient use of money.

  64. Rawlings

    Nov 08, 2012, 10:23 #27803

    Totally agree with you, Wenger may have succeeded in making Arsenal viable economically but have certainly reduced the team to a mere "makeup the number" team in every competition. We parade a defence and midfield many top European teams only dream to have(individually speaking). The splendid run experienced at the start of the current campaign was a sheer determination from the players to proof a point that the exit of RVP to Man U wouldn't make any difference. Wenger has sure done well for the club over the years but now that indicators are showing it's time for the highly reputable manager to take a bow, I think he should wisely respect that.....

  65. Cambridge Gooner

    Nov 08, 2012, 10:18 #27802

    @Red Devil - Interesting that you should choose to read an Arsenal blogging site? While our players are lacking a lot of things, ability is not one of them. United's whole is far greater than the sum of its parts. I personally believe that Carrick, Cleverly, Evans, Fabio, Ferdinand (now, not 5 years ago) and Anderson are average at best; yet well managed and imbued with a sense of team spirit, they play like the winners they are.

  66. Wombledin

    Nov 08, 2012, 10:15 #27801

    The penny's dropped and Gooners are switching off all over the world. I switched off when Wenger first said that 4th place is a 'trophy', because that's when I realised we would not challenge again for top honours. Be a good chap and wake me up when he is gone. Nighty night. Click.

  67. billthered

    Nov 08, 2012, 10:08 #27799

    It makes me laugh when people say who would you have or who would you buy.Well my dear friends it is not down to us in both respects but if we got 2 million plus a year and employed numerous scouts I'm pretty sure we could.But believe me there are loads of managers and players out there just waiting to be snapped up.If it was my choice though what about a punt on De Boar and King Dennis who dont seem to be doing a bad job at Ajax.But if we do get a new manager I'm pretty sure Martinez at Wigan will be top of our boards list,the reason being they play pretty good football and the manager spots a player buys him cheap and then sells him on for a hefty profit remind you of anyone.

  68. Tony Evans

    Nov 08, 2012, 9:55 #27798

    I admire your endurance but have to say I don't know how you kept faith with Wenger for so long. Anyway glad you have finally seen the light. I think a sign should be hung at every entrance to The Emirates saying 'abandon hope all ye that enter here' because that is exactly what it feels like trying to support Arsenal under Wenger. The same mistakes and delusions repeated year after year after year driving all hope out of even the most fanatical of fans.

  69. In Arsene We Trust

    Nov 08, 2012, 9:40 #27795

    What a bunch of ungrateful ingrates! Wenger is over achieving when you compare to the big spenders like chelsea, manure and man city. Wenger made the club a big name, before he came, Arsenal wasn't a big club. You people should not only kiss his feet, but suck on his toes.

  70. chris dee

    Nov 08, 2012, 9:37 #27794

    Unfortuntely the placid,pacifist,neutered,weak spirited,mentally flabby,lazy,physical aversion that we see whenever we face a challenge has become part of this Arsenal's D N A. I don't know why,but since 2005,slowly but surely,a term like 'team spirit' has gradually has stopped being used in terms of Arsenal's players,and without 'team spirit' no matter how talented the players,you are gonna win sod all. Team spirit means running yourself into the ground for every match,it means defending for your life in every match,it means every player supporting his team mates in every match,it means putting your body on the line in every match. Have we had this in the last 7 years,have we f***! Good players are only part of the equation,and we have had plenty of good players in the last 7 years.So we continue on our merry little way as United and Chelsea continue to stack up trophies thanks in no small part to their team ethos which we are desparately lacking. Take a bow Arsene.

  71. Nuittniddy

    Nov 08, 2012, 9:36 #27793

    What can you do about it? Simple, start to support your team and not boo your own players.When things are not working out give them support, we can't win every bloody match. But it wont happen as Arsenal supporters are probably the worse in the PL and seem to live in a dream world where we can buy and pay any player we want.RVP is said to be on £220000 a week. In your strange world do you really think we could or should pay that sort of money? Get real and forget the Red and White Mouth brigade.

  72. Hordur

    Nov 08, 2012, 9:33 #27792

    A good article I do agree with almost everything you say except on thing. Arsenal is not in stagnation they are in free fall. I have been a Arsenal fan since 1970 and the last 7 years has been the most difficult for me to watch the teem get dismantle every year. It is quite clear that keeping players is not because we can´t pay them enough, it is because Wenger payroll is a sosialistic on that is everyone get the same does not matter if you are good or not. I have come so far that I do not expect any player to be bought in january and Walcott will leave. Rotating players is not done either instead Wenger sort of run them to the ground. This team need a healthy compitition that is no one should just walk into the team after a bad game.

  73. I.P. from Johannesburg, South Africa.

    Nov 08, 2012, 9:13 #27791

    If only someone at Arsenal will read your wise words!!!!! I fully agree with your clarity of insight. We, unfortunately, can do nothing about it with the present regime in place at Arsenal. I have as far back as January 2010 come to realise that the Arsenal regime does not only ignore the pleas from their supporters but actually treat us with disdain. Which other manager in the EPL will have the gumption to actually inform the entire world that trophies are not all important to Arsenal????? Is that not disdain??? To top it all, the Board agrees with Wenger. I rest my case.

  74. goonerob

    Nov 08, 2012, 9:11 #27790

    Sadly I came to the same conclusion after the Manure match, he will not change and he does not learn, his way or no way. Santos should never have been bought in the first place, Jose Enrique went to Liverpool for less money and was one of their standout players last season, why did he ignore him. Every season Fergie knows exactly how to play us, as do most of the PL because we only play one way and if everyone is not at the top of their game it fails and does so at the moment because other than Theo we do not have any pace in the side with the Ox injured. It is time for him to move "upstairs" and let someone else take over.

  75. indian gooner

    Nov 08, 2012, 9:11 #27789

    We could stop going to matches or organize proper demonstrations against the current board and manager.I like you have ben disillusioned with AW for teh last couple of years. His recent comment "that we are unable to compete this season since we are off the leaders pack"....and this is 10 games into the season. Why does this man then go on about being able to compete if we bow out of the competition 10 games into the season?Hes a moronic liar who has lost it for well over 5 years....time for a change please at the grove.

  76. peter killick

    Nov 08, 2012, 9:05 #27788

    All you people running Wenger down should look back 2 months when you were all praising him, Keep going Arsene, a Great Manager.

  77. jj

    Nov 08, 2012, 9:02 #27787

    Welcome aboard.

  78. Red Devil

    Nov 08, 2012, 8:56 #27785

    "why bother travelling up the M6 once or twice a year to get soundly beaten, by a team with less ability" a team with less ability! What planet are you on? DO you want to tell me a single player in your team in any position better than what we have?