10 Game Review

The Season so far…

10 Game Review

Podolski – Lost his way

I always like to wait until we reach the 10-game mark to assess where our season is heading and, unfortunately, the stats do not make for good reading.

In June, I wrote this. As much as it pains me, that pre-season prediction - that we would have nine points after our first six games - came true and, equally unfortunately, our next four games have only reaped another six points. We find ourselves nine and eight points behind the top two and only the most optimistic Gooner would think we had any aspirations other than fourth place this season. Once again, our squad depth has been tested and found wanting.

Our first few games seemed to indicate that Steve Bould’s voice had made an impact and the clean sheets and teamwork were making up for our lack of goals. The win at Anfield further strengthened our hope that we had turned the corner (despite it being a very poor Liverpool team). There followed an emphatic win against Southampton and a creditable point at The Etihad but since then we have produce patchy below-par performances. Individual mistakes have cost goals in virtually every game and the early-season impetus has been lost. We have resorted to the possession-for-possession’s-sake football that I hate. It lacks passion, it lacks pace and it doesn’t create goal-scoring opportunities. Since our come-from-behind win at West Ham, we have meekly surrendered at Norwich, crept past QPR with an offside goal and been totally outplayed at Old Trafford.

Several players have confirmed my fears that they are not Premiership quality players but Arsène seems determined to play them regardless of the consequences. Aaron Ramsey has become a target for the boo boys but with good reason - his total lack of drive and pace hurts the whole team. I’m not a fan of Theo’s but my calling for him to play instead of Ramsey says a lot about my dislike for what Ramsey does to our tempo of play. Gervinho is another who does not contribute enough for us to accept his occasional goal contribution. He wastes many more chances than he ever converts, and if I were Giroud, I would worry that Wenger thinks the Ivorian’s a better bet as striker than him. I was quite pleased when The Forehead was injured against QPR, as it means I won’t have to watch the ball bobble out of play off his shins for a few weeks.

Left-back has been a problem position since Cashley left. It shows how bad it is that I’m wishing we had Clichy back. Gibbs is perpetually injured and Santos thinks he’s a left-winger. You could drive The Red Army through the hole he leaves every time he lumbers up field and fails to lumber back. Talking about our goalkeeping situation is pointless. Everybody, except Le Boss can see we do not have one top-quality keeper, Chesney showed some promise but has made mistakes in the majority of games since the latter stages of last season and Flapianski is a liability. I feel sorry for Mannone; we know he’s not good enough, he knows he’s not good enough but he has been forced into action by injuries to our other substandard offerings for his position. It’s a comedy of errors that seems never-ending, as it has not been resolved since Mad Jens’ first exit.

As depressing as the squad situation is, I’m far more worried about the general demeanour of the team at present. They don’t look like they have the desire or bottle to want to fight for us. Even the players like Cazorla, Arteta and Podolski who started the season well seem to have lost their way. We still have the best defensive record in the division but we don’t look like we want to win games. When we were 2-0 down at Old Trafford, we spent most of the last ten minutes passing the ball across our back four. As soon as we decided to have a go at them in injury time, we created chances and eventually scored, but it seems there is a lack of urgency or passion to drag ourselves back into games, and Wenger does not seem to be able to raise the team from their slumber.

The loss at Norwich was one of the most impassive performances I’ve seen since Arsène took the reins. Norwich won comfortably and our players didn’t seem to care. The same thing can be said of the Schalke and United games. In the past, I have asked people to be patient with Arsène, but even he will have to hold his hands up if this level of performance continues. The 15 points we have from the first ten games represents our worst start under Wenger and will surely signal the beginning of the end if we fail to make the top four or win a cup this season. I think he should give serious consideration to playing the first team in the League Cup, as any trophy-win may lift the squad, the club and the fans out of our own double-dip recession.

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  1. Accepting Reality

    Nov 09, 2012, 13:41 #27872

    We all accept the squad cant compete already, so its more of an acceptance of that reality than it is a lack of support for the club to say a couple of losses on the bounce may have some benefit; namley bringing the fans painful reality of our situation into the boardroom!? Dont tell me to p*ss off down the bridge i just want 'The Arsenal' back by any means neccesary. Obviosuly dick the spuds on the 17th. Standard.

  2. Tony Evans

    Nov 09, 2012, 12:33 #27862

    Peter Wain - Agree with your every word. What a shambles Wenger has created. He has got away with so far by securing that dreaded 4th place 'trophy' but each year the team is weakening and this time around I reckon he will come unstuck. Whether that is enough to shift him out is anyone's guess but I live in hope.

  3. Peter Wain

    Nov 08, 2012, 15:47 #27830

    The transfer dealings in the last few years have been awful. We have bought some truly applling players many of who are not good enough for the Championship. The goal keeping situation has been problem since the demise of Seaman. Lens was ok but since then we have had some right old rubbish. The reason that this mediocre bunch of no hopers stay is because we pay them too much and they cannot get any amount close to what they are currently earning elsewhere. This is a common problem at Arsenal we pay a lot for mediocrity and the same for world class players. Not that we have any now thanks to Ivan the bonus. Hillwood is quick to say we cannot pay £200k per week but when we have players like Arshavin on £85k per week and Squillaci on £50k a week who produce nothing for the first team this is the reason why our top salary is so low compared to our competitors. Anyway getting back to the current squad the goal keeping situation is not staisfactory and needs to be addressed. As for the left back position Gibbs gets better every time he does not play. However when he does play he is out of position so many times that it puts presuure on the centre backs. In the centre half position although Mertsacker has improved we still conceded a headed goal at OT from a small full back inside the 6 yard box. The right back position is ok as Sagna is a good player and we have an able deputy. In midfield we have numbers but that is all they are. Rosicky and Diaby are liabilities because they are always injured and they need to go.We need to play a proper defensive mid-field player rather than Arteta who slows the attack down. Cazorla has been very poor in recent weeks and Wiltshire is going to take a couple of months to return to any where near the form pre accident. Ramsey has suffered from being played out of position and needs a period on the side lines. Oxlade Chamberlain needs a run of games as he seems to have gone back wards this season and appears to have lost pace. Up front it is difficult to know where to start with the embarassment of mediocrity that the manager has bought in recent years. Chamak should have been let go in the summer along with Park. As for Gervinho I do not see how any body could have spent so much money on someone who is so limited. He is quick but not that quick. He ball control is hit and miss and he has never played well in any match. As for Giround he is the slowest forward Wenger has ever bought. Some of his play is so embarassing you think he should be playing on Hackney Marshes.Although big he is not great in the air and his ability to keep the ball under presure is limited. Podoski is very hit and miss and is certainly partly to blamce for the weakness on oue left side of defense. Lastly Theo. If we play Giround as our only striker he has to play because the team lack pace in midfield and up front. Sadly the manager seems not to trust him and it looks like he will be sold in January although if I were him I would refuse a transfer and go on a free in the summer. So all in all we need to ship out about ten players and purchase about the same amount and we all know that we will not do that in four transfer windows. If Abdel Tarat is the answer then it seems that the management of the club have truly lost all of their marbles. I have said it before and will so again unless and until Kroenke the board and the manager are all removed from the club all I can see is a steady decline down the table.

  4. Its up for grabs now

    Nov 08, 2012, 15:43 #27829

    If they maintain their current rate of 1.5 points per game, we will acquire 57 points at the end of this season. I realize that this is an extremely simplistic way of predicting our ultimate future points total, but if it were to be accurate we would be approx 30 points off the pace this season, compared to 19 points last season, that is going backwards in anybody's book! We would not qualify via our fourth placed trophy (what a joke) for the Champ League either. We have simply become an average upper mid table team. From invincibles to this and Wenger one of the highest paid managers in world football who gets approx £7 million per year is probably about to be offered a new 3 year contract?!?! Nice work if you can get it, especially as your boss (whom he interviewed and selected, how does that work?) thinks the sun still shines out of his backside. Only at Arsenal could this scenario be allowed to play out, shockingly poor ambitions on the pitch, coupled to inept tactics and motivational skills, but then we all know why as the focus is 100% on money, and nothing else. RIP Arsenal FC welcome to Arsenal PLC!!

  5. AK

    Nov 08, 2012, 15:26 #27827

    No matter what benchmark you set, whether it be 10 games, Christmas or at the End of the Season....we are falling miles short of the last Arsenal starting 11 that I truly loved (Champs League FInal 06). Even that side had it's issues, but compared to this current crop of ****e i'd give anything to have a 31 year old Pires, a mentally unstable Sol Campbell and an ageing Freddie. Hell i'd even love to have a Flamini as my full time left back - no matter what his objection!! How the Prof. can proudly look over a squad that still includes Squillaci, Bendtner, Denilson, Djourou, Santos, Diaby, Park, Chamakh, Gervinho and Fabianski is beyond me. Christ the only one missing from this list is Almunia, and even then we had to wait until his contract had completely run out before he sod off. And this brings me perfectly on to my overall point...for a man that is capable of plucking such a fantastic set of players over the years as he has....why oh why does he lack the clinical edge of his rivals (Fergie, Mourinho) when disposing of his lesser performers?? For every Vidic, Fergie often buys a Veron. For every Drogba, Mourinho often buys a Kezman. The difference is...his rivals are much more cut throat than him, and instead of staying loyal to the player in question, they wont let it be to detriment of the team and all their hard work, they move on and replace them. THIS VERY REASON is why when people say no-one can do a better job than Mr Wenger, I like to remind them that our 'great' man does have some flaws...and for me his flaws are fast becoming greater than his plus points. After 6 gruelling years (since the CL Final 06), my patience has finally snapped, and every week there are more and more people like me who once were staunch defenders of Arsene - that are now counting the days until he leaves the club. And by the way when I say 'LEAVE'....I mean leave the club for good....not to move upstairs! Best Regards to all gooners. AK

  6. Paceyguy

    Nov 08, 2012, 14:01 #27824

    Does it not enter your thinking at any stage that maybe the issue our players have is not a lack ability but a lack of belief? Like it or lump it the players you've mentioned will be around until at least the next window so get behind them ffs!

  7. maguiresbridge gooner

    Nov 08, 2012, 12:52 #27818

    Yes Mick it's fourth place at best whats new ? but even that's starting to get less likely like you say only the most optimistic think any different and there's plenty of them out there OGL keeps telling them along with walcott.It looked good at the start of the season or maybe we were all just taken in or maybe as suggested someones ego got in the way and we reverted to type.Give serious consideration to playing the first team in the league cup ? your having a laugh the more the fans call for something or want something the less likely it is to happen OGL will not be told what to do by anybody.Anyway with some of the first teamers we have who are not prem quality and the way we're playing at the minute would it make any difference.

  8. Colin

    Nov 08, 2012, 12:45 #27817

    @Norman Wisdom you are so right our game is so slow and ponderous.Pass pass pass lose the ball.There is no pace in the team.Cazorla after a bright start seems to have hit the wall.And we just have so many players who are just not good enough.Dont think it will end till the manager goes,But when will that happen

  9. OzGooner

    Nov 08, 2012, 11:12 #27811

    Completely disagree half our players are played out of position ramsey is not a right winger podolski is a striker giroud has worked his absolute socks off and is very strong in the air and on the ball and arteta and cazorla have been class they are jaded tho coz theyve played so much an. All our backups are fukn injured as usual.. I really think we ****ed up not getting vertonghen in as cover for LB or even as a CDM i rate diaby wen he plays but he never do so he must b replaced dunno who to get but our wage structure restricts us from signing a truly world class player so we ll sign someone with potential and flog him off wen hes a machine its a vicious cycle im over this I WANT MY ARSENAL BACK!!!!!

  10. Frank

    Nov 08, 2012, 10:52 #27809

    Marks out of ten:4 The quality of performances has been the worst ever under Wenger. We have lost the best out and out striker in Europe and just havent replaced him with anyone near his quality.As RVP proved last season you need top quality players to win the tight games.How many games have Utd won so far that are down to him?The dumming down at Arsenal continues.In the last few seasons we have sold our best players to make our profits but who can we sell next summer? Sagna Cazorla Wilshire?.Because its got to happen thats what Kroenke's business plan is all about.We needed a experienced keeper a LB a DM and a 20 plus league goalscorer in the summer.We still do now!!!!Wenger OUT

  11. Norman Wisdom

    Nov 08, 2012, 10:10 #27800

    I was thinking which games we had played well in.Liverpool yes City maybe Saints was a gimme.But the rest average.In fact Norwich Schalke home and Man Utd were nothing short of a disgrace.Wenger as usual never changes tactics to suit the opposition.Its the same for Man Utd as Norwich.And of course their is no plan B.At Old Trafford Mertesacker had more touchs than any other player on the pitch.Our opponents close down our midfield and let our CB's have the ball and we all know Mert has one stock ball sideways.Its all so predictable.

  12. billthered

    Nov 08, 2012, 9:50 #27797

    Let's try and see the scenario come January,the top three clubs will invest in the team to maintain their drive for the Premiership whilst we will have Diaby,Gibbs,Rossicky,Lightbulbcrust,Chesney and Ramsey all coming back from injury and AW saying it's like a flood of new signings only for a week later guess what happens.If only we had the foresight to sign an experienced goalie to not only back up Chesney but also to teach him in training how to become top class,someone like Shay Given or Schwartzer who could be bought without any doubt,but what do we know eh.Look forward to some more spin coming our way very soon.

  13. Don

    Nov 08, 2012, 9:01 #27786

    The truth is not one of our players has had a outstanding start to the season.But what about Cazorla?Yeah right,take a look at the last 6 games he has been average.The other new signings Podolski i have been hugely disappointed in him.He seems to disappear in games.As for Giroud he is not a goalscorer.We need a striker who can score 20 league goals Giround wont do that.Gervinho scored a few goals but he is a poor footballer with no brain and dont even get me started on Diaby two injuries so far this season.15 points dropped already.This could be the season our luck runs out for the 4th place trophy