Mind The Gap

Why Can’t Arsenal Compete?

Mind The Gap

United have spent marginally more, and enjoyed success

After watching the game against Man United on Saturday, it is quite clear that Arsenal are no longer capable of competing with the top teams in the country on a regular basis. Of course, this is something we Gooners have known for several years. It hasn’t just crept up on us overnight, but the issue is not that we are not competing; it is that we should be competing.

Arsenal are known throughout world football for their extortionate ticket prices - something Gooners will undoubtedly have noticed when they see their bank statements. This generates what is the highest match-day revenue in the Premier League, something which should stand us in good stead for competing with the best. And ultimately, whatever Uncle Ivan tells us about our poor sponsorship deals and lack of exposure abroad etc, Arsenal are the second-richest club in the Premier League and, as we know all too well, there is a very strong correlation between money and success in football. So why is Arsenal's league position not matching up with their financial position?

One of the reasons for this is the club's well-publicised financial conservatism, demonstrated by the board's insistence on keeping a rainy-day fund of £40-50m in case we do not qualify for the Champions League and gain the much-celebrated fourth-place trophy. This is particularly the case when it comes to what we spend on transfer fees, which is way below what is now spent by other 'big' clubs. The major issue with this is that AW has never been willing to spend more than £15m on any one player since his arrival in England, but whilst £15m would have bought you a world-class player 15 years ago, it now only buys you a relatively good player (in most cases), which means that, over time, the quality of our squad has deteriorated.

But what irks me most as a Gooner is that our overall spend over the last eight seasons has not been that much lower than that of United, although their success has been much greater. The reason our overall spend is so high is our wage bill, which is one of the biggest around. Although we refuse to offer our top players the same money as United (as demonstrated by our reluctance to meet Walcott's wage demands), we still offer many mediocre players very high wages. This means that when we do want to splash out big on a top player, we find that much of the money has been spent on keeping dead wood like Djourou, Squillaci, Denilson and Bendtner at the club much longer than we should have (if they should ever have arrived at all).

There are some positives, as it seems the club is looking to address this issue with attempts to show the likes of Squilllaci, Denilson and Bendnter the door in the summer. One can only hope that, over the next few seasons, Arsenal can make their spending more efficient across all areas and finally allow Arsenal fans to see the success that the ticket prices demand.

One last word on a certain Dutchman. Although I don't like to mention ex-players it is hard to discuss Saturday's game without mention of him and his non-celebration (to celebrate or not to celebrate; that is the question!). I personally believe that although he was right not to celebrate, it is something which should be expected after all the club did for him, and that no Gooners should now bow down to his great gratitude for it. I still feel betrayed by him and I was glad to hear him incur the wrath of the travelling Gooners who were fantastic as always - yet again showing that even though things on the pitch are not what they should be, us Gooners are still the most loyal in the land.

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  1. griffdaz

    Nov 11, 2012, 21:22 #27990

    @muppet and graham. Well spoken. I'm sorry but I do not blame rvp for leaving.although I hate the greed of players who auction themselves to the highest bidder (I see it as the demise of the game) do we not ourselves want success in our careers. He was never going to get a serious shot of a CL medal with us.I found it great respect that he did not celebrate unlike a certain idiot running the length of the pitch to celebrate in front of us.I thank him for the years he gave us. I watch my son play for local club (under 12's), and Wales school boys and I see more grit/fight/the will to win, the real disappointment when they lose and then I watch the arsenal.weather they are not good enough or not I do not see the same spirit as these 11 year old boys. I personally have called for wengers head for 4 years now. When your manager is seeing 4 th place as success what does this do for the mentality of the team? I'm no united fan but the moment the whistle blows at start of season you see the fight for success.you see a manager that will only accept 100% from the players or a place on the bench for next games. I see wenger but I see nothing of the kind. I can't imagine him raging/shouting or anything in his 1/2 time talks. We need to make the best of what we have and I believe there is a great deal of quality in some of the players but it's up to wenger to bring and demand it and 110% EVERY GAME. I respect opinions of all fans but I do not understand this in wenger we trust. Would this man have lasted so long without success in any other club? I am not great with words so please make allowances for this. I do attend around 60% of games even though I live in north Wales. but admitting majority are away games.I find the away support amazing but I don't get that feeling at the emirates.it's like a graveyard. As I said I respect all opinions weather I agree or not but my loyalty goes to those who demand more from the club.not this 4th place mentality.I am not a glory hunter but I want the spirit of these under 12 boys and a manager who wants the same.

  2. Joe

    Nov 11, 2012, 14:50 #27971

    'Second-richest club in the Premier League'? Someone is confused. Chelsea, City, and Man United are all far ahead of us not in terms of income but what they can afford to spend - i.e. spend without risking the future of the club. Chelsea and City, in particular, have relatively low incomes (as fundamentally small clubs do), but effectively unlimited spending power. Arsenal don't have that luxury.

  3. Noz

    Nov 10, 2012, 22:41 #27926

    Forget RVP, he surely has forgotten us. I loved the guy, still love him as a footballer, but lets move on and not sing that song because it makes us hypocrites and seem incredibly bitter. The ONLY song we should be singing is Wenger Out for reasons all known to us sane persons who have known and loved Arsenal pre Wenger as well as with Wenger. Mike I agree about your points re transfer fees but the use of money, or lack of, is only a part of the reason I want him to go (lack of tactics, insulting fans, arrogance that hurts the club......). I dont want to hate Wenger, none of us do, but if I have to choose between a love of Wenger and a love of the Arsenal there is only one winner. The choice HAS to be made though as one love is killing the other.

  4. Chris

    Nov 10, 2012, 20:25 #27924

    @GoonerRon - I'm afraid you are wasting your time. MOst of the anti-Wenger mob on here are either unwilling or unable to grasp the meaning of the fairly basic stats you have presented. This is not a place where reasoned dabate holds sway - which is fine,as long as visitors realise that and don't attempt to engage on that basis.

  5. Danny

    Nov 09, 2012, 23:13 #27915

    Wenger is the problem. clueless and has been caught out stop blaming the board. No coach in the world would want to work with one hand tight behind your back. It this case Wenger is with the board and hence the problem Sing and shout to get him out

  6. Jason

    Nov 09, 2012, 20:29 #27908

    I agree with most comments regarding RVP. How many poor Arsenal performances did we watch last year and think to ourselves, "why would RVP want to stay" Yeah he probably could have acted a bit better over the summer, but he did show a touch of class, in my opinion" by not celebrating. The thing that winds me up the most is that alot of Utd's players, espcially their midfield, are no better then ours, they are just organised in a far superior way. Wenger has, and never has had, any tactics whatsoever. When have we ever won a game, bar Barcelona, against better players. When we were winning titles it was down to us having the best players around, not because of any tactics. Now when we come up against the better teams we lose because there is no plan at all. Look at the way Ferguson got Rooney to take Arteta out the game last week, when has Wenger ever done anything like that. A team that includes TV, Sagna, Arteta, Wilshere, Cazorla, Walcott, Chamberlain etc, really should be doing much better then they are. Not as good as a few seasons back, but with a manager that has some sort of plan, really would get more out of them. Watching TV run 80 yards the other week to get on the end of a cross in the 85th minute, whilst we were winning, really was a joke. Can you see Ferguson letting a Utd defender do that. No chance!!!Wenger's first title winning team already included the best back 5 ever seen, and Bergkamp and Wright. The second and third titles included a load of French players that were the best in the world. Since then Wenger has struggled. Forget our lack of spending, it's Wenger who is the problem.

  7. GoonerRon

    Nov 09, 2012, 19:29 #27906

    You say our overall spend has not been 'that much lower than Man Utd' - I posted a comment on another article recently showing that they have spent 50% more than us on net spend and wages in the last 5 seasons. That works out at over £200m which I'd say is quite a lot really.

  8. Graham

    Nov 09, 2012, 19:16 #27904

    Its time for action.Its time for The Gooner AST and the BSM to campaign to get Wenger out.Why are they afriad to pin their colours to the mast and call for the removal of the manager.For two long the Gooner has backed the party line.Have a go at the board and Wenger but do nothing about it.The Gooner Ed should be on Radio 5 and Talksh*t calling for the head of Wenger.For too long the likes of John Cross and Tom Watt have used the airwaves for pro Wenger propoganda.Wenger runs the club from top to bottom and has the final say on transfers and contracts.He has to be over thrown.C'mon the Gooner start the "We Want Our Arsenal Back" protest now.The Gooner which is the biggest voice of Arsenal fans should be speaking for the fans.If not you only have yourselfs to blame.

  9. Muppet

    Nov 09, 2012, 14:53 #27886

    You 'proud' of the Arsenal support singing those vile songs to RVP, the likes Wenger has been routinely subject to are you? Hypocrite. That was classless and shows how low this club has sunk under Wenger. RVP left to join a world class manager and proper players. RVP didn't sell himself to Manure, Wenger and Gazidis did. RVP didn't spend 8 years building crap teams, Wenger did. RVP didn't waste £24 mil on Giroud and Gervinho, Wenger did. Instead of being so small-time like Spud fans over Sol, look at thereal reasons. Until the fans force Wenger and Gazidis out and start boycotting games, you will continue to get the joke club and joke manager we currently have. A laughing stock. Podolski unhappy, Sagna wants out, tactically clueless and incompetent manager on £7 mil, gift-wrapped a world class striker to Fergie, Andre Santos shirt swapping (!), comical keepers, best players forever leaving. It is a joke.

  10. Ron

    Nov 09, 2012, 14:12 #27882

    Fed up of hearing about 'betray'. RVP and all of the others left to enhance their careers both money wise and in the success stakes.Fans cant expect old time loyalty these days.Its sad as young fans arent accustomed to having 'heroes' anymore as they pass through Clubs, but its what footballs become. A plastic game ran by and populated by mercenearies, many of whom do only just what they have too to trouser their enormous wages and no more.

  11. Mike

    Nov 09, 2012, 14:06 #27881

    Another bit of 'Gooner' brilliance. Claims that we are the second richest club in the Premiership clearly lays the ground for your criticism. We may appear in the Forbes rich list as such but do you honestly belive we have more money to spend than Citeh? No, of course you don't but it gives you an excuse to criticise the club. Your flawed argument about transfer fees similarly fails to stand up to the flimsiest of scrutiny. Complaining about the fact that £15m doesn't buy a good player nowadays is pure brilliance. I suppose you're completely in favour of swapping Cazorla and Podolski for Andy carrol then!!! Having said all that, I must give you full credit for giving me one of the nbiggest laughs I've had for a long time. You spend the whole article rubbishing the club, its personnel and its policies and conclude with the words "us Gooners are still the most loyal in the land". Absolutely priceless.........

  12. maguiresbridge gooner

    Nov 09, 2012, 13:58 #27878

    If by several seasons you mean seven your quite right.I agree we should be competing but the fact is we're not and you've hit the nail on the head with the reason quality.You can't compete with mediocre players and you've named a few but there's a lot more and continue with them and continue paying them top top quality contracts won't change them.We've been trying to get rid of this dross for a while now with no success because of their contracts.The issue would have been better addressed not giving them in the first place.I agree on RVP and it was there for all to see why he jumped ship in the first place.

  13. Freddie's mohican

    Nov 09, 2012, 13:19 #27868

    You totally ruined your article by the last paragragh.You say you feel betrayed by RVP yet the rest of your article just repeats the reasons why RVP left us.And Arsenals fans being loyal is the reason Wenger is safe in his job.Time to Boycott

  14. Unbeaten 03/04

    Nov 09, 2012, 13:11 #27866

    Great Article...but you should blame Van Persie for have the ambitions that most Gooners have!!! I'm not saying leaving the club but wanting trophies instead...where in his case he sees trophies out of Arsenal!!!