That Familiar Feeling

Online Ed: Arsenal disappoint at home to Fulham

That Familiar Feeling

Schwarzer: It didn’t have to be this way

I wonder. I wonder if Arsenal miss out on Champions League qualification and the attendant £40 million income by two points, whether Arsene Wenger will reflect on his decision in the summer of 2010 not to push the boat out and increase his bid for Mark Schwarzer by £500,000. It was an irony that a keeper set for a move to the club a couple of years ago should be the one that saved Mikel Arteta’s last kick of the game penalty. And it’s a valid question to ask how many extra points the Gunners may have picked up were Schwarzer in the squad over the time since the manager’s parsimony prevented a move both the player and Arsenal wanted to happen.

Still, that aside, it’s a pick the bones out of that one kind of match. Where to start? Probably with the fact that there was Keystone Cops defending on both sides, leading to the plethora of goals and I don’t doubt a thrilling encounter for the neutral. Sadly, quality only appeared in fits and starts. But there should be no getting away from this basic fact. At home, Arsenal were 2-0 up, yet managed to find themselves 3-2 down. The collywobbles of old are back with a bang, The other thing that needs stating is that Arsene Wenger’s team have struggled to beat QPR and Fulham in consecutive home League matches. In between that sandwich was the visit to Old Trafford, which seasoned watchers have told me felt worse than the 8-2 defeat there last season, because there was no mitigation for the lack of spirit in the performance. Where does that leave the club? Optimism must be getting hard to find, even amongst those that still believe the current manager is the best man for the job.

There was a fair bit of friction inside the stadium as the Fulham goals went in. Those calling for the team to pull their socks up, granted sometimes with language straight out of the saloon bar (remember those!), were given a warning by stewards to behave or face ejection and suspension of season tickets. So if you are going to protest against the board or Arsene Wenger, here’s a tip – keep it clean. Freedom of expression is presumably ok as long as the language isn’t industrial. Football stadiums sure aren’t what they used to be.

Olivier Giroud looks to have turned a corner of late, with the goals starting to come. It’s just a shame about the team’s inability to prevent conceding them. I was reminded before the match that Arsenal were still the side that had conceded least goals in the Premier League. A classic example of ‘lies, damned lies and statistics’ if ever I saw it. When Arsenal created their goals, they came from wide positions, players heading towards the by-line and getting balls across the face of the goal. That, and a corner. Maybe they are starting to play to Giroud’s strengths, with less tippy-tappy that gets nowhere. Opponents have now worked out that you stop Arsenal simply by pressing their midfield, so going wide has really got to be the only option going forward.

As for the defence, perhaps it is time for a change in formation. In an email exchange on Friday, it was suggested to me that the reason the 1997-98 team were so successful was that they had three midfield players who did a very effective job of screening the defence – specifically Petit, Vieira and Ray Parlour. Arsenal switched from 4-4-2 halfway through the season with Overmars playing less wide and further forward. Many, many games were won 1-0, with a solidity so good that they could afford to play Christopher Wreh as one of the front three and still win matches.

Naturally, the problem now is that the personnel isn’t right for a 4-3-3 in this fashion. Mikel Arteta is not a defensive midfield player, and the others at the club are either creative or simply not good enough. So, the solution would seem to be to use some of that £60 million sitting in the bank and address the problem in January. But you know what? The club have reputedly lined up a £12 million January bid for Crystal Palace striker Wilfried Zaha, who has recently been scoring goals for fun. All well and good, but Robin van Persie was doing that last season, yet it did nothing to prevent 49 goals going in at the other end.

On that note, Vito Mannone really should have stopped that second Fulham goal. Wojciech Szczesny was on the bench, presumably because he was fit to play. I kind of doubt that Mannone will be in the starting line-up next weekend, and you have to wonder why Szczesny wasn’t yesterday. Sure Mannone had a decent match in midweek, but there have been enough horrorshows for anyone to know you are taking a gamble playing him. Strange.

Phil Dowd loves his penalties. I have not seen replays of either at the time of writing, and neither can I ascertain whether Steven Sidwell should have received a second yellow card after the incident which saw Aaron Ramsey booked for presumably suggesting to the referee that this should be the case.

Anyway, this performance does not bear any further scrutiny. Arsenal were a bit of a shambles, but Fulham gave them enough encouragement to score three goals. I don’t see any real leadership in the team, it feels like a bit of a rudderless ship stumbling from one fixture to the next at the moment. And more worryingly, because I can’t see them winning anything until there is a change in the dugout, I have stopped caring greatly about the side. Defeat, or the inability to defeat Fulham, doesn’t really hurt anymore, because I have seen so much mediocrity over the last four seasons that I have slowly become immune to it. Arsene Wenger would do well to concentrate his focus on the two domestic cups this season, because the players need reminding what it is like to see a job through to its conclusion.

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  1. Jason B

    Sep 04, 2014, 20:28 #56672

    Er,Danny Welbeck anyone?

  2. ArsenalFootscrayAustralia

    Sep 02, 2014, 10:22 #56416

    Nice post Oz good to see some intelligence from down under and makes a change from all the bulldust that many of the poms come up with from their multiple personalities

  3. Rik Shaw

    Sep 02, 2014, 5:06 #56390

    I cannot understand Arsenal failing yet again to learn lessons about under resourcing key positions! a club with the resources of Arsenal should do better than this. Enough respected voices in and around the Club have repeatedly highlighted the need to address squad weaknesses. Good in so many ways but still with glaring deficiencies.

  4. Ozzie

    Sep 01, 2014, 12:54 #56306

    Baddie, the way you live your life is as a seed that awaits the birth of a new dawn. You occupy a spot in Infinity as Infinity occupies a spot in you and as a team you are...... FAR OUT! The ego will always attempt to grasp the unreachable - which does ever recede - is what makes It so precious - that It lies beyond and ever lures the good soul towards Self & out of the woods of ig norance. Words at best are a passing parade in an empty vacuum. Peace & stillness - the perfect state to you good shepherd. Namaste.

  5. tpm

    Sep 01, 2014, 12:32 #56302

    badarse, give it a rest, your such an unfunny bore its behind belief. jamie, Dzecko (sic) is an average back up striker is he? jeez that sums you and your opinions up really. good wumming though! as for you comments on the style of play, so you would rather not win than change the way we play during a game if we are having no success? jeez. some 'fans'...(trolls)post astonishing stuff in the defence of wenger, seriously get in threal world


    Sep 01, 2014, 7:07 #56277

    Good morning my little slices of breakfast salami, piquant, flavoursome, but full of poisonous additives. When I wore a younger man's clothes, (thanks Billy), I too thought that I was moving towards a perfect state, a completion of myself. That destination I found to be a mirage, as I advanced towards it the image receded. I thought on occasions that I was actually there, at this special point in creation, however trying to grasp it proved elusive, it was like smoke, it couldn't be held. It slowly had begun to dawn on me that my existence was just an unimportant passage, vital to me of course, and intrinsic to those around me who mattered, even sometimes having a positive effect on others that I came into contact with. When I read and witness much that passes for concern and interest for AFC, and the manner in which these aspects are couched I see a mirrored image. I see that naive and inexperienced young me, trying to catch the wind, (thanks Donovan), and the mutterings and chunterings of these people posting their desires are going to be unfulfilled. They will never find that point they search for, I still haven't found what I'm looking for, (thanks Bono), so I have stopped searching. A new manager-that will occur, a failure of many types of circumstance-those too will occur, griping because it doesn't offer complete satisfaction-yes that too will come about, and the world will continue to spin. Life, gentlefolk, just life. If this seems a lot of jibber-jabber, ask Ozzie to translate, he understands.

  7. Ozzie

    Sep 01, 2014, 5:21 #56276


  8. Man United Killer

    Sep 01, 2014, 4:22 #56275

    DWT I have to agree with you on the need for players to take responsibility for their performances sometimes but you see when a player isn't good enough (yet) to play for Arsenal and he is on the field only one person can be blamed for that.I won't write off Sanogo as I think he has potential but he should be learning his trade under a more seasoned WC striker.I don't know why Wenger doesn't see that. I have to admit that I was dismayed when AA23 left.He was a great player for us who I feel was destroyed by being played out of position.I watched the S*urs-Liverpool game and it hurts to admit but I wish we were playing some dynamic brand of football as Rogers has got Liverpool playing(Or Martinez's Everton).Only then will we see the true quality of the players we have.Tactics can make players look good and now Roger's tactics makes players like Henderson,Allen and Sturridge look world class.One look at the quality we have and I am more than convinced that we can do so much better if only our manager wasn't so tactically clueless with his tippy tappy nonsense.sorry for the rant.

  9. DW Thomas

    Sep 01, 2014, 2:23 #56274

    Agree totally MUK. But some times criticism despite Wenger is ok too! Jack is a perfect example. He is being coached to pass the ball around when Fabregas was his mentor and he learned to play more direct. Now it's all possession with no end product. Still Ramsey was well below his norm and you can't blame his errant passing on Arsene! Sanogo's first touch if I remember was straight to the opposition. He can't be any better than Joel C. Or Afobe, so why does Wenger persist with him? Because he thinks he can prove everybody wrong. It's his m.o. He wants all the applause and credit for taking someone raw and making them world class. I truly believe he relishes that over trophies. Why else persist with Denilson, Bendtner, Almunia? He cannot admit when he is wrong, ever. There is always an excuse, for any failure!!! When he gets someone good like Arshavin or Ozil they get played out of their best position and simply look piss poor. It happens over and over now. I'd take Ulloa over anyone we have now. There are players out there, but they aren't coached properly when he gets them anymore. What's more is he will never admit his methods are past it. He needs an awakening. I used to think he'd change and gave him more time. That time ran out a while ago now. He has zero chances left for me.

  10. Man United Killer

    Sep 01, 2014, 1:13 #56273

    Sometimes we need to go easy on our players to be honest.Half of the time it's Wenger's tactics that makes them look so bad.Our players are not that different from those of our rivals (bar areas we need strengthening) but Wengers tippy tappy,no shooting,no taking players on tactics is killing the freedom of players.

  11. Th14afc

    Sep 01, 2014, 1:02 #56272

    Just watched programme on sky about the invincibles team....compared to this team now it's just depressing...on the Leicester game,very poor from nearly every player,Ramsey in particular had a very poor game,Sanogo,well the less said about him the better....absolutely must sign a striker today! There aren't many available and it's desperate times so how about triggering Wilfred bony's release clause and gettin him?20 odd goals last season and IMO better than giroud,obviously better than sanogood...thts the sort of quality available when left to the last min,we hav no chance if gettin falcao

  12. DW Thomas

    Sep 01, 2014, 0:48 #56271

    Watching the game again, Ramsey was very poor. Passing was way off. I still think,he's a very good player, but this season he has not show the dynamism he had last year. The best players take the game by the scruff of the neck and find a way to win. No one did that today. I,think its these the if games that bring trophies. 2 points lost to,a team we should be way better than on paper could be very big,later on and often is. I don't mind the Wenger supporters, they give us great entertainment. But, when they see turds as diamonds it's time to vociferously disagree. It was a poor game. We need a potent striker and the goals will come. Even someone above average like Bony or Agbanlahor would do for me.

  13. AMG

    Sep 01, 2014, 0:03 #56270

    Every time we fail to win we need to buy at least five world class players and if we ever lose, the manager should be sacked instantly and whoever is flavour of the month should be installed as our new manager until he loses a game.I also want to get in the Emirates for no more than £2.50 with a free programme and a pie and pint brought to my seat at half time by one of the bar girls.If we are not at least five up at half time I'm going to unfurl my 'Spend Spend Spend'banner and demand my £2.50 back.Everybody who doesn't agree with every thing I say I'm going to label an AKB and call him deluded.If however you agree with me,no matter how stupid and ridiculous you are, even if you never say a good word about Arsenal and forever heap praise upon the sours and the chavs we will get along just fine.

  14. Joe S.

    Aug 31, 2014, 23:56 #56269

    Let's face it. The team that took the field against Leicster was a poor one, even on paper let alone the way they performed. At this stage of the season it's already a case of the glass being half empty or half full. The AKBs will rejoice that Spurs copped a beating, whereas Arsene's men remain undefeated, however a team with Sonogo and Flamini does not compute to a title challenge.

  15. maguiresbridge gooner

    Aug 31, 2014, 23:36 #56268

    ALAN WHIFFIN, we haven't heard from you in a while good post it says it all, your right nothings going to change until wenger gets on the ferry for the last time, a lot of fans have known that for some time and aren't afraid to say it(or type it) others know it but just can't bring themselves to admit it, they just keep living in hope.

  16. Unchives

    Aug 31, 2014, 23:33 #56267

    @Jamie..You are right, teams do remain deeper against us, however its unbelievable that Wenger relies on Sanogo to head Arsenals attack.I've seen better Strikers in Sunday football.How can you defend the undefendable, the boy is not premiership standard, maybe not even professional standard.

  17. jeff wright

    Aug 31, 2014, 23:29 #56266

    Jamie/Peter do you read what you have written before you post it? We had a winning lead 1-0 is a lead right... but as is so often the case we could not defend it for more than a few minutes . We were fortunate in the end after another familiar yawn inducing pas pass pass and more pass sideways tippy tappy display to end up with a point you silly oaf. Wenger of course claimed that the draw was a fair result. Then again he would say that,wouldn't he ? He knows though that there will be tougher tests to come shortly and that the game today was one where we needed to win the tree points to help preserve the illusion of us being title challengers instead of competing for third or 4th place.

  18. KC

    Aug 31, 2014, 23:18 #56265

    Jamie, perhaps you should check out City's, liverpools, cfc, utd squads again you have missed out a number of strikers. If you happy watching that today your certainly more patient than our 3000 travelling supporters. If you really want to challenge for the title then you can not be happy with the performances so far this season. That's not crying it's called honesty.

  19. maguiresbridge gooner

    Aug 31, 2014, 23:08 #56264

    The post under ghdtab is mine i accidently inserted the verification code as my name, that's what watching Arsenal and listening to OGL on match of the day does to you.

  20. ghdtab

    Aug 31, 2014, 22:38 #56263

    GBP, 59500' I've never heard such a load of bollocks spouted on here before, a new low in defence of your messiah, Jesus Christ get your head out of the sand and see what's in front of you, does this old has been of a manager really mean that much to you? (and I could direct that question at a few others on here also) I really thought i'd heard it all but fans like you and others keep changing that, but keep well wrapped up and wear your arsene scarf so you don't catch a cold. You really really couldn't make it up.

  21. JAMIE

    Aug 31, 2014, 22:36 #56262

    Unfortunately no surprise by the over reaction by the dark moonies in a match where we certainly weren't terrible but because we couldn't grab a winner,everything's doom and gloom.Teams always sit a lot deeper when they play us than any other teams. Everton were far more open against the chavs than us and I don't see many great striking options at the other big clubs after their main strikers. Didier Drogba,Baloteli,Harry Kane,Hernandez,Dzecko Back up strikers who very rarely score so stop being over dramatic.I thought we mainly bossed the game and should have won,when a team plays proper football as we do sometimes your just waiting for the killer pass,which doesn't always arrive but if it's balls being lumped in the box you like,Manure,Liverpool or Chelsea maybe more to your taste.There's a lot more to come from this team and you know it so come on you faint hearts show some passion and show the football world you're not just a bunch of glory hunting cry babies.

  22. Man United Killer

    Aug 31, 2014, 22:32 #56261

    Wenger's ineffective useless passing football is .Last year all the top teams beat Moye's United except for us.How much more proof do you need that Wenger is making our players look really really bad!

  23. John Gage

    Aug 31, 2014, 22:02 #56260

    I have a question for the Arsenal fans here. Why is Sanogo preferred to Joel Campbell? It is possible that Arsene Wenger feels he is better at playing from the wing rather than as a natural centre forward but I don't see how he could be worse than Sanogo and I genuinely thought he had a good World Cup. Sanogo strikes me as being a player who needs a lot more games under his belt and also possibly a loan move for him to get more experience, nowhere ready for the first team.

  24. Lee afc

    Aug 31, 2014, 21:57 #56259

    3 more years......I really hate to burst your bubble but Mr wenger has now won the last two trophies in English football competition, namely the charity shield and fa cup. FACT.

  25. GBP

    Aug 31, 2014, 21:55 #56258

    Jeff - OK. No worries. What naffs me off is the automatic assumption on here that just because a few of us dont mind AW remaining in place that we all agree wholeheartedly with what he decides and how he does his job all of the time. Its not true and anyway i feel Arsene will maybe do about 18 months of this last contract. Im bracing myself though with how loudly some will wail at whoever is brought in to replace him. Could be fun that.

  26. jeff wright

    Aug 31, 2014, 21:40 #56257

    GPD, I have never booed or jeered at any Arsenal player ever. When I am at games I get behind the team on here I vent my frustrations, I can't spend my time slagging of the spuds and the chavs while spouting bullshine about Wenger and Stan,Ivan which I don't believe . I carried on supporting Wenger up until 5 years ago but the Chelsea LC final in Cardiff when he put the kids out to try and prove how clever he was did it for m with him and it's got ever worse since then with those horrible hammerings awaythat we now regularly recieve,do you know what ,I can see some more of them coming this term ,unless Wenger changes his ways ,and there is more chance of Alex Salmond voting no in the jock referendum than that happening. Admittedly some do jeer our players at games ,even when we are winning they still moan at a miss hit passor whatever, and of course some have players they don't like for reasons sometimes not football related. I recall the hot shot striker Sucker , he was another example of why buying players based on tournament heroics abroad is not a good idea, having a mare against Leicester one night in the cup , he started off alright when he came on during the game having a shot at goal from near the half way line that had the crowd gasping with admiration ,but it all went pearshaped after that with him missing sitters and the gasps turned to moans . The Foxes were managed by O'Neil then and based at the old Filbert St ,Nelly won the argument that night against Wenger,but I can't recall him doing too much in their meetings after that Cup tie against our bloke. I never got on Suckers case though but unlike Sanago he was an experienced player and one expects a bit more from them than you do from a rookie like Sanago ,who is another punt by Wenger at unearthing the next Anelka. Sorry but he's not and never will be in that class his first touch makes Bendy's look world class by comparison,and his was nothing to get excited over. Any comparisons Sanago Henry are taking things into Dreamland territory, Henry never considered becoming a postman wen he was the same age. Anyway,Henry had shown good form at the 98 world cup for the Frogs when he helped them win the World Cup . I recall him sprinting down the wing at great pace and obviously the potential was there and Wenger's finest hour was when he converted him into a striker. Unfortunately this success went to monsieur Wenger's rather largish head and led him into overeating his own abilities by believing that he could do this with any player ,the result being we never have a settled side,it's always a work in progress. Thank the lord though we only have 3 more seasons of this nonsense,well if Wenger managers to last that long ,that is. I wouldn't do a Westie though and bet on it happening the natives are very restless now days and the fortuitous FAC win will soon be forgotten, albeit not as long as Wenger keeps mentioning it.Then again after 9 trophyless years he would do , wouldn't he! Cheers.

  27. GBP

    Aug 31, 2014, 21:23 #56256

    TJ - Just re read your post. Definitely no 'points' made there to answer. The usual face pulling and accusation but really, no worthwhile points im afraid. Aylesbury - Yes we were a touch lucky not be beaten.

  28. Hiccup

    Aug 31, 2014, 21:23 #56255

    Might as well be positive. Not a bad point against a team which included internationals David Nugent and Konchesky. Let's not forget out main threat Everton only got a point there too so no ground lost there. Fans must be patient. Three more years of 'hanging in there' and then the shackles will be off. Fingers crossed wenger doesn't bow down to the pressure to buy tomorrow. We don't want to go the way of Portsmouth.

  29. underacheiver

    Aug 31, 2014, 21:14 #56254

    Now we are being asked by the likes of GBP and westlower to see Wenger as a martyr to the cause,refusing glory for himself in order to set things up for his succesor. The first 8 million pound a year martyr. You couldn't make it up (copyright JW)

  30. Aylesbury Gooner

    Aug 31, 2014, 21:06 #56253

    TJ couldn't agree more with your post but not to worry cos he thought it was unbelievable the media kept at him about getting an out and out striker when we have Giroud,Sonogoal both are two bob and Podolski who he wants to get rid of and the rest of our midfield yet in the post match interview hes very active God knows what that means.Lucky to get a point today and even luckier we didn't get beaten.

  31. TJ

    Aug 31, 2014, 20:54 #56252

    GBP we have stadium debt and that's a £19m repayment each year. With the new TV deals and sponsorship deals the club is still making an operating profit after paying that of about £30m... What's this about 'dipping profits' you say? The fact that you just blindly defer to Wenger without addressing the points that I made is kind of telling...

  32. GBP

    Aug 31, 2014, 20:47 #56251

    59502 Jeff. I can recall well the 99-2000 Season being at quite a few games and hearing the jeers aimed at Henry. One game at Coventry when we lost to a Robbie Keane inspired Coventry come to mind and Carlton Cole bossing the midfeld battle one dull NYD. We had an aging Suker to rely on then up top. Within 2 years we were Champions and id lay odds on all those laughing and hollering french this and french that at TH that day (one effort from 15 yards hit a corner flag) have never admitted they did it. I bet you were there, face contorted, spittle splashing as you sneered your way through most of the game and left 10 mins early like many did? Go on admit it.

  33. GBP

    Aug 31, 2014, 20:36 #56250

    Im unsure what a 'fanboy' is but as to the money im guessing its more vital to serve a £93 Million net debt in an environment where we face dipping profits. Sounds like sensible business planning and risk management to me but im just a fanboy so will just defer to your profound wisdom and than my lucky stars that you and a good few others arent in management positions at the Arsenal.I have no idea of what the payment programs are for the two purchases youve mentioned. Can i respectively ask if you might be applying for Arsenes job when he does eventually retire?

  34. Bard

    Aug 31, 2014, 20:30 #56249

    GBP what the hell is this idea of 'long term growth'. What does that mean? My understanding is that at some time in the future Arsenal will compete. When and how? Today was by no means a disaster but that wasn't a side who remotely have a chance of winning anything either now or in the future. To argue otherwise is deluded. We looked lightweight and ineffective. The argument that City got done by Stoke just goes to show its all early season sorting is rubbish. City have the quality to change it around we don't. Over to you Westie what are the odds that Wenger is gone by the end of the season?

  35. jeff wright

    Aug 31, 2014, 20:28 #56248

    Some of the excuses put forward for Wenger's mismanagement on here are reaching a new level of hilariousness not seen since The Comedians was on the telly back in the 70s . They would have had a field day with Wenger . Sanogo for starters ... now come on please ,you couldn't make it up.No other manager at a top club with supposed ambitions of winning the Prem or European Cup would have him in their squad let alone starting games like Wenger has done with him even ludicrously against BM last season in a crunch match .Sango though is French,ditto another plonker the arm waving couldn't tackle a paper bag Flim -Flam, then we have the invisible man ...Diaby... jesus wept... but he will be like signing a new player... next season... Anyway the question is why does Wenger sign all of these French flops ? It's been going on for years now ... the days when he bought players from France like Anelka, Vieira ,Henry,Pires are long gone... in fact French players are nothing special now days . Hey what's the French for an old has been Bobby? Ancien a ete. Cheers. Sounds about right.

  36. TJ

    Aug 31, 2014, 20:24 #56247

    GBP what are you talking about? We've got all this money in the bank and the massive increase in revenue from TV and shirt sponsorship and you're saying that we've got to just 'hang on in there'? We spent £42m on Ozil last year and £35m on Sanchez this year, amongst the highest British fees ever paid! Wenger has never been able to see the holes in the team that everyone else can but fanboys like yourself seem to make excuses for him whatever he does?

  37. GBP

    Aug 31, 2014, 20:13 #56246

    Fozzy, it is frustrating and couldnt agree more, but we re not going to be buying in the high end market for another year or two and though i get slated for it on here, i have accepted that we re aren't going to win any title any time soon either.Sanogo is getting stick, but today there were signs for me that his physical game is better. He does seem to lack the confidence to go for it himself and always looks to lay it off instead. I think once a goal or two go in he could be useful. Podolski will need to step up his game now and i think he will. Its a Centre middle man we need to stitch our midfielders game together. I wish we had bought one but cant see it now.The team is a team designed to see out the next 18 months to 2 years i feel ready for a real push under a new Coach that succeeds Arsene. Arsene is tasked with keeping the team hanging in there and thats hes done it under such constraint and for so long is incredible i reckon. Yes, we might cop a few colds this Season v the better teams. Its the price the Club pays for long term growth than the fans really want sadly. AW will write about all this one day im sure and the truth of his management success ,frustration and self denial will be revealed. A few posters knifing him here daily might, just might take a look back at some of their more acidic comments then perhaps.

  38. Definition of pessimism

    Aug 31, 2014, 20:03 #56245

    Badarse- Don't quite know where cowardice comes in mate, I wasn't posting anything remotely vitriolic or offensive, just highlighting your bestest buddy's habitual hypocricy. Those who want Wenger to go are desperate for the club to move forward, those who want Wenger to stay are just desperate for Wenger to stay. This is the third transfer window in a row that we have been crying out for a top drawer centre forward, and the third transfer window in a row that we have undeniably had the money to buy one long before the final few hours. There are no more excuses, but as long as fans like you and Westlower lap up second best we will never seriously compete for the big prizes. Cheers.

  39. fozzys mate

    Aug 31, 2014, 19:48 #56244

    GBP I don't agree that a scrappy draw at a newly promoted team can be considered a good result. But I am more worried about the way we have played in all games this season. I thought the hammerings taken by Barcelona, Peps Bayern in europe and by spain in the world cup by high intensity fast breaking sides would mean the end of the turgid tikka takka. The ponderous way we played today with no presence up front won't beat any decent side and will struggle against poorer ones. We have many talented players but the outdated slow tikka takka with no real striker makes them moderate. I can't remember how long it has been since arsenal surprised me by winning a game they were not favoutites in and I don't see that changing against city in chelsea in the next month. Those teams will outpower our powder puff midfield intercepting one of a million slow square balls. Unless we sign a strong holder and proper striker tomorrow forget any title challenge.

  40. maguiresbridge gooner

    Aug 31, 2014, 19:48 #56243

    There you have it folks, we'll be alright when wally gets back, and not Diaby? you really couldn't make it up.

  41. DW Thomas

    Aug 31, 2014, 19:46 #56242

    “Yes, but clear cut chances no. We missed a few opportunities, but I felt we lacked creativity and sharpness. We’ve had two tough weeks with three away games at Besiktas, Everton and today and Wednesday the Champions League was very demanding. It’s not an excuse but we were a bit jaded." That's exactly an excuse! GBP, what game have you watched? We were awful. They should have won when their forward choked and missed the goal around 52 minutes! Now you're saying Theo is our savior??? The delusions of grandeur on here get worse with every performance. I agree watching this team just 5-6 years ago,was way more enjoyable. At least we used to beat the occasional big boy once in awhile. Now we barely get a point from newly promoted teams! What bothers me most is two things. One, that so many fans just accept the malaise of the club and manager. They care more about Wenger staying than winning. And two, the club could care less about really competing. It's all about $$$ and no desire to improve. 85 years ago Chapman had it right. Don't settle for mediocrity. We have a multimillion dollar midfield,that can't break down a team like Leicester and must rely on the Alex Song patented lift over the defense pass to score.


    Aug 31, 2014, 19:42 #56241

    Just to introduce a certain calmness into the proceedings, as we haven't hit an iceberg, and the ship isn't going down, but we had those four other funny results involving our six rivals. CFC hit six, but did concede three-and it happened to Everton. CFC pleased with their six, not the opposition's three, having got two of the six in a couple of minutes. MU failed to score, let alone win against Burnley, MC went down at home to kick and rush Stoke, and the Sours imploded to a Liverpool team. An away draw at Leicester was a good point to gain, and they played quite well. A respite now, let's see what, if anything, Monday brings-though Pod came off the bench, so is still in our reckoning. DWT keep smiling buddy, I do feel your personal pain.


    Aug 31, 2014, 19:35 #56240

    why bother analysing anything,until Wenger goes nothing will change.Sanogo is all you need to know ,struggle to get in Barnet's team.We have a lot of talented players but Wenger hasn't got a clue about building a balanced side and plugging the gaps.Why on earth did he not resign Fabregas ,unforgivable.

  44. GBP

    Aug 31, 2014, 19:25 #56239

    Good result. Patchy performance. We ll be ok once Theo is back. A commanding disciplined midfielder to take charge in such tough away games would be nice. Leics played very very well and not many teams will earn much there. Westlowers post 59342 is very sensible and is a view that i agree with fully.

  45. Hi Berry

    Aug 31, 2014, 19:24 #56238

    Agree with that Bard - it's getting to the point where I'm becoming anethesized watching Arsenal and can't even celebrate a goal. Five competitive games and five disappointing performances. Looked like eleven strangers on the pitch today - I wonder how long it will take Sanchez to start thinking 'what the **** am I doing here?', just as Ozil probably did some time last year.

  46. DW Thomas

    Aug 31, 2014, 19:21 #56237

    We were terrible, just poor all around. Ozil, Ramsey,,way those three work together. You need Jack to bring a little forward play, not passing sideways to go ahead. Sanogo literally looked like a Bambi on ice. Absolutely and definitively not good enough. We lose out again to Chelsea, this time a French forward who by all accounts wanted to play here. They have Costa, Drogba, and Remy. We have Sanogo. Sure Baddie, money is important, but these are Wenger's buys. He must be responsible for his own piss poor decisions. And all those talking about Ramsey as this superstar, one half season like Nasri doesn't quite make him Zidane! He was awful today, giving the ball away, trying stupid flicks, poor passing. And he and Ozil looked bothered only 50% of the time to track back. It's pitiful!! Sanchez must be wondering how these guys have gotten their fat contracts for such lazy play! We have no shot at the title if 2-3 very good players are not brought in soon.

  47. Rocky RIP

    Aug 31, 2014, 19:19 #56236

    In 1999-2000 our striking options were Dennis Bergkamp, Thierry Henry, Davor Suker and Kanu (with Overmars adding pace to the attack.) Now we apparently over-stocked in this department. I'm all for giving poor Sonogo a chance to develop, but is anyone genuinely happy going into a campaign with our current options?

  48. Chippy

    Aug 31, 2014, 19:14 #56235

    Well done Marcus. And you nearly managed a post without inappropriate use of caps as well! I think the site editor is Kevin as well, but perhaps you means the admin guy who I see has responded to you as well. Not sure why you want me to answer your questions, but no I don't think Sanogo is good enough at the moment to be first (or even second) choice striker for Arsenal, but he was a star at the U-20 World Cup a couple of years ago and has had a string of injuries since, so I wouldn't write him off completely just yet. His work rate is good and his hold-up play isn't bad. It's just his finishing which lets him down - and yes I know that's a pretty important aspect for a striker. However, when Aaron was struggling a couple of years back I remember thinking if he could show more composure in front of goal he'll come good as he was often in the right place to score and Sanogo is much the same. As for why we've not been beyond the QFs of the CL more than twice in 18 years - in most cases it's been because we've not been good enough. It's a cup competition though so you do need a certain amount of luck and we've not often had that. That doesn't mean I don't think we should have done better and I also agree with you that AW is tactically not as good as many other top managers in the game. Good enough for you?

  49. Bard

    Aug 31, 2014, 19:05 #56234

    That was toothless performance. Felt sorry for Sanogo, he tried hard but he's a long way from being a prem CF. Going to be an interesting 24 hours. He gets active and we have a chance of top 4 or we disappear into the abyss. I have posted before that we need to be judged at the end of Sept. Heres a thought if we get stuffed by City and Chelsea where will that leave Wenger? A final thought I wonder what the top players in the side think of having Sanogo as their CF? It almost cruel, he's a kid.

  50. I Wish I Could Be Sid James Everyday

    Aug 31, 2014, 19:04 #56233

    @Marcus, currently Yaya Sanogo has played more matches and scored less in the striker role for The Arsenal than Chris Whyte did. I don't know if that provides enough context, indeed if any at all to sufficiently answer your question, but it is a fact nonetheless. However the boy should be persevered with as a league matches sub / league cup starter to see if he's got scope for improvement. Too early to cut him out of the action just yet, he certainly shows enough appetite for the task if not the coordination to match his effort. If only Boozy Bendnter had shown half the effort to go with his undoubted natural ability, undies - flashing, car - frottaging wastrel that he is.


    Aug 31, 2014, 18:54 #56232

    Look of course Kevin is not an akb lol. I love reading hes straight to the point articles and hes always right for me especially about OGL. I do know this site has a site editor that is the person I was aiming my slight dig at not Kevin. Anyway Chippy, I will reply to you unlike a few on here who love to dodge questions. let me ask you this Chippy do you believe SanoGOAL is good enough for arsenal?? Also why has wenger not been past the qfs of the champions league hes holy grail as he likes do describe it only twice?? Simple questions Chippy. See no full page and straight to the point questions Chippy.


    Aug 31, 2014, 18:47 #56231


  53. Unchives

    Aug 31, 2014, 18:42 #56230

    How Wenger can expect Sanogoal to spearhead the attack is beyond me and everyone else.What the CEO is doing I do not know.We need a Centre forward, Centre back & defensive midfielder to challenge for the PL. Sagna & Jenkinson have gone, but we only got one player in, three strikers out, only one in.Roll on Monday evening and see where we are.

  54. Chippy

    Aug 31, 2014, 18:40 #56229

    I don't usually read Marcus's posts as they are long and pretty repetitive and the use of caps does annoy me for some reason. No doubt he'll think that's because I'm an AKB, but to use a couple of his favourite acronyms... smh... lol. I spotted the one he posted earlier where he suggested Kevin (the editor) was an AKB which made me chuckle as it shows how little attention he pays to what people write. Kevin's editorials over the last few years have hardly been the stuff of AKB dreams and he's been accused of the exact opposite on here and elsewhere. I challenge Marcus to reply to this without being abusive and without filling up a full page with the same stuff he's said a thousand times before. Yawn.

  55. I Wish I Could Be Sid James Everyday

    Aug 31, 2014, 18:28 #56228

    @maguiresbridgegooner - you got my point straight away. These arguments raging among us lot because we support a tight arse club have been running since they tried to replace Hoe Baker with Bobby Gould, Frank McLintock with Terry Mancini etc. A century from now fans of the club known as North London Red Guns will be wondering why the board / manager opted for that 250 year old youth trialist from Jupiter when only an extra 5 billion galactocredits would have secured that seasoned 400 year old Martian international inside wing - half.

  56. Smithy

    Aug 31, 2014, 18:23 #56227

    Hmmm We will see what Arsene buys on late monday night.Certainly we still need a ct midfielder and a Striker.If we sign Falco and Schniederlin/ Carvallio then all will be better but at the moment the signs aren't good.

  57. Peter Wain

    Aug 31, 2014, 18:22 #56226

    easy to see why we will not buy a top top striker so many options we dont know where to turn!!!!! Wenger performance in thr transfer window is a total disgrace. No Fabregas but we drop Wiltshire no holding midifeld player but we increase ticket prices and no striker and we score only one goal. I will be retired before that useless lump Sanogo scores in the premiership.Podolski did not touch the ball why on so late? Wenger should be sacked now.

  58. Website Admin

    Aug 31, 2014, 18:15 #56225

    @Marcus - The Editor does not moderate the comments so please don't blame him for one of your earlier posts being deleted. I did that because of the abusive language used in it and not because of the views contained. Please refrain from the abuse and your comments will not need to be deleted in the future. Thanks.

  59. maguiresbridge gooner

    Aug 31, 2014, 18:12 #56224

    I Wish I could be, We've already got someone in that role already mate masquerading as our manager.


    Aug 31, 2014, 18:07 #56223

    Wow does anyone still believe that SanoGOAL is good enough for arsenal?? The man was absolutely dreadful today he is not good ENOUGH FOR ARSENAL!!! Chelsea have Costa, Man u have RVP, Liverpool have Sturridge and we have Giroud and now bloody Sanogoal. What a joke of a club we have become we might not even get top 4. We have been just as bad as Manure but have got away with it big time so far. Today also reaffirmed we need a Defensive mid as Flamini for me is way short in that area. Hoe many times did Leicester over run him?? He left huge spaces behind him smh. We need more folks. Just why in hell why have these OBVIOUS weakness not been dealt with?? THE MONEY IS THERE!!! Yet this one guy called wenger is blind to the obvious. WHO IN THEIR RIGHT MIND BELIVES SANOGOAL IS GOOD ENOUGH FOR ARSENAL??? I thought Giroud was below average well SanoGOAL is below crap!!!! If you are Benik Afobe or Chuba Akpom, you must be watching this going what in hell?? How does this fool start ahead of me?? Is it because hes French?? I feel sooooooooo sorry for Joel Campbell. Why is he being overlooked?? Sanogaol is absolutely dreadful. The worst technique I have seen from a arsenal player for ages. GET HIM OUT!!! Oh yeah Kronke was there watching hmmm interesting. The money is there folks don't let these akbs lovies fool you we have the money. The problem is wenger, he refuses to spend it. He needs to put hes ego and stubbornness to one side. EVRYONE HAS SAID WE NEED A STRIKER AND A DM. EVERYONE!!! its not opinion its fact!!!!

  61. KC

    Aug 31, 2014, 18:03 #56222

    A poor result we don't look great, but then again no top striker, playing a holding midfielder that was not a first choice when he had his first spell with us. Frustrating to watch this when we have funds I'm sorry but as a supporter not in either camp re pro or anti wenger this is simply not good enough. Once we had Bergkamp Henry Pat , Gilberto etc surely wenger knows we need a top striker and someone that can tackle, we are so vulnerable to the counter attack it's scary. This squad is looking fourth at best and there is no sign of progress just treading water. Has our manager lost all his hunger?


    Aug 31, 2014, 17:54 #56221

    Definition of cowardice-posting as anonymous, 'Definition of pessimism'. He actually thinks either of those two will win it, as do I. They are the favourites, have the strongest/most experienced/costliest squads, so what is there not to understand? Of course they may not, and of course we may. Life must seem very confusing to you-still you can just fill up the uncertainties with spite, it seems to come quite easy.

  63. I Wish I Could Be Sid James Everyday

    Aug 31, 2014, 17:14 #56220

    I'm telling you all now, if the board don't get off their fat Eton arses and spend all that Brady and Stapleton money on Lee Chapman and Peter Nicholas immediately, instead of the port, brandy and cigars they've been stockpiling over the past few years, then I'm burning the West Stand to the ground.

  64. Definition of pessimism

    Aug 31, 2014, 16:58 #56219

    "I've said repeatedly that the PL will be won by either CFC or Man City for the foreseeable future"- Westlower.

  65. maguiresbridge gooner

    Aug 31, 2014, 15:57 #56218

    DW, as I've already said the managers mentality and aspirations have rubbed off on his fans.

  66. maguiresbridge gooner

    Aug 31, 2014, 15:43 #56217

    jw, Welcome back, and with a bang too.

  67. Westlower

    Aug 31, 2014, 15:27 #56216

    Stan is in town so we might get one big signing tomorrow.

  68. Westlower

    Aug 31, 2014, 15:16 #56215

    Taxi for Mr Pochettino, specialist's in failure won't be tolerated at the Lane. New applicants apply to Mr Daniel Levy, no previous experience necessary as you'll only be passing through after flattering to deceive the swamp dwellers. The game is about glory. To dare is to do. Glory, glory........54 years & counting.

  69. DW Thomas

    Aug 31, 2014, 14:10 #56214

    JW welcome back. Next thing Ron will be back to lead the charge! Looking forward to a good win today. Nothing less. A newly pro opted team and some are saying a tie is ok? What small aspirations. Maybe all some hope for is just enough points to keep Wenger in his job, but not enough to actually win it. Chapman is revered as he should be. Lets ask this question. Where would,GG be rated had he gone Invincible that season! How,many teams have gone with only one loss in a season? Where are you now stat boys?!


    Aug 31, 2014, 13:30 #56213

    I see the editor of this site hates when you examine wengers cv and lay down the facts. So he or she removes post wow. Great another akb damm. Let me repeat what I said about wenger and how overrated he is. Why has he not been past the qfs of the champions league more than twice?? Even with the great players he had any akbs want to answer that??? Why in the hell did he not resign fabregas a player who is better than wilshere will ever be?? If chelski go on to win the pl with fabgregas having the most assists what will he say?? The man is probably one of the worst tactical managers in the league. Tippy tappy does not work in the pl against the big boys yet he continues to try it and hope to prove folks wrong. Teams have sussed it out a long time ago. Just let them have the ball, win it back and hit them fast and hard on the counter where it will more likely be 3 against 2. Yet one delusional twat has not worked it out that teams hace worke him out. Why is it embarrassing to go to city, chelsea and liverpool especially the first two and let the opposition have the ball and hit them on counter?? The man has never been a great tactican. He never prepares he's teams for the opposition its all about us,us. Who does he think he has at he's disposel?? Even Pep Guardiola used to prepare he's teams and still does for that weeks opposition watching tape etc tactical game plan etc. Yet wenger believes he can go to city and go toe to toe lool. The man has to go. Now he's saying we have enough up front. Let me ask him this has sanagoal ever scored a competative goal?? The answer is no, is joel campbell really a striker?? Who can cut it up front In the pl?? He's a winger. Is sanchez a striker?? No he's a winger. The man has completely lost the plot. Also we have the money. I don't even blame Gazadis anymore I blame wenger. The money is there yet this overrated stagnant manager does not want to spend it on geniune quality. TIRED,TIRED!!! Finally please akbs I.e westlower, bardarse, jamie, and the editor of this site who clealry is an akb. Why has wenger in all of he's 18 years of managing arsenal as he loves to remind us not been past the qfs of the champions league more than twice even with henry, bergkamp, rvp, vieria, pires, adams, campbell, cole etc. Well I have asked that question a few times on here and these wengerites have dodged it everytime as its a FACT!! Please editor show my comment I know its anti wenger and it hurts your feelings but be a man and show it. Loool

  71. Bard

    Aug 31, 2014, 13:05 #56212

    Some good posts this morning and welcome back Jeff Wright. I disagree with thos on here who think we won't buy anyone. He can't possibly go into the season with no CB cover, that would be insane, so I would expect that as minimum. He's playing cat and mouse with the striker issue as everyone knows we are desperate and he cannot stand to pay the market price or over for anyone. That issue may hinge on how desperate others are to sell.

  72. jeff wright

    Aug 31, 2014, 13:01 #56211

    Westie I missed all of the the cuttingly intelligent comments of Pete aka lee KFC, the self promoted guardian of the AKB sacred flame, such as, let's all go and nut a few WOB's after the next match at the Emirates... *&! The small matter of fact that lee KFC has never been to a game at the Emirates, or anywhere else either come to that, kind of makes this unlikely,but hey in Dreamland everything is not what it seems! So what happened to the theory then Westie that if you beat all of the small fry then the big fish don't matter ? Surely Leicester ,albeit Foxes, are just small time,tally ho! Should be the call here,and not a draw is a good result .

  73. Westlower

    Aug 31, 2014, 12:44 #56210

    @allybear, We couldn't beat Leicester after DB10 scored the greatest hat-trick ever. It's always a close game against Leicester and a win will be a good result. A draw isn't the end of the world. @Jeff, You've woken from your slumber. We've missed your peculiar brand of 'make it up' pessimism (yawn).

  74. allybear

    Aug 31, 2014, 11:52 #56209

    Very enjoyable articles and good views from both camps! Its getting a bit late for any signings&anyway dont think it will happen. Should be a very good test today against Leicester&Mr Wenger's speereet! He should have been sacked after all the humiliations last season&the 8-2 debacle@OT.

  75. jeff wright

    Aug 31, 2014, 11:37 #56208

    Westflowers attempt to try and make Wenger appear a greater manager than the man who invented football tactics and made AFC the worlds greatest club in his tenure is just more typical pathetic fawning AKB ideology. Clough was said to be able to walk on water, he knew he couldn't do it though whereas Wenger on the other hand thinks that he can and also turn it into wine. The German coach Low found out at the World Cup that you can't play Ozil and Mertesacker together against top opponents and only sent Per trotting out when a game was safe ,and who did he take off to replace him with... no prizes for guessing the answer. Wenger can't afford this luxury though having paid 42m for the little Turk who he has to constantly defend against accusations that he would rather be elsewhere,like back at Madrid or at BM.It should be 3 points today though, even with the odd couple playing ,and let's hope we don't need the ref to do us a favor like we did against the other night . Every dark cloud has a silver lining though and if things do go arse up then monsieur Wonga may be forced to buy that quick experienced striker and a couple more players that we need to have anysort of chance against the top opponents that we have still to play in the Prem and in Europe. Song will not be joining us though he is going to save the Hammers ,or so it's claimed. The sight of that A good win against the lowly Foxes though and Arsene will be as happy as Larry and convinced that no one else is required. I can't wait to see that smug self satisfied smile that he will produce at the post match interview. You couldn't make it up.


    Aug 31, 2014, 9:41 #56207

    Su ch good posts, sorry to leave. Off on a bike ride, when in Rome do as the Dutch! Please be kind to each other whilst I'm away, that means you too JAMIE, ha ha. Good old Arsenal.

  77. JAMIE

    Aug 31, 2014, 9:34 #56206

    Herbert Chapman won two titles with Arsenal and died halfway through his third,he also won two titles with Huddersfield Town,moved to Arsenal in 1925 who finished second to Huddersfield that season in the league.So Chapman officially won four league title but was probably the author of six.

  78. Westlower

    Aug 31, 2014, 9:28 #56205

    Hi Berry As great as some of GG's teams were, make no mistake we were in dire straits in George's final year. He'd lost the dressing room & the booze culture was rife. 13 league wins from 42 games was unacceptable and his departure was inevitable. All the right names were there but they weren't performing; Seaman, Dixon, Winterburn, Jensen, Bould, Adams, Keown, Campbell, Wright, Smith, Merson, Parlour, Schwartz. Unbelievable that squad could only muster 51 goals in 42 games.The final league position of 12th was a relief to all as relegation looked a distinct possibility at one stage. Some credit must go to Rioch for taking on some of the massive ego's in the dressing room, before Wenger sorted out the wheat from the chaff.

  79. Hiccup

    Aug 31, 2014, 9:03 #56204

    Westie, not sure what bendtner has to with our current situation of not being able to buy someone without selling first? The reason bendtner stayed on the books for so long was twofold. Firstly we couldn't offload him because of his ridiculous salary for someone with limited ability. Secondly, when the opportunity arose last summer to offload to Palace, due to wenger's dithering once again to buy a forward, we had to keep him as cover. Absolutely nothing to do with being home grown. I'm just curious as to why all the fans , media and even wenger are still talking about transfers, when according to a couple of posters on here, our hands are tied to do anything. Now if you want to rephrase it to wenger likes to tie his own hands to handicap the team, then I'm all in agreeance with that.


    Aug 31, 2014, 8:51 #56203

    So those top seven get shook up. Far too early to begin crowing-be quiet maguiresbridge :-), but the stalls have been set, so I shall take a punt, as the gamblers and bookies do. I said way back that either of those big two will win the title in all probability, and despite backing CFC last year I would give them the nod again this. I genuinely felt we were the third best in the land but may be shaded into fourth by MU. I imagined Liverpool would buckle under the strain of extra games, then they lost Suarez so that was compounded. I didn't see any improvement coming from Everton and felt they would trail in the wake of the stronger clubs. The Sours were a little unknown but I imagined them to falter and finally fail as their own belief wasn't strong enough. Well, already MU are 7 points adrift of CFC, but are out of the League Cup, so no distractions at all. Interesting. A good performance today please lads.

  81. Hi Berry

    Aug 31, 2014, 8:43 #56202

    Westie: I think we all realise great sides cannot be built overnight, but Chapman took five years from a very low base point - the current ten years and counting from what was a far higher starting point (and following on from George Graham's moulding of the club into contenders once again) is stretching moderate supporters' patience to the limit.


    Aug 31, 2014, 8:24 #56201

    Good morning my fresh Dutch salads, chopped avocado and fresh basil leaves tossed into it, drizzled with a good balsamic, and all ingredients bought in the Grote Markt. Hi Berry, a young 'hoodie' rushes towards a frightened old lady. Conclusion? You don't have enough information to form a sensible judgement, so you can only speculate, then preconceptions come rushing in to aid. It follows that a few posts taken in isolation do not give an adequate appraisal. If you had been reading westlower's offerings for as long as me you would have a clearer understanding of the thrust of his argument. I happen to know he revers Herbert Chapman, as do I. Had I responded to an individual in a face to face environment, as you did, then had the situation and background explained, I would have immediately apologised for my misreading. @DWT, 'never the twain shall meet' my friend. We see things differently-thankfully! We shall still raise a glass together at the BBQ, but can you please leave 'The end of the world is nigh!'sandwich board at home this year? 'Moyes a great manager, we should get him to replace AW; Martinez a great manager, we should get him to replace AW; van Gael...'

  83. Westlower

    Aug 31, 2014, 8:12 #56200

    Hi Berry I'm not being disparaging towards Herbert Chapman. History records him as only winning 2 titles + 1 FA Cup as AFC manager in 8 years. Obviously fate played a cruel hand with his untimely death midway through the 33/34 season when we were Champions again. 'His team' were champions again in 36/37. He was already acknowledged as the best manager of his time with his exploits at Huddersfield. From his appointment as Arsenal manager in 1925 it took him until 1930/31 to build a championship winning team. It stresses the point that great sides aren't built overnight. Sadly he didn't live long enough to see how dominate his AFC would become.

  84. Hi Berry

    Aug 31, 2014, 7:38 #56199

    @Westie: so Herbert Chapman 'only won the league twice' is a rather disparaging critique of a man that built a team that dominated the thirties. Dying in 1934 might have been a bit of a barrier to improving that paltry statistic.

  85. Ozzie

    Aug 31, 2014, 3:53 #56198

    Results re the Manch clubs was enjoyable & shows the lesser lights cant be taken for granted. On another note, I hope Mr Ozil was watching Di Maria - that's what you call class. Now for signing up Carvahlo - anyone else will be a bonus. Come on the Arsenal!

  86. JAMIE

    Aug 31, 2014, 0:22 #56197

    I don't think the WOB's watch the games,if they did they would see we are a couple of classes ahead of our rivals this year.Too many sour and chav impersonators on the OG these days to take the posts serious.MARCUS,Danny and Herbert so obviously not gooners it's laughable,yet still highly amusing.

  87. DW Thomas

    Aug 30, 2014, 23:02 #56196

    Westie, I get you betting odds argument, but I skip over it every time you post. Find it rather boring and repetitive. Plus sports is more to me about those David vs Goliath moments where the odds are destroyed. Seems another excuse to support Wenger's failures, even before Christmas this time! A great coach gets the best from his players even if he changes their positions. We had a great potential DM in TV, yet sold him at a time when we could have really used him. Wenger seems to be ruining players rather than building them like he used to. Arshavin a great example and perhaps Ozil in the making/undoing. A not to short time ago I have Arsene the benefit of the doubt, as I too chased the unicorn. But, his dithering in the market and reaction to only situations that require great need (the 8-2 thumping an example). And Jamie, again we see polar opposite things. Chelsea were ruthless and beat a very good team by 3 in their own back yard. That is the way you win the title. What did we do? Barely scraped by to a 2-2 tie. But see it the way you like, whatever fits your agenda bud. And don't miss Bigfoot right out your window!

  88. Man United Killer

    Aug 30, 2014, 22:50 #56195

    Jamie@post of 59438 If you weren't impressed I wonder how you are still impressed with Wenger after all the embarrassing results we have had in recent years against our rivals. But I guess you conveniently overlooked that. If you're going to support Wenger by all means but please shove the double standards.

  89. GG89

    Aug 30, 2014, 22:28 #56194

    A top top striker might just give the gooners a chance in the CL or PL... I´m thinking Falcao. Bust F@@@ knows if he´s interested. The season is won now (with a top top signing) or its a 4th place play off again. And that´s after spending 61m already, nutz.

  90. maguiresbrige gooner

    Aug 30, 2014, 22:20 #56193

    Some fantastic quips on here today, mentally examined, intoxicated with own reputation, unicorn posse, papa smurf, they all raised a laugh and i haven't even got a chance to finish reading all the posts.

  91. maguiresbridge gooner

    Aug 30, 2014, 21:38 #56192

    DW, i much preferred the rainbow peddlers, it's got a ring to it, haven't got round to using it myself but i will, maybe more so now as they're telling us we're going with what we have there's no crock of gold.

  92. Westlower

    Aug 30, 2014, 21:21 #56191

    @Cornish Gooner, Yes, you are correct in saying Chapman died on Jan 6th 1934. His last game in charge was a 0-0 with Birmingham on Dec 30th 1933. AFC were 4 points clear in the league after his last game. Apologies for my poor grammar. George Male died in 1998.

  93. Westlower

    Aug 30, 2014, 21:10 #56190

    CFC now odds on to win the PL at 4/5; Man City 11/4; AFC clear 3rd best at 9/1; Liverpool 18/1; Man U 20/1; Sours 40/1; Everton 250/1. CFC & Man City combined are 1/5 or 83% likely to win the PL between them, with only a 17% chance of joint failure. That's how the bookies see it after 3 games but the odds will continue to fluctuate. The Euro fixtures usually has an effect on the teams travelling to & fro throughout Europe. The only top team with a clear fixture list is Man U, who are already out of the Capital Cup + no Euro games. I fear once they get their act together they'll sail up the table unchecked.

  94. A Cornish Gooner

    Aug 30, 2014, 21:03 #56189

    Westie. Your post 59439 reads as though George Male died in 1933. He died 19 Feb 1998. However, Herbert Chapman died 6 Jan 1934, not 1933 didn't he?

  95. Herbert

    Aug 30, 2014, 20:53 #56188

    DWT, the Chapman quotes are true and the weakness of tick tock football has been exposed over the decades since. Messi dressed up the Barrca version and it looks like the signing of Suarez hails a change in tactics at the Bernabeu. An unusualglut of world class players that arrived like 5 buses at once for a crowd at a bus stop did the same for the Spanish national side for awhile, but with their decline the Spanish have gone back to where they were for decades at International level with their slow tika taka. Wenger's version of it is the worst every seen and most boring.It was laughable though how the clown had to go 4-4-2 against Wigan at Wembley to save his hide in a penalty shootout when the tippy tappy failed again . Wenger also had to resort to playing direct football in the end to beat Hull in the final when trailing by two goals. The pass the parcel football will no doubt be up and running again tomorrow at Leicester and a win will confirm Wenger's arrogant delusion that this is the way to play the game . If we lose or draw then he will just trot out one of his stock excuses such as ,we lacked sharpness in the final third or blame it on the ref , Man City inflating the market or bad luck.

  96. Westlower

    Aug 30, 2014, 20:35 #56187

    Herbert Chapman was one off the all time great managers but he only won the league title twice & the FA Cup once with the Gunners. He joined Arsenal in 1925 but after 5 trophyless years he won the FA Cup in 1930. The following season, 30/31, he won the title before finishing runners up in 31/32. He won AFC their 2nd title in 32/33 but were knocked out of the FA Cup by Third division North side Walsall 0-2. Biggest shock in the history of the FA Cup. The result was largely down to illness in the Arsenal camp & inadequate reserves to cover the missing players. Chapman was also not afraid to convert players from their perceived best positions. George Male became one of the great full backs after previously playing in midfield at left half. Sadly he died in December 1933.

  97. JAMIE

    Aug 30, 2014, 20:34 #56186

    I watched the Everton Chelsea game and thought Chelsea's defending was shocking.In fairness it could have been eight all,if I was a Chelsea supporter I wouldn't be over impressed,as for Fabregas he kept giving the ball away and was probably the poorest player on the pitch.What is the WOB's explanation for Man City being so woeful if it was Arsenal they would be calling for us to buy three new strikers.You couldn't make it up as they would say..Who's Herbert a re-incarnation of, probably Jeff Wright.. another clueless angry WOB who just talks crap and believes whatever his imagination tells him to.

  98. DW Thomas

    Aug 30, 2014, 20:01 #56185

    Great post Herbert. If those quotes are true, I assume they are, they make a sort of laughing stock of tiki taka with no end product! That is why you need a top striker. Watched the Everton vs Chelsea game. A seesaw back and forth goals galore funfest to see! Costa has 3 goals now. And Cesc looks very very good as we all knew he would. By close Westie, I mean at the end of he season. 7 points is better than 15, still not that close. We fizzle out every year. Why? Because Wenger does not complete the team. He doesn't improve it to the point it can be the best it can be. And that's because profits, not sustainability, rule! Wenger's disciples all defend him with the most illogical, arguing from both sides of their mouths, and spout it like its historical fact. Even Eto'o scored today a goal to make the game 4-3 and give Everton a shot at coming back. That's making a difference in a big game. Who do we have up top that can do that? Oh yeah, I forgot, the world is empty of any top class strikers so no point in buying. Every year the arguments supporting Wenger got thinner and thinner. Nothing is now left. Soundness doesn't mean boring. We aren't asking for break inthe bank,spending. Just compete the team to its full potential. Give Sanchez, Ramsey, and Ozil someone to feed. Then we can be feared again. We can dominate again.

  99. Hiccup

    Aug 30, 2014, 19:52 #56184

    It goes like this. The season finishes and the fans say we need to get a proper striker in for next year. The disciples say give it a rest the season's just finished. Come June, we need a striker. The disciples say wait til the World Cup has finished. July, we need a striker. The disciples, yes we hear you, but there's still plenty of time left. August, are we getting a bloody striker! The disciples, let's wait until 1st September before you start moaning. 5 days before the window closes, even bloody Simon Rose is asking where is our striker? The disciples, well we have to sell first. We can't do that! It's not like going to the supermarket and buying a pint of milk! Copy and paste in to 2015 and 2016.

  100. Herbert

    Aug 30, 2014, 19:41 #56183

    I think we can safely assume ,judging by these comments made by Arsenal's greatest manager Chapman back in 1931, that he would not be overly impressed by the current managers tactics and policies . Q Mr. Chapman you have been criticised for being too defensive. A. 'The keynote of Arsenal football is soundness. It is only when the team are, say, two goals up that they may claim the licence to be spectacular. From this point of view I am beginning to wonder whether adequate credit is given to defense. 'The truth is you can attack for too long. We try to make it rapid and direct. We do not favor what is called the close-passing game.' Q. Why don’t you like close passing? 'Usually the ball merely travels across the field, and perhaps back again, without any advantage being gained. I want the best possible football but it must have a ‘kick’ in it.' If you had one guiding principle, what would it be? 'There is one golden rule: it is never safe to be satisfied. No matter how good the team may be, there should always be an attempt to improve it. It is sometimes suggested that a winning team are got together by luck. This has not been my experience. One has to watch a team like a thermometer'.................. Chapman clearly had more ****ing idea back in 31 about the 'close passing game' and its weaknesses than the idiot currently in charge at AFC in 2014 and his nutty followers have .

  101. Hiccup

    Aug 30, 2014, 19:33 #56182

    Yes Westie, maybe you could post that 9.07 post again as you seem to be more in the know than wenger. It's wenger himself who has said he hopes to be active up to the final day of the transfer window. But seeing as you all have it on good authority that no one is leaving, then just what is wenger thinking? Is he aware of all the regulations that you know of that we can't buy unless he sells. Don't waste your time on here telling fans of the rules. You need to let wenger know. Does his incompetence know no bounds?

  102. maguiresbridge gooner

    Aug 30, 2014, 19:05 #56181

    KC, 59386 excellent post all round, and not a bad follow up, and the key word being hunger it's non existent at this club thanks to our past it manager, and it's rubbed off on his fans, thankfully there's still fans who have it and want it.

  103. Lee afc

    Aug 30, 2014, 19:00 #56180

    Westie....I just do not believe that your comment at 9.07 today has registered with many on this site. Explain it once more mate for all the anti's to see it....maybe type it in capitals for the likes of Marcus or is it Herbert.

  104. Bard

    Aug 30, 2014, 18:24 #56179

    Westie; I know my football history but if Im not mistaken the great Leeds teams to which you refer were in the 70's and they went belly up in the some 30/40 years later. How far do you go back to make your argument. The point Im making is we cant afford not to invest, looks what happened to Liverpool and more worryingly ManU now. DW great post you make all the points reasonably.

  105. Hiccup

    Aug 30, 2014, 17:58 #56178

    Rik. You'll find it was the wob's fault that cesc went to Chelsea. Wenger wanted him, but all the wob's told cesc to go to Chelsea so they could blame wenger for it.

  106. BADARSE

    Aug 30, 2014, 17:53 #56177

    We have unicorns, and Moonies, AKB's, WOB's, AMG's, muppets, disciples, messiah's, male sexual organs, fecal matter-some animal, some not, threats and tantrums, insults and little green men, aliens and bug-eyed players, the whole farmyard-donkeys, carthorses, racing thoroughbreds, flying pigs, BFG, Jack the lad, the Professor, a Little Mozart, the Kosh, and Stan the syrup. Before I began posting here I was totally unaware I possessed so much at my club. I love this Arsenal.

  107. Rik Shaw

    Aug 30, 2014, 17:39 #56176

    Failure to get Fabregas looks a major error. I hope Arsenal don!'t repeat previous seasons mistakes and skimp on signings when they don't need to.

  108. Hiccup

    Aug 30, 2014, 17:32 #56175

    More contradictory waffle from westlower. In one breath stating that the spend spend spend theory logic is flawed based on today's results. In the next breath, only teams with the financial advantage can win anything?

  109. Westlower

    Aug 30, 2014, 17:04 #56174

    How does the SPEND, SPEND, SPEND logic work. As Man City failed to score at home to lowly Stoke, do they buy more world class strikers before Mondays deadline? Not so easy to score when the away team parks the bus? Rooney, RVP, Matta, Di Maria unable to score against Burnley - only 2 days left to replace them? @Marcus I've said repeatedly that the PL will be won by either CFC or Man City for the foreseeable future. What part of that statement don't you understand? Unless they lose their financial advantage anytime soon I don't see any other club getting a look in but that's just my opinion.

  110. Westlower

    Aug 30, 2014, 16:32 #56173

    The rumour mongers are working full tilt with reported Arsenal bids for Schneiderlin £27m; Carvalho £21.3m; Sokratis £15.8m, Munir El Haddai £9.4m & Cavani no sum quoted. Benefica offered £7.9m for Joel Campbell. @DWT 7 points off a PL/FA CUP double & leading the PL longer than any other club is a fair definition of 'close.'

  111. DW Thomas

    Aug 30, 2014, 15:58 #56172

    The Unicorns are in full gallop today! We are not asking for spending that will break the bank. Just a new striker that has been needed for seasons. The fact that most of our young players were great prospects before we bought them breaks the argument that we are always developing great hound players. I,too thought Afobe looked,pretty good, much more smooth on the ball than the clanky Sanogo. Where is our great young striker we are holding back? The bs that is already in full flow coming out of the club and Arsene is unbelievable. If you are a big club, you buy big players when you need them, especially. PERIOD! I do love our lads, Jack, Ramsey, Ozil, Kos, et al. But they need help. And our egomaniac manager can't or refuses to see it. Always has, always will. He has too much power and that corrupts men. It's pathetic that some on here talk more bs about history and squad numbers. You don't see that s..t come out from other clubs do you? It's,all about profits and this false image that we are a top club that can compete with the best. The last time we were close was 2008--7 years ago! I will say it again so it's clear to those that still don't get it. We only want the club to fulfill its potential that is there. No spin, just honest commitment. How can you argue with that? It's like wanting the best for your kids, you have the money to put them in a better school, but don't, always waiting for a future time, then they're 18 and graduating. Time will not wait. Action is necessary. We CAN do it. We all know it. Supporting Wenger's inaction is like those little green alien guys in Toy Story worshipping the claw!

  112. Westlower

    Aug 30, 2014, 15:04 #56171

    @Bard, You are obviously a lot younger than me or you would know that Leeds United dominated English football in the Don Revie era. That Leeds team was voted as one of the top 50 greatest team of all time. They were top flight until their financial meltdown, being sold for a measly £10m at one point. @Herbert, We've been here many times. The attendance is based on tickets sold & not who actually bothers to turn up. Mass coverage by TV has made us lazy, with some feint hearts displaying a CBA (can't be arsed) attitude. Interesting stat that Burnleyl have only spent £45m in their whole history but still managed to draw against the biggest club in the world who recently spent £59m on one player.

  113. Moscow Gooner

    Aug 30, 2014, 14:05 #56170

    The case for buying a striker was clearly there well before Giroud was injured: it's now absolutely critical. Wenger may be the last man on the planet to accept it - but that's the mindset that comes with job-for-life security. If he is looking at a 25 year long project why give a toss about writing off 2014/15? At most clubs there would be a certain unease over fan reaction: AW - and the current owners - view the fans, at least the fans who turn up in the stadium, as a necessary evil: they would rather do without them but until CGI technology allows the support to be painted in around the stadium in a convincing manner, they need to be tolerated. We won't sign a new striker; we will not challenge for either the UCL or the league - but we will scrape into 4th place come next May.

  114. Hiccup

    Aug 30, 2014, 13:49 #56169

    These history lessons are all well and good, but can someone please provide an example where anyone has gone bust by spending money sitting idle in the bank account? And why is spending money seen as short termism? We don't sign players on a one season deal. Surely it's a long term investment getting the right players in on 4 or 5 year contracts.

  115. Big gooner Dave

    Aug 30, 2014, 13:43 #56168

    Had to laugh this morning when I read that the youngsters at Arsenal could get delayed in their development by signing players,does this mean Einsteinanogo gets a chance and Afobe who's been on our books for 10 years does,nt.He came on for 20 minutes aNd showed Moore composure and guile in front of goal than the Frenchman ever could against moan utd .Is it because he's English?????

  116. CT Gooner

    Aug 30, 2014, 13:41 #56167

    So if I understand those saying we shouldn't sign anyone, it's because our squad is too big. Some of us think the squad's not good enough, blatantly clear up top, so sell or release those not good enough to make room. That's why we pay the manager so splendidly. I understand not wanting to get rid of legends, but we don't have any....

  117. JAMIE

    Aug 30, 2014, 13:37 #56166

    Herbert-You're a sour with a head like a beach ball,now please go down the Lane.Is that good enough maguirestamfordbridge gooner.

  118. maguiresbridge gooner

    Aug 30, 2014, 13:31 #56165

    Herbert, that's what happens when the moonies have nothing left to defend their messiah with or when some one else can see fault in Mr Moon, they resort to name calling and accusations, be prepared to be called a spud or a sour and told to f**k off down the lane, but don't retaliate and degrade yourself.

  119. Bard

    Aug 30, 2014, 13:25 #56164

    Westie; history lesson 2. None of those clubs professed to be top flight. They came and went in a blur and none of them told their fans that they would have to pay the highest prices so they could compete at the top table. You conveniently conflate the fact that we are a couple short, having lost our top goalscorer with continually spending money. History lesson 3.What is the cost to the club and its model if they fail to make top 4. Man u and Liverpool will do as starters. I loved history at school . A bloke called Carr wrote a book called what is history. His thesis in brief was that history is how you choose to interpret the facts.

  120. maguiresbridge gooner

    Aug 30, 2014, 12:51 #56163

    Hiccup, there are enough on here already adhering to the rule of making excuses for him, without it becoming a house one, surely we don't need anymore, there's enough sites that have that rule already.

  121. JAMIE

    Aug 30, 2014, 12:42 #56162

    We have so many strikers it would be foolish to purchase another,it just prevents players getting a game.Luckily Wenger sees through all this foolish WOB talk,they remind me of the Churchill dog all nodding in agreement with one another yet knowing nothing.

  122. Westlower

    Aug 30, 2014, 12:32 #56161

    @Bard Quick history lesson as a reminder how important it is not to spend money you don't have. LEEDS, historically one of Arsenal's biggest rivals.1997-2000 never out of top 5 in league, reached CL & EUFA Cup semis. 2001 borrowed large amounts of money v future earnings. Failure to qualify to CL in two successive seasons led to top players being sold off, Rio to Man U for £30m was the start. Relegation & administration quickly followed. Never looked like getting back to the top tier since. PORTSMOUTH: Top half PL club 06/07 & FA Cup winners 07/08. EUFA Cup 08/09. Large amounts of money made available to make record signings by Harry Redknapp. Administration & 3 relegation's quickly followed. Living for the here & now is a dangerous game to play. Smacks of desperation & lack of foresight. Thankfully AFC plan for the future as well as the present. If we only bought big name players, aka CFC & Man C, it would implement a change of club philosophy whereby the young players wouldn't prosper. Part of the attraction in being a Gooner for me is watching the progress of young players blossoming & becoming big names themselves. Impatient fans devoid of young player tolerance are ultimately unhelpful to the club they claim to support.

  123. Herbert

    Aug 30, 2014, 12:25 #56160

    170,000 empty seats ( official) at the Emirates last season . The attendance figures given out on match days are phony .How many empty ones this season ?

  124. Kevin Kong

    Aug 30, 2014, 11:48 #56159

    I know I`ll probably get laughed of the page for this one but I think we should get Anelka in on a free.

  125. Bard

    Aug 30, 2014, 11:35 #56158

    Westie; I love the examples you pull out to support your argument. This time its Portsmouth and Leeds, interesting choice of club, why not Accrington Stanley. I see Wenger is using the 'buying a player will kill the younger ones' argument to justify inaction. As man of odds Westie what odds are the bookies giving for the number of games Sanogo and Chuba start this season. Probably in the region of a 1000000-1. Its breathtakingly arrogant to believe that any of us believes that is going to happen. However if its true then we can be absolutely sure the club are not going to compete in a serious way. By the way thanks for that Pete/Jamie or whoever. I think my brother is harder than Pete though I once saw him take on a marauding band of spuds at an away game in the 90s !!!!!

  126. Hiccup

    Aug 30, 2014, 11:30 #56157

    Still being compared to Portsmouth? A team that in the 80's was flitting in and around divisions 3 and 4 and whose population would fit inside the emirates! Utilising our transfer budget and massive income stream we possess will not lead to bankruptcy.

  127. BADARSE

    Aug 30, 2014, 10:38 #56156

    Of those thirteen mentioned who is a likely candidate for trading, 24601? Ospina, BFG, Kosh, Nacho aren't, so that's the defence. We have nine men remaining and some are clearly staying, Mikael, Mesut, Flaminal, Alexis...slowly the options evaporate. Of course if you don't think too deeply you can just adopt a neolithic mentality and chant, 'Spend! Spend! Spend!, (wasn't that the intention of the pools winner Viv something or other')-she found the bottom of the barrel pretty quickly, didn't she? I have a strong suspicion Arsene is playing hard to get just to upset the Dark Moonies. Now for a wedge of oude Gouda, every mouthful just reduces the hiding place on the Dark Side of the Moon, for those Dark Moonies.

  128. Torbay gooner

    Aug 30, 2014, 9:17 #56154

    Thanks Bard, as you say we have been here before and I share your concern over Sanchez. DW Thomas, your last post for me hits that nail firmly on the head. To say that it's frustrating is a massive understatement.

  129. Westlower

    Aug 30, 2014, 9:07 #56153

    A 25 man list has to be submitted to the Premier League next week. No further alterations are allowed until the January transfer window, unless a player is a free agent, currently out of contract. 3 of the 25 are GK's, Giroud is out until Jan which leaves 21 outfield players. 8 must be home grown, that leaves 13 foreign players who can be traded. It then comes down to who to let go & who is available & better to replace them. Some Gooners seem to struggle with the concept of financially planning ahead for the years to come. Putting all your eggs in one basket for short term gain is what did for Portsmouth & Leeds. The wage bill is the biggie that needs managing as the sums need to add up. CFC & Man C have immunity from such fiscal restraints. Marcus, given their financial advantages I believe the PL will be won for the foreseeable future by one or other of these mega rich clubs, whoever manages or plays for them. Man U are finding that buying players, Rojo, who are part owned by a third party presents other problems. AFC refuse to buy third party owned players. I believe Carvalho is one such player, so I wouldn't expect that transfer to happen. Interesting quirk of the stats in Tuesday Arsenal prog; Goals scored in ECL - Bergkamp 7, Bendtner 9, who'd have thought that?

  130. BADARSE

    Aug 30, 2014, 7:46 #56152

    Good morning my little poffertjes-small puffed up pancakes, with melted butter and powdered sugar sprinkled on top, (syrup optional), deliciously entertaining, but healthwise do you no good at all. As senior shepherd on this site, can I please ask Arsenal fans to refrain from threats to others? Doing so marks anyone down as a non-AFC person, thank you playmates. So, Arsene is still in the whirlpool of the transfer operation. We await with interest, so no closing of accounts, or large withdrawels expected from the fanbase, please. Yesterday, behind my brother's place we went to the play area for kiddies. It is top class; quality, imaginative and creative climbing frames and structures, plus a very tiny astro pitch; designed by sharp young people. They are just like the ones who are born and grow in England, only to be cut down, or allowed to wither on the vine due to narrow-minded conservatism, and under-investment, ('We can't afford it!). My grandson Finnley joined a small group kicking a ball about. He made one side too strong, and anyway I couldn't resist entering the footie fray, so I did. Finally my youngest grandson Ashton joined the kick and rush, at two minute intervals my wife, then my daughter also began to play. The mad English Arsenal family had arrived. Just as I did as a kid I played with a vocal soundtrack, when sliding or threading a pass it was acccompanied with, 'And Bergkamp splits the defence with another delicate carpet-slippered pass!' Amongst the group were three siblings the youngest a daughter of about five, who kept picking the ball up and tossing it to my wife, a sweet little thing, (the child was too). When we called it a day we went and said goodbye to the parents and high-fived the children, (the first time I've ever done that!), I did shake hands with the lads also and none slipped out of my grasp. When we returned home my daughter was quiet and reflective and she announced that the little family of three kids playing were Syrian and had escaped the troubles. It lingered with her throughout the evening that these little ones were only just safe, yet playing with our youngsters, who enjoy such security. They were real, and they were children. Oh yes, my side won.

  131. CT Gooner

    Aug 30, 2014, 4:55 #56151

    So when do you think they'll tell us the season tix cost is up? I doubt we'll have a new striker or DM first. But don't complain or Jamie/pete will "kick your ass" out of the stands. Seriously those defending our current regime, I thought we had money now, oh but the players aren't available. You just can't make this crap up!

  132. DW Thomas

    Aug 30, 2014, 0:50 #56150

    Watch Arsene's latest press conference. He seems a man deluded. He can't be serious about the striker situation. His smirky smile reeks of arrogance. I take nothing he says seriously anymore. Unless a miracle signing of someone like Falcao or Cavani comes in things are still the same. An egoist whose belief that he is untouchable drives him on. No matter what his accomplishments were years ago, he is now intoxicated with his own reputation. Still hasn't won the CL though. After plenty of tries. What's "unbelievable" is not our number of strikers but that he thinks we can win the league with those we have. If he is not delusional then he must just be flat lying. Deceiving. He says one player won't make a difference, and that's exactly the point. We need 3. Wow, 3 more years of his bull. At least it entertains, I guess.

  133. Danny

    Aug 30, 2014, 0:22 #56149

    this web site is becoming like arsenal-mania. too many AKBs and moderators deleting posts because their beloved Wenger is criticized well done guys Oh yes, Marcus keep on the good work . wenger has to go!

  134. Roy

    Aug 30, 2014, 0:08 #56148

    Vermaelen gone and Giroud crocked. Two players guaranteed to put in a shift as and when required - whatever their merits or lack of them. Wenger doesn't have to break the bank to bolster the squad back up with a bit more experience whilst at the same time increasing his options a little ( though it would be a pleasant surprise ! ) However, if he does nothing this time, he's mugging us all over. Simon, I fear it's the last part of the first paragraph of your article that will come to pass, and I don't see how can compete. Giving a certain World Cup winning manager a buzz on how to get the best out of Ozil wouldn't go amiss either would it ? Eeeeeeer......sign a pacey striker, maybe ? Ye Gods.

  135. AMG (Gargamel)

    Aug 30, 2014, 0:06 #56147

    The Smurfettes (aka Rainbow Peddlers/ Unicorn botherers) are out in force today defending the indefensible. Wenger (Pappa Smurf) is incompetent and is currently neglecting this club simply because he can. No one holds him to account and his lackeys just continue making excuses for him??? Aparently Wenger is keeping the powder dry for the next manager, just after he's signed a 3 year £24m contract extension, I'm f'd if I can get my head around that logic - thank you Dolphin Kisses(Westlower)! If we don't have the resources to purchase the much needed CF, DM and CB, then why did we spend a combined £75-80m on Ozil and Sanchez? What a waste of time trying to convince those who weren't convinced when we ducked out of 2 cup competitions to lower league opposition, were embarrassed 8-2 by ManUre, humiliated 6-0 by Chelski, trounced 5-1 by Liverpen, sold captain, after captain, after captain, after captain, failed to address weaknesses season, after season, after season. I shan't worry about you guys, Wenger will be back to kick you all in the nards before long, he will always let you down and you'll all go very very quiet.

  136. Herbert

    Aug 29, 2014, 23:37 #56146

    Lee KFC ,stop trying to act like macho man ,you are just a silly mug ,get over it and grow up.


    Aug 29, 2014, 23:32 #56145

    @ Pesho Saulov. Great, great point you could not have said it better. Wenger will NOT be buying anyone especially a striker and a dm. He does not want to be proven wrong or humiliate himself. How many times has wenger refused to admit that a player is not going to cut it and he continues to give them 5 year contracts earning 60 k a week anyone come to mind yeah Bendther who should have been shipped out quick. Aluminia, denilson, chamakah who he waited a whole year to get on a free lol typical stingey wenger, I can name many more players wenger has persitted with and they have just not performed. That is the mans ego playing as he does not want to admit defeat and prove everyone was right. The same can be said about our transfers dealings over the last 10 years. The man is sooooo egotistical and stubborn he won't HUMILIATE himself by going out there and buying a world class defender or a dm. He won't do it as that would be admitting he was wrong and he's ego is too big. The man is a joke and he needs to go. We will never win the pl or cl with him at the helm. Also westlower and bardarse our just plain deluded. They will always defend wenger no matter what he does or not do. I could care less what they think as the bias is so sick its actually unhealthy and they have the audacity to call us folks who criticse wenger dark moonies lool. Tell me who our more cult followers akbs or wobs/amgs??

  138. DW Thomas

    Aug 29, 2014, 23:09 #56144

    It's wonderful to see the Unicorn Posse (changed their name from Rainbow Peddlers) put in their place. Jamie, please stop your constant whining about those who differ from your view! You might try a reasoned argument for once. We will not improve upon any of the last 9 seasons in the PL places because Sir I Knows It All won't buy the necessary players which are only replacing those we sold or left. I am impressed with the team at times but we all know deep down that we're just not good enough for winning the big 2! We need 3 players every season but its never addressed and already we've got Giroud out. Good to see some of you old boys back on this site calling for change again. It may not happen for 3 years but we can still offer our critiques and hope those ostriches with their heads in the sand can wake up to the need.

  139. BADARSE

    Aug 29, 2014, 22:59 #56143

    Well I don't want to pour oil on troubled waters but I do have a big barrel of crude, and I see the rapids below. It has been covered before, even I have said it a while ago, no one arrives unless someone leaves, and I think we may run with what we have. Now you can discuss that as much as you like, or think you are discussing it when in fact you are bleating. Trying to take down 'my best mate', westlower, is the wrong policy. If you read what he says and allow for the continuity of his posts you might grasp the viewpoint he offers. Would I like a top CF, a top DM, to be 20 years younger, twice as wealthy, even more handsome than I already am? Naw, that last one is just plain silly...and impossible. Probably nothing is going to change, so relax, get behind what we have here and now, chew on your security blankets, and set your face in stone. We are the Arsenal, for goodness sake act like it. It doesn't make you a quitter, it doesn't mean you have sacrificed your principles. If you want to do something positive enlist for the OnlineGooner's annual panto rehearsals. We are doing a 'Fairy Tale Medley'this season. We have two of the three bears selected already, but Goldilocks is proving a difficult character to decide upon as we already have 36 applicants-it must be wearing the gingham frock and the golden ringlets which is influencing some. If anyone is interested in trying out for Baby Bear just practise saying in a high pitched voice, 'Who's been sleeping in my porridge?' Now let's concentrate on the next game please gentlefolk. Oh and nothing wrong with AFC, fact there isn't a lot wrong with the BBC either.


    Aug 29, 2014, 22:39 #56142

    Great post, but I doubt wenger is going to be buying a striker nor a dm. The man is soooo deluded. He actually believes we can win the league with giroud as our main striker who is injured lool. Now he thinks we can win the pl with sanogoal and joel campbell. I'm sorry but has this man beed mentally examined?? He's actions are very very bizzare. He's now talking about everyone has opinions and is entiled to them. Yes wenger we are entilted to opinions but when everyone has the same opinion I.e we need a world class striker and a dm than it is not opinion anymore its the basic maths even a die hard akb wengerite would admit we need a world class striker and a dm. Yet one man is sooo delusional its actually unreal. Please akbs answer this do you think we can win the pl now?? Especially now giroud is injured?? Because I did not thing we would win the pl with giroud and sure don't think we will come anywhere near winning it with the strikers we have left I.e sanogoal and joel campbell. Also before anyone says we sanchez he's not a striker and for me looks like he can't play up there in the pl. So again wenger has gone into another season negligible. How in the hell can you defend him??? We will be lucky to get 3rd for me. I bet my bottom dollar we don't win the pl and the usual groundhog of fighting for 4th is the same reality for us smh. The man should have gone after the fa cup, but the mas ego is so big he believes he owns the club. So why would he go?? Smh. The snaches deal blinded a lot of folks who thought it had solved all our problems. Its like manure buying di maria. Its not enough. They need a cm and cbs. Whilst we need a world class striker and a dm. Everyone has known we need that for years well since rvp and song left. Yet one tall french prick seems oblivious to it. I have lost all respect for this man and all he's done is been tarnished now. He's legacy won't be remembered for the best years we had at arsenal. It will be remembered for he's egotistical stubborness reluctance to buy the players we needed and also he's awful tactics.

  141. KC

    Aug 29, 2014, 22:19 #56141

    2156 post is not the real KC!!!!!

  142. 1971 Gooner

    Aug 29, 2014, 22:02 #56140

    Sanogo as a Premiership striker, let alone an Arsenal striker, is a concept I find hard to understand the logic of. If he'd played as many games for Sp*rs as he has done for us with the same results and was still getting in their team, we'd be stitching our sides back together. And I'm old enough to remember Lee Chapman in a red and white shirt.

  143. KC

    Aug 29, 2014, 21:56 #56139

    Wenger is the most overrated frustrating and most important clueless Manager At any club he would have been fired and he knows it. He is a fraud at making money for himself and the owners. He has no hunger or desire to win anything. i guarantee he will not last 3 years . He luck has to go sometime

  144. KC

    Aug 29, 2014, 21:40 #56138

    Bard - Agree with your last post. It's just highly frustrating, if you really support care etc etc this bull from our manager makes the blood boil. If you really want success you don't put at the feet of players you don't trust, I don't get Wenger as it does become repeat after repeat, but where is his hunger? If players are not good enough remove, get what you want, he knew TV wanted out yet no replacement! He is under no pressure hence his actions, it's arrogant, stubborn and the actions of a man in an ivory tower, which as a season ticket holder I find insulting. He likes to play poker with the transfer window, this time if he gets it wrong it may very well bite on the arse!

  145. Lee afc

    Aug 29, 2014, 21:36 #56137

    Our squad list is 25 players. No one leaving so no one coming in. to all the negatives on here, this is the squad that Mr wenger is taking in to battle out the premier league....get over it, get behind the team or, simply get lost..the choice is for all to see....I know where I stand..

  146. Vin nice

    Aug 29, 2014, 21:14 #56135

    Totally agree we need a top striker but I suspect arsene will try to make do or we will dither I hope I am wrong

  147. JAMIE

    Aug 29, 2014, 20:44 #56134

    So what Pete's my brother hes an ex bootie I'm an ex matelot.Both are dyed in the wool Gooners,though you'd probably rather meet me on a dark night rather than Pete.Both season ticket holders and proper Gooners unlike Bard and maguirestamfordbridge who are probably the same person yet pretend to be different.

  148. Bard

    Aug 29, 2014, 20:37 #56133

    Torbay G; I thought that was a really good post. Wenger isn't stupid but he's arrogant. He must think we are stupid to buy into that rubbish about Sanogo. He prattles on about what great strikers we have. Reality check ; he was going to sell Podolski, he didn't trust Sanogo or Campbell for 5 mins against Besiktas. Wally isn't even fit yet. Its total b******s. If its a ruse to convince others that we are fine and somehow reduce the asking price for potential transfers its pathetic. You don't need to be a genius to see where we are at and what we need. Of course the other scenario is that he is going to run Sanchez into the ground like he did Giroud last season. If we didn't have the money fine but we do. The disadvantage of longevity is that you get to know the manager that you're dealing with. He likes to think he is being really clever but its a disguise for dithering and inaction. why, because we have been here many times before.

  149. KC

    Aug 29, 2014, 20:19 #56132

    At westlower, you make many good posts and your defence of Arsene is correct at times. Can I just ask how you can not get upset at the midfield ball winner we require and the striker. This manager once bought Pat, Petit, Gilberto and Edu, we now have Arteta and Flamini, as for strikers Anelka, Henry, Van Persie, against Giroud and the rest. I had an enourmous amount of respect for Wenger but he does appear stubborn and his press conferences seem to an opportunity to prove how smart he can be. This squad can not win the Premiership or the Champions league and I think most football pundits / experts would agree so if our manager has a budget left it's an outrage it's not being spent. I want Wenger to succeed but fear the fear he had to succeed has been lost with such job security. He has great attributes and the Chambers and Sanchez signings are first class but not enough. Agreed we are do not have Cfc, city and utds budget but to believe Flamini, Arteta, Sonogo etc can compete with these clubs is not realistic. We must buy a defensive midfielder or the big boys will find it to easy to score against us.

  150. Herbert

    Aug 29, 2014, 19:16 #56130

    It's obvious who "Jamie " is and it's just the same old claptrap from him using another name as though this somehow makes sense out of his strangulated big girl's blouse rantings at those he labels WOB's .The guy seriously needs help though because no one in their right mind would post nonsense like he does for hour after dreary hour... on dreary hour...

  151. Torbay gooner

    Aug 29, 2014, 18:52 #56129

    Hmm, Sanogo has made 15 competitive appearances so far without finding the back of the net and whilst he may have not yet completed 90 mins did complete 120 mins against Wigan. He is certainly a trier but sadly appears to lack the quality needed at this level. That is not his fault, you have to look to the manager for that. The manager has come out and said that he has (paraphrasing) an unbelievable amount of strikers which he lists and says that there are one or two he has forgotten about! I am not sure what is the most worrying, his thought processes or his memory loss? Look forward to another Champions league qualifier next season. On a brighter note very impressed with Sanchez's commitment in every game so far and hopefully he will be one of our major matchwinners this season.

  152. Patrick

    Aug 29, 2014, 18:31 #56125

    Jamie, please stop degrading every discussion to wob and other such acronyms. There are really valid, sensible, thoughtful comments from people here. It doesn't mean people want Wenger out if they want an investment in a new striker. I fall in that camp. Such comments are making every single discussion about every single blog the same. I admire , value and am great for for every contribution Wenger (and all players, managers who have given me such joy following the arsenal). However I have my own opinions on how the club should improve which might be different to what is happening. They might be wrong- I'm no expert, but hey, I love having them and arguing in the pub each match day. It doesn't put me in a camp, or give me a label. We all the same, goners, and want the club to be better , but we all have different outlooks. It's really frustrating what happens with each of these discussions when people are labelled.

  153. AL

    Aug 29, 2014, 18:08 #56124

    F***, B********, C***! We have enough strikers.... ??? What about the spine of the team? 9 years and still no spine... One 'marquee' signing a year to keep the season tickets sold... But we are now ready to compete... Bunch of Arse! Mixed messages and I'm afraid another mixed bag this season...

  154. JAMIE

    Aug 29, 2014, 18:07 #56123

    The WOB's think football is so simple.Spend spend spend and then spend again,If only it was that easy.

  155. Martyn

    Aug 29, 2014, 17:51 #56122

    So Wenger says he has an 'unbelievable amount of strikers'. Well, Sanogo unproven, Campbell unproven and overlooked last season, Giroud injured long term, Walcott still injured, Podolski rarely picked and when he is it's out of position. Just leaves Alexis, who is certainly not an Ian Wright. I'm not suggesting getting the cheque book out for the sake of it but if there was ever a reason to buy real class in the forward position it's now. This side could be so good if only........!

  156. smithy

    Aug 29, 2014, 17:47 #56121

    Thanks for that.I thought it was odd.He played all pre season and then wasn't at the Emirates cup and hadn't been seen since.I don't like the player but could be better option than Arteta in the holding role?

  157. Hiccup

    Aug 29, 2014, 17:39 #56120

    Well spotted mg. I think Simon is in transition though. Hopefully it won't be a ten year transition like arsenal have been in. This site is full of Chelsea fans going on about buying footballers on a football blog. No wonder the disciples are upset. This site is not the place for such frivolity, and if we're not careful, we'll be driving out another shipload of players. The house rules should clamp down on this, and keep it strictly to making excuses up for wenger. Any advance on stashing cash for another 3 years for his successor to blow as he likes?

  158. Westlower

    Aug 29, 2014, 17:17 #56119

    @Smithy On the Arsenal website you'll see a photo of Diaby playing against WBA on Thursday. Joel Campbell, Bellerin & Coquelin also played. @Matthew Although Group D is tough, AFC are favourites with every bookie to win the group. Biggest price available is 6/5 with Paddy Power but only 9//10 with Ladbrokes. Obviously the bookies rate us better than the Dark Moonies do.

  159. Mathew

    Aug 29, 2014, 17:06 #56118

    We should go for Bony, cheaper alternatives can't help but economist Wenger won't sign someone like Falcao or Cavani. Dortmund, Anderlecht, Galatasaray....uff tough days ahead

  160. maguiresbridge gooner

    Aug 29, 2014, 16:54 #56117

    Hiccup, he did use the word Arsenal so he can't be a spud, and for the same reason can't be a WOB.

  161. Bard

    Aug 29, 2014, 16:40 #56116

    Jamie you're definitely Pete in disguise. Does it represent an identity crisis Pete/Jamie? Or do you have two lives? Its the military style that gives you away Jamie/Pete and the obedience mindset+ a bit of violence thrown in.

  162. Smithy

    Aug 29, 2014, 16:39 #56115

    I have no idea who Arsene will sign, if anyone, but am like all the others crossing my fingers for a ball winner and a hungry Striker.In terms of a striker Bony is a good fit but I am not sure he would pay 20-25 million for him.Falco would be brilliant but he won't go for it.we will all have to wait and see.On another Subject has anyone seen Miss Marple at the Grove, Looking into the disapearence of Diaby.This time it appears he is not injured but appears to be missing without trace? Anyone know?

  163. Eric Idle

    Aug 29, 2014, 16:26 #56114

    Always look on the bright side of have to when you have a manager who will make Sanogo the main striker for the rest of 2014

  164. Hiccup

    Aug 29, 2014, 16:19 #56113

    Come on. Who's the imposter writing this article? This ain't a Simon Rose piece with the SPEND SPEND SPEND hallmarks of a chav fan! Aren't you aware it's not the arsenal way to wish for top players to be bought? Surprised no has told you to clear off to the Lane? The sanogo piece was funny, but instead of forming an opinion, aren't we supposed to just put blind faith in wenger and hope he comes good like chamack and park did? Or at least reserve judgement until he runs down his contract and leaves for burnley?

  165. Man United Killer

    Aug 29, 2014, 16:17 #56112

    Some things will never change

  166. Pesho Saulov

    Aug 29, 2014, 16:01 #56111

    We've been here before, haven't we? Everyone knew Almunia wasn't good enough and that we needed a GK, nothing happened. Then, when all our DM left inn the same summer it was obvious w e needed at least one player in that role. the whole world expected us to sign a striker last summer. Wenger will NEVER humiliate himself by addressing the most obvious problem in the team. In two days time the manager of the decade will tell us there is no one available better than someone who has 0 competitive goals. Entertaining the thought of a new striker is a waste of time, the interesting articles are on the subject of how we will deal with the issue with the players available.

  167. tpm

    Aug 29, 2014, 15:26 #56110

    again @ west lower all those signing are good but bar sanchez they are replacments of what has left and less in number too. as for sanago just be quiet. anyone who has seen a minute of football knows this guy isnt and wont be good enough. peoples beef is the fact a club of our supposed, means, size and ambitions is relying on sanago as our backup striker. a player who has never scored, shown talent or played much football. people are not blaming the player, but the idiot who is putting is putting th player in such a position, which is unfair on sanogo. sanogo should be given run outs as a sub and brief introductions to the team or a loan deal to get expereince. not bu,bling around in key games as the sole striker for a champions league club. your defence of the indefencible is increasingly desperate and hilarious. i think people have a right to be disticntly concerned and underwhwlmed at how we have played thus far and how thin our squad is and the fact that key weaknesses still have not been addressed. if they get adressed in the last few days fine, but the precedent suggests that they wont be, as you know full well.

  168. JAMIE

    Aug 29, 2014, 15:05 #56109

    Too right Westie,Arsenal were always famed for giving the youngsters time.Nowadays if they haven't scored after being on the pitch for ten minutes.The big luvvies start Boo Hooing.I can see me twisting a few snouts and grabbing some wobbly wobby cheeks and shouting 'get a life loser'this season.

  169. Bard

    Aug 29, 2014, 14:41 #56108

    Jamie or Pete not sure which but uncannily similar writing. I dont think people are posting doom and gloom it more a debate and exchange about the possible transfers. You must agree that we wont compete if we dont sing a couple, maybe we will but history tells us more likely not. I like the dark moonie tag it has a macabre sound to it. What do you think of the use of the tag Lemmings to describe the AKBs and their uncritical idolatry.

  170. Westlower

    Aug 29, 2014, 14:29 #56107

    Let's credit the manager with some fantastic buys already in this transfer window. Debuchy, Chambers & Sanchez, all 3 bought for similar money it cost Manure for a winger. Let's see what else happens by Monday evening. We're like children waiting for Santa delivering our presents on Christmas eve. How quickly will some throw these new toys out of their pram when a new signing isn't an instant hit? @ WABATTD, For crying out loud give Sanogo a fair crack of the whip as he hasn't even completed 90 minutes as yet. Gooners were traditionally famed for their encouragement of young players, why the intolerance now?

  171. JAMIE

    Aug 29, 2014, 14:24 #56106

    Stop all this 'howling at the moon'you dark moonie radishes.The season has only just kicked off and you're defeated already.Save your grey faced chunterings till at least the end of the transfer window or our first defeat.

  172. maguiresbridge gooner

    Aug 29, 2014, 14:13 #56105

    Yes Simon our main objective for the season achieved, and another transfer window and even if it was at the start and not the end it still wouldn't give us much hope, and shouldn't you be referring to OGL and not Arsenal? I know you and others might think he is Arsenal (as he does himself) but he's not. We all know the drill alright to well we know exactly what to expect we've all been here before, chances and opportunities never taken and nothing will change with this old fraud in charge because he thinks he doesn't have to, and above that.

  173. tpm

    Aug 29, 2014, 13:59 #56104

    again @ westlower. who is demanding 3-4 di maria class players? again taking it too extremes to support your blind faith in the manager. we have plenty of money to spend, ringfenced transfer spend that wont impact the future solvency of the club. we should utilise what we have so we can do everything we can to succeed. at the moment we are not doing so. we can afford the likes of carvalho, a back up CB od the manolas ilk and a star striker. what youa lso neglect is the fact these players create income. fans get excited, buy merchandise, the disenfranchised become beliver again and are willing to spend money on aclub they see as having ambition, and to a lesser extent those expenseive players also repay their fees via greater on pitch success, and the financial rewards, greater exposure and sponsorship that brings.

  174. Born Gooner

    Aug 29, 2014, 13:51 #56103

    I like and respect your posts, Westlower, but I have to say that last one really is scraping the barrel as far as excuses go...

  175. ED LAWRIE

    Aug 29, 2014, 13:51 #56102

    A lot of clubs need a quality goal scorer. If the demand is a top quality one then the list is painfully thin and the list of available ones is beyond anorexic. FFS Drogba and Ballotelli still get a gig

  176. tpm

    Aug 29, 2014, 13:48 #56101

    @westlower, unbelivable the excuses some will go to to excuse the manager of not spenidng what is available to him. your point could be pulled apart in so many ways, but the main two are the fact that the united comparison is completely wrong. everyone has said that the problem with united is the underinvestment and lack of strenthening in the late fergie years, where the squad relied on ferguson to motivate a not great bunch of players. Moyes inherited an average bunch and without fergies skills couldnt get them to perform out of their skin. now the new men are having to splurge and pay overpriced fees as they are so short because the previous regimes neglected to spend. 2nd you convenintly assume the money we have now is all the money we have ever. what about the future income we earn, tv deasl every year, prize money, match revenue, player sales etc. we dont just have money each time sponsor ship is renewed for ffs, otherwise we would only spend ebvery 5 years, and that would only be the case if the sponsorships were front loaded, which they were not this time. your excuse for the manager is just daft and should be retracted.

  177. Westlower

    Aug 29, 2014, 13:41 #56100

    Total 5 year package for Di Maria is reportedly £113,000,000. For those of you demanding AFC buys 3 or 4 of similar quality, think on!

  178. Peter Wain

    Aug 29, 2014, 13:15 #56098

    everyone except the man who makes the decision knows we need a top class striker. any one who blieves wenger will sign a striker before Monday is deluded. the best we can hope for is this greek defender from Dortmund. I would not expect any other moves. If we were going to buy a striker wenger would have sold or loaned podolski. Don't worry come the end of the window we will still have £100m plus in our bank account.

  179. WeAreBuildingATeamToDominate

    Aug 29, 2014, 12:19 #56096

    Sanogo: those of you with long memories may recall Charlton Athletic's late 1980's striker Carl Leaburn, who took 98 games before he scored his first goal. We have our own Carl Leaburn.

  180. AMG

    Aug 29, 2014, 12:12 #56095

    I don't usually agree with you Simon, but I can't fault this article, first rate (if a little unoriginal). It comes to something when Arsene's supporters are shouting SPEND SPEND SPEND! Unquestionably a striker is needed and I'm glad you've emphasised that point.

  181. Westlower

    Aug 29, 2014, 11:53 #56094

    Has anyone ever thought that Wenger is looking ahead to the day he steps aside & he's unselfishly making sure the cupboard isn't bare when the next manager takes over? Every new manager needs a substantial transfer kitty to manufacture his own team. Just ask Manure fans the ongoing cost of changing managers. The one thing you can be sure of is that AFC won't be bankrupt with Wenger at the helm.

  182. Ozzie

    Aug 29, 2014, 11:28 #56092

    G'day Baddie, stranger things have happened. It wouldn't be the first time a dominant midfield has starved opposition strikers. It would be a sad day if the boy in us stopped dreaming, aye? Meanwhile let us deal with Leicester. As the yanks say: Never give a sucker an even break :-)

  183. BADARSE

    Aug 29, 2014, 10:55 #56091

    Ah, Athoz, you cynic you. I would enjoy that encounter, and be honest, so would you.

  184. Ozzie

    Aug 29, 2014, 9:35 #56089

    Real Madrid v Arsenal in a CL showdown: Rodriguez, Ronaldo, Bale & Falcao versus Campbell & Sanogo - hahaha - cant wait.

  185. Jan-Pierre JOLY

    Aug 29, 2014, 8:59 #56085

    I believe that Arsenal absolutely need a world-class striker like Edinson Cavani and a centre-back player like William Carvalho in order to reach the European dimension and being a serious contender for the Pemier Leage title. If we miss such signngs I doubt we can progress this season.

  186. Dream On..

    Aug 29, 2014, 8:58 #56084

    Dream On..

  187. Jezzer

    Aug 29, 2014, 8:21 #56082

    No chance of any world class additions and given Wenger's fear of the January window ,no chance then either. I totally agree about Sanogo nice chap but no where near a a top level striker he should have been loaned out to a championship side for a season and see if he develops. The squad has too many light weights in it to win serious trophies at the moment

  188. john hygiene

    Aug 29, 2014, 8:07 #56081

    monsieur stop and listen to the fans. Why? God bless who kicks from there. Gunners forever

  189. Ric Shaw

    Aug 29, 2014, 7:35 #56079

    I think that about sums it up Simon, we all hoped the Benfica game was the start of something . I think he should go out on loan to see if he can get scoring consistency. We still seem World class in getting injuries! As you say the danger is Wenger will underestimate his squad size and end up over playing people like Alexis Sanchez because of lack of top quality options. And he must get that defender and defensive midfielder if the Club is to cope with a successful and demanding seasion.

  190. CanadaGooner

    Nov 13, 2012, 1:47 #28086

    maguiresbridge gooner; mate, if I invoice arsenal, Wenger will have the excuse he needs to sell another player to Man City so he can reimburse me (and then line the board's pocket a little bit more). I hate to sound bitter, but anyone left thinking there's a light at the end of this tunnel? I dont have the answers, but seriously, something has to be done, this has really become utterly unacceptable!

  191. johnnyh

    Nov 12, 2012, 22:01 #28080

    you have summed up mine and i am sure a lot of other gooners feelings when you say you have stopped caring kev. thats the sad thing about it. i am totally sick of the useless goalkeepers,the lack of defensive organisation,the tippy tappy midfielders that wont shoot and the whinging excuses that come from our deluded manager. wenger has lost the plot and the club quite simply is screaming from the rooftops for a change.

  192. Justin

    Nov 12, 2012, 16:37 #28066

    I guess we could only blame those rich billionaires for our beloved Arsenal club to be in this state. We are financially incapable of matching with them, luring away our players with cash throwing in their faces. If those greedy player stayed, we could be challenging for the title and RvP would have stayed.

  193. Theo's Bikini-Line

    Nov 12, 2012, 16:06 #28065

    Fantastic post Derbygooner and I really feel for both you and your son. Alas I know from experience that something similar is happening at the homes of many life long gooner supporting families - including those fortunate enough to live in London and thus don't put in the effort you and your boy do.

  194. maguiresbridge gooner

    Nov 12, 2012, 14:31 #28052

    Yes Canada that's the problem we all have now paying out hard earned to travel to watch rubbish yourself more than most on this occasion as i'm sure it wasn't cheap at least a win would have made it worthwhile maybe you should invoice the club.

  195. Ken Dodd

    Nov 12, 2012, 14:23 #28051

    By jove,by jove what a beautiful day to look Wenger squarely in the eye and ask:''Have you considered divorcing your wife recently Arsene? Not looking too pretty these days is she!''

  196. DerbyGooner

    Nov 12, 2012, 13:32 #28047

    So, there you have it - barely a week ago I was compelled to respond to the article on indifference by saying I had to remain committed through the hurt and frustration for the sake of the junior Gooner. Then at just before 5:00pm on Saturday, the lad said 'you know what, I can't be bothered to care about The Arsenal anymore as they just keep letting us down each week'. This from a lad taught to know and love the Arsenal by successive generations and who has through no fault of his own been brought up in rural Derbyshire right on the northern frontier. So far from the comfort of N5 and like-minded gooners. The only lad to be a gooner for miles around, he has had to plough a lonely furrow at school since day one and shoulder the burden of his support with just my passion , drive and more recently anger to keep him company. A lad who makes it to mid-week home games with a nervous enthusiasm and a return home the wrong side of midnight; he was recently lifted and heartened by the comments of fellow gooners on the tube as we made our way to Cockfosters following the Schalke drubbing who praised and commended his commitment as a 'true supporter'. And now this. Having kept the candle alight for so long and so far from the spiritual home, to hear from the lad that he can't bear to care anymore is gutting. Thank you AFC. The mob in charge have so much to answer for - The Arsenal forms the basis of a common bond and shared experience which has been handed down through the generations and through which we re-affirm who we are. The bond is hanging by a thread. We are The Arsenal - the present incumbents ply their trade and are the current selected champions of our tribe. They carry our hopes and expectations forged by those who have gone before and made us what we are - The Arsenal. In consequence, we have high and exacting expectations and standards. The frustrations with the current state of affairs is for me doubly annoying becasue it was forseeable, avaoidable and can be remedied...but not, I fear, anytime always: COME ON YOU GUNNERS.

  197. CanadaGooner

    Nov 12, 2012, 12:00 #28036

    what a disappointing trip home for me. All that noise about our defense; same old crap! the players lack belief, well, how much more money do they need to buy back some belief. Pay me half their wages and I'll be a believer! is it not time we took the carling (capital one) cup really seriously???

  198. Croker

    Nov 12, 2012, 11:34 #28029

    If some generous benefactor gave £200million to Wenger to spend in the transfer market, would you trust him to(i)spend it on the right players needed by Arsenal right now?; and (ii)coach and organise them properly? No, me neither.

  199. allybear

    Nov 12, 2012, 10:48 #28022

    Mark from Aylesbury you are spot on. Im fed up hearing about the board etc as to me the blame is squarely on Wenger. This man is inept and tactically clueless. His latest interest is in Cavani of Naples,what does that tell you? While this man is in charge Arsenal will stagnate. Im glad i dont pay to watch that rubbish team!

  200. Graham Simons

    Nov 12, 2012, 9:45 #28014

    JB - I visited your ground twice last season and other than our lot - you're the only other home crowd I know of that regularly gets outsung by the away support. Just because your club has no ambition and is happy to make up the numbers - it doesn't mean we should follow suit. We are London's most successful club and we expect more especially given the prices we are expected to pay. If Wenger really wants us to be a midtable club - let's just go the whole hog and wise up - sack wenger, give Bould the job full time, cut season ticket prices in half then at least we wouldn't have an overpaid playing and management staff.

  201. chris dee

    Nov 12, 2012, 9:21 #28012

    Thanks to my brother working,I paid my first visit to the Emirates for a Premiership game this season. At 2-nil up despite not playing well,stupidly, I became confident, as I couldn't believe we would lose a 2 goal lead twice in a week. Surely the manager,his coaches,and the senior players would not let it happen after so many tame surrenders in the last few years.Was I wrong? Do bears s*** in the wood? Another perfect example of how we are kings of the surrender monkeys.We are without a doubt the most timid,frail,mentally feeble,easily intimidated and easily bullied team in the Premiership and we have been that way for a few years.If things don't go to plan ,if the oppostion don't lie down and die,the players shrink into a bunch of big girls blouses on the edge of a nervious breakdown.That often repeated but valid characteristic of succesful teams 'grit and determination' has slowly but surely been eliminated from our club.Where does the buck stop,because this has nothing to with not having 30 million to buy players,this is much more important than that.This is about the playing attitude and culture of the club and the image it projects to its fans,and at the moment it stinks. Arsene once said he would also look at his own performances if thing were not going well.Well Arsene are you having a good hard look at yourself in the mirror?

  202. mark from aylesbury

    Nov 12, 2012, 8:55 #28011

    One simple question for the Wenger lovers. If Fergie hadnt one a trophy for 2 seasons on the trot would you be surprised if he walked or was pushed upstairs? So why is it so wrong for us to question Wenger after 7 seasons paricularly with all the assets at his disposal. Top 4 teams have always put pressure on their managers and by now every previous Arsenal managers would have walked. The last 5 years of Wenger are a borderline disaster. Shame on him for raising objectives (finishing 4th) over trophies. 7 million a year for running a no glory investment trust for the board.

  203. Steve M

    Nov 12, 2012, 8:31 #28010

    @Ali Youre are so right.How many players have we sold to Barca and asked for a swap deal for their players?.No for Wengers its always been cash.If we had said to Fergie you can have RVP for £10m and Hernadez i think Fergie would have closed the deal.But Arsenal is all about cash in the bank.Sad but true

  204. Europa league here we come(we hope)

    Nov 12, 2012, 8:08 #28009

    @Robert fantastic post sums up the state of our club perfectly.But why have we the fans allowed it to happen?Wenger is not a good manager anymore he lives off his pre 2005 record.These are just some of the players he signed in the last 2 years Chamakh Squillaci Park Gervinho Santos its criminal.Its beyond a joke.I remember being in Cardiff in 2005 when we made fun of Utd fans after the Glaziers took them over.They have continued to be the dominent club in England we havent won a pot to piss in since.Yet Wenger gets paid more than Wenger,explain that.C'mon Gooners wake up and smell the coffee our club is on life support only Dr Usmanov can save us

  205. GaryFootscrayAustralia

    Nov 12, 2012, 7:55 #28008

    Mandy Dodd, you should never, ever be left alone in control of a blowtorch, you'd scorch yourself to ash.

  206. Wenger means clueless in French

    Nov 12, 2012, 7:31 #28007

    Time for the Gooner BSM AST and AISA to join together to get Wenger out.Having marches about ticket prices will change nothing.There will never be a better chance to get rid of Wenger.I always said Wenger wont walk voluntary or be sacked.He has to be forced out.And that means all the fans organisations have to BOYCOTT games.Thats the only way you get Wenger out.How long will Kroenke keep a manager with a stadium 50% empty.And let the stadium be half full of tourists and AKB's.If nothing is done now Wenger will be offered a new 4 year contract and we will have another 5 years of this dross.And the fans will only have themselves to blame.

  207. Ali

    Nov 12, 2012, 4:49 #28006

    Why didnt we sell RVP to United for money plus Berbatov or even Hernandez??? It shows the board and manager are just here for the money.

  208. Kevin

    Nov 12, 2012, 4:05 #28005

    There are a number of factors for our demise to mid table dross.... 1. Our old Board led by the old etonian buffoon Hill-Wood got greedy and went for a new 60,000 stadium when Highbury had persmission to be increased to 55,000, why? greed and egotism. When we moved we lost the intimidating atmosphere that was Highbury only equalled by Anfield,Old Trafford and Goodison. It was a true club of the people, now we have a ground where the tickets have priced a lot of the solid "working class" supporter outm we are very much a yuppy club with little or no soul. 2. The old board again led by Hill-Wood chosen to sell out to Kronke who never invests money into his sporting acquisitions, they are rarely successful and are just a money making collection for him. But the board all made huge profit from the sale and they didnt have to sell out to that "damn russian" as Hill-Wood said. Sadly we all know selling out to an oligarch is not perfect but in the scheme of things he was the true best ioptuon for our clubs, he would have invested money to keep our star players and bring in and compete for the best, we could be watching the likes of Mata, Hazard, Van Persie, Cesc, Nasri, Cazorla, Wilshire, plus a defence worthy of our club!!! 3. Wenger has been getting away with incompetant management for 8 years because so many fans keep living in the thoughts of the past and what "he did" in the first 6 years!! Since 2004 Wenger has systematically reduced our squad down from the quality of Bergkamp,Henry,Pires etc to the current 2nd raters (Wilshire, Cazorla, Ox exlcuded). 4. Change now will mean that we probably would bhave to wait for a couple of years for real improvement but it would still mean that money would have to be spent, but I would rather give it to someone like Moyes to spend as he gets players that work as a TEAM, give it to Wenger and we could get another Chamakh,Squillachi,Gervinho,Santos or further back Eboue,Cygan, Senderos etc etc ....!!

  209. Mandy Dodd

    Nov 12, 2012, 0:38 #28004

    You have to admit, in some cases, jb has a point. I know there are genuine passionate fans on here that may disagree but In sickness and in health and all that......

  210. BSM Dave

    Nov 12, 2012, 0:13 #28003

    JB, this goes a lot deeper than just fickle glory seeking supporters demanding to win silverware or "f ing off down the Bridge". We are the core support who are either being priced out or being asked to pay silly money for a crap product. We are the ones who see through the propaganda, and see that our club is being destroyed from the inside by the board and the manager.We want OUR Arsenal back. Not necessarily a hugely successful Arsenal although that would be nice. I could live with us being about Everton's level(no disrespect to them, they're my favourite team outside N5), but the club needs to see that the true fans just won't stand for being ripped off anymore.

  211. GaryFootscrayAustralia

    Nov 12, 2012, 0:02 #28002

    Interesting that JB should talk about "fickle fans". I wonder what Fulham's average crowd was at the cottage before Al - Fayed and Keegan showed up. I imagine fans of Oxford, Mansfield, Darlington, York, Luton, Plymouth etc. would have a thing or two to say about that.

  212. The Right Reverend Reginald Fraser Donaldson

    Nov 11, 2012, 23:52 #28001

    Some of the so called Gunners fans these days make me want to vomit. I have never in all my days following my beloved Arsenal met with such a sad bunch of glory hunting bafoons as I see posting on this site. Are we struggling to compete?Certainly not! We can still give most teams a good licking,including United who despite what the media say are still a poor route one outfit who relies on referees to get them out of trouble. Indeed this disgraceful black hat March which is planned will only go down to show the rest of the football circus,that we are disunited and a tard fickle. The only rudderless fools I can see are the so called Arsenal fans who follow the ridiculous views of the daily gutter press and fools like Durham and Brazil on Talk Cheap. Grow a back bone gooners and support the team not the media frenzy.It's oh so easy just to dwell on the negatives any old fool can do that. If Wenger goes who will replace him? Come on you fools! IM LISTENING.

  213. Robert

    Nov 11, 2012, 23:28 #28000

    What Wenger Gazidis and Kroenke are doing is killing our club for a generation and maybe even terminally.They are losing the fans like me of over 40 years i gave up my season ticket 2 years ago after having on for 30 years,they are losing youngsters who cant afford the sky high prices.The Soul-less bowl has been turned into a tourist attraction and a meeting place for the Cult Of Wenger followers.A once famous club now is famous for trying to finish 4th.Sod winning trophies the only thing that counts is the balance sheet.Wenger Gazidis and Kroenke have staged a bloodless coup of our great club while the supporters have just sat back and watched it happen.There's going to be a march so what 4 years too late mate.The horse has bolted.Do you think Kroenke will even know there is a march? I doubt if i will ever go to to Soul-less bowl again.Keith Burkenshaw the most succesful Spuds manager since the 60's said as he left the ground after resigning"There used to be a football club there" There used to be a football club at Highbury now we are a club without a soul.The new stadium is a monument to greed.Built to compete with Barcelona Real Madrid Chelsea and Man Utd.Dont make me laugh.It was built to make rich people even richer.Arsenal football club RIP

  214. El Bodgeo

    Nov 11, 2012, 23:21 #27999

    Cheer up troops, take another look at the table. Just 5 points off 15th. I distinctly recall that idiot say he wouldn't be around if we finish 15th. Don't you see? 15th is like winning a trophy! It's better then 4th! At least it still gives us something to play for right?

  215. maguiresbridge gooner

    Nov 11, 2012, 22:20 #27998

    Push the boat out for schwarzer ? some chance that would be admitting defeat that the little darlings he already has are not good enough even though we all know they're not.Where to start ? how many times has that question been asked and will be again.The question we'd all like the answer to is where is it all going to end.Arsene said we gave away cheap goals really ? really ? whats new ? are you only realising that now ? do some thing about it then like letting your assistant earn his money.Whats all this crap about players losing confidence jesus we're only a handful of games into the season they're professional footballers living the dream and playing for a great club like arsenal and earning the kind of dough we can only dream about i know what they want a good kick up the arse every day if only we had somebody to do it we're leaderless alright not only on the pitch but from top to bottom. Where i was sitting there was a hell of a lot more than friction fans that have been less vocal were letting rip they've realised and more are beginning to that something is wrong and has been for a while.Your dead right kev we're so used to mediocrity and that we've become immune even mates have stopped taking the piss i guess their used to it to.Sad sad.

  216. David the Price is Ian Wright Wright Wright!

    Nov 11, 2012, 22:15 #27997

    *******g Akb's spouting their bile. Blind guys, can't you see what everyone else can? Wenger's pseudo 'shift of power' grand design is finished. He should stand down and take an advisory post within the club, but with no influence on football matters whatsoever. That withstanding, retire and leave it to SAF to chase the glory. Man U are now very serious contenders again, like we didn't know already. Every year they signal their intent. Getting RVP was a serious coup for them. We in sharp contrast don't even have a noted goalkeeper. The two young keepers we have should be understudies to a top international keeper. That's where we start. We haven't then even begun, IT'S A DISGRACE. Corneshop mentality abounds. Wenger's modus operandi is seriously flawed. What's wrong with a meritocracy? Instead of his happy medium policy of a pool of average players all happy to plod on. We are not just any football club that accepts it's status as some idiots allude to, and that we 'should go quietly' to obscurity, and be grateful. ***k**s! Why the hell did we leave Highbury, if not to have grand plans of reaching football's pinnacle. All that is now dust, overseen by the architect of the grand idea. Wenger and Kroenke out!

  217. Fozzy's mate

    Nov 11, 2012, 21:47 #27995

    Chris - you know my complaint. The ever growing unused cash mountain. If that had been utilised as it should be to strengthen our playing staff I would be happy. Instead we choose to tie one arm behind our backs.

  218. Chris

    Nov 11, 2012, 21:41 #27994

    @PerryG, Kevin Whitcher etc - what's all this "when we can compete again"? Unless you hae started supported Arsenal in the Wenger era (which I know you haven't, in Kevin's case at least) you'll have experienced worse times than this in that regard. Your legitimate complaint should be about the money you are paying you watch games - that would be fair enough but you can't complain about Arsenal 'not competeing'. That has hardly been a given since I (arbritrarily) decied Arsenal was 'my' team in 1977....

  219. jj

    Nov 11, 2012, 21:33 #27993

    I love all these fans of other clubs and Wenger apologists in the media telling us we have no right to complain. It's ok for the chav's to change their manager every ten minutes though. F*** off and mind your own business.

  220. Simon f

    Nov 11, 2012, 21:26 #27992

    Listened to the managers interview after and talks about great spirit at coming back and I am all for talking positive. However we have let two goal leads slip in consecutive games. I would therefore prefer a comment like "our defending was poor, our zonal marking is not working and we are going to work much harder at solving this problem".

  221. John Abrehart

    Nov 11, 2012, 21:24 #27991

    Listening to the Five Live summariser at the match, Danny Mills(?) he said that we were defending to the 'Zonal Marking' system, which is outdated and will not work in today's football. Is that Steve Bould's influence or has Wenger over ruled him? If it is Bould's what has changed since Pat Rice? The body language between Wenger and Bould does'nt look good, is this affecting the team? There should be a football man on the Board to sort this out but there isn't.

  222. Jack

    Nov 11, 2012, 20:46 #27988

    I agree with the Fulham fan JB.the supporters of Arsenal are the most pathetic in the premiership and yes I am an Arsenal fan.Constantly whinging if things are not going right.I support the Arsenal through thick and thin.Most people on this site just want Arsenal to be another souless money pot like Citeh the Chavs or Manure run by the Russian Usmanov.You think protesting through the black scarfers is the way to go.No Way!Get behind the team and stop crying like a bunch of school girls.

  223. essex gooner

    Nov 11, 2012, 20:44 #27987

    like so many here ive not got worked up by any of our last few games its the same old story go a head then conceed.there is no pace in the team , no ball winners ive had enough i just want the arsenal back that came out of the gloom of the mid 80s .remember the night games at highbury the atmosphere was electric ARSENE GO NOW ............

  224. johnnyhawleyloovinggooner

    Nov 11, 2012, 20:13 #27985

    are there no AKBs left?does everyone now not think the emperor has no clothes? the reason everyone keeps harping on about the 1980s is because that is how it looks and feels;a team unable to win anything and too good to go down,and just sold two marquee players,if we loose to the tots next week will AW still be here,will we have a bitter,bitter end to a man we bulit a statue to whilst he was still at the club and still alive?

  225. Firestarter

    Nov 11, 2012, 20:03 #27984

    I am just waiting for Wilshire to have a good season & that will be another sale made to balance the books. I gave up 3 years ago & rent my ticket out. Roll on another cracking season

  226. ATID

    Nov 11, 2012, 19:59 #27983

    The editor expresses views held by many. Twenty five years ago I might have been using the industrial language but now I just sit there in the same state as at least one other poster "deflated". Some posters have asked why Gooners who express such negative views about AW still go to games. Well perhaps it is because they are passionate about the Club they support, are not interested in supporting any other club and are patient enough to wait for the good times to return. The history of our club also tells us that all great managers come and go. Perhaps now we are seeing the beginning of the end for the most recent of our great managers. The games are therefore just as interesting as those when a great manager is in his early days but not so enjoyable.

  227. Rocky RIP

    Nov 11, 2012, 19:06 #27982

    JB - in one respect you are right, some of our supporters, especially at home games, make me sick too. Arriving late/leaving early and sitting on their hands all game. Ocassionaly moaning. No real support for the team. HOWEVER, you clearly can't see that many fans have an entirely legitimate beef with the club. It's not purely based on results. Anyone who turns they back on their beloved club until results improve is as you point out a rubbish fan. (Fair enough if it's for financial reasons.) Many of us have lived through worse times, but there wasn't a feeling of being fleeced back then by a club that had become disengaged from its core fans. We used to be run by football men, and vitally Arsenal men. ALSO, if you want to compare your away support with ours, which is nothing short of OUTSTANDING, then you are seriously mistaken. Our away support is immense in terms of numbers and noise, can you honestly say the same wherever you travel? Please don't lump as all into 'you lot' like we don't care like you do because we're fickle, because that's utter horse sh**. We just want our club to match our ambitions and show proper direction that isn't based on personal greed.

  228. fozzy's mate

    Nov 11, 2012, 18:15 #27981

    Aur revoir - one thing that has been astounding and I thought impossible is that Bouldy leaves the "Pat Rice Velcro lounge" aka the bench less than sun lounger did. When we need our leaders firing the team on they sit there with OGL occasionally stumbling forward flapping like Basil Fawlty. At one point I berated Dowd with the old cry of "ref your own Fergies payroll." The guy who sits in front of me said you better change that to "Pullis payroll."

  229. GoonerGoal!

    Nov 11, 2012, 18:09 #27980

    @Chris… Surely calling people who disagree with you 'childish' only serves to emphasise your own inability to hold opposing views in your mind, but I for one do understand your predicament. You have long nailed your colours to the Wenger mast and as his ship slips below the grey waters of mediocrity, and now while grasping at straws to try to keep the Wenger ship afloat, you are also striking out at the people who have been telling you this would happen for the past three or four years. Your sense of denial will probably not allow you to admit the long awaited Revolution has begun, but even the “In Arsene We Trust…” banner was absent on Saturday. Be happy, fear the Revolution and the sinking of the Wenger ship, “for in that sleep of death what dreams may come.” VIVE LA REVOLUTION!

  230. Gooner Dave

    Nov 11, 2012, 17:39 #27979

    Not sure if this might have been said earlier, but I think Ramsey got booked for an attempted foul that the ref played the advantage to, about 30 seconds earlier, when a Fulham attack down their rhs was attempted to be stopped by what looked like to me Ramsey trying pull down the shorts of the Fulham player with the ball.

  231. Jude

    Nov 11, 2012, 17:36 #27978

    Coquelin wasn't a world beater yesterday, but bringing on Ramsey is useless. His pirouette "trick," followed by getting dispossessed and pulling at the opposition's shirt is all the bloke has to offer. We've seen the extent of his talent. Time to sell the tosser.

  232. Tony Evans

    Nov 11, 2012, 17:00 #27977

    I share your immunity to it all now, Kevin. I had the radio commentary on yesterday (God knows why) and the last minute penalty sums up exactly how I feel about Arsenal now under Wenger. Normally I would have been pacing around the room, praying for the ball to go in, usually with a gut feeling that it wouldn't! Yesterday I was completely calm and actually laughed my head off when Arteta missed. That's what Wenger has done to a 40 years plus fan.

  233. chrisy boy

    Nov 11, 2012, 16:51 #27976

    with Diaby out till January, ( so much for 3 weeks wenger ) it makes the selling of song just as stupid to that of that dutch scumbag to man utd. There is no proper cover for the back 4. Vieira was such a great player but even he had Petit or Gilberto behind him doing the donkey work, those players are worth there weight in gold but do we have one at the club( thats fit) . If the russian was to take over which i hope he does im not sure i trust wenger to spend the money on the right players. One statement that came from the corridors of power yesterday is that stan will be here for the next 2 years until all the new sponsership deals are in he will then take his money ( the clubs money ) and run no doubt with a huge profit. It was only 2 years ago lady bracewell smith walked away with £80 million, these people are just in it for the money how did the likes of hill-wood and ken friar let this happen unless they are on the take as well ! ! Make your own mind up on that. WE WANT OUR ARSENAL BACK

  234. jjetplane

    Nov 11, 2012, 16:16 #27975

    I remember standing in numerous boozers (remember them) when everyone would give it the big shhhhhsh 'cause the french er bloke was going to speak. I did not believe or like him then and I am sure others felt the same. It was the players (giants remember them) that we loved. I doubt many would now shhhhsh the/a oirish theme bar when the economist spouts his **** about anything but reality.

  235. Nutty's Right Peg

    Nov 11, 2012, 16:09 #27974

    I used to sit upper tier front row east stand at dear old Highbury, I recall standing on the ledge at the front, singing my head off with all the others, "we are unbeatable". Where did it all go wrong ? Remember the time we had four players in the side who would've walked into any side in the world ? Henry, Vieira, Bergkamp and Pires. I've been going long enough to remember how it all went wrong with Georgeous George, & somehow all the good he did gets lost in the way he left the club. There is fast becoming a danger that Wenger will follow a similar journey. Everytime Wenger's face appears on the screen I find myself instinctivly saying "seven million a year". It's like the editor says, you get to the stage where you're past getting angry at the way the club have been allowed to slide. Maybe missing out on Europe altogether next season would be a blessing. I'm a season tkt holder who, for family reasons has been unable to attend for a couple of seasons now, and thus my seat is "out on loan" at present. My view is fans who do attend the soul-less bowl we left the home of football "to compete" for, should boycott any food/drink, merchandise etc & hit the board where it hurts the most. I love my club, but I detest the way it's being run, by people who will be long gone when the rest of us are still around,caring & supporting the club.

  236. 1971 Gooner

    Nov 11, 2012, 16:02 #27973

    I've just finished a book about the 2008 global financial crisis. It was a long time coming, but when it did come it was apocalyptic. I feel the same way about our great club. For seven years we could all see the signs: selling top players, replacing them with inferior replacements, subtly downgrading our aspirations (4th place trophy etc.) and not investing in key positions. I don't want us to fail, but I think it will take a 8th / 9th place finish for the club to reset ourselves properly. We are The Arsenal, the true fans will always love the club but the current leadership is broken.

  237. Stevesam

    Nov 11, 2012, 15:50 #27972

    On any previous occasion when we won the league or cups we have always had a top class keeper who was also a leader and character to command the defence. Since I have been a supporter I have seen great keepers, Wilson, Jennings, Lukic, Seaman and Lehmann. A big problem for our defence at the moment is that they cannot trust the keeper. Mannone has cost us goals at Norwich, Shalke and yesterday against Fulham. A top goalie keeps you in the game and on occasions makes saves to win matches. A club like Arsenal should not be starting games with a third rate keeper. We shall not win anything whilst we have a liability in goal that lacks experience or decent coaching. Is Chesney world class ? Next week we play a team with 4 reasonable keepers, Friedel, Lloris, Cudicini and Gomes.You are correct Kev, AW was negligent not to sign Schwarzer, add that to the AW list of major mistakes. I would hate to be playing in any defence with a dodgy keeper behind me.

  238. Bard

    Nov 11, 2012, 14:12 #27970

    Couldnt agree more Kev. I cant even get steamed up by results like yesterday. Wenger's excuses get more and more fantastical and his demeanour more Basil Fawltylike. He needs to be put out of his misery. The irony of Schwarzer saving the penalty was almost laughable.

  239. Mark Mywords

    Nov 11, 2012, 14:11 #27969

    You are very optomistic Kev if you think we will finish just two points out of CL qualification.We will finish 6th at best.We were sh*t last season but we had RVP.Talking of RVP he will join the growing list of players that have won something having left us.Podolski scored yesterday but his is as lazy as **** and again didnt finish the 90

  240. t_boy 69

    Nov 11, 2012, 14:05 #27968

    The state of my team at the moment makes me hope that games are played half empty, however with so many season ticket holders and red & silver members how bought there tickets well in advance, to boycott games is really mugging your self off! I say to all 'BOYCOTT ALL CLUB PROGRAMMES, FOOD AND REFRESHMENTS WHILST IN THE GROUND!!..."We want change"

  241. Ramgun

    Nov 11, 2012, 13:58 #27967

    I don't want Wenger spending any more of the club's money. He cannot be trusted. Perhaps a miracle will happen and someone else will get to spend it!

  242. DW Thomas

    Nov 11, 2012, 13:55 #27966

    Watching the game yesterday I just felt deflated. Even if Arteta had scored at the end we would have needed a dodgy penalty to win. Wenger is a total liability it seems as coach. He throws on Ramsey to try and win the game? It's his fault his bench is filled with Djourous and Chamakhs. Yet maybe even the dross mut do well under another boss. One thing that is completely clear is this team has little to no heart or grit. No leadership from the manager, players, owner, or board. Sinking ship again and again. And then we get spin like the Berbatov comment. You think Fergie would have sold him to us?

  243. redfox

    Nov 11, 2012, 13:50 #27965

    Great read and great quote "Freedom of expression is presumably ok as long as the language isn’t industrial". lol David Moyes, anyone?

  244. Treble Double

    Nov 11, 2012, 12:41 #27964

    Unbelievable performance! Er hold on, no it wasn't, it was totally believable and so typical of this Arsenal team. Our defending is getting worse and I fully expect us to conced more than last seasons 49 goals. I couldn't believe it when we were 2 up as I thought we had started so slowly, but hey I wasn't about to start complaining although that it was I spent the rest of the game doing. For me the game hinged on slack play from Kos who lost the ball (after Coq had won it so well) about 30 yards out. This resulted in Fulham's first goal which then set the cat amongst the proverbial pigeons. It is one thing to lose a 2 goal lead away in the Champs leg to a half decent German team ( although that is still not acceptable) but to go 3-2 down to Fulham at home after being 2 up shows what our new level is. Defensively we are a shambles and have been for years. Arteta who is usually reliable had a bad day at the office and although I would never get on his back for missing the penalty he never looked confident. Surely when taking a last minute penalty you should just put your laces through the ball and get it on target! If we would have won it would just have papered over the ever increasing cracks. Like the editor I am starting to become immune to these type of results but I low that nothing will change. AW has said that yesterday showed our fighting spirit! That has to be the scariest thing about yesterday. He should be laying into the way the team defends but he won't. I don't think he will even do it behind closed doors on the training pitch because he still believes in this team. We should be putting out the strongest side possible for all League cup matches this season to try and salvage something from a season that many have already written off. Anyone confident that we will make the 4th place trophy this season? Anyone confident that we will definitely qualify for the knock out stages in Champs lge? Anyone confident we will win the FA Cup? The only thing I'm confident about is that nothing will change in the immediate future. My season ticket costs a grand and it is in the cheap seats. Ever felt you've been cheated? The front cover of The Gooner summed it all up for me as I sat on the tube on the way home....Deserve Better.

  245. Moscow Gooner

    Nov 11, 2012, 12:32 #27963

    JB if you truly are a Fulham supporter please don t try to compare our clubs or their support. Has there ever been a season since you entered the league when your attendance reached even 50% of ours? Even if were in the Conference we d be pulling in bigger crowds than you. Your away support is numbered in the hundreds. Your songs are all cover versions from the Lane. The Cottage regularly finishes in the relegation zone as far as Premiership atmosphere is concerned. You pay nothing for your tickets. Go on the Leyton Orient and Brentford blogs - that s your natural level - and leave us alone in our private grief.

  246. Frank

    Nov 11, 2012, 12:29 #27962

    If the BSM want their march to be a success they have to do two things.1. Make it a pro Usmanov march.He is the only alternative to Kroenke.Its no good asking for a change of the board but not backing Usmanov.2.Time to get off the fence a demand Wenger goes.Enough is enough.An owner like Usmanov can bring in a Guardiola or Mourinho Kroenke can never do that

  247. Paddy StandUp

    Nov 11, 2012, 12:24 #27961

    @JollyJumper I like the fact my fanzine tries to reflect the entire cross section of the fanbase and does not have an agenda. There may be some contributors (including the Editor) who have a strong opinion on the managers future, but they articulate it well and don't try to ram it down my throat and claim that anyone who disagrees with them is wrong. Contrary to what many people may believe on here, the majority of fans DO NOT want Wenger out. I think The Gooner's survey during the summer proved this point when less than one in five fans voted for him to go now. I appeciate this may have increased since the survey was carried out, but I doubt very much it's reached 50% yet. Perhaps it will in the coming weeks, but until it's up at 80-90%, I would't want this website or the fanzine to be taking a stance which alienates a large pecentage of it's readership and I'm sure the Editor and his team have thought of this. By all means give people the opportunity to state their view and I'm sure the BSM march on 1st December will get promotion on here nearer the time (in fact The Gooner's Twitter account said they will have someone from the BSM on their next podcast and their latest front cover colour scheme suggests they have some sympathies with the BSM motives).

  248. Doom and Gloom

    Nov 11, 2012, 12:13 #27960

    @SevenKingsGooner Totally agree the BSM march will be a waste of time if the marchers go into the ground.Its like potesting about your local supermarket then going in and buying your food in there.Also as long as they say it is not a Wenger Out march it wont have my support.Wenger is in with the board.Who honestly believes anything the board do doesnt have the backing of Wenger.The only thing that Kroenke Gazidis and Wenger will listen to is a boycott nothing else.A march will change nothing

  249. PerryG

    Nov 11, 2012, 12:11 #27959

    @Website Editor,Point taken. You can also understand why i wont go again until we change our course of direction. I refuse to hand over money when it wont go into improving the team, not lining some bigwigs pocket.

  250. Big Dave

    Nov 11, 2012, 12:07 #27958

    You should be promoting the 1st December Demo stop hiding behind a keyboard

  251. Chris

    Nov 11, 2012, 12:03 #27957

    @Wengers legacy - sadly for you and your ilk, the majority of fans of other teams around the country see you the same way. Calling people who disagree with you 'clueless AKBs' only serves to emphasise your childish inabilty to hold opposing views in your mind.

  252. James

    Nov 11, 2012, 12:00 #27956

    @JB Do you pay a grand for your cheapest season ticket at Fulham?.No you f**king dont.Is Fulhams wage bill £135m?.Do Fulham make £40m profits every year?Thats why we demand more.We love our club like you love yours but we are being ripped off every season

  253. Joe S.

    Nov 11, 2012, 12:00 #27955

    Remember the summer pantomime when Wegner would dismiss the need for a class midfielder by rambling long lists of the top class players already on Arsenal's books. Those realists amongst us were aware that this was spin and there was very little quality in that list. All the while some trusting fans were saying as recently as last month that we had the best midfield in the EPL. Now the lack of quality has really come back to haunt. The main problem is that this present squad has been constructed in an ad hoc manner with too many similar players beeing recruited because of their cut price worth and not for being amongst the best in their positions.As a result there are too many similar types on the team, many of whom are being played out of position Thus the balance of the team is all wrong. This could take years to reverse. Look at Liverpool. At least the people at Anfield are aware of their hole and openly admit that a lot of work needs to be done before they will be ready to challenge for the big prizes.

  254. Seven Kings Gooner

    Nov 11, 2012, 11:54 #27954

    The club are "rudderless" from board room to the football team. The BSM march on Dec 1st will be meaningless if all those taking part then go in to watch the game. I will not attempt to go back to watching Arsenal until we get a proper football man as chairman, if that means Dein then so be it. What so many people forget is that this is a deliberate destruction of our club and the hunger for success has gone. All businesses refelect their owner's attitude - I rest my case!

  255. Gare Kekeke

    Nov 11, 2012, 11:45 #27953

    Another good article Kevin. The only positives for me were Giroud, now adapting very nicely and the much-maligned Walcott. How ironic that some of his best performances are at the tail end of his Arsenal career. What’s that I hear some Gooners say? Walcott will sign the contract? Didn’t you say the same thing about Van Persie a year ago? And look what happened there. A few Gooners like me who do regularly attend games recently mentioned that old bad defensive habits had gradually crept back into our game and as you said Kevin, they are back with a bang. Looks like the rumours of a Wenger-Bould falling out actually has some substance. But I’ll be fair and say it’s just rumours. Nothing more. So in the league alone, its two wins from six, one clean sheet in eight and seven points at Ashburton Grove already dropped, although granted three were against the European champions. Agree with you Kevin on Arteta. How strange that its five years since we last bought a defensive midfielder and him (Lassana Diarra) only lasted four months because of a lack of game time. Well that and Wenger’s desperation to keep an in-form Flamini at the club by playing him every week. Not that it will happen anytime sooner or later for that matter but the club is need of new direction, fresh ideas and a new impetus which for me can come from Usmanov. His vast wealth is not important. We have plenty of cash reserves for the squad as it is. It won’t come from the DDT or MSS. How can some Gooners think MSS is worth £2m pa plus his hefty six-figure bonus amazes me? But there you go. For me, changes needed at boardroom level as well the manager. Roll on Tottenham next week. If like me, you’re going, just don’t sing any anti-Semitic songs otherwise the Society of Black Lawyers will come down on you quicker than a bucket of KFC at Andre Santos’ house. Up The Arsenal!

  256. Wengers legacy

    Nov 11, 2012, 11:40 #27952

    This JB lad seems to be a clueless AKB(no surprise there) in the disguise of a Fulham supporter

  257. Remember who you are, what you are, and who you represent

    Nov 11, 2012, 11:32 #27951

    There's certainly trouble a - brewing when a consistently solid performer such as Arteta has a shocker, especially as there didn't appear to be anyone else capable of picking up the slack for Mikel during his only off day for the club so far.

  258. Gooner87

    Nov 11, 2012, 11:25 #27950

    I personally have to say that I have always been a staunch defender of Arsene Wenger and the way we operate as a whole. I used to be one of those fans who used to think who could do a better job...but firstly its not the job of the fans to pick the next manager and surely when Arsene Wenger was appointed he was by no means an outstanding favourite or an abvious choice. We are preached too everyday but the overall picture with the spending power of other clubs etc however this argument is eroded by two simple facts... 1. ranking wise and statistically we are the 6th biggest club in Europe (must be the same people who they do the Fifa rankings) 2. We have the 4th highest wage bill in the premiership, and bar the other 3 who have the best 3 teams/ squads on paper Man City, Chelsea and United we for all our financial prudence do not have the 4th best team injuries or no injuries permitted. Everything about Arsenal is stagnating and Cesc alluded to that himself when he left. My choice is simple even if we continued with our policy...there is only one man doing the same sort of job, but on actual "budget" and who is actually "overachieving" David Moyes!!!

  259. JB

    Nov 11, 2012, 11:22 #27949

    Fickle fans. Yes you're team isn't as good as it was but the ups and downs are why you support football teams. Read back over your comments here and tell me your not all glory hunters. I'm a Fulham fan and watched us go down to division 3. That's way more painful than dropping out of the champions league, but I still went and supported my club each week. Frustration I can understand but staying away until they start winning? You lot make me sick. There are 16 other clubs in the prem that would love to be in your shoes, making the champions league each year. If you lot sang at home or made any kind of atmosphere maybe you'd see more of a reaction from the team. You lot are definitely the worst supporters in the league.

  260. JollyJumper

    Nov 11, 2012, 11:14 #27948

    Kevin, Gooner and OnLine Gooner, step up and lead the demande, the riot for a new manager, new director, new board, new owner. You get the position, knowledge and credibility to initiate that. I agree with PerryG. = we are not a football club any more. 7 - 8 years is a long time to be patient. Come on Arsenal FC!

  261. Website Editor

    Nov 11, 2012, 11:10 #27947

    PerryG - I attend matches because part of this gig is to write about them, and you get a better impression of a game in the flesh than on the TV. It's why war correspondents report from the front line rather than an office in London. If i did not have this obligation, then i would certainly be less inclined to go.

  262. Dan h

    Nov 11, 2012, 11:07 #27946

    Worse start to a season since 82/83 where after 11 games we had 14 points damning statistic.For yesterday only saw brief highlights positive display from Giroud will thrive if given crosses but also decent bustling run & shot.No need to comment on the Fulham goals anyone that can't see what's glaringly wrong with especially the 1st goal really shouldn't waste their time watching Arsenal 100% down to the system we use & the man that implements it.Fortunate award of a penalty to us the managers reaction on Arteta missing looked like a man under extreme stress/shock outward nothing but inside disbelief i would guess.With imo only Szczesny,Gibbs & Wilshire to come back in to improve the team it really shows our lack of decent depth.The club lists 10 first team midfielders on the .con.Two Rosicky & Diaby passengers over a season appearance wise will never get an injury free run.Frimpong so good he's listed twice 2x serious knee injuries & unproven.Wilshire 17 months out due to overplaying who knows how his body will cope pressure already on him to carry us.Ramsey pre Stoke looked a talent serious injury fair to say has struggled big time.Some claim we cannot compete with the big three clubs we have only taken a point from those three fixtures.What then can we excuse for displays against Sunderland,Fulham & even QPR at home let alone Norwich away.Teams no longer need to come to us & defend & hope just as likely to get a result by positive play.Cut away the top three anyone can beat anyone it seems we have fallen a long way in terms of quality replacing class players with inferior replacements it was always going to go this way.Could we still come 4th possibly there is a lot of average teams in this league of which we are one.We come in the top 4 & still sell our best players so what would really change at present if we miss out?Next week the NLD a game where both teams have regularly blown 2 goal leads & a game that will even get the negative amongst us stirred anything could happen.I have seen this before at our club but this is a real steady slow decline & the buck stops with OGL & the buck is all that matters to the owner time for a change it has run it's course.

  263. Peter Wain

    Nov 11, 2012, 10:49 #27944

    With a lack of quality in the squad yesterday was a god point. This lot will not win anything and we will probably finish lower mid table. This is a testament to the appalling transfer dealings in the last 3 to 5 years. We may not have much money to spend but we sure have wasted a lot.

  264. Don

    Nov 11, 2012, 10:48 #27943

    Yesterday was a match betweeen two mid table teams with ambitions of qualifying for the Europa league.There was nothing between them.This is the Arsenal of 1983-86.Nothing sums up Wenger better than when asked why they didnt go after the excellent Berbatov he said he didnt know he was available.Thats why we pay him £7m a year.As for Schwartzer we could still sign him in jan he is younger than Friedel and one of the top 5 in the country and is the type of keeper the still raw Szczesny could learn off and he could play for 18 months then give him a job as goalkeeping coach.We wont finish 4th this year Everton will

  265. Redhead Kingpin and the FBI

    Nov 11, 2012, 10:44 #27942

    Wenger is inspector clueless not le professor..Change is needed from boardroom to playing squad..Another 2 goal lead whittled away by a porous defence..Wenger is playing his last notes on the grand piano

  266. Zbizz

    Nov 11, 2012, 10:36 #27941

    Non industrial language protest songs We can't defend We can't defeeeeeend We are the Arsenal And we can't defend We'll let you score We'll let you scooooore We are the Arsenal And we'll let you score Top four is not silverware, Top four is not silverware. Top four is not silverware, Top four is not silverware. Not insulting, just hopefully a stadium full singing them might at least shame us into defending - or winning something!

  267. Graham

    Nov 11, 2012, 10:35 #27940

    I'm with you Kev i dont care anymore.I just want Wenger out.I thought we would finish 4th not because we are any good but because are opponents were not good.I have changed that opinion.We wont finish top 4 because we are not good enough.Anyone who thought the deadwood had gone in the summer think again.In the pub watching the game yesterday we were saying who can we sell to get our £40m in next summer.Gone are the days when we could sell a Vieira Henry Nasri Cesc and RVP to boost the profits.At least i can say the club is not getting any of my money.

  268. Perryashburtongroves

    Nov 11, 2012, 10:31 #27939

    Good points, as usual, Editor. It's getting harder and harder to care about the poor performances or defeats because there seems no way out and as you say, you know another one is coming up soon. Under Wenger, we're like a punch-drunk boxer, staggering around convinced that all he needs is one lucky shot to convince the world that he's still a contender when all he's doing is walking into the next mauling. What leads to many fans feeling immune or numb to the dross is that this team just aren't likable. There are no crowd favourites, no blood and thunder, die for the shirt types who fans can feel close to. They are a mirror image of their creator- dull, boring, predictable, uninspiring and bland. It's hard to feel surprised by something going wrong when you've been let down so many times before.

  269. WeAreBuildingATeamToDominate

    Nov 11, 2012, 10:12 #27938

    Why should we be surprised? Fulham are about our equals right now. Another nail in OGL's coffin. Hopefully.

  270. au revoir wenger

    Nov 11, 2012, 9:56 #27937

    well it seems Steve Bould is another Pat Rice.get back in your box Bouldy

  271. PerryG

    Nov 11, 2012, 9:56 #27936

    Kevin, i have to ask why you still go to the games? The board love fans like yourself who keep on paying their money and, in their eyes, endorse this rubbish served up for years now. I'll go back to support the team when we become a football club again. I.e investing in a team which can compete and not just make the CL every season. I cant blame the fans for getting angry and frustrated but the best way to bring a change is to boycott the games. You can scream till your blue in the face but money talks

  272. Jed

    Nov 11, 2012, 9:51 #27935

    Kevin, I agree with all of this. It would be great to spend some of that money but at the end of the day would you really trust Wenger to organise and motivate any squad of players properly?

  273. Dandy Mod

    Nov 11, 2012, 9:49 #27934

    The usual groundhog day stuff. Giroud scores with 2 headers? Only Wenger could buy a striker whos strengths are in an area where Wengers sides (good and bad) have been dismal at! We all know he'll not see another cross this side of Xmas. Next 3 games v Spuds, & Villa & Everton away will be very interesting! Beginning of the end? Let's hope so! 1st December demo here we come