The Theo predicament

To go or not to go?

The Theo predicament

Theo Walcott has played the role of the number one Arsenal enigma for football pundits and Gooners alike since his arrival at the club. His ability and potential have never been in doubt throughout his tenure at the Arsenal, but his level of production has consistently wavered, leaving question marks over his value to the club.

The basic situation is that Theo's contract is due to expire at the end of the current season and that, if he does not renew his contract or is sold à la RvP, he will leave as a free agent. Currently, there seems to be a lockdown over contract talks, as AW seems reluctant to play Theo until the issue is resolved whilst Theo is unwilling to sign a contract until he knows he features prominently in the plans of Le Boss. This has resulted in a rather pathetic stand-off, which now sees Theo frozen out of the team and contract talks stalled. As far as the contract itself goes, there are two major stumbling blocks - a) Theo wants to see his weekly wage increased from around £70,000 to around £100,000 and b) Theo wants to be played as a striker.

For me, the first demand is easily resolved. If Theo shows form which is worthy of a pay rise, as he has so far during his sporadic spells in the team, then the money is available to increase his pay. This increase could also be covered by the money brought in from the departures of dead wood such as Chamakh, Squillaci and Djourou. The second demand is one which would benefit all parties. Ever since his arrival, it has been clear to us all that Theo wants to be a striker, and many like myself believe he would suit this role better than the wide role he is currently employed in. The only thing stopping this from happening is AW. Despite numerous promises, this is a matter he has yet to deliver on, and he has allowed his stubbornness to cloud his judgement. Hopefully, Theo's recent goal-scoring exploits can continue and Arsène’s mind can be changed.

But the big question is, does Theo merit a new deal? Has he shown enough? In my eyes the answer is yes - just. An article in the recent edition of the Gooner commented on Theo being a 'mini-Thierry Henry waiting to explode' and that is a theory I can relate to. I'm not claiming that Theo is going to become anywhere near the player TH14 was, but I can see how their play and their tendencies are similar. Firstly, both started out as wingers and both (hopefully) will turn out to be strikers. Secondly, they both experienced issues with finishing at the start of their careers and then both improved their finishing dramatically - an improvement we have seem from Theo so far this season. The main difference is that Theo does not have the all-round game TH14 had, he does not possess the skill, touch or vision TH14 did, he can only emulate one part of his game, playing off the shoulder of the last man and using his pace and finishing to score goals.

But how does he add to the team? Playing Theo as a striker would add much-needed pace to our cumbersome attacking unit, which consists only of Giroud and Chamakh. This would allow us to stretch defences, forcing them to drop deeper and afford playmakers such as Cazorla more room to weave their magic. I can also see Giroud and Theo forming a decent big-small combination too, as much because of Giroud's apparent vision and ability to create as his physical presence.

I hope a solution can be found, and I hope AW can unlock Theo's true potential, as I fear that if he does not, somebody else will, and that is something that does not bear thinking about.

Due to recent injuries to Ramsey, The Ox and Gervinho, Theo has been provided with an opportunity to continue his rich vein of form. An injection of pace is just what the team needs.

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  1. QuartzGooner

    Nov 13, 2012, 14:56 #28114

    To sell now would be crazy. We would get a pittance for him. Give him what he asks for. If he plays well then we get value for money, if he does not play well then we sell him for a decent price in eighteen months because his marketable/image rights value as a clean living English player means he will be in demand from other clubs. Win-Win for us. I want him to stay; he has finally found some consistency. Who else do we have anyway? Gnabry is 17 and needs time. Oxlade-Chamberlain is 18 and is great one game, anonymous the next, as one might expect of a youth. Gervinho is skillful but largely ineffective. Ramsey is in poor form.

  2. Carlos

    Nov 13, 2012, 11:41 #28099

    Whether or not Theo can or can't play centre forward doesn't really matter as far as I am concerned. What is a cause for concern is that Wenger is leaving him out of the team for non-footballing reasons. It appears to me that it is a case of Wenger not playing Walcott until or unless the contractual impasses is overcome. If so, should we conclude that Wenger is deliberately weakening the team that he sends out to win matches or competitions or even achieve the much desired 4th place? The manager's job is to field the appropriate XI, the strongest possible, considering form, fatigue and the oppostion - the latter which the manager seems routinely to ignore. To get involved in contractual sulks and try to bully a player into signing is childish, why didn't he behave in this manner with Nasri? It is obvious why he didn't with Van Persie as he was the only decent player we had. The fact is Walcott will go when it suits him, be it in January or in June and to whom he wishes. The manager is just spouting hot air when he gives ultimatums about the situation being resolved "in two months", and once again he is treating the fan base like idiots.

  3. Moscow Gooner

    Nov 13, 2012, 10:18 #28095

    The comparisons with TH14 etc. seem to miss the point: currently Theo is our most exciting - and most consistent - attacking player. That in itself is a commentary on the state of the club but until someone better comes along it would be daft to let him go. I can t understand why Arshavin isn t given more time on the pitch either. He knows how to run at defenders and to deliver accurate crosses - the sort of feed that Giroud needs to be effective. Typically he s given five or six minutes at the end of the game. Play him or sell him.

  4. Mark Rice

    Nov 12, 2012, 23:25 #28083

    Why do you mention dead wood and getting rid ..its not going to happen as they are on 60k pw contracts and no other team wants them as 1 they are too expensive and 2 ****e!!! For the record Theo is never going to be world class but I'd rather keep him as her is worth 10 points extra which if we sell to Liverpool in jan we will be giving them aka the 35 points we gave Man U with RVP!!

  5. Unbeaten 03/04

    Nov 12, 2012, 22:49 #28082

    Keep him and pay him the money!!! At least he is playing and scoring compare to Chamack who just keeps picking up his wage without a sweat and like some other!!!

  6. Peter Wain

    Nov 12, 2012, 19:16 #28073

    if we do not replace him with someone as fast the attack will look more anaemic than it already does. problem is he has not played suffucently well for a long period so decision is not that easy. If he does leave we must have a fast replacement

  7. Col

    Nov 12, 2012, 17:48 #28071

    Would you prefer to see him go to Liverpool and play in front of Luis Suarez? Liverpool will offer him everything he wants. 100K per week and the number 9 shirt. It doesn't help when we have idiots like Podolski saying he wants to play as a striker too. That's making it worse. We're now in a position where we've bought Giroud, a player who can only perform as an outright striker, and therefore we have to play him there. Having Theo running off him isn't an option. It just would work. If Wenger isn't going to offer him what he wants I think we need to sell him and use the money saved to tie the Ox and Wilshere down to longer, improved contracts. Can I just say too, people calling for Wenger to be sacked aren't real fans. What he's done for the club, for almost two decades, has been nothing short of genius. The one season where Arsenal might not reach top four and people are already clamouring for his head. If anything he deserves a club better than Arsenal. A club that has big pockets and who's Directors don't shackle him at every turn.

  8. Kyle

    Nov 12, 2012, 17:04 #28068

    In my eyes George you are completely correct in saying "give TW a chance" I am an Arsenal fan and a hardcore one at that. I feel let down by everything that has happened in the last 3 seasons regarding our players. We do have a good team but we are not the team everyone fears anymore an that is due to our pace. The 10 second counter team has gone as there is no real venom in our speed anymore. No TW will not be a TH14 and never will there be a player like that but in TW defence we have Arsharvin who is on 90,000 a week and he is seeing his other friends at other clubs on 120 to 200 thousand a week. I have said give him a run upfront for 6-10 games to see how it goes if it doesn't work them he's had his chance, but never as a lone striker a I feel it will only work in a 4-4-2 formation. TW and OG can be a good combination with both Jack and Cazorla feeding balls in. He is still 23! So were seeing someone with at least 8 more years left. I feel if we sell him to another club they will put him upfront and it will be a oh no we shouldn't have let him go. Torres and TW or Suarez and TW already defenders will be feeling nervous. I just believe that he deserves his chance to prove to people that he can do it. He wouldn't be saying it if he didn't believe it himself.

  9. Bard

    Nov 12, 2012, 15:52 #28064

    My guess is that Theo's got another offer from either city or chelsea. Who else would offer him better prospects than Arsenal. He's not good enough to go abroad and Liverpool would be a step down. His fitness is an issue and frankly I wouldn't be sad to see him go along with Rosicky and Diaby. We need fit players at the very least. The comparison with TH14 made me laugh.

  10. Rocky RIP

    Nov 12, 2012, 15:20 #28059

    Theo clearly has his flaws and is frustratingly inconsistent, but right now we need his pace and ability to unsettle defences. Imagine not having it as an attacking option. Giroud's improving hold up play and very strong aerial ability is one major positive, and we need variation in our modes of attacking teams, which Theo and Giroud give us. To lose Theo would be a further set back. (We also need Rosicky back and fizzing around, energising our midfeld.)

  11. George

    Nov 12, 2012, 15:01 #28057

    I like the divergent views on the topic. But i will disagree with lots of the comments not based on anything but for two reasons. First, Theo has been wonderful since last season considering his assists and goals. He has so far been our best player this season therefore letting him go will be suicidal. Second, why shouldnt he seek for 100k when a manager who has not chalked any success on the pitch for the past 7yrs and it will be 8yrs shortly is one of the highest paid manager in the EPL. Moreso when Gazidis gets a 600, 000 bonus for achieving nothing. Arsenal for sometime now has been a club where mediocrity is always rewarded. The top echelons have been able to swindle fans into believing their spin for so long which has sinked the club to its low. The Fans must rise and chase Wenger and the rest out.

  12. Ron

    Nov 12, 2012, 14:57 #28056

    Chrisy Boy That 'run' you mention was over 4 years ago. Walcotts 'career' is that run and a hat trick v a poor Croatia defence 3 years back. Hes survived at Arsenal because hes a 'nice boy' and well mannered, both attributes rarely accorded to central strikers. Central strikers are greedy bullies. They have be. Nice boys get pushed aside and Walcotts been pushed aside or just falls over for the last 5 years. Its time he signed or cleared off. There are too many choir boys at Arsenal, orchestrated by Wenger who has no truck with players of stronger mettle as they answer back dont they. Does he not like that!

  13. Ralph

    Nov 12, 2012, 14:36 #28053

    I believe we should give him a chance as a centre forward. Not only because he has potential, but also no club is going to buy him in january when he's on a free in the summer. If Theo succeeds, we can agree on his demands and offer him a new contract. If we don't give him the chance, his potential might be unlocked somewhere else. If he leaves on a free, we don't have money to get another player. Which makes it cheaper/better to keep him. It's 'only' more salary, no transfer fee. If he doesn't succeed, too bad, he would have left anyway if he didn't got the chance. I want Arsenal to play in a 4-4-2 formation: Goal Sczescny/Mannone Defence Sagna/Jenkinson Vermaelen/Mertesacker/Koscielny (2) Gibbs/Vermaelen Midfield Oxlade/Arteta/Wilshere Arteta/Wilshere/Cazorla (2) Podolski/Arteta/Wilshere Forward Walcott/Giroud/Podolski And players like Gervinho, Arshavin, Chamakh, Ramsey, Diaby, Rosicky, Cocquelin, Gnabry can fill the blanks in midfield/forward if needed due to injuries. You can play more on the attack or on the defence, depending on the wide midfield players you line up. And it gives the team more movement, from which all players will benefit. Less pressure on the defence, more space to create chances as the attackers will stretch the opponent.

  14. maguiresbridge gooner

    Nov 12, 2012, 14:18 #28049

    There are to many players in the squad being paid way more than their worth and walcott will be another if he gets what he wants.OGL is stubborn alright and doesn't take two kindly to being told what to do or when given an ultimatum (so because of this walcotts unlikely to get his way) something a dutchman was castigated for and still is funny how walcott has got off so light.The worrying thing about walcott is when he does go he will suddenly turn into a far better player especially if played in his preferred position and with better players around him and better coaching something that's been happening more frequently with players we've flogged.

  15. Tony Evans

    Nov 12, 2012, 12:47 #28041

    An interesting article, George, but issues like will Walcott stay or not are now so greatly overshadowed by the need to get Wenger out that I don't really care one way or the other. If Wenger gets a new contract then God help us. Nearly as bad as an extended contract for Wenger is the thought of him trying to buy his way out of trouble in January and yet more money being wasted on dross.

  16. Elvis Arron Ramsey

    Nov 12, 2012, 12:11 #28038

    Feo worth £100k a week making him the highest paid player at the club.Are you having a laugh?.Feo is always on the verge of being a good player but never becomes one.In january he will have been 7 years at the club and he still isnt a first team regular.We should have sold him in august for £12M dont see why we kept him as he has only started 2 out of 11 league games.We will be lucky to get £5m in jan when he can go for free.They call it Wengernomics

  17. Chrisy boy

    Nov 12, 2012, 11:49 #28033

    We must keep Theo, one of the problems our current squad lack is speed, on his day Theo can be unplayable remember the scum at home last season and that run at Anfield in the champions league a few years back,yes Theo needs to find more consistency,but if Wenger can stick with some of the dross in our squad surely Theo deserves every chance. And perhaps is Wenger stops playing just one striker up front against the likes of Norwich, fulham and Sunderland (all points lost) and goes with 2 up front it may give Theo the chance to show what he can do.

  18. Tim

    Nov 12, 2012, 11:36 #28030

    I also agree that Theo should get his contract and play centrally. I have seen enough this season for him to shine in that position. There is a massive chance that Theo will shine in his next 4 years and that needs to be with AFC. Many fans have wrongly given up on Theo. I believe this to be a massive mistake.

  19. mungo

    Nov 12, 2012, 11:28 #28027

    Offer him what he wants to sign and then wait for a club to come along stupid enough to pay us north of £20m for him, if we fire sell him on in Jan then we will only get £8-£10.

  20. Glenn

    Nov 12, 2012, 11:13 #28026

    Potential potential potential. That word has been in every single article about Theo Walcott since he was 17. How long have you got mate? Comparing him to Henry is so short-sighted. Henry was an animal, a monster on the pitch. He was close to being one of the best players who's ever played the game. And the reason was only partly based on skill - like all great players he had a fantasic attitude. He was aggressive with his talents. Little Walcott's a hider and always will be. Hiding on the pitch, hiding behind his 'potential' off it.

  21. Ron

    Nov 12, 2012, 10:34 #28020

    Walcott has some talent. He ll never make a central striker though. Too small, too lightweight, too weak and too inconsistent, poor first touch remains a problem, cant head a ball and cant dictate to defenders whats going to happen in a pen box. Wenger has Walcott weighed up if nothing else. He s another better centre forwards support player/winger at best. Sell him for the right cash and buy someone whos worthy of a high salary. Walcott isnt in my view.