BSM walk on 1 December

Details of the pre-Swansea match protest

BSM walk on 1 December

The BSM march last season stops outside the old stadium

(Ed’s note – The Gooner and onlinegooner are an open church which will give air to the views of Arsenal fans across the spectrum of divided opinion. We have been asked to publicise the following march by the Black Scarf Movement/Where has our Arsenal gone? Given that we have a lot of sympathy with some of their initiatives, we are happy to do so. A representative from the BSM will be appearing on the Gooner podcast this week to explain more fully their aims and position.)

We are calling for a gathering of BSM members and supporters on 1 December, before the Swansea match, to join us on a walk to ‘Bear Roundabout’ outside The Armoury.

The objectives of this walk are to heighten the Board’s awareness in the following areas:

We want Stan Kroenke’s commitment not to take money from the club.
We want Peter Hill-Wood off the Board. He has become an embarrassment to the club and its supporters.
We want Red & White Holdings to be offered a seat on the Board. Ivan Gazidis called for us to all come together and work in the same direction but how does this work when a 30% shareholder in the club doesn’t get to have a say? In what other large business would this blocking of a major shareholder happen?
We want action from the club to stop poor allocation of our money. From wasting money on players we have to write off a year later, to handing out huge contracts to players who we can’t then sell on because nobody will match what we pay. It’s mismanagement and it’s the fans who get hit in the pocket because the club fails in other revenue generating areas such as commercial deals.

We want the club to deliver the initiatives we’ve previously put to them, which would greatly benefit match going fans. These include:
A ‘lite’ version of a season ticket with no cup credits
A short-term staged repayment scheme for season ticket renewals
The ability for season ticket holders to downgrade to Silver membership
Move away fans to the upper tier, thereby providing cheaper seats for Arsenal fans
Introduce season tickets in the Clock End at Emirates; recreate the atmosphere of the famous old stand at Highbury and improve the Emirates atmosphere on matchdays.
Introduce safe standing. This continues to be investigated by more and more clubs across the country but continues to be ignored by Arsenal.
Cheaper tickets at Emirates Stadium. If you can afford to sit on £70m of cash in the bank, you don't need to charge fans the highest ticket prices in football.

On 1 December we will be meeting at 1.30pm outside Cannons public house on Blackstock Road (opposite The Gunners pub). The walk will start at 2pm and take us past our beloved Highbury and down to Emirates Stadium where we’ll end at ‘Bear Roundabout’.

Come and join us and let the Board know that change is needed. That the Board needs to listen to its core support. Tell your friends and help spread the word. Come along, let’s make a stand.

Please do all you can to drum up support for this. We're working the media channels to get coverage, so we need numbers on the day.

More information can be found here.

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  1. aba

    Nov 16, 2012, 13:44 #28288

    Green Hut - the point I was trying to make is that the Board allow AW total control. It is right that the manager decides which players he no longer wants and which players he would like but there is no oversight. Maybe AW has to pay players in accordance with the wage structure but we now have too many average at best players on high wages that we cannot get rid of until their contracts end, ie Santos, Denilson, Diaby, Djourou. I'm not advocating that AW be sacked or suggesting that if the Board change he will leave. I would like more control exercised by a board with ambition and interest in football rather than making £s.

  2. Lee

    Nov 16, 2012, 13:43 #28287

    TOTALLY agree with this and UP FOR IT! But oh no watch out the AKB brigade will mount a defence, shame the mighty man himself cant!!

  3. Green Hut

    Nov 14, 2012, 10:46 #28144

    aba- Who do think should decide which players we buy and the wage level their talent merits if not the manager of the football team? And it's ridiculous to assume that Wenger would follow Kroenke/Gazidis out the door. The plums that inhabit the spacebowl would just repeat the lie that the board were holding Wenger back and call for 3 more years.

  4. It's not an ''anti-Wenger march''

    Nov 14, 2012, 10:31 #28143

    Green Hut - I can't speak for what is pissing people off but I realise ticket prices versus value for money on the pitch is at the heart of things. Nobody wants to fund an investment for American who doesn't care about us. A lot of people have got it in for AW, which I understand. To repeat, BSM were not set up to protest against the manager. One of the leader's at last year's walk was at pains to point this out. If this has changed, perhaps they should come out and say so. They might attract bigger numbers. There may well be people in BSM who are now against Wenger, but the basis for the group's formation was to look after the interests of core supporters who have felt more and more alienated, disengaged, priced out and disconnected from the club they love. It's also about how the club have re-branded itself (the dire cartoon crest, purple away kit) and are more about attracting big spending corporates, tourists and JCLs, leaving the ones who care the most with the hump. The traditions that made many people fall in love with the club no longer exist, we want them back. Wanting to change the whole phoney 'match day experience' and recreate the atmosphere of the Clock End has nothing to do with the manager. It's also about attracting young supporters so that we have a future core support rather than passing 'customers'. The average age at games is mid 40s. We need more local young fans to grow up in the die-hard habit, rather than clueless tourists taking photos and grinning after a defeat. My personal beef with the club would remain, even if results saw us top of the table. If people want to use the walk to voice their disdain at other stuff then that's up to them.

  5. aba

    Nov 14, 2012, 9:22 #28142

    to the people who want to protest against Wenger. Ask yourselves who is responsible for letting wenger run the club in the way he wants where he controls wages and signings. The answer is The Board. Aim at the board and Wenger follows. So support the BSM. First things first. It may take some time so patience is needed.

  6. Alpha 6 BW

    Nov 14, 2012, 0:14 #28137

    @Wenger the legend the real Arsenal was founded in 1886 not 1996 and it was in due part to a true legends name Herbert Chapman, George Allison, Tom Whittaker, Bertie Mee and George Graham. In Arsene We Trust you should be ashamed of yourself for calling protesting fans "glory hunters" as they are not asking for the likes of Falcao, Hulk or Gotze to join Arsenal in the January Transfer Window but are instead protesting in why we Gooners are paying top dollar contracts for the shocking Denilson, Park Chu-Young, Squillaci, Santos, Chamakh and Johan Djourou's contract renewal despite being nothing short of a liability! The other thing that annoys me no end is Players that just have no respect for the Gooners step in Nicholas Bendtner who says he does not want to stay at Arsenal but is quite happy to take the money from hard pressed fans (emotionally and Financially)on his footballing holidays to Sunderland and Turin rather than seek a move away from Arsenal even if it took a pay cut but won't whilst Wenger nor the board doesn't see a problem with it despite many gooners dismay in Bendtner attitude which leads me to why this squad (plus previous one's from the last seven years) have no heart for a battle. There's something wrong if you don't make a fight when your down which was pretty evident when this current squad lost to Chelsea, Norwich City, Manchester United and FC Schalke 04 (at Home) plus throwing away a 2-0 lead advantage against Fulham FC. Sadly what do I know as "I haven't live half a day in football" but I dam well know treating supporters with disdain is not the way forward for this great club!

  7. Green Hut

    Nov 13, 2012, 20:03 #28129

    @It's not an anti Wenger march- Which of the BSM statements do you think is most relevant to what is REALLY pissing the fans off at the moment (ie the performances and results on the pitch)? Sack the powerless old duffer Hill-Wood? Move away fans upstairs? Or would it be the long-standing mismanagement of our money by the one man who decides who we buy and how much they should be paid? You and Red Member can try and dress it up as much as you like because Wenger isn't named directly, but I reckon the BSM guys have been pretty cute with their wording.

  8. Anon

    Nov 13, 2012, 19:15 #28127

    if you really want to make an impact meet earlier outside the staff/vehicle entrance to the club and heckle the likes of the old fart as he drives in and generally get in everyones way, then march to the pub and stay there for the duration of the game

  9. goonercolesyboy

    Nov 13, 2012, 17:58 #28123

    Be interested to see the numbers of people who turn up to only 40 odd posters have written anything here.

  10. Ron

    Nov 13, 2012, 17:12 #28122

    Rob Exley - Already are at Toon, Man U in Cup games, Liverpool - the view at back of Anfield Rd is dire. Not many grounds where they can put you high up in the Gods really. The away support at Arsenal are priveliged and it shouldnt be the case. Stick em high up in a corner and re arrange our fans so theyre not in front of them, but side on, otherwise tbey ll cop the odds and ends thrown down and discarded food etc

  11. Greenwich Gooner

    Nov 13, 2012, 16:00 #28117

    I wish Gooners would do what the germans did (I think Dortmund fans?) to protest about ticket prices - they went to the game, 10 mins in they all filed out. Now that made an impact. Swansea game is a sell out btw. As are all the others on sale except Montpellier, where the top tier seats are over £50. Insane but they get away with it because enough of us let them.

  12. N5Gooner

    Nov 13, 2012, 14:08 #28112

    It's good to see that people are finally realising that this is NOT a "Wenger out" movement and that the blame is being placed firmly at the feet of the moneymakers at our club. For 7 years we have watched a great side slowly diminish into the dross we have now. We sat and watched while class players were sold off to our main rivals, whilst the money coming in from the sales and the high price of tickets went nowhere. Perhaps this is finally the voice of complaint we have been waiting for, and if enough turn up and show support, then it must also be a voice to be listened to. Well done to those involved, and let's spread the word.

  13. It's not an ''anti-Wenger march''

    Nov 13, 2012, 13:54 #28111

    Harold - I agree the line about allocation of funds does point straight at AW. However, the BSM was not set up to get Wenger sacked. That is not their raison d'etre. Read their website thoroughly. It's about protecting the interests of hardcore, long-term match-going fans who have been priced out or disillusioned or made to feel they don't belong any longer and are reclaiming things about our beloved club we feel we've lost to the commercialisation and corporatisation of football. Their proposals which they've put to the club are more related to prices, atmosphere at games, protecting core supporters, etc. And they need our backing in this. For example, put like-minded, vociferous ST holders in the Clock End. Bring back the spirit of the CE so we can enjoy going to games, rather than being told to sit down and be quiet and go home with the hump, even if we win 5-0. Being told how to enjoy a victory is joyless. A lot of people would rather watch it down the pub with their mates because the atmosphere is better - all wrong.

  14. Eie old school

    Nov 13, 2012, 11:58 #28102

    Great idea and about time we voiced our opinions

  15. Gooner1711

    Nov 13, 2012, 8:30 #28091

    I think many people will be surprised how many turn up on the march. Significant numbers I believe. Stay outside until 3:10. Show them what a half empty ground will look like if this current regime, regime is PHW, SK, IG AND AW, carry on like it is. Long living supporters will die off and the current "in arsen we trust" brigade can then have it all they want.

  16. Fozzy's mate

    Nov 13, 2012, 7:57 #28089

    Wenger the legend. Whilst I admire your loyalty get real mate. The man who discovered the real Arsenal? Pre him how many titles had we one in comparison to the others you cite? You have swallowed the pravda propaganda mate. Whilst Kroenke and his henchman Gazidis remain a change of manager may be ineffectual but seriously mate come one, Herbert Chapman, George Graham and many other managers. Much as you and the propaganda machine may not like it Arsenal FC existed before Arsene FC and will do long after. What do you suggest stick his coffin in the dug out for the next 126 years?

  17. Graham

    Nov 13, 2012, 7:36 #28088

    Its called supply and demand.If Tesco's wanted to charge £5 for a pint of milk they couldnt as their customers wouldnt pay it.But if Arsenal want to charge over a grand for a ST and £66 for the cheapest Cat A game they can.Because the fans are queuing up to buy them.The sign of a good business is to charge what the fans want to pay.Why would Kroenke even think of lowering ticket prices when they are being snapped up at the price they are now.Surely the organisers of the march realise this

  18. nilz21

    Nov 13, 2012, 7:32 #28087

    Well done BSM . Keep up the good wrok ..thats from the heart from all REAL arsenal fans who existed before wenger. Ignore the ilks of ' in arsene we trust ' losers like that are not real fans. They are the type of ' so called fans ' that stay quiet at games and continue to bury there head in the sand and pretent everything is rosey at arsenal. BSM keep organising and speak out and your ranks will grow and grow the majority of arsenal fans WORLDWIDE fell the same, though wengers incompetance needs to be held into account as well.

  19. Wenger Out

    Nov 13, 2012, 0:45 #28085

    But lets ignore the biggest problem of all - a past it, failing, out of touch loser of a manager. Get Wenger out!

  20. nugs

    Nov 12, 2012, 23:44 #28084

    wenger the legend well lets hope he gets the boot sooner rather then later even if it only means clueless plums like you no longer associate themselves with our once great club.

  21. ATID

    Nov 12, 2012, 21:59 #28079

    I can't see the march achieving much as change is only likely to come at a time of crisis. Arsenal may be club that is underachieving, it may be a club that has lost its soul and it may be a club that no longer has what it takes to win silverware but it is certainly not a club in crisis. The home games are selling out, we are in the Champions League and Wenger probably has enough magic left to get us in or near the top four by the end of the season. One of the great ironies of leaving Highbury is that the business model does work. The Grove is a money making machine and that is enough for AFC's owners even though the Club's other commercial activities are pretty lame. As I see it there are two ways things can pan out in a way that will see the change that (most) fans want. Firstly, Wenger carries on just getting CL qualification each season (perhaps even winning a cup or two) before Kroenke decides to cash in and sell and take his profit. The new owner either requires Wenger to change his philosophy or plumps for a new manager. Secondly, the results start to go against Wenger more regularly and we fail to make the Champions League for one or more seasons. In that case Wenger's contract probably doesn't get renewed. The rest is really pie in the sky. In Arsene We Trust may have been rather rude about a large number of Arsenal fans but I think we all know that the current owner, the manager and management team don't give a monkey for what the average fan thinks and that ain't going to change march or no march.

  22. billthered

    Nov 12, 2012, 21:01 #28078

    Lets get a couple of things straight,a march is a great idea but it should have some substance.If we are lucky 1000 people will march and then go into the ground and sing we love you Arsenal we do and PHW and his cronies will think it's aimed at them.Well lets get in the real world only by the majority of us staying outside and trying to get ourselves heard inside then something might be done,but lets wait and see.I am willing to do it and I have not sung since the eighties[its my age] so if we are going to do something mean it.And while we're at it lets have a black and red scarf so they can see just how many fans disagree with the running of OUR CLUB.

  23. Arsenal fans get the club they deserve

    Nov 12, 2012, 20:55 #28077

    Any group that Red Member supports strongly enough to change his user name for is a non-starter for me. He knows that it's just going to move the focus of discontent of many away from Wenger towards the board. We all know that the board's laissez-faire attitude isn't helping but Wenger runs the playing side from top to bottom including contracts and transfer spend, and any campaign that doesn't have the balls to acknowledge that is simply going to delay the meaningful change at the top that is so desperately needed at our club.

  24. Big Dave

    Nov 12, 2012, 20:05 #28076

    To all those people who decry the B.S.M protest I say All that is necessary for the triumph of evil is that good men do nothing. Edmund Burke

  25. It's not an ''anti-Wneger march''

    Nov 12, 2012, 19:45 #28075

    Mark from A - ofcourse being demanding of your club doesn't make you a s*** fan. Quite the opposite in many ways. We complain because we care and can't stand by and tolerate slipping standards. All I'm saying is if people are merely going along to protest against 7 potless years then we'll get laughed at. Nobody has a divine right. If every club did this there'd be a riot. Plenty of clubs have never won anything EVER. I agree previous barren years were different because the club was run differently and fans weren't treated like 'customers.' (80-87 was far, far worse on the pitch, but it was so much more fun supporting us, and the club was full of proper Arsenal people and fans who had undying love.) I understand the annoyance and will be there, but we need to channel it at the right people. For his obvious faults, atleast Wenger gives a sh** hence being such a sore loser. Stan and certain others simply don't care about us and how we want to support OUR club and are taking us for mugs.

  26. Stevieo

    Nov 12, 2012, 19:30 #28074

    This sounds like it’s going to end up a disjointed mess. I fail to see what this BSM march hopes to achieve, if as stated, it has nothing to do with Wenger. One of the objectives is to stop wasting money on players that we end up writing off. Wenger buys these players! The beef should be with Wenger? Another objective is to stop handing out huge contracts to players that we struggle to sell because of their high pay. Wenger is the manager of these players. He has a wage budget, and it is he who sees fit to pay the large amount of dross we have extortionate wages. As I see it, isn’t this just a no confidence vote in the manager? And as for wanting cheaper tickets, this don’t wash. Had we been winning trophies and playing scintillating football, the tickets would be even dearer than they are now, and with a 80,000 waiting list praying for fans to pull out. Fans would be more content to pay the high prices. This again is related to Wenger, as we are now seeing poor football at West End theatre prices. And at the end of the march, they will all walk in to the ground, and come June, put another £2,000 back in to Stan’s bank account. And as pointed out by ‘Its not an anti Wenger march’ the club aren’t bothered what you have to say because they want the new breed of fan that doesn’t care about results and will lap up whatever is dished. What will have an impact, is 20,000 empty seats against Swansea (whether paid for or not), and then I think you’ll find the club will be all ears to your demands.

  27. mark from aylesbury

    Nov 12, 2012, 18:14 #28072

    sorry fail to see why complaining about no trophies in 7 years makes you a **** fan. At least two league championship collapses, the farce of Birmingham city in the cup, the throwing of FA cup games by simple reason of playing inexperienced sides, the raising of the grail of finishing 4th to surpass all other achievements. There is something seriously wrong here and I would guess that you are going to get people attend the march who also have other items on the agenda. I am quite used to watching Arsenal fail to win a trophy each season the difference is we used to die trying!

  28. It's not an ''anti-Wenger march''

    Nov 12, 2012, 17:43 #28070

    Fair enough if people have issues with the manager, but I repeat, the stated aim of the walk isn't to get the manager sacked. If this were the case, then I'd be even more worried entrusting the current board on finding a successor. Wenger is pretty well the only genuine football man amongst a bunch of businessmen. That's half the problem we're faced with and are complaining about. The club isn't run on football terms by Arsenal fans like Fiszman and Dein any longer. Kroenke is in it for personal greed - it's an investment, pure and simple - and Gazidis is a spin merchant politician/businessman who entrusts the football side to Wenger whilst all expect him to turn them a profit, based on over-charging loyal fans and selling our best players. My beef with how things are is based on the club's relationship with its core supporters and how the club has been re-branded to attract a different breed of fan ie. one who makes less noise and spends more in the club shop.

  29. Big Dave

    Nov 12, 2012, 17:35 #28069

    Well about time I'm going the fight back begins

  30. Harold

    Nov 12, 2012, 16:42 #28067

    @it's not an anti-Wenger march- If someone from BSM comes out and says that the 'poor allocation of money' statement is not aimed squarely at Wenger then fine I won't bother turning up because the other bits and pieces aren't going to make any difference to anything on the pitch and it'll all just deflect attention from the main reason that the team gets weaker every year.

  31. Diaby's return will be like a new signing?

    Nov 12, 2012, 15:50 #28063

    I take umbrage with those supporters who claim that the supporters who voice their disdain at the current state of our beloved football club are glory boys. Silverware would be great, but my main problem is that we are no longer competitive. We have taken 1 point out of a possible 9 so far this season against the top three sides and they no longer see us as a threat. To be honest, they haven’t for a number of years now. My concern with the BSM walk is that if it is not extremely well attended, Gazidis will spin the life out of it and suggest that it is only a very small minority of fans that want change. We have to be demonstrative inside the ground too. The board are taking us for mugs, they know nothing about football or care about the imminent direction of the club. The contract negotiations farce is lamentable. We can’t sign Nasri or Van Persie who were approaching the end of their contracts, but Djourou was sat down and given an extension. Why? Is it a conincidence that all of our world class players have left due to lack of desire at board level. Brace yourself for the usual rhetoric during the January transfer window “We are looking!” No you’re not Arsene, you’re stock piling your personal fortune and the clubs. The fans want a little more for their £7m a year.

  32. Bard

    Nov 12, 2012, 15:46 #28062

    Great stuff guys. Will be there. Hope its the start of something big. Could be a reasonable turn out if, we get turned over by the spuds. Could we add something more mundane to the list of demands; buy a world class keeper. Stan could buy one for Xmas !

  33. Wenger the legend

    Nov 12, 2012, 15:42 #28061

    In Arsene We Trust Well said mate.Most of the fans seem to forget the fact that if not for the trophies won by Arsene, we would be just about the level of Spuds or Man City.They need to be grateful to the great man who discovered the real Arsenal. I will stop supporting the club if Wenger is sacked or decides to walk away

  34. Robert Exley

    Nov 12, 2012, 15:36 #28060

    Moving away fans upstairs - are we sure we want this? What goes around comes around and we too could end up perched from the ceiling at away matches and overcharged

  35. BSM Red Member

    Nov 12, 2012, 15:05 #28058

    good to see this march get publicised on here. I appreciate people are frustrated at Wenger but despite the lack of trophies for 7 years the club has only recently been unable to compete with the best...since about the time that Stan Kroenke became the majority shareholder. He is the biggest problem here, make no mistake about that. If Wenger was to resign or be sacked then what difference would that make??? Does anyone trust this board to appoint a decent manager when they can't even be trusted to sort out a contract extension for Theo Walcott? KROENKE OUT, USMANOV IN. I am surprised it has taken this long for people to work that out.

  36. Jumpers for Goalposts

    Nov 12, 2012, 14:49 #28055

    To the person who replied as "In Arsene We Trust". You may have replied just to wind people up but I'll take your comments at face value. You say - - - "Oh no, look like a dozen or so Arsenal "fans" are protesting! I'm not worried as most of them are probably unemployed or low skill workers that have nothing better to do with their time." - - - Why do you have to be so abusive?? And why do you need to make an ignorant comment disparaging low skilled workers or those without a job?? FYI I will be on the march but I'm the owner of a large limited company and I sit as a magistrate. Fair play to you for supporting Wenger and the board but please don't be so ignorant and abusive of those that seek change at our great Club - if anything your attitude and abuse will serve only to alienate. You don't win support by abusing people my friend!!

  37. RDT - 4

    Nov 12, 2012, 14:39 #28054

    I'll be there but I don't think we can sing 'spend some ****** money' at the sime time as holding a banner saying 'kick greed out of football'. Unfortunately we can't have it both ways!

  38. It's not an ''anti-Wenger march''

    Nov 12, 2012, 14:20 #28050

    So please read up on the website, keep your anti Wenger banners at home and stop hijacking other people's protests. If you want an Anti-Wenger march, organise one and I'm sure it'll be popular too. Throwing toys out of the pram at no trophies in 7 years makes us look like seriously s*** fans. This is about the eroding of club's relationship with its loyal fanbase.

  39. Website Admin

    Nov 12, 2012, 14:15 #28048

    One person has been particularly keen to comment on this article this morning and has submitted at least five or six comments - all saying much the same thing - under different names. Where people do this, they will find their comments are less likely to be approved and they are therefore wasting their time.

  40. Fozzy

    Nov 12, 2012, 13:25 #28046

    I will be there, but rather concerned about the time clash with consuming pre-match ale. A few beers before kickoff has become a necessity in lessening the pain on what will lay ahead.....

  41. West Upper

    Nov 12, 2012, 13:18 #28044

    All very noble aims - but lets be honest, on the basis most of those on the march will promptly drop their banners and walk into the stadium at 3pm, it's not going to change a lot. The only way anything will change is if attendances (and therefore revenue) start dropping

  42. mark from aylesbury

    Nov 12, 2012, 12:57 #28043

    Somebody also needs to articulate that 7 season no trophies is not acceptable despite european qualification. That equal weight in assessing success and failure should be applied to winning trophies and that ultimately no trophies means bye bye wenger. Not sure how we can sing or shout it though!

  43. Der Projekt ist Kaput

    Nov 12, 2012, 12:48 #28042

    Well done BSM. Count me in.

  44. GG89

    Nov 12, 2012, 12:32 #28040

    Thanks to the people or person who organised this... I'll spread the word... I notice that those protests where they walk in the nude get more publicity, a bit cold for november, and I'm sorry I can't be there. I'll where a black scarf anyway...

  45. 2 things they took away from OUR Arsenal I'd like back, please

    Nov 12, 2012, 12:23 #28039

    1. A yellow and blue away kit. 2. A crest to be proud of. Art deco 30s one is pure Arsenal. Sheer class. No patronising b**locks about marketing demographics, just do it please. It can't be THAT difficult.

  46. What was the point in leaving Highbury?

    Nov 12, 2012, 12:08 #28037

    Well done and thank you for promoting this March. For all those that moan on here this is your chance to have your say. Direct action is the only way to get OUR club back from these liars. Even if you haven't got a ticket for the match then please come down, have a stroll to let the Board know you are not happy and a pint afterwards.

  47. Theo's Bikini-Line

    Nov 12, 2012, 11:55 #28035

    The first four things are NOT going to happen anytime soon and unfortunately the other fan-benefit related points will only be considered when more people stop going. In all honesty, the above wouldn't be such big problems if it wasn't for the rubbish being served up on the pitch. Therefore if all the changes the BSM were after by some miracle were implemented, how much difference would it really make if the same guy in charge of the squad keeps making huge mistakes? Because of that, this march could be a missed opportunity to bring some much needed freshness to the club - both off and on the pitch.

  48. Rob

    Nov 12, 2012, 11:49 #28034

    I would agree with about 75% of those proposals and I might even turn up for this march even though I no longer go to the games. But the elephant in the room is that these proposals only hint at Wenger's poor Management and don't overtly confront it. Still, it's got to be better than sitting back and having our pockets picked weekly. I will be there !

  49. NBN

    Nov 12, 2012, 11:48 #28032

    Full credit to the BSM for organising this, our club has slowly been changing for the worse and we need action now before it is completely gone. Hopefully will be a massive turnout.

  50. Harold

    Nov 12, 2012, 11:39 #28031

    I'll be on the walk to protest at Wenger's 'poor allocation of our money'.

  51. expatgooner

    Nov 12, 2012, 11:33 #28028

    How can we support from overseas? Do you have a website where we can sign an online petition?

  52. Jack

    Nov 12, 2012, 11:08 #28025

    These are my view on the initiatives listed. 1.(A lite version of a season ticket with no sup credits).Good idea as 26 games too much and gives others a chance to attend cup matches.No empty seats. 2.(A short-term staged repayment scheme for season ticket renewels).club should introduce a no interest 9 month plan which runs through the previous season. 3.(The ability for season ticket holders to downgrade to silver membership).Option should be given to season ticket holder. 4.(Move away fans to upper tear,cheaper seats for Arsenal fans).I would give the away fans 1500 in the upper tear and 1500 in lower tear.To avoid Arsenal fans being seated below.With the exception of the smaller teams ie Wigan who could just have a allocation in lower tier. 5.(Introduce season tickets in clock end).Good idea,I would make the majority of tickets available on match day be in the upper tier. 6.(Introduce safe standing).Good Idea for the lower tier of the North bank. 7.(Cheaper Tickets).Not going to happen as Arsenal's cat C tickets are the cheapest in London.I would replace the larger seats we have at the Emirates with the standard size seen at other grounds.With standing in the NB this would push Arsenal's capacity up to around 80,000 allowing more fans to watch the games and reduce the ticket prices accordingly.

  53. In Arsene We Trust

    Nov 12, 2012, 10:57 #28024

    Oh no, look like a dozen or so Arsenal "fans" are protesting! I'm not worried as most of them are probably unemployed or low skill workers that have nothing better to do with their time. I don't know why onlinegooner bothers with this nonsense, but then again this site has been a haven for those "Wenger out" mob lately. Honestly, it's a waste of time because Wenger, Gazidis and PHW aren't even going to pay attention to that rabble and focus more on important things like running a club to be self sufficient, which the people who are protesting knows nothing about. Bunch of glory hunters they are. Why don't they march to spurs, chelsea, manure and mancity instead? They would be well at home on those grounds.

  54. Going to games used to be fun. Now, if the result is poor, what else is there?

    Nov 12, 2012, 10:52 #28023

    Anything that helps improve the frankly cringeworthy 'match day experience' at the Emirates gets my vote. Too many vocal fans have been put off because they don't enjoy it anymore or have been made to feel unwelcome. I was told to sit down by someone behind me after jumping up to celebrate Henry's return goal v Leeds. Sums up modern football. This is the type of fan the club seems to encourage now. The ones who genuinely live, breathe and sh*t Arsenal can't be side-lined like this. Can we also demand a yellow and blue away kit please while we're at it?

  55. Gaz

    Nov 12, 2012, 10:19 #28019

    You say: 'We want action from the club to stop poor allocation of our money. From wasting money on players we have to write off a year later, to handing out huge contracts to players who we can’t then sell on because nobody will match what we pay.' As much as I despise this current board and want them out of our Club thats nothing to do with them and everything to do with Wenger. Can understand what you're doing and I support it fully but to not even mention his part in all of this just doesn't feel right. That said in reality theres only one of them (Wenger or the board) likely to go and if it comes to it I'd rather Wenger stays and kroenke, gazidis and PHW go. Because even if Wenger left I'd never trust those three in a million years to get the next appointment right.

  56. Jason

    Nov 12, 2012, 10:10 #28018

    The only way the march is going to have any effect, is if everyone on it doesn't watch the game, or even better cancels their season ticket. It's a bit like standing outside Tesco's protesting about their prices, before then going in to do your weekly shop!!

  57. Dave

    Nov 12, 2012, 10:08 #28017

    Kroenke Hill-Wood and Gazidis all mentioned in the article but no sign of the name Wenger.Am i missing something?I shall be at the march with 4 mates and we shall be bringing a large Wenger Out banner.Wenger is the board figurehead once he is removed there will be chaos at the club and the Kroenke empire will fall like a pack of cards.So to my fellow Gooners join me and bring your anti-Wenger banners.See you in the Bank of Friendship

  58. Howard T Jones

    Nov 12, 2012, 9:57 #28016

    They will be lucky to get a thousand on the march but if the march was to get Wenger Out there would be well over five thousand.The club needs a change of manager as well as the board.When is the Gooner going to get off the fence and say they want Wenger out instead of just deserve better?I sometimes think we get the manager and board we deserve.

  59. Alan Jalzeera

    Nov 12, 2012, 9:47 #28015

    I dread to think what I will be feeling like in 6 days time once the spuds have played us. I admit - I am scared stiff of this match and its outcome. It has come to this - being worried about playing the spuds at home. My oh my how we have fallen......

  60. Jumpers for Goalposts

    Nov 12, 2012, 9:22 #28013

    I know so many people that hate what Arsenal has turned into - an aloof corporation that cares more about making profits than it does about its history; its traditions or its fans. It is so different to the great old Club I fell in love with back in the 1970s. We need as many people as possible on this march because the Board and the manager still firmly believe that all is rosy in our garden. Well it isn't and we need this show of solidarity to let them know that we will no longer tolerate high priced mediocrity!! Well done to the BSM for organising this.