5-2 and it’s déjà vu

Online Ed: Adebayor wins another North London derby for Gunners

5-2 and it’s déjà vu

Looks familiar?

Emmanuel Adebayor was a key factor in Arsenal defeating Spurs more than once when he wore an red and white shirt. And he continued that trend yesterday in the colours of the opposition. Andre Villas-Boas’ team were on top for the first period of this game before the striker’s lunge and subsequent red card reduced his team to ten men for over 70 minutes. This allowed Arsenal the space in midfield to take the game to the visitors and rack up five goals.

Fortunately, Spurs were only one up at the time of the dismissal. The Gunners’ offside trap was not what it used to be and needs to be looked at carefully, perhaps as closely as some opposition managers do. However, given the break, Arsenal took advantage, and critically, balls across the face of goal created more opportunities than going through the middle. There is still an element of tip-tap at times, but the drive provided by Cazorla and Wilshere meant that the Gunners moved forward more often than they have of late.

Theo Walcott had a big game, delightful and frustrating in turns. His cross for Mertesacker’s equalizer was a thing of beauty and if he could do that consistently I’d have a lot less qualms about awarding him the contract his agents are seeking. But Theo’s consistency in performance echoes that of the team.

AVB was preparing his subs to switch his formation to 3-5-1 before the critical third Arsenal goal went in. With Jermain Defoe halfway between providing some kind of outlet and trying to nullify Mikel Arteta – which he was managing before Adebayor’s dismissal – Spurs were outnumbered in midfield and unable to get any real kind of foothold in the game.

In the second half, when Bale’s run and strike made it 4-2, there were some nerves in the crowd, with memories of two goal leads being surrendered fresh in the memory, and certainly in this particular fixture in recent seasons. That Bale went close again moments later did little to calm the crowd, and not too many of the away section were leaving early. Walcott’s goal addressed the fears and Arsenal took the much needed three points.

It was strange to see William Gallas wearing the Spurs armband. Senior pro, yes, but after what happened at Arsenal it was an eye opener. Maybe Villas-Boas is not fully cognizant of the events of 2008. There can’t be too many players that have captained both clubs. Sol Campbell is an obvious one, perhaps Pat Jennings may have worn the armband on isolated occasions at either club? The trivia kings out there can enlighten me.

One other thing that struck me was that, given Santi Cazorla had flown across the Atlantic and back in midweek to sit on the bench for Spain, he had an excellent match once given the extra space to work in. Perhaps this travel fatigue thing isn’t all it’s cracked up to be.

I caught ‘Match of the Day’ this morning and was interested to hear Vincent Kompany state that Arsenal were “the best team we’ve played this season” in discussing whether Spurs could finish above Arsenal. I am assuming he is not including the Champions League in that, nor the Community Shield. One suspects when Chelsea or Manchester United meet them in the league, that view might change. However, it is still an opinion that indicates how well Arsenal can play – as they did at Eastlands. Everyone enjoyed the euphoria of a derby win yesterday, regardless of the circumstances, but moving forward, it is the consistency of performance that is the big issue for this team.

It is a facet of recent seasons that, when the manager has begun to come under pressure, his team can respond and win just enough vital matches to avoid the kind of scrutiny that would end up turning the majority against the Arsene Wenger. They have certainly always been able to squeeze into the top four (or top three last season, which proved significant). But on the assumption that the manager will be signing a fresh contract next summer, and that he will then be around until 2017, how is this team going to create the kind of euphoria experienced yesterday on a more frequent basis? I’d be interested in the views of those who do believe that Arsene Wenger can bring back the glory days to Arsenal regarding what they see as the reasons for the recent decline in results and performances, and how they think this can be addressed to bring much-needed consistency.

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  1. Spaced

    Oct 23, 2014, 13:24 #59993

    I call you the Arsenal haters because you hate certain aspects of the club so much that you would rather they change, in spite of the club itself. For example; if we every won the league with Wenger again, it is evident that you would be disappointed that it was Wenger who did it, rather than just revel in the win. .. And it was obvious who I was referring to, you responded.

  2. Bard

    Oct 23, 2014, 6:57 #59948

    Great result but what a rubbish performance. We didnt create anything worthwhile and Sanchez looked like the only player who really cared. Looks like we nailed on for at least second in the group and then a heroic exit. just need a run of form for 4th place and all is rosey on planet Arsenal. Prices up at the end of the season and build for the future. Glad you enjoyed it Jamie.

  3. DW Thomas

    Oct 23, 2014, 0:39 #59946

    The muppets will be singing praises like won the CL when we just barely scraped by at the last minute from a goal by Wenger's boy in the dog house. You people really suckle his teat at any chance. It's actually like a comic bit listening to Arsene lackeys praise their Emperor. Sure a win is always good, but c'mon, it was Anderlect. Next thing you know, when we beat Sunderland our season will be saved as we will be on a win streak! And criticizing Wenger for his repeated failure, stupid comments, and total inability to push on to the next level of competing doesn't mean we don't love the club. In fact we probably love it more because we dont accept the mediocrity, or one mans gigantic ego, or the pure bs that's shipped out on a daily basis by our club!

  4. JAMIE

    Oct 22, 2014, 23:29 #59944

    What an absolute genius Wenger was tonight with those well thought out substitutions.I can still see us topping this group after we thump Klopps hoof ballers at the Emirates.Agree entirely with OGL that we should have a lot more points after some good performances this season,don't believe all this no improvement propaganda.Moanies should also be a bit quieter for a few days and I think I can hear my bed calling.

  5. jjetplane

    Oct 22, 2014, 22:46 #59942

    I can understand their sheepishness though I can hardly see the screen for all the egg on my face. AkBs heroes one and all. We salute you from the darkness. Happy birthday you old rascal you. No need to chomp at the bit - the moanies are fleeing. Here's my ride! Don't look back, they're saying! ..... argggggggh. Au revoir. AKB ......

  6. maguiresbridge gooner

    Oct 22, 2014, 21:46 #59940

    jj, arsenal players shaking their heads as they left the pitch says it all, but yes we'll be inundated now, the cake must be all gone, i wonder who'll be first.

  7. jjetplane

    Oct 22, 2014, 21:35 #59939

    Wait for the cavalry charge and no birthday cake for the non-believers. AKBs get set - Go! It's liking winning the thing!

  8. smithy

    Oct 22, 2014, 21:31 #59938

    that's better! But we haven't been good though!

  9. smithy

    Oct 22, 2014, 21:20 #59937

    ONE NIL DOWN TO A BELGUIM TEAM? It gets better and better. What is happening to the team I love? Do we have crap results every time he has a birthday?

  10. jjetplane

    Oct 22, 2014, 20:02 #59936

    MG lovely picture of the Errant Knights Arise Sir Westlover .... sounds all pretty convincing. Talking of big nights in the CL. Last night was scarey. Bayern and Barca (Robben and Messi) Could have both played for Arsenal but you know - wages, nannies and all that stuff. Monreal hey! ....

  11. maguiresbridge gooner

    Oct 22, 2014, 19:43 #59935

    Jamie, not at the birthday party? not invited? anyway i'll be supporting Arsenal but we know who you'll be supporting.

  12. Bard

    Oct 22, 2014, 19:08 #59933

    Jamie; welcome back mate I thought you might have jumped ship along with GBH. Thanks for asking I will be having a steak ( raw of course) cooked by my wife and then down the pub for a few beers and scream at the TV. I did think I might have a little of what spaced out has but then I thought I might end up watching the wrong game and post about wondering why Arsenal are in all white playing at Anfield. Hoping for a crushing win and then all the deserters will be back in force for more fun and games.

  13. jjetplane

    Oct 22, 2014, 18:55 #59931

    JAMIE post moanies is so post-AKB you really need to keep up. They have all gone to another site while the bore draws and left you behind. Shocking mate! But now's your chance to tell us what really think about Wenger. If you are interested in the virtual panto you will find the info on ..... (internet crash!) ..... Calling Capt Diaby ....

  14. maguiresbridge gooner

    Oct 22, 2014, 18:26 #59929

    Bard., I think the magic mushrooms (all ten of them) would be more appropriate.

  15. maguiresbridge gooner

    Oct 22, 2014, 18:11 #59928

    jj, yes the party's in full swing I can hear them now, Happy Birthday dear arsene from all us AKB's we worship you so much and really think your the bee's knee's, there's not as many here as we thought there'd be, but it leaves more room to get down on one knee.

  16. Exeter Gunner

    Oct 22, 2014, 17:27 #59924

    @jeff wright, cheers for the heads up on the match being on Sky One tonight. I don't have the sports channels so a rare chance to watch Arsenal live on the telly without going down the pub. @Bard, think Spaced must have made a typo and meant to type 'Arsene'. Having said that, we see that particular typo an awful lot. Surely some fans don't think Arsene IS Arsenal?

  17. JAMIE

    Oct 22, 2014, 17:26 #59923

    jeff wright-your quote'the majority of neutrals will be watching the Champs, Real Madrid'I wondered what all the dark moanies do with themselves on match day.

  18. Hiccup

    Oct 22, 2014, 17:13 #59921

    Guys, I am nailing my colours to the 4th place mast. Don't think it's in doubt, and think even 60 points will probably be enough this year the way every one are so far off the top 2. We should be able to maintain our form against Sunderland and Burnley and pick up a couple of points, which at the ten game mark should keep us well away from the bottom 6 scrap for survival. Get safety sorted and then fully focus on getting back to where we belong. Mind you, a couple of wins on the bounce and I reckon the AKB's will be resurrected and we'll be back in the title race.

  19. Bard

    Oct 22, 2014, 17:06 #59919

    Spaced. the reductionism of your comment is very odd. Who are these Arsenal haters you allude to. I have never read one on here and wouldnt expect to. Why would someone who hates Arsenal post on here in the first place. I read a lot of dissatisfied posts but thats because they really care not because they hate Arsenal. You posting name is rather becoming. I would suggest you go easy on the whacky backy, you might then be able to follow the arguments a little more easily.

  20. jeff wright

    Oct 22, 2014, 14:42 #59915

    MG, it's easy to predict the end of the story if you have read the book several times before. I still think we have a good chance of 4th place at least but it's certainly not the nailed on cert that it has been in times past. For us to succeed others must fail,notably United who will spend again in January and Liverpool who are a bit luckier than us now days,at least according to Westie!

  21. jjetplane

    Oct 22, 2014, 14:26 #59914

    Funny article that leads with the Sanchez tag and builds up to a muddled frenzy about 'relegation fodder.' Arsenal may yet have an interesting time keeping above the bottom four if they become the new dog fight draw specialists. Where now for the AKB's. Well there are the birthday celebrations and OGL says 'he is fit and hungry as ever and the spirit is good and the mental strength of course ....' SPACED why so unhappy - you have the club you want?

  22. Steve

    Oct 22, 2014, 14:12 #59913

    Paragraph 2 - you should have just stopped at "I think we are selling him"

  23. Tony Evans

    Oct 22, 2014, 14:11 #59912

    jjetplane - cheers. There are quite a few of us on this site that go way back with the club, and we are the ones (in the main) that find it so hard to stomach what Wenger and the board are doing. Can't believe I am now looking enviously at Chelsea (a club who were never even on my radar) and wishing Abramovitch and Mourinho were at Arsenal.

  24. Spaced

    Oct 22, 2014, 13:40 #59911

    Simon, if you have managed, or bothered, to read down through all the usual Arsenal haters, I just want to say thanks for the article... yes, Sanchez IS good isn't he. Looking forward to when he really gets into his stride...

  25. maguiresbridge gooner

    Oct 22, 2014, 13:39 #59910

    jw, your right when or if we do scrape fourth again this season you can be sure we'll hear about it, and a big thing made of i't and not just by OGL either.

  26. jjetplane

    Oct 22, 2014, 13:31 #59909

    BARD that is what I am saying. He looks almost imperial now working in a team and club where he he is respected and encouraged to do his best. Under Wenger he was run ragged with no real underlying aims and at Barca he was never given a bite of the best cherry. Quite scarey how Maureen has made the best of the transfer market. Fabregas and Costa are simply the best. Sanchez I think is a great player too but with a new coach (time is pressing by the week now) he could be as imperial as Fabregas. ToNY EVAnS great post and as someone who saw their first game in the 60s I too and daily pissed off with what as happened to us. Who knows - with new owners and a coach I may even go to the Emirates. For now I find the place in a sense immoral. Saturday I shall be going to a game where one of our strikers won't be playing cause he's a lecky and he has a job on. Big game - top of the county league stuff. Which brings me to Diaby ...........

  27. maguiresbridge gooner

    Oct 22, 2014, 13:15 #59907

    Bard, yes strange how quiet they are now regarding cesc, I wonder why.

  28. Bard

    Oct 22, 2014, 12:58 #59906

    jjetplane; you may be right but to me Cesc is Arsenal despite the Barca stuff. Maybe he wouldn't have made a difference but boy is he making a difference to Chelsea.

  29. Tony Evans

    Oct 22, 2014, 12:41 #59904

    Sanchez is certainly a cut above most of his team-mates - but we are clutching at straws here as our problems are all management and board driven. I have long wanted Wenger out but let's face it if Kronke (or his son) retain control of the club Wenger being replaced will probably have little or no effect anyway. A better balanced more tactically aware squad of players maybe, but the club's ambition (or lack of I should say) will be the same. I am left with a sense of bitterness that a club I have supported for so long has sold it's soul to greed and profit, and basically stuck two fingers up to its core fan base. Dramatic stuff but that is how I feel, and I live in hope that Kronke sells out to Usmanov and we then have a owner who cares about matters on the pitch as much as the size of his bank account.

  30. jeff wright

    Oct 22, 2014, 12:39 #59903

    Personally speaking Peter pan I just find Arsene to be a joke the Diaby thingy among a multitude of other nonsense makes Wenger the laughing stock of football. I would have prefered it that he had gone with some goodwill and grace after winning the cup last season though rather than for it all to end in tears for him,as it will inevitably do . He is 65 today so happy birthday Arsene ! I note that he is again bleating on before tonight's game about his belief in the team and players that he put together and coaches shame that the results and performances don't match the verbals . The game is live on Sky One ,although the majority of neutrals will be watching the Champs, Real Madrid, a side with more ambition than just reaching the next round and departing after another 'heroic defeat'take on Liverpool at Anfield . about his belief in the team that he has built and that they can challenge for trophies,it all it needs to shut up us critics of him is for that to be shown by results, so far there has been precious little sign of this ,other than a 3 minute cameo at Villa . Every team has 3 minutes of fame in a season when they look like world beaters. The trick is to do this for longer than 3 minutes in games over the course of a season. Unfortunately Wenger has struggled to do that since 2004 and that is a mighty long-time to be constantly in transition relying on some supposed quality that he sees in every team that he manages and has parsimoniously cobbled together on coat buttons . He is obviously reluctant at this early stage of proceedings to admit that 3rd or 4th place is the best that he can do again in the Prem . To do so would be to admit that he got things badly wrong,not least by starting the season with jus 5 experienced defenders and knowing that one of his CB's was crocked with an injury and another was past his best,and his best was never very good anyway. Later on around March Wenger will be claiming that the battle for 4th place is exciting ! You couldn't make it up. Another FAC win to add a bit of gloss to the misery looks unlikely, because the rather fortuitous run of home games against the better sides, followed by lower ones after at Wembley, Wigan in the Semi and Hull in the final, is unlikely to be reciprocated and he has never defended successfully any trophy that he ever won anyway . The European Cup looks well beyond him, in fact he has even admitted this recently himself, saying that there are 4 teams that are more favourites to win it than us . So taking account of everything I can't see any reason why this man with his record of failure and inability to motivate his players ,as we saw again last Saturday, in a game that he was odds on to win, should still be running AFC . The only case for the defence is that he makes money for Stan by securing the group stage CL European TV cash every season . Surely there must be more to life than this? 9 years and multi-millions spent to win a FAC is hardly any justification to claim that his management is working. In fact it proves exactly the opposite.

  31. jjetplane

    Oct 22, 2014, 12:37 #59902

    Just to say once more. looking at Fabregas you see a matured footballer now doing his stuff at a mature football club. Can anyone really believe he was ever coming back to Wenger? BARD that is your only straw clutch. About the other mob Citeh - notice they too have a couple of somewhat familiar full backs on show who too, look bigger more grown up than when they were PERFORMING under France's worst ever magician. Is there a pattern there. If you stay with Wenger you remain a Peter Pan. Oh dear. A word on Sanchez - the more perceptive have already mentioned he will be moved elsewhere and I could see him up front with Aguero or Costa and then he would not look so pissed off as he is now at the work rate of his team and the absence of any coaching philosophy. Ozil is being shipped up and I imagine Ramsay and finally Sanchez will wrap up some neat business for you know who's. Where they go is historically now of no importance as we no longer compete but resemble more the TESCO of 10 years ago. Think Wal Mart and you know what they have made Arsenal. Must say the picture above tells you all about some people's ambitions. No comment.

  32. Seven Kings Gooner

    Oct 22, 2014, 12:35 #59901

    Simon: The elephant in the room was never our title chances - they were and will remain non existent, while the current personnel remain in situ. The elephant in the room is the continuous denial by bloggers, like yourself, that our club is going backwards in footballing terms - irrespective of the huge sums of cash raked in each year!

  33. peter pan

    Oct 22, 2014, 11:47 #59899

    what the point myself and Rocky are trying to point out is that, most of the bullies on here resent mr wenger more than they care to imagine. its far too easy to read a post and continue to ridicule the man. so we got lucky in the fa cup, but history states we won it managed under Arsene Wenger. no different to 1979 when we won under Terry Neill and so on and so on.

  34. Jim

    Oct 22, 2014, 11:44 #59898

    Sanchez is world class yet you mustn't let the wobs make him into an idol like they did Wilshere as before long they will revert to slagging him off.As far as Wenger bashing is concerned you will never stop that as weak people always need a scapegoat to blame for their foolish existence.

  35. jeff wright

    Oct 22, 2014, 10:50 #59896

    Arsene the commander of the British Empire - Legion de Honor is now as Peter pan points out the holder of the FA Cup and the Community Shield . My how the mighty are fallen,but not according to the boy who never grows up, because Arsene has proven that he can still cut the mustard ,well at least in winning domestic cups ,he never has won anything in Europe - so what you never had you never miss ! It should be noted though that it took a kings ransom in loot and 9 long ( yawn) years for Commander Wenger to win that belated job saving cup - it was a bit of a struggle to over come old Brucie and his might Tigers but in the end Arsene just prevailed to celebrate winning a cup that he had deemed not worth parading the last time that he did so. the shield is not a proper trophy anyway ,at one time the charity shield ,as it was originally called , was shared by both teams if the game was a draw at 90 minutes ,it has no value at all as regards any sort of prestige and really should now be called the David Moyes Shield Of Remembrance in recognition of his outstanding achievement in winning it when briefly in charge at United . So what is Wenger going to do for an encore Peter >? Win another domestic cup? If he does it won't be the League Cup,because he was beaten in the first round at home by Southampton . I suspect that the Saints manager is another one who has got old Arsene well sussed out tactically and there could be more punishment to come from him.

  36. Terry

    Oct 22, 2014, 9:54 #59895

    The Cesc issue really grates. Liverpool of old, used to hoover up talent every season denying competitors from purchasing them. Just a thought. Also why is it that some people cannot dissociate AW from AFC? Criticising AW does not mean that you do not fully support the other or are no less a fan. However, I can see why the boundaries are blurred. In the words of Sir Chips (great name for a Chairman) Keswick, AW controls all footballing matters at the club. This cannot be very healthy in anyone's eyes. I hope the Monaco rumour is true, funny how it has materialised suddenly bearing in mind AW recent PR issues! (BBC/AGM/Mourinho push/Poor team performances)

  37. Rocky RIP

    Oct 22, 2014, 9:46 #59894

    LOL - oh dear. My messiah, eh? You know little about me or my views on AW. I asked for the FA Cup victory to be viewed in isolation, but you've drawn the whole tedious AMG v AKB debate into it. My only point here is that I've got a problem with Arsenal fans calling our FA Cup win fluky or lucky or undeserving (irrespective of our manager.)All cup winners have an element of riding their luck. Anyone who does call it lucky mentions the lesser teams we played but conveniently ignores the fact that we knocked out Tottenham, Liverpool and Everton. Yes, we made hard work of Wigan which shouldn't be the case, but not one of those games did we win when the opposition should have. We deserved to win every game and did, sometimes the hard way and after shooting ourselves in the foot. Re-watch the final and anyone who think Hull deserved to win that seriously needs their head examined. Nobody is claiming it's the greatest achievement in the history of football, but equally it deserves some credit and not to be dismissed out of hand. Especially by our own fans. I repeat LOL, you don't know me, so please don't assign some infantile label to me that you've read elsewhere and borrowed.

  38. chris dee

    Oct 22, 2014, 9:26 #59892

    Sanchez (and Welbeck) must be shocked that after 7 games in the Premiership and 2 in the Champions League they have realised they can't win either competition.They must also be shocked at the rigid,easily countered one dimensional tactics of Arsene and the weak,cowardly character that has become ****ded in the team's D N A. Can Sanchez become our Aguero? Yes, all he has to do is win 2 Premiership titles,because if we win nothing then it doesn't matter to me if he scores 1000 goals in a season.Bur can Arsene ever win the premiership again?Not a hope in hell.

  39. Torbay gooner

    Oct 22, 2014, 8:17 #59891

    Sanchez is a class act, no doubt. How long he will want to stay with a club with such limited ambition remains to be seen. I tend to agree with mathew as I favour 2 strikers up front also. I assume we welcome Wally back tonight.

  40. Mathew

    Oct 22, 2014, 7:59 #59890

    Most of the RVP goals were fed by Theo, and they had a commendable partnership too. If Sanchez plays centrally, with Walcott's pace on the flanks, we should achieve the same results again. But the difference between Man City and Arsenal is that they play two upfront. I would welcome Giroud and Sanchez to play upfront, Ozil to play as Number 10 behind those strikers.

  41. Bard

    Oct 22, 2014, 7:33 #59889

    Some lively posts here. Just wanted to share how gutwrenching it was watching Cesc play for the Chavs last night. To think we passed up on signing him in the summer on the pretext that we had enough midfielders. What a mistake, he is head and shoulders above any of our current crop. An absolute howler from the messiah. It trumps our selling of Nasri and RVP by a country mile. Its odd how fickle the pro Wenger camp are. Rather like the team they talk a good game but bar Westie they go missing when the going gets tough.

  42. Ozzie

    Oct 22, 2014, 4:16 #59888

    It is human nature to make comparisons but Sanchez is Sanchez, let us not stereotype him with expectations he may not fulfil. As for fourth place forget it, it just isn't going to happen this season. Time to adjust to the slippery slope and eat humble pie for awhile methinks. Besides, the Europa League may well wake up the dreamers to where we are really at - assuming we even make that. Seeing as people are talking about the 'bleeeding obvious' what was more obvious pre season than the current two-horse race? Maybe the board have a few bob each way to lighten their boredom a little? F##k, what are these parasites at their life's end going to be experiencing? What futile little lives!

  43. QuartzGooner

    Oct 22, 2014, 0:10 #59887

    I rate Alexis Sanchez as our best player. (And I also would like us to buy Aguero!) With Ozil's abscence, I think our most potent attacking line up could well be Alexis Sanchex wide left, Cazorla as Number 10 and Walcott wide right, with Welbeck up front. To have two fast and powerful deputies such as Oxlade-Chamberlain and Gnabry to add to the mix that part of our squad is exciting; fast, dynamic players inter-changing positions. BUT only if these players keep it focused on going for goal and not getting trapped in sideways football. I think that they will do the former, they are the type that like to go forward.

  44. Rob1970

    Oct 22, 2014, 0:02 #59886

    Sanchez is excellent even though Wegner doesn't know where/how to play him. The season is truly doomed. Now Ospina is out for 3 months with a 'thigh' injury. This is the year we finish below 4th...the year we have to have.

  45. LOL

    Oct 21, 2014, 23:56 #59885

    Rocky RIP. You're right. Maximum massive credit should be given to Wenger for scraping past financially doped Wigan, on pens! And as for that heroic against all odds comeback versus Barc...errr sorry I meant HULL, I mean it's just an amazing feat. Yeah. Makes my blood boil too when ppl devalue the FA Cup. I bet your messiah Lord Specialist in Failure, made your blood boil all those times he sent out dud teams to get battered by Stoke and Blackburn in the FA cup eh? A wage bill higher than Chelski and you're trying to big up a scraped vs HULL. LMAO. The very definition of small-time....

  46. Rocky RIP

    Oct 21, 2014, 23:10 #59884

    N4 - 'Surely you couldn't have forgotten the game already by now?!! We struggled from the start and we were 2-0 behind and won it only in extra time!' - taking the FA Cup in isolation, it makes my blood boil when so-called Arsenal fans de-value our own FA Cup win. Not one of them can point to a game we didn't deserve to win yet still manage to make out we were lucky - drivel. So we won in extra time? It's a cup final for heaven's sake not a tug of war when the best team automatically wins. They don't all end in a comfortable 4-0 win. We had a dreadful start and recovered, despite being denied FOUR clear cut penalties. We deserved that victory, even if they put our nerves through the wringer as usual.

  47. DW Thomas

    Oct 21, 2014, 22:55 #59882

    Arsenal sit 7th with 11 points, 3 others with 11 as well. Stoke one of them, Swansea and Tottenham the others. Even United is now above us! Chelsea has double our points on less wages. Worse, just a pic of Cesc high fiving Terry! The AKBs blindly defend their hero when day after day evidence piles up that he is well past being able to win the PL or CL. Anyone who is critical is either a plastic fan or dumb. We are a club who invest the bare minimum to placate fans who slurp up the bs they offer. Instead of realizing the potential of much more, profit is lauded over winning. Why not have both? Is it too risky? Are the club, manager, and owner that miserly? Arrogance combined with greed. That should be the club motto. Arrogreed! The history of great wins and the Invincibles season should have springboarded us to greatness. Just answer this one question. What has held this club back since 2006?

  48. Rose the AKB

    Oct 21, 2014, 22:46 #59881

    Utterly stupid article. Aguero is fed from the flanks by Kolarov and Zabaleta, two top crossers. Arsenal have errr ...Gibbs? Behind Aguero is Silva. Ozil wasted on wing by the idiot manager. Aguero is fed by Dzeko, Arsenal have the inferior Welbeck. Why do Arsenal need to make top 4? What for? What have the past 10 years of CL footie done bar perpetuate the rubbish mismanagement of the club by an arrogant dinosaur? Is the cash used to improve the team? The fans are mugged off. Loss of top 4 means we can lose THE elephant in the room, Wenger. The fact that you're STILL using the Henry example, that's from 1999, FIFTEEN YEARS AGO FFS, is proof positive of what a past it busted flush Wenger is. I mean, did you know that back in 1986, Terry Venables turned Luis Enrique into a top midfielder as a youth? So bloody what? Who would employ Venables now? Hilarious...

  49. N4

    Oct 21, 2014, 22:42 #59880

    Oh come on Peter!! Surely you couldn't have forgotten the game already by now?!! We struggled from the start and we were 2-0 behind and won it only in extra time! Charity shield City weren't at full strength and gave us loads of space! The problem with AW he doesn't have a plan B let alone a plan A!?! I'm not trying to change your belief and we're all one fan whether AKBs or WOBs and want the best for Arsenal but things need to change and quickly from the board to the Manager! A proper clean up!

  50. Never again

    Oct 21, 2014, 22:26 #59879

    Don Howe's final home game as Arsenal manager we were 4th in the table.Guess what the attendance was? 17,179.The fans had voted with their feet and it was the end of Howe.The board went after Venables then got George and the rest is history.Can you imagine if the board back in 1986 had back Howe?The difference between then and now is now the fans turn up week in and week out like sheep regardless of the continued failure of the manager.When will fans realise the club cares about bums on seats rather than trophies.Who finished 4th in 100m in the Olympics? who finish 4th in Strictly?

  51. Peter pan

    Oct 21, 2014, 22:17 #59878

    N4... I genuinely appreciate what you are saying but as far as saying that if you go back the last six years or however long, believe it or not, we are currently the holders of the FA cup and charity shield. For all the tea in China, it demonstrates that the manager can still cut a trophy or two and is not the washed out figure that many would hang the man for.

  52. maguiresbridge gooner

    Oct 21, 2014, 21:36 #59877

    Hiccup, oh i'd imagine it's just a hibernation period (again) and they'll wake up before the weekend even as soon as tomorrow night when we over come the mighty Anderlecht (or even a credible draw might be enough to do it) and we'll be on our way again and the blip will be over, then it will be the 8-0 men and a result there and we'll be flying (wasn't the same said of Hull?) and the league will be on. Some actually think and believe it, so it's not right laughing.

  53. N4

    Oct 21, 2014, 21:00 #59876

    So Peter P what was the point of this article then?! The way I see the article was as if to take the attention of AW recent spat with the BBC journalist! I'm sure Simon loves A.R.S.E.N.A.L as much as I do but the reality has been there a very long time ago for all of us to see...of course except a very few...! Also what I mean was and probably should have explained, that it's ok to come and and say I support AW! No need to go around ten thousands of ways to say it! If you go 6 years or more ago you will se that we were moaning about the same problems and until now nothing has changed!

  54. Peter pan

    Oct 21, 2014, 20:49 #59875

    N4.....it's not that he's an AKB, AMG, BBC, ITV, EFC or anything else. Simply put he supports A.R.S.E.N.A.L. Get used to it, because far,far,far too many love to kill A.W. Just for the sake of something to say.

  55. Hiccup

    Oct 21, 2014, 20:48 #59874

    Is today the historical day that the AKB has become extinct? Or is it just another hibernation period, awaiting the outcome of the Sunderland game when the eggs will be out again? Bard, there could be £100m available, but we won't be able to sign another CB, because who's going to come here to sit on the bench as 3rd choice? I'm going to miss those pearlers?

  56. DW Thomas

    Oct 21, 2014, 20:29 #59873

    Simon I get your heart is in the right place, but your head might need an examining. Aguero is a big part of City's dominance lately. He, Silva, Kompany, and Toure make that team. A great spine. We have no one close to those guys. Kos on his day aint bad. But compare their best to ours. Night and day difference. Wenger will cock it up again, he always does. He brings nothing fresh or new ever anymore to the table. Just the same old crusty, stale recipes that barely scrape 4th. Sanchez stands out so much because, A-he works his tail off EVERY game, B-he is strong AND skillfull, and C-he seems to be hungry and gritty, demanding more than his teammates or club and manager for that matter. We need 3 more like him just to compete! Where has Ramsey been? Why can't Ozil play with Sanchez's heart and effort? We have too many weak links. After 10 games we will be still behind Chelsea and City for sure. No improvement. Just stagnation. Sanchez will be here maybe 2 seasons until he sees what Cesc and RVP saw. And as the money continues to be hoovered up, Monsieur Knowz Eet All will still be in charge. Depressing!

  57. maguiresbridge gooner

    Oct 21, 2014, 19:49 #59871

    Hiccup, crop rotation I like that, maybe he couldn't wait until next season and started with the goalkeepers already.

  58. Bard

    Oct 21, 2014, 19:41 #59870

    Just read an interesting piece, the Arsenal Supporters Trust dispute the figure given by the club for money available for transfers after examining the finances. The club say 20m the Trust say 42m. This is The Arsenal we do things differently at our club. We surely dont tell the supporters financial porkies or do we? We need Amos to give us the lowdown but hes gone awol.

  59. N4

    Oct 21, 2014, 19:35 #59869

    Come on Simon just admit that you're an AKB and that you're trying to find positives things to say of late! Once again the problem are not the players or new input players...it's AW! Hiccup and DJ spot on!

  60. Bob

    Oct 21, 2014, 19:31 #59868

    Sanchez is a fine player, but unlike Aguero he is the only remotely world-class player at the club.

  61. glenngould

    Oct 21, 2014, 19:20 #59867

    Another rewrite from last year about this 'Magic ten-game mark'. Last year we were five points ahead at the top of the league and you confidently predicted a title challenge. Simon it's really time to stop writing pseudo-intelligent rubbish and see the wood for the trees: Arsenal will not be competitive again under Arsene Wenger and the club needs a new mentality and a new set of faces both on and off the pitch to see things right. Sanchez is Sanchez, Aguerro is a completely different footballer playing for one of the best teams in the world. It's simplistic to dry and draw parallels just because they look fairly similar. Let's see how Sanchez develops under our senile manager. Probably not at all - at what I call the 'Magic Thirty Eight Game Mark,' I predict we will be outside the top four.

  62. DJ

    Oct 21, 2014, 18:34 #59865

    So fourth place is what we aspire to after the 'magical?' ten game mark. Put Ronaldo and Messi up front with Alexis and we would still finish third at best due to defensive organisation or lack of.

  63. ljb

    Oct 21, 2014, 18:27 #59864

    On another note did you hear about kse getting a journo fired for an innocuous tweet about the quality of the Colorado Rapids squad ,and Rapids fans hiring a plane with an anti KSE banner and flying it over the stadium as the Rapids increased their winless streak to 13 games ? This man will destroy Arsenal but hey he loves Wenger so the AKBs choose to ignore whats happening,its disgusting.

  64. Jumpers for Goalposts

    Oct 21, 2014, 18:17 #59863

    Edmund - why is "Wenger bashing" pointless?? You acknowledge things aren't going well because you stated ------ this may help push things in the right direction ------ Have you ever asked yourself who is to blame for Arsenal heading in the wrong direction????

  65. Hiccup

    Oct 21, 2014, 18:04 #59862

    This is exactly the same article posted from 12 months ago? Simon, we know you don't worry about Arsenal dropping out the top 4. Just conveniently brush the fact that we're out of the title race under the carpet without much analysis as to why? Aren't you a bit disappointed to be out if it after 8 games? I'd like to ask (within the permitted guidelines of course) why you AKB's have plugged every year that we're always in a state of transition readying ourselves for a challenge in the future? Are you now saying we've frittered the last God knows how many years away in transition to be well and truly out of the race in October? I think it's clear to everyone now that we've never been in transition, just stuck in the wilderness with this inept manager. But no doubt we'll have to endure the same circus next summer when wenger will probably bolster the defence, but in true crop rotation decide to start the season with just one goalkeeper in the squad this time around. As for the ten game mark (and what's magic about it?) I suppose it makes a change to the wait to May line that the AKB's trot out. However, I could have told you we'd be faffing around for 4th before magic game number 1 back in August.

  66. maguiresbridge gooner

    Oct 21, 2014, 17:58 #59861

    Wally's about to return and save us hur ra, not all that complicated really the only person likely to complicate things is OGL(he doesn't know the best position for our players either) with his next brain fart, maybe wally in goals? we may have no alternative. Yes the table is taking on a very recognisable shape (doesn't it always) because whatever title challenge we have/had or ever have/had always quickly dissolves thanks to this old fraud we have as a manager and that will continue as long as he's allowed to bumble around and be put up with. So here we are after just eight games (it's usually more)hoping other teams will crumble and wilt so we can scrape something (sounds familiar) is this how far we have we fallen? sadly yes, and we all know who's responsible for that.

  67. Bard

    Oct 21, 2014, 17:28 #59860

    Not quite sure whats upbeat about this article. From what Ive seen Aguero is a completely different sort of striker to Sanchez. As I understand it Aguero is always injured which would fit nicely into our pattern and I don't understand what you mean by"the benefits could be greater than we realise". I really like Sanchez but unless he can play centre half as well, i don't see the extra hidden benefits. The rest of the article is a 'statement of the bleeding obvious'. Of course those at the bottom are craping themselves and it is equally obvious Arsenal are out of the race for the PL. You say there is no substitute for knowing your plight early however I would rather have not known Arsenal were out of it this early

  68. Carlos

    Oct 21, 2014, 17:13 #59859

    An upbeat post, thanks. He is indeed a great player, who apparently only arrived back in the UK on Friday after all his jetting around. My only hope is that he can show it; he has certainly made a good start. By the way, I would like to think that Mr Gaszidis has other bits and pieces on his to do list rather than reading the online gooner.

  69. Ben

    Oct 21, 2014, 17:07 #59857

    Interesting article. I personally think that the best position for Alexis is as a support striker with the license to roam.He is such a clinical striker(3 goals from 5 shots on target this season) as show by his conversion rates of previous years so it would be a lot more beneficial for him to be in the central areas around the box and he is very creative. He plays this position for Chile and previously with Udinese and was an absolute beast.

  70. AMG

    Oct 21, 2014, 16:14 #59851

    I think Alexis has all of the ability to be as effective as Aguero, if not more so. Unfortunately he plays for a manager who coaches the world class out of players and leaves them riddled with self doubt. The same thing that happened to Arshavin and Ozil is coming for Alexis, such a shame.

  71. Edmund

    Oct 21, 2014, 15:56 #59849

    Good article, Simon. This is what we need. Positive suggestions. If Grazidis does monitor blogs, this may help push things in the right direction. If he doesn't it is at least a refreshing departure fron the constant and pointless Wenger bashing.

  72. CT Gooner

    Oct 21, 2014, 15:11 #59846

    You make some good points, but Man City play with two forwards, we don't, so I don't see Alexis matching Aguero on goals. I'm not belittling Alexis, he's our only world class player IMO, but that's the other issue, who in our squad would play at any other top CL team? As for the battle for 4th, it's going to be tough going. I think the balance of our squad is so off kilter, and there's a very high chance it will bite us in the arse.

  73. billthered

    Nov 20, 2012, 9:13 #28392

    Adebarndoor played another good game and just shows how we miss him,however lets not run away with ourselves lacklustre games against Norwich and Man Ure shows the reality of the situation.And why did we bring on Santos and Ramsey two players hopelessly off the pace and when we brought the Ox on he showed what pace can do when setting up the fifth goal please learn AW ten men do not like playing against pace and make out we're playing the spuds next time we put in a gutless display.

  74. goonercolesyboy

    Nov 19, 2012, 23:27 #28388

    Once again this forum is infested with negative comments after a good weekend eg...Wenger is a clown...Walcott is off...they were better than us for 17 minutes...when is the town hall parade?...you really are miserable people.

  75. Chris

    Nov 19, 2012, 21:19 #28386

    To attempt to answer Kevin's (rhetorical?) question - I would have thought the answer lies somewhere with Clichy, Nasri, Fabregas, RVP and Song. Or rather, with the fact that the first choice front six (assuming we saw that on Saturday) have, Theo apart, only two (almost) full seasons at the club between them. And one of them was from Jack, who is just back from 17-odd months out. Consistency comes from familiarity and a settled team. I very much doubt we intend to conitunue rotating the playing staff at the same rate we have recently. And we should also have more relative might in the transfer market in the near future. That should help rectify (or at least stem) the recent decline in paying staff quality that we have seen.

  76. mandy dodd

    Nov 19, 2012, 20:56 #28384

    realistically we can take the pleasure of beating that lot in isolation. however bigger picture is we are still in disarray. this manager wont ever win us a meaningful trophy. still lets concentrate on this result for a bit. both teams were poor but we won so foys

  77. Ron

    Nov 19, 2012, 20:28 #28383

    Alsace - Yes. Walcotts as good as gone and i d guess Cazorla will get his hands on the exit door slightly before Jack. Not sure about Ox. Jury s well out on him. Cd have flattered to deceive. For me, Walcotts not too bad, but hes 2nd tier at best. Not a massive loss really.

  78. Alsace Lorraine De Totteridge

    Nov 19, 2012, 19:25 #28379

    There is a Vincent Price Film, I think called the Pit and the Pendulum, where the villain's victims are put to death with an axe which swings very slowly downwards on a spring loaded pendulum. Arsenal's slow and painful demise into greater and greater mediocrity is much like that. Death by a million cuts, without hope of rescue other than through the resignation of our tormentor. Today's review of the game by OGL makes it fairly obvious that he has no intention of doing anything other than wasting Walcott's time in negotiations, so Mr Walcott will follow the sensible example of Henry, Fabregas, Nasri, Song and Van Persie. Jack and the Ox will wise up pretty quickly as well.

  79. nilz21

    Nov 19, 2012, 14:40 #28369

    a win that papers over the cracks for another weak. mediocre performances against montpellier and villa await....the excuse ??? we've had 3 really hard games and the players are really tired. Text book wenger

  80. WeAreBuildingATeamToDominate

    Nov 19, 2012, 12:52 #28362

    BBC hang your heads in shame! The online report of Saturday was totally negative and made it sound like even at 4-2 we were desperately hanging on. MOTD wasn't much better....smug Gary Lineker and his mate 'Arry "Spurs have got a better squad than Arsenal"....if these are their current journalistic standards well is it any wonder what state they got themselves in at the moment? As for AVB "we controlled the game from the 1st minute to the 90th" he must either be in denial or trying to keep his job. In the long run, the result changes nothing but it's always nice to put our esteemed neighbours back in their place.

  81. Mike

    Nov 19, 2012, 10:50 #28359

    Nice to see that all three of the new signings got on the scoreboard - one of whom has been much maligned on this website and has now got 6 goals in the last 8

  82. weststandlower

    Nov 19, 2012, 10:21 #28358

    When we're playing on form one of the footballing sides in the world. Unfortunately doesn't happen enough! Whoever the Arsenal 'fan' was that was singing 'this one's for Palestine' is an absolute scumbag. Don't want your racist politics at my club

  83. Ron

    Nov 19, 2012, 9:55 #28357

    Always nice to put that delusional rabble down and back in their box, but the performance was a bit surreal. 5-2 sounds great and looks good in the history books, but the red card was THE factor. We may still have trounced them 11-11, who knows, but i doubt it.

  84. Andy M

    Nov 19, 2012, 9:16 #28356

    That was more like an Arsenal performance! And Giroud really is starting to happen. Onwards!

  85. chris dee

    Nov 19, 2012, 9:03 #28355

    We won ,but it did not feel like a 5-2 win,it was edgy and there was always the feeling we could screw things up ,which have become the leading experts at. If we had won or drawn the two goals we conceded would have been rightly highlighted but it was glossed over.Nervous and unsure defending with Chesney still not convincing anyone apart from Arsene, that he will be filling the boots of Lehman or Seaman any time soon. But a win is a win and going to work today is a pleasure instead of a chore. What can Arsene do to bring back the glory days? Win 4 matches in the Capitol Cup.

  86. Mike

    Nov 19, 2012, 8:52 #28354

    Rocky RIP - 100% behind you - doom mongers trying to say the game would have been different had Adebayour not been sent off - he was .. and we won 5-2.. second time this year, brilliant....defense does need something to gel them (don't know what), but as individual players there is nothing wrong with them. Definately been entertaining football this year despite the mishaps along the way, which by the way is drawing two games we should have won...How did the BSM march go

  87. Tony Evans

    Nov 19, 2012, 8:36 #28353

    As a one off great but changes nothing in the longer term and unfortunately only serves to keep the pressure off Wenger until the next debacle. As Kevin has said consistancy is the key ingredient missing and this squad of players is just not solid enough to achieve that and never will be under that clown Wenger.

  88. Dave

    Nov 19, 2012, 6:57 #28352

    @GoonerRon C'mon even the most one eyed Gooner has to admit they were on top when it was 11 v 11.Did you not see the Lennon shot that went inches wide?.The whole game turned on the red card.You probably think Man Utd scraped a 2-1 win against us.I am all for backing our team but being blinkered makes you look stupid

  89. Ali

    Nov 19, 2012, 4:39 #28351

    I see many AKBs have come out of their shells and chant slogans like they have won the treble. It was just 3 points against a mediocre 10-man Spurs team so it suddenly doesn't make Wenger the best manager in the history of the universe and doesn't solve all obvious problems in Arsenal's wage structure, team mentality, game tactics and off the pitch mismanagement. On the same day Norwich beat United but that doesn't make them potential title contenders so just go and check your minds.

  90. Joe S.

    Nov 19, 2012, 2:50 #28350

    The vomit inducing nonsense being spouted here by the AKBs has already taken away the pleasure in beating Spurs. Talk about a group of loyalists who only sing when they are winning.

  91. Wombledin

    Nov 19, 2012, 0:03 #28349

    Spoilt, whiney-assed fellow gooners, we are only 4 points off CL qualification threshold. Piece of cake! West Brom, West Ham, the spuds or Everton ain't gonna nick 4th off us, what you worried about? Everything's rosey, were on track to get another glorious top four finish to add to Wenger's 15 in a row already. Our trophy room is bulging. What are you all whinging about? You'd be mad to not be delighted with a Manager who wins you a CL qualification trophy the last 8 years on the trot.

  92. a

    Nov 19, 2012, 0:02 #28348

    Owen Colye - I am astonished - good guy and ok manager...but not at our level...Mr Palmer, please be more objective!

  93. Rocky RIP

    Nov 18, 2012, 23:11 #28347

    Gooner Ron - totally agree with your comment about this idea/convenient myth that Sp*rs were well on top before Adebayor was sent off. Drivel. Even get some of ours saying they should have been 3-0 up?! How? Does an offside goal and a shot off target count? In 5 years time it'll be they should have been 5-0 up. Sp*rs were good value for their lead but don't be conned that they were romping away with it, but for the sending off....but for Henry Norris...but for the lasagne...but for the fact that the hotel was absolved of all blame for the food bug that their players passed to one another...oh.

  94. GG89

    Nov 18, 2012, 22:51 #28346

    Well done lads.... that's a great confidence boost. Its possible for this team to get much stronger. The question set was can Wenger return to us the Glory Years? Well just by the DVD of the 2003/4 season if you want that... its impossible now, too many good teams in the league...

  95. Fozzy

    Nov 18, 2012, 22:51 #28345

    Credit where credit is due. Following my midweek rant, we say Cazorla sparkle, Podolski looking interested and even Walnutt getting stuck in. In fact, well done, everybody. I will wear my Arsenal tie with pride to work. The Adebanjo incident did not surprise me. However, what did surprise me was that Gallas obviously thought he was pulling a fast one by making us play towards the North Bank in the first half. This had disastrous results last season. But what a time for The Arse to get it right and hopefully, finally, remove the Gareth Bale from our backs. By the way, we are all back again for some Wednesday night action and the same commitment would be rather handy.

  96. GoonerRon

    Nov 18, 2012, 21:55 #28344

    For all those saying Spuds were well on top before the red card, it wasn't my re-collection of it. Yes, they got the goal but I don't remember feeling like we were being dominated at all.

  97. Seven Kings Gooner

    Nov 18, 2012, 21:54 #28343

    Playing the Spuds there is always a point in the game when they know who there are and we know who we are, that point arrived just before half time when the third goal went in. After that the pressure was of Tottenham and they could "oohh & aaah" all they wanted already having the "we only had 10 men excuse" under their belt. Defensively if we had paid another £500,000 and signed Schwarzer I think we would panic less under pressure. Still need 3 world class players to ever challange again.

  98. Rocky RIP

    Nov 18, 2012, 21:54 #28342

    Gazza - so Wenger had 8 'good' years? (1996/7-2004) Hilarious. Two doubles and an unbeaten season with a side most pundits were agreeing was the best English football had ever seen. The other 8 (2005-present)- 's****'? Interesting. Being approx 15 minutes away from winning the Champions League with 10 men falls under the umbrella of *****. I'll listen to all rational arguments against Wenger, but I'm not having that. Especially from an Arsenal fan. Let Sky and the anti-Arsenal media re-write our history unfavourably as they always do, but not our own fans. Disgraceful. Unbeaten season = good. Joker. Or one of that lot in disguise on here.

  99. Graham

    Nov 18, 2012, 21:42 #28341

    If we didnt know any better we would say the Spuds are deliberately doing this to keep our clown of a manager in a job.They know as long as Wenger is in charge we will win the same as them every season.As others have said this result just papers over the cracks of Wengers management as shown by Wengers dumb substitutions of Santos and Ramsey.

  100. Rocky RIP

    Nov 18, 2012, 21:40 #28340

    Glenn - fair enough mate. Point taken. I did refer to the game being our 'cup final' these days, which is a sad state of affairs compared with 10 years ago under the very same manager. (Wenger led us genuine cup finals in '01/'02/'03/'05/'06/'07! with nothing much happening in '04!) I agree with most of the issues people have with modern football/how our club has become embroiled in the whole commercial nonsense which has seen the fanbase change and so on. I was just delighted to shelve all that for a weekend and go nuts about beating that lot.

  101. Gazza

    Nov 18, 2012, 21:14 #28339

    At In Arsene we Trust Wengers tactics was working well for the first 18 minutes we should have been three down by then or was you in a different stadium to me ? I must be a plastic fan of some 40 years then as I want Wenger out oh I forgot Arsenal didn't exist until 1996 I don't want to just qualify for the champions league each season I want us to COMPETE in all the competitions we are in 8 good years from Wenger followed by 8 ****e years time to go

  102. Chrisy boy

    Nov 18, 2012, 21:07 #28338

    Whatever issues We have at our club, I just want to enjoy this weekend and that I have big time. Beating them means so much to me. Great support for the team Saturday , well done to the fans and players.

  103. Glenn

    Nov 18, 2012, 20:44 #28337

    I don't disagree Rocky, and I'm a certain vintage too, sadly. I DID get a lot of pleasure out of Adebayor getting himself sent off and of course I cheered for us scoring and winning and beating Spurs. But like a lot of fans I've grown disillusioned recently with the board and the direction of the club and it's chipped away at me year on year to the extent that now I really can't lose the sense that we're being lied to and taken for granted - yes I know this is modern day footie and it's a greedy game but I fear the derby has turned recently into a game like birmingham vs villa, or even the merseyside derby. Two teams scrapping it out for 'bragging rights' (I hate that phrase...) and no-one else really bothering much. Seems a shame, that's all, to see how far we've fallen...

  104. Ealing Gooner

    Nov 18, 2012, 20:24 #28336

    Strange that in the years when we regularly challenged for the league and Spurs wallowed in mid-table, we found it hard to beat them (though it was impossible for them to beat us!). Now that they are supposedly on our level, we've stuck 5 past them twice in a row! Yes, they were better in the first 15 mins, but no match is won after 15 mins, and given both teams inconsistencies this season, who knows what would have happened even if they had kept 11 on the pitch? Spurs got a lot of praise on Sky despite conceding 5 goals, didn't hear that praise when our 10 men conceded 4 at Newcastle? That said, there were still some concerns, but that can wait for another day, after all it's not every day you beat the scum 5-2...on hold on, it is!! (time for a new fanzine, 1-0 down, 5-2 up!!)

  105. jihnnyhawleyloovinggooner

    Nov 18, 2012, 20:11 #28335

    I was expecting spurs to win yesterday, such is the crisis around the club.on radio 5 live the spurs and chelsea fans had the pitchforks and tourchs out for their managers.the sending off and those sad fans really cheered me up.As they are ready to dump a manager after 8 mounths or so(one of which won the big eared cup last season) , no one can expect us not question the direction the club is going,as leasons fail to be learned if the paper talk and the OXs new contract stories are true.

  106. goonercolesyboy

    Nov 18, 2012, 19:36 #28334

    Great win, great ruck before the match on the stairs and an empty away end well before the end...Jude Jolicoeur, your defamatory comment on Ramsey is pathetic...a big match this wednesday is maybe the reason to take a couple off and replace with Santos and Ramsey. Let's try to keep positive and keep the support for the players, it might just help them.

  107. JJ Williams

    Nov 18, 2012, 19:36 #28333

    With regard to Vincent kompany's comments on M.O.D. When we played City we had Diaby,(who didn't have a great game), But was a presence as our Anchor Man! Its a shame that we are at our best only when he is at his best, Which unfortunately is only once or twice a year.

  108. Send for Owen Coyle!

    Nov 18, 2012, 18:49 #28332

    Mandy D - yes, last Sept/Oct he did and plenty followed him and passed it off as their own idea. It's funny how these people are very quick to point out the 'I told you so' stuff, yet never admit to the utterly sh!te theories with which they poison the internet.

  109. mark from aylesbury

    Nov 18, 2012, 18:26 #28331

    I went yesterday after a considerable absence, after ranting off on the websites I felt that I have gone though a family rift that needs mending. What did I learn? Well its pretty obvious that Carzola on form is stunning. Theo is a riddle of potential greatness and inconsistency but someone I would like to stay. The lack of a defensive midfielder and Mertesaker backing off created vast holes for Bale to run into. I admit I was stressed at 4-2 wondering if I was about to see a collapse. Other than that Giroud is slow for a premier forward but is good at holding up and can finish, I think an Alan Smith type player. Basically my very simple analysis and summing up is that defensively we are never going to win a title and will continue to blow cup opportunities. A great game though and at least we can do something other than tippy-tappy

  110. Jude Jolicoeur

    Nov 18, 2012, 18:18 #28330

    Love our manager's pre-determined substitutions. That's the only reasonable explanation for introducing two of our poorest, out-of-form players, Ramsey and Fatty Santos, before Oxlade-Chamberlain and Arshavin. With the exception of one incisive pass to Theo, Ramsey was rubbish, as usual. Even with a wide open midfield, he managed to struggle. Thank goodness Jack is back. Hopefully Rosicky and Diaby return relatively soon to push that tosser further down the bench.

  111. DW Thomas

    Nov 18, 2012, 17:54 #28329

    Papered over the cracks. That's what this win does. Sure with everyone healthy we are a team to be reckoned with. But surely something is amiss within the defense. Too many big individual errors, Per's was terrible although he did make up for it. Spurs were bossing the game and getting chances before Adebayor lost his mind and gifted us space and an extra man! We did look good after but had Bale played that ball easily to Defoe this game might have been like game we saw them come back from 4-2 down in minutes. We never looked solid on their counters! A few positives though. Jack and Santi were great. That turn Jack made to beat two players was brilliant, more of that please! Sagna is immense and needs to be signed ASAP along with Theo. one the best right back in England, the other a game changer who frightens defenses. And I am by no means aTheo fan. AVB had us figured out tactically to start the game. Kos looked solid too with Per most game. Those two should remain our first choice in the middle. And Giroud is coming good. What effort, size and heading he brings. He just needs more quality service! Still, let's see where we are at Christmas before we forgive Wenger of 8 barren years.

  112. maguiresbridge gooner

    Nov 18, 2012, 17:32 #28328

    The love in's in the tunnel continues it would make you sick could they not at least wait until after the game at least some of the players who knew better didn't participate.

  113. Mandy Dodd

    Nov 18, 2012, 17:21 #28327

    Owen Colye for Arsenal...did he really say that.....please no..surely! Great result and a proper Groundhog Day.

  114. Rocky RIP

    Nov 18, 2012, 17:06 #28326

    Glenn ('dude') - maybe we are of different vintages, but to Arsenal fans of my age (discounting JCLs) beating that lot is ALWAYS worthy of getting excited about. If you can't celebrate beating them, then you simply don't grasp it. Even if it's our 'cup final' game and there's chronic cracks being papered over. Players like Rocastle would spend months building up to the NLD talking about little else. It's all that mattered. I'm old enough to have the perspective to see that our deep-rooted problems are still there. Hence why every last Arsenal fan was bricking themselves that we might go and blow it at 4-2, like only we can. If people can't enjoy seeing Adebayor shooting his team in the foot, followed by us romping to a 5-2 win, then I fail to see why they bother with any of it.

  115. Jack

    Nov 18, 2012, 16:28 #28325

    I thought Arsenal were pretty much in control from the start. Arsenal had 10 shots on target to Spurs 4 and 56% of possession. Of course it's not going to be a complete stroll it's the NLD. But If Arsenal had been reduced to 10 men at the Lane I woould still expect us to dominate and create more chances, I though Spurs were some what pathetic. I felt Arsenal could easily have had 7 or 8 if they had wanted. It seems the WOB's are always quick to come up with negatives even when Arsenal win. Watched the Chelsea and United games as well yesterday both sides looked poor. Chelsea have no striker of any worth and United's performance even worse than ours at Norwich with RVP unable to control the ball more often than not.

  116. Gare Kekeke

    Nov 18, 2012, 16:12 #28324

    Whatever misgivings I have with Wenger & the board, a win against that lot from the Lane is always enjoyable. Has it papered over cracks? Most likely yes, but nonetheless it was still sweet. Adebayor’s red card was for sure the turning point. Of all the high profile players to have left us since 2005, he is the most bitter of them all. Whereas the likes of Cole, Nasri & Clichy had moved on (and the medals to show for it), Adebayor still has a massive chip on his shoulder with regards to The Arsenal. His fault for being a greedy c*nt rather than build on the one great season he had whilst with us. Whilst I’ll admit to not being a Walcott fan, I can see good qualities in him as he proved again against Tottenham and he is worth keeping but not for £100k. But the club have themselves to blame with regards to his contractual situation. If he loves The Arsenal as much as Wenger claimed, he would have signed the contract on offer immediately and not ask for more money. This should have been resolved well over a year ago and as for his wage demands; well what do expect when the club put him on £20k a week two months before his 17th birthday and he is just under four months away from turning 24. And apparently we have no money. Yes, we did have a few nervy moments in the second half but in the end, we got the deserved victory and that’s all that matters in the race for fourth place. I still think we will finish fourth as I don’t think the likes of Everton & Tottenham are good enough. But unless we attempt to win the European Cup rather than just make up the numbers as we have done since 1998 and make plenty of money then what’s the point of us being there? Of all the top eight seeds in this season’s competition, we are the only one NOT to have won that trophy and for a club the size and stature of The Arsenal, that’s not good enough. Sooner or later that has to put right whether it’s under Wenger or someone else. Up The Arsenal!

  117. Glenn

    Nov 18, 2012, 15:47 #28323

    Sounding a note of caution after beating Spurs is not negativity. It's just common sense. Most sane Arsenal fans can't get excited about this result because we all know how it's going to end. "The guy is building his presence..." Think that MIGHT be an Americanism too RockyRIP. Never mind dude

  118. Rob

    Nov 18, 2012, 15:22 #28322

    The whole match turned on our idiot former striker, yesterday. It's impossible to say what would have happened if it had been 11 a side for 90 minutes. But I'd be astonished if it had been an identical outcome. Surprised at the criticism some have given AVB as I thought he tried to salvage an impossible situation with some imaginative substitutions and 'went for it' as they say. But we were too far ahead by that time. If there's one PL team that is more inclined to stick a custard pie in it's own face than us, it's Spurs. We should be eternally grateful for that fact. But it doesn't change our underlying shortcomings. The January transfer window will be crucial - as it has been for the last four years - but I'm not expecting anything other than Bendtner coming back. It'll be 'like a new signing'. You heard it here first !

  119. Bard

    Nov 18, 2012, 15:16 #28321

    Joy at spanking the spuds needs to be tempered with a little objectivity. Chez was poor; the spuds had a hatful of chances and the substitutions were clueless. Could someone remind me what Santos brings to the table apart from RVP's shirt. So the question is would we have beaten any of the top three with that performance? I very much doubt it. I will happily revise my opinion that Wenger has lost it if we put in a few big performances against the top sides.

  120. Kenny

    Nov 18, 2012, 15:03 #28320

    The result was great but it doesnt change the bigger picture that clueless Wenger has to go now.I hope those dancing in the streets take time to read the last paragragh of Kev's article.That will bring you back down to earth. Wenger to stay till 2017.Thats what we got to look forward to.Another 5 years of chasing the 4th place trophy.Cant wait.On William Gallas i still believe he was the best captain we had since Vieira remember he captained the team that has come closer than any team since 2004 to win the title till Wenger f**ked it up

  121. maguiresbridge gooner

    Nov 18, 2012, 15:02 #28319

    A great result yesterday it's always good to stuff the spuds and keep them firmly in their place it has taken the pressure of both the players and the manager how long for we'll see.Why can't they play like this all the time ? why could they not do it against the fulhams, stokes,is it two much to ask for them to be up for every game ? some great individual performances as well one of theo's best just when he's leaving.Jack had a good game and got stuck in as usual showing he's not going to take any crap.Giroud had a good game and got his goal.Cazorla had a great game those little legs can sure move.The same old mistakes were still there tho the defence all over the place for the first goal and it could easily have been two at least mert made up for it with his goal.The goalkeeping again left a lot to be desired the situation there is far from resolved.Some nerves in the crowd at 4-2 ed ? that's an understatement it's just as well we'll never know what would have happened if it would have went to 4-3 or maybe we do.Yes ed everyone enjoyed the euphoria of the win yesterday but how long will it last ? can we push on from here ? that question has been asked so many times before with always the same answer will it be any different this time?

  122. peter wain

    Nov 18, 2012, 14:38 #28318

    the problem with this type of performance is that ittends to paper over the cracks. Would we have won without Adebayor? We were certainly not great when they had 11 and thedefence gave away 2 soft goals. At 4 - 2 the wesh sheep sh***er missed a grear chance. We still nreed a decent left back quality centre half and a defensive mid field player as well as pace up front. Still all in all a decent day.

  123. Moscow Gooner

    Nov 18, 2012, 13:58 #28317

    Great win but everything moved down the right wing yesterday: would have liked to have seen Arshavin playing in place of Podolski: would have balanced the team. We got the break when our 'gooner behind enemy lines' managed to get himself sent off. Still 5-2 over the scum brilliant at any time - doesn t change the big picture but worth a big big celebration )))

  124. Send for Owen Coyle!

    Nov 18, 2012, 13:47 #28316

    All those Myles Palmer readers who called for Coyle this time last year: do you still want him to replace (a sacked) Wenger? Just curious.

  125. Theo's Bikini-Line

    Nov 18, 2012, 13:26 #28315

    Sure Adebayor's red card helped but how can the sending off have been the 'turning point' when the game had barely been going over 15 minutes? Wasn't we 2-0 down and being 'out-played' for more than 30 minutes last season yet still turned it around (and this against 11 men, may I add)? And as GoonerRon pointed out, tiredness couldn't have been an issue by the time we were 3-1 and then 4-1 up. Having said all that, I feel we made the 2nd half a little more difficult then it should have been by over-elaborating (and at times over-loading)in the final 3rd and thus not putting them to the sword even earlier. Because of our continued defensive frailties there was more than an element of nervousness when Bale made it 4-2 and I'm sure I wasn't the only gooner that couldn't totally relax until Theo got the fifth. Still, a victory over Spurs is and should always be uplifting for the spirit and a good thing - whether your pro or anti Wenger / the direction of the club.

  126. Any Old Iron

    Nov 18, 2012, 13:23 #28314

    It's always good to beat the Spuds, no matter how. Will Walcott be the biggest earner on a 100k, if a deal is struck? I thought Podolski is already at 107k. Can someone enlighten us please and put this to bed. Sooner, or later there will inevitably be more players on or around those wage figures at the club, if not higher. Would that not be a sign of advance. Walcott is an asset-end of! I'm certain that in his rigid tactical brain Wenger has more ideas for Theo than just as an impact sub, surely? I cannot for the life of me, or can any fans condone continual flux at the club. That's not how success arrives. Wenger cannot continuously allow ebb and flow regarding the playing staff just to fulfill his economics instinct. We will never get in amongst the top boys that way! Dare I say Giroud reminds me a little of smudger Smith way back. Does anyone else see a likeness also. Right i'm off now to eat my Sunday spuds!

  127. Rocky RIP

    Nov 18, 2012, 13:15 #28312

    Glenn or anyone else - I'm not saying we suddenly have the best midfield in the league. Where did I say that? I'm well aware of the 'one swallow' analogy. I'm merely pointing out that someone who 'asked' on here if ours was the best was literally slaughtered by fellow fans. I'm pointing out it isn't as far-fetched as this poor bloke was suggesting. It's reflective of the negativity on here. Arteta, Carzorla, Wilshere is a very promising trio. Thanks for pointing out the season is 38 games. There was me thinking it was all over. Please don't assume I don't want us to be winners. We all do for f*** sake. If you want to play the patronising card, it's 'go and celebrate' not 'go celebrate.' 'Go celebrate' is an Americanism, much like 'I'm good' and 'can I get?' It seems anyone expressing any kind of positivity on Online Gooner will get shot down in flames instantly. I'm now told not to point out what a quality player we have in Cazorla. Yes, he needs to be more consistent, but once again, give him a chance to properly settle in and the guy will shine for us big time. Please, don't refer to that lot as the Spuds. It's cringeworthy and as bad as 'COYG'.

  128. jeff wright

    Nov 18, 2012, 13:06 #28311

    Predictably the AKB gang are out in force after disappearing off the radar for awhile shrilly using the 5-2 against Tottenham , who Wigan beat at the Lane a fortnight ago, to claim that all is well and that the anti-Arsene rabble have been proven wrong. Are we challenging for the title now then? A 4th place finish in the league is realistically the best that we can hope for. And that will be considered to be a trophy by Arsene . Even Liverpool fancy their chances of getting 4th place.

  129. DvbrisG

    Nov 18, 2012, 12:47 #28310

    Gallas actually skippered the mugs when they beat us 3-2 at our place 2 years ago. Yesterday was one of those days that reminds you why you go to football, and why you support The Arsenal.

  130. In Arsene We Trust

    Nov 18, 2012, 12:20 #28309

    So proud to be an Arsenal supporter right now with us beating spurs. Wenger did everything right in the tactics and which personnel to play, while AVB and his team hit the panic button when Money-bye-whore was sent off. And to think that some "Arsenal fans" wanted AVB to replace Wenger when he was managing Porto. Speaking of which, I wonder if those "Wenger Out" rabble were disappointed that Arsenal won, because I bet those lot wanted Arsenal to lose, because it's one step closer in getting Wenger the boot. Looks like Wenger got the last laugh with those plastic fans, just like he will on the end of the season, as he will guide us into the Champions League once again.

  131. Jack

    Nov 18, 2012, 12:18 #28308

    @Rocky come off it.There have been more sightings of Lord Lucan than Cazorla in the 6 games before yesterday.Arteta has been poor.The Spuds had 10 men for 70 mins of course they looked good yesterday.Better than Silva Nasri and YaYa no way Jose.Yesterday like the Liverpool game earlier on in the season will paper over the cracks for a few weeks then reality will hit us again.Good to see our january signing sitting next to Sol in the stands

  132. GoonerRon

    Nov 18, 2012, 12:05 #28307

    There's always a slight 'what if' when you win again 10 men and certainly it opened up in the second half to our advantage. That said, before half time their two-banks-of-four shape was uneffected and tiredness wasn't an issue and we still got to 3-1. For me Theo is less inconsistent this season that in years gone by and, as I've said all along, his pace is a valuable commodity that when used effectively undoubtedly gives is anothe dimension. Giroud growing in confidence with each minute on the pitch and is playing like he actually belongs at a top club. @ Carl - a bit on Ches I'd say, especially for the second goal. Not taking anything for granted but if you look at our next 9 league fixtures we've got a great chance to build some momentum as we enter the new year.

  133. Glenn

    Nov 18, 2012, 12:00 #28306

    RockyRIP - the problem with a 'proper fan' like you is you seem to not realise the season is 38 games. If the point is to beat Spurs, then definitely go celebrate and ignore the negativity. I would argue that to more clear-sighted supporters our last two wins have been against 10 men and no-doubt you will be upset when we finish 4th or probably lower. Maybe I'm not a 'proper fan', but I want my club to be winners. You win a medal for winning a trophy, not for beating Spurs...

  134. jamie hunter

    Nov 18, 2012, 11:52 #28305

    @rocky, best midfield in the league? I think that's better judged in may because they looked far from the best against united schalke and Fulham. Against ten men they looked better, but spurs still biased the game for periods. Exciting stuff yesterday, but I'm a long way from being convinced about this team or more specifically the manager's ability to get the most from the team.

  135. Rocky RIP

    Nov 18, 2012, 11:41 #28304

    Somebody got roundly slated on Online Gooner for suggesting that our midfield is the best in the PL. If we take the first choice midfield trio - Arteta, Wilshere, Cazorla - then is it that propesterous to ask is it right up there with the best in the league? Many people have written of Giroud as well. Astonishing. The guy is building his presence by the game. Good first touch, hold up play, movement and excellent in the air. He could be a big player for us, if people just backed him and gave him more than 6 games before writing him off. I refuse to listen to any negative comments on here today. If you can't enjoy spanking that lot 5-2 without moaning about some blindingly obvious flaw in our defending then you are not a proper fan.

  136. Barry

    Nov 18, 2012, 11:38 #28303

    The result clouds a lot of faults in the performance.For 15mins 11 v 11 the Spuds were the better team.The sending off had a massive effect on the result.The defence is still a shambles thats 14 conceded in 5 games. As for Walcott three times in the 2nd half he was through but was let down by a poor first touch.His game is so inconsistent.By the way i heard yesterday from a good source(in Liverpool) that Theo will be a Liverpool player in jan as we wont budge from £75k a week and we need to get some sort of fee for him(could we do a deal for Enrique?) On the point of Gallas being the Spuds captain Harry had him as their captain all last season it had nothing to do with AVB making him captain

  137. Dan h

    Nov 18, 2012, 11:06 #28302

    Thankfully Adebayor has the brains of a rocking horse it turned the game our way.Walcott tormented their left back & with Giroud in the side good to see us crossing the ball more.Always good to turn them over.Speculation about what may have happened had they kept 11 on the pitch can be for another day totally reckless act.Pundits talking about him not having a malicous streak obviously havn't followed his career Cazorla was lucky to escape serious injury & we have seen enough of those happen to Arsenal players.

  138. Marco G

    Nov 18, 2012, 10:50 #28301

    Some good points. After all the despair of the last few weeks however, let's just enjoy the win!

  139. Carl

    Nov 18, 2012, 10:48 #28300

    5-2 yes but this wasnt the 5-2 of february. For long periods even with a man extra we we outplayed.The turning point was the sending off.And Wenger showed with the substitutions he really is clueless.Santos and Ramsey two awful players on before the Ox.And i think the 5 goals took the spotlight off Szczesny who was at fault for both their goals especially the first.So we won the play off for 5th place when is the town hall parade?.Kev cant agree with you on Walcott.£100k a week will make him the best paid player at the club and i would like to see what better players like Cazorla Wilshire and Sagna make of that.Arsenal rewarding mediocrity again

  140. Ali

    Nov 18, 2012, 10:45 #28299

    It was a good win and huge performance but we would love to see these kinds of performances and results against teams like Chelsea, Man City and United. Dont let one good result against a 10-man second rate team at home make us believe that we are world beaters.