An Open Letter To Arsene Wenger

Sort It Out!!

An Open Letter To Arsene Wenger

Real trophies do matter

Following the 5–2 demolition of the team that's always been in our shadows, some would say it hasn’t been such a bad season after all. Others would argue that we only won that game after the sending-off. The reality though, is that it took two red cards and an offside goal for Man Utd to defeat Chelsea a couple of weeks ago, so even with ten men, we still had a lot of work to do, especially to get the first goal in, which usually gets things going (and if that goal hadn’t come so soon after the sending-off, we could have struggled to beat a ten-man Spurs). However, what is of huge significance is what our players said after the game: neither our big German nor Walcott showed any signs that this was going to be a victorious season for Arsenal; all the talk was about ‘pushing on from here’ but, surely, the great escape against Reading should have been enough encouragement for the team to ‘push on from’, but what followed?

We haven’t had a spirited team that can go out there and challenge for, and win, a trophy in over five or six seasons now. In the first two seasons that we didn’t win anything we still had teams who showed some hunger and challenged, but the lack of backbone meant we couldn’t last the course of the season. But what we have right now are teams who are not even showing any interest in challenging for anything. They are players who are at Arsenal just by chance, and are very content with a fourth place finish, even though the reality is that we shouldn’t even need to fight too hard for that, as the teams in and around fifth to eighth places are never consistent enough to finish any higher than fifth.

At this stage of the season, Wenger should be telling the team that the MINIMUM requirement for this season is to win the Capital One trophy, finish third or fourth in the league (and put a run together) and get to the quarter-finals of the Champions League. And then, next season, we can try to concentrate on truly challenging for the league as we will no longer be haunted by the seven-plus-years-with-no-trophy hoo-doo. But I’m sure all the players get told is that they need to qualify for the Champions League next season so that Gazidis can continue to talk about his Financial Model for Arsenal. We need our players to understand that the Capital One Cup is a MUST for this season; beating Reading 7–5 means NOTHING if we end up not winning that trophy. Walcott and others need to know that this isn’t a matter of ‘pushing on’ from the Spurs victory, it’s about actually making it count and turning our season around.

Selling van Persie to Man Utd is nothing short of a DISGRACE for a club like Arsenal. Selling him to a Spanish or Italian club would have been okay, if we did indeed have to sell him; but to sell him to one of the teams we’re competing against in our local league is a clear indication that the people running Arsenal have lost the plot and have now totally turned Arsenal into a business and not a football club.

Wenger, SORT IT OUT! If you have to hire a sports psychologist, do so. This team needs to snap out of the present complacency and step up to the plate. The target for this season is a minimum of one trophy and the best opportunity is the Capital One Cup and that message now needs to be drummed into these players so they know that it is a MUST. They can’t continue to hide behind excuses and drag our team down into oblivion!

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  1. billthered

    Nov 22, 2012, 9:17 #28464

    Arsene signs players for the good of Arsenal Financial Club that is the true meaning of AFC these days unfortunately.What the hell is wrong with competing on all fronts then we might win one of the cups and with it we get that winning mentality which enables us to push on.But you need a good squad so if one gets injured or loses form then in comes the replacement that is where we fall down.I wont mention who they are we all know to many to talk about not good enough or lack the drive needed at this club.

  2. CanadaGooner

    Nov 21, 2012, 15:50 #28451

    @ maguiresbridge gooner, many thanks for the retort; i just tend to ignore guys like that (Domhuail MacMathghamhna), they drift on to these sites every now and again and only seek to criticise. maybe we should all have names like: "i've been an arsenal fan for 40 years" or "i'm a seasons ticket holder" ha ha. For the rest of us like you and I, who actually read articles on this site and write articles and comment, we know who's what and who goes to the games and have a good banter on here (even when we disagree) and try to get the club going in the right direction. up the arsenal! hopefully we get the CL going today

  3. maguiresbridge gooner

    Nov 21, 2012, 14:48 #28447

    Bard a couple of good points the keeper situation and the left back especially the keeper.The reason their not sorted ? that would be admitting the current players in those positions aren't good enough that he's got it wrong and his ego won't allow him to do that.

  4. maguiresbridge gooner

    Nov 21, 2012, 14:24 #28446

    @Domhuail MacMathghamhna this so called fan in canada as you describe the author if my memory serves once told us he's a native of the area so would assume he's seen arsenal quite a few times over the years in fact this so called fan in canada traveled from there not so long ago to see arsenal play at home i'm sure at great expense.If this is how so called fans support the club maybe we need more of them and not jcl and armchair fans excreting offal on the net who think arsene wenger invented arsenal.

  5. Red Member

    Nov 21, 2012, 12:58 #28443

    Upstart - I look forward to reading your next article then!

  6. Bard

    Nov 21, 2012, 9:53 #28432

    Its pretty obvious this side doesn't as yet have the balls to compete but I don't see the point of the 'sort it out Wenger'refrain.He either can't or won't. I agree with the posts that point out that most of the players who leave do so for money. They can at least double their money playing for someone else. Who wouldn't. The serious questions are why we haven't had a proper keeper since Seaman ( Lens maybe) They don't cost the earth and are worth their wieght in gold and why don't we have a fit left back ( Gibbs is Diaby mark 2 ) Again they don't cost a fortune. Without sorting out those basic problems we're shooting ourselves in the foot time and time again. Wenger isn't a stupid man but he clearly doesn't see these issues as problems and if he does he sees no need to do anything about them. He's secure in his job, he doesn't have to deliver anything more than 4th place. He like the players operate in a comfort zone that's why there's no real desire in the side.

  7. Der Projekt ist Kaput

    Nov 21, 2012, 7:26 #28428

    We, the people, the fans, can bring about change. It's only a matter of will. Stand up if you love Arsenal.

  8. Ali

    Nov 21, 2012, 6:52 #28427

    With Arsene and the current owners, Arsenal will never be at the level of Man United, Chelsea or City. Get over it.

  9. CanadaGooner

    Nov 21, 2012, 5:58 #28426

    Harold; ask beckham how fergie told his team they had to win and you'll understand what i'm talking about. or sit on here and keep talking about things you cant change

  10. DW Thomas

    Nov 21, 2012, 2:34 #28425

    We should be competing for all 4 major trophies. Period! The domestic cups are not and never halve been as big or prestigious as the CL or league title. But, so what. Winning is winning, no? Biggest beef I have is our club is run by greedy people who care more about the bottom line than winning. How else can you possibly explain selling Robin to United? He pretty much won us CL qualification and deserved a huge incentive to stay. Yet the penny pinching old men in charge can't get to grips with the current game, like it or not. Money talks. I still love what we stand for, yet we must change almost everything about the club to really compete. Arsene and the board must start living in the real world. They have failed going on 8 years but any real fan's measure of success. How much money is enough for the greedy? No amount ever is so I can't see things changing until Wenger goes and a talented replacement who is allowed to spend comes in. Keep the top players, reward loyalty, effort, and success. Not future possibilities of young talent all the time. In my opinion Jack should be our highest paid player based on his heart,effort, and talent. I know, live in the real world. And that's the point.

  11. Domhuail MacMathghamhna

    Nov 21, 2012, 2:13 #28424

    This post is just another load of whiny, ill-considered rubbish from a so-called fan in Canada. Let's look at the hyperbole and regurgitated myths he uses: 1)neither....showed any signs that this was going to be a victorious season for Arsenal - what ¨signs are you looking for? Fanatical screaming that we'll win it all? Bold statements that we are headed for glory? They were naturally reticent to exaggerate unlike you, they know what they have to do so let them get on with it....straight and simple! 2)a spirited team - You must mean the team that beat Barca at the Emirates, or the one that got to the final or the one that came from 17th to 3rd last season? I guess you must mean they don't drink enough spirits? Or, they should consult a spiritualist? Wake up and join reality.....we've HAD and still HAVE enough spirit...but we also have the highest and longest record of in juries in the EPL and the worst treatment by officials therein! 3)Selling Van Persie - Disgrace? You are a disgrace! Do your research moron....AFC didn't want to sell ANY of their former players BUT the players wanted away for emotional,monetary and tapping up reasons we couldn't fight successfully. I am sure Wenger is a far better negotiator and man-manager than you'll ever be so stop being such a cretin and making stupid remonstrations! Why don't you get it sorted out first mate, stop playing Football Manager for a few minutes and actually take the time to think your open letters through before excreting such offal on the net?

  12. Upstart

    Nov 21, 2012, 0:04 #28423

    You know what, even if you really strongly want Wenger out, you really do get bored by reading the same ****ing article every day. Never mind Wenger running out of ideas, the managerial question kind of masks a dearth of writing creativity on this site

  13. Mandy Dodd

    Nov 20, 2012, 23:53 #28422

    Have a strange feeling we will finish the season with a trophy. Not all is perfect, we have had our stutters, but if you look at the goals assists so far from our new comers, it is actually quite impressive. Then you can add the goals and assists from theo and Gervinho, it seems the goals are being shared out as promised. Defensive issues have of course been a worry and need urgent attention, we have had an autumn blip, like other top few teams including the much admired chelsea and utd, and city in europe, teams with some new signings and packed full of travelling internationals, The next few weeks will be telling. We will not win the league, but we are not as bad as some would portray, I expect us to push on in coming weeks.

  14. maguiresbridge gooner

    Nov 20, 2012, 22:34 #28421

    If we were still the team we used to be winning leagues, FA cups,doubles,playing great football,going a season unbeaten breaking records all over the place would we really be all that worried about the CO cup ? Is it not a sign of how far our clubs and fans expatiation's have fallen when basically everyone would now be just happy to win IT.?

  15. Harold

    Nov 20, 2012, 21:26 #28420

    Canada Gooner- So none of the issues I raised were responsible for the numerous recent defeats you mentioned? Really?? Why did we lose then? Because our manager didn't tell his players to win? I know people say football's a simple game but obviously I didn't realise how simple!

  16. CanadaGooner

    Nov 20, 2012, 20:10 #28417

    Harold, I dont necessarily disagree with you, but what exactly do you propose? is wenger going to be in charge of this weekend's game? YES, next week? YES, next month? YES. Are the players he has bought going to play this weekend? YES. Next week? YES. Next month? YES. Is the wage structure you criticized still going to be in place this weekend? YES. next week? YES. so, why waste time talking about all that, when you cant change it, and certainly not in time to make any difference this season or while wenger's still at arsenal. none of those items are the reason for arsenal not beating birmingham in the carling cup final, and none of those items are the reason we kept losing to teams in the lower half of the table (while beating the spurs and chelseas as we did last season); so, that is the logic behind my article mate. hope that makes some sense

  17. Harold

    Nov 20, 2012, 19:41 #28415

    You had me going there for a minute, thought this was your first genuine criticism of Wenger, but alas it's still all the board/players fault and your call is for Arsene The Knight In Shining Armour to ride to the rescue and SORT IT OUT! Unfortunately the rest of us have been waiting a long time for this happen, to no avail. I'm sure Wenger tells the players to win a trophy every season, it's the rest of the stuff he's become rubbish at, like choosing the right players to buy, setting a wage policy that rewards talent and success not mediocrity, using all the financial resources available and that old chesnut, tactics. I reckon these issues are pretty fundamental as to why we haven't won a trophy for 8 years, but what do I know, maybe Wenger just needs to tell the players to win a bit more often, eh?

  18. Rippy

    Nov 20, 2012, 18:26 #28413

    Can't agree more. Belief is built . Would be great for the fans the team everyone. Sort of Brian cough though.....but who gives a ****. Come on arsenal.

  19. Dan h

    Nov 20, 2012, 18:18 #28412

    Agree with what you have written Canada.The squad because it lacks quality depth will always then be prone to complacency.There are players in that team that can perform on an inconsistent basis aware that there is no real competition for their place.The way we have treated domestic cups in recent years as an inconvience has frustrated many an Arsenal fan i know.Our recent aims have been CL qualification only & still our best players are sold.We all enjoyed the result at the weekend in the past our fans would believe we have turned a corner sorry it has happened too many times.Good that most that post on here are fully aware of where we are actually at as a club.

  20. mani

    Nov 20, 2012, 17:16 #28411

    you are absolutely right, selling Van Persie to United its for me the lowest point in a 15 years of supporting arsenal. If they could have sold him to a foreign club for 5 million less or something like that, they should have done so. Wenger has said many times that is very difficult to sign top, top quality, and he hands the Best player of the league to the man and team he has been challenging since he came to the club and for what? money? really? it doesn't make much sense, because it wasn't a lot of money, and they didn't buy anyone with that money. If Van Persie would have stayed i think we would be top of our group in the champions and maybe top of the premier if not we would be second or third, but we would have more Spine, although i think the missing ingredient in recent years its a someone like Campbell and Vieira, imposing players who are consistent in those positions. Great little article.

  21. Ron

    Nov 20, 2012, 16:40 #28409

    4th (3rd if it happens, but not vital) and CL entry and then to make the knockouts and make the numbers up is all the Club's capable of and desires nothing more. Arsenal arent bothered about the domestic Cups and havent been for quite a few years. I used to think winning any trophy would create a 'winners mentality'. In truth i doubt any of those players are even that bothered about the Cap Cup. If theyre hearing the Coach bleat CL, CL, CL, CL for 9 months and then seeing weak teams picked for the Cups, its hardly surprising they dont give two hoots. The fringe and sqaud players maybe arent even too bothered either, as they know theyll not get game time in the major tournaaments. They go through the motions prety much. Its football today. Quite sad really.

  22. Santesson

    Nov 20, 2012, 16:30 #28408

    I have to say that I agree with this "letter". I'm glad that it was written in a way that, it did not contain any of the boring this player that or Wenger this and that. Instead it pointed out the thing that matters. A need for a trophy and the most realistic one at that. I for one would be satisfied with the season if we achieved the above and looked a serious team at the end of the season. Well written.

  23. Good evening, I am the Denver Nugget

    Nov 20, 2012, 16:11 #28407

    Theo's interviews have always been a bit weak and unconvincing. Nice enough chap, probably have a decent chat if you met, want him to stay, but if we lose we get the 'we've learned from our mistakes' line. (Which we never do.) If we win it's the cricket players' rhetoric about 'drawing a line under it' 'pushing on' and 'bouncing back'. The days of sportsmen trumpeting anything meaningful, triumphant or controversial are over. Would you rather players came out and claimed certain stuff then fell flat on their faces? Although I take your point about the level we should be operating on. Our mindset seems a little too 'nice'. Roy Keane and Gary Neville as pundits have the attitude of no-nonsense winners. Some of that would do please.

  24. maguiresbridge gooner

    Nov 20, 2012, 16:01 #28406

    It's always good to stuff the spuds even if we have been doing it for so long.With different scenario's it might have been different thankfully we'll never know.Yes canada all the talk is about pushing on from here something we've heard so many times before after a good victory and never do will it be any different this time? Can we keep the momentum going now and actually go on and challenge ? Like you say even for the CO cup we're in a good position now to do something about our trophyless years.There's been a lot of talk among fans about putting out the full team and going for it knowing ogl that's highly unlikely as the third or fourth place trophy is a bigger priority .It wouldn't be a surprise if we just become complacent again thinking we just have to turn up to certain teams and the inevitable happens.

  25. Tony Evans

    Nov 20, 2012, 15:34 #28405

    Agreed Canada. Man for man, Arsenal, on paper don't look a bad outfit at full strength (whenever that will be). Yes there are one or three obvious improvements to make: keeper, defensive midfielder and striker; but it goes way beyond that now and is all about Wenger's ability (or lack of) to mould and motivate a solid, defensively strong team with a winning mentality drilled in to them. He has had long enough since the 2005 cup final win to do this and my belief in him has gone completely after witnessing so many capitulations and nothing in this current crop of players makes me think any differently.

  26. Mike

    Nov 20, 2012, 15:33 #28404

    Usually agree with what you write in the main - absolute drivel today - who else was in the running for Van Persie. Some Italian con men - he was going to the highest bidder and he now has his K230 000/week. The team is in the main a good team - the midfield is still learning to gel - Arteta Wilshire and Cazorla have never played together - Same as Giroud, Walcott and Padolski for that matter, they too are beginning to show some positives - the defense remains a conundrum - individually good players, but collectively a shables. I think the Capitol cup is be very high on the agenda. Man Utd beaten by Norwich as were we. Chelsea is also misfiring - City about to bow out of the CL.

  27. Red Member

    Nov 20, 2012, 15:20 #28403

    this season would have been the perfect opportunity to kick on and compete for the title. We finished 3rd last season and so didn't have to worry about qualifying for the CL in late August. It should have been a summer of building a sqaud capable of challenging for the title. But oh no what did Arsenal do - sell the best player at the club to competing rivals!!! Unbelievable. At that point it became impossible to believe anything from the club about ambition, because they just don't have any.

  28. @adeysams

    Nov 20, 2012, 15:18 #28402

    Capital one cup? What abt FA cup? Both competition shall be their minimum achievement for the season. Winning Capital one cup should give them confidence boost to win the FA cup afterwards. Concentrating on EPL isn't ?? good idea knowing fully well that all the want is first four or championship that barcelona keeps beating us either they out rightly or they being helped. Every team we have had for the past 6-7yrs could win the capital one cup and the FA cup but they have never taken it serious. All the same what can we do but to pray and support them wholeheartedly.

  29. Temi Olagoke

    Nov 20, 2012, 15:07 #28400

    I strongly agree with you,i think the earlier we recognise that a team like Arsenal has been trophyless for a couple of years now,the better for us.For God's sake,we the fans have been patient enough for the past few years and still we keep faith in the Club.If we don't win anything this season,it would be a big disgrace to Arsenal.I hope our grieviances are directed to the Board and to Monsieur Wenger.May God help us Arsenal this season and in subsequent seasons #COYG #UTA