La, la, la,… la la la la, la la la la… Giroud

Online Ed: Champions League progress secured

La, la, la,… la la la la, la la la la… Giroud

Starting to look the part

Arsenal made it out of the initial group stage of the Champions League for the 13th time in succession last night, and given the fate of Manchester City, and in all likelihood Chelsea in this season’s competition, credit where it is due for that piece of consistency. Arsenal’s seeding does mean they had an easier group than some of their Premier League rivals, but it’s a status they have earned over the years through always being in the competition in the first place and not making a hash of too many group games.

It also means we have seen a lot of mundane clashes against inferior opposition with a fair number of season ticket holders preferring their armchairs on a chilly autumn night to an excursion to London N5. And so it was last night. On one level, it did not help that Montpellier were already eliminated and chose to field a weakened team. There was an element of tension lacking because only one side really cared about the result. Additionally, the Gunners’ first half performance was largely uninspired and fairly patchy. The team never really developed any rhythm.

The second half saw them step their game up as a young Montpellier team dropped a little physically. Both goals were very well taken and Olivier Giroud’s contribution to them should not be overlooked. He performed excellently as a link man in the build up to Wilshere’s and Podolski’s strikes. The team are beginning to play to his strengths and he is responding.

The Frenchman has slowly come into form and does not appear to be the serial misser of chances we saw in his early performances. Some were quick to dismiss him, whilst others saw that positionally, he was doing a lot of good things. Granted, RVP he isn’t, but it’s early days and Arsenal need to share the goals around the team more if they are to attain success. And get the defence sorted out, obviously.

Whether they come top of this group and, supposedly, face easier opposition in the last sixteen, we will find out in a fortnight, but matchday six of the group stages often throws up some strange results. Given recent history, people are not optimistic about Arsenal’s chances in the latter stages of this competition, but after Chelsea’s good fortune last season, some will dare to dream. Winning this trophy would buy Arsene Wenger six years in the job as opposed to the six months enjoyed by Roberto Di Matteo. And there is no doubt that this is the one trophy the manager prizes above any other these days. So if Arsenal were to progress to the League Cup Final, it’s just as well the first leg of the knockout round is the midweek before, rather than after, or we’d probably see a mix and match line-up at Wembley.

It was a performance - the goals aside - to forget, but the necessary job was done. Let’s see what visits to Villa Park and Goodison tell us about the ability of this group of players to turn things around and begin to demonstrate some much needed consistency of performance. It will also be interesting to see what kind of team Arsene Wenger sends to Greece. My feeling is that he is not obsessed about finishing top of the group, so the game will be used to rest about half of the players who turned out last night. What price Andre Santos returning at left back?!

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  1. Aaron

    Nov 13, 2014, 0:57 #61248

    "I find it hard to believe that Wenger has not yet lost the dressing room" Wenger has facilitated a culture of accepted failure. Half the players are not worth anywhere near their salaries, they're stealing a living and musn't believe they're getting away with it. No repercussions no matter how abject the performances or mistakes. Alexis Sanchez must be wondering what the hell he signed up for and hoping for the first flight out

  2. maguiresbridge gooner

    Nov 12, 2014, 17:42 #61211

    TJ, god one, post of the day to whoever.

  3. Mattybr

    Nov 12, 2014, 16:49 #61207

    Ian, fraid the answer is yes. No incentive from the Board to change anything while 4th place is still in reckoning. Only when Wengers blown that might we see some change. And not that I expect it to be a manager who will rock the boat either. Sadly depressing.

  4. TJ

    Nov 12, 2014, 16:47 #61205

    Funny post I saw from someone else earlier (I don't take the credit): Alexis: "I don't speak enough English to understand and appreciate all that he [Wenger] says." That explains why he's the only one playing well!

  5. allybear

    Nov 12, 2014, 16:37 #61203

    Well said Ian great article,but I fear that one or two good results will once again paper over whats been happening. Ogl's disciples will still defend him to the hilt no matter what. If and when Wenger goes then Bould will as well.

  6. jjetplane

    Nov 12, 2014, 14:28 #61192

    He's probably teaching Stan all about defense (you could not make it up) when they can get away from the spreadsheets, forecasts, family portfolios, property assessments and any other corporate new age mumbo jumbo **** they can rustle (sic) up together. See a future for OGL on the corporate/college circuit giving speeches on mental strength and spirit and how 'I turned football into a sports section serving the greater cause of capital.' Go Arsene Go!

  7. maguiresbridge gooner

    Nov 12, 2014, 13:46 #61185

    jj, rumour has it OGL was commentating for an American channel at Wembley for the American football game, maybe he thinks he's an expert on that too.

  8. maguiresbridge gooner

    Nov 12, 2014, 13:35 #61184

    Pete, as I've said before the new manager will have our full support, he'll have to get the length of his contract to try and put things right (and that's certainly not going to be an easy job) probably three years unless he's a complete imbecile (and one of those was enough)but one things for sure he won't get ten years even from you and the rest of the AKB's

  9. Wenger the Clown

    Nov 12, 2014, 13:19 #61179

    What kind of incompetent clown spends £70mil over a summer and makes his team significantly WORSE? Answer: Arsene "Specialist in Failure" Wenger. No tactics, no clue. Every season we start with this fraud at the helm is a 15 point deficit. Conceding the title IN NOVEMBER FFS. A total joke. I blame the sheep who pay big cash to watch rubbish...

  10. magiresbridge gooner

    Nov 12, 2014, 12:59 #61172

    WeAreBuilding, now your talking I bet we'd see the difference in the defence in a week he'd sort it, and those primdonnas wouldn't know what hit them.

  11. jjetplane

    Nov 12, 2014, 12:55 #61171

    Does anyone really ever think of Wenger as a football man? I had my doubts the first time I saw him and the first time he spoke. For a supposedly educated man he is hardly one of incisive articulation. Mourinho sounds a lot better, as does Martinez and Koeman. And guess what - they talk football, not repetitive abstractions regarding 'mental strenght' and 'spirit'. Maybe the kind of rubbish Stan would lap up in that motivational American bull**** stream and perhaps Wenger watches more of that than he does opposition football. SMITHY nice thoughts there - OVERMARS now!

  12. Unchives

    Nov 12, 2014, 12:49 #61170

    @ Pete, "It's very unlikely much will change by replacing the manager" its Wenger PLC then, without him it all collapses? Is it surprising that we cant move on as a club when you come out with comments like that. "Wenger Cryonics PLC".....Frozen until the after Arsene life!

  13. jeff wright

    Nov 12, 2014, 11:43 #61162

    Pete,I have always cut our managers plenty of slack I even thought that Rioch was hard done by,as was Don Howe who deserved better than a clumsy attempt being made behind his back to replace him with the Chelsea supporting Venables . Wenger himself came in through the bathroom window at the expense of Rioch potless and discredited after having been fired by Monaco and ending up in Japan . I8 years of him is enough for me and also the current footbal that is being served up would embarrass a Sunday pub side . I actually only started calling for Wenger to go after the League Cup final fiasco in Cardiff v Chelsea after Wenger went on his youth project that was obviously doomed to fail and he had also obviously lost it with his stubborn refusal to admit that Almunia was not good enough. No sane person can justify that nonesene with Almunia .At any other club with just a glimmer of ambition Wenger would have been shown the door long ago. Personally I think you are a Chelsea supporter who loves Wenger because he doesent threaten Jose 's position , either that or you just like arguing lost causes for the sake of it .It's not just about winning trophies either Wenger is an insufferable arrogant bore who keeps embarrassing AFC with his stupid comments and ludicrous performances on the field of play that a club of our stature should not be producing season after season.

  14. Pete

    Nov 12, 2014, 11:17 #61160

    It's very unlikely much will change by replacing the manager.jeff wright and his pals will be on here spouting the usual drivel after the new mans first defeat.Within a few weeks the new manager will be getting the same treatment and on and on and on and on they'll go.zzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz.

  15. jeff wright

    Nov 12, 2014, 10:55 #61159

    I can't really see anything tongue in cheek about your 'who is Wenger's predecessor' question to me lee kfc .It was just an open goal inviting a tap - in . I suggest you stick to your 'I'm a uber fan who gets behind the team' theme. Team being in reality your tongue up Arsene's arse... You are on safer ground there then when venturing into your paranoid Don Quixote like tilting at Windmills in your mind abusive rants. By the way I can't recall Ancelotti ever losing a 4-0 or 3-0 lead -then again very few managers ever do . In fact I do believe that only one manager has ever lost a 4-0 lead in the Prem . Even Oneday at spuds never managed that feat.

  16. Stuart

    Nov 12, 2014, 10:22 #61158

    "I want Arsenal to win, but I don’t want Arsene Wenger to be mis-managing our club anymore." That is the whole issue in one sentence. Get him out now.

  17. Lee afc

    Nov 12, 2014, 9:24 #61157

    No Cornish..I meant predecessor. It's a tongue in cheek Swype at Jeff who claims to support Arsenal. Every single comment from him is anti Arsenal and hate filled for the manager. Incidently, Carlo Ancelotti's managerial record in the premier league is a league/cup double and failure to retain the league. Sounds familiar????

  18. Tony Evans

    Nov 12, 2014, 8:55 #61156

    Frightening to read Wenger's responses to the completely justifiable criticism he got from the pundits for Arsenal's gung-ho approach to defending that has been even more evident than usual in the last two games. He just doesn't see it does he and as usual resorted to his what do they know jibe. We really are going to hell in a handcart with this stubborn, blinkered ego maniac in charge.

  19. WeAreBuildingATeamToDominate

    Nov 12, 2014, 8:41 #61155

    Reg: Bring back George Graham. Enough water under the bridge, and he knows how to organise a defence.

  20. Reg

    Nov 12, 2014, 8:00 #61154

    Lee afc - Take your pick from Simeone, Klopp, Conte, Garcia, Martinez, Emery, Ancelotti, Frank de Boer, Bielsa, Prandelli. Personally I'd go for Simeone and finally get some balls back into the side.

  21. Mathew

    Nov 12, 2014, 7:33 #61153

    Stan never tasted success with Arsenal or he never felt the need for it. His books are balanced by the Economist and the spirit of Arsenal The Football Club is of no interest to him. Hence he has been contempt with a 4th place finish for the last 10 yrs and a CL spot. Change is inevitable, but the real question is from where. What kind of an inspirational leadership are you talking about when you renew a 32 year old for another year. I have never been a fan of Arteta and will never be on. He is old, lacks pace, plays backwards and doesn't have any tactical ability to tackle an attack from the midfield. Probably he is way past his best, but sentiments shouldn't allow us to renew his contract. Flamini on the cheap was a good addition last year but Wenger should mould Chambers as his successor soon. I am expecting stop-gap solutions like Kallstrom in January window, no other major replacements can be expected. Really sad to hear Campbell and Podolski leaving us next year, sending Sanogo at the final moments was a disgrace to them.

  22. Smithy

    Nov 12, 2014, 6:53 #61152

    I'd go for Diego s from athleticism or klopp. If they want to keep in house I would go for overmars, bergkamp and big tone! Unfortunately we've got arsene until he sacks himself.

  23. andy1886

    Nov 12, 2014, 6:09 #61151

    Lee, your question is the usual one trotted out by Arsene's loyal band, but the appointment of the man himself makes your very question redundant. If you'd have asked "Who could replace Rioch?" in '96 how many would have said "Arsene Wenger"? Not you or any of the others I'll bet. Remember the 'Arsene Who?' headlines? So by your logic we would never have employed Arsene in the first place and wouldn't be having this discussion.

  24. Gooner72

    Nov 12, 2014, 0:01 #61150

    A Cornish Gooner....from a devoted gooner also from the south western shores dont forget this is Arsenal so the managers queuing up to take the hot seat would be long and not just the previously mention few, Martinez, Klopp, Guardiola et al, hell I'd have Paddington Bear at the helm if it would do any good, one day in football I dont have but blimey I can see what everyone of us pro and anti OGL can see, quite simply everything comes to an end chinos, maestro vanden plas, gold top milk, alas poor Yorek I knew him so well.......

  25. jeff wright

    Nov 11, 2014, 23:52 #61149

    Okay lee kfc, I will give it go regarding Wenger's successor,there will be one you know,sob sob.... it will in my view due to the selfies taking ego types that we have in the squad who have been brainwashed into thinking they are better than what they are and overpaid to boot as well, by Wenger , someone with stature in the game and experience in the Prem, someone who can at least finish 4th in the league for the next decade or during his 3 year contract , so come on down Ancelotti ! The Italian has scores to settle in England ,not least with Jose,so bring him on say I ! Next question please?

  26. jjetplane

    Nov 11, 2014, 23:46 #61148

    In the last nine years without Wenger we would have won two Pls, one CL, couple pints of lager and a packet of crisps ..... I bet he just sips a little wine for the spirit and than makes a little cough and then 'nurse!' oh you haven't again ..... RAMGUN you are a giant! Mine was 63-2004 .... PETE bit worried you are going a bit softly softly now - you obviously realise the pain will soon be over along with the meaningless passing.

  27. A Cornish Gooner

    Nov 11, 2014, 23:33 #61147

    Lee. Wenger's predecessor? I'm sticking my neck out here, AGAIN, but what about Bruce Rioch? Think you mean successor. If Wenger resigned tomorrow, who would YOU want?

  28. jeff wright

    Nov 11, 2014, 23:28 #61146

    lee kfc, I love your sooo seroius approach !Anyway, to answer your pub quiz night question, Wenger's predecessor was Bruce Rioch ! Do I win a prize >? Of course though any proper Arsenal supporter knows that. Unfortunately however I don't possess a crystal ball to see who the future next manager will be - any-more than I knew that Wenger would take Rioch's place when he was dismissed . Managers are always found when needed by clubs,honest it's true ! I presume that Wenger will be treated with a bit more good grace than poor Bruce and others , such as Don Howe, were. As I have said before I hoped,along it seems with many others,that Wenger would retire at the end of last term after he had again made a right old mess out of a good title winning position. Not that on past recent evidence that this was any great surprise to moast of us shall we say less deluded supporters that the likes of your uber self. The belated FAC win was a good position from which he could have departed with some grace and decorum with it being obvious that he is no loner up to pace in the modern game . I predicted that his staying on had disaster written all over it - and hey I stick by that view. You are entitled to think otherwise of cause but it would help if your posts made some sense regarding why you take a stance that flies in the face of reason .You couldn't make it up.

  29. maguiresbridge gooner

    Nov 11, 2014, 23:12 #61145

    Wibblefish, good post, and that's something that hasn't been touched on for a long time, any manager with any self respect would have resigned long ago, the list of occasions to do that is endless, but not this old arrogant has been he hung on, his massive ego would allow nothing else.

  30. Roy

    Nov 11, 2014, 23:11 #61144

    If you were a board member, and you saw quotes such as those by Reus, wouldn't it bloody infuriate you ? Of course it would but not this lily - livered lot. They're sh*t scared of life after Wenger so will put it off as long as possible while the rest of us suffer. With great power comes great responsibility and leadership starts at the top, hence the malaise on the pitch. If you're not up to the job, just f*ck off. Well, we can dream.

  31. Nick T

    Nov 11, 2014, 23:03 #61143

    Some day in the future when AW reflects back on his time at Arsenal I really hope someone asks him why he ripped up the blueprint and changed his philosophy post 2004. Im most definitely biased when it comes to Arsenal, but I honestly believe that was the greatest side in English football history. It had everything, could win every type of game, should have dominated for years and won many more trophies (this current chavs side remind me of them in a lot of ways? Please someone beat them just once!). I accept the stadium move got in the way and financial matters had to take priority for a period but since the purse strings loosened why has he never returned to that winning formula....especially as the interim period proved beyond doubt that his latest philosophy wasn't working and not suited to the physical demands of the EPL. Aside from all the other issues regarding Wenger, Ill never understand that. If it aint broke......

  32. Lee afc

    Nov 11, 2014, 22:55 #61142

    Jeff right.....I disagree with your anti wenger stance as you well know. For the record, when the manager leaves, its far too easy to ring the hindsight bell....give me the name of his predecessor. Along with all of your chums who can criticise till their heart is content. Name me the next manager when Wenger leaves..?????

  33. jeff wright

    Nov 11, 2014, 22:43 #61141

    Judging by recent signings of top players , by sides not on the Champs League magic roundabout, it would appear that just playing in it to make up the numbers is not the big deal that Wenger the master of illusion has claimed that it is, saying that the first thing that players ask me is are you playing in the Champions League ? The reality is that the first thing they ask is what wages are you offering. This story about Marco Reus a German star would appear to show that the other factor for some players is also ,as was the case with Fabregas, joining a side with a manager who has some ambition to win trophies other than his own mythical 4th place Prem one, or even a consolation prize FAC tossed to him after 9 years of failure by Wenger to win a top trophy ,like a bone to a starving dog by City , who had bigger ambitions and had already won the League Cup, after 9 years of failure by Wenger to win a top trophy . "Arsenal are one of the sides who have taken an interest in the German star, and the 25 year old was reportedly interested in working with his international teammates, like Per Mertesacker, Mesut Ozil and Lukas Podolski. However, he is now set to snub a move to north London, with the fear that if he joins the Gunners he will not win enough trophies. A source said: “Reus wants to win titles and he is worried this would not happen at Arsenal.” However, he is now set to snub a move to north London, with the fear that if he joins the Gunners he will not win enough trophies. A source said: “Reus wants to win titles and he is worried this would not happen at Arsenal.”

  34. AMG

    Nov 11, 2014, 22:37 #61140

    A good piece Ian. I don't however think that we are in Wenger's debt, he's been paid very handsomely for his mediocre performance. Arsenal have made him a very rich man. I'd like to believe that a run of crippling results would see hi off, but I don't see it. He'll use Pardew as inspiration and think that if he hangs on long enough all will come good. I still believe we will finish 4th under Wenger, which will be enough for his acolytes to come crawling out from under their rocks proclaiming him a genius and miracle worker again. Same sh.. different season.

  35. Ron

    Nov 11, 2014, 22:02 #61139

    I hear you Hiccup and youre right its a poor league really as much as its good that Hammers and Saints are up there, I do think its different though mate. I think its a more careworn Wenger now than back on 2011 and its definitely a team thats able to beaten by more teams of the level of Swansea, which hasnt been the case in these years past where hes limped into the great 4th spot. I d say as well that even if 4th is reached, the force of sentiment now is such that more and more fans are seeing through it and realizing what a load of nothing s---e it really is given that getting into that CL is from a fans point of view, a totally pointless waste of time exercise. People are catching on now i think. The myth that its 'success' has been debunked to a degree.

  36. Hiccup

    Nov 11, 2014, 21:05 #61138

    Guys, these wenger obituaries at the club have been done in seasons past. The disastrous August 2011 certainly springs to mind. And I've heard "it's different this time" before too. I'll be perfectly honest. Come May I see similar celebrations to what we saw up at Newcastle when a top 4 finish was sealed. Who is going to stop us? Maybe United can regain some form? Can the Saints keep it going? 50 bloody points will probably do it this year. While we waver around 4th, there will be no mutiny in the ground. The whole stagnation and carefree attitude has spread to the terraces now. Let's be honest, from a fan point of view what difference does it make if we finish 4th or 6th anyway? Are fans going to get upset because it's £50m of revenue lost? Zero ambition from the fans has got us to this state, and zero ambition will keep us here indefinitely.

  37. Ron

    Nov 11, 2014, 20:30 #61137

    Wibblefish - at risk of sounding extreme, its crossed my mind more than once that we have a Tony Blair situ upon us. The theory was that for the last 2 yrs or so of his leadership he hung about deliberately allowing things to become so bad and rundown so to ensure Brown took on a poisoned chalice and woudnt win an election. Are we seeing a footballing version? Any precedent for this? Well, Ferguson? A team ran down, tired and aged and then a selection of a dead duck Coach to follow. All to make the Club feel that they were missing what they once had? Its all in the ego isnt it.Like you, i don't think things will be easy for some years post Wenger, such is the depth of the indifference at the Club. Any new bloke will need patience from the fans as a large section of this squad will need shifting for sure. Its takes time and money, plus a Club willing to take losses on moving players on. The Board at Arsenal must be bricking having to do it.

  38. Wibblefish

    Nov 11, 2014, 20:11 #61136

    Spot on article. It is like the famous scene in the film Train-spotting, " it's ****e being Scottish and it's a ****e state of affairs". Well at the moment it's ****e being an Arsenal fan and the people running the club are in a ****e state of affairs! (Apologies to any Scottish Gooners!) You would like to think the man will walk if the results go against us in the next month, but the reality is he won't. More worryingly is who at the club is qualified to appoint the next manager? Sir John Chippendale chips? Kroenke Jnr and his fabulous knowledge of soccer? Or maybe Kroenke senior with his extensive football contact list? This is potentially a disaster 10 years in the making. The sad reality is Wenger has been given too much control at our club and now there is a real void in the board room as well as in the back room staff. We have to be prepared for life after Wenger and realize we are likely to spend a few years in the wilderness. The longer this situation is allowed to continue the longer and harder it will be to come back. Others have mentioned the cost of sacking the manager, but the board are probably more concerned with the cost of removing his image and name from every inch of the stadium. You might think it's trivial, but nothing is past the bunch of incompetents who are currently managing the club.

  39. maguiresbridge gooner

    Nov 11, 2014, 20:10 #61135

    6OONER PETE, it will be a great day alright a weight lifted off our shoulders, imagine the excitement around the club again, and among the fans the spring in the step on match days and you can bet it'll be a full house with real expectations. I don't know what the AKB's will do though probably be on lock down waiting for news where their messiah is going to end up so they can get tickets, at least it will mean more for the supporters who are ambitious and want success.

  40. Ron

    Nov 11, 2014, 20:05 #61134

    Rangun - very good to see you back too. A few of us have gone a few months without posting, me included. Its a poor yet interesting Season now and it brought me back ha!! How sad, losses, collapses and strife now serve to make Seasons interesting don't they at Arsenal. It definitely has a mid 70s feel to it. The drab mid 60s was at least full of Baker Eastham Armstrong and Strong magic to accompany the collapses. What is there now? Little to excite is there mate? Who would have thought so many would be of the same mind as we see on here, yet really the writing was on the wall by 2005/06 really with hindsight to guide us. Wenger and the Board would i think have known that the chickens would come home to roost eventually as a result of the policies they've followed for so many Seasons. The surprise is that its taken so long really.

  41. 600NER PETE

    Nov 11, 2014, 19:39 #61133

    If and when Wenger leaves, what a brilliant day it would be. No more slow torture season after season with the same clueless decisions on the pitch and in the transfer market. Problem would still be with the board though. However, I would still definitely try and get a ticket for the first match afterwards. It would hopefully be like old times again win or lose, I wouldn't care.

  42. Big Andy

    Nov 11, 2014, 19:37 #61132

    Wishful thinking, Mr Henry. The truth is that Wenger is going nowhere. Even though we are pretty awful, we are in a very weak Premier League; that means that when the injured players come back we should have just enough to secure that much coverted fourth place at the end of the season. That should be enough for OGL to survive for at least another year. The Yank doesn't give a damn about trophies or the traditions of this club.

  43. maguiresbridge gooner

    Nov 11, 2014, 19:30 #61131

    Ian, I also find it hard to believe he hasn't lost the dressing room, and have suggested on more than one occasion that he had but apparently not, what will it take? surely they can see what's happening, are they really that loyal to him? or just dense (you can bet your last pound they'll not be as loyal to the next manager especially if he's more ruthless and drops a few of them) it can only be because they're in the comfort zone and he's gave them over inflated contracts it's certainly not because he's making them better players, (quite the reverse) there's not another team in the premiership or top leagues in Europe where it wouldn't have happened a long time ago, but you need men for that men with ambition to speak up and say what needs to be said, not pampered pansies who are in the comfort zone who spend more time on they're hair and taking silly selfies and who know they'll be picked and play no matter how crap they are.

  44. Ramgun

    Nov 11, 2014, 18:48 #61130

    Hello Ron. Until the Gigantic Gallic/Germanic Ego departs I cannot see much point in posting. Despite my age (first Arsenal match was August 1955 - taken by my Sister and it is still the best thing she ever did for me) I have one Gunners related ambition left and that is to be at our first match after Wenger is no longer at The Arsenal, wherever and whenever it takes place. Meanwhile the suffering will continue I fear.

  45. jeff wright

    Nov 11, 2014, 18:37 #61129

    Dear Jamie, you of the patronizing sermons , come on now once again after a defeat you vanish off the radar faster than a flock of seagulls who have flapped inadvertently into the Bermuda Triangle.

  46. Carlos

    Nov 11, 2014, 18:27 #61128

    Do you think A Walsall moment is approaching?

  47. Pete

    Nov 11, 2014, 17:26 #61127

    Have to expect a few knock backs as Wenger never does parking the bus,gamesmanship,diving and hoofball like the other premiership sides, so we have to accept it's harder to win.Still would prefer Arsene's way of playing any day and it's all the more sweeter when success comes and it will,just be patient.Remember the last two trophies have both got our name on them.

  48. blair207

    Nov 11, 2014, 17:15 #61126

    I think this will be the season too far for OGL. The defence is a rabbit in the headlights and every team in Europe knows it. Until Kos or Debuchy are fit there is nothing Wenger can do about it and another injury or straight red for a defender would be a disaster. Once the smaller teams think your defence is there for the taking it becomes hard to win. That is what did for Moyes last year and it may well be Wengers downfall as well.

  49. maguiresbridge gooner

    Nov 11, 2014, 17:03 #61125

    Ron, yes there's no doubt that's the biggest problem we're going to have SK, TKOS, and the rest, appointing a new manager and of course if OGL has a say or indeed the final one on someone that's going to carry on in the same vein as him. Like I said i'd be quite happy with any one (as long as we're rid of wenger) with a decent pedigree not necessarily high profile as long as they knew what they're doing coaching, tactics, defensive wise, getting the best out of players, playing them in their proper positions, the list goes on, if he has those attributes and is allowed to put them into practise with no outside interference with these players at his disposal surely he can't go far wrong, and surely he can't be any worse than we already have. I haven't even mentioned his tired old backroom staff a complete clear out there is needed also, but it would be very interesting to see how they'd perform under a new man and a new coaching regime with newer brighter more up to date ideas although i'd suspect they're to indoctrinated into his ways and cult now to change and like OGL past it. Your right about AU he's waiting to pounce and if/when he does there'll be big changes, ideally it would be when OGL's still masquerading as a manager and we wouldn't have to rely on the above mentioned regime and him to appoint his successor and we could be sure of getting the right man with the credentials mentioned. And the board room AU would go to town there, there would certainly be big changes a complete gutting of all the old farts. One things for sure mate, changes are coming sooner or later hopefully sooner and when they do (and it may not be nice)it's going to keep the news channels busy along with the sports journos for a couple of months, they're going to have a field day, and a few hundred more trees may have to be cut down in the rain forest to keep the newspapers supplied. Maybe they'll unearth a lost tribe in the process and OGL can sign a couple of them for his new team.

  50. Finsbury Boy

    Nov 11, 2014, 16:47 #61124

    Hot Arsenal news. Arsene's master plan revealed. Diaby fit after xmas for holding midfield role and Gallas pursuaded to come out of retirement.

  51. Anti-Wenger

    Nov 11, 2014, 16:14 #61123

    In my opinion,The board seems much more clueless than the manager, i really doubt they'll know what to do when Wenger laves. Abunch of people who do nothing to improve the side on the pitch, rather are only interested in the bottomline cannot be trusted to progress the club.

  52. jjetplane

    Nov 11, 2014, 15:48 #61122

    Two interesting points and one is the Franny Jeffer's interview and the other an editorial comment 'saying' 'he (Wenger) needs to makes his mind up real quick.' Media writing on the wall and the BFG quite like after the Chelski match talks with that Arsene acquired grin on his face as though 'accident' has now become 'whatever.' Could you imagine Adams smiling through another capitulation. Not on your nelly Perry. Talking of Grovsey - has he got a coach bad? ...

  53. maguiresbridge gooner

    Nov 11, 2014, 15:24 #61121

    WeAreBuilding, spot on, we keep hearing we need this one, we need that one, we need his strength, we need his power etc, etc, but it wouldn't make any difference if we signed two or three of the best players in the world because it's the manager that's the problem when are fans calling for these players going to realise that, the past it pensioner wouldn't use them properly (he doesn't know how to) he'd be impressing his philosophy on them before they even had their boots laced up and putting it into practise on the pitch during games trying to convert them into something their not or never will/would be with the inevitable outcome not only with results but with the players, he'd set them back years or destroy them.

  54. Graham Simons

    Nov 11, 2014, 15:14 #61120

    Wenger's job is the safest in the league. If the 8-2 didn't shift him, why would any other result? Mark my words - he will see out his contract and then probably sign on for another three seasons but by then Sanchez will be back in Spain, Theo will have signed for Chelsea and Ozil will be at Bayern. We'll have a whole heap of cash but nothing else to show for it as we tighten our purse strings due to advertisers deserting us in their droves. Happy Groundhog season everybody!

  55. Unchives

    Nov 11, 2014, 15:04 #61119

    I too fear the worst with the regards to the upcoming fixtures, however I now sense change is in the air, and if as we fear, results are disastrous, change will happen. The press & the media have cranked up the pressure....Wenger must be relived that there is an international break as his shirt is getting very tight around his neck at the moment.

  56. jeff wright

    Nov 11, 2014, 15:02 #61118

    Wenger's mental state must also be added to the equation Ron when assessing will he stay or will he go. I believe that he was on the cusp of doing so last season ,if he had lost the cup final.He sat there in his seat trembling with fear grim and tense pale faced when we were 2 goals down , after a typical Keystone Cops shambolic bout of defending by our defence . Indeed had Hull's third chance have gone in after they had sliced us open again in midfield and at the back then I reckon it would have been a case of goodnight from him,and goodbye from us.God though is said to protect babies and fools and Hull missed their third goal chance . Wenger was saved in the end by having a stronger set of players and was able to use this to his advantage in extra-time as the weaker Hull side's players faded . Also it helped Wenger when ,as he had to do against Wigan to steal a draw in the semi,he ditched his beloved tippy- tappy and went 4-4-2 , with two big lads up front.This simple E change of tactics caused ,along with tiredness,the Hull players big problems and won the cup and saved Wenger's job for him. Now anyone else ,with even a modest amount of savvy , would think perhaps it's time to give this tippy- tappy malarkey a swerve ,but not our stubborn Herr Wenger from Alsace , he always thinks that knows best and displays all of the traits of that regions petty bourgeois mentality . Arrogance being a predominate feature, along with the know it all attitude there is also smug complacency. I suspect that more intelligent types than Wenger in the hierarchy at AFC make jokes about him behind his back,but as you say Ron money talks and also I must add it never sleeps either at Arsenal Holdings. Personally my view on Wenger staying is that it now depends on him qualifying for the Champs League,if he finishes outside the top four he goes. Last season he had to win the FAC to justify his tenure continuing after royally ****ing up the title tilt, he did that with the fortuitous Cup win and got the 9 years without a trophy monkey off his back. So as I said at the time that means now that 4th place is once again a trophy and the pressure to actually win anything on him is gone with the wind and washed away in the rain and time goes on and on and on.... yawn....

  57. Angry & Frustrated

    Nov 11, 2014, 14:47 #61117

    Wishful thinking Ian, although I agree with every word you have written. As I and others have said before, until it gets ugly inside the stadium no change will happen. Stan is not for moving, because he has seen people like us huff and puff before, but Wenger always secures the golden ticket in his eyes, which is that damned fourth placed trophy. So unless the "Wenger Out" chants start and more importantly continue, even if they start winning, then we all have another 2.5 years of this sh**e to look forward to, and who knows even maybe beyond that! Remember this is effectively a dictatorship and hence its action via vocal protest that's required, not keyboard warriors like you and me. Easy for me to type I know, as I don't attend games anymore, but that is what it comes down to if you want change, end of story.

  58. declan burke

    Nov 11, 2014, 14:33 #61116

    Of all that has been said and written on our state, this is the finest piece. A manager who won't budge, a board who are failing the club BLATANTLY. and the fans fighting amongst each other, Herbert Chapman must be turning in his grave. It is all very sad.

  59. Spurrina

    Nov 11, 2014, 14:17 #61115

    Heareth the seer: Poor performances continue, Sanchez begins to over-kiss the badge after scoring the only Gooner goals while his agent unconvincingly denies ‘exploratory talks’ with Man City, January transfer window promising big signings actually delivers John Barnes as a free agent and Real Madrid smash an Arsenal team 13-0 with Walcott in goal. ‘Caesar! Beware the Ides, February.’

  60. Sad Gooner

    Nov 11, 2014, 14:05 #61114

    Mourinho sees a weakness in a team, exploits that and manages to win, even if he doesn't have the greatest team, or if his main strike force is under the weather. The problem with Arsenal is that we all see weaknesses in every department, except the manager. I know I would be crushed if Wenger gets the sack. But he does need to listen to what you all have to say, or loosing him will begin to look like the inevitable.

  61. Ron

    Nov 11, 2014, 14:00 #61113

    MG - The question is one of asking whether this Board are capable of appointing the right Coach. Theyve never done it before and im sure they dont fancy doing it. They ll be cluttered and hamstrung by their own mode of financing the Clubs 'sustainable model' and maybe by Wenger's wondrous 'philosophy' - whatever that's still supposed to be these days? It doesn't bode well for the type of Coach we need to be smoothly and seamlessly appointed in all honesty. I truly think the top calibre men will look twice and long at that job before going there. I dont think it is a dream job basking in Wengers 'legacy' as the media and some posters think. The Club might end up with a puppet Coach, compliant with Wengers and the Boards dictat. That means a low level man whos just happy to be associated with the Club. The Club needs SK,AW and his back room staff all to be moved out ideally. Its not going to occur though. SK makes too much easy money from the mugs who keep turning up on match days and commercial revenue, unless the need to dispense with Wenger makes him review his real business intentions and leads to him selling up? Rightly or wrongly i think Usmanov knows this else why has he hung about with such a shareholding and no Boardroom place? Hes waiting like a big lion in my view.He knows he ll be the only possible buyer and he ll pay over the odds in my view to seize control.SK will know this and when opening the wallet time comes, SK would sell to the devil never mind AU. Wengers departure will lead to fur flying in my opinion and lets face it Arsenal havent seen any excitement like that on or off the pitch for donkeys years so it might make for great typeface. Either way, if AU gets his hands on the controlling shareholding, the lot of them in that Boardroom will be ousted smartish as well as Wenger. AU has sounded very concilaitory in recent times. Its all false. He wants ownership and it means he wants his people in plus he wants scores settled with the mob in that Boardroom whove insulted him and Wenger is tainted by his association and closeness to them. The Clubs as stale last last weeks burger baps. Appoint a lower level man and that back room staff all stay there happily nodding their heads and taking the money as Ramgun has said,(though Ramgun - a good poster who i recall well - hiya mate!) is being unkind to Bould - he does do a great head in his hands act, pretending to care as each daft goal is conceded and the way he covers his mouth as he whispers 'can i kiss your arse and suck yr b---s at full time Arsene' is truly magical. Ramguns right, he needs to go and manage Dagenham and Redbridge or some thing when Wengers gone. PS JJ - Hummels ? this Germanic crusade and love in that Wengers on derives from Wengers Alsace origins. Theyre never sure where their loyalties and cultural leanings are supposed to be from there, Fr or Ger? They pays their money and takes their choice. Wenger is very pro Ger and always has been. Nothing wrong with that and it explains his hybrid type persona maybe?

  62. Bard

    Nov 11, 2014, 13:58 #61112

    Ian I agree with everything you say but I dont think its quite as simple as getting rid of Wenger. Like Ferguson at Utd his leaving will create a seismic shift at Arsenal. He has been there so long his influence is everywhere. Putting new structures in place will take time and money. I dont believe it will be an easy transition. My view is that he should stay on till the end of the season, hopefully with a 4th place finish and then leave. By then the board will have identified a successor. There is no quick fix,. I would expect it to take 2 or 3 seasons for a new man to make his mark. Whatever we think of the boss he will be a hard act to follow as Utd have found.

  63. chris dee

    Nov 11, 2014, 13:51 #61111

    The level of application,character,nous,bravery,tactics and game management is truly appalling. Cast your minds back to the FA Final,two nil down against a moderate team,we clawed our way back to 3-2 in extra time. With 2 minutes to go Arsene allowed 7 players to charge upfield to get the 4th goal,what happened?A quick counter attack from Hull a slip by Mertersacker ,Fabianski running out of his goal and Gibbs clearing of the line.Total mayhem ,all avoidable.What explanation would Arsene have given us then.More s**t no doubt.

  64. Paul

    Nov 11, 2014, 13:41 #61110

    Sadly spot on. Time for Mr W to go (well, it was that at least 2 years ago)

  65. maguiresbridge gooner

    Nov 11, 2014, 13:18 #61109

    Ian it's certainly close alright closer than it's ever been, it's just a matter of time now not if, and we'll be finally rid of the shackles/shackle that's been holding us back and dragging us and this club down for years now. Then we can get a proper manager in one who knows what he's doing and not have us the laughing stock that we've be thanks to this one, and that shouldn't be a hard job to do. Any manager with half a football brain who knows his tactics, and how to defend and coach one, and knows the difference between a player and a cart horse will do. Good Article Ian.

  66. WeAreBuildingATeamToDominate

    Nov 11, 2014, 13:14 #61108

    When are you lot going to realise that we can buy four or five hardended, tough-guy defenders no problem, but it won't matter if they're told to play the same way as the current incumbents. This season has the feel of 1994-95 to it and we all know what happened then don't we.

  67. kilkenny cat

    Nov 11, 2014, 13:11 #61107

    The first thing that needs to happen is a new board. This should include a couple of ex players who are respected,but will also question the new manager. Secondly all the coaching staff need to go and be replaced by younger vibrant coaches who are not under ogl,s influence. Thirdly new medical staff something is not right there,its pretty obvious. Fourthly players need to know this is Arsenal. 2nd best is never acceptable. This will take time as the current squad is very average. Only Sanchez is world class,and 5 or 6 are at the level required for our club. Unfortunatly why the club make money out of the fans,nothing will change. I do think though the protests will get louder and bigger before to long. This season is turning very sour.

  68. Gaz

    Nov 11, 2014, 13:09 #61106

    Nice article but we can't ever suggest 'he needs to do this/that' anymore because he just isn't for changing. He is exactly what he is and as fans we now only have two very simple choices. Decide we want rid of him or simply put up with more of this crap for at least another two and a half years. And whilst I'm uncomfortable with protests I can't help thinking its the only way to get rid of him. After all if we just wait until the summer we all know that most fans will take a step back and decide to give him one more chance....again! I'd also say by not effectively 'striking' until the summer it wont matter where we finish as long as we win our last few games. Its a bloody mess and I just wish he'd been graceful and honest enough with himself to go last summer when the fans would have given him the great send-off he richly deserved. Sadly the clock is now ticking down on his career and its going to get real messy...

  69. jjetplane

    Nov 11, 2014, 13:06 #61105

    Know what you mean RON on Keown. He is all over the media like a semi-itchy rash. He will go far as a pundit and no doubt at some point he will be doing crisp adverts. He has the same over-controlled articulation as his new spud buddy. Arsenal need a complete clear out and that includes the hair stylists whose work is now more visible on the pitch than Bouldie's input. Why would you want to head a dirty ball in the rain when you have splashed out so much on yer barnet. I ask yer fellas. The sooner we offer Koeman zillions the better though I imagine he will make Saints a better football club than we presently are so like Fabregas would say to himself (one look at Stan) a 'thanks - but you are having a laugh.' IF plastic rumours are correct and Hummels turns up in January then we may have to wonder about his desires as a player. That is how questionable this regime is.

  70. Lord Froth

    Nov 11, 2014, 13:03 #61104

    I don't blame Wenger I blame the players. What must the manager be thinking when they can't even be bothered to stop getting injured. I don't even believe that they're injured I think they are just lazy wasters. They are all professionals and should know their jobs. If you are a midfielder then stay in midfield and play, you shouldn't need coaching because it's just football innit. If you're a defender then just hoof it and clatter the man to let him know you're there. In my day a player would run off two broken legs. Tactics are for nancy boys not our Wenger. He does the right thing and tells our team of muscular hulks to bladdy well get out there and play.

  71. Roy

    Nov 11, 2014, 12:55 #61103

    Ian, sadly, if I had to bet on it, I think it will last much longer. Good news only for the masochists among us, and the opposition, of course.

  72. John

    Nov 11, 2014, 12:44 #61100

    Wenger don’t read games he reacts and analyses games when the game is over. He only makes offensives changes when his team is down. He does not have a clue on how to closeout games which is very common with Jose and Ancelotti. He is not working out different scenarios why on earth can’t Hector play the right back and move Chambers to assist Par at the back. Or move Chambers to serve as a defensive midfielder to protect Monreal and Par. All these scenarios should have been worked out in training.

  73. Ramgun

    Nov 11, 2014, 12:35 #61099

    A couple of years ago I stopped posting because I knew, and wrote at the time, that Wenger was going nowhere. He has Kroenke in his pocket and Gazides is powerless. Wenger is paid between £8 and £11 million per year and will never walk away from that. He will only leave if he is sacked or carried feet first - and there is nobody to sack him! In 1966 the supporters got the sacking of Billy Wright by boycotting matches and that can't happen now because thousands of people who detest what Wenger has done to Arsenal no longer go and those that do are either rich and uncommitted or mad-as-hatters Wengerites who most resemble the followers of David Koresh in Waco Texas. The Texan lunacy was finally got rid of in a hail of machine gun bullets and that is as likely as Wenger walking away from power and money. Ian Henry, stay optimistic if you wish but I tell you bluntly what I told this site years ago - Wenger is going nowhere. One last point regarding Steve Bould. He has decided to take the money for doing nothing and if the glorious day ever arrives when Wenger is gone then Bould has to go to.

  74. Tony Evans

    Nov 11, 2014, 12:27 #61095

    Well said Ian - we need that car crash to happen ASAP in my opinion. Although it goes against every fibre in my body I hope we lose big time now to see if that finally shifts Wenger out. Surely short term pain, if the result is a Wenger free Arsenal, has got to be worth it. After all what is the alternative? Another 2 or 3 years (or more) of this torture?

  75. Paulo75

    Nov 11, 2014, 12:27 #61094

    Less than 6 months ago we had won the FA Cup and optimism was in the air. One half arsed pre season and a few predictable injuries later and we've taken 2 steps back. Struggling to bring anything new to the debate as the major issues here i.e. lack of defense and defensive midfield personnel and a failure to implement a tactical gameplan are so blindingly obvious to (almost) all that care about the Club. So frustrating to have had the makings of a top team for a number of years now but been too tight and principled to go out there and put the icing on the cake. Mourinho's no nonsense purchases of Matic, Cesc and Costa a lesson for our current hierarchy.

  76. Ron

    Nov 11, 2014, 12:26 #61093

    Trying to coach a defence in the Bouldy mould under Wenger cant work as i see it. Defence in modern football is ateam thing. Its done from the front of the team. The classical idea of defending died years back. A defensive unit cant exist in isolation from the rest of the team now. As Wenger has his 'philosophy' of lightweight interchangeable middle men buzzing about and serving mobile attackers, it by its nature leaves defenders exposed. Its a risk that Wenger is more than happy to run and has been for years. His major fault-lines in the grand 'plan' are that his middle and front men aren't near effective or class enough to insure against the risks and the defenders arent good enough to cope with the added exposure they face hence you ll see yr collapses that the Club is now famed for continuing time and time again. Wenger and Bould doesnt work, their respective ideas on football are poles apart. Bould on his own and Wenger out? Do me a favour mate. Keown? Never an Arsenal legend in the Adams and Dixon et al sense though since he retired hes fostered such a recall of himself quite cleverly. For me, as a pundit he seems to love himself and talks BS a lot of his time. Hes no remedy for Arsenal in my view. Made for TV and thats as far it goes for him i reckon.

  77. Red Member

    Nov 11, 2014, 12:26 #61092

    as much as I want the manager gone you have to face facts - he has a 3 year contract and he is going nowhere. 2014 has also been the most successful year for the club for 10 years with an FA Cup win. Wenger has got out of bigger problems than he faces right now

  78. DW Thomas

    Nov 11, 2014, 12:20 #61091

    This pathetic season began this summer with transfers. While our season was flushed down the toilet before it started, Wenger played beach soccer and we watched Germany win. His dereliction of duty and continued arrogance and lack of planning is enough to say enough is enough!! Last year w,e bought Kallstrom who couldn't play for weeks. What this year? He can't be trusted to right the ship when he thinks all is rosy. To capitulate already before December, I've never seen that with him. When greed is your goal, trophies are a disinterest.

  79. Mike

    Nov 24, 2012, 11:10 #28499

    @Declan - the truth of the matter is the gap between the top teams and lower teams evident in the past are no longer there. There are no gimmes - Norwich beat us and Man Utd - WBA are up competeing for a top four spot at the moment - Chelsea are in dissary and City are out of the CL.At the end of the day, the usual suspects usually come out on top as a result of being more consistant over the whole season.(Which is usually as a result of depth which is linked to finances) It is no longer a surprise to have a smaller team beat the big guns especially at the beginning of the season when injuries and fatigue have not kicked in yet. The misplaced passes are being noticed becuase that is not how we play and it is not expected -the midfield trio we have have the stats to back it up. I can only think of Man City in the English league who have a midfield comparable to ours

  80. declan burke

    Nov 24, 2012, 7:38 #28498

    A remarkable achievement to reach the KO'S again, but I have to say the performance mid week displayed just how much we have detariorated over the past couple of seasons. MISPLACED passes were the norm, Nervousness in defence. some good flashes yes with 2 excellent goals, some very good individual performances, but the norm now for us is a couple of good individuals carrying us,generally Arsenal are not feared by anybody anymore.. For all teams domestically and on the european front facing the gunners was a daunting prospect. We are not a daunting prospect anymore for the Norwich's, wigans, fulhams,Stoke's, which tells us so much. Effectively this has come about because the club has been run as a business (PLC) WHO HAPPEN TO HAVE A FOOTBALL TEAM IN THEIR NAME. and WENGER has had to run his team on limited resources (and willing to do so) to produce a good balance sheet for the shareholder rather than concentrating on keeping a clean sheet for the fans. It of course tells you all you need to know about the 'modern game'. The result-ARSENAL F.C. is not what it was. The question now is will it ever be again ? Answer: The fans must decide.

  81. RichardS

    Nov 23, 2012, 19:47 #28496

    I'm struggling to believe some of the comments on here. Yes, it wasn't the greatest game, but I went on Weds night and thoroughly enjoyed myself. Like Fozzy, I had empty seats both sides of me which didn't make for the greatest atmosphere, but I sang,shouted and cheered all the same. I thought Montpellier made a game of it, although they were toothless upfront. Belhanda looked dangerous all night and Mbaie is a great who could do a great role for us in defensive midfield or CB. These games are not easy and judging by some of the comments, people obviously feel that we should have performed better and scored more goals. The first half was plenty of misplaced passes with Wilshere and Giroud particularly guilty, but both players hit form in the second half and their contributions were critical to the win. TV had his best game at left back this season, with far more attacking intent, which then, as a consequence,helped Podolski. Kos looked much improved. Cazorla and Arteta were solid and reliable. The Ox had a very poor 1st half, but improved in the second. I think he is finding it tougher this season, but will come good. Ramsey produced a good performance for the time that he was on. i know he was awful against Spurs and I will probably get slated for saying this, but I still think he can come good. I still feel that the team needs a refresh, preferably at Manager level, but I see no point in running down a great achievement of qualifying for 13 consecutive years. The team will need to improve significantly to stand any chance in the latter stages of the competition, but I see no benefit in criticising a competent performance which showed a big improvement from the dark days of Norwich or Man u away.

  82. peter Wain

    Nov 23, 2012, 15:24 #28494

    The key is Saturday Already Wenger is claiming the team is back etc a sure sign that we have no plans to buy anyone significant in the January window. Lets see how we get on against Villa. If we defend like we have been I think it could be a close run thing.

  83. Mike

    Nov 23, 2012, 8:19 #28492

    Huntelaar.......?yes please

  84. Mark

    Nov 23, 2012, 8:09 #28491

    CL qualification has proved one thing it will not make our best players stay.They want "real" trophies" not the virtual 4th place trophy.What really is there to celebrate getting out of a group that contained Montpellier and Olympiacos?

  85. goonercolesyboy

    Nov 22, 2012, 23:28 #28490

    A solid win with a clean sheet, just what was needed to back up the 5-2. Nothing spectacular but efficient with two cracking goals. Consistency please from now on is the key. And to the constant Town Hall parade piss take, please find someting else to say as it really is tiresome and unoriginal. See you all at Villa Park, oh sorry forgot most on here don't go...

  86. Eric

    Nov 22, 2012, 22:45 #28489

    Kev have you suffered a bang to your head.Wenger winning the CL would buy him 6 years in the job.No way Wenger gets another 6 years for finishing 4th.Winning a trophy let alone a CL(some chance) doesnt even come into it.Its all about those lovely profits brought in by selling two of our players every summer.Who will go next summer? Jack? Cazorla?Sagna? to bring in £40m plus

  87. 13 years in a row simply isn't good enough

    Nov 22, 2012, 22:22 #28488

    I find it staggering how people can turn 13 consecutive seasons of making it into the CL knock out stages (all the while finishing above that lot EVERY season) into a negative. People seem genuinely outraged that it gets mentioned. (Not to mention the League Cup record of making the quarters season after season. Mention that and you'll get filleted by some of our fans.) Yes, we all know it seems to be the level the club has settled for, ie. don't challenge for the title or actually win the bleeding thing, (haven't won a trophy for, owww, what is it again, it never gets mentioned?) but priority is the top 4 and a subsequent profit...and we get rinsed in the process..highest ticket prices, etc, etc...but really! Some of the abuse. Wenger you diabolical liberty taker!

  88. Wombledin

    Nov 22, 2012, 21:39 #28487

    Most gay article title ever for this website.

  89. Rocky RIP

    Nov 22, 2012, 19:15 #28486

    Anyone who is still slagging off Giroud seriously doesn't grasp it. (Those who wrote him off after 4 games are beneath contempt.) No, he's not RVP, that's not his fault, but his movement, link up play, first touch, strength at holding the ball up, heading, willingness to track back, etc is very decent. His two assists were excellent. His attitude 'seems' good. He's everything Bendtner thought he was, but much more. He's improving game by game in a new country, in a new league. Back the fella and he'll produce, I reckon. The na na na na's will get louder every game. Or am I being too positive for Online Gooner?

  90. Gare Kekeke

    Nov 22, 2012, 17:32 #28485

    Credit to all involved. An uninspiring match with an important result in the end. Where we go from here in this season’s European Cup is anyone’s guess. My own view is that we’ll come up short.......again. Defensively, we won’t match Chelsea in last season’s competition. And I wouldn’t fancy us in a two-legged affair against either of the big two from Spain & Germany, especially Borussia Dortmund whose manager Jurgen Klopp has hilariously taken a bit of a kicking on this site in the last few months. And unlike Wenger, he has beaten Mourinho, the supposed best manager in the world. I could laugh at Man City & Chelsea for their misfortunes in the European Cup but then I’ll remember that the former are English champions even if their manager is a dud in Europe & the latter for all of their lack of class on & off the pitch are European champions, a title that still eludes us. Another good game from Giroud and Wilshire’s goal was like watching Ljungberg & Scholes in their prime. If he’s going to have a long career with us (and that is debatable), I think Wilshire can be our Paul Scholes. Talk of him being a holding midfielder is nonsense in my view and he’ll be wasted in that position. I think we’ll be alright at Villa as they are even worse than last season but Everton at Goodison Park, a ground that we have done well at in recent seasons in stark contrast to the other big sides, will be major test. Up The Arsenal!

  91. Ron

    Nov 22, 2012, 16:11 #28484

    Is it me who s mistaken but surely the 'getting out of the group year on year' success story etc has become increasingly easier hasnt it? The seedings as a result of our CL 'success' have given us a right motley crew of teams in the main, for at least the last 4 years which meant getting to the KO s was almost a given even for us! Our 'success' evinced by Chairman Wenger and Comrade Gazadis sounds like the Allardyce defined Bolton 'success' that the fat lump of lard trots out every time he can. To be honest, i reckon his claim to his 'success' is more convincing given the size of the Clubs we re talking about.

  92. maguiresbridge gooner

    Nov 22, 2012, 15:10 #28483

    The empty seats were very visible indeed armchairs with a carry out was more comfortable and cheaper.It wasn't a great game especially the first half decent performance the second half with a couple of great goals as usual we done enough.It was good to see jack score it was deserved and he took it well the same for podolski as good as volley as you'll see.There's no doubt the CL is wengers priority his holy grail.We'll be up against much tougher opposition after this and we'll really see what their made off and see if they've got what it takes.But your right kev we've got just as important games coming up starting again on Saturday or maybe arsene's going to try and do what the chavs done and try and qualify again by winning it.

  93. DW Thomas

    Nov 22, 2012, 14:35 #28481

    Solid game I thought. But Montpellier was not that big of a challenge at home. One thing is obvious. Vermaelen is not the defender he used to be right now. Kos and Per should start centrally every game when fit. Jack yesterday was poor first half. Gave away the ball cheaply several times. Yet, he does work hard to get it back. We need more pace on the wings and Wenger must work on getting the wingers (Walcott, Gerv, and Ox) to gain some tricks to beat defenders wide. Podolski can shoot, but offers little on the wings. Still need way more movement off the ball to support the man with the ball. Too many sideways and backward passes with no one checking in. That and and the defense consistency need improvement and only then will we compete for trophies. And where is Diaby? The club seem to avoid any negative press, I get it, but we need more news about where he and Rosicky are. January buys still a must as our injury record is always terrible!

  94. CanadaGooner

    Nov 22, 2012, 13:46 #28480

    Good result given that easier groups do sometimes churn out surprises these days. it's always a shame that we rarely get the kind of luck chelsea had last season (nor do we have a player like drogba who had a point to prove and pretty much single-handedly got them the trophy)

  95. Fozzy

    Nov 22, 2012, 13:27 #28479

    I thoroughly enjoyed myself at The Grove last night. When I booked my ticket there was space in Block 6 behind the goal which is where I ended up standing all evening (during the regular quiet bits of the game it was fun trying to play Spot The Steward). I found myself with six empty seats to my left and the same number to my right. It was as if I had enjoyed a few pints of Guiness at lunchtime followed by a large vindaloo. My plan was to be centred amongst a cauldron of RedAction noise in order to provide the 12th man to yell the team on to victory. Alas, Block 6 resembled a geriatric knitting circle. I enjoyed the three seconds of halftime highlights on the big screen, and that was two seconds too much. We played with more width in the second half and that paid off straight away with two stonking goals right in front of me. Strange how the powers that be can't seem to find a ref with any degree of competency and last night's specimen certainly added to the motley collection we've seen in the CL this season. But at least they are not on the ManUre payroll. Bring on Barcelona in the next round.

  96. Gooner SA

    Nov 22, 2012, 13:21 #28478

    Through to the last 16 again. Giroud might not have been a serial misser of chances last night but he had two good ones to score and didn't take either of them! Good job Wilshire did.

  97. Mike

    Nov 22, 2012, 13:07 #28477

    Well doen Kev, a positive piece - funny every time we win a lot of people blame the opposing team for being crap. Still think I prefer Theo out wide than the OX - Theo is prepared to run around defenders and cross, whilst Ox seems to cut inside the whole time - how about BFG trickery in the opponents box

  98. Stroud Green Road Boy

    Nov 22, 2012, 12:35 #28476

    That's goal 1 of the season achieved then - out of the CL group. Goal 2 however will probably take until the last game of the season - finish 4th. Achievements like getting out of a group X years in a row, finishing in the top 4 x number of years in a row never used to be things people even noticed. Now we're told they're as good as trophies.

  99. Peter

    Nov 22, 2012, 11:35 #28475

    Kev surprisingly even you have fallen into the Pravda trap of celebrating 13 years of getting out of the CL group stage.I hear the open top bus parade is planned this sunday.You say us winning the CL would buy Wenger 6 years in the job.Well he has survived 7 years without a trophy so i dont think winning the CL would make much difference.In fact Wenger has a job for life under this board regardless of trophies.

  100. Jamie Hunter

    Nov 22, 2012, 11:20 #28474

    We still have our problems, but bizarrely losing van persie isn't one of them. The collective efforts of podolski, giroud, gervinho and walnut have more than compensated. Defensively we should improve if wenger has the balls to drop the captain and bring back Gibbs. But as you alluded to kev, the real barometer of the latest comeback will be the villa and Everton games. With no international break to unplug the batteries of our players (remember Norwich ffs?) hopefully we can maintain momentum.

  101. as

    Nov 22, 2012, 11:10 #28473

    so so must find it hard when the team did good...I guess you would rather the team did bad so that you can enjoy criticising them...and when you have to praise them, you temper your praise to suggest that actually the team havn't really acheived much at are so taking it for granted. If like Chelsea and Man City we failed...then you'd say it's because we have **** players, because we didn't buy top players like Chelsea and Man City...but since they are the ones that have failed...what the reason now then? Just learn to be positive once in a while and support and appreciate the team.

  102. don froth

    Nov 22, 2012, 11:09 #28472

    Funny how you see things differently, i thought Giroud was crap first half, great touches in the build up to our goals but overall he needs to be doing more and putting himself about. Podolski needs a go down the middle at some point, apart from score goals, i am not sure what else he has to his game, so play him where he'll be most useful which is not out wide without a trick in his locker.

  103. Ron Jeremy

    Nov 22, 2012, 11:05 #28471

    Can we please have the 13 seasons in the knockout stage of the CL to join the 4th place trophy wins in the roll of honour around the stadium.And here was me thinking the last 7 years were the wasted years.What a manager that Wenger is.Who needs trophies?now where is my season ticket renewal form

  104. chris dee

    Nov 22, 2012, 10:59 #28470

    Routine win, as it should have been, against opponents who really didn't give a toss. Mind you it didn't take long for the Arsenal P R and propaganda machine to get going.On all the interviews and reports on T V and radio,and even by Kev the Ed,we were reminded that we had qualified from the group stages for 13 years in a row.Fantastic,brilliant, if you don't consider yourself a big club.But stupidly I believe we are a big enough club to be desparately disapointed not to have won the frigging thing by now,so this latest clever P R media s**t doesn't mean a thing. What the board/manager don't realise is that the fans have become intolerant to the 'success' of fourth place and going out in the last sixteen in the Champions League.Nothing but a trophy will stop the disheartening feeling of the fans.We have gone pass the stage of hope,expectation and anger we now sometimes become almost indifferent. But the quickest way to kickstart our way back to winning trophies is to win 4 games ,starting with Bradford,in the Capitol One cup.It's a trophy and a lift for the players and the fans, for he rest of the season. Will Arsene go for it by putting out strong sides in the competition? Will he f**k. But I'm sure we will be reminded at the end of the season what an achievment it is to finish fourth in the Premiership (and that's not a given this year).

  105. Dave

    Nov 22, 2012, 10:26 #28469

    Does anyone really think Wenger will play anything but a weak team in Greece now that we have qualified?1st or 2nd in the group he doesnt care.Expect to see Mannone Santos Ramsey Arshavin and Chamakh in the team.And how poor were Montpellier that French league really is piss poor

  106. Tommy

    Nov 22, 2012, 9:59 #28468

    Sorry Kev 13 years of getting out of the CL group stage does not count as success if once we are in the knock-out stage we get knocked out against the first half decent side we face.Out of the 16 clubs that get through to the knockout i think we are the 10th best.Barca awaits

  107. Bard

    Nov 22, 2012, 9:50 #28467

    Good result very average performance. We looked sloopy and our passing lacked zip. Enjoying seeing Giroud at work. He's a really good header of a ball, something we've not had up front since Smudger. Poldolski's volley was terrific. If we collect 6 points from the next 2 games I will be more hopeful that we've turned a corner. The cynic in me suggests we might have to endure another Wneger whinge at the weekend after a lacklustre display citing tiredness. But we live in hope.

  108. John Abrehart

    Nov 22, 2012, 9:48 #28466

    Yes, job done for now. Despite the mundane game, there were some good individual performances apart from Giroud, notably Merteseker, always there when needed and very tidy; Arteta, busy and efficient; the Ox, best so far this season and near his peak of last season and Podolski, intelligent and creative. The Editor's comment about consistency is spot on, but least we are consistent in one important area, 13 successive qualifications to the knock out stages, better than any other Premiership team. The manager, staff and players deserve huge credit for that. I am going to keep my counsel until the end of the year now and become a SOH. (Sit on hands). There is much to be done that may define our season by the time the 3rd round of the FA Cup comes round and we should get behind the team; things may not be as bad as we thought.

  109. Andy M

    Nov 22, 2012, 9:18 #28465

    And we all know that we'll get Barca or Real Madrid!

  110. Aaron

    Nov 22, 2012, 9:15 #28463

    you realize it's NA not LA right?