Respect please

Arsène Wenger should be wary of a war with the media

Respect please

In Issue 222 of The Gooner Magazine (January 2012) I wrote the following about Arsène Wenger. “It might be some slick media type from Sky or the BBC holding the microphone but the questions are being asked on our behalf and in return for the thousands of pounds it costs to watch my team nowadays, I'd like some honest and straightforward answers”.

My article was in response to his refusal to answer a fair and extremely valid question from a Sky reporter, after we lost 2-1 at Craven Cottage in January. Arsène Wenger has long been evasive and somewhat deceitful towards the media but he plumbed new depths on Saturday, during his post-match press conference at Villa Park. He was asked numerous times to explain why he made certain substitutions, and what he thought of the travelling Arsenal fans singing “You don’t know what you’re doing”.

Rather than explain his thoughts / reasons, he chose instead to tell journalists that, as he had managed football teams for 30 years and they hadn’t, they have no right to ask him such questions. He became increasingly evasive, sarcastic and at points, downright rude. Moreover, as I said above, it may be journalists physically asking the questions but it is supporters that want to hear the answers, so any disrespect towards them is disrespect towards us. (Ed’s note – a video of the press conference is available here – it’s the second one down)

There are probably very few people that relish being interrogated about their decision making but then again, there are very few people that earn vast sums for managing a Premier League club. Arsène – it goes with the territory! Tens of thousands of people pay significant amounts of money to follow Arsenal and we have a right to receive answers to areas of concern. Football clubs are no longer cosy little private ventures; they are now large corporations. As such, the same rules (honesty, transparency, communication) that apply to other large corporations, should apply to large Clubs.

The men within professional football may think themselves above questioning or inspection but they are not. Maybe a couple of decades ago, when following a club was far less expensive, but not now. Not now that ticket prices have risen and risen, to fund their wonderful lifestyles. If football folk are going to receive such high rewards, they simply have to accept our right to question them when things don’t materialise in the way they said it would.

Arsène Wenger’s performance on Saturday evening was painful to watch. He seemed completely at odds with the witty, urbane, sophisticated Frenchman that we saw a few years ago. He appeared angry, tired, stressed and he looked like a man that just doesn’t have any solutions to the problems around him. Events are now controlling him rather than before, when he controlled events.

There is also a golden rule in public life; “Don’t bite the hand that feeds!” Over the years, the media (printed and broadcast) have been very kind to Arsène Wenger. There are numerous journalists that virtually deify him (Barclay / Lawton / Collins / Holt). He has been given credit where credit is due but they have also gone very easy on him for things such as our frequent collapses since 2006; fighting with other managers or trotting out “I did not see it” over and over again.

His open hostility on Saturday, to the media directly and supporters indirectly, could cost him a far higher price than he realised. History shows us that when a high profile manager has departed a club or country, this usually follows the manager losing the majority support of these 3 groups:-
1. The players
2. The supporters
3. The Media

In respect of 1) - Most of our best players have already voted with their feet, leaving behind the ones that wouldn’t get paid as much anywhere else. In respect of 2) – Supporter discontent is growing by the day. In respect of 3) – Arsène Wenger’s petulance on Saturday was ill advised for many reasons but the unforeseen consequence may be a media backlash. They haven’t turned yet but, if and when they do, this will make life very uncomfortable for him. Several hacks are vengeful buggers; remember the treatment given to fine men like Sir Bobby Robson, Brian Clough or Claudio Ranieri? Anyone with a high profile job that isn’t going too well should be fearful of the media because they have the power and the will to make your life very uncomfortable.

And I hope they do make his life uncomfortable because I honestly cannot remember any other manager being so disrespectful to his own supporters. He is a man that has gone unchallenged for far too long. He has become way too powerful, yet that power brings no success, just profits for a group of greedy old men. He should have resigned with dignity some time ago but he clings on, forcing us to watch a slow and painful decline that is a discredit to him, to us and to our Club.

Lastly, for any supporters posting a reply to this article in support of Arsène Wenger, could you please tell us a) How much you personally spend following The Arsenal and b) Why you are happy to spend that money, when we are being treated with open contempt?

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  1. There's a corner ..

    Nov 30, 2012, 17:31 #28820

    Harold - firstly just because someone isn't baying for Wenger to leave and is prepared to stick up for him, doesn't make them an AKB. There's a sensible and largely silent camp that sit in the middle of this divisive and unhealthy AKB/WOB grouping. I'm neither AKB nor WOB thank you. I accept he has faults. Infuriating ones. If you can't work out from what I've said previously about an agreed strategy on finances where Wenger is entrusted (based on his fiancial record hitherto) and agrees to follow a policy of prudent spending - also known as financial constraints - then I can't explain it any further. I think the ideal scenario for all on the board is he did it his way which was based on a level of achievement on limited spending and profits. Nobody is tieing him to a chair denying him money, but there's an agreement on how finances are run, which if he adheres to his job appears safe. I accept we'll never really know how self-imposed it all is until he's well gone and the truth emerges. eg. his comment about being able to write a book about Cesc's departure. Is it Wenger or the club players accuse of not showing ambition?

  2. Harold

    Nov 30, 2012, 15:54 #28815

    @There's a corner of some foreign pitch that is forever Kanu- Please explain why Wenger would remain tight-lipped if he's being denied funds. His team is being weakened, his reputation and legacy damaged, and Wenger personally is financially set for life. So why wouldn't he speak out? This has been asked numerous times on this board and no AKB has ever answered. Please respond.

  3. There's a corner of some foreign pitch that is forever Kanu

    Nov 30, 2012, 10:20 #28792

    Green Hut - he's had money to spend in the same way your girlfriend tells you ''it's fine, you go out''. ie. you know damn well it isn't fine. As you know, the manager has a track record of being able to spend relatively little in the transfer market, find the odd bargain, and develop the player adding massively to his transfer value. RVP being the latest example - bought for a relative pittance. Nearly always making the club a profit as it steers its way through choppy waters. All the while qualifying for the CL. There's this way of doing things, or the spend serious money way of doing things. The board may make money available, but in all honestly they would rather he did it 'his way'. This has been the pattern since we moved stadium and have had to re-pay the massive loan. Wenger is their perfect man to steady the ship. There isn't a manager out there who could do it this well. His job is safe as long as he keeps doing this for them. ie. make a profit whilst qualifying for the CL. Hence a cosy relationship where the status quo is maintained and the manager remains tight-lipped and goes unchallenged. Us the fans are left frustrated and scratching our heads every transfer window wondering where are massive funds we pay in ticket prices are going whilst the club sits on our money. Love Sherlock. x

  4. Green Hut

    Nov 30, 2012, 7:55 #28787

    @There's a corner some football field that is forever Kanu- Case closed then Sherlock, thanks to your ex-scouts 'confirmation'! Wenger has obviously been financially restrained by a board that constantly and publicly states that he has money to spend. You keep believing what you want to believe if it makes you happy mate.

  5. There's a corner some football field that is forever kanu

    Nov 29, 2012, 22:39 #28784

    Green Hut - I'm just reading a twitter discussion with someone who is a former scout at Arsenal who confirms Wenger has been financially constrained by the board who were saddled with a stadium debt. I'm inclined to believe there's a grain of truth to this. You carry on thinking Wenger genuinely wants to sell his prized assets and keep rebuilding teams from scratch.

  6. Rocky RIP

    Nov 29, 2012, 22:23 #28783

    Green Hut - fair enough. I take your point. In fairness, I don't think anyone would have the balls to sing 'One Arsene Wenger' at this event. Strangely, a lot of people who agree with the BSM's proposals are hesitating about going as it may inadvertently set the wheels in motion for removing Wenger and they don't want to feel like they played a hand in getting their manager sacked. I'll be there too, but not to object at the more 'political' stuff. More to back their proposals on ticket allocations, season tickets, safe standing, bringing back a real Clck end, encouraging younger more local fans to get into the habit, etc. All of which deserve our support.

  7. Green Hut

    Nov 29, 2012, 21:09 #28776

    Rocky RIP- I relate and agree with everything the BSM stand for, I'm a paying member, and I'll be on the walk on Saturday. But I also believe that by far the biggest problem at Arsenal Football Club is Arsene Wenger. It's no problem that the BSM want to make the board the focus of the walk as there are obviously off the pitch issues at the club that need addressing but what pisses me off is that they are clearly using anti-Wenger sentiment amongst our fans with their recently added 'poor allocation of resources' point to bolster numbers at the walk but without acknowledging the problem that many fans feel so strongly about. I'll be there on Saturday but at the first airing of 'One Arsene Wenger' I'll be gone.

  8. k eloquence

    Nov 29, 2012, 20:44 #28775

    Totally agree with the post by Gerry. Seems sad that Mark Halfwit seems to finish this contribution with a comment regarding money and is measuring his support by it. Is this symptomatic of the modern supporter? Many of us have spent a lot of money following or supporting Arsenal, if it is about money then develop another hobby which you'll hopefully see some value from! It's football and in football theres always going to be a chance we'll lose regardless of ticket and travel costs. As for the comment, don't bite the hand that feeds, isn't that what many supporters are doing now? Turning on our most successful manager ever and who even with seemingly insurmountable obstacles of money placed by City and Chelsea or our best players displaying traitorous tendencies and heading for the highest bidder, Wenger has still managed to get us into the Champions League, something which Hotspud fans still go on about as if its a highpoint of their history. Why should Wenger really have to defend himself? Are these "journalists" really speaking for you? Finally as for him looking tired and stressed, doesn't that say something about the level of his care and commitment that he puts into his job?

  9. Rocky RIP

    Nov 29, 2012, 19:51 #28774

    Green Hut - I take your point that the poor allocation of funds does point at Wenger at does cloud the issues. However, their whole existence is based on protecting loyal match going fans from being priced out, ensuring future generations can grow up loving Arsenal in the same way many of us did, improving the match going experience for fans, improving the atmosphere so that many old school fans don't look around and wonder where their club went, etc. It ISN'T RESULTS BASED. Poor results merely fuel the discontent. In fact, if we changed manager and/or won the title their issues could deepen as the club could justify ticket hikes and you'd see even more tourists, corporates, JCLs at home games at the expense of the more traditional Gooner fan base, many of whom have walked away felling disengaged from the club they love. Can you not relate to any of this?

  10. goonercolesyboy

    Nov 29, 2012, 13:07 #28746 that the same villas boas who said they doninated from start to finish when we thrashed them 5-2...? was that an honest approach to the subject? Pick and choose your quotes....

  11. Nilesh Bhagat

    Nov 29, 2012, 10:03 #28734

    As stated previously I continue to read this site because occasionally there is an article that will give me pause for thought. However a piece slating Wenger for getting shirty in a press conference has got nothing to do with a ‘love for the club’ no matter who is writing it is. It is pure Wenger bashing for the sake of it and I feel that there is too much of that going on. Your comment about ‘predetermined mindsets’ is apposite and I hate the simplistic categories that some people feel compelled to put people into. However, that fact that someone may hold a point of view that is different your own doesn’t necessarily mean that their mind is closed on the subject. Ultimately we all want the same thing, a successful Arsenal side, but we have different ideas about the best way to achieve that.

  12. Spectrum

    Nov 29, 2012, 6:39 #28732

    Contrast Wenger's press comments / attitude, with those of Andre Vilas-Boas ( quote ) ; "The fans have the right to everything in my opinion". "They are the ones who breathe the biggest passion for the football club, they are the essence and they breathe the values of the football club. They are entitled to whatever they want to say or chant; disappointment, belief, encouragement, positiveness". "It is all down to them, football is about them, it is about their passion. They have the right more than anybody to show that. (As a manager) you have to take it. Sometimes we don't like what we hear, but that's life." What an honest and positive approach to the subject. It shows a real appreciation of the responsibilities and obligations of a manager ( ANY manager) in relation to the supporters.It displays a humility and willingness to be accountable. Sure, the press like a good story. That applies to any subject of interest.And when the team consistently underperforms and nothing looks like changing, then it is only natural that the journalists start to ask probing questions. That's THEIR JOB. And do they ask these questions for their own benefit ? No, it's because their readers ( i.e. us, the fans )demand to know the answers. And these questions are not a kneejerk reaction to one or two poor performances. This is a pattern that has persisted over a number of YEARS now. No wonder we ( and they ) have a RIGHT to expect an explanation. Considering this then, Wenger has indeed been given an easy ride for far too long. It's high time he was grilled about why we constantly underachieve, and what he intends to do about it. Wenger's reaction ? Sarcasm, and condescension, along with an arrogant "What do you know ?" attitude.He sees himself as above criticism, and when someone has the temerity to challenge him, he doesn't like it.Can't take the heat ? Then quit. No-one's forcing you to stay. After eight years of trying, he's no closer to turning things around. But will he ever concede that he's done all he can ? No, because he's too deluded and proud. That's why it will always be ; "In Arsene we rust."

  13. Green Hut

    Nov 29, 2012, 0:48 #28730

    Rocky RIP- Can you read the BSM's very clear mission statement on their website and re-read the bit that says 'poor allocation of money'. Then read it again. And please explain to me how that can be anything other than a clear and obvious criticism of Arsene Wenger? Then please explain to me how it is anything other than rank hypocricy of the BSM to include this recent addition in their mission statement to boost numbers on their march with those fed up with on-field matters, while at the same time stating that the walk is not anti-Wenger. I know many in the BSM want Wenger out, but a little honesty wouldn't go amiss.

  14. Green Hut

    Nov 29, 2012, 0:25 #28728

    @There's a corner of stamford bridge that is forever Kanu- Re 'Wenger taking flak on the boards behalf'. Are you for real?? Or are you Red Member on another wind-up? Do you genuinely thinks it's possible that Wenger sits next to Gazidis when he repeatedly tells the world that the manager has money to spend and says nothing even though he knows it to be untrue and he knows it's damaging his team? Why on earth would he do that? He doesn't owe Kroenke or Gazidis anything and he would regain all the respect from the fans that he's lost in recent years if he spoke out. There's absolutely no evidence that Wenger is financially constrained from above. The accounts show he can spend, all independent analysis shows he can spend, both Gazidis and Kroenke say he can spend, and former players with insight and contacts at the club such as Wrighty and Stewart Robson are adamant Wenger runs the show from top to bottom and makes all the big decisions. So please, enough of this nonsense and find another excuse as to why he's a million miles away from the manager he was.

  15. Rocky RIP

    Nov 28, 2012, 18:18 #28722

    Bilthered - points taked, agreed. We miss Rocky's ilk. Genuine Gooner. Stevo - can you read the BSM's very clear mission statement on their website and re-read the bit that says 'this is not about the manager' and 'this is not an anti-Wenger group'. Then read it again. If you want to form an anti-Wenger movement and march on the ground with torches then form your own group rather than hijacking the BSM's agenda, which isn't about on-pitch matters.

  16. Ceasar the Geezer in disguise

    Nov 28, 2012, 17:03 #28721

    Avenell Road - you forgot 6. It is acceptable for the media to loosely accuse Wenger of being a paedophile and then squirm away like whey-faced poltroons when he fronts them up and makes them look silly in his second language. The guy can infuriate us with his intransigence and WE are entitled to ask questions, but please, NEVER side with the media against any of our managers. They are not on our side and never will be.

  17. John Gooner

    Nov 28, 2012, 17:01 #28720

    There's a time for cringing and a time for marching. That was a time for cringing, now is a time for marching!

  18. Theo's Bikini-Line

    Nov 28, 2012, 16:50 #28719

    And there in lies the problem: You see stuff on written on here by gooners (despite what Mandy Dodd claims), many of them supporters for decades, as 'anti-Arsenal rhetoric' rather than fans concerned about the gradually deterioration of the standards at the club both on and off field. If you genuinely did think that most of what you read on here was being put forward by people for disingenuous reasons rather than out of love for the club, then I ask you again: why bother reading it? It's not like you can learn anything going into it with that predetermined mindset, is it?

  19. billthered

    Nov 28, 2012, 15:58 #28717

    Rocky RIP,thanks for your reply but what I meant was whilst we are at the top that is the time to improve the squad like Liverpool did in the seventies which gave them a springboard to win leagues and european cups.We all want whats best for our club and that way is tried and trusted.God bless Rocky RIP a never to be forgotten gooner.

  20. There's a corner of Stamford Bridge that is forever Kanu

    Nov 28, 2012, 14:23 #28712

    Harold - This is a burning issue. Is his spending limits self-imposed? Does anyone REALLY know the truth about the supposed funds available to Wenger? Or indeed his remit in relation to making a profit for the club and taking the flak on their behalf? There's a sense that his job is safe so long as he keeps making a profit and steering us to the CL. Do you beleive he's happy to sell Cesc, RVP, etc in order to balance the books? He developed those players into world class talents just to hand them over. We heard the 'money available' line trotted out before Gazidis was even at the club. When we moved stadium they claimed to 'ring fence' money and make it available. I'm not convinced this money was avaialble back then or available now without sales being necessary. With 30 million extra from the Emirates deal, let's pray we don't have to keep selling our prized assets and we see our money re-invested properly.

  21. Ron

    Nov 28, 2012, 14:15 #28710

    Theres some corner of etc etc ..... Good point and one ive wondered about too. He gets paid a pretty packet though and that helps him keep stum about things he might detest no doubt. If he is suffering in silence though, you make a good point and i agree. Why shdt he lose his rag with the press? Why does he so indulge them is my long asked question though. He cd have just said ' Yes, we were poor today and a bit leggy and disorganised all over the pitch'. ' i subbed Giroud for Coqelin so that despite our lethargic showing we still got a point and he (Cocqelin was sent on to help stabilise us so that we didnt fall to a last minute sucker punch, some days it just doesnt happen for a team and today was one of those days'Good afternoon gents etc etc etc - walks out of room. Instead he sits and debates with idiots! Hes supposed to be intelligent, but i wonder at times.He needs to start giving them short shrift like Fergie always has. Their questions are all inane anyway and designed for them to get a headline - AT HIS EXPENSE. Does he not see this after 16 years here?

  22. Stevo

    Nov 28, 2012, 14:00 #28707

    Everyone going on the BSM 'walk' on Saturday after hearing more crap from Wenger?

  23. Nilesh Bhagat

    Nov 28, 2012, 13:37 #28706

    Theo's Bikini-Line: I think you make a good point actually. I generally do know what I am getting when reading this site (though I would say about 10% of articles take a different line) so why do I continue to read it? 1) I hate to see all the anti Arsenal rhetoric that is around these days go unchallenged, especially when it is Arsenal fans spouting it) 2) You should always read things that present a challenge to your own point of view because it may make you think again about your own position. I did find this particular article 'pathetic' because having a go at someone for losing their rag after a disappointing day is just silly.

  24. Harold

    Nov 28, 2012, 12:43 #28704

    @Ade/There's some corner of a foreign field that is forever Kanu- What planet are you living on (presumably it's the same planet)? How many times does Gazidis have to repeat 'THERE IS MONEY TO SPEND' before you understand that there is money to spend? It's incredible that contrary to ALL the evidence, there are people that still believe that Wenger works within a budget imposed from above. The Cult Of Wenger obviously lives on in some quarters.

  25. What was the point in leaving Highbury?

    Nov 28, 2012, 12:32 #28703

    These comments come from a man that is used to not having to answer to anyone, hence picking his own so called Boss. This is exactly why the BSM are targeting the board and not the employee. However, Arsenal are a club of liars that are being exposed. Remember the gin sodden PHW at the AGM - "thank you for taking an interest in OUR affairs"!!! Thats the stinking attitude of this once great club and we have the cheek to call Chelsea classless. They cant even tell the truth about attendences so they can spin us some more.

  26. Theo's Bikini-Line

    Nov 28, 2012, 12:26 #28702

    Nilesh Bhagat 10:24am 28th Nov 2012 Theo's Bikini-Line: How would I know I didn't agree with it unless I read it? - Post No. 31304. Well I think the answer was in the beginning of your last response: "this ensuing article really does sum up the playground bully mentality that saturates this site,.." Therefore you're already come to a conclusion as to what type of website you think The Gooner is and obviously dislike the kind of articles that appear on here. Yet curiously, although you vehemently disagree with the content, you decide to keep on reading!! Surely that's a more accurate description of someone being 'pathetic' than frustrated gooners let off steam about the team and manager?

  27. There's some corner of a foreign field that is forever Kanu

    Nov 28, 2012, 11:03 #28699

    Ade is spot on. Wenger has his flaws but has kept tight lipped under so much scrutiny and with stuff going on around him he probably hates. (Captains being sold, Dein being fired, does anyone reckon he likes or approves of Kroenke either?! He's always got his arms folded when he's near him. Classic body language signals.) Who can blame him for getting a bit prickly once in a while? His sense of honour and loyalty is very rare.

  28. Nilesh Bhagat

    Nov 28, 2012, 10:24 #28697

    Theo's Bikini-Line: How would I know I didn't agree with it unless I read it?

  29. Shu

    Nov 28, 2012, 9:48 #28694

    Great article which i agree with. The fallout with the media will help hasten his exit. I have spent £55 renewing my silver reg and £29 for my son to have a JG , this is before i have bought a ticket. The reason i keep this up is that this regime will one day change and when the good days return i will want to be there. Unlike the likes of Stan , Gazidas , Wenger i will always be 100% Arsenal

  30. Up4grabs

    Nov 28, 2012, 9:29 #28692

    Northbank123 is spot on... Wenger is not going to turn this around. The guy Luke is spot on too, why CL if u have no ambition to win it or even use the money for buying players to challenge at home. As for Gerry... Reads like a directors post. I have been a fan for 30yrs, gave up my season ticket 2yrs ago as don't see the point anymore. This club NEEDS A CHANGE!

  31. Rocky RIP

    Nov 28, 2012, 0:10 #28685

    Billthered - I respect what you are saying, we all feel like we're always a couple of players short of being the real deal again. That's been the frustration for years now. Although in fairness, wasn't the Birmingham game Feb 2008? Who was Wenger supposed to sign to see us over the line after the Jan window was well shut? That day was the last time we really were in the hunt big time - we would have gone well clear at the top but for a last minute penalty that clearly wasn't a penalty - and through no fault of our own/Wenger's dropped 2 points. It's like we've never recovered from that day.

  32. billthered

    Nov 27, 2012, 17:51 #28671

    If someone wants to know what I have spent on Arsenal over the years then please dont tell my wife.I have been going since 1961 and yes I am a season ticket holder and also my son who until he earned his own money I used to supplement his ticket and the home and away shirts for many many years you do the sums.This is the first season when I have questioned AW and I do not for one minute think I am disloyal.You see it's the same old answers we get given and I for one have had enough.A few years ago we were in a great position to win the league when we travelled to Birmingham only to suffer the loss of two points as well as Eduardo,that was the time to sign a couple of experienced players to see us over the line I could see that then but none came and the rest is history.Well Mr Wenger I have not managed any premier league team so I guess I'm talking rubbish next you'll be saying how many games have you played at the highest level oh I'm sorry you cant say that can you.

  33. Spot the difference

    Nov 27, 2012, 16:30 #28667

    1. Peter Shreeves asking Wenger a question. 2. Peter Shreeves asking 'Sir Alex' a question. One is designed to trip the manager up and back him into a corner (disrespectful); the other is to dressed up in the most tactful to avoid upsetting the manager. Treading on eggshells. Sugaring the pill if there's a defeat. (sickening.)Treading on eggshells v throwing egg in the face and pointing it out.

  34. Rob

    Nov 27, 2012, 16:25 #28666

    "There are numerous journalists that virtually deify him (Barclay / Lawton / Collins / Holt). He has been given credit where credit is due but they have also gone very easy on him for things such as our frequent collapses since 2006; fighting with other managers or trotting out “I did not see it” over and over again." That bit is absolutely true and I think it will backfire on AW if it is not already doing so. Good article Mark and a fair one. I really think January is AWs last throw of the dice. We're being assure "£40 million to spend blah - blah-blah-" so if and how he does, will be crucial. If he simply tries to resign TH or bring /Bendtner back, then I think he'll finally lose the fans and we'll see and hear that at the Emirates before May.

  35. Theo's Bikini-Line

    Nov 27, 2012, 15:24 #28665

    Nilesh Bhagat 12:00pm 27th Nov 2012 "That pres conference and this ensuing article really does sum up the playground bully mentality that saturates this site, Twitter, tabloid journalism, etc. You just provoke, provoke, provoke until you get a reaction and then you puff up some phoney 'outrage' about that reaction. What a pathetic way to live your life." Yeah but it's probably not quite as 'pathetic' as someone who still keeps on reading and responding to stuff that obviously gets on his nerves and that he generally thinks is nonsense!! Especially when it provokes his own particular 'phoney outrage'. If you think it's that bad - stop bloody reading it!!

  36. Stan

    Nov 27, 2012, 14:37 #28664

    Hi, My name is Stan and I have just spent roughly £ 500m over the past couple years supporting the Arsenal franchise. Arsene is doing an amazing job for the franchise. Just get lost if you are not happy ! Stan

  37. johnnyhawleyloovinggooner

    Nov 27, 2012, 14:33 #28663

    i think it just shows he is under a lot of pressure other than arrogance or disrespect.before he would of had a guick answer ready. not now. the new stadium has worn him out, along with petro-clubs outbidding and taking our players. he has made bad mistakes such as the wage tier at the club but there are other people at the club to shoulder the blame.he looks very tired and fed up now. i just hope we can have a painless ending;oh and the were not very kind to him in his first few days for us.

  38. Ron

    Nov 27, 2012, 14:28 #28662

    ATID - The big problem today with fans is that we re asked to pay very top prices that in many ways exceeds other forms of entertainment. This has led to a loss of tolerance and demands for instant gratification. Couple that with an ever deeper (albeit crude and amateurish) reaching media, via the web, TV and press etc and it makes for a combustible cocktail of which Wenger copped a heavy dose the other day. All Clubs fans are the same, youre right there.

  39. ATID

    Nov 27, 2012, 14:07 #28661

    A very sad press conference. AW looks tired and vulnerable and I think the press sense blood. Let's not kid ourselves about their motives. Most journalists would sell their own children into slavery if it meant getting a big story. As for the philosophy that the fans of some clubs are "moaners" and that Arsenal fans are a different class that is simply nonsense. All football fans are human beings and, at one time or another go through the same highs and lows irrespective of the club they support.

  40. Paul

    Nov 27, 2012, 13:23 #28660

    I was one of the people that started the "You Don't Know What You're Doing" chant on Saturday. This was born out of the frustration of travelling over 200 miles in sh*t weather to experience a pathetic performance on a par with 1995. On Sunday I felt a bit embarrassed, seeing that our chant had made the national media, especially as I had been an AKB until the failure to buy last January. But when I heard AW's arrogant comments yesterday it made me far angrier than I felt at the game on Staurday. It is so sad to see such a previously great manager leading our club into decline. I would compare it to a breakup of a marriage. You treasure the past good times & still care deeply about the other party, but you now find you are constantly at odds with that other party & no matter how hard you try to rectify things it is sadly terminal. Using that same analogy, I want to part with Wenger on good terms (because what he has done for AFC has been superb up until recently) & not have a messy divorce & end up hating them.

  41. Graham Simons

    Nov 27, 2012, 13:13 #28658

    The big problem is Arsene is the one tasked with getting us out of this slump of mediocrity. If he was a former Arsenal manager then I would defend him to the hilt as one of our own. Even though, I'm sure he loves the club, he appears tactically naive - The problem is the criticism is fair and warranted.

  42. Nottingham Chris

    Nov 27, 2012, 13:12 #28657

    Wenger is a busted flush & he knows it, that's why he's a broken man. A decent board would move him upstairs nicely. Time for change

  43. WeAreBuildingATeamToDominate

    Nov 27, 2012, 13:07 #28656

    Our beloved meeedja have their favourites, who just happen to be the managers who will always reply to their questions or give them some quotes to save them having to actually do any work and write something for themselves. Hence their love for Jose M., Holloway, Our 'Arry and OGL. Anyone else is treated as fair game, with one exception Fergie, who they don't particularly like, but are too scared of upsetting him in which case he refuses to give them a story. I think that the story is blown out of all proportion (again) but AW's response was quite un-necessary. Something along the lines of "I am as frustrated as our supporters blah blah blah" would have sufficed. Another example of the long-overdue pressure from upstairs that AW is at last under - mind you, it's 5 years too late.

  44. SilverGooner

    Nov 27, 2012, 12:01 #28655

    Well said Luke Hearne! The lack of ambition comes from the top - Kronke, down through Gazidis and on to Wenger and the team. Until there is a real change in attitude from the owner and the board, nothing will change and Wenger will continue unchallenged managing a mediocre squad. I would like to think that the growing discontent among fans and this Saturday's march might prompt a change in direction from the top but I'm not holding my breath.

  45. Nilesh Bhagat

    Nov 27, 2012, 12:00 #28654

    That pres conference and this ensuing article really does sum up the playground bully mentality that saturates this site, Twitter, tabloid journalism, etc. You just provoke, provoke, provoke until you get a reaction and then you puff up some phoney 'outrage' about that reaction. What a pathetic way to live your life.

  46. Ron

    Nov 27, 2012, 11:49 #28653

    Im of the view that the questions put to him were wrong.It was the manner of the questions as well as the content. They were rude and crude. The media really couldnt care less about the fans either and if you think otherwise, you need to get a grip. Theyve asked the questions because for years Wenger has always been good for a debate and a ready answer when many other bosses dont give the hyenas the time of day bar the odd quick soundbite so to be seen to basically honour the SKY agreement to speak to them. Im not a great Wenger apologist either, but 'you dont know what your doing'aimed at him did our away fans no favours at all i feel guys. Sorry, we have a great away following and im often part of it, but its not time to behave like Toon or Chelsea fans. Staying away from games, petitioning the Club, demo/marches etc is the way to do it. It seems like it s 'hound Wenger season' for the press. Shreeves was as rude to Benitez i heard. Theyre a pack of moronic scoundrels in the main and we as supporters can do our own moaning and challenging of the Club, without hacks masqerading as champions of the common fan.

  47. Ikechukwu

    Nov 27, 2012, 11:38 #28652

    Arrogant, egotistical and graceless. He was rumbled and couldn't believe it. FINALLY after years of being given an easy ride, he's asked searching questions and guess what? HE'S GOT NO ANSWERS! 8 years no trophies, £7 mil a year, most expensive STs in Europe. Insults the fans "worked half a day in football". Lies. Wins nothing. Kroenke didn't blow shedloads on Gervinho, Santos, Giroud, Fabianski, Ramsey, Djourou. Can't make substitutions. Enough is enough. The media smell blood and need to ask him proving questions at EVERY press conference now. Wenger OUT. He's finished.

  48. Rocky RIP

    Nov 27, 2012, 11:33 #28651

    Chris Dee - spot on. This idea that the guy with the mic' is asking questions on our behalf is utter drivel. ''The fans want answers''. Please! They are out to stir trouble, divide the fans and get at AW. As said above, read 'Arseblog' from Monday - a much better assessment written by a clever Gooner who speaks for a lot of people. What the media failed to mention is the large number of Arsenal fans at Villa Park criticising those who were singing at AW. RESPECT?! Wenger has to bat off constantly disrespectful leading questions from a clearly anti-Arsenal media. Open contempt? Hilarious. The day we side with the media against our manager is a very worrying one. (Yes, it was a worrying substitution by the way as it pointed at problems within the squad.)

  49. Colonel Mustard

    Nov 27, 2012, 11:29 #28650

    I not going to start name calling but I truly dont believe Wegner is a winner anymore. The player dont fear him.

  50. Clive the Gooner

    Nov 27, 2012, 11:18 #28649

    I don't think it was an unreasonable question to ask why he made the substitutions and I think Wenger handled it badly. We all know the press like to ask awkward questions shall we say and make out it's for the fans but he should have dealt with things better. Other questions that would be nice to have an answer to is. Why put Jack on the bench if he was injured? And why did he gamble yet again on Diaby this season when we have money in the bank for a replacement who is not a crock? I have followed the club since the 60's and whenever we get a decent side together they always break it up and seem scared to take the next step foward to true greatness it's so frustrating especially now as we have money to spend.

  51. AvenellRd

    Nov 27, 2012, 11:10 #28648

    AFC (Arsene Football Cult) rules of engagement: 1. You DO NOT question our supreme and eternall LEADER 2. You should be patient because LEADER knows the BEST 3. You should ALWAYS depart with as much dosh as we DEMAND of you, because YOU LOVE us. 4. You should LEARN to accept 4th place TROPHY, as the only trophy WORTH going for! 5. You DO NOT question our supreme and eternal LEADER, EVER!

  52. Roxana

    Nov 27, 2012, 10:54 #28647

    Yes, I agree. Wenger is clueless. If he can't run the club, he should go. Another question is to when the Club will start competing for trophies? Where all this money go? So painful to see how it's sinking.

  53. Cloggs

    Nov 27, 2012, 10:43 #28646

    AW's reaction on us being 10 points from the top @06:20 "Why should we panic?" Now get this clear into your mind; We are NOT competing with utd, city or chelski, the only target for Wenger is ending up 4th. It has been for the last 7 seasons and as long as 4th gives us CL it will be! AW rates every match and a draw vs Villa away is acceptable in these circumstances. Ofcourse he won't say that straight away to the press, instead we're supposed to swallow his and the board's spin and drivel about mental strength, still being in 4 competitions, going forward, the team has to mature, stadium debts, FFP is on our side, RvP has been sold for footballing reasons bla bla bla. The board is happy with the situation, Wenger is happy with the situation (this is reflected what we have in the squad) and most players are happy with the situation (you can see this being reflected on the turf!) and the ones that still dare to have the ambition to WIN something leave! And they get all the flak from the fans, ooh the irony! The board will piss themselves laughing when RvP gets booed when he plays against us at the E******S. "Haha! Look at those deluded mugs, good thing we have scapegoats like RvP, Nasri, Cesc.. The question to all in support of OGL should be; "Why didn't you organize an open top bus parade at the end of each season?"

  54. RDT - 4

    Nov 27, 2012, 10:39 #28645

    One of the worst things about the current situation and one that's not really been mentioned much, we, as fans are becoming bitter and divided, reduced to bickering amongst ourselves (see above) and abusing ex players. Wenger is finished at Arsenal. He needs to retire gracefully so we can all move on from this utter nonsense, and the club can rebuild.

  55. Honest Bookie

    Nov 27, 2012, 10:31 #28644

    I pay nearly £3k for 2 season tickets - I've had these since 1985 and have been a paying supporter since 1971. I must have spent hundreds of thousands over the years and enjoyed it thoroughly. However, it stopped being fun a few seasons ago now, replaced by frustration and disappointment. I don't mind Arsenal not winning things, but I object in the strongest possible way when we do not COMPETE for things, especially at these prices. As someone said before I think Wenger needs replacing - but not mid-season, post-season would do the least damage to all concerned. For those (Gerry) criticizing the Arsenal support I ask you this: which other set of supporters would accept paying the highest ticket prices in world football to watch fourth-rate teams for 7 years in a row? Answer: only Arsenal fans, not Man U, not Spurs, not anyone else. That my friend is a massive credit to our patience and understanding, which we deserve massive credit for, not abuse.

  56. chris dee

    Nov 27, 2012, 10:14 #28643

    Mark Halfpenny a)My brother and myself jointly spend £1k plus on supporting Arsenal. b)I don't mind Arsenal fans being angry and upset with Arsene and showing their feelings.I do it myself. But I get even more angry and upset with 'outsiders' critising our Manager for no other reason other than to get a 'story'. Arsene heard the chants,he knows how disillusioned we are,he knows we are at a tipping point in our support of him. But the more I hear jumped up lazy jounalists ,itching for a sensational headline questioning Arsene I instantly become supportive of him,because there are some 'journalists' out there who like nothing better than slagging off anything to do with Arsenal. In fact your article is almost word for word the same diatribe spewed out yesterday those anti Arsenal scumbags Adrian Durham and Darren Gough on Talk Trash yesterday.

  57. Declan Burke

    Nov 27, 2012, 10:10 #28642

    As much as it saddens me to say this,Arsene Wenger is turning into his own worst enemy. His stubborness is most definitely going to lead to him being turned on by enough supporters, in time, to make his position untenable. Here is a question to those who still fully back him - Do you really think he will return us to the top of the game ? We all know that if Wenger was in business of politics his failures would have seen him dispensed with long before now. The great sadness in all of this, is that his outstanding relationship with all that is 'ARSENAL' is dying a slow painful death.-Sad Indeed.

  58. Ben Whibley

    Nov 27, 2012, 10:05 #28641

    Season ticket holder for 18 years, over 30 away credits. Like it makes me any more qualified to answer the question any more than anyone else! Supporters are supporters, new, old, all supporters opinions count in some way. To get to the question, since when have the media been a mouth piece for the fans, they are there to create a story. The question that should have been asked was not why did you not play Jack or bring le coq on for Giroud but given your financial resources do you not think you should have had another striker on the bench and will you be trying to rectify this in January. We have no idea what goes on in the training ground, I would guess Jack was injured. I would also suggest that Giroud might have been feeling tired and was in the "red zone". What would the fans have said if in the last 5mins of the game Giroud pulled his hamstring when AW knew his hamstrings were tight. We are not in possession of all the facts. Again another question might be why it is so important that Jack plays when he has been out for 14 months, as surely the squad should be stronger as a whole. I am not against journalists asking tough questions, but they are not doing it for the benefit of the fans, they are doing it to get a reaction as it makes a better story. I have also heard lots say AW out. I have heard no one come up with a suitable replacement. Please don't say Pep or Mourinho. Realistic target please? Those that want AW out, I presume then you fall on the side of the coin that says we have £120m in the bank and refusing to spend it.

  59. Cartoon Gooner

    Nov 27, 2012, 9:54 #28640

    Just goes to show how naïve Gerry is if he is upset because Piers posted this link on twitter. What is so negative about demanding for just one or two trophies in seven years? You claim we are spoilt like the chavs but that is a big fat lie. How did you even manage to come up with that!!! Oh please, hold on to your 4th place trophy and wallow in mediocrity if you want. Doesn't mean the rest of us are blind or have to agree with you. End of!

  60. Sam Agona

    Nov 27, 2012, 9:44 #28639

    Arsene is a Manager but as a Coach, things are not working at all. A match which needs tactical genius will always be hard for him. Against Villa it was evident. The team is so complacent because someone will always support them in their complacency. Ivan Gazidis and Stan Kroenke are not footballing personalities.

  61. Tony Evans

    Nov 27, 2012, 9:09 #28638

    Wenger's contempt for reporters is not so bad for me but it is his contempt for us supporters that I can't stand. Also what makes me laugh about Wenger is this myth that he has no money to spend. He loves to say he can't compete with the big boys financially but lets face it he doesn't really want to or need to, even though he could do far more in this respect then he has done up until now. He doesn't because he knows a top four finish is good enough for the profit motivated board we have and why risk his job by spending big money to try and secure trophies that the board aren't interested in. He wastes enough of it as it is on crap players anyway and even when he has paid larger sums of money most of his buys like Reyes have been poor in the extreme! Wenger is in a nice comfort zone and I wonder and despair at his lack of ambition for our club, especially after what he achieved prior to 2006, but how much of that was down to luck anyway?

  62. Eispy

    Nov 27, 2012, 8:39 #28637

    Wengers new 'I didn't see it' is ...... the players are jaded!!! JADED! these are men in the prime of life, at their supposed pysical peak, men who have the some of the best training facilities & physio's at their feet. Jaded Mr Wenger is week after week trying to defend your teams performance when you know that they are way, way under performing. Jaded is knowing that I am spending my very hard earned cash to watch ever more dire performances by a team I love & have supported for over 40 years. I'm no glory hunter, I've lived through some awful years in our history, I love Arsenal & will support them till my dying day but something is not right in that changing room & it seems that you, Mr Wenger, have no idea any more what to do to solve the problems within. I have loved & respected you for all you have done for the club but maybe it is time walk away while you still have some dignity intact..... & please can you take the board with you!!!!

  63. Esso

    Nov 27, 2012, 5:19 #28636

    So you have to justify your support of the Club and ergo the current manager, by quoting how much you spend in pursuit of your support now do you? If you think Wenger has been given an easy ride by the english media (from the paedophile stories onwards) you are seriously puddled. Absolute load of tosh article in an increasingly irrelevant publication.

  64. jjo

    Nov 27, 2012, 4:53 #28635

    Every single manager explains the substitutions done during the game. Even jose, RDM, fergie on the way to winning the CLs bothered to answer the questions. What the hell is so holy with Arsene ?

  65. isaac segut

    Nov 27, 2012, 4:51 #28634

    I want arsene to buy shane long

  66. Gare Kekeke

    Nov 27, 2012, 3:54 #28633

    That press conference was pure cringe worthy. My guess is those in the media (and I work in that industry and not all of us are bad) who were gunning for Wenger (no pun intended) after the section of the away support gave their own opinion to him are the ones who refuse to toe the party line that comes out of the club and their peers. After all, who thinks the Daily Mirror’s John Cross will be aggressive on Wenger? However, Wenger didn’t do himself any favours either. His responses smack of an individual who thinks he shouldn’t be criticised. Every manager regardless of whatever level they are in will always be criticised and it’s his problem if he can’t deal with it. The time for Wenger to leave is at the end of the season with dignity. He shouldn’t be hounded out. No way should that happen to him. If he left now, who would we get? But then he should have stepped aside some time ago. The Man Utd European Cup humiliation in 2009 taught me that unless he would be willing to make changes, we would see a gradual regression and sadly that’s proved to be the case. Even if we do compete, we choke when glory is in sight. The Birmingham Wembley debacle should have never happened. But it did and its set us back even more. There are some good managers who could be/will be available next summer. We have to put ourselves in a position to appoint one of them and give that manager time. Whatever issues (and I have plenty) I have with Wenger & the mercenary board who for some bizarre reason escape criticism from the some Gooners, my support at home and when I’m at away games will never diminish. So I do agree with those who say we should get behind the team on a matchday. But I’m not a ‘support the team and ignore the off-field issues’ person. Every fan should care what goes on at boardroom level as it will inevitably affect the team you are supporting on the pitch. The BSM march will be very interesting on Saturday and I’m hoping they will get the nationwide publicity they deserve. Up The Arsenal.

  67. usgooner

    Nov 27, 2012, 3:05 #28632

    Gerry below has it just right .all the moaners go to watch Chelsea or City or Utd if thats how you view it .If you had seen Arsenal over the last 50 years you would have seen good times and bad but still the core support is loyal . Get behind the team ,Ramsey is not the player he was but nor would you be if your leg was snapped so help the lad out by supporting him .Booing only helps the other team . wake up and get behind the team

  68. Joe S.

    Nov 27, 2012, 2:59 #28631

    Agree with you Habeeb, We may not have spent one day in football, but many of us fans have spent a lot of emotional baggage in supporting this club, and yes every defeat hurts but what frustrates most is the complicity amongst Wegner and the accountants and book keepers to aspire to nothing more than tally balance sheets in readiness for the big payout to come.

  69. Glory Hunter

    Nov 27, 2012, 2:49 #28630

    What an absolute disgrace. I bought an AFC key ring. I bought a season ticket. I bought a few shares.I am hence now a "qualified" fan. Which means AW is automatically obligated to come to my court and explain why he might have farted in the dugout. If you want return on your money, in the life and time of instant gratification, go invest in Justin Beiber's record company. And for heaven sake do yourself a favor by not forcing yourself to be a fan of the legendary Arsenal Football Club. Good on you Gerry, takes a bow.

  70. h4rj

    Nov 27, 2012, 1:12 #28629

    @gerry - well done. The team is great and we are still competitive always have been. There is no quick fix for competing with spend thrift billionaires but there is a long and permanent fix and I am glad Wenger is going down that route. Seven years without a trophy and they want Moyes? What has he won?

  71. wrag

    Nov 27, 2012, 1:03 #28628

    @gerry,still playing for 4 cups ! whatever your smoking pal ,roll me a fat one !league cup = good chance..fa cup = field a team of kids we go out in quaters..prem = ****ed ..champs league = deffo smoking weird leaves !!!

  72. dave

    Nov 27, 2012, 0:19 #28627

    what are our fans turning into? We should learn to appreciate what we have. We claim the team is disrespectful to the fans forgetting that respect is reciprocal. We need to respect them and appreciate them both on their good days and off days. Please, we need our true fans back.

  73. Dan Lewis

    Nov 26, 2012, 23:48 #28626

    Great article! I saw in that video a man that was hurt but also full of pride! We're all frustrated with the last few seasons for many obvious reasons, although is it not fair to suggest that we've not had to wait 52 years for a championship that our counterparts north have? 6 years really is a short time, hell if anyone is to sort out the American deficit how long feasibly would it take? I think if Wenger came out 4 years ago and said...right.. I'm going to change tact, create a super group of kids and take them to the top 'but it will take 6 years' what would we all of said? WE CAN'T WAIT THAT LONG? It's a catch 22! We are nearing abolishing our debt in regards to the Emirates and are one of only handful of 'top clubs' in Europe working within the provisional fair play rules..on previous players; Van Persie (One good season/majorly injury prone) Nasri (disrespectful little B****** one good season/National disgrace) Cesc (was always going to go, not Wenger's fault) Everyone else, lets face it have been failures at the clubs they have moved onto. But lets be feckin clear here guy's, he made that substitution for the good of the team! to even question that this great manager would perform a Mancini with 5 mins to go is preposterous! It was a clear tactic of...holding player/everyone else push up!

  74. Do yourselves a favour and read arseblog's account of this instead of this repetitive drivel

    Nov 26, 2012, 23:30 #28625

    Whose side are we on? The media's by the sound of it. B*llocks to that! Like they have our interests at heart. Sh8t stirring ***** who have had it in for Wenger since he made them look silly for suggesting he was a paedophile....and you've bought it! 'he's treating us with open contempt!' He may get it wrong, but he's OURS and unlike some indifferent people at our club, he cares about results as much as we do. Nobody will convince me otherwise. Hence why he hates losing and reacts in a prickly way. I'm not sure I blame him. The lack of respect the media show him is revolting. I'm with Arseblog on this. Misplaced call for respect.

  75. maguiresbridge gooner

    Nov 26, 2012, 23:10 #28624

    OGL thinks he's above criticism and has done for years and yes there was a time when that was the case but not any more those days are long gone.Its about time he was challenged and made to explain the crap we've been witnessing for so long now we all know what that is. The journos questions and the fans chants must have really dented his ego for him to react like that. It's about time he was put on the spot with the questions asked, and well done the journos for doing so.It's questions like that us fans have been wanting to ask for seasons now but will never be in a position to do so and if some groups are, it's questions submitted days or hours before with plenty of spin with the answers. But the interviewer doesn't have to do that and ogl hadn't time to spin his way out of it. Pissing journlists and tv interviewers off and making enemies out of them is one thing but when he's doing it to the fans which he has already done to a hell of a lot is another, and once you lose the fans it's a long road back if at all.

  76. HowardL

    Nov 26, 2012, 22:59 #28623

    I hadn't seen the interview so thanks for an entertaining 7 minutes. I think the journalists were not being unreasonable, but those of us with medium term memories can recall the cries of paranoia when some fans, me included, questioned the motives and attitude of the press towards Arsenal. I wish Wenger had answered the substitution question but I do think we owe the man sufficiently to RESPECT his decision not to answer, and his ability to retain a sense of humour. Let's be honest, none of us can confidently predict which Arsenal will turn up on Wednesday at Goodison. I just hope we win and however poor his decisions I would hate to support a club which treated any manager the way Chelsea did with Di Matteo.

  77. Lois BS Pratt

    Nov 26, 2012, 22:57 #28622

    tpm 21:15pm 26th Nov 2012 (gerry fans like you sicken me, ive supported the side since the 60's and a lot of that time we were awful,..... .....we have never gone so long trophyless. r - Post No. 31218) As a fan since the 60's,just like me, you must know that we won sweet FA in the 60's apart from, pushing the poetic license, and saying the Fairs cup in 69/70.From 53 to 70 was barren trophy wise so this is not our longest period without a trophy. But hey.

  78. Bob

    Nov 26, 2012, 22:48 #28621

    I'm disgusted at the moronic mindset of our so called supporters. how ungrateful you are after all this man has done for the club, how little you realise what you have had and just how bloody great a manager Wenger is for us and has been. I remember the same old crap last year and the year before and yet he still pulled out good seasons despite all the odds. The sad thing is all you arm chair managers are probably the same twats that stand on the sidelines screaming at your sons to get it wide and do what ever the latest buzz word is coming out of the sky pundits mouths. Wenger was right to ask them how much have you managed, his record over the years is among the best out there. To put this into perspective the fans are booing after a week in which we beat 5pur2 5-2, qualified for the next round of champions league and then drew away at villa without conceding!!! What the he'll is wrong with you people? I hear lots of Wenger out, but who you going to bring in??? Who would work under our board? How loyal has Wenger been to arsenal in the face of what must have been constant offers from every top club in Europe. You go on about his salary, but I bet he could have commanded much more elsewhere. He stayed with arsenal, because he believed in his philosophy of football, he stuck by his beliefs and his principles despite constant disruption. If you ask me..I think when fabregas left it took the wind from his sails, because fabregas represented everything he wanted to create at the club..but for god sake give this man the respect he deserves. He brought me some of the best memories ever from this team.

  79. LJB

    Nov 26, 2012, 22:33 #28620

    So Matt,let me get this straight.When Wenger leaves Arsenal we will eventually be relegated,thats what you are saying right? Well when Arsene dies,short of getting him cryogenically frozen and praying someone discovers the secrets of reincarnation and eternal life,we are doomed.THATS what those huge cash reserves are for!! I only hope that a cult of personality does not develop around our next manager,and that unlike Wenger,he is accountable to both the Board and the fans for results.I also hope our next manager performs better in the transfer market than Wenger has done recently.When you consider that Chamackh,Santos,Mannone,Fabianski,Squillaci,Djourou,Park,Denilson,Bendtner,Campbell,Miyachi,Diaby,Rosicky and Arshavin are being PAID by this club and yet contribute NOTHING,it points to a mismanagement of resources that is unforgivable.We cannot compete with City and Chelsea because Wenger has wasted our transfer budget and wage bill on players that are not good enough for a team with aspirations of winning titles.

  80. Mandy Dodd

    Nov 26, 2012, 22:32 #28619

    Putting conditions on the right to interesting form of free speech, debate and democracy I guess. You want wenger to suck up to the arry? The caring sharing British media that are so concerned with the plight of the poor suppressed arsenal supporters. The same British media that hack the phones of murder victims, that blame innocent fans for police induced disasters...ok then. Yes, not are all hacks in that league, but plenty are, and many do not give wenger an easy ride at all. Wenger is far from the only manager to have a go at the media after a game, take a look at some of fergies post match press conferences, or joses...or mancinis.....or rafas.....or cloughs

  81. Reggie

    Nov 26, 2012, 22:13 #28618

    Stan Kroenke didnt go out and sign Chamakh,Park,Fat Santos,Squillaci,Ramsey and Gervinho.He didnt award long term contracts to Almunia, Bendtner,Denilson, Djourou,Diaby and Rosicky.That was all down to Wenger.2006-2012 Wenger has been an average manager who has turned Arsenal from winners to also-rans

  82. northbank123

    Nov 26, 2012, 22:05 #28617

    The old "most successful manager" line. Firstly, I agree he gave us some phenomenal years. Secondly, he should be tbh because he's our longest serving manager by some distance. Flip-side of the coin, he's also presided over a longer trophy drought than any other manager. Wake up, he's not going to turn it round. The fans raised the concerns, the press put it to him and instead of explaining his decision, he was rude and arrogant yet again, and his disrespect has created this storm. People think that fans who want Wenger off just care about trophies. Not true. We have had far worse sides in the past few decades but at least they showed passion and had an ambition to achieve something. Arsenal have had no backbone for years now (on and off the pitch) and Wenger thinks 4th place is consistent success.

  83. GoonerRon

    Nov 26, 2012, 21:56 #28616

    For me this press conference has been blown so totally out of proportion. To suggest the media are asking these questions on some noble mission to get answers for us poor little Arsenal fans is beyond bollocks. They sensed an opportunity to create a story, went for it and didn't drop it. I can't think of any other manager being asked to justify such a specific thing as a substitution, so why Wenger? Any hack of note shouldn't have to ask why the change was made anyway, whatever you think of the players in question, it was clear Gervinho, Arshavin and Coquelin were brought on for pace, guile and midfield thrust (respectively). It didn't get the goal we wanted but hardly a massive conundrum to figure out. FYI, I live in West Yorkshire now so it costs me loads in tickets and travel, although what bearing this has on anything I'm not sure.

  84. Alsace Lorraine De Totteridge

    Nov 26, 2012, 21:56 #28615

    The manager of the England Cricket team decided that he would play the first test match in India without one of his spinners. Result, we got whacked. Second test he played two spinners in the attack. I would have preferred it if he had got it right first time but he LEARNED from his mistakes. Mr Wenger thinks that he knows it all and that the rest of us know nothing. A leader in that mental state is bound to be disappointed and surprised, and he is, year after year. His good players leave, shaking their heads, and we pay our money and endure, waiting for the day when the AKB's lose the argument. Their support of the continuing decline is frustrating for the rest of us, and the fact that their beliefs are genuine make them no less hard to take, especially when they are simply abusive. I'm looking forward to the prospect of Thierry Henry playing a few games. It will be a bit of fun, and with Mr Wenger, a bit of fun is very rare at Arsenal.

  85. mark from aylesbury

    Nov 26, 2012, 21:46 #28614

    Gerry, I was taken to my first Arsenal match in 76 so almost 40 years. Sorry Wenger has to go, he cannoy reinvent himself it simply isnt going to happen. Of course the press are going to gather around him they smell blood. Why not an Arsenal manager not winning a trophy in 7 years?

  86. CanadaGooner

    Nov 26, 2012, 21:32 #28613

    If I got asked a question by a SkySports reporter my reaction would probably be the same as Wengers. If you listen to the kinds of questions those lot ask (especially right after games), I find it incredible that the 'glasgow kiss' hasnt be rampant. if that's what sports journalism has turned into, bring on the silent movie (footie) era!

  87. Alex

    Nov 26, 2012, 21:20 #28612

    Totally agree I have been saying for over 4 years that he should be removed as manager, year on year his tactical "genius" deteriorates. He refuses to address the defensive problems, has made some terrible signings and some frankly naive substitutions. It's no wonder our big stars want to leave with the refusal to strengthen with quality signings, especially in January when the team need a boost!

  88. tpm

    Nov 26, 2012, 21:15 #28611

    gerry fans like you sicken me, ive supported the side since the 60's and a lot of that time we were awful, but the players showed passion and cared, and we did everything we could to win. now we dont. we sit on ring fenced cash availble for transfers and not related to the future of the club financially, for no reason than the manager doesnt want to spend it. we have never gone so long trophyless. ramsey, djorrou have had plenty of chances. they are not good enough, offering them even more support will not help. they shouldnt be at the club. what other way do supporters have to vent their spleen. you sir ar all thats wrong with the club, most likely a middle class fan ("ive spent more money than youve earned...")who is happy for averageness. in the past we had low expectations now aw built us into a top club, bigger than anytime in the past, and i will forever respect him for that, but now he is season on season dismantling that.

  89. Lois BS Pratt

    Nov 26, 2012, 21:08 #28610

    What Gerry wrote.

  90. Ade

    Nov 26, 2012, 21:00 #28608

    People speak as though Wenger is a law unto himself at the Club, makes decisions single-handedly and without consultation. Just a reminder - he is an EMPLOYEE, and a very loyal one at that. Do you think he approved of Dein, his strongest ally and the man who brought him to the Club, getting the chop? Doubt it, but you never heard a word from him about it. You think he likes losing his best players, year after year? Think it's his decision to lose the players? Think it's his decision to have a 'wage structure', thus determining who you can get? Of course he gets consulted, but he knows the boundaries he has to work within. Everyone venting their anger at Wenger are barking up the wrong tree. It's the Club policy that needs to change, and that's outside Wenger's remit. Call Wenger arrogant? What did you make of Peter Hillwood's comments to questions put to him at the AGM? The problems at our beloved Club lie squarely at the door of Boardroom door, my friends. Until they change course, Wenger's hands are tied. He's merely a puppet, whose strings are being pulled behind the scenes. So stop all this anti Wenger nonsense and redirect your ire elsewhere - UPSTAIRS.

  91. LJB

    Nov 26, 2012, 20:51 #28607

    Spot on article.There exists a myth,perpetuated by certain other Arsene,sorry Arsenal sites,that the media are somehow "anti Arsenal". Poppycock!!! Never has a manager been given such an easy ride as Wenger,with otherwise intelligent writers like Paddy Barclay seemingly transfixed by his pseudo intellectual veneer.I mean this is a man who has written a biography of Sir Alex;how he takes Wenger seriously is beyond me.The last time Arsenal had so few points after 13 matches,we finished 12th;even though we won BOTH domestic cups,that season was regarded as a failure.Wenger had better watch out;soon his 4th place trophy and 16 yrs qualification for the CL will be over,and the gloves will be off.I for one cannot wait;seeing the arrogant overrated one squirm is priceless.

  92. Bob

    Nov 26, 2012, 20:51 #28606

    Wenger seems to have nothing but contempt for our fans. For a long time now he seems to regard us as another annoyance that he has to endure rather than enjoy. The fact that he still doesn't insist all the players go over to our magnificent away fans after a poor result is proof of that. And yet we're supposed to pay homage to him.Dare we question him.I honestly think he considers himself The Club.Even Ferguson has never done that.

  93. goonercolesyboy

    Nov 26, 2012, 20:46 #28605

    As a season ticket holder and away traveller too, I too as some have posted, support my team through thick and thin. I understand the sentiments of both sides of the debate on Wenger's stubborness. The manager's choices were not the best, Jack was sitting on the bench and to me was the obvious man to bring on even for only the last 20 minutes, but if he wasn't 100% fit then no point in risking him for the sake of one game. It highlights the shortage of top top quality in our squad presently with the injuries we have....but in no way does it mean we boo our own players, that isn't supporting your team that is just plain childishness, the spolied brat who can't get what he wants. The players need a win on wednesday like no other and need our support too....we were blessed with Brady, Adams, Henry, Bergkamp, Pires etc as their like will not come around ever again, they are and will always be legends of this great club and there are no equals in the premiership right now in any team....Messi and Ronaldo are the only equivalent flair players playing anywhere in any team. So how lucky we were to have had them at the Arsenal. Unfortunately the standards now in the premiership are lower and the teams even more competitive and well organised, hence Norwich beating Man Utd etc. The immediate remedy to our current unpredictability is for the players to work even harder than before and give their all, as supporters that is the least we need to see. As for Wenger, I cannot believe he doesn't want the best for his team but he appears to be even more cautious than I can remember in his attacking set up. Time to open the purse strings.

  94. dazzy90

    Nov 26, 2012, 20:41 #28604

    Great post, and very true - disrespectful and arrogant manager who has simply lost his way. @ Gerry - I too have supported this club for the best part of 40 years. And yes I remember the very full days and dross football we were served up. But in all honesty can you (and anyone else reading still in favour of Arsene and Co.) answer the following: 1) Are you happy to watch the mediocrity of player we have, being vastly overpaid to struggle and maintain 4the 5th place? Come on really Wally Walcott 100k a week?! Who's he trying to kid? 2) Are you happy to see our great club get 8 goals stuffed past us in one game and heap embarrassment on the club ? At the same stadium the season before we fielded a team of **** wits who couldn't be arsed to put in a single ounce of effort in an FA cup game?! 3) Go to Barcelona in champs league game and in the 90+ minutes muster up a total of ZERO shots on goal!? 4) Get fleeced for season tickets that do not justify their price with the product served up on the playing field? Ask we do is line the pockets of the directors. 5) Do you honestly think Arsene 'the one trick pass it pass it piss it pony' Webber is the man to guide us to success again? He clearly isn't otherwise Rvp and or cesc Would of stayed. His time is well and truly up. His clueless tactics, lack of nous, and astonishing inability to buy a class defender, commanding midfielder, and top draw striker repeatedly season after season are baffling to say the least. Go Wenger and give us our Arsenal back. You're making yourself and our club a laughing stock.

  95. Deejaypure

    Nov 26, 2012, 20:39 #28603

    Nice article. I think it's high time 4 wenger to resign before he destroys his legacy@Arsenal.

  96. Matt

    Nov 26, 2012, 20:24 #28602

    Crock of ****e. Sick of hearing this nonsense from the online haters! If you really want Wenger out at the end of November then you the ones who need your heads read! What about the positives this season. Podolski & Giroud, top players and finding their feet in the league, Walcott, lets get his contract sorted. Wiltshire getting back to his best, Carzola looks like he's been in premier league years. It goes on.... Remember, there are 86 teams below un in the football league that would love to be where we are. When we lose Wenger you watch Arsenal free fall down the league and one of the aforementioned 86 teams will gladly take our place. Now get a grip and start supporting "our" club. #inwengerwetrust

  97. Munchbaghat

    Nov 26, 2012, 20:16 #28601

    Thanks for the link to this much discussed press conference which I hadn't seen before. I must say the general tone is not what I expected at all. Wenger tries to retain some levity in proceedings and the hacks gather like hyenas over a sniff of opportunity. Do I feel like the money I spend supporting arsenal is better value if every substitution is explained to me? Do I know how each player has trained and each bunion he's developed? Are all the vultures (fans and journos) who damned Giroud after a handful of games so happy to believe that he was a match-winner benched, just to have an easy pop at wenger and make a story? We're not flying, Wenger hasn't got all the answers, but seriously people get some perspective! Anyone imagine purple-nose bothering with that style of questioning?

  98. Malcolm Clayton

    Nov 26, 2012, 20:10 #28600

    Question a)Approx.£1500 per year sometimes more. Question b)Because I think the guy needs a break from what seems like a monstrous hate campaign against the most successful manager since HC. While I understand peoples frustrations I do not understand why they are going about it in such a negative way. It seems some of our support has caught the Chelski disease, and we are not now content to support our team unless they win every trophy, every year, scoring 15 goals a game and conceeding none. With the press now hounding him, as in the press conference after the Villa game, are you really suprised he felt the need to close out the questioning before he really lost it. He was annoyed we had lost, he was annoyed the fans had barracked him again and now a hack sensing he could get a reaction comes up with a question that was also aimed at hurting him and the club. What would you have done? I agree some of his decision making, not just lately, but over the last couple of years has been suspect at times but the one thing you cannot say about him is that he doesn't care about Arsenal. You could see it hurt him badly, that his belief and honesty were being questioned and I for one will not sit back and see that happen to a man who has given everything to my club. No, I am not defending the man, he can defend himself but what I am defending is our club and all that it stands for!

  99. jj

    Nov 26, 2012, 20:07 #28599

    I think the media in general have been so easy on Wenger. They constantly make excuses for him and attack any Arsenal fans that question him. They say we are poor at defending but then blame the players. The truth is we have good defenders but they are not coached properly because the manager only enjoys coaching pass pass pass.

  100. Harry

    Nov 26, 2012, 20:06 #28598

    When have you ever heard Sir Alex Ferguson who is a giant among managers compared to Wenger say to Utd fans "What do you know you havent managed one day in football" He hasnt and he wouldnt dare.Wenger is the modern day Brian Clough whose club and fans were afraid to get rid of him because of his past glories.The BSM march on saturday should be a Wenger out march.Wenger out Moyes in

  101. Habeeb

    Nov 26, 2012, 20:06 #28597

    Our problem is not only Wenger, we must get rid of the useless board,Gazidis and the so-call Arsenal way that cannot pay over the odds for players of special talent. As long as we are still run by Arsene, Gazidis, we will keep buying the Chamakhs, Santos etc The whole Structure of the club should be managed by people who know how its feel like not to eat for a day because Arsenal loss a match.

  102. Paddy StandUp

    Nov 26, 2012, 20:03 #28596

    @Gerry - Passionate response mate and I agree with some of what you've said. However, I am going to stick up for the author who has been a long-time contributor to the fanzine and is someone whose articles I have always enjoyed reading. I may be mistaken but I don't think Piers Morgans has tweeted a link to any of Mark's articles. He has linked to a couple of articles which have appeared on this site over the last couple of months, but that's hardly the fault of the people who run the site or contribute opinions. In fact I think the Gooner twitter account actually commented on how embarrassing it was to be associated with Morgan who every Arsenal fan knows is a twat of the highest order.

  103. Bard

    Nov 26, 2012, 20:03 #28595

    I liked the post but would suggest that his refusal to engage and explain himself is exactly why we're in this turgid downward spiral. There is a fine line between visionary and delusional. For one not to drift into another you need a reality check from time to time. Its been clear from the outset that Wenger does not countenance input from anyone so that reality check is absent. The more pedantic will rightly suggest how I know this and of course I can't prove it. But surely the proof lies in way the side repeats the same mistakes game after game season after season. He claims for instance that we're strapped for cash yet shells out 100000's per week on players he bought in and doesn't want as a consequence we have to sell our best players to cover those losses. We haven't had a destructive Dm since the Flamster. No decent keeper since Seaman. He clings to his views despite overwhelming evidence to the contrary. This is what delusional means. His pathetic response to being asked a meaningful question about substitutions was more than a fit of pique. It was his achilles heel writ large

  104. Luke Hearn

    Nov 26, 2012, 20:02 #28593

    @Gerry - I don't want him to go now - that would be daft. I want him to go at the end of the season OR (and I'd prefer this) set out a coherent plan for how he's going to at least ATTEMPT to end this spell of mediocrity by his standards. Let's say he decides he wants to stay. Fine, so he comes out at the end of the season and says "You know what, this formation hasn't worked, we haven't won anything with it. So I'm reverting to 4-4-2, sometimes as more of a 4-4-1-1 in bigger games with a Wilshere/Chamberlain behind the main striker. I'm going to buy a top class striker to play with Giroud so that he can be there for Giroud to knock the ball down to, and play my fast wingers to knock balls into Giroud in the first place a-la-Ljungberg/Bergkamp. This is my plan to deliver a trophy to Arsenal, and we'll win something this year before getting a league title within 3 years." If he didnt manage it, but continued to show improvement and it didn't all fall apart, that's fine. What bugs me is the continual lack of any drive to improve and win things.

  105. dan Odemba

    Nov 26, 2012, 20:02 #28594

    We forget Wenger is as much a fan of Arsenal as we all are and when we get frustrated with the teams performance he equally gets frustrated more so because he ends up getting a load of stick from journalists and fans alike. I saw it in his face and even in the responses in the interview.

  106. Kingsley

    Nov 26, 2012, 20:01 #28592

    Wenger and the board are one. He is making money for himself and them. But my question is this, what if the supporters club should go on strike not to watch Arsenal games anymore? There must be something they can do that will have effect on greedy wenger and his board. This is getting out of hand. Wenger is now acting as if he owns the club and can do whaever he likes. Imagine Wenger to say that top 4 is his target! What a shameless professor! I wonder what it will take wenger to be uprooted cos he is just a shadow of his past! He has done harm to the club more than the so called good he has done!

  107. James

    Nov 26, 2012, 19:56 #28591

    Wasn't Wenger's finest hour but the press were like a dog with a bone. He shouldn't have to justify every substition, he's right on that. In 20 years I've never heard the press ask SAF to justify one sub [even when it goes wrong], so why Wenger? They were trying to take the piss and make him look an idiot, they don't care about getting answers for the fans so don't think they do - they care about selling papers, end of.

  108. Michael

    Nov 26, 2012, 19:54 #28590

    This is one of the best articles on the situation at Arsenal that I have read. Why does Arsene continue to lose the respect of the supporters and the football fraternity to make profit for some already rich old men.

  109. Jamal

    Nov 26, 2012, 19:50 #28589

    with all due respect, It's about that time arsene just resign! professor has just lost it completely! Me too have been watching Arsenal playing of late, we were so lucky to beat 10 man spuds,thanks to Ade tho! what happened with our fast playing tempo we displayed at Anfield at the start of the season???????????

  110. Gerry

    Nov 26, 2012, 19:45 #28588

    Arsenal fan for over 40 years. I won't tell you how much I've spent as it's probably more than you've even earned yet in your entire life and it's irrelevant. I'm not sick of Wenger, I don't want him out I'd much rather see this new generation of 'quick fix' FIFA playing fans who are jealous of Chelsea and City to leave and go follow one of those quick fix teams. You all call for the managers head, you think that's a good idea at this stage of the season? There is no one better for us at the moment and instead of supporting our team you spend your money criticizing them. You don't even sing when you sit in the Emirates, you sit there and record every corner on your phone, tweet to your friends and boo our team, shout abuse at Wenger. You're not supporters you're spoiled brats with a false sense of entitlement. I spent the first 20 years of my support with very little trophies, just a couple of FA cups but we loved our team, we loved going to see them play, they didn't always play well but they knew they could count on our support as a twelfth man. Fans these days sicken me, they forget everything that makes our club great and it's more important that they have bragging rights with their mates. Think how much you spend is important? Think you should get value for your money? Well if that's how you feel, if the club that I love and always will is just a financial transaction to you then go ahead and get value for money at a team like Utd. You fans love to moan about how much the manager and players earn and how they're spoilt, well look in the mirror. I remember the days when we sang even louder when were losing to encourage our team to drive forward, now you just boo every mistake Ramsey makes, suck the confidence right out of him, you abuse Jack Wilshere on twitter, you call Djourou useless to his face, yeah I met him in a shop in London and three people who walked past shouted abuse at him. And finally when Piers Morgan tweets a link to your post, you know you're a man with little integrity and no respect for your club. I will wait until the end of the season to reserve my judgement on Wenger, we have 4 trophies to go for and you supposed fans would rather turn us into a club in crisis, pick on our manager for being in a bad mood. Well done, you can pat yourself on the back at the end of the season if we do miserably just like you wanted, because guess what? A club whose own fans won't support the players of manager haven't got a hope.

  111. Kleven

    Nov 26, 2012, 19:43 #28587

    Wenger is without doubt an Arsenal legend, but legends fade and I think its Wengers time to go. Unless he change his transfer aproach.

  112. Kamaan

    Nov 26, 2012, 19:36 #28586

    Oh please those journalists were rude too, and who the hell were they to ask questions saying, "The fans blah blah..." We are the fans, not you ****s. We are not pleased with Arsene but we don't need you to voice our grievances in that way, thank you.

  113. Theo's Bikini-Line

    Nov 26, 2012, 19:35 #28585

    "And I hope they do make his life uncomfortable because I honestly cannot remember any other manager being so disrespectful to his own supporters." Even if you put aside the trophy-less years, deterioration in quality, numerous disappointing performances, poor judgment on both retaining and signing players, the thoughtless use of substitutes and the general tactical ineptitude he has displayed, Wenger deserves to go for that reason alone!! And Saturday evening was by no means the first time he's had a pop at the gooners. Never have I heard an Arsenal manager talk down to or be as dismissive of the fans concerns the way Arsene has these past few (and probably not co-incidently) unsuccessful years. Seems like the saying 'the true nature of the person comes out when they are under a bit of pressure' has some resonance in this case.

  114. Luke Hearn

    Nov 26, 2012, 19:31 #28584

    Another thing coming from that. Every team in the league - nay, every team in history - has aspired. Had an ambition that exceeds what has gone before. QPR and Reading aspire to survive, as do 5 or 6 other teams. For them, this is called "consolidation" (QPR) or "survival" (Reading/Southampton etc.). West Brom have gone beyond this. Whilst I doubt they genuinely aspire to play in the CL, they aspire to finish higher than last year and maybe snatch a Europa League place. Because they have "consolidated" - their real aim this season is more than just that even though all managers will say that this is their first aim. They might not get there right away but that's the target - the eventual goal even if not likely this year. Chelsea aspire to build on their CL success with another League trophy after not winning one for a couple of years, and failing that to win another domestic cup, which has so often led to league wins soon after. Manchester City aspire to win back-to-back titles and start to build a dynasty in the same way that United and Chelsea (to a lesser extent) managed. Liverpool aspire to get back in the CL - and the fact that they've made such a poor start means that Rodgers' job is under threat even though it's generally accepted that he is rebuilding and should be given more time. There are some clubs failing to meet their aspirations, hence jobs are at risk - see Hughes at QPR, Di Matteo at Chelsea (ridiculous, but if he hadn't won the CL last year then totally justified based on Chelsea's performance in the CL and mediocre league start), even the pressure on Adkins at Southampton and Rodgers at Liverpool. Arsenal? No aspiration. Stay where you are. Maintain your position. Cups GENUINELY "don't matter" - because qualification for the Champions' League is "a trophy". We will never get better while we have no real aspirations. I can't believe it's been allowed to get this far without someone saying this. "WHY ARE WE NOT TRYING TO BETTER OURSELVES? WHY ARE WE CONTENT WITH DOING THE SAME THING YEAR ON YEAR WHEN EVERY OTHER CLUB IS AT LEAST TRYING TO IMPROVE?!" The reason Arsene should go is not because he is not reaching a target - which, for arguments' sake, is to win a cup and finish 2nd or 3rd in the league with a genuine title challenge maintained until May. It's the fact that he doesnt seem to HAVE that aspiration that is the reason he should go. If Rodgers had interviewed for the Liverpool job and told them that he thought he could probably finish 8th or 9th again - HE WOULD NOT HAVE GOT THE JOB. If Benitez thought that the title and/or a cup was impossible, they would have said "no thanks". Only at Arsenal is standing still and not trying to achieve more ACCEPTED. It hurts.

  115. Charlie

    Nov 26, 2012, 19:24 #28583

    AVB gets slaughtered every day by the media his team is level on points with us.Benitez is getting hammered by the press after one game at Chelsea and even Mancini whose team are top of the table gets battered by the tabloids.Yet Wenger who hasnt won a trophy for 7years whose team lost a 4 goal lead at Newcastle whose team suffered their worst defeat in 115 years and suffered the worst defeat in Europe ever and whose team has made its worse start in 30 years gets his arse kissed by the press.Why has no football writer got the balls to stand up and write its time for Wenger to go?.Why are the press so afraid to voice any dissent against Wenger?.Well done to the BBC reporter who after the Fulham game asked Wenger why we didnt sign Berbatov which brought the answer that he didnt know Berbatov was up for sale!! unf**king belivable.The press will drive AVB Benitez and Mancini out the door long before Wenger

  116. Luke Hearn

    Nov 26, 2012, 19:11 #28581

    Best article I've read on AFC in ages and sums up my feelings which have been growing ever since Henry left in '06 (yes, that was the first sign). Since then we've been told that the young side will eventually dominate world football only to see them gradually disappear to be replaced by more promising youngsters. We have become a conveyor belt. The excuse given is that CL footy is "like a trophy". CL football is only useful if you a) might win it - we won't - or b) use the money - we don't and that's why we continually lose our best players. I'm starting to wonder......what is the point? Why don't we just wind up and re-brand ourselves the Arsene Wenger Academy for future Manchester-based players? That's not a rhetorical question either - I genuinely want to know. What is the goal here? WHY do we need CL football every year so much? Because I genuinely don't see it.

  117. DvbrisG

    Nov 26, 2012, 19:11 #28580

    I got some stick on my own site, and on Twitter, for saying how Wenger had insulted the paying and travelling Gooners on Saturday. I couldn't agree more with most of what you've written in this article.

  118. Dan

    Nov 26, 2012, 19:09 #28579

    WENGER OUT! Sack the board, W.o.b army.

  119. lerpy

    Nov 26, 2012, 19:04 #28578

    The amount i spend on my club is not relevent if i earn 11k a year im not likely to spend what someone on 30k spends. Doesnt mean its any less of a finacial burden to me. I think his problem is the press trying to make out that they are acting for the greater good of the fans..... if you believe that well...