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Online Ed: Arsenal back to winning ways

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Arteta – Should have tried his spot kick trick v Fulham

Trivia question I was given after the match. When was the last time Arsenal scored two penalties in the same game? No idea of the answer, but feel free to enlighten me. It can’t have been that long ago, could it? Obviously we are not talking penalty shoot-outs.

Some were pessimistic about this game, but it is a hallmark of the team’s inconsistency that they will sometimes play to something like their potential and win matches they are expected to. I had them down for three points, West Brom’s own recent dip in form a factor there.

It was an Arsenal that drove at the opposition a lot more than we have seen of late. Taking the ball forward is what the fans like to see. Quite what provided this extra drive is an intangible factor. A rocket up the rear passage at some point between the Swansea debacle and 3pm yesterday? One would like to think so.

Sure there was still an element of waste, especially with Gervinho, who has Walcott tendencies in his ability to excite one moment and then run into trouble before he knows what to do with the ball. One imagines Lukas Podolski, reputedly carrying an injury for most of his Arsenal career to date, is being rested ahead of the African Cup of Nations when Gervinho will be away. Squad rotation is no bad thing if it does not cost points. West Brom were fortunately not good enough to take anything away from north London, even with a little encouragement from the Gunners once they went two goals up.

I have to admit to not feeling the tension about matches that I used to feel. Maybe I am getting older, or maybe what is at stake seems to matter less. Statements like those of Tom Fox during the week may have contributed towards this feeling. I used to be excited by the Champions League when I had a notion that Arsenal could win it. Now it is just a club revenue stream rather than something I have any illusions that they can win. My only real interest in the draw on Friday 20th is whether or not we get Malaga as I can see a sunshine break in the offing. The new commercial deals do not fill me with pride, and unfortunately, I do not believe the increased revenue will be spent wisely, if at all, going on purchases in recent seasons.

The second half of the match at least provided some good entertainment with the crowd enjoying the West Brom goal kicks, suddenly taking place at three times the pace and a moment of humour between Boaz Myhill and Alex Oxlade-Chamberlain before one of them. There also seemed to be a little feistiness, with both Jack Wilshere and Olivier Giroud showing their willingness to get their handbags out if required. It would be nice to see this indication of giving a damn displayed by more of the team on a habitual basis.

It was a relatively tension-free afternoon once the home team went ahead, due to the paucity of West Brom’s play. This was certainly not the same side that beat Chelsea not so long ago in one of Roberto Di Matteo’s final matches. Santi Cazorla’s dive for the first penalty may cost in the long run, as with Arsenal players, once a piece of simulation has been highlighted, they rarely get future decisions. This policy does not extend to Manchester United because Alex Ferguson runs the FA’s refereeing selection committee.

Anyway, job done. Subsequent League fixtures against Reading, Wigan, West Ham, Newcastle and Southampton offer 15 points that in seasons not so long ago, one could imagine Arsenal taking the lot. The team have the players capable of winning all these matches and putting a run together. We watch and wait…

News on the West Ham game is that it will probably be rescheduled for the 27th if the tube strike situation is not resolved, possibly with an earlier kick off time. It has been pointed out that the 27th is in fact a working day, so who knows. I don’t think the police would want a London derby kicking off in the evening on a day most people will be off if they can help it.

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  1. David

    Jul 13, 2015, 19:10 #72765

    A bit too fatalistic and dull. It's a surprise that Arsenal won anything the year before, but less so last season, when AW started to make some sensible decisions, although he can't take credit for coq au vin. He has still only done one necessary thing for arsenal to challenge for the PL, and still needs a couple more top class acquisitions.

  2. maguiresbridge gooner

    Jul 11, 2015, 1:15 #72665

    And the same could be said of some football managers.

  3. Badarse

    Jul 10, 2015, 20:31 #72663

    Wisest words of this link westlower, absolutely right on the nail my friend. ArseneKB, see I told you so, but you knew that didn't you, surely? Neo liberal? Sounds very USAish to me, and their politics stem from already mentioned Ronald McDonald Reagan, and his advocacy that everyone should stand on their own two feet, including one-legged people. We are the current epitome of today, and for all it's warts and carbuncles it is the power of the market forces which drive the engine of our joint disenchantment my friend. It is how it is, you cannot change that, neither the escalation of house valuations which makes me a rich man sitting on a pile of bricks and kids are no-hopers who can't get a mortgage. Why bother anyway as this government will not build houses. Still I shall continue to live within my bricks and mortar and support Arsenal Football Club. 'Arsene for the 2020's' is the current lapel badges from AKB Central Command-funded by Stan. Am made up, just took the training session for my grandson's team, then played 5 a side (in goal), and though our side lost I got a number of surprised nods of approval, marshalling the defence as a keeper sweeper...who needs Cech? Stopped three of Charlie's shots, ha ha. What a children I am.

  4. maguiresbridge gooner

    Jul 10, 2015, 19:27 #72662

    Oh dear if reports are to believed it looks like all is not as rosy in the garden of arsene as some would have us believe, a top player not happy with OGL's tactics? who would have believed it, and even before the season has started? he'll hardly last to long then.

  5. Westlower

    Jul 10, 2015, 18:32 #72660

    It appears Fabian Delph is heading to Citeh. Must be making up the quota of home grown players. Will he improve them? Is he better than our midfielders? Is Citeh's interest in Sterling also because he's home grown? Those of you who want our English kids out of the door are p***ing into the wind.

  6. Arseneknewbest

    Jul 10, 2015, 17:48 #72658

    Ooooh badarse I'm getting moist now....all you have to is see sense about the neo-liberal nightmare that is modern football and, most painfully of all, my dear old Arsenal and the one way tickets to our northern Californian love-nest will be ordered. Oh, and if you agree that we desperately need a new manager that would also help.

  7. Badarse

    Jul 10, 2015, 16:54 #72656

    Afternoon 24601. Memories, eh? We crossed the Hoover Dam and a bus passed in the opposite direction with someone in it singing 'Good Old Arsenal', at the top of his voice-that had to be you. We caught the greyhound in 'Frisco and made a short hope to Carmel-wanted to have a few terse words with Clint Eastwood, the Reagan lover. Also punched onto Cannery Row to Steinbeck country. Such golden memories. ArseneKB we have more in common than you may think. If I said Tony Benn, Manny Shinwell, Nye Bevan, Lloyd George, Clem Attlee would you raise me a Cameron?

  8. Westlower

    Jul 10, 2015, 16:03 #72655

    @Badarse, Had an enjoyable trip (red eye) on a Greyhound bus from Tucson,Az to Grand Canyon, taking in Phoenix, Flagstaff, Sedona, Kingman, Route 66 (get your kicks). Repeated the journey in a hire car a few times over the years, then onto Las Vegas via Hoover Dam, coming back through Lake Havasu (London Bridge). Pete's Pub in Tucson is the best place to eat chips in Arizona.

  9. Arseneknewbest

    Jul 10, 2015, 15:32 #72653

    For me, it's all about finding another goalscorer. I don't buy this idea that Coquelin is not the finished product or that he lacks competition from others. He's a complete DM'er as far as I'm concerned and is fiercely motivated. Think of Makelele but with bells on. The only risk is if he becomes injured, but after those 2 smacks in the face he suffered in one game and the way he recovered, I reckon he's much more resilient than most. It's a shame Chuba isn't a bit more experienced because he'll be the finished article in 2-3 seasons time. Who else is there? The fashion seems to be for south American forwards these days, but it's a long time since I lived there and attended games. I'd be having a look at Austin, as a short term measure. Scoring goals for a team like QP ha ha ha ha cannot be easy, but I expect others to say "he ain't a future Arsenal player". That's possibly right but he wouldn't cost the earth. Alternatively, what about trying to convert a player like Bolassie into a centre forward - he looked pretty formidable last season considering who he was playing for. Otherwise we could face the familiar story of being priced out of any big deals because of the board and OGL's well-known parsimony. That means being tight-ars*d Jameee son by the way. Dr Badarsio - also thought I'd report the exceptional news that we appear to agree on something, i.e a dislike of the Daily Heil. Wonders will never cease.

  10. Westlower

    Jul 10, 2015, 14:34 #72651

    @Wenger Out Now, William Carvalho is a class act with a wonderful range of passing but is he any better than Ramsey, Jack, Ox or Cazorla? He would have to replace one of these to get a game. He isn't a Vieira or Petit but he may find the hustle bustle of the PL too much for his laid back style of playing. I've likened him to Tom Huddlestone in the past & I'll stick with that until he shows more more than he has to date. Off course he's young and has potential to improve. It's easy to see why AW likes him but we have riches galore in his role. IMO we need a Mr Nasty who can play a bit in that DM role. What we don't need is a limited stopper who cannot contribute to the attacking side of the teams game.

  11. Jokes

    Jul 10, 2015, 14:20 #72650

    Wenger and the board must love the Emirates sheep: £100m spent in the last 2 transfer windows, and yet he's manager less points than the season before, was never in contention for the league title, and there away a 2nd place that was ours for the taking. Did I mention the most humiliating of CL exits at the hands of mighty Monaco? And yet...over 80% of the mugs surveyed think Arsenal have "progressed". That's despite no league titles in over a decade, and no CL EVER. Small-time, lack of ambition, easily pleased. Done.

  12. maguiresbridge gooner

    Jul 10, 2015, 13:58 #72648

    CT Gooner, the cry used to be we don't have the funds, now it's we don't need anyone. You couldn't make it up.

  13. maguiresbridge gooner

    Jul 10, 2015, 13:45 #72646

    Bard, surely a big club like Arsenal with such a great and respected manager like OGL should be enough to persuade them regardless of money.

  14. jjetplane

    Jul 10, 2015, 13:42 #72645

    As in - BADDIE nearly became a writer ....

  15. maguiresbridge gooner

    Jul 10, 2015, 13:34 #72644

    jj, OGL nearly became a tennis coach too.

  16. CT Gooner

    Jul 10, 2015, 13:16 #72642

    I'm with smithy, it wasn't just goal keeper that needed to be addressed. I find it a little defeatist to presume we don't have the funds to improve other areas given our net spend so far is essentially zero (accept this is based on the podolski payment plan). I'm fine with a few unknowns, so long as they're quality, we have to trust our scouts know what they're doing

  17. Badarse

    Jul 10, 2015, 12:36 #72640

    Afternoon my little egg whites whipped to soft peaks.Just back from the town where I did my daily bit of annoying a few people in my Aaron Ramsey shirt, (a polo in Welsh national colours), where perhaps the golden cannon on the chest may have been the reason...nah, it was me. One motorised wheelchair user grumbled his way around me as I'd slowed in front of him, 'Slowing down...yap, yap, yap.', such chagrin, (is that a happy screw?), and I remonstrated that people do that, they walk look at the market stalls and stop to buy. In the shop scanning the back pages of the rags and a chap reached across me saying, 'Sorry, I need the Mail'. I told him he should apologise for buying that rag. Then was asked as I paid for my goods if I wanted to buy some special offer. I vowed in my New Year resolution not to answer inane questions when assistants try to push items. Unfortunately giving someone a 'Paddington Hard Stare', isn't satisfying, and seems rude. Now I answer their question with one of my own, 'Do you want to buy some second-hand garden furniture?' Think I am as popular in the High Street as I am on here. Art. Sought out the van Gogh Gallery in Amsterdam a few years ago. Love his work, probably because his troubled and frenetic canvasses are similar to the kaleidoscopic maelstroms which occur in my head regularly. Was amazed to see he had painted so many 'Sunflower' pieces. One for you westlower. In La Jolla, California staying with my sis we decided to go up the coast to Del Mar for a John Lennon exhibition that Yoko had put on. My USA family were surprised that the wife and I were happy to travel by bus to different places-they went by car, or didn't 'went' at all. Strange because the buses were as cheap as chips. The odd thing is that a chip costs much less than a bus.

  18. Westlower

    Jul 10, 2015, 9:20 #72637

    The most likely transfer appears to be defensive midfielder Grezegorz Krychowiak. His club Sevilla have just signed Nzonzi from Stoke, so possibly triggering a move for 25 year old Krychowiak. A 26 times capped Polish international, who plied his trade in the French League & left Reims to join Sevilla a year ago. He recently parted company with his Polish agent and joined up with Stellar Football Ltd, who look after Szczesny. Arsenal will not get involved in auctions for any of the big names being touted. The usual suspects will be in the queue ahead of us.

  19. Smithy

    Jul 10, 2015, 9:18 #72636

    My contention is that the squad hasn't been good enough to win the league-and if we are serious about having a real go then a few additions are needed. It's not about the price tag but getting in people who will do what the team really needs.if we stay the same and rest on our laurels then we risk being out of the top four and miles away from competing with Chelsea.i agree with you- the arteta contract symbolises he is content with what he has!

  20. TJ

    Jul 10, 2015, 9:02 #72635

    No offence Simon but you probably haven't even watched Benzema play, and just think that because he's at Real he must be amazing. He is hardly ahead of Giroud for the national team and is criticised for his lack of goalscoring for Madrid. He is happy to pass to Ronaldo and that's why he's in the team, there are no great strikers available other than ones who are past their best.

  21. Bard

    Jul 10, 2015, 8:11 #72634

    My take is that Wenger thinks he has enough and I sort of see his point. We need a striker but who and how much. Is £60m+ for Higuain good value ? I dont think so. Cant see Benzema working in our League. I would like us to sign a decent left back and a CB. For once I have sympathy for the transfer team. Its more difficult than ever with Untd and City waiting to hover up players. Whoever Arsenal go in for either of those clubs can seriously outbid us. That Sterling might go for £40m tells you all you need to know about how inflated the market is. If we do sign anyone I wold expect it will be someone no ones ever heard of.

  22. Badarse

    Jul 10, 2015, 8:01 #72633

    Smithy, only my guess but I think I am safe and confident in saying no we won't buy those three. Suppose I must be about ready for the funny farm because rumours and not buying the three you talk of doesn't phase me one bit. Lack of ambition, in my comfort zone, blah blah blah, nope just a realist who weighs up the circumstances, and that's all those circumstances which are conveniently overlooked. Would be nice to suddenly get a big player though, but then maguiresbridge might accuse me of switching mounts mid race, still can't win them all, can you? Whoops, wrong phrase for the 'I want' brigade.

  23. Made Up Stat

    Jul 10, 2015, 7:59 #72632

    'A man only begins to be a man when he ceases to whine and revile'. About time you grew up then, Jamieson.

  24. Smithy

    Jul 10, 2015, 7:26 #72631

    We've gone very quiet on the signings front-any strong rumours out there? Or will be hanging around the reduced items shelf at ten to midnight gambling on half fit players or unknowns?please tell me we are still linked with a central defender, a water carrying midfielder and a tall lighting quick forward!

  25. Badarse

    Jul 10, 2015, 7:00 #72630

    Good morning my little truffle snufflers. Did you realise...'It was 68 years ago today, (bit longer actually), that Sergeant Pepper taught the band to play.'

  26. Tony

    Jul 10, 2015, 6:35 #72629

    Very good aticle.To win the FA cup you need to win 6 games.In recent years Pompey and Wigan have won the FA cup.Big clubs do not go 11 years without winning their domestic title.We havent finished in the top 2 for 10.Spot on about a striker.We cant win a title with Giroud and Wellbad.Its as simple as that.

  27. CT Gooner

    Jul 10, 2015, 1:33 #72628

    Come on folks, let's talk about who it would be great to get, knowing it's not likely. Summer is the time to dream!! Let's not let the fool Jamerson degrade the conversation to petty infighting when we should be rejoicing what just might be...

  28. Bard

    Jul 09, 2015, 23:30 #72627

    Jamerson mate congratulations Janet and john vol 5 working a treat. Hear this , Confucius says ' he who follows false gods is a fool' .

  29. Arseneknewbest

    Jul 09, 2015, 23:28 #72626

    The execrable Jamie - you've hit some lows on here comrade in the past few weeks (including some homophobic comments last night that were latterly deleted). But you're plumbing new depths now with your cod psychological, pseudo-mystical cack. Plus it's soooooo dull; even more tedious than Dr Badarsio and that's going some. I suppose that's what happens if you're big box office and you drink too much of your own urine.

  30. Badarse

    Jul 09, 2015, 21:56 #72625

    Hi Hiccup, nice to hear your acerbic humour once more. You know I've thought occasionally of seriously mind-numbing-but not life threatening-situations that I'd hate to find myself in. I have long since decided the worst possible is being trapped in a lift between floors with jj. I do believe you would emerge intact, reassure me that you both aren't in that lift posting to each other right now. By the way jeff wright will be returned into the community when his reprogramming is complete-at the moment he is still struggling with saying no to eggy soldiers.

  31. Hiccup

    Jul 09, 2015, 21:13 #72624

    Latest odds from Billy Hill: arsenal to win the Capital One Cup, 6/1. Arsenal to win the PL, 9/2. Arsenal have more chance of winning the league than the Cap 1 Cup, and we all know the bookies word is gospel. Does this mean it's easier to win the PL? I do wish people would research their material before submitting misleading articles!

  32. jjetplane

    Jul 09, 2015, 19:52 #72623

    You're right HIcCUp the league Cup (bit like the Fairs Cup) is the holy grail and then we can turn are eyes on the europa when the Hammers move into the top 4. Everything is coming our way. Even Van Persie? sanogo is off to Utd. love this football ****. But definitely prefer the Murray shuffle.

  33. Hiccup

    Jul 09, 2015, 18:46 #72622

    jj, let the others run around like busy fools chasing the Mickey Mouse trophies while we go for the big one this year, the League Cup. We've faced PL teams in the 3rd Round of the FA Cup for the last 3 seasons, but that's easier than getting a bye in to the last 32 like we do in the League Cup? But if we finish with 5 less points than last season and 20 behind Chelsea, it'll stil be deemed as progress, especially if we bring home the League Cup!

  34. jjetplane

    Jul 09, 2015, 18:04 #72621

    Bit like one of those hilarious sermon/biogs we get. By the 3rd para it's scroll down hoping it ends somewhere. Lots of I's (familiar with wengerites) and the Spuds do not matter so I will feature them at the start, and myth (?) of Arsene Tappies falling out of top 4 will never happen in PM Rose's time ..... Reality check City are spending upwards of 3tr & chelski intend to win the league with youngsters. The Hammers will win the Europa & Fa Cup en route to competing with Chelski. Spuds are moving/spending and as Palace have a better fan base than Arsene Tip Taps who have 2 chinese supporters according to the bloke who is smaller than his brother. Oh the angst of the Janet and John haters ..... for some mad reason really loving Wimbledon. Did not know Becksie was a tennis coach now .... FJ the voice of reason and nice to hear from HICCUp. Great article Simon. The house/stadium honour your intentions yes indeedy .....

  35. Hiccup

    Jul 09, 2015, 17:38 #72620

    I actually think it's easier to win the Champions League than it is the League Cup. You can win the Champions without ever winning a game which has has been scientifically proven by Jamie, but no one has ever won the League Cup yet without winning a game.

  36. Hiccup

    Jul 09, 2015, 17:15 #72619

    Good evening all. Just finished a lengthy 4 week cold turkey anger management course, which should stand me in good stead for the new season. Nothing better than to return to a Simon Rose article to warm the cockles. However, I find the article all very negative and wobbish? We must buy this player. We must buy that player. Sounded all very Jeff Wrightish. Expect a lynch mob on your case. And after 9 trophyless years in which we were 'performing miracles' and 'punching above our weight', how do 2 trophy years knock us down to just 'achieving par'? There's just no pleasing some folks...

  37. Bard

    Jul 09, 2015, 16:51 #72618

    Jamerson; I have one more space in my remedial workshop which you are very welcome to join. We are currently discussing how to construct a coherent argument. Being critical of the current regime doesnt equate with f****** off down the lane or whatever the new spuds ground will be called. Apologies to all for the lack of posts from my end. Translating Pete's thumb prints is proving more difficult than I thought. I am slightly worried that they arent thumb prints and belong to another part of his anatomy !

  38. Ogbuechi Don Ndubuka

    Jul 09, 2015, 16:20 #72617

    Simon, you are on point. Those signings you suggested should be made for Arsenal to challenge Chelsea and Manchester City. Am not sure if the present crop of Arsenal players can beat Mourinho set up team if he packs the bus as observed from the last encounter at Emirate. Not sure again if they can pick a point at Stamford Bridge.

  39. maguiresbridge gooner

    Jul 09, 2015, 16:11 #72616

    There must be some news about the Lord and master that needs to be buried with a long drawn out spiel like that.

  40. johnnyhawleyloovinggooner

    Jul 09, 2015, 15:58 #72615

    Fair points.however we should of finished second this year,though i accept we were beaten only by the petro-clubs into third.

  41. Badarse

    Jul 09, 2015, 15:56 #72614

    'Baddiesque'? 'Badarsian'? Mmm. Thanks for the article Simon. One player coming, if that, is my guess. Just had this conversation with a passing AFC lad. 'Yeah we did OK but we need a top striker, and a top DM.' I thought it was Easter again-so many eggs swirling around. Enjoy the angst guys.

  42. maguiresbridge gooner

    Jul 09, 2015, 15:54 #72613

    Simon do you expect us to take the time and sit down and read that? top fours our natural position alright, the height of expectations for some or a lot, that's alright then.

  43. Tommy Gunn

    Jul 09, 2015, 15:53 #72612

    Christ. How many words did you need to state the obvious? And state it repeatedly? I believe your conclusion is if we don’t sign a top class striker we can’t win the league. If we don’t will you admit the club (and Wenger) are only bothered about finishing top four?

  44. Wear Your Colours

    Jul 09, 2015, 15:15 #72611

    I think the addition a tall defensively minded midfielder could bring a better balance to the squad. Especially for games when Le Prof opts to play Theo in the central striker role instead of Giroud or Welbeck. With a front three of Alexis, Theo and Jack (as we played in the final fixture against West Brom last season) we lacked height at the back with which to defend set-pieces. Hence, a midfielder of the stature of PV4 would be very much appreciated. COYG!

  45. Concerned

    Jul 09, 2015, 15:01 #72610

    Simon Rose that really you? You come out of Arsene's bum-hole for the summer sunshine have you! Not to worry sure you'll crawl back up there once he beats Dagenham in the FA cup final next year!

  46. Finsbury Joe

    Jul 09, 2015, 14:58 #72609

    This summer is becoming depressingly predictable. News from recent days confirms Arsenal are now the third most ambitious London. Wenger will "keep his powder dry" then revert to all out gung-ho kamikazi attacking football come August, with the all too predictable results, then cotton onto his annual mistakes in Jan, and maybe just about scrape 4th place, for next year at least. By November, Cech will have one of those "My God, what have I done" faces after a couple months of Gerry Peytons masterclasses. Seasons after that, things will inevitably change, for the worse as Wenger goes upstairs and appoints a stooge. The futures bright......for some

  47. CT Gooner

    Jul 09, 2015, 14:45 #72608

    Wow, not simon's usual Rose tinted article. I think Cech is a great signing. I'm OK with our centre half options, as I do see Chalmbers developing into that role, so my thought is unless you want to replace our big German completely, why spend the money there? I'd really like to see us bring in an enforcer in the middle of the park, someone Colquin can learn from and challenge for a spot (not vice-versa). As for up front, a great stiker would be sweet, but I'd settle happily for a good old fashioned winger, some one to give us width, beat their man and swing in in cross. We know Giroud is good in the air and how many times do we look lost against tight compact defenses??

  48. Bard

    Jul 09, 2015, 14:38 #72607

    Simon that was Baddiesque in its length. I could take issue with some of your stuff about what we have achieved so far but thats all been done to death. It is self evident that we need a couple of worldies if we are going to go up another level. I also accept that it isnt easy finding them. The problem that comes with going up a level is the expectation. Wenger has always liked to have excuses ready; too many injuries, too little money, killing someone's career. So my view is that we wont push the boat out.

  49. Angry & Frustrated

    Dec 11, 2012, 9:19 #29418

    @goonercolesyboy Like I have said to you before, most of us have the intelligence to look at the overall bigger picture, rather than individual results. That you are content every time Arsenal win an individual game, and that all the problems at the club can be simply swept under the carpet by you after each victory, speaks volumes about your inability to see beyond your own nose!

  50. Jason B

    Dec 10, 2012, 23:53 #29412

    Nice to win.Awful display,though.Still,a win is a win.

  51. Stroud Green Road Boy

    Dec 10, 2012, 23:35 #29411

    I'm starting to think In Arsene We Trust is taking the piss. It's the only explanation.

  52. Tony Evans

    Dec 10, 2012, 15:53 #29392

    In Arsene We Trust - Great, I am really looking forward to finishing in the top four again. Good old Arsene.

  53. allybear

    Dec 10, 2012, 13:49 #29382

    In Arsene We Trust im afraid your blinkered in thinking that Wenger is some kind of genius and that 4th place is acceptable. Because of his mismanagement we have not seriously challenged for any trophies in the last years. You need to look at the amount of poor players he has bought to realise that whatever he once had is long gone. Send him to PSG!

  54. CanadaGooner

    Dec 10, 2012, 12:53 #29381

    @Adam Ant; fair enough mate, but that's not what we bought him for. Jack & Santi wont get us 20 goals per season. there has to be a goalscorer (and you just wonder why so many still-credible ex-arsenal players are all over the league)

  55. JER

    Dec 10, 2012, 12:08 #29380

    ManU's bench yesterday was Smalling, Jones, Scholes, Giggs, Welbeck, Hernandez. They would all start for us. How times have changed.

  56. In Arsene We Trust

    Dec 10, 2012, 12:05 #29379

    With Arsenal winning, those anti-Wenger brigade looks so foolish with them predicting it's going to be a West Brom win. Wenger showed those plastic fans. LOL. Still, it won't stop the whining cause you lot are like a broken record. You'll see, Wenger will once again guide us into the top 4. Arsene knows best.

  57. Andy M

    Dec 10, 2012, 11:33 #29378

    A win! And what on earth was going on? We got awarded not one, but two penalties! Unheard of... we don't get penalties, do we? As for the shouts about Santi's dive, I'm not convinced it was a dive. And anyway, there have been plenty of times we've had cast iron penalty shouts not given. What goes around comes around - win some, lose some. And at the moment let's be thankful for the points - I'll take 'em however they come.

  58. Adam Ant

    Dec 10, 2012, 10:58 #29376

    For all Gerv's wastefulness, he does cause panic in opposing defences and he does stretch the game allowing space for Jack and Santi. He got behind the WBA defence on a few occasions on Saturday - the cutback to Jack should have been a goal. He is evidently lacking in front of goal but his overall effort cannot be questioned.

  59. Mike

    Dec 10, 2012, 10:37 #29375

    Another mute point on the ex-Arsenal players - did anyone see how Nasri tried to make himself a small as possible for the RVP free kick - He was literally hiding behind his own wall had he just stood where he was supposed to the ball would have hit him instead of going goalward

  60. GaryFootscrayAustralia

    Dec 10, 2012, 9:22 #29372

    Let's not be too harsh on Rick James. He didn't sign himself for The Arsenal, after all. If I was offered fifty large a week to fiddle about in blind alleys near the touchline and mis-time headers, I would take it too. I think we're all aware by now that he is Wiltord minus the effective decision making and spatial awareness. The manager clearly loves him so we're stuck with him for a good while yet. On another matter, I enjoyed a hearty guffaw when Mancini chose to give Toure the opportunity to waddle about while Lescott sat on his clacker. This was outshined by Clichy dithered in his own box (oo-er) under no pressure, contributing directly to his team's concession of a totally avoidable free kick and the subsequent winning goal. Very funny indeed.

  61. chris dee

    Dec 10, 2012, 8:57 #29371

    A good solid routine win against a team we should be beating. Lets hope for solid routine wins in the next five games against teams we should be beating,then we can look forward to a decent second half of the season.Big big match tomorrow where a win would leave us 3 wins from a trophy. On another point relating to our defensive 'qualities', Gail Clichy showed yesterday the 'benefits ' of the defensive coaching he received at Arsenal where he had a big hand in all of United's 3 goals.

  62. Tony Evans

    Dec 10, 2012, 8:33 #29370

    Goonercolesyboy - A bit late on my post this time but all I want to say is how underwhelmed I feel by this result. Even when we win most of us know that the next defeat / poor performance is just around the corner and it is very difficult to get excited about the odd win here and there in between the mediocrity.

  63. DW Thomas

    Dec 10, 2012, 2:22 #29369

    Luckily sczezny is playing well and we got two,penalties that probably shouldn't have happened. Watched RVP win the game for united today, although he got a lucky deflection. Still, we miss him and his class, the finishing. I was never really a big fan of his, but you can't deny he s a winner. Wenger still seems clueless and we are still miles off City and United. I like our team still, but we have no bench. Lookmhow much more forward thinking the team is without Ramsey! A nice young man, but let's be honest. He slws everything down and can't finish. We need new faces soon or this team will fade fast in the new year. Don't hold your great though. Perpetual Groundhog Day.

  64. CanadaGooner

    Dec 10, 2012, 1:58 #29368

    a very welcome 3 points for sure. hopefully they can build on that in the coming 5 games. what is most disappointing is the fact that you watch Man Utd V City and all you hear are ex-arsenal players all over the pitch; we can probably form a stronger 11 from ex-arsenal players in the premiership right now than the 11 we field. that speaks volumes dont it?

  65. Mick Appleton

    Dec 09, 2012, 21:13 #29367

    No Ramsey = More pace and impetus in our play, hope Theo can get fit and cements his place so we don't have to suffer Forehead when he comes back from the African Cup Of Nations.

  66. Rocky RIP

    Dec 09, 2012, 20:37 #29365

    The disproportionate reaction in the media to one of ours clearly diving to that of someone like Rooney or Bale, who have countless against their names, is sickening. A huge discussion on the radio today, virtaully an entire show dedicated to the incident, like it's never happened before in this country. Many of Rooney's get conveniently overlooked and Bale's are seen as 'evasive action'. Why?! Why does everyone remember the Pires and Eduardo incidents so clearly like they were landmark moments? The answer is obvious. I hate ANY player cheating, but fair and equal condemnation please. If Cazorla tries anything ever again they'll be moral outrage in Middle England. Apart from that, plenty to be pleased about. Notably Wilshere coming back to form. Hansen's highlighting of the magnificent interchange between Arteta, Carzola and Wilshere makes the 'dross' comments aimed at our players a bit unfair in some cases.

  67. Wombledin

    Dec 09, 2012, 20:14 #29364

    Only 2 points off fourth place with some 'easy' games coming up, all is rosey in Wenger's garden. We have loads of reasons to be super proud gooners of without winning trophies, says Tom Fox. Kroenke's X-box commercial brand is very strong - no need to spend-up in the January transfer window.

  68. goonercolesyboy

    Dec 09, 2012, 20:05 #29363

    How nice of the cynics to keep posting even when we win...Jude Colicoeur, your hate of Ramsey is boring mate. Where are the posts from Tony Evans and Angry and Frustrated? Allybear where do you sit? Because from my viewpoint we couldn't tell at the time, opposite end to the incident so Arsene couldn't possibly tell either from the live play. And Sarf Lunden, do you see the highlights of premiership games on tv with every seat filled?...thought not. Yesterday was a much improved display and such a shame that Cazorla "won" the penalty and we have to have it dissected on every back page when that tw*t Bale has been booked for diving three times this season already. Shame because Jack was outstanding yesterday and his performance deserved more praise. Bradford here we come...

  69. Old Timer

    Dec 09, 2012, 18:56 #29361

    Much better from the team yesterday. Wilshere Cazorla and Arteta started to combine really well. The Ox put in a good shift for the team. So did Gervinho but he continues to frustrate because despite his obvious talents there are a few basic things that he regularly seems to find challenging - heading the ball goalwards (i.e. towards the opposition's goal) and connecting properly with crosses in front of goal spring to mind. It's spooky how similar he is to our former winger, Glen Helder.

  70. RichardS

    Dec 09, 2012, 17:57 #29360

    Everyone is entitled to an opinion, but god can't we be a bit more positive. I went to the game yesterday and saw a much more committed performance and a team that tried hard throughout the game. I thought Gervinho had a much better game yesterday. He ran at defenders and created space for others to exploit. He nearly created a great goal for Jack. He also tracked back well and gave his all for the team, despite being caught out of position a couple of times. His finishing is woeful at the moment and he is probably not good enough for Arsenal, but give the guy some credit when he is clearly trying to make things work. The same goes for Ramsey, who never hides and is clearly trying to get his confidence back. He didn't play yesterday but I still believe he can come good, given support and with quality around him. some of the comments on this site are horrendous and the vitriol that is spewed by some is uncalled for. I wrote an article on here recently stating that I thought Wenger had lost the dressing room and lacked motivational skills to turn things around. I still hold to this belief, but I refuse to criticise players when I can clearly see they are giving their all. I enjoyed the game yesterday and it was great to feel positive on a Sunday morning, rather than the misery of recent weeks. I want us to win trophies as much as the next man/woman, but can't we have a bit more positivity when we get a good result?

  71. Jude Jolicoeur

    Dec 09, 2012, 17:54 #29359

    "It was an Arsenal that drove at the opposition a lot more than we have seen of late..." Couldn't agree more. That's what Jack and Tomas provide -- dynamic, attacking football. What a novel idea. Perhaps Ramsey could learn a thing or two from the bench.

  72. Inspector Clueless

    Dec 09, 2012, 17:14 #29358

    Robin van Persie has hailed Sir Alex Ferguson and his inspirational team talks as 'different class'. fact is RVP is different class and should never ever have been sold at all let alone to another english club. Wenger is a loser

  73. exiled & dangerous

    Dec 09, 2012, 16:53 #29357

    Cazorla's getting hung out to dry by the media today, quite rightly, but why is everyone making such a big deal about the second penalty? Popov won the ball in a fair challenge, and threw himself down at a slight push from the Ox, hardly enough to sandbag him. If that had been at the other end I'd have gone nuts at how cheaply he gave the ball away. Sick to death of everything being a "foul" these days just because there is contact. Players leaving a trailing leg to get a touch off the defender, instead of carrying on with the ball. Going down before there's contact - it's all cheating, trying to "win" a free-kick.

  74. MarkH

    Dec 09, 2012, 15:46 #29356

    If an opposition player had 'won' a penalty against us in that way, we would be be slagging them off as cheats. Rooney did it to us to end the unbeaten run,and we slagged him off. I like Cazorla,he is a class act,apart from his blatent cheating yesterday. It is not 'simulation' it is not 'gamesmanship', it is cheating,and brings shame on Arsenal FC.lets leave that to others. We were the club remember, that gave Sheffield Utd a replay because Kanu did not understand the way we played the game.

  75. johnnyh

    Dec 09, 2012, 14:06 #29355

    west brom were absolutely awful yet we could still only manage two goals from penalties,the first of which would have embarassed gareth bale. i hope wenger has a serious word with cazorla. the way he went down holding his leg was pathetic.

  76. Deejaycee

    Dec 09, 2012, 13:52 #29354

    @sarf lunden there were literally 100's of tickets available on TX right up to Friday, despite them being as cheap as £25!!! I can't speak for anyone else but I have decided to have a break from attending games for a while for the simple reason that I don't enjoy the experience at the moment and I don't see the club providing value for money!! In these tough times where a lot of people are struggling to make ends meat, the prospect of spending over £4.00 on a pint of Carlsberg (gnats pi$$) or on any kind of food is quite simply unimaginable!! Plus the dross Wenger and his mate Gazidis are serving up on the pitch these days is a long way short of providing value for money, so I can only imagine all the empty seats in the stadium are down to more people of a similar opinion?!?!

  77. maguiresbridge gooner

    Dec 09, 2012, 13:41 #29352

    Yes back to winning ways but for how long ? Surely they couldn't cock another one up.Well good to see they didn't even though it took two pens and one that wasn't but who cares it has happened to us more than once.A rocket up the arse must have been delivered alright and not before time, and if the rumors are to believed it was bouldy that did it with arsene's permission of course.Gervinho ? the ACON can't come soon enough.It's good to see jack takes no crap from anybody when the handbags come out maybe he has a bit of an inforcer in him like PV long may it last.Well the same question is been asked again after a win can we go on a run ? and we usually get our answer very quickly.Like you say kev we watch and wait.

  78. enA4WD

    Dec 09, 2012, 13:11 #29351

    Do we enjoy going shopping at Asda, one of the big four, to them we are just another customer, the focus is to get you there, not for you to enjoy the experience. A bit like going to The Bowl, nothing to get excited about, unless you sit with the privileged few, you are expendable, a pleb. The Arsenal plc, a subsidiary of the Walmart Corporation, winning is not important, profit is king. As a Gold member, and a ST holder from Highbury ( North Bank ) I ask myself the question, what have I actually gained from moving to the new stadium, the facilities maybe better but the major product ( the team ) has declined ( Chris or Mandy Dodd make me feel better ). Can anyone explain why we should feel excited or proud? There are more tourist than ever at each game, even the regulars sitting around me, seem to be missing. How can you build an atmosphere with random support. I hope AW does not f**k up Bradford. Love to play Chavski in the final.

  79. Joe S.

    Dec 09, 2012, 12:59 #29350

    I's not a good time for fans like me who have the club's future at heart and are presently torn between not wanting to see the team lose yet knowing too well that fourth place would only see the continuing deterioration of standards and being stuck with a squad of players and manager who fail to impress.Gloat on AKBs.

  80. Sarf Lunden

    Dec 09, 2012, 12:38 #29349

    The main thing I took from yesterday was the number of empty seats. Could see blocks of ten or more in the upper level. At least six empty seats in my row and the one behind. Seems people just can't be bothered to turn up except for Chelsea, Utd,Spurs and aren't interested in the ticket exchange or the club can't shift the tickets offered via the exchange. Does anyone know what the actual attendance figures are?

  81. Zbizz

    Dec 09, 2012, 12:34 #29348

    Not feeling the tension before games? That's because it's difficult to feel that for a business and not a football club. Tragic.

  82. Guildford Gooner

    Dec 09, 2012, 12:32 #29347

    What a dfference a week makes!Team unrecognisable from the shambles last saturday.Yes West Brom did not show the ambition and quality of Swansea and we were lucky to get the penalties but nobody can deny we dominated the game and deserved the victory.The team looked better motivated and organised with young Jack playing a blinder in midfield.After the low of last week I am now filled with a certain amount of optimism but we are only one bad performance away from another mini crisis.

  83. Peter Wain

    Dec 09, 2012, 12:19 #29346

    so he dived so what. All teams have players that dive I remember a certain Rooney at Old Trafford who dived against us a few years ago. I do not like diving but if every one does it then so must we. Result still papers over cracks and weaknesses in the squad. Shows we must buy big in this window.

  84. OrangeburgGooner

    Dec 09, 2012, 12:13 #29345

    Why do commentators feel they have the right to be so abusive in their descriptions of players? You may criticise a performance, but to call someone "dross" tells us more about the writer than the player.

  85. Dan h

    Dec 09, 2012, 12:10 #29344

    The penalty will leave Cazorla a marked man with official's no doubt about that we only have to remember how the Pires penalty years ago was highlighted continously.Wilshire really drove us on yesterday some fine passing & knitted the play together.Much needed win but the depth of squad quality is really evident.No point looking at the fixtures ahead & picking out what should be routine wins you only need to look at our results this season to see nothing will be straightforward.On to Bradford with us not playing in the league to the following Monday no reason to not play a stronger side Tuesday night.To end on a festive note Santi certainly was given an early present & you could only laugh at the finishing of GervinHO-HO-HO he was shocking yesterday.

  86. allybear

    Dec 09, 2012, 11:24 #29343

    Shocking dive by Carzola but of course Wenger will have to see the replay! Gervinho is terrible&another good Wenger purchase! I was surprised by Carzola diving as i thought he was a very honest player. I suppose its just in keeping with the shocking decisions that are being made by match officials.

  87. Gare Kekeke

    Dec 09, 2012, 11:11 #29342

    Credit to the players and Wenger. A good performance with a deserved win to boot. It might paper over cracks but it will do for now. Certainly a good time for us to play West Brom as all the recent talk of this being the best West Brom team since the Big Ron Atkinson halcyon days of 1978-81 has gone into their heads. I was disappointed by them as I thought they would put up some sort of fight. Defensively we were solid, good in midfield, ok up front, but only ok. I was prepared to give Gervinho a chance this season as it’s his second with us and last year was stop-start but now it’s obvious he’s not good enough. I’m no Walcott admirer although I’ll concede he has some ability but he’s every right to be peeved that even when fit, the Ivorian is ahead of him in the pick pecking order. Shame about Cazorla’s dive for the first penalty as proved in the second half. Expect him to be denied legitimate claims for fouls a la Suarez. Whatever issues I have with Wenger & the board, a win is always enjoyable but then why should we care seeing as Tom Fox says winning isn’t important. My views maybe the complete opposite, but a lot of Arsenal fans staunchly defending Wenger is one thing but carries merit but to defend the board that are only after the monetary contents of the Arsenal fans’ wallet is another. Kevin, I actually think the renewed sponsorship deal and the impending kit deal is brilliant. But as I said recently, I still wouldn’t trust Wenger with whatever amount he is given. Dross like Gervinho are already earning huge sums so expect the wage bill to rise even more especially it if’s still Wenger calling the shots. Good luck to boys and safe journey to those going to Bradford on Tuesday. Up The Arsenal!

  88. Website Admin

    Dec 09, 2012, 11:08 #29341

    @Kevin (post 31962) - I don't know mate. Perhaps you could discuss it with Michael, Tony and Don who have all posted comments from the same computer as you this morning.

  89. Kevin

    Dec 09, 2012, 10:41 #29340

    The next time we concede a penalty when a player dives will we say these oh these things happen or the player was a cheating bastard.What do you think?

  90. Paddy Stood Up

    Dec 09, 2012, 10:07 #29339

    I don't think the West Ham game will be put back 24 hours if the tube strike goes ahead as we are playing Newcastle on the 29th. More likely to be postponed until a midweek date in the New Year.

  91. Don

    Dec 09, 2012, 9:58 #29338

    Kev think you have let Cazorla off lightly for the shocking dive.Can you imagine Wengers reaction if a WBA player had done that.Cazorla cheated and he held his ankle!!!.The big plus was Wilshire who got better as the game went on.Its seems we always play with 10 men no Ramsey this week so the useless Gervinho takes his place.Gervinho will turn into another Bendtner and Denilson players so bad no one will take him off our hands and we keep paying him

  92. kunle, mokola oke itunu oyo state dad michael

    Dec 09, 2012, 9:32 #29337

    london arsenal fan should not get tired to call both wenger and his boys to order in every remining match of the season by boo the player and ask wenger sake after every poor performance,because they both lack long time descipline.because we fan contribute money,time and our blood perssure to watch every match.

  93. Tony

    Dec 09, 2012, 9:05 #29336

    Sami Nasri at the Lane two years ago.

  94. Theo Jensen

    Dec 09, 2012, 9:05 #29335

    Was it Aston Villa at home last season in the FA cup? I agree with you re: the sponsorship money... I'm not only lacking in confidence regarding who he buys but for what position... We still don't have a proper holding midfielder or right-sided winger in the starting XI or reserves. Oh well, the Premier League is so weak these days I wouldn't write off us reaching fourth place...

  95. Michael

    Dec 09, 2012, 8:52 #29334

    West Brom were poor we where a bit better that summed up the game.We got the rub with all the decisions.Gervinho makes Walcott look like Messi.Gervinho is well up there with the worst players who have ever played for us.Remember Wenger paid £12m for him.The same amount as the slow Giroud who cant play as a lone striker.We need a box striker like Huntelaar

  96. Mikyboy

    Dec 09, 2012, 8:38 #29333

    why haven't you condemned the blatant cheating???

  97. gooner aaron

    Dec 09, 2012, 8:16 #29332

    last time we scored two penalties in one game was against villa in the FA cup last year i reckon.