Someone at Arsenal needs to have the balls to sack the manager

Humiliation and Disgrace at League 2 Bradford

Someone at Arsenal needs to have the balls to sack the manager

It’s sad that it has been allowed to come to this. Year on year, Arsenal have slowly slipped in quality. They were good enough, we believed, to win the title in 2008, but lacked the ‘mental strength’ (to quote Arsene Wenger) and the defensive knowhow when the pressure was on, to see the job through. Since then, humiliation after humiliation has been suffered to such an extent that they are no longer a surprise. But surely, the elimination of an almost full-strength side by a team three divisions below must rank as the worst of many disgraceful performances overseen by Arsene Wenger during the past five seasons.

Ivan Gazidis is scheduled to meet supporters for a Christmas drink on Wednesday evening at the stadium. I wonder if he will develop a cold between now and then? If he has the balls to face the paying punters, then surely he has the bollocks to take the cold hard decision that it is time for the club to move on and recruit a new manager. Because enough is enough and there is no way back for this team now, not under the current coaching regime – one which is solely about Arsene Wenger’s methods with no delegation. And they are failing if your criteria for success is challenging regularly for trophies.

Arsenal did not register an attempt on target for 70 minutes. Gervinho and Aaron Ramsey were woeful in particular, but only Jack Wilshere really came out with any credit from the starting eleven. Thomas Vermaelen struggled against lower league forwards. Zonal marking once again led to the concession of a goal from a set piece. The club need to rebuild, with a manager that will take no prisoners and start pulling up players for poor performances, assess the squad ruthlessly and get very busy in the transfer market. A new name could be brought in to start the rebuilding job in time for the Monday night visit to Reading. And trust me, major surgery is required because of the way the squad has been allowed to slip in standard.

In 1992, Arsenal lost to Wrexham, but in all honesty, were the victim of some atrocious officiating that afternoon in Wales. No such excuses this time. Arsenal were eliminated fair and square by a team that expended more energy and demonstrated superior resolve. Technique isn’t everything, although half the Gunners’ line up lacked even that.

The starting eleven – with only Coquelin not an established first team regular – indicated how seriously Arsene Wenger now regards the need for an actual trophy to be won. But the line-up was not good enough, in spite of, one suspects, some individual players earning more in a week than many of the Bradford players do in a year. And what that means is that the current Arsenal squad simply isn’t good enough. Let’s face it, individually, there are some decent enough players. But as a collective they are incapable of beating a League 2 side in 120 minutes. And that is down to the manager.

Ivan Gazidis told supporters at a Q&A event in May 2011 that, in terms of the decision of his future, the manager was answerable to supporters. He then backtracked and said actually it was the board. We can’t keep pretending any more. If it is just about revenue, and Wenger can achieve profits by selling the club’s better players, then come out and say so. But if trophies are the genuine priority, it has to be time to move on. Six years is long enough. Wenger would have been slung out on his ear by a Roman Abramovich for picking the team he did in the Carling Cup Final in 2007. What a heinous piece of self-indulgence that was. And you know what, going on trophy count since, that would have been the right decision to make.

AKBs ask who could you possibly get to replace him? For £7.75 million a year, which is what Wenger is getting now, the answer to that is pretty much anyone you care to name. Pep Guardiola isn’t doing much at the moment, for one. Knows a thing or two about winning trophies and getting highly paid players to work their socks off to win the ball. And there are many talented managers who can organize and motivate far better than Arsene Wenger as the performances of their teams demonstrate.

The cry for a change of manager is not a knee-jerk reaction. I have been asking for it for a long time now. But Bradford away, surely, with the team picked and their lack of ability to break down a League 2 defence, has to be the final straw. Seriously, what will it take to force the board to do the right thing for football reasons? Oh, I forgot, there aren’t any football men on the board any more. What it will take for Arsene Wenger to get the chop is for profits to fall. Well, no fears there. If Theo can be sold in January, and Jack can follow next summer, the healthy balance sheets will remain. In the words of former Spurs manager Keith Burkinshaw, there used to be a football club over there. If there still was, Arsene Wenger would have been shown the door long ago…

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  1. mbg

    Oct 04, 2015, 16:07 #76995

    Hiccup, petition time again ?

  2. jeff wright

    Oct 04, 2015, 13:29 #76988

    jj, Wenger's claims based on a few clean sheets last season kept by Ospina that this makes him world class is just more comical Arsene nonsense. Cech is the better and more experienced GK of the pair and should have played in the CL games you don't need to have worked one day in football to work that out

  3. jjetplane

    Oct 04, 2015, 12:34 #76985

    Even funnier is Wenger's own incorrect stats re Ospina at that press shindig. That is probably why he caught the flak as the first law of arrogance is making up your own agenda. He basically said Ospina is the best GK in the world and apparently played a lot more games that we have witnessed. Perhaps it is just age that lends itself to the AKB narrative.

  4. jeff wright

    Oct 04, 2015, 12:08 #76984

    Mourinho's demands for new players to be bought in every season Westie is in my view the clue to why he suffers from the terrible third season syndrome. Mourinho's powers of motivation wear off after a period of success on his players familiarity breeds contempt creeps in along with complacency. Bringing in or not doing so new players though causes problems of its own Mourinho tries to get back the old motivation on the previously successful older players by criticizing them in public but history shows that this fails to do it and he ends up instead losing the changing room as a result of that.Wenger has his own problems with his comfort zone to players approach and his ludicrous defending them from criticism not being conducive to motivating them .Wenger's tactical and defensive coaching also leaves a lot to be desired.

  5. Westlower

    Oct 04, 2015, 11:54 #76983

    @JJ, That's my point, DB10 got a red card for his indiscretion(s), how often do you see a Chelsea player get sent off? As for Maureen managing his players well, what's he doing now by humiliating them in public? His win at all costs philosophy has come back to bite him in the arse & it's good to see. Yes, Storey was a thug but he was OUR thug.

  6. jjetplane

    Oct 04, 2015, 11:04 #76980

    On the other hand WestIE old Arsene knows how to manage players and that is why they all left in order to get a proper medal as will Sanchez and Bellerin. I take you were not also too taken by DB10's occasional clump in an opponent's face. Perhaps in your skewed limited world Storey was a thug .... Bout time you bought a new record.

  7. Westlower

    Oct 04, 2015, 8:19 #76974

    @Jeff, My theory on why Maureen never lasts long at any club is because his players tire of becoming workhorses & serial ankle tappers. He needs the refs to be complicit with his frequent fouling tactics. He's a master at substituting before the 2nd yellow becomes a reality. He's taken the edge of Hazard by asking him to work his socks off & dismissed the talented Mata & De Bruyne because they wouldn't conform to his brand of football played on the edge of the rule book. Costa typifies Maureens ideal player - a thug masquerading as a footballer.

  8. Danny

    Oct 04, 2015, 3:44 #76971

    Yes, MAUREEN is under pressure and that will be sorted when Courtois returns. They miss him. Arsenal in the other hand do not give a toss for teh true fan. until the idiot fans keep on rolling in the emirates and pile up the cash, nothing will change

  9. Gaz

    Oct 03, 2015, 23:53 #76970

    If that last post from Jamerson doesn't make you see that he's no Gooner and just some spud on a wind-up nothing will...

  10. Cyril

    Oct 03, 2015, 23:25 #76969

    Ron, a bit down with the rugby. A real '****show' to be honest. The forwards played weak and we never turned the ball over once. The backs not to blame, however my acumen is very patchy in this sport. Well, we still have Scotland, Wales and Ireland left to do us proud. Just like the Arsenal tomoz, er - I hope!!!!

  11. Ron

    Oct 03, 2015, 22:55 #76968

    AKB - I can see yr point too. 2 points if we count the pup! ha

  12. Arseneknewbest

    Oct 03, 2015, 22:44 #76967

    Ron - you could be right - I'm possibly clutching at straws (after all, there have been lots of times as bad as this results-wise in the past decade), but I think fans and more crucially the media will be sharpening the guillotine, maybe even regurgitating some of that "specialist in failure" rhetoric on AW's doorstep. And he's losing it badly with the press which ought to be sign of impending departure (and a subtle message to the top brass to shuffle the pack. Andries Jonker?? Hell, I'd take the andrex puppy at this stage!

  13. jeff wright

    Oct 03, 2015, 22:33 #76966

    Arseneknewbest, tbh I can only see missing out on the CL next season being enough to see Wenger wishing us au revoir .I can't see him sticking around to play Thursday nights two seasons in a row in the Ropey - or if by some chance he avoids it this season even for next . Mourinho is in more danger with Rom not suffering fools gladly. Stan is happy with the CL cash he is not interested in anything else .

  14. Ron

    Oct 03, 2015, 22:15 #76965

    Arseneknew - to be honest i reckon if JM collapses his house of misery first, its bad for us. AFC and Wenger would see it as respite. They d celebrate it and kinda see it as a Wenger at last beat Mourinho moment albeit not on the pitch, thus 'proving' Wenger was right all along?. They would see it as self fulfilling and justifying yet more of this tripe we ve got now i think.

  15. jjetplane

    Oct 03, 2015, 21:54 #76964

    Reality check - went to see my local team in the FA Vase today and we got slapped 3-0 by a team who were basically bigger and swore more. Put this together with going out of another cup last Tuesday, the manager walking out on Wednesday and two players going to our 'rivals' but it was sunny and we had our bonfire night and so we live to fight another day. As for Arsene Wenger - what does he know about football. I ask ya! Right - Toffees turn tomorrow .... Good to see Plymouth on a roll - good memories down that way watching them if we weren't out fishing.... Everywhere we go ....

  16. jeff wright

    Oct 03, 2015, 21:35 #76963

    Both Wenger and Mourinho are struggling for results however the Portugeezer is the only one of the irritating twosome who is under any real threat .Mourinho oddly enough ,despite his huge success in winning MAJOR trophies, never managers to see out his contracts to the end of them. In the third season things always go wrong for him then he loses it and upsets his players and staff with fatal consequences for himself. Our own specialist in failure has had things a bit easier with 4th place being job done for donkey's years ( he-haw ! )and his rather fortuitously winning 2 FA Cups, albeit sod all else in the last 10 years, despite multi-millions spent ( Wigan and Portsmouth did it on a shoe - string budget both were also relegated afterwards!) is for our tetchy Monsieur claimed to be progress and Street parties are held to celebrate it. Well they are now days because it was not always so... You couldn't make it up.

  17. jjetplane

    Oct 03, 2015, 21:25 #76962

    Dear old Westie does like to cherry pick the Telegraph and now John Cross has done a Simon Rose too and Amy was throwing out her dingy into clear WOB waters. We await Baddie under a new WOB moniker though like Jamerson it would be easy to spot. Best thing they can do is get themselves down the Lane before it's too late lol! Where is their staying power when the boss er clearly has no need for them because it is official - 'Arsene is not playing anymore'....

  18. Ron

    Oct 03, 2015, 21:16 #76961

    Saw that article Mark. Very impressive and well crafted wasnt it. Cdt be argued, though as the Westie/Badarse duopoly stop spluttering (if they dare read it of course) they ll soon espouse and explain to you, its all part of a biased media, unprovoked attack on Wenger and his methods and you ll be deemed the sucker for being brainwashed by it You ll become a better person for heeding the lessons these scribes will soon correct you with though mate. How dare you view a Neville report favourably! Its an outrage, a disgrace, an utter and total disgrace i tell you!!

  19. anti wenger

    Oct 03, 2015, 21:12 #76960

    Arsene wenger is the only one who's failed to beat this sorry Chelsea side at the moment. Shame. Not because we're not better than them,but the man on the bench can't just shake off this psychological weakness that makes his team to collapse under the slightest bit of pressure. The same weakness that will make us lose to ManU tomorrow,for the uptenth time.

  20. Ron

    Oct 03, 2015, 21:06 #76959

    Hear Hear CG. It perhaps makes AFC/Wenger wince a bit though. Ronnie K lost half a team and put another back together in one close season then a yr later attacks Chelsea at the Bridge like that with a certainty that Wenger cdt ever contemplate these days. Im not totally sure he ever has in fact.I perhaps missed him buying his 35/40 Million quid players though!! JJ - Yes, they l still have their rump of 17000 fans to rattle about there once the wallets gone and the bubbles deflated. JM could actually yet throw his toys from the bathwater before Wenger does? The PL will be a far better place once both are gone anyway in my opinion mate. The one thing they both have in common is that theyre both mardy arsed sulking f----rs so we ll keep a watching brief shall we.

  21. Mark from Aylesbury

    Oct 03, 2015, 20:58 #76958

    Jamerson - what are you on? To compete with the 'Major Prizes' you have to be in the top 3 but more importantly top 2 as then you are genuinely in a two horse race. Remind how long has that been? The other major prize Europe. You have got to be able to fight your way to the semis again we are constantly knocked out at quarter final stage. That is not competing for major prizes! On a further subject very good article from G Neville in the Telegraph. Would love to have that man at Arsenal he is very respectful of us to.

  22. A Cornish Gooner

    Oct 03, 2015, 20:56 #76957

    Just to say, whether we are AKB or WOB, Chelsea 1 Southampton 3 is a great result. We should all be enjoying the moment. It doesn't get much better than this.

  23. jjetplane

    Oct 03, 2015, 20:30 #76956

    Its all lost on WESTIE RON - bit much at his age. As we say it's hopefully about the teams who have been threatening for a few years though am excited as to how Abramovitch will deal with his chelski toy .... If he walks and they end up in the Championship - that would be a laugh. Nice distraction from Arsene's own nightmare on the brew. Both rubbish and deserve each other and so the PL is dead/long live football!

  24. Jamerson

    Oct 03, 2015, 20:26 #76955

    Wenger is still head and shoulders above all the other managers in Europe,he's always up there fighting for the major prizes while the rest are up and down..

  25. Seven Kings Gooner

    Oct 03, 2015, 20:10 #76954

    Simon: had you wrote this 6 - 7 years ago, about the time the ref outrun Denilson, I would have been impressed. I think you should read some of Ron, JJ, & MBG previous posts then you will be up to speed as a genuine force for change. 4

  26. Ron

    Oct 03, 2015, 19:44 #76953

    Tread warily JJ, appreciating other Clubs football will see you a marked man on here as the AKB s release the might of their intellect upon you! Take a look there at how their celebrating Saints (albeit with a sinister agenda) yet have not once made any positive comments ever before re Saints Everton Hammers Leics Palace et al. Sickening, though i suppose in their minds it serves a purpose in deflecting things away from our esteemed leader and our own teams frailties.

  27. Westlower

    Oct 03, 2015, 19:30 #76952

    Ankle Tappers 1 Southampton 3. We love you 'special one' we do, we love you 'special one' we do, oh Maureen we love you. 1-0 up, 1-3 down, na,na,na,na,na,na,na,na........

  28. jjetplane

    Oct 03, 2015, 19:25 #76951

    Looking forward to seeing pics of Obram .... with his mafia mates. Hope he walks out of the game and they shelve the stadium and Koeman is back! And Palace and please Everton - this is almost fun now!

  29. Arseneknewbest

    Oct 03, 2015, 19:14 #76950

    Chelski lose again at the bridge of doom - could Moaninho become a specialist in getting sacked by corrupt oligarchs? Who knows, there could be two major dismissals this weekend if the boys don't make up for OGL's chronic lack of footie management ability against manure tomorrow.

  30. Carlos

    Oct 03, 2015, 15:32 #76948

    “you cannot get away with a lack of defensive nous if you seriously want to win the Champions League.” You don’t need to have managed at the top level for 30 years to realise that this is the case. The manger’s own team is a case in point as the only time they have come close to winning, the run to the final was based around defensive solidity. However, the question I have is; does the manger seriously want to win the CL? Is qualification for the CL a means to trying to win it and to compete with the best? Or is it just a means to an end, the end being to bring large sums of money into the club to keep cash balances healthy? There is a streak of cynicism and manipulation at the top of the club which takes fans for fools. “Success” is qualification for a competition we not only have no hope of winning, but which we make no real effort to try to win by addressing shortcomings in the team which everyone can see. The manager said he was accountable for the way the team played and the results achieved, sadly the typically lazy journalist failed to ask who he was accountable to. Certainly not the flotsam in the stands.

  31. Hiccup

    Oct 03, 2015, 15:10 #76947

    This article is offensive and I'm surprised the AKB's haven't been screaming for it to be removed. Our football is out of this world and the AKB's love our gung ho style. To say this is playground football is an insult to Wenger. As Wenger says, you are only as good as your last game, unless of course we lost that game, then you just go back to the last game that we won. Hilarious stuff. Does Jamie write Wenger's answers for him?

  32. jjetplane

    Oct 03, 2015, 13:32 #76946

    Think of your career, the name plate being unscrewed as we post by Westie will have to get Jamerson in for note taking during 'the interviews.' Time for a new signing ..... Well done MR Rose and where there's a WOB there's a way.

  33. Mark from Aylesbury

    Oct 03, 2015, 13:13 #76945

    Simon - you can't leave it like this, the editor has asked you a soul searching question. You also appear to be going through a transition ( thoughts of Kaitlin Jenner) eeek. No need to shave your Adam's apple and have painful corrective surgery to flower into a WOB!

  34. jeff wright

    Oct 03, 2015, 12:29 #76944

    Sacre bleu! Simon has finally discovered what many of us have known for donkeys years that Wenger's coaching and tactics just do not work against opponents who exploit the obvious weaknesses in them. You can get lucky in the FA Cup and win it , many average sides have done so over the decades. You need more than luck though to win a league title over the course of a season or a European Cup where the standard of opponents is much higher in the knock-out stages . Wenger was blessed with better players and played in a weaker Prem league in his glory days at Highbury and that scenario helped to cover for his tactical and other weaknesses even so he still could not triumph in Europe and also should have won one or more league titles with his sides than he did do. The recent FA Cup wins have been overrated any side can win the FA Cup and they have done. However, Europe is tougher . You don't meet Wigans or Readings in the Champions League semi-finals or Hull and Villa in finals.In Villa's case of course that was not true years ago back in the mists of time ,but it is a different ball game now. Wenger is currently the longest serving top club manager in Europe and in England and it is no coincidence that he has never won a European trophy but has won 6 FA Cups .It is hardly rocket-science to work out why this is.

  35. Bard

    Oct 03, 2015, 12:21 #76943

    Bloody hell Simon have you been in a coma this last 10 years. What's suddenly happened to move you from AKB to Wob. Nothing I disagree with in your post. I am amused that we havent has decent keeper for donkey's years and when we get one we dont play him.

  36. Roy

    Oct 03, 2015, 11:52 #76942

    It has come to that point in time where the answer to the Website Editor's question is an unequivocal 'YES' Glad to save you the bother of answering that one, Simon.

  37. jjetplane

    Oct 03, 2015, 11:41 #76941

    The conceit in the above is still the 'inferior opponent' tag to explain the losses. Why not just say beaten by better, more organized teams which then puts this anti-tactical shambles into perspective. I fully imagine Leicester would have done better than Arsenal against those sides. Arsenal are just plain average in a silly league and any team it seems in Europe can prove that By you writing this piece does that somehow make it 'some official fan line' though we have been talking about it since Arsenal lost to PAOK 170 CL games ago. Even funnier that the doddering prof is not aware it is 19 years of watering broccoli he has subjected us to. Now that is arrogance on a grand clinical scale. Do like Martinez but hope he takes his own club further and moves ahead of this sorry Arsenal along with Palace, West Ham and maybe even the Spuds.

  38. Hiccup

    Oct 03, 2015, 11:34 #76940

    Mark, you ask what is the answer? Well the defence as a whole is fine, otherwise Wenger would have bolstered it on the summer. We signed Cech to solve the goalkeeping issue. We were told Coquelin was fine as a DM. So we started the season with all the dumb AKB's telling us all was fine and Wenger was right not to strengthen. Add to that, we are told Wenger has been doing a great job for years, then that to me says we should be fine. We are told there is no one out there better than Wenger too? The real issue as Wenger points out, is the amount of bad luck we have. There's really nothing that can be done. A new manager wouldn't necessarily stop the bad luck. Anyway, it is not for the AKB's to find the solutions. Nowadays, they just keep pointing out all that is going tits up, and are happy for it to continue. Just get behind the team and put up with this sh!t that Wenger recycles every season.

  39. Ron

    Oct 03, 2015, 11:15 #76939

    Wenger has relied on sub standard defenders for many years Simon. I dont need to name them but theres a long list of players, some of whom are and were barely Championship standard. However, where hes really failed is in his inability to adapt to the style of defending that modern football involves and thats to defend as a team, A team defends from the front, back through its midfield these days and its partly i think a response to the shortage of great individual defenders. This hasnt been possible at AFC as hes concentrated on fleet footed, small, light players with the emphasis being on creativity. These types have little to no defensive acumen so the actual defenders , who arent exceptional players are always facing being exposed and more often than not, are exposed. Expose a Per Mertersacker standard player and its curtains, we ll concede and often do. Im sure Wenger still sees football teams as compartmentalized ie attackers have their job, defenders have theirs and middle players are there to create. Hes belatedly making a passing regard to midfield defensive discipline at the moment by including Cocquelin in his thinking, but lets be honest, hes a harrier and worker but never going to be a top class performer. In addition, Coquelin is in there doing what he does, but playing as an individual, gamely,often frantically trying to plug gaps nontheless. He cant be everywhere doing this while others abdicate any sense of defensive responsibility (we know who the culprits are here too). I wont mention Keepers too much. Its all been said for yrs. The ones we ve had have been deplorable and in my view Cech isnt such a massive upgrade. Hes better, but thats not hard given those who came before him, but hes not near the man he was 4 or 5 yrs ago. Essentially Wenger hasnt moved on tactically. Other Coaches have. At 66 hes not going to either. Dispense with Wenger? Yes, in my view, but it leaves a new man with Kroenke and AFCs steerage intact doesnt it. With a most progressive new Coach, i fear for him and add to that the likely reality that Wengers going to still be stalking the corridors of the Club. My fear is that Henry is coming in as a sort of seamless bearer of Wengers torch. Disaster looms in my view, if im right. The Club needs massive change from top to bottom before things improve markedly.

  40. mbg

    Oct 03, 2015, 11:14 #76938

    Mark, maybe our Simon has eventually seen the light (it's took him long enough)like numerous others are doing, now all he has to do is answer the Website Editor's question and we'll be sure, a simple yes or no will suffice.

  41. Exeter Gunner

    Oct 03, 2015, 11:10 #76936

    A good articulation of an undeniable, oft prescribed problem. We won't see it addressed as that would require a level of adaptation, leadership and organisation that goes against the manager's philosophy.

  42. Mark from Aylesbury

    Oct 03, 2015, 10:50 #76935

    MBG - you make a very valid point. Simon is obviously intelligent, lucid and can carry an article. So why has it taken him so long to reach this understanding? It generally leaves me perplexed a bit like the American gun lobby it seems to fly on the face of reason and commonsense. I think those that run Arsenal as they seem to have a love in with Bayern should bloody act like Bayern and that would mean bringing in a real football guy in a senior position. I would take a UTD ex pro (Jesus that will get people hot under the collar). And a strong clear message on who we are and our intent!

  43. mbg

    Oct 03, 2015, 10:39 #76934

    The sides beating us are lucky, lucky we have a clueless manager.

  44. mbg

    Oct 03, 2015, 10:29 #76933

    Are you only realising all that now? some of us have been saying that on here for years, especially when we haven't the manager or players to do it, in fact you can't win anything with playground football unless the opposition roll over and allow their bellies tickled.

  45. danny

    Oct 03, 2015, 10:19 #76932

    We wont be in it next season

  46. Mark from Aylesbury

    Oct 03, 2015, 10:09 #76931

    Terry- there is a petition on with over a 1000 signatures on it. Maybe at least sign that if only to feel better in yourself. My general impression whenever this gets raised is that there is still a well of opinion that it is somehow bad taste. I'm an easy going sort of chap and was able to engage with some long term season ticket holders on my last visit. No fisticuffs envolved or raised voices but lots of what can we do, shrugs etc. For them It's like being trapped in a stale marriage with you as the instigator of the break. Some people feel terrible guilt. It is most odd. Ultimately I actually blame the board because they should set a clear vision and in this they have failed terribly. Many people are having their life long romance soured by this lot. Still change will come eventually it is inevitable.

  47. KC

    Oct 03, 2015, 10:08 #76930

    Good constructive post. It is the same weaknesses, season after season. It is boring but any team with Flamini and Arteta in the squad highlights Wengers complete lack of interest in defensive football. For nearly ten years we have been very poor when the opposition have the ball and so open to counter attacking football. He will not change or address it because his belief, arrogance etc will not allow him to see the obvious. Therefore we will never be able to be the best under him.

  48. Terry

    Oct 03, 2015, 9:48 #76929

    Will there ever be some coordinated 'fan' effort to get rid of Wenger?

  49. Website Editor

    Oct 03, 2015, 9:33 #76928

    Simon - Do you think a change of manager would improve the club's chances of success in Europe and the Premier League?

  50. Mark from Aylesbury

    Oct 03, 2015, 9:19 #76927

    My God, Sacre Bleu, mein Gott..... I actually agree with everything you say. So go on what's the answer? Simon it's in their somewhere. It involves a French man, some packed suitcases and a sorry goodbye! Ps don't let Jamerson blind you with his gung Ho ultimate loser cobblers

  51. Esso

    Dec 17, 2012, 9:17 #29786

    @Paddy Stood Up I am entitled as you say yourself to express my opinion. Which I am doing. Nothing shameful in that or refusing to agree with a load of interweb keyboard warriors. Your response is somewhat hoist by its own pertard (go and look it up).

  52. West

    Dec 16, 2012, 20:40 #29782

    Re NorthBank123 The point I was attempting to illustrate was that we live (imo) in a world where if its broken, get a new one. More so now than past times, I feel its reflected in the way some of the fans think today, but this was not intended to be insulting. Quite simply, we are now surrounded my so called experts who all seem to know whats wrong, but do not have an exacting solution. On RvP - I do not think there is a person with Arsenal connections anywhere that was expectingh RvP to be free of injury for so long. This must have been taken into consideration when Arsenal were deciding to re invest in this player (some credit to the Arsenal medical team perhaps? They spent so much time getting him into the condition he is in now). I frustrate that as a group of supporters we are not collectively backing the players and the team more. Persistence will overcome failure, it has to. The fact is that regardless of opinions, we all want Arsenal to do well. I feel AW is no JCL and wants the same. I certainly blame the players for the shallow performances and feel they let the manager down desperately at Bradford. It's true there is work to do, and how it's done is up to the manager. What is interesting is the former players of AW all back him. Come on Arsenal!

  53. Paddy Stood Up

    Dec 15, 2012, 9:10 #29732

    @Esso - Why do you think it is shameful to have an opinion? Especially one which a large number of people now agree with? You are quite welcome to hold a different view but I wouldn't describe it as shameful. The only thing which is shameful is your unwillingness to accept people are entitled to a view which is different from your own.

  54. Esso

    Dec 15, 2012, 8:55 #29731

    Shameful editorial.

  55. Chris

    Dec 15, 2012, 0:12 #29724

    @ Red Mist - yes, those stats you quote are true. But my point is that the season is not yet lost. To quote the great man "Judge me in May".

  56. Red Mist

    Dec 14, 2012, 19:13 #29720

    Chris its perfect comic timing to talk of restrictions put on wenger in the week we lose to bradford! That aside i agree things are looking up as you said we are only 2 points off 4th although only 2 off 12th and 9 off the relegation places but 15 from 1st. Theres nothing nothing like the truth the whole truth and nothing like the truth.

  57. Ron

    Dec 14, 2012, 14:44 #29715

    In terms of when Mr Wengers frailties and abilities as a motivator were brought into stark focus, i give you Sept 04. Utd 2 Arsenal 0. Old Trafford. Ok, Harshly done too that day, but the team sulked as he did, ref was blamed, Rooney was blamed, The Nevilles blamed, the toilet cleaners and cat at Old Trafford was probably blamed too and we hardly won a game until the turn of the year and the performances stank in the main as the Club collectively blew up and drowned in its own self pity as losing the 50th game.Ferguson would never have allowed sulking had the roles been reversed. You can have events of the last 3 years as evidence of doubts surfacing in Wenger if you want to,but for me it goes back to then.

  58. Chris

    Dec 14, 2012, 14:26 #29714

    @Red Mist - sorry I don't know what you mean (seriously). If you are saying that because Bradford beat Arsenal, it shows you don't need any money to win the Premier League, well I ask - where are Bradford in the league? Any team can beat almost any other in a one off game - eg Wrexham (92nd) beating Champions Arsenal in 1992.

  59. northbank123

    Dec 14, 2012, 13:21 #29711

    West - It's not really a case of an "on-demand society" imo. You make out as though people have turned on him at the drop of a hat but the fact is that going back to 2008 there were people suggesting he was no longer the right man to take us forward given our complete collapse and his willingness to let the only team we've had since we moved capable of success break up without a fight at all. The fans have largely remained behind him through years of mediocrity compared to what the fans pay and what the players earn in particular, and not winning a trophy. When we sold our best player to United and have struggled even more this year that will naturally tip the balance for many but it's insulting to suggest everybody has changed their opinions overnight. There's no guarantee that there will be success under a new manager but that's such a conservative reason to stick with Wenger. The only trophy we've got anywhere near winning since we moved was the League Cup in 2011. We blew our one real shot at winning the league in 2008 due to frailties that everybody could see existed and have only reached one FA Cup semi in that time, and the less said about the embarrassment against United in the CL in 2009 the better. At least a new manager would be focused on winning trophies rather than constantly reiterating how finishing 4th, even if it's 20+ points off the leaders and getting nowhere near success in any cups, is success for a club of our size and resources.

  60. TheManOnTheTube

    Dec 14, 2012, 11:42 #29705

    Bear this in mind of recent times: We drew with Leyton Ori-Orient at the Emirates almost 2 years ago. A decent League 1 side. On Tuesday we lost on PENALTIES to Bradford. Penalties. If anything we're getting worse, the writing should have been on the wall from the 90th minute against Orient. But no, Kroenke probably doesn't even know who the hell Bradford are, he probably thinks they're some NFL team or something! Get OUT of our club Stan and retire to your filthy £80m ranch.

  61. Red Mist

    Dec 14, 2012, 11:17 #29704

    Chris come on the old restrictions on Wenger gag has been blown out of the water erm by Bradford! You can't use that one anymore it's redundant. Although if you mean restrictions in the sense of bad players your mans still doing a great job of buying those and paying millions in fees and wages but it's the boards fault that one! Yeah we know

  62. Wenger please go

    Dec 14, 2012, 10:28 #29703

    In Arsene we trust and chris.why do you keep going on about respect for wenger,everybody knows what a fantastic manager he has been for us and no matter what anybody says nobody will take that away from him but to still support the man who has clearly lost the dressing room and does not show any of us fans respect by coming out with the rubbish in his post match comments.I.E the villa game when he says because he's managed 30 years in football nobody can question him? And at bradford he says he can't fault the players attitude and they gave everything? Don't make me laugh please.We would be happier if he said actually the performance was shocking and it's totally unacceptable.So yes he has earnt respect but it is rapidly running out for many of us.he doesn't have it anymore any manager in the prem would motivate our current team better than him.end of season he has to go.thankyou Arsene you were once brilliant but you no longer have a clue.

  63. Chris

    Dec 14, 2012, 9:36 #29702

    @ Stroud Green Road Boy - a wise decision on your part! We may be diametrically opposed but only one of us seems to have a problem acknowledging the other side of the coin. Yes, we can all see which way the wind of public opinion is blowing but I can't understand why you would have a problem with my opinions not changing like a leaf blown in that wind. Anyone can see we've got problems, but we're 2 points off 4th and finished 3rd last season (despite being 5th biggest spenders) and in we're in the knock-out stages of the CL yet again. The reasons that we aren't seriously competing for trophies go way beyond the manager and I, like many, do not believe that changing would necessarily be the panacea you seem to believe. I also find the level of personal abuse and character assassination of one of the greatest managers this club has had ever had, from people who have probably never met him, offensive and unacceptable. Perhaps if you made an effort to explain who we could realistically get to replace Wenger, who would do a better job given the restrictions that will continue to be placed upon the incumbent of the managers position, instead of spouting bile against us who don't believe in the revolution, things would be a little less unseemly.

  64. Adam Ant

    Dec 14, 2012, 9:34 #29701

    Dearest ppp - show me where I am screaming for Usmanov's cash. You can't because I dont. You have nothing relevant to contribute other than "Arsene Knows Best" - which he very clearly doesn't. And (obviously) neither do you.

  65. In Arsene We Trust

    Dec 14, 2012, 8:42 #29700

    @ Stroud Green Road Boy: yes, we must be wrong, because we have opinions totally different to you. Being sarcastic, btw. Why don't you provide counter-arguments as to why we are wrong, instead of just spouting generic responds. You calling us loud? When it's you anti-Wenger brigade think you are in the majority, when you are not, as well as the constant abuse you people make towards the manager who has given so much for the club. You people are the loudest, but let me remind you that it doesn't mean you're right, just look at your blowhard idol, Piers Morgan. Also, it's you lot who are getting desperate, I mean how low can you go with you lot wanting the club to lose, as well as celebrating with glee when results don't go the club's way, all because of your hatred of one man. Anyway, I'm expecting some arguments, but as Chris mentioned, I'll probably get the usual drivel from you. I suppose it's what I should expect from a boy. LOL.

  66. West

    Dec 13, 2012, 22:23 #29692

    Turning your back on the man who gave you (almost) everything, hmmmm. Having an opinion is fine, but todays "on demand society" is here for all to see. How many trophies have spurs won (In their HISTORY) never mind the last seven years? Having your expectations adjusted is part of life, and also being a football fan. If you started supporting Arsenal when AW arrived, your going to be a little frustrated right now. I was at wrexham, York and wallsall. But also lucky enough to be at anfield and numerous other great days for us. The point is, even if we won the League Cup, it just would not be enough for most. The easiest way to be right is to predict failure. I tend not to post on here now, its just a hate campain at times. This man you disrespect so much has given you so much. Heres a good idea.... how about giving him some support? The money he earns has nothing to do with any of this. All people in football earn a LOT of money! Its also worth pointing out that if you desire change, how will you react to the mistakes of another person, because they are a certainty!

  67. Stroud Green Road Boy

    Dec 13, 2012, 22:13 #29691

    @ Chris, everything you accuse me of, I accuse you of. All the arguments have been made already, in fact they're all here in this (must be record breaking) comment thread. We are diametrically opposed. I don't wish to engage with you any more as it's starting to feel a little unseemly so this is the end of this particular dialogue. Most of us can see which way the wind is blowing.

  68. Chris

    Dec 13, 2012, 21:31 #29690

    @Stroud Green Road Boy - I don't quite know what to say to that. By suggesting that because I don't think Wenger should be sacked, I'd rather follow him to his next club than continue supporting Arsenal, the team I have been following & supporting passionately for the last 35 years, you show yourself up as ignorant, arrogant and immature. As for my reasons of not wishing to see Wenger sacked (only some of which I have outlined here) - come on then, give us your reasonsed argument why the long term successes I have outlined are 'poor, nostaligc and tenuous', instead of just showing yourself up with you usually drivel about 'idols' and 'fundamentalism'. You sound scarily unhinged to me, accusing the likes of myself being driven only by faith, being scared of wenger leaving, wishing to follow our idol blah blah - lol! FFS get some perspective - he's not my idol and I'm not scared of him no longer being manager, anymore than I was of George Graham leaving, even though he'd brought a lot of sucess to the club. Grow up, your emnarassing yourself

  69. Stroud Green Road Boy

    Dec 13, 2012, 20:48 #29688

    In Arsene we trust & Chris - okay, you've provided some reasons for your support of Wenger. I think they're poor, nostalgic, tenuous reasons, and the reasons for him going are far more powerful, but there you go. I think the reason you've got so loud recently is it's becomimg clear your idol's time is coming to an end and it scares you. The momentum is shifting away from him very quickly now. Don't worry, I'm sure he won't retire so you can go and follow him at his next club.

  70. Red Mist

    Dec 13, 2012, 18:58 #29683

    I remember finishing 3rd in 81 but history just recalls Walsall and York from the early 80s 3rd who cares same as now top four! it will be the 8.2 and Bradford and the rest that football history will remember.

  71. Paul Heaton

    Dec 13, 2012, 17:59 #29680

    [email protected], mate, you say it like that's a bad thing! Did anyone see MOTD2 on Sunday and Moyes' reaction when they beat Sp*rs? Hunger, passion & ambition etched all over his face. Everton aren't a great side but they're a good side full of decent, competitive, aggressive players. Quite frankly that would be a massive step forward from where we are today. If you really can guarantee it - and twice you say that you can - then I'll certainly vote for you!

  72. northbank123

    Dec 13, 2012, 17:49 #29678

    JJB - I've never denied that he worked wonders pre-2006. He was arguably the best manager in the world then. But 6+ years on that's a moot point now. I simply don't accept that spending £50m A YEAR more than Spurs on wages to finish 1 point above them is a miracle. Yes, Ferguson wasted 7million on Bebe. But how many games has he played? Does he start every week and cost United points like Gervinho has with us? Wenger wasted £11-12million on Gervinho but instead of writing that money off he's so pig-headed that he continues to play him which hampers us week in week out ,refusing to admit that he made a mistake in signing him. You refer to anybody that doesn't share your opinion as a 'so-called fan'. Fact is that Wenger has already missed the window to walk away with 100% pride and dignity in tact. ANybody who desperately wants Wenger to leave suddenly isn't a fan in your eyes. And i won't "understand" him signing cack players and paying them too much? It's exactly what I've been saying. Identifying players to sign is his job, and deciding how badly we need them also. And name me 2-3 worse signings than Park and Santos that United and Chelsea have made in the last 16 months as you claim? The board haven't forced him to sign these **** players so you can't blame them for everything. The man is untouchable and that reflects in the fact that he appointed the CEO. As long as he continues to deliver decent profits the owner doesn't care about football. We've lived out the same season for the last 4 or 5 years. So forgive me if I'm not massively patient with a manager that still thinks he's doing a brilliant job by his own admission.

  73. loyal since 1980

    Dec 13, 2012, 17:31 #29677

    My view is this, there is no point in sacking AW if the current board are in place. All this talk about £70 million available to AW, is a smokescreen. We all know he won't buy top quality in January, because that is just his way. Also, the board know very well, that by bidding 30-40 million on a player will not suceed because we do not pay the wages, so why would that player join us? Its all about money. I will guarentee you all, if AW goes in the summer (which he won't)and the same board is in place, they will apoint David Moyes, i will guarentee it!

  74. The Fonz

    Dec 13, 2012, 16:36 #29674

    northbank123, your arguments dont make any sense!

  75. SilverGooner

    Dec 13, 2012, 16:12 #29672

    Am I the only one to have have breathed a huge sigh of relief when the Arsenal website announced that Gervinho has being called up to the Ivory Coast squad for the ACN? Lets hope they make it to the final on 14th Feb so we will be spared his utterly useless performances for 6 weeks.

  76. JJB

    Dec 13, 2012, 15:51 #29669

    @northbank123 - Fortunately for you, you are entitled to an opinion, unfortunately for the rest of us, your opinions are unintelligible.You are not even engaging with the discussion! The agreement here by almost all is that Wenger needs to go, so the pointless argument you are trying to construct makes no sense. What exactly is the point about your woeful Tony Adams analogy? The fact you can’t even acknowledge that Wenger has worked miracles at time to get us where we are, shows your own lack of knowledge on football overall, but don’t beat yourself up as it’s not uncommon with short term fans. At no point has anyone intimated that Wenger is a deity! Unfortunately for you, you have been hoisted firmly by your own petard, and you can prattle on all you want, but you need to go and have a good read about our history and how the football landscape has changed over the years. My original point (which has been lost in your own stupidity) is that Wenger need to leave, change is required, we can all see that, but god awful "fans" like you, could do with showing a bit more respect, and for every chamkah, squillaci and park you reel off, i can give you 2 or 3 worse names that have popped up at Utd, Chelsea and Liverpool. Bebe ring a bell???!! If you want to have a go at the manager then you need to do an awful lot better than pulling out some of the recent duds, because globally AW is recognised for having spotted and nurtured some of the best talents to have played in the Prem....yes he has signed some dross of late, and paid them awful wages, but that is an indictment of him doing too much at the club, and the board allowing him to do it on his own, but I don’t expect someone of your obvious limited "knowledge" to understand.

  77. In Arsene We Trust

    Dec 13, 2012, 15:37 #29667

    @ Stroud Green Road Boy: I already provided my arguments in my previous posts, but it goes in one ear and out the other with you anti-Wenger rabble. Already mentioned, how Wenger is doing a good job, despite the budget he had to endure, especially with comparison with the other top clubs like Manchester clubs and Chelsea, how Wenger is planning for long term, especially with FFP coming, but you lot seems to want short-term success and go on a spending spree on one summer like we're Chelsea, Man City, Real Madrid, etc. when spending £30 to £50 million on player doesn't guarantee success, look at Torres and the number of expensive flops at the Manchester clubs and Chelsea. Also, you people can't provide realistic manager who will do a better job than Wenger. Don't mention Guadiola or Mourinho because you know that kind of money they spent on their respective clubs will not be available if they come to Arsenal. Some saying Klopp? He might be doing fine at Borussia Dortmund, but the Premier League is different beast. I like to remind you that I have encountered some "Wenger Out" wanting to bring in AVB when he was manager at Porto. Laudrup and Moyes might be doing well at their respective, but if they manage a bigger club, they will probably won't be doing so well, just look at Roy Hodgson and Brendan Rodgers. But you people are blinded by your hatred for Wenger you people just looking at anyone without taking in some common sense. So take that as my arguments and don't say I didn't provide some. Otherwise, take the advise that Chris gave you. LOL.

  78. rafe

    Dec 13, 2012, 15:36 #29666

    Wengerand this team have become over-paid under-achievers.

  79. ppp

    Dec 13, 2012, 15:17 #29664

    Dear Adam Ant. With the greatest respect, you are joking i assume? How else to explain your squealing for Usmanov's money then turning round and telling those that support the club that it's them who are more interested in money than football! It's the kind of ridiculous paradox Wenger-Haters like yourself wind themselves up in. You scream like a baby for cash then lash out with illogical attacks on those who are behind the club, the manager and the players.


    Dec 13, 2012, 15:06 #29661


  81. Chris

    Dec 13, 2012, 14:34 #29658

    @Stroud Green Road Boy - again, what on earth are you on about? I & others have posted many times giving reasoned explanations for why we don' think that the loss of form we are witnessing at this time invalidatesa ll the factors / acievements I have outlined in post 32260. You may not agree with the reasoning but my position is no more an act of faith than yours. Please, think before you post, because it's a bit embarassing how you follow this line despite the evidence being i front of you. Or do you have trouble following a line of reason that doesn't go'AMG!'?

  82. Adam Ant

    Dec 13, 2012, 12:45 #29648

    Dear ppp, I support Arsenal Football Club and have done since 1970. You clearly support Wenger/Gazidis Franchise Ltd and as such don't belong on these pages. Isn't there some financial forum you could visit instead that applauds money over glory?

  83. northbank123

    Dec 13, 2012, 12:42 #29647

    JJB - I didn't say he only deserves credit for post-2006. Just that his pre-2006 achievements have become of less and less relevance to the question of whether he's the right man in the present to manage the club. Tony Adams was a top defender til he retired but I don't want him at centre-half in 2012 just because he used to do a good job. As for overachieving, if you think finishing above Spurs constitutes that then brilliant for you. But we spend £50m a year more than them on wages for a squad of equal quality, finishing above them shouldn't even be a target. If we were as financially prudent as people would have you believe then we'd spend 30% less on wages, wouldn't need to sell our best players to balance the books and in fact would have far more money for signing more players. And Wenger had a squad full of assets (admittedly of his own building) in 2005/6 of which he sold Cole, Henry, van Persie, Adebayor, Toure and Fabregas for a net sum of well over £100m, which has financed his subsequent purchases, whereas other clubs of similar net spend didn't have this revenue stream. Over the last two years he sold the best striker in Europe and used the proceeds to sign Gervinho, Park and Santos. You tell me that's enabling us to overachieve. Those players have contributed the square root of nothing while he's the reason United are points clear at the top of the league. Losing and not winning trophies is one thing, but the team presently has none of the professionalism, pride and class that used to define Arsenal. And particularly given how much money fans are expected to pay, it's not acceptable that he isn't even concerned about winning trophies. We turn up thinking we've already won games, we have no backbone whatsoever, the players are clearly immune to criticism from the manager and the way he conducts himself on the touchline and in interviews is a disgrace. We haven't beaten a top club in knockout competition since 2006, aside from possibly AC Milan in 2008 who were ageing and vastly overrated. We don't need to drop as low as Liverpool have but that's what's going to happen if he stays much longer. And as for your point on respect, as one of tens of thousands of people that has contributed significant money to the club over the past few years, I have a right to have an opinion on the club and question the manager whose salary of £7.5m I have effectively contributed to. Wenger clearly disagrees (post-Villa conference) and thinks anybody who hasn't worked 30 years in football doesn't have the right to an opinion on his performance. Yet I'm getting criticised for not holding him as a deity?

  84. Chris

    Dec 13, 2012, 12:12 #29643

    Sorry, should have checked properly before posting. In 32258 I meant "ie a passing team reliant on intuitive understanding of each other's MOVEMENT" & "I agree that by compromising his footballing principles Wenger could have had a better performing team in the short term - whether he has time to show that was for LONG term gain remains to be seen"

  85. Graham Simons

    Dec 13, 2012, 11:53 #29641

    Is anyone else starting to think In Arsene We Trust IS Arsene Wenger?

  86. lee Armitt

    Dec 13, 2012, 11:30 #29640

    Excellent piece Kevin I agree with everything you've said

  87. Stroud Green Road Boy

    Dec 13, 2012, 11:07 #29639

    @ In Arsene We Trust, how about providing us with some of these 'facts' and 'common sense' then to back up your statement? If you look at the comments here, you'll find people giving many REASONS why they believe Wenger is no longer the best man for the job. 'Arsene knows best' is a statement of FAITH, can you not see that? I'm probably wasting my breath as I don't think you and your ilk are capable of following a line of reasoning.

  88. ppp

    Dec 13, 2012, 11:00 #29638

    Dear northbank123. I would ask you politely to stop embarrassing yourself and whichever club you support. I would ask anyone reading these comments to consider this - would a genuine Arsenal fan make a direct comparison between our greatest ever manager and Jimmy Saville? No, of course not... but that's what northbank123 has blithely done while giggling behind his keyboard like a child. Only a Tottenham fan or a Manc would do that. You have been found out, so goodbye... until you return under another name and are found out again - or maybe you might consider spreading some positive vibes around your own club instead of stinking out ours? I hope so.

  89. Andy M

    Dec 13, 2012, 10:43 #29637

    We need Guardiola and the ability to clone Jack Wilshere. That was the worst night to be a Gooner I've experienced. Best chance in years to win a trophy and we balls it up to a League 2 side. There aren't words.

  90. Graham Simons

    Dec 13, 2012, 10:41 #29636

    Budget Wenger has to endure?!!! then why the hell have the AST been told he has £50m-£70m at his disposal?!!! I want him gone because he doesn't spend the money well. We have just as many strikers as United but some of our forwards have been discarded. The next Arsenal manager has a real job on - spending a whole load of money isn't the answer - we need a manager who will coach the players we have already and make them beleive in themselves again. The first stage is coaching the defence properly the second is to put an arm around the likes of Arshavin, Ramsey and the Ox and get them playing to their strengths so they can move from the bench to the first team. The third job is get rid of the rubbish like Gervinho, Santos, Bendtner, Denilson and permacrocks like Diaby.

  91. Ron

    Dec 13, 2012, 10:39 #29635

    Just to say that im unsure whether David Moyes is cut out for anything bigger than or amounting to a greater challenge than what hes used to at Everton.I think he knows it too, hence his loyalty to Everton for so long.A very dour methodical man he is no doubt, but whether that would work at Arsenal, im not sure at all. Hes done well there, but theres no real pressure at all on him other than to 'make a good fist of it' and to stay respectable at a Club that for most neutrals is the favourite Club in the City in which he works, so hes got a lot going for him. Hes had a nice comfortable zone to live in for a long while. If hes any sense he ll stick with it too!

  92. northbank123

    Dec 13, 2012, 10:21 #29634

    At the end of the day I can't imagine too many of those posting on here are actually the ones who have forked out thousands of pounds every season to see it be put straight into the coffers and wasted on wages of players like Djourou, Squillaci, Almunia, Bendtner, Fabianski, Denilson, Rosicky etc, while we have sold by far our best players. Letting the Invincibles break up and replace them on the cheap was terrible management but ultimately could have been rectified, letting the one team since then that was capable of achieving anything (2008) break up through stubbornness was unforgivable. We haven't beaten a top side in a knockout competition since 2006, how can anybody think we're possibly going to win anything under Wenger? And those blaming 'the board', remember that Wenger was the primary force behind appointing Gazidis as CEO.

  93. JJB

    Dec 13, 2012, 9:36 #29632

    @ northbank123 - I really hope we lose fans like you through all of this. Listen to the way you talk! You think you are owed respect when you dont give any yourself? What have you ever done hey? Dont give me that poor away fans nonsense, I am an away fan and I know the deal.....I follow mArsenal because they are the love of my life and losing is part of it unfortunately, doesnt mean im happy about it, but grow up! So Wenger only gets acknowledgement from 2006 does he? How dumb are you mate, do you have any idea how much he has overachieved at the club? To have a plus net transfer spend every year, and get us in the champs league consecvutively with both hands tied behind his back! You mug! Just shows you haw many tribal fans with no clue about football we have at Arsenal! As I said, its time for a change, but I am a purveyor of football mate, and I can see the bigger pciture, and despite the prevsious 7 barren seasons, I know that the cost of moving into a stadium and the restrictions up to now by the board of made his job very difficult, you think one 8-2 defeat to Utd changes that?? Despite that results we finished 3rd last season, above sp*rs! Thats more important, but idiots like you dont have a clue......!

  94. Chris

    Dec 13, 2012, 9:35 #29631

    @ Stroud Green Road Boy - what are you on about? People such as myself have many times constructed an argument as to why Wenger is doing a good job - based on 17 sucessive top four finishes, 13 consecutive CL group stage appearances and, on the basis of PL points won, out-performing the budget available to him - being knocked out of the whatever cup by whoever wouldn't change that argument (finishing the season 8th might..). You may not think those stats are enough but I'm surprised you are coming on here saying that no argument has been made - it has and I think you know it, even if you don't accept it. As for the difference between supporting Arsene and suporting Arsenal - if you are one of the 'fans' that want Arsenal to lose to hasten Wenger's demise then you're right - I don't understand anyone who prioritises their hatred of Wenger over support of Arsenal (ie wanting them to win), even on individual matches. So you can take your nuances and stick them where ever you see fit.

  95. Chris

    Dec 13, 2012, 9:20 #29630

    Wenger is culpable for the poor managment of the transition from project youth and that is partly to blame for the current plight of the team. However, the turnover of players including the loss of all the crown jewels in recent seasons (bar Wilshere - who's coming back from a 18 month lay off) has left him in a very tight spot with regards to creating a team along the lines of his ideology - ie a passing team reliant on intuitive understanding of each other's passing. It's no coincidence that this team performed far better at the beginning of the season, after several weeks of constant coaching to foster integration. Now, as the games are coming thick and fast and coaching time is limited, things are falling apart a bit. That's not really surprising - look at Newcastle this season compared to last and you see how difficult conpeteing in the PL and Europe is! As for the question of why we have lost our top players - undoubtedly failure to win trophies has lead to some of them wanting to leave - and that's down to failure to invest in the squad after 2008 in my opinion. Moderate investment then could have seen us compete, whereas now it wouldn't. Why that investment wasn't made holds the key to who is truly culpable for the current plight of the team in my opinion and no matter what they say, no here can really know the ins and outs of that (I would love to be corrected with hard fact). I agree that by compromising his footballing principles Wenger could have had a better performing team in the short term - whether he has time to show that was for short term gain remains to be seen.

  96. Petrovic

    Dec 13, 2012, 9:19 #29629

    ...seems the player exodus have had the reasons vindicated in full!

  97. Alsace Lorraine De Totteridge

    Dec 13, 2012, 9:14 #29628

    There are a lot of AKB's rather bravely defending what has become a hopeless position. If they weren't defending something that is slowly ( make that rapidly) destroying the club, I would give them credit for that. They are however wrong. The Board are not responsibile either for strategy or tactics. The good players that Wenger buys, he destroys. It's happening in front of us. There is no humiliation, no defeat, no embarrassment big enough for the AKB's to be shamed into the admission that their messiah is wrong. When you can't reason with someone you have to either walk away or fight. We can either shout them down within the stadium or walk away. The criticism is getting to the Manager and we now have the conduit to make the noise so bad for him that he goes. As to his replacement, frankly anyone who has a plan and can make what remaining good players we have, understand it. If we go for an established manager with the help of an ex arsenal player, we may even get some returnees, from those players have walked because they realise that Mr Wenger does not know what he is doing.

  98. In Arsene We Trust

    Dec 13, 2012, 8:44 #29626

    You anti-Wenger rabble are a riot. First you go on not caring about the Carling Cup or The Capital One Cup or whatever it's called, now you're moaning like we are out of the Champions League. LOL. No matter what Wenger does, he just won't win with you lot and all your whining. You'll see at the end of the season that Wenger will still be the best man for the job. It's not based on faith, it's common sense. You lot want to bring in Guardiola or Mourinho thinking they can do a better job than Wenger with the budget that Wenger had to endure. It's you people that are relying on faith, not facts and common sense. Once again, Arsene knows best.

  99. Tony Evans

    Dec 13, 2012, 8:36 #29625

    Goonercolesyboy - If 7 years of Wenger failure (bar the 4th place trophy of course) has not turned you in to a cynic then nothing will. You must tell me where you buy your rose tinted specs from!

  100. Anna Mary

    Dec 13, 2012, 6:38 #29624

    U guys need a break.... Wenger out and then who comes in ??? We'll end up like Liverpool. Spuds or Everton will take our positions in the CL spot. Maybe everyone needs to shut up. Give Wenger time till the end of the season...

  101. Thailand Gooner

    Dec 13, 2012, 3:21 #29622

    Just as was said on the podcast last month, Bould and Wenger not getting on.... zonal marking etc and that Bould drilled the defense in pre season and not since which would make sense what with the clean sheets at the start of the season. Then Wenger gets the hump with Bould getting credit and tries to make him a cone man like Stewart Houston! I think that Bould is a stronger characther and Wenger won't like that. It aslo makes me wonder how Pat Rice put up with it for so long (I don't like to think of a great man like Rice being a yes man puppet).

  102. aabbs7

    Dec 13, 2012, 2:34 #29621

    Your chatting ****. Wenger is working under constraints, hes fighting with 1 hand tied behind his back. The new stadiums well and truly screwed us, add 2 that the sugar daddys funding Man ****ty and Chelski, Man Ure are running on debt. You lot blaming Wenger shows your not looking at the whole picture, its the board that needs kicking out. No other manager could do what Wenger has done with that amount of money. I dont believe all this bollocks about money being available for transfers. All the money goes in2 the boards pockets. We have the highest paid directors in football. As for wenger replacements, Guardiola done great things, but he coached that side from the youth levels, dont 4get he bought Hleb, swapped Eto plus 10 million for Ibrahimovic. Guardiola is a great manager and managed probably the greatest side ever. But I really dont think He'd do it without that barca system in place.

  103. maguiresbridge gooner

    Dec 12, 2012, 23:39 #29620

    Totally agree with A&F when he says make yourself heard it's the only way, boycotting games is all well and good but there's nothing that gets the hierarchy or board members squirming in their posh seats and choking on their remy martin more than fans making themselves heard, especially when their chanting at them by name,whether it be sack the board,we want gazidis out,we want hillwood out,we want wenger out etc.Very embarrassing fans unrest very bad for the reputation and it's one thing they don't like especially when it's sure to be picked up by the TV companies, it's not good for business.This is the only action that will shake them out of their stupor, as their egos are that big none of them will want to be held responsible, and on top of that lose their overinflated salaries.With this course of action we might see action taken and change sooner than we think.

  104. Norwegian Gooner

    Dec 12, 2012, 23:14 #29619

    goonercolesyboy.....posted in haste amid all the excitement then noticed the me 'That Norwegian Bloke' if you wish to hunt me down when Le Prof delivers the European Cup.

  105. Gary

    Dec 12, 2012, 22:42 #29618

    Moyes would be a great option. The game on the weekend saw 2 goals in extra time vs spuds for the 2-1 result BUT the reaction from the Toffees was tremendous. You can tell there is real chemistry there which is a reflection of the manager. Recall the game against us and the work rate from start to finish by Everton was incredible. Also like what Laudrup has done at Swansea. Losing players and Brendan Rodgers , he has instilled some great football as well as picking up Michu, Hernandez and the defender (I cannot recall his name, Chico?) all at some bargain prices and all adapting quickly to the PL. Gems Wenger used to find. Michu is the leading scorer in the PL for a 2 million fee. Also I cannot watch Arshavin walk around the pitch and Walcott does not have the stomach for the fight as well. They are both defensive liabilities and need to be sold off. One striker,a good wing player, cover in the back and a true no nonense DM (Fellani) and we could right this but I am afraid that Wenger has lost the dressing room as well as the reliance of many of his own sub par players.

  106. jamie hunter

    Dec 12, 2012, 22:22 #29617

    Great post northbank 123. Anyone who still supports wenger, or clough as I now call him, consider this: arsenal have been in the champions league for 15 years, spurs have been in it once. For 7 seasons arsenal have been getting 20,000 more paying customers than spurs. Arsenal have had the same manager for 16 years, spurs have had a regularly revolving managerial door. And as a result of all that, last year we were ONE point better than them, and unless half their team die after Christmas, they will be finally, and it will almost be a relief in my opinion, ahead of us. Do you REALLY think this guy is the one you want in charge???!!!

  107. RichardS

    Dec 12, 2012, 22:15 #29616

    Well this article has sparked some took me about an hour just to read everyone's comments! I thought I would comment 24 hours after the give myself time to calm down. Sadly, that hasn't worked. People have pointed to bygone games such as Wrexham, Walsall and Luton the LC final. I was at Wembley for that game and can still remember being gutted, but for some reason, nothing feels as bad as it is now. I don't think there can be any question that Wenger needs to move on and I believe that a new manager would give our team a fresh start. However, I still have utmost respect for Wenger and will not throw insults at the man. He deserves more than that. The players have to shoulder some of the responsibility, as well as the board. After the WBA game, I felt that Gervinho should have been given more credit for a spirited display and that Ramsey needed our support, not a load of insults. Imagine if your employer told you you were s**t, every time you came to work? Not likely to motivate you, is it? However, after last night, I wished that I hadn't bothered. Gervinho was truly poor, despite a few glimpses of his potential. Ramsey did not have a good game and I found myself watching Cazorla to try and understand the difference between these two players. Whilst Cazorla did not have his best game, he was quicker, more accurate and always seemed to have more time than Ramsey. I suppose the difference between a very good player and an average one. I always felt that Ramsey would come good, but I am starting to doubt my own beliefs. Is this the impact of Wenger? Playing Ramsey as a right winger seems suicidal. Wenger knows far more about football than I do, but I have not seen Ramsey play one decent game from this position. It is glaringly why can't Wenger see it? What has happened to Gervinho? I simply cannot believe that a player who was regarded as a good talent, could perform so badly in a number of games this season. Podolski......he seems to have completely lost the plot, after such a bright start to his Arsenal career. Vermaelen looks a shadow of the player he was. The Ox has deteriorated. I can only conclude that they no longer believe in the manager. I watched the Bradford goal and it was so clear that the zonal marking was simply not working. It was embarrassing watching it on replays. This team is so low on confidence. That is obvious. It is also heartbreaking to watch. I don't believe that boycotting games is necessary. I believe that Wenger will go through his own decision, if he cannot turn results around and we finish the season outside the top 4 and trophyless. He will leave because of his own integrity. It is desperately sad to see a once great manager face such a decline in his own high standards. Finally, congratulations to Bradford, who thoroughly deserved their win and who produced such a magnificent defensive display. Vermaelen and co need to be shown repeats of this about a hundred times, so they can learn the art of great defending.

  108. AvenellRD

    Dec 12, 2012, 21:46 #29614

    That PPP cannot be Arsenal supporter.

  109. northbank123

    Dec 12, 2012, 20:26 #29612

    Okay time to stop it everybody, ppp has figured out that we're all Spurs fans and he's the only real Gooner here! We used to laugh at Spurs. Now we're engaged in a constant tussle with them, scraping home by 1 point last year, despite the fact that we spend around £50m a year more in wages. Their chairman is notoriously miserly, and they've hardly had a great constant manager over the last decade. How then do you explain them closing the gap so much? They don't have bags of money, they pay far less than us in wages, it's not managerial brilliance, so just maybe it's because we're actually underachieving. "It's like he didn't win the club doubles, league titles and FA cups for years". That's the point - he hasn't done that FOR YEARS. Football is littered with great managers who couldn't hack change. Imagine another manager had come in 2006 under exactly the same constraints and willingly sold off all of our best players and celebrated 4th place every year: would you defend him to the hilt? Presumably Jimmy Savile shouldn't be criticised either because everybody thought he was a great bloke in 2005 and he used to do some great work for charity?

  110. up4grabs

    Dec 12, 2012, 20:24 #29611

    Back pages today saying Fergie is planning another raid on our squad I.e. Walcott. This is Fergie being smart, he knows how demoralising it is to lose your best players to your (once upon a time) direct rivals. And Wenger gratefully obliges as he did with RVP, Nasri, Toure, Clichy etc. Reminds me of an encounter I had with George Graham at Highbury many years ago (i'd gone to sweep snow off the Clock End terrace for a cup match ticket). I suggested he make a couple of signings to strengthen the squad.... "Like who" he shot back, not impressed by some 15yr old squirt telling him his job...."McClair" I fumbled in reference to the out-of-favour United forward.... "We don't want their Cast Offs" he snarled. And that was GG, like Fergie always thinking of the big picture, and always treating Arsenal with the reverence it deserved. GG understood are history. AW simply chooses to dismiss it.... For this cavalier attitude alone he must go.

  111. Stuart

    Dec 12, 2012, 19:45 #29609

    Wenger, it's not us, it's you.

  112. MattGooner

    Dec 12, 2012, 19:38 #29608

    Great article! I agree with every comment, especially the clear lack of ability of Ramsey and Gervinho, but then the choice to bring off Podolski for another flop Chamakh! What goes on in Wengers head no supporter understands anymore! What will it take for something to CHANGE!!

  113. Big Andy

    Dec 12, 2012, 19:38 #29607

    The problem at our club is that there is a chronic failure of senior management. Yes, Wenger is past it and should go, but the Frenchman is only part of the reason why we are in such a mess. We have a chief executive who is worse than useless, and a majority shareholder who knows nothing about football and can't even be bothered to communicate with us. Even if Wenger goes I have no confidence that a decent replacement would be appointed - Gazidis and the Board know nothing about the game. What we really need is for Usmanov to take over.

  114. Ando

    Dec 12, 2012, 18:46 #29606

    Dont panic everyone. Diaby will soon be fit again and he will be like a new signing and we can still challenge for the title.Oh and by the way my penis is 9' long.Measured in ffp terms two years from now, that's 4.9 kilometers for those of you that do not understand the complexities of working half a day in football.

  115. maguiresbridge gooner

    Dec 12, 2012, 18:29 #29604

    A poster on here has said why would pep want to come to a club like this with the way we are at the minute and destroy his reputation a very good point.Another has said he's not going to end his sabbatical(sorry to many posts to go back and look for names) again a good point especially as he has let it be known he's fed up with roman hounding him.But what if he's deliberately stalling and waiting for an approach from arsenal ? I agree unlikely but there's only one way to find out.

  116. billthered

    Dec 12, 2012, 18:27 #29603

    I missed the game last night as I was on my way back from a week in Ireland where football is sub standard but they play with plenty of heart.Can someone who saw the game tell me if Arsene was right that he could not fault the effort of his players because according to the revues I have read that does not seem to be the case.If that is right then our manager has gone from not being able to see anything to one that now is seeing illusions.See you later Arsene dont leave it to the end of the season.

  117. goonercolesyboy

    Dec 12, 2012, 18:02 #29602

    @Its up for grabs now...not sure where I have ever written that Wenger is a messiah or is my hero, but then we can all put words into other people's mouths, maybe you work for the tabloid media? My recent posts, if you care to read them again, have been about the cynics that are regulars on this site. I support my team, home and away, and have seen the many ups and many downs and yes it does anger me that we were knocked out by a league 2 team and certain players just don't deserve to play for this great club or are playing in the wrong position or the formation needs to change. It doesn't mean that I have had enough and turn to cynicism as appears to be the norm on here. Next week it is Reading and then Wigan away. And finally @Norwegian Gooner, "your boys took a hell of a beating", who exactly do you support then?

  118. LJB

    Dec 12, 2012, 17:58 #29601

    ppp,i have come to the conclusion that actually it is YOU who are not an Arsenal fan.I think you are a fan of another club who, seeing how utterly inept Wenger has become,wants him to stay forever,thus making Arsenals decline absolute.The last thing you and your ilk want is Wenger to be replaced by a competent manager who would improve us.I suggest you return to your Spurs or Manc site and leave us to our misery.

  119. Nav

    Dec 12, 2012, 17:43 #29600

    I think Arsene Wenger is still living in the past, his tactics, team selection, his persistence with certain players is not at all fruitfull. Time to change Wenger or wenger should change ........

  120. There used to be a football club over there....

    Dec 12, 2012, 17:42 #29599

    There are far more pro Wenger postings than I expected on here today. I can only assume that this is the cyber equivalent of them gathering around their dear leader's metaphorical death bed.

  121. ppp

    Dec 12, 2012, 17:02 #29596

    Dear Adam Ant. The club aren't regressing. You are... into a spoiled child screaming for more money and more players or you'll stomp around screaming some more until eventually you give up and goto Chelsea - the sooner the better! Your rather desparate "you shame the fan base" insult sums up nicely what you and the rest of the anti-arsenal set are all about. NO ADAM, we support the team week in week out home and away - not sure what you do...

  122. Dan h

    Dec 12, 2012, 17:00 #29595

    For years the domestic cups have seen us field weakened teams not last night.No more excuses be it fatigue,pitch ref's etc.Everything comes to an end eventually from playing poor players out of position to the same formation be it Bradford or Barcelona.Most of the comments today are not too harsh the club as a whole is more than happy to settle for 4th best let alone anything else every season.Losers mentality blame everyone else but yourselves & back it up with straw man arguments.

  123. Reg

    Dec 12, 2012, 16:58 #29594

    @ppp - I've watched the Mee years, the Neill Years, the Graham years and the Wenger years and one thing is constant. They all had good (some great) sides but all lost the plot, lost the fans and lost the players. What they did previously didn't save them and it sure won't save Wenger too. Divorce is best swift and that's where we are so get over it!

  124. Stroud Green Road Boy

    Dec 12, 2012, 16:53 #29593

    Thanks to ppp for illustrating my point about Wenger acolytes having no constructive argumnet for his continuation in the role, simply 'he's the best manager' with nothing to back it up except harking back to the successes of a decade ago. How about constructing an argument as to why he's the best manager for us right now, given where he's now lead us to? No? Another one who cannot distinguish between supporting Arsenal and supporting Arsene. Just too nuanced a distinction for you, I guess.

  125. Jason B

    Dec 12, 2012, 16:44 #29592

    How has wiltshire escaped criticisim.He ****ed up the best chance of the lot.Instead of shooting with his right he took one pass too many and shot with his left. We've got our Arsenal back alright,from the 1980's!

  126. jamie hunter

    Dec 12, 2012, 16:37 #29590

    Very harsh assessment kev. I thought we were maybe a little unlucky last night. We maybe lacked a little sharpness, played with the handbrake on slightly. I thought we showed great spirit and determination on a difficult pitch against very physical opponents that got away with a lot of bad challenges. Overall, we had a great desire to do well, and I feel that we WANT to do well overall because we want to fight and show our desire and spirit and quality against a team that defended very well throughout. I feel that our fans should be proud of this team and its mental strength, and spirit and quality because we always want to do well. And our board members and manager are so rich, which for me also is important.

  127. Gooner SA

    Dec 12, 2012, 16:33 #29589

    I thought Coquelin played well too before he was hauled off. Great decision to put Chamakh on who couldn't score in 120 minutes and missed a penalty rather than Arteta who scored two pens on Saturday [!!] Wenger won't be sacked because Arsenal Directors doesn't have balls, let's just hope Wenger says 'sod this for a game of soldiers' and resigns!

  128. Graham Simons

    Dec 12, 2012, 16:27 #29588

    ppp I'm intrigued - just what would it take for you to call for Wenger's head? Would it take relegation? Jack to make for the exit? the reduction in size of the stadium because we can't fill it? a decade without any silverware? For me he has to be invited to a meeting and given the opportunity to resign at the end of the calendar year and honoured for his services and to the club and we enter 2013 and allow Bould to actually try and salvage something from this season.

  129. Ealing Gooner

    Dec 12, 2012, 16:24 #29587

    ppp - who said anything about wanting to bid for Ronaldo or Messi?? All I want is a manager who will spend the resources available to him wisely, not on dross like Gervinho or Chamakh, or giving long term contracts to sicknotes like Diaby and Rosicky, while legends like Pires get 1 year deals. A manager who will play players in the correct positions and not ruin them by playing them on the wing (Ramsey). A manager who will ensure that his players are up for every game, not have a club captain who skulks off the pitch as soon as he misses his penalty. None of that needs a Russian billionaire's money. For me, last night was the tipping point, I love Wenger for what he did for us up to 2006, but since then we have been in a slow but steady decline. FFP and financial doping has nothing to do with being outfought and outplayed by Norwich, Swansea and Bradford, not forgetting of course Birmingham at Wembley, 8-2 at OT and 4-4 at Newcastle. None of Man City or Chelsea's billions had anything to do with those humiliations. This team is now no better than the infamous mid-80s "song and dance" team, who contrived to bottle it v Walsall and at Oxford and York. The difference was that both managers responsible were eventually sacked.

  130. Grantbarking

    Dec 12, 2012, 16:18 #29586

    Bring back Bendtner!

  131. Nutty's RIght Peg

    Dec 12, 2012, 16:13 #29585

    Can't argue with a single word you've written Kevin. Just like to add that a player of Podolski or Gervinho's international experience, I wouldn't want either of them playing for me if my life depended on it. The board should sound out Pep now about the job, if he's up for it in the summer ask who he needs bringing in in January and start rebuilding this football club

  132. smee

    Dec 12, 2012, 15:56 #29583

    I was just reading Mr Wenger saying the pitch was difficult but playable. I do wonder how our players would perform in the local park mid winter when the pitch is full of holes, lacks grass. Makes you think they would get hammered even more often than they do now in the Premier.

  133. maguiresbridge gooner

    Dec 12, 2012, 15:51 #29582

    Was there actually anything more embarrassing last night other than the result ? Yes there was, a manager and his back room staff skulking of the pitch at half time and full time in their sleeping bags.All that was needed was willy wonka out in front and we'd have had ready made umpa lumpas.

  134. Adam Ant

    Dec 12, 2012, 15:50 #29581

    Dear ppp, get your head out of the sand mate and take a look around you. We are going backwards - we are not even standing still anymore - we are regressing. If you are happy with that, then maybe you are the one who needs to find another club because that has never been what Arsenal were about. You shame the fan base.

  135. smee

    Dec 12, 2012, 15:41 #29580

    I think Mr Wengers next target is for us to lose the honour of being the top flight club who has the longest record of being in the top division.

  136. ppp

    Dec 12, 2012, 15:27 #29579

    The anti-arsenal set seem so certain that sacking Wenger will automatically mean Guardiola will just sign on the dotted line and start work the next day... Wenger is absolutely the best manager for Arsenal right now and hopefully for a long time to come. Any other assessment is hilarious. And all the moaning: he doesn't know what he's doing... he can't buy the right players... he's tactically naive blah blah It's like he didn't win the club doubles, league titles and FA cups for years - you've all just forgotten! Or maybe you just have **** agendas and you aren't actually Arsenal fans. Often we'll hear from your kind that he never replaced David Seaman in goal... as if Jens Lehmann and the Invincibles never happened! In fact that whol era of success just seems to be an inconvenient mass of glory and trophies you seem desparate to avoid alluding to. If you truly are Arsenal fans and you just can't stand what the club has become (more corporate, focused on living within its means) then you should do what the Manchester United fans did and start a different club that runs to your specifiations. Nothing is stopping you... But oh I forgot - you aren't on some moral crusade - you just want Usmanov's money so we can bid for Ronaldo and Messi every summer. How pathetic.

  137. billdodgin

    Dec 12, 2012, 15:18 #29578

    Yup, Kevin - you've said it all. I started as an Arsenal fan in the late 1950s and can remember troughs of the past.But to view it that we've weathered long spells of non-achievement previously and eventually come through is not to face the glaring facts of now. "AKB" is a head-buried-in-the sand position (that's nothing to do with the Kama Sutra! - ah, levity- if only I felt like levity at this time).The manager is declining and the club is declining with him.It's fixable - not magically to become overnight a strong , winning outfit on the pitch - but to set us on the road to a better chance of being so. It will only come through Wenger's replacement. Till then there will be more Bradfords for us, and fortunate we are not to have to face humiliation at the hands of lower league sides more regularly. At least we can console ourselves that we are getting done over by Premiership or top European sides. Like you, though, I fear that we are merely a cash generation via football device for those who sadly control the club. Bleak for us, but well done Bradford.

  138. Chris Charteris

    Dec 12, 2012, 14:57 #29577

    It is indeed time to move on but I fear with the current ownership, whoever comes in to replace Wenger would be shackled too by the owners (forget the Board they are mearly dancing to Kroenke's tune). Then the AKBs wouldjust spout "told you so"! We need to return to the well managed club whose focus was on winning league titles and let Spurs be the cup team! No American owner has been good for an English football club, Hicks/Gillette, Learner, Kroenke...even the Glazers who have won trophies due to Ferguson's genius! First move is to get Dein back. Second is to persueade Kroenke to sell. On the other hand...if they don't go for Pep now, they will never get him!!

  139. johnnyhawleylovinggooner

    Dec 12, 2012, 14:45 #29576

    i had a choice last week :watch the CL match or go to an Oscar Wilde play,the play won.last nite watch the match or help the wife bake cakes,the cake won.i don't care anymore,i am not even looking at transfer talk. if have not felt this bad since we lost to watford in the league cup in the early eighties. could he not go to PSG with his head held high and allow us all a new start and an exit with pride for himself? the clough comments are spot on and so are your comments

  140. northbank123

    Dec 12, 2012, 14:29 #29575

    JJB - respect???? We lost 8-2 to United last year and were hammered 4-0 by AC Milan. We finished 19 points off the top, got nowhere near the FA Cup, sold 2 of our best players before the season started and our best player after it finished. The fans are being ripped off with ticket prices, yet Wenger proclaims last season to be a huge success and has already repeatedly pointed towards it as vindication of our woeful start this year. I say start, we're in December now, nearly halfway through the league season and out of the only cup we have a hope of winning. And where was Wenger's respect to the 4,000 fans who paid good money to go to Bradford on a Tuesday night to watch an abject defeat to a League Two outfit, most of whom probably didn't get home until the early hours? Nowhere. No acknowledgement or recognition of their commitment, and point blank refusal to criticise the players in any way, praising the effort and quality. The man shows the fans no respect and doesn't give a **** what they think: if you dispute this watch his post-Villa interview again. I respect what he achieved pre-2006 and I'll always be incredibly grateful for that but it doesn't mean I have to blindly 'respect' the man now, especially when he conducts himself as he has for the last few years.

  141. Arselona

    Dec 12, 2012, 14:29 #29574

    Enough is Enough. No tactics and he has lost the dressing room. If Chamack ever plays for Arsenal again . I am walking out.

  142. Sasha Croatia

    Dec 12, 2012, 14:19 #29573

    Watching Gervinho last night I caught myself saying "I wish Bendtner was here!" Now how bad is that!! :)

  143. Bryan Davies - Canada

    Dec 12, 2012, 14:00 #29572

    Excellent article! Not a knee jerk reaction, simply a statement of fact regarding the current absurd reality that we as supporters have to accept. The current roster lacks desire. Quality players are going through the motions waiting to exit to a superior club. This cannot persist. It is time for Wenger to leave and some discipline and desire to be restored to this once storied club.

  144. Trevor Brooks

    Dec 12, 2012, 13:49 #29571

    I have been an Arsenal supports for 53 years and I have been through worse 'blips' than this (one lasting eleven years); I have also seen far worse Arsenal teams. However, I have never felt so alienated from my club as I do now thanks to Kroenke and his cohorts. They are all business men who have developed a successful business model that brings great financial rewards; the hapless manager is making this approach possible. I fear it will have get worse before Arsenal can get back to being a football club again.

  145. Reg

    Dec 12, 2012, 13:42 #29570

    The players aren't playing for him anymore. Won't be long now!

  146. allybear

    Dec 12, 2012, 13:42 #29569

    I got absolutely hammered on this site for saying i had no faith in Wenger. Most of those that took me to task are very quiet now. The team are a shambles but i doubt if anything will change.

  147. Ron

    Dec 12, 2012, 13:33 #29568

    Brigham - At least we had the flu to blame that day in March 69!!We still fought and its only the recent years that 'fighting' has become a dirty word.We seem think we re above it since the invincibles. You could add West Ham in 80 and ipswich in 78 to the embarrasing tragedy list too. Frankly the Clubs record for many years is pretty poor in the domesic Cups and frequently v far weaker opposition, so its nothing new last night from whats gone before.

  148. maguiresbridge gooner

    Dec 12, 2012, 13:32 #29567

    It's sad alright kev really sad, is there nobody at our club with a pair of balls ? because your dead right major surgery is required.We have been in decline for a long time now. Last night was a new low and there's no excuses for it and even our excuse for a manager couldn't find any in his post match interview preferring instead to cut it short and barg out, pathetic.Not embarrassed ? don't feel humiliated ? about our full strength team with not a shot on target until 70 min(so much for the players been jaded)losing to a league 2 side which only cost a pittance compared to our over paid bunch of pampered primadonnas which some are poor excuses for footballers ? Not embarrassed ? Well you bloody well should be wenger along with your players. I hope you turned your mirror round before you went to bed last night because you sure as hell couldn't have had the nerve to look in it this morning. Preemptive Strike ? Really ? Since when has any body had the need to make a preemptive strike on this manager and his team ?


    Dec 12, 2012, 13:26 #29566

    Totally agree with you Kev,a very disappointing show only player to come out with any credit from last nights display was Jack Wilshire,God do we need more players like him prepared to battle whatever and run themselves into the ground for the cause.Monday night against Reading will be interesting.

  150. Gervais the Idiot

    Dec 12, 2012, 13:26 #29565

    Gervinho earns more in a weke than the entire Bradford squad do! Wenger earns more in a year than the entire Bradford FC balance sheet turns over! Arsenal's squad worth £69 mil last night, humiliated by a team that cost under £7k. But hey, 'wait for FFP' and 'be careful what you wish for'. Wenger tactically outwitted by a div 4 manager - but...WHO WOULD YOU REPLACE HIM WITH! Pep. Klopp. Moyes. ANYONE. Just p*** off Arsene. And no. I will NOT say 'thanks for the memories' because the past 8 years you have sene us become the laughing stock of Britsh football. 8-2 at OT. 4-4 at St James. Worst ever European defeat. £143 mil wage bill. Worst squad in two decades. WENGER UT

  151. Gary Thwaites

    Dec 12, 2012, 13:23 #29564

    Well said, although I do disagree with two points. To say that, of the starting 11, only Wilshere came out with any credit is unnecessarily harsh on Szczesny. He had no chance with their goal (one of the many downsides to zonal marking is that it makes it much harder for the keeper to claim the ball when everyone is camped on the 6 yard line) and he saved 2 penalties in the shoot-out. Can’t ask for much more than that. In addition, I do not think that Ivan the Ineffectual is the main problem, or that he has any power to sack the manager. The only man who can do that is Silent Stan, and the only thing he would have cared about last night is that we sold out our ticket allocation. Bringing Dein back and/or appointing Guardiola would be a nice start, but if they have to work under the same board, its only going to paper of the cracks for so long. We are owned and operated by an absent businessman, who simply does not care about trophies. Until that changes, we are not going to win one again. Usmanov appears to be the only man who can save us now, which is just depressing.

  152. Gary, Cheltenham

    Dec 12, 2012, 13:18 #29563

    In total agreement with you kev. The standards over the years have dropped, and we have now come to an embarrassing low. And for AW to say we should not feel embarrassed is a total disgrace to all Gooners. Time for new blood , new ideas. We are Arsenal lets not forget what that stands for. We are slowly season by season falling appart.

  153. tfSmudge

    Dec 12, 2012, 12:29 #29562

    It won't get any better until the board change... We need to keep players happy and have someone to entice great signings which stopped 6 or so years ago. Gazidis out and David Dein back in with nothing less than a full pardon... Everything else is futile. Never mind the bollox.

  154. JJB

    Dec 12, 2012, 12:29 #29561

    Most of you on here are an absolute disgrace! I completely agree that it is time for Wenger to go, but some of the venom and vitriol that is being thrown at the manager and any fans who disgaree with what has been the louder minority until last night, should be ashamed! Emotions are riding high with all of us, but lets not forget what AW has done for this club! He deserves to be carried out on his shield rather than be pushed on his sword by an army of bitter little p**cks! Last night was embarassing and humiliating and I am in no doubt that it is time for him to go, sadly I dont think there is anyone in the club who will sack him, if the downward trned continues and it looks like Wenger is trying to eek out his final days on his large salary then perhaps that is the time for the rhetoric to be increased, but I am really ashamed of this site and the so called "fans" on here! Have some f***ing respect and that goes for fans with other opinions! So many on here think you are in the know, well you are not which is why you have been the angry keyboard warrior minority! If any of you think that 1000 turning up for the march last week consituted a large turn out, then you are even more foolish than your comments suggest! A nadir has been reached, and we are all aware of it! Change is needed and we have the right to push for it and make our feelings known, but lets remove the childlike name calling and the distasteful comments! Lets you forget, AW has done more for this club than any of you on here, please dont over emphasise your own importance! All I can say is than god for arseblog! Its reasssuring to know that for each article from this site, a well balanced and respectful one is available as a tonic on his site!

  155. johnnyh

    Dec 12, 2012, 12:28 #29560

    spot on kev. he should have sacked the day they conceded 8 goals at old trafford but he managed to somehow brush that particular result under the rug.there is no room for sentiment in football.his ideas are simply outdated and his lack of tactical know how is truly astonishing.if george grahams back four and goalkeeper had not been in place when he arrived at the club,does anybody seriously think he would have lasted this long? he needs to go before the january transfer window opens so a new manager can buy and hopefully sell.

  156. Andy Wood

    Dec 12, 2012, 11:48 #29559

    Angry and frustrated yes but we aren’t that surprised at the result are we? It is ironic that Wenger ends up putting out a good side after the best chances to win this competition have been and gone. Now the rot has really set in it looks like no combination of our players would be able to beat a committed team like Bradford in a cup game. No way Wenger is going to get the sack and as a man of principles who has a point to prove there is no possibility that he will resign. Even if the fans sing for this head he will just trot out the “haven’t worked half a day in football” line. I suppose if we don’t win anything this season or next and also miss out on the "fourth place trophy" there is a chance that his contract won’t be renewed in 2014 but that would still mean another wasted season after this one.

  157. Its up for grabs now

    Dec 12, 2012, 11:39 #29558

    @goonercolseyboy What was it you said after the 2 dubious penalties victory over WBA - oh yes "Bradford here we come". Well we came and we embarrassed ourselves again, and ultimately we bottled it. To be more accurate your hero Wenger showed us once again how inept he is, coupled with the undisputed evidence that most of his players are simply going through the motions as he has clearly lost the dressing room. Still no doubt next time we win a meaningless game you will no doubt be back on here crowing about how Wenger is still some sort of messiah who must never ever be criticised, and deserves a job for life at Arsenal! You and people like you are part of the problem, and should wake up and smell the coffee!!

  158. AFCIC

    Dec 12, 2012, 11:16 #29557

    Do you remember the poor side we had in the early to mid 80's, pre George Graham? Well our current side wouldn't even beat that one. This is without doubt the worst Arsenal side I have EVER seen. I feel sorry for Jack, talk about coming to prominence at the wrong time. Something drastic needs to be done at our club but if i'm honest I really don't see anything happening. This is depressing!

  159. Rob

    Dec 12, 2012, 11:15 #29556

    In the grand scheme of things losing last night was not such a bad result. Continued failure and decline will see more fans turn on the once great Wenger. I now cheer goals conceded and welcome defeats because it cultivates unrest and descent the fans who can bring about change if we stop handing over our £'s to the club. I think we're all past caring and believing about the current Arsenal. Going into the game as Reading I don't expect to win see losing as a means to the inevitable end.

  160. northbank123

    Dec 12, 2012, 11:13 #29555

    Jimmy - who's won something in that time? Well actually more than just City, United and Chelsea. Liverpool x2, the Scum, Birmingham, Portsmouth to name a few. But how can we expect to compete with them? Unsurprisingly any defence of Wenger is now just calling anybody who disagrees a glory-hunter. Brilliant.

  161. Rich

    Dec 12, 2012, 11:04 #29554

    First choice Pep, second David Moyes... Lets just move on as fast as we can and get some passion back in club!!

  162. Up4grabs

    Dec 12, 2012, 10:57 #29553

    The outstanding candidate is clearly David Moyes. Or if these AKB brigade are so fearful of anyone without the colossal reputation that Arsene himself had when we poached him from Grampus 8, then wait until the summer and pick up Guadiola,, Mourinho, Laudrup, HitzFeld, Ancelotti, Hiddink, Klupp etc etc, or follow the lead of other top clubs and go with an ex-player, Bergkamp, Vieira, Dixon... Tony Adams! TA with a good tactical coach like Steve Clarke has got to be worth a punt one day. Or do we think Adams too knows nothing about football compared to the great Wenger?

  163. Red Member

    Dec 12, 2012, 10:54 #29552

    Arsene Wenger is going nowhere and why should he? He has been given 3 targets this season - to achieve profits, qualify for the CL knock out stage and to finish in the top 4. He has achieved 2 out of those 3 and the team are currently 2 points behind 4th place. In the eyes of Kroenke then Wenger is having a GOOD season.

  164. jjetplane

    Dec 12, 2012, 10:48 #29550

    Jimmy Sounds to me like you are the one who is whining! Arsenal are in the mud in more ways than one - we need to move on - now!

  165. Jason B

    Dec 12, 2012, 10:46 #29549

    Wenger, the grand old duke of France.He marched our club to the top of the league and is marching us down to its knees.Au revior Wenger.

  166. Nelson Vivas

    Dec 12, 2012, 10:41 #29548

    Sadly everything we write about "Le Professor" is a complete waste of time,This man will never show any honour and fall on his sword,He will go as and when he is ready,and unfortunately we will suffer more humiliation and false dawns until he does.I am beyond angry with the currant situation and honestly dont know whether to laugh or cry anymore.He actaully said yesterday "I cannot fault the effort of my players"....The clown is deluded.......

  167. Paul

    Dec 12, 2012, 10:41 #29547

    Kev some of our fans need to take a good look at themselves.Its them that are keeping Wenger in a job.By turning up week in week out paying the highest ticket prices in the world without a word of protest is keeping our clown of a manager at the club.There is a Gooner referendum asking would you have 7 managers and tons of trophies or one manager and no trophies the 7 managers has 80% plus

  168. Brigham

    Dec 12, 2012, 10:38 #29546

    We were so very poor last night and that performance has to rank as one of the worst I have ever witnessed and I am able to harp back to the 1969 League Cup final defeat by lowly Swindon! Since that day in '69 we have suffered some humiliating defeats in cup games; Walsall, York City, Wrexham to name but a few. But I have to say 'well done' to Bradford, they worked hard all game and fully deserved their win. We are a team in total decline and anyone not able to see that needs to take off the rose tinted specs. We have not moved forward in the last four years one bit. The management continue to buy on the cheap, they continue to buy players discarded by their clubs and they continue to sell our best players. This period now reminds me so very much of the latter weeks of Terry Neill's time in charge, where we performed poorly every week, we had poor players in the squad (Hollins, Devine, Hawley, P Nicholas). Unless something is done soon, those dark days will be back and we will be sat there watching mediocrity and thinking 0-0 is a good result!

  169. Adam Ant

    Dec 12, 2012, 10:22 #29545

    Losing to a lower league club, I can handle - it happens. But losing to a lower league club because they wanted it more, were prepared to fight harder than we were and showed the greater desire, is simply not acceptable. I cannot think of a single reason why Wenger should stay on as manager - not one single reason. Were it not for 2 dodgy pens against West Brom and Adebayors madness, we would be in a more accurate league position right now. We are flattered by being top 8.

  170. Essex Gooner

    Dec 12, 2012, 10:21 #29544

    The season is only going to get worse if Wenger doesnt go NOW. WENGER- you wont bother to read this but STOP playing Ramsey out on the right, he is not a winger. STOP playing Podolski on the left of the attack, he is a centre forward. STOP buying players from the French league, it is a shadow of what it once was. Wenger I want my Arsenal back. If you do still love this club you must retire, you will always be adored by the fans for your achievments but you can no longer serve us.

  171. John Abrehart

    Dec 12, 2012, 10:18 #29543

    'Focus' and 'mental strength' are two qualities that the Manager repeats over and over again and that was precisely what was missing last night. What a pathetic penalty shoot out. Isn't is amazing how it is the 'quality' players that always seem to miss on these occasions? Brady and Rix anyone? Not to take anything away from Bradford, their defending and conmmitment was as good as some Premiership teams that defend resolutely.(Stoke,Sunderland). Knowing this, we start with sideways passing specialists and of course the headless chicken when what was wanted was players who can run with the ball from the outset and who are always likely to create chances with their runs. A starting line up that included Rosicky, the Ox, Eisfeld and Meade may have made the difference. Good luck to Bradford in the Semi's. Incidentally, I have never met a friendlier group of people in the pubs before the match.

  172. Stroud Green Road Boy

    Dec 12, 2012, 10:17 #29542

    Nothing to add to the comments already made on last night's 'performance', but reading through those comments I noted that not one of the pro-Wenger lot actually offer a constructive argument as to why they think he's still doing a good job. It's all just 'stop moaning' and 'Arsene is still the best man for the job'. As Alsace Lorraine De Totteridge indicates in his witty comment, that's because all they have is faith. Faith doesn't question. Faith doesn't think.

  173. Ben

    Dec 12, 2012, 10:17 #29541

    "If it is just about revenue, and Wenger can achieve profits by selling the club’s better players, then come out and say so. But if trophies are the genuine priority, it has to be time to move on." So let me get this right. If they come out and say it is about profits (which it is for the American owner) then that is fine? Wenger will be with the club as long as we are making money. The owner is interested in the balance sheet not the football. He probably doesn't even know the score. Sacking the manager is not the answer, although might be part of a bigger solution. The owner has to go first before there is much point in getting a new manager.

  174. Exiled-Gooner

    Dec 12, 2012, 10:15 #29540

    It's comical to still see fans blindly defend wenger after that atrocious display but as there keep telling us who want Le Prof out ''be careful what you wish for!!'' as i don't fancy a return to mid table limbo.

  175. Cambridge Gooner

    Dec 12, 2012, 10:15 #29539

    Embarrassing doesn't really cover it! What we saw yesterday was mismanagement in it's purest form. All of the players we put on the pitch were good enough to destroy Bradford at a canter, a team with any confidence would have done. We must give credit to Bradford City, but also acknowledge how easy it SHOULD have been to beat them. Please can we all stop having a go at the players - Ramsey, Gervinho, Chamakh are all confidence players and they're struggling because of the mismanagement of Wenger and what WE the fans are doing to them by jeering and criticising. Please can we get behind them because they are capable of so much more.

  176. Clockender78

    Dec 12, 2012, 10:12 #29538

    Spot on Kev. I've been saying for the past 18 months it's time for change. But the board are also accountable, with them in charge I wouldn't trust them to make a right appointment should a vacancy come up. It feels like the last few months of George Graham's reign to me, so stale, predictable, starting to think Wenger has lost the dressing room also. No heart, fight, tactics, poor buys, players playing out of position a la Ramsey. The ox has gone visibly backwards this season, is this down to the manager?? Change is needed..

  177. Angry & Frustrated

    Dec 12, 2012, 10:09 #29537

    Those fans who still attend games and yearn for change please make yourself heard. Apart from the obvious Wenger & Gazidis out chants, how about "We want Dein" or "We want Usmanov" or loudest of all "We want Pep Guardiola". It worked for QPR fans when they got Harry to replace Hughes! Whatever you choose to sing/shout, it will make life very uncomfortable for Wenger & Gazidis, and that is what's needed 100% to begin the process of desperately required change. Left to their own devices nothing will change, as they are on a nice comfortable earner at our emotional and financial expense. Last night's result came as no surprise to me, and that is the key difference, as defeats to York or Wrexham previously came completely out of the blue, and hence a lot more gutting ironically. No doubt they will win again on Monday at Reading, and all the Wenger apologists who remain, will be back on here saying "see I told you so Wenger knows what he is doing", and it's this never ending cycle I am sick to death with. All the time we argue among ourselves, the club just goes further and further into decline, which if not halted now, could become terminal. So please make yourself heard loud and clear, to help end this stale no hope misery.

  178. shu

    Dec 12, 2012, 10:03 #29536

    Totally correct , how can a full strength Arsenal team play without a recognised striker ???????????????? Selling RVP to man utd ?????????? Time up he has to go now

  179. Rob

    Dec 12, 2012, 9:56 #29535

    Well said Kev. I agree with all of it. so do many. But I can tell you all now for a fact, if you keep going to Emirates Stadium and keep handing over your money to Gazedis, he, Kronke, Hill-Wood and Wenger will keep laughing in your face. This is about Football but money is the only thing that talks and moves. So until the crowd turns on Wenger and the combination of masses of empty seats and seething discontent make the situation unt enable for him and the Board nothing changes. For comedy relief take a look at the clip of Gervinho's miss in the first half. I didn't see the game but I saw that !!!!!! This is one of our most expensive signings - twelve million pounds - and for that reason alone Wenger's time is up. But there's a ton more agony to come before we finally kiss him Goodbye.

  180. Ron

    Dec 12, 2012, 9:52 #29534

    Not even shocked this team got beat. Truly. Half expected it. Arsenal dont do 'fights'and havent done for quite some years. As for sacking him, it will take 14-18 Million to sack him and for a Club that wont pay that for a player, they wont pay it in compo to Wenger. Stadium sell outs prevail. Hes going nowhere. Get used to it. Its time he resigned no doubt but sacking him. No chance.As for the 2007 CC Final youre being a bit revisionist there and with all due respect, the Club and its fans were riding high on a wave of 'Wengers babes' mentality then and nearly every fan was endorsing the 'bravery' of the coach in post Abramovitch football as the new era of anticipated youth dominance was unfolding and the media creamed themselves on it too. You need to get real matey. Arsenal have been garbage for at least 2-3 years for lots of reasons, but Wenger s getting no P45 bullet for it. Its a cash machine, not a football Club as you quite rightly allude too. Fans need to jack it in, stop going. Until we all do, we re stuck with what what we ve got!If you cant stop going, dont moan about the status quo. Well done Bradford. You were brilliant and won deservedly!! PS If you lot think Arsenal will pay Gaurdiola what package he ll be after, youve lost the plot as much as Wenger has im afraid. Think on.

  181. Dan

    Dec 12, 2012, 9:51 #29533

    Pathetic!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Would have been better playing the youngsters and reserves, at least they're used to playing at grounds like that and should have been up for it ,with a point to prove. Players like Gervinho, Poldolski know they will be starting week in week out regardless of performance or commitment. Sick of this! Sort it out WENGER or leave with dignity.

  182. chris dee

    Dec 12, 2012, 9:48 #29532

    Pure unadulterated humiliation.Utter,utter despair after watching last nights game. My brother and his friends were at Bradford last night and he said the support the fans gave the team was immense. So how do the players and the manager with his coaching team repay them? By the most gutless,spineless surrender by so called top class players in the last 20 years.A great chance to stick the 'no trophy for seven years'down people throats was thrown down the kharzi by players who don't give a s**t about the club. I keep saying it and it's worth repeating, the blame for the lack of organisation,character ,fight and feebleness under pressure is down to the manager.If there are players at the club who couldn't fight their way through a plate of jelly while milking the club of massive wages,and we know who they are,then it is down to the manager. When he first came to the club Vermaelon was a tough tackling,no nonsense defender, he has now become a namby pamby show pony who can't defend.That's down to the manager. We have non entities with no bottle or affection for the club who are happy just to take their massive wages and have beem allowed to remain at the club instead of being booted out.That's down to the manager. The trouble is the club has accepted so many embarrasing matches in the last few years that this was disaster in the making. Oh, and we are just hearing Walcott could be on his way to United where Ferguson will make sure he is consistent and tactically aware.

  183. Red Member

    Dec 12, 2012, 9:45 #29531

    I have a couple of questions - where was Arshavin last night? (the star player in the last round) and why did Gervinho who started as our only centre forward not take a penalty? Surely everyone can now see that the Board is the biggest problem here because they WILL NOT sack Wenger.

  184. Pat

    Dec 12, 2012, 9:33 #29530

    The match was a good indicator of the quality of the team. The manpower that we have is not even good enough for League 2. We have been exposed and Wenger is running out of excuses. The sooner he leaves, the better!

  185. Red Mist

    Dec 12, 2012, 9:26 #29529

    Have we ever had a lazier player than Plodolski? I always thought he was crap every time I've seen him for club and country in Germany he plods and does nothing! The big German at the back lost every header again in Germany they cannot believe we bought those too, it's like Bayern buying Heskey and Bramble from England would we laugh just the jokes on us. New manager keep Jack maybe Cazorla bin the rest please.

  186. Inspector Clueless

    Dec 12, 2012, 9:06 #29528

    i am more suprised by the amount of arsenal fans who still dont get it. dont understand how desperate the club is for an injection of positive energy. Wenger is a spent force, he has been for 2-3 years. he is middle class Alsace not working class Glasgow. he doesnt think like a fan. he thinks like an owner and that rubs off on everyone. NO PASSION

  187. Peter Wain

    Dec 12, 2012, 9:05 #29527

    I think whether players are international or not is irrelevant. Gervinho how did we buy him how can we play him is the worst premier league player ever. Chamak is not far behind and Podborski is getting there. We desperately need to get rid of 10 players and bring in 7 or 8 top quality signings. Fat chance. We need a keeper left back centre half centre midfield and two top strikers and what will we get. A 35 once great striker who does not have the legs and is to those who saw him in his pomp is a shadow of the player we revered. If we continue on this road we will be in the relegation dog fight in a few years time.

  188. ATID

    Dec 12, 2012, 8:59 #29526

    Out of the League Cup, can't win the Premiership, a 50/50 chance of going out the FA Cup in our first game and making up the numbers in the Champions League. Let's face it Gooners our season is over and we haven't even got to Christmas. AKB? Only for the can't change, won't change brigade.

  189. Martyn

    Dec 12, 2012, 8:51 #29525

    Lets hope, and I mean hope, that we look back on this result as a turning point. I didn't watch the match last night because it was obvious that we were going to lose, even with a near full strength side. With a new manager, these players would be transformed. Wenger cannot motivate anymore and even looks to bringing back Henry to do the job for him! Desperate times demand change and an interim appointment at the very least is needed in order to recover some sense of direction. But we all know it won't happen so we move on to our next defeat, away to Reading on Monday. I expect Wenger is already rehearsing the post match script for that one as I'm sure all of us are. Interim manager, De Matteo, long-term Moyes, Martinez or Pep G. Take your pick.

  190. SilverGooner

    Dec 12, 2012, 8:48 #29524

    This morning I was hoping that I would wake up to the news that Wenger had resigned. Fat chance of that, or of him being sacked! For our first team to get beaten by a League 2 side is totally inexcusable. But hey, commercial director Tom Fox says a football club is not just about winning trophies. You couldn't make it up! On top of the dismal performances by Gervinho, Ramsey, Vermaelen and Chamakh was that of Podolski. Is it me, or does our highest-earning player seem to be getting worse? Another humiliating result to add to Wenger's ever-increasing list of failures. The manager and the team should hang thier heads in shame.

  191. Ali

    Dec 12, 2012, 8:48 #29523

    Arsene won't resign and the board won't sack him. I think we will be stuck with this clown until he gets really old and sick and can't manage anymore.

  192. Me Fedup

    Dec 12, 2012, 8:43 #29522

    As each season passes and the rapid fall drop of decline, tickets for home matches use to be sold out to silver members. Slowly then offered to red members, whilst now the club have introduced family and friends scheme in order to sell-out. Not long now until there are huge banks of empty seats and who can blame supporters when the cheapest seats are £62 for a grade a game and the cheapest for a family of 4 in the family enclosure at £171! All to see the likes of Gervinho who has to be the worst CF Iv seen at Arsenal since Hawley in 81!! Change is needed and quickly because I can't see things improving.

  193. Gooner

    Dec 12, 2012, 8:40 #29521

    Couldn't wait to get that on the website could you Kev? Bored of this website now. Didn't you help write a book about Wenger?

  194. Treble Double

    Dec 12, 2012, 8:40 #29520

    I thought Swansea at home was rock bottom, but I was wrong. There are clearly so many things not right with the set up and AW has taken us as far as he can. Obviously the problems don't all lie with the manager & team but with the board as well and that is the biggest worry. AW won't be sacked or resign, he has come out and said we shouldn't be embarrassed by losing to Bradford!!!! Coq was our best player and Jack tried hard but no one really deserves any credit. Gervinho & Ramsay were particularly bad and that miss from 3 yeards was quite unbelievable! I'm not sure where we go from here becasue the manager will not lose his job and the same old crap will keep getting churned out. AW told us just before the Swansea game that this was the best squad he has had at Arsenal and we were still in the title race. How can you trust anyone who is so deluded? Thanks for the memories Arsene but it's now time to move on.

  195. Alsace Lorraine De Totteridge

    Dec 12, 2012, 8:36 #29519

    The " debate" on this website, which seems to have gone on longer than the entire run of Coronation Street centres around faith. Losing to a League 2 team with a full strength side out is all the empirical evidence that a person without faith would need to see that Mr Wenger's position has become untenable. The AKB's have faith, and not even relegation to playing Atletico Dollis Hill and FC Neasden in the North Circular relegation league will dent that faith. They are head over heels in love with Arsene Wenger. They long to shake his hand and feel the rich glow of his charisma. They yearn not to be proved wrong after so much faith and so much vitriol poured on the rest of us. Unfortunately for the faithful, the team have lost faith in Wenger and the manner in which he may now be ejected is through a persistent series of non accidental defeats. Those of us who retain the power of cognition must make our feelings about him loud and long. It's time to support the team, but not in the way that the Cult Followers would wish.

  196. Marc

    Dec 12, 2012, 8:34 #29518

    I agree with every word. This is the final straw. In 1933, Arsenal were beaten by Walsall. They fielded several reserves. On the train home, Herbert Chapman told one of them that he would never play for Arsenal again. How on earth does Chamakh get into the team ? A young manager with a sense of discipline and pride and new ideas - as Wenger used to be. He ought to have the integrity to resign. That failure shows his lack of judgment.

  197. Austin T

    Dec 12, 2012, 8:33 #29517

    Big deal. We lost a game. Highly embarrassing for sure but Arsene is still the right man for the job. Get behind the team

  198. sparksy

    Dec 12, 2012, 8:33 #29516

    So ****ing angry after that performance. How much further do we have to fall. A full strength team beaten by a Division 4 side who throughly deserved their win and then the nmanager tells everyone he couldn't fault their commitment!!!. Out thought again by Phil Parkinson, Wenger hasn't got a clue tactically. We can't wait until the end of the season Wenger has to go now and let a new manager spend some cash and start rebuilding. WENGER OUT NOW

  199. Bard

    Dec 12, 2012, 8:29 #29515

    The result is slightly beside the point. We didn't muster a shot on goal until the 70th minute, Our play was dreadful, for long periods Bradford looked the better side. Gervinho would struggle to get into their side. I haven't seen us play that badly since er er 2 weeks ago !! If anyone seriously believes this is a good side going through a rough patch then they need to lie down in a dark room.

  200. Endless, Nameless

    Dec 12, 2012, 8:16 #29514

    The checklist this morning: share value intact? Yes. Stadium "sold out"? Yes. "Brand" value intact? Yes. So, in the mind of Stan & Ivan, why change the manager? What has this club become? WE WANT OUR ARSENAL BACK.

  201. Tony Evans

    Dec 12, 2012, 8:16 #29513

    Even more depressing then last nights result is the thought that Wenger will still be in charge next season and probably for the next two after that aswell. Here is a manager that gave us the invincibles and many wonderful times that is now living on ancient history and presiding over the lowest period I can remember as an Arsenal fan and I include 1973-78 and 1980-1986 in that assessment. When I checked the BBC football site this morning, stupidly praying that he had resigned all I saw was 'we should not be embarrassed by last nights result'. Well you might not be Wenger and of course you couldn't give a stuff about what us mere fans might be feeling! As Dick Dasterdley would have said somebody do something! Get him out!!


    Dec 12, 2012, 8:08 #29512

    I cannot take anymore of what is being done to this great club by a board and Manager whose arrogance and stubborness is absolutely demoralising. It has to change NOW NOW NOW. and for those DELUDED 'FANS' who will not turn on Wenger and his Board - WAKE UP and WAKE UP fast, because this club is dying.

  203. Arsene is a Fraudster

    Dec 12, 2012, 8:03 #29511

    Oh look, the acolytes are out in force once more, sucking on the teet of mediocrity, claiming that all is well in the church of Arsene. The one thing I am looking forward to the most about the manager leaving is that these bores go with him.

  204. Paul Heaton

    Dec 12, 2012, 8:03 #29510

    To those who still cling to the belief that Wenger should stay I would just ask what circumstances would it take for you to change your minds? Since February 2011 alone we've drawn 4-4 after leading 4-0, lost a Cup Final to a team that would go on to be relegated, suffered our worst defeat in over 100 years, had our worst ever defeat in Europe and lost to a 4th division team with pretty well a full strength side. David Moyes, come and give us our Arsenal back.

  205. Embarrassing

    Dec 12, 2012, 7:58 #29509

    Arsenal don't give a s#it about us anymore!!! It's all about revenue!! Arsenal were so predictable yesterday and i can't believe that we don't learn anything from any games in the past.everything us lying solely on the manager now. The players should be ashamed taking their wage every week compare to those of Bradfor Arsenal had no heart and Bradford taught us a way this well be accepted anywhere else!!!!

  206. AFC14

    Dec 12, 2012, 7:54 #29508

    Spot on with everything you say. Enough is enough.

  207. PerryG

    Dec 12, 2012, 7:42 #29507

    Great article Kevin, sums up everything and needs no more to be said. You're also right about the board finding a replacement, is there any football men left in the boardroom? Could you trust them finding the right replacement? That said. its the end of the road for Wenger in alot of fans eyes but he wont go willingly and he wont get the boot either, prepare for more years of this folks

  208. Stevesam

    Dec 12, 2012, 7:21 #29506

    You have seen the 'Invincibles', you now have the 'Invisibles'in 50 years I have never seen any Arsenal team where so many players can be seen and then disappear all in the space of ten minutes, constantly. Yanks and Wenger out.

  209. Der Projekt ist Kaput

    Dec 12, 2012, 7:14 #29505

    Mr Wenger, may I respectfully suggest that you are are suffering from Delusional Disorder (DD). DD is the condition whereby people are paranoid, have false suspicions and are relentless in their misguided beliefs. The delusions are often elaborate and include many people, they're consumed with trying to find "proof" of their beliefs, they deny they have any problem at all and adamantly avoid treatment. The illness is chronic, progressive and life long. Please, I beg you, seek help and then step aside.

  210. bunch

    Dec 12, 2012, 7:09 #29504

    As you rightly say Kevin, there is no one to sack him. As long as the money keeps coming in he'll still be there. The only circumstances that will see him sacked is a prolonged period of absence from the CL (3 years plus) or serious threat of relegation. Either path means a hell of a lot of more pain for supporters.

  211. Bob

    Dec 12, 2012, 7:01 #29503

    The board and Wenger have formed an unholy alliance for too long. The board do not want to spend the serious money that is required to challenge for trophies in the modern era, and in Wenger they have a manager who doesn't believe in building or rebuilding a team that way. They are a match made in heaven for each other, but in hell for the good of the club.

  212. Gooner1711

    Dec 12, 2012, 6:36 #29502

    Hallelujah! Maybe NOW some people will see the light. We were not up for it. Got what we desrved. The team out there is what AW has decided. He is responsible. Now is the time for a change. PLEASE. ANyone who thinks otherwise then please explain.

  213. The_Gunt

    Dec 12, 2012, 5:46 #29501

    Ok ok its a dissapoiting result and yes we should be winning these games BUT the football gods were jus not with us last night we created 22 shots on goal FFS !! I play football for my clubs reserve team here in durban south africa and I can tell u you that if there is anything that is consistant in football its the term " if you don't take your chances you will be punished " dats exactly what happened last night as well as some outstanding goalkeeping from bradfords keeper and some badluck on our side as well. Who remembers cazorlas freekick and shot that the keeper made a double save for as well as him hitting the bar with a long range effort ? Who remembers that headless chicken gervinho missing open nets lol I wonder if he can even finish his breakfast !! .maybe wenger should of started with giroud coz I'm sure he would of caused problems with his strength and height

  214. Kk

    Dec 12, 2012, 5:30 #29500

    Can't believe that some people on here still blame the board for a full strength side losing ???? Yesterday was about Arsene's recent ineptitude as a manager. How much did gervinho, carzola, the ox and the rest of the team cost to put together ?? A lot more than Bradford I wud say. Enough is Enough!!!!

  215. sandman

    Dec 12, 2012, 4:35 #29499

    The board is the heart of the problem and the bigger problem. They will keep wenger as he helps them run the club as a business. So the anger should be directed at the board who with their penny pinching leaving the club with only one decent striker (which was felt today by the absence of giroud) .... selling your star players hurts the congruency a team develops over time. Barca plays the way they do because the core has stuck together

  216. Gary

    Dec 12, 2012, 3:58 #29498

    WENGER MUST GO NOW .....surely after this debacle after a season which has so far proved without a shadow of doubt that he has reduced the club to having the worst side in more than 20years!!! Do we really want Wenger given more money to waste on poor quality players? Anyone can see that his choice of player purchases has been questionable for years now and if you check out the facts during his reeign his successful quality buys are outnumbered by his poor failures almost 4 to 1! Sure everyone remembers Henry, Pires, Vieira, Ljungberg & Petit.... but is you leave those out have a look at the dross a la Senderos, Cygan, Stepanov, Wreh, Santos. Denilson, Ebouoe, Bendtner the list goes on and on! Week in week out his credibility is being destroyed, by the fact that he has built a side full of average players who are now quite rightly only on a parr with the likes of Norwich,West Ham,Swansea,Everton,Sp*rs & West Brom. Lets be honest about this, last Saturday the only reason we beat an off form WBA side was because of 2 poor refereeing decisions, one caused by Cazorla cheating, the other by the ref not givng an obvious foul by the ox! Otherwise there was little or no sign that we would have won the game. Last night at Bradford summed it all up, we looked average against a team 3 divisions below us with a full side out, showing that Wenger was desperate to win as he knew that the need for a trophy is desperate, but he must see that of his acquisitions over the last 4 years only Cazorla has quality of any substance, of the rest Posolski,Gervinho,Chamakh,Ramsey,Mertesacker,Arshavin,Koscielny,Jenkinson etc are all at best only average quality non have the stuff that winners are ade of. I must admit I am now fully of the opinion that Wenger walked into a club already on the up in 1997, a team that had the best defence and keeper in the world, a midfield that had Platt, Merson, Parlour, the forwards Ian Wright and Dennis Bergkamp, plus Overmars was already a deal set in motio by Bruce Rioch. Sure he added a couple of players to this, which was all that was needed to push it to the top, but whio is to say Rioch wouldnt have done it?? George Graham was criticised for his style of play but he delivered 6 trophies in 8 years including a European trophy (and it would probably have been 2 if he had not been sacked) But GG didnt go more than 2 seasons without a trophy, he delivered success started the building blocks for more! and to be honest hasnt the last couple of years play been boring, pass pass and pass again exciting it isnt??

  217. CanadaGooner

    Dec 12, 2012, 3:42 #29497

    If you think Pep is going to come over to arsenal to sully his currently outstanding record, take a rethink. Any world-class manager stupid enough to come and work with idiots like Gazidis needs a brain transplant. I'm sure I sent in an article last week which pretty much sums us up (it wasn't published as you were all basking in the santi-dive assisted win over west brom. The reality is very simple: any manager will do for now. Wenger is a washed-out businessman

  218. Big Dave

    Dec 12, 2012, 3:39 #29496

    Just got back from Bradford..... Mr Wenger will you please please please just F**k off now.

  219. Gary

    Dec 12, 2012, 3:15 #29495


  220. N16Gooner

    Dec 12, 2012, 2:49 #29494

    The song I heard sung after the game last night summed it up perfectly. Wenger out, sack the board.

  221. Charlie Nick

    Dec 12, 2012, 2:16 #29493

    How much further must we slip on the field before someone takes action. Our chances of silverware are now hinging on an FA cup run (don't even go there re Premier or Champions league!)We have gone from a club who won the Premier and aimed for the Champions league to a club who wins b*gger all and aims for 4th place. No doubt this will all be ignored on the AKB's sites like "Guess who I met down the pub, all is"!

  222. 1971

    Dec 12, 2012, 2:07 #29492

    @JIMMY.What still backing Wenger,THERES ALWAYS ONE.

  223. Kensall Green

    Dec 12, 2012, 1:41 #29491

    @ jimmy 0:20am 12th Dec 2012 Who has won anything lately? How about Birmingham. They knocked out a near full strength Arsenal in the Carling Cup final in Feb 2011 (=not too long ago) Damningly, Wenger actually tried tonight and put out his strongest team possible- as we had a relatively "easy" route to the final- and that wasnt good enough to beat League 2 Bradford. But oh yes Wengers working on a shoestring budget compared to megabucks Bradford and Birmingham. How could we possibly compete. No you see tonight exposes serious flaws as either: a) the team put out by Wenger, is actually crap and not worth the vast sums of money they get relative to Bradford City players and if so who brought them to the club? or b) They are capable of being much better players than Bradford city players and should have swiftly put them to the sword (with the hunger of a team so close to their first trophy in 8 years), but failed to do so, again pointing to a failure of the manager?

  224. Kazza

    Dec 12, 2012, 1:29 #29490

    Like others who have posted, I have done my time too, watching us lose to the likes of Walsall and Luton. This time though, its different. We have a board who care about nothing but profit, a mediocre team on stupid wages, top dollar ticket prices and a manager who has disdain for the fans and believes success is qualification for a European tournament. Lower the wages, lower the ticket prices and I'll lower my expectations.

  225. TeeCee

    Dec 12, 2012, 1:29 #29489

    No tactical nous - Check No motivational skills - Check No formation/planning - Check Apalling transfer deals - Check 7.5m a year wages - Check No accountabilty - Check Too much power - Check Sell your best players - Check Give improved contracts to average, unproven players - Check Keep playing players in poor form - Check Welcome to Wengerworld AKA The Death of Arsenal FC

  226. indian gooner

    Dec 12, 2012, 1:21 #29488

    Calling all Arsenal fans... 1)Stop going to the matches. The team isnt moving in the direction that the fans want it to( for the last 7 yrs) 2)The board is just content to pocket the ticket money to let a clueless manager continue this charade.Dont buy anymore merchandise from the armoury till there are drastic changes in coaching staff( including sacking wenger). 3)Whoever wants to attend the matches atleast boo the manager and team out until the board sack him. This has come to unacceptable proportions now.Continue to support AW and he'll surely drag us down the drain. To hell with wenger and his cronies...

  227. Gare Kekeke

    Dec 12, 2012, 1:10 #29487

    Full credit to Bradford. We clearly weren’t at our best despite a near full-strength team. The team’s attitude was wrong and looked like a team who didn’t want to be there. On paper, Bradford shouldn’t be able to compete with us for a cup-tie. No-one can blame Chelsea & the Manchester clubs for this. Yes, Wenger’s time sadly is up and has been for a while after all the great things he has done for us, but if he left now, who do we bring in mid-season? Pep would be wonderful but he won’t break his sabbatical yet. In my view, let Wenger see out the season and he should leave in the summer with dignity. He doesn’t deserve that. It will be painful but it will further expose just how far we have fallen to those who think that the big-money deals and FFP will save us in 2014. No way should he be hounded out. It’s the board that needs to change as well but that might not happen for a while. But then there is speculation that Usmanov is just a few shares away from the 30% needed to spark all manner of things at our club. Too many non-football people on the board. So why is it that so many Arsenal fans think they are great? A new board is needed with drive, ambition and not just number crunchers. Let’s continue to support the team for the remainder of the season if only to salvage some pride. Up The Arsenal!

  228. GaryFootscrayAustralia

    Dec 12, 2012, 1:05 #29486

    This was Arsene's Walsall. Terry Neill didn't survive that catastrophe, but Neill was judged only on football matters. Our current manager won't be sacked unless the revenue streams take a substantial hit. Over to you, Fox and Gazidis.

  229. Clockender1

    Dec 12, 2012, 0:54 #29485

    Well said Kevin. I'm very proud that the Fanzine i've loved since it's very first issue, has come out with what many of us have been thinking for a few months now. Thank you Arsene for 6 wonderful wonderful years, but its time to retire.

  230. The cabbie

    Dec 12, 2012, 0:49 #29484

    Either season ticket prices must be slashed or spend like bloody crazy

  231. Peter

    Dec 12, 2012, 0:49 #29483

    Is Wenger in a parallel universe to everybody else? Have feeling that reminds me of York City F.A Cuo or Luton Town defeat in 88 league cup final. Not pleasant. Sorry to say it but please go Arsene.

  232. Norwegian Gooner

    Dec 12, 2012, 0:47 #29482

    In Arsene We Trust...ppp...Chris...GoonerRon...Mike...... Daniel...goonercolesyboy...Mandy Dodd...can you hear me?... Mandy Dodd....your boys took a hell of a beating.....!!

  233. Dan h

    Dec 12, 2012, 0:45 #29481

    No one can defend that Arsenal performance a pub team would be embarrassed by our set piece defending.Well done to Bradford 3 mins away from winning it in normal time anyway from someone who was at York many years ago it reminded me of that day gutless to a man bar Wilshire.Ed 100% spot on regarding Gervinho TV & Ramsey but many others were not far behind.We have the poorest squad in over a generation at Arsenal bad contracts,bad buys erosion year on year of player quality overseen by one man.Last season we thought we had hit a real low in August 2011 we move on over a year later & our league position tells you we are getting worse let alone tonights debacle & our football mirrors our manager.It is stale devoid of ideas sadly like some of us realists posted after WBA nothing now suprises you with this Arsenal side.The people running & managing this great club wouldn't have looked out of place owning the Titanic delusional & totally in denial of where we are heading.

  234. LJB

    Dec 12, 2012, 0:41 #29480

    Wengers post match comments, where he declared that the players have nothing to be embarrassed about, show a man on the edge of insanity.However,the board will not sack him.That guy who wrote that 442 article has just said that he believes that Wenger is in fact paid considerably MORE than the perceived 7.5 mill,probably through bonuses,and is in fact likely to be only just behind Mourinho in terms of wages.He also said that Gazidis is OBSESSED with Wenger,and that he is very much part of the clubs long term plans. So,Gooners,there is only one option.We must protest against OGL,and boycott the spacebowl;there are no alternatives,he will NOT be sacked and lacks the common decency to RESIGN.Who would i have instead of Wenger? ANYONE,just anyone other than the man who has destroyed this club.

  235. Dave

    Dec 12, 2012, 0:38 #29479

    Spot on yet again, wenger must go, the only way though is to hit the club where it hurts, as long as we sell out every home game then nothing will change

  236. maverick

    Dec 12, 2012, 0:35 #29478

    Gotta agree with OP & James. Wenger must take the flak for appallling team performances but board getting made gazzillionaires off selling stars and high ticket prices. We've gotta start voting with out feet and stop attending games. Thats the only way u ever change it

  237. Jake

    Dec 12, 2012, 0:33 #29477

    Never heard such a bunch of moaning football supporters in my football days. John Hartson summed it up perfectly after the Swansea loss. Arsenal are going through a slight rough patch and the fans are all up in arms, moaning on the radio and saying sack Wenger. You guys need to wake up and get real! You don't know what a crisis is. Arsenal fans have been spoilt in the past and can't except that things change.

  238. usgooner

    Dec 12, 2012, 0:29 #29476

    the worse thing is that it was no surprise . a gutless performance FROM OVERPAID MEDIOCRE RUBBISH Gervinho,Ramsey,Mertesaker,Gibbs,Sagna,Chamackh,Squillaci,Djourou,Cocquelin ,Jenkinson would not get into any top six squad yet wenger still persists . Wilshere is the only bright star , sign Walcott for gods sake . The final straw selling RVP to MANU would never have happened in Deins time

  239. Ian

    Dec 12, 2012, 0:25 #29475

    Absolutely disgraceful. For the first time ever, I am embarrassed as an Arsenal fan. The manager should lower his head in shame to allow this club to fall to such a low level. Talented highly paid professionals beaten by a team three tiers lower than them. This team has no heart, desire, or motivation to win and it all stems from the manager.

  240. OrangeburgGooner

    Dec 12, 2012, 0:25 #29474

    What price 10,000 on the next Black Scarf march?

  241. Kilkenny cat

    Dec 12, 2012, 0:23 #29473

    I was at york in 85,wrexham in 92,and the home disaster against walsall,which saw the end of the Terry Neill era. But this is a new low. Only the fans come out with any credit at all. Pathetic,gutless,and most of this squad are no where near the standard that is required. Wenger is solely to blame. Enough is enough,he has to go. Trouble is no one on the board has a clue about football. We really are in a sorry state

  242. DW Thomas

    Dec 12, 2012, 0:21 #29472

    ASTONISHING! That we lost. That Wenger still has a job. That Ramsey ever starts. That...what's the next embarrassment? This team is a shambles. I really am starting to not care at all about this squad. Save Jack and a few others, who really deserves the shirt? Walcott? Verm? This result should have never happened. Just like United and Milan last year. Our manager and team are a laughing stock now. A once great and innovative man , he just seems stale now. Things must change and soon. We are watching a bunch of pampered, over paid brats. What has any of them won besides a 4th place trophy for Le Prof? Take me back to even 2008 when at least we challenged and lost to good teams most of the time. Oh how Rome has fallen. Yet our Emperor remains. We are desperate for new ideas.

  243. dazzy90

    Dec 12, 2012, 0:20 #29471

    DISGRACEFUL! Wenger you are clueless, and becoming an embarrassement. GO. Go NOW! WE WANT OUR ARSENAL BACK. Take that clown Gervinho with you. HOW THE HELL DOES HE CARVE OUT A PROFESSIONAL FOOTBALL CAREER??!! FFS!! Take Chamack with you too - totally useless player with NO idea where the goal is. Between Gervinho and Chamack they have the football brains of a ping pong ball. No first touch. No bottle. I have had enough of this like the article writer, like almost ALL Arsenal supporters now. I am seriously considering not renewing my overpriced, fleeced season ticket. Not because I'm a part time supporter, but because I have had enough of the club / board / manager taking the piss out of me. GO WENGER, AND TAKE GERVINHO, CHAMACK, ARSHAVIN, BENTKNOB, RAMSEY and co. with you. They and you are a joke.

  244. jimmy

    Dec 12, 2012, 0:20 #29470

    What a load of rubbish ... Arsenes doing the job on a shoestring and doing it well. Last 16 of the CL, qualifying for the CL for 16 years etc... Ok we haven't won anything but who has? Man utd, Chelsea, man city. That's it really. Is rather come third with soul than come first and be a play thing for an oligarchch. Start backing the manager and stop your boring pointless whining.

  245. Mozzetta

    Dec 12, 2012, 0:16 #29469

    Well said, I remember terry Neill getting the sack after a humiliating defeat to Walsall in the league cup. Terry had gone four years without a trophy. Just watched Espn and on press pass it was revealed that our wage bill is higher than bayern munichs. Get rid of wenger and let the new man rebuild.

  246. Danny

    Dec 12, 2012, 0:16 #29468

    Kevin- about time you have seen teh light- Wenger out!!!

  247. Theo Jensen

    Dec 12, 2012, 0:13 #29467

    The sad thing is I really wasn't surprised at this result. The thing that struck me was just how pathetic the team is strategically and tactically now. Wenger was completely outsmarted by a league two manager: Virtually all our play revolves around knocking the ball wide to the full backs who put in crosses, hoping that Giroud generally will get on the end. There's not a great deal of incisiveness in the passing, or tiki-taka combinations. We have no one who can take on players, and the complete lack of pace and counter attacking ability marks a truly awful playing style. Bradford saw they just needed to sit compact and organised, defensively, and be committed, physical and direct offensively. And they would probably have continued to dominate past the 70 minute stage if they'd matched our formation- it was just too much for them physically in the end without influence over the middle of the park. Hardly surprising, these aren't professional athletes in the same vein whatsoever. But don't worry, when FFP kicks in, just watch clubs like Bradford struggle as the playing field is levelled...

  248. Matthew

    Dec 12, 2012, 0:12 #29466

    I couldn't agree more its time to go arsene you haven't been good enough for a couple of years. The choices your making are hurting the club. The players are just to blame how much do they get paid and carnt do there job. Embaresment to club and their parents. If you on as much as you are and don't do you job you should get the sack

  249. Pete The First

    Dec 12, 2012, 0:11 #29465

    Has Arsene met his Nemesis? I doubt it, this guy won't walk, and the board won't push. Expect another season of the same until his contract expires.

  250. Jonas

    Dec 12, 2012, 0:10 #29464

    Ofcourse this is Wenger fault´s. Look at the buys he has made in the last few years. Chamack,Gerviniho,, Park and this season Giroud. while selling our best players vieira, Henry,Fabregas and Van Persie. That is so smart. No wonder they call him the Professor. Most of us clowns would try to keep the best players and try to add some others good players to that list. Gerviniho could not score a goal with Stevie Wonder in goal. He has nothing to offer and Clumsey i am mean Ramsey is in the same caliber. When we are in a good position to do something he will pop up and ruin things. The he runs all over the court like a chicken with his head cut of. Why are the players to blame. Wenger says they are good enough and puts them out there. I have never seen such badly motivated Arsenal team in my life as this year team. Clueless,characterless,hopless,worthless,toothless,gutless bunch of loosers with a Professor who is better at math then soccer. We reached the end of the line when it comes to patience tonight.

  251. Tommy

    Dec 12, 2012, 0:10 #29463

    The WOB must be loving this AAA glory hunters.

  252. 1971

    Dec 12, 2012, 0:08 #29462

    Why in the love of god do we put up with a manager like Wenger, The best chance of silverware is gone, the capital one cup.How many teams would put up with a manager like Wenger? NOT EVAN THE SPUDS. Year in and year out we the fans have to put up with CRAP because of Wengers past glorys. WENGER OUT NOW.

  253. blackheart

    Dec 12, 2012, 0:07 #29461

    David moyes... kick arse(nal)

  254. Sam

    Dec 12, 2012, 0:07 #29460

    I totally agree with the op. Wenger is dragging Arsenal down with him like Clough did with Forrest. The AKB's out there (a group that is surely declining in numbers all the time) would like you to believe that there is no one who could replace Wenger - frankly I'd be willing to take that risk at the moment. Ultimately Wenger is responsible for the players we've signed, and ultimately is responsible for the shocking performance in recent seasons. I find it amusing when fan's say that it's not his fault but the board, yet we are lead to believe that there is plenty of money to spend. This is the worst team I've ever seen as an arsenal fan and with players like Gervinho, Chamakh, Ramsey, etc who just aren't good enough. We've been lead to believe that one day our team would come good, that was always the cry of the Wenger apologists, I would argue that this statement is now in tatters, along with our club. Sack Wenger

  255. jjetplane

    Dec 12, 2012, 0:00 #29459

    As someone who was there in the mad early 70s and also in 98 I want to say I am happy with tonight's result. There is no hiding now for the most overpaid clown in football, or the most oppressive arena in English football. To get our Arsenal back - you would have to get rid of the Emirates as well. To all the come-latelys with yer fat wallets - Enjoy! least I saw The Arse when it was football.

  256. Gooner Steve

    Dec 11, 2012, 23:59 #29458

    Spot on with everything you say.

  257. James

    Dec 11, 2012, 23:56 #29457

    Agree that Wenger should go, but that won't resolve the issues at the club. The board are just as much to blame, and unfortunately they won't be going anywhere. A new board and Pep Guardiola can restore greatness, but the current board are more likely to go for a 2nd tier manager than show ambition by appointing Guardiola. I'm afraid to say unless there's a major change at the club (that's not only the removal of Wenger) things are only going to get worse, to such an extent within a couple of seasons we'll be doing well to be in our current 7th position in the League.

  258. Danish Gooner

    Dec 11, 2012, 23:55 #29456

    Spot on mate.Currently trembling with rage !!!

  259. Jude Jolicoeur

    Dec 11, 2012, 23:54 #29455

    With the exception of Coquelin, who’s a youth international, ten of eleven starters were full internationals. We brought on three additional full internationals as substitutes. We lost to a League 2 side – League 2! What on Earth is going on?

  260. Debbie

    Dec 11, 2012, 23:50 #29454

    A finger up to the WOB