What’s this? A run of victories!

Winning in the rain at Wigan

What’s this? A run of victories!

The Ox: Effective performance

Arsenal should win more games in this fashion. Matches away where it is difficult to get a foothold, but sheer perseverance brings its rewards. In reaction to the defeat at Bradford, the players have put in two contrasting, but creditable displays, and moved into third place, at least ahead of other sides playing today and tomorrow.

Wigan did two things that Reading did not last Monday, which made this a different type of game. Firstly, they defended much deeper, cutting out the option of the ball to set Walcott away over the top. But even though this allowed a larger area for Arsenal’s midfield to play, they were in their faces for much of the game, making Cazorla far less of an influence than last time out. In fact it was Jack Wilshere’s combativeness that was the most notable aspect of the visitors’ midfield. This was just his type of game. As a consequence, the Gunners’ best chances were fashioned from wide, with Oxlade-Chamberlain providing most of the threat.

The clean opportunities were few and far between, thanks to the quality of Wigan’s defending, and it is a surprise to see them in the relegation zone, although in attack, they did seem to lack potency. Still, as perennial relegation contenders, they are a team Arsenal should be taking six points from each season. So on that level, job done.

There was an element of fortune in the referee’s decision not to penalize Gibbs for protecting his chest with his arms in his own area. This rule is a tricky one. There was no doubt intent, but an element of it is subconscious. At that speed, the only way to prevent the automatic movement of arms to protect head and torso is to consciously be standing with your arms behind your back. Not easy if you are on the move. We’ve seen them given, but the dice fell Arsenal’s way on that one today. The penalty that was given was difficult to argue with. Roberto Martinez called it soft, but there was no doubt the tangle of bodies resulted in Walcott’s going to ground. The offender was behind him and off the pace.

Arteta’s penalty was a good one if he deliberately placed it where he did after seeing the keeper go the other way. If not, he got lucky, as it was a very savable height. Any penalty that goes in is a well taken one at the end of the day, the greatest of all probably Lauren’s grasscutter at Highbury against Spurs in 2002.

Arsenal have won the third in a series of six very winnable games. With West Ham being postponed, there are now only five to get a run going ahead of Manchester City’s visit, and the away fixture at Chelsea. The manager will point to the table and indicate the merits of third place. However, the gap to the leaders is confirmation that Champions League qualification is the limit of the club’s ambition. Initially, they have to consolidate that, but going forward analyse what has led to the points gap behind United and work out what needs to be done differently to prevent such a chasm next season. Two transfer windows between now and then could help if the club are prepared to pay the money required for the right type of player.

Finally, a word about Theo Walcott, given another opportunity through the middle. He was largely negated, but at the end of the day, he won the penalty, and made the difference. Mind you, the position in which he won it was not that of a centre forward. Very difficult to conclude it’s his best position from this display. However, the Ox is definitely making progress on the right side of attack, so Theo might find it hard to get back his old spot if the manager decided Olivier Giroud is to start again at centre forward, or someone like Huntelaar arrives in January. Given Newcastle are unlikely to play a high line next weekend, it is not inconceivable that the manager might switch things around. One to ponder. In the meantime, enjoy the festivities.

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  1. Rob

    Dec 28, 2015, 12:11 #81157

    Hammer ! Head of Nail ! Bosch ! Well said Ian. That's as clear a summation as anyone could ask for.

  2. Bard

    Dec 27, 2015, 17:43 #81138

    Some very good questions indeed Ian. In all the subterfuge and spin that emanates from Wenger and the club you could be forgiven for thinking they would indeed be able to answer your questions. Sadly as you havent worked a day in football you wont get a coherent answer. The only reason I can come up with is we try to do things on a shoestring, cutting corners wherever possible. I have posted many times before it is complete spin that the club are remotely interested in trying to win anything. As long as we are there or thereabouts and stadium is full at least theoretically and we produce the odd good run that keeps the fans hoping that is good enough.

  3. mbg

    Dec 27, 2015, 14:38 #81123

    In the build up to the Southampton match this old past it manager did what he has been doing for the last eight nine seasons and will continue to do until sent packing back to France, talk shyte, and when the game finished and just like all the others, humiliations, embarrassments, and all that went with them continued to do it. wenger out.

  4. billthered

    Dec 28, 2012, 16:06 #30126

    Well we should and did beat Wigan that is not a case for debate,it's all the bad results that need analysis,we tried to keep what we had with five central midfielders on the pitch at the end and it just about worked,truth is go back a few years and that game would have been over after twenty minutes.The transfer window opens in four days but we dont need anyone because Diaby and Rossicky are back in training and will be like new signings.

  5. nugs

    Dec 27, 2012, 13:17 #30116

    maybe someone should give the owners of the in arsene we trust a slap as a lot of us find that offensive!

  6. Green Hut

    Dec 24, 2012, 18:52 #30089

    @Gare Kekeke- Nice one mate, idiots like this (on both sides of the fence) need to be shown where to draw the line. If nothing gets done this time, incidents like this will happen again and again. At the end of the day it's hardly the most offensive banner, the wording is pretty polite compared to some I've seen over the years.

  7. Gare Kekeke

    Dec 24, 2012, 16:01 #30085

    @ Maguiresbridge Gooner; he’s a coward in my view. By all means he should complain about the banner but to actually hit a fellow Gooner, to me that’s not on. But then again, fights between Arsenal fans during games are all too common now. @Red; yes mate, there is video footage. In my line of work I do see things that are not transmitted with so many camera angles. And it was a proper assault too. Without wishing to make myself out to be an angel but I plan to contact the club over this matter. I don’t care if I grass up a fellow Gooner, as you’ve said; we can’t have that sort of thing going on. We’re all football fans and we should stick together regardless of our allegiances.

  8. Red

    Dec 24, 2012, 14:52 #30083

    @GaryKekeke- Mate are you saying there is video footage of older bloke hitting the kid? Should be enough to get him on an assault charge and a long ban. Even without TV video there must be CCTV in the ground, and there must be loads of witnesses too. Just can't have that kind of thing going on, the authorities, be it the police, Arsenal or Wigan (preferably all 3), must lay down some kind of deterrent.

  9. maguiresbridge gooner

    Dec 24, 2012, 12:16 #30077

    Gare Kekeke, yes it would have been interesting to see if he would have been so brave if it had been somebody his own age or size.Maybe he'll get his chance at the next match.

  10. tpm

    Dec 24, 2012, 10:47 #30070

    o waht a surprise an akb thinks they were good subs! bringing off someone who doesnt constantly gve the ball away and for someone who does and is playing atrocioulsy, is a good sub is it??? (Ramsey for ox) ramsey is a liability. constantly losing possession and being caught out of position.

  11. Gare Kekeke

    Dec 24, 2012, 2:08 #30065

    I can’t comment on the game as I wasn’t there (and before anyone has a go at me, some of us have to work during games) so I had to make do with BBC Radio 5 Live. And from I heard it wasn’t pretty but a win is a win and I’ll be grateful for that. Where it will take us remains to be seen. Btw, I work in televised football for a living and why is it nobody was at the game has mentioned the middle-aged Gooner punching his younger counterpart over that anti-Wenger banner after the match? I’m all for reasoned debate whatever are your views of Wenger & the board and fans making their opinions known but what I saw was just plain ridiculous.

  12. GoonerRon

    Dec 24, 2012, 1:50 #30064

    @ LJB - Chelsea battered Villa today, so what? Did you feel 'depressed' when you saw West Ham steam roller Chelsea the other week, on the same pitch where we comprehensively beat West Ham earlier in the season? It doesn't make any sort of sense comparing opponents like that does it? As for the subs, I thought they were good decisions - some times in games you just can't keep the ball and kill the game, especially away from home, so you have to set up the team to defend what you have in the latter stages. Ramsey is slightly more defensively sound than Ox and I can remember Coquelin and Kos making at least three key tackles/interceptions between them in the closing stages.

  13. n4

    Dec 24, 2012, 0:48 #30063

    Well said LJB

  14. Lee

    Dec 24, 2012, 0:45 #30062

    HAHAHA absolutely hilarious from the AKB mob!! I was at reading monday and they were POOR! yes you still have to turn up and do the required to win and we did play a lot better but suddenly wins against a poor reading and holding on against wigan and ARSENE KNOWS!! pffff suddenly everythings alright isnt it......? doesnt make up for me taking a half day off work, getting it in the earhole and freezing the proverbials off on a sub zero evening in bradford to be knocked OUT! The club was here before arsene WHO, took over in 1996 AND THE CLUB WILL STILL BE HERE when he goes!!! UP THE ARSE'

  15. LJB

    Dec 23, 2012, 23:21 #30061

    Watching Chelseas battering of a Villa side that we were fortunate to draw 0.0 with just depressed me even further.Their combination of pace and power going forward was a stark contrast to our insipid frontline,and further cemented my belief that until Wenger and his American paymasters leave,we will fall further and further behind.Mr "30 yrs in football" almost cost us that game with his ridiculous preplanned substitutions;for someone who is supposed to be "the coach of the decade"(ha,ha),the man shows a complete inability to read the pattern of a game.For ten minutes before he was replaced,the Ox was getting behind the Wigan defence at will.OGL replaces him with the out of form (i'm being generous) Ramsey and immediately we lose the ability to keep hold of the ball.He then makes the situation worse by bringing on Coquelin and Kosielny.We were then stuck in our own half hanging on against flippin Wigan.God help us against Bayern.

  16. GoonerRon

    Dec 23, 2012, 22:15 #30060

    Three points was all important and we got them, the fact we got them in a manner we aren't exactly accustomed to is a bonus for me. After the Swansea game some on here were predicting defeats on the upcoming fixtures so three wins on the bounce is better than those with their glass half empty were predicting. Need to keep it up and win the next one.

  17. jon

    Dec 23, 2012, 22:01 #30059

    Positives and negatives came out of yesterdays match, but for once the usual pessimist Gavin sums it up pretty well.

  18. Choice City

    Dec 23, 2012, 21:19 #30058

    Lauren’s daisy cutter at Highbury against Spurs in 2002.

  19. Rippy

    Dec 23, 2012, 20:25 #30057

    We are on a massive roll. First shawcross takes a massive nut. Then van Persie decides to heroically stop a clearance with his very expensive head. With the only damage done being the memory of his arsenal loyalty gone forever. Surly next week adebarndoor will be eaten alive by a t-Rex live on sky or na$ri will fall up his own arse never to be seen again. Oo to be a gooner...

  20. jj

    Dec 23, 2012, 20:22 #30056

    What the AKB's don't get is that we could easily have drawn this match. Amazingly Wenger took off The OX who was grilling his fullback and was responsible for most of our drive in the second half. As soon as he went off we lost our momentum and had to hang on for the last 10 minutes. I'm sorry but tactically the manager is way behind so many of his peers. Time to go.

  21. Mark from Aylesbury

    Dec 23, 2012, 19:53 #30055

    Goat brains, douche bags, mugs, rabble and turnips. It really is genuinely interesting that a number of very pro Wenger responders resort to constant name calling. I tend not to see it from other respondees. It really must be an emotional attachment to Wenger. For my sins I've never had it, certainly admired what he achieved but feel that from 4 years ago his methods were being overtaken. Recently I've read and heard a few articles on euro football where it seems a bunch of younger managers are bringing in new ideas and methods. Football is evolving and maybe even Mourinho may have peaked. Maybe Wenger should bow out end of season and let's get a young hungry guy in. Salary certainly should not be a problem. It is good to see that our Emirates sponsors are pushing pressure on the board in regard to achievements. This really shows up the dreadful line that the Board and Wenger have been pushing. Up the Arsenal

  22. goonercolesyboy

    Dec 23, 2012, 18:29 #30054

    Bard, didn't get an analysis from your post so can't debate it with you...suffice to say, we won ugly, 1-0. The debating on this site is, in the main,a waste of time as quite rightly you say it is a matter of opinions. So I shall continue to go and support the team whatever the weather or management and leave you to continue to criticise.

  23. Bard

    Dec 23, 2012, 16:32 #30053

    Goonercolesyboy, that's what this site is opinions.You were obviously there on yesterday but I noticed you didn't have much to say to contradict my view.If my impression of the game was wrong delighted to be corrected.Look forward to reading your analysis.

  24. danny

    Dec 23, 2012, 16:18 #30052

    for christs sake, we beat two crappy teams. Wenger still ha to go. with the money the club has, we need better players and a proper coach who doe not settle for mediocrity and whats make s it worst, is this idiot lives in a different world fire teh sod!!

  25. maguiresbridge gooner

    Dec 23, 2012, 15:42 #30051

    Another three points from one of the basement boys,welcome all the same although not always guaranteed where arsenal's concerned. It's about time decisions started going our way it makes a change from the mancs.We'll not be getting to carried away even though we're up to our usual trophy position, Arsene, Ivan, and the DDT (among others)will be celebrating, all that lovely CL dough great for profits,we done enough and needed a pen, jack's combativeness is just what we want and he was very unlucky to get booked for a great tackle and we got the rub of the green on the two handballs.Yes kev there is still a gap can we go on a real run now and not these imaginary ones, and have them start to take notice of us for a change ? and maybe give a real top class team like Bayern Munich something to worry about.

  26. Green Hut

    Dec 23, 2012, 15:34 #30050

    @goonercolesyboy- What happened was the coward who did nothing when older blokes showed the banner at Reading suddenly got brave when a 17 year old kid was holding it. No worries he'll be on a ban soon.

  27. Nick

    Dec 23, 2012, 14:29 #30049

    First off Merry Christmas one and all , Yes yesterday was a good 3 points , hard earned, and i can enjoy xmas much better now , and yet i worry , i worry because of our manager , because he refuses to learn from past mistakes , and continues to play players out of position , like Ramsey right footed central midfielder , plays mostly wide left where he is a fish out of water , i dont know why Wenger does this , like Walcott, twitcher redknapp gave him his first chance at the saints and said he sees him as a central stiker , theo thinks the same wenger has said thats where he see him playing eventually , so if Wenger was in charge of building workers apprenticeships would he take a kid who was training to be an electrician and make him use the first 4 years of training as a plumber ?, a winger and a CF are two different trades , i also despair of the mans substitution policy , pre planned is ridiculous , i also doubt that he will be active in the transfer market in Jan, prefering to wait on new signings such as perrenial crocks like Diaby, if that is indeed the case then it is NEGLIGENCE , and we will pay the price yet again for his arrogance , i hope im proved wrong and if we go on to win silverware or even come close ill apologise and admit i was wrong , once again MERRY CHRISTMAS .

  28. Peter Wain

    Dec 23, 2012, 14:19 #30048

    2 results which highlighted the lack of ability in the squad. 4 nil up against a very poor Reading sisde we still concede two silly goals and look very vunerable. Arsenal need a decent left back not some winger who is played there. Sloppy distribution led to the first goal very similar to the goal conceded at Everton. Why our full backs persist in playing a ball to the centre mid field player with his back to goal and an opponent tight to him confuses me. But time and time again we try the same pass and it often causes problems. The result against Wigan whilst great showed why we need a top quality striker and a defensive midfield player. Every time we attacked all three of our midfield players were going foward and with the full backs hgh up the pitch we were very open. A better team than Wigan would punish us. Also we created very little and gave Walcott poor service. Still the window is nearly upon us and lets us hope for the seven or eight players in that we need and the fifteen going out -some chance of either!!!

  29. DW Thomas

    Dec 23, 2012, 13:45 #30047

    Have we all forgotten it is going on 8 years with no trophy? Sure praise the team for being in third and not 8th or lower. But look a t the points casm from second or first. And Chelsea with still two games to play. If Man united get Ronaldo back, they will be unstoppable! We need reinforcements as always, but won't get them as always. Yesterday's game would have been very different had Kone finished his easy chance. Per looked unbelievably slow on that one and Walcott still looks lazy up top. We need a tough DM and a top scorer. Then we might keep rising. Let's not rent the victory bus just yet all!

  30. goonercolesyboy

    Dec 23, 2012, 13:40 #30046

    Bard...you are everything that is wrong with being a so called supporter...having an opinion based on a radio commentary....and who on here is vindicating Wenger's methods? See you at Southampton?...and to the mugs who had the banner out again, please tell me what happened?

  31. ianmac

    Dec 23, 2012, 13:33 #30044

    A wins a win, but yet again Arsenal are found wanting when we haven't got the ball. There is no organisation or shape and the positioning is awful. I'm talking about the whole team and that is simply down to the manager. He is simply tactically inept, there is no defensive strategy whatsoever and it's been like this for years and will continue as long as this man is in charge.

  32. Bard

    Dec 23, 2012, 11:59 #30043

    Some of the posts take your breath away with their stupidity. No Arsenal fan bemoans a win away against Wigan, but how you can interpret that result as a vindication of Wenger's methods. I didnt watch the game but listened to it on 5 Live. It didnt sound like a comprehensive victory to me, more a lucky one. If this team rout Chelsea, Man City and give Bayern a run for their money then the AKBs can have their day. Until then the results the team are getting are the very least expected of a team with a wage bill of £140m playing teams in the bottom three.

  33. Website Admin

    Dec 23, 2012, 11:56 #30042

    @Jack and @Debbie - Just to let you know that a Chelsea fan who goes by the name of "Terry is our Leader" is using your computer this morning to post comments here.

  34. What was the point in leaving Highbury?

    Dec 23, 2012, 11:39 #30041

    Peter Killick, you my friend are everything wrong with Arsenal. So unambitous and easily pleased. Anything to keep Wenger in a job. Everything is ok after we beat the mighty Wigan one nil thanks to a soft penalty.

  35. Big Andy

    Dec 23, 2012, 11:03 #30040

    It's amazing how Wenger seems to manage to produce a few results just when we are at our lowest ebb. You get the feeling that yet again we will just about manage to scrape fourth place again. Luckily for us, Spurs, Liverpool, Newcastle and Everton are pretty average too. I still want Wenger out.

  36. nugs

    Dec 23, 2012, 10:49 #30039

    amazing how the deluded jcls harp on about wengers 1st 7 yrs and conveniently forget whats happened since! like you we are entitled to our opinion on wenger unlike you we back it up with solid facts, the fact you lot think beating reading and wigan means everything rosey sums it up 4 me but unlike the majority of you lot a lot of us on here have supported the club long before wenger was our manager! ps amazed how many of the akbs didnt know stewart robson actually played for the arsenal and that wenger took over from rioch and not gg! wenger and the board out!

  37. Jumpers for Goalposts

    Dec 23, 2012, 10:18 #30038

    Peter Killick / Debbie / Jack - you've all missed out one important fact. We're still 12 points behind the league leaders!! 3rd or 4th place is NOT a trophy . . . . . . . .

  38. Gavin

    Dec 23, 2012, 9:59 #30037

    Despite never knowing what you will get, I would still expect us to convincingly beat an a bottom three side suffering from injuries on a poor run of form. However we were fortunate that Wigan were wasteful in good positions and another ref would have seen the handballs differently. The win is welcome, and good for a bit of confidence and momentum, but nothing to get excited about.

  39. Dan h

    Dec 23, 2012, 9:52 #30036

    Yes it was a good result it was a pretty even contest imo good to see the Ox find some form.Hope everyone has a happy xmas with super quality presents.The question being what shall the away support do with their £10 Ebenezer Gazidis vouchers?

  40. SilverGooner

    Dec 23, 2012, 9:27 #30035

    Amazing to hear Harry Redknapp's comments about some of QPR's players earning too much money for thier ability and what they give to the club. I wonder if that rang any any bells with Wenger and Gazidis, because it certainly will with many Arsenal fans.

  41. Moscow Gooner

    Dec 23, 2012, 8:02 #30034

    Peter Killick: 3rd place looks artificial to say the least - no need to apologise at this point: by the end of Boxing Day we ll be back down to sixth. The question is will finishing 4th at the end of the season - probably the limit of realistic ambition - be enough to justify another 5 years of AW? (And again some weird substitutions - pre programmed? - that really allowed Wigan to dominate the closing stages.)

  42. HowardL

    Dec 23, 2012, 4:09 #30033

    Couldn't understand the substitution. Ramsey was like a fish out of water

  43. goonercolesyboy

    Dec 23, 2012, 2:28 #30032

    What a miserable bunch you are...come to a game next time and let's chat...supporters my ar*e.

  44. northbank123

    Dec 23, 2012, 0:23 #30031

    At the end of the day it's two away wins on the bounce. Given that nobody outside of the Manchester clubs (and possibly Chelsea) is capable of putting together sustained runs of form then 5-game bursts of form (as I suspect this will be) will just about compensate for our woeful displays the rest of the time (in that it will keep us in and around 4th place). But that's not good enough, surely nobody in their right mind can beating 20th and scraping past 18th vindicates years of failure? Anybody who celebrates being 12 (probably 15 again by tomorrow) points off the leaders less than halfway through the season needs to step back and realise that their love affair with Wenger is clouding their judgement about how we are performing as a club.

  45. Debbie

    Dec 23, 2012, 0:18 #30030

    Arsenal see of Reading with a wonderful array of attacking football no one gives them any credit even though City were very fortunate to beat them with a controversial goal in the last minute.Again we see of Wigan and again Oh it's only Wigan it doesn't count.Stop acting like jelly heads and blubber pants and get behind the team goat brains.

  46. Paul Heaton

    Dec 23, 2012, 0:03 #30029

    Peter Killick's post further strengthens a theory I've held for a while now which is that, for Wenger and his disciples, every victory is a complete vindication of his approach, pretty well irrespective of the dross that has preceeded it. I know that to some extent in football you're only as good as your last game but they take it to extremes. 7 seasons without a trophy, worst defeat in over 100 years, worst ever European defeat, thrown away a 4-0 lead and lost to Bradford? Don't worry because we've beaten Reading and Wigan. Since we last won a trophy we've been knocked out of the domestic cups by Bolton, Blackburn, Burnley, Stoke, Birmingham, Sunderland and Bradford. You're absolutely right Peter. Sorry Arsene, how could we possibly have doubted you?

  47. Jason B

    Dec 22, 2012, 22:29 #30028

    Yes the Wenger knockers are still here.Still,i'll give him his due on this occassion.1-0 away from home.Job done.

  48. Jude

    Dec 22, 2012, 22:23 #30027

    It was nice to see our best players out there again this week, but taking off Chamberlain, our man of the match, for Ramsey, beggars belief. If the rationale was to give (woefully out of form, in my opinion) Ramsey playing time, why not remove Jack or Santi to give one of them a rest? If you must, put Ramsey in his natural position since everyone seems to acknowledge, with the exception of the gaffer apparently, that he's not a winger. Chamberlain was our strongest threat going forward, attacking their left back the whole game. Ramsey cut the ball back to Sagna. He doesn't make us more solid defensively. His introduction contributed to us being under unnecessary pressure at the close of the game. Having said that, it was three welcomed points indeed. Onwards and upwards, and happy Christmas.

  49. graham yates

    Dec 22, 2012, 21:04 #30026

    2 straight wins Peter, of course we are all so sorry. We are all quiet cos we've been here before and its not worth the bothering. That's the majority of us now inc. Mr. Whitcher I might add.

  50. CanadaGooner

    Dec 22, 2012, 20:57 #30025

    good result. well done to the team. we cant rely on walcott for the 20+ goals big clubs need from a leading stiker each season. if demba ba is available for 7million; sell walcott for 10million, buy demba ba and the board can keep the change. one would hope walcott will be reasonable and accept the wages they're offering him; it'll be a shame to see him leave, but he aint no van persie.

  51. Green Hut

    Dec 22, 2012, 20:33 #30024

    Very festively charitable summary Kev, considering Wigan were all over us like a rash for long spells. And I'm sure today will convince Cult Of Wenger members for the millionth time over the last 4 years that we've turned the corner. Until the next embarrasment, of course. We obviously stand a fair chance of winning the virtual 4th place trophy, especially if tottenham lose their nerve or have a dodgy lasagne again, but I get more disinterested every game as we're just treading water and will continue to do so until Wenger goes. I did notice though how often Martinez stood on the edge of his technical area actually shouting instructions to his players, rather than pointlessly arguing with the 4th official and kicking water bottles. Revolutionary!

  52. Judge me in May

    Dec 22, 2012, 20:21 #30023

    @kilick So after scraping a win against a the mighty Wigan, and putting together a breathtaking run of 3 wins against bottom sides, that absolves Wenger of 7 years of rank bad management? Go crawl back inside Arsene's track suit

  53. Jack

    Dec 22, 2012, 20:13 #30022

    The turnips won't apologise they will just say we were lucky blah blah blah.And then start moaning again about the AKB's,the board,Wengers tactics and ticket prices.You have to love the grumpy sods though Arsenal wouldn't be Arsenal without them.

  54. SLJ

    Dec 22, 2012, 20:12 #30021

    Another A.F.C. pen, there will surely be an F.A. enquiry, let's hope they start calling us lucky again

  55. Spike

    Dec 22, 2012, 20:10 #30020

    Oh Peter Killick. You are so right! How could I have not seen what a great season we are having - it took this 1-0 win against the might of Wigan to open my eyes. This makes up for all the times we never even compete with the top four, bother to turn up against relegation candidates or exit the cup competitions without even a whimper. I am with you now and am just off to pen my heartfelt apology to Arsene for doubting him. Let's hope our terrific owner sanctions another pay hike for the great man on the back of this amazing two game run against teams in the bottom three eh?

  56. maguiresbridge gooner

    Dec 22, 2012, 19:58 #30019

    peter killick say sorry for what ? two wins against bottom of the table whipping boys and one of them where we needed a pen deserve nothing.Wenger is the one who should be saying sorry over and over again for the humiliation and embarrassment against Bradford.When wenger proves himself again which he has to do then we'll say sorry.

  57. Son of a Gun

    Dec 22, 2012, 19:53 #30018

    Peter Killick: did the joker in the sleeping bag say "sorry" when we were humiliated at Bradford??? Scrapping a 1-0 win over a lousy team like Wigan doesn't make up for hundreds of stupid decisions and losses with that arrogant old man on the bench... Wenger out now!

  58. RJ

    Dec 22, 2012, 19:16 #30017

    Fair play as ever to the travelling fans. And tote club for the 10 pound food voucher Christmas present. Given my daughter got in for 5 pounds we are ahead on her side from the trip! Theo's positioning thorough the game was that of a man who did not want the ball. Don't see it working with him through the middle because of his lack of aerial threat. Goodbye in the window and thanks for a few good memories.

  59. Accomodations

    Dec 22, 2012, 19:04 #30016

    why accomodate Podolwski on the left wing ? when we play bayern munich and Robben rampages down 1 wing while Ribery does the other, we will all remember the danger of managers ''accomodating'' players, or having the play them for certain reasons. Our manager is so so strong willed that Theo has re-wrote his tactics and insisted he plays centre forward. 3rd aint where we will finish. we were ok but for 20 mins wigan bossed us

  60. Chuks

    Dec 22, 2012, 19:01 #30015

    Not being funny but is there a direct link between our run of wins and Gervinho and to a lesser extent Giroud being on the bench? Wenger's obsession with top scorers in the French league is ill advised given how Cjamakh, Gervinho and again to a lesser extent Giroud (I personally think he will come good) have all struggled in the EPL. I gather David Villa of Barcelona might be looking to move in Jan. Dare I dream?????

  61. Graham Hansen

    Dec 22, 2012, 18:55 #30014

    Fantastic result against the mighty Wigan. Underdogs we may be and on a tight wage budget of only 140 million a year but we dug in and ground out a well deserved victory. What other manager could do so well with such limited resources? Up the Arsene!

  62. Paul

    Dec 22, 2012, 18:28 #30013

    Hold on Kev we beat the worse team and 3rd worst team in the league in the last two games.Cancel the open top bus parade.Walcott looked like a fish out of water.Best two players today the Ox and Kack.Although Wenger did his best to throw it away by bringing on Ramsey for the Ox.Can you imagine Wengers reaction if Wigan had got the penalty we did.

  63. usb

    Dec 22, 2012, 18:13 #30012

    To Peter Pillick - yes that's right 7 years of failure can be forgotten now that we have back to back victories against the European powerhouses of Reading and Wigan

  64. peter killick

    Dec 22, 2012, 17:54 #30011

    Yes and maybe time for all the Arsene knockers to say sorry but no i am sure now they all gone quiet.