The Transfer Window – Let us have our fun

Perchance to dream?

The Transfer Window – Let us have our fun

David Villa – He’d sell a few shirts

So, here it is again; the transfer window is upon us. For 31 days, we trawl Twitter, listen to the radio, SSN, back pages – anywhere where we think we’ll pick up a morsel of information linking us with a new signing.

It is also the time of year when the Know-It-Alls come out, to spoil all the fun.

We have those that implore you to accept that we’ve got millions – more then we’ve ever had to spend in our whole history – after they’ve frantically done the forensic financial research to prove their point. (I wonder if they ever stop to think that there is a reason why the club never endorses their hard work – maybe something to do with public confirmation of those funds meaning that any prospective seller will bump up the price, safe in the knowledge that they know we’ve millions to spend, more than we have ever had in our history, etc…)

Then the recriminations start – who is not spending that money; the board, the manager, the Yank? – even before we get linked with a player. This is all focusing on the not doing, rather than the doing, isn’t it?

We also have those that say “don’t do it to yourselves” when you comment on a prospective link; “it’s not worth it, it’ll all end in nothing”. Hold on, are you advising me, in that condescending way of yours, not to get sucked into discussing potential transfer targets – whilst you are discussing transfer targets? Sorry, Slur Alex, I do so apologize, you hypocrite.

Then, we have those that practically mock any players that we’re linked with – too tall, too small, too fat, too thin, too fast, too slow – even before thinking that they may enhance the team, by being better than the player they may replace.

And what of those players linked with us? Lampard, Henry, Downing, M’vila, Henry, Huntelaar, Holtby, Villa, Ba, Nani, Henry, Reina, Sterling, Flamini – I’m sure you could double that list – the killjoys would not have you believe that these players will come to us, dampening any possible enthusiasm you may have managed to drag up, thinking how good it would be to see Mathieu roll his sleeves up again.

You know what I say to those raspberries? I say a big fat raspberry. Are you seriously asking this football fan – any football fan – to be rational? This is the wrong sport, mate – being irrational is part of the fun associated with football, and if you want to stop me dreaming of our new signing, as I used to 30 years ago, when delivering papers on my round, papers whose back pages I searched and searched for any transfer news involving Arsenal, then, my friend, I say thank you for your interest in my business, but sod off.

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  1. yolo

    Jan 07, 2013, 17:29 #30486

    buy david villa plz arsenal need him

  2. Jock Gooner

    Jan 05, 2013, 8:08 #30413

    Transfer window - woo hoo, another month of watching AW try to flog the dead wood that he has moronically acquired and nobody will buy (except for AW!!). Far more entertaining than all the BS stories about who we are going after (or not as is usually the case).

  3. GaryFootscrayAustralia

    Jan 03, 2013, 0:04 #30290

    At least we don't have to talk about Ba any longer. Turns out AW double - bluffed us all by saying he wouldn't sign Ba, that's usually the indication that a bid will be made. I can only assume that Ba was assessed as not being able to generate the necessary re-sale profit further down the line.

  4. Big Dave

    Jan 02, 2013, 20:42 #30283

    We will get no one

  5. bergkamp10

    Jan 02, 2013, 17:19 #30267

    AFC will sign Zaha to arrive in the summer, and Henry for 4 weeks.. If we offload any deadwood that would be great! But I doubt anybody will take Chamakh, Squid, etc on their wages...

  6. JER

    Jan 02, 2013, 14:25 #30257

    Don't waste any money on players, just pay off Wenger's contract now. Get a new coach that has some idea of tactics.

  7. Tony Evans

    Jan 02, 2013, 12:24 #30250

    I did used to dream about exciting signings, up to a couple of seasons ago but now I know it is never going to happen under Clueless and co. My advice to you, Mike, is to save your dreams for the day Wenger rides off in to the history books.

  8. Ron

    Jan 02, 2013, 11:10 #30238

    There are only perma crocks, cast offs, cantplayfootie's and rebels available in January. Wenger cant cope with rebels, so expect the odd waste of space crock, cantplayfootie or cast off (or all of them)! He s got Diaby, Gerv and Rosicky to show them a nice 'welcome to Arsenal'!

  9. Consumer

    Jan 02, 2013, 10:36 #30232

    Red Member makes a great point (and one that has been made here many times before). I'll repeat it to make my point: "Since the DTT arrived, Arsenal have begun behaving like a company selling us a product to turn over a profit. We, the consumers, are walking/talking/breathing lumps of gold to him/them cos we don't have the luxury of switching to another product(i.e. supporting another team)." Well bollocks to that... Maybe people in North London won't change allegiances, but I don't live anywhere near London, or England for that matter. And I CAN change my allegiance. The DTT wants to make me a consumer... I'll give him what he wants and take a walk to the Red half of Manchester. Me and RvP will celebrate come May and you lot will keep hoping things change. Hear me loud and clear Stan... I've had enough of this: I'm going to watch a team that really wants to win. You want me back?... Make some changes around here. Thank you and Goodbye.

  10. chris dee

    Jan 02, 2013, 10:30 #30231

    It doesn't matter who we buy,they will eventually be dragged down to the levels ofthe don't -give-a-s**t for our club squad we currently have. Not true?Witness the god awful performance last night against Southampton and the unforgivable 'display' against Bradford. And that's the resposibility of the the manager.

  11. Red Member

    Jan 02, 2013, 9:15 #30223

    I have made a New Year's resolution. Because the club now operates more as a business than a football club and its supporters more as consumers then I will likewise treat the club in the same manner. I notice there are still some seats available for the game v Man City next week. Hmmm from £87. Don't think so, no value for money there. Who else shops in Asda at Waitrose prices? Answer nobody and that is what going to Arsenal is now becoming. Ok have a crap side if you want but don't expect us consumers to pay to watch them

  12. billthered

    Jan 02, 2013, 6:36 #30214

    When will you all learn,the transfer window is only about speculation.We dont really need more players we have a great squad and more than half have not played for ages so it wont be long before OGL unleashes them on the Premier league cause they are not suffering from fatigue like everyone else,it's so simple is'nt it.

  13. Steve H

    Jan 01, 2013, 21:01 #30212

    All very well dreaming about transfer targets but whats the point with the stubborn one still in charge nothing will change this time round except that we won't finish in the top four - can't wait until he leaves to be honest

  14. Understand the Business Model

    Jan 01, 2013, 17:56 #30210

    I dont think you understand Arsenal's business model. Arsenal have a massive wage bill. £150mpa. that is because Wenger wants 30 players (lets call them Items), that he has bought at a reasonable price while they were reasonably young. It DOES NOT mean that Arsenal's best 11 players will be better than Spurs best 11 players just because we have a much higher wage bill. It means the Club has 30 players what it feels it can make money on. 30 bites of the cherry in which to make a profit for the club. As long as the marketing income, ticket income does not collapse, this Business Model can carry on year in year out. You DO NOT have to win trophies or come 4th. It helps of course but it is NO LONGER essential. So January Transfer Window you should understand by now Wenger will search for bargains and he will try not to sell Theo unless a stonking bid comes in for him of something like £20M. then they would let him go in a nanno second.

  15. Alsace Lorraine de Totteridge

    Jan 01, 2013, 17:39 #30209

    The manager will not spend, and he is right not to do so. He's not fit to coach whatever arrives. Once he's gone we can get excited about transfers again. As it is I pity any player daft enough to sign.

  16. Hamza

    Jan 01, 2013, 14:52 #30208

    News Flash!!!!!! - Messi and Ronaldo on spotted at The Grove! - Henry reported to have shed 5 years off his age while training with The Arsenal. - Deschamps heals rift with Wenger. Wenger looking to fill CDM position... may look to Deschamps

  17. smee

    Jan 01, 2013, 14:51 #30207

    We would never sign "BA". Not enough profit in only 2 letters on the shirts.

  18. Peter Wain

    Jan 01, 2013, 14:29 #30206

    it would nice if we could get rid of mannone fabianski fatty santos djourou squllacci diaby arshavin denilson bendtner chamak park gervinho we could then afford to buy a few. Never going to happen and looking at the list I am not sure I trust the management to see quality anymore

  19. maguiresbridge gooner

    Jan 01, 2013, 14:23 #30205

    Yes it's upon us again and all the rumors have already begun weeks ago, but there's only one person who really knows the truth and he'll not be taking any advise from us and he won't be in any hurry to let us all know.So maybe we'll have to wait until deadline day and watch Jim white licking his lips on sky while telling us.I've lost count of the players we've already been linked with and probably because of that they won't be anywhere near an arsenal shirt, but one things for sure what ever signings we do make(if any)lets hope their better than some of the rubbish we already have.But unless wenger is forthcoming with info we'll have to wait for Jim.

  20. Stroud Green Road Boy

    Jan 01, 2013, 13:30 #30204

    Being a football fan is irrational, Mike, but historical precedence does stand for something, and that's been telling us for a long time now that the transfer window is an opportunity for the club to make a further profit, not anything for the fans to get excited about. When was the last time you felt the squad had been actually strengthened? I can't remember. Ba is too obvious for Wenger, he didn't discover him. I see he says Giroud will 'develop' into a player like Ba. Giroud is 25, I thought the purpose of signing players of that age was they are ready made, not for developing.

  21. Paul

    Jan 01, 2013, 12:19 #30203

    We will sign Zaha and get Henry on loan.And Walcott Djourou will go with Chamakh and his hair gel going on loan to Westam.Demba Ba at £7m was a no brainer to everyone but Wenger.We should bid £15m for Baines the best LB in the country