Tired Arsenal… Or Tired Of Arsene?

Mid-season reflections

Tired Arsenal… Or Tired Of Arsene?

Lee Chapman – Giroud predecessor?

(Ed’s note – Doing a bit of housekeeping here and sorting through unused submissions. This one was sent in on 12th December, although the points made have not really dated in the three weeks since)

A season of false starts, new lows and disappointment saw us out-played by a Swansea team supposedly looking to emulate our ‘passing game’, yet doing so far more effectively than us. The pupil out-witting the teacher. A disgruntled Wenger at the post-match interview failed to hide his disappointment at the performance, yet still dropped in the ‘fatigue’ excuse by way of explanation.

Tired… so let’s examine this. Goal-keepers are exempt immediately, and the two full-backs, through injury or rotation, have sat out more games than they have played in, so they should be fresh. Mertesacker, at times resembling Beckenbauer in his pomp, intercepting and striding majestically out of his own penalty area with the ball at his feet, at others inducing flash-backs of Andy Linighan being turned on a frozen lake, has emerged as our most consistent defender.

Wenger’s desperation to remove Santos from the starting line-up before his injury - a selection insulting to the illustrious list of left-backs going back through Cole, Winterburn, Sansom and McNab that preceded the Brazilian – has meant Vermaelen adopting a more unaccustomed full-back role, at a time when he was struggling with his own form in his regular centre-back position. Whilst he is far more competent than Santos, his attacking forays down the flanks and his delivery in the final third fall well short of what is required.

Cazorla and Arteta have manfully soldiered on during mediocrity-filled displays from colleagues. Cazorla, understandably, will be finding the pace much hotter than he is used to, and at times away from home (Norwich, Villa to name but two), has proved that when he does not function, the team do not create. Arteta is more used and suited to Premier League football, and covers the ground for 95 minutes. Wilshere, we are well aware, is fragile and vulnerable following such a long lay-off but, at 19, should and does have bundles of energy. Podolski rarely completes 90 minutes, a forlorn-looking figure on the left flank uninvolved in the game for far too long over the 75 minutes playing time he gets.

Gervinho has played more games than he deserves and we would like, but is still a bit-part player and Walcott warms the bench at a time when he, for the first time in his Arsenal career, looks fully-fit, fired up and effective. Rather like Rosicky, irony or coincidence, a contract or a move are in the offing, and form improves. Disappointing as Theo’s time has been – one good game in ten before this season saw him booed mercilessly before last year’s inaugural 5-2 win against Spuds – refusing to start a player that looks set to leave in January for a song yet sits top of our goal-scoring charts surely makes no sense.

And that brings us to Giroud. Variously described in the East Upper as ‘fat Cantona’ from seat 541, to ‘no better than Niall Quinn’ from 543, he has at times brought horrific flash-backs to yours truly of Lee Chapman and, for older viewers, one Ray Hankin (still the fattest player I have ever seen take to a professional football pitch - his theme tune now would be the opening credits to Eastenders, such was the thud of turf as his weight lumbered over the white line …). But two things to Giroud’s credit. The first is a great song, fortunately sung more harmoniously and in-tune than Mr McCartney’s lame and embarrassing efforts at this summer’s various ceremonies. The second is his attitude. Unable to hit proverbial barn doors early season, he kept going. He doesn’t ‘hide’ – much rather the striker who blazes high or wide than the one that shows no appetite to get on the end of a cross or through-ball. Some better quality supply from wide, crosses that evade the first defender (God forbid), may help his cause.

Sorry Arsène, not buying the tiredness excuse. The only tired, weary, furrowed brows are to be found on your own visage. A look of despondency and exasperation far too often to instill confidence in the players or the fans. And exasperation leads to desperation.

Two great managers of our time spring to mind with disturbing synergies between them and our own boss. Brian Clough lived off former glories and an untouchable nature and persona for far too long. Admittedly, his off-field habits brought about a sad and ultimately fatal decline – but he enjoyed such reverence from those around him, hiding behind glorious history and failing to see the decline before irreparable damage set in and resulted in relegation. Now, while we have a long way to fall until things reach that basement level, the elephant has long out-stayed its welcome in the Arsenal board-room.

The other comparison is our very own George. Ultimately fired for a hand or two in the till, his three signings the week before he departed, Hartson, Kiwomya and Helder, smacked of a man who had lost his mojo. Inexplicable, low-grade panic buys…deadline day, August 2011 is still fresh. Since Patrick stroked home the winning penalty in 2005 to claim our last trophy, and then got sold that summer, we have joined the ranks of a ‘selling-club’, replacing quality players with those with inferior ability, culminating in the ultimate indictment of the system, solving a rival’s striking problems and, in the process, creating our own. Since Henry and Ljungberg departed, treacherous mumblings of lack of ambition were dismissed as the words of money-grabbers. Their fears voiced for our future are now more than justified. A club that self-analysed when finishing second, now rejoices in a fourth-place finish.

Does Arsène accept that his fascination, bordering on obsession, with the Barcelona way has contributed to the recent wilderness years? That the holy trinity of Messi, Xavi and Iniesta cannot be replicated? This Barça team is a phenomenon – once in a generation, maybe one of the greatest of all time. Arsène’s template for success in the first eight years of his career with us was a team of powerful, strong, talented athletes. Ex-pros have talked of being a goal down before leaving the tunnel on seeing the intimidating size of the opposition. No recital by northern pub-team managers such as Allardyce and Pulis of that awful 21st century mantra ‘get in their faces’ back then. Bring a step-ladder and be prepared to be thrown off it. Now, by comparison, we look like a team that be should be led out by Snow White to the strains of ‘Hi-Ho’…and will swap shirts at half-time if you ask them nicely. Can we see Ox TV in existence 15 years ago? Hosted by a teenager yet to have a single decent full 90 minutes for us, yet feted by press and club like he has a hatful of medals already. Time for Steve Bould to recount a few anecdotes of trophy-winning teams gone by maybe?

I, like many others in our un-christened new home, want to remember Arsène Wenger in years to come for what he was. A genius, forward-thinking football revolutionary, who created a team, stadium and training facility in his own image. Whose teams combined grace and elegance with power and domination. Who refused to go down without a fight – occasionally stepping way over the disciplinary line in the process. Not the almost broken, despondent figure we see regularly on the touch-line and with a microphone in his face post-match shuffling uncomfortably as the questions fire in about another sub-standard performance. Yes, we want our Arsenal back – and we want our memories unblemished. If that means the most successful manager in our history moving aside, so be it.

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  1. .. and another thing from Rocky RIP

    Jan 07, 2013, 22:12 #30510

    @ Peter - I agree that it's impossible to deny RVP's brilliance. Although ask yourself what you thought of RVP when he first arrived. Ask yourself what you thought of Henry when he first arrived. Then look at the how they ended up. Did they teach themselves to become that astonishing good? Or did they possibly get developed into the finished products by Wenger? I pine like all others for the magical days when Wenger bought Anelka for half a million, sold him for twenty three million which paid for our new state of the art training complex (and replaced him with Henry). Where is that magic hat? I just always believe in giving new players time and I've seen enough of Giroud to realise he's not another NB52 or Chamack, in either attitude, footballing brain or skill. Give him time and improve one or two players around him.

  2. Rocky RIP

    Jan 07, 2013, 21:47 #30506

    @Peter - it's a bit unfair to expect Giroud to 'replace' RVP. It ain't gonna happen. They are vastly different kinds of player. Check out Giroud's movement and first touch flick to Poldolski v Montpellier. The finish from L.P is very reminiscent of RVP. It's all about the quality of the pass from Giroud though. Perfection on a plate - bang! I know what he may lack, but I'm merely pointing out what he does bring (which far outweighs what Lee ever brought), which I don't think deserves slating. It's the combination of strikers we have that needs improvement.

  3. Peter Drabwell

    Jan 07, 2013, 20:16 #30497

    Rocky RIP - the flick to Gibbs was true RVP like ... Sadly the header before it from a brilliantly crafted cross which fell to him 7 yards out, middle of the goal with defender floundering underneath it and two yards away yet missed the target evoked memories of the very same blonde bombshell I alluded to. The sort of chance we paid 10 mio for him to dispatch. Of course Giroud has far greater talent than his predecessor of almost 30 years earlier but the flashbacks are far too common for any of us to be convinced of his ability to lead our line ... Rvp's finish 24 hours ish earlier merely highlighted what we know and miss.. And those of us that are both Arsenal AND football fans could only marvel at what we created whilst shedding a metaphoric tear for letting him go

  4. Rocky RIP

    Jan 07, 2013, 17:06 #30485

    The flick to Gibbs had Lee Chapman written all over it. Ditto his flick to Podolski v Montpellier for his left foot screamer.

  5. Ken Dodd

    Jan 05, 2013, 20:15 #30429

    By jove,by jove what a beautiful day to drop in at Totteridge Towers as ze boss is settling down to watch the latest episode of Holby City and quip:''No wonder the Spuds have pinched Lewis from under your nose...didn't you realise you were scouting the wrong channel!''

  6. Mandy Dodd

    Jan 05, 2013, 18:53 #30427

    Gooner Goal - articles actually saying "we have looked at him, yes,’ but that is as far as he would be drawn on the Germany midfielder. Wenger looks at probably hundreds of players, but that is very very different to concrete interest. Wenger does not usually reveal his true intentions in interviews leading up to and at the beginning of the transfer window. I am sure he has looked at Lopez, Villa, Permin Schwegler, Luke Shaw, Zaha, and for all I know Kerry Dixon but that does not mean he has a concrete interest in signing them. If anything, Wenger uses what he says in the media to disguise his true intentions. As I say, where would he fit the likes of Holtby in? unless he was to be a squad player, and tho Holtby clearly harbours no evident ambition in playing in the CL, I would hope he would want to be more than a squad player.

  7. nugs

    Jan 05, 2013, 18:40 #30426

    @mandy dodd im sure eastenders has got a forum you should try posting on there as i think that would be more up your street! you talk about as much sense as arsehole wenger!

  8. Isaac Newton

    Jan 05, 2013, 18:34 #30424

    @Mark - by what possible theory of natural science are either 1.) you an Arsenal fan and 2.) Sp*rs's first 13 unequivocally ahead of ours? Comfortably the biggest drivel I've ever read. People talk of the '12th man', fans like you are the 10th man. Counter-productive supporters, of more use to the opposition. We should pay fans like you to take up season tickets at rival clubs and spread smiliar negativity. If there was a court case between Arsenal and Tottenham to resolve the issue of who had the more illustrious history, you'd probably be chief prosecutor for that lot, claiming their 2 league titles amounted to more than our 13. two of which were won on their ground. We've won the title at their place more times than they have, but they tend to re-write history in their favour. Things aren't great right now, but please, let's refrain from this kind of utter s***e on here.

  9. GoonerGoal!

    Jan 05, 2013, 16:15 #30423

    @Mandy Dodd, listen very carefully, I will say this only once…. Go to “Google News” type in “Wenger Holtby” and you will find “Wenger reveals the secrets behind his window shopping... and he's after Holtby”… Daily Mail ‎- 1 day ago. “Wenger confirms Arsenal's Holtby interest”… ESPN.co.uk‎ - 1 day ago. “Wenger: Holtby being watched” - Sky Sports 1 day ago. Just follow my idiots guide and you are sure to find even more from reliable sources. DOWN with the DICTATOR! VIVE LA REVOLUTION!

  10. maguiresbridge gooner

    Jan 05, 2013, 13:18 #30420

    GoonerGoal, yes if we'd actually signed these players we were interested in signing before they signed for somebody else we'd have some team.

  11. Dr Spok

    Jan 05, 2013, 12:44 #30418

    @mark - illogical. Last season, did you buy the deluded drivel that their pundits (eg. Jamie Rednapp and Hoddle) put out there that of a combined Arsenal/Sp*rs 11 only 2 Arsenal players would make it? You sad, sad excuse for a fan. Even if it were true that ther 13 are better than ours (which it is not), no self-respecting Gooner would come on here and argue this point. NEVER concede ground to that lot from Middlesex. Do they? despite no title since 1961 and not finishing above us since the 1990s. The fact that it's yet more media driven horse sh*t makes it even more inexscusable. they were declaring a shift in the balance of power, even without any meaningful trophy in sight.

  12. Mandy Dodd

    Jan 05, 2013, 11:31 #30416

    Podolski - 6 goals 2 assists, doing a lot better than some very illustrious players in this league. Some German journalist...crapshot...Danny - do you have a source?? Gooner goal - when did Wenger admit he was interested in Holtby...and where exactly would he put such a player?? We are full of players like that. Just because some blogs and hacks linked him with us, does not mean Wenger ever did. Have you seen Holtby? Do you know about his fitness / injury concerns? I know some like to be a tad revisionist on here, but lets not let made up quotes and assumptions get in the way of facts

  13. Danny

    Jan 05, 2013, 1:54 #30412

    Podolski has been a bad buy. lazy player failed at Bayern and now a regular for Germany anymore got games and scored against lesser know teams but when the crunch time came , he was missing. Hell even some German journalist said its a crap shot with him

  14. 1971 Gooner

    Jan 04, 2013, 21:40 #30406

    Nuri Sahin also 'snubbed' The Arsenal, and he's not quite worked out has he?

  15. Judge Roughneck

    Jan 04, 2013, 19:02 #30400

    Podolski wouldn't get into a Sunday League Team? You see this is proof that this comment section is often akin to giving drunken hecklers a stage and a microphone as if they are on a par with the performers. It brings this section down if anything. If you want to hear this kind of tosh you'd be better off on the forum.

  16. GoonerGoal!

    Jan 04, 2013, 18:49 #30398

    Wenger admitted yesterday (Thursday) that he was interested in signing German international Lewis Holtby from Schalke 04. Today (Friday), it was revealed that Holtby has snubbed Arsenal by signing a pre-contract agreement to move to Spurs in the summer. The dreaded Wenger/Gazidis prevarication has struck yet again! KROENKE/GAZIDIS/WENGER OUT!VIVE LA REVOLUTION!

  17. Red Mist

    Jan 04, 2013, 18:19 #30393

    L Plodolski lots of caps and goals mostly against San marino and the like but hey I don't care its what you do for us that matters, it would be nice to see you break sweat for once maybe even play well would be a bonus. Just wondering after being relegated three times, flopping at Bayern how did you end up at Arsenal? All those caps why not Barca or Madrid? Does make you wonder.

  18. Lukas Podolski

    Jan 04, 2013, 17:11 #30389

    I'm just reflecting on my 106 caps for Germany (and rising) and the 44 goals I scored for one of the strongest national sides in world football and wondering why I'm not deemed worthy of some Sunday league teams.

  19. Kensall Green

    Jan 04, 2013, 13:47 #30379

    "gerviniho, podolski,oliver, Ramsey, Santos...these would not get in some Sunday league teams" Not at all a Wenger apologist... But Podolski is a regular starter for the German national team you moron. As in he regularly gets picked to represent Germany as one the best in his position, out of all the players in Germany, who are a lot better team than England. Football fans are some of the thickest

  20. Tony Evans

    Jan 04, 2013, 13:44 #30378

    Mandy - Who cares about Spurs anyway? They are just a side show compared to Arsenal and we all know that. The only real issue to debate is Wenger taking Arsenal backwards from 2006 in every subsequent season and how much longer we have to endure this.

  21. Mandy Dodd

    Jan 04, 2013, 11:55 #30363

    Heard it all before Mark - only a couple of ours would get into 5pur2 team etc....heard it all before

  22. David Harries

    Jan 04, 2013, 11:52 #30362

    At last: a reasoned article in the Gooner that does not pour scorn and abuse on a manager whose intelligence and foresight has taken our club into the 21st century with a modern ground; and whose teams have played a brand of football that has been envied worldwide. It is more in sorrow than in anger that it recognises that his best times are behind him, and others have taken up the baton and sprinted away from him. Let us appreciate the debt of gratitude that we owe Arsene Wenger, but hope that he can accept that it may be time to step aside before his legacy is permanently tarnished.

  23. Rik Mayall

    Jan 04, 2013, 11:49 #30360

    'gerviniho, podolski,oliver, Ramsey, Santos...these would not get in some Sunday league teams' - I've told you a million times before, do not exaggerate!

  24. Ron

    Jan 04, 2013, 11:47 #30359

    Alsace - Youve hit the nail on the head there. Wenger couldnt cope with a dominant personality in the dressing room now. Hell knows how he did years ago to be honest. He likes his compliant, unquestioning, subservient accolytes around him now, so its nice and comfy and non too demanding. This is due to the Club handing control and hence power to him so long ago.On Lampard though, though hes still far better than what we ve got, he has declined and it would look like a very regressive step to bring him in now in fear anyway. If hes any sense he ll go and fill his boots in the USA. Have some Sun and more money in his dotage. Ive always liked him anyway. A great pro.

  25. Alsace Lorraine de Totteridge

    Jan 04, 2013, 10:59 #30357

    An excellent and well written article by Mr Drabwell. Coming home late last night I learned that Frank Lampard will not be retained by Chelsea in the Summer. It seems to me to be a no brainer that Arsene would be on the telephone to Frank's agent this morning trying to persuade him that it really wouldn't be too much of a burden to travel to the Arsenal Training Ground rather than to Cobham. Lampard would bring goals and vital steadying experience as well as the vital strength of a winner. I await instead the Manager's answer in the next press conference that he is "not interested" in Lampard. Just think, if Lampard came he might CHALLENGE THE MANAGER'S VIEWS. And that of course, would never do.

  26. Mark

    Jan 04, 2013, 10:29 #30356

    Mandy Dodd delusional as ever and part of the reason not enough people see clearly. Spurs first 13 players ARE ahead of our first 13 players. The point being made is Arsenal today prefer a big squad NOT because they want to challenge on all fronts, BUT because this gives them more opportunity to make PROFITS on player sales. Spurs do not think like that but we do.

  27. mark from aylesbury

    Jan 04, 2013, 8:37 #30352

    Well latest from Wenger is that we expect a Messi or we just expect too much. Maybe Wenger should take his lower expectations to a mid table club. I think the latest is a further indictment that Wenger is not up to the job.

  28. Ken Dodd

    Jan 04, 2013, 8:08 #30351

    By jove,by jove what a beautiful day to breach Wenger's press conference and cry:''We're tired of you Arsene! Seven years of failure...your reds have been knapping on the field of play!''

  29. billthered

    Jan 04, 2013, 7:09 #30349

    I think to put Giroud at the top of our concerns is truly pathetic.He is no RVP no one would argue with that but the fans always sing his name and cant all be wrong.Give the boy credit he looks like he wants to play and does'nt sulk when not picked but gets on with it and leaves the pitch with sweat on his shirt.Now if you want to pick on a player what is that song that we sing about Gervino,yeh I dont know it either.

  30. Gare Kekeke

    Jan 04, 2013, 2:00 #30347

    I like Giroud myself. Yes, he’s not Van Persie but that doesn’t make him less of a player. I would certaintly prefer him up front that Gervinho. Wenger’s own decline does strike one or two similarities with Graham & Clough. Cloughie only had one bad year in eighteen at Forest, and boy did they pay the price. You might argue that even to this day Forest are yet to recover from it, but then they were punching above their weight when he was there. I agree with Dan H, once Clough lost Taylor, he was never the same manager again. The fact that Cloughie bombed at Leeds without Taylor as his No.2 says it all. The Cup wins in the last two years under Graham paper over increasing cracks probably like our 3rd/4th finishes since 2005/06. I personally don’t see this decline being arrested but getting even worse and a great man like Wenger doesn’t deserve it.

  31. gary

    Jan 04, 2013, 1:32 #30346

    Yes i totally agree the man looks tired i am unsure who is responsible for buying gerviniho, podolski,oliver, Ramsey, Santos, is it our scouts or Wenger because these would not get in some Sunday league teams. these players have no passion nor will to win. Anyhow we are in the crap and this is serious.

  32. Mandy Dodd

    Jan 03, 2013, 22:58 #30345

    Erm...declining, if spurs have better players than us, how come...when the teams meet face to face these days....well you know what happens..... Sounds like all that nonsense this time last year when some were queuing up to say arry is a better manager than wenger...history prevailed on that one in no uncertain terms

  33. Theo Jensen

    Jan 03, 2013, 22:56 #30344

    I think it's fairer to reserve judgement on foreign league players till after a year generally. But who's to say that using Chamakh, rather than buying Giroud, wouldn't have produced the same form as when he joined, probably even sooner than one year? Chamakh joined from Ligue 1 to what was then the strongest league in the world, he hit the ground running as well! He could have been great if he'd kept playing (not that he was better than RvP). The problem is just that he lost confidence (he even stated it publicly). The biggest concern with Giroud for me is his lack of pace- it really is hard with him as the focal point of the attack...

  34. 1971 Gooner

    Jan 03, 2013, 22:25 #30343

    I quite like Giroud to be fair, although he's not a world-beater by any means. However, I can't help thinking that the problem with AW is that Giroud+Gervinho = £20m+ striker that would be automatic first-choice and a quality focal point for the attack. Does he spread his bets in the expectation one will turn out to be crap, but the other will be his little 'saver'? AW seems reluctant to take a a risk with such a 'big money' signing, but continually gambles and fails on second (Giroud, with respect) or third or worse best (Gervinho, without respect) players. Are either of these super and/or top top quality (delete where applicable) players?

  35. Rocky RIP

    Jan 03, 2013, 21:59 #30342

    Anyone comparing Giroud with Chapman is offering very poor analysis. Picking on our new players is also very unsupportive and lazy. I'm guessing the same people questioning him were also those who questioned Pires in his first season, but now deny it. (There were plenty and I had standing rows with many of these people with no footballing brain. 'Surplus to requirements at Arsenal' I was told Pires was in Summer 2001. The 'I'm a season ticket holder and ergo know my stuff' is also a huge fallacy.) Some weren't convinced with Henry either at first and still wept for Anelka. The jury may be out to an extent on Giroud, and he might not set the world on fire, but give him a chance for f*** sake! There is plenty about him to be encouraged about. We just need better attacking options around him. (This isn't aimed purely at the author as he atleast acknowledges the promise that is clearly there.)Anyone who can't see Giroud's strengths is clueless. Chapman?! Laughable.

  36. Nilesh Bhagat

    Jan 03, 2013, 21:10 #30340

    Ridiculously harsh on Giroud but just on the point of size and physicality it is a general trend and not a case of Wenger trying to ape Barcelona. There's an article on the World Soccer site entitled "Tactics: little wonder that size doesn’t matter" which explains it very well and is worth a read.

  37. CanadaGooner

    Jan 03, 2013, 20:31 #30338

    For 4 of the last 7 years I always felt the players we had let the side down as games like the carling cup final against birmingham would indicate. However, in the last 3 years and with majority of our losses coming from games against teams who have spent much less than us and pay out wages that are a fraction of what we pay (fulham, stoke, swansea, nowrich - to mention only those who are still in the PL), it steadily dawned on me that this simply cant be just a player or player-motivation issue. Wenger has steadily declined and whether you're a fanatical wenger supporter or just an arsenal fan wanting to see the club do well, the conclusion remains the same. In the last 7 years our league position has remained (on average) better than big-spending Liverpool for instance, but in that period of time, both liverpool and even spurs have each won something; and even portsmouth won the FA Cup! so, why cant we win anything with the players we have had? there can only be one accurate answer: poor management (lack of timely substitutions, poor buys, no motivation etc). Not at all surprising that we failed at Southampton

  38. Paul

    Jan 03, 2013, 20:22 #30337

    Arsenal have always been about pace upfront under Wenger.One of the first things he did was show Hartson the door.Giroud has no pace he is slow he reminds me of Bendtner.Now after 6 months of Giroud Wenger has dropped him and reverted to Walcott's pace.£13m down the drain.Wenger Out

  39. Peter Drabwell

    Jan 03, 2013, 19:36 #30335

    Thanks for the feedback guys! Astley and Dumpy - the Chapman and 'fat cantona' comparisons are somewhat tongue-in-cheek and indeed quotes from around me in the upper east but you will note I admire his effort and attitude and like many strikers of his ilk, he is very dependent on service. However, time will tell if he has innate ability to provide the goal tally of a master striker. Richard - sadly Arshavin's record 'speaking for itself' consists of 4 goals at Anfield too many years ago and one against Barcelona. He above all others is one of my greatest disappointments having seen him tear Rangers apart for Zenit before he arrived and lead from the front for Russia. Talent is without question but maybe in years to come we will discover why it has never been consistently on display for us. All of us have so much to thank AW for what we have achieved and for highs that came close to Anfield 89 proportions ..but every dog and all that...

  40. jj

    Jan 03, 2013, 19:35 #30334

    We need a younger,hungrier manager. It's human nature that you lose it a bit as you get older. Ferguson is a one off. He delegates to younger coaches more than Wenger and he is the product of a Glasgow estate. He will fight to be first for the rest of his life. I'm not sure Wenger has that same desire.

  41. Limerick Astley

    Jan 03, 2013, 18:12 #30329

    El Bodgeo - you should bother reading the article thoroughly. The article compares Giroud to Lee Chapman, which is both inaccurate and ridiculously over the top. He is no RVP, there are a limited number of players in world football up to that standard. That doesn't mean that Giroud is not up to the standard required for the top end of the Premiership and he has shown himself to be capable enough in what is only his first half season in the Premiership. Many players have left themselves down in an Arsenal shirt this season, Giroud isn't one of them.

  42. Sick and Tired

    Jan 03, 2013, 16:46 #30326

    Tactically clueless, wins nothing, poor man manager, excuse-making, poor motivator, overpaid, under-performing and financially reckless mismanagement of the wage bill. Oh and stick in rubbish transfer market ability and a '4th place' loser mentality. Been tired of Arsene since 2008. Get him OUT ASAP. Arsenal will improve with Pep at the helm. NO DOUBT

  43. Dan h

    Jan 03, 2013, 16:05 #30325

    Clough was a genius who became lost to a point without Taylor to bounce ideas off.Forest really did punch above their weight Taylor uncovered real gems for Clough to mold Forest into a team that won a title & two european cups still my favourite manager.Taylor & Clough fell out Forest built a new stand(maybe two)& a decline gradually set in though they were still competitive as Robert quite rightly said only in 92/93 did the wheels come off & that was because they sold Sheringham i believe to balance the books.Under OGL the decline has been unravelling before our eyes these last 4 seasons imo.It is stale it is time for a change if we can at least move some bad contracts on this january it would be a start.We have a lot of bad contracts expiring this summer & even more next summer.We really can't afford to be lumbered with more bad players on big money like Santos,Park(written off already),Gervinho let alone NB52,Denilson & the three players already linked with exits Djourou,Squillaci & the woefully wasted talent of AA23.We are at the point we have a large amount of money in the PTA enough for three top quality players do you trust OGL to spend it correctly?I honestly don't his recent transfer dealings of second tier signings just havn't worked.He has had more than enough time to put it right all things come to a end.Does he honestly look like a man that is enjoying his job anymore?He looks tired,stressed & to me out of ideas.

  44. maguiresbridge gooner

    Jan 03, 2013, 15:41 #30323

    The teacher has been outwitted by the pupil on so many occasions lately that he can no longer be called the teacher indeed he is now the pupil.But there's still no shortage of excuses (you'd think even he'd be tired of them by now) and not just from the ex teacher either,there are no excuses (only reasons) for the mediocre performances we have witnessed not only this season but others.OGL is living off former glories alright and it's because of that he's untouchable(among other things)(but as far as fans are concerned that's changing)any body else would have been booted out long ago.I agree this obsession with trying to emulate Barcelona especially on the cheap cannot be replicated and never will,you need the players capable of doing it first, and we certainly haven't any of them and not likely to have.Good piece.

  45. Tony Evans

    Jan 03, 2013, 13:55 #30319

    Where Wenger is concerned the word 'tired' does not even scratch the surface to describe my feelings of utter loathing for the man.

  46. Ron

    Jan 03, 2013, 13:21 #30318

    Giroud s a decent player. Hes no bottler and doesnt hide. Perhaps those of you who say hes poor are confused as the majority of the sqaud otherwise specialize in hiding and bottling so maybe he stands out like a sore, non conformist thumb. Hes not getting enough games though. Maybe Wenger disapproves of his physicality! We cant have that can we!!

  47. Dumpy

    Jan 03, 2013, 13:20 #30317

    Giroud is "fat Cantona"?? What on earth are you on about.

  48. El Bodgeo

    Jan 03, 2013, 13:17 #30316

    Limerick, what exactly is your point? Yes, Giroud is not up to RVP's level, your right. That's exactly what the article is saying '..replacing quality players with those of inferior ability...'! Stop accepting it. Why should we settle for good players when we should have a team full of great players? Mr French Bean is the problem as no great players want to play for him anymore. He's been rumbled.

  49. Declining

    Jan 03, 2013, 13:06 #30315

    Everton were excellent. they and Spurs both have better first 13 players than we do. as well as more motivated managers. However we do have a 30 man squad each member of which is for sale and 90% of them we will make good money on when we sell !

  50. richard

    Jan 03, 2013, 13:04 #30314

    Tired of Wenger are you kidding, take a look at the coverage of the villa game where he is seen swearing at the teams inability to pass simply and to a team mate. this shows a manager still with a desire to win and he has not said the players were tired he said they had the wrong mental approach to game something which he should have been aware and tried to combat.However, once players get out onto pitch there is little a manager can do to influence the game other than subs and berate players. Yes he has got things wrong and certain players have not performed to the required standard but you can only go on stats and scout reports and all those players have performed well at other clubs. How you can say arshavin and giroud are not quality their record speaks for itself yes they have not performed to the high standards required, with giroud time will tell Arshavin has not the application to play as a winger players like tevez and messi who chase back and play for the team are required. What disappoints me is we have Eisfeld who is more of a fabregas style cam and have not had him on bench but ramsey instead no slight to ramsey but he has not progressed or recovered fully from his broken ankle leg mentally and has to get past that to improve and become the player he could be. Wenger will still do us good January is hard for us but march and april will be harder for tottenham and chelsea than us. Tottenham play chelsea everton city and wigan in april the run in they are hard games to have as a run in true we need results in that period and before to stay in contention for the top four places.Chelsea's last six games are hard for them too so nothing is set yet. let us se what happens at end of season another top four finish and he will at least be consistent throughout his tenure. This manager can still deliver us trophies he just needs some luck and time to get the mix right.

  51. Limerick Astley

    Jan 03, 2013, 12:05 #30313

    Lee Chapman comparisons with Olivier Giroud are as lazy as it gets. Giroud had only played half a season and scored double what Chapman managed in his one and only full season at Arsenal, with presumably less starts than Chapman. He's a good player, he's just not up to RVP level. But to be fair, no-one is at present.

  52. Robert Exley

    Jan 03, 2013, 11:50 #30310

    Everyone brings up the Brian Clough example. To his credit, they were only truly dire in 1992/93. They had a good run in the cups during the late 80s/early 90s, five cup finals in four years. Produced great players like Roy Keane, Nigel Clough, Des Walker - even getting the best out of Lee Chapman. They often gave us and Liverpool a good game back then. Not bad for a small club in the midlands. On the other hand, we're the 3rd biggest club in English Football history with the 2nd biggest average attendance. Our output over the last 5 years is beneath Clough's Forest from 1987-92.

  53. Adelaide Gooner

    Jan 03, 2013, 11:40 #30309

    I don't know why I bother listening to his press conferences. One day he is going to say something worth listening to. The same answers are rolled out every time. His conferences are like his match-day tactics, stale.

  54. Ron

    Jan 03, 2013, 11:40 #30308

    Good post. Arsene W,s inevitable book will answer many of the riddles that none of us will ever appreciate until he pens it. Hes stale. The Clubs stale and the fans are resigned to things and tired in the main.

  55. Croker

    Jan 03, 2013, 11:39 #30307

    Thanks Peter - sums up the mounting frustration really well and I also remember those dodgy strikers who were bought to replace Frank Stapleton. I'm of the view that no amount of transfer funds thrust into Arsene's hands will sort out the failings in organisation, tactics and player motivation we've endured for too long now.

  56. Gooner1711

    Jan 03, 2013, 11:09 #30306

    Until he goes, along with the board, nothing is coming our way. More mediocrity.

  57. Tom W

    Jan 03, 2013, 11:07 #30305

    The biggest indictment of Wenger's capabilities as a tactician and motivator of players comes from his former superstars Fabregas and RVP, who famously said about Arsenal training sessions as "amateur hour" , when compared to Barca's(Fabregas), and called Man U a special club , where every player gives his all for other players and the club(RVP), thus implying this not to be the case at Arsenal.

  58. Peter

    Jan 03, 2013, 10:52 #30304

    Giroud is a mix between Lee Chapman and Super Nic(no not Anelka but the Danish Messi).I couldnt believe after we signed Gervinho the year before we again went back to the French league and we paid good money for Giroud.This comes off the back of signing other duds from the French league Chamakh and Park.Wenger really likes to throw money at French clubs doesnt he? Never in my 40 odd years as a fan have i known so many bad players at the club at the same time.Thanks Arsene

  59. George

    Jan 03, 2013, 10:46 #30303

    It's obvious Wenger has lost his way. If Arsenal can't get the 4th spot,he shd go. No more time for him to get Arsenal challenging again.Maybe a new guy will discard his methods and get the gunners to win by investing in experienced and quality players rather wc potential which has been a failure the last 7 years. Let him go to RM where he could be sacked less than 3 months into the job.than

  60. Anti-Wenger

    Jan 03, 2013, 10:30 #30302

    Tired of Wenger, for sure