The “Fourth Place” Trophy – You are havin’ a larf

Post Southampton thoughts

The “Fourth Place” Trophy – You are havin’ a larf

It seems that most of my online pieces follow on from a dreadful performance, and this one is no exception. However, my iPatch was having its screen hammered with my Match View following the Newcastle game two days ago, but you will have to wait for the next issue of the Gooner mag to read that.

We had a full two days to address at least some of the many mistakes from that game. The fact that we let in three ridiculous goals which all came from the right, where Sagna was found wanting, could have been a good starting point. So, what happened in the 48 hours following the Newcastle game? By the looks of what occurred on the pitch at Southampton, absolutely nothing. Did they all go out on a bender on New Year’s Eve, because that’s what it looked like. I can’t think of any of the outfield players who could hold their heads high after that shambles. If they were on performance-related pay, The Arse would have saved itself a small fortune.

A variety of issues needs to be addressed as a matter of urgency, otherwise you can forget the coveted “fourth place” trophy. Let’s start with Sagna, who was hopelessly off the pace throughout the game. Just what was he doing on the lead-up to their goal? There was the normal calamity of errors by most of the defence before the ball reached Sagna, but all he had to do was to wellie the ball. We all know what happened next. Is Sagna’s sudden dip in form due to the fact that The Ox does not inspire him with confidence? I love The Ox, and have always rated him as being like Walnutt but with skill, but the poor lad has gone noticeably backwards this season with his development.

Let’s now switch to the other flank. Why has nobody taught Gibbs to kick the ball with his right foot? When he is attacking, any wily defender would show him inside, where he is marooned, and in true Denilson-esque style the ball ends up going backwards. Near the end of the match, he had a perfect opportunity to give us an undeserved three points with a right-foot shot, but chose the safer option of a left footed pass and the chance was gone. In front of Gibbs is Podolski, who can best be described as a major flop and is lazy in not tracking back. I have no time for gifted players who are lazy.

Two incidents happened during the three minutes of time added on. Firstly, we had an attacking free-kick. Walnutt stepped up to take it and the ball got no more than two feet off the ground and was cleared by the first defender, which just about summed up Walnutt’s performance. Even the likes of Stoke Rugby Club would have been able to hoof the ball on to one of their attacker’s heads, so why can’t we? Southampton then broke and the Verminator, of all people, was caught dallying and my heart missed more than a beat as they again threatened our goal. Just what has happened to the Verminator this season? I remember a wonderful piece after Kolo Touré had returned from Africa, when The Spy described him as “somebody with two left feet on forty fags a day”. This reminds me of where the Verminator is now. Despite receiving my vote of support as captain at the end of last season, he is not doing the business as either a player or leader.

Let’s face it, we were extremely lucky to come away with a point. The equaliser was a late Christmas present and their disallowed second-half goal was a harsh decision.

Of course, the buck stops with the manager. He had the temerity to say in the post-match interview that “we were not very good”. I could see that by midway through the first half, yet he chose to just sit on the bench and not attempt to inspire the players in front of him. A few weeks ago, a certain Rafael was playing poorly at right-back for ManUre at Reading and, after thirty minutes, the Senile Jock Tyrant had seen enough and pulled him off. What a shame that Wenger didn’t have the balls to follow suit. The long-awaited introduction of Giroud only gave him half an hour to alter the game, which was not enough. The only saving grace was that we were spared from watching Walnutt floundering around up front. Then, with fifteen minutes to go, we saw the mandatory introduction of Clumsey, but with him came an added comedy bonus with the appearance of Eboué-with-a-syrup. All he managed to achieve was to lighten up the home crowd by constantly losing the ball and falling over his own two feet. Perhaps a transfer to Billy Smart’s circus might better suit his “silky skills”? With these two jokers on the pitch, we were effectively reduced to nine men. Wenger, it’s all in your hands. You have a month to sort out this mess and your time starts now.

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  1. Steve H

    Jan 06, 2013, 17:48 #30436

    well said Moscow Gooner couldn't agree more - he controls everything at the club and hasn't got a clue- what is the best way forward to change the current regime?

  2. Moscow Gooner

    Jan 06, 2013, 17:11 #30435

    Wenger yesterday commenting on the club s salary policy: 'I guess you can say that we operate a socialist system'. And that just about sums up his (now spectacularly) flawed managerial policies: no penalty for failure or laziness or lack of ability: Let s ensure for the sake of 'social justice' that a Djourou earns as much as a Bergkamp. The guy should be running a collective farm in Cuba not an English Premiership team. Small wonder we re no longer truly competitive... No point in blaming the board any longer: Wenger out!

  3. fieldyj

    Jan 06, 2013, 12:50 #30434

    Tick Tock it's now Jan 6th, only 25 days to go and still the bafoon has not sorted out this **** squad. Saga @ right back is so poor it is frightening, Ramsey has lost it, Gervinho is aghhhhhh - please but some quality and fast.

  4. Maca

    Jan 06, 2013, 12:24 #30433

    Wenger has now openly admitted he controls the money, he controls what players are paid and what we offer for players, the truth is finally out, And that truth tells me I want Wenger out NOW! Not only has he lost his touch in the transfer market by bringing in duds it is his fault that they are paid to much to sit on our bench, Which to me means it's his fault players leave for higher wages, wouldn't you if you were surounded by mediocar players on neerly the same money as you, It is Wengers fault, Nasri, RVP and others have left. Not only that but he has no tactical nouse anymore, he is out of ideas, we need to let a new manager spend the money not Wenger we need fresh players and fresh ideas, WENGER OUT NOW!

  5. Noz.

    Jan 06, 2013, 11:00 #30432

    I remarked to a friend at the Newcastle game that Sagna looks like he is leaving in Jan and the Southampton game little to change my view. He criticised Le Dictator in the summer and I thought that was an escape ploy then. I won't agree the Pod is a flop until Le Fool plays him in his proper position. As previously stated by others, Wenger believes he is the greatest and will not leave. Why should he for 7.5m a year and no pressure. We are stuck with the arrogant, fan insulting clown!

  6. shotku

    Jan 05, 2013, 18:36 #30425

    And why on earth did he reward Djourou with a new three year contract less than twelve months ago if he is now surplus to requirements and available for loan. No doubt we will still be paying out on that piece of Wenger magic in 2015. Still, by then, we might also have finished financing Messrs Bendtner, Denilson and Park so there is some light at the end of the the tunnel!

  7. Screw Ups

    Jan 05, 2013, 15:04 #30422

    they are being loaned out because no one wants to buy them and pay them the same level of wages as Arsenal are paying them and so the players are content to sit tight. Swiss Johan, Squallaci, Shame-ache and Arshavin are all overpaid compared to their abilities because Arsenal screwed up and now they are stuck with them

  8. maguiresbridge gooner

    Jan 05, 2013, 13:56 #30421

    West Stand Rob, alright you've had a few bevies but how many times have we heard wait till the end of the season, sounds very like judge me in may, and how many times have we heard that ? with always the same outcome.Lets forget Bradford ? oh it was just a blip, lets just sweep it under the carpet, it never happened,not even for a moment and ogl and his players should not be allowed to forget it either.

  9. Highbury Boy

    Jan 05, 2013, 13:06 #30419

    The stagecoach from Deadwood City is filling up. Djourou just got on. He gets out at Hannover. Arshavin hasn't agreed to get on yet. Frimpong and Squillaci might. So far 7 out of the official first team squad of 32 are loaned out ostensibly "for experience" but in reality because no-one wants to buy them. Does looks like we are trying to cut back on the wages bill to keep Theo but meanwhile Ba and Holtby are 2 signings we have been linked with who have gone elsewhere. I don't think just keeping Theo will even satisfy the last remaining Wenger fans so it looks like a big name like Villa (aged 31) on an expensive 3 year deal with no re-sale value (all totally against Wenger's principles) is going to be the last throw of the dice.

  10. Dartford gooner

    Jan 05, 2013, 12:05 #30417

    Well, well know we know its all our fault. Arsene says we the know nothing fans only want players like Messi and it puts him under great pressure in the transfer market? How much longer do we have to put up with this crap! Did we force him to buy Santos, Gervinho,Squillaci,Chamakh,Park. Arsene says we only want big names, i for one would rather have 11 nobodies who would run their guts out than some of the dross we now have in the squad. Giroud needs time and someone who can cross a ball for him. Mandy and Ken Dodd a marriage made in heaven, i don't know who is the funniest! Poor Mandy like a faithful pup left tied up to the park railing and abandoned , still thinking her once loving owner is coming back for her. Sorry hes gone and he is never coming back.

  11. Shubham

    Jan 05, 2013, 11:21 #30415

    The problem with Arsenal at present is that there are no partnerships formed in the midfield and attack. With V.Persie and Song moving out, 3 vital partnerships died. Walcott - V.Persie, Song - V.Persie and Arteta - Song. Partnerships are key for the performance of the team and these take time to form. Also, with Walcott playing through the middle, the Walcott - Sagna partnership also go affected. Now with new players coming in, things will have to be build from scratch. That is why the zombie like performances we see fro the team. I agree with you on the fact that the OX has regressed in his development. He has forgotten to do simple things which can help him develop.

  12. declan burke

    Jan 05, 2013, 9:50 #30414

    The standard of defending in the premier league from the top of the table to the bottom is laughable, and nowhere more shambolic than at Arsenal. Think of our great defence's in the past, not just the great Adams, dixon, winterburn, bould line up, think of the great Manu defence of the same era - Neville, Irwin, Bruce, Pallister and you get an idea of how much it has declined, incidentally all of the mentioned had one thing in common - they were all british isles born-is there a message there ? hmmm. Now of course the transfer window is open and yes we are been linked to a mini bus load of midfielders & strikers, Not a decent defender in sight.Enough said !

  13. Joe S.

    Jan 05, 2013, 1:42 #30411

    Totally aoree with the let's get a new manager on loan comment. There's nothing more depressing than seeing the current boss go through the motions. Forget ground hog day. those were the good times. this is the crises I knew had to come sang Ian Curtis, and he was probably a Manchester United fan.

  14. Gooner age

    Jan 04, 2013, 23:26 #30409

    Think the criticism of a number of players is fair and I'm certainly of the the mindset that wenger has lost the team. However, I think hammering players like ox, theo, podolski and giroud is where we have to be careful as all of these players would add something to a properly ****ing team namely; true wing play, pace, goal scoring and true front man ability, respectively. Culprits against Southampton and many other teams now were: Sanga A lot of people seem surprised at sanga's performance but He's been poor for over a year. 1) His positional sense is very poor for his age 2) his crossing is awful -which is a problem now we've actually started to do it. 3) his motivation is gone, probably because he's never gonna get a 2 year contract given his age Of course all of this begs the question why wenger dropped jenkinson when he was putting in promising performances. Le coq (or the missing midfielder) Some may think this is a little hard on Francis Coquelin but anyone with a footballing brain can see we need need a defensive midfielder in the middle and he should be taking it upon himself to get on there. Just run on at the start and let wenger and the officials sort it out. As much as I appreciate our current trio they could easily be rotated with a true defensive midfielder and then santi and jack won't be burnt out by march. Employing a defensive midfielder would also stop the aforementioned Sanga wandering into midfield to win headers off our goal kicks. A ploy that often leaves us short at the back when we lose the ball. Gerviniho - worst player I've seen in an arsenal shirt. Vermalen - pains me to say it as I think he's giving it his all. Unfortunately his defensive skills are hardly flourishing under wengers coaching (has anyone become a better defender under wenger?) but most of all he's captain and it would be nice if he actually told wenger we're going to win f@&€ all until the plan changes instead of just leaving like his predecessors

  15. Danny

    Jan 04, 2013, 22:34 #30408

    I have supported Arsenal for 40yrs and cannot take this crap from this guy anymore. I wish they lose on SATURDAY , and it will be another nail in his coffin I just want the Board and Wenger out .We med a manager that can coach the team, not a politician

  16. West Stand Rob

    Jan 04, 2013, 20:15 #30405

    Come on fellas, lets leave this to the end of the season or at least when we are out of contention for all trophies. We still can win the FA cup and for me i would swap that for the "Fourth place trophy". Our superb away support will be right up for it and if the players take more notice of that than wengers expression of that wonderful trophy as priority number 4, we can beat them and move on. Unlikely we will win the Cup but very possible. We have won 4 and drawn 1 of the last 5 prem games (lets forget bradford please for a moment), lets try and enjoy the season until we are out of it all. And yes I have had a couple of beers hence the optimism!

  17. dragongooner

    Jan 04, 2013, 19:49 #30403

    For an intelligent man why does Arsene continually oversee the same mistakes being played out match after match, week after week, month after month. Surely he sees the regular and avoidable defensive mistakes but doesn't do anything to rectify them. What the hell does he tell the players in training? Does he not review the match and look at the faults and laughable mistakes. This guy gets paid a huge salary and he's not doing his job! As to the hope that Guardiola turns up to save us has as much chance of happening, as me taking over from Mr Hill-Wood! As I've said before on this site, there's not one man on the board with a football brain to see what's happening to this great club and this ongoing painful decline of onfield quality and the lack of organisation and leadership.

  18. Paul

    Jan 04, 2013, 19:01 #30399

    Great article.The point about SAF and Rafael sums up how gutless Wenger is.Fergie has no time for reputations.If you are playing bad you are off.Thats why since Cardiff 2005 Fergie has continued United's trophy haul while we just play for the virtual 4th place trophy.Wenger has got away with murder because us the fans have let him

  19. GaryFootscrayAustralia

    Jan 04, 2013, 18:36 #30396

    RJ, you comments on Gervinho are top notch, as are suggestions for alternative names for the fellow. My favourite alt - Gervinho nickname is Rick James, because he always appears to be running toward white lines with his head down, whilst inhaling furiously, then has no idea where he is or what he's doing, except to flail excitedly without purpose, focus or direction. Even Raphael Meade couldn't give me that many laughs, and he certainly tried hard enough. Bizzarely, you've also inadvertently connected Gervinho with Johnson from "Peep Show", the incompetent and possibly insane former boss of David Mitchell's character in the show. After he's wound down his career at the knacker's yard for former French speaking Arsenal players known as Lorient, I can easily see Gervinho moving into the player agent profession. Not only would he know a thing or two about being able to secure lucrative contracts for middling Ligue Uuuuun players, he could also steal Johnson's business card idea, naming his operation "Gervinho / Gervinius". This will seem like a ramble to those that haven't seen the show, but if you're familiar with the episode of "Peep Show" I'm referring to then you'll get it.

  20. Peter Wain

    Jan 04, 2013, 18:24 #30395

    I would not hold your breath. Still at least we have seen Chamack go today and if Djourou and Squallici follow it will be a good window. To have these players leave definitely strenghthens the squad and with Gervinho out in Africa things will really be looking up.

  21. nugs

    Jan 04, 2013, 17:45 #30391

    slapheads performance reminded me of the infamous ali dia runout for southampton! but that sums up wengers inability to get the best out of his players, we are one dimensional and lack any organisation, i have no doubt that most other managers in the premier league would get more out of this team then wenger.

  22. RJ

    Jan 04, 2013, 17:06 #30388

    Bit harsh on Rambo and Gibbs in my view, However - Gervinho was pure comedy gold. Only thing that cheered up my evening was his "class". During the defeat at the hands of Swansea, my son came up with a couple of new names for him - would it be "Gervinius" or "Gervini-oh-no" who turned up - on Tuesday, we added "Gervini-hohoho. My son has realised it is unlikely he will ever to get to use Gervinius in anything other than an ironic sense...... We came up with a host of others, but that is perhaps for another day

  23. January Transfer Window

    Jan 04, 2013, 17:01 #30387

    could we get a new manager on loan for balance of the season ? one with passion, drive, commitment who refused to blame just about everything for just about everything......?

  24. Moscow Gooner

    Jan 04, 2013, 16:58 #30386

    Five critical games coming up: Swansea, Man City, Chelsea - the two games against Bayern. Lose them all - my (sad) expectation - and I think AW (and Stan) is a goner. Win all five, he s a Gooner... Somewhere in between: progress in the cup but lose to Citeh, Chelsea and a hard-fought defeat to Bayern, and I guess he ll get another season to make things happen.

  25. maguiresbridge gooner

    Jan 04, 2013, 16:40 #30385

    Fozzy we all know wengers record on addressing mistakes (especially the defence)the fact they keep happening over and over again says it all.How many times have we heard over the years we have to learn from the/our mistakes ? but they never do,maybe Sagna like those before him has given up the ghost and woken up and smelled the coffee (courtesy of A L d T )and wants out.Why has nobody taught gibbs to kick with his right foot,players to take decent free kicks,and be able to take a corner over the heads of a defender standing out on the side of the box instead of kicking it straight to him you'd think that would be a basic for a pro footballer but apparently not at arsenal and anyway that would take coaching mate.The buck stops with the manager alright but some would have us believe it doesn't, a month to sort it out ? he's had years to sort it out and failed to do so, is it going to be any different this time ?

  26. Highbury Boy

    Jan 04, 2013, 16:38 #30384

    Yes it's just come up on the official site;Chamakh gone on loan to W.Ham. Thankyou Sam. That's started the ball rolling with perhaps £20k pw towards his wages. If we get 15k pw in Euros from a French Riviera side for lending Squillaci,20k Euros pw from Hanover for Djourou and Reading or Zenit contributing towards Arshavin's £80k pw plus the few bob down the back of the old sofa in the boardroom we should be able to pay Theo's new wages.That will be like a new signing for Wenger. And let's not forget the returning Diaby. The trouble with loaning these players out is that unless their contract ends they have to come back. Wenger has already watered down what he said at the beginning of the Window about being busy. The gk position is very worrying with an injury to SzCz being a step away from Martinez, Shea or the presently injured Mannone and Fabianski.

  27. allybear

    Jan 04, 2013, 15:52 #30383

    Excellent articles&really what more can be said about this shambles,but Wenger wont go and i doubt if he will be sacked. At least Chamakh is gone if only on loan to West Ham. Not a mention of any new signings though. How i long to see the back of Wenger!

  28. Steve

    Jan 04, 2013, 14:21 #30381

    The Board, manager, scouts and medical staff are a total shambles! What's happened to Diaby for example. Wenger says the fans expect too much. What a joker! He won't spend money to get decent players but happily accepts about £7.5 mill. Ivan gets a massive increase and a bonus for another season of failure. Arsenal have the 4th highest salary bill in the Prem, enrich themselves with money from the fans yet attack us as if we are the enemy. If Wenger gets offered and accepts another contract we will be in even more trouble than we are already.

  29. Dan h

    Jan 04, 2013, 14:08 #30380

    Enjoyed that article Fozzy.My main hope for this month is that some of the overpaid extras are moved on it can do nothing but expose what a poor job OGL has done these last few years in squad building.Good points with regard player form who actually has raised their game this season?Disregard the three new players i would suggest only Mertersacker of the back four.Gibbs hasn't improved defensively TV,Kos & Sagna have all regressed.It runs through the whole squad.Walcott who i havn't been a huge fan of thankfully is at least up front instead of the hapless Gervinho has put up decent stats.You could just about understand if he was another of OGL's £1m gambles in the market he cost between £8m-£11m that's another dead contract you've got us into!Chris Whyte as emergency striker eat your heart out!Fozzy i expect no major movement incoming OGL has already said unless we sign Messi the fans will not be happy usual overuse of an analogy.For at least the last six transfer windows (summer & winter)fans have looked for investment in the squad i see nothing changing this january nor do i trust us to sign the players required to improve us.

  30. ATID

    Jan 04, 2013, 13:37 #30377

    Yes, it was a woeful performance. Leaving aside Sagna's poor defending he offers almost nothing from an attacking perspective. How many times have we seen a good break peter out when Sagna has the ball in the final third of the pitch and doesn't know what to do with it? Cue a back pass or sideways pass of less than 20 feet. On the other side Gibbs is better but as Fozzy said he should have shot on goal when he had a chance. At least Jenkinson can cross the ball but is he good enough as a defender? I don't think so. When you think of all the top quality fullbacks we have had in the past 25 years you can see just how far we have fallen. Walking back after the game there were several signs on the Northam Bridge to offer comfort "Suicidal? Depressed? call the Samaritans". Good advice. There was certainly no point calling Silent Stan or OGL. The only good news about this performance was it prevented the AKBs from screaming from their padded cells that they were right, we had turned a corner and things were back on track. Really?

  31. Ron

    Jan 04, 2013, 13:33 #30376

    You shdt be so negative Foz. For a team with a Championship standard goal keeper (arguably), two full backs who are respectively either inept, disinterested or looking elsewhere for a new Club, central defenders who are the worst since Ian Ure, a lightweight, fairyfooted midfield none of whom could dictate a game, intimidate the opponents, cant/wont support defenders and rarely score goals,an overrated German forward who nobody really knows what position hes supposed to be 'best' at and a bambi impersonator up front who really is deluded enough to think he can make it as a top class central striker and finally no pace anywhere in the entire 'team', it was actually a good well won point v a superior team. I wont mention the subs as the last i heard they were aplying for jobs as cartoon figures for 'the Beano'.

  32. Inspector Clueless

    Jan 04, 2013, 13:32 #30375

    bonjour tout le monde. did anybody see my on Sky fiddling with my Zipper for 10 mins against newcastle ? i was going to call Peter Sellers to help me get out of my own coat.. Quel un idiote i am these days. i like to sit and think about lots of things while the game is on. I let my thoughts drift away as i am sure you have noticed plus i try to catch some sleep. it was difficult the other night though when Alan pardew was shouting and jumping up and down. i really dont understand these managers who coach their teams during the match....

  33. tfSmudge

    Jan 04, 2013, 13:15 #30373

    Top article Fozzy. True I'm sure Eboue-with-a-syrup and Clumsey were the last thing Southampton wanted to see coming off the bench on Tuesday, certainly the Arse fans didn't... The surprise for me is the dip in form of Lasagna – I've always had a problem with his crosses, hit and miss at best but he, more so than Gibbs, has been found wanting on a number of occasions of late. Add to that the unpredictable Kosh in the middle and you have a recipe for disaster. The ball watching was both hilarious and painful for at least two of the Newcastle goals. They all seem to be effecting each others drab performances like a malignant cancer. The midfield too, ie Artattacketta passes back and sideways so much it is distressing to watch. There's only one way to defend in my view – attack! Or else play to your strengths, er, we're still looking for ours... One thing's for sure, this talk of strikers is futile while that defence exists... Take note Wenger. Never mind the bollox.

  34. northbank123

    Jan 04, 2013, 13:06 #30372

    Agree with the general theme but Podolski lazy and a flop? His best performances at Anfield and against Newcastle came in games where we pressed the opposition all over the pitch, won the ball back in good positions and also as a result had far more space and dynamism in possession. No wonder he's not showing his best in games like Southampton. Nobody in the middle looked like beating their man and as a result Podolski was picking the ball up nearly exclusively 30+ yards out, pinned to the touchline with two or three defenders to beat just to get into the area and with only the one-footed Gibbs for help. Would Pires have been half as effective in a team like this that moved the ball so slowly at times and gave it to him in unthreatening positions?

  35. Paul

    Jan 04, 2013, 12:50 #30371

    Wenger needs to stop being the arrogant I didnt see it dictator and start being accountable. Taking responsibility means being openly honest with your weaknesses Arsene. The majority of fans who were around before Wenger and will be after him have mostly in my opinion had enough but want a stellar replacement who has a higher level of tactical knowse to read the game and make appropriate substitutions . USMANOV in DEIN in GUARDIOLA in. All 3 of these are on record in the last month or so to have said they would welcome being part of the set up. Give Stevie Bould, who the fans trust massively, the rein until the summer and then Pep will take over. It has to be done and politely done no matter wht happens in the next month results wise. This would put the club on a very healthy 5yr plan for the furture.

  36. fozzy's mate

    Jan 04, 2013, 12:46 #30370

    An amusing piece, giving a few chuckles in the most miserable week of the year. Gervinho's clown like antics could well form part of a comical circus double act "the eboue twins".

  37. billthered

    Jan 04, 2013, 12:35 #30369

    I'm sorry your wrong his time started and finished years ago thanks for the memories Arsene you have been a great manager(going back a few years though)now leave it to a hungry manager who can recognise a player that wants to play for us and if he dont bomb him out,easy as that.

  38. indian gooner

    Jan 04, 2013, 12:20 #30368

    Atleast now, someone is pointing out the basic mistakes that seem to run through the whole team.An inability to play with their other foot.Poldi is neutralised if his left foot is covered by a defender.He can do nothing with his other foot.How many players are two footed in our team?maybe santi. but after him, we dont have anyone. It is a lack of a basic skill such as being able to use your other foot, which has led to us conceding freekicks in dangerous positions, sometimes even conceding penalties due to bad attempts to clear the ball with the wrong foot. No one seems to have noticed that this team is so poor that we havent improved on any of these basic skills over the years.maybe wenger has a masterplan for all the sheep....all hail the greatest show on earth.till he is gone, we are going to slide downwards and out of touch with reality.

  39. Jaded Harold

    Jan 04, 2013, 12:11 #30367

    How many last chances does he get? This nonsense has been going on for 5 years.

  40. Tony Evans

    Jan 04, 2013, 12:05 #30366

    Fozzy - Indeed it is 'all in Wenger's hands' and he couldn't sort this mess out full stop, never mind a month.

  41. joe gunner

    Jan 04, 2013, 12:01 #30365

    Well wrtten article can find no faults to your comments. We seemed to be without a leader on the pitch, why?

  42. Bard

    Jan 04, 2013, 11:56 #30364

    Good post. For me the worrying thing about the Southampton game was Wenger's lack of ideas. It was obvious the team needed a shake up either of players or tactics at half time but he just sat there looking on helplessly. There is no evidence that the perennial problems are being addressed. Jenkinson must be worth a shout over Sagna. Why not give Cocquelin a try in midfield; move TVM to left back. It cant be any worse. For all those who bought into the Newcastle win as evidence that we're back o track it worth remembering it was 4-3 with about 8mins to go. Losing to Swansea. Citeh and Chelsea would constitute a proper crisis in my book. I'm with you on the 4th place comment. The side looks decidedly mid table at the moment.

  43. Jumpers for Goalposts

    Jan 04, 2013, 11:50 #30361

    Good article Fozzy my old mate but you say that Wenger has got a month to "sort out this mess". There's about as much chance of that happening as there is of me becoming Pope!! Wenger is NEVER going to change, he's far too stubborn and arrogant for that to happen. Plus, you're forgetting the most important factor about change: For someone to want to change, firstly they have to realise that they have been wrong in the past and therein lies Arsenal's biggest problem - Wenger doesn't think he's doing anything wrong so he doesn't need to change. The only way we'll get change is when enough of us turn against him before, during and after matches.

  44. Gooner1711

    Jan 04, 2013, 11:44 #30358

    Spot on. until we change the manager more mediocrity, but so many are happy to live with this as "the Standard" nowadays!