Hancock's Half Hour

Is Arsène taking inspiration from vintage comedy

Hancock's Half Hour

Billy Wright got the job instead…

When Mancini selected 6'4" Dzeko to lead the line against us last “Super Sunday”, I fully expected Arsène Wenger to counter that threat by selecting Mertesacker, but I was not too surprised when Koscielny was given the nod – why wouldn’t you select a full-back to play centre-half!

As we all know, that plan fell apart after ten minutes and, apart from Jack Wilshere, who is our leader in all but name, the team capitulated to a familiar defeat. When you have run out, like I have, of expressing your despair at how your team is sliding into oblivion, you tend to come up with more manic examples to describe that despair. Well, when City’s second goal went in, it hit me – Wenger reminds me of an episode of Hancock’s Half Hour written in 1959 by Galton & Simpson (later the Steptoe and Son writers) called “The football pools”.

The storyline is as follows - Hancock is checking his football pools with Sid James and discovers that he has seven draws and needs one more for the jackpot. There is one more remaining game but it is a late kick-off. The game is Chelsea vs East Cheam United (those of you old enough to have followed Hancock would know he lived at 23 Railway Cuttings, East Cheam). They decide to go to the game to see if they can both cheer for a draw.

Paying two shillings to get in (10 pence in new money), the two take their place on the terrace in an attempt to influence the game. After being level for a while at 1-1, East Cheam go in at half-time leading 3-1. Needing a draw to win the jackpot, Sid James has a cunning plan. The two of them gain entry to the East Cheam dressing-room with Sid claiming to be a new director. Puffing on a big cigar, as directors did in those days, he introduces Hancock to the team and, I quote, “this is Professor Hancock who is an expert in time and motion and the correct application of aptitude in the human athlete to gain maximum response from the body at any given time” (heard that before?).

Needing to get Chelsea back in the game, Hancock puts their plan into action. As he turns to the smallest player the plan starts to unravel.

TH, “Where do you play”
Cheam Player, “Right-wing”
TH, “You’re in goal”
The goalie asks “Well, where do I now play?”
TH, “Can you shoot?”
Goalie, “No”
TH, “Centre-forward”
TH, “Who’s left-footed?”
Cheam player, “I am”
TH, “Right-back”
TH, “Who’s right-footed?”
Cheam Player, “I am”
TH, “Left-back”
TH, “who can’t head a ball?”
Cheam Player, “I can’t”
TH, “ Centre-half”
TH, “Who are the two slowest players?”
Cheam players, “We are”
TH, “OK, you’re right-wing and you’re left-wing”.

Then Hancock tells them - as soon as it’s 3-3, swap back to your normal positions. The second half, which featured the diminutive comedy-actor Johnny Vyvyan playing the goalkeeper, sees Chelsea bring it back to 3-3 but the Cheam players forget to change back to their normal positions and they lose 15-3.

OK, so I am being very cruel here but, if you asked me whether Wenger is closer to Ferguson or the role Hancock is playing, well for me it is the “late and great” rotund figure from Railway Cuttings that wins it every time!

After all, doesn’t Ramsey play wide? Have I not seen Sagna play at left-back? And don’t we have two full-backs playing centre-half? Did we not start the game with a player who has not had one competitive game since last September? Don’t we have a player away on ACN duty who has played centre-forward who can’t shoot, and finally a player who can’t head the ball, holding out for a £100K a week, providing he plays at centre-forward?!

As you can tell, I am now very desperate and will say or do anything, within reason, to stop my team from becoming next season’s Aston Villa, because without some serious money being spent and changes at board and managerial levels that is the direction in which we are heading.

Those disbelievers can catch the episode online here

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  1. Porfiry

    Jan 18, 2013, 12:07 #30972

    Hah! I laughed. Wenger really is a past-it boring clown. He seems to have an opinion on anything and everything: global financial crisis, the economy, the weather, the fall of HMV, oil prices, Justin Bieber etc...but the one thing he knows stuff all about seems to be winning trophies and football tactics. Oh and he also doesn't seem to know how to allocate cash wisely within a club. He is pathetic and I won't be back until he and Gazidis are gone.

  2. David

    Jan 16, 2013, 22:29 #30924

    When I gave up my season ticket at THOF 10 years ago, it was very different. The press hung on AWs every word, the football was breathtaking - only bettered by Real Madrid; a new stadium was being planned, and it looked like nothing could go wrong. Even sow's ears like Grimandi and Parlour were made into silk purses, as he filled players with his famed 'unbelievable belief'. Wenger had motivational and managerial skills that made him peerless. None of this is exageration. Where did it all go wrong?

  3. PerryG

    Jan 16, 2013, 18:29 #30922

    Well you have to laugh...Brilliant

  4. maguiresbridge gooner

    Jan 16, 2013, 17:59 #30921

    Good post Adrian,What has wenger ever done to counter the opposition does he know how to ?.Reading your article the only thing he has managed to do over the last seven or eight years is give us a sense of humor, and a laugh at his and the teams expense and if you didn't laugh the despair would get worse.Maybe he has watched the episode himself it would explain a lot.

  5. Geraldo

    Jan 16, 2013, 17:24 #30920

    I paid a tenner to go and watch my local league one time in an FA Cup R3 replay last night. Although they lost, just, their work ethic and enthusiasm was more inspiring and exciting than anything I have seen come out of N5 all season and at a sixth of the price to boot. The team is being made a global laughing stock by the behaviour of wannabee Walcott who despite his dreams will never deserve Thierry's number. If we accede to his demands I will probably be putting my red and white shirt in the back of the wardrobe and watching my football somewhere else for a while. Never thought I would say that!

  6. smithy

    Jan 16, 2013, 16:14 #30919

    I reckon a mixture of pepe le pew and Mr Magoo is probably the closest fictional character. Arsene is totally unable to see what is in front of his face. Unable to see or fathom the blindingly obvious. And has the gallic arrogance to perpetuate the same behaviors over and over again. And we all know a skunk begins to really honk when challenged.Unfortunately things are really begining to smell at arsenal.

  7. ATID

    Jan 16, 2013, 16:10 #30918

    Red Member - I can understand what you are saying but I am not going to stop going or give up my season ticket just because our manager has lost the plot. You can be fed up with the Club and the manager and still support the team.

  8. Inspector Clouseau strikes again

    Jan 16, 2013, 16:02 #30917

    Wenger is a walking PR machine for the club. because he is paid to be. he has been spin doctoring for years but it has gotten worse each season the results have got worse. he is becoming a laughing stock. he never speaks like a football coach anymore. about sweat, tactics, the man on the street stuff. i am really really bored of this man

  9. allybear

    Jan 16, 2013, 14:47 #30912

    Very good posts&i read this morning that Wenger warned the fans that he may not make any new signings,how arrogant is this man? Its hard to watchthe team now as it slides further in to mediocrity. Its a shame that this great club is being destroyed. Personally im desperate for a change of manager.

  10. Red Member

    Jan 16, 2013, 14:35 #30909

    ATID - by going tonight you are helping to ensure that Groundhog Day continues. you continue to watch rubbish football - you continue to pay lots of money....

  11. Gerry

    Jan 16, 2013, 14:08 #30908

    Super piece, shows what we have become, a joke club with a joke team managed by the biggest joke of them all. Would laugh but I have a bad feeling that Wenger given more time could do a Clough and take us down to the championship.

  12. Ron

    Jan 16, 2013, 14:00 #30907

    Great post. Funny. Arsenal and Wenger are essentially a symptom of what football has become. I dropped my season ticket at the at the start of Season 2011-12, not from any seanse of disgust at Arsenal but due to dissiliusionment with Arsenal and football overall.Its rotting away now in its own sea of rotting vegetation, i.e the new type fans and half baked over hyped and average journeymen who the tele pass of as 'great'but of whom most wdt have got a game even 12 - 15 years back. As for Arsenal now, laughing at them and Wenger is the best way of having a decent day out at football now, though my days are relaint on a cheap ticketed match and a borrowed Silver swipe card, bought at cut price. Laugh and be damned guys. It makes the poor standard of football bearable.

  13. chris dee

    Jan 16, 2013, 13:46 #30904

    Ad Wag Understandbly upset posting. But we musn't get into the 'spend big' or 'change the board' scenario,there are issues regarding spending and the board but they have nothing to with the current mediocrity we are watching. The whole demeaner,approach,application,courage and confidence of the players is sh**. We should be one match from a Wembley final if it wasn't for a disgracefully indifferent,non motivated performance against Bradford. We might have another eight points on the board if any sort of professional organsisation had been applied to the defensive part of our game,and this has been a problem for the last five years.So what's the frigging excuse for not addressing this problem that the whole world and his dog can see apart from our manager? Our current players, properly motivated and with a system for defending to give the team confidence,are better than the current lame performances. Step forward Arsene,no amount of clever statements will be enough to quell the sense of anger ,and now despair, from the mugs who really do have Arsenal in their blood. Us.

  14. jjetplane

    Jan 16, 2013, 13:32 #30901

    Great post and lets be honest - football stinks to high heaven. Look at QPR, Crawley and any other totally capitalist clubs that have murdered the fun that the game used to represent. Arsenal (who I first watched in the 60s) are just part of the malaise and as someone who was born in a slum not far from highbury I never had truck with all that old etonian bolloxs of tradition. Eton has got f... all to do with football, and now its proving the point. Arsenal already have their global gangsters settled into place so dream on about a Guadiola revolution. He may even come but never will there be a time when the emirates will be full of people who plain and simply love football.

  15. ATID

    Jan 16, 2013, 13:28 #30899

    Life as a Gooner sinks ever closer to an unfunny remake of Groundhog Day. We wake up every morning to Wenger being interviewed on the radio talking about energy levels, mental strength and the signings that we may or may not sign in the January transfer window. I am going to tonight's game, like so many games over the last few seasons, with no hope or expectation. It is all very depressing.

  16. WeAreBuildingATeamToDominate

    Jan 16, 2013, 13:27 #30898

    OGL thinks that his way of playing is by itself enough to beat the opposition so why worry with changing the formation and playing players out of position? "Ve are ze Arsenal, ower football iz ze best zo ve vill win the game". Unfortunately, it obviously hasn't dawned on him it's not 2003 anymore. While we're on the subject, it's now 16th January.....where are the new signings? Oh I forgot, Wally hasn't put pen to paper yet.

  17. Long John Silver

    Jan 16, 2013, 13:26 #30897

    stone me with plates like these I could get in the profs East Cheam Experiment.

  18. The Buck

    Jan 16, 2013, 13:25 #30896

    So true, Chamberlain is actually a central midfielder but Wenger's happy for us to go a whole season without a single right-sided winger! but then after forking out £13m on Giroud we don't sell Walcott and use the funds, we make him the main man as a striker. It's absolute madness- this tyranny must stop!!

  19. bunch

    Jan 16, 2013, 13:23 #30895

    Nothing like a bit of gallows humour to come to terms with our miserable decline

  20. jeff wright

    Jan 16, 2013, 13:14 #30893

    Wenger's team selections when he faces top sides have always been rather baffling. It's very rare that he ever selects his strongest starting eleven. He dropped Mertesacker in favour of Klumsy Kos against Chelsea earlier in the season ,and that proved to be a disaster as well. If there is one thing that Wenger can't be accused of it is that of learning from his mistakes. It really is time he wished us au revoir. But , he always sees out his contract, and so do his ordinary but very overpaid players that he signs.

  21. Peter Piper

    Jan 16, 2013, 13:03 #30892

    There seems to be so many people on this site who believe that they know what's best for Arsenal football club.The funny thing is that every body has a different opinion and the negatives are tenfold after each defeat.At least Wenger and his players actually do something meaningful with their lives.The average fan just bums around navel gazing all his days.

  22. Der Projekt ist Kaput

    Jan 16, 2013, 12:53 #30891

    What about a new episode of "The Blood Donor": '£62 for a cheap seat?! Are you stark, raving mad? That's very nearly a walletful!'

  23. billthered

    Jan 16, 2013, 12:26 #30889

    If this situation was not so serious it would be laughable,so that is what it has become.I think the only way out is for someone to examine OGL and come to the conclusion that he is suffering from acute mental disorder and administer the white coat cart him off to the nearest hospital then appoint who is necessary Pep preferrably.I'm sorry but it seems the only way we can get him out of the club.

  24. Tony Evans

    Jan 16, 2013, 12:25 #30888

    Brilliant Adrian - Hancock could be Wenger's double in that episode. 'Hancock's Halfhour' has become 'Wenger's Eight Years' for us, but we are not finding it very funny and we can't switch it off! What a buffoon Wenger has become and still the torture goes on.

  25. Bard

    Jan 16, 2013, 12:10 #30887

    Delightful post. Saddens me that the boss has become a something of a comic figure. His selections, substitutions, and after match comments become more biazarre by the week.The selection of Diaby on Sunday was extraordinary. His hapless performance was only to be expected. Wonder what Rambo and Coq thought of it ? To think that we have our very oown soap opera ( Wally's will he won't he ) buzzing around as if he's the new Ronaldo is testament to the laughing stock the club has become. Its embarassing.