A Comfortable Afternoon

Online Ed: No new manager syndrome result for Reading

A Comfortable Afternoon

Stuart Taylor – The only Arsenal trophy winner on the field

Having put 12 goals past Reading’s porous defence in two matches so far this season, it would have been something of a surprise if Arsenal failed to win comfortably yesterday afternoon. Although they took a while to find their shooting boots, going in only one up at the interval in spite of a host of chances, things were resolved satisfactorily in the second half as the Gunners secured a painless three points. Anything but would have made the task of trying to get into the top four a lot more difficult than it should be.

Nigel Adkins has brought a team to the Grove once this season already. Then Southampton manager, his side conceded six. It is interesting to note that the Saints seems to have become a more disciplined outfit under their new Argentinian manager. They, and Reading are an example that style of play is all well and good, but sound principles are a vital basis to achieve success. The same could be said of Arsenal at times in recent seasons, although the last three matches have shown that gradual improvement is possible.

Gervinho’s early goal settled any nerves, although I am not quite sure what that Nazi-style salute is all about when he celebrates scoring. I am sure it isn’t what it looks like, but he needs to either explain it or modify the thing. Even with the missed opportunities in the first half, how the Gunners were not awarded a penalty for Stuart Taylor’s taking out of Olivier Giroud is a mystery. It’s been so long since I have seen Taylor in action, that for long spells I was wondering if this was the same player that won a title medal with Arsenal in 2002. He’s had a strange career since, not playing many games, and those that he has had have largely been for lower league teams where he has been on loan. Even as a reserve keeper, one imagines he has earned enough to make sure he has a secure future after he retires, assuming he has been prudent. However, since that title medal in 2002, he has obviously settled for a career largely spent in reserve. Bob Wilson urged Arsene Wenger to promote him above David Seaman before Seaman was released and Jens Lehmann arrived. One wonders what might have been for Taylor.

The second half was largely more of the same one way traffic, although Reading’s consolation goal tarnished things slightly, with Nacho Monreal caught napping. Spurs’ win at Swansea was not the news that anyone at Arsenal wanted to hear, although on the flip side, Chelsea’s defeat at Southampton demonstrated that there are definitely two teams to chase for a Champions League berth.

A top four spot is obviously very significant for the board and manager, but there is evidence that whether the team can do it or not, a certain section of supporters’ interest is waning. Reputedly, alarm bells are ringing at the club because they are struggling with club level renewals, which were sent out in February. I guess, whether you are buying for corporate hospitality or as a fan, for the amounts being asked, you might expect to see more ‘event’ games in a season. Matches where the stakes are high and the result really matters. It seems there are not quite so many of them these days, because the race for a top four finish does not excite in the way that contention for actual trophies does.

I must admit that the idea of not qualifying for the Champions League only really matters to me in the sense that I do not really want to be attending games on Thursday evenings and Sunday afternoons for much of next season. As for the competition itself, it’s really the formality of the group stage and then waiting to see which big team will give us a glamour tie before elimination. Or at least that is how it feels now. I don’t get excited by the idea of winning it anymore, because I just don’t see how that is possible with the team’s lack of tactical acumen and quality of personnel. The manager warns that the best players will not join a club outside of the CL, but it’s hardly as if they have been arriving by the truckload in recent years is it? What difference would it make?

I don’t think I am alone in the stadium these days. Even amongst those who wholeheartedly support the manager, there seems a dissipation of tension. We are not on the edges of our seats too much these days, more like sitting back and waiting to see what will unfold. Perhaps I am generalizing, but it is just a feeling. I sit in the upper tier, with many seats around me sold on a match by match basis. Maybe there is a greater intensity in the cheaper seats.

The run-in should prove interesting, a test for the players now at the club. Maybe as it gets closer to the end of the season, the tension will rise and the games will matter more, but the feeling of disconnect, of not really caring as much as I used to, is worrying. It is not how I thought my football supporting life would pan out before the club moved stadium. But maybe it’s just me.

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  1. ATID

    Apr 03, 2013, 13:38 #33741

    Agree with Kevin, Glenn, Orangeburg and all the rest. If I thought that Wenger was still going to be our manager in five years time I think I would probably stop going. I hope that the money men have a plan B to refresh the brand even if they only talk in public about keeping with plan AW. However, I don't think the quality of the football we are seeing is too bad. I went to a Championship game over Easter and if you had shouted hoof everytime the ball went in the air you would have been hoarse by the time the final whistle blew. It was really poor. The ground was also half empty making the atmosphere no worse than at our place.

  2. Ken

    Apr 02, 2013, 19:48 #33719

    Credit were credit due the team was great.

  3. Graham Simons

    Apr 02, 2013, 14:41 #33708

    In amongst all the moaning - can I just praise the club and the fans for the recognition of Rocky seven minutes in. It was good to see the club and its fans united as Arsenal to pay tribute to a wonderful bloke and my favourite Arsenal player as a kid.

  4. CanadaGooner

    Apr 02, 2013, 12:46 #33699

    @leam; yes mate, we lost. Beating Reading isn't what people pay their seasons ticket fee for. They pay to see Arsenal compete and 24 points behind Utd isn't where we saw 8 years of Wenger after 2004/2005 heading. Nobody is even asking Wenger to win a trophy right now, but for goodness sake show some sign of improving and at least appear close to winning something! If we finish 4th again but say 5 points behind the winning team, I'm sure majority of arsenal fans will be less angry (after all, they've been patient for 7+ years now: which other sets of fans of a top level side would condone that?????? I have nothing but the uttermost respect for arsenal fans for their patience and consistency! So, if after 8 years of paying so much for tickets and getting nothing, some of us say we've had enough of the manager and the crappy performances and losing to bradford and Blackburn (teams that spend a fraction of what we spend), so be it! What irritates me is when people question such frustration. If this had been any other club in the top tier that's used to winning trophies, the fans would have rioted by now and forcefully removes the arrogant twerp wenger! I don't advocate such actions only because we are arsenal and we prefer to conduct ourselves with dignity, but surely, there has to be a line btw dignity and sheer stupidity (wenger has taken us all for mugs)

  5. Ron

    Apr 02, 2013, 12:25 #33698

    Stuart Taylor represents perfectly what football has become. Hes not very good, clearly has never had much ambition, yet has made a decent living out of the game (presumably). Reading are perhaps worse than that Derby County team back in 07 that was promoted (both are the top candidates for the worst team ever to be in the EPL), hence Gervinho scored against them! It was typical Arsenal. We roll over rubbish teams in the main, yet are a million miles off beating the best sides. We re wandering aimlessly and unambitiously in the glue below the top tier and results like this just allow Wenger to 'spin' those who still believe him into thinking things are changing. Note the usual ' Arsenal are looking at Goetze etc etc ' cobblers that is being spouted, as Season tickets are due for renewal. Fed to the media by Arsenal? Maybe. As for CL? Im one whose lost interest too and feel that its academic anyway. I dont think TH will implode this time and Chelsea wont be doing so either.

  6. leam

    Apr 02, 2013, 11:41 #33697

    is this for real? bloody ell people are acting like we lost 4 1

  7. Green Hut

    Apr 02, 2013, 11:08 #33696

    Mandy, I have a feeling that you, like Arsene Wenger, are going to be repeatedly telling us that you are 'a little bit short' of what is required for a long time to come yet. Please be sure to let us know when your prophecy comes to pass though.

  8. GG89

    Apr 02, 2013, 9:21 #33694

    Its only football, there are 87 professional clubs below us and only four in front... If Wenger spends big in the summer and fails again in 2013/14 he will be on his bike... Keep it in perspective... I think the directors plan is about futures... I will see the gooners win the title again... Don´t forget between 71 and 79 no trophies and three different managers.... Don´t forget when Graham left it was chaos for a couple of years... Ricoh, Houston etc.... If Adams had half a brain he would be a perfect manager.... Think Keown is the best placed former player to lead the club...

  9. mark from aylesbury

    Apr 02, 2013, 8:39 #33693

    For some reason my last reply didnt get posted. Anyway Mandy, I dont think the sitting on your hands approach everything is rosey in the garden is going to last much longer. As it is being questioned from our sponsors and from rival ownership groups. The present regime is being shown up. Please also compare any rival team from across Europe and find a trophyless team with equal power and fan base.... there isnt so that is measurable failure against out peer group. So far maybe our softer southern edge may have saved them but where im sitting i see an angry divided fanbase ready to say what it thinks. From gooners i speak to i reckon green hut is in the 30%. Canada gooner probably reflects the middle 50% and you the remaining 20%. I think it is you in the minority. Here are my predictions for Wengers future trophy haul EPL 0, European cup 0, FA cup 0, League cup 1, 4th place trophy 3 out of 4. Mandy what are your predictions?

  10. Tom O'B

    Apr 02, 2013, 0:28 #33692

    Been going since the 70s and am not renewing my Silver membership. The 'relationship' changed after leaving Highbury and things just a joke now. They just don't care - believe me.

  11. Mandy Dodd

    Apr 02, 2013, 0:16 #33691

    Think we need a bit more than that complete the near unification of the fan base green hut but it will come

  12. Gooner72

    Apr 02, 2013, 0:10 #33690

    Before the masses hang me for the obvious yes Gervinho set up two and not one goal and yes he only paid 75 minutes of the game (yes I was there and yes I was watching, albeit being distracted by the Italian kid behind who decided to empty his cup of tea down the back of my seat), but I'll stand by my point that it was against Reading after all!!!!!!!

  13. johnnyh

    Apr 01, 2013, 22:18 #33689

    people like mandydodd need to realise that they are being conned. the top 4 "trophy" bollocks wenger spouts every year is because this is what pays this tactically clueless numpty his 7 million a year and guarantees big bonuses for the likes of gazidis and other dead wood at the club. its all about money. trophies are of secondary importance.

  14. maguiresbridge gooner

    Apr 01, 2013, 21:26 #33688

    Gaz, good post all round, as for thinking wenger, the players and a lot of the fans are more fired up about qualifying for fourth place, especially ahead of the spuds it's not how it seems mate, it's how it is, (and we all know why)and that's crazy alright,and it's a bloody disgrace, like you've said where was all this desire when it mattered ? when there was something to play for and worth winning ? we know the answer to that also.

  15. Fozzy

    Apr 01, 2013, 20:59 #33687

    I rather enjoyed the game. At least it was proper football again after being starved of anything half decent for a fortnight with the endless stream of meaningless internationals. Mind you, any team that Weng puts out that doesn't contain Walnutt or Diabolical must be in with a chance. But the inclusion of Eboue-in-a-syrup had me totally perplexed. I was genuinely pleased to see him contribute with a goal and a couple of assists, but I was convinced that he hadn't got a clue with the build up to the third goal, and his lay off to Giroud had a touch of fluke attached. But then he also goes and spoils it with some staggering abysmal touches. Contrast him with The Ox who can be best described as "Walnutt-with-skill". What has the poor bloke got to do to get a game? Overall, a comfortable win but still far too many Denilsonesque sideways and backwards stuff going on against a dreadful bunch of players who we won't see playing at The Grove again.

  16. Green Hut (extremist on the fringe of things)

    Apr 01, 2013, 19:33 #33686

    Mandy dodd- Reading your response to comments on here after 10 league wins out of 15 (according to Gooner Ron) that 'you would be forgiven for thinking we had lost' pretty much self-negates your theory that 'as things get going think you will be surprised how quickly fans unite'. You're not doing your cause any good with contradiction like that.

  17. SteveArsenal

    Apr 01, 2013, 16:57 #33685

    No, it isn't just you, Kev

  18. Gooner72

    Apr 01, 2013, 16:04 #33684

    I attended the game on Saturday (I am a long serving Silver Member who travels up from Plymouth, Devon as and when money allows). One thing that stood out sat in the Upper Tier on Saturday was the general apathy and lack of support around the ground. Certainly the days of caviar are long long gone and we are left with bubble and squeak. As for Gervinho all I can say is did you watch him for 90 minutes!!!! Yes he scored and yes he made one but it was Reading after all, probably the worst football team that has visited The Grove in Premiership times. The two questions I would love to ask the board is A) What was the real point in leaving Highbury if we CANNOT compete at the highest level and 2) Now that we have made that decision what will you do to rectify this slow decline and if you are not prepared to spend at least some of your own money then to move on and let someone who will and cares do.....Board OUT, Wenger OUT, I want my Arsenal BACK!!!!!!! PS £4.20 for a small plastic bottle of Carlsberg, truly shocking.....

  19. CanadaGooner

    Apr 01, 2013, 15:47 #33683

    Good report as always Kev. And, yes, a good win for Arsenal (would have been bizarre if we hadnt won). Was a real shame to see Swansea come up short, when they had so many chances to have levelled and even perhaps, won that game. Reading the exchanges btw Green Hut and Mandy Dodd above simply underlines the issues we now have at Arsenal. Chelsea are on their way to winning their 5th FA Cup in 7 seasons, YES they spent all that money under Abramovich, but at the end of the day, you want to see your team in contention for something in March, which isnt a position we've been in, in ages now. If we begin setting our targets so low, that all we have to look forward to in March, is a scrap btw us and 3 or 4 other clubs for 4th place finish in order to qualify for a tournament we've never won and probably never will, that isnt a great place to be as a club. I disagree with both Green Hut and Mandy, in that, I think you're both very loyal Arsenal fans and so is Kev and anybody who ventures to the games or watches on telly or bothers to come on here to debate issues relating to the club (it shows you care about the club); but the start reality is that we are witnessing an arsenal decline that can only stop, if changes are made at the clud, and the first and most logical change is to remove Wenger and then buy better players.

  20. Gaz

    Apr 01, 2013, 15:32 #33682

    To be honest I just don't know what to think anymore. There seems to be a huge gap in my life where wanting Arsenal to win at all costs used to be. After all every win simply strengthens Wengers position at the Club as it'll mean another top four finish which seems to be the only thing this Club values anymore. I mean you all must have noticed Wenger, the players AND even a lot of fans seem really fired up now we're out of all the competitions? It's crazy but that's exactly how it seems to me. I don't want us to finish in the top four because a) It'll simply mean nothing changes and b) I am absolutely bored ****less of simply 'being' in a competition we have no real desire to win. After all-and lets be brutally honest here-if the Club had shown this same 'desire' and 'conviction' we're apparently now showing a few months back we might just have beaten Bradford, Blackburn and Bayern. And lets be realistic about this so called 'run' we're on. One win was against a side that had already qualified and didn't seem to know how to play out the game. One was against a side that has already won a trophy and never seemed particularly 'up' for it. And another was against a side we should beat all day long anyway. The pressure is off so we start winning a few games and some fans fall for the spin that fourth is a real 'trophy'. I reckon I'm not the only fan playing out this horrid scenario in his head where they don't want the club to ever lose games but realise in the long term it might just be for the best. That can't be right-ever-but I just can't see an end to this whilst we're winning these games and finishing in the top four. Not to get fourth means losing games though and even thinking about that means there's absolutely no pleasure in supporting the Club for me at present. Indeed the only pleasure I get now is thinking back to better days when we had people like dear old Rocky at the Club who was a great player and a gent to boot. Nowadays we produce t-shirts for the likes of eboue who was lazy, reckless, and ****ing stupid. I reckon that just about says it all tbh....

  21. Esso

    Apr 01, 2013, 14:41 #33681

    Wenger's legacy will be seven (minimum) major trophies. Any perceived cataclysmic dichotomy of the fan base is due to the actions of the fans, or at least the vocal minority element of the fans, themselves.

  22. maguiresbridge gooner

    Apr 01, 2013, 14:09 #33680

    Sir Sid,Big Dave,Your right this sudden new found spirit,attitude,and discipline that ogl is telling us all about (wherever it suddenly came from, but we certainly know why) and if it lasts means an excuse not to spend and more of the same again next season.

  23. Mandy dodd

    Apr 01, 2013, 13:12 #33679

    Alsace I can certainly understand people being frustrated all I am saying is that if the club are causing some such distress it really is not worth it. None of us have any tangible influence over the running of the club I do think things will get better and enjoy watching our progress I also understand others do not. As an earlier poster said, if something is killing you best move away from it for the sake of the person in question and their loved ones. We have all seen far worse than this team. Football at this level has changed forever in ways we cannot control Not everyone's cup of tea. Not always mine to be honest but that is the way it is and there is no point in making ones self so unhappy over such a situation . Know I have said this before but if the modern arsenal is not to your agreement but you still love the game well worth giving the lower leagues a try. Whether you rate wenger or not he and his staff are the only true football people left at the club

  24. Big Dave

    Apr 01, 2013, 12:09 #33678

    So if its to be 4th again. It will be the same next year a couple of crap buys most likely Jack sold to one of the Manchester clubs and the same old storey. True Arsenal fans will slowly drift away to be replaced by tourists

  25. Mandy dodd

    Apr 01, 2013, 12:08 #33677

    Green hut, hate to tell you but as soon as things get going think you will be surprised how quickly most fans unite .there will always be extremists on the fringe of things but what little influence they have on the big scheme of things seems to be diminishing already.

  26. Sir Sid James

    Apr 01, 2013, 12:08 #33676

    Sadly this is the type of game Wemger will judge the squad on for next season.Instead of bombing out Gervinho after some rotten performances particularly Bradford and Blackburn the two games that defined our season he will be back for more next season.As for Flappy in goal you couldnt make it up.Cazorla had a good game but when as others have said is he going to turn up for the big games.Ed is it any wonder why the fans have lost interest when every season is a repeat of the last.The days of Henry Bergkamp Pires and Vieira have been replaced by Ramsey Gervinho Walcott and Giroud and the club still charge sky high prices.Think about it United could have lost another 7 games and still have finished above us we are that far behind

  27. Alsace Lorraine De Totteridge

    Apr 01, 2013, 11:07 #33675

    Dear Mandy, We want Wenger to go. We don't care how he goes, so long as he does go. We won't be able to enjoy our football again until he is gone. Some people have described the annual train wreck as groundhog day. This situation, right now, is the soul crushing thing. Having stunk the place out all season, the manager is now striving to achieve the two things he actually cares about, keeping his job so that he can show us all next season how wrong we are about him (which he never does) and qualifying for the champions league in order to do so. We won't be fooled again. We want him to disappear. Please say that you understand, even if you don't agree.

  28. What was the point in leaving Highbury?

    Apr 01, 2013, 9:49 #33674

    The business model is seriously flawed. You can only charge top prices if you are supplying the top product. We're clearly not interested in doing that. What would wenger do if england lost its fourth place in the champs league? Ive lost interested now which is sad after 30 years but if the club cant be arsed to challenge itself i dont know why i should care either. Floggin a dead horse springs to mind.

  29. Bard

    Apr 01, 2013, 9:00 #33673

    As a one off it was a good game but then there should be no surprise in beating a side like Reading. The general malaise has to do with the direction of the club. its incontrovertible that we are going backwards and desperately need quality players. The lack of strength and depth in the squad is because Wenger's lost his touch in the transfer market. We all know that as long as he remains manager we will spend the summer trying to recruit average players for around the £6-£10m mark on very decent wages and long contracts. The process will be a long and protracted one as we argue over trifles. He will then give us a load of bollocks about mental strength and quality. We will go to Old Trafford, get hammered and hey ho we're gunning for 4th spot. That's why there's a kind of apathy. Incidentally did anyone else notice the swathes of empty seats? The official figures suggested a full house, moreorless 60000+. Another club spin ?

  30. Deb

    Apr 01, 2013, 8:56 #33672

    It's most certainly not just you. I went to the game, the first since my 'divorce' which is inevitaby failing, flighty creature that I am, and watched with an almost amused smirk on my face as Arsenal were made to look good by a poor Reading team. Why the amused smirk? Because it all seemed futile and I realised the win, and the style of play, was enough to give us poor Gooners a sniff of something we used to have and to keep us mildly interested but not enough to bring in any significant changes. It was the divorce equivalent of a bunch of flowers and a half eaten box of chocolates. And if that doesn't make sense, then neither does my feeling of confusion for Arsenal FC and my reactions to something that I used to love but now merely tolerate. Kev, you are spot on.

  31. WeAreBuildingATeamToDominate

    Apr 01, 2013, 7:54 #33671

    blimey as I write this @8am on Monday morning, only 18 comments so far. Has our apathy reached a new low? OK a routine 3 pts against rubbish opposition (though we should be glad for such things now I guess). Big Andy I'm with you mate, now that the promised land of 4th place is in jeapordy suddenly a run of wins is put together and everything is all well again in OGL's la-la land. When is this madness going to end? Mind you, watched the Villa-Liverpool game yesterday. Average football, played by average footballers, dressed up as something akin to the World Cup Final. Why do we let ourselves get kidded that we are doing anything other than having the piss taken out of us by those at the top? The sooner it all comes crashing down the better.

  32. GaryFootscrayAustralia

    Apr 01, 2013, 6:20 #33670

    Once the result was secured, I found myself "dropping a little bit psychologically" and wondering how Brian McDermott must be feeling. A genuine, honest bloke who gave his all for The Arsenal as a player, even if he did come up short on quality. Some could draw a parallel with that and his managerial reign at Reading, but I think he overachieved at Reading and paid the price. I can only think that Reading's new owner is a fan of Nigel Adkin's poetry recitals, because it seems like madness to me to sack a guy who beat the odds just to get Reading promoted, and already experienced enough at Championship level (should they be relegated) to ensure they don't do a Forest, Leeds or Leicester. Then again, I haven't taken into account the new breed of club owners' view on football as a business.

  33. Green Hut

    Apr 01, 2013, 2:13 #33669

    Mandy dodd- It would be nice if you made just one post that showed even 1% of the passion that Kev does for The Arsenal before you suggest that he takes his support elsewhere. Wenger's legacy will be a divided fanbase that will poison the club long after his departure, with taunts of 'I told you so' from both sides after every victory or defeat.

  34. HowardL

    Mar 31, 2013, 22:41 #33668

    No Kev, it's not just you

  35. Joeos

    Mar 31, 2013, 22:35 #33667

    Reading's last game was a 1-0 defeat at Old Trafford from a "Wayne Rooney scuffed, deflected first half strike" (quote from the Man U website). We played very well yesterday and could have scored many more yet the whingers and moaners are upset because we did not drop points and their hate targets played well.

  36. Big Andy

    Mar 31, 2013, 22:26 #33666

    Great article. Some of us wiser Gooners realise exactly where we are now: just a business, run by people who are only interested in turning a profit at the end of the financial year. Whether we finish top four or not actually doesn't make any difference because we aren't good enough to win the CL. And under this present "self-sustaining" model significant money won't be invested to turn us into a world-class side. That's why I haven't been for a year. And I have no intention of going back any time soon.

  37. sid

    Mar 31, 2013, 21:34 #33665

    @glenn: I sincerely hope you dont go to any games and if arsenal are killing you then mybe you should go support a team that wont kill you

  38. Joe S.

    Mar 31, 2013, 21:34 #33664

    Kevin, I guess you are not alone on this.Regardless of the winning streak, the team that was on the feild against Reading does not inspire either confidence nor dare me to dream. My gut feeling tells me that those players will not perform when it really counts although some will argue that finishing fourth does matter. I think the core of the team should be built around Wiltshire,Kos.,Jenkinson,Monreal,Carzola ( although he won't perform in big games )and Chamberlain(hopefully because of his potential ) as well as some emerging youngsters from the ranks. The rest of the players are dispensable or interchangeable. Every other position should be strenthened and up for grabs.Ha Ha, but then what do I know!

  39. johnnyh

    Mar 31, 2013, 19:00 #33663

    spot on kev.i want my club pushing for trophies. i couldnt care less about the champions league. we have zero chance of winning it anyway with this con man in charge so why should the supporters get excited about being in it? we have gone from a team that was challenging for honours to also rans and this is the reason for the general apathy in the stadium.

  40. GoonerRon

    Mar 31, 2013, 18:08 #33662

    Solid performance and I think that's 10 wins out of 15 in the league which is decent consistency. Fair play to Gervinho for being more decisive, credit where it's due when he (rightly) takes a lot of flak when not playing well. 3rd still up for grabs and key games coming up for us and where those around us will take points off each other.

  41. Mandy dodd

    Mar 31, 2013, 17:51 #33661

    Cannot get excited by arsenal scoring any more, then I guess it is time to stop having anything to do with the team and move onto pastures new. Reading some comments you would be forgiven for thinking we had lost. If

  42. Darren

    Mar 31, 2013, 17:30 #33660

    Don't you think we've enough problems than worrying about seeing Nazi salutes from Gervinho. If he's banging them in every week I wouldn't careless if he mooned the crowd ala Sammy Nelson. It's probably the furtherest thing from his mind. Didn't Van Stapleton do the same thing at Chelsea last season?

  43. Esso

    Mar 31, 2013, 17:25 #33659

    Hahahaha A black man is a Nazi.

  44. maguiresbridge gooner

    Mar 31, 2013, 17:03 #33658

    A very comfortable win and nothing else was expected but how many times have we said that before and got shafted for our complacency.A painless three points alright against another very poor relegation side whose defence reminded us of ourselves over the season.But nevertheless another three points in the bag with a good all round display doing what we had to do,the defence seem to have kept their good run going apart from the goal but it was never going to make any difference.Wenger was raving after the game about spirit and attitude and how disciplined we were, where was it all when it mattered against the likes of Bradford and Blackburn and others.I'm also sure Gervinho's goal celebration isn't a nazi salute he probably doesn't even realise the significance of it himself,i just wonder what would happen if the fans started doing it even if it was in celebration with him, but i'd imagine someone will have a quiet word with him and i wouldn't be surprised if we don't see it again, but we'll have to wait till he scores first.As for the CL it's another three points closer to qualification and our imaginary trophy, and with all this new found spirit and attitude obviously that's all that matters or ever did.

  45. Gare Kekeke

    Mar 31, 2013, 16:28 #33657

    A comfortable win for us which was for a change very pleasing. Some good attacking play mixed with us looking solid at the back but only because Reading offered so little as an attacking force. But I suppose that will still convince some fans that defensively we have been solid all season. Fair play to Gervinho for arguably his best game in a Gunners shirt but like many fans I haven’t forgotten some of his rank bad performances since he joined us. Bradford away springs to mind. I still think we’ll finish top four even though apart from the money that comes with being in the European Cup these days, there is no point of us being there as we are very rarely a major force in that competition under Wenger. Great to see Gooners paying tribute to a true Arsenal legend David Rocastle also and full respect to the Reading fans who joined in too. It’s nice to see rival fans displaying common sense & respect unlike some Arsenal fans who think its right we should beat up fellow Gooners whose views are the polar opposite of yours amongst some of the nonsense that has been written on this site this season. Like I said, Rocky is a true Gunners legend who gave his all to The Arsenal and has given Gooners like myself great memories. It makes me laugh when some fans build up some of the players in recent years to be legends. I don’t buy into the hype of the likes of Arteta, Koscielny, Szczesny & Diaby to name but a few. As this article has stated, even Stuart Taylor won a title medal for us despite being a third choice keeper and he’s not exactly a Gunners legend. Roll on West Brom away. Up The Arsenal!

  46. DW Thomas

    Mar 31, 2013, 15:24 #33656

    A good result. Was Gerv playing for his place next year? One thing I found eye opening. Rosicky. He really drives the play forward, has great skill, and works hard. His first idea seems to push the attack, only going back or sideways if necessary. Contrast this to Ramsey or Denilson in the past. Sideways passers who don't have the skill or vision to routinely move the play forward. Fabianski wasn't tested much, but he looks solid, like he did before his last major injury. When the team clicks and defend well, we can really outplay teams. Lets see how the Man United game goes, though. Shame about Diaby. Great talent on his day, just too few days. He seems to have no luck. And Jack? Does make you wonder if the players over train and if our medical team could do better. I agree with you Kevin. My passion for this team is lessened lately. In part because they aren't competing for trophies. Part because they don't seem like winners often enough. Too little effort. Tired of former players spouting about how their new team is so great too. It all needs to end/ change. If Wenger stays and doesn't get some class in this summer, surely his game is up? Gotze and a top striker would be a start! Oh, tactics too. But you can't sign those. Your coach must have them!

  47. scorp_nib

    Mar 31, 2013, 14:51 #33655

    Same here Kevin. A feeling of disinterest is unmistakably developing within a few of us. For me it is mainly due to the fact that I have decided in my mind that the men who run this club do not care about the footballing fortunes of Arsenal. They GENUINELY do not care. Consequently, neither do we.

  48. ApolloGooner

    Mar 31, 2013, 14:37 #33654

    Its not just you Kevin. Apathy reigns. I couldnt care less if we get in the CL or not. I would prefer we finish above Spurs but I dont think we deserve to. They get a number of things wrong and are likely to implode but they at least show some ambition. We cant say the same about Arsenal. Arsenal only exist to qualify for a competition they're only aiming to get to the knockout stages in. Thats it. Its only about money. Arsenal ceased to be a real football club the day they left Highbury so how could we and why would we care as much as we used to? People will say a real fan will still care. But a real fan still needs a real football club to support and Arsenal fans no longer have one. Depressing, tragic, disgraceful, unforgivable ... but sadly true!

  49. James

    Mar 31, 2013, 14:25 #33653

    Kev how can you get excited about a club whose sole ambition is to finish 4th every season who treat the domestic cups with distain.I am just counting the days till Wenger finally goes and the culture of 4th place and signing average players will end.I dislike Gervinho as much as i disliked Eboue.A place in the Europa league is the only way change will happen a place in the CL will just paper over the cracks for another 12 months.I watched the Next Gen game v Chelsea and the kids play exactly like the first team its frightening.Even when Wenger does go he will leave a bunch of clones at the club.When will it end?

  50. Orangeburg Gooner

    Mar 31, 2013, 13:38 #33652

    It's not just you, Kevin. Watching from the US (I rarely miss a game), I notice that I am more laid back, fatalistic even, about what is on the screen. Yes, it still matters (after 50 years of following, how could it not?), but the sense prevails that we are watching the results of someone's financial exercise, not a full-hearted competitive desire to be the best.

  51. Glenn

    Mar 31, 2013, 13:17 #33650

    It's certainly not just you, Kevin. We're caught in a cycle that never seems to end and it's very dull. Arsenal's football has been boring for several years now, due to not only his obsession with keeping possession but also with players having any individuality trained out of them, or having none in the first place, (Arteta). Remember Wenger's expression of disgust when Giroud tried to lob the Stoke keeper from 40 yards at the beginning of the season, instead of squaring it to renowned goalscorer Aaron Ramsay? Most sane Arsenal fans will not get excited about Gervinho scoring a goal against Reading anymore than they did about beating Bayern 2-0 at their ground when Bayern WERE ALREADY 3-1 UP!!! It's hard to say without it sounding over melodramatic but Arsene Wenger is killing The Arsenal. I really believe that.

  52. Terry

    Mar 31, 2013, 13:07 #33649

    I feel exactly the same. The club is not thirsting for honours/silverware any more. The supporters are made to feel like suppliers of money to keep Kroenke in the manner to which he has become accustomed. We didn't move from Highbury to end up like this.