By hook, crook or shirt pull

Online Ed: 21 points from last 24

By hook, crook or shirt pull

Podolski – Should be starting

You can’t argue with Arsenal’s recent run of results in the league. The team are showing title form as far as the accumulation of points are concerned, too little too late as far as catching Manchester United is concerned, but certainly in time for the fourth place trophy that matters to the annual accounts.

Arsene Wenger decided to retain Gervinho in his starting line-up, and for the long term benefit of the club, maybe this is just as well. Because his performance punctured the myth that he is a player worth persevering with. Think chimpanzee-room-typewriter-complete works of Shakespeare. Now think Gervinho – football pitch – football – goal. If you give it enough chances, you are going to get something that satisfies. But that is glossing over all the waste to get to that point. The player is simply too wasteful to justify his presence at a club with genuine pretentions of competing. I hope he is moved on in the summer, as he is too costly in his inability to convert dangerous situations into goals.

One wonders if Lukas Podolski has been frozen out because he has spoken his mind to the manager. Like Arshavin, one can believe the player is not short of an opinion and has the maturity and confidence to express it. There are weaknesses in his game when the opposition has the ball. But the same could have been said of Robert Pires and he was rarely castigated for that because of his contribution when Arsenal attacked. And if a team ethic is properly developed, the player will be more wiling to actually play a fuller part in the defensive side of the game.

Anyway, his contribution when he did enter the fray after an hour demonstrated that he should start ahead of Gervinho from this point on. The entrances of Walcott and later the Ox also positively impacted on Arsenal’s approach. Before Norwich went 1-0 up and the first changes were made (earlier than normal), the team were lackadaisical and unpenetrative, as if the critical nature of gaining three points in this fixture had escaped them. Jack Wilshere was patently unfit and it was reflected in his contribution, but the only way to change this is by playing him. So, a quandary, but I might be tempted to bring him on from the bench against Everton, with Cazorla in advanced midfield and a front three of Podolski, Giroud and either Walcott or the Ox.

As for the visiting team’s goal, it was a reminder that the Gunners are still vulnerable at set pieces. There is still a lot of work to do in this department, and assuming Arsene Wenger is still in charge next season, a lot of work in pre-season should be done in this area. The indications are that it has not, but good defensive habits are the key to winning matches, and it is something that successful Arsenal teams have been renowned for. The Barcelona approach does not work in north London and only can if the club buy Lionel Messi. Until then, Steve Bould – having learned his trade under George Graham - is presumably able to sort things out at the back given the opportunity. He should be.

The positive that came out of yesterday’s game was the response after Norwich scored. It was notable by its absence in the autumn when Chris Hughton’s team beat Arsenal at Carrow Road, arguably the worst performance from Wenger’s men this season. However, at home, there was reaction, and pressure. It led to a fortuitous penalty – in that shirt pulls are so rarely punished. However, the rule is the rule and it would make football a better sport if it were enforced. Sadly, I do not think it will be. Complaints that the linesman was further away than the referee are irrelevant. He had a different view and saw it more clearly. If it had been given to Norwich, Gooners would not like it, but the bottom line is that it was a foul. That it is generally ignored inside the penalty area should not be grounds for complaint.

The second goal was well worked and demonstrated the difference when an opposition defence is genuinely attacked rather than the ball dillydallying around in the normal fashion. The third was offside and fortunate. Norwich will consider themselves shortchanged, but it is not something Arsene Wenger is going to lose any sleep over. Things are tight from positions 3 to 6 in the table, and Arsenal now face two matches that are going to probably determine whether they will be able to take part in the Champions League next season, both difficult, but both winnable. In reality, four points from six would be an acceptable return. Everton at home is now a huge game given the Toffees’ own decent run of form, whilst Fulham away has become a difficult fixture in recent times. And that to be followed by the return of RVP…

Momentum is good, but Arsenal are going to have to up their game.

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  1. Gaz

    Apr 17, 2013, 8:49 #34030

    @Mandy: So you're suggesting the negative atmosphere in the ground might have preceded this current malaise some of us think we're going through? Don't think that's the case and I think a lot of fans have shown incredible patience. After all its going to be nearly a decade since we won a trophy and for any big Club that's far too long. Obviously there's excuses made for it but when you've lost to Birmingham in a major cup final and Bradford and Blackburn in the cups this season those excuses are pretty lame.

  2. Mandy Dodd

    Apr 16, 2013, 17:42 #34027

    Gaz, you blame fans who back the team, but in the interest of balance, surely you can see that those who create a negative atmosphere in the ground may also be part of any malaise?

  3. Ron

    Apr 16, 2013, 14:19 #34025

    Steve Bould wont sort anything out with the defenders and keepers theyve got as none of them are any good fella. Good point re Podolski. He should know Wenger only sticks by those who act out the juvenile (goody two shoes) schoolboy role, in Walcotesque style. Gervinho - nothing more to debate. Hes a joke. Talkig to a lot of our supporeters is obvious that the only thing that sustains the slightest interest in the balance sheet cup is the fact its Tottenham who will look mugs again if they miss out. If it wasnt them, im sure there are a lot who could no longer give a f--k for that qualifying bulls--t for another boring tedious year. Seeing that superb FA Cup Semi Final last Sunday makes the point even more stark.

  4. danluvsafc

    Apr 16, 2013, 13:21 #34024

    @jack... You are getting the club you deserve!!!!.Can you tell me where your tipping point would be?

  5. Gaz

    Apr 16, 2013, 12:27 #34021

    @jack: If I've insulted any Arsenal fan I apolagise as that was never my intention. Apart from that I stand by everything I've said including the line where I partly blame our current malise on some of our fans who accept mediocrity far too easily.

  6. jack

    Apr 16, 2013, 11:25 #34020

    dont let the door hit you on the way out gaz, people like you are hellbent on insulting their own supporters as deluded and causing a divide. good riddance

  7. lee afc

    Apr 15, 2013, 21:01 #34016

    I have stated all season the the likes of Peter Wain, Paul and others are not Gooners, nothing in this article changes my mind. negative, anti-Arsenal comments get you nowhere. We are on a decent run and we still get sour, inconsiderate comments from so called gooners. ppp........tip my hat to ya son.

  8. ppp

    Apr 15, 2013, 15:56 #34011

    Excellent and thank the football gods for making gonads out of fools like Crooks and ex-tottenham hand wringer Chris Hughton. Incredible when a stonewall penalty is debated as controversial just because Arsenal got it. Fantastic stuff and long may it continue. We MUST beat Everton and really start to drive home how pathetic and inferior the crowing cocks down the lane are. Beating them to the top 4 would be hilarious - I will remain bitter about never challenging at the top, but constantly and completely humiliating Spurs every single year remains a pleasure that you cannot put a price on.

  9. theopants superstar

    Apr 15, 2013, 13:38 #34010

    RJ: Nothing wrong with supporting your team. Indeed I actively encourage it. However if you (along with Mandy) use fatuous or disingenuous points in supposed support of your argument, you should and can expect to be pulled up on them.

  10. Red Member

    Apr 15, 2013, 12:38 #34009

    7 wins out of 8 and yet this is still the worst points haul at this stage of the season for six years! the next 3 games will show whether this team is improving or not. I fear the latter

  11. JER

    Apr 15, 2013, 12:19 #34008

    I read somewhere that Podolski is carrying an ankle injury and is having an operation in the summer.

  12. billthered

    Apr 15, 2013, 10:10 #34003

    I have said this in the past and now it seems as clear as daylight,play Podolski up front just look how many times he hits the target or plays someone in.These are facts and figures and I thought OGL studied them.I wish he would study light bulb heads figures but as someone pointed out Podolski probably questions things I know he has a history.

  13. chris dee

    Apr 15, 2013, 9:52 #34002

    We are on a good run. Now comes the hard bit,keeping it going with pressure and huge expectations. If we do keep it going I would like Arsene to explain why then,with two winnable trophies available we showed a collective arrogance and a clear lack of motivation,concentration and hunger against Bradford and Blackburn ,unlike our current form.

  14. Ali

    Apr 15, 2013, 6:32 #33999

    Hoooray.. we are going to win 4th place trophy again. Premier League title, FA Cup, League, Champions League??.....nobody got time for that!!!

  15. Gare Kekeke

    Apr 15, 2013, 2:48 #33998

    Not the greatest performance but the win is important in the race for the almighty 3rd/4th place trophy and that is what matters. Stonewall penalty in my book. What part of Giroud’s shirt being pulled in the area by Kamara do some people not understand? Fine goal from Podolski. I do like him and he is a good player but I can see why he failed at Bayern Munich. But then some of us knew that already. Btw, I hope some fans are ready for the possibility that Man Utd could/will win the title at Ashburton Grove on 28th April. And if that were to happen, will some fans still call Van Persie a mercenary for joining one of the world’s biggest clubs? Or will they accept he left us for trophies? I’m thinking the latter. Up The Arsenal!

  16. DW Thomas

    Apr 15, 2013, 2:00 #33997

    Ok. Give Gervinho a break. Wenger starts him remember. He is crafty just not a finisher. He needs to work,on his first touch and finishing. I too thought Ramsey worked his socks off, but there was no forward motion till Ox and Podolski came on. We missed Rosicky and a fit Jack. Ox looked hungry and made things happen. We had no defending on their goal. Another example of Ground Hog day. Same s..t different game. The foul for our pk was a gift, but can't blame the refs for calling it. We are owed some of those. Don't think we were lucky after that. Just hungrier and more class. Jack needs to get to fit, we need his forward passing and moving. We need about 4-5 players in the summer if we want to be a team to be reckoned with once again. Proven winners young or old. And clear all losers out. 9 years with no trophy is simply unacceptable. It cannot continue. At the very least we need a good run in something next year if we don't win a trophy.

  17. Not aloud to celebrate

    Apr 14, 2013, 21:42 #33996

    Please note everybody that you are not to get excited by Arsenal winning anymore or else you will upset the anti Wenger mob.The next time we are allowed to say anything positive about Arsenal is only after we have won something.The AAA wishes to make it clear that all those who celebrate an Arsenal victory will immediately be called an AKB and not a true Arsenal fan.Please make sure you always remain in the NO FUN ZONE.Thankyou.

  18. Badger

    Apr 14, 2013, 21:35 #33995

    Clearly Jack wasn't fit, but then with Rosicky injured, most people would have put Jack straight back in. I don't understand whats going on with Podolski, I thought he was supposedly not 100% fit, but then he was in the morning papers saying he was not happy he wasn't playing. I actually think he is the best natural finisher in the squad, but when playing down the left it is fair to say he doesn't give the his full back enough protection but surely that's up to the coaches to drum into him what they expect? I think he should start against Everton as should Theo. Tuesday is a big big game, Everton only lost 5 all season, so it's no foregone conclusion it's 3 points, which if we got them, surely counts them out from catching us, and gives us confidence from here on in. Fourth isn't a trophy but is the absolute minimum we should expect, and I think it's crucial for us to attract the right players in the summer, which, surely to God, the club has now realised are needed. Re MOTD, I find it absolutely incredible that turtle neck Hansen and Moyes said it was no pen. For Gods sake his shirt was given a right old yank. Is Moyes saying if TV5 does that to Fellaini in the box on Tuesday he won't want a penalty? MOTD is anti Arsenal. I have complained to them in the past that contencious issues for Arsenal are covered to death while those against us are often not even shown at all. Many times watching MOTD after being at the game, there are incidents not shown which were major incidents in the game. I wonder why it is Lineker has openly took the piss out of Wenger a couple of times, wheres as he wouldn't dare do it to old red nose or twitcher. Bottom line is the gooner family need to stick together, get a top four spot and stuff the lot of them.

  19. CanadaGooner

    Apr 14, 2013, 20:27 #33994

    Kev, I'm slightly disappointed by your 2nd paragraph; it's all well and good blaming Wenger for Arsenal's demise (as his stubbornness deserves) but the players over the years have been useless. If Podolski's frozen out, it's because he has so far flattered to deceive and the same can be said for majority of our players over the past 8 seasons. Losing to teams like Blackburn and Bradford is something I would NEVER blame the manager for. I don't care if a goat is managing our team, the players MUST be able to get the job done against teams like that. As for our recent results; yes, credit to the team for overhauling Spurs (not at all surprising though), but the reality is that we have not been close to winning any trophy this season, which is means no progress. We will be 7 points ahead of Spurs in 2 week's time (feel free to quote me on that). But how do we avoid the same conclusion to next season? Answer is simple: We cant. As long as Wenger remains in charge and decides to remain stubborn, next season will conclude in the exact same manner as this season (and similar to the last 8 seasons).

  20. RJ

    Apr 14, 2013, 19:25 #33993

    @theopants "that's what champions do". I agree. So hope for next season maybe. Perhaps wenger's comedy mental strength comment is coming good. Perhaps I should bet £100 on the boys for next season to defray some of my season ticket cost. Forgive me for SUPPORTING my team. Come on you gooners

  21. maguiresbridge gooner

    Apr 14, 2013, 19:07 #33992

    WeAreBuildingATTD, spot on the look of contempt and loathing for arsenal on that over weight spud crooks face said it all as the goals went in,and the realisation what that meant set in, truly priceless alright.And the dour scot was his usual self on motd along with the other one moyes,i'm quite sure he'd be happy to get one himslf on Tuesday night whose own player in the game after ours had his shirt tugged far more gently out side the box and a free given,and had nothing to say about that. And i cant pass that dour irishman who manages the scousers and keeps repeating himself,who was on goals on sunday, i'm not surprised he didn't think it was a pen as one of his players has been the biggest culprit of the shirt pull and hold back in the box for years Carragher.

  22. Absolved Failure Corporation

    Apr 14, 2013, 19:05 #33991

    @Reggie - What a very predictable and pointless comment. You are happy to support a football team that acts purely as a business and does not even attempt address the issues that have repeatedly stopped us from even competing for trophies or improving our on-pitch performance? Fools who get excited every time we put a winning run together against a few relegation threatened teams are the ones who are responsible for this perpetuation. When ManUre visit the Emirates you will see again just how far behind we are. And you don't want to do anything about that? Are you sure you're a real fan?

  23. theopants superstar

    Apr 14, 2013, 18:48 #33990

    RJ 18:13pm 14th Apr 2013 @Mandy has a very good point and one I was going to make - ManU winning like that "That's what champions do". I'm surpriszed I even have to spell it out but the big difference is that, unlike us, Man United do it when the title is still up for grabs, thus the term 'that's what champions do'!!

  24. Bard

    Apr 14, 2013, 18:45 #33989

    We ground out a result and at last we look like we've got the bit between our teeth. As always the magical 4th spot seems to focus our minds in a way that the premiership, FA cup, Champions league doesn't. Kev I had to laugh at your forlorn hope of Wenger spending the summer break honing the team's defensive shortcomings. There is as much chance of that happening as us signing Messi or indeed any world class player.

  25. ApolloGooner

    Apr 14, 2013, 18:20 #33988

    Gaz @ 10:24 - brilliant post mate. I agree with every word.

  26. RJ

    Apr 14, 2013, 18:13 #33987

    @Mandy has a very good point and one I was going to make - ManU winning like that "That's what champions do". The game was awful from a Gunner perspective for 85 minutes, but my goodness ftom the award of the penalty onwards, the Emirates was rocking and rolling. I have not enjoyed a final five minutes as much as that for a long time. I am one of those who hopes we end up third - it's not a trophy, but it's lots of cash: without cash, we cannot build a team (and yes, Arsene probably won't do it) but with his contract up at the end of next year, we will attract potentially better managers and players if we are in ECL. Frankly, I also want my team to do as well as it can. Come on you Goooners - three more points, either ugly ot beautifully against Everton and Fulham please.

  27. maguiresbridge gooner

    Apr 14, 2013, 16:12 #33986

    Title form alright Kev and yes it's way to late, it's just a pity this new found belief and title form couldn't have been found/shown when it mattered and there was something to play for.There's not much else that can be said about forehead that you haven't already said.Norwich did what they set out to do for eighty minutes or so,and we more or less did what we always do for the same length of time, try to break them down and concede a goal in the process with a defensive mistake,but we eventually did.I don't think there's anything as sweet in football as to see an opposition goalkeeper (and indeed the team) who was wasting time all day and even more so when they scored, running around like blue arsed flies in a hurry to get the ball up the pitch to try and get something back after going behind, hilarious.Another welcome three points from another bottom of the table side no matter how they came about and a step closer to the managers and the teams priority.

  28. Mandy Dodd

    Apr 14, 2013, 15:11 #33985

    Maybe weshould get thesame praise certain other clubs do when they play badly but still get a result?

  29. GoonerRon

    Apr 14, 2013, 14:54 #33984

    @ Peter Wain - if by winning a crucial game 3-1 when we didn't play that well is a sign of our squad and manager's short comings being shown up I'll take it every week. If we had've lost 1-0 there would be moaning about our lack of plan B, no leaders blah blah blah, so when we turn a game around to win (and display the aforementioned) you need something else to moan about so go on about the officiating (which Wenger gets battered for when it goes against us). I can just imagine you sat in a dark room rocking back and forth cursing the linesman for ruining your Saturday.

  30. Paul

    Apr 14, 2013, 12:49 #33983

    Its still amazing to see some Arsenal fans are content that we have gone 8 years without a trophy.How many more trophyless years will you put up with before you even question Wenger?Picking Gervinho before Podolski sums up Wenger.How many one on ones has this clown missed this season?.Rosicky injured again you couldnt make it up.

  31. liam

    Apr 14, 2013, 12:15 #33982

    Funny how the media doesn't make a deal about the Norwich goal. Their player trips himself up, they get a free-kick and score, yet Le Tissier and the 'pundits' bang on about the corner/goalkick/penalty

  32. Theo Jensen

    Apr 14, 2013, 12:12 #33981


  33. exiled&dangerous

    Apr 14, 2013, 12:11 #33980

    WeAreBuilding.... as a certain opinionated ex-Championship manager now potters about in my current home town, I'll see if I can engage him in a bit of conversation. "So, Neil, if the game had finished 1-0, would you have been apoplectic about the winner coming from a free-kick that shouldn't have been given?" To be fair, he's actually a very nice bloke. Just put him on a touchline or give him a match official to moan at and he'll turn into a psycho. I just spent the rest of the afternoon laughing at Garth Crooks....

  34. JAMIE

    Apr 14, 2013, 11:59 #33979

    I noticed on MOTD how they never mentioned the non existing free kick that led to the Norwich goal or the foul on Walcott in the box,or Norwich City's persistent time wasteing.Norwich used to be a neat football team not anymore since they have the Spud in charge they're closer to Stoke or West Ham.The baldy linesman is the best official I've seen in years at the Emerites unlike the usual rabble who give us absolutely nothing.I wonder if Mike Reily will have a word with him and you can bet a certain 'MIKE DEAN' will be making another appearance soon in an Arsenal game just to make sure our good run doesn't continue.

  35. Peter Wain

    Apr 14, 2013, 11:39 #33978

    A fortunate result and the short commings of both the squad and the manager were shown up. Quite how Gervinho gets in the squad let alone the team is beyond me. He has no redeeming virtues no pace, ball control, temperatement passion or ability and should never be picked again. The manager is very lucky in that in picking him and an unfit Wiltshire he got away with it thanks to a poor linesman. Why the OX does not start seems ridiculous. On tuesday one hopes that Gervinho will be consigned to the subs bench. Podborski and the OX should both start but with this manager who knows what the team will be. Whoever is in the starting line up they must start quicker than they did yesterday and play at real pace. Again the defending was poor and the left back's positional sense and the mid field covering for him was appaling. Up front Giroud was only marginally better than Gervinho and the lack of a true defensive midfield player is worrying.

  36. Gaz

    Apr 14, 2013, 11:26 #33977

    @Reggie: Its not the lack of trophies thats the problem its the fact that some of our fans have become far too used to not winning them. Surely you used to mock your sperz supporting mates for the fact they never win anything? Now you're trying to pretend you're happy with the exact same situation. I honestly never thought I'd see the day when we can be even remotely happy with a nine year gap between trophies.

  37. WeAreBuildingATeamToDominate

    Apr 14, 2013, 11:26 #33976

    As the goals went in one after the other, it was priceless to see the looks on the faces of those Arsenal-haters on Final Score, namely our old pal Neil Warnock and fat boy Garth Crooks. And even better on MOTD later with Lineker and the dour Scot, joined by another dour scot Moyes. It was a nailed on penalty and all I have to say is HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA

  38. sweeps

    Apr 14, 2013, 11:18 #33975

    Arsene's decorators still papering over the cracks.

  39. acherco

    Apr 14, 2013, 11:04 #33974

    Although Gevinho was wasteful, he was what we needed as Norwich defended very deep. We needed somebody with a bit of pace and dribbling skills. At one point, Norwich had 3 players marking him which creates space for others. Nobody was complaining 2 or 3 matches ago when he was scoring and creating chances. You take the rough with the smooth. The problem with Podolski is he doesn't track back enough.

  40. Reggie

    Apr 14, 2013, 11:04 #33973

    You would'nt think we had just won our last last five games judging from some of the comments on here.Why do the glory hunters have to keep slagging off the real fans just because they can't cope with not having a trophy to hug.If you have no care whether Arsenal win or lose find another club.I hear Millwall are always happy to recruit another mong to their bosom.

  41. Dan h

    Apr 14, 2013, 10:47 #33972

    JW definatly unfit was well off the pace.Penalty for me the pundits complain when the assistant officials never make decisions then question them when they do!Will need to start a lot quicker tuesday night but we kept going yesterday & may turn out to be a very important 7 mins in the race for the virtual trophy.

  42. James

    Apr 14, 2013, 10:26 #33971

    Kev there is more chance of Podolski going in the summer than GervinhNO.I am not convinced by Giroud either.But come August both GervinhNO and Giroud will be in the starting line up again.Its stubborn Wenger again who wont admit he's wrong.Wenger has treated Podolski the same as he treated Arshavin.And that is why the trophy drought will continue.We will get a top 4 spot but that is not good enough for a club like Arsenal.We are still 5 players short of a title winning team we need a quality keeper a commanding CB a real DM and 2 strikers of quality.We need to spend £75m plus.As for Wilshire he is not fit and playing him while not fit is madness.Against Everton i would start Podolski Walnutt and the Ox and leave out Giroud GervinhNO and Jack.This season has just papered over the cracks again.

  43. Gaz

    Apr 14, 2013, 10:24 #33970

    Last season was the end of the road for me and I decided I'd never again be taken in by the spin, lies and bull**** thrown out by this manager and Club. Problem was it meant I simply wasn't enjoying something that had been a huge part of my life since 1977 which is why I made one last effort in the summer to get behind what Wenger was trying to do. Ok I was ****ed off we'd made yet another transfer profit but I convinced myself the signings we'd made were good, that Steve Bould would add the defensive nous sadly missing and that Wenger really was going to change as manager. Hell I even spent the first few months trying to convince my friend at work (long time ST holder and even more critical than me!) that this really was the start of something new. Early results were good and for the first time in a while I was genuinely excited about supporting the Club. Then came Norwich away..... That one game was so bad that it effectively set me back to the beginning of last summer where I said nothing would change until either-or both-of Wenger and Gazidis left. And I was proven right as we slipped back in the league and pathetically lost-with our first team playing-to Bradford. Then came Blackburn at home, defeat to Bayern, and yet another trophy less season beckoned. What of this 'brilliant' run we're currently on though I hear you ask? Well I say what of it! Wins against sides we should beat anyway whilst there's no pressure of a title or trophy to win. It's the end of season dash to a top four finish which sadly a lot of our deluded fans see as some kind of big trophy. It's not of course and the only people to benefit from it are the manager, players and board who'll all gain generous bonuses for making the lucrative Champions league again. Where do I sit in all of this now? Well at this moment in time I'm absolutely finished with the Club. I neither get excited when we win or feel unhappy when we lose. There's a big void in my life where the Club used to be and nothing will effect that until I see big changes being made. What are those big changes though? Well obviously I'd like Wenger to go. He's never going to win us another trophy again and sadly he simply ****s me off whenever I hear him speak (the word 'spirit' just makes me cringe...). The board led by kroenke are simply awful and the sooner they go the better (I find the lack of criticism in their direction both baffling and sad). Obviously neither of the above will happen though and after this 'brilliant' run of games I'm expecting Wenger to be offered-and to accept-a new lucrative deal to stay on for at least another three years. So I'm in a bit of a quandary here. I want to enjoy supporting Arsenal again (as I miss the buzz so much) but realise the things I'd like to see that might make that happen won't! So I'm simply writing off the next few months and looking towards the summer....again. I've no real interest in this current run as its nothing more than I've come to expect from this side. We'll finish in the top four-again-and Wenger will be lauded for being the genius he really hasn't been for some time. But I will get behind him and the Club again as soon as the seasons over and I'll hope that we'll finally start to spend like a big club should. That simply means buying better players than we currently have because this current side is still nowhere near good enough. Most importantly though it means spending OUR money rather than the money generated by outgoing sales. That's possibly the one biggest change-after Wenger and kroenke leaving-that might just start to convince me-again-that something IS really changing at the Club. In all honesty though I still don't think we'll win another trophy with Wenger in charge but at least if that did happen I might just spend a few months enjoying supporting the Club again! Until Norwich away of course when the whole sorry saga starts again!!!!

  44. Stevesam

    Apr 14, 2013, 10:00 #33969

    With Jack obviously not up to speed, it was great to see Ramsey give a MoM performance, this was needed without Rosicky who was missed. Ramsey has improved as the season progressed and is now a valuable asset to the squad.I have to agree with Kev, Gervinho is not the 'top, top' quality we require up front, wastes too many chances, even worse than Wally !I would use the Ox more. Good to see us put a run together, but you know what comes next, after we get a sustained momentum, the Summer Sales. Dejavu.

  45. Frank Butcher

    Apr 14, 2013, 9:52 #33968

    An insipid performance. Jack was unfit and thus we played with 10 men for long periods. A bit of luck got us over the line. We will run out of luck at some point though.