From Invincible to Invisible

More reflections on the 2011/12 Arsenal captain

From Invincible to Invisible

Could not afford to wait any longer

Manchester United have been the bane of my (footballing) life. Since 1985, the year of my birth, they have won 39 titles. Their record is astonishing. They may be absolute twats, but whether they play well, mediocre or completely sh*t, they win trophies.

Robin Van Persie came to Arsenal to win trophies. He joined a team that was invincible in the 2003-2004 season. By the time he decided to leave in the spring of 2012, Arsenal were invisible in the title race and have been, bar the flirtations of 2008 and 2010, since 2005.

Van Persie arrived a preciously talented youth. Thin and gangly but with a poise that belied his years and a technique, and physical edge, honed on the hard streets of Rotterdam.

He joined a team of legends, players like Dennis Bergkamp and Thierry Henry, who he had idolised back in the Netherlands and, in Arsene Wenger, a coach who had a proven track record of taking players of his ilk and turning them into world beaters.

The fit seemed perfect. We had an heir to Bergkamp's throne and he had a stage fit for his talent, and undoubted ego. But the timing was wrong. The age of austerity at Arsenal, as we moved down the road, meant that Van Persie, along with Cesc Fabregas, had to grow up quickly in a young team where talent, rather than personality and experience, was forced to lead the way.

It’s fair to say if he had stayed fit in 2008 we would have had a real chance of taking the title and not had to rely on just Emmanuel Adebayor to drag us through. And in 2010 we arguably had one of the best young teams on the continent but were let down by the club’s increasingly bizarre and prudent transfer policy.

The injuries no doubt robbed Van Persie of reaching his peak at a younger age but once fully fit he should, along with Cesc and Samir Nasri, have been indulged by the club and deserved to have a team built around him.

Wenger has always been lauded for his ability to spot talent but Van Persie and Cesc, and Nasri to a lesser extent, are genuine world class players. Some of the best of their generation. They were indulged on the field to do what they wanted, something Cesc is still paying for at Barcelona, but money should have been spent to make sure these two stars shone brighter than everyone else.

The calling of Barcelona was too good for Cesc to refuse, but it is also a point to think that it was an easy way out. A way to say goodbye without hurting anyone’s feelings because he was going home, an excuse not available to Van Persie or Nasri.

Yet there is no doubt that he also saw how far Arsenal were behind their rivals. That the manager was not capable of taking the team to the next level and the board not willing to fund the fans ambitions. Without the offer of Barcelona there would have been the real possibility of Cesc walking out on Sunday a newly crowned Premier League champion.

And that brings us back to United. We can hate them all we want but Van Persie, like Nasri to Manchester City, went their to win things and not for the money. The fact that he joined a major rival is irrelevant. Everton, Spurs are our rivals now. Not United.

If reports are to be believed he cared enough about Arsenal to demand changes to be made to make us more competitive, for players to be bought and coaches to be bought in. You may say who is he to demand that but, in an era dominated by fame and money, Van Persie is a real student of the game and he was only airing what all the fans have been thinking for a long time.

I have no doubt that Van Persie always dreamt of walking out at Arsenal as a Premier League winner and I'm sure a little bit of him still wishes he was doing it as an Arsenal player.

But the fact is, at 29, he couldn’t wait any longer for us to sort ourselves out. He did what he had to do to fulfil the ambitions that have driven him to become the player he is.

He is a champion and he deserves our respect.

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  1. AFCasap

    Apr 27, 2013, 11:49 #34366

    dashan......70+ mil to spend? what other club puts that info out to wind up their fans?, its called "season ticket renewal time"...btw what club in their right mind would want any of wengers deadwood skivers?...wenger does like to sell high you know!! however his shop window sucks and will need to slash his prices to shift that, they will stick around and see out their contracts...coz its easy money at wengers 4th place holiday for jovetic/lewandovski???..should of flogged Walcott to the red scousers last summer when there was "apparently" interest.

  2. Dashan Hendricks

    Apr 27, 2013, 1:16 #34361

    I would love to see the club rebuilt. Rumours are that the club will provide 70mn pounds for Wenger to spend. I believe if we can have sell a few players, the money should be made available to the manager on top of the 70mn. For example, by my calculations, if we could sell Djourou, Santos, Gervinho, Ramsey, Chamakh, Park, Bendtner, Diaby (after recovery), Coquelin, I reckon we could earn about 35mn pounds. Adding that to the 70mn makes 105mn. (other players such as Arshavin, Squillaci and Frimpong could be moved on since their contracts will expire). This is how I would spend it to make us strong again. Jovetic 24mn, Lewandowski 25mn, Capoue 10mn, Gonalons 10mn, Williams 8mn, Draxler 15mn, Garay 12mn. Even though I am in 2 minds, buying Garay along with Williams means we could move on Vermaelen for about 15mn. Add the 1mn left over from buying the players I indicate and the 1.5mn to come from Manu for Van Persie and that makes for 17.5mn. With that I would buy Rami 5mn and Eriksen 12mn. I would love to see that team play with Giroud, Walcott, Podolski, Wilshere, Rosicky, Ox, Arteta.

  3. maguiresbridge gooner

    Apr 26, 2013, 18:19 #34356

    KEVIN,exactly i said something similar at the time,that regardless of the circumstances around him leaving he had the balls to ask the questions and get answers to, questions that everyone of us fans wanted to and would have loved to ask Wenger and Gazidis,and to try and find out just where this club was going,and to speak out and say what he thought while still at the club,unlike others who listened to the spin and kept shtum, and if had anything to say waited till they were safely signed in at another club where it would have less impact.But the wenger is god brigade weren't happy about that, because it embarrassed their messiah.It's just a pity it didn't have as big an impact that it should have had, but that's the king of spin for you.

  4. KEVIN

    Apr 26, 2013, 16:43 #34354

    He's the only one thus far to tell us, the fans the situation as things stands. If we had brought in players to compliment him and give a real chance to challenge for trophies im sure he would have stayed.Yet again this has been a poor,poor season now lost in the smoke screen of this "race" for 4th place. Pathetic and I cant see anything changing.

  5. Graham Simons

    Apr 26, 2013, 14:29 #34348

    Headline makes no sense - he wasn't an invincible - he hadn't signed yet. All we won when he was at the club was the FA cup and he had no hand in that. If we had kept RVP we probably wouldn't have signed the others so him leaving, if we can finish third, means we've lost nothing.

  6. Ron

    Apr 26, 2013, 12:38 #34344

    Martyn - Youre dead right on Nasri. I never rated him that highly when at Asrenal.His was a good sale in my book for that price. Hes a weasel. As for Man C, tbh, they could throw another half billion at that Club and they'll still be a calamity joke type Club in my perception. Theyve always been that way. Manchestr isnt near big enough for two giants and they ll never be top dog there.Theyre like Tottenham, with more cash.

  7. Martyn

    Apr 26, 2013, 9:19 #34338

    Good article. The only thing I would say is RVP certainly went to Man Utd to win things and probably had dreams growing up one day playing for Man Utd. I cannot believe that Nasri had the same dreams of playing for Man City. His move in my opinion was motivated by money as he could have gone to Man Utd and had equal chance of winning titles. Unlike RVP, Nasri was not pivotal in City's title win and he has not flourished at all since he went there.

  8. jjetplane

    Apr 25, 2013, 19:37 #34315

    Best article on the RVP move yet. Does seem weird watching Barcelona getting worn down in an historic sense by Bayern and Fabregas not good enough to come off the bench. Nasri may also leave City as the inconsistency at the root of that club probably makes him think he should have joined United and he is probably just what they are missing. Can now though quite imagine these two joining up again at PSG and as a endnote RVP may have a full season in him but watch him get shuffled as Fergie buys again. The Emirates needs tearing apart and rebuilt in the current German fashion with regards to both fans (standing areas, respectful ticket prices) and players who exude authority on the pitch. Of course for that to happen we need a football coach with a football vision, not an aging professor with an eye for a pleasing spread sheet for an invisible yankie. All I am afraid we can do is watch the others do the football thing while we eat the cold, overpriced chips and try to remember what the dream was.

  9. Jamie M

    Apr 25, 2013, 18:51 #34312

    @CanadaGooner Cesc missed the Carling Cup Final because 5 days before Wenger played him in a completely meaningless home game against Stoke. And Van Persie was the best player on the pitch before he went off injured. Not their fault we didn't win that day, the rest of the side got complacent & didn't bother to turn up!

  10. maguiresbridge gooner

    Apr 25, 2013, 16:50 #34305

    The old loyalty from players thing has been done to death i know,but it just doesn't exist any more,and it'll be proved yet again when or if JW and the ox hit their peak or even before, when the big guns come calling, especially when they're not winning honors,or see no sign of it happening, and they see their old teammates like RVP,Cesc, Nasri,doing just that, as well as all these other young players that they know and maybe go on international duty with or even socialise with winning honors,was it six players for the mancs who have won their first Premiership medal ? most of them of a young age and no doubt more to come.Someone else pointed out in a comment on another article that their fed up hearing if these players would have stayed they would have helped us win something by now or words to that effect, would they have ? obviously cesc and RVP didn't think so,they knew they needed class around them to do that, yes Josh they saw how far behind we are and knew the proper players weren't going to be bought any time soon cesc had his escape clause with barca and it would have been very interesting to see what would have happened or where he would have ended up if he hadn't,but they weren't prepared to hang around any longer with mediocrity,and they've both been proved right.

  11. AFCasap

    Apr 25, 2013, 16:45 #34304

    and lets not forget..rvp was not going to get a top goal scorer/team carrier wage....wenger has to find 140 mil every year to pay the useless to average players(as long as your f**king arm) he's accumulated...and himself

  12. Josh

    Apr 25, 2013, 15:57 #34301

    Yeah I don't doubt salary played some part in the departure of Nasri (also see Hleb, Adebayor, Flamini etc) but I think it's ego and ambition that drives these top players. If your as outrageously talented as RvP, Cesc and Nasri you would have spent your childhood winning trophies, being lauded and told how great you are. Why settle for that now?

  13. CanadaGooner

    Apr 25, 2013, 15:20 #34300

    Let's not forget one CRITICAL point: all the players you named (Cesc, RVP etc) had a chance to win something at Arsenal and we CANNOT exonorate them of all blame. Example: Carling Cup final against Birmingham. It's all well and good, them walking off and saying Arsenal isnt good enough for them. Perhaps they could have made Arsenal better by not being so freaking complacent!

  14. Croker

    Apr 25, 2013, 13:18 #34293

    With you all the way Josh but big salaries on offer elsewhere must have played a part in Samir Nanci and Robin Van Stapleton moving on. Cesc (more so) and RVP both put in good shifts during their time at Arsenal so I don't begrudge them their moves and they have not rubbished our Team after they moved on.

  15. Stroud Green Road Boy

    Apr 25, 2013, 12:35 #34289

    Jamie's right, there are two ways of supporting Arsenal. One is to make no distinction between those currently running the club and the club itself, and unquestioningly accept whatever they throw at you. The other is to see that the club you love has been hijacked by a few men for their personal enrichment and gratification via the 'top 4 and transfer profit' model, and to push for change. These few men love supporters in the first camp, who don't see they are basically supporting these few men in lining their pockets whilst the club itself accrues long term damage.

  16. Baz

    Apr 25, 2013, 12:09 #34285

    I doubt many of those who criticise a player who did actually stay to the end of his contract were around to support the team during the mid 70s and early 80s when times were REALLY dire. I've read fans saying RVP left us after just one good season, when really what they mean is he had one "injury free" season, because his goals per game ratio for us, is up there with the best. A player of his class should not be looking back on his career and having no medals to show for it. The board should look at themselves and see how many players we've let go who've gone on to win things. That's pretty much all of them.....even Eboue.

  17. billthered

    Apr 25, 2013, 12:06 #34284

    When we fell short of winning the title a few seasons back it was obvious to most fans that what we needed was a bit of experience to pull us over the line.Along with a group of very talented youngsters we just wanted a couple of old heads instead of a captain who cried on the halfway line.Bluenose lost the title last season on goal difference so what did he do bought tried and trusted premier league experience.And on sunday I wont be there cause I can respect others but there is only one team that I support and they are the only ones I cheer.

  18. twisted

    Apr 25, 2013, 11:48 #34283

    Like I said on another site, i would like to congratulate Wenger for overseeing the longest spell Arsenal have gone without any trophy in my lifetime(1970-2013). In return he has taken 56m+ of our hard earned in personal salary(yes he is paid far more than the greatest manager that has ever lived) and delivered nothing. He sold the family silver and replaced it with tin

  19. Ron

    Apr 25, 2013, 11:43 #34282

    All correct. Its a short career and he gave 7/8 years of his to us, abeit plagued by his niggles and injuries. Some of these idiots who are going to boo him ought to remember that these foreign players have no real affinity to Clubs here and go where they see their career interests serve them best.Back in the day fans had geunine empathy and identity to the clubs players, not now and its not been like that since the 70s really. Football is 'TV theatre' and the players and their big cash moves are part of it. Its as natural for such as RVP to move as is recognising that Arsenal arent a real rival to Utd and certainly arent going to try and emulate them and their remorsless quest every year for honours. Save for the 30s, theyve never done it and have always sold the top players to bigger Clubs.Well done RVP i say. He told Wenger what the fans wanted to say, Whats his 'crime'? As for you Wenger, youre not King Midas, you never were and you dont own Arsenal (you seem you seem to imagine you do) but you are so lucky to work under a load of chinless, spineless non footie men, but then you know that only too well dont you.

  20. MoFaya

    Apr 25, 2013, 11:26 #34281

    The best way to remain a happy and content Arsenal fan is to LOWER YOUR EXPECTATIONS - WELL BELOW THE INVINCIBLES! What continues to irritate me is the way we have to accept poor performances against lower teams and just be happy with the three points as happened against 10 men Fullham. Arsenal played much better before the sending off than after. That includes the second half when the coach had an opportunity to talk to team at half time. The same lazy ****e continued in the second half. The poor thinking and passing, lack of urgency in attack and in recovering the ball. Th trigger for this laziness was the perceived weakening of the opposition which automatically tells the arsenal players to relax. They can win this game without any exertions. You don't have to apply your mind or your body. Fullham were MORE threatening on the Arsenal goal with 10 men than Arsenal ( with the better passing game)were on Fullham. The last ten minutes were very panicked and scrappy. Its PURE TORTURE TO WATCH!!!!!!! My question is where is the 7 MILLION POUND A YEAR managerial intervention in all this? Complete with a DEFENSIVE COACH! That was the worst Arsenal performance in the last 8 years and we won. Arsenal continue to struggle against the simple tactic f parking the bus. 11 men team employ the tactic against the Arsenal and you can bet that it is the only option for a 10 men team. Arsenal have no ready response for that tactic. THAT'S THE PROBLEM!!!!!!!! We continue to maintain two centre halves when the opposition hardly cross the centre line. We fail to penetrate the opposition defence and continue with the NAUSEAS PASSING which gets INTERCEPTED every third OR FOURTH PASS. We fail to provide enough targets for the POOR attacking crosses from the wings which always find one outnumbered Arsenal striker as the parked bus does its job. We need a response to this tactic that is actually practised during training every day of the week leading up to the game. It's like anticipating a penalty shoot out when playing in the knockout phase of a tournament .We don;t need guess work substitutions as against Norwich. We need a well drilled response from a 7 MILLION POUND A YEAR MANAGER ABLY ASSISTED BY FOUR EXPENSIVE ASSISTANTS. JUST SPARE US THE TORTURE!!!!! We can still compete for the league title with the right game plan and better players off course. Arsenal drop a too many points per season against lesser opposition who apply the same PARK THE BUS tactic against the Arsenal to which Arsenal ARE COMPLETELY CLUE-LESS TO COMPOSE A RESPONSE. ITS VERY FRUSTRATING TO WATCH!!!!!SPARE US THE TORTURE!!!!!!. THAT'S WHY WE ARE 21 POINTS BEHIND AN AVERAGE HARD WORKING UNITED! WITH NO SIGN OF RECOVERY. SO THE BEST RESPONSE IS TO LOWER YOUR EXPECTATIONS TO THE LEVEL OF LIVERPOOL! THEN YOU WILL BE A HAPPY AND CONTENT GOONER! VERY SAD FROM THE FOURTH RICHEST AND MOST PROFITABLE CLUB IN THE WORLD!

  21. Amunt

    Apr 25, 2013, 10:34 #34274

    Brilliant, well said! Wenger is the one I wanted to leave. Not RVP. Throughout the years our clueless fans keep shifting blame onto players: it's Cesc's fault, Nasri's fault, Clichy's fault, RVP fault, they couldn't win while they were here bla bla bla. Pfffft how deluded is that! There has been ONE constant throughout that whole period of eight trophy less years though: WENGER! The player names change but this artless loser remains like a foul stench that refuses to piss off. Nothing will change until our fans grow a pair and oust Wenger, the excuse making loser who SOLD RVP TO FERGIE AND HANDED HIM THE LEAGUE ON A PLATE!

  22. Wombledin

    Apr 25, 2013, 10:11 #34271

    I hope he gets another hat trick this weekend and we get stuffed 0-3, right in front of Clousea's and Gazidis's faces.

  23. Alsace Lorraine De Totteridge

    Apr 25, 2013, 9:01 #34266

    Excellent piece. How fortunate he was to be able to get away and realise his ambitions. We are compelled to stay out of loyalty to the club, in the hope that the mad hatter's tea party may end sometime soon.

  24. twisted

    Apr 25, 2013, 8:49 #34264

    fair comment I think

  25. JAMIE

    Apr 25, 2013, 8:28 #34261

    There's two ways of supporting Arsenal.There's the get behind them whatever the situation way.Which I personally think is the best as I believe Arsenal are a great club with great values and run far better than any other club.Or you can go into a giant always the victim sulk and cry like a little girl because everything is so against you.There were a lot of people on this website who wanted RVP gone,the same with Fabregas just so afterwards they could go into one of their I'm always the victim and it's so hard supporting Arsenal sulk fest.I can just see all the Anti Everything Arsenal standing their on Sunday Applauding Manure and RVP because they are so great and Arsenal are so bad.Weep Weep.

  26. indian gooner

    Apr 25, 2013, 8:25 #34260

    I for one dont begrudge rvp's decision. The alarm bells were when he said that "the club and i seem to have different ideas about how we ought to progress". The fact that we had no backup in important positions was the reason why we never properly competed.We relied on the likes of rosicky,diaby,squillaci,chamakh to help us out when the main men were injured. Any decently run club would not hang on to injured men and useless players for so long.Instead of replacing them we bought more dross and i think rvp must have felt the same way we all felt last year. This club cannot win unless AW is gone. We need a younger manager, with a little more guts and desire and ruthless streak. The board too needs to be shot of. Congrats to rvp for proving his decision right. I wish my club had the right visionary in charge of running it instead of the muppet kroenke.