Incision and indecision

Online Ed: Honours even on RVP’s return to Arsenal

Incision and indecision

Theo: Welcome return to the scoresheet

Where to start? Well, a very good first half from Arsenal, although undone by an individual error by Bacary Sagna. Such errors have been the reason for a disproportionate number of the goals the team has conceded this season. They play a lot of possession football in their own half where mistakes can be severely punished. It is an area where some thinking has to be done. Possession is everything to an Arsene Wenger team, but sometimes, playing the percentages is the right thing to do. There are times that players should not be afraid to play it safe.

Still, it had been a positive afternoon up to that point. Walcott’s goal, which would probably have been given offside at Old Trafford, set the tone for a half of Arsenal being largely in control. United opted to soak up pressure and counter attack. Certainly, even given the home side having more of the play, the headers of Jones and Van Persie were great chances, so it was an effective tactic for Alex Ferguson. The Gunners had two excellent opportunities to score, when De Gea saved well from Cazorla and when Ramsey chose the wrong option in passing to Podolski rather than Walcott. United seemed to play fairly dirty and picked up yellow cards like they were going out of fashion.

The second half saw United enjoy more threat, partially due to Arsenal’s simple inability to fathom decent chances. This is the problem when they come up against a well-drilled quality defence. They struggle to break them down. At such times, the players need to get behind the defence or shoot more often in the hope of rebounds. However, they seemed slow and ponderous. And when Rosicky did shoot, his accuracy confirmed why he is so rarely troubles the scoresheet. United waited for their breaks, and when they came, there was space to play into and they moved forward at terrific pace. There were a couple of occasions when Arsenal had similar situations, but they were largely wasted due to over-ponderance, a sideways pass or a poor final ball. It was interesting to see the difference between the two sides when the opportunity to exploit the opposition presented itself. United simply looked a lot more dangerous, more incisive. They were let down by poor final balls of their own or on occasion, a well-timed block. Arsenal’s central defence played very well. The full backs were less reliable.

By the conclusion of the game, a draw seemed about right. Arsenal may need to take seven points from their final three matches to ensure a top four spot, as there are indications that 70 points may not be quite enough.

Robin van Persie took the Arsenal turf as a title winner, and was roundly booed for it. I actually thought the abuse he received would be worse. It is a shame supporters could not show some appreciation for a player who gave them many good memories, but certain of his statements since moving to Old Trafford put paid to any chance of a welcome return. I hope he writes an autobiography soon, because I have a feeling he might be the one that finally breaks ranks of what goes on at Arsenal under Wenger. However, I am probably being optimistic. The shroud of secrecy that surrounds the club where ex-players are concerned is something I have never quite got my head around.

Incidentally, it was interesting to see Stan Kroenke attend this match. He was even good enough to remain for the second half on this occasion. He was sitting across the aisle from the Manchester United directors. I wonder if he picked up any tips about how to run a winning football club in conversation before the match…

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  1. Gooner Fan

    May 04, 2013, 11:50 #34565

    Yes, you keep mentioning you keep providing links to anything that will absolve Wenger of any responsibility of selling quality players, but when it's the opposite, you play that "I don't know" game, doesn't sound balance like you always claim you are, does it? You forget that Man Utd are tied with us on 36 goals conceded. Anyway, all I said is wait till the end of the season, before claim we have the "2nd best defense in the league". Don't know why that's such an outrageous claim for you, I never said that it can't happen, you're putting words in my mouth. Anyway, goal tallies aren't as important as the points teams acquire, since that's the number 1 factor is deciding what place team are in the table. We might be scoring 5 or 6 goals against weaker team like Southampton and Reading to get our goal tally up, but we aren't getting the job done consistently against better teams (our record against the top 4 and the spuds, except for that one game which help with Adebayor being sent off, has been subpar) as others have mentioned. I never mentioned that gaps on total spend versus points gained are invalidated by the gap between us and the top team, once again you're putting words in my mouth again. What I was getting at is why you are ignoring the fact that gaps have widen between us and the top team in the league and how gaps have decrease between us and spuds in the past few years? Is it because like you accused Le Dictateur of doing that you're "very particular facts to suit a certain agenda", eh Mr Balance. I do have to ask once again, which you keep ignoring, what makes you think that Wenger will "significantly improve the squad" in the coming summer and at the same time not have any departures (players who matter anyway) like you claimed on this site and that other one you've been banned? I am asking the Chris that purely base his opinions on facts, so please provide the facts on how can you be so sure Wenger will do this? Or this the Chris that hoping on faith that Wenger will deliver in the summer like many other AKBs have done before?

  2. Chris

    May 03, 2013, 14:15 #34556

    Gooner Fan - re Nasri - if you recall, I merely provided a link to an article in which Nasri stated that the board had been responsible for him being sold, having made the disclaimer that we couldn't draw any conclusions from what was in the media becuase there were so many conflicting stoires... Doesn't quite fit your bill, does it? Another bizarre accusation of cherry-picking you made against me was for having the temerity to point out that Arsenal's defensive record was quite good compared to other teams (goals conceded) beucase the season wasn't over. Well it almost is now - and as Chelsea have one more game to play than us and two of those are against top 4 opposition, we may very well end up with the second best defensive record in the league - better than at that point. Yet another illustration of your ranting not holding water because you are so keen to attack you forget to properly think through what you write.... The stats on total spend versus points gained are not invalidated by the gap between us and the top team, the fact they hold despite it strengthens their worth, so that's not cherry picking either. Any more?

  3. Gooner Fan

    May 02, 2013, 3:43 #34491

    @Chris, what about your persistent reliance on points/spending ratio to prove Wenger is "overachieving", yet you ignore the fact that the gap between league champions whether it's City or United getting further away in the past few seasons or how the spuds who have a much lower wage bill than ours close the gap in the past few seasons, may even do the unthinkable of overtaking us this season. Also, you harped about Nasri saying he was sold because of Kroenke, as your proof that the board are over stepping Arsene, yet not mentioned how Cesc said in interview it was Wenger who not only convinced the board to sell him but sell him at a lower price, as well other pay actions he'd done. Does that sound like a man being undermined by the board? Go ahead look that up, I know you love searching for sources. You call me arrogant, yet you claimed you purely look at the facts when forming your opinions and bash those you disagree with that they have an agenda, when in truth you pick certain facts that shines Wenger in positive light that serve your agenda, so you're no different than some of those anti-Wenger people you bashed.

  4. Bangkokgooner

    May 01, 2013, 14:20 #34471

    The shroud of secrecy that surrounds the club where ex-players are concerned is something I have never quite got my head around.-I think its called loyalty Kevin...You're just as bad as the players like RVP.

  5. David

    May 01, 2013, 13:18 #34466

    Of course le éléphant in the room is AW. Presumably we've all just got bored of the subject? Either way, there must be someone ruthless enough on the board to maneuvre his exit whilst holding clandestine talks with Mourinho? In the words of Michael Westen, it's the smart play.

  6. Jason B

    May 01, 2013, 8:36 #34446

    We're dropping valuable points yet again.5 points from the last 3 games.Unable to finish teams off.Three wins will not be enough on current form for third or fourth place.Come on you reds!!

  7. Spectrum

    May 01, 2013, 8:34 #34445

    Chris - Whether we struggle to beat the smaller teams or as in this season, we struggle to beat the bigger teams - the fact is that we need to beat BOTH to be champions.It's still inconsistency, whichever way you look at it.In fact, you could say that the only consistent thing about Arsenal IS it's inconsistency. Doesn't that tell you that there has been and CONTINUES to be, something chronically wrong then ? And who is responsible for getting the team to play to a consistent standard ? The one who is being paid 7.5 million a year to ensure that they DON'T ! Have you "got it" yet ? "In Arsene we rust."

  8. ApolloGooner

    May 01, 2013, 2:44 #34442

    Some more positivity for Lee. Our immaculate pitch ... I think we could be in for an award for it again this season. Top 4 and Groundsmen of the Year? Ambitious yes, but football is all about dreaming!

  9. Alsace Lorraine De Totteridge

    Apr 30, 2013, 22:39 #34441

    Lee wants a positive comment. I thought Rosicky played well and drove the team forward. But I was clearly wrong as he was the first player that OGL took off the pitch in the second half. I thought that Man United crossed the ball well and it often went near or actually to one of their players arriving in the penalty area. They seemed to have practised doing that a bit. Perhaps after SIXTEEN YEARS of not bothering, WE COULD TRY AND DO THAT. There we are, Two positive comments.

  10. lee afc

    Apr 30, 2013, 21:17 #34440

    paul, peter wain etc really do need to take a good long look in the mirror. I hate what the gooner has turned itself into.....negative, pathetic, shallow minded, cheap insults towards the club that I will never give up on. Wenger has got to go, that, we all agree with, but 'why o why' do you support this club whem i have never seen a positive comment from any of you.

  11. CanadaGooner

    Apr 30, 2013, 16:33 #34439

    PSG to the rescue!!!! If reports are true, it sounds like we will need to change the focus of our debates on here very shortly! Ancelotti moving to Real Madrid, Mourinho to Chelsea, and wait, .... wait.....; Wenger to PSG! That would be a wonderful day for Arsenal, ONLY if he takes Gazidis and Kroenke with him. I am still a fairly loyal Wenger fan, but he definitely needs to leave, just to change things up a little bit: Arsenal isnt his birth-right and we all know we wouldnt be in our jobs if we've been rubbish for 8 consecutive years! The really unfortunate situation now, and I'm sure those keen AMG folks (pardon my use of the term AMG) will now switch to blaming Gazidis or Kroenke when Wenger's replacement leaves us mid-table next season. The reality is that Gazidis and Kroenke will replace Wenger with a worse and probably more clueless manager, and things will get worse for us. Unless ofcourse, the players can pick themselves up and express themselves better under a new manager (having been stiffled for so long by a stubborn Wnger). Anyway, CHANGE IS ALWAYS GOOD after 8 droll years, so hoping these reports are true and we can all get back to supporting ARSENAL as a team, and drop this AMG Vs AKB rubbish

  12. GoonerRon

    Apr 30, 2013, 16:27 #34438

    @ Le Dicateur - Arsenal have a better record than all of those teams you list if you look at the league season in totality - performances against the top 3 isn't the only measure of success. As for your other rants, let be me selective back at you. Giroud has scored more goals than Torres who cost 4 times as much. Unbelievable. Cazorla, who is JUST A MIDFIELDER, has outscored Tevez who is a striker that cost £25m. Pathetic. Cazorla, who is JUST A MIDFIELDER, has outscored Aguero who is a striker that cost £35m. Ridiculous. Lukas Podolski who is wide forward has scored more goals in the league than David Silva, Samir Nasri, Ashley Young, Nani and Antonio Valencia PUT TOGETHER this season. Shocking, rubbish.

  13. Chris

    Apr 30, 2013, 16:19 #34437

    Fanboy - you is very funny man! However, if Wenger DOES go to PSG and it leads on to better things for Arsenal, I'll be delighted.

  14. ApolloGooner

    Apr 30, 2013, 13:36 #34435

    Rufus Red 19:09pm The problem isn't that this forum has become dull - its that our club has. We get the same season every f-ing year. What does that leave to discuss that is original? I notice you didn't come up with anything new in your post either. As always, the moaning about the moaning is equally repetitive. Why don't you change the record?

  15. fanboy

    Apr 30, 2013, 8:42 #34433

    Hello everyone it fanboy here again. Tell me it not true. Mr Wenger off to Paris. I cry lots of tears. Tell me he not take Gervino. He no1# footballer. Where can I buy plenty cheap flat in Paris? Chris can visit. But none of you lot!?!

  16. Reg

    Apr 30, 2013, 8:24 #34432

    @ Chris - You just don't get it. We win approx 50% of our games and the rest we split between losing/drawing. It has been this format, with a couple of better seasons thrown in, for the last 8 years. We are inconsistant and it doesn't matter who we play, top sides or not. There is always a banana skin around the corner.

  17. Peter Wain

    Apr 30, 2013, 7:51 #34431

    We only drew becuase United did not play. Overall they created the better chances and could have won by two goals. Walcott was annoymous as he always is against Evra and Podborski just useless. However if the answers Gervinho I would rather play with ten men. Surely we have a young striker who we could play. As for challenging hext year I think we all know that Wengers promised spending spree is only designed to get season tickets renewed. Come August we will be in for a few free tranfers and a nonentity or two all wrapped up in the words top top quality and how we cannot afford to compet against United in the tranfer market. We should be in for Ronaldo nad Levandoski but sadly more likely to buy Shaun Wright Phillips and Remy if we are lucky.

  18. Chris

    Apr 29, 2013, 22:13 #34430

    Gooner Fan - I challenge you to do so - you've tried before and failed so your arrogance here seems a bit misplaced ... SGRB & Spectrum - I seem to remember clearly you guys arguing only a couple of months ago that it was Arsenal's inconsistency against the lower teams that damned Wenger and I pointed out that it was against the top teams we struggled this year. Glad you have opened your eyes (temporarily at least)....

  19. Paul Thomson

    Apr 29, 2013, 21:48 #34429

    Thought yesterday was a vast improvement on recent season's displays against Man Utd but why do we continually make things easy for teams to get back at us. Think the overriding fear of losing the game affected our play in the 2nd half but thats understandable. Still all to play for in the race for 3rd and 4th place but the lack of goals from those available is a bit of a worry. Massive game on Saturday, lets be up for it from the start until the end. Come on you Reds.

  20. maguiresbridge gooner

    Apr 29, 2013, 20:28 #34428

    Is it any wonder ogl had a grin like a Cheshire cat during his post match interviews yesterday. He must have been absolutely delighted with the way the PR and spin machine handled the return of RVP with a premiership medal,with all the focus concentrated on the guard of honor and booing of the player,instead of where it should have been concentrated on, and directed at, the real cause of our problems.

  21. johnnyh

    Apr 29, 2013, 20:00 #34427

    first things first,le dictateur,i salute you sir,what a fantastic post! it really is getting more and more difficult to find something new to say about arsenals performances and even harder to care,and i say that as a fan of 32 years. a decent first half was followed by a woefully inept second period where as per usual nobody was prepared to step up and shoot from outside the box against a well drilled defence intent on protecting its penalty area meant we got a one all draw against a team that had been out partying all week. what a pathetic shower we have playing for our great club. 16 million for cazorla yet every big game the guy goes missing. i think we can see now why real madrid or barca never signed him. the decline of arsenal as a team capable of challenging for honours is truly shocking. the fact that people still have faith in this clueless,deluded manager really depresses me.

  22. Rufus Red

    Apr 29, 2013, 19:09 #34426

    My god, this forum has become dull. Childish moaning about trophies, obsessive praise of other teams, some of which have yet to outperform us under the manager you hate so much,constant obsession with a crap film about some season predicting rodent, crap analysis and stupid statistics that mean absolutely nothing. As AVB would say, you lot are a spiral of negativity. Change the record will all means hate wenger, the club or the players, but can't you make it more interesting and just a little bit original? Too many poor mans Myles Palmers on here.

  23. Jack

    Apr 29, 2013, 18:57 #34425

    If we had a poor record against the little sides and a great one against the big sides the article would be saying we can't see off the poor teams.We beat Bayern away so does that mean we can beat the super teams but not the good teams and we can beat the crap teams.Goal difference is the best indicator of how good a team has been all season.Manure's is the best 40 plus.Citeh,Arsenal,Chavs 30 plus Liverpool 20 plus Spuds and Everton 10 plus.The rest same to minus 30.

  24. James

    Apr 29, 2013, 18:50 #34424

    You have got to hold your hands up and say Wenger Gazidis and Kroenke have pulled off the biggest sting ever.Paul Newman and Robert Redford have nothing on them.Wenger gets paid £7.5m for winning nothing for 8 years.Gazidis takes home £2.5m a year including a £600k bonus.A bonus what for?getting rid of our best players every season.And of course Silent Stan who hasnt put a dime in the club.These guys have achieved the impossible making loads of money for failure.And us the fans have swallowed it hook line and sinker.Take a grand out of your bank this June and give it to them no questions asked.Nothing will ever change at Arsenal because the fans dont want change the majority still follow Wenger like sheep.We will never get the club we love back.And didnt Fergie dodge a bullet when Ramsey joined us instead of Utd

  25. Gare Kekeke

    Apr 29, 2013, 18:39 #34423

    A draw was a fair result in my view. A good first half but a rubbish second half sums up Arsenal post-2004 these days. We can’t keep up a more than decent level of performance for more than half a game consistently. And that’s why this lot can’t compete and why in my view Wenger will struggle to win a trophy again as manager of The Arsenal. Such a shame. And that’s why Van Persie left. Oh I forgot, according to the Wenger apologists, he left us to earn more money not win medals. Well done to the Gooners who booed Man Utd during the guard of honour. So much for all that guff about Arsenal fans having more class than fans at any other club. I was at Anfield earlier this season for Liverpool v Man Utd and although I have no time for Man Utd fans, they put aside their hostility to Liverpool to pay tribute to the Hillsborough 96. Booing the newly-crowned champions and singing that vile song about Van Persie is not a sign of Arsenal fans “having class”. Expect the usual moans from them when those awful songs about Wenger are sung at Old Trafford, Stamford Bridge, Title Win Lane & the Boleyn Ground. As I’ve mentioned before, these people are hypocrites. Back to the game, Sagna’s performance has summed up his poor season and Szczesny played well again. That first half from Van Persie, very Schmeichel-esque. The brief spell on the bench has done him the power of good. He’s looking like a proper keeper again. I’m not a big Koscielny fan but fair play to him for his brilliant performances in place of Vermaelen. I hardly noticed Podolski and why were Ramsey & Rosicky taken off after having good games? Those two being taken off reminded me of the Ox being substituted in the same fixture last year. Just baffling. So once again we fail to beat one of the top teams but apparently a title challenge will happen next season because Wenger will have “£70m” to spend. Why is it always £70m? And why is it always The Arsenal’s transfer budget is made public? A ploy to appease the Wenger critics maybe? Sorry guys, it won’t work on fans like me. He’ll spend in the summer but possibly because he’s forced to rather than he wants to. After all, isn’t this squad meant to be his “best-ever”? Still, we’ll finish top four as I have stated all season. Up The Arsenal!

  26. Ando

    Apr 29, 2013, 18:27 #34422

    Did someone tell stan the £50 notes were real and he dashed accross the pond thinking he would fill his wide brimmed boots a bit more?

  27. Canterbury Gooner

    Apr 29, 2013, 18:18 #34421

    To add to the Le Dictateur's stats, in the build up to the match Sky also showed that for the top 6's records against each other, Arsenal were at the bottom with one win (courtesey of Adebayor's sending off) and three draws (two against Everton and one against City). Not cherry picking there, just more proof that Arsenal have declined massively in an already weak league.

  28. Green Hut

    Apr 29, 2013, 17:24 #34420

    Surprised to see you go down the 'shroud of secrecy' route Kev as that's normally the domain of AKBs such as Chris whose argument has long since run it's course and ground to a halt, and therefore desperately cling to the hope that what we don't know will exonerate Wenger, as most of what we do know damns him. Canada Gooner is right of course, todays 24/7 blanket-coverage media and social media gives us a pretty accurate picture of what happens at the club, if only from Wenger, Gazidis and Kroenke's mouths, whilst the journalists closest to the club all have much the same take on the situation. It would be nice to read an honest, open account by a former player of Wenger's decline into the deluded, paranoid dictator he is today, but most footballer's books are very boring and I'm sure they'll remain that way. The only real mystery though, is why so many fans put up with Wenger's poor player aquisition, non-existent tactics, inabilty to motivate his team when it matters, unproductive use of our substantial wage budget and ultra-conservatism when it comes to spending our season ticket money on transfer fees.

  29. Elliot

    Apr 29, 2013, 16:59 #34419

    I worked out that Stan Kroenke spent about £420m acquiring his 66.83% of the club. Those shares are now worth £665m. So he's increased the value of his investment by £245m without putting another penny into the club. The guy is a cretinous buffoon who doesn't give a toss about football as long as the club are making profit and increasing the value of his investment. The club are doing both of these with the manager doing f all on the pitch and will continue to do f all as long as profit and investment value go up. Kroenke is bleeding the club dry, Gazidis is a moronic stooge and Wenger is an out of date dinosaur who is trying to re-write history by saying that 4th is winning a trophy. Getting into the Champions League MIGHT help you attract the best players, but nobody wants to go to a club where your best players leave year after year after year. If there are any Wenger lovers who still think he's doing a great job now, and do not base this on pre-2005, please speak up because I'd love to hear your rationale.

  30. Paul

    Apr 29, 2013, 16:53 #34418

    @Philip Sadly the apathy at the E******* to another season of Wenger is depressing.At a certain time of the game v Wigan everyone should turn their backs for a full minute then when the minute is up sing "Wenger Out".But the chances of that happening are zero.Sometimes i think our fans really do deserve another 5 years of Wenger.4th place will just be used as justification by Kroenke Gazidis and Wenger that the way they run the club is the right way.It seems now the target every year is just to finish above Spurs.And for some deluded fans that is an achievement even though our wage bill is £55m more than Spurs.I even heard Wengers biggest fan John Cross say on the radio today finishing 4th would be Wengers biggest achievement.It makes you want to weep

  31. Ikechukwu Morris

    Apr 29, 2013, 16:46 #34417

    The only stat that counts: 8 years, no trophies. £56 mil in salary for AW in that period. Fergie, AVB, Klopp, Heynckes, Ancelotti, Conte, Guardiola, Hiddink, Benitez, Mancini and EVEN STEVE MCLAREN have all won major domestic and/or European trophies in that period. Wenger has won nothing. Zilch. Funniest bit? Wenger is paid more than ALL the managers I just mentioned (even left out Jose as he earns more, but earned far less at Porto!) 8 years, no trophies. But collected over £56 mil in salary. Wenger is a reflection of our overpaid players and our joke wage bill HE created. Massive salaries for zero achievement. That's Arsene FC. PLEASE let 2014 be his last season. So our club can win again.

  32. maguiresbridge gooner

    Apr 29, 2013, 16:28 #34416

    So the mass turning of backs for the guard of honor never materialised was it even attempted (idiots) plenty of booing of course but a lot of applause also, which made the whole thing sound more ridiculous.The game went the way as expected, in the first half anyway with arsenal starting brightly as if they had something to prove (it's a pity they can't do it when it mattered)with a good move, for the first goal from the 100k a week man who didn't exactly prove his worth much after, and as usual went awol especially in the second half,the goal was given a helping hand from the lino alright and would most certainly have been given offside at the mancs ground,but they all count.But as usual we couldn't make it count with another, and as usual it was a defensive error, aided and abbeted by the tippy tappy going nowhere football which lead to the equaliser, with sagna left with no option but to play a back pass which he ballsed up and we know what happened next.The second half was much the same we had a couple of chances but as usual couldn't break them down with our usual possession that goes nowhere.The mancs seemed to be applying rough house tactics with five yellows which was a surprise with the league already won and under no pressure but i don't think it was actually a dirty game. A draw was probably a fair result on the day although it might have been a different outcome if the mancs needed the win for the title or we still had pressure on us with something to play for.But after all the hullabaloo RVP arrived with his new team and with a Premier League medal and nothing to prove, and left with the same. And as ever his old team are left fighting for scraps and in the process hoping for favors from others to win their imaginary trophy and medals.

  33. Gooner Fan

    Apr 29, 2013, 15:50 #34415

    @Chris, I could say the same with some of your posts with the cherry picking and very particular facts to suit your certain agenda, etc. Don't say you don't that sometimes, cause I'll make a liar out of you. Anyway, it'll be interesting after this season is finished, seeing as you're hoping Wenger will significantly improve the squad this summer and fulfill his "master plan" like going on about. Even if he doesn't, I predict you won't hold him to any responsibility and hope in summer of 2014 is where he'll actually do it.

  34. RJ

    Apr 29, 2013, 15:34 #34414

    So the argument of some appears to be that we are s*** because we can't beat the top 4 and Tottenham and Chelsea are marvellous because they have a better record against the bigger clubs. It's 38 games for a season, and the table tends not to lie - ManU are the best, ManC are second best - we will be 3rd 4th or 5th best. I hope 3rd and it will be because we have got better results than the other teams. Now I agree we need to start beating the big teams to win the league - but there are a total of 114 points available - if we win the league only getting 5 points out of the big teams and beating everybody else - happy days. I grant you of course we are a long way from that, but it does not make us worse than Spuds or Chavs - coming 5th in the league makes us worse than them

  35. Jim

    Apr 29, 2013, 15:11 #34413

    "The shroud of secrecy that surrounds the club where ex-players are concerned is something I have never quite got my head around." That says it all. The people who have actually played for Wenger don't confirm your view of the club, so surely there is a mass cover-up concerning what an awful outfit Arsenal is.

  36. Stroud Green Road Boy

    Apr 29, 2013, 15:11 #34412

    Well done, Le Dictateur, you have presented some detailed, high relevant stats that illustrate how poorly Arsenal have done against the top sides this season. Of course, the simplest stat is 5 points from 24 against the other top 6 sides. Don't listen to those who think only the stats that they themselves have selected to highlight have any worth.

  37. Philip

    Apr 29, 2013, 14:48 #34411

    I think we need to make an attempt to get the Wigan home game in the press and media as Wengers last home game. Get some focus, some accountability. Not another season please?

  38. Jack

    Apr 29, 2013, 14:31 #34410

    Spot on Sir Sir no one sums up the attitude better than Cazorla in the big games.He just disappears.And Walcotts first goal in 3months justifies that 100k a week

  39. Ikechukwu Morris

    Apr 29, 2013, 14:25 #34409

    Wonderful post @ Le Dictateur! Poor AKBs, they hate it when the truth is exposed.

  40. CT Gooner

    Apr 29, 2013, 13:39 #34408

    I understand Podolski wasn't good, but Gervinho on instead? He can't hold the ball, so how on earth was he going to run at defenders, the only thing he can do. I know I'll get hammered for this, but I thought RvP was pretty classy yesterday. He got on with his job, kept his head down, and didn't rub it in when he scored. The club should never have sanctioned a move to Manchester....

  41. Bard

    Apr 29, 2013, 13:31 #34407

    I thought you were too easy on them. First half was fine but second half they moreorless gave up. Terrific post Le Dictateur as with all things Wenger the devil is in the detail not the endless guff he spouts about mental strength bla bla bla. The complacency and acceptance of mediocrity at the club runs through the core of Arsenal's being. Another year of Wengerball should cement it for the next decade.

  42. Joe S.

    Apr 29, 2013, 13:13 #34406

    THe Champions League dream continues and who of us would be truly disappointed if Arsenal makes the Top 4. Yet I think this team has gone even further backwards.The football does not sparkle or cause opposing teams to fear us. There will need to be a major transfusion of two or three really top quality players because next season our rivals will up the ante in strenghening their teams while we can also expect Liverpool to push ahead. I can't see Ramsey, Rosickey, Arteta etc being the driving forces of a trophey winning team. At the same time we may fluke the old League Cup. But I can't even remember the name of it's latest incarnation such is my disinterest in this token tournament. Regarding Ground Hog Day the song remains the same because too many people at Arsenal have become complacent and have allowed the club to stagnate indefinately.

  43. Chris

    Apr 29, 2013, 13:10 #34405

    Thanks 'Le Dictateur' - best comedy post I've seen in a long time! And a masterclass in how not to create a sound argument - i.e. cherry pick obscure and very particular facts to suit a certain agenda, draw unsustainable conclusions, make unreasonable comparisons by repeatedly comparing with the very best one-off examples. Absolutely brilliant stuff!

  44. RJ

    Apr 29, 2013, 12:59 #34404

    So Wenger has "promised not to let SAF sign any more players" according to the Beeb. So premumably he will achieve that by not having any top players at the club that SAF would want! Enjoyed the first half, second half not so much. A shame to see Bacary struggling so much - final days at the club and to think a year ago we were worried about him leaving - now it will be a relief for all I expect. Gibbs looks back to his best, Ramsey also had a good one (a few misplaced passes aside) - combative, tracked back, pressing forward. Overall I was pleased we fought in the big game for once - may we carry that into next season: Improving our performance against the top teams will make a huge difference. More of that spirit. Come on you Gooners - 9 more points please.

  45. Big Jenny

    Apr 29, 2013, 12:57 #34403

    I informed all around me that I would not be takeing any nonesense from anybody around me during the game.One particular fan was not following the rules and persisted in shouting obscenities at the team during the second half.After repeat warnings I decided that the best cause of action was to sit on the fellow for the last 5 minutes of the match in order to discipline him into behaveing better in the future.This unfortunately he did not take well and left hurling some vile language towards my person at the end of the game.I have a photographic memory and will carry on where I left off at the Wigan game,he certainly will not get away with that.

  46. CanadaGooner

    Apr 29, 2013, 12:48 #34402

    @Le Dictateur; well spoken! But you'll be surprised how well our crappy players would perform under Fergie or Mourinho. Because those are managers who focus on football and leave the club finances to others. Wenger was a good manager when he was only in charge of football. The minute he was allowed to become the architect of arsenal's future and decide what type of club we're supposed to be, all was lost. His "projects" all flopped while his stubbornness grew to an unimaginable height. Good riddance hopefully his final season coming up (but I won't be surprised if he does the 'Walcott' on us next season - actually, that's a lie; I would still be surprised! Ha ha - that's how useless Wenger has become)

  47. Inspector Clueless

    Apr 29, 2013, 12:43 #34401

    if you all say finances and spending govern all, then why are we neck and neck with spurs until last game of season when we spend £110mpa to run our club and they spend £65mpa to run theirs ? sagna was absolutely awful by the way.

  48. Spectrum

    Apr 29, 2013, 12:39 #34400

    We started well and dominated the first half, but I didn't think we could keep up the intensity and work rate in the second.Our apparent aim was to hit them hard and try to grab a couple of goals lead, and then hold on for a win. Didn't work out that way. Walcott's goal should not have stood, as it was offside. But considering we had more to play for, and United didn't really even need to bother, we should have capitalised, and we weren't able to. If you look at our record against the big teams ( i.e. the ones above us ), we have a poor record. We are consistent against the smaller teams, but against quality opposition, we can't match it with them. This is down to the calibre of our players ( or more correctly, LACK of calibre ). And a mentality that is suspect - and has been shown to be - in many matches this season. These factors don't bode well for next season.It's quite remarkable how this campaign has been so much like the last. An unbeaten run when the title race is already over, after the worst start to a season in years* ( *twice running ! ). Only difference is that we didn't have Robin to carry us on his back this time around - and we know why that is, don't we ? Did anyone notice the United supporter in the crowd holding up a sign to the camera,with the words "Thanks for RVP" written on it? Third or fourth ? - YAWN. " In Arsene we rust."

  49. The Happening

    Apr 29, 2013, 12:37 #34399

    What a letdown that performance was? Flashes of brilliance from Cazorla, Rosicky, and the industrious Ramsey, but patchy and labored at best!! I have a horrible feeling that we wont make the top 4 finish we crave, along with the 24mil we received last summer, we may have also unwittingly traded our Champs League spot!! Was Podolski actually playing??

  50. Sir Sid James

    Apr 29, 2013, 12:28 #34398

    Out of a possible 24 points from our other top 5 rivals we have collected 5 points out of 24.Pathetic return.That proves we our slow track bullies.The Graham Hick of the premiershp.Yesterday we were toothless in the final third and thats why United are champions they have a player who turns their chances into goals.Sagna is getting hammered for their goal but look at Mertersacker back off RVP instead of going towards him.We havent played well for a long time but are picking up points.If Bale FC fail to finish above us it would have been self inflicted.How many chances have they had to condemn us to 5th place?Maybe they want to keep Wenger in a job because as long as he is we will never win another trophy again

  51. Le Dcitateur

    Apr 29, 2013, 12:25 #34397

    Here is a stat for you: this season, Wenger's management with a £150mil wage bill at his disposal has been so bad that the following teams have a superior record to Wenger against the Top 3 sides: Southampton, Sunderland, Norwich, West Ham, QPR (relegated), Newcastle (ifghting survival),Swansea, WBA, Liverpool, Everton and of course, Spuds! ALL have lower wage bills than Arsenal but all put up more of a fight against the big 3. Their managers get more out of them. Pathetic management from Wenger. It gets worse. Wenger sold RVP for £24 mil and replaced them with Giroud (rubbish) and Podolski. Olivia Giroud has just ONE league goal away from home(!) Jokers claim he needs 'a year adaptation' but Benteke is new to the league, younger, cost just 7mil (Giroud cost £12mil) and has outscored him. Ricky Lambert from a promoted Championship team has also outscored him despite being new to the league. Demba Ba who cost just £8m has also outperformed him. Michu cost £2m and is 20 times the player, outscored him too. Lukaku is new to the league, much younger and again, totally outperformed Giroud. If you now look at Podolski, who cost £11mil and is on rumoured £90k a week wages, it gets even worse! Just 9 league goals. Between the 2 of them, they've got just 20 league goals. Pathetic. To make matters even worse, the grand total of goals scored by Giroud/Podolski in big games against he top 3 teams is...Yep you guessed it ZERO! Not ONE goal scored against the top teams. Giroud nothing. Podolski nothing. Shocking, rubbish. Lambert of Southampton and even LeFondre of Reading have scored more goals against top sides than these two combined jokers PUT TOGETHER! And yet, we are somehow supposed to be comforted that our incompetent bumbling clown of a manager 'has money to spend'!!! Look at the garbage he has lumbered Arsenal with! He is a shocking manager who has spent a lot of money but has won less trophies than even a joke like Redknapp in 8 years. Disgrace. Prepare for another wasted season of rubbish, with talk of 'Top 4 trophy', out of every competition going come late February. The only thing now is, Arsenal is so mediocre that actually isn't any assets left for Fergie/Citeh/Chelski to plunder! Unless they all decide to fight over Gervinho (ANOTHER expensive flop, £11mil this time. But Arsene cannot compete!)

  52. CanadaGooner

    Apr 29, 2013, 12:23 #34396

    @kev; mate, you've been reading too many Agatha Christie novels: "shrouded in Secrecy"? Ha ha. With twitter and all the other social media and the dimness of footballers (they're hardly the sharpest tools in the box). The simple reality is there is nothing secretive going on at arsenal: we have a manager who decided in 2005 that he is now supremely comfortable at the club and his opinion is the only opinion (not dissimilar from what most of us would do after 10+ years at the same job. Who doesn't remember those first 2 months of probation at a new job when we're all so punctual and obedient at work, and then soon as we're bedded in, comes the incessant demands for a salary increase). Coupled with the fact that Wenger's philosophy was very welcome to a board who saw the $$$ signs from spending nothing and selling key players as long as majority if the fans appeared content with 4th place finish each season, they knew they could get away with it. You'll be waiting a long, long time to get any different story from RVP matey. Fellow was too busy counting his money from his usual berth on the surgeon's table at arsenal to be privy to any secret tales to tell.

  53. JER

    Apr 29, 2013, 12:16 #34395

    Podolski isn't suited to the central striker's role. I'm afraid to say it but it has to be Gervinho for the next two matches.

  54. Endless, Nameless

    Apr 29, 2013, 11:59 #34394

    A good game in many ways. Firstly, it represents 1 point more than a lot of people will have had penciled-in for the run-in. Secondly, and most importantly, it was a timely and very public reminder of the vastness of the gulf that between where we are and where we need to be to even get remotely close to challenging for honours. Let's be frank, for all the first half dominance and (very welcome) comitment, it was obvious that United had us just where the wanted us and we posed no real threat to them at all. Personally, I think the next three games represent far bigger challenges to this group of players. QPR now have the pressure off, Wigan and (maybe) Newcastle will be desperate for the points. I hope I'm wrong, but I struggle to see 9 points there, and 9 is what we will need. In utter fairness, if we do get top 4, it will be a real injustice.

  55. Terry

    Apr 29, 2013, 11:37 #34393

    I think their answer on how to run a winning football club would be first to go £800,000 in debt and then stipulate that all 16 premiership referees must originate from the north of England.

  56. Rippy

    Apr 29, 2013, 11:31 #34392

    Until arsenal pay the top wages forget any titles or decent runs in the champions league. We are a selling club. Forth at present is about right. If Liverpool get their act together next year like spurs have this year it could get nasty. Wengers last season. He knows himself the window is closing. It's all about the money..... It was for van persie too.

  57. Clive the Gooner

    Apr 29, 2013, 11:30 #34391

    I think this match summed up our season especially against the teams around us. Decent spells when we're on top but not punishing our opponents, then we gift them a goal or two. It only goes to show the folly of replacing world class players with second raters

  58. Arsemart

    Apr 29, 2013, 11:25 #34390

    I'd imagine Stan was more interested in tips about how to syphon millions of pounds from a football club.

  59. Canterbury Gooner

    Apr 29, 2013, 11:20 #34389

    This was a pretty awful match to be honest. The passing was diabolical, the pace of the game for periods incredibly slow and dour. This squad is so full of deadwood now it doesn't deserve to be called tiki-taka that's for sure. Much as I would like us to finish in the CL places what's for sure is that this Wenger team struggling in an already very poor league is a far more pressing concern to some fans.

  60. HowardL

    Apr 29, 2013, 9:12 #34388

    How depressing was Sagna's performance yesterday?