Cashcow Delivered

Online Ed: 4th place trophy and CL qualifier secured

Cashcow Delivered

The open the chequebook moment?

Before I begin, the 2013 Gooner survey is now online. From memory, once you start, I am not sure you can exit the thing halfway through without losing your votes, so I’d ensure you have 20 or 30 minutes to complete it before you begin actually filling in answers. However, there is nothing to stop you looking through all the questions before you begin. To look at it, and complete it if you do have the time, click here. We will run the results in the first issue of the season and online shortly afterwards. Closing date for voting is Sunday 9th June.

And so to yesterday’s game. Arsenal did what they had to do. It sure wasn’t pretty, but for the run of 26 points from 30 since the Spurs defeat, it rarely has been. It has been interesting to see the team play with results rather than style the priority. Against lesser teams, it has been far more effective. When greater quality has been faced, in two home matches, they have not lost either. For the sake of argument, were this approach used over the whole of the season, Arsenal might have picked up 84 points from matches against teams outside the top six, and even just drawing the home matches against their top six rivals, would have reached 89 points. Granted, football does not work that way. Occasional points are always dropped in unexpected places, but I suspect Manchester United have not dropped many against sides outside of the top six.

What it points to is that Arsenal’s players are capable of getting results when they are focused to dig in and forget about being a poor man’s Barcelona. Granted, the lack of drive going forward at St James’s Park indicated a team that had run out of ideas, but you simply cannot argue with the sequence of results since game 28 at White Hart Lane. The Gunners have been far from easy on the eye, but they finished above Spurs. Key to this has been the partnership of Mertesacker and Koscielny. The latter, especially, was immense at Newcastle and by a distance the visitors’ best performer.

It was certainly a close game. Neither side produced many gilt edged opportunities. The 90 minutes was carried by sheer tension and not much in the way of creative quality. There was little between the teams. Arsenal won thanks to a set piece and I believe they have improved their record of converting such opportunities this season. Not so long ago, Walcott’s free kick would have been played short rather than aimed into the box.

So it proves that when the chips are down, Arsene Wenger can produce winning football, at least against poorer teams. Still, let’s take this one step at a time. Sorting things out at the back is laying a foundation stone that certainly hasn’t existed at the club for several seasons. Amongst the summer purchases, a centre back is needed as I am uncertain Thomas Vermaelen can be relied upon going forward, as well as a keeper to keep Szczesny on his toes. The first thing Arsenal need to concentrate on is ensuring they do not lose games. The fact that only one team in the division has conceded less goals than Arsenal is a remarkable statistic and perhaps testament to the notion that Steve Bould has been allowed to have greater influence as the season has wore on, if only to salvage the campaign. A witness close at hand saw Bould come out of the dressing room before the home tie v Bayern shaking his head with an expression indicating a disagreement had occured. Might the 90 minutes that followed and the subsequent defeat at Spurs have proved to Arsene Wenger that his assistant knew best?

I have not read the post match coverage as yet, so I do not know if Arsene Wenger is proclaiming the season as a success. I would certainly consider that he has met the board’s objectives. Their ambitions are based on financial performance rather than football glory, so on that front, the manager has certainly delivered. What they need to get their heads around is the idea that football glory can actually lead to greater income over the longer term, giving them a more valuable product, if they are prepared to run the club at break even for a while to increase the chances of actually winning something. Or even, whisper it quietly, invest some of the billionaires’ millions in the pockets of the club’s two major owners.

In terms of footballing achievement for £ spent, Arsenal are pretty much where you would expect them to be. There is no triumph in finishing one point above Spurs, who have spent approx. £50m less over the last 12 months when net transfer spend and wage bill are added together. The two Manchester clubs and Chelsea spend more, although significantly, Alex Ferguson should, by rights, be finishing third if amount spent is the be all and end all. Great managers can overcome the odds.

In beating Swansea, Reading, West Brom, Norwich, Fulham, QPR, Wigan and Newcastle to secure a shot at next season’s Champions League, Arsenal have had to learn to win ugly. Wenger often talks about the resilience of his players and for once he is accurate. Sure, all of the above are fairly mediocre teams, but they are teams the Gunners have dropped points to all too often in recent seasons. If Arsenal are to compete again, this has to stop. The pragmatism of recent performances will actually serve the club well in their Champions League qualifying tie in August, but to add to the building of a solid foundation, some quality is desperately needed in midfield and attack. Arsenal have some decent squad players, but have not replaced Fabregas and Van Persie, and looking further back, the loss of Gilberto Silva and Mathieu Flamini in the same summer five years ago led to many of the problems that followed.

Arsenal’s huge handicap in securing top quality players is the inability of Arsene Wenger and Dick Law to conclude deals. Juan Mata believed he was an Arsenal player in 2011. Wenger met with Jan Vertonghen last summer but managed to talk him out of signing. Who knows how many others have slipped through the net. With the increased sponsorship money and the Premier League TV income rocketing, Arsenal have the resources to spend big this summer, without worrying about whether they can negotiate the Champions League qualifier. There is no reason to engage Wenger’s metaphorical handbrake where the chequebook is concerned.

But can anyone trust Arsenal to conclude a deal when they have competition for a player from other clubs? Come back David Dein, all is forgiven…

Just to finish, a change of policy next season with the editorials on the website. It has been decided that The Gooner will not run contributors’ match views in the printed issue next season, but that they will appear online instead. The idea is that they effectively replace my editorial after each game has been played. Instead, on a more or less weekly basis, I will post a piece at other times. I am sure I will discuss the football played, but it won’t need to go into the specifics of the match just played. Then again, I rarely do go into much detail these days anyway, not least because I tend to look at the bigger picture. Anyway, just a heads up that I won’t be writing the day after each game next season. I will try and chip in with a piece every two or three weeks over the next couple of months when there is something to say, but regardless of that, I hope you all have a good summer.

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  1. ATID

    May 23, 2013, 13:30 #35171

    I have only just got back from celebrating our Fourth Place Trophy. Beating Spurs into fifth - it doesn't get much better than that. Hope I sober up in time to enjoy our big name summer signings.

  2. Gaz

    May 22, 2013, 16:42 #35137

    @Ron: Yeah, I think we've both said on here many times that once you've cut through the bull**** about him having no money to spend the reality is that he's just not that great a manager anymore. If we're honest tactically he's never been that great anyway which is why in Europe apart from one really good year we've generally been found wanting. As I said the other day our only hope is that he surrounds himself with better players...

  3. maguiresbridge gooner

    May 22, 2013, 15:42 #35136

    SilverGooner, yes a lot of fans have been taken in yet again but like you say a lot of others haven't.

  4. SilverGooner

    May 22, 2013, 14:32 #35132

    I cannot help feeling under-whelmed by our 'fourth place' trophy. 48 hours after our game at Newcastle I receive an email from the club reminding me that I have yet to renew my Silver membership. What brilliant timing! Let's face it -from a footballing point of view, we are much more suited (as are Spurs) to playing in the Europa League. We would certainly have more chance of progressing in that competition than the CL, where we are eliminated by the first decent team we come up against in the knock out stages. Many Gooners, myself included, will take Gazidis recent rhetoric about wanting the club to win trophy's with a pinch of salt. Are they more empty promises aimed at cajoling fans into renewing their season tickets or memberships? We shall know during the next two months. Kevin - I will miss your post-match articles. Personally, I think they have been fair and accurate. Please make sure you keep your new-style articles coming on a weekly basis when the season starts.

  5. maguiresbridge gooner

    May 22, 2013, 13:07 #35127

    Arthur Pink, the same thing was being said last season and the one before that, and the one before that, etc,etc,and we did and we will again, and how were/have we been repayed ? with the same old bullshyte spin and games like Bradford, and Blackburn, to name but a few. Gaz has already explained it excellently.

  6. Ron

    May 22, 2013, 12:48 #35126

    Gaz - That just about sums it up. Not much else to say after that. The funds they have wont get top quality taking wages etc into account and hence the forthcoming years will be pretty much the same as or a variation on what we ve had for years. The emphasis therefore HAS to be on coaching more so than spending. My view is that neither Wenger nor his backroom staff are good or even willing enough to do it though, hence the need for change. Essentially his blind insistence on trying to play sophisticated football with what i bracket as 2nd and 3rd tier players wont win titles, nor the lesser trophies either. Wenger and his staff might well say on the back of this mini run at the seasons end that he s already compromised style for substance yet it was against some pretty poor opposition and we still looked very brittle didnt we and in a period where we had nothing else to aim for or achieve.

  7. Gaz

    May 22, 2013, 12:37 #35125

    Cheers Tony. If truth be known (in regards to this summer) I'm hoping for the best but expecting the worst. Because even though I keep reading that Wenger-this time-really does realise what needs to be done the reality is we've been here before and the stubborn old sod will probably be even more determained to prove the likes of us wrong. You'd hope they'd (Wenger and kroenke) realise that despite everything just one really big exciting signing would get a lot of fans right back onside with them but this is Arsenal of course and they just dont really see things like that anymore. Wont stop me checking the internet every 30 seconds in hope of seeing 'Arsenal sign 30m pound striker' though...

  8. Tony Evans

    May 22, 2013, 12:21 #35124

    Gaz - Great post and good to see some common sense applied to the Wenger issue. It certainly is not easy supporting our team at the moment and hasn't been for a long while now. I wish I could believe that this summer's transfer dealings will be any different but I don't. We all desperately need a lift right now - two or three quality players (real quality not the Wenger version) and deadwood shifted to give some real hope for next season but sadly I just do not see that happening under Wenger.

  9. WHL87

    May 22, 2013, 11:48 #35123

    All these people calling for Arsenal to spend big need to analyse what they are actually saying. So what if we have a £70M "war chest" - that won't go very far if we go shopping at the top end of the market. Let's say, for argument's sake, we land a £25M striker. They are going to want at least £200K per week in wages - £10M per year. 5 year contract - you do the math. That is what we are now competing against thanks to your Chelskis and Manc Citys - neither of whom fund their spending themselves and they have got half a dozen players on these kind of deals. Even when we do go in for a top quality players, as I suspect was the case with Mata, etc, the chances are we will get gazumped and there's nothing that a David Dein, or whoever, could do about it. I hope we do spend some money in the summer and I hope we do land some quality to build on our finish to this season but people need to get a reality check when it comes to what we are up against. Up the Gunners.

  10. theopants superstar

    May 22, 2013, 11:45 #35122

    Canadagooner: Now that really was a weak reposte - even by your normally low standards!! For as long as you persist in spouting your nonsense, they'll always be a need for my appearance!!

  11. Gaz

    May 22, 2013, 10:23 #35121

    @Arthur Pink: At what point do you simply say enoughs enough though? Next year? The year after that? five years? This time last year was my own personal tipping point but I got right behind the side from the start of the season because not only did I feel that some of the problems (as I saw them) had been addressed but mainly because I hated the thought of losing interest in something that had been a major part of my life for well over 30 years. Yet sadly that awful Norwich away game and subsequent defeats to Bradford and Blackburn (to name but a few) really finished me off. Why? Because I realised that nothing had really changed and that despite everything the biggest problem we had was Wenger himself. I then spent the rest of 'last' (this) season showing absolutely no interest and hoping for fifth place in a (forlorn) hope that it would bring the change in manager I wanted. And then when all hope of a trophy had gone we managed to go on a decent run (against some pretty average sides it must be said) that saw us achieve what really is the bare minimum for a club the size of ours. And the subsequent 'slapping of backs' by fans and players alike I've found really hard to digest considering (with those desperate Cup defeats) we've actually suffered a worse season than last! I will get behind them again this summer because quite frankly losing interest in it all really isn't an option. Wont be easy because deep down I'm certain we'll win nothing under Wenger again and to be honest I find him a really difficult person to like nowadays what with his daft comments and silly antics pitch side. But I will back him and the Club this summer/next season BUT I totally understand those who won't or cant and I know that if/when it all goes wrong again I'll be right back to where I was less than a week ago.

  12. Arthur Pink

    May 22, 2013, 7:59 #35120

    It's time for all gooners to unite and get behind the team for next season.Whether you be a sturdy rogue(Wob)or you resemble Richard Briars(Akb)it's time to get behind the Arsenal.

  13. Der Projekt ist Kaput

    May 22, 2013, 7:33 #35119

    Kev, sorry to hear that your usual post match piece will go - it was always spot on in my view. Have a great summer.

  14. CanadaGooner

    May 22, 2013, 5:33 #35118

    @theopants; oh, now I understand. You've just been demolishing your own garbage! well done mate. Bask to the Arsenal..

  15. Wombledin

    May 22, 2013, 2:57 #35117

    Groundhog day. All hail the world's greatest and most consistent bridesmaid and pound for pound most unambitious manager. Clouseau and Gazidass are secure for another summer of lies, the sale of a key player, unconvincing player purchases, and generally getting set for another season of under-performance, disappointments, failed hopes and the usual soul-destroying, aggravating bollox.

  16. maguiresbridge gooner

    May 22, 2013, 0:14 #35116

    Sonia, i think it's more commonly called the imaginary trophy,yes they were supposed to go on sale in the armory and from mail order on the morning of the Emirates Cup, the first batch were brought to St James Park on Sunday for the players to hold aloft and show the fans,Arsene was carrying two when he went on the pitch at the final whistle,the rest were distributed to the players by the back room staff,but unfortunately during all the celebrations and bouncing on the pitch the players set them down and couldn't find them, that's why no silver ware was seen on the telly and in the papers.So the club are now waiting for a well known London Silver smith to rush out more in time for the Emirates cup.The club are anticipating a lot of interest from fans who just love fourth place so if you want one you better get there early to beat the queues, there has been three large shelves allocated for them and they will be clearly marked the imaginary fourth place trophy.Even if you can't see them or feel them don't worry they're definitely there you just lift one, be careful not to drop it or you'll not find it again and take it to the till where the friendly staff, just like Arsene and ivan will keep a straight face while takeing your money.

  17. maguiresbridge gooner

    May 21, 2013, 23:19 #35115

    Rob, a couple of fair questions, and i would imagine the fact we were humiliated by lower league opposition like Bradford and Blackburn in two of our cup competitions, before we even think about all the other abject displays pretty much answers them both.Yes apparently we have plenty of money now, and if the king of spin was to be believed we've suddenly found ambition, and there's plenty who do, but we've heard it all before, so fortunately there's just as many who'll believe it when they see it.

  18. theopants superstar

    May 21, 2013, 23:11 #35114

    Canadagooner: No, I'm the same demolisher of garbage that I've always been!!

  19. Sonia

    May 21, 2013, 22:37 #35113

    My boyfriend told me that they will be selling replica copy's of the Virtual Trophy in the Armoury during the Emerites cup this year.As an avid collector of over 100 replica trophies I don't want to miss out as he tells me they've only made 250 of them.Does anybody know if you can order one in advance,I asked one of the guys in the shop but he said he new nothing about it,I think he was just saying that so he could get one himself..

  20. AFCasap

    May 21, 2013, 22:02 #35112

    does any of the arsene fan club supporters know if the uefa cl qualifying cheque is going on display in the emirates stadium trophy cabinet....btw thanks for building the bowl arsene..i heard he poured the concrete foundation himself and did quite a lot of the brickwork.

  21. Rob

    May 21, 2013, 21:37 #35111

    In all the 'Arsene is a genius' - 'Arsene should go' arguments, few seem to address the basic point :- How do you feel about this season ? Did you enjoy it ? In fact you could put that question against the last three years. And the sad answer is 'No !' - at least as far as I'm concerned, the last three years have been purgatorial. We've sold our best players to make other teams better because they don't want to be here. We've imported some good players - Cazorla and Poldoski; in fact I even like Girrou. But we've seen some utter cack as well. But let's look forward. Now we - 'allegedly' - have money to spend. Other than on the Manager or the CEO's wages. So will we ? Our 'majority shareholder' is apparently, full of ambition ! So let's see it. If come July we've only managed an unheard of French crock - then we'll all know that Gazedis is lying - again. So it's all up to them. But I wouldn't part with a penny on their feeble promises.

  22. johnnyh

    May 21, 2013, 21:33 #35110

    spot on kevin. con man wenger has met his only objective and delivered the cash cow that has him and ivan the useless laughing all the way to the bank with their hefty bonus cheques. mark your diaries for late october or november when he signs a new contract and we have to suffer 3 further years of tactical naivety,moaning at the fourth official and watching the likes of aaron ramsey.

  23. CanadaGooner

    May 21, 2013, 21:04 #35109

    @Shirley Dingle: my answer's quite simple: WIN ANY of the trophies you've listed. Realistically, with the players we have, Capital One of FA Cup is achievable, and has been for several of our trophyless seasons, if only our management and players put their minds to it. I always get the feeling that Wenger thinks he's too great to bother with the Capital One Cup. Unfortunately, the reality is that we have a bunch of players who havent won anything anywhere (most of them) and they simply need to get a taste of hoisting up a trophy, and I think they'll want more. So, yes; any trophy will do, as far as I'm concerned

  24. Shirley Dingle

    May 21, 2013, 20:28 #35108

    What would you folks rather Arsenal did next Champions Capital One and FA cup or Emerites Cup and Virtual Trophy.I've been thinking all week on this one and still can't decide as all are equally appealing.

  25. CanadaGooner

    May 21, 2013, 17:57 #35107

    @theopants superstar; did you recently change your onlinegooner name? I could have sworn you were something else previously. Point I was making is: the Bould or no Bould influence conversation is a waste of time.

  26. mark from aylesbury

    May 21, 2013, 17:35 #35106

    Well next year should prove interesting. Noises from Emirates suggest a race for a trophy is on. I suspect whatever happens next year will be Wengers last. I believe at least a level of our complaints are starting to bear pressure. I will listen to Amy Lawrences comments (guardian podcast) with interest. I feel strangely bouyant about next season. Change is afoot coyg

  27. JJ Williams

    May 21, 2013, 17:20 #35105

    2013/14 will be Wengers last chance to reclaim the title. So this is what needs to be done. Get rid of the deadwood: Bendtner, Denielson, Santos, etc... Sell Podolski to another German side or Juventus for at least 10M. Sell Gervinho to a French side for around 10M. With the extra money get two of the following; Cavani, Levandowski, Benzema or Higuien. Callum McMannaman, A high Quality Holding Midfielder and a expirienced goal keeper. SORTED!

  28. Tommy

    May 21, 2013, 16:47 #35104

    @JeffWright Excellent post.We were out of all the competitions by february.We only had 1 trophy to play for the 4th place trophy.Chelsea had to play Utd away Spurs Villa away Europa cup final then Everton in their last 5 games yet still finished above us and won a trophy.Now you know why Wenger doesnt want to win anything because the further we go in competitions the less likely we will miss out on his beloved 4th.Oh well in 30 years time you can tell your grand kids you had the privilege to watch Arsenal finish 4th every year and win f*** all

  29. tfSmudge

    May 21, 2013, 16:40 #35103

    Interesting article Kevin, particularly "Arsenal’s huge handicap in securing top quality players is the inability of Arsene Wenger and Dick Law to conclude deals..." Very true, including Mata, Vertonghen, Hazard to name but a few "...who knows how many others have slipped through the net." I don't think I need tell you my opinion on this but somehow "...come back David Dein all is forgiven..." with £70m to spend this is rather an understatement. Our business in the transfer market over our 8 years has been effing woeful - in this respect I agree Wenger has failed miserably. This of course coinciding with Chelsea & Man ****y's rise in wealth has meant we've missed him more than anyone (especially Hill-Wood) imagined. We just can't seal a good deal despite our bank balance. So who signed our best players during our most productive and successful period anyway (8 or so seasons ago)... Pires, Henry, Bergkamp, Petit etc... Need I answer ? With 70m in the chest and Arsenal interests at heart, in my opinion Dein would be the ideal man to help spend it... PS Why any Arsenal supporter should want to see the team lose any match is beyond me. Never mind the bollox.

  30. ppp

    May 21, 2013, 16:39 #35102

    @Ron - you're a clown. You anti-Arsenal lot always resort to "it's my opinion waaaaaahhhh!!!!" after spewing out a load of garbage which is ridddled with obvious factual inaccuracies. There being 6 British players quite clearly in contention for first team places next season is a simple, unalterable fact. Your claim that we had no English players anymore was a simple and unalterable MIS-TRUTH. Telling laughable lies about Arsenal is not an opinion - it's telling lies. So keep your at best mis-informed and at worst insidious lies to yourself eh?

  31. DB10

    May 21, 2013, 16:06 #35101

    @theopants superstar: indeed he did. i don't think i could put it better than @Gooner ron who eloquently makes the case of damned if he does or damned if he doesn't. i'm just fed up with all this pathetic 'wenger and bould at war' stuff. for all wenger's faults he is not a 5 year old whose only aim is to ensure that bould doesn't get any credit and i'm sure that if bould really never had a say that he'd find something better to do. but then i guess when you have idiot 'fans' like the first poster who initially wanted newcastle to win it clearly demonstrates the depths of debate we've fallen to.

  32. HowardL

    May 21, 2013, 16:01 #35100

    I think AW lost the plot a couple of years ago, but, you know what, I'm still smiling over Sunday. Great performance - see Kos compilation on YouTube - the Phantom Equaliser, Champions League, no Thursday nights and bragging rights through the summer, etc etc. And surely so close to failure that someone at the club must get the message about a truly 'top, top quality' signing this summer.

  33. Mike

    May 21, 2013, 15:55 #35099

    Lets hope Wenger breaks SAF record as longest serving manager in the years to come

  34. theopants superstar

    May 21, 2013, 15:45 #35098

    CanadaGooner: in your eagerness to get yet another of your all-knowing points across, I think you allowed DB10's sarcastic comments to go way over your head!!

  35. Ron

    May 21, 2013, 13:58 #35097

    Canada G - Quite right too. There are those who crow of Bould in the same way as those who shout for Tony Adams as a potential new boss. Hilarious. Admas was a legend yes, and Bould was a sound player in his day, but as to Bould being given any sway in that dressing room, for all Wengers failings, hes no reason to reason to grant him any sway. What Wenger needs is a coach with sound credentials though whos sheer force of nous and knowledge forces him to listen. Will Wenger have such a man in his dressing room though? Highly unlikely. His power base might be undermined. Bould is a taller and balder Pat Rice. Thats why hes there. Nothing more. His appointment is symptomatic of Wengers jealous guarding of his own position and to hell with the inherent lack of urgency and drive in the Club.

  36. Dave

    May 21, 2013, 13:49 #35096

    Everyone who says that Arsenal 'over-achieved' in finishing 4th instead of 7th is totally missing the point - why, such a great club of ours is scrapping for 4th is a joke in itself and that is down to just one person - Wenger. Prepare for Groundhog day once again with rumours flying around about Jovetic and Higuain coming (it's started already) and ending up with French Ligue 2 players (oh what a surprise that has happened already too!). Wenger OUT

  37. CanadaGooner

    May 21, 2013, 13:46 #35095

    @DB10: you folks should stop this Bould nonsense! Did Bould hire Thierry Henry? Did Bould hire Viera? Did Bould hang on to RVP when everyone said he was a crock? Did Bould win all those FA Cups and 3 League titles? Oh, I forgot, it wasn't Wenger, it was Bould who telepathically got our players going all those years. Wenger has lost his shine, but to keep pushing the "Bould was shaking his head" crap is nonsense. If Bould is such a genius, why would he take a job that he knows he won't get to do anything? Money? Wenger might be an idiot, but it will take the likes if Fergie to criticize him or find fault; not an untried, untested fellow like Bould.

  38. maguiresbridge gooner

    May 21, 2013, 13:45 #35094

    So another season has come to an end and once again the cash cow has been delivered and is safely installed on the farm and ready for milking,with back slapping all round.Has anything really changed in the last six seven or so seasons ? no not really we've sold our best player for profit yet again, and not replaced ,we've still the same deadwood on the books,we've made the same mistakes over again,we've been humiliated by inferior opposition, heard the same excuses and spin as before, and won sweet F ALL,so the spaces on the rim of the bowl will remain bare for another year.Will anything be any different next season ? As always and as we've been doing for the last eight,we'll all be hoping so, or will we be left disappointed yet again ? Well the spin machine as usual have done a great job in convincing us it will, that we're going to spend, spend, spend, and as usual some fans have again been convinced, although as we know some are easier convinced than others.All this new dough just sitting there waiting for ogl to do battle in the transfer market and make us great again,having it is one thing but spending it and spending it wisely is another and if our recent buys, and latest acquisition albeit on a free but still on a healthy contract i'd suspect, is anything to go by i wouldn't be getting to excited, but hey maybe the spin machine is right (it would be a first) and things will be different this time. I suppose just like the last eight years we'll have to wait and see if we'll be surprised or disappointed yet again.

  39. DB10

    May 21, 2013, 13:34 #35093

    'A witness close at hand saw Bould come out of the dressing room before the home tie v Bayern shaking his head with an expression indicating a disagreement had occured. Might the 90 minutes that followed and the subsequent defeat at Spurs have proved to Arsene Wenger that his assistant knew best?' What a priceles piece of journalism. Who needs proof when we have witnesses such as that!?

  40. Ronster

    May 21, 2013, 13:11 #35092

    maguiresbridge gooner...and the hardcore apologists will be praying any successor fails miserably from the off...that will be Wenger's true legacy!

  41. jeff wright

    May 21, 2013, 12:16 #35091

    I think that the 4th place finish ,a point above Totttenham and two behind Chelsea, who had to contend with a change of manager , but still managed to win a trophy and beat us twice is about the right result. We were way behind United though in the league,and using the recent run ofleague games and the facial win away to Bayern in a tie already lost at home to judge the current side by looks to me to be rather flawed. Our players only had the league to concentrate on, after crashing out of every cup competition , who says crime doesn't pay ! Failure to finish third (which many of our optimists were claiming that we would do last week) means a qualification tie for the Champions League proper must now be played before Ivan can count on the money from the group stages . Will this impact on Wenger's normally frugal spending in the summer with the result of the tie unliukely to be known until the new season has begun? Failure to win the tie would mean Europa League football next season. There were some things that can be built on that resulted from the recent unbeaten run ,our defending looked better although we still look vulnerable on corners and set pieces,and the GK situation is not that great . Let's wait and see how things shape up when the side has to play in more than one competition , over a run of games, before deciding that Wenger's finally got things sorted. 4th place only in the league was what many of us predicted at the start of the season,the celebrations however from Wenger and our players were as though they had won a trophy ,if only.

  42. Green Hut

    May 21, 2013, 12:13 #35090

    It's both bizarre and hilarious to read Cult Of Wenger members so desperate to use the words Wenger and overachieve in the same sentence that they compare scraping fourth place with the predictions of a few frustrated fans on here months ago. Recent results have been good, but the quality of play has clearly not been. Substantial funds have been available to Wenger since 2008, but as Amy Lawrence asserted in the Guardian podcast yesterday, 'the Arsenal board have been begging Wenger in recent transfer windows to be a bit bolder in the transfer market and he's so resistant to it'. Amy Lawrence knows Arsenal, Gary Neville doesn't, but while so many fans want to keep giving Wenger last chance after last chance after last chance, nothing will change. I weep for the Arsenal fanbase of 2013.

  43. GoonerRon

    May 21, 2013, 11:36 #35088

    @ DW Thomas - you say 'Kos' goal was pure chance. A better defender than Colocini would have reacted quicker.' Pure chance that we had a free kick in a dangerous area and scored from it? Unbelievable.

  44. Arthur Pink

    May 21, 2013, 11:34 #35087

    Those who love a bit of a moan about the Arsenal will always be around and in fairness why not their all part of the Arsenal experience.I love to people study and I have noticed they are in general a sturdy bunch of rogues a little loud well fed with eyes that stick out their heads.

  45. Gaz

    May 21, 2013, 11:31 #35086

    Agree with those who say they'll miss Kevins post match posts. Always looked forward to them and generally agreed with most of what he said. Thankfully he's not stopping alltogether and I understand the reasons behind the change.

  46. Croker

    May 21, 2013, 10:24 #35085

    "Hear Hear" @Canada. Not everyone agrees with them but Kevin is consistent with his views & that all is not rosy with the Gooners and he backs up his position. There is no mistaking his love of The Arsenal and I will miss the current format. His editorial was and is essential reading for me after every match and it sets the agenda for the rest of the content on this Page over the next few days. Relieved at 4th place, please let lessons be learnt from repeat failings so that there is some de facto Team strengthening in the summer. I want the mighty Arsenal to be challenging for and winning trophies and not find us scrambling for 4th place season after season, having to rely on the Jelly Totts to self destruct (very amusing though the latter is :)

  47. Ronster

    May 21, 2013, 10:02 #35084

    The London European trophy count...Chelsea(5);Tottenham Hotspur(3);Arsenal (2..1970&1994);West Ham United (1). Wenger has certainly had the likes of Real Madrid and AC Milan running for cover over the last two decades!

  48. R C Sproul

    May 21, 2013, 8:32 #35083

    The Wenger out folk have to be the most brain dead of them all.Every season they tell us that Arsenal are going to fail at this and that finish 7th blah blah blah.Then they moan when Arsenal over achieve what they predicted would happen.Luckily for us most of them are glory hunters and I have noticed fewer of them at the Emerites each year as the atmosphere is improveing again.

  49. Ron

    May 21, 2013, 7:42 #35082

    Fair point Mandy and theres a big debate somewhere why British players have been pushed to the edges (for reasons beyond just football i feel - i still do a bit of under 11 coaching). Our present crop (save for JW) do leave a few doubts but i'm of the view Wenger is inherently anti brit, even though hes always declared otherwise. Over the fullness of time and unlike Utd and Chelsea we've allowed the foreign/ brit balance to be skewed too far in favour of foreign imports as i see it.Thats all. PS Scezney may well have been proved right, but we still need a proper goalkeeper and he isnt it, far from it.He also needs to button it. Comments like he made could well have fired up a decent opponent.

  50. Ron

    May 21, 2013, 7:31 #35081

    PPP - Appreciate that, but take a look at how Jenky has been treated. A poor Sagna has kept him out of the team for months on end. There are question marks also v one or two of the others durability. What i don't appreciate are kno-he--ds like you who cant take another's point without your pathetic retorts. Grow up, you dumb fool.You don't have a monopoly on opinion.

  51. Dan h

    May 21, 2013, 6:01 #35080

    @Canada spot on without the reports which are the main talking points about our great club it renders a lot of the sub-articles pretty random for me.The defence has certainly been more resilient 1-0 away wins always welcome.I havn't personally enjoyed this season but for a debut season Carzola has been a joy to watch at times.For the summer actions speak louder than words the money is there then last day Kos goals x2 to get CL qualification may bacome easier.Hey we may even be able to start actually look like a club after a real trophy rather than a virtual one.Enjoy the summer all.

  52. CanadaGooner

    May 21, 2013, 5:33 #35079

    @Kevin; onlinegooner will lose quite a few people if you end your post match reports. I think it is very essential for this fanzine to have those reports and although I'm sure life will go on without them, it is very unlikely I'll be as keen to come on onlinegooner after a match if we won't have your post match report. Kindly reconsider. Thanks

  53. Gare Kekeke

    May 21, 2013, 1:25 #35078

    Credit to all involved. A gutsy win but a deserved win. Great performance from Koscielny. Probably his best in an Arsenal shirt and a sign of his improvement since March (lest we forget he was out of form and out of team for most of the season). I could be smug and say I was right all along about us finishing in the top four but unlike the Wenger apologists, I won’t. Everton & Tottenham are just not as good as us. Simples. That’s been my view all season. It’s nothing to do with having faith in Wenger because I don’t. Whilst I won’t wildly celebrate the ‘4th place trophy’ in the way many supporters have, finishing ahead of that lot from the Lane is hugely satisfying. Their fans’ reaction to the ‘Newcastle equaliser’, priceless. In all my years of supporting The Arsenal (26+), personally I found the post-match celebrations from players and fans at Newcastle embarrassing and cringe worthy. Even more than losing cup ties this season to Bradford & Blackburn. Those losses I can handle because that’s what you sign up for as a football fan. The way some people reacted you’d think we’d won a trophy. Yeovil & Bradford winning play-off finals is worth celebrating, us finishing 4th is not. However, credit where is due to Wenger for keeping up his record of never finishing below Tottenham and always in the top four. The CL play-off in August will be interesting. Overall, I don’t think this season has been any better than any since 2006/07. I had a nice chat with the legend that is Paul Davis last September and he was convinced we would win a trophy this season. Sorry Paul. But he also added that Walcott had to improve and in fairness, he has. Defensively, there have been some improvements but there are many players who need a proper kick up the backside. It’s also a damning indictment that Norwich & Southampton picked up more points against the top three compared to us. So much for ‘financial doping’ there. And as for Wenger heavily praising this current squad, what an insult to his more successful teams. I can see us signing players this summer but whether they would improve the squad is another matter. Has anyone seen Stevan Jovetic’s scoring record? Kevin, I hope you would reconsider your decision with regards to the online editorial. I find it a great read and it will be a shame to lose it. Have a good summer all. Up The Arsenal!

  54. DW Thomas

    May 21, 2013, 1:15 #35077

    You should still do the day after editorial online Kevin. You give the best analysis overall of anyone, with a true fan's mentality. Steve Mac on ESPN could not understand why the players and Wenger were celebrating like they just won the league. I too was baffled. It looked ridiculous. A joke. You just barely got fourth, only because Spurs choked and the stars aligned in the last 10 games. How many games did we get incredibly lucky in? Kos' goal was pure chance. A better defender than Colocini would have reacted quicker. Sure, great to knock Spurs out of the top 4, but just 9 years ago we were Invincible. Now we celebrate like we won the World Cup for getting 4th. Oh but we would never attract the like of Podolski or Giroud without the CL. Then why did Mata and Vertonghen, both great buys, go elsewhere. All you AKBs got exactly what you wanted...Groundhog Day, again. You can't make it up if you tried. We once competed and even beat the best. Now we barely scrape by the bottom ten teams. Wenger said the exceptional attitude and determination has been rewarded. With what? 16 years of CL and only one final, no titles? What's the point? Shame on Wenger and everyone else who tries to pull the wool over our eyes. 4th is not and never should be a trophy.

  55. Mandy Dodd

    May 21, 2013, 0:04 #35076

    One more thing, I am sure you will join me and giving our keeper credit in his correct assessment of tottenhams top 4 credentials, he seems to get it right every year! Just hope he made a charity bet with some of their players?

  56. Mandy Dodd

    May 20, 2013, 23:54 #35075

    Nostalgia is a wonderful thing Ron but relatively recently, foreign players have played a huge part in our success. I cannot think of many English players at the time who could have replaced the names so obvious I will not even bother listing them. English players have been a bit in the doldrums in recent decades with the odd exception, we could debate at length the reason why, universally rubbish coaching would be a big part of it. But still....lets hope a few of our current home growns can be huge successes.....with our club.

  57. maguiresbridge gooner

    May 20, 2013, 23:50 #35074

    Ronster, they'll be the first ones calling for his head after two or three seasons.

  58. Joe S.

    May 20, 2013, 23:44 #35073

    An impressive accumulation of points towards the end but my what a flat feeling. The season has effectively been over for me since the middle of March. Conrats to the players for hanging in and getting the job done gardless. My one poser to the smug and self satisfied is, please name your favorite moments this season? I don't really count the win in Munich, So outside of coming back to beat the Spuds I can't think of any others.Similarly, where are the great goals? Overall the standard has been poor, something reflective of the Premier League in general. Yes, Arsenal are the second best team in London once again however I'm not convinced that the backbone of the team is good enough for further improvement. How far can Arsenal go with Arteta, Rosickey, Sagna, Podolskey, Giroud and so on? Will Ramsey drive the line,Will Walcott show maturity and skill?, Will Arsene Wegner rediscover his ability to find quality and go for the killer punch? Too many ifs for my liking.

  59. maguiresbridge gooner

    May 20, 2013, 23:23 #35072

    Kev, your match reviews will be missed but it's good to know we'll still be hearing from you. It'll be interesting to hear the views of others and read what their take on the games are, and see if they've been watching the same match as the rest of us,and i look forward like i'm sure everybody is to telling them their right or just talking crap.Have a good one.

  60. Ken Dodd

    May 20, 2013, 23:01 #35071

    By jove,by jove what a beautiful day to shove a microphone under Wenger's nose and ask: ''Do you believe you are under achieving Arsene? After all didn't you declare you'd be content to finish 2nd for twenty years.''

  61. Mandy Dodd

    May 20, 2013, 22:38 #35070

    Congratulations to wenger his staff and the players on a very impressive end to the season. We have had some horrible moments this season but our current form speaks for itself. We now need to move on and bring more success but in the context on the journey we are on and the improved finances just around the corner, this 4th place may not be a trophy but it was vital. Many critics on here said we would finish 7th, many said we needed to improve the defence and give Bould more say. Some said Wenger needed to be more ruthless and stop the tippy tippy stuff. I am sure all who said such things will now give Wenger and his team some credit for doing these things......and finishing above 7th.......if you really believed we would finish so lowly, you will have to acknowledge Wenger has over achieved.

  62. ppp

    May 20, 2013, 22:28 #35069

    @Ron - What on earth are you talking about?? You bang on for absolutely ages about their being no English players in the side... It's like you're willfully blind. What the hell is Wilshere, Gibbs, Jenkinson, Walcott and Chamberlain. And only a c785 wouldn't count Ramsey as well. That's already 6 players who could all easily be first team next year. And you complain... Seriously, I'm absolutely with the genuine gooners that think most of you weird anti-Wenger types are just Spudlett keyboard warriors. You're so deluded - it's unreal..

  63. West

    May 20, 2013, 21:59 #35068

    Regardless of what anyone says, I am very pleased to see us finish on an optimistic note. AW and SB were on terms yesterday, so why the crave for a split. Bould and AW are Arsenal men. Our manager has shown dignity and respect, and against the doughters delivered 4th. Not a trophy, but finishing above the neighbours when they clearly thought it was their turn.....IS!(well for me it is). Well done Arsenal. Lifting the gloom and delivering.

  64. GoonerGoal!

    May 20, 2013, 20:48 #35067

    Another mediocre trophy-less season under Kroenke, Gazidis and Wenger and you celebrate it? Shame on those of you who do! Can you not see that another trophy-less groundhog season awaits us? Well I for one will continue to refuse to pay to experience it. If we qualify, and their is absolutely no certainty of that, no doubt the blissfully happy AKB's are looking forward to watching us get through to the KO stages of the Champions League before getting summarily dumped out by the first decent team we meet again. ENOUGH! KROENKE, GAZIDIS, and WENGER OUT! VIVE LA REVOLUTION!

  65. Ron

    May 20, 2013, 20:18 #35066

    You know what guys, putting aside all of the Wenger in or out stuff and the 4th place Cup debate etc etc, i'd trade the lot ie CL, top 4, finishing above the spuds just to see the Club focusing on developing some new Adams s, Charlie Georges,Rockys , Jon Sammels s and buying in and creating some new Jon Radfords and Ray Kennedys and a few Ray Parlour and Kenny Sansom types.You see, the trouble with Arsenal is as much rubbish coaching as cash flow plus a disturbing lack of culture balance ie they've forgotten theyre an english Club. The Clubs soul has been sacrificed on a whimsy of continental so called subtlety and sophistication. To the few on here who understand Arsenals traditions and history, that whimsy is a bad fit at the Club yet its allowed a Frenchman to indulge himself with it. The Club never needed mega bucks and still doesnt, it does need to know what it is though and to look where it came from and to understand where our glories emanated from. Note the whimsy took a grip as our 'real' players, who knew the Clubs soul started to filter away and see what's happened since? I don't mind no trophy failure, i just detest foreign biased failure perpetrated by owners and a manager and umpteen players who never hurt when they do fail and want plaudits and praise when they achieve some hollow, half backed Wenger indoctrinated, spin fueled modern day excuse for 'success' like 4th freaking place.

  66. Ronster

    May 20, 2013, 20:03 #35065

    If the Wenger apologists who have crawled out of the woodwork don't give any future Arsenal manager 9 years to win a trophy then I will hunt them down to the four corners of the earth.

  67. Matt Smiffy

    May 20, 2013, 19:41 #35064

    Wengers an absolute legend and should be given a very long contract extension as soon as possible before others come calling.He's the only top manager in the English game to have always maintained a top four finish even when he had no funds.Even the great Fergie was rubbish at Man Utd before the money came flooding in regularly finishing 13th.I'm 100% sure and my tip offs have always been spot on that Wenger will be offered a long contract extension before the new season.I know that won't please those who want Arsenal to be run like City and Chelsea Wobbies,Gloryfan boys whatever it is you like to call yourself but Arsene's going nowhere so you'd better start getting used to it.

  68. 1975

    May 20, 2013, 19:38 #35063

    Kev. Reconsider. You are an asset to the Arsenal supporting community worldwide. We won. It was great entertainment seeing the Spurs fans cheering a phantom goal and their glum faces at the end. But is that it? There is no alternative but for Wenger to strengthen the squad. He must have more ambition. Otherwise why stay in the game. The big questions remain does he get us closer to winning a trophy or at least competing for one. He has to spend. Failure to do so will see us with the sort of glum looks we enjoyed watching at WHL yesterday. Come on are better than this. You are capable of more. Make it happen. Otherwise...why are you doing this job.

  69. Frank

    May 20, 2013, 18:49 #35062

    Sorry to hear you wont be doing the editorials Kev this season you have been spot on.The voice of reason.This season has been painful watching.It was embarassing to see our bunch of losers(out of all cups in february again) celebrate on the pitch like they had won the CL.Do they really think finishing 4th in England is an achievement?really?.They need to take a look at our last two captains.Then we get £100k a week Walnutt telling us we will challenge for the title next year.Not if you are in the team we wont you little boy.What i dont get is the Wenger defenders have all come out today now saying he didnt have money to spend.He had £12m to spend on Gervinho,£7m on Santos,£5m on Squillaci,£5m on Park,£10m on Podolski and £12m on Le Chapman thats £50m spent on dross.Wenger will continue to get paid £7m a year Gazidis £2.5m while us the fans suffer.Yesterday was not a day for celebration however Wenger and Gazidis try to spin it

  70. ando

    May 20, 2013, 18:44 #35061

    Time (long overdue) for Wenger to stop pissing about and for the club to show some ambition. No excuses any more, had enough of DECLINE now, with our rescouces we should expect more and we should DELIVER more. Mediocrity is acceptable if we pay mediocre prices to watch. Time to stand up and be counted, or fall on your sword if you fail, as is usually the case in football, but comes much sooner to most others in the game. PS good luck Kevin I too enjoyed your ed's

  71. Peter Wain

    May 20, 2013, 18:40 #35060

    I thoguht that we would lose yesterday but in truth apart from ione Cisse effort over the bar we have no serious pressure to contend with. No Wenger nust buy and buy his top top quality players he is always going on about. We need to be in for Ronaldo if he is moving and any of the other big players who are available. If Rooney is on the market we should be in also Cavani. We need to buy big and early and not 2 or 3 but 5 or 6 quality players so that his boast of a challenge for next season is going to be justified. Will we be? I have grave doubts already he his down playing the tranfer window with excuses of lack of numbers and yoo many teams chasing too few players. Forgte 2nd division French strikers by world class strikers from the premium Europe leagues of Germany Spain or Italy

  72. maguiresbridge gooner

    May 20, 2013, 17:40 #35059

    The 100k a week man was hogging the mic again yesterday and took great delight in telling us,we(the team)have proved every body wrong, really ? well let me tell you this Theo when and only when, you and this team have won proper honors and lifted silverware then, and only then will you have proved anything.

  73. Jim

    May 20, 2013, 17:21 #35058

    I used to read these editorials because I liked to read reports from people who know the club well. Now I read them for the comedy value. I like to see what '"inside information" Kevin has made up this week. Ever thought of working for the Daily Star, mate? Why anyone would trust a word you say after your Cahill/Jagielka scoop two years ago is beyond me. You've had a number of Steve Bould nuggets all season... From a training ground bust up to supposed mutterings when Steve Bould left the dressing room in the Bayern game. None of these stories have ever been confirmed in the press with anonymous quotes. No, Kevin has connections beyond the media. Kevin has even wondered why ex players have not come out to spill the beans on just what an awful manager Wenger is. Why, they only sing his praises, how can this be? The world according to Kevin: arsenal win, Steve Bould gets the credit. Arsenal lose, it's Wenger's fault. Enjoy the summer, mate. Hopefully wenger will sign a new four year deal, make it a better one for you.

  74. Arthur Pink

    May 20, 2013, 17:05 #35057

    Tony Evans, Brigham and Babatunde sound like a bunch of fickle glory hunters have your heads gone or something,wake up and smell the coffee and try supporting the team you ridiculous people.I bet you fairweathers even found something to complain about during the Invincible season we don't need your sort at the Arsenal,shape up or ship out.

  75. Mike

    May 20, 2013, 17:03 #35056

    @Barbetunde - stop being so myopic -during the same time we have also picked up Cazorla, Arteta, BFG, Kos, Monreal, Padolski, as well as promising youngsters in the Ox, Jenkinson and one I would like to see more of Eisfeld - Chelsea spent close to a hundred million on two signings - Torres (Giroud has had a much better return) and Hazard -(I would rather have three Cazorlas thanks) -oh as for Vertogen - he is no better than what we have as backed up by our vs spurs defensive record and the fact that his international team mate is sitting on our bench.

  76. Carlos

    May 20, 2013, 17:00 #35055

    Babatunde; fantastic post. I would reserve judgement until May, however, or perhaps until we have qualified for the group stages, or we may even bring in some "top, top, top" players in January. But we must wait and give the manager until May, it's only fair. Apparently the stadium is now paid off, which will mean we can compete. We can also hope that as the manager is in the last year of his contract he will bring in a few players who can improve the already existing top, top quality, because while he wasn't close to the end of has contract all we were entitled to hope for was the likes of Santos, Park, Squillacci et al. I think that leaping about as if we'd won a Cup Final or the league, when all we've done is got to the prequalifying stages of a tournament we have no hope of winning is a pretty sad state of affairs for a club the size of Arsenal. Would Spurs fans have gone potty if they'd got 4th? Absolutely; but we aren't Spurs.

  77. Charles

    May 20, 2013, 16:33 #35054

    Someone please tell Wilshere & Giroud that you should run the ball to the corner flag in the last minute of injury time. Did Giroud even touch the ball for the 12 minutes he was on the pitch before stoppage time? Let's hope that the beginning of July sees us signing 2 strikers,a DM, a central defender and a goalie.

  78. Gaz

    May 20, 2013, 16:28 #35053

    I’ve had some bad days of late supporting this Club culminating in being at the Wigan game yet finding absolutely no pleasure in both the performance or result. Even yesterday I felt nothing after we’d won apart from anger and frustration at the way it was celebrated by players and fans alike. But today’s a new day and despite my better judgement I’m hoping (for the fifth year running…) that Wenger finally strengthens the squad properly over the summer. As Gary Neville rightly said whilst Wenger deserves some credit for keeping us in the top four since the move to the emirates (and a lot of criticism for spending badly on both players and wages over the same period) NOW is surely the time we break the shackles off and start to act like the big football Club we are. Because whilst I still think Wengers managing will ultimately deny us silverware the only chance we do have of winning something again is if he surrounds himself with far better players than the Gervinhos and Girouds of this world. So for me it’s a fresh start today because ultimately I haven’t enjoyed being this negative even though I still feel I’ve had every justification for doing so. Wengers had far more last chances than he deserves so I hope this time he heeds the warnings and does things properly this summer.

  79. Babatunde

    May 20, 2013, 15:44 #35052

    I would like to add further credence to the enlightened comments of Brady79 @ 14.51. You see he makes an excellent point: is spending lots of money alone the only answer? And truth is, of course not (though it helps!). You see, Arsene is in a really horrible position whereby if he bids for any decent player, he will simply be outbid by the financially doped-up billions of Citeh and Chelski! In fact you see, that is the reason why Arsene wasn't able to beat Bradford, or Blackburn or Birmingham in a cup final. It is a sad situation now, because no team anywhere in the league can sign a promising gem of a player. If they try, Citeh will buy him. In fact things are so bad, that poor Arsene and his players cannot even buy a burger or spot a good deal on eBay! If tey spot a good burger van, Citeh and Chelski will pip them to it. Same on eBay: good offer, and Chelski will outbid Arsene. Poor thing. He cannot ever sign top players, ever. I mean let's ask ourselves how Citeh and Chelski managed to miss out on prodigies like Giroud, Gervinho and Santos for a second. Let it sink in...(that's £30 mil worth of players right there btw). It is obvious that we must continue to use Citeh and Chelski as the default excuse forevermore. Poor Villa wanted Benteke but they were gazumped by...oh hold on. Ok, so look at Swansea, they wanted £2 mil Michu but were beaten by...Oh. Ok so Citeh were in for RVP and so their oil money guaranteed that he was going to join them right? Oh...ok so Spuds were in for Vertonghen, possibly the best defender in the league now. He was a bargain until evil Chelski came along and...Oh. Now I really AM confused! Poor Arsene how can he compete against evil petro-dollars! Anytime Arsene looks at a player, Chelski and Citeh are all over it. Everyone wants the next Giroud/Gervinho/Santos/Chamakh! Thankfully,Arsene has stolen a march on our 'rivals' for next season and whilst all their backs were turned he has pulled off a veritable heist. A real coup. Ladies and gents, I give you YAYA SANOGO! 20 year-old French-African crock from Ligue Deux Check! Under 25 starts in 4 years CHECK! Completely unproven at even top French level CHECK! Free and cheap CHECK! Arsene ha done it again. Give him a new contract. This time maybe for 99 years! That way we can celebrate 100 years of 4th place in the year 2105! Imagine that. 100 years of virtual trophies! Arsene What a manager!

  80. maguiresbridge gooner

    May 20, 2013, 15:36 #35051

    We did what we set to do alright, deliver the cash cow and we're very good at that.It's just a real pity we weren't as good at delivering real trophies.But our main objective has been secured yet again and yet again it has been at the expense of the spuds,and even though it's another season that hasn't been good enough, and there can be no excuses for,and we're pot less for another year it was good to have a laugh at the spuds as the sky cameras panned around the lane to show them with their trannies hoping and listening for news from St James park,and to see the look on theirs and the players sad faces when the inevitable arrived and hit home, then to see them all sitting around in total bewilderment waiting for the team to come back out for their lap of appreciation was worth the extra pints i had last night.Then the attention turned back to St James Park to show the Arsenal team and their manager celebrating with hugs and kisses, high fives, and spraying water everywhere, and even some of them bouncing,bouncing ? I thought that was only something you did while standing on a podium waiting for silverware to be presented or having already received it with champagne spraying, and as hard as i tried yesterday i didn't see a podium or any silverware on show and the same can be said of pictures in the papers today as hard as i look i can't see a picture of any silverware.As yesterday all i can see is players celebrating delivering a cash cow for the board and owner, and getting one over the spuds, and as welcome as the latter is that's all it is, and we're well used to doing that.So please save the celebrating and bouncing for when we're on a winners podium and have something worth celebrating.

  81. Eddie Torial

    May 20, 2013, 15:18 #35050

    My understanding is that Kev will still do his excellent editorials but the match reports will be spread around. Makes sense, as they do seem a bit dated by the time the printed version is available - and yes, I\'ve done a few reports myself over the years!

  82. Brien Farnet

    May 20, 2013, 15:07 #35049

    Happy to be in the CL again - but that (let's remember) is the bare minimum achievement. Are we all really happy to finish 15/20 points behind the champions, with RvP banging in their goals for them? Were we all happy to lose to Bradford and Blackburn? Consider how much we pay to watch all this unfold - are we as fans getting value? Anyone finding any positives from such a wretched season clearly does not want the best for Arsenal. 4th is your trophy - feel free to celebrate the mediocrity, while I recall the proper glory days. Shame on you.

  83. underachiever

    May 20, 2013, 15:03 #35048

    Tony Evans - Keep calling it how you see it and feel it. These AKBs have crawled out from under their stone to "crow" about finishing 4th and insult people who don't agree with them. They are pathetic.

  84. Brady79

    May 20, 2013, 14:51 #35047

    Is the answer just spend more money to win a trophy? The reason we can't just buy the best players is we will always be outbid. To put it simply, if our scouting staff do identify the next Anelka, Vieira or Fabregas, the oil billions of Citeh or the Russian billions of Chelski will either gazump us or make the price so high that it bankrupts us. I honestly believe that Le Prof has been trying to find the next maestro who he can turn into a world class star, but that he has lost his mojo in that respect. Perhaps with the managerial merry-go-round above us, there is a window of opportunity to steal a march on the competition, both in the transfer market and in terms of getting off the starting blocks well. I feel the off-pitch activity during the close season will be more important than ever this year. Enjoy your holidays.

  85. johnnyhawleyloovinggooner

    May 20, 2013, 14:42 #35046

    glad season is over-it really has been awful. did we win any big games in the league against anyone who finished in the top three? we are in the CL draw because our famous luck has returned at last. we ground out results in a manor that got us called boring.the teams still seems brittle dispite the good stats at the back. we need a goalkeeper a holding midfield player and two good forwards as well as a centre half to make progress...just like last year and the year that one before that. we will not sell a marquee player this year as he is waiting for a minor minor right that we have only one player any other team would want?arsenal got out of jail this time and we can only hope DD was right when he said AW would sign top players as french div 2 starlets will simply not do this time.he can buy this lad if he also purchases top forwards and not expect him to replace the forward he has fallen out with/not good enough/injuried or what ever other excuse is given.

  86. Babatunde

    May 20, 2013, 14:24 #35045

    Congratulations to Arsene on proving all his doubters wrong! All those Wenger Out jokers who claimed we would never win another trophy under him have to eat humble pie! I especially like the way Arsene is being lauded for managing to get such a mediocre group of players to scrape 4th. I mean, it's almost as if all these mediocre players weren't signed and coached by him to begin with and hence had nothing to do with him! Can someone tell me what time the Balance Sheet and virtual trophy bus parade is on at Islington town hall please? Need to get my suit to dry cleaners on time. Cheers.

  87. HowardL

    May 20, 2013, 14:04 #35044

    I'm right there with Fozzy. Taken for what it was, yesterday was a solid backs to the wall performance which achieved its purpose. I too was excited by the Wigan performance and whilst I had become cynical about Wenger I cannot disagree that this team is growing and even showing some of the famed 'mental strength'. And Kos' performance for me will go down as one of the most memorable, certainly in recent years.

  88. Tony Evans

    May 20, 2013, 14:00 #35043

    RC Sproul - Yes being in the CL has made such a massive difference to the last 8 seasons! Annabelle - no I have only supported Arsenal for 43 years so I wasn't aware of the traditions or how big a club we are! Unbelievable how short sighted people can be.

  89. Brigham

    May 20, 2013, 13:58 #35042

    Well, we did get the right result and can now prepare for another Champions League season, albeit having to get through a qualifer in July/August. We made hard work of it yesterday and lacked any real attacking flair, but got the job done. Well done to Arsene, even though I am not his greatest fan, I support The Arsenal and am glad we finished above the great unwashed up the road. It is now imperative that we concentrate on bringing in some real quality, not the bargin bucket unknowns from the Outer Mongolian league! Chris Dee has it spot on, there MUST be a serious attack on a trophy next season.

  90. Gooner 89

    May 20, 2013, 13:41 #35040

    Whichever way you look at it the end of the season run in was handled well by the players and they need to be praised for that. Finishing above the Spuds keeps them in place and always brings a smile to my face. However the fact we finished 1 point in front of them when their wages are a third less than ours is the main point. Great we are in CL again but don't lose site of the fact we have to qualify. AW needs to spend and spend big on the right players. No more excuses. Kevin like others I hope you will reconside the decision to stop your match reveiws. They are excellent. I certainly don't want to read AKB match reports droning on about how he is misunderstood, should be praised, give him another season etc. Talking of AKB's. What a surprise to see so many on here after our "4th place trophy". Have a great summer. Finally as always WENGER OUT

  91. Adrian Wagenaar

    May 20, 2013, 13:28 #35039

    Kev - sorry to hear you are not writing the editorials after the matches in the future. For me you have always nailed the bigger issues and I have more or less followed your views on the current state of our club. Your point about our wages spend gets forgotten amid all the back slapping of finishing fourth! The number of good players that we have lined up and lost since Dein left is a major problem and our negotiating skills will need to improve this summer, considering the amount of clubs who will spend big. Will we break the wages structure and get in some real world class players?

  92. EborGooner

    May 20, 2013, 13:20 #35038

    Kevin, sad to hear that your editorials will not be featuring in future. I don't agree with all your views, but your argument is always thoughtfully and eloquently put, and nobody can doubt that you only want the best for the Arsenal. I, for one, will miss the editorials. Turning to the season, whilst I wasn't happy to see the players celebrating at Newcastle as though we'd just won the Champions League, it is a very good achievement to qualify again. Somehow, pipping Tottenham makes it even sweeter. What Wenger must do though is use this as a platform to improve the side, and get us competing for trophies again. I'm worried that he will see this as a justification for the quality of the existing squad, little will change, and next season will be "groundhog day" all over again. In my opinion he really is drinking in the last chance saloon! Anyway, we can all dream over the summer of our fantastic new signings, and look forward to a genuine challenge for trophies next season. A happy summer to all in Goonerland. COME ON YOU GUNNERS!

  93. Annabelle

    May 20, 2013, 13:01 #35037

    @Tony Evans,Where's your ambition man.Wanting Arsenal to loose just so we can play in an easier competition and get a new manager is ridiculous.You may not know the traditions of Arsenal but we are a massive club and are not interested in playing in the Europa cup.Either grow some or look for another club.

  94. WeAreBuildingATeamToDominate

    May 20, 2013, 12:57 #35036

    [email protected]; whilst you're entitled to your views, I know from personal experience that the "Mini-me qwerty warrior" is actually a very likeable chap and I for one hope he continues to call it as he sees it. As for the football, well, another lacklustre season because of our make do and mend philosophy. Major investment in the playing side is required. Beating the great unwashed up the Seven Sisters Road to 4th place is kind of nice, but nothing to get carried away about. Enough is enough. We have to strike and strike hard in the summer - but..........

  95. Jack

    May 20, 2013, 12:52 #35035

    Am looking forward to all those claiming to be giving up their season tix next season, no longer writing on this board. If you cant be happy at finishing above spurs and champs league football considering this is the weakest squad in wengers tenure than you can F off!

  96. 600NER PETE

    May 20, 2013, 12:48 #35034

    It was nice to actually get excited about an Arsenal match at last. It is always hilarious to put the Spuds in their rightful place. However, we should be challenging UTD at the end of the season, not worrying about 4th place. We need to buy some quality players but I can't trust Arsene's ability to do this. We have so many poor players on ridiculous wages at the moment. One analysis of the season could be..... a large club run poorly finished 1 point above a small club run better to finish 4th and qualify for a competition they have no chance of winning. Beating a small club like the Spuds should be a given (but it was still brilliant!)

  97. R C Sproul

    May 20, 2013, 12:47 #35033

    Space monkeys like Tony Evans have been on an amazing phycadelic trip if he can't work out that finishing 4th and haveing a 30 million pot with champions league football is better than finishing 5th and being out of pocket in the Europa Cup.Have some ambition man if all your interested in is the Europa experience your better of following Spurs or Fulham.

  98. Green Hut

    May 20, 2013, 12:35 #35032

    Kev- 'It has been decided' sounds like it wasn't your decision, although you must get fed up having to find new things to say about the same tired old performances. Keep banging the drum for change though mate, there are many of us with you, and don't let the guilt ridden hand-wringers get you down. I expect to see lots of match reports from AKB fantasists like In Arsene We Trust next season, and I look forward to having much fun with them.

  99. Yawn

    May 20, 2013, 12:27 #35031

    8 years, no trophies. What did Wenger win this year? NOTHING. £7.5 mil a year. £150 mil a year wage bill to scrape ahead o Spuds by 1 point. People celebrating CL qualification, when Wenger has ZERO chance of winning it! Wigan, Swansea, Birmingham all won more trophies than Wenger over the past 8 years. Disgrace. Hilarious to see how small-time some of our nouveau fans have become, celebrating 4th! Arsenal are dire, not beaten a single top 3 team - even QPR, Southampton and West Ham have managed this! Oh and has everyone forgotten that ARSENE WENGER HANDED RVP ON A PLATE SO FERGIE COULD WIN THE LEAGUE! And replaced RVP with a donkey from France and an average German who is subbed every single game on the 70th minute. Keep celebrating chaps. What time is the bus parade to show off our Balance sheet trophy?

  100. Fozzy

    May 20, 2013, 12:24 #35030

    Really sad to read so many miserable posts. Surely, we should all be pleased about yesterday's outcome. Last March I just couldn't see us making the top four, but it happened and we should be happy. What's more we should be even happier that we did it at the expense of Totterington. I was as miserable as some of you lot at halftime in the Wigan game but ended up walking away with a smile on my face. Yesterday's game was awful to watch from start to finish. I never even properly celebrated the goal because I was certain that the odious Howard Webb would disallow it. Then when Walnutt did all the hard work before hitting the post just after the White Hart Chimp had scored, all I could see was a Barcodes equaliser. The fact that the equaliser never happened has meant that there will be a stupid smile on my face throughout the next few weeks. And finally, Kev, please re-consider the strange decision not to include your well considered editorials on the website and leave the match views in the magazine. Otherwise you will end up with a whole host of alterative online contributions, whereas what's needed is a consistent message. Have a great summer, everbody.

  101. Theo Jensen

    May 20, 2013, 12:16 #35029

    I think in the end it worked out for the best that Arsenal make 4th- largely because Spurs will get money for their new stadium otherwise. Though I wouldn't read too much into the 'relative spend' type of argument Kevin, as I've said before, given the demonstrable weakness of the EPL those statistics can be misleading. I do laugh when people talk about the stadium debt though, even a great pundit like Gary Neville- we could have been breaking even for the last four years were it not for the deadwood wages guaranteeing an operating loss of £30m each year. The debt repayments cover less than 10% of turnover. It is important that serious investment is made though as I can see Spurs and Liverpool improving significantly- and maybe the former won't put as much into the EL next time round? I'd say Higuain and Tiote would be the two most important buys.

  102. In Arsene We Trust

    May 20, 2013, 12:09 #35028

    Looks like it's not only the spurs fans who will be crying over this win. Such idiotic comments the so-called Arsenal "fans" wanting their team to lose. How pathetic. Wenger proved you ppl wrong yet again. Looks like it's time for you lot to crawl into your holes. I hope this website will praise Wenger with this achievement of getting the team to qualify for the Champions League once again and take back some of the anti-Wenger articles this site wrote.

  103. Gooner Paul

    May 20, 2013, 11:55 #35027

    How many time have we said this is Wengers last chance?.Sadly it isnt and i fully expect him to be given a new 4 year contract for getting us into 4th place.Take a step back and look at the signings of last summer.Cazorla with the big exception that he hasnt done it in the big games has been a success.But Giround and Podolski have been poor buys.I didnt expect much from Giroud given our experience of signing Gervinho from the French league and was proved right.Lee Champmans long lost son.But i did expect better from 100 cap Podolski who has been lazy and disinterested.And dont say its their first season in the prem it was their first season in the prem it was Michu Benteke and Kukaku's first seasons.The priority is two top class strikers.Something strange on the Online survey worst player of the season no mention of Giroud or Gervinho!!!

  104. Clive the Gooner

    May 20, 2013, 11:22 #35026

    Let's hope that this summer we actually buy big instead of selling big. Trouble is Wenger has too much responsibility. He should tell the board who he wants and we need a Dein like figure to go out ang get them. Wenger should not be involved in the financials of the club. We need to stop selling our best players and start acting like a big club again. Wenger spoke of Wigan dancing too close to the fire too often, sounds more like us. I just hope we get it right this time.

  105. Mike

    May 20, 2013, 11:22 #35025

    Well done to the team -considering Newcastle is not a favourite ground and they have a team which belies their position in the table - just a comment to those players who retired and remained loyal to their clubs -Harper, Scholes and Carriger - a dying breed indeed - now lets see if Arsenal have the financial clout they boast about - Oh and well done Arsene -minimum requirement achieved - keep Spurs out of top four, despite them supposedly wanting it more and having a better team and coach and being 7 ponts ahead of us in March - The finances are now there - lets see what happens - The KOS was brilliant

  106. lee afc

    May 20, 2013, 11:19 #35024

    @ CHRIS DEE..... you have said it down to a T...well said my friend

  107. Walter

    May 20, 2013, 11:18 #35023

    I pretty much only read the editorials in detail. Changing this is dissapointing.

  108. Ron

    May 20, 2013, 11:16 #35022

    At least St Totts day arrived albeit belatedly Kevin, but without genuine investment in the team for the the precious CL, the rest of yesterday will be just another of the usual damp squibs and for most, thats all thats expected anyway. At least Kroenke will be happy even if not many of us are getting carried away.

  109. GoonerRon

    May 20, 2013, 11:13 #35021

    @ Chris Dee - I completely and utterly agree with every word.

  110. chris dee

    May 20, 2013, 10:48 #35020

    'It wasn't pretty ' It wasn't easy on the eye' (but we won ) Two statements that I love and wish we had heard more of these past few seasons. Fourth place is certainly not a trophy but for a few hours after the match it certainly felt like one. But despite this 'trophy' Arsene is at the tipping point of his time at Arsenal and anything less that a serious challenge for the title and Cups next season will not be acceptable to fans who up to now ,still have supported Arsene to the hilt. I am in total agreement with Gary Neville who stated that Arsene has done an incredible job these last 8 years ,paying off the stadium debt and maintaining a top four finish,but next season there has to be an attack on a trophy with some heavyweight incomimg transfers. We cannot continue to be the 'fourth club' after United City and Chelsea,our history demands better.

  111. Red Member

    May 20, 2013, 10:46 #35019

    we beat Liverpool away and Spurs at home. the only 2 wins of note ALL season. another campaign of Champions League football will mean another trophyless season. The cycle of failure continues again.

  112. Vampire Persie

    May 20, 2013, 10:46 #35018

    Yesterday was crucial in stopping Spurs and allowing us to attract the couple of world class players needed to replace Fabregas and RVP. Credit to Arsenal (and Wenger!) for coming through this season with the second meanest defence and finishing third top scorers. This blog is almost comically anti-Wenger... (e.g. didn't Wenger appoint Bould to improve the defence?!). I can't see any side winning the title unless they're also in the Champions League, but it's up to the club now to invest and close the gap on the teams above us. If financial fair play doesn't bite though, I doubt even Wenger can overtake clubs paying much higher wages and blowing 100 million every close season.

  113. Green Hut

    May 20, 2013, 10:44 #35017

    I pray for a tough draw in the qualifying round, if we play like we have done in 90% of games this season we will get knocked out. Thursday/Sunday football would be a small price to pay for seeing Wenger walk out the door next May.

  114. GoonerRon

    May 20, 2013, 10:38 #35016

    "The fact that only one team in the division has conceded less goals than Arsenal is a remarkable statistic and perhaps testament to the notion that Steve Bould has been allowed to have greater influence as the season has wore on, if only to salvage the campaign. A witness close at hand saw Bould come out of the dressing room before the home tie v Bayern shaking his head with an expression indicating a disagreement had occured." Has there ever been more supposition in a single paragraph? Maybe, just maybe, Wenger brought Steve Bould in at the start of the season to oversee the defensive side of the game and over this season we have worked on it and eventually found the right balance. Conceding 12 goals less than last year and conceding only 2 goals from open play in the last 11 games and none in the last 6. You can massage the argument all you like but either Wenger gets credit for recognising a deficiency and bringing in Bould to sort it, or if Bould is only a yes man then he gets credit himself for the defensive improvement - surely you can't have it both ways? What the improvement in our defensive balance has shown is that we probably create slightly fewer chances and the lack of genuine top quality in forward positions has been highlighted more for me. It is essential that we invest in a top quality striker to alleviate this issue. Just a general point about the sway of 'Wenger out' opinion on here apparently being reflective of the masses - in the away end yesterday the reaction seemed to be anything but - to a man everybody seemed very excited about the events of the day and Wenger's name was sang loudly and by the majority at the end.

  115. Richard Dickerson

    May 20, 2013, 10:35 #35015

    Arsene continues to Know Best. Greatest manager in the history of AFC, bar none. He's done a brilliant job keeping us in CL while having the new stadium monkey on his back. Watch this club take off from here. Only 13 away goals conceded in 19 PL games. Where are the experts now who said we can't defend. Speak up Tony Gale, Stewart Robson,Robbie Savage, Alan Brazil, Ian Wright, Paul Merson, Sky pundits,etc, It's all gone quiet over there!!

  116. Stuart

    May 20, 2013, 10:31 #35014

    Kevin, I'm sad to hear that you won't be writing your eds after the matches as I've always enjoyed your views and ideas. I hope all is well and wish you and the fanzine luck going forward.

  117. Max

    May 20, 2013, 10:08 #35013

    Wow, this blog really pushes the whole "Arsene v. Steve Bould" story, despite the fact it's got no solid basis at all. No one forced the manager to make Bould his assistant, so it would be surprising if he appointed him merely to sideline him (until, as you suggest, pushed).

  118. Barry

    May 20, 2013, 10:03 #35012

    Breaking News:A club with a wage bill of £145m beats a team with a wage bill of 95m by 1 point.And a manager who gets paid £7.5m a year wins nothing for 8 years

  119. Bard

    May 20, 2013, 9:26 #35011

    The euphoria of yesterday's win somewhat glosses over the bigger picture. I don't agree about the points we would have got, its mere specualtion. I didn't see much difference between us and Newcastle in terms of quality. We looked fragile and nervous. This is not the stuff of champions merely the best of an average bunch of second tier teams. What I do agree with is our protracted transfer negotiating tactics hindering us and also our wage structure. Not withstanding Wally's contract, no world class player is going to come to us for less than £200k a week that's fact So unless there's a whole revamp of the wages we aren't going to get any of the big hitters. My guess is it'll be more Gervinho's and Girouds with the odd Squillaci and Park thrown in for good measure.

  120. Jumpers for Goalposts

    May 20, 2013, 9:16 #35010

    I don't understand why so many fans are happy cos all we've done is qualified for a tournament that our manager will never ever win. All the Champions League does is deliver a barrow full of cash to that arsehole Kroenke - stand by for a summer of inactivity and excuses followed by a footballing lesson next February or March.

  121. The Noise

    May 20, 2013, 9:02 #35009

    John... Is that why he gave an interview saying he was interested in joining Arsenal but Wenger wanted to play him in midfield just after joining Spurs so that forced his hand into joining 'them'? It's you who should do a little research before opening your trap son...

  122. HowardL

    May 20, 2013, 9:01 #35008

    Does it really matter whether it was Bould or Wenger. The team succeeded in reaching the Champions League again, this time with the prospect of keeping the team together and a few decent purchases. And another chance to laugh at Tottenham, especially their crowd reaction to the 'phantom goal'! Wasn't Kos immense?!

  123. Akinwumi Adeniyi

    May 20, 2013, 8:55 #35007

    To my own point of view if Arsene wenger could manage a team without defencive miidfillder and striker and qualified for champion league the man really done a real job

  124. John

    May 20, 2013, 8:53 #35006

    Moan moan moan, another keyboard expert know best. At least do some research and get your facts right. E.g. Vertonghen wanted to join Spurs, that was his preferred club. Source: Dutch press and Ajax forums quoting Vertonghen. And before you ask, yes I understand Dutch. But never mind eh, anything to slate the club. Mini-me qwerty warrior has to bolster his pathetic ego somehow.

  125. Frankie

    May 20, 2013, 8:27 #35005

    The news that Kevin will no longer write the editorials almost eclipses the result from yesterday. I wonder if his recent stance and has anything to do with him being done for ticket touting? WHy is it that when the defence does well it's all to do with Steve Bould, when we lose it's all AW's fault? Pathetic.

  126. Tony Evans

    May 20, 2013, 8:12 #35004

    I was favouring a Newcastle win yesterday up until I switched on Final Score and saw how biased Garth Crooks was and then I ended up wanting Arsenal to win. For the long term I still don't know if making the CL again will be good or not. Normally you would say it must be good but if it just means more of the same old Wenger then I for one will not be jumping for joy. Always good to put one over the Spuds though but hardly cause for too much celebration, after all we have been here so many times before with no noticeable improvement. Have a good summer yourself, Kevin.