A word of thanks…

To Simon Rose, for his post-north London derby optimism

A word of thanks…

Some predicted the fall…

We all use a number of different methods to deal with adversity, stress or any untoward events that are likely to be heading our way. I have had my fair share, and I have dealt with them. I am renowned amongst my family and close friends for being mentally strong, amidst a rising tide of uncertainty. It's a deserved accolade; I go through hell sometimes, achieving a level of calm and equanimity that I display to my circle and the outside world at large. So you do have to earn it, and it comes at a price. If you are an Arsenal fan, you experience an enormous number of such occasions. More than most fans. This is for a variety of reasons, notably our level of competition, the invisible pressures bearing down on us because of our historical legacy, and the incessant drumbeat of possible outcomes, pounded out by our 'Win, or you are nowhere' media gurus. How simple to be a complete outsider in the eyes of all (like Wigan, who were just glad to be in an FA Cup Final)! How much better if there is no fifth column endeavouring to undermine you, those who you represent, and everything you stand for, as many in our media-led society do. In every game Arsenal fans take on the world and its dog. We are plagued by our own aspirations, our expectations, and our sometimes impossible dreams.

Every football fan in the world confronts his own id, at one time or another. We Gooners share the tube-ride to the match with ours! It's there before us at the turnstiles and will sit on our shoulders throughout the game. This is to be expected, I suppose. If you want to dine at the top table, be prepared to pick up the bill. Yet it's more than this! Arsenal fans have to endure reckless whisperings, from ours, before sleep takes us; then again before our eyes open. Demands, insistent desires too, these are the currency it deals in. As we begin our steps towards the next big game, the next big test, we often feel its shadow accompanying us. As I said, we all live with this situation; it's life's toll. Many people are very reluctant to engage. Some, like myself, are junkies for engagement. It becomes a life-choice. Arsenal fans, really involved with the club, have no such luxury as choice. Madness is thrust upon us. We are who we are, and supporting Arsenal means all our lives we shall be put through the wringer.

So, where does Simon Rose fit into this? Well, if you are a sentient individual you will recognise the love, anguish, torment and turmoil exuded by him and his ilk. Those who write for and write into the Gooner display those self-same emotions. They wear their anger, disappointments and exaltations on their sleeves. They flip from absolute joy to suicidal disillusionment in the space of ninety minutes or less, and sometimes back again. They wipe their mouths, dust themselves down, then once more step into the breech. I walk with them. I take protection, wherever and whenever I can. Simon, in an article on the Gooner website, a while ago, after the defeat by the tiny totts, offered solace. I grasped it with both hands and, like a man denied water for a while, slaked my thirst. He said that we could, and would, overtake Tottenham. He proclaimed a top-four finish and Champions League football for Arsenal Football Club and for us. That we will be in there competing again, for the record sixteenth consecutive year, and he even had the temerity to explain how! He mooted that Tottenham defeats were unnecessary to our success, that their drawing a number of games would offer salvation to us, provided we were able to take advantage by winning. As we know, a draw is only a third of a victory, or put another way, two thirds of a defeat. So it was! It happened!

Coming from seven points behind, in a fashion reminiscent of last season, we did all that Simon had insisted would, or certainly could, occur. We crossed the line in fourth place. True, we never won anything, (that elusive trophy everyone inside and outside the club talks of), but think what we achieved! Never feel apologetic for your emotions. I whooped, kissed my wife and jumped up and up, then down, as the final whistle blew at St. James's Park. I make no concession or excuse for my behaviour; if I can celebrate my young grandson scoring for his side in an extreme manner, for an Arsenal achievement I can jump over that moon that footballers talk of. So, a special thank you, Simon. From the moment I read your article, the words have rung, ever louder in my ears. They are ringing still, young man, and by way of writing this account, as a testimony to the power of persuasion you induced in me, they will always ring.

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  1. Alsace Lorraine De Totteridge

    May 27, 2013, 15:24 #35233

    Have just been out of the Country for a week, and contemplate my bill for my season ticket next year. Never have I purchased it with less hope of anything decent to watch. One thing we will be spared is the usual departure of one of our best players because.....er, we haven't got any left. This in itself is a milestone in the decline of our club undern the tutelage of the Luckiest Alsatian in Football. Can you imagine experiencing agonies over whether Gervinio or Meertesacker are going to leave us? I'd like to see even our press spin that as a big story. If the papers announced that the entire squad was leaving, I would feel a mild tinge of regret for Vermalen, Jack and the Ox. How one longs for the days when Freddie and The Romford Pele played for us, not to mention I.E. Wright. Our team is now as interesting and a cheese and tomato pizza from the basics range at your local supermarket. Nothing much to look at and nothing to look forward to. I realise of course that I do them all a dis-service. If you play for a manager who is a non-entity, you can scarcely wind yourself up to great things.

  2. Wombledin

    May 27, 2013, 9:28 #35230

    Thanks Mrs Wenger.

  3. maguiresbridge gooner

    May 26, 2013, 13:02 #35218

    I hope ogl and his team were watching last night they would have seen what real celebrations are like, and what it was like to celebrate real silverware not the imaginary kind.

  4. Willie

    May 26, 2013, 9:02 #35215

    After watching the final last night couldn't help thinking it should have been us. None of the sides looked that impressive and felt we should have skinned Bayern at the Emerites when we gave them too much room unlike when we outplayed them on their own dung heap. A lot of fools on here were wanting Klopp as a replacement for Wenger,though the guy looks a bit of a moron reminds me a lot of AVB with his silly movements and trying to be cool.

  5. Mandy Dodd

    May 25, 2013, 23:20 #35214

    All these dodds ...very flattering for a lady....

  6. Sir Sid James

    May 25, 2013, 22:33 #35213

    Bayern Munich just won the CL and are replacing their manager yet the AKB's tell us we cant get rid of Wenger.Dont make me laugh.They get rid of a manager who wins everything while we keep on a manager who wins nothing for 8 years.And Bayern ST's dont cost £1,200

  7. The original Ken Dodd

    May 25, 2013, 20:58 #35212

    No Dodd....that poster is an 'imposter!' My intro is always:''By jove,by jove what a beautiful day to....'' with a bit of humour thrown in for good measure!!

  8. No Dodd

    May 25, 2013, 18:03 #35211

    Ken Dodd,You forgot to mention when that other team spent considerably more on players in a season and had a higher wage for over 16 seasons yet still finished below Arsenal.Thought you would have mentioned that you cherry picking Spud rascal.

  9. maguiresbridge gooner

    May 25, 2013, 18:02 #35210

    Canada, i couldn't agree more, all this finishing above the spuds hysteria is a very convenient distraction for failure yet again, (the PR spin machine played a blinder) is this really what we are about ? is this what it has come to ? from rubbing shoulders with the top teams and being successful to worrying about finishing above the spuds.Your right, when the spuds have achieved what we've achieved then we can start taking them seriously. It wouldn't surprise me in the slightest if he were to do just enough to get his contract renewed, after all that's what he's good at doing, just enough.

  10. Ken Dodd

    May 25, 2013, 17:29 #35209

    How tickled i am missus.A team with a wage bill £50m higher than the other finishes ahead of them for the 2nd season running by a point.And what happens when we get into the CL we sign dross like Gervinho Santos Park and Giroud and get knocked out in the last 16.Tears for souvenirs are all you left me

  11. Mandy Dodd

    May 25, 2013, 13:48 #35208

    This is a very well thought out and well written article as are the works of Simon rose or at least those I have read

  12. CanadaGooner

    May 25, 2013, 13:16 #35207

    We should start talking about Spurs in 2031, if they manage to finish ahead of Arsenal in the league, consecutively for 18 years from now. If not, our concentration on them (which is a skysports/Gazidis/Wenger ploy) is just a convenient way to avoid talking about man utd, Chelsea or Citeh, who are the teams we should be talking about. We were rubbing shoulders with man Utd until Wenger and the board decided the success of a football club is in making money via CL qualification and not by winning trophies (Wigan may soon find that out). Cheer up though Gooners, Wenger will definitely win one trophy in the coming season to ensure his contract gets renewed, and then we're back to the money-making arrangement for the duration of his new contract

  13. Stevesam

    May 25, 2013, 11:24 #35206

    @Chris – I shall not remember AW for “what can be achieved with limited resources” I shall remember him for his poor decision making and financial management. The shocking waste of disposable income can only be blamed on one person AW.- Alumnia, Eboue, Squillaci, Silvestre, Santos, Diaby, Denilson, Arshavin, Park, Bendtner, Chamakh – in any other industry AW would have been sacked for the poor returns on these below average players.

  14. Theo Jensen

    May 25, 2013, 11:19 #35205

    Everton's turnover is only about £80m so for Moyes to achieve what he did was exceptional. Wenger has self imposed an operating loss of more than £30m thanks to his policy of paying deadwood absurd wages, and has consistently failed to buy adequate replacements with the sizable funds generated from those transfers.

  15. Seven Kings Gooner

    May 25, 2013, 11:13 #35204

    Chris - As I have stated "so many Gooners are happy with fourth spot" you are merely confirming my point. Anyway I would hardly call 130 million + wages bill limited resources!

  16. Stevieo

    May 25, 2013, 11:02 #35203

    This article has finally made see the AKB light. So to think we can finish above Spurs is being optimistic? Not United or City, but Spurs. Hence, when we do finish above them, cue the mass euphoria. And now I fully appreciate how Wenger is regarded as performing miracles every year, with this over achievement of finishing above Spurs. I look forward to the next Simon Rose article. Hopefully he can see a way past Bradford or Blacburn next season should we meet them again? Or would that be asking for the impossible?

  17. Chris

    May 25, 2013, 10:53 #35202

    Seven Kings Gooner - David Moyes was on £5m pa at Everton, won no trophies and only qualified for the Champions League ONCE in ten years. He's subsequently rewarded with Feguson's job at Man U. Suggests that sensible football folk are rewarding managers based on their ability to manximise what can be achieved with limited resources,. Hence Wenger is paid and is clearly worth £7m per season.

  18. Danny

    May 24, 2013, 23:43 #35201

    Honestly some of the comments on here are ridiculous, If the Arsenal players hadn't celebrated they would be saying they had no passion. Mancini deserved the sack a bottomless pit yet cannot compete for the title get out of their Champions league group and outplayed by Wigan. If Wenger had the same resources I would want him gone too. Wenger will be judged on how he performs next season when he has the backing. Sadly the Anti-Arsenal Arsenal will always be there in the background hoping Arsenal fail so they can stick the knife in.

  19. allybear

    May 24, 2013, 21:42 #35200

    Same old stuff about finishing above the spuds! Another great season and AW is s till in place&seemingly all his mistakes etc are forgotten.Its time to give this man an ultimatim like City will give their new manager,win a trophy next season or be sacked.

  20. lee afc

    May 24, 2013, 20:38 #35199

    Blithered..........bang on mate, the spuds would have been spouting it off for the next decade.

  21. Seven Kings Gooner

    May 24, 2013, 18:26 #35198

    The new Man City manager has a brief to win 5 trophies in 5 years, he will probably earn less than Arsene Wenger and will be sacked if he fails. I would love us to win any trophy in the next five years don't you think for 7 million a year we are entitled to aim a bit higher than fourth place? It will take the signing of 3 - 4 real world class players to challenge for the league and I don't think the club has the nerve or the desire to spend the £100 million that will be required to become a title challenger and why bother when they are so many Gooners happy with fourth spot!

  22. maguiresbridge gooner

    May 24, 2013, 14:58 #35197

    I think i remember the article your referring to,in it he seemed very preoccupied about the spuds, as he mentioned them upwards of thirty times and Arsenal hardly got a look in.I also seem to remember telling him don't be worrying or getting yourself so worked up about them, you needn't have either, because any body could have offered you solace, or predicted (as did quite a few on here without going into a load of rigmarole about future results) that they would bottle it, and implode as they always do, and allow us to scrape over the line in our usual position of fourth, which like you say means we've won nothing, and that's no achievement.

  23. Dave

    May 24, 2013, 13:25 #35196

    A piece written in typical AKB language without actually mentioning him. It was embarrassing seeing the team 'celebrate' 4th place, I echo a few people on here saying that if it wasn't the spuds who were challenging I really wouldn't care if we finished 4th or 5th as nothing ever changes and it won't change next season either.

  24. CanadaGooner

    May 24, 2013, 13:19 #35195

    I don't think saying "you beat us, but we'll still do what we've done to you for the past18 years (finish ahead of you)" is a particularly ingenious observation. But each man to his own. If the writer claims he got inspiration from Simon's article and wants to publicly thank him, fair enough. As a lot if the comments above have already quite rightly pointed out; most ofus would prefer Arsenal to be trading banters with Man Utd and Citeh or Chelsea and not a team that has consistently finished behind us for 18 years. If they can finish ahead of us for the next 18 years, we can then begin this banter with them in the year 2031. Otherwise, let's focus on how we can get back to winning trophies and mixing it up with the teams who start each season with an objective to win a trophy and not just do better than Arsenal on the table.

  25. loyal since 1980

    May 24, 2013, 12:32 #35194

    I was very happy that we qualified for the play offs to compete in the CL, as i did not fancy watching Arsenal play some sh**e side from outer mongolia! However, the players celebrating as though they won the league did not sit right with me. Yes, we finished above the spuds, but we finished 4th. Wenger, in my opinion should be given next season to challange for the league,as he apparently has 70 million to spend. If we still scrape into 4th next season (or worst)then he must call it a day.

  26. billthered

    May 24, 2013, 12:10 #35193

    I can only reiterate what I have said in the past.If it was any other team but the spuds I would not have given a monkey's about finishing fourth,as for those saying we over celebrated at the end should consider one thing just how do you think they would have reacted had we slipped up in Newcastle.My guess is an open top bus parade through Spudville.What about you?

  27. Arsenal Fans Get The Club They Deserve

    May 24, 2013, 11:56 #35192

    'True, we never won anything, but think what we achieved!'. THERE IS NO HOPE.

  28. Theo Jensen

    May 24, 2013, 10:25 #35190

    I recall reading that Simon Rose piece and thought it was interesting- perfectly valid views from someone who is happy with the current regime. I think the misgivings expressed by the more skeptical members of the fan base though, highlighted that the article presupposed 4th place as a genuine achievement, when the arguably more pressing issue is the decline the club has experienced the last few years. Personally, I think the key this season was Tottenham's weakness rather than our strength- had they not had a bumpy first 6 weeks getting used to AVB's tactical ideas, and especially had they not used their first team for every Europa League match, I'd suggest they could have done much better domestically. Gareth Bale's form also seemed to mould into a world class standard in the second half of the season, and they didn't invest in a striker in January which cost them. So like last year with RvP not getting injured and hitting exceptional form, the 8-2 defeat prompting some seemingly unplanned deadline day signings and Chelsea, Liverpool and Spurs all tripping up, the principle ingredient appears to be luck despite some good runs against the lower league teams these last two seasons. I just wonder how long this blagging can go on, especially when the ambition of the club doesn't appear to amount to more than Champions League qualification.

  29. John Gooner

    May 24, 2013, 10:23 #35189

    Hmmmmm, not sure that being an Arsenal fan explains your unique brand of emotions. Your whole article kind of undermines your opening statements. After the initial schadenfreude of overtaking the Spuds (as I'm sure we all felt watching their miserable little faces) did you not just feel as hollow as you should have done? Did you not feel cheated and lied to and used for yet another season? Did you not feel gutted watching those idiots celebrating a 4th place finish in a very poor league? It is hardly prophetic to predict a Spurs collapse (it happens every season), if you couldn't see it coming without reading Simon's article then......... Nothing more to say.