What I’ll miss most about Fergie

Life without ol’ rednose…

What I’ll miss most about Fergie

So the dust has settled on another season, and yet another top-four finish, and with it, a place in the Champions League qualifying phase. And, of course, the small matter of yet another St Totteringham’s Day. Okay, so we were made to wait for it to the very nail-biting end, as last season, a sign of just how far the folk from across the road have come (and how far we have declined). But it came nevertheless, a case of better late than never, right?

And with the curtain on season 2012-2013, it was very much curtains for one Alexander Chapman Ferguson, sealing his retirement with yet another Premier League title for Manchester United. The eulogies have been flowing in from across the world of football, and rightly so. By far, the greatest manager of our time, and that’s coming from a most hardcore of Gooners and one-time hardcore Wengerite.

And this is where I want to take a slight pause.

We all witnessed the massive outpourings of relief and celebration on the St. James’ Park turf as Howard Webb called time on the season and Spurs’ Champions League challenge. A sign of passion from the players, perhaps; from Arsène Wenger, most definitely. But I couldn’t help but reminisce over the days when Arsène Wenger led celebrations over yet another tussled victory over his one-time great rival from Old Trafford. A tussle last choreographed and played out with Patrick Vieira’s FA Cup-winning spot kick in May 2005. A pleasure we could not be afforded just one more time before the Govan dinosaur decided to finally hang up his hairdryer. A betrayal of sorts.

There is no doubt that Ferguson is the ultimate master of the Premier League era. Managers have come and gone, and yet he remained. From Dalglish to Keegan, to Mourinho through to Benitez, he has seen them all off trailing in his wake. Only one ever really got close to unseating Ferguson from the top on a consistent basis. And that man is Arsène Wenger.

An entertaining slide-show of mind games and provocative quotes ensued throughout the late 1990s and early 2000s as Arsenal and United traded punches, with their two bosses very much centre-stage. Initially, Wenger often prevailed in the one-to-ones between the two clubs, and Arsenal were the perennial nemesis, often threatening to overtake United as the domineering landscape of English football.

A threat that never really materialised, for several reasons, discussed to death many times before.

But as Wenger reflects on the relative success of delivering another season of Champions League football, a trip down memory lane and a recollection of some of those tussles would not go amiss in helping plan for next season. The Scot may have gone, but the challenge very much remains, one that seems to have got lost on Wenger as the rebuilding and constant cycles of apparent transition began to unfold.

Let the retirement of Sir Alex Ferguson serve as a reminder of past challenges and glories, and as a benchmark for future ambitions.

Wenger will have undoubtedly begun plotting the path for success next season. The question - what kind of success is he after? The success that so drove Ferguson and Wenger on in their quest for supremacy against one another, or yet another season of missed opportunities? Of accepting the bare minimum, and keeping the board and its coffers happy.

Sky Sports’ Gary Neville, one of the original Fergie Fledglings, has shockingly and repeatedly belied his status as a United legend, admirably, and very sensibly one must say, comparing Wenger’s recent achievements in the apparent circumstances to Ferguson’s glittering success. But he also delivered a stark warning: time to make up for all the lost time and really push or face a knock-out blow that we may not recover from.

The sort of recovery Ferguson himself masterminded. Following a trophyless three years, having watched Wenger’s Invincibles sweep all before them, and the Russian Revolution at Chelsea take control, Ferguson retreated, re-adapted, and re-emerged as the consistent number-one force.

No one has polarised opinion amongst football supporters in this country more than Arsène Wenger, amongst his club’s own faithful, no less. Many, yours truly included, will stand by the opinion that he has outstayed his welcome, and that his stubborn faith in failing policies are a lost cause. However, many others, Wenger himself, will believe he has earned the right to keep trying, to keep fighting, having kept us in relative security at the top that some argue Ferguson himself might have struggled to achieve.

The Wenger-Ferguson rivalry defined the very essence of the Premier League for years and years on end. A rivalry that reached a frenzied crescendo with the Invincibles followed by Pizzagate soon after, before fizzling out terribly into a tepid display of mellowness. A rivalry that Wenger himself surely misses and regrets not having been able to rekindle. And so we sit. And wait. And yearn for action, for change, for a tilt at the top. Only this time, one dinosaur remains in the mix amongst the gladiators.

Over to you Arsène Wenger…

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  1. Mark

    Jun 04, 2013, 14:53 #35342

    i would have loved to have seen Moyes get his scottish bite into Theo, Sagna, Meertsacker, vermy, ramsey and put some blood sweat and tears into their shirts

  2. Ron

    Jun 04, 2013, 6:51 #35338

    Micky - yes,i know what you mean. Its just that Fabs represents more of tip tap and flick football that has failed Arsenal and its all Cesc knows. Its not what we need anymore unless he's harnessed with a top quality enforcer type partner. In my view Fabregas, good as he is, represents a 'luxury' type player, the type who gives a team an injection of quality. If he came back he would be expected to be the midfield mainstay again and frankly it won't work. It didn't work when he had better players than we ve got now in that team in truth, although as i've said Wenger let him down by failing to give him a midfield partner worthy of complementing him.You're right though. At Utd or City they would give him the protection he needs by using better players in the middle with him (and i don't mean that bottler Nasri!)to extract the best from him. If Fabregas has any sense he'll join one of them too if he comes back here. Its academic anyway as i can't see him leaving Spain. La Liga is tailor made for him. Barca need to show a bit more faith now the axis of Xavi and Iniesta is faltering and i'm sure they will.

  3. Micky Brock

    Jun 03, 2013, 22:50 #35337

    ROn, that said mate, would you rather he went to United or Citeh? Don't disagree we should never have let him go but the circumstances were different as you pointed out. No doubt it will be another silly season of speculation and abject disappointment before it ends...or we could hope for a sea change this time....maybe....perhaps....oh go on....please....DOH!

  4. GG89

    Jun 03, 2013, 22:38 #35336

    Joder.... football is bent and fergie was a bully with a big cheque book, that´s not sport... trying watching tindly winks instead... its more authentic..

  5. Ron

    Jun 03, 2013, 14:19 #35335

    Micky Brock - Fabregas was the type of player we should have been KEEPING not signing now in my view. Accepting that fact he wanted to go home and his departure maybe differed slightly to the others (i think he ll stay there) i disagree that we should get him back. His time at Arsenal came and went and what do we do with him if he came back? Ask him to carry an even weaker midfield than the one he left? I dont think the prospect will endear him to coming back anyway. Never go back i suggest and we need a more physical presence in that team than he offers. His main problem stopping him becoming a truly world class player (in my view) is his size and his lack of power. He was a player who needed a strong midfield support in all those years that Wenger wasted and then ultimately broke him via overplaying him. Freaking Alex Song was the best Wenger would offer him!! Fabregas would be utterly barmy going back there as matters stand. He needs to stay where he is and be part of Barcas re build if hes anything about him, not scurrying back to lower levels that havent changed at all since he left.My guess is he ll always be rotated though. The fact is, that he s a very good player, but never the big fish he was portrayed to be when at Arsenal.

  6. Micky Brock

    Jun 03, 2013, 2:21 #35334

    Joe S. I am covering the Sutherland Sharks vs Sydney Olympic Q/F Waratah Cup Match on Wednesday 5th June and would be more than happy to catch up at Seymour Shaw Park if you would like to. Kick-off at 7.30pm. I won't post my details here but I will be at the ground from about 5.30pm. Apologies to all Gooners reading this by mistake.

  7. Joe S.

    Jun 02, 2013, 20:21 #35333

    Ah, the wonders of the silly season. Fergie was a mug who got lucky nine times. Remember when the Liverpool fans used to taunt the Manure fans about who had won the most Championships. Old Red Nose sure shut them up.As much as I would like to believe we was robbed of a title or two,Man U. are not the Juventus of England. Sure they have often milked the kindness of referees brought up on the legend of plane disater and the Busby Babes, but down right, scheaming cheats, I doubt very much.Also, Mickey Brock, your tone of self rightous humility leaves many of us with little else to say, except so be it. By the way, I come from pretty much the same part of the world as you do and could drive up to see the game you mentioned within forty minutes.

  8. Seven Kings Gooner

    Jun 02, 2013, 11:26 #35332

    Fergie was the last of the "paternal" style managers, he was like Busby, Shankley and Clough. He treated his players like they were his children and if they misbehaved they were out! I think in Moyes, Fergie sees some of that style but the days of telling multi millionaire players to "stand still when I am talking to you" (Clough) are long gone. Arsene matched and bettered him for a good few years and then unfortunately he became an accountant and as we all know the club have gone backwards since. Fergie made sure all his teams just kept going now matter how average some of his sides were, if you get a team that won't lay down it is amazing what you can achieve.

  9. Muncher

    Jun 01, 2013, 9:38 #35331

    What a number of peol sem to have missed is that with rednose retiring the level of excellence in the prem will diminish...he was the one who set the bar and though he did have occasional contenders for the crown (wenger and mourinho) none came close. I was hoping wenger would scram and Moyes come to Arsenal at least them we would know how to defend and the players would realise that they have to earn the right to wear the Red & White of Arsenal AND give 101% every game, unlike some of the pussies we now have on the books.

  10. Micky Brock

    Jun 01, 2013, 8:18 #35330

    Bard, everyone is entitled to their own opinion and I, for what it's worth, have not been on this site long enough to know what has or has not been said. Am I bad? The simple facts are there plain and simple and no-one in their right mind, nor with an IQ larger than their shoe size, would suggest the transfer market has been kind to Arsenal or that they have opened the purse strings to make it so. For this there are many and varied reasons and, as one would suspect, they have very likely to have been covered here in depth at some point or other and I humbly apologise for taking up your valuable time in making you read it again. Can I say fairer than that? Be lucky.

  11. EborGooner

    Jun 01, 2013, 0:12 #35329

    I never really liked Fergie, but you have to admire him. I firmly believe that he would not have allowed his club to go 8 years without a trophy. OGL was a great manager, but unless he can get us competing for trophies again (and how many years are we prepared to give him) he will not hold a candle to Fergie who has consistently adapted to compete

  12. maguiresbridge gooner

    May 31, 2013, 18:13 #35328

    1971 Gooner, i doubt there was a gooner who didn't hate his guts and probably still do, i doubt any would have mellowed if we'd been still up there challenging and going toe to toe with them over the years,and any that have mellowed i've no doubt it's because they realised a long time ago we weren't in the same league anymore, neither as a team or manager wise,as i said in a previous reply old red nose had wenger in his pocket for years and had bigger fish to fry for quite a few of those years right up to the day he retired.

  13. maguiresbridge gooner

    May 31, 2013, 17:28 #35327

    Micky Brock, I couldn't agree more, he's just the type of player we need to be signing for us to compete again and help get us back where we belong,and there's no doubt he'd be welcomed back.It's just a damm shame we didn't lay the foundations when we had him, and his like in the first place. Will certainly check out your work NSW website.

  14. 1971 Gooner

    May 31, 2013, 17:01 #35326

    One of the great advantages of a Kindle is that you can read what you like on the train without shame or embarrassment. Shortly after the announcement that Fergie was finally off to the claret factory full-time, I bought his updated autobiography. Obviously I stopped reading it at the point Manure started winning everything, but I defy anyone who reads this book up to the point he joins them from Aberdeen not to have a measure of respect for the man as well as his achievements in football. I hated his guts in the late-90s and early-2000s, but mellowed to him in later years. Whether this was due to me giving him the respect he truly deserves, or as is more likely I accepted we were no longer in the same league as them I cannot say. A healthy, happy and contented retirement watching Moyes tear down your achievements of the past 26 years Sir Alex.

  15. Ron

    May 31, 2013, 15:37 #35325

    johnnyhawley - It was Arnold Palmer the golfer who when asked how he seemed so lucky with his putting, he said 'its strange, but the harder i practice the luckier i seem to get'. Very profound and a superb put down to the idiot who asked the question. In Wengers case, its right he has had some tough luck at times down the years, but there's an old adage that says 'you can make your own luck' and Wenger's failed miserably via his absurd parsimony to help himself in that department for many years now.

  16. johnnyhawleylovinggooner

    May 31, 2013, 14:27 #35323

    fergie was lucky.arsenal broke the liverpool machine and bought him some time. he WAS lucky in cup finals and in EPL games. he did spent a fortune on players.was it Ceaser or Boney who asked of his generals is he lucky?AW has been unlucky at times in the SAME cups et al.someone once said i work very hard to be this lucky and this is were we need to work. oh and fergie came to my sons school with all those cups and was charm its self,speaking to parents and children alike even if they had Arsenal liverpool or Man city shirts on.

  17. Bard

    May 31, 2013, 14:25 #35322

    Micky Brock. Where have you been ? I'm afraid your analysis has been regurgitated ad infinitum on this site and now reads more like a fantasy. Most of us have known what's needed for years but it never happens. Our protracted and curmudgeonly tansfer stance has started once again. No doubt we can look froward to the arrival of another unknown Gervinho at a knockdown price. The only difference this time around is that we've sold most of our best players so unless Jack goes we will be spared the usual bollocks from Wenger. Instead we can watch Manu or as its becoming Arsenal's 1st XI buy Fabregas.


    May 31, 2013, 14:10 #35321

    Oh, Micky Brock, how we miss your type around here. Commonsense. A pride in the shirt, respect for the badge, give everything for Arsenal Football Club, win or lose. Are there many more with those priorities out there?

  19. Micky Brock

    May 31, 2013, 14:08 #35320

    Maguires Bridge, Fully appreciate the mere mention of Arsenal in the media creates revenue for the publication. Put enough 'iffy' suggestions out there from left field and once in a while it pays off so you can say: "you read it here first" and so forth. I should mention that I am a footie journalist over here, my work can be found on the Football NSW website amongst other places, in fact, tomorrow evening I will be covering Sutherland Sharks vs. South Coast Wolves in the State League, but when it comes to Arsenal that means nothing to me as I am a fan first and foremost. The point I was making is that 'Fab' is the type of player we SHOULD be signing, along with a striker who knows where the net is and can hit it plus cover in defence. We have had so many promising youngsters over the years but not all have made the grade so now is the time to compete in the market if we are to compete on the field. The Financial Fair Play regulations will amount to nothing in reality as there are many loop holes to circumnavigate them which, therefore, does not create the perfect model for the Gunners to claim their rightful place, if there is such a thing, at the pinnacle of English football. Lets have the commitment, the passion and pride with the quality of team members to get us there. We need to compete on a level laying field and to do that we need to spend, bring in the quality required but that doesn't mean we need to be Chavs or Moan 'Untied' or Citeh. We may need to spend big this off season but then again, when have we in the last six or seven? With quality in the side, all positions adequately covered and the youngsters learning from them to progress to the first team, we wouldn't need to do it each and every season. Lay the foundations well and the building doesn't topple. Skimp on the basics and structure begins to wobble. Liked your reply, honest, sensible and from the heart. Be lucky.

  20. maguiresbridge gooner

    May 31, 2013, 12:23 #35319

    Micky Brock, that's exactly what it is mate(talk)in other words (spin),and it's doing exactly what it's intended to do whet the appetite that's all, nothing else.

  21. Micky Brock (Sydney, Australia)

    May 31, 2013, 11:13 #35318

    Couldn't agree more with the script as it played out as described but much as I would love to see more silverware finding its way to Ashburton Grove and being able to celebrate St. Totteringham's Day earlier next year, I feel what is needed is some serious strengthening of the squad and not just with 'promising' youngsters. Talk of the 'Fab' returning is enough to whet the appetite and the lad surely would receive the welcome back at the club he fully deserves but what of the other departments? The 'zonal defence' we appeared to adopt this season was nothing short of diabolical at times, midfield started well but fell away badly midway through the campaign and as for the strike force....can we have one please! Without doubt we need to bring in quality players but those of a standard to take us higher and not tread water or, as in recent seasons, see us slip back into the pack because it has not so much been a case of others around us improving to a greater extent rather it has been us falling away. Before moving to Australia in 1990 I was a season ticket holder at Highbury and much as the 'pots' have been very nice I am not an Arsenal fan for the glory however I am a Gooner who expects, not hopes for, a team that will compete and should they do that I will be happy with what follows. What I do not expect nor accept is tepid performances from a lacklustre team. Project Wenger, much as it may have been well intended, has not been a success for whatever reason so now is the time for The Arsenal to put up as the alternative is unbearable to contemplate. Always been proud to be a Gooner, ran the Australian/New Zealand Arsenal Supporters Club from 1990 to 2005 when deciding that leaving Highbury was the end of an era and so it should be for me so handed over the reins. Personally I will take commitment, pride in the famous old colours and passion from the players before silverware any day of the week but then again, I'm not everyone. Be lucky and keep up the great work, love the Fanzine. Micky Brock

  22. Babatunde

    May 31, 2013, 11:06 #35317

    How many virtual trophies did Fergie win then? And how many Coach of the Decade awards did he win? And how many Asset management trophies did Fergie win? And how many CL qualification trophies did he win? Right then. Never was and never will be a patch on the great ARSENE!


    May 31, 2013, 10:09 #35316

    What's a foot Topman? OH, I know, a leg end. Arsenal fans loving Ferguson, paying tributes? He was a rude, opinionated Glaswegian,who became ruder and more opinionated with his wealth and 'success'.Never attempted to stop those chants at Old Trollope, now that would have been a success.

  24. Top Man

    May 31, 2013, 9:44 #35315

    Fergy created 5 or 6 different Man U teams during his time and all of them were succesful. raw working class scottish blood that did not want to come 2nd at anything even the Charity Shield. eventually made Arsenal and Wenger look very ordinary. upped his game to compete with Mourinho; upped it again to compete with City. the man is a legend.


    May 31, 2013, 8:26 #35314

    Stevieo, weren't you tweeting against the enjoyment of finishing above the Spuds, in the 'Thanks Simon Rose' article? Now you are excited by it? I am confused.

  26. Murphyr

    May 31, 2013, 1:59 #35313

    If the rumours in the papers are anything to go by i'll miss the fact that he never signed Cesc Fabregas for Man Utd...

  27. Stevieo

    May 30, 2013, 22:35 #35312

    The article doesn’t actually say what you’ll miss about Fergie? Simply reminiscing over the good times when we were ambitious and went toe to toe with United is more to do with what we miss about our club, not Fergie. Instead of dwelling on the past when Arsenal used to be a football club and not solely a financial institution, I now prefer to live for the moment. Let’s enjoy our continued success over Spurs. Pipping them every season by one point is one hell of an achievement. In fact, Wenger is actually deemed by some quarters of the fan base as working miracles with this achievement. If you gave me 4th place and finishing above Spurs for next season, I’d snap your hand off now. If it’s been good enough for the last 5 years, then why shouldn’t it be good enough for the next 5 years too? We don’t need Fergie around to enjoy this feat.

  28. maguiresbridge gooner

    May 30, 2013, 22:11 #35311

    Paul, your dead right the history books only remember winners not losers.

  29. Guy in Jersey

    May 30, 2013, 21:10 #35310

    So, where are your insightful comments WashBelly? (Post no. 38050) You don't like this article? Fine. What have to got say instead? Anything interesting? I doubt it. Why not try the Arsenal website, it may be more to your taste. They know how to toe the party line. Maybe you could buy a commemorative 4th place video?

  30. WashBelly

    May 30, 2013, 20:27 #35309

    Now i know the Gooner has gone downhill when i read an article like this.

  31. Paul

    May 30, 2013, 19:43 #35308

    Ferguson would never accept 2nd best the same as Wenger wont accept 2nd best he accepts 4th best.Ferguson Mourinho Paisley Busby Chapman all back to back title winners Wenger nowhere to be seen.And dont even go near Europe when you talk about Wenger.The history books will always tell you Chelsea were the first London CL winners.Thanks Arsene

  32. JO

    May 30, 2013, 19:16 #35307

    Fergy reached 4 champions league finals where he was outplayed in them all but managed to win 2.sums up Manure.

  33. fozzys mate

    May 30, 2013, 18:54 #35306

    I enjoyed the piece but agree with others that unlike Taggart, OGL is willing to accept 3rd/4th best. He must move on as he would rather hold up his annual get out of jail free card/bank statement than spending the resources at his disposal bringing real pressure on his shoulders. Fergie loves him now as he pats him on the head every season. When we sold Cesc OGL and the board made a song and dance about having first option to buy him back. What on a bloke you've got tied down with 5 years of a contract to go? If anyone actually believed we didn't want to sell Cesc look who is in pole position to buy him back, the club Fergie just left (as manager). If that happens the illusionists smoke and mirrors can at last be retired as Wenger announces that he knew manure would win the title with Fabregas having not exercised his option to buy him. Now when have we seen that before?

  34. CanadaGooner

    May 30, 2013, 18:50 #35305

    I hope you remember to write a piece on Wenger when he leaves Arsenal

  35. Gooner Ahmed

    May 30, 2013, 18:41 #35304

    I will not miss the cheating, the bullying of the fawning media, the harassment of officials to the point whereby they were scared to blow the final whistle if Utd were not winning. Wenger vs Fergie should be judged when they were on a level playing field, and then, our man firmly held his own.

  36. Terry

    May 30, 2013, 16:51 #35303

    I love how people rattle on about how much this club and that club have spent to win this and that trophy. In five years time you forget the money spent and just look back on a glorious record. Chelsea have become the first London club to win the Champions League and now the Europa League. Joining an elite group of teams to have won all 3 European trophies. Gooners really need to wake up to what Arsenal is about now. They don't compete because they don't want to spend. You could even argue about the quality of the football they play now. We need new leadership and fresh ideas. The way the team celebrated about qualifying for the CL was OTT!!! I'm sick of actually seeing them in it, when I know they do not have a hope in hells chance of ever winning it.

  37. maguiresbridge gooner

    May 30, 2013, 16:00 #35302

    I doubt he'll be missed to much Asser, not by other managers anyway especially ours, who fergies had firmly in his back pocket for years,and who's still bungling along trying to build one team and be successful in the time it's taken old red nose to build two or three and win numerous honors. The days when ogl and our team were a threat to fergie and any other manager/team for that matter are long gone.The fact we have fans saying now old red nose has gone it has given us a chance to be successful again says it all. Good read.

  38. Bard

    May 30, 2013, 15:59 #35301

    Good piece Fergie was a monster. Initially he outspent everyone, 30m for Ferdinand but even with less money he produced. I'm no fan of the manure but Wenger's a pygmy beside him.

  39. ppp

    May 30, 2013, 15:23 #35300

    nice to see even a confirmed anti-arsenal man can accept Wenger deserves respect and a shot at next season's title. well played.

  40. Green Hut

    May 30, 2013, 14:59 #35299

    oz- What?!! A manager willing to utilise all his financial resources in the pursuit of glory?? Disgraceful! Thank goodness that will never happen at our club while Arsene is in charge. 3 more years, 3 more years, 3 more years!

  41. Hired Goon

    May 30, 2013, 14:47 #35298

    So let me get this right. You have Arsenal fans, commenting on Ferguson, claiming he has 'underachieved' for 'only' winning the 2 CLs and 13 PL titles. That would be the same Arsenal fans serenading a manager who has won sweet FA for 8 years and never won in Europe, despite having one of the finest teams in the Invincibles. A manager who has won less than Roberto Martinez, Mike Laudrup and Alex McLeish in Eight years and who earns over £7 mil a year. But FERGUSON has 'underachieved'??? My God how deluded are modern Gooners! Embarrassing.

  42. Babatunde

    May 30, 2013, 14:29 #35297

    Yeah that Alex Ferguson what an underachiever! All those back to back titles and 'only' 2 European cups (and 5 finals). It's a shame really because he couldn't compete with oil money from Citeh and Chelski, which is what really betrayed him. How many league titles and CLs did he win post oil money? Oh right, he won both. Errrrm. Ok. But think about how much better a manager he could have been if he'd lost a cup final to Alex McLeish, sold his best striker to Citeh for £24 mil, achieved 4th place every year on his wage bill of £162 mil, won nothing for 8 years and managed to do all his shopping in the French Ligue 1 basement! If you consider the 4th place trophies Arsene has won, and the incredible achievement of finishing 4th on a tiny wage bill of £150 million plus...Fergie is overrated. Fergie quit because he feared Wenger and knew Arsene would get the FFP/Virtual trophy double next season. THAT is why he walked. Too scared.

  43. Deluded

    May 30, 2013, 14:21 #35296

    Good piece but I would like to please know, how it's possible that Wenger came closest to breaking ManYoo's dominance, if he never even won back to back titles? As to the kind of rivalry and trophies Wenger likes to compete for well it's obvious by now isn't it? Or have the past 8 years taught you nothing! It's about competing to win the Balance Sheet trophy. The kind of pressure Arsene loves is the lure of a HUGE home fixture, at home to, errrr, Wigan! Or a massive midweek crunch tie away at, errr, QPR! Bet the rest of the world has eyes on that 4th place virtual trophy eh? But of course, as the AKBs reminded us, we "need CL" footie because think of all those amazing players that we will miss on without CL! Jovetic already been screwed up a la Mata. Villa will go elsewhere. Higuain will join Juve. Thankfully though, Arsene is putting that CL privilege to use by getting in on Yaya Sanogo, and possibly, Clement Grenier and Gonalons! Yay! More rubbish Frenchies! The other thing I wanna ask is just how long does Wenger get to "earn the right" to fail every year? He's been dining off the Invincibles for 9 years now. Next year, it'll be the TEN year anniversary since this charlatan last won a league title! More to the point, he will never win one again. The comment about "dinosaur" is absolutely correct. Wenger is finished in the modern game and has been for some time. Whilst Fergie adapted tactics and coaches, and understood the need to sometimes overpay in the transfer market; Wenger continues to play the same old stale formation. Heynckes mentioned that the key to succeeding in Europe was tactical preparation, studying the opposition weak points and exploiting them. Wenger, before facing the best player in the PL, claims "we don't prepare for anybody". So Bale embarrasses him and he loses. He surrounds himself with weak yes-men nodding dogs who are mediocre but probably can't believe the money they're earning nor the level they are at. I mean name one elite club they would sign Gervinho, Giroud or even the overrated Arteta? None would. Wenger is a dinosaur. It's laughable he's ever been talked of as a great manager because no great manager has ever failed to win a European cup. Not Fergie, not Capello, not Heynckes, not Clough, not Mourinho. Or back to back titles etc. Wenger is a dictator drunk on power so the fans might want trophies but all he wants is 4th place. Funniest thing of all is that this total failure is still in a crazy high paid job. Hilarious. He's paid more than Heynckes, Ancelotti and Guardiola but cannot hold a candle to them. trophies but all he wants is 4th place. Funniest thing of all is that this total failure is still in a crazy high paid job. Hilarious. He's paid more than Heynckes, Ancelotti and Guardiola but cannot hold a candle to them. Funnier still, he refuses to ever overpay for a player's wages or fee, but is happy to collect £7.5m for himself! He marginalised Bould the same way he sidelined Keown when he got credit for our defence in the CL. The AKBs can't accept this of course! He is a small man Wenger, and it's time AFC got a big man for what is a big job. Sick of this loser lowering standards to the point the team and fans celebrate 4th, and are content with average players like Arteta and Giroud, Podolski. We are Arsenal and deserve much better.

  44. Danny

    May 30, 2013, 14:04 #35295

    I always thought Fergie underachieved. Won most of his Premierships by spending massively and hounding officials. His two champions league victories were highly fortunate flukes. Even Dimatteo a failure at West Brom can win the Champs league if given the funds. Manure,Chelski,Citeh's successes count for little.

  45. oz

    May 30, 2013, 13:27 #35292

    he went out and spent more money .he reinvented crap,just spent spent spent.not hard to win spending tens of millions,chelski do it every season as to man ****ty.

  46. John Gooner

    May 30, 2013, 13:12 #35291

    Good article. Unfortunately I do not think Arsene Wenger will ever be a great manager. One thing all great managers can do is adapt - Wenger cannot and will not adapt and must leave. I hope to be proved wrong, but then I have hoped that for the last 5 or 6 seasons and I would not like to think of myself as insane by Einstein's definition.

  47. Ron

    May 30, 2013, 13:04 #35289

    A very good post. Fergie represented a time when the PL was a great league and players were men and not big diving, whinging, preaning fairies as they are now. He was also from a time when it wasnt all filthy money, player power, and razzamataz. Hes a smart bloke and hes got out at the right time and im pretty sure he knows that even in a game of rapidly declining quality and standards, both on and off the pitches that keeping United ahead of the rest will get increasingly more difficult. Enjoy the wine and your racing Fergie. Those days when we went toe to toe with your lot were by far the best days of the PL since its inception. Never matched since for sure.

  48. theopants superstar

    May 30, 2013, 11:43 #35287

    What an excellent read.