Top of the Pile

Arsenal had once won more league titles than any other club

Top of the Pile

1971 – Happy days

It is very difficult to voice an opinion about Arsenal Football Club without being attacked by one of the two groups that currently dominate the Gooner Blog sites, so, in the words of “Rafa”, here are some “facts” about the period I love best about my Arsenal. When Frank McLintock trudged back to the dressing room with that haunted look on his face after the Swindon defeat in 1969, it seemed that the managerial changes (three) since the start of the decade had amounted to nothing. The functional, but occasionally expansive, Arsenal team were humiliated by a Swindon side that was inspired by Don Rogers and goalkeeper Greg Downsborough, plus being helped by playing a 'flu-stricken Arsenal side on what was a ploughed field called Wembley.

Don Howe had recently been appointed coach, and the home-grown players like Radford, Simpson, Armstrong and Storey had established themselves in an improving team that was, that season, to go on to gain a Fairs Cup place for the 1969-70 season, ironically by finishing fourth!

By the evening of March 15th, 1969 all those plans seemed in ruins. However it is that game that is often mentioned by the players, Bob Wilson in particular, as the catalyst for the 1971 double-winning team.

During the late '60s three things had happened to Arsenal that were to lay the foundations for a team that became exceptionally hard to beat and eventually saw them emerge once again “on top of the pile” -
1. The appointment of Don Howe as coach
2. Moving Frank McLintock to centre-half
3. The shame after the Swindon Town League Cup Final defeat.

Fast forward to May 3rd, 1971 and Arsenal win the First Division Championship for a record eighth time, one more than Liverpool, Everton and Man Utd. True, the Mancs had brilliantly won the European Cup in 1968 but domestically we were top dog, as we had been when had won the title for the seventh time in 1953.

After winning “The Double” six months later, we broke the British transfer record (once again) and signed Alan Ball from 1970 League Champions Everton. OK, the wheels came off pretty quickly after that with Don Howe leaving and Bertie Mee selling Frank McLintock to QPR. Liverpool made it eight titles in '72-'73 and we nearly got relegated in 1975, but for that short time we were number one and it wasn’t until 1997 that Man U finally overtook us with their tenth title.

What I am trying to lay down to some of my fellow supporters is that what Liverpool and Manchester United have achieved has been to knock us from our top spot. We were not chasing them but they chased us and yes, they both made a very good job of overhauling our achievements, but history shows we had won seven First Division titles before Chelsea had even won one!

Arsenal Football Club have sat on top of the pile more than just once and the idea that we should be bashful about spending big or accepting that Man U, Citeh and Chelsea are beyond our reach is laughable, lacking ambition and an insult to people like me who were there when we made history that night at White Hart Lane.

Since our move to the Em*rates, we have destroyed the most iconic club badge in football history and replaced it with something that looks like a “DC Comics” Super Hero emblem. We have changed our breathtaking counter-attacking football to “tippy tappy” football that angers and frustrates in equal measure and we have signed over a dozen players who clearly not good enough.

In Bernard Joy’s brilliant book “Forward Arsenal”, the bible on the ethos of the club, he describes the painstaking process in the vetting of a player before being signed by Arsenal. Do they have the moral fibre to become a player for a club that sets such high standards? Are they good enough? “Are they Arsenal”? Clearly some the players who hold the current jerseys are not.

We are currently third in the league title-list behind Liverpool and Utd respectively. So Arsène and Ivan, inspire us this close season; let’s get the sh*t out of our lungs and get this wonderful club fighting for honours again - that means league titles, League Cups, FA Cup and any cup we enter, Em*rates Cup excepting.

It might be too late for me to see us top of the pile again but my sons or my grandsons might just make it if we start now.

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  1. Rocky RIP

    Jun 17, 2013, 14:23 #35837

    About the crest - I couldn't agree more. If I'm being pedantic it wasn't introduced 'since' the stadium move, wasn't it changed in 2002? Although it does tie in with our woeful re-branding decisions for when we moved. If anyone from BSM is reading, why not add it to your agenda? I guess some big design contract to have that crest precludes it, but still. It's a sure fire vote winner. I bridle when I go in the armoury as all the merchandise has that tacky nonsense on it. So cheap. The crest that does it for me is the art deco one. Pure class. A design classic. So why hide it away in the sake of modernisation? As Alan Partridge once said ..'they've re-badged it you fool!'


    Jun 15, 2013, 18:40 #35802

    Haha, maguiresbridge gooner, you offer a bunch of flowers, with hidden thorns. I love it!

  3. maguiresbridge gooner

    Jun 15, 2013, 13:20 #35794

    BADASRE,Yes at the end of the day we all want whats best for Arsenal whatever our views, and i've had many discussions/arguments with gooners,both strangers and friends on the subject while downing a pint or two and expect to have many more.Whatever happens in the coming weeks,months,years,we'll all remain gooners although i'm sure we'll lose quite a few when they follow arsene to his new club.


    Jun 15, 2013, 8:20 #35781

    Morning all.You know,maguiresbridge gooner,Green Hut,and I have to include Stroud Green Road Boy,you really give me something.Seriously.Talk of passion on these pages the other day,and although I stand the other side of that invisible line between the manager's future,'stay or go',you three are passionate.I'd be happy to shake your hands and celebrate a goal,or whatever with you.It's nice.You know,we don't walk into a Gooner gathering wearing 'hate'badges.'Go!','Stay!'We would enter as Gooners,that's why the chat and exchanges on this forum can be dangerous,as they give a false sense of a divisive AFC.I've given you a gee before maguiresbridge gooner,I liked your attitude from the off.Whatever happens this close season will be interesting,and the new season will be a seminal one for our club.More of the same,and no doubt many will cross that invisible divide.Here's to the new season.Am off for my 5k run.I look forwards to it all week,then when it arrives I just want to talk about Arsenal,what a clown!Anyway guys,Good Old Arsenal to us all.That's my kindly face done,now bring on those custard pies!

  5. maguiresbridge gooner

    Jun 14, 2013, 23:06 #35778

    BADARSE, i certainly wouldn't want him ousted after a year or never suggested otherwise,but after three seasons or maybe even four, if it was plain to be seen he was just like wenger and happy with fourth,(although i'd like to think after eight years potless a high profile manager coming to the club on 8m would have more ambition) it would be time to start making noises,surely to goodness no fan would want to go down the same road again another five, six, seven, seasons of failure and humiliations ? Of course if there were two or three pieces of silverware achieved in that time it may well be a different matter but as this is about just being happy with fourth we'll not go there. I agree the voices on here might have little or no weight,but voices do carry and if they were being voiced often enough in the right place they'd be heard and we might not be having this discussion at all.

  6. Green Hut

    Jun 14, 2013, 22:19 #35777

    Sorry BADARSE but the negative 'be careful what you wish for' argument is no argument at all, and it's regular use by most Wenger supporters only emphasises the fact that there are no postive reasons for keeping the manager, other than sentiment. A new man at the helm may or may not achieve great things, but what he will certainly bring is hope, something that Wenger has managed to eradicate over the last few years. Build him a shrine, give him a knighthood, but please don't give Arsene Wenger a new contract to manage my football club.


    Jun 14, 2013, 20:56 #35774

    Well maguiresbridge gooner,I don't want Arsene Wenger to be ousted,but just supposing he went and a new guy came in.Then he did the unspeakable,which I suggested he might,he settled for fourth. What do you envisage happening?A high-profile man would negotiate a £5-£8million four year deal.After a year and a fourth place finish,we just concentrate all our energies on ousting him,having only just insisted on him taking over?The board say,'Oh right,you don't like him now,no problems,we'll just pay him off,here's your £21million,now where were we,ah yes,let's advertise for another man'.Then we give a new man a super attractive deal;whoops we've dropped to seventh in the division.Do you really think it would happen?If Arsene left,the new man would have a remit.He would be expected to meet certain criteria,and one fundamental might be,'achieve fourth place'.He may just do that.Never make the mistake of believing that a voice can carry.The voices from these exchanges on this website, have little,or no weight.If they did,I would suggest we employ them more productively,by bringing down this government,by bitching constantly.I'm not against you guys,as I keep insisting,I just look for the positives,and am nothing,if not a realist.

  8. Stevo433

    Jun 14, 2013, 18:24 #35771

    I hope this site is not going to turn into another pro Wenger vehicle. Judging by a lot of recent contributors my fears look like being confirmed. His acolytes have already done for the most clear thinking blog on the net ( Arsenal Truth) which will only leave the realists with Le Grove & ANR.

  9. Stroud Green Road Boy

    Jun 14, 2013, 18:20 #35770

    maguiresbridge gooner, please do butt in and damn good point, yes, important another manager never has this sort of power and cult-like support at AFC again.

  10. maguiresbridge gooner

    Jun 14, 2013, 17:53 #35768

    BADARSE, Stroud Green Road Boy,i really don't want to butt in on your debate but just a thought,if wenger were to go, and replaced with a clone who also was just happy to except fourth place season after season surely he wouldn't have the same support that ogl has now (no doubt there would still be fans happy with the imaginary trophy)but surely all these fans who supported wenger wouldn't be affiliated to the new man the same way they were ogl and just happy to go along giving him year after year of failure,thus making it far easier to bring change again if needed.

  11. Stroud Green Road Boy

    Jun 14, 2013, 17:04 #35767

    Badarse, agree with your list, and doubtless would continue to do so if it went on. However, in "the new man could 'settle' behind the numbers" I think the key word is 'could' as opposed to the current manager who 'has'. And as Gazidis as said in the past, if Wenger's relationship with the fans broke down, he'd have to go. So the more of us who break with him, the better, in my opinion.


    Jun 14, 2013, 16:49 #35765

    Not necessarily,Stroud Green Road Boy.Yes we could start with the manager,if it was down to we,if enough 'we's' were of that opinion.Thing is,it isn't our call.You offer a suggestion,I respect it,though do not agree with it.We could start with many number of things, were we deciding.High SeasonTicket prices,expensive food,poor communications from the club,poor service from telephone staff,majority shareholder with no idea of football,let alone our club,dodgey PR work,staid profit-obsessed board. Hell,the list just goes on.My point was removing the manager will not necessarily be a magic wand,as the new man could 'settle'behind the numbers,fourth is financial continuance,am serving the contract that the board want,ergo,the wheel just goes around.Sorry to seem so accepting,it isn't usually a trait of mine,but I do try to keep it real.

  13. Stroud Green Road Boy

    Jun 14, 2013, 15:43 #35761

    Badarse, given this tendency to settle you speak of, wouldn't the first logical step in fighting that tendency be to no longer 'settle' for the incumbent manager.


    Jun 14, 2013, 13:32 #35752

    Moscow Gooner,you say change the manager as a first step towards an improvement.I would not argue with the logic,or desire you display,but do you not think that the prospective,or newly installed manager,would be taken aside and told fourth place was expected,or couched in a different way,a minimum requirement?I can only imagine the task facing a new man.Then he is given a 'Get out of jail'card,told make fourth place,just keep the dosh rolling in, at least.This would be terribly reassuring to anyone.OK,the hypothetical man may be a trailblazer,a man of ethics,pride,etc,but there is a tendency to settle.We are all prone to this malaise.That,I think,is the size of the problem.

  15. Joeos

    Jun 14, 2013, 13:09 #35750

    Moscow Gooner, our league positions under Mee were: 7th,9th,4th,12th,1st,5th,2nd,10th,16th and 17th.

  16. Moscow Gooner

    Jun 14, 2013, 12:22 #35749

    The problem is the culture of mediocrity that has been induced over the past 6 or 7 seasons. I can't imagine Chapman or Mee standing by a team that consistently finished 4th in the league: Mee stopped the players celebrating finishing 4th in 1968/9 even though it was our highest position for years. Frankly I can't even see Wenger in his early years settling for this 'consistency'! But people lose appetite over time and I don't think anyone (SAF is the exception that proves the rule) can really maintain motivation at a high pitch in exactly the same job over 15/16 years. Whatever the reasons (and the move to a new stadium clearly played a part) there is now an acceptance, and I guess AW and the board are equally culpable, that the 'business model' requires 4th place: so that's what we'll aim for and that's what we'll get. I don't see this changing until AW goes - all the talk about summer signings etc. is just season ticket renewal BS and by now we all know it! A change of manager is probably the critical step at this point, and one that it's more realistic to hope for. Would be great to see the board gone as well and the soul of Arsenal FC revived, but one step at a time here...

  17. Tony Evans

    Jun 14, 2013, 12:08 #35748

    Great memories and a great article about the days when we used to be a proper football club.

  18. Stroud Green Road Boy

    Jun 14, 2013, 9:59 #35740

    On the badge - the club changed it as they couldn't copyright the old one, it had been around too long in too many guises. So it's not coming back. Doesn't mean we have to have the awful current incarnation though, they could do something far more classic and art deco and still copyright that.

  19. Peter

    Jun 14, 2013, 8:46 #35735

    Totally agree. I was there at Tottenham in 1971. Was there at Wembley May 3. I actually wept when Swindon beat us in 1968. I've been a supporter since 1947. (Yes - I know - I'm an old outdated old fart). I think the new badge is terrible. They introduced another for a season or so - poor but better than the comic strip one we have. What was wrong with the old one? What was wrong with a historic emblem? I never felt good about the signing of Alan despite his impeccable pedigree. He was simply just not Arsenal material as a man. Arsene Wenger has been responsible for much of our decline in terms of club pride and strength of mind. He has become a whiny, moody, silly bitch of a man who has wasted millions on poor players (And I can't accept he has been held back lack of money - he's spent nearly 300 million on poor players). I wish he would go to PSG so we can at least start anew with a manager who is fresh as opposed to stale, who is realistic about our weaknesses on the pitch instead of oblivious , who has is honest about our failures as opposed to head in the sand and who appreciates the need for real spirit - not just a rah rah rah, we're on our way back after a narrow win on a bottom half club team (So never mind conceding 8 against Man U or losing to Bradford in a cup we should won). Thanks for all you did in the late 90's and early 2000's but you lost it several years ago Arsene. Oh how I wish we had employed David Moyes or someone with his strength of character.


    Jun 14, 2013, 7:34 #35732

    JAMIE,in Post.No.38459,I anticipated the likely bunfight to follow,where each of the polarised sides claim the article arms them,and their views,'Arsene stay or go'.It didn't take Tarot cards,or tealeaves.Human nature,as it is,repeats itself.I think I have read 'the definition of insanity'mooted often enough on these posts.It is a little sad that those who were aware of say,the '71' period,either living through it,or knowing intrinsically our history,cannot just enjoy that momentous occasion,without snarling,growling and biting.It is not connected with Arsene Wenger,decimalisation,or no live football on television.I said and did things then that I wouldn't dream of doing today.It's a near distant era.No more!It has passed,(I wish Malcolm MacDonald had a bit more often).Wages,players loyalties,less raucous verbal behaviour by fans,no sensationalisation of all things football,in an effort to sell a product,whether it be a new club badge,newspapers,or television.Comparisons are very dangerous.It is right to take stock of the past,we all have a claim on that.To observe,recognise the purported good,and possibly act upon it,or see the pitfalls that befell us,and endeavour to avoid those same mistakes.This is difficult enough with an individual,acting alone.For a body of people,a fanbase of a football club,it's nigh impossible.To warp and misrepresent the event,is a kiss of death to learning.Then,we both know that!Good Old Arsenal.Oh,just to toss in a bone.I thought,like most,(all?),that our heraldic badge was amazing.I wore it as a knight might.I was stunned when our new badge was unveiled,and I resisted it's allure.I saw it as a dumbed-down,Disneyfied joke.I warmed to it,slowly,but warm to it I did.It is a part of my identity now.It is my Arsenal's badge,and now...I like it!

  21. maguiresbridge gooner

    Jun 13, 2013, 23:59 #35730

    Compare the photo in the article with ones seen in the papers of the last game of the season,one has a team who are winners and have obviously given everything and have just won real silverware and are not even celebrating,the others have a team with plenty of energy left to jump around and celebrate by bouncing like idiots having won nothing.

  22. Green Hut

    Jun 13, 2013, 23:40 #35729

    JAMIE- So just to clarify, Arsenal finish fourth and win nothing every year means Wenger stays forever? You sure you meant to type that mate?

  23. JAMIE

    Jun 13, 2013, 22:45 #35728

    @mark.I know my Arsenal history and have always considered us to be the number 1 club and if it wasn't for the Munich air crash that saw a huge wave of emotion and support which grew for Manure plus Liverpool's 70/80's domination we'd still be unchallenged. Though to pick out the highpoints in Arsenal's history and say Wenger should be sacked is laughable. I agree that footballers of the past were far more loyal and likeable than they are now, but it's not Wengers fault he's around now or the players and until Arsenal fail to either win a cup or finish top four he deserves to continue.

  24. mark from aylesbury

    Jun 13, 2013, 22:10 #35725

    PPP / Jamie, Not an attack upon you, but what do you think of this article? I read this and say sack Wenger!

  25. maguiresbridge gooner

    Jun 13, 2013, 20:43 #35724

    John Gooner well said mate, i'm sure the fans your referring to will have read the article alright, but very unlikely to digest it,and will quickly forget it,and it's no coincidence when articles like this appear we hear very little from them if at all.

  26. Bob

    Jun 13, 2013, 19:11 #35723

    The headline alone gives the lie to those Wenger apologists who say that our ambitions for the club are unrealistic. Chapman made us the greatest club in the land - since the 1930s, we may have underachieved before Wenger arrived, but we never regarded it as acceptable to do so.


    Jun 13, 2013, 18:36 #35721

    Yoyogibear,life goes in cycles.That perhaps isn't a good analogy,it suggests a wheel slowly revolving,with good times approaching after the next four spokes.In fact life goes up and down,side to side,spins about a bit, and can shake you until your teeth chatter.We had a wonderfully evolving side in the late sixties,which was torn apart much too soon.Goodness me, what the contributors to these comment pages would have said about that!Though it would have been said in a far more respectful, and sedate fashion.You don't need to rant,rave,and froth at the mouth to explain a point,though that can be sometimes satisfying.Thing is,it was a different age,different dynamics at play.On occasions we had weaklings,and for many seasons never defended as a unit.Those heroes of yesteryear if transported into 'now',would soon become much of a muchness with their new contemporaries.I lived through those periods,I will keep the memories whole,and untampered with,the good and the not so good.Life is flowing like a stream,you can't recreate from whisps of smoke.Cheer up though,who knows what tomorrow will bring,it's far more interesting than living in the past.

  28. Ron

    Jun 13, 2013, 18:34 #35720

    I cried v Swindon guys! Me dad and Unc both promised me d stuff em! Unc said, f--k it, uill stick with the Orient in future!!That guy Downsborugh never had another match like that im sure, nor Don Rogers.

  29. Tony S

    Jun 13, 2013, 18:19 #35719

    Whats this Arsenal you talk about surely some mistake?Werent Arsenal founded in 1996 by a Frenchman who built the Emirates with his bare hands?The Arsenal you write about is the Arsenal Wenger Gazidis and Kroenke know nothing about.When i first went to Highbury in 1966 we were crap but i loved going to the games now i hate the Soul-less bowl full of day trippers tourists and JCL's who wont have a word said about their leader.If you said Swindon 1969 to Gazidis he would say what you talking about.As for Kroenke he has no interest at all in the football team its the balance sheet thats all.

  30. Yoyogi bear

    Jun 13, 2013, 17:55 #35718

    Great piece. But wait...hold on...I thought there was no big club Arsenal prior to 1997? I thought until Lord Wenger turned up we were a small provincial club? Also, thought we had a tradition and culture if celebrating 4th place? Was CL qualification not a trophy back in the 1980s? Weird. How did the club ever survive in the past without Wenger? And how on earth did we compete against much richer clubs back then, AND WIN TROPHIES? Mystifying! Also was the club not full if Franco African weaklings back then? No Chamakhs/Sanogo/Giroud/Gervinho characters around? Why did the club defend as a unit back then? All of this is really surprising news. Especially that winning real trophies bit (instead of virtual ones). I think the fact that Arsenal was once an ambitious club is what scares me!!!


    Jun 13, 2013, 17:52 #35717

    To billthered:continuing our zimmer-framed,open-mouthed shuffle,down memory lane.I remember Peter Downsborough breaking my heart that day,with a near perfect display.The Sunday newspapers awarded him 10 out of 10.Do you remember?haha,memory getting hazy at this end.


    Jun 13, 2013, 17:37 #35716

    Thank you underachiever,then I am not a disciple of Arsene Wenger.(Still don't want AFC to sack him though).

  33. maguiresbridge gooner

    Jun 13, 2013, 16:26 #35715

    Adrian, i can't see where any body could attack you over this article although i'm sure there's quite a few who probably don't realise or know,or don't want to know, what you've written actually happened. There's certainly not as much shame and haunted looks after defeats nowadays, there's even no shame in celebrating when we've won nothing i suppose that could be put down to the vetting process (or lack off) as like you say there's players at the minute who just aren't good enough and never will be, and just don't care,will we ever be top dogs again and sit on top of the pile ? To achieve that you need to be ambitious and if the talk/spin we're hearing at the minute is anything to go by we suddenly are, but it will only be realised with players fit to wear the jersey. Nice piece of nostalgia.

  34. billthered

    Jun 13, 2013, 16:09 #35714

    Good article Adrian it takes me back as I was at Wembley that day and it was very tearful for me as I thought we only had to turn up to win,but it turned into a great couple of seasons which were over too quickly.Not defending a title is something I wish to see before I join Chapman,Mee,Baker etc.Just one bit of nitpicking their goalkeeper that day was Peter not Greg.

  35. underacheiver

    Jun 13, 2013, 15:56 #35713

    BADARSE - Only you can answer that.


    Jun 13, 2013, 15:08 #35712

    More articles like this?Definitely,but underachiever,I have a question for you,please.I do not want AFC to sack Arsene Wenger,does this make me an Arsene disciple?


    Jun 13, 2013, 14:58 #35711

    Thank you for the trip in the time-machine, Adrian.A lovely article,and it carried a message.There is an irony which may show itself though,as comments from those who support Arsene Wenger,and those who don't,try to claim the written piece to support their personal views.

  38. Micky Brock

    Jun 13, 2013, 14:56 #35710

    Super article and how well I remember those days even if today they are viewed through somewhat rose tinted optical enhancers. I seem to recall a match at Highbury on a bitterly cold Tuesday evening during the 80s when our football was turgid, making Europe the following season was the highest we could aim for, but for that particular game, against Coventry City I think, we had a miserable crowd of about 13000. We stood on freezing concrete called the North Bank, the wind whistled through the nether regions but for some of us we felt truly thankful to be there because this was Arsenal, it was our team, they were playing and regardless we needed to be there. My dear old dad, may he rest in peace, first attended in 1920 as a 4-year old and growing up would sit me on his lap and tell me tales of Bastin, Kelsey, Hapgood, the Compton boys and of course, Ted Drake. He made Arsenal Football Club sound like a group of super heroes and, as we had moved away from London, I almost felt they would come out wearing capes on my first ever visit. They didn't of course but that was a different era, a bygone age and unless you were there will never be able to fully appreciate. This tale is no different to so many others and sad to say the reflection of football today is akin to our throw away society with so many bandwagon jumpers it turns the stomach. I find the newer badge distasteful to say the least and I do realise it is old hat but the third last par asks about players: Do they have the moral fibre to become a player for a club that sets such high standards? Are they good enough? “Are they Arsenal”? Until we see the passion, the pride in the shirt and an emblem worth fighting for I feel at times the answer is a resounding 'no'. Perhaps I am just getting a little more cynical in my advancing years.

  39. Peter Wain

    Jun 13, 2013, 13:13 #35704

    And for all Gazidis pr the poor choice of players will continue. Kroenke board and manager out now

  40. Gaz

    Jun 13, 2013, 12:35 #35701

    Excellent stuff!

  41. JER

    Jun 13, 2013, 12:16 #35695

    Well said Buggleskelly - George Eastham is a 'real' legend, both for the way he played and how he stood up to Newcastle's board. Today's players have so much to thank him for.

  42. John Gooner

    Jun 13, 2013, 12:07 #35694

    Yes, Brilliant article! This is what all those odious fans who say that 'Arsenal are currently at the level they should be' and that 'anyone who expects us to be truly successful is a JCL' (my least favourite of the snobby terms banded about) should be reading and digesting. Anyone claiming that winning is not in Arsenal's DNA and that those who are disaffected with the current regime are merely glory hunting Spurs sleepers should remember this article.

  43. Graham Simons

    Jun 13, 2013, 12:01 #35693

    Great article - it's good to redress the balance and remind those who have only ever known Wenger, not that I knock anything he has achieved, that he isn't the greatest manager we've ever had - that honour goes to the man who moved from Huddersfield to command a club who'd won nothing in their history and lay the foundations of a team who went on to win three titles in a row. Chapman's legacy is in the Lokomotiv Moscow club who wear our colours, in the art deco stadium - so beautiful it was listed and the ethos of a club that dear old ted drake called "the club".

  44. Ray

    Jun 13, 2013, 12:00 #35692

    Between 1954 and 1988 a period of 34 years Arsenal won one title.Between 1989 to 2013(24 years) we won 5 titles.Between 1954 and 1969 we won zilch not a sausage making the last 8 years look like the glory years.And 4 years after winning the Double in 1971 we finished 16th and 17th in the league two year running.My biggest complaint about Arsenal is their faliure to ever retain a title since the 30's.Even Chelsea retained the title under Mourinho.Our record in Europe even though Wenger and Gazidis tell us just qualifying for the CL is an achievement is frankly poor.We have won less trophies in Europe than Chelsea and the Spuds

  45. Ron

    Jun 13, 2013, 11:42 #35691

    Bard - Thats true about wages and youre right, they follow the cash, but i would say that there were always wage differentials in the 60s and early 70s. Eg Utd and the spuds and Liverpool paid far more than Arsenal yet players stayed by and large. Its a whole new game what with the foreign mercenrary element of both players and owners though isnt it. Putting aside wages though, players sweated and toiled for the Club back then and they had pride in what the Club was and who they were representing.They had respect and its that which has gone, not just in football either. There was a unity of players and fans too. They would speak to us outside of stadiums etc. Football is now just American style raz/Hollywood (ish) and the actual emphasis on football abilty and quality and desire to achieve, self improvement etc is secondary to everything else. Its garbage basically. No soul and no substance, yet they want top dollar from us mugs to indulge them. No Thanks!

  46. buggleskelly

    Jun 13, 2013, 11:13 #35689

    I grew up watching the likes of Joe Baker and George Eastham - wonderful footballers both. There should be a statue of Eastham outside EVERY stadium in the land, never mind Ashburton Grove, to remind the present generation of super-rich footballers that if it wasn't for him, they'd still be travelling by bus to the ground each week. It also is a good idea to remind today's fans that football didn't arrive in 1992, although Sky would have you believe otherwise. As for the "badge", I couldn't agree more. "DC comics superhero" is too generous a description. It looks like something that's been peeled of a bottle of ketchup and is an absolute disgrace. I've not bought any Arsenal branded goods since it was introduced, and will not ever until the proper heraldic crest complete with Latin motto is restored. The badge on the shirt, meanwhile, should just be the cannon and nothing more - like the 1971 Double season shirt. End of rant.

  47. UTU

    Jun 13, 2013, 10:57 #35688

    Good articles, gives a historical perspective of what The Arsenal used to be. I started going over Highbury in 1979, Liverpool were the dominate Team of the day but supporting The Arsenal was special back then, there was a sense of community and club rewarded fan loyalty by charging the cheapest match day tickets and terrace standing prices in London for a top flight team. How times change. A Change of ownership at the club will bring back The Arsenal's fighting spirit.

  48. underacheiver

    Jun 13, 2013, 10:20 #35684

    We need more articles like this across all Arsenal blogs. There are too many Arsene disciples that seem to think we had no history prior to his arrival.

  49. Bard

    Jun 13, 2013, 9:36 #35680

    Nice little piece Adrian but you miss one critical issue, wages. Those players back then were paid a pittance compared to today. The power has shifted to the players.Even the beast Fergie caved in to Rooneys demands. They go where the money is full stop. It looks like PSG and Monaco are going to raise the stakes even higher. Arsenal can afford the transfer fees but wages are another matter.I've said before that unless Arsenal let Usmanov in they will fall further and further behind whatever magic Wenger is capable. £100k a week is peanuts for these top players. Its a delusion to think that the players of old would have remained loyal to Arsenal in the face of the vast amounts on offer elsewhere.

  50. Ron

    Jun 13, 2013, 9:34 #35679

    Brilliant article. Best ive read for ages. The Club has lost what it had, what it was and lost it a long time ago. Well before the stadium move too. The newer fans wont ever know and the older ones wont likely find the time or the words to express what the Club was and stood for. Us older ones do undersstand what 'our Arsenal' meant though and thats good enough for me. Your article certainly touches on the meaning of it. The Club had had to change of course to suit a changing game (for the worse), but in my view its compromised all of its old standards, culture and ethos. The newbies are welcome to whats left of it. After 40 odd years, im content to be on the edges looking in now and saving the cash they would otheriwise rip off us for nowadays.

  51. Where's Wally is a Gooner

    Jun 13, 2013, 9:12 #35678

    Wonderful article.It helps explain the great history of our club to those who think it began in 1996. It also highlights the complacency of the Board over the last 40 years. Only during the Dein years have we truly had someone who would push and push to see us compete with the rest.