Going for it

This summer was supposed to be different

Going for it

Celebrating fourth place in the Newcastle dressing room

If we're being honest, despite his unfortunate allegiance to Manchester United, Gary Neville is probably the most astute pundit to grace our TV screens every weekend. Unlike the monotonous anti-Arsenal drivel that is regularly spewed out by the likes of Mark Lawrenson and Alan Hansen on Match of the Day, Neville usually manages to give an insight that does not scream of a perennial grudge harking back to some mysterious event that took place on May 26th 1989. Mark, Alan, guys, really, whatever it is, just let it go. In fact, I notice that Lawrenson has been handed a ‘reduced role’ on Match of the Day this season, so that might make it a little easier.

Anyway, back to the point, and some delicious Neville analysis that took place after the Newcastle game at the end of last season. During a rousing speech, he summarised precisely that peculiar and restrained joy that was flowing through the veins of Gooners.

"They're celebrating - and rightly so - but let's not forget they finished fourth. This is Arsenal, who have set a standard in these last 15 years under Arsene Wenger and they've now got to go for it."

And why shouldn't it happen? Why can't we go for it?

In a Bergkamp-esque wonderland that fills the Arsenal bubble in my brain, the last several years have all been part of a Wenger master plan to create a stable financial basis. By the end of that first phase, the stadium debt would be paid off meaning that somewhere, somehow, a group of Gringotts elves in full Arsenal kit (including shin pads) would close their accounting books and give a gentle nod to Ivan Gazidis who would then proceed to blow the dust off his chequebook in order to splash out £100 million on new troops.

That may have sounded like a dream but what happened in reality at the start of this summer wasn't actually too different, apart from those elves and perhaps the chequebook (I can't help but feel that that sort of thing happens electronically these days). We had almost freed ourselves from the mighty shackles of stadium debt and strong rumours were circulating on sites other than goal.com of seriously big money being spent.

We seemed on the verge of going for it.

And then the rest of July just happened. Player after player after player that we had been linked with was ending up at another club. It is a sorry moment when you are genuinely aggrieved that a Brazilian bloke called Bernard is probably on his way to Shakhtar Donetsk.

The season does not start in August; it starts as soon as the transfer window opens.

‘But wait!’ I hear you say, we captured the injury-prone services of a young French hotshot for a nominal fee. Now that sounds more like the Arsenal I know.

By the time the transfer window closes, we are likely to have signed some more players but that’s just not good enough. If you want to really 'go' from the off, then surely the worst possible way to go about things is exactly what we did in July. Perhaps the most excruciating Wenger quote of the summer is not the ‘we don’t need new signings to challenge for the title’ but this one;

‘Apart from Manchester City, nobody has done anything [in the transfer market]’.

Firstly, it doesn’t matter what anyone else is doing, if this summer nobody had signed anyone at all and stayed at the same level then, by definition, we’d probably end up fourth once again. More importantly, it’s just not true! Chelsea have bought Schurrle and Van Ginkel, Daniel Levy has captured Soldado and Paulinho for Spurs and even Liverpool have beefed up their ranks.

Ritually, we spend all summer second guessing the names of people Wenger wants to sign but it’s fair to say he spent most of this one going after Suarez. I know it’s not that simple to sign a player like Suarez but at the same time surely it can’t be that hard.

It still seems unlikely, but if we ever had a shot at the title surely it would be in the season where the three teams that always finish above all have new managers. It would be a shame to have compromised that ambition so early on.

Twitter @raffisalama

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  1. exiled&dangerous

    Aug 10, 2013, 11:26 #37277

    Man Utd Killer - at least that made me laugh....

  2. Moscow Gooner

    Aug 08, 2013, 12:41 #37184

    Like others here very depressed that there are still people who out there who hold to the view that being an Arsenal supporter equates to a 'my club: right or wrong' philosophy - or more accurately 'my Arsene: right or wrong'. We are pissing away the opportunity to compete: surely no one can be so deluded here as to accept AW's comment that we could still win the league WITHOUT new signings? That would imply a massive fall in standards at Utd, Chelsea and City. It's not going to happen. Without new signings we will finish 4th - if we're lucky - 5th, 6th or 7th if we're not. We might reach the QF stage of the ECL - if we avoid the big guns before that. Given the manager's selection policies we can look forward to exiting the domestic cups through defeat to a lower division (or lower reaches of the Premiership) side before the semi finals. Massively depressing - as is the continued refusal of so many to contemplate fighting for change.

  3. Wombledin

    Aug 07, 2013, 22:48 #37148

    Only the truly naive and gullible would have expected this summer to be any different. Look at that photo...it sums up the entire culture and ethos of the Club for some time now: delighted and entirely satisfied with mere CL qualification. As long as this deeply ingrained bridesmaid mentality and culture is allowed to remain, that's all we will ever achieve as a Club. Things will never change under the current management and ownership regime, the rot is far too deep. Wenger is all about loyalty to his FFP and socialist principles so why would he change now just because 100m is available? Wake up and smell the roses.

  4. Man United Killer

    Aug 07, 2013, 20:29 #37141

    Exiled&Dangerous get back to work for a couple more years.This will take a while.

  5. exiled&dangerous

    Aug 07, 2013, 20:14 #37140

    Sorry, I've been away for a bit, started my new job last week. Which goalkeeper, central defender, defensive midfielder and thirty goals a season striker(s) have we signed then........? Oh.

  6. Gee

    Aug 07, 2013, 13:24 #37123

    I just want this window shut so we can all get on with the season. Aug 17th 3pm can't come soon enough for me. A drab 1-1 draw with villa

  7. JER

    Aug 07, 2013, 13:02 #37119

    @GoonerGoal - my point is that an article about transfers brings out the now ritualistic bashing of AKB's. I'm no AKB (whatever that is) and would be happy for Wenger to leave today, I'm just an Arsenal fan looking forward to the new season like every year.

  8. garyfootscrayaustralia

    Aug 07, 2013, 7:50 #37084

    Richard S, having read your latest reply in full, I have to credit you with a well - worded, balanced contribution. I don't agree with everything you've expressed, but at least it's articulate. Like you, I can remember what happened to Terry Neill. His team were embarrassed by lower league opposition - Walsall - at home in the League Cup. As a nine year old at his third ever Highbury match, it was quite bizarre hearing what was left of the North Bank at the end repeating "Neill Out", as Terry Neill was the only manager I'd ever known. Neill was sacked that week. Fast forward to the season just past, and Arsene's Arsenal team were knocked out of both domestic trophies, home and away, by lower league opposition, in the same season. If we're to be consistent as long term supporters of the club, then surely Arsene should have faced the same level of scrutiny for those performances, especially if you factor in how much coin the modern Arsenal fan has to hand over to watch effectively the same set of results.

  9. Ken

    Aug 07, 2013, 3:02 #37079

    So some people are happy with 4th place and that's our goal is it. Don't buy players and just hope for the best anything else is a bonus. For myself I would like Arsenal to be successful and win silverware and that should be the goal for all Arsenal fans. How can people be happy with the set up at A.F.C. now it's a joke!!

  10. RichardS

    Aug 06, 2013, 22:50 #37078

    It is very hard not to get disillusioned and frustrated by the current regime at our club. There are times when I feel vitriolic towards Wenger and wish he would step aside and let someone else have a go. However, I cannot bring myself to hope Arsenal lose games in order to see this happen. I've supported Arsenal since the mid 70's and they will always be my team. I cannot ever hope to see them lose, particularly to the likes of Chelsea, Man City and Utd, who have simply 'bought' trophies and helped create the monster that is football today. I understand why people on this site advocate not renewing season tickets, no merchandise etc. I had a season ticket but gave it up due to cost. I now just have red membership. More money in the coffers I know, but the only chance that I have of seeing Arsenal play. I think it is unreasonable to expect people to give up their season tickets etc, just to try and influence the removal of the current management. Like me, there are many gooners out there who simply are unable to do without their Arsenal. Calling people like Richard and Epicurean 'muppets' and 'morons', is unnecessary and unfair, simply because they have a difference of opinion. For all we know, they both may have doubts about Wenger and the board, like so many others. It is tough supporting Arsenal at the moment, but cast your minds back to 1980-1984 ( for those that can remember!). That was a real horror show. It looks like Wenger has made a real mess of this transfer window (although none of us really know what has gone on), and I believe that this will be his undoing, by the end of the season. We will see dwindling attendances and possible departures (Wilshere, Vermaelen, Arteta) at the end of season, if the club do not deliver on some high profile player purchases. In the meantime, let's get behind the team and support them...with or without new players.

  11. Stevieo

    Aug 06, 2013, 21:52 #37076

    As I see it, and using AKB logic, this summer has seen us advance more than any other club. You see, whenever Wenger buys any players in the summer, we automatically go in to yet another perennial stage of 'transition'. The season is usually written off by October, as we are told stars like Chamack, Gervinho, Santos etc will need time to adapt to the PL, and the following season will be the time for us to make our assault on the title. And now Giroud has had his first season, by default he will be our answer for the new season. So thank God for no signings! All these clubs signing players and new managers are in transition and turmoil. Much better to have an established and settled squad and manager that I have every faith will deliver us 4th again.

  12. Ted

    Aug 06, 2013, 21:12 #37075

    I agree with Ron that the above three teams will be strengthened by new managers, that's the whole point of them being their. As for MARCUS, Goonergoal and Man United Killer, you all sound like you've been on the magic mushrooms.

  13. Man United Killer

    Aug 06, 2013, 20:47 #37074

    For Heaven's sake STOP renewing your season tickets!

  14. jjetplane

    Aug 06, 2013, 19:38 #37073

    Epicurean has a point when he says we are too impatient. I am really impatient for the last wheel to fall off Wengers mission to destroy Arsenal and take him and the rest with it. Can you imagine having a manager who loves football and imparts that to his players. We need to sink low as can go and let money man Wenger go in disgrace. That picture above is his economic design and that is why he pays the very average plenty of dosh to keep their mouths shut and put up an exhibition of football. Not the real thing of course. That requires a bit of a gamble and this banking exercise is playing out more like Tory policy than any kind of socialism. Bankers are overpaid and Walcott is the bob Diamond of the squad. He just inn't Arsenal. Over to you Epicurean.

  15. Ron

    Aug 06, 2013, 19:01 #37071

    Goonergoal - the message is getting through mate slowly. At present there are still fools who ll take up the season tickets being surrendered but it will trickle down. Lets face it, going to games at the Grove is quite boring, such is the lack of passion there due in the main to the same old tedious diet of tip tap aimless football for so long and no sign of players coming in who ll get a crowd off its lethargic collective arse. Away games are ok as its a day out, different scene, proper Arsenal fans and 'real' football stadiums, not glass theatres with the crowd 4 miles above and 3 miles from the action. That stadium of ours makes money so it cant be argued with but AFC lost an enormous part of its fabric as a Club by going there.

  16. My name is Bill and I'm a head case

    Aug 06, 2013, 18:28 #37070

    One man is holding this club back, the board have hinted they do not always agree with him, but fail this summer and they are all in it together unless they do the right thing

  17. GoonerGoal!

    Aug 06, 2013, 18:18 #37069

    @JER... I don't just blame the AKB's for the present state of our beloved football club. I blame the THREE WISE MONKEYS, and anybody that hands over money, that either deliberately or unconsciously, helps support the aims of the Wenger/Gazidis/Kroenke gang. Be you an AKB, AMG, or anything else, if YOU seriously WANT CHANGE in what you see on the pitch, and a DIFFERENT AGENDA in the Boardroom, STOP GIVING THEM YOUR MONEY, or for the foreseeable future every season will remain “GROUNDHOG” season. Just how long are some of YOU PEOPLE prepared to give them before you finally react by withdrawing your financial support? VIVE LA REVOLUTION!

  18. Realistic Gooner

    Aug 06, 2013, 17:24 #37068

    The stadium debt will not be paid off until 2031 (read the financials). Guess we have another 18 years of ejoying the "first phase" of Wenger's master plan! Oh yayyyyy...

  19. maguiresbridge gooner

    Aug 06, 2013, 16:52 #37067

    I agree with you there Ron, these players are going to step up to the mark now, having to prove themselves all over again to their new managers and will be keen to do it while we're stuck in the same old rut. I'd love to know what motivation the same scenario would have on our lot. It probably wouldn't make them world beaters but i'd hazard a guess we'd see a big improvement.

  20. Jason

    Aug 06, 2013, 16:37 #37066

    I've been waiting for the last few weeks for the Arsenal propaganda machine, disguised as the official website, to come out with the Sagna at centre back story. He will be our cheap option 4th choice centre back. Signing a top notch centre back would relegate our captain to 4th choice and that is not the Wenger way. I cannot stand to listen to Wenger's bulls*** any longer. This man is ruining our club!!!

  21. Ron

    Aug 06, 2013, 16:05 #37065

    Two points - 1. I cant quite get this notion that our chances of a title etc are improved by others Clubs having new Coaches? New Coaches bring new brooms and create new impetus and urgency and new ideas. The best players step up to impress. My view is that Arsenal needed to strengthen because of those new Coaches or risk falling behind the clubs whove changed. In fact, our biggest weakness now is not having our own new Coach! 2. How many of these players we re supposed be chasing are genuinely intended buys? Lots of media trash and paper rubbish it seems to me. Wengers not paying for any top signings. Hes forgotten how too and his 'philosophy'on team building and how the game is played is his master, not his slave. The guy is lost and confused it seems to me, plus hes surrounded by small fry lightweights as Assistant Coaches and back room staff, so there are no checks and balances to his delusional myopic theories of the game and how to work the transfer market.

  22. player out tray bloke

    Aug 06, 2013, 15:58 #37064

    I am also in charge of the player in tray but I cannot do both at once. When I have finished with the last few in the out tray I will get to work on the in tray, if there is any time left in the transfer window. But the main thing is we will have reduced our wage bill considerably and in lieu of not having any world class players to sell it will help keep us in the hunt for the balance sheet trophy.

  23. I am Arsene Wenger and I dont care abt your view

    Aug 06, 2013, 15:29 #37063

    i think if we go with the squad we have then it is going to be another real battle for 4th all over again; we all know last year a spark was missing; we didnt create the same amount of openings as we used to; and we did without exception struggle against ALL of the bigger teams; we will do so again unless we add in some star capacity; our ranks of journeymen will not be enough to have any better a season than the one just gone

  24. CanadaGooner

    Aug 06, 2013, 14:58 #37062

    That Picture just says it all! I remember the tears shed by Man Utd players on the final day of 2011/2012 season when they won their game but QPR handed the title to Man City. The Man Utd players could have been celebrating 2nd place, but they always want 1st. Which is where Arsenal players used to be, but Wenger and Gazidis have now made 4th place so acceptable and glamorous, that we currently DO NOT have a single player who prefers 1st. Arshavin was the last player we had who wanted to win something, but he was set aside and crucified by Wenger as the club didn't want him spreading that feeling of dissatisfaction with mediocrity! We are doomed till Wenger and Gazidis leave the club!

  25. johnnyhawleyloovinggooner

    Aug 06, 2013, 14:31 #37060

    can the bloke in charge of the player out tray be put in charge of the player in tray?perhaps it depends on the CL draw to attract the very top players.i do hope Gee is wrong that we will wait to see how it goes before buying players.i did say last year that if we got rid of players (you all know who they are) and regrouped with out major players ,giving youth a chance again i would accept it.however we have been told again and again we are shopping at Harrods so it is not unreasonable to see some purchaces. we are going to be told eveything is very expensive in Harrods as we go shoping in Primark instead.

  26. billthered

    Aug 06, 2013, 13:51 #37059

    Seasons gone by the spuds were nowhere near us but the last two seasons have seen them get too close for comfort.Now they have gone out and bought a couple of quality players while we stand around and wait for a player who cant play for six matches and will not up the ante for Higuain.Well someone try and tell OGL that Liverpool and the spuds have done something, not only Citeh and get off his backside because standing still is not an option and stop giving us claptrap it just does'nt wash anymore.

  27. Gee

    Aug 06, 2013, 13:25 #37058

    My concern is there doesn't seem to be much of a plan when it comes to transfers. It looked like we wanted Higuain, but balked at paying £30m. We turned our focus to Suarez and now seem to be caught up in a marathon web of understanding a clause. If we are going to pay nigh on £50m for suarez why didn't we think to look at Cavani/Falcao for similar fees? There seems to be no thinking things through and to be honest it looks like more and more Wenger doesn't really know what he wants in the squad anymore. This seems like summer 2011 less the major outgoings of Cesc & Nasri. My opinion is Wenger is waiting to see how we get on against Villa, Fulham, Spurs and 2 legs of CL qualifier, before doing anything. Judging by how we did when we came up against reasonable sides like Napoli and Gala I'd say we're looking at a supermarket sweep after the Spurs game.

  28. Green Hut

    Aug 06, 2013, 13:19 #37057

    Richard- Your comments make such depressing reading. If as you believe, despite our vast riches, we can't compete with Chelsea or Monaco, do you think it would be possible for us to get into an auction with Napoli? For a player who would rather play for us, and who has a superior goalscoring record to Suarez for club and country? And who ended up costing £8m less than our designed-to-antagonise £40m + £1 bid for Suarez? It would be nice to think so.

  29. BNG

    Aug 06, 2013, 12:31 #37056

    I think pretty much most people have been caught out by the car crash transfer window and the bullsh*t spouted by OGL and the board..............yeah right

  30. JER

    Aug 06, 2013, 12:20 #37055

    Here we go again - it's all those nasty AKB's fault!

  31. MARCUS

    Aug 06, 2013, 11:57 #37054

    GOONERGOAL. I agree with you whole heartily. Those muppets in who call themselves the AKB'S i.e the fellas above i.e Richard and Epicurean are the reason why this man Lord Wenger is still in the job its as simple as that. They cannot find anything to blame him with its always some one else's fault smh,smh. Look wenger is a socialist thats the type of ecconomics he studied, he even admitted that we have a socialist wage policy. That for me is the most ludicrous thing I have heard at Arsenal for a long time. Why would you pay mediocre players the same wage as your best players??? Look everyone at Barcelona know that Messi gets paid the most as his their most important player and their best player, every barca player accepts that even the likes of inesita and xvai and co. So arsenal need to get rid of wenger as his weird policies are killing the club how in the hell do you pay Chamakah and Bendnetr 55-60k a week??????????? . We need change quick folks as I predicted in 2009 Arsenal will never win anything under wenegr ever again until his gone ITS AS SIMPLE AS THAT. I also stand by that statement. Oh yeah you deluded AKB'S as you are all so in love with wenger why dont you go and support his new club when he does leave arsenal which is going to be very soon as when has his contract been allowed to run down???? His going soon and this is his last season. No way in hell can he be offered a new contract if Arsenal barely get fourth AGAIN or dont get fourth.

  32. maguiresbridge gooner

    Aug 06, 2013, 11:56 #37053

    There's a red boot on the floor maybe that's what their celebrating, or could it be the bottle of Arsenal water on the shelf ?

  33. Ramgun

    Aug 06, 2013, 11:23 #37052

    The Raffi's, Epicurean's and Richard's of this world have no tipping point. They are entitled to their opinions. We will not win anything again this coming season and Raffi and co will be saying the same stuff again this time next year. And the year after. And the year after. And the year after.....

  34. maguiresbridge gooner

    Aug 06, 2013, 10:29 #37051

    Their celebrating and rightly so ? Neville got it wrong there,celebrating what exactly ? i don't see any silverware in the picture, scraping through to fourth yet again, scraping past the spuds who we should have left behind years ago, but that's the mentality these players have now, along with the fans, after eight seasons of failure they know nothing else, and we know who's to blame for that. Was this summer really going to be any different ? of course it wasn't and fans were taken in yet again, but we still have them hanging on in hope more than anything else that it will (laughable) well some fans weren't fooled (quite a lot i'm sure)they've woken up a long time ago to the fact the only ambition this club and manager have is making money, and winning the imaginary trophy it's about time others did to.

  35. Stroud Green Road Boy

    Aug 06, 2013, 9:55 #37049

    @Richard, so you admit Arsenal need 4-6 players. I'll look out for what you say on Sept 2 if/when that hasn't happened. Presumably there will be a big change of tone. @Epicurean, the stadium debt won't be paid off next year either. It is a long term, easily manageable mortgage which is covered by stadium income many times over. Gazidis himself said we've the cash now to compete, so on what evidence are you attempting to defer judgment to next year? And calling AFC fans 'impatient' after the last 8 years is just ridiculous.

  36. garyfootscrayaustralia

    Aug 06, 2013, 9:47 #37048

    Having played numerous times against our club's finest team of the modern era, Neville's better placed than any of us to comment on what's required at The Arsenal. Obvious but true. Someone should ask what Roy Keane thinks - just for the laugh.

  37. GoonerGoal!

    Aug 06, 2013, 9:37 #37047

    Just as long as there are people like Richard & Epicurean happy with the status quo, and prepared to defend the Wenger/Kronke/Gazidis axis against all and any criticism, then Arsenal Football Club will remain in its’ current state of football mediocrity. Richard & Epicurean, and those like them, seriously need to WAKE UP! Can they not see we now have a seriously over-paid Accountant masquerading as the Manager/Coach he once was; too many over-paid mediocre players, signed or nurtured by that same Accountant, who celebrate 4th place as if they had actually WON something; and a Board, great at running a business/crap at running a football club, who have made it absolutely clear that the only thing that matters is MAKING MONEY! Enough is Enough! WENGER/GAZIDIS/KROENKE OUT! VIVE LA REVOLUTION!

  38. sagacious monkey

    Aug 06, 2013, 9:30 #37046

    Sale of Gervinho and Bentdner = remaining cash necessary for Suarez

  39. Fozzy's mate

    Aug 06, 2013, 9:00 #37045

    Raffi - the issue is wrapped around Arsenals and particularly Arsenes inability to accept the market value of any player. We have moved from scrapping around like a mid table regional club looking for free transfers to in recent seasons trying to buy mid range players for between 5 and 10 million. That was the price bracket we were shopping in 15 years ago when buying the likes of Edu, Van Bronkhorst, Henry and Wiltord. The silliest example was probably Gary Cahill. Now we have upped our sites but despite having the cash at bank probably more than our rivals, we are still under bidding and backing off when other clubs come in such as in the predictable Higuain saga. Accross europe fees have shot up and in reality we either pay big fees or will eventually slip back into the europa league slots over the next few years. Personally I think if we take the latter option as the current evidence suggests the club should reduce season ticket prices in acceptance that despite our improved finances we refuse to pay what is needed to secure top talent. Either way the next few weeks will I believe reveal one way or another thr true intentions of the direction of travel over the next 5 years.

  40. Epicurean

    Aug 06, 2013, 8:25 #37044

    Good article. I think we could go for it this year, we certainly have the money. A couple of things to remember, firstly, we haven't finished paying down the debt yet, that will happen next year, so as fans we are being a little impatient. With the signings, I doubt that Paulinho, Schurlle etc would not add much if anything to the squad. Soldado will have to prove he can score against prem defences before we know if he's really any good. My gran could get into double figures in La Liga. Arsenal fan's have become very cynical in the transfer season. We as fan's need to keep supporting the club against the press. Man U are going to loose Rooney because the fans don't appreciate him. We should focus some energy on letting him know how much we would appreciate him if he played for us. Stay positive lets aim high and help club get Suarez,Rooney and Cesc back! COYG!!!

  41. Richard

    Aug 06, 2013, 8:13 #37043

    Well written piece without any vitriol towards Wenger and the board nice to see. Wenger has always said he has to wait to see who city, Chelsea go for before playing his hand that has now grown the Russian club and to page and Monaco we simply can't get into auctions with those guys. We will strengthen and I disagree that we need all those players by start of new season. We have the squad that finished so well last year to start, yes they need adding to because injury and suspension is bound to happen and we are probably 4 to 6 players short of mounting a serious title challenge two midfielders for holding position is a must with one able to double as a defender even better. The Suarez one is interesting and if it is going to happen I would think once the draws for cl play offs are known there will be movement there maybe even after first leg has been done.