Fergie the king of gainful mind-games; Wenger/Gazidis the kings of churlish mind-games

Is the underbidding a deliberate policy?

Fergie the king of gainful mind-games; Wenger/Gazidis the kings of churlish mind-games

Well, well, Gooners; we are at that same old familiar juncture yet again!

Fergie used footballing mind games to get to his goal of winning more and more trophies (almost like a Tiger Woods of football - with a solitary objective to win!). Unfortunately, we now have Arsène Wenger's version of mind games, which is solely to deceive Arsenal fans, keep himself in the job he now considers his birthright, and continue lining the pockets of the owners of the club.

For the first seven trophyless years, Wenger told us we do not need to buy "known" players, and that the young shall become great and we all got led on, while we quietly sold our experienced players each year and someone held on to the profits (and I'm sure Wenger got his share each time). Then in the last two seasons, Wenger has become obsessed with the terminologies "quality" and "true quality", and he promised each summer to get those, and on transfer deadline day, we count our list of 'true quality' players brought in, which included a certain Messrs Gervinho and Squillaci amongst others of supposed 'true quality'.

At the end of the 2012/13 season, and in fear of losing his job for the first time in several years, as some fans (most on onlinegooner) finally began to call Wenger on his lies and long chain of failed promises, he finally told us all that bringing in some established, known players is needed at Arsenal and that he will be doing that this summer. But the brilliant Mr. Wenger and Mr. Gazidis have now formulated an equally brilliant mind game, in which they know they can bluff with silly bids for virtually any player; why not offer £20 million for Ronaldo?

They know the dim-witted UK press will lap up and publish any storyline anyway; they just have to keep their newspapers and glossy magazines selling, and Wenger has exploited that brilliantly! He had no intention whatsoever of buying Suarez or Higuain; all he has done here is demonstrate that he has tried to bring in established players (but the crazy prices prevented him from buying – let’s all blame the current state of football in England!). Wenger will continue to play these games each season and Gazidis will continue after Wenger. They know some Arsenal fans are still gullible enough to believe in the smoke-screen, while they get away with leaving us exactly where we've been for the last nine years, at the end of the transfer window, with some free transfers and no useful additions to the team.

The goal-keeping and midfield positions and parts of our defence remains our Achilles' heel as it has been for almost ten years now, and would have been the same in Wenger's first few glory years, if not for the consistency of some players like David Seaman, Ray Parlour, Tony Adams, Martin Keown and some others whom Wenger didn't bring to the club. He (Wenger) added the flair and passion of the Vieiras, Henrys and a few others, which turned out to be very successful, and then his arrogance took over, and he replaced that defensive midfield and the goalkeeping position with gutless players, leading to the last nine barren seasons, and counting!

But wait, some fans remain gullible, and I am sure some of those will be out in force shortly, to criticise this article, even though we all know the truth of what's going on at Arsenal, and we all know we will be fighting for fourth spot at the end of this season, with zero trophies, even before the season has started, because we have not made any moves to change those situations. Suarez, who spends significant portions of each season under suspension, is supposed to be our messiah? Let the mind games continue Mr Wenger. Arsenal FC will be rid of you sooner or later (unless you intend to live to a ripe old age of 150 years?).

I am now back home in London and will no doubt attend all the home games this season and a handful of away games as usual. I can only hope we get a bright start and - maybe - luck will aid us in winning the Capital One trophy this season at least.

Come on you Gooners!!!

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  1. WeAreBuildingATeamToDominate

    Aug 10, 2013, 16:20 #37284

    People, the all-seeing all-knowing WABATTD knows what is going on.......OGL has no intention of signing Suarez, he is merely bidding to upset the best player of one of our potential rivals for the coveted 4th place....."so I go to Real" says the racist cheat, Real who quite sensibly don't want to part with 100m for the one-season wonder Gareth Bale and LFC (who despite my earlier digs are a proud club with a great history; you can't deny it) are left with no striker for the first half of the season....hey, job done. Meanwhile, Gareth Barry is up for £4m and some makeweight will do as a sop to the AKBs. Christ supporting AFC right now really is death by a thousand cuts

  2. DW Thomas

    Aug 10, 2013, 2:55 #37266

    Canada..you as others are spot on. Plus, going to games is ok in my book. Wouldn't jeer the players but direct my angst at Wenger, Gadzidis, and co. There is simply no way we will compete this season without real quality additions. 16 pts. off first place last year! Oh how we forget! And that was a gift to United with RVP. Surely if I made +$7 million a year like our manager, had complete control and sycophantic followers, with no threat of being fired (8-2 loss anyone?), I might never change my ways either. The evidence keeps mounting that it is time for fresh ideas. Yet too many turn a blind eye and only remember the glory years of Wenger. Yes, they were fantastic, but why were the Invincibles so great. They weren't all young guns were they? No! To say recent teams even compared to that great squad disminishes their memory. Top 20 managers all time on Espn and Wenger is not there. Why? He went unbeaten. No CL maybe. And no chance anytime soon. Fergie is reported to have said not winning a third CL is a great regret. You don't win when selling your best players and making profit is your priority. How does he not get that? Look how Liverpool are talking about the Suarez situation. I would be surprised if they let him go. What does that say about them? About Arsenal? We have known for sometime the club needs badly new ideas and direction, new leadership. Some of us woke up only recently. Reminds me of that movie the Matrix. Too many still slumber in lala land.

  3. NW68

    Aug 09, 2013, 19:23 #37262

    N13 Gooner. Don't you think the quote " I would be happy with 2nd place for the next 20 years " shows a lack of ambition? You must realise that things have got worse.

  4. N4

    Aug 09, 2013, 17:32 #37257

    Although I totally agree with your article but why going to the games isn't that also supporting Arsene FC?!!

  5. Man United Killer

    Aug 09, 2013, 16:21 #37253

    "Is the underbidding a deliberate policy?" No its not.It's not easy finding players with great 'MENTAL STRINGS' you know. *For Heaven's sake STOP renewing your season tickets*

  6. tfSmudge

    Aug 09, 2013, 16:14 #37252

    Decent article and some fab argument above... the transfer market has been our bugbear for a good while now. We are now rock bottom in attracting big stars to this club, the reputation of Wenger & Co in not paying the wages is probably the reason. Not competing with Chelski, Sh*tty or Manure was actually predicted. Not by Wenger but by the last decent player negotiator we had, David Dein – sacked from this club coincidentally around the time our trophy cabinet webbed over many moons ago. Sir Chips effing Keswick, Hill-Woods ex banker-mate, is now doing what they do at the top, sit on an expensive chair at our expense whilst Dein works for Usmanov. I've said it before and I'll say it again, Wenger shouldn't have taken on Dein's job, let alone pocket the extra millions of boardroom bribes for doing it. His economics degree just means he's a penny pincher (compared to the rest of the PL). I'd like to see players just like Viera, Bergkamp, van Persie, Cesc once again at the Emirates. That involves bargaining skill and understanding. The wrong man is doing our deals, period. Well done Canada for highlighting it and Anonymous with the first article (39927) which says it all and in my opinion makes all else futile. Never mind the bollox.

  7. Spin Doctors

    Aug 09, 2013, 15:56 #37251

    during may june and july we did f all in the transfer market having told the fans that we would be ''very active''. we all agreed end of season that we at least needed 2 or 3 additions and we all agreed that we could now afford them. so what went wrong ? 1. we are crap at negotiating and piss people off all of the time. 2. alot of what was said was pure PR to get us all excited, buying tickets and spending money

  8. maguiresbridge gooner

    Aug 09, 2013, 14:40 #37244

    N13 Gooner, respect works both ways and there's been no respect shown to the fans for a long time, with his passion for failed personal projects and experiments, which have been the cause of not winning anything in eight years going on nine (and being as far away now of winning something as we've ever been not forgetting the numerous humiliations in between) not a few as you state, there's a big difference. And Ted, can be associated with this part, Prove (if any was needed) that his apologists have really hit rock bottom and have run out of ways to defend their messiah when we hear the old come back as a chav, go and support city, run off to united, your not a true supporter, go down the road to the spuds line, as someone has already pointed out pathetic, and it makes you sound like a fool.

  9. maguiresbridge gooner

    Aug 09, 2013, 13:27 #37243

    Wenger the tyre kicker, and that's exactly what wenger wanted it's what he's been hoping for all along, it's worked out perfect, he can now tell the gullible that he tried his best.

  10. Gaz

    Aug 09, 2013, 12:46 #37242

    Difficult to argue with any of that tbh. Must admit I find the support Wenger gets from some (not all) quaters rather unerving and even a little weird. I mean I can understand people wanting to defend Wenger but some of the defending is just plain and utter bonkers. Surprised Wenger doesn't just start his interviews with 'look into my eyes and only my eyes...'

  11. Tony Evans

    Aug 09, 2013, 12:26 #37241

    Canada - I was with you all the way until your final paragraph. Don't attend any matches until Wenger leaves or the club stops playing silly b*ggers with all this transfer spin and lies that are designed to keep the gullible happy. I stopped going and feel much better for it, after all most of it is absolute sh*te anyway!

  12. FPGooner

    Aug 09, 2013, 12:21 #37240

    Without getting personal, Ted (Post 39999) puts forward the Wenger apologists' view, albeit without any sense of logic or sense. His view is that all gooners should watch while Wenger the dinosaur drags our great club down further every season. My loyalty to the club is as solid as ever; my confidence in Wenger has reached rock bottom. Do you see the difference Ted? Do you see who is more disloyal? is it those of us who want the club to do better? or is it you, who either through a total lack of awareness or intelligence does not mind seeing the club deteriorate every year? Since we last won anything, Wenger has accumulated £56 million in salary plus bonuses. Does that represent a good return for you Ted? If our prime minister took our country down and down every year, Ted, would you not want to vote him out at the next election? or would you see that as a sign of disloyalty? would you stick with him through a misguided sense of loyalty, forgetting that your loyalty is not with him? Ted's argument of 'go and support United, City, Spurs etc' is part of the reason why the board at our club do not see any disenchantment within the fanbase and arrogantly place all their eggs in one basket or in Wenger's case, one basket case.

  13. N13 Gooner

    Aug 09, 2013, 12:09 #37239

    Torbay gooner, CT Gooner, Strood. Whilst I'm of the belif that changing manager isn't the answer (partly because I don't even know who would make the decision on his replacement) I fully accept your point of view. I'm talking about the people who thinks, like this article suggests, that he deliberately is trying to con the club, is in this for personal gain and wouldn't care if we never win a trophy again. Funnily enough many of these people seems to think George Graham was the best thing since sliced bread at the same time...

  14. Paddy

    Aug 09, 2013, 11:20 #37238

    There’s been some good articles and even better comments on this site in the last couple of weeks. Thanks to everyone who has contributed for giving me something worthwhile to read! The exception is those people, like Ted, who whilst they may make some good points and add to the debate, spoil it with inane comments like “go and support Chelsea or Man City or Spurs”. Are these people really football fans? If they are, then they must be the new breed who believe people can change allegiances at the drop of a hat. We’re all Arsenal fans here I believe and whilst we may have differing views on the current situation, please don’t stoop so low as to suggest any of us could stop caring about Arsenal and start supporting another team.

  15. Ron

    Aug 09, 2013, 11:10 #37237

    tED - Its sad but your comment is very immature. Please do grow up. Argue by all means, but 'run off to Utd etc etc' its a bit pathetic really dont you think? Im happy for your ilk to be content in your ignorance and denial of whats staring you in the face at our Club i.e the place is an asset stripping cash machine for those at the top and the fans are irrelavant. Things do change as you say and at this Club its for the worse. The old days of football 'supporters' have gone. You, like me are just 'customers' now and if the product is poor we re all free to refuse to buy it and criticise it. The Board there and Wenger are all con men. Only the blind or those who dont want to see cant recognise it.

  16. Stroud Green Road Boy

    Aug 09, 2013, 10:57 #37236

    N13 Gooner, whilst he has/had many attributes worthy of respect it's difficult respect Wenger's hypocrisy, contradictions and lies e.g. moaning about salaries whilst accepting the highest salary of any manager in the league; moaning about high transfer fees whilst happy to accept them when selling but not buying; saying 'no one has moved in the market' then a few days later 'the problem is other clubs moved very early' etc, etc. I could go on and on.

  17. Quillie

    Aug 09, 2013, 10:56 #37235

    For the last eight years we've heard the same old excuse: 'We can't compete financially with the big clubs, and that's why we're not winning anything.' Well, now the money's there, as Gazidiz stated categorically and in bullish fashion a few months ago, and we can sign whoever we want and pay them whatever we want, so what will the excuse be at the end of this season?

  18. BNG

    Aug 09, 2013, 10:12 #37233

    You have to smile at all the believers who went on record at the end of last season by saying " he must spend some monies and strengthen the squad" and followed this up with "if he doesn't questions will have to be answered".........ok boys n girls now is your time to speak up

  19. CT Gooner

    Aug 09, 2013, 10:03 #37232

    N13, try and stick by your principles at work, and see what happens to you when it all goes pair shaped. Will your boss be saying good on you, or find a new job? I think it's noble for you to point out he is a person and cares, but he's screwed up again and again and it's time to find a new manager that can get the job done. I could write a novel on the things i think he's got wrong over the last 4 years, but it's all been said before. My last point is for all those that don't like to hear criticism of the current regime, you are no more an Arsenal fan than I, so save the go support Chelsea or Spurs, it just makes you sound like a fool.

  20. Reg

    Aug 09, 2013, 10:00 #37231

    @ Ted. The asset strippers have been at the helm for years now and Wenger has been part of it and hugely rewarded. Wake up, if you keep cheering they'll keep serving it up. Simple as that.

  21. Torbay gooner

    Aug 09, 2013, 9:50 #37230

    N13 Gooner, I am somebody who used to have the upmost respect for Arsene Wenger, however as others have said the delusional statements that he has made in the last few years have chipped away at that respect to the point where I just want to switch him off whenever I see him on tv. Some of his press conferences, particularly the one before the Bayern Munich game last season have been full of too many David Brent cringe moments. I thank him profusely for managing the best Arsenal footballing sides I have ever seen 1998-2004, but sadly he longer has it in him to produce title challenging teams. The board should be looking to bring in a hungry young manager for next season, but who has faith in them!!

  22. Greenwich Gooner

    Aug 09, 2013, 9:39 #37229

    Think we're in yet another failed Wenger experiment. To see where we finish without signing anybody decent, having trimmed the wage bill and squad to the bare bones. Back to the "youth experiment" with Gnabry, Miyaichi etc supposed to step up from the bench. This is probably a petulant reaction from OGL to Ivan's "we will spend big and early" bollox. I do think Ivan expected signings, or A decent signing, as no CEO likes to look an emasculated muppet, which is what he looks right now. Dick Law et al have set a whole new benchmark for negotiating ineptitude if they aren't being constantly hamstrung by AW. And who advises them? They seem to have believed Suarez's agent over the release clause?!!! Suarez wants to go to Madrid and now that RM are saying that ooh £100 mill seems quite a lot for Bale, Perez will need a cheaper, marquee signing. Anyhow I despair of those who want Wenger put under pressure so he leaves, while still renewing their season tickets (or even Red membership). If you love Arsenal, have some principles?

  23. Bob

    Aug 09, 2013, 9:31 #37228

    That anthem to referees "you don't know what you're doing" is likely to roll from the stands in Wenger's direction at the Villa match, and rightly so.

  24. chris dee

    Aug 09, 2013, 9:03 #37227

    Oh s**t! Now only two weeks before the season starts and the 'I am happy with the spirit and quality of the players we have' nightmare is getting more and more frequent.

  25. Ted

    Aug 09, 2013, 9:03 #37226

    Rubbish article one sided and full of the usual nominal fan bull****.The sad thing for these glory hunters who have nothing to say but criticise the club and Wenger is you are doing exactly what you accuse the club of doing. You are being disloyal by not supporting the club and do far more damage than the media or other clubs fans. I wonder how you so called fans would have reacted if you supported Liverpool or Leeds or Nottingham Forest. You would have probably run off crying years ago to City or United. Yes top four may not be great but things will change and when they do you whinging trophy huggers will come crawling back. True Arsenal fans see through you people.

  26. Seven Kings Gooner

    Aug 09, 2013, 8:41 #37225

    My dear ole nan used a word all the time about dodgy people, she called them "sprucers" I looked up the meaning today to double check. A sprucer is, and I quote "a person who tells tall stories - a trickster". From now on I shall refer to OGL as "the sprucer" this word also applies to Ivan Gazidis but not to Dick Law, Mr Law is clearly a 1960's redundant TV game show host.

  27. Goongoonergone

    Aug 09, 2013, 8:41 #37224

    I see the AKBs who are attempting some swan songs on this site are still in a comatose state after inhaling all the poison gas that Wenger has been discharging for the last eight years from his Arse-nal.

  28. N13 Gooner

    Aug 09, 2013, 8:32 #37223

    The way Wenger acts in the transfer market is extremely frustrating. The problem though, is when things get personal towards Wenger and people start accusing him of not caring, chasing personal glory or just being plain stupid. You don't get as far as he has doing/being any of those things. Wenger has a way he believes in and as frustrating as it is....you gotta respect that. If you can't respect Wenger and his passion for the game and the club because he has a different belief of how to act and he hasn't brought you a title in a few years, sorry but I don't think you deserve to be a Gooner and hopefully you’ll come back as a Chelsea fan in your next life, it will be better for everybody.

  29. goonergocarpfishing

    Aug 09, 2013, 8:11 #37222

    at last someone who is as fed up as me with the fake bids for players who the club have no intention whatsoever of buying just a way of saying to the fans and most importantly the ones about to renew their over priced season tickets that we have tried to spend big but just missed out AGIAN ,but at least we have brought some promising talent from French lower league football.does wenger only give his scouting team the funds to travel to france ? even though we do need a world class stricker surley a goalkeeper with a few seasons behind him,another centre half.a holding midfield player and a wide left midfield should also be being winging their way to the emirates . we should have a couple already signed and training with the rest just short of signing but instead we will have to put up with not on off but off off saga of mr suarez,i hope we get knocked out of the CL and see what happens then,wenger out please as no one player or manager is bigger then our club

  30. Alsace Lorraine de Totteridge

    Aug 09, 2013, 7:51 #37221

    WTTK - you will not be alone in your deprecatory expressions of Our Glorious Leader. I have been offering helpful pithy yet constructive critisism for as long as I can remember. Just be careful that you don't give the stewards an excuse to expel you. In Wengerworld you don't get a refund. We will get rid of him. The only question is how bad a state will we be in when we do.

  31. Wenger the tyre kicker

    Aug 09, 2013, 0:09 #37220

    Well it looks like the chances of us getting Suarez is now dead as liverpools owner Henery is doing what we wish our owner did and get involved and telling the player to like it or lump it and Arsenal to f##k off. we have had ALL summer to sort this out ... I'm embarrased as an Arsenal fan to be associacte with my own club PLEASE fellow gooner join me in booing Wenger to his set next week!

  32. Christopher Moltisanti

    Aug 09, 2013, 0:09 #37219

    Wenger is a liar and he has dragged this great club down. Interesting to hear Liverpool owner say that they refuse to sell Suarez to a PL rival for footballing reasons, no matter e price. Even Liverpool understand you need to respect your fans and show ambition. Yet what did that joke Wenger do wih RVP? Sold him to ManYoo £24mil. Wenger has no intention of signing Suarez, just as Higuain was never going to sign either. The club is truly laughable under Wenger, the mentality of celebrating 4th is pathetic, Wenger continues to bitch about crazy wages in football but is happy to pick up 7.5 mil a year for his greedy self. He has less trophies than Alex McLeish, Juande Ramos, Harry Redknapp and Martinez over 8 years and yet, he spouts utter tripe week in week out. He's like the sad drunkard yelling in the corner of the pub, while nobody listens. He lies, always. Arsenal is bigger than this clown and its high time the fans revolted and gave him absolute HELL this season. Boycott tickets!

  33. Redshirtswhitesleeves

    Aug 08, 2013, 22:31 #37217

    We've sold gervinho!!! Almost as good as making a signing!!

  34. NW68

    Aug 08, 2013, 22:23 #37216

    "When we lose a game it makes me physically sick" Quote from Mr Wenger. I think he's going to be seeing a lot of his toilet and the cleaner this season. I think they could be saving a big slice of the transfer money to keep him supplied with the bottles of water he keeps kicking all season.

  35. Man United Killer

    Aug 08, 2013, 22:14 #37215

    Make your voice heard with your wallet.Stop giving them your money...*For Heaven's sake STOP renewing your season tickets*

  36. DW Thomas

    Aug 08, 2013, 21:45 #37214

    Last season: 89 to our 73 points. And no one in yet of real proven quality? The gap was 16 pts. for goodness sake! How can we possibly compete without new additions? That's like five wins and a tie difference, isn't it? Wow we have far to go to stop my b...hing and moaning!

  37. maguiresbridge gooner

    Aug 08, 2013, 21:42 #37213

    DW Thomas, your right the man who now thinks he's bigger than Arsenal has an ego so big it has him thinking that every time he opens his mouth people should immediately click their heels and jump to attention and listen to everything he says, and his self importance is such that he expects everybody to believe him, and that everybody else is wrong, and everyone should do as he says but as you say it's all bullshyt and more and more people are waking up to that fact.

  38. Ron

    Aug 08, 2013, 20:46 #37212

    John Gooner - You shdt be surprised that the total honest to goodness truth in all its warts and rough bits doesn't get stated by pundits. They're so constrained in what they can say that their all effectively in straitjackets. Their comments can go a little close to what they really think but they ll never give it to you as a viewer from the hip. The risk of defamation law suits is too high. This is why the likes of Marsh was kicked out years ago for his silly little joke about the toon army. Neville s quite good as he s clever enough to couch his words leaving you to realise what he thinks without him actually saying it. Watch Keane though on ITV and he more or less stays silent as he clearly cant trust himself to blow a fuse about Clubs and individuals and the producers have clearly muzzled him totally. These pundits are of the same view as many of us on here im sure, but we re more free to spout off mate as long as were civil about it, which most of us are thankfully.

  39. Rob

    Aug 08, 2013, 20:39 #37211

    Very good article - and broadly true. Wenger has no intention of spending any money and that will be clearly shown on September 2nd. This Suarez pursuit is just a ruse. There is something fundamentally wrong at Arsenal, that Wenger is allowed to run amok with unlimited opportunities to do as he likes. This is the year when it all starts to unravel. But not before the turn of the year when he's offered a three year contract extension. So it's going to get a whole lot worse before it improves.

  40. johnnyh

    Aug 08, 2013, 20:37 #37210

    glad to see i am not the only one to catch on to wenger the con artist but sadly due to the ineptitude of the likes of spurs,wenger manages to squeeze into the top four each year by the skin of his teeth,therefore ensuring that kroenkes share price keeps on rising(until such time as he sells,probably to usmanov) and guaranteeing himself a contract renewal in the process(look out for it being announced around late october or mid november) the most depressing thing for all true gooners is that we are about to begin yet another season where the clubs only ambition is to finish fourth,and to me that lack of optimism is unacceptable. we really do deserve better.

  41. Stevieo

    Aug 08, 2013, 19:33 #37209

    Mind games? When has Wenger ever played mind games? It’s just plain unadulterated bull. ‘Fabianski will be world class.' ‘Bendtner is top quality.' And let’s not forget the ‘this is my strongest squad ever’ spleen splitter. Now judging by the comments, amazingly there is still life out there that falls for this nonsense. It’s more like a Jedi mind trick than a mind game that Wenger controls these worshippers with.

  42. John Gooner

    Aug 08, 2013, 19:33 #37208

    Carragher and Neville have just summed up our position perfectly on sky sports. Sad that it takes a ex-scouse and ex-manc to talk so clearly about what Arsenal need. Why does everyone always stop short of the main point about what Arsenal need - A new manager? There almost seems to be a conspiracy amongst players, media and fellow managers that you don't criticise Wenger. They give him such an easy ride that he's able to live in his own little bubble, believing that everyone still views him as one of the best in the business. As long as he continue to ignore the views of the fans, he will have no reason to think otherwise.

  43. wenger the tyre kicker.....aka Noodles!

    Aug 08, 2013, 18:55 #37207

    You have shown 'great mental strength' in writing this article!!!! This will be after 20 years most likely my last as a season ticket holder. The only plus factor is i'm in block 3 in ear shot of Wenger who is going to suffer my abuse against Villa and at every home game ... the lying "im bigger than the club" tit ... I wonder if hes still shagging that north african TART that was hushed up very quickly ...Ill ask against Villa shall i chaps??? ;0)

  44. Red Member

    Aug 08, 2013, 18:30 #37206

    Good article but then you spoil it all in the last paragraph by saying you will attend all home games! MUG!! You also think we might win the league cup??? Not a chance. We will be involved in the usual scramble for 4th place.Cups are irrelevant at Arsenal these days

  45. DW Thomas

    Aug 08, 2013, 18:30 #37205

    Good to see the comments about Wenger's comments. This is key. I have been paying close attention to his statements since 2008 and it is all mostly deluded ego driven bs. I am not naive enough not to understand that there will always be spin. But the utter unmistakable contradictions really says all you need to know. The money/profit is goal #1. Not performance on the field. Even if we had won the CL in 2006 the rest of last 7 years has been pathetic failure. You just can't say that things are being done in the right way to breed success without said success. Excuses only sound more pathetic on why we don't succeed because of everyone else doing the "wrong" things or whining about the way things are and probably always will be. I believe like others have said already that since 2006 Wenger has this dream to win with kids and will not change this plan. Why else would he talk up such an unproven talent as Sanogo? AKBs or AMGs or anyone else between, just read between the lines. Or, heck,just read the lines. It's obvious the track we're on will not change with the current regime.

  46. northbank123

    Aug 08, 2013, 18:25 #37204

    A week or two ago he was doing his usual 'the market hasn't kicked into life yet' routine (which inevitably precedes his disbelief that clubs don't want to sell their best players to us on the cheap in the last week of the window). I wonder which one of Negredo, Jovetic, Fernandinho, Navas, Llorente, Tevez, Mkhitaryan, Gotze, Gomez, Villa, Neymar, Paulinho, Soldado, Thiago, Neymar, Isco, Illarrimendi, Schurrle, Higuain, Cavani or Falcao it was that made him realise that in fact transfers have been happening for some time????

  47. CanadaGooner

    Aug 08, 2013, 18:04 #37203

    @ Bard - absolutely. Fans were patient for several years when Wenger sold us the new stadium theory. If he came out last year and said: "guys, this is the new arsenal. We wont buy any player over 10million or whatever" fans would probably still understand. But to scrape through at the end of last season and promise to buy decent players and then get back to the usual crap, is what really annoys. The TV pundits know this, thats why their support for arsenal vanished. Years back everyone understood the whole stadium thing and sympathized with arsenal. But with the current spate of lies and blatant greed at the club, public opinion has changed and pundits now lay into us at will

  48. Bard

    Aug 08, 2013, 17:34 #37202

    I'm in agreement with you Canada. My main gripe is the bull that gets spouted. If we dont have the money to compete at the top fine. Tell us (fans) the truth and then 4th spot might be viewed as an achievement, but all this rubbish about money to burn trophies to be won, its all hot air; the dishonesty demeans us. I posted a while ago we have had no intention of buying either Higuain or Suarez its all smoke and mirrors. We only need Bale to go for £80m before we get Wenger philosophising about the madness in the market as to why we havent bought anyone. As you rightly point out the addition of 3/4 top players will improve the squad no end even if we dont buy a striker. A week to go and we havent even signed a decent keeper.

  49. Reg

    Aug 08, 2013, 17:32 #37201

    Spot on Canada. Sad thing is Wenger won't walk away. Going to get very dirty before it ends.

  50. Lord Froth

    Aug 08, 2013, 16:50 #37200

    Good article Canada Gooner. To those that think spending equates to bankrupting the club well you are wrong. Arsenal don't have to be irresponsible and bankrupt the club but as they have money to spend they should spend some of it. At the moment they have spent nothing, zero, nada. They have made profit just like in several recent transfer windows. They don't seem to have heard the term 'speculate to accumulate'. Wenger just wants to accumulate for some reason at the expense of the football side of things. Granted he may buy some players but there is nothing at the moment to support this view. The season starts next week and the comments about having lots of money to spend and doing what they need to do early in the window to strengthen the team came from the club, not the fans making stuff up. Arsenal Footbal Club is becoming a farce. It is clinging to it's status by it's fingernails. There is no guarantee that Arsenal will come 4th this season. Last season they just about scraped it but Wenger has actually weakened the team as Gervinho will be going soon too. Now nobody thinks that he is good enough for Arsenal but having an empty space on the teamsheet is even worse. Remember a couple of years ago when all four fullbacks were injured? Well this season Vermaelen is already injured and we are one tweak away from starting the season with only one recognised central defender. How is this acceptable? It is ridiculous and I don't accept it. If they don't buy players before the season starts then by then we could be out of the Champions League and off the pace in the league by September. It's a crazy state of affairs. We only hold on to 4th place for so long because of the inadequacies of others not Wengers managerial brilliance. I can't believe this is the same man that did so much for the club a decade ago. I truly believe that Wenger needs to go now, sadly. Once we slip out of 4th place it will be a long way back becuase if they can't find 'super quality' players with money and whilst in the Champions League then how will they entice them when they are out of it. Ask Liverpool FC if you doubt this.

  51. CanadaGooner

    Aug 08, 2013, 16:35 #37199

    @ maguiresbridge gooner - as you know mate, it never ceases to amaze me why people say some really strange things. We're all Arsenal fans (or so one would hope) and to accept and revel in the current situation, especially as we all know how the season will end, is just strange. But as you noted, we just go on and hope.

  52. DW Thomas

    Aug 08, 2013, 16:17 #37198

    If we get Suarez (with all his issues not in accordance with our holier than thou club attitude), Fellaini, Williams, and a keeper all by mid August before the first game vs Villa then I will say it has been a good transfer season. Anything less and it is a shambles. The Suarez saga really puts it into light how bad our negotiating teams are and how arrogant Wenger is. Again Suarez alone is nowhere near enough. This story of these last in e seasons from terrible losses to selling our club captains is just too unreal!

  53. maguiresbridge gooner

    Aug 08, 2013, 16:00 #37197

    Looks like you were right Canada they've been shaken out of their stupor over at AKB central command (courtesy of Alace) and found their way here, i'm sure most of them have already returned safely to base.

  54. maguiresbridge gooner

    Aug 08, 2013, 15:21 #37196

    No we know why you've been so quiet of late, good article, a lot of us saw through OGL and TKOS long before 12/13 a lot of the gullible didn't but more and more are waking up now, and even more will wake up after the transfer window closes, unfortunately for our club some remain in a trance and will never wake up and will remain gullible for as long as OGL and TKOS tell them, (they'll be convinced that he's doing a great job, and doing his very best to get us top top quality players no matter what, but they've been very very quiet of late i wonder why) but your right Canada no doubt they'll break cover long enough to prove it and blame everybody/everything else, then slip quietly back into their trance.

  55. Moscow Gooner

    Aug 08, 2013, 15:12 #37195

    The usual AKB element on here - do they simply recycle 'lines to take' provided by the Club? Any chance that when we finally dislodge the Kroenke/Wenger clique that they will leave with him to PSG? Here's hoping.

  56. I loved Arsenal with a passion 1971-2006 but since then...

    Aug 08, 2013, 15:04 #37194

    good piece canada gooner; i read your words and i knew you felt arsenal and you know we have simply lost our edge and winning mentality. you know how much it hurts when you know the arsenal of the past. worse than that we are in the clutches of spin doctors, PR machines and investment managers. for those of us that love the sport, the passion, the desire to win, the theatre of it all, we are all bleeding in pain at the clinical, distant, non-caring, PLC that we all support today. It is just so so sad what has happened to the club it makes me cry.

  57. ApolloGooner

    Aug 08, 2013, 14:34 #37193

    @ CecsFantasticPass 8.21am – you make it sound like there were only two choices: 1) Do what has been done or 2) Go bankrupt. Quite ridiculous. What about the huge amount of middle ground you are ignoring? You know, the part where we could have spent sensibly, invested in the team and remained competitive? Also, it made me laugh when you asked ‘’Is it Wenger's fault that football clubs have become Arabian play things?’’ Actually in PSG’s case yet it certainly is Wenger’s fault – because he arranged the deal between the club and Al Jazeera as he knew both parties well. Totally hypocritical for someone so against financial doping but that’s Wenger for you! P.S. Very good artitcle CanadaGooner.

  58. billthered

    Aug 08, 2013, 14:25 #37192

    Since the unbeaten season we have slowly gone backwards and now find ourselves in a battle for fourth place.Well take a look at what happened, project youth was almost there he only had to tweak the squad with a couple of experienced players in the transfer window but OGL decided that he was going to do it on the cheap big mistake.You see what he should have done after the unbeaten season was just add a couple of players because we already had the best players in the league at THOF.Come on who's fault was that answers via postcard please.

  59. allybear

    Aug 08, 2013, 14:12 #37191

    Very good article and also very good comments. Once again im amazed at the amount of AW supporters who wont admit that this man is past it and has been for many years. He should have been sacked after the 8-2 debacle! I have been a gooner for many years and have seen many managers come and go.Why cant people accept that Wengers time is up,he has had more than enough time.

  60. Paul Ellam

    Aug 08, 2013, 14:04 #37190

    @CanadaGooner - You've echoed my own sentiments. Our once great leader is now steering us slowly into the mire, and sadly he has to go. Cloughie was a great manager, but he stayed on too long at NF & took them down. Obviosuly things aren't THAT bad, but I'm going into this groundhog season with no enthusiasm at all. But, like a fool, i'll still keep going because that's what you do when you care that much for your club. On the pitch you support them through thick & thin, but off it, we need to convey that it's not good enough. We have the money, but AW won't spend it. I don't want us to spend beyond our means, just improve our paper-thin squad.

  61. Ron

    Aug 08, 2013, 13:55 #37189

    Gee - Its exactly a personal crusade as you say. Arsenal is as much a plaything for him as the likes of Chelsea are to Abramovitch, but for different reasons at far ends of the same spectrum. Wenger hasnt the abilty or mental flexibility to see that the 'right' way is maybe somewhere between Arsenal and Chelsea s methods. Hes a bigot basically and everybody knows theres none worse than the bigoted for doing the same things over and over and holding the same immovable views in the face of alternative means and methods. He dreams of CL and title wins on the cheap and he can hear the drooling worshippers, prone at his feet, proclaiming him as 'the great Arsene who was right all along'. Its not happening Mr W not now or ever again, until footballs artificial, cash filled bubble busts and spews its rotten, corrupt load out when maybe it can get back to basics as a 'game' no longer dictated by the biggest wallet.In addition many of the guys who hes overlooked didnt call for mega bucks to get them did it and further hes blessed with a fan base whove never consistently called for the mighty sums of money we see spent elsewhere to be spent on one player at Arsenal. Wengers myopia stretches well beyond missing free kicks, dives and pen decisions!

  62. KJ26

    Aug 08, 2013, 13:51 #37188

    Wenger Out. I cannot fathom why Wenger now is going all out for Suarez who he should have signed when is he at Ajax. And yet he baulked at the extra monies wanted when agreeing for Mata, Alonso, Higuen and even Gary Cahil. He and the hand maidens at the club must be the most short sighted of people when they pull away from those deals in order to save monies. (Supporters monies) If those players had arrived they would have had a real chance to win something and thus cash in on the status of winners. I would take Suarez despite everything but not Suarez alone. A goalkeeper needs to arrive, a centre half and a defensive mid-fielder also. Just as it has for the past 1000 years!

  63. Danny Wallace

    Aug 08, 2013, 13:34 #37187

    This is going to turn ugly for Arsenal and Wenger in particular if Liverpool, as is their right, continue to play hardball. As it stands, with just over a week before the season stands, Arsenal’s squad looks very threadbare and Wenger seems to be putting all his eggs in one basket case!

  64. Gee

    Aug 08, 2013, 13:34 #37186

    He should never have got a new deal after the 2010/11 season. That was his last extension and it followed 2 collapses in a row in the league during the 09/10 and 10/11 run in. These were also the years he could have comfortably added Alonso et al to supplement Cesc, VP and Nasri. Instead he persisted with the usual suspects that has seen us fall further away from the league champions spot ever since. Why don't we act like a normal football club? You know use our resources to produce a competitive squad? The sheer unwillingness to spend money on squad improvement is now beyond a joke. I now feel it is a personal crusade against the big spenders that he won't use the funds. Yes I know there is this suarez £40m bid, but in all likelihood it wont happen and with all our eggs in one basket our transfer business will be done with the addition of Sanogo. We'll be told we have ££ for January and that will come and go as "players aren't available in january" and so we go into next summer being spun the same old drivel If Klopp had £100m he would have utilised it on targets of sufficient quality to challenge for the title

  65. Stroud Green Road Boy

    Aug 08, 2013, 12:49 #37185

    Green Hut, that comment about 'other clubs doing business early' also contradicts his 'apart from Man City, no one has done anything' comment of a few days ago. The way he gets away with such blatant, self-contradicting nonsense is amazing.

  66. Ron

    Aug 08, 2013, 12:17 #37183

    Canada - You ll always get the trolls who ll slake your views mate. For my part, i was in two minds about Wenger from 2007/8 followig Gallasgate, though ive doubted Wenger in truth as a motivator since we lost the infamous game 50 at OT. Ive wanted him to resign since the 8-2 at OT and never wavered from that view since then. That was my tipping point. He shdt get a new contract. Hes just past his best. End of. His major 'crime' is creating at Arsenal, the expectation level of an Everton or Tottenham and having the supporters think its normal. (no disresepct meant to those 2 Clubs either)The Club has never really had a winning dynasty, save for the 30s, but their decision to uproot from Highbury raised the bar for the Club that theyve subsequently lowered to a lesser level before they shifted. They cant do that in my book, not at the cost to the fans that theyre charged. The Club has become dishonest for me, bullsh-----ers if you like. Theyve become disrespectful while picking the true fans pockets and for me, it stinks, hence im no longer a season ticket holder and havent been for 2 years. Thats me. Ive not the time to draft long articles, but cd waffle on for hours about the demise since 04. We all know the score though so i dont need to. Wengers very clever though and there are many worse Coaches still today, many Clubs would love to have him still and we shdt forget that. Hes just done his bit for Arsenal now though. As you say, 9 years is too long for this Club in the modern game. In a way he s been a man of his time and time has passed him by. His comments on the game and its ills re the cash etc make him seem like King Canute trying manfully to hold back the waves. Like it or loathe it, football has become 'yankeefied', celeb driven, low quality, drama queen populated garbage in the main, fueled by media and Sattelite tele. I can empathise with some of Wengers frustrations in that regard. I dont miss going to games regularly for sure. There are far better ways of entertaining these days. One day football might try and recover what brought fans like me to it in the first place 50 odd years back, but ill not be holding my breath matey.

  67. Green Hut

    Aug 08, 2013, 12:16 #37182

    since 66- Is that the same transfer window that closes after we've played 5 competitive games? Just been reading Wenger complain that buying players is harder for him at the moment because other clubs have done their business early. The man's lack of self-awareness is staggering.

  68. CanadaGooner

    Aug 08, 2013, 12:14 #37181

    @ John Gooner - is that not how Theo got his new contract? (banging in the goals the weeks prior to signing and then .....). You can bet your house on Wenger winning at least one trophy this season, to get his contract renewed and then gets back to his finance experiments and golden-donkey duty for kroenke and gazidis

  69. John Gooner

    Aug 08, 2013, 12:06 #37180

    I wish Liverpool would call Wenger on his bluff and accept £40,0000,001. What's the betting that negotiations would collapse before Suarez passes his medical? I respect your opinions Canada, but I fear you may have marginalised yourself by making your criticism too sensational and sweeping. I personally hold harsher views of Wenger and I think winning the Captial One is the worst thing that can happen as it would gaurantee Wenger another 4 years in the job.

  70. since 66

    Aug 08, 2013, 12:05 #37179

    So many "toy and cot' fans. shut up wait til the TW is closed and then judge the outcomes. we have more money available but why waste it. thank god none of you who want it and want it now or else are not anywhere near responsible positions in our great club. yours will be an empty/guilty season as our lads rip it up! sad for you already

  71. MARCUS

    Aug 08, 2013, 12:03 #37178

    Great article these Arsene Fc fanatics need a reality check smh,smh. We are in a steep decline "FOOTBALLING WISE". Your hero Wenger is destroying this club with his OLD MAN stubbornness syndrome. He has to go ASAP. I can not even look at hius face without getting angry. Look Canada they are deliberatly under bidding on purpose, so they can turn around and say oh we tried but every club said no smh,smh. They know alot of AKB'S will actually believe that nonsense. Canada what you said about this pro wengerites is so true. You can not have a dogmatic defense of wenger at this point and not say you are not gullible. I always ask these folks who love wenger, what would it take to get wenger sacked?? whats your breaking point and they can not answer me. As they see no one managing arsenal only their beloved leader. Its like a communist country of believers lool. THE DEAR LEADER ARSENE WENGER

  72. Goontown

    Aug 08, 2013, 11:58 #37175

    CescFantasticPass, tomo,gary,Georgaki-pyrovolitis etc please wake the $%^& up from Lord Wenger's hypnotical vodoo. I cant phatom your comments. You are either gullible or incapable of having independent mind. I think like most AKB you have decided long time ago Wenger is the best and you just make up excuses for your self every year Lord Wenger fails on all accounts but making the club 4th with extra 50 mill higher wage bill than Tottenham. If he truly cared about this club he would have left last year and scouted better and younger version of himself ((Jurgen Klopp) good luck with supporting Arsene FC. Canada Gooner we are here waiting this cancer to leave our beloved club... but even that time has passed.. fans have to stop blogging and show their discontent at the emirates period.

  73. gary

    Aug 08, 2013, 11:35 #37174

    You claim to be an arsenal fan and then you write such drivel. Shame on you.

  74. CanadaGooner

    Aug 08, 2013, 11:31 #37173

    @ Ron - I don't disagree with your sentiments, and come kick-off of our first match this season, I will support the club regardless (and that included supporting whoever is managing the club), that's the difference. I deem it counter-productive lashing the players and manager at the beginning of the season, when there's all to play for (even though we know what the outcome will be in our case; as we simply haven't done enough to alter that inevitability). Anyone who remains dogmatically pro-Wenger at this stage, without reason, is definitely gullible. I can appreciate his friends and family still full of praise; and I am ALSO full of praise for what he did in his first 8 years, that's not disputable; BUT, the reality is that we cant continue to cover up the last 9 years simply because we had a good 1999 to 2004. Where do you draw the line? Every club has had some good spell at one point or the other in their history, but they cant continue to hang their hats on that forever can they? I still disagree completely with the nonsense Phil Thomlison and most of the Sky pundits and the idiots on BBC say about Arsenal; but the reality is that we do need to start getting back to winning things and at least showing we're seriously trying! As for those idiots who have just uploaded abusive comments about this article; let's have your articles posted first, an then we can begin to understand what you stand for.

  75. Ron

    Aug 08, 2013, 11:20 #37172

    Some good points, some not so accurate. There are gullible fans out there, but to deem all pro Wenger fans as such is not quite right. Many who i know have harboured doubts for years, but supported him due to their love for the Club. It shdt be forgotten either Canada, that for a few years, you were defending the Coach v all comers on here who dared malign him. Nothing wrong with changing your perspective on things but its only lately in your case, so if i was you id go easy on those who remain firmly in le boss's camp from where you only emerged relatively recently. PS 'Mind games' ? Its ll boll---s. They all say things to the media to create a bit of mischief. Fergy was hailed as brilliant at it, but in truth he uttered pure garbled rubbish for quite some years when he wasnt getting his own way. All over rated tosh that is in my opinion.

  76. northbank123

    Aug 08, 2013, 10:45 #37171

    tomo - Think it says a lot that you're talking about signings that we made over a decade ago. All your post needs now is a reference to Rangers/Leeds/Portsmouth. Fact is Wenger's beliefs about the economics of football and FFP are at the root of his failure since we moved - he's been predicting the collapse of sugardaddy-owned clubs and the football economy for years ("unsustainable", football can't exist in its own bubble outside the recession). That's without even getting into the failures of our scouting, transfer and wage policy and tactics.

  77. Ken

    Aug 08, 2013, 10:23 #37170

    @FP GOONER. Fantastic post sir and to the point.

  78. Stroud Green Road Boy

    Aug 08, 2013, 10:08 #37169

    Well played, CanadaGooner, you line them up and the gullible fans come slowly flying past - cescfantasticpass, tomo, sandman... quack, quack, quack...

  79. tomo

    Aug 08, 2013, 9:35 #37168

    Yeah ok Wenger has made some mistakes but that doesn't mean you can make him out to be an idiot he has brought in loads of players to the club who became world class and as for the defence toure, Campbell and Gilberto were his signings invincibles anyone he has been let down by players who show no loyalty to the club be careful what you wish for what other manager could have stayed in Europe while building a stadium and not going in the red most of the managers in the world would have spent all our money maybe won a couple of trophies but bankrupt us then walk away saying its not my fault Wenger is responsible for the future of the club because he loves it when the teams around us in fifty years are broke and were still going strong people might look back and say Wenger helped to make that happen just show the man some respect.

  80. Sandman

    Aug 08, 2013, 9:31 #37167

    Awful article, totally misjudged and wrong. Oh you are soooo wrong

  81. FPGooner

    Aug 08, 2013, 9:28 #37166

    Good article. I do expect a lot of negative comments from sycophantic Wenger apologists, although their numbers are thankfully decreasing. Wenger was good for us, but like all of us, his powers have deteriorated; to the point where he has now become a dinosaur in the modern game. AFC, as mentioned previously, have a brilliant business plan; one that requires us to win nothing. It is based on having the costliest seats in the UK and also winning the Arsene Wenger trophy (4th place in the EPL) every year to get into the CL. Our commercial income has grown dramatically with two major deals having been signed this year. The real danger for us is that every year, we have become slightly worse in terms of player quality. Indeed, rather than celebrating the fact that for the first time in many years, we have not sold off a world-class player, we should be alarmed that we do not have any left. I shudder when I think of the talent we have sold off, to clubs with more ambition. In the recent tour of Asia, at a press conference pontificated about what it takes to be a successful manager and how he loves to win and hates to lose. Great sentiments Wenger, but you have the gall to call yourself successful? If you had walked into our club in 2005, you would now be entering your ninth year of winning nothing and we would all be baying for your head. So, what is keeping you there? your previous success. So, clearly he is yesterday's man, living on yesterday's glories. Post No. 39928 guards us against 'splashing the cash'. If we look at the players who have been bought and sold for huge sums over the last month,they all originally started out as far cheaper players and spotted by astute managers. Our manager did have that ability, but no more. These days he buys players of the calibre of Gervino, Chamakh, Sqillacci, Santos etc. But, to be successful, one still has to make one or two marquee signings. Cliches used by Wenger apologists about the foolishness of 'splashing the cash', 'throwing money at it' have never run a business or are just no idea of making an investment when running a business. Investment is crucial and must be done astutely. AW does not invest when required and does it poorly, when he does do it. Yes, Thierry Henry and Sol Campbell were my heroes when they played for us, but do not put them in our first team way past their best, as Wenger has done. Don't get me started on the wisdom of signing Silvestre, who wasn't good enough for Manure reserves when we signed him. In the week before the worst result of my 32 years as a gooner, the 8-2 thrashing by Manure, Wenger said in an interview that AFC do not need any new players. The 8-2 loss prompted an U-turn and an embarrassing supermarket sweep, one which gathered up Santos. Tactically, Wenger is well past his Use-by date. I watched with horror our loss to the Spuds earlier this year. It was an atrocity. A phrase that I dislike intensely is 'to get behind the club'. What? ignore the actions of the blundering megalomaniac ruining my club and to instead support him? This is the only club I have or will ever support and the sooner Wenger and if need be, Kroenke/Gazidis. Terry Wogan said something amusing a while back. He said that when a well known man is loved by the public, he is referred to by his first name. When he is hated, people just use his last name, Mussolini, Hiter, Wogan. Add Wenger to that list.

  82. AG

    Aug 08, 2013, 9:10 #37165

    Arsenal are not consistent nor disciplined enough to win a trophy and while the old dragon remains at the helm we will like you said fight for the 4th spot. The fans will decide Wenger's fate not the board.

  83. northbank123

    Aug 08, 2013, 9:07 #37164

    Just on a general basis Fergie's "mind games" breeding success is a myth. He never came out with more crap than the half decade 2001-06 when first we and then Mourinho's Chelsea were dominant. Likewise had Ferguson's United come from nowhere with 5 games left after repeatedly ruling them out of the title to win the league like Mancini did with Citeh in 2012 that would have been attributed to wonderful mind games (to add to Vieira winding up the United camp with comments about Scholes).

  84. Bob

    Aug 08, 2013, 9:02 #37163

    The idea that Wenger is, as Tomo implies,some kind of genius poker player who will play the winning hand at the last possible moment is laughable. Do you not remember two seasons ago, when we lost key players (Fabregas and Nasri), dithered in the transfer market and only after a home defeat by Liverpool and an 8-2 humiliation at Old Trafford did he rush out and panic-buy in the last 48 hours of the transfer window. Sorry, even if we do end up getting Suarez for £50 million, without similar quality at defensive midfield, centre-back and arguably goalkeeper coming in it is too little, and most certainly too late.

  85. Georgaki-pyrovolitis

    Aug 08, 2013, 8:59 #37162

    Oh dear, repeating the same old garbage. You describe certain events over the last eight years or so in the history of Arsenal but fail to even try to explain them. You even shamelessly belittle the achievements of Wenger in his first eight years by claiming they were not his. You are dispicable. You are pathetic. You and the likes of you make me sick. You are a bunch of worthless boo boys....idiots

  86. tomo

    Aug 08, 2013, 8:49 #37161

    Well said cescfantasticpass I think people are jumping the gun on this transfer window Wenger likes to keep his transfer targets secret he will proberly bring in a few signings in the last couple of days of the transfer window we just need to hope their good players and as for Suarez he could be trouble but when you watch him play its clear he's better than most strikers in the world so its worth the risk.

  87. indian gooner

    Aug 08, 2013, 8:38 #37160

    Finally a piece that is resonant with the actual scenario.Lots of blogs blindly followed AW and gazidis as they led us down the garden path.I have belief that AW will neither spend nor is capable of winning meaningful games.He is a wash out and the earlier we are rid of him the better we are. Mind you, if we dont win anything a certain theo walcott,jack wilshere,koscielny, cazorla would be wishing to move out of emirates. I would suggest the fans(since the board has done FA) to boycott the manager until he has added proper quality-not the parks,silvestres and squillacis who we struggled to get shot of. None of us have demanded marquee signings, but only quality that needs to be added to improve the squad.He refused to buy cahill,given,schwarzer for peanuts. We lost out on good quality players coz it would have killed denilson,diaby and other slow learners or sicknotes. He has continuously manipulated us to get us to believe in his project. I strongly feel this is the year itll all collapse if no additions are made...he is a liar and he is been seconded by gazidis and the fans who blindly follow this duo. Unless the fans revolt, nothing will happen in this club...

  88. Krish

    Aug 08, 2013, 8:35 #37159

    I wanted to talk about that last week and thank to you that you publish it, yes I totally agree with you, these news is simply for the benefit of newspaper so that our readers are eager to buy these bull****, its a good business part deal.

  89. CescFantasticPass`

    Aug 08, 2013, 8:21 #37158

    Completely disagree. Would you rather we moved to the Emirates, spashed loads of cash at a time teams were spending for fun and go the route of bankrupt? Would you be posting about how they should have favoured youth over destorying the club? Yes you would. Ferguson's mind games? Also helps when he was given money to buy players that has led to them having to sell shares of the club on the US market. Do you want a similar story for Arsenal? We've hit top four after selling our best assests! Liverpool sold Alonso and have been 6/7th ever since! Praise the job he's done in keeping our club afloat in times we're other clubs have relied on sugar daddy's for success! Is it Wengers fault that they come in for Arsenal targets and offer double the price and wages? No. Is it Wengers fault that football clubs have become Arabian play things? No. Wengers problem seems to be trying to operate on a fair financial platform and not wanting to play extravagant wages on players who could flop. (Torres, Shevchenko, Essien, Mikel, Downing, Henderson, Carroll, Owen and the list goes on). We've missed some major targets...Whoever we're still in the top four and still able to compete. Stand up and support your team. If not go support City.

  90. Aug 08, 2013, 8:07 #37157

    Arsene should be made to provide list of players he wants and someone else should get the deals done. Arsene's dithering is killing us softly.